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Verbs: Extra Practice Materials

Part 1: Choose the correct sentence

1. a. You need more than a knowledge of writing; one also must be able to read academic texts, do
research, and give presentations to succeed in university.

b. You need more than a knowledge of writing; you also must be able to read academic texts, do
research, and give presentations to succeed in university.

2. a. The students were eager to learn, but the instructor wasn’t always clear.

b. The students were eager to learn, but the instructors isn’t always clear.

3. a. The instructor should read the students’ papers carefully, check the citations, look for grammar
errors, and then give detailed feedback.

b. The instructor should read the students’ papers carefully, check the citations, look for grammar
errors, and then he or she will give the student detailed feedback.

4. a. Read all the instructions in the assignment first, and then you start the writing process.

b. Read all the instructions in the assignment first; then start the writing process.

5. a. She was an enthusiastic instructor who always had a smile for everyone.

b. She was an enthusiastic instructor who always has a smile for everyone.

Part 2. Find and correct the error. If there is no error, write “C” for correct.
1. There are an instructor and many students working together in this class.

2. Various web resources and continuous feedback from your instructor are some of the factors that will
guide you to academic success.

3. Neither the organization nor the content of your essay are very good.

4. If you had wrote your essay last week, you could have had more time for editing.

5. One of the most important writing tools are your peers. They can help you find the mistakes you just
can’t see.

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