10mo Worksheet IB Article

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Area : English Subject : ENGLISH

Student : Date : April ,2015

Articles are pieces of writing for publication in a variety of forms, covering a wide range of posible subjects. They may
be intended for the general public, or a specific group of readers (e.g. an article in your colleges newspaper for gellow

Types of articles include those printed in :

 Magazines, newspapers and newsletters, presenting an opinion or balanced argument concerning

social/environmental issues, describing a place/event/experience, etc, providing information, offering practical
advice, etc (e.g. an article for a cllege magazine giving practical advice to new students who will be living away
from home for first time).
 Leaflets and brochures, providing information,describing and/or advertising a company/product/service,
offering advice/suggestions, etc (e.g. an article in a brochure for a company which wants to attract new
customers from around the world).
Read the instructions and the model below and insert the following words and phrases in the appropriate spaces.
Some words/phrases can be used more than once. Next, complete the paragraph plan. Is this a formal or informal
article ?

but also, Furthermore,However,In addition, In conclusion, In fact, not only, On the other hand, therefore, thus.

Are children influence by what is show non television?

What can be done to prevent television programmes having a negative influence on children ?

Write an article covering these points, to be published in a magazine for young adults.

 Introduction
State topic
 Main body
 For : children choose programmes with positive values ; distinguish between reality/fiction
 Against : ....................................................................................................................................
 Suggestion 1 & result : .............................................................................................................
 Suggestion 2 & result : .............................................................................................................
 Conclusion
Virginia Evans. (1998). Successful writing Proficiency. UK: Express Publishing.

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