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Memo of Justification Supplement

Not only the adopted child had problems but also their foster parents.
In manyways, their problems are also valid and must also be addressed
and not a hindrance tonoble implications of fostering an orphan. The problem
has to be identified so th The problem has to be identified so that a solution can
be made which will resultsto a better condition to both adopted child and the
foster parents

When a parent has a child, it is an important moment of bonding

i n b o t h t h e parents and the child’s lives. As the adopted child goes old, they
will always be curious a b o u t t h e i r t r u e h e r i t a g e . T r y t o i m a g i n e t h a t
y o u k n o w n o t h i n g a b o u t y o u r f a m i l y background. A feeling of
emptiness overwhelms these children. In this time, he or she should be
filled with knowledge of his or her family history, perhaps even a relationship
with his or her biological parent. In this way, they will feel more secure
knowing that their biological parents care about them

Background of the Study

When a parent has a child, it is an important moment of bonding

i n b o t h t h e parents and the child’s lives. As the adopted child goes old, they
will always be curious a b o u t t h e i r t r u e h e r i t a g e . T r y t o i m a g i n e t h a t
y o u k n o w n o t h i n g a b o u t y o u r f a m i l y background. A feeling of
emptiness overwhelms these children. In this time, he or she should be
filled with knowledge of his or her family history, perhaps even a relationship
with his or her biological parent. In this way, they will feel more secure
knowing that their biological parents care about them.

Conceptual Framework

Both problems of the adopted child and the foster parents are valid and cannot
bea voided. They are being encountered because of the natural and
logical effects of the systems that regulates and control the functions
by which they are conceptualized to attain in the first place.To resolve
these problems, it has to be identified what they are, its causes and
e f f e c t s , i t s i n t r o d u c e To resolve these problems, it has to be
identified what they are, its causes ande f f e c t s , i t s
introduction to the biological parents and preventing the feeling
o f t h e isolation of the child This study concerns about the problems
encountered by the adopted children andtheir foster parents. It attempts to
answer the following related problems:1.What problem is being
encountered by the adopted child and their foster parents?2 . H o w
serious are these problems being encountered by the adopted
child and t h e i r foster parents as to:2.1.Child – parent
relationships?2 . 2 . I n t e r e s t ? 2 . 3 . F u t u r e ? 3 . W h a t a r e t h e p e r c e i v e d
s o l u t i o n s t o t h e p r o b l e m s e n c o u n t e r e d b y t h e a d o p t e d c h i l d and
the foster parents?HypothesisThe greater the passivity and helplessness
of the child, or the greater the child’smissing autonomy of action, the
greater ability of applicants to take on the parental role
This study concerns about the problems encountered by the adopted children
andtheir foster parents. It attempts to answer the following related
problems:1.What problem is being encountered by the adopted child
and their foster parents?2 . H o w s e r i o u s a r e t h e s e p r o b l e m s b e i n g
e n c o u n t e r e d b y t h e a d o p t e d c h i l d a n d t h e i r foster parents as
to:2.1.Child – parent relationships?2 . 2 . I n t e r e s t ? 2 . 3 . F u t u r e ? 3 . W h a t
are the perceived solutions to the problems encountered by the
a d o p t e d c h i l d and the foster parents?HypothesisThe greater the passivity
and helplessness of the child, or the greater the child’smissing autonomy
of action, the greater ability of applicants to take on the parental role

This study concerns about the problems encountered by the adopted children
andtheir foster parents. It attempts to answer the following related
problems:1.What problem is being encountered by the adopted child
and their foster parents?2 . H o w s e r i o u s a r e t h e s e p r o b l e m s b e i n g
e n c o u n t e r e d b y t h e a d o p t e d c h i l d a n d t h e i r foster parents as
to:2.1.Child – parent relationships?2 . 2 . I n t e r e s t ? 2 . 3 . F u t u r e ? 3 . W h a t
are the perceived solutions to the problems encountered by the
a d o p t e d c h i l d and the foster parents?HypothesisThe greater the passivity
and helplessness of the child, or the greater the child’smissing autonomy
of action, the greater ability of applicants to take on the parental role

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