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UHT technology

The basics
UHT technology

► A process applied to a product with the object of destroying
all micro-organisms (by heat treatment exceeding 100°C)

► Condition in which living cells are absent or killed.

► Equipment used for sterilization: autoclave, hydrostatic
sterilizer or aseptic processing plant

Commercially sterile product

► Product which is free from micro-organisms that can
grow and contribute to its deterioration under the
intended storage conditions

► Condition to prevent bacteriological contamination
UHT technology

The commercially sterile product must

► Keep without deterioration
► Remain stable and good commercial
value during storage
► Free from micro-organisms and toxins
harmful to the health of consumers

Absolute sterility not possible

► Thermal destruction is logarithmic
► Not possible to prove by
random testing
UHT technology
UHT treatment
Time-temperature combinations needed for destruction of spores
in relation to chemical changes in milk

Heating time or
equivalent heating time, sec. Region of in-container sterilization
UHT technology
Definition of F0-value

The F0 makes it possible to compare the effect

of different time/temperature combinations

t = sterilization time (s)

T = sterilization temperature, (°C)
z = the increase in temperature
necessary to obtain the same
effect in one tenth of the time
F0 = 1 when heated one minute at 121.1°C

F0 ≥ 3 to achieve a commercially sterile product

UHT technology
Definition of C*-value

C*-value is an indicator of chemical

changes in the product associated
with heat treatment

C* = 1
= heat treatment at 135°C for 30.5 s.
and z = 31.4°C
= 3% destruction of thiamine
UHT technology
Lactulose value

Indirect measurement of chemical changes

► Lactulose is a type of milk sugar formed at
elevated temperatures and indicates the
extent of chemical changes to the product
e.g. the heat load
► Lactulose is the way of measuring the
heat load on UHT milk, and also has
the advantage that its formation is
possible to calculate theoretically,
given the time-temperature curve
UHT technology
UHT treatment

Finding the optimal combination

of temperature and time
► Sterilization effect
► Chemical changes
More dairy output
from less input
Tetra Lactenso Aseptic
dairy production solutions
UHT treatment
Full range of solutions

Direct heating
• Injection
• Infusion
Indirect heating
Tetra Lactenso Aseptic
Direct or indirect?

► Direct UHT
– Steam injection or steam infusion Direct Indirect
– Almost instantaneous heating & cooling
– Low impact on quality 120ºC

– Higher operating cost 100ºC

► Indirect UHT 80ºC

– Tubular or plate heat exchanger 60ºC

– Somewhat slower heating and cooling 40ºC
– Somewhat higher impact on quality
– Lower operating cost Pasteurization
20 40 60 80 100 120 SEC
Tetra Lactenso Aseptic
Dairy UHT Product Portfolio

Indirect systems Direct systems

Tetra Therm Aseptic Flex Tetra Therm Aseptic VTIS

Tetra Lactenso Aseptic
Dairy UHT Product Portfolio
Aseptic tank system

Tetra Alsafe
Tetra Lactenso Aseptic
Tetra Alsafe aseptic buffering

► Greater production flexibility

► Fully maintained asepticity
► Reduced product loss
► Higher utilization
of filling machines

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