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Pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu program biling/intensiv

25 mai 2016
10 puncte oficiu +
SUBIECTUL I- 20 points (1point each)
1. is not; 2. was walking; 3. tripped; 4.fell; 5.was not looking;; 7. had tripped; 8.have never seen; 9.
was rubbing; 10. flew; 11. have just released; 12.was feeling; 13. want; 14.runs out; 15. produced;
16. drank; 17. filled; 18. happened; 19 have; 20.will have

SUBIECTUL II- 10 points (2points each)

1. It’s (been) ages since Helen saw her cousin.
2. You must fasten your seatbelt when landing and taking off./ You have to fasten your seatbelt when
landing and taking off.
3. If I were you I would talk to my mother as soon as possible.
4. Grandma tells the children a story before going to sleep.
5. Ashley advised me not to do that.

SUBIECTUL III- 10 points (1point each)

1. creative
2. decision
3. additives
4. honestly
5. entertainment
6. expectancy
7. librarian
8. misunderstand
9. unemployment
10. daily

SUBIECTUL IV- 10 points (1point each)

1. would do; 2. is being; 3.have you been doing; 4.hadn't told; 5.didn’t know; 6.has been elected;
7.feels; 8. have; 9. shall we; 10. can’t have said

SUBIECTUL V- 10 points (1point each)

1. words
2. as
3. a
4. have
5. be
6. in
7. how
8. real
9. why
10. than

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