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“Just as teachers at the Harkness table create

a student-centered learning environment, the
College Counseling Office fosters active and open-
minded collaboration with students and parents.
In this supportive environment, students learn
to identify their goals and interests, to manage
a complex process, and to make healthy and
confident decisions about higher education.
Fundamentally, we believe that each student
should control the self-evaluation, research, and
application writing that is essential to good college
selection. Keep in mind that the journey is as
important as the destination and nowhere is that
notion more appropriately applied than to the
college process.”

Dean of College Counseling,

Associate Director of College Counseling,

Associate Director of College Counseling,

Associate Director of College Counseling,

Associate Director of College Counseling,

Associate Director of College Counseling,

Associate Director of College Counseling,

Staff Assistant,

Administrative Manager,

Staff Assistant,

Program and Operations Manager,

Phillips Exeter Academy College Counseling Office

20 Main Street, Exeter, New Hampshire 03833-2460
Tel 603-777-3415 • Fax 603-777-4326 •
Located in the Frederick R. Mayer Center on Tan Lane
to Exeter.
Your time here
will help lay
the foundation
for the rest of
your life.


= 150+
WELCOME TO THE COLLEGE PROCESS. Since you already went
through a selective admissions process in applying to Phillips
Exeter, you should have a sense of what to expect in the year
ahead. You took appropriate testing, filled out applications, asked
teachers to recommend you, and interviewed in order to gain
admission to Exeter.

This time, the task may seem more daunting. There are The guidebook is written directly for you the student,
more than 2,500 selective colleges and universities in although it is also meant to be shared with parents,
the United States – not to mention universities in Canada guardians and others who may have questions.
and overseas – from which to develop a list of intriguing
choices. You may have heard about the competitiveness The college search and application process should be
of admission to the most selective colleges and the student-centered and can be a great source of self-
increasing tuition costs at these schools. Perhaps you discovery. In a successful search, students take stock of
are wondering, “Which schools will admit me, and can I their goals and ambitions, and strengths and challenges,
afford to attend?” to build an appropriate list of possible college options.
In the process, students are responsible for researching
The staff of Exeter’s College Counseling Office (CCO) colleges, determining whether interview opportunities
stands ready to guide you through the college admissions exist, preparing and registering for appropriate
maze, ready to talk with you about your choices and standardized tests, and managing all aspects of the
concerns as we work together in the months ahead. To application process including essay writing, deadlines,
help clarify the process, we also offer you the College and application and score reporting fees. Just as you
Counseling Guidebook. have been responsible for attending to your academic
commitments and personal needs at the Academy, you
The guidebook presents information chronologically. must invest fully in researching and applying to colleges.
Prep and lower years are when you are busy building the At all times, you should be at the center of your college
foundation of your academic achievement – the college admissions process.
search is not a priority in your first two years at Exeter;
the fall term of the upper year typically marks the In this endeavor, your parents and college counselor will
beginning of standardized testing. Winter and spring support and encourage you. As stewards, the college
of the upper year is when you and your counselor get to counselors will offer you important guidance along
know each other and begin to build your prospective the way. Your college counselor is a counselor, not a
college list. In summer and fall of your senior year, you’ll placement officer, who supports you in your choices and
visit colleges, research options, finish standardized offers a realistic assessment of your chances of admission
testing, finalize your college list, and begin your to colleges. The process requires close communication
applications. By early winter of senior year, your and cooperation among the important players – student,
applications should be complete but you may still be parents, and counselor. The CCO believes that the
occupied with the college process as you “demonstrate college admissions process involves a partnership
your interest” by sitting for interviews, reading college between you and your counselor. The success of this
emails, and setting up your admissions portals. Finally, partnership depends upon students, parents, and
by the start of your senior spring, you’ll be hearing back counselors fulfilling their obligations and maintaining
from your colleges and finalizing your decision. Additional open communication throughout the admissions
chapters in this guidebook cover special elements of process. We have detailed below the expectations and
the college application process and explain factors that responsibilities of each partner.
influence how admissions decisions are made.

8 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19

One of the core values of Phillips Exeter Academy

is honesty. Every aspect of the college process is built
upon the trust between student and counselor,
counselor and parents, student and colleges, and the
Academy and colleges. The success of the college process
is thus integrally dependent upon the honesty and
integrity of all involved. Exeter’s College Counseling
Office (CCO) is committed to fostering the value
of honesty inherent in the Academy’s founding
principles of “goodness and knowledge.”

The Exeter College Counseling Office is committed

to effective advocacy for every student and seeks to
develop on-going relationships with students, parents,
and colleges that will support both present and future
Academy students. The CCO can best fulfill its
responsibilities when everyone the college process adheres
to the highest requirements of truth. While the “larger”
culture sometimes places inordinate emphasis on
individuals to attain goals at any cost, we believe
that completing the college admissions process with
honesty and integrity is important in itself and is as
important as any eventual outcome.


The College Counseling Office believes that the college

admissions process involves a partnership between you and your
counselor. The success of this partnership depends upon students,
parents and counselors fulfilling their obligations and maintaining
open communication throughout the admissions process.
We have detailed below the expectations and
responsibilities of each partner.

STUDENT At your first one-on-one counseling meeting in upper

Prior to your first individual meeting with your winter, you and your counselor will
college counselor in upper winter, you should: Review your questionnaires and course selection
Attend the required all-upper meeting (January) and and transcript, and discuss an appropriate
come to the College Counseling Office to schedule standardized test plan including the SAT, ACT, AP,
your first individual meeting. and SAT Subject Tests.

Complete the Upper Questionnaires found in During the remainder of upper winter term and over
Naviance Family Connection. It is imperative spring break, you should:
that you answer all of the questions on the three Attend the required college resource meeting
questionnaires thoughtfully and thoroughly. The (February), and complete the college search
information from the questionnaire helps guide homework assignment which will be given to you.
counselors in their discussions with you and aids This exercise helps you understand what criteria
them in writing your cumulative school report which are critical to you and the colleges in the admissions
is sent to the colleges (that accept recommendations) process.
on your final list.
Engage in standardized test prep for the SAT/ACT.
Begin to regularly check your Academy email and
post office box for important updates from the Discuss college costs with your family.
CCO. The CCO also maintains Twitter, Facebook, Visit, if possible, a variety of college campuses
and Instagram accounts and posts important and during spring break (the “Goldilocks” college tour).
encouraging messages there as well. It is up to
you to decide if you want to follow these Academy
accounts—the CCO will NOT follow your social
media accounts.

10 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
During your upper spring term, you should: Try to visit a range of colleges from your list and
Schedule your second and third one-on-one when you do, register to take a formal campus
meetings with your college counselor, having tour, attend an information session, and schedule
completed your college search homework an on-campus interview, where appropriate and
assignment (preliminary college list) prior to your offered. Schedule these visits well in advance as
second meeting. summer is a busy time in a college admissions office.
Documenting your presence on a college campus by
Attend the required mock admissions meeting, signing up for a tour or requesting an interview, is an
which is designed to offer you a hands-on important part of “demonstrating interest” (covered
understanding of how selective admission later in this guidebook).
committees review applications, the Athletic
Recruiting meeting (April) if you are interested in Complete a polished draft of the Common
college sports, the essay writing workshops, and the Application, or whichever application is most
Common Application workshop (May) which will appropriate for your first application(s) along
help you to create your Common Application. with drafts of essays and supplemental questions.
Examples of other applications that may be
Attend the Spring College Fair (April). important to your candidacy include: UCAS, MIT,
Take appropriate SAT, SAT Subject Tests, ACT and/
University of California, University of Texas,
or AP exams in spring term. Ideally, all students will Georgetown, and the Coalition Application.
have taken either the SAT or the ACT and two SAT Continue to talk with your family about college costs
Subject Tests by the end of spring term. and the admissions process and begin narrowing
Begin researching Category 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Subject
your college choices while maintaining a balanced
Tests college choices from your preliminary college list.
list, using the resources available online, in college Investigate the financial aid application process if
guidebooks, and from admission officers attending necessary keeping in mind that with the new prior-
the annual spring college fair. prior year (PPY) financial aid application process,
By the end of upper spring term, you should: financial aid applications are due early in the
application process.
Establish a balanced, tentative list of college choices
with the guidance of your college counselor and During the fall of your senior year, you are expected to
your family. You should include colleges across the do the following:
spectrum of admissions selectivity (Category 1–5 Meet at least twice individually with your counselor
schools), and colleges that will meet your financial (bringing all essay drafts so that the two of you can
aid needs. review them as early as possible in the fall), and
Request recommendations from two upper year
attend any required all-senior class meetings and
teachers (one from math or science and the other workshops.
from English or history). Finalize your list of college choices, while

Complete a preliminary draft of the Common

maintaining a balance of admissions selectivity.
Application (paying special attention to the activities Complete your standardized testing and, depending
section), and discuss possible essay topics with your on individual college expectations, send required
counselor. scores to your colleges through the College Board/
Over summer break, you should: ACT before application deadlines. It is best to
Review the June College Update Letter sent to
consult with your college counselor to determine
your family from your college counselor, listing which (if any) scores should be sent and where. Talk
your preliminary colleges and their admissions about using Test Optional policies where offered if
selectivity (Category 1–5), as well as suggestions/ testing is not your strong suit.
comments regarding your list. Confirm your recommendation requests with your
teacher recommenders, and complete the invitation
process to connect them with your Naviance

account or send the required recommendation PARENT/GUARDIAN
links directly from specific college applications (like Throughout students’ college search, parents and
Georgetown). The UCAS recommendation process guardians can support them by listening to their ideas
is different and should be completed with the help of and concerns, by empowering them to make their own
your college counselor. decisions, by helping them manage important details and
deadlines, and by encouraging them to use the resources
Meet and talk with college representatives at available to them at Exeter, and at home to maintain their
the fall term college fairs and, as applicable, well-being during what for some adolescents can be a
schedule interviews that are offered on campus stressful process.
or through college alumni volunteers. Again,
your college counselor can help you to determine Parents are welcome to contact college counselors to talk
what opportunities are available and based on the with them about their student’s process. Because time in
colleges listed on your Naviance active college the fall term is precious and deadlines come quickly, we
list, you may receive instructions on scheduling ask that you respect our belief that students (especially
interviews through the PEA CCO. These are other seniors) come first and that you plan in advance for phone
important ways to demonstrate interest. and email communication.

Complete your applications and supplemental During upper winter and spring terms, parents
forms in advance of their deadlines so that you can should:
review them with your college counselor, and, if Complete the Parent Questionnaire in Naviance
applying for need-based financial aid, complete the Family Connection (under the “About Me” tab),
FAFSA and CSS Profile (if required) before college to help your child’s counselor understand him/
deadlines. her better and to aid the counselor in writing the
cumulative school report for colleges.
Your college counselor will offer support and advice Keep in mind that the student’s Naviance page is
as you develop a balanced college list matched to your for their use only and that each parent has been
particular interests and abilities, and continue working assigned their own unique login and password
with you through the application process. Important which they should use to access Naviance features
information about events and college visitors will and information.
appear on the CCO calendar and Naviance, via email
newsletters, CCO social media posts, as well as via Help students to identify and articulate personal
counselor emails, so you should check these regularly. criteria for their college search by listening and by
offering realistic feedback.
In addition, the college counselors cultivate
relationships with representatives from colleges and Discuss college costs with your child and your
universities, both to explain the unique features of family’s need for merit- or need-based financial aid
Exeter’s program and to understand the admissions if applicable.
procedures and institutional priorities at colleges. If possible, schedule a “Goldilocks” tour of colleges
Your counselor will be your resource and your guide, but during spring break to introduce your student to the
remember that you do the work, and the college makes array of options available to them as they seek to find
the decision. the ideal college match.

During the summer:

Help students plan visits to colleges from each
of their 1–5 selectivity categories, by facilitating
travel arrangements during your family’s summer
vacation. Encourage them to investigate whether
on-campus interviews are available and if there is
a professor or a coach who might be available to
answer specific questions.

12 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
During vacations, provide space and a supportive
Continue to listen to your student’s evolving
college criteria as they begin narrowing down environment so your child can complete their
their preliminary college list while continuing college applications, essays, and supplements in
to encourage them to consider colleges that advance of looming deadlines.
offer a range of selectivity. Spend time together At all times during the college process, parents
reviewing the Naviance scattergrams after they are should:
updated with the student’s spring term grades and
standardized testing. Reach out to the counselor Empower their students to make their own
with questions if the scattergrams are confusing. decisions.

During senior fall and winter, parents should: Promote integrity and model good behavior;
Help students plan college visits and interviews, applications and essays must be written by the
as applicable, during a college visit day (two student and not over-edited by well-meaning adults
are granted during the senior year – one for the or paid consultants.
fall term and one for the spring term), over the
Family Weekend break, and over the extended Pay attention to verbal and physical cues that show
Thanksgiving holiday break between the fall and your child’s stress, to encourage their physical and
winter terms. emotional well-being.

Be a source of comfort and support by remaining

If applying for need-based financial aid, complete
the FAFSA, CSS Profile, Institution-specific forms, calm and confident in the face of the process’ ups
and IDOC (if required) before college deadlines, and downs and be sure that the student knows and
and provide colleges with necessary financial aid understands that the parent believes in them and
documentation. respects all of their college decisions and choices.


“Keep in mind
that the journey
is as important as
the destination
and nowhere is
that notion more
applied than to the
college process.”
From a developmental perspective — as educators, as advisors, as
parents — the College Counseling Office believes that “the college
process” should be the farthest thing from a prep or lower’s mind. 
Ninth and tenth grade are a time where you should focus on
developing intellectual interests through curricular investigation,
study habits through independent initiative, and extracurricular
and athletic passions through after-class exploration.

Given how the college process can sometimes feel like College admissions officers look for students who have
a high-stakes, stressful process for seniors, we do not taken a challenging curriculum that is appropriate
believe underclass students at the Academy should be for their ability and current level of achievement.
anxious about life after Exeter at the very beginning of Admissions committees appreciate students who
their Exeter experience. challenge themselves — but keep in mind that your
course curriculum should not overwhelm you. You
However, we recognize that many Exeter prep and lower should choose an academic program that is manageable,
students and their parents may have questions about the yet challenges you to do your best.
college process and Exeter’s academic curriculum and
extracurricular offerings, as well as standardized testing. Many courses at the Academy are equivalent to
The thoughtful choices that you make now as a prep or college-level courses, and Exeter also offers ‘enriched,’
a lower can certainly impact your college search, and ‘intensive,’ and ‘accelerated’ coursework. When
potentially, your college choices as a senior. While your planning your schedule, you should always speak
faculty dorm or day student advisor is always your first with your academic advisor or your subject teacher,
resource for questions about your academic program and as appropriate, to determine whether enrolling in
schedule, we offer these recommendations as you chart an enriched section or accelerating your studies are
the next three or four years at Exeter. appropriate for you. If your teacher and/or faculty advisor
believe that you can move up a level in difficulty and not
ACADEMIC CURRICULUM have your grades drop, then you should consider taking
As you plan your Exeter course program with your on this challenge; if you or they aren’t sure, you can feel
academic advisor, you can be confident that the confident remaining in your current course sequence.
Academy’s graduation requirements, along with the
depth and breadth of Exeter’s curriculum, will fulfill Although Exeter’s graduation requirements for three-
many colleges’ admission requirements. Exeter’s and four-year seniors are extensive, highly-selective
diploma requirements for English, math, science, social colleges may require curricular depth beyond Exeter’s
science (history and religion), and foreign language help requirements, or expect students to pursue specific
you gain a broad exposure across the curriculum, yet still intellectual interests in greater depth. For example,
have some curricular flexibility to discover and explore although Exeter only requires two years of a lab science,
your intellectual interests. including biology, for a four-year senior; most selective
universities — even colleges with admission rates greater
For more information go to than 50% — expect successful candidates to have a minimum of three years of lab science. Some engineering
programs expect students to have studied both chemistry
and physics, with at least calculus and additional physical
science electives in the senior year. Check college
admissions webpages to find details on “required” and
“preferred” course curriculum.

16 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
ACADEMIC SCHEDULE a foreign language depends on your ability, interests, and
As you plan your academic schedule, keep in mind intended college major.
the following:
Most selective colleges and universities, however, expect
ENGLISH Most state universities — and some highly- students to have studied three years of the same foreign
selective private colleges — require or recommend four language; some highly-selective universities expect four
full years of English. In addition, if you are a varsity years of study, or at least proficiency at the fourth-year
athlete who is planning to compete on a Division I level, of one foreign language.
or II intercollegiate team, the NCAA requires that
you complete four full years of English. (Additional Studying more than one foreign language while at the
information about NCAA requirements can be found in can be done, but it is very difficult, given the breadth
Chapter VII of the Guidebook.) of Exeter’s graduation requirements and given that
students are restricted to only five courses each term.
MATH After completing Exeter’s diploma requirement
— Math 330 — you should select additional coursework Because of prior school study or heritage language skills
based upon your ability and interest, after discussing learned at home, some Exeter students begin their
your options with your faculty advisor and your foreign language studies at an advanced level. If you will
current math teachers. Generally, the most qualified fulfill the Academy’s graduation requirement as a prep or
applicants to highly-selective colleges and universities lower, you should not drop the language, until you have
will have at least taken a full year calculus but many demonstrated greater mastery with fourth year-level
Exonians continue well beyond, and you may be at an study. If your potential college major includes linguistics
admissions disadvantage at the most selective colleges or international affairs, you might consider starting a new
if you have not. language — particularly a language that offers the option
of two-years-in-one accelerated study, or a senior-only
If your strengths and interest point you toward a college language, such as Arabic or Italian, which are accelerated
major in the quantitative fields, you should strive to courses. Or, consider adding a new language in addition
complete at least all five terms of the BC Calculus to advanced study in the original foreign language, if your
sequence. If you intend to study science, engineering, schedule and fulfillment of graduation requirements
economics, or business at a highly selective university, permits.
you should also strongly consider taking calculus
at Exeter, both for admission and in preparation You should be aware, however, that many of the most
for successful completion of your first-year college selective colleges prefer that applicants attain full fluency
coursework. in one non-heritage foreign language, rather than a less-
in-depth exposure in two languages.
Exeter’s non-calculus based math electives are often
good choices for students who would like to study the STUDY ABROAD & OFF-CAMPUS PROGRAMS
humanities or social sciences in college, but who would Colleges appreciate the maturity, independence, and
like to continue studying math through their senior year. cultural enrichment a new environment brings to a
There is also a lab-based calculus course which may student, and the Academy offers an extensive number of
be appropriate for more humanities minded students. term- and year-long study programs, both in the U.S. and
While some admissions offices may still favor calculus, overseas. And many three- and four-year seniors find
even the most selective universities recognize that that time away from campus can invigorate your studies,
Exeter’s math electives are advanced. Coursework in and help you appreciate Exeter more.
statistics and math modeling can be very useful if you Students considering off-campus programs must plan
are planning to do social science research; humanities well and in advance, to make certain that your graduation
students may enjoy studying the history of math or requirements will be completed before you leave Exeter
discrete math. Speak with your advisor to see if these or when you return to campus. Study abroad programs
options may be appropriate for you. may also restrict your curricular choices. For example,
FOREIGN LANGUAGE The Academy requires students
if you study off-campus for a term in England, France,
to demonstrate language proficiency beyond 330 Ghana, Russia, Spain, or Germany during your senior
coursework or its equivalent. Whether you continue with year, you will not be able to take full-year courses,

such as the three-term science sequences in Advanced The National Merit Scholarship Program (www.
Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. If your college plans uses the PSAT to
include studying science or engineering, you will need to screen students of exceptional test-taking ability who
consider this carefully. By planning ahead, you might be may qualify for one of its scholarships. If your index
able to complete such coursework in your upper year, or score is above a certain threshold, which varies each
take 400 and 500-level science electives. year, you will be notified of your semi-finalist status and
invited to complete an application for the final round
Most students find there isn’t a “right or wrong” answer of competition. This notification process takes place in
when considering an educational program away from September of your senior year.
the Academy. But taking an inventory of interests and
ensuring the program is a good match are important Although only the PSAT score from your third year of
factors in creating a successful educational experience, high school (most typically the upper year) counts in
both on- and off-campus. the National Merit competition, we strongly encourage
lowers to take the PSAT as practice for the “official” PSAT

The PSAT exam is administered at Exeter High School

and transportation is provided by the Academy. Uppers
are automatically registered for the PSAT and lowers
will receive registration instructions at the beginning
of fall term. Preps cannot take the PSAT. Additional
information about the PSAT is available on the College
Board website at

No student should take any standardized test without
first preparing, yet your schedule of classes, sports, and
extracurricular activities here at Exeter leaves little time
for test prep. We encourage preps and lowers to use
summer vacation as an opportunity to review for the
As a successful Exeter applicant, you are already familiar PSAT, using free publications from the College Board
with standardized testing, such as the ISEE or SSAT. and other test-taking guides. After their lower year,
There are a number of other tests that you will take before Exonians receive access to Academic Approach, a free,
you graduate from Exeter, and a thorough explanation of online test prep program that works with the Academy.
these exams – the SAT, SAT Subject Tests, ACT, AP and Students are encouraged to attend the on-campus
TOEFL – can be found in Chapter II, under the section on Academic Approach workshop to learn how to best
Standardized Testing. Find below details about the few utilize the service.
exams that you may take as an Exeter prep or lower.
PSAT/NMSQT—PRELIMINARY SAT/ NATIONAL MERIT Based on their current curriculum, a small handful of
QUALIFYING TEST Exeter preps and lowers may consider taking an SAT
The PSAT is administered every October to high school Subject Test in a particular academic field at the end of
tenth and eleventh graders nationwide. Similar in format the school year; additional information about the SAT
to the SAT, the PSAT measures the skills that students Subject Tests can be found in Chapter II, under the
have developed through the first half of their high school section on Standardized Testing.
career. The PSAT also gives students firsthand practice
for the SAT. PSAT scores range from 160 to 760; score The June SAT test date generally falls after the last day of
reports also include national percentiles which allow you spring classes, during which time most students will be
to compare your scores with other students in your grade at home and can test at their local high school. Students
level who have taken the PSAT. who live overseas can petition the Dean of Students’
Office for permission to test in Exeter and to remain on
campus until the afternoon following the exam.

18 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
If you have any questions about whether you should take broad terms, not thinking of them solely as school-
an SAT Subject Test, you should speak with your subject sponsored or during the academic year. For example,
teachers and your academic advisor. summer internships and research programs count as
extracurriculars. Activities organized in your home
We encourage you to follow our recommended community through civic or religious groups are also
guidelines for standardized testing. extracurriculars. Spend time developing your hobbies
( and independent interests, whether model railroads,
2201/Standardized%20Testing/2017-18%20 vintage LP collecting, blogging, or knitting. Even paid
Standardized%20Testing%20Guidelines.pdf). employment — especially a typical teen job such as
scooping ice cream, working at a drive-thru, or busing
EXTRACURRICULAR INTERESTS tables — is viewed as an extracurricular activity (and
Learning and growth continue outside the classroom. can get you noticed by a college admission officer as
Many parents narrowly focus on their son or daughter’s someone who understands the value of a day’s work).
academic curriculum, while forgetting the importance
of co-curricular or extracurricular interests. While a SUMMER ACTIVITIES
student’s academic achievement is primary in the college Following your prep and lower years, you should use
application process, your extracurricular involvement your summers primarily for rest and relaxation, instead
will be reviewed with your application to college. of cramming every week of vacation full of resume-
building activities that leave you (and often your
Broadly speaking, extracurricular activities are parents) exhausted before the start of another busy
anything you do that is not part of an Exeter course. academic year.
The Academy offers campus clubs, sports teams,
performance groups, and service opportunities. Your Yet given how filled your Exeter schedule can be,
prep and lower years offer you the chance to sample many students intentionally use part of the summer
all of these opportunities, as a way to meet and make as an opportunity to develop their intellectual
friends, explore your interests, strengthen your and extracurricular interests through volunteer
leadership skills, and demonstrate your commitment to work, athletic or special interest camps, part-time
‘Non sibi’ service to others. And given that colleges and employment, enrichment programs, or travel. Choose
universities seek to create vibrant social communities, summer activities that will both energize you and
college admission committees appreciate seeing further your growth.
evidence of an applicant’s genuine interest and Colleges recognize Exeter’s curricular rigor, we
demonstrated leadership in non-academic activities. encourage you to be judicious with academic
When it comes to extracurricular activities, less is enrichment programs: from an admission committee’s
often more. You may enjoy being involved in a variety perspective, summer after summer in a classroom
of activities, but don’t join every club on campus for can, counter-intuitively, be a less appealing use of a
a term and then drop them; it is better to develop a prospective student’s summer vacation.
deeper commitment to a small number of groups, Many families travel over the summer, and while no
teams, or clubs. This gives you, from a developmental family trip of a prep or lower should be organized
perspective, an opportunity to achieve mastery in a around college visits, we recommend that, if possible,
few extracurricular interests. From an admissions you and your parents consider incorporating one or two
perspective, demonstrated commitment helps confirm practice college tours into your summer family vacation.
for a college that you are sincerely interested in an A practice tour college should be picked based upon
activity, instead of simply pursuing it so that it looks the location of your family holiday, and not vice-versa.
good on your college application. Remember that One or two practice college tours will help you gain a
many selective colleges are not necessarily seeking the better sense about the qualities you are searching for in
“well-rounded student,” as much as the well-rounded your future college home. The best practice tours are
freshman class. what the CCO calls “Goldilocks” college tours: a big,
While Exeter offers a wide range of opportunities, medium, or small college and/or a rural, suburban, or city
you should define your extracurricular activities in college. For preps and lowers, the name recognition or

perceived reputation of a college for a “Goldilocks” tour Look at the ways that you presently support your child’s
isn’t necessarily important. Indeed, our experience has emotional and physical well-being at Exeter. Identify the
shown that a college tour of a highly-selective university healthiest ways to continue to support your child as his or
for a prep or lower can often increase a student’s anxiety her anxiety builds, particularly with the approach of the
about the college admission process, as a prep or lower upper year. Help your child assess their strengths and
worries — rightly or wrongly — about meeting perceived their areas for growth. Listen more that you speak.
parental expectations.
Finally, be honest about expectations you have placed
FAMILY SUPPORT, COMMUNICATION, AND on your child, whether real or imagined. Your child has
EXPECTATIONS become very skilled at picking up clues, both verbal and
For a prep or lower parent or guardian, there are very few non-verbal, about what you think; be mindful of what you
tasks related to the college admission process that need say and how you say it. Adolescents’ sensitivity heightens
to be completed, other than the recommendations noted as the college process approaches, and by modeling
above. However, the relationship that you establish with mature and calm behavior, you can reassure them both of
your child in his or her first years at the Academy will your unwavering support and that they are ready for adult
pay dividends later, as your active listening, emotional life after Exeter.
openness, and honesty will build a foundation for the
communication necessary to support them in navigating The College Counseling Office curates a list of
the college process and in transitioning from adolescence recommended books, websites, magazine and web
to adulthood. articles as a resource for how to parent your adolescent
not just during the college process, but also in his or her
Some Exeter students experience anxiety about the transition to adulthood. Resources are identified at
college process. For students, the college process may be appropriate junctures throughout the Guidebook and
the first time in their lives when they have worked hard summarized at the end of each chapter
towards a specific goal, but have not been able to achieve
what they want. And without any need to be reminded of
the fact by adults, students know very well how selective
the college process has become.

20 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19










22 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
“There is no one
college that is
the ‘perfect fit’ for
anyone. Focus
on your personal
criteria and a
list of schools
will follow.”

THE AGE-OLD ADAGE IS TRUE: While private colleges frequently cost more than public
The process is as important as the end result. Nowhere is ones, they often possess the financial means, in the form
that notion more appropriately applied than to the college of endowment and alumni giving, to offer generous
search process. As you begin your college exploration, need-based financial aid or merit-based scholarships
approach your search with a commitment to work hard that might make private education as inexpensive as
and be candid about yourself and your academic record attending your state university.
and accomplishments.
A large number of competitive private universities and
CONSIDERATIONS FOR YOUR COLLEGE SEARCH colleges have a religious affiliation. The extent of spiritual
The experience of the College Counseling Office has influence varies, but, at the beginning of your college
shown that, too frequently, students and families begin search we strongly encourage you to consider all private
the college search focusing on the well-known handful colleges, regardless of their religious affiliation.
of highly-selective colleges that are familiar household
names. We encourage you as you begin your search STUDENT BODY AND GENDER
process to forget about college names, and concentrate Coed, Single Sex, Historically Black Colleges and
on establishing and identifying your own personal, Universities
unique criteria for selecting a college before carefully Ask yourself these “self-evaluation” questions:
researching a wide range of the schools that meet your
needs — the list of schools will follow. Would I consider single-sex education?

To help you, we’ve grouped together general categories How important is it for me to attend college with
to frame your thoughts about your college search. Each others who share my ethnic heritage?
category offers several questions to ask yourself about
your interests, goals, needs, and wishes for your potential The consideration of single-sex education is
colleges. predominantly one for women, although there is a very
small handful of outstanding all-male colleges (such
TYPE OF INSTITUTION as Wabash and Morehouse). Similarly, students might
Public, Private, Secular, Religious Affiliation consider one of the small number of colleges enrolling
predominantly African-American students (HBCU).
As you consider the type of institutions in which you
may be interested, ask yourself these “self-evaluation” COLLEGE SETTING
questions: Size and Location

Am I receiving any financial assistance from Phillips

Think about the kind of place in which you could be
Exeter Academy? How important is financial aid to comfortable for the next four years of your academic life.
my college studies? Some questions:
Do I have a religious affiliation which may influence How have I felt about living in the town of Exeter
my college choice? Is it important for me to attend (with approximately 14,000 residents)?
college with others who share my beliefs and values?
What do I like or dislike about the Academy’s
Like high schools, institutions of higher education location?
can be either public or private. Many of the nationally
ranked colleges in the United States are state-supported What extracurricular activities do I generally enjoy?
institutions. Often these schools can offer an exceptional, Will my location impact what I can continue?
top-tier education at a fraction of the price of private
schools for in-state residents, and even a substantially Will my family allow me access to a car in college?
reduced tuition for out-of-state students. At this early The location of your academic home for the next four
stage of your investigation, we would strongly encourage years could impact your quality of life and should
you to consider both private and public universities. reflect your personal values and lifestyle. Colleges
If financial aid has been a consideration in attending and universities can be located right in the heart of
Phillips Exeter Academy, and/or could be for college, we major cities, in the suburbs, or in more rural settings.
urge you to include in your college list at least one public
university in your home state.

24 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
Each setting has its own distinct advantages and Over 80 percent of American private colleges — and
disadvantages. From the parent perspective, campus almost a quarter of public colleges — have enrollments
safety can be a paramount concern. Consider crime under 2,500. Smaller colleges generally place a greater
statistics as you evaluate campus environments. emphasis on faculty teaching as opposed to research.
Similar to the opportunities available through the
Attending college in a major metropolitan setting offers Academy’s Harkness Table seminar pedagogy, classes
extensive opportunities for cultural events, internships at smaller colleges can afford a high level of interaction
and part-time jobs, and research. Most students do not with faculty and opportunities to contribute to class
need or use a car and have the opportunity to build an discussion. There can be a wonderful comfort in being a
extensive social life outside of the campus. Suburban bigger fish in a small pond.
areas afford more limited cultural and resume-building
opportunities, but also possess fewer of the social Larger colleges and universities can offer a greater
problems of major cities. breadth and depth of course selection than smaller
colleges, allowing opportunities to explore a wider range
More traditional college towns may not have all of the of potential majors for students who are undecided
amenities of city life but can often have a more relaxed, about their field of study. Faculty at larger institutions
friendly feeling. College faculty tend to live in their small may balance teaching with research. This research keeps
college towns, creating a more residential community. them up-to-date on current developments in their fields
You may need a car for transportation to the big city a and enhances their classroom instruction, but it may also
few hours away, but you can also easily drive to nearby decrease their available time for informal interaction
outdoor activities. Generally, small towns have a lower outside of class. Class size tends to vary greatly. While
cost of living than bigger cities. Also, colleges in more courses requiring greater faculty interaction (such
rural settings work hard to bring concerts and speakers to as foreign language or English composition) may be
their campuses to supplement social life. smaller, many introductory courses are taught in a large
Consider what you appreciate or dislike about the town of lecture format using graduate teaching assistants to
Exeter and living and learning here. Do you live for “out- provide additional student contact and grading. Larger
of-towns” to Boston? Or, do you enjoy the opportunity to colleges and universities may offer greater diversity
live and learn alongside your teachers? in student population and opportunity. Finally, some
students prefer the anonymity afforded by a larger
ENROLLMENT SIZE lecture hall as compared to the intimacy of a seminar
Size of Academic Community style classroom.

Think about the following “self-evaluation” questions: While we encourage you to gain a better feel for the size
environment most appropriate for you, we would also
How have I felt learning in a community the size of encourage you to consider the entire range of college
Phillips Exeter Academy? populations from small to large.
What do I like or dislike about the Academy’s GEOGRAPHIC REGION
classroom size? Location in the United States or Abroad
How important is faculty accessibility? When considering the possible locations of your future
To what extent do I desire academic and social
colleges, ask yourself these “self-evaluation” questions:
recognition for achievement? Do I want to be a “big How do I feel attending Exeter in relation to its
fish in a small pond?” proximity to my home and family?
Colleges can vary dramatically in size: think carefully HOW WILL LOCATION AFFECT THE COST OF MY
about which size is best for you both academically and EDUCATION?
socially. Use the following generalizations to reflect on
your experience both in and out of class here at Exeter. How important is it to me and my family for me to
attend college close to home?

How much do I value attending college with that you might have an advantage as an Exeter applicant
students of different geographic backgrounds? applying to exceptional colleges outside of New England
that receive fewer applicants from the Academy.
How frequently do I anticipate going home during
the academic year? Depending on your personal search criteria, you may
also consider investigating colleges outside of the United
How extensively does the weather affect my studies States. These can include Canadian universities and
or quality of life? colleges (McGill, Queens, University of Toronto, etc.),
A truly national and international community, Phillips American colleges overseas (the American Colleges
Exeter Academy’s student body has tremendous of Paris, London, or Switzerland, for example), and a
geographic diversity. This includes day students living select number of European national universities which
down the road, students from only a few hours away, and have historically welcomed American students (such
others from across the country or across the world. Your as well-known universities in the United Kingdom —
personal Exeter experience benefits from this geographic Cambridge, Oxford, St. Andrews, and Edinburgh).
mix of cultures and backgrounds. While transportation and living costs may affect the total
cost of education, tuition at these institutions can be
While you are not planning where you will vacation for significantly less expensive than tuition at comparable
the next four years, weather and climate can have an U.S. universities. Some of these colleges, particularly the
influence in the geographical range of potential college American colleges overseas, may offer their own need-
choices for some individuals. based financial assistance; others may allow select U.S.
federal financial assistance opportunities such as student
Students who live within a short distance of Exeter and parent loans, to be used to meet tuition expenses.
enjoy the ease of going home for long weekends. Yet
many students are perfectly content to go home only for Finally, if financial assistance may be a consideration
major vacation periods. While some colleges include in your college search, the College Counseling Office
travel expenditures within their financial aid packages, emphatically recommends that you include a financial
transportation is often a hidden, but costly, academic aid “safety” school on your college list. To qualify as a
expense that you should consider. financial aid “safety,” a college must both be affordable
and a Category 1 school — that is, one where you have the
Reflect on your experience here at the Academy with greatest chance of admission.
regard to Exeter’s location, climate, and proximity
to home. Consider whether, at college, you would MAJOR FIELDS OF STUDY
prefer a geographically diverse student body such as As you consider potential college majors, ask yourself
Exeter’s, or a regional community of students from these “self-evaluation” questions:
more homogeneous backgrounds. Think about climate
and how it affects your quality of life. Are you a winter What are the courses I enjoy most here at the
person or does the thought of snow make you miserable? Academy? Which do I enjoy least?
Perhaps most importantly, take into account your Do I have specific or general career goals?
experience with your family while attending boarding
school, how frequently you currently go home, and the Uncertain of your intended major in college? Don’t panic!
cost of round-trip transportation between your home and While a few students begin their college careers with a
potential college. We strongly encourage you to talk with very specific academic major, most students have only a
your family about their possible geographic preferences broad idea of potential fields of study.
for you at the beginning of your college search.
Liberal arts is the term most generally used to describe
Avoid regional parochialism! While the East Coast the most common form of undergraduate education
offers an extensive number of outstanding colleges and in the United States. Pre-professional training in such
universities, we strongly encourage students to include fields as business, engineering, and education prepares
as wide a geographic range as possible in their initial students for careers immediately after receiving their
college search. Don’t overlook Midwestern or Southern undergraduate degrees. While offering solid preparation
schools — many of these institutions are hidden gems for post-college careers, the liberal arts can often serve
with outstanding national reputations. Recognize, too, as an outstanding springboard for further graduate-level
study, such as law, business, or medicine.

26 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
A handful of exceptionally qualified Exonians who are college campus. If it is an important consideration for you,
confident of their intention to pursue medicine may remember to ask about availability of on-campus housing
consider accelerated or joint degree programs offering for all four years. Some colleges only have enough housing
early admission to medical school. for underclassmen, and a few may even require students
to move off-campus for a year to help alleviate their own
Remember that many liberal arts colleges may not on-campus housing shortage.
offer either majors or extensive coursework in certain
professional fields, such as engineering, business, or Extracurricular Options
physical therapy. If you are certain of a specific field, be College is about working hard and studying … but there
sure that the colleges you are considering offer that major, is plenty of time to have fun, too. Thoughtfully consider
but also research how many graduates each year go on in which of your current campus activities will be critical to
those fields. You may be pleasantly surprised to learn just your collegiate experience. Also consider those activities
how essential an economics major might be for someone you’ve never explored but would now like to pursue in
seeking a career in business — and this is just one example college.
of how a liberal arts education can prepare you for
exciting careers. Look, too, for special programs like the Campus Employment
3-2 engineering option, which could allow you to start As a means of providing personal spending money,
your college experience at a liberal arts college but finish gaining valuable professional experience, or augmenting
elsewhere with both a bachelors and a master’s degree. their need-based financial assistance, many students
will hold a part-time job on or off campus while enrolled
CAMPUS LIFE full time in college. These jobs can be work-study
Consider the following self-evaluation questions: positions sponsored by the college as part of the student’s
need-based financial aid package, volunteer or paid
How important is it for me to attend a primarily internships, or more traditional part-time jobs in service
residential college? industries. The college’s location can play a determining
What extracurricular activities am I currently factor in the availability of off-campus employment.
pursuing here at Exeter that will be critical to the Universities in or near major metropolitan areas offer
quality of my college life? extensive opportunities for part-time jobs, including
positions in a student’s field of interest; colleges in more
Do I plan on working part time while in college? rural settings may offer fewer options.

Do I require any support services for physical or Most colleges and universities provide some assistance
learning differences/disabilities? for finding part-time jobs, either through a career center
or work-study office. In addition, most institutions of
Much of the success of your college career comes from higher learning offer career counseling and placement
enjoying the experience of living on a college campus. assistance for graduating seniors who will not be
Alumni frequently reflect that they learned as much from pursuing graduate school immediately after their
their interaction with their college peers through study undergraduate degree.
groups, extracurricular activities, and just hanging out
in the dorm as they did through classroom instruction. Support Services
Campus residential and social life plays a significant role Federal law now requires colleges and universities to
in effecting student satisfaction with their alma mater. offer extensive support services to students with unique
physical or educational needs. These services can include
Housing physical accommodations, such as universal access
Living on-campus for the first few years of their college restrooms and entrances to buildings. For some Academy
experience is a primary consideration for most Exonians. students, finding colleges offering extensive support
Dormitories can become a focus of college campus life services for students with learning differences may be an
and the easiest way to meet new friends. Thus finding important factor in their college search.
a college campus that has a primarily residential feel,
rather than the feeling of a “commuter” school, can be
important. Consider the percentage of students who live
either in campus housing or within a close radius of the

ATHLETICS (Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard,
As you think about your interest in collegiate athletics, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale).
ask yourself these “self-evaluation” questions:
The College Counseling Office strongly believes that
How important is athletic competition and student-athletes should discuss their collegiate potential
membership on a team to me and my happiness and with their Academy coach and other club coaches early
well-being? in the college search process. Coaches offer a supportive,
seasoned perspective that can prove invaluable in
Do I want to keep playing a sport in college? And students’ own self-assessment of their athletic ability.
if so, should it be at the intercollegiate, club, or Take advantage of your coach’s wisdom.
intramural level?
For detailed information about the athletic recruitment
Do my coaches think I could be a recruited college process, please read Chapter VII of this Guidebook, and
athlete? speak with your Academy coach. Every year, the CCO
If I’m going to play a college sport, how much time presents a workshop on college athletic recruiting.
do I want to commit to it? Students and coaches are invited to attend.

What is the difference between a Division I and a
Division III program? Consider the following “self-evaluation” questions:

Many Exonian athletes want to continue playing Do I plan to take any AP examinations prior to
sports in college. Colleges typically offer three levels of graduating from Exeter?
competition: intramural, club, and varsity intercollegiate. How important is finishing my college study in less
Intramural play is most common. Intramurals allow than four years? Would the reduction in tuition costs
students to compete at a variety of different skill levels be helpful to my family?
with a primary emphasis on enjoying the sport for
personal fitness, relaxation, and fun. Club sports are Do I plan to apply to any international universities
usually jointly sponsored by students and the college, and such as Trinity College in Dublin, Oxford or
can compete against other schools’ club sports as well as Cambridge?
other varsity intercollegiate programs.
Most selective U.S. colleges and universities award
Intercollegiate programs are broken into three divisions college credit on the basis of AP test scores. Students can
by the NCAA. Division I, Division II, and Division III. fulfill general curriculum or graduation requirements
There are some very general rules of thumb concerning earlier, advancing to higher level courses even in their first
athletic divisions. Most small liberal arts colleges and year. Advanced standing can allow students to double
smaller universities will have a majority of Division II major or minor more easily, or to take a reduced load one
or Division III athletic programs, with perhaps one or semester in order to concentrate on especially challenging
two high-profile sports competing at a higher division coursework or extracurricular activities. Because of the
level. Most Exeter alumni participating in intercollegiate financial benefits gained by earning AP credit, some
athletics will compete at this level. By definition Division students may earn their college degree faster through AP
III colleges do not offer athletic scholarships, while credit, graduating a semester or even a year early.
Division II programs offer partial scholarships. Most
larger colleges and universities field predominantly Please note that not all colleges offer AP credit. Some
Division I programs, with some of their underdeveloped highly selective colleges and universities only use AP
programs occasionally competing at a lower division examinations for placement and do not award any
level. Division I athletic programs are generally the academic credit for even the highest scores.
college sports which receive the most extensive media While no U.S. universities require AP scores for admission
coverage, including such athletic conferences as the Big — and most Exonians successfully apply to U.S. colleges
Ten, the Big East, and the Patriot League. A handful of without any AP scores — some of the most selective
truly exceptional Academy graduates will compete at British universities, such as Cambridge and Oxford,
the Division I level. Almost all Division I programs offer expect successful candidates to have several AP scores
athletic scholarships with the noteworthy exception of of 5 at the time of application. If you are considering
the eight members of the Ivy League athletic conference an application to a British university, you should speak

28 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
to your college counselor and your subject teachers to factors such as age of the oldest parent, years until
determine whether taking exams would be appropriate retirement, second homes, family size, and liabilities
for you, given the rigor of your curriculum and your differently.
likelihood of earning a high score. Do also keep in mind
that Upper spring is a very important term in the college Some colleges also offer merit-based financial awards in
admissions process and that in general, grades matter the form of scholarships for students who have achieved
more than AP scores. superior levels of academic excellence or offer some
special talent in the performing arts or athletics. Please
note that while all of the most-highly competitive colleges
Discuss with your family and consider the following and universities offer need-based aid, only a handful offer
“self-evaluation” questions: any merit-based aid.

How important is Exeter’s financial assistance to my
being here? Category 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Will I require need-based aid or merit-scholarships As you think about admissions selectivity, ask yourself
to make college affordable? these “self-evaluation” questions:

While we believe that the cost of attending a college should What percentage of the applicant pool is offered
not be the principal factor in creating your college list, the early admission and what percentage is admitted
high cost of college has become a serious factor in the final through the regular decision process?
decision for many students and families. Even if you are How does my academic achievement (specifically
not receiving financial assistance from the Academy, most your GPA and standardized test scores) compare
private colleges cost more than Exeter and financial aid with other applicants?
may be important to your family. We strongly encourage
you to discuss these concerns with your family at the The most important factor to consider when researching
beginning of your college search. colleges and building your college list is finding, and
including, institutions at for which you have a good
There are many forms of financial aid available. The chance of being offered admission.
most basic financial assistance offered at all colleges is
need-based. Need-based aid is given to families who One tool to help narrow your list of prospective colleges
demonstrate their eligibility using nationally standardized is the percentage of applicants admitted in the last three
needs-analysis forms, such as the Free Application for to four years — recent trends show application numbers
Federal Student Assistance (FAFSA) and the College rising and acceptance rates declining. The “admit rate”
Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile. Calculation of financial provides a general guidepost for admissions selectivity.
need is determined through detailed review of a family’s Approximately eight percent of colleges and universities
income and assets. Different colleges consider other nationwide admit fewer than fifty percent of applicants to







their first-year class. For many Exonians, the institutions private and public colleges and universities in the United
in this category will be classified as Category 3 or 4 for States, Canada, and overseas to consider. Don’t build a
admission selectivity. Any college or university with an list based solely on “prestige” or what your friends think.
overall rate of admission in the single-digits is designated Focus on the characteristics that are integral to your
a Category 5 school. Colleges admitting more than 50 personal needs and wants, and the names will follow.
percent of their applicants are generally Category 1 or 2
schools. Note, however, that an admission rate may not Finally, remember! Your college criteria will be
always provide the most accurate sense of selectivity. For distinctive from your friends’ and relatives’ criteria.
example, many nationally ranked state universities (such Recognize — and celebrate — the fact that you are unique
as UC-Berkeley, UNC-Chapel Hill, and the University and what you want from college as well as what you will
of Virginia) have a higher admission rate for in-state bring to it, is different from your peers.
students, but have a very low acceptance rate for out of COLLEGE RESEARCH RESOURCES
state applicants. College-related websites seem to be as numerous as
Your Naviance Family Connection account uses the colleges, yet not all websites are created equally. While
terms: Far Reach, Reach, Possible, Likely, and Safety to some organizations’ websites, such as those for College
define college selectivity. The chart above will help you Board, the Common Application, and Colleges that
understand Exeter’s terminology for selectivity ratings. Change Lives, are reputable, thoughtful and fair,
other sites — particularly those that purport to offer
Standardized testing plays a critical role in admission confidential, insider information or a precise ranking of
to most selective institutions. When researching colleges — may not be as balanced and trustworthy. Use
colleges, compare your own testing profile with the the good sense you’ve gained by your research in history
college’s published “middle” 50 % range of testing. to determine the editorial bias of secondary sources
While a quarter of admitted students will submit test related to colleges, and if in doubt, ask your college
scores above that middle 50 and another quarter will counselor for recommendations of online sources.
have scores below, the midrange will give you a good
indication of your competitiveness in the applicant pool. ExeterConnect, allows the CCO to post extensive
information about the college process, including a
Building a college list that includes schools from a range calendar of events, copies of all communications,
of selectivity categories is important to a successful start information on scholarships and financial aid, links to
to your college search. Be honest with yourself, making a this guidebook and other documents and forms, and
realistic assessment of your chances for admission. The much more. Every student and their parent or guardian
more truthful you are with yourself at the start of your also has access to a private, password-protected website,
college search, the better your chances of having a good Naviance Family Connection, which allows you to
number of choices in the spring of your senior year. manage most aspects of your college search. Students
access Naviance via ExeterConnect and parents access
CONCLUSION Naviance by going to http://connection.naviance.
In conclusion, as you begin to consider your personal com/philexac. Using the research tools available to
criteria in selecting the college that is right for you, the you on Naviance, you will initially create a “prospective”
College Counseling Office strongly encourages you to college list and from there, add or subtract colleges to
think about three critical points. eventually create an “active” college list which will allow
First, take plenty of time to complete your preliminary the CCO and your teachers to submit supporting school
research. The more conscientious effort you put into documents on your behalf. In addition, both uppers and
thoughtfully reviewing the characteristics of the colleges parents will complete a number of questionnaires on the
that will meet your needs, the more satisfied you will be site; these questionnaires will enable you to update your
with the choices available to you. personal and extracurricular information as necessary,
thus keeping your counselor fully informed and giving
Second, resist the pull of the “names.” From our yourself a well-organized database for filling out your
experience in the College Counseling Office, too many college applications.
Exonians focus on the names of colleges rather than
the characteristics of the schools. A college isn’t “good” There are many more helpful resources which you will
because you know its name or have read about it in a discover as you use them. The college counselors will help
rankings guide. Remember that there are over 4,000 you explore resources at the required College Resource

30 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
Meeting during winter term. The more you use both results with your parents, your academic advisor and
websites, however, the more you will benefit from their your college counselor. Use the PSAT score reporting
many features. information to inform your subsequent SAT prep work.


Every Academy student should take a series of (
standardized tests as part of the college application
process. Traditionally, the SAT was the standard test used The SAT includes an “optional” essay section. Exonians
for college admission but in the last five years the ACT are encouraged to include the essay in order to be well
has emerged as an equal player in the college admission prepared for applications to colleges and universities
process. The CCO encourages uppers to sit for both which may require it. Please read the SAT information
tests in order to determine which is the “better” test for you receive from the CCO test coordinator to prepare
the individual student. Recommendations for testing yourself for the exam. More up-to-date information
dates may vary based on individual circumstances but can be found on the College Board website: https://
are detailed on the testing guidelines. Read this section
for help in sorting through the various testing available In 2009, the College Board implemented “Score
for you. Choice” which allows students to choose by test date
which SAT scores and by individual test which SAT
Subject scores they wish to submit to each college
( (that honors Score Choice). Keep in mind, some highly
nmsqt-psat-10.) selective colleges do not allow Score Choice and require
students to submit their entire testing history, SAT, SAT
The PSAT is administered in October. Strongly Subject Tests, and ACT. Recognizing the role of honesty
recommended for uppers, it is also available to lowers and integrity in the college search and application
as a “practice” test to help them establish test prep process, the CCO expects that all students will respect
goals well before any official testing takes place. Details the specific application requirements of each of their
about the PSAT can be found in Chapter I under the respective college choices. The CCO discourages
Standardized Testing section, or on the College Board unprepared and/or frequent testing and instead
website. The PSAT is the qualifying test for the National recommends that you take the SAT or SAT Subject tests
Merit Scholarship program. Repeat students must use when they are appropriate for you developmentally, and
their PSAT results from their “third year” of high school when, given your course work and the amount of time
to qualify. you have had to prepare (with test prep), you are most
likely to earn your strongest scores.
( The College Board now offers an August date to take the
aspx?sid=1758&gid=2&pgid=424.) SAT and SAT Subject Tests at some U.S. test sites. This
early date allows rising seniors an opportunity to test
If your score is above a certain threshold, which varies before the start of the school year and, immediately after
from state to state and by independent school grouping dedicated summer SAT prep. Please note, because the
each year, you will be notified of your semi-finalist status date falls before the start of the academic year, you will
and invited to complete an application for the final round need to register at a high school close to your home (and
of competition. This notification process takes place in arrange to have your test results sent to Phillips Exeter
September of your senior year. Only U.S. citizens and Academy (CEEB 300185). The SAT is administered
permanent residents are eligible for the National seven times per year: March (Only the SAT and in the
Merit Scholars program. U.S.), May, June, August (U.S. test sites only) October,
PSAT scores are generally available electronically November, and December. When classes are in session,
six to eight weeks following the test; it is your the Test Coordinator will send instructions on where to
responsibility to share your scores with your parents. register; transportation is provided. When classes are
Valuable information included with the test results not in session, students should register to test at the most
include feedback on strengths and weaknesses and convenient local high school.
recommendations on areas for improvement. Review
your PSAT score report thoroughly and discuss your

SAT SUBJECT TESTS Advanced Placement exams are three-hour subject-area
( tests based on full-year college level courses offered
tests.) in high school. AP scores range from 1 (lowest) to 5
(highest) and many some selective colleges offer credit
Some colleges to which Academy students apply and/or course acceleration for scores of 4 or 5. The list of
require at least two SAT Subject Tests. However, some colleges offering credit and advanced standing changes
international universities and a few U.S. universities each year. Students should research AP policy at the
prefer to review three SAT Subject Tests. You should colleges that interest them before investing the time and
consult with your college counselor to determine how money required by the exams. While AP exams were not
many tests are appropriate for you given your course originally intended to be used in the admissions process,
curriculum, academic interests, and college list. SAT and while many Exonians are offered admission to highly
Subject Tests are one-hour long; you may take as many as selective universities without any AP scores, colleges
three subject tests on any given test date (except March will consider AP scores if included in a student’s testing
when only the SAT is offered). Like the SAT, possible profile. If you have taken AP exams and have done very
scores range from 200 to 800. well, it is in your best interest to report these scores to the
If you have any questions about the appropriateness and colleges to which you apply. International universities
timing of a particular test, particularly in light of selective consider standardized test results in the admissions
colleges’ varied approaches to Score Choice, please talk to process over class grades and the cumulative GPA. For
your subject teacher and/or your college counselor. some of these universities, AP testing may be required.


AP exams are administered only once per year, in May,
( on the Exeter campus. Students will receive registration
services/the-act/registration.html.) instructions during winter term. Please keep in mind
that although students will be excused from class to sit
The ACT is an equally popular test for college admission for the exams, they are not excused from the work they
and some Exonians will find that its format, with four miss. Upper spring is a busy time and an important term
separate sections, including science, suits them best. for college admission, therefore, students should be
Like the SAT, the ACT offers an optional essay section judicious in electing to take AP exams. Again, consulting
and students are encouraged to complete it when testing with the college counselor before signing up for AP exams
in order to meet the most stringent college admission is strongly encouraged.
requirements. Your ACT score will include a separate
score for each section in addition to a composite score TOEFL—TEST OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE
(overall average) ranging from 1 (lowest) to 36 (highest) (
and the optional writing score. ACT scores are reported The TOEFL is used to evaluate English proficiency and
on an individual test date basis and to have more than one many colleges require it of applicants whose native language
test result reported a student will need to make multiple is not English. The test is administered throughout the
requests. year at independent testing sites. Please ask your college
The ACT is administered seven times per year: February, counselor about the appropriateness of the test for you. Given
April, June, July, September, October, and December. the Academy’s schedule, students for whom the TOEFL is
Test locations vary by date; when classes are in session, appropriate should consider taking the exam during school
the Test Coordinator will send instructions on where to vacations. The TOEFL is an expensive test and may not be
register; transportation is provided. When classes are required of international students if their SAT or ACT testing
not in session, students should register to test at the most is strong enough. We encourage you to use the spring college
convenient local high school. fair to ask admissions representatives what TOEFL policy
exists at their institution.
exam_information/index.html.) It is your responsibility to determine which (if any) scores
to send to the colleges to which you apply. Some colleges
are “test optional” and you may decide not to send your
standardized testing to these colleges if you and your
college counselor determine that it is in your best interest

32 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
to withhold them. The costs associated with sending Standardized tests measure abilities and skills acquired
scores is another reason to build a reasonable length over many years of education and the best preparation
and well-balanced college list. Consult with your college for the SAT and ACT is to study hard in a challenging
counselor to determine the best time to send scores and academic program and to read extensively outside the
which scores to send. classroom. Yet some familiarity with the exams and
preparation before the tests can help students improve
Sending SAT scores: their scores. One step in test preparation is to review PSAT results. Reviewing the detailed score report shows
Sending ACT scores: how you performed on each question in each section. The second step is to familiarize yourself with the exams
by answering sample questions or completing full-length
Sending AP scores: practice tests, many of which are available online.
In the summer before the upper year, the CCO provides
each student with access to a free, online test prep
Sending TOEFL scores:
program through Academic Approach Representatives
from Academic Approach also come to the Academy
TEST PREPARATION RESOURCES during the year to provide information sessions designed
Standardized tests are very important in the college to show students how to use their program in the most
admissions process at most colleges. The CCO believes effective way. For interested families, private tutoring
that preparation beforehand can not only provide may be arranged with Academic Approach tutors
students with specific, effective test-taking strategies that who have been screened and approved to work on the
will improve their test performance, but also can build Academy campus. You may also consider working
confidence and teach useful skills that extend far beyond through programs such as Khan Academy or study guides
the tests. such as the College Board’s 10 Real SATs or the ACT’s
The Real ACT Prep Guide.















34 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19


anything else,
is the key to
—Alexander Graham Bell

36 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
Summer may seem to offer a break in your college search process,
but in fact the opposite is true. The summer between your upper
and senior years is ideal for committing a significant amount of
time to researching and visiting the colleges on your preliminary
list; for interviewing, and for writing drafts of essays. Use this
summer to rest, clear your mind, and think about your college
criteria without the distractions and commitments of the Exeter
school year. The steps you take now during the “downtime” of this
summer can make for a smoother senior fall.

THE COLLEGE VISIT student center to pick up a campus newspaper and have
a look at campus posters and event fliers. It’s important
For the majority of seniors, the campus visit will be a
to leave some indication of your visit because so many
decisive factor in where you will apply and enroll. The
colleges now measure “demonstrated interest” (see
campus visit is your chance to size up a school and to gauge
Introduction and Glossary) in their application review
how it fits with your interests. Do some research before
and decision making process.
you go — read the catalog and look at the website — so the
visit will be more meaningful in the context of what you
have already learned. If you are planning an extended trip,
consider visiting no more than two schools a day and keep
Campus tours generally last about an hour and range in
notes of your impressions, and build in days with a lighter
size from a personal tour for just your family to a very large
schedule to make the trip more enjoyable. Most uppers
group of prospective students and parents. A campus
visit campuses during the academic year breaks or during
tour usually includes a brief background on the college’s
the summer prior to senior year. Seniors are allowed two
history, an overview on the academic and student life
college visit days during the academic year, but often use
programs offered, and a view of the resources available.
long weekends, such as Family Weekend in October, to
If there is a part of the campus (the sports center, music
revisit top choices or to sit for an interview at a college
facilities, or particular dorms) you want to see, be sure to
where they are offered (interviews need to be scheduled
ask. While the building of interest to you may not be part
well in advance). College Visit Day forms are available
of the general tour, your guide may be able to point it out,
in the CCO and your college counselor’s signature is
and you can always go back on your own. Be sure to wear
required. See the E Book for further information on the
comfortable walking shoes.
Academy’s college visit policy.
Group Information Sessions
PREPARING FOR YOUR TRIP This is a popular and efficient general information forum
Always research the college’s website to find out what for college to a large gathering of students and their
type of campus visit arrangements are available well in families. It gives you and your family the chance to ask
advance of your intended visit. Many colleges will allow questions and learn more about the college or university.
students to register for their visit online; others may Be sure to register in advance for Information Sessions — a
request that families call ahead. By preparing for your college may have a limited number of seats available and
trip ahead of time, you design a schedule that suits your registering allows you, again, to demonstrate your interest.
travel needs, allows you to demonstrate your interest in Students, not parents, should be asking most questions.
the college, and makes the best use of your limited time.
Avoid just dropping in on a college — you may be
Most colleges and universities no longer offer on-campus
visiting on a day the university has an all-campus
interviews but if you are taking the time to arrange a visit,
event, cancelling classes and tours. And, while it might
you should at least check to see if there are interviews
be tempting, don’t just drive through campus, even if
available. If so, consider requesting one. The CCO
pressed for time. Walk around campus and be sure to
recommends that you prepare for interviews in advance
stop by the Admissions Office to pick up a campus map,
(see the interview “tips for success” section below).
leave your name in the visitor log, and check out the
Class Visits should check well in advance of the application deadline
During the academic year, a prospective student may to see what is offered, where, and when. Requesting an
request to attend a class or two of his/her choice. The alumni interview is another excellent way to demonstrate
student should plan to stay for the entire class period interest in a college or university. Alumni interviews are
and can approach the instructor afterwards with any given the same weight as on-campus interviews in the
questions (parents are not typically invited to visit admission process. The spring college fair at Exeter is a
classes). great opportunity to inquire about interview options.

Interviews at Exeter
Some colleges offer overnight accommodations
Every fall university representatives visit the Exeter
for visiting students. Generally, overnights are not
campus either at a college fair, or for an evening
offered on weekends and limited to one night only.
presentation. When the universities’ staffing and
Exonians are expected to follow all Academy guidelines
schedules permit, representatives may spend an
for appropriate behavior while visiting a college or
university. additional day or evening on campus interviewing
interested students. Seniors are notified of upcoming
Meetings with Coaches, Music Teachers, Learning interviewing opportunities through email and the CCO
Specialists calendar. Seniors who have a specific university on their
These are meetings you should plan to schedule on college list in Naviance will receive an email invitation
your own. While the admission office can give you the to sign-up for an interview if that college is offering the
name and phone number of the person to contact, they opportunity on the Academy campus. If a university
will generally ask you to call them directly to arrange requires the interview as part of their admission process,
a convenient time. Students should make these calls the CCO will make sure that there are sufficient spaces
themselves rather relying on parental assistance. for all applicants. Seniors are encouraged to check
Naviance and their email regularly, to learn about
interview dates and times.
The interview serves two purposes. It reinforces your
interest in a particular institution and it is an opportunity Seniors who are participating in Academy study abroad
for the admission staff to clarify the match between their programs, during the fall or winter terms, should work
school’s offerings and your interests and abilities. Every closely with their college counselor to plan how to
school treats interviews differently, so it is important to interview prior to their departure. It is important to keep
read their literature closely and determine where and your active college list up to date so as not to miss college
when to interview. Your college counselor will guide you. visit and interview announcements.
Students should follow up with a thank you note after any
interview opportunity. TIPS FOR SUCCESS
Take interviews seriously. It is important to come
On-Campus Interviews across as interested and engaged in both the
On-campus interviews may be held with an admissions learning process and the institution.
officer, a faculty member, or a trained student
representative. Sometimes, families are concerned when Be prepared to talk about yourself. Sounds easy,
a student interviews with a student interviewer, yet these but you may have just 30 minutes to talk about all
individuals are great sources of information and their your classes, your activities and summer plans.
perspective on the candidate is weighed in committee just Prioritize your thoughts: what have been your
as seriously as a professional staff member; students should favorite classes, teachers, and assignments? What
be mindful to treat younger interviewers with respect. extracurricular activities are most important to you
Conversations typically last for thirty minutes. Parents and why? Think ahead. What do you want to try in
are not included in the initial conversation but may be college? Where do you see yourself in ten years?
approached afterwards to see if they have any questions. The upper questionnaires you completed for your
college counselor are a great source of information
Alumni Interviews to review before interviewing.
Some colleges and universities use trained alumni
volunteers to help accommodate interview requests. Each
college manages these opportunities differently and you

38 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
Relate your interests and questions back to the Occasionally, interviewing may not be in a
college you are visiting. “I am interested in Russian student’s best interest. Discuss with your college
and I saw you have a study abroad program. I’d love counselor whether seeking out interviewing is
to go abroad.” It is imperative that you prepare and appropriate for you.
are familiar with the offerings of the school.
Evaluate your interview style. Do you appear Beginning the Search for Need- and Merit-Based
poised, confident, and articulate? Work at Assistance
containing any nervous habits and try to keep As increasing college costs put more stress on family
your thoughts focused on what you are saying. If resources, the topic of financial aid can be a decisive
you are shy, reticent, or a non-native speaker, we factor in the college search for many families. The College
strongly encourage you to do an interview before Counseling Office strongly encourages you to discuss with
interviewing at a top choice college. You will become your family the role of financial assistance in your college
more comfortable with the interview format once selection. While we believe that the total cost of college
you have done a few and know what to expect. should not be the primary factor in your college search,
availability of financial aid may play a critical role in your
Keep the conversation focused on your strengths. final decision about which college to attend.
While it may be important for an admission officer
to understand the impact of a family transition There are two basic types of financial aid: merit-based
or a teacher conflict, the overriding tone of your and need-based. Merit-based aid is offered to a student
conversation should be upbeat, geared toward your based on academic, artistic, athletic, or other criteria;
last two years in high school, and illustrate how well the college or scholarship-sponsoring group makes the
you “fit” with the institution. Be sure to present a determination of the merit award on their own criteria.
balance between the genuine challenges and the The most common merit awards are college-sponsored
success stories of your life. scholarships, corporate or non-profit scholarships,
government-sponsored scholarships (such as service
Avoiding pitfalls. During the busiest times of the academies and state scholarships), athletic scholarships
year, admissions officers may be sitting through for highly talented Division I and II athletes, and
numerous interviews each day. You may not catch multicultural scholarships.
them at their sharpest. Or, you may be speaking with
an alumnus/a who seems a bit out of touch with the The timetable for some merit scholarships can be as
current university. Don’t let their interviewing style early as the summer between your upper and senior
faze you. Try to politely guide the conversation if years. During this time, students who are interested in
you want to mention something, or at the very end of merit-based aid should begin their research by looking
your meeting be sure to add that you have one more at two websites devoted to scholarships: Fastweb
thing you want to emphasize. and Federal Student Aid. We also provide detailed
information about scholarships in Naviance.
At the end of your meeting, you may want to leave a
résumé with your interviewer so that he or she has a Need-based aid requires a family to complete and
record of your activities and interests. Your résumé submit financial documentation to identify their
will be a useful reference and could help jog your Estimated Family Contribution and establish their
interviewer’s memory about specific topics you eligibility for financial aid. All colleges and universities
have mentioned. Do not try to use your résumé as an require students to complete the federal government’s
interviewing prop — answer the questions asked of Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
you without checking notes! Some colleges and universities will also require their
own institutional form. While more frequently, private
As most admission officers will tell you, an interview colleges will also require the CSS  Profile, which is
is just one piece of the application puzzle, and no customized by the college to provide specific additional
one credential gets a student admitted or denied. information it will use to assess your family’s eligibility
Rather, all information is examined and assessed, for need-based aid. The FAFSA focuses on family
and the interview write up can reinforce or clarify income; the Profile digs more deeply into an evaluation
other aspects of the application. of family assets.

Most highly-selective institutions offer few, if any,
FOR SENIORS ONLY: The U.S. Department of merit-based scholarships.
Defense requires all 18-year-old U.S. citizens to
register with the Selective Service System.  In order Our experience has shown that on a percentage
to be eligible for federally-funded financial aid, basis, Exeter often awards more generous financial
students must register with the Selective Service. aid than colleges and most colleges cost more than
independent schools.

It is vitally important that students and families not Although many colleges are “need-blind,” some
wait until senior year to find a way to finance their “need aware” colleges consider a student’s
education. To assist families, almost all colleges and financial need as they make final admissions
universities provide printed and website material which decisions. To build a balanced and safe college list,
gives guidelines about their individual policies and students should apply to several colleges where
timetables. Websites you will need in the financial aid their academic credentials place them among the
process include: strongest candidates in the applicant pool (and
make them a “preferred admit.”
FAFSA It is possible to be admitted but denied financial aid,
or to receive an aid package that does not meet your
CSS Profile calculated need. This financial aid practice is known as “gapping.”
FinAid use this website to determine Whenever possible, ask questions about college
your estimated family contribution (EFC) financial aid policies: Is the college need-blind/
need-aware? Need-sensitive? Does it offer merit-
Every family contemplating applying for need-based aid based scholarships? Does it meet full demonstrated
should try at the beginning of the college search process to need? And use this information to shape the final
determine what their approximate financial aid eligibility college list.
will be. Using the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC)
calculator on a family can get an estimate of If financial assistance is critical to your ability to
what they will be expected to contribute annually — and attend college, it is imperative for you to include
the EFC is split between all children in college. The other financial “safeties” on your final college list. A
important tool is the Net Price Calculator (NPC). Every financial “safety” school should be both affordable
college is required by federal regulations to provide a and a Category 1 college for you. Often your home
Net Price Calculator on their website. The NPC can give state university is an appropriate option. Your
families a solid estimate of what aid they can expect to college counselor can help you identify colleges
receive. The more accurate the information the family that meet your needs and offer balance to your final
enters into the NPC, the more accurate the estimate will college list.
be. Some colleges that use merit aid in their financial aid
packages may ask for academic information as part of Deadlines are important, and many come early; a
the NPC calculation — this allows the estimate to include handful of scholarship applications are due as early
possible merit aid. as the summer prior to the senior year. Starting with
the class of 2017, the financial aid application has
In addition, keep in mind these points about financial aid: accelerated with the prior-prior process. Using tax
Aid is offered in packages consisting of grants, returns from the prior-prior year, a family can file the
work-study, and a sizable amount of loans. Carefully FAFSA earlier and receive financial aid offers much
consider whether you are willing to assume a heavy earlier in the application process. Families need
loan burden.

40 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
to check college websites for dates and deadlines The College Counseling Office encourages parents and
in order to meet all expectations. If required, the guardians to discuss financing higher education with
College Board College Scholarship Service (CSS) their children in order to assure that college planning will
Profile should be submitted at the same time. reflect family circumstances and give students the best
Watch email for a request for IDOC (Institutional possible opportunity to achieve their goals. Please feel
Documentation Service) verification https://idoc. free to speak with your college counselor if you have any An IDOC request would questions regarding financing your college education.
be the third and final component of many CSS
Profile based financial aid applications.







42 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
In the past 5 years
PEA students
have applied to
487 colleges
and universities
in 47 U.S. states
and 16 foreign
Members of the class of 2016 attend
112 institutions, including flagship
public research universities, selective
universities and liberal arts colleges,
service academies, and renowned
international institutions.

OPTIONS FOR ADMISSION Most colleges and universities offer some
type of early application plan that allows a senior to apply during
the fall trimester and receive a decision by mid-December or by
late January. Whether any of these options is right for you depends
upon your academic achievement through your upper year, your
certainty of your college list, and your family’s willingness to make
a financial commitment to one college.

APPLICATION PLANS Early Action and Restricted Early Action, also early plans,
EARLY DECISION AND EARLY ACTION are not binding commitments. Students, if admitted, do
Early Decision is a binding admission plan requiring not have to signal their intention to enroll (and submit
signatures from the student, a parent, and the college an enrollment deposit) until May 1, therefore, they may
counselor, acknowledging that if the student is admitted to apply to other colleges or universities simultaneously.
the college they are required to pull all other outstanding However, the Academy assumes that a student admitted
applications and matriculate at the college (assuming under an early admission plan — whether Early Decision,
if they applied for financial aid that the aid package or Restricted Early Action or Early Action by a college or
offered meets demonstrated need). In endorsing these university with a national admit rate of less than 10% —
agreements, the Academy trusts the student’s Early has been admitted to his or her first choice college and
Decision agreement will be honored. Students can only therefore has completed the application process and
apply Early Decision to one school, given that the binding will file no further applications. This philosophy parallels
agreement of Early Decision implies that a student is the spirit of the Academy’s motto of “Non sibi,” and
applying to their first-choice college. Once admitted to allows the greatest number of Exonians to be considered
an Early Decision school, a student is required to submit favorably at the most selective colleges. Given the
a deposit, confirming their enrollment. They may not changing admission landscape and the importance of
continue with any other college applications for that financial aid for many families, seniors should certainly
particular admissions cycle. Additionally, the CCO will consider applying Early Action to public universities,
notify all colleges on the student’s list that the student as well as any private university that limits eligibility
will be attending an Early Decision institution and will to their own merit-based scholarships to Early Action
be withdrawing all other applications. The Academy will applicants, as these Early Action applications are within
only release transcripts to the Early Decision college, and the spirit of Exeter’s “Non sibi” philosophy. Every student
students who do not uphold their Early Decision agreement considering early applications should talk through their
may be subject to the Academy’s discipline process. plan with their college counselor and their family to
ensure that all parties understand the intention behind
Some colleges also offer an Early Decision II plan which the EA philosophy.
is still binding but has an application deadline later
than November but the same rules apply. If admitted, EARLY EVALUATION AND EARLY NOTIFICATION
Early Decision II candidates are required to make their With Early Evaluation and Early Notification plans,
enrollment deposit shortly after receiving their offer of universities send a preliminary letter (in February)
admission, to secure their place in the class, and they indicating the likelihood of acceptance with the official
must withdraw all other applications for admission. The decision being mailed in late March. Often these plans
above guidelines and protocols will also apply. Students may advantage a student in the review process. Students
interested in admissions decisions that come later in the should discuss this option with their college counselor.
year, for example admission to some British universities
or in scholarship offers that are also decided later in PRIORITY APPLICATIONS AND ROLLING ADMISSION
the senior year, should not apply via the Early Decision Some state universities have a Priority Application
option as it will prevent them from being in a position to deadline in the fall, which allows students to hear official
receive other, later, college and scholarship decisions. decisions before Regular Decision applicants. Other
state and some private universities render decisions as

44 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
applications become complete, under a process known essays from your first applications can be detrimental to
as Rolling Admission. Therefore, we encourage students your chance of admission.
to apply to universities with Rolling Admission and
Priority plans by late September of the fall term assuming Finally, use all the resources available to help you complete
their upper year grades and up to date testing profile your application: your college counselor, your teachers and
give them a competitive advantage. For students who parents, and college brochures, blogs, and websites. For
may have experienced a drop in their grades during the example, many university and college websites provide
upper year or who have not yet achieved their desired checklists for keeping track of required credentials and
standardized testing results, waiting to file an application important dates. Refer to these checklists, and consider
later in the year may be to their advantage. Again, this is printing or bookmarking these lists, to make sure you have
an important topic to discuss with the college counselor fulfilled all the requirements for each completed application.
before submitting applications. APPLICATION FORMATS AND SYSTEMS
APPLICATIONS Some State university applications require transcript
The time has come. You have made your college list, and testing information but may not ask for teacher
balanced it for admissions selectivity to have a range recommendations or an essay. Some university systems,
of options, and are ready to start filling out your college such as the University of California, Penn State, and
applications. Before you begin the process, keep a few Rutgers require the completion of a standardized
things in mind. self-reporting form; students submit one application
to the university system and indicate which campuses
First, college admission committees expect honest and they prefer. Because many state universities admit on
complete answers to the questions asked. Take this process a rolling basis, the College Counseling Office strongly
seriously, recognizing that your personal integrity as an encourages all seniors to submit state applications by late
Exeter student is at stake. As the applicant, you will be September (assuming their academic record is strong).
required to sign a statement that says that the application Students applying to the University of California system
is entirely your own work and that you have accurately may begin working on the application early in the senior
declared honors received and extra-curricular positions year but submission is only possible during the month of
earned on your application. Students must complete November and is due by November 30th.
their own essays and application forms; parents cannot
complete these on their student’s behalf. You should be BRITISH UNIVERSITIES
the only person with access to your applications. While The United Kingdom’s university system (including
our larger culture sometimes suggests that individuals England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales), uses
attain their goals at any cost, Phillips Exeter Academy a standardized application form that is similar in some
believes that completing the college admissions process ways to the Common Application. Applications to British
with honesty and integrity is important in itself, and is as universities are processed and submitted through the
important as any eventual outcome. Universities and Colleges Admissions Services (UCAS).
While most British universities require an application to
Second, college applications take work, and students be submitted prior to January 15, we encourage students
sometimes underestimate the amount of time needed to to submit applications sooner than later, given that many
complete them well. Work on your applications a little bit schools in the British system use a “rolling admissions”
at a time. Take time to read each part of the application process, and can notify applicants as early as late fall.
fully, and then spend some time thinking about how Phillips Exeter Academy is a partner high school with the
you want to organize your academic and extracurricular UCAS application and as such, all PEA applicants need to
record. Jot down essay ideas; discuss them with your join the Exeter “school group.” Instructions for researching
college counselor. By working at it a little bit at a time, you and applying to British universities can be found on
will be successful in producing an effective application. ExeterConnect and annual instructions are sent to students
Pay particular attention to the supplemental application with UCAS universities on their prospective and active
parts required by many colleges and universities. It is Naviance college lists early enough in the summer to allow
through these additional questions that an admissions most of the application work to be completed before the
officer can determine your level of interest in their start of the senior year. Application fees for UCAS may be
institution. Waiting until the last minute to complete done by credit card and need to be submitted before the
supplemental essays or relying too heavily on “recycled” CCO can release the application to UCAS.

APPLYING TO OXFORD OR CAMBRIDGE an interview does not guarantee an offer of admission,
Both Cambridge and Oxford have a significantly earlier conditional or unconditional, and can be expensive
deadline — October 15 — and students interested in — international travel plans made on short notice can
either university need to plan ahead. The CCO will send impact the funds available for travel to other college
instructions including deadlines over the summer to choices. Students and their families should consider
ensure that all parts of the application are completed in these potential costs when deciding whether or not to
advance of the deadline. Students may not apply to both apply to Cambridge or Oxford
Cambridge and Oxford in the same year. Students should
ask an Academy teacher to be their “referee” (teacher The evaluation process for applicants to most British
recommender) before mid-August, so that the referee’s universities is less holistic than the review at most private
recommendation can be added (by the college counselor) U.S. universities, as U.K universities primarily assess
to the UCAS application prior to submission. undergraduate applicants using their standardized test
scores. Offers of admission can be made on a conditional
In addition to the UCAS application, both Oxford and basis until any or all required testing is completed;
Cambridge require additional application materials, most successful candidates to Oxford and Cambridge
which require pre-planning to meet the universities’ receiving an unconditional offer of admission will have
deadlines. For example, Cambridge applicants must earned several Advanced Placement test scores of ‘5’s
also complete a supplemental on-line form called the prior to their senior year.
Cambridge Online Preliminary Application (COPA).
Following submission of the COPA, Cambridge Additional information about applying to British
applicants are also required to upload their high school universities and the application timetable are available
transcript. The CCO will help with this in October. from the College Counseling Office.

Depending upon your field of study, some applicants to THE COMMON APPLICATION
Oxford or Cambridge may be asked to sit for a written The Common Application provides students with
examination as part of the application process, or to the ability to complete one application and essay
submit a piece of analytical writing graded by a teacher. thoughtfully and carefully, and to send it to a maximum
Check the university’s admissions website, to determine of 20 Common Application member schools (there
if your program of study requires an exam or a writing are more than 600 Common App partner colleges
sample. The CCO will act as the proctor for any entrance and universities) electronically. While the Common
examination administered at the home school; these Application simplifies the process for submitting
required exams are offered on a specific date in early applications, many institutions also require students to
November. Other programs require students to sit for complete college-specific supplemental applications as
an exam at the university. If your Cambridge or Oxford part of their Common Application; occasionally, lack
program requires a graded writing sample, make sure to of attention to the supplemental part of the application
follow the recommended word count, and to send the can jeopardize a student’s candidacy. Be sure to leave
materials well in advance, to meet the required deadline yourself time to complete both the main Common
for receipt. Application and any required supplemental applications
thoroughly. New in 2017, the Common Application now
Both Cambridge and Oxford require competitive “rolls over” from one school year to the next, allowing
applicants to interview as part of their application uppers to create a Common Application account in the
process. If you are offered an interview, you are given a spring with their college counselor and to work on it
specific date and time to appear on campus, generally through the summer. Essay prompts for the following
in early December. British interviews are typically oral year are released early as well and can be found online.
examinations; expect to know about the area of study
to which you have applied. Our experience has shown The Coalition Application
that students who interview in person in the U.K. are The Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success is
advantaged in the process (as opposed to those who sit a new application supported by a number of colleges
for Skype interviews or who interview off campus). In and universities which subscribe to a common goal
order to travel to Oxford or Cambridge for an interview, of providing greater access to education for all. To
students will need to petition the Dean of Students date, the application has not proven to be “easier” to
Office to miss classes and this paperwork often needs to use than the Common Application but there may be
be completed over the Thanksgiving break. The offer of specific reasons that it is appropriate or useful, for some

46 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
students. Please consult with your college counselor extra time in case your computer crashes and you
to determine whether using the Coalition Application forgot to back-up your essay drafts, or your internet
would be beneficial for you. server shuts down minutes before your electronic
application deadline. Experience shows that the
Institutional Applications or Direct to processing time for the Common Application and
University Applications other institutional applications can slow dramatically
Some colleges and universities offer their own their as their deadlines approach. And, in past years, Exeter
admission application. While similar in appearance to has seen blizzards, ice storms, and power outages in
the Common Application, institutional applications the days immediately preceding major application
may include questions about legacy, visit information, deadlines. Plan ahead! And remember, the best
and different essay questions. While some colleges with application is a submitted application!
their own institutional application form also accept the
Common Application, you can be confident that either GENERAL APPLICANT INFORMATION
version will be well received assuming you complete All applications will ask for basic factual and biographical
it thoroughly. Your college counselor may be able to information which you should confirm with your family
advise you on the potential benefits of completing one in advance. Some colleges have a two-part application;
application over another — don’t hesitate to ask for advice the receipt of your Part I may convert you in the
on the pros or cons of either. university’s application system from a “prospective”
applicant to an “active” applicant and make you eligible
COMPLETING YOUR APPLICATIONS for an interview. Some of the typical questions asked in
Starting your college applications can be intimidating, all applications are:
but here are a few helpful hints to keep in mind as you
begin completing application forms: Name: Be consistent. Use the same name that is on your
Exeter transcript, standardized test reports, passport, or
Read the directions thoroughly and follow the other forms of identification.
instructions. Make note of application deadlines and
check to see, if you are submitting any portfolios or Address: The permanent address is where your
recordings, whether or not artistic submissions require family resides and the mailing address is where most
an earlier deadline. correspondence, including the admissions decision, is
often mailed. Your address information should match the
Make sure teacher recommenders are aware of earlier information the Academy has on file for you. Changes of
deadlines by working with your college counselor to name and/or address need to be submitted to the Dean
select the correct application type and/or “college” or of Students’ Office prior to senior year in order to ensure
program on your Naviance active college list. that all documentation is consistent and accurate.
Be sure to link your Naviance and Common Application Phone/Email: Students should use one email address
accounts early in the senior year (you will need to sign for all of their college applications. Once you have
your FERPA waiver in order to complete this step); this been admitted and indicated your intention to enroll,
will make it easier to keep your college list up-to-date. a college will assign you a university email address
Remember that writing assignments often take and begin communicating with that way. Students can
longer than you think they will. A short-answer essay provide both their home and cell phone numbers, and
question may take you a long time since you are many applications allow you to designate your preferred
trying to find just the right four lines. Do not expect method of contact.
critical feedback on essays or applications if you wait Demographic Information: Most applications will
until a day or two before the application deadline to ask about an applicant’s race or ethnicity. While colleges
share them with your college counselor or teacher. are required by Federal law to ask this question, the law
Finally, technology can be both a blessing and a is also clear that any self-identified ethnicity is optional
curse. Be sure to build into your application schedule for applicants. Most college applications allow students
to check more than one category, if a student identifies
as multiracial; some applications, such as the Common
Application, allow students to identify the country or
region of ethnic origin.

Some applications, including the Common Application, Intended Major: Most colleges and universities
ask an optional question about religious identification; recognize that students will change their minds several
students can choose to answer this question or not. times before officially declaring a major at the end of their
Again, if you have any questions, speak with your sophomore year, so the emphasis here is on “intended.”
college counselor. Be aware some universities suffer from over-represented
majors (for example, science majors interested in pre-
Geography: Applications regularly ask where a student med). Discuss with your college counselor the possible
was born, and how long the student has lived in the impact your intended major may have on the admission
United States or, for international students, overseas. process.
Languages Spoken: Applicants indicate their Previous High School/ School Interruption: If you
proficiency in one or more languages. If a student has a have attended another high school, you will be asked to
low SAT Reading or Writing score, an admission officer provide information about your former school.
will look here to see whether another language is spoken
at home. Class Rank and Grade Point Average: Many schools
request information on class ranks. Phillips Exeter
Citizenship: Applications ask for citizenship Academy does not rank its students and grades are not
information, as part of their application review and weighted. You should indicate this on your application;
financial aid consideration. If you are a U.S. citizen your GPA is available on Lion Links and from your
or Permanent Resident, and you and your family are college counselor. You should report your GPA on the
applying for need-based financial aid, you will be 11-point Academy scale.
required to provide your Social Security number as a part
of the application. Senior Courses: Admission officers want to see your full
senior schedule. List the course name and code exactly as
Parent and Sibling Information: Check and verify it appears on ExeterConnect. For any course marked by
college attendance and graduation dates of your parents an asterisk (*), or with the words ‘Accelerated,’ ‘Enriched,’
and siblings. If your parents did not attend college, it or ‘Advanced,’ be sure to denote that it is an “intensive-/
is important for your colleges to know that; you may college-level course.”
be identified as a “first generation” college student, a
category that many colleges and universities are actively Because of Exeter’s rigorous and unique curriculum,
trying to enroll and support. If one of your parents some university-specific applications present challenges
graduated from a university to which you are applying, when students list their courses on the application. To
you may receive extra consideration as a “legacy” help you complete applications for universities such as
applicant. the University of California, the CCO offers a workshop
during the fall term.
Paying the Application Fee or Using a Fee Waiver:
Since most applications are submitted electronically, For more detailed information, please refer to
students need to be prepared to pay their application the application-specific handouts available on
fees by credit card; fee waivers, an alternative method ExeterConnect.
of payment, are provided to some students by the CCO
after Exeter’s Director of Financial Aid, using national REPORTING STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES
standards, determines which students are eligible. Most applications provide a place where students can
You will be notified by the CCO if you are “fee-waiver self-report their best standardized test scores. You will be
eligible.” Eligibility is based on your family’s most recent asked how many times you have sat for each specific test
financial information (which is submitted to Exeter’s but you will only list your best scores by section. When
Financial Aid Office as a part of your PEA financial aid using the Common Application to apply to test optional
application). colleges – if you do not want to include your standardized
test scores – DO NOT select “yes, I have testing to report”
Indicating a Decision Plan: Standard options include when submitting your application to those “test-optional”
Regular Decision, Early Decision, Early Action/ colleges. When submitting applications to colleges
Restrictive Early Action, or another decision plan. that require testing you can change the answer to the
test-reporting question and the scores you have already
entered into the Common Application will re-appear.

48 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
Most colleges and universities also require you to send Volunteer Work/Community Service: Admissions
“official scores” directly from the testing agencies. officers are interested in how you help others, whether
Standardized testing information is not reported on the during the academic year or on breaks from school.
Phillips Exeter Academy transcript. However, beginning Through the Exeter Social Service Organization (ESSO),
in 2017, in an effort to control the escalating costs of a myriad of opportunity exists for you to become involved
applying to college, some institutions began to accept on campus and in the greater community. Rather than
unofficial scores by allowing students to email “screen being active in five or so different social service groups,
shots” of their SAT or ACT score reports. Check with your try identifying which issues are of most concern to you
college counselor for more information on this option. At and play an active role in those.
certain times in the admission process, universities may
contact Exeter’s College Counseling Office to request Work/Internship Experience: Paid employment
your scores. Only with your prior written approval will or non-paid internships during summer and school
the College Counseling Office release the scores to an vacations are viewed as extracurricular activities by
admission office. Students who attended another high colleges. Do not worry if your only job experience has
school before Exeter should check how testing is or been limited to typical teen jobs such as babysitting
isn’t reported on their previous transcript. While the or working in retail; admissions officers will recognize
College Counseling Office submits all transcripts to you as someone who understands the value of a day’s
admission offices, the CCO is not responsible for testing work. Be sure to use the space available to you on the
information provided by previous high schools. application to explain why you work and what you learn
from it.
Hobbies/Outside Interests: Admission officers are
Just as college admission officers try to assess your interested to see how you spend your free time. Off-
academic record by looking at your course of study campus activities can be particularly helpful if a hobby
and grades, they will also try to gauge your level of complements your intended field of study — hiking
achievement outside of the classroom by looking at how and camping for an environmental studies major, for
you spend your time outside of class. While there may example.
be significant personal merit and enjoyment by being Academic Honors or Awards: Be sure to list all the
involved in a variety of activities, admission officers value academic achievements that you have earned since ninth
quality over quantity when evaluating an applicant’s grade. Ask your counselor for help in choosing how to
potential contributions to their community. present and classify these achievements.
Commitment to Your Activities: Most colleges will APPLICATION SUPPLEMENTS
ask students to detail their commitment to an activity Many Common Application colleges and universities
by defining the number of hours per week they spend will also have an application supplement, often including
involved with that club or organization, positions held, short answer questions, lists of books read, short essays,
and whether or not you plan to continue with the activity and longer essays. Students should approach these
in college. Be thoughtful, but do not obsess when adding supplements with the same seriousness and commitment
up the number of hours of your involvement: you don’t they have demonstrated with the main application.
want your extracurricular schedule to appear unrealistic
to admission committees and it is permissible to estimate Supplemental Essays: While the Common Application
an average time commitment. essay allows you to write a single essay for all of its
member colleges, supplemental essays should be unique
Leadership: As you consider your senior activities, for each application. Many institutions ask the student to
think about areas where you can demonstrate leadership, elaborate on why they are applying to that college, or why
perhaps in your dorm, in clubs/organizations, or on they believe they are a good match for that university.
athletic teams. If an organization does not exist at Exeter, Be as specific as you possibly can, referring back to your
think about starting one; many established groups started research about that college. Review the university’s
this way. Be aware, however, that the Student Activities mission statement for a sense of the institution’s core
Office does not allow seniors to found clubs. And again, values, and write your response with them in mind.
authenticity and intention are important when listing
and describing your extracurricular involvement. When applicants fail to invest quality time into polishing
their supplemental essays, instead, attempting to use

generic responses for multiple schools, their candidacy Action plan). Exeter does not release “mid-term” grades
can be negatively impacted. Be sure to allow yourself to colleges since they are unofficial and for internal
sufficient time to refine your supplemental essay, so that assessment only. The final transcript is sent in June, after
you will express your genuine enthusiasm about the graduation, to the college where a student has indicated
particular college and thus advantage your candidacy. they will matriculate.

Some colleges’ supplemental essays may be optional. Letters of Recommendation: Generally, colleges
We strongly suggest that you complete these: not only expect two teacher recommendations. You should ask
will you provide the college with more information about teachers from your upper year; occasionally, for very
yourself as an applicant, but you will also demonstrate specific reasons, a student may choose an instructor
your interest in the institution by tackling this optional from the fall term of their senior year. Colleges typically
work. To not do so is to offer the admissions reader a prefer letters from a humanities teacher and a math or
reason to deny your application. science teacher, but be sure to read each application
closely. Ask your teachers early — the end of the upper
For more tips about writing supplemental essays, refer to year, or early in the senior fall. One-year seniors and
the section about college essays later in this chapter. post-graduates will receive specific instructions about
Influences on Your Decision to Apply: Students teacher recommendations in their first group CCO
should answer honestly from the sampling of choices meeting and again during their individual appointments
usually provided. Yet while most universities ask this with their counselors.
question in order to understand which of their marketing Many universities, including colleges that accept the
efforts are particularly effective in getting students to Common Application, allow teachers to submit their
apply, many institutions may review your choices as recommendation letters electronically via Naviance;
an indication about your level of interest, given how students invite their teacher recommenders via the
thoroughly you have used these institutional resources to “Teacher Recommenders” link under the “Colleges I’m
research the college. Applying To” information on your Naviance account.
Some universities (Georgetown and MIT for example)
Secondary School Report (SSR): Most colleges and may ask you to add the teacher’s name and email address
universities require the CCO to submit information about directly into your application and will then send a
the Academy and you — your academic performance, recommendation link to the teacher. If, for some reason,
your personal qualities and your extracurricular the university does not accept teacher recommendations
accomplishments — as part of your application. We electronically, you should complete the recommendation
provide this information with a form, called the form with your name, address, and birth date and
Secondary School Report, to which we attach your provide your teachers with pre-addressed, pre-stamped
high school transcript(s), documentation of leaves or envelopes.
probations, the Phillips Exeter Academy School Profile, The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
and the cumulative school report written for you by your 1974: Also known as “FERPA,” the act entitles you to
counselor. The SSR, will be sent to every college on your review supporting documents in your permanent record
Naviance active college list that requires it. Remember, once you have matriculated at a college. When you match
some colleges and universities are “self-reporting” (like your Naviance and Common Application accounts, you
the University of California) and will not accept any will be asked to either waive or not waive your right to
supporting school documents. review your permanent record. Almost all students opt
Mid-year School Report Forms: Many colleges and to waive the right to see the recommendation because it
universities ask for mid-year grades, and applications implies that the recommendation was written candidly.
include a mid-year report form. Because Exeter is on a Teachers have the right to refuse your request for a
trimester system, you do not have mid-year grades. The recommendation if you do not waive your right of access.
CCO sends fall term grades in December and then winter Additional Recommendations: If you have one
term grades early in March, to all schools on a student’s additional person who would like to write on your
Naviance active college list (including colleges at which
a student is accepted under an Early Decision or Early

50 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
“Never underestimate the power
of your own written words.”

behalf, it may be worth considering. However, too To gain a sense about your fit with the institution.
many additional reference letters can detract from your
application. Again, speak with your college counselor Every essay should reflect these attributes. This is your
about the value of your additional letter and how best to chance to reveal your best qualities and to distinguish
have it submitted. yourself from other applicants to the college admissions
committee, by making one of your experiences come
Additional Credentials: Students with talents in alive. Never underestimate the power of your own
the performing arts should discuss with their college written words.
counselor the process for sending art, music, theater or
dance material. See the chapter “Special Applicants” for The end of the upper year or the beginning of summer
more information. vacation following upper year is a good time to begin
working on college essays. To help you get started, the
WRITING YOUR COLLEGE ESSAY CCO, in conjunction with the English Department, offers
The most difficult, time-consuming, and sometimes a spring term college essay workshop. In addition, in
intimidating portion of the application is the essay — or August and during the senior fall term, college counselors
essays, since many college supplements will require are available to review your essays and provide feedback,
more than one. As an Exeter student, you have been and the Academy’s Writing Center can provide similar
writing personal narratives and personal essays for help. While college essay topics may change from one
several terms, and have gained great experience year to the next, many essay questions, such as those on
refining your skill at balancing ‘showing,’ ‘telling,’ and the Common Application, remain the same or are posted
reflection. Our experience in the College Counseling online well in advance of any deadlines. Review the essay
Office has shown that Academy students are well prompts before beginning to write; you want to make sure
equipped to tackle this college ‘assignment,’ and, after your response addresses the question or questions being
investing time and effort on their college essays, they asked.
can produce memorable essays.
Brainstorming about your personality traits and defining
The difference between an English Department personal your strengths is a good place to start, because you can
essay and a college essay is your audience and your begin to understand the themes of your candidacy.
purpose for writing. Approach your college essays as your Make a list of traits and experiences that set you apart
opportunity to speak for yourself and for your candidacy from others. Develop a chronological list of important
in an honest and straightforward manner. Consider things you have done in and out of school, and other
it an invitation to talk face to face with an admission meaningful experiences in your life. Look for experiences
committee, like an interview on paper. Colleges ask essay and activities that illustrate your personality and your
questions for these primary reasons: strengths. Finally, identify one or two experiences or
anecdotes that have meant the most to you, so that you
To learn more about you. Who is the real person can develop those experiences and reflect on the lessons
behind these credentials? you learned from them with specific detail. Consider
To discover if you are a skilled and articulate writer.
keeping notes; record your thoughts no matter where or
when you are inspired.
To confirm that the person represented on a
transcript and extracurricular resume, and
described in recommendation letters, matches the
person represented in an essay.

Starting the essay can be the hardest part. After you’ve fresh objective eyes. Rewrite. Ask a friend you trust, your
reviewed your notes, choose an essay topic that is close to teacher, or your advisor to read it and make suggestions.
your heart. Brainstorm how you can approach your topic Ask if your personality shows through in the essay. Take
creatively or from a particular perspective. Consider criticism gracefully. Re-read your draft, being aware of
creating an outline to organize your ideas and to help grammar, spelling, and correct organization around the
you decide where you can include ‘showing’ description theme. Finally, ask someone to proofread for you; they
that helps your reader connect with your anecdote. Don’t are likely to catch errors you may overlook.
worry about making your rough draft perfect; if you start
early, there will be plenty of time to polish your prose in Finally, college admission officers can tell which essays
subsequent drafts. have been over-edited by parents or writing coaches.
Please do not download any part of your essay from the
Now is the time to demonstrate all of the writing skills internet or copy another individual’s work; not only will
you’ve learned in your English classes at the Academy. colleges have no problem denying you admission (and
Lead into the essay clearly and quickly. Use transitions many admissions officers admit to using plagiarizing
between paragraphs to retain continuity. Remember detection software when reviewing applications), but you
Hemingway’s sentiment, “Show, don’t tell!” But may also face disciplinary action at the Academy.
also remember that you will want to reflect on your
experience, and therefore may need some ‘telling’ to
balance your ‘showing.’

Avoid slang, long words found in a thesaurus, and

controversial topics.

Remember that you do not know the political or religious

views of the admissions officer who will read your essay.
Be judicious in your use of humor (unless you are truly
funny and have a truly funny story to tell). Since your
essay has a word limit — the Common Application essay,
for example, expects essays between 250 and 650 words
— refine your focus and your language continuously.
Remember to be concise; most admissions readers allow
approximately 2-3 minutes per essay.

How long should your essay be? “As short as you

have time to make it,” writes one admissions

As you write, always remember that your reader for this

essay is an admissions officer, and not a teacher, yet be
honest and authentic. Find your own voice; don’t twist
yourself into someone else.

Tell the admissions committee what you want

them to know, not what you think they want to

Like any piece of writing, your first draft will be very

rough. Leave it for a few days, then read it again with

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54 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
The Academy’s E Book contains relevant information about the
College Counseling Office and its policies and procedures; The E
Book is available online at: (

COLLEGE VISIT DAYS description of what was learned from the experience
In general, Exonians are encouraged to visit colleges are required. The statement should be approved by
during vacation times. However, by faculty decision, the college counselor before submission. If you have
seniors are allowed to miss two class days for the purpose questions about reporting such matters to colleges with
of visiting colleges. You must obtain and complete a your initial application, you should seek clarification and
College Day Visit form from the College Counseling guidance from your college counselor.
Office in order to take a college day. The completed form
goes to the Dean of Students Office along with an out- If you are placed on probation during or shortly after filing
of-town form. If you are staying overnight on a college your applications, and the colleges to which you have
campus, a written invitation from the host at the college applied ask a direct question about probation, you should
and parental permission is also required by the Dean of submit a supplemental letter explaining the incident in
Students Office before the trip will be approved. question (after it is reviewed by your college counselor)
to the particular colleges. Colleges have numerous ways
Only one college day can be taken in any one term; of uncovering such information, and a straightforward,
students who wish to take both their college days in the honest approach concerning the disciplinary process at
same term must petition the Dean of Students Office. We the Academy has proven to be the most effective method
advise students to reserve at least one college day for a of dealing with such issues and the college application
visit after the admissions decisions are released so that process. Once again, you should always check with your
you can visit or revisit a college as you make your final counselor if there are lingering concerns or questions
decision. For long distance travel requiring more than regarding such a specific situation.
one day away from campus consult with your college
counselor for help in devising an effective travel strategy In those cases where the question is asked directly
and do not book ANY plane tickets before securing of the student and/or the college counselor on the
approval for your trip. All college visit days must be taken application forms, the CCO will forward to the college
before May 1. a brief statement describing the Academy’s philosophy
about discipline, a brief description of the disciplinary
As stated, this college visit day policy is determined by process, and a simple statement of the charge brought
faculty vote and may be changed upon re-evaluation by against the student. If you are placed on probation after
the entire faculty. If changes to the existing policy are filing an application, you will be instructed by the CCO
made by faculty, students will be informed in a timely (in writing or through a personal meeting with your
fashion. college counselor) to notify the college in writing about
the disciplinary action. Ten calendar days after the
DISCIPLINARY ISSUES disciplinary hearing, the CCO will send their statement
Increasingly, colleges are asking students and college concerning the probation directly to the college
counselors to disclose any disciplinary infractions by admissions officer responsible for Exeter applicants.
the applicant. In those cases where the question is asked All colleges (that ask a discipline based question) on a
directly of the student and/or the college counselor on student’s college list, regardless of admission decisions,
the application forms, the question needs to be answered will be notified. Please note that the discipline statement
truthfully. A student who is placed on disciplinary continues to accompany all transcripts sent to colleges
probation during his/her tenure at the Academy, but and universities (that ask the discipline question) for
before filing any applications, should address the seven years after graduation. In situations where a
situation within the body of the application. A brief student is Required to Withdraw from the Academy,
and honest explanation of the situation and a longer the College Counceling Office will notify the colleges

to which the student has applied through a written submit to each college in question a written statement
statement describing the charge and change in status. indicating the change in status for that student. If a
The written statement will be sent to each college along student has already been admitted to a college, the CCO
with a final transcript (indicating the requirement to is still required by the colleges to inform them of a change
withdraw and the respective date of that withdrawal); in status, and a written statement will be submitted to all
this notification is issued within 10 calendar days of schools on the student’s college list.
the decision. Students are encouraged to contact the
colleges involved immediately and discuss the specifics In situations where a student is required to take a Dean’s
of their situation. If such disciplinary action is taken after Leave from the Academy, the CCO will forward to all
the student has been admitted to college, the College the colleges to which the student has applied a brief
Counseling Office is still obligated to notify any and all statement describing the Dean’s Leave. The student
colleges (on a student’s college list) of the change of will be instructed by the College Counseling Office,
status. Again, the College Counseling Office will notify in writing or through a personal meeting with his/her
all of a student’s colleges in the fashion described above, counselor, to notify colleges in writing about the Dean’s
regardless of whether or not the college/university Leave. After ten calendar days, to allow the student to
requires a diploma or final graduation transcript. inform the colleges to which s/he has applied, the CCO
will send a statement concerning the Dean’s Leave
MEDICAL, PERSONAL & DEAN’S LEAVES directly to each college.
By Academy policy, when a student takes a medical,
personal, or Dean’s leave from Exeter, the student’s LEAVING EXETER EARLY
transcript reflects the change in status. In most cases, On rare occasions, a student who has generally
college admission officers will ask questions about such exhausted the Academy’s curriculum, has demonstrated
leaves of absence. It is the practice of the CCO to indicate a significant level of academic achievement, and has a
that the leave has occurred, and to encourage the student high degree of emotional maturity may consider applying
to discuss the leave and the reasons behind it with each to college in the eleventh grade year. Such a process is
college directly. With written permission from the family, unusual and should be approached cautiously, after
the counselor can discuss and/or explain, in writing or by consulting with the student’s adviser, college counselor,
telephone, the situation in greater detail. subject teachers, and academic deans.  Students
must declare their intention for an early admissions
In cases where the student has taken a medical leave application to the CCO by November 1 of the eleventh
of absence and has returned to school prior to the filing grade year. The Academy and the CCO will assume
of his/her application, the fact that the student has that a student who has applied and has been admitted
successfully continued his/her academic career after the to college in the eleventh grade year (prior to receiving
medical leave often reassures college admission offices of an Exeter diploma) will not return to the Academy, nor
the student’s readiness to handle the rigors of college life. continue in the college admissions process.
In cases where the leave is prolonged or occurs close to,
or after the filing of the college applications, colleges may TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS
be more concerned about the leave and its ramifications, Requests from current students are made by completing
and may ask for more detail. Students should consult the online transcript request form available on
with their college counselor before providing additional ExeterConnect. Graduates access the transcript request
information. The CCO encourages students to be form through the alumni portal. Please note that the
direct and honest with admission officers in these CCO will only mail ‘official’ transcripts directly to a
situations so the college representative can make an third party (such as a college admission office, employer,
informed assessment of the student’s ability to perform scholarship organization, etc.). Since there may be as
academically. If medical or personal leave occurs during much as a 10-day processing period, particularly during
the senior year, CCO is required by the colleges to notify busy periods when the office is helping current seniors or
them immediately of the absence, regardless if the leave processing their applications, we encourage you to plan
is granted from the Academy or from an off-campus accordingly.
program. Students should contact the college admissions
office immediately to discuss the specifics of the
particular situation. After giving the student ten calendar
days to contact their colleges directly, the CCO will

56 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
Standardized test scores, such as the SAT, ACT, AP, STUDENT RIGHTS & PRIVILEGES
and TOEFL, do not appear on Exeter transcripts. If The CCO recognizes and abides by all counseling
you need copies of your standardized test scores, you principles set forth by NACAC. We expect students and
are responsible for ordering them directly from the parents to abide by these principles, as described through
appropriate testing agency. the counseling process, as well. If you have questions
about your rights and obligations in the application
ACCESS TO STUDENT RECORDS process, you should immediately seek clarification
A student wishing to review his or her Academy records or explanation from a college counselor. In the fall of
must submit a written request to either the Dean of the senior year, students will be given a copy of the
Students or the Dean of College Counseling. Parents of Academy’s “Honesty and Integrity Statement” and asked
students under the age of 18 must sign the request. The to acknowledge having read it by signing and returning
Academy will respond within a reasonable amount of one copy of the form. The Honesty and Integrity
time. Statement addresses and clarifies many of the questions
Copies of transcripts will be provided to students and that come up during the college application process
families upon request. Uppers, seniors and alumni including athletic recruitment, submission of essays, and
may request in writing a transcript from the College requests for fee waivers.
Counseling Office. All other students may request in Students admitted to a college under a binding
writing a transcript from the Dean of Students Office. Early Decision program are expected to abide by the
These transcripts will clearly indicate either unofficial agreement that they, their parents, and their college
or official status, depending on the nature of the request counselor sign as part of the process. While financial
and the specific situation at hand. All other records issues sometimes complicate such agreements, students
are contained in a student’s permanent file. Please and their families must recognize that Early Decision
note: The composite report, or college counseling commitments are binding and that the Academy
recommendation, is not part of the permanent record. will respect the terms set out in the agreement. Once
Students or parents/guardians do not have access to admitted to an Early Decision institution, a student is
the report, as it is a confidential document for colleges. required to submit their deposit and confirm their intent
Academy graduates may request (in writing) to review to enroll the following year. Once an Academy senior
their records. Requests for a copy of a transcript must be admitted to an Early Decision college or university
made in writing to the College Counseling Office. Non- completes this process, the student must withdraw all of
diploma students must request (in writing) transcripts his/her other college applications. Additionally, the CCO
from the Dean of Students Office. will notify all the colleges on the student’s list that the
COLLEGE ENROLLMENT DEPOSITS student will be attending an Early Decision institution
A student may accept only one offer of admission, and will be withdrawing their application. The Academy
regardless of the number of acceptances received. In will only release a transcript to the Early Decision college,
most circumstances, the acceptance of such an offer is and students who do not uphold their Early Decision
indicated by the submission of an enrollment deposit and agreement may be subject to discipline.
occurs on or before May 1 of the senior year. Submitting
two or more deposits, or “double-depositing,” is
against the rules set by the National Association for
College Admission Counseling (NACAC) and will
not be condoned by the CCO. Students choosing to
double-deposit jeopardize their place in the first-year
class at both institutions. In exceptional situations,
students may request an enrollment extension from
an individual college to resolve financial issues, but
extensions beyond the May 1 common reply date are rare.
Once a student makes the decision where to enroll, the
College Counseling Office will send the final transcript
to that college after PEA’s graduation. This confirms the
student’s graduation from the Academy and their intent
to enroll at that college.



58 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
”Have the courage
to follow your heart
and intuition. They
somehow already
know what you truly
want to become.
Stay hungry. Stay
—Steve Jobs
Stanford Commencement Speech

By now you have submitted your applications, have ordered test
scores be sent to colleges, and finished any remaining tasks
associated with the college application and financial aid process.
Although it may seem like a relatively quiet time in the college
process, the college counselors — through telephone calls and
emails — are advocating for you with college admissions officers. For
this reason, we encourage you to remain in close contact with your
college counselor so that the counselor is aware of course progress
and winter term activities and achievements.

STUDENT CREDENTIALS or Skype or phone interview with an admissions officer or

By late December and early January, all transcripts and an alumni interviewer. Students studying abroad in the fall
counselor letters of recommendation have been submitted term (and applying Early Action or Early Decision) should
to your list of colleges. Occasionally, students will receive talk with their college counselor about interviews before
notification that their application is incomplete because going away. Students spending the winter term away may
of missing documents or test scores. Don’t panic! It takes be asked to sit for interviews in the fall before they leave for
time for application status portals to reflect documents home at Thanksgiving or they may be asked to schedule a
that have been received. If you receive notice that some phone or Skype call from abroad.
part of your application is missing, notify your college
counselor so that they can follow up with the college and FINANCIAL AID & SCHOLARSHIPS
forward any documents that are truly missing. After you With the new prior-prior financial aid process, the financial
have submitted your applications, some colleges may aid application has been accelerated. Check each of
send email information and/or ask that you create your your colleges’ websites for deadlines. The CCO offers
college-specific portal. Be sure to take as much care with financial aid workshops several times over the course of
these requests as you did with your original applications. the school year and your college counselor can also offer
More and more institutions gauge student interest in their your family advice and guidance. Colleges that offer merit
college by monitoring the amount of time you spend on or athletic scholarships will have that information on their
their websites or reading emails, so your prompt action will websites. Pay attention to any special, early deadlines for
help the admission office to determine the level of your these opportunities. Winter term is an appropriate time
interest in their school. to research scholarship opportunities, whether online
( or,
At the conclusion of winter term, the CCO sends winter on the Naviance scholarship database, in the CCO, or
term grades to all colleges to which a senior has applied. through the guidance office at the high school in your
Early Decision and Early Action candidates should note hometown. Your college counselor will work with you to
that the College Counseling Office sends winter term identify scholarship opportunities.
grades to the school where they have been accepted.
Although students receive midterm grades, they are COLLEGE DECISIONS
unofficial and are not released to admission officers. It’s here — that long-anticipated “senior spring.” The
many hours you have spent thoughtfully researching your
A select group of colleges and universities offer interviews college choices, writing essays, taking standardized tests,
at the Academy during the winter term. If a college is on completing applications, and visiting college campuses
a student’s Naviance college list and is coming to Exeter, should now translate into offers of admission and strong
the student will receive instructions for registering for financial aid packages. For many of you, your college
an interview. Not all colleges, however, offer interviews decision will be easy, if you have been offered admission
on Exeter’s campus; it is each students’ responsibility to your first-choice. For others, there are decisions to be
to contact the individual college on their list to see if made. You may want to revisit some colleges to narrow
interviews are offered and if they can schedule an in-person your choices, attend open houses or receptions for

60 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19











admitted students, or speak with Exeter alumni who are the review process. Remember that admission rates for
currently attending the colleges you are considering. out-of-state applicants may be significantly lower than for
Use your college counselor as a resource to help you sort in-state residents.
through your options, understand your financial aid
award, and make your final decision. At the most selective private institutions, both a
student’s academic and personal profile are evaluated. In
As the College Counseling Office celebrates your addition, selective admission committees consider the
admission offers with you, we recognize that many of you context of the high school — for example, the number of
will also receive disappointing news from your colleges. Exeter applicants in any given year; the strength of the
A denial or a wait list does not mean that you were university’s overall applicant pool in comparison to the
unqualified or did something “wrong.” With applications Academy’s applicant group; the history of their Exeter
from highly qualified students reaching record highs at admissions decisions; the matriculation rate for Exonians
institutions nationwide, a denial may simply mean that in recent years; and the current academic performance
there were other candidates who better met the college’s of Exeter alumni attending the institution. If you
unique needs and criteria. If you are disappointed use have attended more than one secondary school, each
the support of the CCO, your family, friends and faculty educational experience will be evaluated in the context of
as you sort through your decisions and keep in mind the that school.
many stellar academic opportunities available to you.
A review of your academic credentials generally includes:
Please remember that your final decision on which
college you will attend is required by the official Your transcript, noting both the balance and the
candidate reply date, May 1. Take this deadline very rigor of courses (intensive/college-level, 400, 500,
seriously. As you eliminate colleges from consideration, and 600-level electives), as well as your grades; have
be sure to graciously and promptly decline those offers of you taken advantage of the most rigorous courses
admission. In doing so you may help an Exeter classmate available to you?
waitlisted at that institution. Remember that accepting
more than one offer of admission to the first-year class— School profile: the context of your learning
an unethical practice known as “double-depositing” — is environment; the number of intensive, accelerated,
prohibited by the National Association for College and college-level courses offered; faculty/student
Admission Counseling (NACAC), of which Exeter is a ratio; percent of graduates attending four-year
charter member. colleges; unusual programs, history of the high
school with the college or university, grading system
There are many factors that influence an admissions
decision. The type of institution (public vs. private), Standardized test scores (SAT, SAT Subject Tests,
the size of the university or college (large, medium or ACT, AP, TOEFL);
small), the level of admission selectivity based upon the Teacher and counselor recommendations. Both
percentage of students who are admitted, the admission should provide specific information about your
philosophy of the institution, and the “context of the strengths and accomplishments, while briefly
applicant pool” in any given year, and an applicant’s addressing any challenges with the material that
“demonstrated interest” in the college or university — all have led to an aberrant performance;
these factors contribute to how an admissions officer will
read and rate an application, present the applicant to an Achievements, awards, and scholarships earned;
admission committee, and make an admission decision.
Academic programs beyond the traditional school-
Most often at public institutions, objective data year curriculum, including study abroad programs
— a student’s class rank, grade point average, and and summer study;
standardized test scores — will direct the decision.
However, this is not true for every public university; Your intended academic interest or major.
you must research each institution, to determine how it
evaluates in-state and out-of-state applicants and what
factors its state legislature allows to be considered in

62 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
A review of your personal characteristics can include: Special talents (art, music, writing, athletics, etc.);

Extracurricular activities, including your time Language proficiency;

commitment and roles within various activities,
both in and outside of school. Remember that Area of academic interest, particularly if you are
colleges are not necessarily looking for the “well- applying for an undersubscribed or oversubscribed
rounded student” — they are looking for a well- major (and these may vary from one college to
rounded first-year class; another);

Essays and written answers to questions on an

Legacy status as the child of an alumna/us;
application supplement. Admission committees Status as a child of a faculty or staff member;
pay attention both to what you say and how you say
it. Have you demonstrated a familiarity and sincere Other supplementary materials, such as a paper,
interest in this particular college? poetry portfolio, or art portfolio. Confirm with the
institution if they will review it and how and when
Character traits that help build a vibrant college they require it to be submitted;
community, such as leadership, discipline,
resilience, determination, humility, empathy, and If applicable, your family’s philanthropic history;
selflessness. Admission officers seeks to understand
who you are at your current high school, based upon Financial need, particularly if the college is “need
your essays and recommendations, and who you aware” or “need sensitive” in their application
might be at their institution; review; keep in mind that some colleges and
universities are actively seeking to increase the
Interview reports which can give life to your number of Pell Grant eligible students on their
application, or clarify a special talent or a lapse in campus so financial need is not necessarily a
your academic record. negative in the admissions process

Recommendations from your college counselor and Unusual or difficult circumstances and how you
high school teacher; have handled them;

Summer experiences, and how have they influenced Disciplinary issues such as probation.
your life/perspective; part-time jobs, internships,
volunteer work, club sports, etc. Separation from school, such as personal, medical,
or Deans leaves.
Cultural experiences (travel, living abroad, etc.).
The characteristics, credentials, and life experiences Enrollment Management: Most selective colleges and
below may also be factored into the admission universities use the waitlist as an “insurance policy” for
equation: meeting the enrollment target for their first-year class.
Some years a college’s projections for its target may be
Gender; dead-on; other times, significantly over or under the
goal. At any point before or after May 1, once the college
Family background, race, or ethnic heritage; has recognized that they are not meeting their target
Permanent residence (particularly with a college’s
enrollment, admissions officers begin to review their
desire for geographical diversity); institutional waitlist to identify specific students to round
out their class.
Supplemental recommendations from an employer,
peer, or fine or performing arts instructor. Be No two colleges look at waitlists in the same way. Some
wary of submitting too many recommendations. schools use them as an effective enrollment tool, whereas
Before requesting them, confirm with your college others hope never to go to the waitlist. Others use the list
counselor whether the colleges to which you plan as a supposedly gentler way of saying “no,” without any
to apply will accept and review an additional intention of ever admitting a specific student. The number
recommendation and how they should receive it; of students taken from a waitlist can be a just a few or in
the hundreds. Sometimes colleges have “special interest”
waitlists for athletes or legacy cases; others group everyone

together. Some institutions rank waitlists; others do other choice, you cannot postpone making
not. Recognize that there are numerous variables to your enrollment commitment. It is an accepted
how a college uses a waitlist. Waitlist opportunities can practice to commit (with an enrollment deposit)
fluctuate from year to year — no two years are exactly to one college while remaining on the waitlist at
alike at a given institution. Carefully review your waitlist another.
notification email or letter for clues about past waitlist
activity. A telephone call to admission offices or a review Keep up your performance in the classroom and
of a college’s admission website can also provide valuable remain active in your extracurricular activities.
information as can a conversation with your college Discuss with your counselor the efficacy of
counselor writing a direct, succinct letter to the appropriate
There are downsides to being placed on a wait list. admissions officer at your waitlist school(s).
Accepting the offer prolongs your admissions process at Restate your reasons for wanting to attend
a time when most of your peers may be wrapping up their the college, update them about any recent
own. There is also absolutely no guarantee of any positive accomplishments or pertinent new information,
outcome to remaining on a waitlist. Despite statistics that and emphasize that you will attend if offered
show only a handful of waitlist students may eventually admission from the waitlist (but only make this
be offered admission, many students cling to a false promise to one college — your counselor can
sense of hope, only to be disappointed later in the spring. advise you how to frame your wording for a
Whatever happens, a waitlist can be an emotional roller second or third choice wait list offer). Show this
coaster ride (and expensive if you have to submit a non- letter to your college counselor before emailing it.
refundable deposit elsewhere as you wait). Resist the urge to telephone admissions offices to
There are concrete things you can do to advance your lobby on your own behalf. This sort of phone call
candidacy if you have been placed on a waitlist: is not usually well received.

If you want to pursue a college’s waitlist you should Discuss with your college counselor and your
immediately contact your college counselor and family the opportunities available for need-
work out a plan. Students who are not interested in based financial aid for waitlisted students. Many
a wait list offer should notify both the college and colleges completely deplete their grant money
their counselor promptly. This may help your peers. on or before May 1. Some schools do not have the
resources to offer any aid to waitlist students.
You should only remain active on a waitlist if you
are sincerely interested in attending that college. Above all else, try to maintain perspective. By
If you have other college choices about which you concentrating your focus and energy on the college
are excited, then it is not advisable to remain on a options that you do have and making a deposit before
list. May 1 to one of them, you can assure yourself of a good
college option.
Pay close attention to the information a college
provides about their waitlist. The information The College Counseling Office will stay in contact
may also give an indication of whether the college with your wait list colleges to support your efforts.
encourages additional supporting evidence Remain patient and continue communicating openly
or recommendations. Some schools welcome with your family and your college counselor. Use the
diplomatic, yet restrained “lobbying” from support network you have to assist you through this
candidates, while others actively discourage any challenging time.
Accept one college’s offer of admission and You’ve made it! The 1st of May has come and gone;
submit your enrollment contract and/or deposit you have submitted the enrollment deposit at one
before May 1 so that your place in the first-year college and are already beginning to anticipate your
class is confirmed. Although you will lose your next educational community. You are now ready
deposit if you are accepted off the waitlist at your to relax, believing that the pressure of performing
academically in order to get into college is off. It is

64 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
time to take it easy because, after all, grades don’t count (parent and student loans) must be paid back. Loans may
anymore. Right? include the Perkins Loans, Stafford Loans, and offers of
privately-sponsored loans, such as PLUS loans.
Wrong. Senior year isn’t over until that Sunday in June
when the last senior’s name is announced at graduation. When reviewing the aid package, students may also
Until that moment, and even beyond, colleges retain the consider college-sponsored payment programs, such as
right to rescind offers of admission for students who have monthly payment plans and deferred payment programs,
failed to maintain consistent academic performance. that can help spread out a family’s costs. Some colleges
Reread your offer of admission. Colleges require students and universities may offer their own college-sponsored
to maintain their academic performance throughout loans, which may have attractive payment plans and
senior year. Your failure to do so is a breach of your end of competitively low interest rates. Check with the college aid
the bargain, thus permitting colleges to reconsider their office to see how to apply for these programs.
part of the contract — your offer of admission.
Some colleges’ financial aid awards do not fully meet
Although it is an unusual and drastic reaction to poor a family’s demonstrated financial need, as calculated
spring term grades, colleges do rescind offers of by the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from the
admission. Remember that you are not a member of FAFSA, with sufficient grant dollars, leaving a significant
the first-year class until you arrive on campus and take difference between the cost of attendance and the total
up residency. Any action you take — not only academic award. This policy is known as ‘gapping.’ If you have
inconsistency, but also disciplinary matters both on- and received a ‘gapped’ aid package, we suggest you speak
off-campus — can impact your offer of admission. Do not directly with the respective financial aid office. Some
do anything that can jeopardize all of your hard work. students may choose to borrow funds from an outside
source to meet the ‘gap.’ Please recognize that some of
UNDERSTANDING YOUR OFFER OF FINANCIAL AID these loans have origination fees, in addition to interest
For students who have applied for need-based financial payments and requirements that students begin to repay
aid, most colleges will send the aid package with their offer during their undergraduate years.
of admission or shortly thereafter. Assuming the family
has submitted required documents, such as the FAFSA If you have any questions about understanding your
(Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and the CSS financial aid award, or need help in determining how to
Profile, on time, they should receive a financial aid offer proceed with questions and negotiations with college
well before the May 1st Candidate’s Reply date. financial aid officers, please feel free to contact your
college counselor.
After receiving the financial aid package, students and
families should carefully read all of the information If you have not heard about your financial aid package by
included in their offer. Families who have questions about the first week in April, we strongly recommend that you
award packages should contact the college’s financial contact the college financial aid office immediately, to
aid office as soon as possible. Financial aid officers are confirm that your aid application is complete.
available to help families make sense of their packages and
financing options. Remember that need-based financial Because every family is unique, each financial aid case
aid packages may consist of two types of assistance: grant will be different. Do not hesitate to speak directly with a
and ‘self-help’ money. Grants may come from the college college’s financial aid office, should you have questions
or from federal/state governments, and do not require and remember that an aid package from Exeter may
repayment. The most common forms of grants Exonians be proportionally far more generous than a majority of
receive in their financial aid award include SEOG, Pell college financial aid offers.
Grants, and college-sponsored grants. Financial aid is
based on the principle that the primary burden of paying
for college falls on the family. Colleges expect students and
families to contribute to the cost of the student’s education
through such ‘self-help’ means as college work-study and/
or parent and student loans. With the exception of work-
study which provides the opportunity for a student to earn
a wage while enrolled in college, most ‘self-help’ money



66 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
“Treat people as
if they were what
they might be . . .
and you will help
them become
capable of being.”

If you presently compete in varsity athletics, and/or with a With a handful of notable exceptions, such as men’s crew,
competitive club, AAU team, Junior National and/or Junior the NCAA oversees the recruiting policies and practices
Olympic team, you may want to consider the possibility for almost all intercollegiate sports. These guidelines
of playing at the college level. Athletics can enrich your are updated annually and are available online via the
undergraduate experience and may advantage you in the NCAA Eligibility Center. It is important for prospective
college admissions process. student-athletes to become familiar with recruiting
terms and the specific recruiting calendar for his/her
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) sport. Prospective athletes are strongly advised to read
oversees athletics at many colleges and universities; the “NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student
membership is divided into three divisions. One of the Athlete” before starting the recruitment process.
major distinctions among the divisions is that Division I
and Division II universities and colleges may offer athletic Here is some common terminology used in the
scholarships; Division III colleges do not. For more recruitment process:
information about the NCAA’s Divisions, read the “NCAA
Guide for the College-Bound Student Athlete.” Prospective Student-Athlete: According to the NCAA,
you become a “prospective student-athlete” when you
If you would like to participate in a varsity sport in college, start ninth-grade classes. You become a “recruited
start by discussing your interest and ability with your prospective student-athlete” at a particular college if any
present coach. Ask your coach for a candid evaluation coach or representative of the college’s athletic interests
of your ability: do they think you can you play at the (booster or representative) approaches you (or any
Division I, II, or III level, or are you more of a recreational member of your family) about enrolling and participating
student-athlete? If your present coach can’t give you an in athletics at that college. Most of the Academy’s
accurate assessment, a coach at a summer sports camp “recruited prospective student-athletes” are contacted in
can evaluate your skill level. Once it is determined, you can the summer prior to their senior year or during the fall of
work with your coach and college counselor to identify a their senior year.
list of colleges that meets both your academic and athletic
expectations. Contact: Any time a college coach has face-to-face
contact with you or your parents away from the college’s
As in the overall college search, it is important to create campus that is more than a simple greeting, it is known
criteria for selecting the appropriate athletic program. as “contact.” A contact also occurs if a coach meets with
you at your high school or at any location where you
What are you looking for in your college athletic are competing or practicing. As a prospective student-
team? athlete, you can contact coaches at any time; college
Do you want to be part of an already winning coaches, however, have restrictions on when they can
program or do you want to be a star in a building contact you, particularly prior to the tenth grade. For
program? detailed information about contact rules for each sport,
refer to the “NCAA Guide for College-Bound Student-
Is your talent or position needed in the college’s Athletes” or the NCAA Eligibility Center.
upcoming class or in two years?
Evaluation Period: During this time, a college coach
How many seniors graduate from the team each may watch you play but cannot have any in-person
year? conversations with you or your parents off the college’s
campus; but a coach may write and telephone you.
Given that many Division I coaches expect athletes
to approach their training in and out of season as a Official Visit: An official visit is any visit to a college
full-time “job,” how much of a time commitment do campus by you and your parents that is paid for by the
you want to give to your sport in college? college. For both Division I and Division II, a student can
have a maximum of five expense-paid “official visits.”
As you match your talent with the “right” program, your An official visit may not exceed 48 hours and has a limit
coach and college counselor can give you additional on dollars spent on the recruited student-athlete as well
questions to help you to be an informed prospective as dollars spent by the host. Before a college may invite

68 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
you on an official visit, you are required to provide the Spring of Upper Year
college with a copy of your high school transcript and, if Attend the CCO’s Athletic Recruiting Workshop. Speak
applicable, your standardized test scores; you will also to your respective Academy, club, and/or AAU coaches
need to have registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center. for their assessment of your level of skill and potential
Division III student-athletes can have one expense-paid as a recruited student-athlete. Ask them for their
(official) visit to a particular campus; however, there is recommendations of college programs that would best
no limit on the number of Division III campuses that you match your athletic talent. Share this information with
may visit. your college counselor. Ask your coaches if they will be
willing to complete college sport questionnaires on your
Unofficial Visit: Any visit by you and your parents to a behalf and/or write letter of recommendations with
college paid for by you or your parents.  follow-up phone calls to the college coaches.

THE RECRUITMENT CALENDAR As you use your coaches’ feedback to help develop
The Recruitment Calendar is geared mainly toward your prospective college list, student-athletes should
those students in the 11th and 12th grades being recruited also check college team websites for athletic recruiting
by NCAA Division I, II, and III programs. For most sports questionnaires, and complete and submit them for all
under NCAA guidelines, coaches are not allowed to of their prospective colleges, and before making any
initiate contact with athletes before September of the summer college visits. 
11th grade year. That said, we in the CCO are aware of
sports that follow unofficial recruiting windows starting Summer Between Upper Year and Senior Year
well before the 11th grade year. If you are a 9th or 10th In addition to completing athletic programs’ on-line
grade student entering into athletic recruitment, please recruiting questionnaires, you should send introductory
use the CCO as a resource, along with your PEA and club emails to the coaches at every college to which you
coaches. are interested in applying. Include in your email the
following information:
On April 14, 2017, the NCAA Division I Council passed
a lacrosse-specific proposal prohibiting recruiting Your interest in both the athletic program and the
contact with prospective athletes — including offers and college;
commitments — until September 1 of their 11th grade
year. This is a major first step by the NCAA to regulate An athletic resume and information about your
early recruiting, and there is hope that they will follow academic credentials (you can have the CCO send
suit for soccer and field hockey. actual transcripts and standardized test scores if a
coach requests them).
All students interested in playing sports at the Division
I, Division II, or Division III level should review the Information about summer camps and competitions
schedule below. In addition, prospective Division I outside of your Exeter experience, names of
and Division II athletes should review the recruiting coaches, and any statistics or pertinent information
calendars noted by sport found in the “NCAA Guide for clarifying your talent; and
the College-Bound Student Athlete.” Any questions regarding the program that you
Fall and Winter of Upper Year cannot answer by reading the team website (for
It is your responsibility to review your past, current, and example, the coach’s recruitment needs for specific
future academic courses with your academic advisor. positions, given the number of players who will
Are all of your courses certified by the NCAA and do graduate in the coming year).
you anticipate meeting the NCAA’s core requirements Fall of Senior Year
by graduation from Exeter? You can check by reviewing By September, you should have contacted your Exeter
eligibility requirements online. and club coaches for an updated assessment of skill.
Remain in contact with them regarding the completion
of college athletic questionnaires and telephone contact
with college coaches.

Assuming you have already contacted all of your requirements pertaining to athletic recruitment and
prospective college coaches in writing to provide them verbal commitment.
with both athletic and academic information, it is now
time to begin the follow-up telephone calls and/or email A highly recruited Division I student-athlete may be
contact to express continued interest in their programs. asked to sign a National Letter of Intent. Signing Day
dates vary by sport. By signing a National Letter of
Keep track of each college coach contact (i.e. name Intent, a student-athlete agrees to attend the university
of coach, Head vs. Assistant, date and substance for one academic year; in exchange, the institution must
of contact). Consider keeping a journal noting the provide athletic financial aid for one academic year.
frequency of contacts and distinguishing between There are restrictions on signing a National Letter of
handwritten notes or personalized emails and computer- Intent that may affect your eligibility. Read it carefully
generated, generic form letters. Remember that Division (and show the letter to your parents, coach and college
I and II coaches are guided by the NCAA recruitment counselor). Remember, DO NOT sign any institutional
guidelines in terms of contact with potential student or conference letter of intent before the National
athletes; Division III coaches are not constrained by any Letter of Intent signing date. The National Letter of
NCAA rules. Intent is administered by the NCAA Eligibility Center;
signing dates are listed in the NCAA Guide, and more
If you and a coach are having serious conversations information is available online at http://www.national-
about your prospective contributions to his or her athletic
program, you should speak to your college counselor
about asking the coach for a “preliminary review” of Remember: A college coach’s recruitment “list” can
your academic credentials by his or her athletic liaison change through the fall and winter. Reasons for a shift
in the college’s admission office. A preliminary review is can include:
not a guarantee of admission; rather, it is an opportunity
for both you and the coach to gain feedback on whether a coach’s assessment of a student-athlete’s level of
or not you are a viable admissions candidate as a talent to compete at the college’s NCAA Division
prospective student-athlete. For Division I universities level;
that compete in the Ivy League Athletic Conference, a coach’s needs to fill a particular position;
a preliminary review can help a coach determine your
“Academic Index,” or “AI”; at Division III colleges, a student-athlete’s level of interest in the college
especially those that compete in the New England Small (willingness to make a commitment as the student’s
College Athletic Conference (NESCAC), a preliminary number one choice vs. considering several choices);
review can help a coach identify your recruitment
“band.” For a preliminary review, some colleges simply the results of a preliminary review of academic
require an unofficial Exeter transcript and, if applicable, credentials by the admissions office, where
standardized test scores; others require a completed a student meets or does not meet admission
application, supplemental essays, and all letters of parameters;
recommendation. If you would like to have an unofficial Athletic injury, and
transcript and/or standardized test scores faxed or
emailed to a college coach, please complete the online the number of student-athletes who have been
transcript request form available on ExeterConnect. offered admission through Early Decision/Action.
You will need to provide the coach’s name and sport, the
college’s name, and the coach’s email address (which Remain realistic — if coaches are not calling you or
must be an official college email address) or fax number. returning your calls, you may not be considered a recruit
Please allow ten business days for your request to be by the coach. Use your contact journal and talk with your
completed. Academy coach and college counselor to get a “reality
check” of your prospects.
Be aware that it is common for a recruited and supported
prospective student-athlete to be asked to apply via Winter of Senior Year
Early Decision/Action. Talk to your college counselor Assuming you have not already “committed” to one
about the advisability and ramifications of such a particular coach and college you should continue your
decision. Be sure to review the Honesty and Integrity contact with coaches through the beginning of March.
Statement for the Academy’s specific expectations and Remember that it is important to maintain a solid

70 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
academic and disciplinary record throughout the senior 3. Finally, you must submit official test scores from
year. Offers of admission are contingent on successful College Board or ACT to the NCAA Eligibility Center
completion of the senior year. (code 9999).

June of Senior Year These three steps — completing the NCAA online form,
After graduation, Division I and II college-bound requesting your high school transcript(s), and submitting
student-athletes must receive a final certification from official test scores — comprise the initial eligibility
the NCAA Eligibility Center before they will be allowed process. A student’s final eligibility, which takes place
to step on a practice field or compete for their college or after the student has graduated from high school, will be
university. Division III athletes do not have to register determined once a university contacts the NCAA on the
with the NCAA Eligibility Center. student’s behalf.

After the Dean of Students Office “graduates” the senior To review courses that meet eligibility according to
class in the Academy’s database, the College Counseling the NCAA, as well as non-core courses that do not
Office will send final transcripts to the NCAA Eligibility meet NCAA eligibility, please check for Phillips Exeter
Center on behalf of all seniors who have completed the Academy’s “List of Approved Core Courses” on the
NCAA registration process. NCAA website. The list of NCAA-approved core courses
is maintained and updated annually by the Director
NCAA ELIGIBILITY of Studies in the Dean of Faculty’s office. Students
Just as they set standards for the recruitment of Division considering off-campus programs should pay special
I or Division II student-athletes, the NCAA certifies the attention to how their non-PEA courses will or will
academic records of all Division I and Division II student- not meet NCAA requirements and plan their senior
athletes through the NCAA Eligibility Center. You can curriculum accordingly.
register with the NCAA Eligibility Center beginning in
11th grade. You must register with the NCAA Eligibility ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS
Center by the time you graduate from the Academy if you A student must complete 16 core courses. Please see
plan to participate in Division I or II athletic programs, the NCAA website for the most up-to-date list of
whether as a recruited player or as a “walk on” who requirements.
tries out for the team after enrolling in college. Athletic
recruits who plan to participate in an “Official Visit” at Ten of the 16 core courses (including seven in English,
a Division I or Division II school must register for the math or natural/physical science) must be completed
NCAA Eligibility Center before the visit. before the start of the “seventh semester,”your senior
year of high school. None of those courses may be
There are three steps necessary to complete your NCAA repeated or replaced to improve the “core-course GPA.”
eligibility: The minimum GPA for core courses is a 2.3 on the
4.0 scale. Again, the NCAA converts prep fall grades
1. First, register for the NCAA Eligibility Center at Exeter into the cumulative GPA using the lowest
by completing the form at http://www. passing numerical grade. This has not prevented any Exonians from meeting NCAA eligibility requirements
2. Next, request an official transcript be sent to the but four-year students should speak with their college
Eligibility Center. To do this, complete the online counselor if they are concerned. For more information
transcript request form available on ExeterConnect. about the NCAA Eligibility Center’s academic eligibility
Four year seniors should keep in mind that the requirements for student-athletes, please review the
NCAA calculates an Exeter GPA by assigning a “Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete” on the
minimum passing grade value to the Pass/No Pass NCAA website.
grades earned prep fall. If you have questions about
your eligibility, be sure to speak with your college SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR ELIGIBILITY
counselor. Students who attended another high For Division I, you must complete the 16 core-course
school prior to Exeter must request their official requirement within four consecutive academic years
transcript be sent to the NCAA directly from that high which begin with your ninth grade class. Students
school. The NCAA will not accept an Academy copy who repeat 9th, 10th, or 11th grade during their high
of former transcripts. school experience should speak directly with their
college counselor about NCAA eligibility issues.

Students who spend a first ninth grade year at a K-9 Meeting NCAA Eligibility with a
school may not initially meet the 16 core-course Learning Difference
requirement because “middle school” 9th grade If you have a documented learning difference, discuss with
classes are not certified by the NCAA. Such students your college counselor how to meet NCAA eligibility. There
are identified early in the process and will work with is a four-step process that includes:
their college counselor, coach, and college NCAA
Compliance Officer to request an NCAA “waiver” for 1. Documenting your difference.
their intended college or university. 2. Registering with the NCAA Eligibility Center as a
Repeated courses are only counted once. This includes
student with a learning difference with the intention
classes taken at different high schools that have to potentially request a waiver of certain requirement
similar titles. Courses with similar content may be standards.
deemed invalid by the NCAA Eligibility Center. 3. Registering and completing non-standardized SAT or
Changing schools can sometimes make the
ACT testing.
certification process more confusing. 4. Meeting the acceptable NCAA core courses for
Post-graduates (PGs) should receive certification
students with learning differences.
through their former high school before coming to PERFORMING AND VISUAL ARTISTS
Phillips Exeter Academy. However, post-graduates If you are a student with talent in the visual arts, music,
who have earned a high school diploma within four dance or theater, you may want to submit a sample of your
consecutive academic years from the start of ninth work to the various colleges to which you are applying.
grade may use one additional core-course unit Consider the following in determining what you send:
completed during their post-graduate year if they need
it to meet eligibility requirements. Does your Academy or private instructor believe your
talent will win a favorable review from a particular
For Canadian citizens who graduate from a Canadian college?
high school prior to attending Exeter, the certification
process is different; speak with your counselor and the Which pieces should be used to demonstrate your
NCAA directly. talent?

“999” Field Courses do NOT fulfill NCAA Do you have the time and resources to present your
requirements. talent in a format that is acceptable to the college?
Many colleges are now using web-based applications
Potential Division I or II student-athletes who (such as SlideRoom) to manage submissions.
participate in a fall term abroad (Stratford,
Grenoble, Ghana, Russia) or winter term abroad Check each college’s website for information on how,
(Spain, Germany, Rome or Taiwan) MUST complete when, and where to submit optional art supplements.
three terms of senior English before graduation. Keep in mind that art supplements may need to be
submitted earlier than the admission application
The Washington Intern Program does NOT provide deadline, in order to give the college enough time to
an NCAA-recognized English credit. Students have them evaluated before your application is read
who participate in the Washington Intern Program and reviewed.
should take a second English elective in the fall or
winter or else they will need to work with the NCAA If you are planning to apply to a conservatory, art institute,
Compliance Officer at their university to secure or school devoted to the arts (for example, Julliard or
a waiver in order to compete in Division I or II the Museum of Fine Arts) or a school for the arts within
athletics. a larger university (such as The Tisch School at NYU or
Cornell’s College of Architecture, Art and Planning), you
should understand how your application will be evaluated.

72 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
Research or ask each college: TESTING
Some colleges ask international students who are not
How much is talent used in the decision-making native English speakers to take the Test of English as
process? a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam, If required, the
College Counseling Office recommends students take
How is your talent (portfolio, audition, CD, or on- the TOEFL exam in the summer between their
line) evaluated? upper and senior year. Offered at regional sites
Does each institution look for specific ingredients in
throughout the United States and world, the computer-
talent? What does each college want to see in your based exam is expensive, must be scheduled well in
portfolio or audition? advance, and has limited available dates, so plan ahead.

For this year’s applicant pool, is the college looking FINANCIAL AID
for one type of student more than another? For U.S. citizens, dual citizens with the United States, and
example, does the university orchestra have too permanent residents are all eligible for federal and
many violinists but are desperate for a harpist? institutional financial aid dollars should they qualify.
Does the Art Department need students who seek This is not true for most international students. However,
to concentrate in oil and watercolors, because of an some colleges and universities offer institutional
abundance of graphic designers? financial assistance for international undergraduate
students. The International Student Handbook of U.S.
How do you make an audition appointment? Colleges, published by the College Board, provides a list
Who does the actual evaluation? Recognizing the of average aid awards given to international students at
Academy’s rules that restrict senior college visit a wide range of colleges and universities. While some
days, how long is the audition program? Are there of the most selective Category 4 and 5 universities offer
regional auditions available? Can you send a CD or financial aid to a very select number of international
would the university prefer a portfolio presented students, competition is fierce and does impact
online? admissions decisions. Whereas Exeter can and does
After learning more about the evaluation process at each fully fund international students, the majority of U.S.
college, have a conversation with your college counselor, universities do not.
adviser, and Exeter teacher to determine which schools International students seeking college financial aid
are a better match for you. should ask their college counselors for suggestions of
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS colleges where financial aid is available to international
It is important to determine how each of your respective students early in their college search and they should
colleges defines an “international student.” Some keep in mind that the need for financial aid can and will
students are defined by citizenship, while others are impact their college choices. Colleges and universities
defined by foreign educational experience; some colleges approach international financial aid differently; speak
consider both. Check with each school on how they define directly with every college about their aid policies. If you
your particular status and whether you must submit a require significant financial aid in order to attend college
different international application, supplemental form, or in the U.S., your college list must include a majority of
declaration of financial status form. Category 1, 2, and 3 schools, where the statistical odds are
in your favor. Keep in mind that at many of these colleges,
the admissions process will not be “need blind” for
If you are an “undocumented” resident of the United international students, so the admissions selectivity may
States, or here studying on a student visa, you will be increase dramatically. Students should also research and
considered an international student by most colleges. consider universities in their home country.
This will impact your eligibility for federal financial aid,
such as student loans and college work study. If you DECLARATION OF FUNDS
are applying for legal residency, please do your best to Most colleges and universities will ask international
expedite the process before your senior year so that you students for a declaration of funds. This is a bank
will be evaluated as a domestic student and considered statement indicating in American dollars that your family
for federal dollars and financial aid. can afford at least one year and as much as four years
of college in advance. Be sure to check the document
requirements by reading each college’s admission

webpage closely. Ask each institution exactly what SERVICE ACADEMIES
they are looking for in their declaration of funds. Many If you are considering one of the service academies
colleges and universities will not notify a student of among your college choices, the College Counseling
their admissions decision until supporting financial Office recommends you think carefully about
documentation has been submitted for review. Do not the education and experience they offer and the
hesitate to call an admissions office for help if you have commitment to the U.S. military that they require. Please
questions. consider whether this commitment is an appropriate
match for you personally, academically, physically and
LEARNING DIFFERENCES vocationally. The extensive steps necessary to complete
If you are a student with a documented learning the application include nomination by a member
difference — meaning that a professional has evaluated of Congress, as well as evaluation of your academic
your learning style with diagnostic tools and has written credentials, personal integrity and physical fitness.
a report indicating a learning style difference — you
have the right by law not to share this information with
colleges. However, most Academy students with learning Eligibility and Application Process
difference have developed various strategies to help Prospective service academy applicants must be at least
them with their academics and share with colleges their seventeen years old but no older than twenty-three,
learning difference and coping strategies. U.S. citizens, and unmarried without any obligation to
Colleges must accommodate students with documented support dependents. The application process is more
learning differences or physical disabilities by law. complex than for most colleges and universities. In
However, it is helpful to inquire what the individual addition to an evaluation of an applicant’s academic
college offers in terms of support for students with credentials, an applicant’s personal character, health,
learning differences. Do they presently have the services and physical fitness, confirmed by recommendations and
you need? Do you need extra time on papers and tests, physical exams, are considered in the application review.
or do your present strategies allow you to handle your Unless you are a recruited athlete, you must receive a
workload without any intervention? nomination from your U.S Senator or Representative.

Academic Programs
STANDARDIZED TESTING Math, engineering, and the physical sciences are strong
The College Board, the ACT, and Phillips Exeter programs at the service academies and preference is
Academy facilitate special testing arrangements given to applicants who present strong STEM credentials.
for students with documented learning differences. Are you interested in one of these academic areas?
To become eligible for such services, students Students attending service academies can pursue majors
work with the Dean of Academic Affairs and the in the humanities and social sciences, but you should
Academy’s CCO’s Testing Coordinator to submit be prepared to take extensive required coursework in
required documentation. The student must have quantitative subjects.
documentation on file in the Dean of Students Office
that supports the need for requested accommodations Lifestyle Change
and meets the guidelines for such documentation. The service academy requires a change in lifestyle,
Students must also receive and utilize the requested and attending an academy is very different from the
accommodations, for school-based tests as well. traditional undergraduate college experience. Investigate
and comprehend the magnitude of the change and
Qualified students wishing to receive standardized test whether you are ready to “live” it on a daily basis.
accommodations must contact the Dean of Academic Summer programs offered at the academies are a good
Affairs and the Academy’s Testing Coordinator at least way to “try on” the experience before fully committing.
nine weeks in advance (two weeks for the Dean of
Students Office to process all relevant materials and then Postgraduate Obligations
seven weeks for the testing agency to render a decision) As a service academy graduate, you are obligated
before any planned standardized testing. to serve on active duty for several years, in addition
to a commitment to reserve duty, in return for your
free education. Determine whether this obligation is
reasonable to you.

74 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
Starting the Application Process In addition to service academies, the Reserve Officer
Request and submit a pre-candidate questionnaire at the Training Corps (ROTC) offers training to college
end of your upper year. You may obtain a pre-candidate students preparing to become military officers. The
questionnaire from one of the service academies at the Army, Navy and Air Force each have their own ROTC
web addresses below: program Students interested in the Marine Corps can
participate in Navy ROTC; neither the Coast Guard
U.S. Air Force Academy nor the Merchant Marine currently sponsors their own ROTC program.
U.S .Coast Guard Academy Not only does ROTC offer you the opportunity to pursue a professional career in the armed forces, but it can also
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy cover all or part of your tuition costs, depending upon your university’s tuition and factors such as your grades, post-
graduation enlistment commitment, and your need for
U.S. Military Academy tuition assistance. Partial scholarships may also help pay for educational and living expenses. In return, students
aspx must enlist in their particular branch of the armed forces
after graduation from college, and must serve both active
U.S. Naval Academy and reserve duty for a set period of time.
If you are interested in a ROTC scholarship, contact the
THE NOMINATION PROCESS following websites for more information:
For four of the five service academies, you must be
nominated by a member of the U.S. Congress, in order to Air Force ROTC
apply. Every Senator and Representative has information Army ROTC
about the nomination process on their websites.
Research every available option and look for information Navy ROTC
about contacting your representatives at the appropriate
time. Depending on the state, competition for these spots TRANSFER APPLICANTS
is fierce: Senators and Representatives have a limited Occasionally Academy alumni decide that the college or
number of constituents they may support for each service university which they chose to attend after graduating
academy. Procedures for securing a congressional from Exeter does not meet their expectations. If you
nomination vary by representative but do require are a first-year college student and you find that you are
early action and close attention to deadlines. Aspiring missing your Academy friends, Harkness discussions,
candidates can expect to submit supporting documents and late night intellectual (and not so intellectual)
such as a resume, a personal statement, a copy of your conversations with your Exeter dorm mates, remember,
transcript(s), standardized test scores, and up to three it takes time — from a few weeks to several semesters
letters of recommendation. Review your Senator or — to adjust to a new academic home. Make the most of
Representative’s webpage for more information. your current college, and give yourself time to adjust
to a new academic environment. Recognize that by
The U.S. Coast Guard does not require a Congressional scheduling out-of-class meetings with your professors
or Senate nomination, although the evaluation process and by joining campus groups, you will begin to make
does use the same selection criteria as the other military richer connections with your teachers and fellow
academies. students. Use the resources that are available to you at
your school to make it meet your expectations more fully.
Fitness Exam You might find that by working with a college academic
If you are considered an “official” candidate by one of the advisor or professor, you can achieve your academic
service academies, you will be scheduled for a medical goals through independent study, smaller discussion-
examination by a physician certified by the Department centered seminars, or access to more advanced-level
of Defense. In addition, you will also be required to coursework. And, recognize that transferring can be just
complete a Physical Aptitude Evaluation (PAE), which as challenging socially, as new transfer students can feel
can be administered by members of the Academy’s like outliers in a campus community where returning
Physical Education department or athletic trainers. students have already bonded over shared experiences.
However, if by the second semester of your first year you application process, especially if you are applying
are still genuinely dissatisfied with your current college for your junior year.
experience, or if new academic interests cannot be met
by your current university, transferring may be the right What are the required courses the admissions office
decision. Colleges generally expect successful transfer is looking for transfer applicants to have completed
applicants to have completed at least one semester’s by the end of their first year? Usually, colleges will
worth of credits, but many prefer students to have had evaluate transfers more favorably if they have
two years of study, even if not all of your course credits taken some of the basic distribution requirements.
will transfer. Given the differences in universities’ This may not hold true for students attending a
graduation requirements, and depending on whether focused program, such as an art school or a music
your previous credits transfer as elective credits or fulfill conservatory; those candidates may be evaluated
distribution requirements, transferring can impact your differently due to the courses and opportunities
intended date of graduation, as well as your ability to available to them.
study abroad or participate in cooperative education Did the university exceed its enrollment target for
programs. Finally, transfer students are rarely eligible the class into which you hope to transfer? Too many
for merit-based scholarships, and need-based financial rising college sophomores may mean there are
aid may be less than generous, or not available at all, fewer spaces available for transfer applicants.
depending on the particular college. For all these reasons,
a decision to transfer should not be made lightly. Does financial aid play a role in the transfer
admissions decision? Is the college “need blind” or
If you are still considering transferring, here are some “need aware” when evaluating a transfer applicant?
guidelines to consider. First, the same research process Colleges may have different levels of commitment
for first-year students applies to transferring, with a in funding transfer students; recognize that at many
few slight modifications. Begin the transfer process by universities, there may be considerably less financial
thinking about a range of schools (i.e., Category 1–5). aid available for transfer students than first-year
Review your original criteria for colleges and research applicants.
each of the colleges that you believe meet your criteria.
After your preliminary research, contact the admission What was the percentage of aid given to accepted
office at each college, and ask if you can speak with a transfer students last year? What was the average
member of the admissions committee who works with grant for transfer students? Average loan debt?
transfer applicants; write down this person’s name
as your contact source, in case you have additional The application process for transfer admission parallels
questions. Review the answers to the following questions the process for first-year admission, with a few notable
to determine how to proceed in your college coursework differences. First, transfer application deadlines are later;
in order to enhance your transfer application: for admission the following September, most deadlines
will be in February or March; check the specific deadlines
How many transfer students were accepted as on university websites. Notifications of decisions are
sophomores for the last two years? How many also later — generally in May and June, after the first-year
applicants were accepted as juniors? How many application process is complete.
applicants were there for the number of openings in
the class? Unlike the first-year college application essay, most
transfer applications seek to understand your reasons
Does the admission office have a projected for transferring and their essay prompts will allow you
enrollment target for the year you plan to apply? to elaborate. Be clear about what you intend to study,
and what the new college can offer you academically; an
What is the minimum or average college GPA admission officer may be wary about transfer students
for transfer applicants who have been accepted who are undecided in their intended major. As you
recently? write your essay, be positive in presenting your current
How much weight is given to the high school
experience, while describing what you seek to gain
record and SAT/ACT scores in the evaluation? academically and socially from the college to which you’re
While colleges may still request this information, applying. While many universities will request your Exeter
these credentials usually play less of a role in the transcript, recommendations, and official standardized
test scores, they will also need your official college

76 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
transcript and most likely a letter of recommendation wanting to leave your current college. We appreciate
from both a professor and your college’s Dean of your response to the year-end “Transfer and Gap Year
Students. The perspective of a professor who can address Application Results” questionnaire sent in June. The
your ability to excel in college coursework, particularly Academy follows the Statement of Principles of Good
within your academic discipline, often holds more weight Practice set by the National Association for College
with admission committees than a high school teacher. Admission Counseling (NACAC) in its procedures for
If you are applying as a sophomore transfer, you may be transfer and gap year applications.
required to submit your spring semester college grades,
before a decision can be made. The College Counseling Office expects that alumni
will self-report their records honestly and fully. Alumni
Finally, recognize that transferring is hard. At selective should also know that some colleges and universities
colleges with very high retention rates, there are very continue to ask about previous discipline issues as
few openings in the sophomore and junior classes. You part of any new application. Phillips Exeter Academy’s
may not be offered admission. This is especially true if a policy is to report on discipline and leaves whenever a
university has overenrolled its first-year class, or if your college asks. Former Exonians who did not receive a
intended academic program has fewer upperclass spaces diploma from the Academy for any reason, including a
available than the college initially expected. Requirement to Withdraw, should contact the Dean of
Students Office for official Academy transcripts.
While Exeter’s College Counseling Office will provide
support to gap year and transfer applicants, you have
already acquired the skills necessary to complete the
college admission process and our primary responsibility
is to the current student body. Exonians are characterized
by their ability to think independently, to evaluate
information critically, and to utilize appropriate research
tools—all of which are necessary to ensure a successful
college match. Telephone conferences to answer general
questions can be scheduled during January and February,
after most of the application process has concluded for

If you are a recent Exeter alumna/us who is planning

on filing a new college application, either as a transfer
applicant or as a first-year student after having completed
a gap year, please complete the online transcript request
form available on the alumni portal. Remember that the
College Counseling Office requires ten working days to
complete your request.

If you are applying to college while on a gap year, please

let your former college counselor know how you have
spent your interim year. A copy of your college deferral
letter must be on file with the CCO. Students planning
to file new college applications while on a gap year must
have written permission from their deferred college. The
deferral letter on file must specify that other college
applications are permissible in order for the CCO to
release additional Secondary School Reports in support
of new college applications.

If you are hoping to transfer, it is very helpful to our

counseling of other students to know your reasons for


Academic Discipline: A college departmental or Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.):
subject area, such as English literature, history, or Degree offered by undergraduate business and
business. management programs, which are accredited by
such national agencies as the American Assembly of
Academic Year: The period in which school is in Collegiate Schools of Business, by meeting a required
session - typically September through May. set of certification and course requirements. Accredited
business programs can differ significantly from B.A.
Accelerated Programs: Exceptionally-selective (q.v.) liberal arts degrees.
admission programs which offer graduate school
admission, generally for medical school, to first-year Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.): Degree offered by
applicants. Program length can vary from seven to eight fine arts, design, theater, dance, and other visual and
years, often including summer coursework. performing arts programs. Admission to B.F.A. programs
is based to a large extent upon artistic talent, determined
Accrual Date: The date on which interest charges on an through an audition or portfolio review, and to a
educational loan begin to accrue. lesser extent upon standardized testing and academic
performance in traditional curriculums.
Adjusted Available Income: The remaining income
after taxes and a basic living allowance have been Bachelor of Science (B.S.): Degree usually awarded for
subtracted in Federal Methodology. (q.v.). successful completion of requirements in the natural and
physical sciences, or for more professionally-oriented
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams: Tests sponsored
programs, such as education, engineering, or business.
by the College Board for students who have taken
Note that many colleges award B.A.s (q.v.) for similar
advanced, college-level courses. Some colleges may
degrees. Some universities may offer both degrees in a
allow students to receive college credit for these exams;
particular academic discipline; generally the B.S. degree
still others will place students out of introductory-level
may require additional work in the major for graduation.
courses into higher levels.
Budget: The estimated cost of college for one year. The
American College Test (ACT): College admissions
COA typically includes tuition, fees, books, supplies,
examination administered by the American College
room, board, personal expenses, and transportation.
Testing Program, measuring through multiple-choice
questions four areas of academic knowledge: English, PEA SELECTIVITY RATINGS:
mathematics, reading and science reasoning. An
Category 1: colleges and universities at which the
optional essay portion is recommended for any student
student has the greatest chance of admission (at least
choosing to take the ACT. In the U.S., the ACT is offered
90%); in order for a college to be considered a Category
seven times per academic school year: September,
1, the applicant needs a GPA and test scores well above
October, December, February, April, June, July.
the average for Exonians admitted to this college.
Category 2: colleges and universities at which the
Assets: Cash in checking and savings accounts, trusts,
student has roughly 50/50 odds of gaining admission;
stocks, bonds, other securities, real estate, income-
frequently subjective factors, such as the college’s own
producing property and business equipment and
institutional needs and a student’s demonstration of
inventory which is all considered in determining the
interest, can play a large role in the application review
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) (q.v.).
for Category 2 schools.
Asset Protection Allowance: The portion of parents’
Category 3: Highly-selective colleges and universities,
assets that is not included in the calculation of the
to which the student has a moderate chance of gaining
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) (q.v.), as calculated
admission (30% or less). The student’s academic record
by Federal Methodology (q.v.).
would put them solidly in the middle of the last three
Bachelor of Arts (B.A. or A.B.): Traditional degree year’s admitted group from Exeter.
awarded by a liberal arts college or university following
Category 4: Very selective colleges and universities
successful completion of a course of study. These
(those with overall acceptance rates below 20%), at
degrees are in a number of fields in the humanities,
which the student may be quite competitive but because
social sciences, natural sciences, or fine/performing
of the low acceptance rate and the role of specific
arts. Some colleges award an A.B., which is simply the
institutional priorities, the CCO estimates the student to
Latin abbreviation for a Bachelor of Arts degree.
have a 15% chance or less of being admitted. Admission
to Category 4 and 5 colleges is often hard to predict

and may seem arbitrary if the applicant does not fully Traditionally, but not exclusively, used by students
understand the implications of early applications and in such pre-professional programs as engineering,
special interest factors or “hooks.” computer science, and business.

Category 5: Any college or university with a national Core Curriculum: Required college courses necessary
overall acceptance rate of 10% or less. No matter the for graduation, consisting of a comprehensive selection
student record, colleges with acceptance rates of 10% or from such fields as the humanities, social sciences,
less will be classified as a Category 5 for all Exonians. natural and physical sciences, quantitative fields, and
requiring English and foreign language proficiency. Core
Collateral: Property used to secure a loan which can be curriculums can range from a handful of courses to well
seized if the borrower defaults on the loan. over half the required courses necessary for graduation.

College Board: For-profit organization which sponsors Cosigner: Individual who assumes responsibility for a
such educational testing as the SAT I, SAT Subject loan if the borrower fails to repay.
Tests, AP exams, and such financial aid forms as the
CSS Profile. The informal name of the College Entrance Credit Hour: Measure of degree of difficulty of courses,
Examination Board [CEEB] (q.v.). frequently proportionate to the number of hours of
weekly classroom instruction. For example, a four-
College Days: Academy policy allowing students two credit hour course will generally require more work and
days during the senior year for college visits, known as be more demanding than a three-hour course. Most
college days. In addition to the standard out-of-town colleges require students to meet a certain threshold of
procedure, students must procure from their college credit hours in order to graduate.
counselor a permission slip to request a college day from
the Dean of Students’ Office. College visits must take Custodial Parent: In cases where a student’s parents
place prior to May 1. are divorced or separated, the custodial parent is
typically the parent who claims the student as a
College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB): dependent and with whom the student lived a majority
Another name for the College Board (q.v.). In filling of the time during the past 12 months.
out applications and other college forms, students are
frequently asked for their high school’s CEEB number; Default: Failure to repay or otherwise meet the terms
the Academy’s CEEB number is 300185. and conditions of a loan. Penalties include a damaged
credit rating, withholding of tax refunds, and loss of
College Level Examination Program (CLEP): Exam future aid eligibility.
offered by the College Board testing knowledge in a
subject area without regard to how a student gained Demonstrated Financial Need: Amount, as
that knowledge. Unlike AP exams, these tests do not determined through Federal, private and/or institutional
require that a student complete high school coursework financial aid forms, which is the difference between
to take the exam. Some colleges award college credit the total cost of attendance and the estimated family
for high CLEP results; others will waive certain general contribution (q.v.).
curriculum requirements.
Demonstration of Interest “DI”: An internal measure
College Scholarship Service (CSS): Branch of College by selective colleges and universities that may be
Board (q.v.) which administers the Profile (q.v.) form and sensitive to their first-year yield (q.v.) of an applicant’s
other financial aid services. level of interest in their institution. Such factors
considered can include on-campus visits, interviews
College Work-Study Program (CWSP): A federally- with an alumnus/a or admissions officer, meetings with
sponsored program which allows students to pay for part an admissions officer off-campus, attention paid to email
of their educational expenses through part-time work on and/or websites/portals, or the level to which a student
campus. A portion of the work-study salary comes from engages with the college’s application and essay.
the college employer; most is through federal subsidies.
Only students with demonstrated financial need are Dependency: A student’s dependency status
eligible for work-study jobs. determines the degree to which the student has access to
parental financial resources.
Cooperative Education (Co-op): College-sponsored
programs designed to help undergraduates meet Disbursement: The process by which financial aid
college expenses and gain work experience, alternating funds are made directly to students for use in meeting
periods of study with periods of work in a field related educational expenses.
to a student’s academic or professional interests.

80 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
Discipline: See “Academic Discipline.” of achievement in academic and testing performance.
Prospective athletes must register and be cleared by
Division: Academic unit of a college or university; the NCAA Eligibility Center prior to their participation
can also be a school (“School of Business”) or college in college sports. Most Academy students initiate the
(“College of Arts & Sciences”) within a university. NCAA Eligibility Center process during the spring of
their upper year.
Double Deposit: Accepting two colleges’ offers of
admission by submitting a binding deposit to secure Enrollment Status: For financial aid purposes, the
a spot in the first-year class at both. This practice amount of time a student is enrolled in courses per
is prohibited by the regulations of the National semester – “full-time” for a full course load generally
Association for College Admissions Counseling consisting of four or more classes and “part-time” for
(NACAC), and is vehemently discouraged by the less than that amount.
College Counseling Office.
Expected Family Contribution (EFC): The amount
Early Action: The non-binding admission process of money determined through needs analysis , (q.v.)
used by colleges whereby a student in late fall and from Federal and institutional financial aid forms, that a
is notified of his/her admission decision from mid- family can afford to spend for college.
December to late January, yet does not need to respond
to the institution until the May 1 common notification Extracurriculars: Activities in which students
deadline (q.v.). participate outside of the classroom, such as athletics,
student organizations and clubs, volunteer work and
Early Admission: An admission process whereby community service, music lessons or groups, or part-
a student who has completed 11th grade applies for time jobs.
college admission, thus skipping their 12th grade year.
Occasionally, though infrequently, used synonymously Federal Methodology (FM): The method created by
for Early Action (q.v.). Exeter has specific expectations the U.S. Government and calculated from the information
of students who chose to seek “early admission” and supplied by the FAFSA (q.v.) used to determine a student’s
families should consult with the CCO before embarking expected family contribution (q.v.).
on this course.
Federal Processor: The organization that processes the
Early Decision: A binding early admission process information submitted on the FAFSA (q.v.) and uses it to
whereby a student applies to his first choice school in compute eligibility for federal student aid.
late fall, and is notified of a decision in mid-December.
The student, parent, and college counselor must all sign 4-1-4 Plan: An academic calendar usually including
an ED commitment form. If offered admission under a fall term with four courses, a shortened winter term
Early Decision, the student must withdraw any other with one course, and a spring term with four courses.
applications from other colleges. Examples include those at Colby College, Middlebury
College and Williams College.
EDII: a second round of Early Decision applications
offered at some colleges and universities. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA):
The Federally-sponsored financial aid form required
Early Evaluation: A non-binding admission process by all U.S. colleges and universities to apply for Federal
where a student is notified of a tentative admission loans and grants, used to determine a student’s financial
decision in January or February, and receives their need based upon Federal Methodology (q.v.). As of fall
official offer in late March, yet does not need to respond 2016, the FAFSA is now available in October and uses
to the college until May 1. “prior, prior” year tax information.

Educational Testing Service (ETS): Branch of the Gapping: Financial Aid policy where the award does not
College Board (q.v.) which administers the SAT and fully meet a family’s demonstrated financial need (q.v.).
SAT Subject Tests (q.q.v.) examinations, and processes Such a “gap” can range from a few hundred to several
requests for scores to be reported to colleges. thousand dollars.

Eligibility Center: Division of the National Collegiate Grade-Point Average (GPA): Numerical conversion of
Athletic Association [NCAA] (q.v.) which certifies that letter grades into a cumulative average, by term, year, or
all Division I and Division II athletes have taken 16 academic career. Generally GPAs are computed using a
“core” high school courses, meeting a minimum level 4.0 scale (4.0 = A, 3.0 = B, etc.); the Academy utilizes an
11.0 scale (11.0 = A, 10.0 = A-, 9.0 = B+, etc.).

Grants: Financial aid money from the Federal/ Liberal Arts: A broad-based introduction to a wide
state government or college, which does not require variety of subjects, including the social sciences,
repayment, like a loan. humanities, and natural sciences (q.v.v.). Generally does
not include professional programs, such as business,
Honors Programs: Special college courses within engineering, or nursing, although these programs may
an informal or structured program offering greater contain some coursework in the liberal arts.
intellectual challenge for highly-qualified, motivated
students. Some programs are open by invitation only; Loans: Financial assistance which must be repaid over
others require a supplemental application, different from an extended period of time, generally after a student
the application for admission. Many honors programs completes an undergraduate degree, but occasionally
offer scholarships or special prerogatives, such as beginning during undergraduate enrollment.
preferential registration.
Major: Concentrated field of collegiate study in one
Hook: A subjective factor in the admissions decision- academic discipline (q.v.), requiring a set number of
making process which can influence, to varying degrees, required courses for completion beyond any required core
a student’s final decision, such as legacy (q.v.) status, curriculum (q.v.) requirements. Students concentrate in
athletic recruitment, exceptional artistic talent, or two academic fields by “double-majoring.”
membership in an underrepresented population.
Matriculate: Academic term meaning to “enroll” at or
Humanities: Fields of study including English, “attend” a college or university.
literature, languages, philosophy, classics, history,
music, fine arts, theater, and religion. Merit-based Aid: Scholarship aid based on academic,
artistic, athletic, or other non-need based criteria.
Institutional Methodology (IM): The method used by
individual colleges from the information supplied by the Merit Scholarships: financial assistance offered
Profile form (q.v.) to determine a student’s EFC (q.v.). in recognition of a student’s academic, personal,
Where Federal Methodology is universally standard, the extracurricular and/or athletic achievements and
individual components of Institutional Methodology can promise, regardless of whether a student qualifies
vary from school to school. for assistance on the basis of demonstrated financial
need (q.v.).
Interest: See “demonstration of interest.”
Minor: A secondary field of concentrated study during
Internship: A part-time paid, volunteer, and/or for- the final two years of college, similar to a major (q.v.) yet
college-credit position offering hands-on experience in with fewer requirements.
a student’s academic or professional field of interest.
Internships are undertaken either while enrolled during National Association for College Admission
the academic year or in the summer. Counseling (NACAC): Professional association of
college admissions and high school guidance/college
Ivy League: While its eight members (Brown, counseling personnel. As a member of NACAC, Exeter
Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, and its students agree to abide by the “Principles of
Princeton, and Yale) are highly selective colleges for Good Practice,” which outlines the appropriate ethical
admission, the designation “Ivy League” only refers to standards for such issues as Early Decision, application
their membership in a common athletic conference. deadlines, and double depositing.

Joint Degree: Also may be known as a “dual degree” National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA):
program. Academic program of study which allows a National organization which supervises and regulates
student to either major in two separate undergraduate most intercollegiate athletic programs. Based upon size
fields in completely distinct disciplines (such as of institution and level of competition, these programs
engineering and business, or business and foreign are divided into three divisions: Division I, II, and
language), or to pursue a joint undergraduate-graduate III. The first two Divisions generally award athletic
degree program (such as joint B.A./M.B.A., B.A./J.D., or scholarships; Division III athletic programs do not.
B.A./M.D. programs).
National Merit Scholars Program:
Legacy: Having an immediate family member,
generally a parent and occasionally a grandparent or a aspx?sid=1758&gid=2&pgid=61&cid=160
sibling, as an alumna/a of a college to which the student
is making application. Often considered a “hook” in the
admissions process.

82 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
National Merit Commended Student: A designation PLUS Loans: Federally-sponsored college loans
given to students by the National Merit Corporation for administered through individual banks and loan
students who score high on the PSAT/NMSQT (q.v.) lenders available to parents who are U.S. citizens of
examination, but do not pass the state-specific threshold an undergraduate student enrolled at least part-time.
score to become a Semifinalist (q.v.). Parents must pass a credit check to qualify for PLUS
loans and are legally responsible for repayment.
National Merit Finalist: A National Merit Semifinalist Available without regard to financial need, PLUS loans
(q.v.) who becomes eligible for merit-based academic may cover the full cost of education minus other forms
scholarship, based upon the student’s strong PSAT/ of aid.
NMSQT (q.v.) scores, application, high school record,
and counselor recommendation. Preferential Packaging: Administrative policy where
colleges use enhanced financial aid offers to entice
National Merit Scholar: A National Merit Finalist academically-stronger or under-represented students to
(q.v.) who receives a merit-based academic scholarship, matriculate (q.v.). While meeting demonstrated financial
sponsored by a member organization or college, or the need (q.v.), differential packages may consist of a larger
National Merit Corporation. percentage of grant money vs. student loans than what
most students would receive.
National Merit Semifinalist: The initial designation
by the National Merit Corporation for students who pass Prepaid Tuition Plan: A college savings plan
a state-specific threshold score on the PSAT/NMSQT guaranteed to rise in value at the same rate as college
(q.v.) examination. tuition. Several states and private institutions offer
such programs.
Need Aware, Need Conscious or Need Sensitive:
A college financial aid policy where a family’s ability Professional Judgment: For need-based federal aid
to pay may influence the college’s admission decision. programs, financial aid administrators can adjust the
Students with a higher demonstrated financial need Expected Family Contribution (EFC) (q.v.) or the cost of
who may not be near the academic top of a college’s attendance, or change the dependency status (q.v.) with
applicant pool are most vulnerable in the admissions documentation when extenuating circumstances exist,
process at need aware colleges. such as when a parent becomes unemployed.

Need Blind: A college financial aid policy where a Promissory Note: A legally binding contract which a
family’s ability to pay does not influence the college’s student signs before receiving the disbursement (q.v.)
admission decision. of their financial aid package that details the terms of
the loan contract and obligating the borrower to repay
Needs Analysis: The standard, uniform process by the loan.
which a college financial aid office determines how much
a family can afford to pay, using two systems: federal PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude
methodology and institutional methodology (q.v.v.). Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test):
Administered by ETS (q.v.), the PSAT is a standardized
Package: A student’s financial aid award, “packaged” exam administered each year in October and taken by
together with such components as loans, grants, work- 11th and often 10th graders, as practice for the SAT. The
study, and scholarships. PSAT taken in the (third year of high school) 11th grade
is the qualifying exam for the scholarship competitions
Parent Contribution (PC): Another name for the EFC
administered by the National Merit Scholarship
(q.v.), usually not including any of the student’s summer-
Corporation .
employment savings.
Pre-Law/Pre-Med: Not a major (q.v.) or academic
Payment Plans: College-sponsored programs which
discipline (q.v.), but an intended direction for graduate
allow families to spread the yearly cost of attendance out
school allowing a student to concentrate in many
over monthly installments.
different fields of study. Law and medical schools
Pell Grant: Named in honor of Sen. Claibourne generally offer basic guidelines on undergraduate
Pell (RI), Federally-funded grants (q.v.) designed to courses for students interested in gaining admission
help students with the lowest EFC (q.v.). Eligibility is to these graduate programs. However, students can
determined through the information provided through generally integrate these basic requirements into many
the FAFSA (q.v.). divergent majors, including business, engineering, and
other non-traditional pre-professional majors.

CSS Profile: Financial aid form sponsored by CSS (q.v.) Many highly selective colleges and universities will
and utilized by many private colleges, which is similar require two SAT Subject Tests for admission. https://
to the FAFSA (q.v.), but is customized by colleges to
supply additional information as required by the colleges (In the U.S., the SAT Subject Tests are offered six times
to which the student is applying for aid. The Profile per academic school year: August, October, November,
focuses on assets as opposed to income and includes a December, May, June).
non-custodial parent form for students with divorced,
separated, or non-married parents. Secondary School Report (SSR): College-
generated form requesting a copy of the applicant’s
Quarters: Academic calendar consisting of four terms, high school record and, frequently, a school letter of
approximately 10 weeks in length; some quarter-system recommendation, and an annually produced School
schools have courses in the summer. Profile.

Rate of Attrition: Percentage of students who do not Selective Service: U.S. Department of Defense bureau
return, due to academic, financial, or personal reasons, which requires registration by all 18-year-old U.S.
usually given at the end of the first year. citizens. Confirmation of registration with the Selective
Service is required for eligibility for federally-funded
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC): U.S. financial aid money.
military program offering one-, two-, and four-year
scholarships at select colleges and universities, covering Self-Help: The amount of money, in addition to
tuition, books, and fees in addition to a living stipend, receiving non-repayable grants, which colleges ask
in exchange for a set number of years in a branch of the students to help finance their education through college
service. work-study or loans (q.q.v.).

Rolling Admission: Admission process whereby Semester: The most common academic calendar,
students are offered or denied admission on a first- dividing the year into two equal terms.
come, first-read basis throughout the year.
Servicer: An organization that is paid by a loan lender to
Satisfactory Academic Progress: A college or administer student loans.
university’s policy stipulating that a student maintain
a certain minimum number of courses that must be Simplified Needs Test: An alternative method of
completed each semester, the maximum time permitted, calculating the expected family contribution (q.v.) for
and the minimum grade-point average (q.v.) required to families with adjusted gross incomes over $50,000,
continue to receive financial aid. who have filed or are eligible to file an IRS Form 1040A
or 1040EZ, or who are not required to file an income
Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT): Standardized test tax return.
administered by the College Board (q.v.) which provides
college admission offices with a common national Social Sciences: Academic fields of study which focus
standard for evaluating student records from different on human behavior and societal interactions, such as
high schools. psychology, sociology, political science, anthropology,
and economics.
SAT: Re-designed in 2016, the SAT includes two
sections, the Reading/Writing, and Math, with an Stafford Loan: Formerly known as “Guaranteed
optional essay section. The SAT is one of two possible Student Loans” and renamed in honor of former Sen.
standardized tests required by many selective U.S. Robert Stafford (VT), low-interest loans sponsored by
colleges and universities for first-year admission. the federal government for students enrolled at least (In the half-time. Loans can be both subsidized (for students
U.S., the SAT is offered seven times per academic school with demonstrated financial need) and unsubsidized
year: August, October, November, December, March, (for students who do not qualify for need-based
May, June). financial aid). While the U.S. government will pay the
interest on subsidized Stafford Loans until six months
SAT Subject Tests: One hour-long, primarily multiple- following a student’s final full-time semester enrolled,
choice tests measuring knowledge of particular students pay the interest (no principle) on unsubsidized
specific subject areas and a student’s ability to Stafford loans.
apply that knowledge. SAT Subject Tests fall into six
general areas: English, history and social sciences,
mathematics, sciences, and foreign languages.

84 P H I L L I PS E X E T E R ACA D E M Y | C O L L EG E C O U N S E L I N G G U I D E B O O K | 20 1 8– 20 19
Student Aid Report (SAR): The form returned to Transcript: Official school record of grades, courses,
a student following the completion of the evaluating and cumulative GPA. (Current students request a
processing of the FAFSA (q.v.) by the U.S. government’s transcript by completing the Transcript Request Form
Central Processing Agency. available on ExeterConnect ; alumni request a transcript
by completing the Transcript Request Form available on
Student Contribution: An estimate of the student’s the Alumni Portal.)
ability to contribute to his/her college education,
typically up to 20 percent of student assets. Trimester: Academic calendar divided into three
roughly-equal terms (i.e., the Exeter academic calendar).
Student-Faculty Ratio: The ratio determined by
dividing the number of students by the number Tuition: The portion of college expenses which
of professors. The student-faculty ratio is often of covers the cost of a student’s academic program and
questionable value; “average class size” frequently enrollment. For full-time students, tuition is calculated
provides more useful information about faculty-student at a set figure; part-time students pay a pro-rated
interaction. amount calculated per class or credit hour (q.v.).

Subsidized Loan: Student loans on which borrowers Unmet Need: Difference between cost of attendance
do not have to pay interest until after their grace period and the student’s available resources, including his/her
expires, usually within six months of completion of a financial aid package.
terminal degree.
Verification: Review process in which the financial aid
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant officer requests all documentation from a federal aid
(SEOG): Federally-funded grants, with priority funding applicant to verify accuracy of information.
going to students receiving Pell Grants (q.v.). The
maximum annual SEOG is $4,000. https://studentaid. Waitlist: Limited number of first-year applicants who are neither admitted nor denied admission initially,
but instead offered the opportunity to “wait” for a
1040/1040A/1040EZ Form: Federal income tax form final decision should spaces in the first-year class still
frequently required by colleges to verify accuracy of be available after the Candidate’s Reply Date, May 1.
financial information submitted on FAFSA and Profile Some colleges and universities have begun to use their
(q.q.v.) forms. Wait Lists as a tool for “enrollment management,”
fundamentally changing how college admission is done.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): Wait Lists require patience and continued effort on the
Examination providing a more accurate assessment of part of students.
non-native verbal ability that the SAT (q.v.)
Yield: The percentage of students offered admission to
Three-Two (3-2) Program: Degree program where a a college or university who accept the offer and enroll.
student begins their studies at one institution, generally Yield is an important statistic in determining a college’s
a smaller liberal arts college, and after three years, selectivity and rating, and has contributed to the rise in
transfers to another larger institution to complete his importance of the Wait List.
or her studies. Most of these programs are in business,
engineering, computer science, or a related field. Three-
two programs can be either single or dual undergraduate
degree programs; others are undergraduate and
graduate B.A./M.S. or M.B.A. combinations.

Title IV Programs: Federal student aid programs

authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act
of 1965, such as Pell Grants, Plus Loans, Perkins Loans,
and Stafford Loans (q.q.v.).

Title IX: Federal government law requiring that any

college or university that receives money from the U.S.
government must have roughly the same proportion of
female athlete opportunities as female undergraduates.
Schools must also demonstrate a continuing history of
expanding athletic opportunities for women.


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