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Maturity and Storage of Gala, Fuji, and Braeburn


Apple growers in Washington State have been diversifying their new plantings to include Gala, Fuji,

Jonagold, and Braeburn as well as the more traditional Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, and Granny Smith.

Research on the maturation and storage of these varieties has been started by WSU and USDA scientists. I

am grateful to Drs. Jim Mattheis, Eric Curry, and Steve Drake of USDA-ARS, Wenatchee, for use of their

latest information. I have also included the results of scientific and industry trials from other fruit growing


First a few observations and some philosophy:

1. Timing of harvest must be based on the postharvest requirements which include the intended

length of storage and shipment. Apples shipped great distances or stored for a long time must be

harvested at a less mature stage than those consumed immediately after harvest.

2. Growers often attempt to harvest new varieties too early to take advantage of market conditions

or too late to wait for color, and fruit quality suffers. Some growers apply large amounts of

nitrogen to induce larger fruit size which often reduces fruit firmness and shelf life.

3. In the case of "new" apples varieties, often there is an insufficient supply of fruit and long-term

storage is not needed. At this point there is a broad range of acceptable maturity. As the supply

increases so does the need for storage and this range narrows.

4. The age of the tree and the age of the wood upon which a single fruit is borne greatly influence

the behavior of the fruit after harvest.

5. The number of days of acceptable maturity ("harvest window") varies with the cultivar, season, and

length of storage. Scientists understand little about what determines the harvest window.

Summarized below is what we currently know about the maturation and storage potential of apples grown

in Washington. This information is preliminary and new studies will undoubtedly improve the information

presently available. I urge caution in applying the results of research trials or industry practices performed

with fruit grown under different climatic conditions, since this can often lead to poor results. I urge the

use of small scale trials to determine the characteristics of the fruit you are harvesting.
Gala was selected in New Zealand from a cross between Kidd's Orange Red and Golden Delicious. The tree
census of 1993 indicates that there are 5,900 acres of Gala planted in Washington State at a density of
461 trees/acre. There are a number of Gala sports with Royal and Imperial Gala being the most widely
planted. Its harvest season extends from the middle of August to mid-September. Fruit on 1-year-old
wood is usually small. Galas are crisp and juicy off the tree. They tend to develop cracks in the stem bowl
when overmature. This variety has a relatively short storage life.

Gala Maturity
Gala apples size rapidly during the harvest season. This can be an important factor in determining
financial returns of this small fruited variety. Red skin color, firmness, soluble solids, and acidity do not
relate well to internal maturity. Although red color develops rapidly on red clones, these clones still
require selective picking. Red-striped strains are prone to reversion to less highly colored fruit.

New Zealand growers harvest Gala apples 4-5 times, picking fruit on the basis of ground color. Multiple

picking appears to be essential to have fruit of good size, color, edible quality, and uniformity for storage.

Washington growers have harvested fruit with excellent edible quality when the ground color changes

from green to yellow (in the white). Three to five pickings are required to obtain fruit of even maturity. The

first pick should be sold immediately. Fruit from the next two picks have performed well in storage.

In one trial, Royal Gala harvested with white ground color had firmness of 17.5 lbs., 13.3% soluble solids,

and 0.376% acidity. The starch rating was 3.6 on a 1-5 scale. Starch (2-3 on the 1-5 system) has been

used by some researchers and orchardists to time harvest. If starch is to be useful, choose fruit of uniform

ground color for testing.

Fruit destined for storage should be harvested with slightly green background color. Gala ripening begins

at the stem end, with the calyx portion of the fruit ripening more slowly. Harvesting Galas based on a

yellow ground color at the calyx results in fruit past its prime for storage.

Royal Gala export standards from New Zealand include a minimum blush of 66% red and a background of

light green to creamy yellow. The blush is a marketing standard while the background color is a maturity

indicator. The spread of maturity has been very wide and one method of standardizing maturity has been

to harvest on the basis of background color. Unfortunately, fruit grown in different districts have been

shown to be at different maturities. Fruit gown in southern districts (colder winters and hotter summers)

are greasier, more yellow, and firmer than those Gala grown in areas with milder climates.
There is a possibility that the background color of Galas may be strongly influenced by nitrogen, similar to

Golden Delicious (one of its parents). This would complicate the determination of harvest based on

background color.

Gala Storage
Gala apples in storage for more than 4 months lost flavor and texture even in CA. Rapid marketing of Gala
will result in a product superior to that out of storage. Rapid CA is very important, as firmness is rapidly
lost in the early storage period.

Fruit stored in CA tests had higher firmness and more acid than those stored in regular storage. Galas

have not yet been subjected to different CA regimes. They respond well to 1% oxygen and 1% carbon

dioxide at 32-34°F. Rapid cooling and atmosphere establishment are critical to the storage of Galas. No

improvement in quality over regular storage can be detected if establishment of CA is delayed 14 days

after harvest.

In Australia (1992), Galas harvested when the background color changed from green to yellow stored well

for up to 5 months in 2% oxygen. Fruit harvested only two weeks later came out 2 lbs. softer and 56% of

the fruit developed rots. Storage in an atmosphere flushed with nitrogen reduced rots on the late

harvested fruit by half and resulted in firmer fruit with better flavor.

Potential Storage Problems of Gala

Rot--Late-harvested Galas are more susceptible to fruit rotting fungi than those harvested at white

ground color.

Firmness and Acidity Loss--Softening can occur and acidity lost if fruit are not placed in CA directly

after harvest. It is not possible to achieve good results if the CA is delayed. For example, Galas harvested

early should not be held out of CA until enough Goldens are harvested in order to fill a room. Galas must

be placed in CA immediately.

Scald--Scald has not been shown to be a problem.

The Braeburn variety was discovered in New Zealand as a chance seedling of unknown parentage. The
1993 tree census shows that there are 3,300 acres of Braeburn trees planted at a density of 485
trees/acre. Most of the trees planted thus far are of the "standard" strain. Several selections have been
developed from Braeburn but are not yet widely available. Fruit is medium in size (not as large as Fuji or
Jonagold) and the skin is unevenly red and striped. It has a complex flavor, combining sweetness and
tartness. This apple requires a long growing season. Braeburn is precocious and sets heavy crops, fruiting
on 1-year-old wood as well as on spurs.

Braeburn Maturity
New Zealand growers produce the largest volume of Braeburn. They rely on ground color to determine
maturity and harvest fruit from each tree 2-3 times. Quality and storage behavior of fruit borne on 1-year
wood is not comparable to fruit from spurs on older wood.

Red color develops in Washington only late in the season and is highly dependent upon nitrogen level and

light penetration within the canopy. Harvest maturity should be determined by ground color rather than

red skin color. Timing harvest on the basis of red skin color is not effective for determining edible fruit


Growers have noticed that Braeburn apples size rapidly during the last month of the growing season.

Problems associated with fruit mineral content, reduced fruit size, and poor skin color can be reduced by

delaying harvest until the fruit are mature as indicated by the change in ground color. However, delaying

too long may increase the possibility of brownheart.

Braeburns exported from New Zealand must have 40% red color and only very small amounts of ethylene.

Starch increases slowly during the harvest season. Firmness was not influenced by harvest date, although

later harvested fruit softened more rapidly during storage. Red color does not reflect maturity. Background

color, ethylene, and starch are important in determining maturity.

Braeburns grown in Washington change from a dull, dusty color to a brighter color as they mature.

Growers have reported success by harvesting at a starch level of 2.5-3.5 (1-5 scale). Often the firmness of

this fruit is 18 lbs. The first picking is not suitable for storage.

Braeburn Storage
There is very little experience in storing Braeburns. Indications are that they are relatively easy to store in
CA (if they do not have brownheart) at 1.5-2.0% oxygen, 1.5% or less carbon dioxide at 33°F. Fruit with
brownheart should not be placed in CA. This variety probably should not be stored below 32°F or above 2%
carbon dioxide. Fruit should be placed into cold immediately after harvest.

Potential Storage Problems of Braeburn

Bitter pit--This can be a serious problem with Braeburn, making calcium sprays very important. Balanced

tree growth, fertility, and water management can reduce this problem. Braeburns are also susceptible to

the type of bitter pit called lenticel blotch pit. Other internal disorders can develop due to mineral
imbalances. Nitrogen nutrition appears to be important with this variety-too much nitrogen is harmful to

fruit quality.

Brownheart, core cavities, and coreflush--Reports from New Zealand growers and industry

representatives indicate that both incidence and severity of these problems are orchard and season

dependent, with some orchards experiencing no affected fruit while others had over 90% affected. Less

mature fruit and that with less blush had less brownheart. It has been noted in air-stored fruit and at

times in fruit on the tree.

New Zealand studies have shown that fruit grown in orchards in their cooler districts have more

brownheart than those from warmer districts. We are not sure how the Washington experience compares.

Also, late harvested fruit have more likelihood of getting brownheart in storage.

In CA storage brownheart and cavities have occurred erratically. These symptoms also can be induced by

methyl bromide fumigation.

Some Washington growers experienced severe problems with internal browning of Braeburns in 1993.

There were two types of symptoms. When brownheart was found preharvest, the tissue was dense and

dark, somewhat like brown watercore, but it was not associated with the vascular bundles. Cavities were

not seen in this fruit.

When browning was seen after storage in Washington fruit, it appeared to be less dense and lighter in

color. Cavities were seen in the flesh.

Washington observations have shown that brownheart is more predominant at the calyx end of the fruit.

These are the last cells to divide. There may be some possible connection with use of growth regulators.

Scald--As in other varieties, if Braeburns are harvested too early, scald will develop if stored beyond 6

months in regular storage. DPA appears to reduce the amount of scald.

Mealiness--Poor texture has been associated with Braeburns after storage; however, the causal

conditions as yet are unknown.

Fuji was selected from a cross of Ralls Janet x Delicious. It is a late-maturing apple with harvest beginning
in mid-October in Washington. Fruit size is medium to large. Depending on the strain, it is striped or
blush over a yellow-green ground color. The 1993 tree census shows that there are 11,100 acres of Fuji
trees planted at a density of 550 trees/acre, making this the third most widely planted. There are several
strains of Fuji in Washington State and more strains that are not yet available here. This variety is very
susceptible to alternate bearing. In Japan, where this variety is extremely popular, apples for the specialty
gift market are bagged while on the tree.
Fuji Maturity
Fuji appearance is variable. Its skin color goes from a dull muddy brown to a clear bright red. Fuji apples
growing on light crop trees mature earlier than on well-cropped trees by as much as 10 days. Fujis grown
on weak fruiting wood or late flowering young spurs mature later than fruit borne on older wood. Fruit on
young and vigorous trees have the dull muddy appearance while fruit on older trees are usually more

This variety requires several pickings. In Tasmania, Australia, it is recommended that the first picking

include all fruit on all light-cropped trees in the block. The main picking includes normally cropped trees,

except fruit on 1-year wood. The third and final picking includes fruit on 1-year wood, which are usually

of lower quality. Only fruit from the second picking are of the quality to be stored.

Fuji produces less ethylene than other apple varieties so it is possible that the harvest window is longer

than other varieties.

Measurement of soluble solids has not been a useful guide to maturity since seasonal variation and

cropping levels cause large variations. For example, soluble solids can range from 12% in one year to 16%

the next. Washington grown Fujis have ranged from 17-19% soluble solids. Flesh firmness is also not a

suitable harvest indicator.

Growers begin harvest at the first sign of watercore in the most mature fruit on the tree or when starch

has cleared at least halfway out through the cortex (3.5-4.0 on the Red Delicious AMP chart). Selection of

individual fruit to harvest is determined by ground color. Tests in Washington State have shown that Fujis

are ready for harvest when they start to lose their green background color. When the fruit reach a golden

yellow ground color, some of the apples will have severe watercore, indicating that they are past the

optimum for long storage. The severity of watercore has varied between years. Ground color appears to be

a reasonable harvest measure, especially at the start of the harvest season. However, a portion of the fruit

never changes ground color.

New Zealand reports only a very small change in ethylene over the maturity period. Firmness or starch

have not proven to be good maturity indicators. Mild watercore decreases in storage and does not present

problems, except in long-term CA when it is moderate or severe. Watercore and background color may be

the best indicators of maturity. Red blush is not related to maturity. Watercore development is more rapid

in southern areas of New Zealand.

Fuji Storage
Fujis have a reputation as keeping well in long-term storage, even regular storage. However, the 1993
season and ongoing scientific studies show that there are some risks. Fujis do not respire very rapidly, so
there is some latitude if the conditions are corrected.
Tests in Washington have shown that CA-stored Fujis were firmer, had more acidity and greener

background color but no increase in soluble solids over those stored in regular storage.

Fujis stored in CA (2% oxygen with 2% carbon dioxide) resulted in apples almost 3 lbs. above those held in

regular storage. There was no difference in soluble solids. In other preliminary tests, Fujis have responded

well to very low oxygen storage (0.5-1.0%) with carbon dioxide at less than 1%.

Washington tests have shown internal damage to some Fuji apples when carbon dioxide has been held

above 3%. Fruit which were more mature, stored in higher levels of carbon dioxide for long periods, have

developed internal browning and cavities. Thus, carbon dioxide should be held below the oxygen level.

Short-term carbon dioxide rise (3%) during pulldown should not be a problem unless it is not scrubbed. In

tests at 1% oxygen, fruit held at 3% carbon dioxide or greater for 9 months had internal browning and

cavities. Fujis have also shown internal chilling damage when held below 32°F if they had watercore. Slight

watercore has not posed problems in CA, but moderate to severely watercored fruit has created problems

for some packers.

Potential Storage Disorders of Fuji

Stain--In 1993, many growers experienced brown staining on the skin of Fujis. In some cases the stain

was seen at harvest, but in many cases its severity increased over time. It appeared both on the sunny side

or the shaded side of the fruit. It is most predominant on the sunny side of the fruit. The stain was brown

with very sharp margins between affected and unaffected areas and did not penetrate into the flesh. DPA

was not effective in reducing or preventing the stain. Fruit stored in CA appeared to be less affected than

that in regular storage. Many factors may be implicated including: the 1993 growing season was unusually

cool; trees are young; many growers have applied high levels of nitrogen; Washington growers have

planted high coloring strains, etc. When fruit are very exposed, sunscald is a possibility.

The mechanism and cause of the stain are unknown. From the limited observations and testing there are a

number of ideas worth further investigation. Limited nutrient analysis has thus far shown that the affected

areas have higher amounts of magnesium in relation to calcium. Calcium sprays may or may not reduce

this damage. Fuji fruit appear to have relatively low levels of calcium as compared to other fruits. It may be

useful to avoid applying magnesium. Staining may be increased by high levels of nitrogen and some

reports from Asia indicate that ammonium nitrate and urea may reduce fruit quality. Again, the

mechanism and cause of the stain are unknown, thus it is not possible to make recommendations on

methods to reduce future cases. Fruits of advanced maturity were more affected than those picked earlier.

Fruit in storage developed more stain over time.

I have been in touch with Californian, New Zealand, and Chilean Fuji growers and researchers to determine

the extent or existence of the problems in these areas. None of these locations has experienced this

problem thus far.

Bitter pit--Fujis have not been thought of as a variety which is highly susceptible to low calcium disorders

including bitter pit. However, fruit harvested in 1993 had a significant amount of bitter pit. Thus, it may

be important to apply calcium to Fujis in the same manner as used on Braeburn or Goldens.

Scald--Fujis are susceptible to storage scald and DPA is needed to minimize scald. Very low oxygen levels

or initial oxygen stress might be helpful in reducing scald. This was a commercial problem on certain lots

in Washington in 1992. Harvesting at the appropriate maturity level reduced scald risk substantially. DPA

did not reduce staining.

Rots--Fuji apples can develop storage rots since their thin skin makes them very susceptible. A

prestorage fungicide should help reduce rotting. Late-harvested fruit are more susceptible to rots than

earlier-harvested fruit. California growers report that Fujis which have had the stems clipped at harvest

have less rot that those in which the long, thick stems can puncture or bruise fruit. Initial work by

pathologists has implied that Fujis are more susceptible to rots than other apples.

Watercore--Severe watercore can develop in Fuji very early in the harvest season. Slight watercore in Fujis

will disappear in storage. However, Fujis with moderate watercore may develop internal breakdown in

long-term storage and those fruit with serious watercore are very prone to developing it in mid-term


Coreflush and cavities--Internal core browning and cavities have been reported to be a problem with

Washington Fujis. Browning begins around the core line and may even be present in some fruits at

harvest. Dry, brown cavities develop in the flesh. Washington Fujis appear susceptible to internal damage

from carbon dioxide (see Storage above).

Moldy core--In one test in Australia, 5% of the stored Fuji apples developed moldy core. In 1993,

California-grown Fujis had major problems with moldy core. Some growers think that it was related to

early springtime rains. As yet, moldy core has not been reported as a serious problem in Washington.

Shrivel--Since Fuji has a thin skin and produces very little natural wax, it is prone to shrivel, especially in

storages with low humidity.

It is no longer possible to assume that the fruit on the whole tree can be harvested at the same time as
with Red Delicious. Multiple harvests are needed in order to reduce the variable maturity of the fruit borne
on Fuji, Gala, Jonagold, and Braeburn. Fruit stored in CA is superior to that stored in regular storage, even
when CA conditions are imposed for a short time, providing that the conditions are established rapidly
after harvest.

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