Tech Mahindra Interview Details

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Tech Mahindra - Technical Interview Questions - Round 1

Explain the difference between trigger and stored procedure.

What are the types of networks?
What is inheritance?
What is the difference between Array and Array list?
Tech Mahindra - HR Interview Questions - Round 1

Explain your current project. How do you contribute in the team?

Why Tech Mahindra?
What keeps you busy apart from college hours?
What is your genre for music?
Tech Mahindra - Technical Interview Questions - Round 2

Difference between Ram & ROM.

Explain how Unix works. Also explain the background and foreground processes.
How c programming is compiled?
What are the different types of Integration testing?
What is the difference between call by Value and call by Reference?
Tech Mahindra - HR Interview Questions - Round 2

Explain your current project. How do you contribute in the team?

Why Tech Mahindra?
What keeps you busy apart from college hours?
What is your genre for music?
What are the evaluators looking for?

A ttitude , Approach, Attention, Application of Theory to Practice

B ody language, Behaviour
C onfidence, Clarity of thoughts, Career plan, Curiosity, Consistency
D etermination, Discipline and Dedication.
E nthusiasm, Eagerness, Energy, Ethics.
F ocus, Family background.
G oal orientation, General awareness.
H umor, Humility, Hard work.
I nteraction, Initiative.
J est, Judging skills.
K nowledge, Killer instincts.
L istening skills.
M otivation.
N eatness, News
O penness to ideas, Opinions, Optimism.
P resence of mind, People skills, Planning and Preparation, Personality.
Q uantitative skills.
R easoning Ability.
S eriousness, Skills -communication, listening, team, quantitative, people.
T eam skills, Time management.
U niqueness.
V ersatility, Value for values.
W eaknesses
X cellence
Y earn for achievement(s).
Z est for excellence.

..........Believe in yourself!
Communication Skills

Communication is the ability to express yourself and connect well with the surrounding environment. Effective communication is an extremely desirable
personality trait and helps you interact better with people. Communication is of two forms- Verbal and Non-Verbal. Whereas verbal communication is
about written and oral ways of expressing yourself, non-verbal communication is about your body language.

Effective Communication Techniques

The 5 "Musts" of Intentional Listening
Why is Listening Important?
Listening for Information
Non Verbal Communication
Examples of Body Language in use

Effective Communication Techniques

Listen Actively
Be attentive - concentrate on what is being said.
Be impartial - don't form an opinion, just listen.
Reflect back - restating what has been said helps the speaker know that you understand.
Summarize - pull together the important messages so that you and the speaker recognize what was important during the

Nonverbal Messages
Posture - let your body show that you are interested by sitting up and leaning toward the speaker.
Equal positioning - if the speaker is standing, you stand. If the speaker is sitting, you sit as well.
Facial expression - remember that feelings are reflected in facial expressions.
Gestures - your body language reveals a lot about how you interpret a message, so be aware of when you send signals
that might cause the speaker to believe that you are angry, in a hurry, bored, etc.

Express Thoughts and Feelings

Be open and honest - collaboration between professionals begins with the understanding that you trust each other
with all information.
Speak clearly - don't mumble and don't talk too quietly. If you don't know the word for something, describe what you
mean so that you and the speaker can have a shared understanding of your concern or question.

Communicate Without Being Adversarial

Express concerns non-judgmentally - talk about your questions or concerns without blaming other people. For
example, you might be angry that your child is not receiving enough speech therapy. Rather than talk about the
speech therapist not doing his/her job, discuss your idea of how often your child should receive this service.
Use "I" messages. Rather than say, "You didn't explain that very well," say, "I didn't understand what you just said.
Please explain it again."
The 5 "Musts" of Intentional Listening

"Communicate" means to exchange information, ideas or messages in any way, as by talk, gestures, writing, etc. It also means to have a
sympathetic or meaningful relationship and to be connected. Intentional Communication means aiming at connecting in a sympathetic or meaningful
way to exchange information, messages or ideas. Yet, if you look around yourself, you will find that intentional listening is quite lacking in the world.
This could be a major hurdle in interviews: an interviewer will feel irritated if he has to repeat the question or explain to you what the question was. This
is because interference just gets in the way of listening. What interference? Mostly being aware of my own internal sensations, rather than being aware
of or having feelings for external things…like the other person.Yes, the sound waves stimulate auditory nerves, resulting in something called "hearing,"
but listening? It's the most difficult thing a human can do. But -- here's what every listener needs to know in order to merge -- to have that awareness or
feeling for external things (the other person), to create that sympathetic and meaningful relationship.

Consider these five "musts" as the handrails that keep you on track as you learn to master intentional listening.

I must listen with a purpose.

What is listening with purpose and what kind of purpose are we talking about? The purpose is a simple one: to connect with the other person and find
out the reality he is referring to. This is not the easiest thing to do and you need to inculcate this skill in yourself. You can use a little practice in your
next conversation to learn this skill. While you are listening to someone, interrupt your thought process and ask yourself: “What’s is my purpose in
listening to this person?”. You might receive any kind of response, from negative to positive. The important thing is you analyze your reactions and see
how you are responding to the situation.

I must practice listening for understanding, rather than evaluation

One of the key parts of the human thinking process is to continuously evaluate the information we receive. Instead of simply receiving such information
and imagining the situation of the other person, we continuously evaluate it, change it, fight it or try to fit it to our worldview. One key skill that you can
consciously imbibe in yourself is the skill of not evaluating the information you receive and simply accepting it as it is.

I must be aware of words, phrases, and behaviors that distract me and make me defensive; and exercise emotional control even
though I disagree.
One of the things that happen with a lot people when they are listening is that they get defensive, almost all of a sudden at times. At times the onset of
such a state is brought about a simple word, phrase or behavior that essentially acts as a trigger and ensures that we respond emotionally to a
situation. Words as simple as stupid or idiot can lead to the onset of such a mood, and it is important to be aware of the words that bring such an
emotional response. Whenever you hear them next, ask yourself whether these words are really worth reacting to and should you really emotionally
invest in them.

I must concentrate on what they are saying, in spite of distractions

One of the key things that makes one a good listener is keeping the distractions out of one’s mind. How can one do that? Well, one simple way of
doing it is telling the other person that your are actually distracted right now, and not being able to focus on what he is saying. This would certainly
make the other person work harder for your attention, and also your guilty conscience would disappear and help you concentrate.

I must recognize that listening powerfully may be the key to my success

Well, you might be one of those whose success is limited because you cannot pay attention to what others are saying. Poor listening might the missing
piece in the jigsaw of your life, and might be preventing you from achieving your true potential. At times, you might be dealing with a difficult person,
and it is in these situations that listening well can bail you out.
Why is Listening Important?

One major reason is time: listening is the most frequent and, arguably, the most important type of on-the-job communication. Studies conducted over
60 years ago indicated that adults spent an average of 29.5 percent of their waking hours listening. This was almost a third more time than they spent
talking and virtually twice as much time as they spent reading. A more recent study focused on listening in business settings. Personnel at all levels
including top-, middle-, and lower-level managers as well as workers with no managerial responsibilities were asked to note the time they spent
engaged in various types of communication during a typical week. The results were impressive:

Listening 32.7% Writing 22.6% Speaking 25.8% Reading 18.8%

Top executives spend even more time listening than other employees. Researchers have found that executives spend between 65 and 90 percent of
the working day listening to someone. Another piece of research revealed that effective managers almost constantly ask questions of their
subordinates; in a half-hour conversation, some ask literally hundreds.

Beyond avoiding costly and embarrassing errors, good listening skills can play a major role in career success. Job hunters can often find leads and
succeed in employment interviews by keeping their ears open. Listening is just as important once you are on the job. A study of employees in the
insurance industry revealed that better listeners occupied higher levels in their company and were more upwardly mobile. In a study of managerial
effectiveness, listening skill was the best factor in distinguishing good bank managers from poor ones.

Listening for Information

This is the most common type of listening in most occupations. We use informational listening to understand a wide variety of messages accurately: a
caller's phone number, a supervisor's instructions, a subordinate's problems, a customer's needs. The following strategies can improve your ability to
understand informational messages.

Stop Talking
Questioning and paraphrasing can reveal valuable information, but there are times when remaining silent and letting the other person talk can pay
dividends. Sometimes silence gives the speaker a chance to explain himself or herself providing more information than you could extract with your own
probes. Author Mark McCormick endorses this approach: "Silence has so many different selling applications. If you stop talking and start listening you
might actually learn something, and if you don't you'll have a chance to collect your thoughts.

Withhold Judgment
It is often difficult to try to understand another person's ideas before judging them, especially when you hold very strong opinions on the matter
under discussion. For example, you might ask for a customer's reaction to your company's product or service and then spend your mental energy
judging the answer instead trying to understand it. ("Doesn't this guy have anything better to do than make petty complaints?" "Yeah, sure, he has us to
deliver on a tighter schedule, but he has to scream his head off if we bill him for the overtime.") Or you might find yourself judging the ideas of a boss,
co-worker, or subordinate before he or she has finished explaining them ("Uh-oh. I hope this doesn't mean I have to spend a week in the field, trying to
get market information." "These college kids come in and want to take over right away.") Listen first. Make sure you understand. Then evaluate.
Be Opportunistic
Sometimes a speaker's ideas are so boring or irrelevant that it's hard to stay awake, let alone pay close attention. Still in situations like this, you can
often find reasons to listen by asking yourself how you can use the information. Listening expert Ralph Nichols explains: "Be interested in the topic
under discussion. Bad listeners usually declare the subject dry after the first few sentences. We ought to say to ourselves: "What's he saying that I can
use? What worthwhile ideas has he? Is he reporting any workable procedures? Anything that I can cash in on, or with which I can make myself
happier?" Opportunistic listening can also help when you are confronted with bad news or criticism. Rather than letting yourself become defensive, try
to discover what parts of the message tell you something useful.

Look for the Main and Supporting Points

"What are you getting at?" We are often tempted to ask this to a long-winded speaker, but it is also an ideal question to consider when you are
listening for information. Sometimes it is appropriate to ask, politely, for the speaker's thesis. "I had like to be sure the procedure we work out meets
your needs as fully as possible. Could you tell me, briefly which of these problems are the most damaging?" Take Notes. Students know they need
notes to recall important information for a test.Note taking can be just as valuable in business settings. You are unlikely to remember every deadline,
every comment, or even every topic in a meeting or conversation unless you jot it down. This doesn't mean that you have to scribble every word in
every setting, but when the topic is important, put it in writing.

Repeat what you Heard

It is not always possible to take notes, and repetition works well in such cases. Remember that untrained listeners remember only about half of
what they hear immediately after hearing it and then only half of that after 48 hours. One way to minimize this loss is to go over the important parts of a
message as soon as possible. For best results, restate these ideas aloud- to a co-worker, your secretary or assistant, or a friend. Some business
people who have access to a typing and dictation pool describe important ideas into a Dictaphone and get a typed record the next day.
Which is a better - taking notes or repeating ideas aloud? Notes work reasonably well when they are taken on the spot, especially for recording
specific facts such as dates, figures, or people to contact. They are not especially helpful for recalling ideas or plans, though. When you describe aloud
the ideas you have heard you will find yourself bringing in details that don't come up or seem important when you try to construct an outline on paper.

How to be a Good Listener

Be patient
Be alert
Demonstrate interest
Search for meaning
Seek areas of agreement with the speaker
Seek clarifications
Give feedback

Interrupt the speaker
Respond emotionally
Evaluate before the speaker has finished

Non Verbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is through gestures, postures and eye movement. It also includes body language as well as diverse behavior like
appearance, tone of voice and the surroundings in which the message is delivered.

The important general principle is that you can strengthen your verbal message by ensuring that your words and nonverbal language are in synch.
When your verbal and nonverbal language messages match, you convey the impression that you are trustworthy and honest.

When used congruently, the head, the face and eyes provide the clearest indication of attitude towards others. If you are addressing a group member,
turn towards him and make eye contact. Your full attention suggests self-confidence and respect for that member. When you have good eye contact
with the person you are addressing, that individual interprets what you have to say more favorably than if you avoid eye contact. If you make eye
contact with group members in turn, they pay more attention to your message and perceive you as more confident.

Posture is the most obvious nonverbal signal of self-confidence and belief in yourself. Standing up straight reflects high self confidence, whereas
stooping and slouching indicates the contrary. Leaning toward other individuals suggests that you are favorably disposed towards them and what they
have to say.

How do you sound?

People often attach more significance to the way you say something than to what you say. A forceful voice, which includes a consistent tone without
vocalized pauses, suggests power and control. A whining, complaining or nagging tone annoys most people. To improve voice quality, listen to your
recorded voice and keep rehearsing till you sound more confident.

Matching your body movements to those of the person you are communicating with (called mirroring) without being too obvious creates a sense of
solidarity that conveys a feeling of agreement with the other person.

Body Language symbols can be broadly categorized as Positive & Negative symbols

Open Palms Indicates honesty

Palms on Table (facing down) Assertiveness

Slightly tilted head Inquisitiveness

Body bent forward Inquisitiveness

A uniform smile Genuine appreciation

Shoulder movements Generally positive

Hand on cheek Assessing a situation

Hand on forehead Deep thought / Melancholy

Straight body/brisk motion General agility

Head down/slow motion/hands to the back Contemplation

Steady eye contact Confidence


Continuously changing positions Nervousness

Crushing the teeth Hostility

Drooping body Lethargic

Standing akimbo Defiance

Palms over mouth Lying

Bending backwards Trying to avoid

A bent smile Ridicule

Hands folded Not receptive

Pointing fingers towards someone Aggressiveness

Drumming fingers on the table Assessing negatively

Avoiding eye contact Lying / Hiding something

Examples of Body Language in use

In order to be communicating effectively, and interact better with those around, you can use the following tips for improve body language:-

Making contact with someone is important but the impact is more if one can maintain eye contact while
doing so. This reflects on the value we give to the other person’s ideology as well as the amount of respect
we show towards them. This also makes them comfortable in one’s company while exuding a feeling of
warmth towards them.

Posture is one of the most important physical parameters to master for communicating well. As soon as you get your posture right, you
feel a boost of energy and feel a lot better while communication. A basic step is to adopt an erect posture which boosts the energy within you
and generates a feeling of all pervasive well-being. If we pay attention to the times one is down and out one should be aware of the condition
one’s body is in. If your posture is not straight and your shoulders are not able to carry the weight of thoughts and are bent in desperation, you
will naturally be more nervous and depressed.

Maintaining a great head position is one of the things that you can use while improving your communication skills. The sign of confidence
in one’s own self comes with the head held high. You can wield more authority as well as be sure that you are being listened to. On the other
hand, while expressing a friendly approach, tilt your head to one side so that the other person feels relaxed while talking to you.

Arms are a definite sign of one’s personality. In the normal course one keeps the arms on the side of the body when communicating with
others to show how responsive you are to them. Easy and outgoing people gesticulate a lot. Quieter ones are less likely to move their arms
away from their bodies. The most correct and easy way is to keep the movements of the arms in direct proportion to the body neither very high
nor at the sides. Keeping the arms abreast is very bad manners.
Legs are one part of the body which is difficult to control while communicating. May be, it is because legs are at some distance from the
brain, legs are difficult to control knowingly or unknowingly. Tension and tricky situations tend to give greater movement to them. The only thing
that works is to move as little as possible when in such circumstances. While crossing legs also decorum should be maintained.

Body angles denote body language. We tend to go closer to people who are either attractive , close to us or with whom we have some
kind of rapport. We tend to be stiff with those people whom either we do not know or do not like. When being interviewed we should be careful
of maintaining the right angle so as to be respectful towards the interviewer.

The next physical aspect of communication that you should keep in mind is hand movements. Hands move in many different directions
continuously. Easy-going people keep their palms upwards, whereas palms facing downwards are seen normally as a sign of aggression and
domination . Aggression is also signified by very little movement between the wrist and the forearm.

In communication, physical distances also play an important role. To keep a proper distance between one’s own self and others is of the
utmost importance. Neither being too close nor too far is the correct way. Being very close signifies being forward and standing too far away
can be construed as a sign of pride. Do not stand too close to someone and then move away abruptly as this can be seen as violating the
personal space of the other person.

Listening is another key skill when it comes to communicating with others. Wise men always listen more than they talk. Ears are meant to
assimilate knowledge to be used at the proper time in communication. We have two ears and a single mouth, and it is advisable that we listen
twice as much as we speak .

Mouth movements are also another very important part of communicating well. Being tight – lipped is one thing and pursing one’s lips is
another. One signals reticence whereas the other situation can occur if we are holding back something or are afraid to say the wrong thing.
Either way one is labeled as being hot- headed.
GD Strategy & Tips
What really works in a GD? What are the popular "Do's" in a GD?
What are the blunders in a GD? What are the popular "Don'ts" in a GD?

What really works in a GD? What are the popular "Do's" in a GD?

When proposing an idea or argument, you must be very clear in your communication and thinking. Your proposal should be structured and
systematically put across to others in the group. Charm and personality takes you up to a certain point but after that it is simply your intelligence,
thought process and command over the language which pulls you through. After proposing your idea, your must put forth a question. The person who
answers the questions will have to look at you while answering, giving you a chance to intervene with another idea. Once you learn to handle the group
discussions in a scientific way, there is no need for you to resort to techniques such as shouting, hammering your fist on the table, etc. Whenever you
face a tough situation, go back to basics and that is where you will find the answer. Remember your movie or picnic venue discussions. What works
there will work here also.

Be Yourself:
The most important mantra to ace GDs is “Be Yourself”. The more you change
things about yourself, the more trouble you would find yourself in. The best way to
go about things is to be natural and make sure all your responses are natural and
spontaneous. To ease the burden of yourself, see a group discussion as an extension
of your everyday conversation. This would enable you to think straight, and make
sure you do not let negativity cloud your thought process.

A Group Discussion is not a seminar:

The most fundamental principle of participating in a Group Discussion is that
you need to speak; there is no escape to this bare minimum requirement of a group
discussion. Even though it is stating the obvious, yet students at times go in with a
mindset that is not best suited to a group discussion. One simple task that you can
do in a group discussion is take notes and generate a list of points on the topic
when it is first given to you. Unless or until you are specifically asked by the
invigilators not to take a pen and paper inside, you can do so. On the rough sheet of
paper, prepare a small little framework analyzing the topic from every angle and
ensuring that you have understood the multiple facets of the topic that are generally
there. In case the discussion begins while you thinking, you can ask the others to
stop but do remember that it is advisable that you do your thinking work while the
discussion is going on. The success of an interjection depends not only on
assertiveness but also on the receptiveness of others. If you interject when someone
else has just begun speaking is unlikely that he will let you have your way. On the
other hand, if you wait till he has made at least some of his points, he will be more
amenable to letting you speak. Generally, GDs are free-flowing exercises where in
the exchange of information happens in a continuous and unorganized manner.
Speaking in turns leads to the creation of an unnatural discussion and this should
be generally avoided. Generally chaos is prevalent in all GDs and you might be
tempted to suggest that speakers should take turns. Do not do so as such
suggestions are generally not viewed favorably. A discussion has to flow naturally.
Group members, most likely will ignore your suggestion and try to speak when
they have something to say. A discussion has to flow naturally. Group members,
most likely will ignore your suggestion and try to speak when they have something
to say.

Prologue and Epilogue:

A lot of students generally think that opening the GD is the best way of entering
one. But do remember that this approach is fraught with dangers, and the risks and
rewards of doings so are generally very high. As far as time to speak in a GD goes,
the opening speaker has the best chance to speak for the longest duration of time.
During the time the opening speaker speaks, the others are still grasping the issue
and coming to terms with it, and this gives him a chance to dwell on the topic and
illustrate his viewpoint. This also means that the evaluators get a good look at time
and can clearly listen to his views. But the greatest challenge with opening a
discussion is that the speaker needs to do it well. In case he does a good job and
provides logical content, he gets the credit for setting-up the discussion and giving
it direction. On the other hand, if he fails to deliver quality content, he misleads the
group, as well as he earns negative points from the evaluators as full attention is
placed on him. All of a sudden, he would be typecast in the discussion very early
and would be viewed as someone who jumps the gun and does not provide topics
the kind of rational thinking they require. In a nutshell, speaking first has its
rewards but only if done well. If you make a meal of it, you are bound to entertain
the wrath of the invigilators. Only start if you are sure about the topic and if you
have relevant content for the topic. At the end of the discussion, you should try to
provide a balanced summary of the discussion, and include all the dissenting
viewpoints as well. If the group could not reach a final conclusion, you can state
that in your summary. But make sure you do not try to force your viewpoints or a
consensus when you are providing a summary of the discussion.

Taking the Stage:

The key challenge that any student faces in discussion is entering it. In a hostile
environment, with a number of speakers putting across their points in a vociferous
manner, it becomes hard to enter a group discussion. The solution to this problem
is not a cut and dried one, and it requires a lot of practice to get over this problem.
In such a scenario, where you are stuck in the middle of a very aggressive
discussion, it becomes vital that you participate in a discussion and make sure you
speak. Making your presence felt is absolutely essential. Here are some of the
things that you could do in a loud group discussion:

Enter the lows- GDs are peculiar in the sense that move like a wave, and
have their highs and lows. As an educated GD participant, you are advised to note
these patterns, and whenever you find that the noise levels have reduced, that is
your moment to enter the GDs. But do remember, at times, you would never get
such a chance , and if in the first few minutes of the GD, you observe that there are
no lows, you would be left with no choice but to barge your way in .
Interjecting in a discussion with a question -An amazing way to enter a
group discussion is to ask a question from other participants. Questions are great
attention grabbers, and they attract the attention of the group towards you,
providing you a vital chance to jump in the discussion and provide your inputs. At
this juncture, you could ask follow up questions or give your thoughts on the
question that you raised.

How to start when the previous speaker has completed his/her point in a GD?
Enter after a person has made his point -
It is vital for you to understand that interjections need to be made at the right
moment. For example, someone has just started with his points and you try to cut
him short. Majority of the times, you would be hard-pressed to leave an impact and
it is rare that the other person would give you a chance to cut him short before he
completes his points. On the other hand, is you allow the other person to make
some of his points, and then enter the discussion by interrupting him, there are
greater chances for your success.

Tips to enter the group discussion
Enter with a supportive statement -
A street-smart way off entering the discussion could be by supporting the point of
another person in the discussion. Generally, whenever we make an entry in a group
discussion, we do so by interjecting the other person and contradicting his
viewpoints. But an easy way of doing it could be by lending support to the person
with whom your views match. By using statements such as “I agree with what my
friend says and I would like to add…” or “ I think an additional point we could add
here..”, you can find a relatively easy way of entering the discussion
Enter by increasing volume - The way adopted by most to enter a loud GD
is to increase their volume. Though a method that comes almost naturally, and one
is prone to shouting in such an environment, this may contribute to the melee itself.
It is in your best interest that you combine this method with other mentioned in this
section so that you are able to make an impact. Also, make sure that even though
with a raised voice, it does not pass the impression that you are shouting.

Generate supportive data:

Use facts and illustrations in the Group Discussion (GD) to add value. However,
be very sure of the validity of any statistic you quote. If you mention a wrong
figure, someone else in the group could point out the mistake. If that doesn't
happen, the evaluators might notice the mistake. A fact or a statistic cannot be an
argument in itself. It can only support a point you are making. So do not quote a
fact and let it land follow it up with some sort of inference or conclusion that can
be drawn from it.

Be an active listener:
Listen carefully to others' contributions to avoid pitfalls. Listening will benefit
you in the following ways:
It will prevent you from repeating something already said.
It will give you new areas to think about since a participant may have
introduced an excellent point, which you had
not thought of.
It will help you take the discussion forward, taking on from where another
participant has left off.
It may even help you understand a topic, which you were ignorant of, before
the first speaker defined it.

Being assertive v/s aggressive in a GD
Be assertive, not aggressive:
It is a myth that successful managers are aggressive. They are not aggressive,
rather they are assertive. There is a fine dividing line between assertiveness and
aggressiveness. An assertive person is someone who puts forward his point hand,
tries to dominate others. He raises his voice, he does not listen, and he does not
seek to understand other people's points of view. He gets emotionally involved in
his arguments. He takes it as a personal affront if others disagree with him. He ends
up offending others. So do not be aggressive in your next GD. Instead, be assertive.

Make Friends:
Make friends to ensure that your arguments get a positive response from the
group. Building allies is often an important aspect of a GD. Being heard is one
thing and getting a positive response to your arguments is another. Get people on
your side and ensure that they are receptive to your arguments. They will not only
allow you to interject in the discussion, but they will also support your arguments.
When supporting someone else's arguments does not just say "I agree," try to add
value by adding points of your own that extend the argument. You could build
allies by giving others a chance to speak when they are in agreement with you (but
only after you feel you have made your point). The final weapon at our disposal is
your body language. Try and appear friendly, not intimidating. Smile, it often
works! Speak clearly, speak sense and also let others speak. In a GD, you must
speak, but you must also be heard by the other participants. Other participants will
listen to you IF:
Your voice is audible and clear
Your contribution is relevant and made at the appropriate time.
You listen to others, let them speak and are not too aggressive. This does not
mean that you should only let
others speak. You must let them speak and also speak yourself.

Quality of content:
More important than the amount of time you speak for, is the quality of what
you have said and the impact that it has had on the group. You do not have to
dominate the GD by speaking for a long period of time. You have to influence a
group by providing it direction, by highlighting the crucial issues and putting forth
persuasive and cogent arguments. There is no formula to calculate the right
duration of participation in a GD. In a 15-minute GD in which there are 12
participants, if you are able to speak for two minutes spread across four or five
occasions, it should be enough.

You can value to a discussion keeping the following in mind:
Provide a structure that enables the discussion to carry on
Provide analysis that helps in distilling the discussion.
Provide new facts and details that help the discussion to move forward.
Your examples should be crisp and clear.
Make sure that you add meaningful points that add value and give direction,
avoid flimsy repetition of thought.
Make sure you do not lose focus and discuss trivial issues rather than the
central one.
Try to provide a summary to the discussion.

What are the blunders in a GD? What are the popular "Don'ts" in a GD?

There are a number of candidates who commit common blunders in GDs. Going
through the following section, you can explore all the common problems and make
sure you do not commit any such error. Some of the most common blunders are:

Don'ts in a group discussion
Over-aggression is one of the most common blunders in GDs. In trying to make
your presence felt and entering a GD, students commits the mistake of being over-
aggressive in the GD. Actions such as over-animation, dramatizations, banging the
table, entering in one-to-one discussions or criticizing others unfairly are some of
the misplaced manifestations of aggression. Why does this happen? Most students
think that aggression is considered a virtue and hence must be displayed at any cost.
It needs to be clearly understood that aggressiveness in thinking is required, not in
behavior. A candidate who is polite but firm wins the day.

The words you select to express yourself are indicators of your personality. A
negative approach is highlighted by negative words and body language. Of course if
you have observed yourself using negative language a little too often, you need to
do some self-analysis and sort out your attitudinal problems. Nervous body
movements, having your hands folded across your chest, carrying skeptical
expressions, constantly moving and fidgeting, evasive eye movements etc. are all
indicators of a negative personality and should be avoided at all costs.

Unfocussed Behavior:
Trying to fit your example/knowledge of data to every GD topic; Using examples
that have no relevance to the discussion can only lead to a negative assessment.
Quoting facts, figures and data that no relevance to the current discussion can
actually lead to messy situation and ensure that you lose the respect of your fellow
participants as well. Try to avoid jargons and technical language that seemingly
makes you learned; these can only do more harm than provide any extra brownie

Telling Wrong facts:

One thing about factual data is that it can provide extra-points to you but if you get
a fact wrong, you can be stuck with some very explaining that you need to do. In
case you are not sure about something, you can always say that your quoting that
piece of information approximately. You could use phrases such as: “I think” or
“Probably/Approximately” or “If I remember right”. Do not jump the gun and in
haste make a blunder that you cannot correct. A related fallout of the same situation
is that you should not judge someone who has made such an error, do not jump into
the discussion and start berating him. If you need to make a factual correction, do so
in most polite and humble manner

Being Highly Individualistic:

Being a strong independent personality is a good virtue to posses, but you should
remember that the hallmark of a good manager are the interpersonal skills he
possesses. Make sure you provide a good account of yourself in a group as your
social interaction is being evaluated. The goal has to be achieved in teams and
therefore your interpersonal skills are extremely vital. In fact, one has to strike the
right balance between individual performance and group excellence.
Types of GD Topics
What are the different types of topics in a Group Discussion?
What are the ways of handling factual and abstract GD topics?

What are the different types of topics in a Group Discussion?

A Group Discussion may be based on two kinds of topics:-

Types of GD topics
Such topics require familiarity with facts/information on static/dynamic components
of the environment.These topics can be further categorized into the following :-
Factual Generic - These topics require a basic level of awareness w.r.t the
various segments of the environment. They test you more on interpersonal skills and
behavior,rather than discrete sectoral information. Examples:-
Cricket and India.
Issues of managing diversity in a country like India.
Honesty is the best policy.
Living in a joint family is better.
Guessing is an act of intelligence.
Factual Specific - These topics assess you on specific challenges in gathering
and analyzing information on select areas. A thorough understanding of current
affairs can ensure a high comfort level in handling such topics.
WTO and its impact on the Indian Economy.
The Jasmine revolution and implications for the Arab world.
The Euro crisis: issues and challenges.

Such topics are based on your perception. The way you look at the topic decides
your subsequent participation and performance. The challenge here is to put forth
multiple implications of the topic and then evoke a discussion on some of them.
Idea generation and ability to add a tangible angle to an otherwise abstract topic are
the hallmarks of success here.
Pigs can fly.
And the clock struck 13!
Pink pyjamas over the Red Fort.
Red is red, blue is blue and never the two shall meet.

What are the ways of handling factual and abstract GD topics?

Factual/Abstract MBA GD topics
Factual Topics:
The first step towards approaching factual topics is to look at the topic from various perspectives.
Try to get the reasons and causes behind the topic or issue. This would help in reaching and
covering more areas about the Topic. It is highly recommended that one should not take a pre-
mediated stand before the start of the topic, as it may restrict one to contribute new ideas to the
topic and also the discussion becomes more of a debate. Factual Topic s can further be classified
into the following categories.

Current Affairs Economic Education

Environment IT Management

Political Social Sports

The techniques that one can adopt to manage factual topics are:-
Try and find the stake holders in the given issue - Given the topic or the issue try and
figure out those elements who have been responsible for the occurring of the problem.Also,
figure out those elements who are going to lose or benefit from the issue.
A good way to start is asking why- Try to find the root of the topic i.e. what has caused
this issue.
Try to explore the history of the Topic / issue - find those people who triggered the issue.
Discuss the Pros and Cons and offer your perspectives
Give examples relevant to the issue.

Non-Factual Topics:
Creativity and Lateral Thinking: Focus the Group on thinking as creatively as possible
and then translating that thinking into concrete ideas and words.
Linkages to factual issues: A creative idea is best if linked to a factual issue and preferably
a matter currently in the news.
Ability to understand and develop other's concepts: Paying close attention to other's
points so that they can be developed further.
Linkages of abstract concepts: Connecting two concepts to form a third one and therefore
a new area of thought is a very impressive way to further the discussion of an abstract topic
"Funnel Approach": An advancement of the above idea where the participant combines
not just 2 or 3 but a whole range of diverse ideas and finds common ground between them
and brings then together.
Solved GDs

A good discussion will try to arrive at a solution that shows balance. You need to demonstrate your understanding of the issue from more than one
perspective alone. The conclusion at the end should indicate a filtration of the more relevant issues and recommendations for policies / changes that
can be made in the current system. Given below are a few sample topics along with pointers towards what kind of conclusions can be drawn from the

Should we allow incurably diseased persons to live or not?

Should Capital punishment be abolished?
What is desirable - love marriage or arranged marriage?
Is Science a curse or a boon?
Seniority, Not Merit, Must Be The Criterion For Promotions
Are Reservations In Jobs Justified?
What form of Democracy is better parliamentary or presidential?

Should we allow incurably diseased persons to live or not?

Points In Favour:

If we feel sad to kill even an animal or a bird, how can our conscience allow us to kill a fellow human being just because he is incurably ill?
Moreover he has done no harm to society and his illness is not because of his fault.Therefore, we must provide him proper treatment and allow him
to live as long as nature has willed it

God has gifted us life. So, he alone has the right to take it back. No human being has a right to interfere in His scheme of things.Once on this
earth, every man has a right to live as long as God does not want him to die.Therefore, the reasoning that just because a man is suffering from an
incurable disease, he should be put to death is untenable and beyond reason

It is not always the case that incurably diseased persons spread contagious diseases as some might argue. Even in those rare cases where it
may be true, these persons are not real health hazards because it is medically established now that all incurable diseases are not contagious.
However, as a precautionary measure, we should open separate hospitals or isolation wards for persons suffering from incurable contagious
diseases and thus quarantine them.

Killing an incurably diseased person will put an end to research work in medical science. Even otherwise, suffering people have been the
subject of research work quite less. Now new vistas of progress have been opened in medical sciences and alternative medicine like Acupuncture,
Acupressure, Reiki Pranik healing, Touch therapy, Herbal
therapy, Diet therapy, etc. hold a ray of hope for the so called incurably diseased persons. So, why snatch life from them?

Points against:

This world is governed by Darwin's survival of the fittest principle. An incurably diseased person is weak and has no value whatsoever to the
society. Moreover, he has no means to live. Therefore, it would be in the fitness of things to kill him even against his wish.

An incurably diseased person is the cause of constant worry to his family, his demands are unending and notwithstanding the best possible
attention, care and treatment given to him, he always remains dissatisfied and disgruntled. This adversely affects peace of mind and comfort of the
family members. Therefore, the best way out of such a situation is to put an end to his life.
These days we are saddled with the responsibility of reducing our burgeoning population. The many diseased persons constitute a good part
of it. Even otherwise their contribution to society being nil and burden great, it would be justified and reasonable not to allow them to drag on their
agonizing life.


Defining gray areas is something which any amount of legislation can never achieve. Our policies need to ensure that the group of people taking a
decision to terminate the life is doing so in the best interest of the patient and society.

Should Capital punishment be abolished?

In Favour Of Abolition:

Man is supposed to be a rational animal. But can a rational being kill a man for a man? No. Because it would be savage and barbarous.
Besides, by killing a murderer the dead cannot be brought back to life, nor would he or his family be compensated. So, instead, we should reform
the killer, make him realize his sin and follow a virtuous life.

If we kill the murderer, his troubles are over. But his family is made to suffer for no fault of theirs. We should instead give him some other
punishment, say, for example, life imprisonment so that he has to face his own conscience and repent for what he has done. Alongside, he should be
given psychological treatment and an opportunity to lead a normal citizen's life.

Instances are many where instead of being given capital punishment to even hardened criminals, they were just imprisoned or put in a
reformatory with the result that they realized and regretted their wrong doings, their terms of sentences were reduced as a reward. Such acts
enabled them to serve their innocent families and they even turned towards social work. This shows their capital punishment is not the only remedy
to take care of criminals.

We observe today that in spite of capital punishment being very much there on the statute, heinous crimes are not decreasing. It goes to show
that capital punishment is no deterrent for criminals. Therefore, we must think of changing the method of punishment.Over 30 countries in the world
have abolished capital punishment but none has reported any increase in crime. Therefore, death punishment is not justified from any angle.

The reason capital punishment should be abolished is based on the fact that sometimes judgments go wrong,and, consequently, innocent
people are hanged. This is because of the legalistic juggling of clever lawyers. Even otherwise instances are not rare when corrupt police officials
are brought over through money and political power to file patently cooked up charge sheets in the court and magistrates in turn pass doubtful
judgments. The only way to preclude the possibility of error is to abolish capital punishment itself. “Benefit of Doubt” is an important point of law and
rightly so because law holds that 99 guilty can go unpunished but even one innocent should not be punished. In the same spirit our Supreme
Court has held that death penalty should be awarded only in “rarest of the rare cases”.

We have no right to destroy what we cannot create. It is for God to give or take one's life. Mercy is higher in his eyes than punishment. It is
barbarous to hold the doctrine of “tooth for tooth” and “limb for limb”. Great soul like Jesus Christ even say “If a man slaps you on one cheek, show
him the other cheek also”. Our own Mahatma Gandhi forgave the person who stabbed him and would surely have pardoned Nathuram Godse who
killed him.Nehru ignored the plea of several true Gandhians for Godse's life by saying, “The law will have its course.” But isn't it true, as Charles
Dickens said, that “the law is an idiot?”

Against Abolition:

The time is not yet ripe to abolish capital punishment. There is no letup in crimes. Capital punishment is an effective deterrent for would be
offenders and murderers. Those who argue that despite capital punishment being there on the statute book crime in on the increase fail to
understand that it is because of our faulty justice delivery system where justice delayed is justice denied, and not the other way round.
There are certain kinds of hardened criminals who are beyond reform. It is futile to teach them sanity. Killing others has become their second
nature and they have dozens of murder cases pending against them. It would only be for the good of society that they are sent to the gallows and
thus their career in crime is stopped.

If a murderer is not put to death but instead allowed to live on, he is tempted to repeat the crime in future. It often happens that murderers set at
large through police connivance or legal trickery of lawyers indulge in more heinous crimes for fun or contract killings until they are caught and

In some Muslim countries like Pakistan, Iran, Dubai, etc. where laws are rigid and even petty criminals are awarded harsh punishments, crime
is rare. Similarly in Fascist countries where death penalty is awarded for negligence of duty or other offences, efficiency and honesty are found in
abundance. Jawaharlal Nehru once favored capital punishment for blackmarketeers as well. “I do not want to harm the meanest insect but it would
give me the greatest pleasures of all blackmarketeers are hung up by the neck till death.”

Punishment must be proportional to the crime. One who takes a life, should pay for it with his own life. That alone can have a deterrent effect
on the criminals. It is both ethically and practically wrong to show any leniency to hardboiled criminals. We would be excusing or placating criminals
only at our own peril because then they would feel emboldened to commit further crime. Therefore, though 'an eye for an eye' and 'a tooth for a
tooth' appears brutal but it is the demand of true justice.

A murdere not only kills a human being but also makes the life of his victim's dependants miserable, because in most such cases their
breadwinner is snatched from them and in some extreme cases they might go after the blood of the murderer and might kill them. Therefore, it is
advisable that a murderer is put to death by the arm of the law itself.

Crime is contagious. Hence quick dispensation of justice and award of capital punishment to hardened criminals,as they do it in Pakistan,
Bangladesh and in some other countries, can surely nip this contagion in the bud and prove helpful in improving the law and order situation in our


What crimes are amongst the rarest of the rare? Definitions of crime are subjective. Human life is invaluable both the victim's and the murderer's.
Society needs deterrents to crime. The best policy would be to deter crime with the lowest possible harm to members of society.

What is desirable - love marriage or arranged marriage?

In Favour Of Love Marriage:

Young people should be allowed to choose their own partners because nature has so made them that upon reaching the age of consent young
boys and girls feel naturally attracted towards the member of opposite sex whom they find to be Mr. Right or Miss Right for themselves.

In arranged marriages, parents are not in a position to know the girl well enough; that is, they may not be aware of her personality traits. In
arranged marriages, we generally get to know about the family background and outward appearance of the girl or the boy, their educational
attainments, career plans, etc. and in the case of girls, their interest and proficiency in household affairs cooking, knitting, tailoring, etc. But success or
failure of married life depends on the basic temperament, nature and compatibility or otherwise of the partner. Therefore, to make marriage a success,
young men and women should be supported in selecting partners of their choice suiting each other's temperament.

The presumption that love is blind and hence a young girl or boy will just pick up for a husband or wife, the first boy or girl they come across when
they are grown up is not justified. We cannot say with certainty that a young boy or girl will not take all aspects into consideration before embarking on
a love affair. They are not Romeo and Juliet of our Bollywood variety who convert their first love affair into a marriage. Now we have the concept of
dating gaining currency in which a young man gets engaged to his girl friend only when he has fully understood her and the same is the case with
young girls who now feel more confident to speak their mind in matrimonial matters. During their courtship, they get enough opportunity to study each
other and can easily break off the relationship if either side is not found to be as expected.
Love marriage may have its defects as well, but we must admit that it has come to stay. Today educational facilities have spread and are easily
and equally available to girls, too. Besides, there are greater employment opportunities for girls than in the past. These together ensure that there is
more intermingling of members of the opposite sex and the parental influence is diminishing. Therefore, boys and girls are getting more free in the
choice of their spouses. In these circumstances, it would be better for the elders to take it easy and not to come in the way of their children's
happiness. Yes, of course, they can still play the role of marriage counsellers than that of match-makers. Young people, on their part, would do well
generally to respect the wishes of their elders while deciding to go steady with their boy or girl friend.

Love is the main factor that binds two individuals. Saints and poets alike have praised it. Therefore love marriages have more chances of success
because there is pre-marital understanding between the would-be couples. More often, unpleasant consequences arise only when love is obstructed or
the period of courtship is very short. If love is given way to and the latter is taken care of, love marriages succeed and nothing else.

In Favour Of Arranged Marriages:

The much talked of understanding in love marriages is not so easy to have when the two meet for the first time because love takes place at “first
sight” and not after due deliberation. Moreover, love marriages mainly result in divorce or are the cause of quarrels with parents and thus
unpleasantness in relationships. As against them, arranged marriages are based on more solid foundations. Here, experienced people have their way
and they naturally choose a partner who is sure to prove more faithful, devoted, mature and with predictable.

Parents are more rational, mature and experienced to deal with such matters and they are always capable of selecting suitable life partners for
their children. Loves being blind, young people usually do not give a thought to the suitability and compability of their love. They generally lack sound
judgement and are carried away by passion.

In arranged marriages, boys and girls are weighed in their totality. Their family background, character, temperament, compability, all are taken
into consideration, for marriage is supposed to be a union of two families and not just two individuals. Naturally, girls coming from families which
cherish harmonious relationships are more likely to make better wives than those coming from broken homes. The latter may have their own
psychological problems.

All this new-found love for love marriages is because of the influence of Western films and culture on our life. Whether love or arranged one,
marriage is a gamble either way. Even much trumpeted love marriages have been seen to be foundering on the rock of reality. Hadn't our fathers,
grandfathers and their forefathers all enjoyed arranged marriages? Is our culture or society any the worse for it? If we compare both love and arranged
marriages we find that chances of success in the latter are much more for they are finalized after due consideration of various aspects of a happy and
successful married life.


What is important in marriage is “love”, whether it develops before or after the marriage.

Is Science a curse or a boon?

Science Is a Curse:

Scientific inventions in the field of military technology and hardware have brought about mass destruction.Previously, only armies would fight on
the front and even unarmed or sleeping soldiers were not killed, not to speak of civilians. But today, chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, as also
missiles and aircrafts, have extended the area of conflict right into the heart of the opposing countries. The entire industrial civilization infrastructure
can destroyed in a fraction of a second. Remember the savagery of World War II when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were completely wiped out, its citizens
physically maimed and mentally deformed? Also remember what happened in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan?

Can we ever forget the avoidable destruction of human lives caused by leakage in the Chernobyl nuclear plant in the former USSR and by methyl
iso cynate (MIC) gas leakage in Bhopal (India) a few years back? Aren't thousands of people dying in road, rail and air accidents today, mostly
because of human failure in anticipating disasters or deliberate sabotage by terrorists?
Those who regard science as a boon would say the industrialization and automation have made production on a mass scale possible and less
strenuous, but they fail to realize that it has created large-scale unemployment.Besides, the immigration of rural workers towards industrial centers in
the cities has adversely affected our joint family system, not to speak of the psychological problems and diseases it has spawned in the city based
village workers who are uprooted from their moorings.

Man in his quest for so-called science aided advancement and urbanization has destroyed huge jungle tracts thus causing harm to ecological
balance. Toxic gases and biologically non degradable waste material from factories are causing air and water pollution, blaring loudspeakers create
noise pollution so much so that even out Supreme Court have to step in to order closure / shifting of factories in and around Delhi and to fix permissible
decibel limit for fire crackers during Dipawali celebrations.

Granted that science has enabled us to fight diseases more effectively and lead a more healthy life but more and more deadly diseases, unknown
to our forefathers, are affecting us today. Moreover side-effects of several medicines are more dangerous than the cure, and wrong medication /
diagnosis may render us permanently incapacitated. The recent report that Dolly, the artificially created sheep is suffering from T.B., is an eye opener
for the defenders of science.

Today cheap, easy and mechanical transport, scooters, cars, buses, trains and aeroplanes, has reduced distances for us but the pollution it
causes cannot be overlooked. Besides, our dependence on them has made us lame. Not only this, other luxuries and comforts of modern science have
made us so soft that we do not want to do physical work and thus suffer from several ailments and posture diseases.

Science has taught us to conquer the moon and stars but failed to ennoble man himself. While machines have been humanized, man has been
mechanized and dehumanized. Starford Wingfield has rightly said in his monumental book 'History of British Civilization', the trouble with science is
that it has improved the circumstances of man but not the man himself. So what is the fun of improving the outer surroundings of man if he himself is
not bettered?

Science Is a Boon:

Science is always a boon for mankind. Ever since man's appearance on the planet Earth he has endeavoured to conquer the forces of nature to
lead a happy life. Science and civilization are one and the same. A civilized nation is one which has achieved scientific progress. We call the African
nations uncivilized; they are not versed in the ways of science.

Fast means of transport like aeroplanes, and trains have made the world a global village. Telephone, TV and satellite communications, as also,
Internet, have made it possible to get the latest information from anywhere in the world in no time. This has helped in the spread of education through
satellites and TV networks. Satellite photography has enabled us to explore new areas of mineral deposits and early warnings from satellite pictures of
an impending cyclone make it possible to take countermeasures.

Science has given us new medicines to fight diseases and increase the span of life. Radiological progress, ECG, CT Scan, MRI, etc. help us in
detecting and diagnosing severe ailments. Transplant surgery and micro-surgery have shown hope for the hopeless. Now the human genome project
has succeeded in mapping genes of the human body which holds the hope of identifying culprit genes for man's diseases and replacing them.

From cradle to grave man have tasted the fruits of science: a Caesarian operation brings him into the world, an electric crematorium disposes him
off and in between his electric lights and fans, washing machines, fridges and other gadgets ensure that he lives a comfortable life.

While our forefathers had to live a life full of hardships, we, because of science lead a luxurious and comfortable life. Even the poor can avail of
fast transport, bio-engineered food, a variety of modern entertainment and the like. Test tube babies have long become a dream come true for the
issueless couples. Deadly diseases like cancer and AIDS are going to be completely controlled in the future. Different vaccines have already been
developed for eradication of Hepatitis B, Small pox, Polio, etc.

Agriculture and farming have been revolutionized by science. Big dams to channelise water and distribute it to the desert have turned arid areas
into greenery. Isotopes have helped improve the quality of seeds, which not only increased food production but also caused resistance to plant
disease. Cross breeding of animals and poultry too has increased yield. Biotechnology has made us self sufficient, even surplus, in food production.
Our education system has been revolutionized with the help of science and technology. Gone are the days of yore when man could rest
contented with learning of only humanities; teaching of science and technology has opened new vistas before him. He has more job opportunities. Not
only this, he is more and more in command over the forces of nature and with the aid of science and technology he is using his resources for mankind.
With great strides in paper and printing technology and the knowledge explosion in general, even an average person is able to get the needed
information and can exercise his right of choice in our democratic polity.

Electronics and computers have changed our thinking and living radically, computerized machinery turns out products much faster and of better
quality. Computers have replaced manual labour with better performance and electronics has made it possible for the handicapped to lead a normal

It might sound ironic but it is a fact that because of thermonuclear weapons with colossal destructive power in their armoury, the two
superpowers, the US and the erstwhile USSR, could not go to war fearing MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) and lived with entente during the cold
war era. Even today, post December 13 attack on our Parliament and not withstanding warning of using nuclear power, both India and Pakistan are
desisting from carrying out their threat because of the nuclear pressure.


Sustainable development will allow us to benefit from science, yet help pass the planet to the next generation in the same shape that we inherited it in.

Seniority, Not Merit, Must Be The Criterion For Promotions

In Favour Of Seniority:

Entry in a job can be on merit, for that is an objective criterion for a start, but once a person joins an office, his actual experience alone must count
in allowing his promotions. This experience enables him to gain true knowledge of the practical working of his office. We cannot deny the fact that
seniority makes a man proportionately experienced while mere merit takes into consideration only bookish knowledge.

By merit we generally mean securing high marks in written examinations and intelligently convincing the examiner or the interviewer. But the fact
is that even duffers can secure high marks by cramming a few important answers and get through the interview by chance or recommendation. On the
contrary, only practical experience can give us the true knowledge of theory and practice of a particular line.

From our own experience in India we find that our old system of hereditary practice of a particular trade or profession enables young boys to gain
much more experience than today's newly recruited young men who are given higher position, salary and status. An ordinary mistry working under an
engineer knows more about the intricacies of a machine than the meritorious engineer. It would be in the fitness of things, for us, therefore, to give
higher ranks and salaries to the humble mistries and make new recruits work under them as apprentices, so as to bring about quick industrial

There being no absolute and infallible test for computing one's merit on the basis of an objective criterion, the system of promotion by merit allows
for subjective assessment by superiors and thus leads to favoritism and corruption. On the contrary, seniority being quite obvious, promotions based
on it leaves no scope for corruption or favoritism.

We must see to it that even a peon after a number of years is made a junior officer, then a senior and eventually head of the department,
provided, of course, he has gained sufficient knowledge through experience. This system operates in some advanced western countries quite
successfully for it offers incentive to old hands.

In Favour Of Merit:

Promotions in offices and factories should be based on merit alone, for, it seniority were to be given weightage in promoting one to higher posts ,
every Tom, Dick and Harry who has put in a specified years of service would start claiming promotions just because of his duration in service. Can we
grant promotions to a peon who dusts books and carries files in a library without even caring to read their contents? Can his seniority make him more
able or capable? The fact is that only time applied in useful purposes has educative value. In this respect, we have the shining example of Gangadhar
Yadav, a gardener in his early 20's at IIM, Lucknow. He so involved himself in doing some extra work in the office there, that in the year 2000 a visiting
Vice President of a reputed multinational got impressed with him and offered him the job of Sales Executive!

The greatest progress in nations of the world has been achieved where promotions and honours have gone to the meritorious alone. Here we
have the most spectacular case of China and the former Soviet Union. In China, they followed Confucian teachings since ancient times and recruited
their government officers accordingly on the basis of a competition. Today we know where China stands! In the case of the Soviet Union too, their
greatest progress in science and technology was made possible by encouragement given to merit. That is why they could put first Sputnik in the orbit
and build a huge military industrial complex. An ordinary factory worker could hope to become a manager one day.

Granted that people with seniority are sometimes more knowledgeable than new recruits who come on the basis of examinations and
competitions but they are exceptions. Majority of them do not make any serious attempt to know or learn more and do better. However, the few who
improve themselves do get an opportunity for promotions,on the basis of both merit and seniority.

The requirements of the present day make old people outdated, because of rapid technological advancement in factories and new work culture.
Therefore, if merit alone is taken into consideration while promoting, the knowledge of the latest devices and design can be meaningfully tested in a
candidate who keeps himself abreast of them.

We now witness worldwide skill upgrading, computerization, government downsizing, more mechanization and automation. What does it indicate?
Only that we are moving towards meritocracy- a kind of government where all jobs is available on the basis of merit and academic qualifications alone.
In such a situation, seniority is bound to be left irrelevant and only merit as proved through technical and practical knowledge will count.


Loyalty and Genius both need to be rewarded. Policy needs to ensure that there are exceptions for the career paths of exceptional people, without
making so many exceptions that it gets converted into a “rule”.

Are Reservations In Jobs Justified?

No, They Aren't:

The very idea of providing reservations to any segment of the population is based on negatives. It allows for preferential treatment without a
thought being given to the caliber or eligibility aspect. Just about any individual from the reserved castes scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and
backward castes can get a Government job or admission in an educational institution on a much lower eligibility criterion for percentage of marks and a
higher age. This lowering of standard breeds inefficiency, discourages the really meritorious and negates the very concept of quality of opportunity.
49.5 percent reservation means that half the administrative machinery has inbuilt inefficiency, while Article 335 of our Constitution lays down that
reservation should be consistent with the maintenance of efficiency of administration.

By rejecting people of higher competence from general category and accepting the reserved category with lower competence, the reservation
policy acts as a disincentive to the meritorious and more capable. Thus inhibits healthy growth or development of an individual. Such brilliant students,
victims of unfair favouritism of our reservation policy, get frustrated and leave for foreign countries which favour merit alone. This brain-drain adversely
affects the intellectual capability of our country. Not only this, the system of reservation, says Justice Chinnappa Reddy, has in many cases
paradoxically generated “a spirit of self-denigration” - each community of caste competing to be more backward than others.

Private enterprises, being interested in efficiency alone, do not follow the retrograde policy of reservation. Their sole criterion of selecting people
is merit and ability to deliver the goods. This is why they are doing extremely well.But, of late, demands for introducing reservations in private sector
has been raised in some influential quarters.Should this come about, God save whatever efficiency we still have in at least a few segments of our
administration and economy.
It is a shame that in this computer and space age we, by institutionalizing our reservation policy, admit that we are a decadent society based on
caste. What image does it convey in the international field? Can casteism be done away with by having caste based reservations? Should we not
follow economic criterion instead so that only a few families do not benefit perpetually by this unfair policy? The criterion of creamy layer is patently
humbug, for it is so applied that even those with sufficient means and standing in society succeed in getting the benefit of reservation. All this breeds
discontent and occasions social unrest. Therefore, the sooner we do away with reservations the better for the nation.

Reservations were supposed to be an interim arrangement for 10 years as per our constitution so that the low caste people could come up
socially. But encouraged by our shortsighted politicians with their sights fixed on this sizeable vote-bank, its beneficiaries have formed it into a habit to
claim reservation as a matter of right. Instead of striving hard to excel, they seek the shortcut of reservations and the vested political interests
perpetuate it. This vicious circle can be broken by the Government by having a firm cutoff year for reservations and spreading education among the
depressed classes on a priority basis. But can we do so by assigning low priority to education with a mere 4 percent budget allocation for it?

Instead of facilitating spatial growth of education and development among the depressed classes, reservations have spawned a new elitist group
a mere 5 percent among them, which has cornered all the benefits meant for 22.5 per cent. The same is going to be the fate of the most backwards
among backward classes.

A further reservation of 27 percent to the other backward classes has aggravated the employment problem and has formed caste animosities and
hatred. This retrograde step is not going to do any good to the nation. In the name of social justice, an injustice of the worst type is being perpetrated
because of the accident of birth in a higher caste.Moreover, the argument that since the new reserved categories have suffered injustice through
centuries at the hands of upper caste people, the latter should atone for that, is beyond comprehension. How could a young boy or girl be held
responsible and guilty for an alleged crime supposed to have been committed by his or her forefathers? Two wrongs do not make one right?

The only hope of the children of ordinary families for a better future is through education and open-to-all competitive examination. This has been
shattered by the additional 27 per cent job quota for other Backward Class (BC) candidates following acceptance of the Mandal Commission Report.
That is why they resorted to agitation and even self-immolation, but to no avail. It has further fractured our caste-ridden society. The author of the
Mandal Commission Report himself admits that the system followed by the Commission in compiling the list is unscientific.

It is really damaging to the nation as a whole that instead of tackling our population problem largely due to the illiterate, backward and
superstitious people of backward classes, we give them the lollipop of reservations! In spite of their wretchedness and poverty they produce more
children and make the life of these innocents more miserable than theirs. Therefore, if at all reservations are to be given they must be linked with
adoption of family-planning methods. This will prove to be an effective deterrent against population explosion and will also benefit these classes

Yes, They Are:

The obnoxious caste system might have served some purpose when it originated centuries ago but now it is a hindrance to our social progress.
The claim of the apologists of caste system that caste was changeable according to merit and competence of the individual and was not strictly
hereditary is disapproved by the story of Karna in the Mahabharat who inspite of being equal to or even more in valour, skill, warfare and charity than
the Kshatriyas was made to suffer humiliation for being a Sut Putra (Son of a Shudra) till his death. Again we have the story of Eklavya, a low-born.
Dronacharya, the teacher of Arjun, the great archer of the epic Mahabharat, demanded his thumb as Gurudakshina (Fee), even though he had refused
to teach him archery fearing that he might surpass. Thus centuries of oppression and untouchability cannot be undone in just a few years of honest
and sincere efforts. Therefore, the makers of our Constitution stipulated reservation for scheduled castes and tribes for a period of ten years but it had
to be extended again and again because they could not come up in such a short time. It is only fair and just to reserve some seats for these deprived
and oppressed people, who could not enter even temples and educational institutions. The question of any inefficiency creeping in or harm or injustice
being done to others does not arise because one, these classes too must fulfill certain basic minimum educational or technical qualification, and, too,
some states like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka have over 50 percent reservations yet their efficiency is second to none. Again, no hue
and cry of lowering efficiency or standards is raised when a son of a rich father gets admission in a technical or professional course in spite of lower
marks. Then why these double standards?

Our constitution lays down equality among equals and not among un equals. Through the policy of reservation, our depressed and backward
class people are sought to be brought to the status of equality with others. It is really shameful for a modern civilized society like ours that even after 55
years of independence, a scheduled caste barat party is not allowed to go through a Rajput dominated village near Agra, young lovers belonging to
higher lower caste are hanged in village panchayats in broad daylight without a whimper of protest! Hence, reservation is an affirmative action to bring
about socio-economic betterment of these classes and must, therefore, continue.

Being a Welfare State, we owe it to the weaker sections to ensure their well-being through governmental action.Their economic backwardness,
poor state of education and social deprivation are all due to our society which even at this late hour should not prevent their upliftment. It is because of
this oppressive, humiliating and torturous caste system and resultant deprivation that has led thousands of scheduled castes people (From Dr.
Ambedkar to Ramraj now Uditraj) to get converted en masse into other religions. Resort to such conversions as a means of escape from caste-based
oppression is a shame on the entire society.

If the Brahmins can work as pujaris and act as agents of God for all auspicious occasions like births, marriages,deaths, etc. as a birthright, why
should the Hindu society not view some reservation for backward class people with charity and generosity.

Even now the total reservation is only 49.5 percent for about 76.5 per cent of the population while over 50 per cent seats are available for about
23.5 per cent candidates of higher castes. Besides, true social justice can come with a price and reservations are the prices that are privileged classes
should be willing to pay so that the accident of birth is no more used against their lowborn brethren.

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Swaraj for me means freedom for the meanest for our countrymen. I am not interested in freeing India merely from
the English yoke. I am bent upon freeing India from any yoke whatsoever.” It goes to prove that Father of the Nation would ensure individual freedom
for one and all. But can such freedom be possible for the exploited and oppressed weaker sections?

The depressed and backward class people cannot fare well in an open competition because of centuries of suppression and deprivation, and,
hence, they cannot develop themselves. In this modern age of knowledge explosion through mass media, they may get alienated from the main stream
of our society. This can generate dangerous consequences for the nation as a whole. Therefore, to avoid such an eventuality, we should accept our
downtrodden brethren with an open arm and give them a helping hand in realizing their potential. This way only we can achieve our common destiny,
for didn't our ancient seers proclaimed “Sarve Bhawantu Sukhinah ma Kashchid duhkh bhag bhavet”. (Let all be happy, let no one be miserable).


Inequalities will always exist. Society will always try to set right these inequalities in some ways. Policy checks here should be to see if the solution is
working in the long term or not.

What form of Democracy is better parliamentary or presidential?


India adopted the Parliamentary form of democracy after getting Independence in 1947 because India had been familiar with its working during
the days of the British rule. Since then 13 general elections have been held to the Lok Sabha on the basis of universal adult franchise, and barring a
few violent incidents during the polls, there has been peaceful transition of authority from one political party to the other. Moreover, while in a
parliamentary democracy, the Executive is responsible to the legislature and therefore, the opposition always keeps it alert. For it “always lives in the
shadow of a coming defeat.” As Laski points out, in a Presidential democracy the President does not have to fear any opposition because he is not
responsible to the legislature. It can make him autocratic. Hence Esmein calls the system “autocratic, irresponsible and dangerous.” So, would it be
advisable for us to hand over the destiny of our vast country with abundant resources and population to the whims and caprices of a dictatorial

Since the majority party or a majority coalition of several parties comes to power in a Parliamentary democracy, there is bound to be co-operation
and harmony between the Executive and the Legislature. It ensures easy implementation of plans and policies of the ruling party for it can have its own
way, no matter what the opposition parties in the Lok Sabha say. In the Presidential form, on the contrary, the system of separation of powers between
the Executive and Legislature often leads to conflict: more so, if these two wings of the government are controlled by different parties. This leads to
delay, confusion and procrastination. Therefore, it is advisable for us to continue with the present system which has unity of responsibility, direction and
It is always possible to remove a failed Prime Minister and replace him with a new competent and acceptable individual as per the wishes of the
people. This happened in the United Kingdom during World War II when Chamberlain proved to be a timid Prime Minister and Churchill replaced him
without any commutation taking place. But a President cannot be thus removed before the expiry of his tenure except by an extremely difficult process
of Impeachment. Thus this system being rigid does not mould itself easily to abusing circumstances. Therefore, there is no point in having a
Presidential democracy where even a persona non grata has to be tolerated for the remaining tenure of his office.

Bryce maintains that the Parliamentary form of Government secures swiftness in decision and vigor in action because cabinet can easily get the
measures it deems essential passed through the Legislature. In the Presidential form, inordinate delay is caused in arriving at decisions, for the
Legislature is to be convinced of major policy decisions.

“Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely” says Lord Acton. This applies to the position of a President vested with the entire
administration and absolute power who might on his own take drastic action at home and in foreign policy and bring about great suffering to the people.
We should therefore, maintain the status quo of Parliamentary Government, notwithstanding its shortcomings and faults, which has several heads to
solve national problems in the form of the cabinet.

Parliamentary democracy suits us because here persons fit to be members of the Executive make known their sagacity, political acumen, grasp
and common sense, and the Prime minister will always be one who has undergone a long and strenuous period of political apprenticeship. This state
of affairs does not obtain in a Presidential democracy in the United States any person without adequate political experience can hope to become the
President. He very often comes from obscurity and goes into obscurity again after his term of office is over and he is 'a leap in the dark.'

If the ruling party fails to deliver and carry the majority with it in a Parliamentary democracy, the opposition more than merely exposing its
drawbacks, loopholes and blunders, tries to step into his shoes without necessarily having to force the ritual of a fresh election. A fixed tenure of office
for a President does not make this possible in a Presidential democracy.

India has been the most stable nation of Afro Asia. The main factor contributing to our stability has been the holding of periodic general elections.
Government seeks to correspond to the desires of the electorate. Members of the Legislature who represent prevailing tendencies and opinion of the
nation apprise the cabinet of them. Cabinet or the ruling party can ignore or brush aside them only at its own peril. Presidential democracy, on the other
hand, has nothing much to care for a shift in public opinion because the fixed term of office of the President makes him secure in office for the
stipulated number of years. This may make him unresponsive to the wishes of the people and rule as a dictator.


The time has come for us to switch over to the government of experts, as the Presidential government is called instead of the government of
amateurs or the Parliamentary democracy. The President is authorized to appoint the members of his cabinet irrespective of party affiliation. He can
even obtain the services of nonparty experts. A Prime Minister, on the other hand, is bound to appoint only members of his party or of parties
supporting him. And he has to take into consideration their caste, region, religion and their following, notwithstanding their otherwise unsuitability for the
post. In India, we have had, in the past and have even today, several persons as ministers not because of their intrinsic quality but due to parochial

Presidential system ensures that the President has a national image. He does not belong to this or that group or faction in the Legislature. Since
he is elected for a fixed term of office, stability is inbuilt in this form of government because he is not dependant on the vagaries of the Legislature. In
Parliamentary Government, on the other hand, the Prime Minister has to please both his party men and the opposition to continue in office. The
instability of this form of government becomes more obvious when a single party does not hold a majority in the Legislature and a coalition government
is formed, as was the case in France prior to the inauguration of the 5th republic, and in India during the Janata Party rule (1977- 80), National Front
Governments in 1989-91 and in 1996-98. The BJP led coalition government had to resign in just 13 days and 13 months respectively and the NDA
Government had to put up with the tantrums of this or that coalition partner.

In a Presidential democracy, the Legislature is less likely to be dominated by party spirit and the individual members can vote independently on
the issues presented to them, as the fate of the government does not depend on them. This phenomenon is so much in evidence in the classic case of
United States that the two main parties the Republican and the Democratic are called 'same wine in different bottles'. Contrary to this the Parliamentary
system “intensifies the spirit of party and keeps it always on the boil” says Lord Bryce. Even if there are no important issues of policy before the nation,
there are always the offices to be fought, for one party holds them, the other desires them and the conflict is unending for immediately after defeat, the
beaten party begins its campaign to dislodge the victors. While the opposition criticizes Government policy regardless of its merits, the ruling party
avoids putting unpopular measure, however important they may be, and resorts to populism ignoring the need of the nation. Don't we witness this
happening here in India? Should, then, we still continue with this irresponsible state of affairs?

The fusion of executive and legislative functions in a parliamentary democracy like ours has made the cabinet usurp the functions of parliament,
for the Union Legislature is now in session for about 3 months in one year while during Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru's time it used to be in session for more
than 4 months. Moreover, rule by ordinance tends to bypass the authority of Parliament. In the Presidential system, on the other hand, there is
separation of the Executive and the Legislature. Hence, no wing can usurp the powers of the other. This ensures that no legislation is enacted in haste
or without, in-depth deliberation.

In a presidential democracy, a continuous and consistent home and foreign policy can be followed because the chief executive enjoys security of
tenure and cannot be easily removed. This fact is established by the Rooseveltian era in USA. Contrary to this, in a parliamentary democracy, there is
no continuity or consistency of policies because of instability of Government. A new cabinet may even reverse the policy followed by its predecessor.

In a presidential system, bureaucratic appointments are made by the president, and in some cases, with the approval of the legislature. They are
responsible for their acts of omission and commission. In the Parliamentary Government, on the other hand, there is a fixed tenure for bureaucrats who
thrive under the cloak of ministerial responsibility. In India, we witness an over bureaucratization of the entire administration, which causes red-tape
and avoidable delay. Bureaucracy even hijacks the well meant policies of the government.

With a multiplicity of political parties spawned due to personality clash of egoistic leaders and helplessness of even anti defection law, floor-
crossing and horse-trading have become the norm in our parliamentary practices. The politician-bureaucrat-businessman-criminal nexus has debased
the parliamentary institution, interfered with the judiciary, created law and order problems and encouraged terrorism and separation on a wider scale.
Even violence inside the legislature has bought them into disrepute. Instead of being a government by discussion, parliamentary democracy has
descended to the low level of pandemonium and bedlam in the houses of the legislature.

Low calibre, casteist and communal elements, able to exploit the illiterate and poor masses a considerable vote bank, get elected to the
legislatures. Thus with their immense bargaining power they are able to get ministerial berths? The result? Jumbo cabinets unmanageable in States
like U.P and Bihar where ministers have practically no work to do in some cases but are a burden on the Exchequer. Thus we are caught in a vicious
circle of all-round deterioration. It is, therefore, high time that we abandon the Parliamentary system and adopt the Presidential democracy where
ministerial posts need not be given to elected representatives, the candidate is more important than the party and, hence, corruption, inefficiency,
vested interests and paralyzing interference from politicians can be easily removed.


The form of government is specific to a cultural and social context. Aspects that aid efficient government need to be reinforced, irrespective of the form
of government.
Should I be the first speaker or should I speak late in the GD?
What should I do if nobody speaks up when the topic is given?
What role should I play in the GD? Should I be aggressive, one who speaks less, a mediator or idea generator?
And what does playing each role mean?
If the GD is becoming noisy and degenerating into a "fish market", what should I do?
If somebody becomes openly antagonistic to me in the GD, and says things directly contradicting my points of
view or makes personal attack, what should my reaction be?
Should I take down notes of the GD? Is it important to remember what points are being raised or to think of new
What if the topic of discussion is something I know very less about and I have no worthwhile points to make?
What if no new points are being made in the GD, and people are just stating the similar points in a round-about
What is more important - manner of presentation or the content?
Should I have strong views for or against a notion or should I be more conciliatory?
Suppose there is a lot of cross-talk, and groups of people talking with each other.How do I deal with the situation?
Is it correct to change your stand during the course of a GD?
Does the use of certain words affect ones performance in a Group Discussion?
My spoken English is poor and GDs are just round the corner. Is there any quick-fix solution to maximise my
How do I say what I have to say?

Should I be the first speaker or should I speak late in the GD?

Should I be the first speaker or shoud I speak late in the GD (Group Discussion)
Speaking first may have some advantages, if you can manage to say something original. However, if you have nothing substantial and sensible to say,
it may be (and often is) counterproductive. Speaking sense is more important that when you speak or how much you speak. In a similar vein, speaking
late does not disadvantage you. In fact, you might be able to watch how the discussion is progressing and pick up ideas which you can elaborate,
substantiate later. It is commonly observed that the group tends to settle down after the initial period and at this point, if you have something to say, it
would get better noticed than saying it earlier.

However, some points you should consider are:

The kind of GD topic :- if the GD topic is easy, then speaking earlier is preferable as points may get exhausted early However, if you
carefully listen, you may still be able to add points to whatever has been said. Generally, in case studies and difficult/abstract topics, it may be
better to speak up later.
Group Behaviour :- if there is a hesitation on the part of the group to begin discussion or really focus on the topic, it would help if you
take the initiative and provide direction, even if your own thoughts are not very clear yet. This would demonstrate your leadership skills.

Following are some of the opening strategies:

Introduce the topic with a good quote or an example if you can manage one.
Identify the key words in the topic, try to define them and subsequently correlate them to frame a
flowchart for the discussion.
Start with a short story or incident relevant to the topic.
However, be aware that most of the participants would be prepared for a somewhat role.

What should I do if nobody speaks up when the topic is given?

what if nobody speaks in a GD
Sometimes it happens that the group does not have any clear points on which it can begin discussion. To take advantage of such situations, you can
prepare by thinking about how to provide direction. Some tips are:

Identify what the topic is really about?

Understand the basic issue. If the issue is "Should there be reservation for women in Parliament?", is it really about women or is it about reservation?
Why is the issue important? Who is it likely to affect more - male MPs? General public? Women in society at large?

Define criteria to evaluate:

Based on your understanding of the above, you may define the criteria that should be applied. For instance, if you believe that the issue is about
"women in society at large", relevant criteria would be (a) percentage of women overall that are likely to benefit from increased women representation,
(b) who would benefit more - rural women vs. urban women, and (c) how effective and efficient this route is in achieving this goal. These are only some
dimensions along which it could be evaluated and it is not necessary for you to come up with a comprehensive list. Your ability to identify dimensions is
more important than the number of dimensions.

Define how the discussion should proceed:

If you have any firm thoughts at this stage, you can outline them. If not, you could explain how the group might want to continue discussion. For
example, the group can decide on whether your interpretation of the issue is right, then move to deciding on the appropriateness of the criteria and
then to evaluating the move to increase representation along the criteria. There is no such thing as a topic on which you cannot develop an opinion -
even if it is totally new subject, you can still identify doubts / queries which could be used to start the discussion. Remember that to participate in a
discussion, you don't have to have an opinion - even a doubt or clarification will do.

What role should I play in the GD? Should I be aggressive, one who speaks less, a mediator or
idea generator? And what does playing each role mean?

Different roles in a GD
An aggressive person generally jumps to start the discussion, talks a lot, dominates the proceedings and tends to impose his views on the group. It is
commonly believed that being aggressive is beneficial - it is not. Such a behavior is not accepted yet you find it commonly in almost every GD. Even if
you have a brilliant point to say, it is more important to time it well and say it appropriately than saying it at any cost. Team skills are generally
considered far more important.

What is the correct role to play then? Be natural. If you normally don't talk much but can listen very well, be a listener - take down notes, participate by
actively listening through the discussion. If, however, you can play the role of the mediator more effectively - intervene if there are conflicting ideas, the
group is going nowhere or if there is a lull. If the group has run out of ideas and if you believe you are the idea generator think about how the same
issue can be approached from another angle. The bottom line is that the role should come naturally to you. Often, you may need to play more than one
role and be prepared for this.

If the GD is becoming noisy and degenerating into a "fish market", what should I do?

How to handle a fish market situation in GDs
There are two scenarios:
If you have started speaking but subsequently, due to noisy interjections,
the discussion has become a "fish market", then you can:-
Try to play the role of a mediator if you can. Try to bring down the tempo through statements like "excuse me, can we step back for a moment
and revisit the topic?" or “…can you please just hold for a moment?"or”…sir/mam, we are coming to your point in a sequence”.
Letting the aggressive go through with their thoughts and then suggest some form of equal participation - such as rotation or giving silent ones
a chance by prompting them to speak.
Use gestures like hand movements to attract attention from where you could provide some discipline.

The above steps may normally not succeed - however, what it does achieve is that it conveys to the invigilator that you
can play the role of a leader whenever the situation demands. This is all that the invigilators are looking for.

In other situations you may not have uttered a word and yet the discussion turns chaotic. In these situations:
Be patient. The aggressive ones generally run out of ideas soon and there will be sufficient time for everyone to
speak. For example, the typical noise levels during the course of the discussion is higher in the beginning and
at the end of the GD, but there are also periods in each GD where there is a very brief lull which you could
capitalise on.

Whatever be the case, the following are some don'ts

Don't jump into the fray yourself - it is natural to want to get started, particularly if your past mild attempts at
establishing order had failed.
Don't make long points - when you get an opportunity, don't be greedy, say what you want to say briefly and
hand it over to the next person - this will be appreciated.
Don't be rude or offensive or carry grudges against those who created the commotion.
Don’t stand up or use rude gestures like finger pointing and foot thumping.

If somebody becomes openly antagonistic to me in the GD, and says things directly contradicting
my points of view or makes personal attack, what should my reaction be?

What if somebody opposes me in a GD?
It is quite possible that people are opposed to your view point rather than to you, as a person. Also, it may be a genuine opposition rather than an
emotional reaction. It is important to keep this in mind. Actually, a situation like this is a good opportunity for you to demonstrate you conflict handling
skills and maturity, factors considered important by the evaluators. Be calm and relaxed, and don't let this get to you. If you get aggravated, you will be
seen as incapable of handling stress and this might go against you. Consider the following:-
Is the counter-argument valid? Would you have accepted it if it had come from your best friend? If yes, then concede the point gracefully
through statements like "i think you have an important point there that I did not think of".
If the counter-argument is not valid but the discussion has been going on for some time, then defer the issue in the interests of the group,
with statements like "we have discussed this issue and it appears to me that we seem to have some differences…can we defer it for the time being
so that we may move forward?" or you can seek others'opinion by turning to others and seeking their opinion with statements like "we seem to
have different views here…what do you feel?"
In some cases, more than one person may be having an opinion different to yours. In such cases, you may want to really rethink your stand
with statements like "I see that some of you have an opinion different than mine. While I am not able to reconcile the two immediately, can we defer
it for the time being and return to it later?" There is really no point in taking on a group, no matter how strong your point is.
If the attack is directed against you as a person, then the best strategy is to just ignore it and get on with the discussion, without any
animosity towards the attacker. This is hard to do but if you manage, it will be the best advertisement for your maturity.
Be assured that "losing" an argument is not bad - even if you are convinced about the correctness of your stand, don't stand on it - let the
other person "win" it (just say "I know that you may disagree, but my point is….., however, we need not keep debating this, maybe we need to
proceed"). Losing an argument does not lead to loss of points.Sometimes, it even helps demonstrate your flexibility and maturity.

Should I take down notes of the GD? Is it important to remember what points are being raised or to think
of new issues?

Should I take down notes in a GD?
It is important to remember the issues raised and the important points made - you will need this both to summarise as well as identify how you could
contribute more points to the discussion. One way to remember the issues is to take notes of the discussion. However, rather than write down verbatim
or even long sentences, just jot down the key words (carry a small pad to the GD). Actually, you should develop the capability to take mental notes and
if you do need to jot down, limit the notes to key words. This is because, one might tend to lose track of the discussion while writing down notes.
However, it may be noted here that for people who are not speaking or haven't spoken, it might be a good practice to jot down notes, since it would
demonstrate that the participant is active and involved in the discussion. It would also help one to summarise the discussion, in the eventuality of being
called upon to do so by the invigilator. This is likely to happen to those who haven't been able to speak much / at all, in the entire discussion.

What if the topic of discussion is something I know very less about and I have no worthwhile points
to make?

What if I don't know much about the given topic in a GD?
In this case it is suggested to enter late. This would make you reasonably aware of the issues involved, enable you to take a thread and develop your
view point. If you want to say something, then ensure that it is relevant and sensible. You can also identify new thoughts by looking at issues from your
point of view (for e.g. if you an arts student and the topic relates to software engineering, you could peak of the relevance of software in fields related to
arts…).There are other ways of participating in the GD, such as:
"Active Listening" through making notes and understanding the views expressed. Quite often the invigilators see how active and involved the
participants are and active listening is considered as a good way of participation.
Seek clarifications - Another way is to seek clarifications from the speaker. You may not have understood some part of what was said in
which case you can inteject with "excuse me, I didn't quite get it… can you clarify the first/last part" or "are you saying that …….".
Play the role of mediator as defined earlier in "What role should I play in the GD? Should I be aggressive, one who speaks less, a mediator
or idea generator?"
Summarising the discussion, highlighting the key points that were covered in the discussion and any conclusion that might have been
Structuring thought process - by breaking down the topic into smaller parts and thinking through each part, one can easily identify a lot of
angles which have not been thought of or discussed. So, if you do not have any idea about the topic, try and break it down into its parts (depending
on the given topic).
What if no new points are being made in the GD, and people are just stating the similar points in
a round-about fashion?

This is a difficult situation but also an opportunity for you to display your creative skills. You can generate new thoughts by getting new ideas and
dimensions in place. For instance, in the topic "Should there be reservation for women in Parliament?", you can expand the scope by including new
dimensions such as-
why only women and not economically deprived sections of society?
not "women" in general but sub-reservations within this such as reservation for SC/ST Women, OBC Women
assuming that reservation is needed, when should it be introduced; if introduced, should it be permanent?
If not, for how long?
Identification of even one such dimension can vastly expand and enrich the discussion and often it is very easy to find such a dimension.
If nothing more can be said may be you could summarise the discussion so far and encourage people to think about the implications (negatives and
positives) of the issues and back-ups in case of contingencies. For example, if the discussion had come to stagnate at the point where everyone had
agreed to reservation, you could ask what would happen if the quota were to be 30% instead of 33%? Also, how would the constituencies reserved for
women be chosen? Does this mean that each party has to nominate at least 33% women candidates? What does this conclusion mean in practice?
Another nice way to expand the discussion is to discuss about parallels in other countries. For example, one might provide or ask about the practices in
other democracies like US, UK etc. Parallels might bring out a dimension which has not been discussed so far. However, a word of caution is
necessary - don't go too far away from the topic or identify a dimension which is too detailed - for instance, while it is interesting (and perhaps important
too) to know whether the legal provision of providing 33% reservation to women would have been met if the Lady MP were to have been elected from a
reserved (for SC/ST or for any other reason) constituency, this is a matter of detail and can shoot off on a different tangent

What is more important - manner of presentation or the content?

Tips to do well in a GD
Both. However, it is far more important to say something sensible than to say something at all. Hence, between the two, content is more important than
presentation. Once content is in place, it helps to present your point in as nice a manner as possible. Presentation has more to do with conciseness
and clarity, than with using archaic vocabulary intensive language. It is okay if your method of presentation is "poor" as long as you can get your point
of view across effectively without being rude or impolite Examples of rude, impolite or unacceptable presentation/behaviour are:
Even as another person is speaking, jumping into the discussion and starting to speak. In such cases, wait for a pause or if the speaker is not
pausing, first establish eye contact and when firmly established, start with "if I may, what I think is…." Or "I agree with you. We could look at other
facets such as ….."
If you disagree with a point that has been made, then launching an attack on the point or worse still, on the person who made the point. The
correct method is to start with "some of you have said …… which I disagree with. What I think is…."
Using colloquial language like "the fundae is", "cool" or mixing vernacular with English (unless the vernacular is a relevant quote and can be
understood by all - if not, follow the quote with its meaning in English)
Forming a sub-group and carrying out a parallel discussion amongst yourselves or looking away from the group and focussing on something
else - this will be considered as a sign of disinterest.

Should I have strong views for or against a notion or should I be more conciliatory?

Should I have strong views w.r.t. the given GD topic?
It is not at all necessary to have strong views on an issue. Even if you do have strong views, it is important to be objective and state your views
unemotionally with fact and reason. The objective is to conduct a meaningful discussion rather enter into an emotional debate.
A discussion has four components:
State your views objectively - state your views with both positives and negatives together. Don't over emphasise either. Be ready to substantiate
your points with fact and reason with statements like "the reason why I say this is because …… and …..".
Understand the opposing viewpoints - understand what others have to say, including both positives and negatives.Validate these specifically
with statements like "I think the positives with your view are …. and the negatives are …., do you agree?" ( positives should always be stated first).
Concede, if your view point is proven to be wrong or accept the fact that some view points are not immediately reconcilable. Accept
gracefully with statements like "I think you have a point there which I may have overlooked. Thanks". Apart from displaying flexibility, it will also
earn you a few friends which will be handy.
Willing to explore grey areas which might arise in the course of the discussion with statements like “I think we need to understand the issue
more clearly".

Beyond a point, being conciliatory is not very helpful. It is important to be objective, which means that if you are wrong, you accept gracefully; if you are
convinced of your view point, put it across gently without being offensive or else defer the issue saying that it could be taken up a little later. A
compromise may also be possible, in case both the viewpoints have some merits - be ready for this with a statement like "I think both the views have
some merits and some demerits. May be we could discuss this further". Also you can involve the other group members by asking open ended
questions like "does anyone have a different perspective on this?".

Suppose there is a lot of cross-talk, and groups of people talking with each other.How do I deal with
the situation?

Tips to Handle Cross Talk in GDs
This could happen quite often, especially in large groups (8+) and could happen due to two reasons:
The group has finished discussion and is not able to come up with any more new ideas.
You need to play the role of an idea generator - try the structured thinking process and in most cases, you can come up with new angles to the issue.
You can also ask each member of the group if he/she has any more ideas - this would help those who are very shy. If this also fails and you cannot get
any more ideas generated, then close the discussion with a summary - It is not important to keep the discussion going for the whole duration of the GD.
Don't summarise yourself - by this time, you would have hogged enough air time and hogging more would go against you. Ask one of the silent
members or throw it open to someone to do this.

No effective leadership and hence the group is directionless

In this case, you can play the role of a mediator. You can command attention by addressing the "leaders" of each of the subgroups and asking for their
cooperation in getting the larger group moving. Sometimes, it would be difficult to get the attention of the groups - in such cases, it is important to first
establish eye contact with the leader and engaging him/her. You could ask these leaders to summarise the discussions that their sub-groups had and
ask other groups to comment on the same. You can also add your views to ensure that your credibility as a leader is maintained.

Is it correct to change your stand during the course of a GD?

Do I change my stand in a GD?
Yes, if it is genuine and you can rationally explain why you have changed (you may not be asked this during GD but you could be asked during the
interview). Changing your stance due to genuine reasons conveys flexibility and openness/ objectivity on your part. However, it should not arise out of
confusion. If you do change, it is recommended that you do not change again.

A good way of changing your stance would be to say "When we began the discussion, I believed ….. to be so; however, considering …..stated in the
discussion, I think … be more appropriate". An improvement over this would be an ending question such "do you agree?" or "am i right in my
conclusion?". This leaves the conclusion open for discussion and allows a more gradual transition of your stance. This is better than announcing a
changed stance abruptly.

For example, if at the beginning of the discussion you believed that women ought to be given reservation in elections and subsequently changed your
opinion to against reservation, you can say "Initially, I believed that we should have reservation for women. However, I am now persuaded by the
argument that there can be no basis for differential treatment, which is what the reservation is all about, in a democracy. On this basis, I think I would
prefer a different means to uplifting women. May be we could look at subsidising the education of women up to graduation or make it mandatory for
girls to study up to 12th. There may be other such measures which may be more effective. Can we identify such means?" [Note the statement ending
in a question, thus throwing the issue open for discussion. Also note that the opinion has been changed without being too open about it.

If, instead of changing the stance and arriving at a new, firm stance, you have just become unsure about your original stance, you can say this (if at all
necessary) with something like "I did believe that reservation was necessary but some of the issues raised here seem to contradict the need and are
compelling." There can be no one-size-fits-all solution, it depends on the situation at hand!

Does the use of certain words affect ones performance in a Group Discussion?

Filler Words:
Within our own language we need to remove the filler words. These words give us time to think, but these words de-emphasise what we are trying to
say. These phrases include.
Sort of…
Type of …
Well, you know…
You know what I mean…
Inappropriately used, they rob our speech of the power of persuasion.

Link Words:
There are times when people want to soften the impact of what they want to say and they start with a seemingly incidental and important piece of
information and then use a link word or expression before they say what they really mean. If you watch out of these, you will know how to focus on
what someone is really trying to communicate
By the way..
On and….

Emphatic Words:
Words that can be used to emphasise the ideas that follow them include :-
Simply must
However, we need to think carefully about using these words. At times their use might imply that the information that follows is untrue.

My spoken English is poor and GDs are just round the corner. Is there any quick-fix solution to maximise
my chances?

How to participate in a GD if my english is not good?
What is important is "effectiveness" rather than the ability to speak fluently or use big words. For example, if someone uses grammatically incorrect
English but is still able to express a good idea, this is still accepted. Similarly, people who deliver their points effectively using simple language are
appreciated than those who do the same with complex constructs. You can actually practise some simple statements like the following:

To give your opinion"/ agree with an opinion

"I think we should …."
"I think the correct approach is to ……"
"I am also in agreement with what has just been said."
"I would like to add the following ……"

To disagree
"I don't agree with the idea that ….."
"I differ on this issue… I think we should ….."
"May be we should consider the following….."
"I feel we should do/ should not do this…."

To seek clarification
"Could you please restate what you just said?
"I did not understand you. Can you please repeat?"

Apart from the above, you can try the following:

Speak out aloud whatever thoughts that cross your mind on a subject, to overcome your inhibition.
Read out aloud from books and newspapers.
Watch news on popular English news channels. Repeat the news as it is being read out.
Form groups with others and speak in English as much as possible.

There are also audio tapes available (typically meant for TOEFL and TSE) which can be useful for this purpose.

How do I say what I have to say?

Effective Communication
The following are the important characteristics of Effective Communication:-
P - Pitch
I - Inflection
C- Courtesy
T - Tone
U - Understandability
R - Rate
E - Enunciation

The different pitches we use in our voices will change the meaning of our messages or words. Approximately 38% of our communication is contained
in the HOW of what we say. A high-pitched voice can sound irritating, while a low-pitched voice can sound more authoritative and can be particularly
effective where we are trying to persuade others to our point of view.

If we talk in a monotone then we will make it difficult for our listeners to concentrate on what we are saying. The group members will get bored and their
minds will meander off into self dialogue or self talk. However, if we vary the inflection in our voices, what we have to say sounds more interesting and
will keep the listener's attention. Modulating your voice to suit as per situational requirements can add the necessary flavor to your voice!

It is all to easy to forget to include everyday courtesy in our conversations. We should remind ourselves to be courteous to everybody. Use of "Thank
you" and "Sorry" does not harm anyone in anyway. This needs to be remembered in a GD as well.

The tone we use can emphasise the meaning of the words used. For example, say the following words using the tone that matches the word. (i.e. a
sincere tone for the word sincere), sincere, pleasant, happy, sad, confident, believable.

We should avoid talking with anything other than our tongue and teeth in our mouths. Chewing- gums etc. should be avoided. Also, avoid using slangs
and jargons.

Rate stands for the rate or speed at which we speak. If we speak to quickly, our listeners may not be able to follow the content. Similarly if we speak
too slowly, then people will try and finish off the subject of the conversation or presentation. It is the variety of “speeds” which gives power to our
conversation, slowing down to make a particular point, speeding up to add emphasis and excitement. This change in rate gives feeling and enthusiasm
to what we say.

We need to be careful how we enunciate what we say. We must speak clearly to avoid misunderstandings. Some people struggle more with numbers
than with words, so we take care to cite them clearly to avoid confusion. The letters T and D are often confused, as are P and B. Speaking clearly is
the only way to speak if we wish to ensure that what we say is understood.
Group Discussion Topics
Socio & Political GD Topics

Socio & Political GD Topics (150) | MBA Enterprises GD Topics (57) | Eco Tech. Industry GD Topics (73)
Education & Sports GD Topics (79) | Miscellaneous GD Topics(96) | International Affairs (22) | Abstract GD Topics (115)

Defense or Development?
Is the concept of Non- Violence still applicable?
Rural Vs Urban development
Social Networking is a menace.
100% privatization - good or bad?
20 years of liberalization has pushed India to pre 1991 era
"A black man motivating people against America on grounds of social,
economic, injustice and inequality.
And the topic to discuss was "Mobilizing masses on basis of caste, creed,
and colour. Is it right or wrong?""
A video on rural India was shown and a bicycle was used to work as a
washing machine and the topic to discuss
was "What drives innovation?".
"A video shown on rural India, showing initiative by the government and
the author spoke about sustainable income.
The topic to discuss was "How has India incorporated inclusive capitalism
in its growth model"."
Animal research is Moral Crime
Anna Hazare movement on Lokpal Bill, whether India needs it or not?
Appropriate age for adulthood is 18, 21 or 25 years?
Are call center employees cyber coolies?
Are we producing a generation of burnt out children?
Are women capable of taking more stress as compared to men?
Are women fit to join Army?
Arranged marriages vs. love marriages
Black money- How black is it?
Brain Drain is good for the country
Cartoon given showing a boy downloading something from internet and
law on piracy was given. Discuss how to curb
"Case study on Adhaar cards wherein future prospects, impact, problems
probably arising, financial aspects were
Competition is best for increasing efficiency
Corruption is just the consideration for the services rendered
Crowd outsourcing – issues and challenges.
Doctors indulging in trafficking of human parts should be given death
Excessive use of electronic gadgets is leading to hampering of analytical
skills of students
Expensive quality is better than cheap trash
GE and GM Crops (The Bt Brinjal case)
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition by mediocre
Has Judicial System of India failed?
How is new technology effecting our society?
How would you influence people?
If it suits you carry on and forget everything else
Import of Chinese toys. Is it good or bad?
In the world of tough competition, corruption is unavoidable.
India is a superpower in 21 century with 40 crore hungry people.
India shining or corrupting
India should attack Pakistan in order to retaliate for Mumbai terror
India's biggest threat - corruption, terrorism or China?
After financial meltdown, should the government use taxpayer's money to
bailout the companies?
Can India become the next superpower?
Can reservation in institutions be shown as an area of social
Capitalism is flawed but other systems are much worse.
Centre- state relations in India
Chindia is it a reality?
Coalition governments are affecting the Indian govt.
Coalition Governments: Are they the way ahead?
Consumer rights awareness in India
Corrupt but efficient politicians are better than non corrupt and inefficient
Corruption is the price we pay for democracy
Democracy in India is an eyewash.
Democracy in India is now a civilized monarchy
Democracy in our country would be complete only by introducing a right
to recall of the representatives by the electorate?
Democracy is more of a mockery in India now.
Demographic dividend in India is an outstretched idea
Division of India on the basis of language is right or wrong?
Do we need a classless society?
Do we need to preserve the Indian Culture?
E-governance in India, challenges faced in enforcing, role of NGO's and
Private sector.
Election commission should be more strict?
Euthanasia as a Human Right
Freedom of Speech: Should there be any limit?
Future of Regional Parties in India
Governance in India is at all time low
Has the youth grossly failed to do its duty towards the nation?
Honor Killings: the way out
How important is the women reservation bill?
How secular is secular India?
"If land acquisition bill is prepared should government have more roles in
or should private players be trusted?"
Importance of young generation in the process of nation building.
In a socialist Country such as India, should salaries of executives be
In India, Should minorities be given the first right to resource?
India can never catch up with China in terms of Economic growth.
India cannot grow without improving its agriculture sector.
India is a great aspirational society.
India is on the volcano of social issues like inequality, poverty
India should also follow two party system in politics.
Indians can do better if they are told beforehand?
Inefficiency creeping within the Indian governance
Is democracy the best form of government?
Is India a superpower in making?
Is India moving towards food insecurity?
Is India really a secular country?
Is India really a secular state?
Is India's large population good or bad for it?
Is the Nuclear Power best way forward for India?
Is the participation of students in politics desired?
Is today's youth prey to society's ever rising expectations?
Judicial Activism
Lalu will be a successful PM
Large population is a hindrance to economic growth.
Look East policy" is not beneficial for India.
Mitt Romney is a republican candidate in America standing for elections
and commented on Golden temple, to which
India reacted, is India over reactive?
Peace and Non Violence are outdated concepts. Comment on it.
Politicization and Commercialization of sports - reality or fake?
Politics and Religion should definitely go hand in hand.
Politics is a necessary evil.
Power-nucleate or nuclear.
Presidential form of government will help in prospering India
Public demonstrations are a way for people to protest against injustice
Recently MPs were given 50k Rupees to buy tabs and digitize work. Is the
hard earned money of Indian taxpayers
being misused?
Regional Politics: Boon or Bane for India?
Relevance of democracy
Religion and secularism can co exist
Religion should not be a center stage in a secular state?
Reorganization of states in India
Reservation for Women
Reservation in the private sector
Reservation of jobs should be there for local people
Secular India - Does it still exists?
Should Business Houses finance elections?
Should capital punishment be scrapped?
Should donations to political parties be exempted from Income tax?
Should Gandhigiri be adopted by young generation?
Should India role back the economic stimulus package?
Should Indian politicians be evaluated for their political skills before
nomination? If yes, how?
Should youth be engaged in politics?
Smaller states are the need of the hour.
Social Clause is also a form of protection
Social impact of slowdown
Social Networking is a menace.
Swadesh is no longer relevant in India.
Tackling terror should be the first priority for Indian govt.
The Chinese miracle: can India imitate it?
The implication of the change in US Presidency for India
The nuclear liability bill
The situation between the union and state governments has always been a
matter of controversy
The Third Front: Importance in Indian Politics.
Thirty three percent Reservation for women in jobs.
Turmoil in Pakistan: a threat to India.
Environment concern- how grave is it?
‘Villages are the pride of India
Voters, not, politicians are responsible for criminalization of politics
Welcome to Socialism
What India needs now is Dictatorship.
What should be done to uplift status of Muslims
While working in a corporate firm, can you contribute towards the
development of the society?
Women reservation is beneficial for the country.
Women's quota will increase gender disparity
Worsening sex ratio in India
Youth are responsible for improving the society, give us a break.
Rising crimes against women
Has feminism evolved over years?
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More About Group Discussion

Most B Schools organize a GD to assess the communication skills of a candidate. The idea is to observe how a person speaks, what he speaks, his
level of confidence, his ability to listen and convince others, and his behavior towards colleagues. These qualities are essential to work in a team in
an organization. It's not the time to take it cool and easy, rather it's the time to be at your competitive best. The GD's and the Interviews are far
tougher than the Written Test. They test your presence of mind, the depth of your knowledge, your communication skills and your ability to argue

Group Discussion Process:

In a typical GD, there are usually 7-12 people who discuss a topic for about 15-25mins. There are no specific instructions on how the topic should
be discussed, who should speak first or how the group should behave. The evaluators keep observing silently each student from a distance and
make notes with which the final evaluation is done. Sometimes if there is a fish market, the evaluators may make it a guided discussion or turn-wise
discussion. At times there is a case let given and group has to discuss the issues relating to it. The predominant focus is on analytical skills. And
everyone gets a chance to speak his / her mind.

Group Discussion (GD) Topics:

The GD topics are pretty general and broad-based and concern something that any student can (and should be able to) discuss; these require no
special technical knowledge, only an overall understanding of the issues involved. Also, given the duration, each student cannot hope to get more
than 1 to 1½ minutes in all within which to make an impression. Also, you can expect, not more than 40-50seconds at a stretch. This, then, is the
challenge - how to get an opportunity to speak and when you get it, how to effectively communicate your thoughts within this short time.


Every company would have different evaluation parameters, but generally the following are the point that they will look at:
Strength of Point : New Point. Building upon an Existing Point. Rationale behind the Point. Quality of Examples Given.
Body Language : Style of sitting & Eye Contact. Movement of hands & Listening Style
Team Work & Assertiveness : Teamwork/Police-work shown. Giving direction to Group.Assertiveness/Convincing ability.
Communication Skills : Command over language / wit & humour. Clarity of voice,Voice modulation


1. Communication Abilities : The ability to communicate effectively your viewpoint is a key ingredient to being successful. The emphasis is
on effectiveness - how well the others have understood your point, which is determined by the clarity of thought, conciseness and delivery.
Remember, communication is not about using big or high-sounding words or being fluent, it's all about making you understood. Remember, your
goal is to explain, not confuse further. So the thumb rule should be to KISS (Keep It Simple, Short and Sweet).

2. Team Skills They are all about managing people - either one-to-one or increasingly, in a team setting. Hence, most companies are
interested in knowing how well you camper form various team roles - a team player (cog in the wheel), a mediator or a leader. A display of fair play,
sharing of responsibility and authority, appreciation of others' contributions, empathy and confidence-building can go a long way in establishing your
identity as a valuable team-player.
3. Analytical Skills How quickly, clearly and dispassionately you can analyze a given situation is integral to the ultimate resolution of any
problem/situation. Remember, decisiveness is an extremely valuable trait even in personal life, more so in professional life. However, it shouldn't be
taken to be a license for indulging in reckless, rash thinking. Just avoid indecision.

4. Awareness / General Knowledge A thorough knowledge of your political, social, economic, business and other environment is a pre-
requisite for success in any walk of life. A would-be manager needs this knowledge to a greater degree because these factors can have a great
bearing on the business he is managing. Of course, the GD may not hinge on your knowing what dish Sonia Gandhi had at the luncheon after the
Indo-Pak summit, but it will definitely pay if you know the major points on the accord signed after the summit!
GD FAQ’s :

Let us discuss some commonly asked doubts about handling group discussions.

1. Starting the GD gives me an advantage, doesn't it ?

If you speak well, Yes. Otherwise, it shows that you are not very well prepared and are just trying to be an eager beaver. Also only one person can
start a GD. It does not mean that the others are not so good or that they are slow starters. You have 20 minutes to make your points so there is no
need to panic if you cannot start the GD.

2. How many times should I speak in a GD ?

Well, there is no rule. While it is good if you speak 3-4 times, even if you speak just once and speak sense, it counts more than speaking thrice and
saying nonsense.

3. I must speak for the issue or against the issue, is that the case?
Wrong! Most people conclude the GD before they finish their first sentence by saying "I think that art movies are boring and should be banned". It
would help if you try to raise a few points for discussion before jumping to a conclusion. As the old saying goes “Do not jump to conclusions or they
may jump on you”.

4. If everybody is shouting then I too must start shouting, right?

Very often, the whole group starts shouting and each one blames it on the other. You could join them, but if you have been at GD's, then you will
realize that there are times when the group hits a crescendo and then there is a sudden lull, this probably is the time to enter the discussion. In any
case you must at least make the effort to get yourself heard though there is no reason to shout throughout the GD.

5. Should I say "excuse me" before I interrupt someone?

No!! You are speaking as a matter of right and therefore there is no need to apologize for interrupting someone if you think that he has had his say
and you have a point to make. Just get straight to the point.

6. Do I need to give an introduction before I get to the point?

Please do not get into introductions. Remember that there are 9 more people who are waiting to speak and want concrete points, not long winded
introductions. It is in your interest to get to the crux of the matter.

7. What is more important - manner of presentation or the content?

Both. However, it is far more important to say something sensible than to say something at all. Hence, between the two, content is more important
than presentation. Once content is in place, it helps to present your point in as nice manner as possible. Presentation does not mean flourish,
fluency in English or great vocabulary but has more to do with conciseness and clarity. It is okay if your method of presentation is "poor" as long as
you can get your point of view across effectively without being rude or impolite.

8. Okay, I didn't start the discussion, so how do I enter it?

Entering the discussion is an important facet of GD and you should learn this well. Some guidelines are : Don’t jump in. Wait for a pause or a lull in
the discussion. In the meantime, keep eye contact with speaker(s) (and the "leader") and actively participate with gestures such as nodding your
head to points you agree with. As you establish eye contact, you will be able to identify when to enter. Otherwise, when appoint you agree with is
being made, you can try to add on to the speakers' points and thus take off from there. However, don't be offensive and don't cut off the speaker. If
you do so, ensure that you begin with by saying "I agree with.".

Other strategies for entering a discussion could be

• Start with an interesting anecdote - some relevant incident that happened in your personal life or something published. Quotes can also be used
to the same effect.
• Seek clarifications from the speaker or the group.
• Keep time for the group and if you notice that the group is spending a lot of time on peripheral issues, you can remind the group by saying "looks
to me that we have spent a lot of time on issues without getting to the core…can we identify the main issue?" or something similar.

We are corrupt because we are poor.

Only poor people are responsible for their poverty.
Gender Equality will be a reality in the 21st century.
Corruption means lack of integrity. Do you agree?
Case Study
What are the various skills under the scanner in a Case Study?

A case study, just like a group discussion, is designed to assess certain group performance skills of the individual. The difference stems from the fact
that a Case Study tests a larger and slightly different skill set as compared to a normal group discussion. The following is a list of special traits, which
the evaluators look for while assessing a candidate.

Analytical Skills:
The core competence of an MBA is analysis of the situation: breaking down
data, formulating it into a pattern that makes
sense and deriving a sensible conclusion or recommendation. You should
display this skill through efficient, targeted and
accurate piecing together of the data while wrestling the group towards a
solution to the case. After self-analysis, you
should clearly and logically present the findings and recommendations for the
group to discuss further.

Quantitative Skills:
Some case studies involve working with numbers to reach an effective solution.
In that situation, a quick calculation on a
rough sheet to present the relevant figures for the group will make you stand in
a very good light with the evaluator.

This refers to the ability of the candidate to consider the opposing point of view
in light of the facts/figures presented in the case. There is no single solution to
the case and thus a flexible candidate should not leave out good options in his
analysis even if they were presented with an opposing point of view.

Leadership Skills:
Leadership is demonstrated by taking charge of the discussion and trying to
achieve a consensus solution.This consensus solution need not be the best one
according to you; instead it should aim to incorporate all viewpoints.

Presentation/Communication Skills:
Like in group discussion, effective communication forms an integral part of a
case study too. The skills tested are
articulation in presentation, fluency, body language, eye contact and coherence.
Remember: When you're speaking, slow
down and smile. It's always better to take a very small pause rather than babble!

Behavioral/Personality traits:
The personality traits being evaluated are: attitude, controlled aggression, team
membership, patience, amenability and

Goal Orientation:
This parameter is evaluated through the candidate's willingness to arrive at a
solution and intelligent use of other's content.

Last but not the least, the level of confidence, proactiveness and action
orientation form an important part of a candidate's
Suggest an action plan to handle the challenges in a case study.

MBA entrance case study
Cases are certain illustrative situations depicting the profile and context of any problem. To make sure you are able to handle a case study
successfully, it is important to be able to identify and develop a strategy. Case Studies require a more analytical approach than a group discussion.
Generally, the questions asked at the end of the case study are a “trap” for the students. The symptoms should not be mistaken for the root problem.

The following action plan should enable you to sail your way past the case study with ease.

Situation/Context Analysis :
The first step in a case analysis is to go over the case line-by-line and jot down
the relevant points, facts and figures. The aim of this exercise is to capture the
crux of the case in brief. Both the internal as well as the external factors relevant
to the organization should be elucidated. This analysis provides a shape for
things to come in further analysis. The factors external to the organization
comprise things like level of competition, market share, raw material prices, tight
labour market conditions, price-cutting, customer preferences etc. The factors
internal to the organization comprise mainly of its labour policies, dispute-
redressal systems, project approval schemes, marketing strategy, capacity
expansions etc.

The 'PACER' format for Case Analysis:

This standard format is applicable to most of the case studies that you would be
required to tackle. Some minor variations might be needed depending on the
specific situation. It might not always be possible to fit the entire format to a
specific case; however, an attempt should be made to incorporate as much as
possible. It usually helps to write down the format headings on a sheet of paper
and then fill in the details
P- Problem Definition: The problem should ideally be defined in a crisp, single line incorporating the most important decision issue to be solved
in the case. It helps to be quantitative at this stage to have a better grasp of the problem. An important thing to remember is not to mistake the
symptoms for the root problem. For example a falling market share or a decline in sales is, invariably, a symptom while the real problem may lie with
the nature of the industry or the quality of the product.
A- Alternatives Generation: The next step is to list down the various alternatives to resolve the problem and achieve the objectives set out in the
case study. At this stage, all the alternatives that come to mind should be listed even if an alternative provides only a part solution to the problem at
hand. Sometimes, this part solution can be later combined with some other alternative to provide a complete solution.
C- Criteria for evaluation of alternatives: List down the parameters that are important to the solution of the problem at hand. These parameters
can be profitability, growth in market share, image, sales etc.
E- Evaluate the alternatives: This stage uses the criteria to evaluate the various alternatives generated earlier.The positive and negative
aspects of each alternative are to be kept in mind while evaluating the alternatives.
R- Recommendations: At the end of the analysis, provide recommendations to resolve the situation. Also look at short-term as well as long-term
implications of the recommendations in solving the problem.

What are the popular “Do's” and “Don'ts” in a case study?

Things to do:
Take time to analyze and think through the case.
Weigh the pros and cons and various trade-offs between two or more choices
Break down the complex problem into small, distinct pieces to enable better articulation
Listen attentively, even to conflicting ideas, as they might provide part solution to the problem
Summarize the analysis periodically
Be consistent, and not monotonous

Things NOT to do:

Jump to a conclusion at the start
Worry about speaking all the time
Worry about not having specific industry knowledge
Worry if you are not able to completely solve the case. Remember - The structure of thoughts is as important as
the final result.
Solved Case Studies


Started in 1965, ChemCo is a leading manufacturer of car batteries in the U.K. market. Since then, it has been under the charge of Mr. Jones, the
founder-owner of the firm. In 1999, the company decided to go for a diversification by expanding the product line. The new product was batteries for
fork-lift trucks. At the same time, Mr. Marek was appointed the Senior Vice President of marketing in the company. However, soon after its successful
diversification into fork-lift batteries, the sales in this segment began dropping steadily. Mr. Marek wanted to introduce some radical changes in the
advertising and branding of the new business but the proposal was turned down by the old-fashioned Mr. Jones.
At this juncture in 2002, the firm is losing heavily in the fork-lift batteries business and its market share in car batteries is also on a decline. Mr. Jones
has asked Mr. Marek to show a turnaround in the company within a year. What steps should Mr. Marek take to take the company out of its troubles?

Some of the facts on the case are:

ChemCo is a quality leader in the U.K. car batteries market.

Customer battery purchases in the automobile market are highly seasonal
The fork-lift business was added to utilize idle capacity during periods of inactivity.
This is a low-growth industry (1% annual growth over the last two years)
Large customers are sophisticated and buy based on price and quality. Smaller customers buy solely on price.
There is a Spanish competitor in the market who offers low priced batteries of inferior quality

Situation Analysis:

Established player in car batteries
Losing heavily in fork-lift truck batteries
Old fashioned owner resistance to change

Low priced competitors
Foreign competitors gaining market share

High quality product, but low end customers care more about price than quality

Problem Definition:
Mismanaged product diversification in a price sensitive market

Alternative 1: Establish an Off-Brand for the fork-lift business
Alternative 2: Educate the customer market about product quality
Alternative 3: Exit the fork-lift battery business

Criteria for evaluation of alternatives:

Establishing the firm's quality image
Increase in market share
Increase in sales
Cost of the product
Evaluation of Alternatives:

Alternative 1
Protect firm's quality image in the automobile industry
Redesigned product to reduce the cost of manufacture
Low price to enable it to compete with Spanish producer

Alternative 2
Make use of the quality leadership in car batteries market
Offer reliability testing, extended warranties etc. to promote quality image
Set higher prices to extract surplus from these advantages

Alternative 3 and 4
A passive strategy, not proactive

Alternative 1 is recommended in this case. Since the firm operates in an industry
which has low growth, hence it can expand market share and sales only by taking
the customers from other players. Hence, it needs to tackle the Spanish competitor
head-on by aggressively pricing its product. At the same time, launching a low-
priced product under the same brand name erodes the high quality image in the car
batteries market. Hence, the best option is to go for an off-brand to target the fork-
lift customers who are increasingly becoming price sensitive. This will enable the
company to ward off the threat in short-term and build its position strongly in the


The Nakamura Lacquer Company (NLC) of Kyoto, Japan, employed several thousand men and produced 500,000 pieces of lacquer tableware
annually, with its Chrysanthmum brand becoming Japan's best known and bestselling brand. The annual profit from operations was $250,000.
The market for lacquerware in Japan seemed to have matured, with the production steady at 500,000 pieces a year. NLC did practically no business
outside Japan.
In May 2000, (much to your chagrin!) the ambitious and dynamic, Mr. Nakamura (Chairman, NLC) received two offers from American companies
wishing to sell lacquer ware in America.
The first offer was from the National China Company. It was the largest manufacturer of good quality dinnerware in the U.S., with their “Rose and
Crown” brand accounting for almost 30% of total sales. They were willing to give a firm order for three years for annual purchases of 400,000 sets of
lacquer dinnerware, delivered in Japan and at 5% more than what the Japanese jobbers paid. However, Nakamura would have to forego the
Chrysanthemum trademark to “Rose and Crown” and also undertake not to sell lacquer ware to anyone else in the U.S.
The second offer was from Sammelback, Sammelback and Whittacker (henceforth SSW), Chicago, the largest supplier of hotel and restaurant
supplies in the U.S. They perceived a U.S. market of 600,000 sets a year, expecting it to go up to 2 million in around 5 years. Since the Japanese
government did not allow overseas investment, SSW was willing to budget $1.5 million for the next two years towards introduction and promotion.
Nakamura would sell his “Chrysanthemum” brand but would have to give exclusive representation to SSW for five years at standard commission rates
and also forego his profit margin toward paying back of the $ 1.5 million.

What should Mr. Nakamura do?:

Situational Analysis:
The Nakamura Lacquer Company:
The Nakamura Lacquer Company based in Kyoto, Japan was one of the many small handicraft shops making lacquerware for the daily table use of the
Japanese people.
Mr. Nakamura- the personality:
In 1948, a young Mr. Nakamura took over his family business. He saw an opportunity to cater to a new market of America, i.e. GI's of the Occupation
Army who had begun to buy lacquer ware as souvenirs. However, he realized that the traditional handicraft methods were inadequate. He was an
innovator and introduced simple methods of processing and inspection using machines. Four years later, when the Occupation Army left in 1952,
Nakamura employed several thousand men, and produced 500,000 pieces of lacquers tableware each year for the Japanese mass consumer market.
The profit from operations was $250,000.
The Brand:
Nakamura named his brand “Chrysanthemum” after the national flower of Japan, which showed his patriotic fervor. The brand became Japan's best
known and best selling brand, being synonymous with good quality, middle class and dependability.
The Market:
The market for lacquerware in Japan seems to have matured, with the production steady at 500,000 pieces a year. Nakamura did practically no
business outside of Japan. However, early in 1960, when the American interest in Japanese products began to grow, Nakamura received two offers
The Rose and Crown offer:
The first offer was from Mr. Phil Rose, V.P Marketing at the National China Company. They were the largest manufacturer of good quality dinnerware
in the U.S., with their “Rose and Crown” brand accounting for almost 30% of total sales. They were willing to give a firm order for three eyes for annual
purchases of 400,000 sets of lacquer dinnerware, delivered in Japan and at 5% more than what the Japanese jobbers paid. However, Nakamura would
have to forego the Chrysanthemum trademark to “Rose and Crown” and also undertaken to sell lacquer ware to anyone else the U.S. The offer
promised returns of $720,000 over three years (with net returns of $83,000), but with little potential for the U.S. market on the Chrysanthemum brand
beyond that period.
The Semmelback offer:
The second offer was from Mr. Walter Sammelback of Sammelback, Sammelback and Whittacker, Chicago, the largest supplier of hotel and restaurant
supplies in the U.S. They perceived a U.S. market of 600,000 sets a year, expecting it to go up to 2 million in around 5 years. Since the Japanese
government did not allow overseas investment, Sammelback was willing to budget $1.5 million. Although the offer implied negative returns of $467,000
over the first five years, the offer had the potential to give a $1 million profit if sales picked up as anticipated.
Meeting the order:
To meet the numbers requirement of the orders, Nakamura would either have to expand capacity or cut down on the domestic market. If he chose to
expand capacity, the danger was of idle capacity in case the U.S. market did not respond. If he cut down on the domestic market, the danger was of
losing out on a well-established market. Nakamura could also source part of the supply from other vendors. However, this option would not find favor
with either of the American buyers since they had approached only Nakamura, realizing that he was the best person to meet the order.
Decision problem:
Whether to accept any of the two offers and if yes, which one of the two and under what terms of conditions?

Short Term:

To expand into the U.S. market.

To maintain and build upon their reputation of the “Chrysanthemum” brand

Long term:
To increase profit volumes by tapping the U.S. market and as a result,
increasing scale of operations
To increase its share in the U.S. lacquerware market.

(In descending order of priority):


Profit Maximization criterion: The most important criterion in the long run
is profit maximization.
Risk criterion: Since the demand in the U.S. market is not as much as in
Brand identity criterion: Nakamura has painstakingly built up a brand
name in Japan. It is desirable for him to
compete in the U.S. market under the same brand name
Flexibility criterion: The chosen option should offer Nakamura flexibility in
maneuvering the terms and
conditions to his advantage. Additionally, Nakamura should have bargaining
power at the time of renewal of the
Short term returns: Nakamura should receive some returns on the
investment he makes on the new
offers.However, this criterion may be compromised in favor of profit
maximization in the long run.


Reject both: React both the offers and concentrate on the domestic market
Accept RC offer: Accept the Rose and Crown offer and supply the offer by
cutting down on supplies to the domestic market or through capacity expansion or
Accept SSW: offer; accept the SSW offer and meet it through cutting down
on supply to the domestic market or through capacity expansion or both.
Negotiate term of supply.

Evaluation of Options:

Reject both: This option would not meet the primary criterion of profit
maximization. Further, the objective of growth would also not be met. Hence, this
option is rejected.
Accept RC offer: The RC offer would assure net returns of $283,000 over the next
three yeas. It also assures regular returns of $240,000 per year. However,
Nakamura would have no presence in the U.S. with its Chrysanthemum brand
name. The RC offer would entail capacity expansion, as it would not be possible
to siphon of 275,000 pieces from the domestic market over three years without
adversely affecting operations there. At the end of three years, Nakamura would
have little bargaining power with RC as it would have an excess capacity of
275,000 pieces and excess labor which it would want to utilize. In this sense the
offer is risky. Further, the offer is not flexible. Long-term profit maximization is
uncertain in this case a condition that can be controlled in the SSW offer. Hence,
this offer is rejected.
Accept SSW offer: The SSW offer does not assure a firm order or any returns for
the period of contract. Although, in its present form the offer is risky if the market
in the U.S. does not pick up as expected, the offer is flexible. If Nakamura were to
exhibit caution initially by supplying only 300,000 instead of the anticipated
600,000 pieces, it could siphon off the 175,000 required from the domestic
market. If demand exists in the U.S., the capacity can be expanded. With this
offer, risk is minimized. Further, it would be competing on its own brand name.
Distribution would be taken care of and long-term profit maximization criterion
would be satisfied as this option has the potential of $1 million in profits per year.
At the time of renewal of the contract, Nakamura would have immense bargaining


Negotiate terms of offer with SSW. The terms would be that NLC would supply
300,000 pieces in the first year. If market demand exists, NLC should expand
capacity to provide the expected demand.
Action Plan: In the first phase, NLC would supply SSW with 300,000 pieces.
125,000 of these would be obtained by utilizing excess capacity, while the
remaining would be obtained from the domestic market. If the expected demand
for lacquer ware exists in the U.S., NLC would expand capacity to meet the
expected demand. The debt incurred would be paid off by the fifth year.
Contingency Plan: In case the demand is not as expected in the first year, NLC
should not service the U.S. market and instead concentrate on increasing
penetration in the domestic market.
Cases For Practice – Long
Cases For Practice – Short

Cases For Practice – Long

The Exotic Melons:

You are the manager (Worldwide Sales Cock and Bull Melons) in a Dubai-based company that deals in selling exotic fruits. Cock and Bull Melons are a
special variety of melons that can be cultivated only on the sandy dunes surrounding the Cock and Bull oasis in the Sahara desert. Worldwide demand
and supply have been quite stable so far at 100 melons a year, with the supply being just sufficient to cover the demand.
Cock and Bull Melons have traditionally been sold to the sheikhs in the Middle East, and Hollywood and Bollywood actors and actresses. Their
exorbitant prices take them out of reach of common people.
In January 2002, the research centre at Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), India discovers that Cock and Bull melons can cure the fatal MarGaya
syndrome in pregnant women, which kills both he mother and the child. Also, it can cure the fatal MaraGaya syndrome in diabetic patients. Both these
symptoms are very rare. Unfortunately for you, in May 2002, the MaraGaya syndrome strikes 2000 people in America and the MarGaya syndrome
strikes 1000 pregnant women in Sweden. 100 Cock and Bull melons are required to cure the 1000 cases in America while 100 are required to cure the
Swedish problem. You know that the patients in both the countries cannot afford the high cost of Cock and Bull melon treatment. You also know that
the revenues from treating patients would be much lower than selling them to sheikhs and film stars.
You are in a real dilemma. What would you do?

Confidential Information?

Mr. SecretKeeper is a Corporate Head (HR) in a company. He is very nice and gets along well with all people. People often consult him for help and
advice. One person (named “Mr. A”) approaches him for a job because he is right now jobless. Mr. SecretKeeper takes the guy's qualifications and
asks him to come after a week however, since no job available. He keeps frequently postponing the job offer. Mr. A keeps visiting the HR head, Mr.
Secret Keeper, often and becomes his close friend.
Then, one day, Mr. A confides with the HR Head “I was in prison for 18 years for a crime that I had not committed. With two years remaining of the
sentence, I ran away from jail. Even now, police is in look out for me.” Mr. SecretKeeper tells the person to go home and that he would give him a job.
However as soon as he leaves, Mr. SecretKeeper calls up the police and gives the details of Mr. A and asks them to arrest Mr. A.
Because of this betrayal of trust by the HR head, people in the organisation have started losing faith in him. A senior person in the office complains to
the VP that the Mr. Secret Keeper has “broken faith”, so others could not come to him.
Assume that you are the VP of the company. What would you do about the situation?

In a fix!
You are the young dynamic, blue-eyed boy (girl) in a firm, which is a known leader in the industrial oils business. Under your leadership, the company
has done extremely well in a slow, sluggish, mature market and has also effectively warded off competition from the superior industrial oil segment.
However, as a young blooded individual, you decide that the company should branch into something more glamorous and contemporary. You manage
to convince the top management to get into the film-making business.
The film-making business is started as another division, where the systems and processes are kept the same to have uniformity across businesses.
You manage to hire top talent in this field Mr. A, Mr. B and Mr. C from different competitors. You have big hopes from the trio as these people have
come together as a team for the first time. You grant every freedom to these people to recruit their own subordinates.
Barely a month after the film-making business has started, you are in a fix! Mr. B throws his cap, sheds a zillion tears and tells you in a choked voice
that he would rather die than continue with your business. A couple of months later Mr. C blames your policies and quits.
Your six monthly profit and loss statement shows that film-making business had been a horrific disaster. The only remaining member of the star trio,
Mr. A says that the business is slightly out of form and that he might deliver if you grant him complete freedom.
You can now see your own future as dark as the industrial oils your company specializes in. You are wondering what went wrong and what should you
do now?
Tension on the job:

Sujit Bhattacharyya (Bhola) had been an exceptionally bright student throughout his studies at IIT-Kharagpur. He devoted four years in pursuit of
academic excellence. He had very few friends. Few peers liked him, but he was the darling of all his professors. Bhola joined TELCO from the campus
as production supervisor in charge of vehicle assembly. Bhola used to manage shop floor operations consisting of truck assembly and in a shift 30-33
operator used to report to him. The IQ level of a typical operator could be compared to that of a class VIII student, but years of experience had made
them confident about their job.
The operators, by virtue of doing the same job for so many years, had developed a highly robotic style of functioning and were highly resistant to
change. The trade union was powerful and exercised a lot of leverage with the management, to secure incentives and overtime payment, which were
fixed at a uniform rate across the departments.
Nilesh was an operator in charge of front axle assembly. The number of trucks that rolled out of the factory was equal to the number of axles
assembled. Thus, Nilesh was looking after a highly sensitive assembly operation. Nilesh, lately, had lost a lot of money in the stock market, had
frequent quarrels with his wife and many times used to come drunk to the shop floor. His abrasive behavior had caused a lot of worry to Bhola. Nilesh
also started absenting himself from duty and became casual in his approach. Subsequently, Nilesh was transferred to the quality control department to
reduce his physical workload. Bhola found it very difficult to find a suitable replacement for Nilesh in the assembly area. He had to frequently
interchange workers who were unable to cope with the high pressure work at the axle assembly. They deliberately started going slow, and thereby,
affected productivity. Bhola did his best to pinpoint the problem. He was under tremendous pressure from the top to increase productivity to previous
The workers started demanding additional incentives and overtime payments. The management, on the other hand, was opposed to any change in the
incentive structure. Bhola was helpless. He tried his best and at times did the work himself. The workers, sensing that Bhola had little control over
them, became more aggressive and further slowed their work. Bhola suffered an emotional breakdown and had to stay away from work for two
Discuss what the main issues in the case are and what would be your approach in this situation.

Tuna-Tuna Lactuna!:

The Minicoy Canning Factory (henceforth MCF) was set up by the Lakshadweep administration in 1969 with an aim to step up fishery production,
provide employment and enable fishermen to sell their excess fish for better returns. MCF could produce only up to 150,000 cans per year because of
labour constraint. However, due to excess production, by September 2001, MCF had accumulated an unsold inventory of 150,000 cans amounting to
Rs. 12,807,700. In 2001, 64,322 cans were sold resulting in a turnover of Rs. 6,302,500 and a profit of Rs. 810,380.
Competition for MCF came from Integrated Fisheries Project (henceforth IFP), a government undertaking set up with an aim to introduce and
popularize diversified fishery products in rural and urban markets. MCF canned a type of tuna called Skipjack tuna, whose meat was harder and
different in taste as compared to Yellow fin tuna canned by IFP. The distributors felt that higher price of Skipjack tuna was the culprit for lower sales
vis-à-vis IFP. The higher price was on account of higher overheads for MCF attributed to lower volumes. IFP also had a stronger dealer network and a
much larger promotion budget.
The demand for canned tuna is concentrated in upcountry areas. However, the sale of MCF's tuna to these regions has been low. Sales enquiries had
also been received from the Middle East, but no action had been taken on them. Markets other than the retail market were also being explored.
The management of MCF was pondering over what the problem was and what could be done to resolve it amicably, both in the short term as well as in
the longer term.

Et tu Brutus!:

Yahan Gadbad Inc. is a reputed multinational that specialized in organizing beauty pageants. The protagonists of this piece, besides you (of course),
are Mr. Bhartus, the HR Manager and Mr. BigMouth, the flamboyant hospitality manager. Mr. BigMouth has been in Yahan Gadbad Inc. for over a
decade now, during which he has successfully organized half a dozen pageants at exotic locales around the world. People in Yahan Gadbad swear by
his integrity and professionalism and he has been the role model in the company for the last decade.
Mr. Bhartus and Mr. BigMouth were good friends. One day after they had had a drink too many, Mr. BigMouth said to Mr. Bhartus, “Bhartu, I have
something to confess to you. Bhartu dear, please listen to me as a friend and not as an HR manager”. “Of course Biggie!” said Mr. Bhartus, “I have big
stomach. I can digest any secret”. Mr. BigMouth then said, “Do you remember the pageant we had in Polynesian Islands? You know, Bhartu the
human heart is frail. I kind of got bowled over by a contestant. We had a week of debauchery. I rigged the contest to help her get the second runners
up title”.
In spite of the promise made to Mr. BigMouth, Mr. Bhartus comes to you (President, Yahan Gadbad Inc.) with the information. You think aloud, “Damn!
What do I do now? The HR department handles confidential information and this fool could not keep a secret. On the other hand… God! Please guide

Student's BIG problem:

In an institute AIM, the students' council is selected by a voting wherein each student is allocated a vote for each position in the council. The council is
supposed to undertake activities of students' interests. Each student pays Rs. 50 per year towards council dues. Extending the brief of the council, it
decides to add responsibilities and projects. As a first, it introduces a scheme for students wherein it provides them stationary and hosiery at a
subsidized price. This is to be done on a no-profit no-loss basis. Initially, it is done only for a select group of students as a pilot exercise.
Extending in the first month, the council has a sale of Rs.3500. They make a profit of Rs. 300. Seeing this, the council decides to expand its store for
the complete instituted. They buy goods worth Rs.15000 for the first time and Rs 10000 the second time. In order to buy these goods, it takes loan of
Rs.8000 at an interest of 18% per annum. Rumors of bungling of money start floating around the campus. Some council members are alleged to have
taken money from the store and the council funds. As a result of these rumors, some students begin to boycott the council and start to doubts its
intentions. In addition, they allege that the store was supposed to be on a no profit no-loss basis, but still it aimed at earning profits.
On complaints to the institute authorities, the store is closed for business till further notice, pending an internal investigation into the matter. As a result
of the store closure, the council is left with stocks of Rs.13500. In addition, the council also has to repay Rs. 8000 plus interest to the financial
institution. In the present scenario, what could be the possible solutions?

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