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Background of the Study

There are different ways of defining the term training. It may be defined as a
systematic development of the knowledge, skills and behaviour required by employees
to do adequately on confirmed task or job or simply learning that is provided in order to
improve performance on the present job. On the other hand Elnaga and Imra (2013)
define employee training as programs that provide workers with information, new skills,
or professional development opportunities. It can take place in numerous ways, on the
job or off the job; in the organization or outside organization. Regardless of the view,
the term training draws elements of acquiring new knowledge to help manage both
current and future situations.

Organizations are facing increased competition due to globalization, changes in

technology, political and economic environments and therefore prompting these
organizations to train their employees as one of the ways to prepare them to adjust to
the increases above and thus enhance their performance. It is important to not ignore
the prevailing evidence on growth of knowledge in the business corporate world in the
last decade. This growth has not only been brought about by improvements in
technology nor a combination of factors of production but increased efforts towards
development of organizational human resources. It is ,therefore , in every organizations
responsibility to enhance the job performance of the employees and certainly
implementation of training and development is one of the major steps that most
companies need to achieve this. As is evident that employees are a crucial resource, it
is important to optimize the contribution of employees to the company aims and goals
as a means of sustaining effective performance. This therefore calls for managers to
ensure an adequate supply of staff that is technically and socially competent and
capable of career development into specialist departments or management positions.

Statement of the Problem

This study will focus on the effects of training on employee performance.

Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the employees in terms of the following:

a. Sex
b. Age
c. Years in service, and
d. Number of trainings
2. What is the effect of training to employee’s performance?
3. Is there a significant effect of training on employee performance?
Research Hypotheses/Hypothesis

The following hypothesis in null form will be tested at 0.05 level of


1. Training effects employee's job performance positively.

2. There is a significant relationship between training and the performance of the


Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of training on employee
performance among the international civil servants. The study findings are significant to
the following stakeholders;

Human Resources Management. This study will help the human resources
management to find out how these training programs generally affect employees
motivation and satisfaction.

The Employees/International Civil Servants. This study will help the international
civil servants to know what training programs are available for them on the onset of
joining the United Nations given that the United Nations has a unique operating system.
Also, the employees would also have the chance to express their views and prove their
relevance to their job situation.

Academicians and Researchers. This study will help the Academicians and
Researchers to know what training programs are available in the unique operating
system of the United Nations and their relevance and sustainability in the ever changing
job market.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will attempt to determine the effect of training on employee

performance of every company around Alaminos, Pangasinan from June-December

This study will focus on the systematic development of the knowledge, skills and
behavior required by employees to do adequately on confirmed task.
Definition of Terms


These are programs that provide workers with information, new skills, or professional
development opportunities.

Employee Performance

This is the measure of output viz-a-viz the input. It shows effectiveness and efficiency
that make a payment to organizational goals and may depend upon many factors like
performance appraisals, employee motivation, employee satisfaction, compensation, job
security, organizational structure and others.

A Senior High School Research Proposal

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the
Statistics and Probability Subject


Cristel Jade R. Biares

Ma. Irene F. Ramos

March 2018

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