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By Roberto Bosisio, Kaj Burchardi, Tim Calvert, and Max Hauser

I f insurers have been tireless in

experimenting with digital technologies,
piloting multiple initiatives in search of
cords securely. Blockchains have the poten-
tial to make other digital technologies, such
as advanced analytics, artificial intelligence
one that will give them an edge, there’s no (AI), and automation software, much more
mystery why. Insurance is about informa- productive. We estimate that under an ide-
tion—gathering it, evaluating it, and al set of circumstances—involving wide-
disbursing or receiving payments based on spread deployment—blockchains could
it. Clearly, an insurer might dramatically help the worldwide property and casualty
improve its results through the application (P&C) insurance industry reduce its com-
of digital technology. bined operating ratio by 5 to 13 percentage
points and generate upwards of $200 bil-
That many insurers have not yet achieved lion more in technical margin from its cur-
this is a function of an opposing force: the rent gross written premiums.
zeal with which most insurers guard their
data. When an event requires an exchange Certain blockchain hurdles remain, so the
of information, most insurers strive to value capture is still a few years off. Still,
share the least amount possible, in many the numbers indicate why blockchains
cases using manual, paper-based processes. can’t be ignored and why somewhere, may-
This is insurers’ way of making sure that be in a place no one is looking, there is a
there are no sensitive leaks, and it reflects company drawing up plans to become the
the fear that digital exchanges of data may first all-blockchain insurer.
not be secure. But what if there were a
technology that changed this?
The Promise of an Emerging
That’s what some insurers are hoping will Technology
come from blockchains, which can be used Blockchains, which have appeared on the
to create and share completely digital re- business radar only recently, are digital led-
gers that are set up in a distributed fashion. interest of a variety of industries,
When an update is submitted to a block- including securities trading and logistics.
chain ledger, participants in the network
are asked to approve the update as part of •• Creation of a Trusted Immutable
an automated process. Approved updates Record. This is possible because of
are timestamped, encrypted, and added to blockchains’ use of strong encryption
the block. The new block becomes part of and the inability of anyone to change a
the blockchain: an immutable record of all blockchain without clear notification.
transactions and agreements of interest to
the participants. (See Exhibit 1.) There can •• Preservation of Privacy and Confi-
be hundreds, or even thousands of partici- dentiality. Blockchains’ use of cryptog-
pants, or “nodes,” in a blockchain. raphy ensures that data can be seen
only by the participant, or node, that
Indeed, a blockchain achieves its greatest “owns” the data.
value when there are multiple participants
and its ownership and operation are dis- •• Resilience. Blockchains have the
tributed. In such cases, the distributed set- capacity to keep working even if one or
up and the possibility of not having to pay more nodes go down. The ledger
a licensing fee (some blockchain software remains live (and up-to-date) on all the
is available as open-source code) can keep other nodes.
the cost of operating the blockchain rela-
tively low for each participant. This is •• Efficiency. The distributed approach of
true of both public blockchains, which a blockchain means that the per-node
are open to all, and private blockchains, cost of storing data is significantly lower
which require an invitation and are the than in a centralized setup.
blockchains most insurers are considering
today. •• Native Support for Automated
Transactions. In a blockchain, rules
Blockchains offer the following seven ma- governing payments and contractual
jor technical benefits: amendments can be coded into the
software, reducing the need for manual
•• A Single Source of Information for transactions.
Tracking Assets. Transparent asset
tracking, among the biggest advantages •• Real-Time Information Delivery. As
of blockchain technology, has caught the transactions are approved, new blocks

Exhibit 1 | How Blockchain Technology Works

1 Party A has a new data 2 The data update is added

update to the ledger to a digital “block”




3 All parties in the network 4 Parties confirm that the block

see the new block is valid and add it to the chain

Source: BCG analysis.

The Boston Consulting Group | The First All-Blockchain Insurer 2

and data changes show up on the ledger becoming “transactionless.”) By contrast, if
in something close to real time. This such a claim were filed with an insurer that
particular benefit is evident primarily was not using a blockchain—which is to
in private blockchains, whose processes say, just about every insurer today—all the
are less resource intensive than those of contracts would be on the insurer’s own
public blockchains. The cryptography system, and any information sharing with
algorithms used for public blockchains outside parties would likely involve manu-
can require several minutes to run. al processes and paperwork. The number
of steps, and the costs, would be much
The benefits of blockchain technology, higher.
which are all relevant to the insurance in-
dustry, could make it possible for insurance Insurers can organize a blockchain that in-
providers to implement digital initiatives volves insurance only or they can incorpo-
on a large scale—a goal that has thus far rate aspects of the surrounding ecosystem.
eluded them. Still, because of blockchain’s Most of today’s insurers are considering an
newness and its unfamiliarity in insurance insurance-only blockchain, which would in-
settings, it is necessary to exercise a bit of volve rival insurers (and some regulators)
imagination to understand the technolo- forming a blockchain to share data in order
gy’s long-term potential. to reduce manual work and lower transac-
tion costs. Such a blockchain could help in-
Making Insurance More Efficient. What surers accelerate the processes of getting
would an “all-blockchain insurer” look know-your-customer information and of
like? Such an insurer would store all the generating quotes. An insurance-only
transactional data relating to its contracts blockchain could also drastically reduce the
on a blockchain (or several blockchains). If cost of motor claim settlements and could
a claim were filed with an all-blockchain achieve them in much less time than it
insurer that required an exchange of takes to handle them traditionally. (See Ex-
information or a settlement, the transac- hibit 2.)
tion might well be conducted automatical-
ly. (Indeed, insurers involved in certain Although insurance ecosystem blockchains
early blockchain pilots have started to talk are at an earlier stage of development,
about aspects of the insurance value chain there are some worth noting. For instance,

Exhibit 2 | Settling a Motor Claim, Traditionally and with Blockchain

Cumulative cost index Claims
Further information

Review of
contract terms
40 Document
Initial contact
with all parties
20 Notification Negotiation
and claims settlements
Accident Review of
contract terms
Notification 20 40 60 80 100
automatic Time index
data collection

Traditional Blockchain
Source: BCG analysis.

The Boston Consulting Group | The First All-Blockchain Insurer 3

the marine cargo company Maersk is par- Quantifying Blockchain’s Potential. To get
ticipating in such a blockchain with XL a sense of blockchain’s economic poten-
Group and several ports and customs au- tial, we analyzed the extent to which this
thorities around the world. emerging technology platform might bene-
fit P&C insurers. We looked for possible
Ecosystem blockchains can give insurers savings in the three main areas of insur-
external data that can be used, for exam- ance—distribution, risk management, and
ple, to do a better job of setting prices and operations. Our analysis, which takes into
limiting their exposure to fraud. Currently, account data from some early industry
risk assessment is based on an insurer’s in- pilots, suggests that the first all-blockchain
ternal data and on the customer’s history. insurers could substantially lower their
Spotting fraud is the responsibility of insur- combined operating ratios.
ance adjustors who use their observations
and experience to flag suspicious claims. In terms of personal-insurance lines, we
considered motor insurers. A motor insurer
Digital technology is not used to a signifi- would be able to use the data on a block-
cant extent in support of either premium chain to lower its loss ratio, reduce the cost
pricing or fraud detection. With data from of adding new customers, and substantially
more entities included on a blockchain— improve its ability to detect fraud. Smart
the telemetric data from a car, say, or the contracts would help lower the insurer’s op-
car owner’s police tickets and car repair erations costs. All told, an all-blockchain mo-
history—a person’s risk profile, including tor insurer could have a combined operating
the likelihood of his filing a fraudulent ratio 10 to 13 points lower than that of a tra-
claim, could be much more accurate. ditional motor insurer. (See Exhibit 3.)

Both insurance-only and ecosystem block- In commercial insurance, we considered

chains allow insurers to use smart contracts marine cargo insurance. We expect that an
and thus to automate more operational ac- all-blockchain marine cargo insurer could
tivities. Consider the reduction in paper- lower its costs in both risk management
work that could be achieved by putting and operations. Risk management could
flight insurance—a relatively simple type of be improved, for instance, if the satellite-
insurance—on a blockchain. Today, admin- tracking system of an insured cargo compa-
istering the benefit—in the event of a poli- ny were on the same blockchain as the in-
cyholder’s flight being delayed—involves surance contract. In that case, the insurer
considerable manual effort. The policyhold- might be able to automatically detect an
er has to gather documentation from the increased risk—if, for instance, an entire
destination airport about the exact arrival load of cargo were concentrated in a single
time, while the insurer has to verify the port—and dynamically adjust premiums.
source and accuracy of the documentation Operations costs could be substantially re-
and match it against the insurance contract. duced if the local port authority (with
Only after those steps have been taken can which, in the event of a claim, there is con-
payment be disbursed. All of the steps are siderable information exchange) were a
manual, and, in many cases, the product participant on the blockchain. We calculate
does not generate a positive margin. that a blockchain could help such an insur-
er reduce its combined operating ratio by
With a blockchain, the entire process could 10 to 13 percentage points.
be automated. The late arrival (confirmed
by airport data) would trigger an automatic In reinsurance, the combined data on a
payment that might appear in the insured blockchain could be analyzed to show risk
person’s account by the time he finally ar- concentration if, for example, insured prop-
rives at his destination. Fizzy, a service of erty or cargo were in a politically unstable
the French insurance company AXA, al- country or jurisdiction. And a blockchain
ready offers flight insurance that uses could be helpful in automating risk trading
blockchain technology in this way. among insurers and reinsurers involved in

The Boston Consulting Group | The First All-Blockchain Insurer 4

Exhibit 3 | How Blockchains Could Improve Insurers’ Combined Operating Ratios

Area of Distribution Risk management

improvement Operations (including IT)
(marketing and sales) (underwriting and claims)

insurance lines • Improvement comes from better pricing,thanks to data stored 6 to 8 percentage • Smart contracts are used for automated
10 to 13 on the blockchain and to faster retrieval of KYC information points claims detection and settlement
points • Use of artificial 2 percentage 2 to 3 percentage
intelligence for points points
fraud detection
Commercial- • Automated underwriting is enabled by KYC data on blockchains • Data collection processes, including
insurance lines with port authorities, is digitized
• Adaptive risk management is based on IoT data on blockchains
10 to 13 • Claims settlement processes
percentage 6 to 8 percentage are automated 4 to 5 percentage
points points points

• Risk concentration (with blockchains • Reinsurance processes are automated

Reinsurance identifying the risks) is detected automatically
5 to 6
percentage Around 1 4 to 5 percentage
points percentage point points

Source: BCG analysis.

Note: Green boxes show the level of improvement in terms of the combined operating ratio; KYC = know your customer: IoT = Internet of Things.

a specific contract. The B3i consortium, a some careful calculus—especially if the

blockchain partnership that has grown to outside participants are competitors.
include dozens of reinsurance companies Companies have to be willing to give up
and brokers, expects participating reinsur- certain aspects of their operations that
ers to improve their loss ratios by 0.5 per- they may have seen as differentiating
centage points and their combined operat- them from the competition. Whom to
ing ratios by 4 to 5 percentage points. approach, what to propose, and how to
proceed when starting a blockchain all
Globally, the P&C industry had more than require considerable thought.
$2 trillion in gross written premiums in
2016. Applying the possible improvements •• Know-How. Most insurance companies
in the combined operating ratio to that to- have had limited exposure to block-
tal suggests that there could be upwards of chains. They are not clear on how a
$200 billion more in technical margin from blockchain might help them strategical-
blockchain use in this sector of insurance ly, and they may lack the technical
alone. With the exception of life insurance, expertise to set up a pilot. These are
which puts more emphasis on investments gaps that need to be bridged.
and less on transactions, virtually all sectors
of insurance could see similar benefits. •• Governance. Public blockchains
(including the one Bitcoin uses) are
accessible to all and often follow the
Obstacles to Adoption governance approach used by open-
For the moment, the idea of an all-block- source communities. By contrast, the
chain insurer—one that can reduce the ad- blockchains that make sense for insur-
ministrative burden in insurance transac- ance companies are private: limited to
tions and assess risk more accurately—is invited insurers, partners, and custom-
just that: an idea. There are both manageri- ers. This requires a different kind of
al and technical obstacles to the adoption governance, which can be tricky because
of blockchain technology. The following as- of the need to balance benefits as the
pects of the business present managerial number of stakeholders rises.
Furthermore, achieving successful control
•• Partnering. Creating a blockchain that over the following technical aspects can be
draws in outside participants requires challenging:

The Boston Consulting Group | The First All-Blockchain Insurer 5

•• Scalability and Computational blockchains for the insurance industry are
Power. Scalability is a big issue for going to come into wide use.
blockchains. The processes by which
new blocks of data are securely ap- It is our opinion that a wait-and-see ap-
proved for inclusion on the ledger—so- proach is shortsighted and leaves insurers
called consensus mechanisms—are vulnerable. Disruption could come from
extremely computer intensive in public any one of three directions: insurance tech-
blockchains. This diminishes block- nology startups (insure-techs) that are al-
chain’s theoretical speed and cost ready in front on digital technology and are
advantage. By contrast, participants in looking for ways to extend their lead; com-
private blockchains can address this panies from other sectors, such as
problem upfront. ride-sharing businesses, that have the data
needed to assess certain kinds of risk and
•• Security. Despite blockchains’ use of could use a blockchain to build an insur-
basically impenetrable encryption ance offering; and fast-moving incumbents
technology, the shared ledger could still that adopt blockchains to improve their ex-
be vulnerable should the surrounding isting operations.
interfaces be improperly secured. An
intruder could hack into secondary Instead of assuming that they will be able to
software (for instance, into wallets) and, catch up if the early blockchain initiatives
once in the system, steal the blockchain prove their value and touch off a race for
encryption keys. blockchain leadership, insurers should start
developing the necessary capabilities now.
•• Robustness of the Software. For the
most part, blockchains have been In particular, they should act on the follow-
implemented as proof-of-concept ing imperatives:
projects in small-scale environments. It
isn’t clear how well a blockchain would •• Identify business priorities on the ba-
perform if it were being counted on to sis of the size of the prize. Companies
process millions of transactions or had must assess their own starting points
thousands of participants. As they look and develop a sense of where block-
to go beyond pilots and get more out of chain capabilities could help them more
blockchain technology, insurers will than any other solution. For some
have to make sure that they are working companies, the right starting point
with mature and proven software. might be to improve their capabilities
in risk management. For others, the
•• Standards and Protocols. Blockchain right starting point might involve
is a young concept, and the pioneers in operational improvements.
the field have put forth a variety of
standards for launching and operating •• Prioritize use cases. What particular
individual blockchains. The standards problem does the insurer have that a
are not always compatible, and the blockchain might be able to solve? It
technologies, or “protocols,” that are could be fraud detection or inefficient
supposed to ensure interoperability “manual” interactions with customers,
aren’t used consistently. It’s worth including updates or information
noting that regulators have not yet requests sent by snail mail. The use
authorized any blockchain standards. case decision process will be specific to
each insurer.

The Way Forward •• Select the right technologies. Each

Given the obstacles, some insurers are prob- insurer will want to use the technolo-
ably wondering whether it pays for them to gies that reflect its particular priorities.
be blockchain trailblazers. They may prefer For instance, a maritime insurer looking
to hold back until there are clear signs that to do a better job of risk analysis may

The Boston Consulting Group | The First All-Blockchain Insurer 6

want to invest in a blockchain and blockchain initiative. Companies must
technologies that can track assets put a lot of ideas to the test so that
globally, such as sensors and other when the time comes, they will have a
Internet of Things devices. A motor sense of what works for them.
insurer may prefer to invest in a
blockchain and AI software if AI seems
likely to improve its ability to spot fraud
automatically. W ill blockchain technology start
to transform insurance in the next
year? In five years? Could it fall short of
•• Experiment. This is mostly about ever becoming a real game-changer?
mindset, but it is a crucial point. While
the obstacles to blockchain adoption No one can say for sure. And that’s exactly
present challenges that every insurer why insurers must have a plan for block-
will have to surmount, the answers will chain: it could surface in unexpected ways
vary by company. There are different and hand a competitive advantage to early
ways to solve the challenges of know- adopters. If there’s any industry that
how and governance and to bring should understand the importance of pre-
scalability, security, and robustness to a paring for contingencies, it’s this one.

About the Authors

Roberto Bosisio is a principal in the Milan office of The Boston Consulting Group. You may contact him
by email at

Kaj Burchardi is a managing director in the Amsterdam office of BCG Platinion. You may contact him
by email at

Tim Calvert is a partner and managing director in BCG’s New York office and the global leader of the
life insurance topic. You may contact him at

Max Hauser is a partner and managing director in BCG’s Moscow office. You may contact him at

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advi-
sor on business strategy. We partner with clients from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors in all
regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform
their enterprises. Our customized approach combines deep insight into the dynamics of companies and
markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients
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The Boston Consulting Group | The First All-Blockchain Insurer 7

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