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Advances in the diagnosis of pneumonia

in children
Heather J Zar,1 Savvas Andronikou,1 2 Mark P Nicol3 4
Department of Paediatrics and
Child Health, Red Cross Children’s A B S T RAC T
Hospital and MRC Unit on Child
and Adolescent Health, University Pneumonia remains a major cause of childhood mortality and morbidity globally.
of Cape Town, Cape Town 7700,
South Africa
Accurate diagnosis and attribution of the causes of pneumonia are important for
Department of Radiology, measuring the burden of disease, implementing appropriate preventive or treatment
University of Bristol and the Bristol
Royal Hospital for Children, UK
strategies, and developing more effective interventions. This review summarizes
Division of Medical Microbiology, recent diagnostic advances in radiological techniques, specimen collection, and
Department of Pathology, University
of Cape Town laboratory methods. Although chest ultrasound and chest magnetic resonance
National Health Laboratory Service imaging are promising modalities for radiological diagnosis, their role in clinical
of South Africa, Johannesburg,
South Africa management and their impact on outcomes need further study. Rapid, highly
Correspondence to: H J Zar
sensitive, multiplex laboratory tests performed on upper respiratory tract samples or
Cite this as: BMJ 2017;358:j2739 induced sputum can detect nucleic acid from potential pathogens in most children
doi: 10.1136/bmj.j2739
with pneumonia. However, it may be difficult to attribute causality because it is
Series explanation: State of the
Art Reviews are commissioned often impossible to distinguish between organisms colonizing or infecting the upper
on the basis of their relevance to respiratory tract and those causing pneumonia. Currently available host biomarkers
academics and specialists in the US
and internationally. For this reason lack accuracy for distinguishing bacterial or mixed bacterial-viral infections from
they are written predominantly by
US authors viral infections. New biomarkers derived from host transcriptional profile analysis
may be more accurate but require validation. Prospective studies with appropriate
control populations, including studies of clinical impact, are needed to improve our
understanding of the role of tests. Although progress has been made in radiological
techniques and laboratory testing, current methods for diagnosing and attributing
the causes of pneumonia are suboptimal.

Introduction pathogenesis of pneumonia may be dysbiosis, or imbal-

The incidence and severity of pneumonia in childhood, ance, in the normal microbial ecology of the respiratory
and its related mortality, have declined substantially in tract as a result of factors related to the host, environ-
the past decade owing to improved socioeconomic con- ment, or organism.9 10 Dysbiosis may result in the over-
ditions; better access to care; wider implementation of growth of a single pathogen, or multiple pathogens, as
effective management and preventive strategies; and supported by recent data from studies using sensitive
the development and availability of improved vaccines, highly multiplexed diagnostics, which identify multiple
particularly the pneumococcal (PCV) and Haemophilus potentially pathogenic organisms from the respiratory
influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccines.1 However, tract of most children with pneumonia.11 12
pneumonia remains the leading cause of childhood mor- Accurate diagnosis of pneumonia and the attribution
tality globally outside the neonatal period and a major of its cause are important for measuring the burden of
cause of morbidity and hospital admission.2 3 Further- disease, for implementing appropriate treatment or pre-
more, pneumonia or lower respiratory tract infection ventive strategies, and for developing new more effective
(LRTI) in early childhood has increasingly been asso- interventions. The availability and increased uptake of
ciated with reduced lung function in infancy and the global and national childhood immunization programs of
development of chronic non-communicable respiratory conjugate vaccines against bacterial pathogens have had
diseases, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmo- an impact on the causes of childhood pneumonia. The
nary disease, in children and adults.4‑7 relative contribution of different pathogens needs to be
Pneumonia was formerly thought to occur after inva- re-evaluated to inform the development of modified treat-
sion of a sterile lower respiratory tract by a single patho- ment guidelines, such as the widely used World Health
genic organism. However, recent evidence indicates that Organization Integrated Management of Childhood Ill-
the healthy lung is not sterile and that the normal lung ness guideline, and to prioritize vaccine development and
microbiome exists in a dynamic state.8 A key step in the implementation.

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Diagnostic advances include the use of new radiologi- infants have a higher risk of severe disease or hospital
cal methods, better specimen collection, and improved admission than children who have not been exposed to
microbiological tests. Advances in radiological tech- HIV (infants born to HIV negative mothers).21 A meta-
niques include the use of point-of-care (POC) chest ultra- analysis confirmed several other risk factors for pneu-
sound and chest magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In monia associated mortality including malnutrition, lack
addition, telemedicine enables the remote interpreta- of breast feeding, crowded living conditions, exposure to
tion of radiological investigations by expert radiologists. indoor air pollution, and low birth weight.22
Improved methods for specimen collection include a bet-
ter understanding of the role of non-invasive specimens Sources and selection criteria
(such as urine or nasopharyngeal samples) and the use This review examines advances in the diagnosis of pneu-
of induced sputum. Laboratory based advances encom- monia in children, focusing on radiological techniques,
pass rapid tests for pathogen nucleic acid or antigen, specimen collection, and laboratory methods. We iden-
simultaneous detection of multiple pathogens, and host tified references through searches of publications listed
transcriptional profile analysis for the identification of in PubMed from January 2000 to September 2016 using
novel biomarkers. combinations of medical subject headings (MeSH) that
This review summarizes recent advances in the diagno- included child AND (pneumonia OR lower respiratory
sis of community acquired pneumonia in childhood and tract infection OR pertussis) AND (diagnosis OR chest
focuses on radiological techniques, specimen collection, radiology OR lung ultrasound OR MRI lung OR induced
and laboratory methods. The impact of these advances on sputum OR specimen). We reviewed relevant titles and
the current understanding of the pathogenesis of pneu- abstracts, and we prioritized randomized studies, system-
monia and the implications for future strategies and atic reviews or meta-analyses, and case-control or cohort
research are discussed. studies. Where higher quality evidence was not available,
case series and other observational studies were consid-
Incidence of pneumonia in childhood ered. Individual case reports were not included. Prefer-
The incidence of pneumonia in childhood has fallen ence was given to publications from the past five years.
substantially in recent decades, but pneumonia remains Because this was not a formal systematic review, we did
the main cause of death in children outside the neonatal not grade the included studies but summarized key out-
period and of loss of disability adjusted life years in chil- comes or results. We only included articles or abstracts
dren and adolescents.2 3 The Global Burden of Diseases published in English.
study, which used many data sources and mathemati-
cal modeling, estimated that pneumonia accounted for Current guidelines for radiological diagnosis
almost 900 000 of the 6.3 million deaths in children in Chest radiography is often performed for suspected
2013, with the greatest burden occurring in low and mid- pneumonia,23 24 which is the most common indication for
dle income countries.2 The incidence of pneumonia in imaging of the chest.25 This is despite several guidelines
children under 5 years of age in high income countries advising against the routine use of chest radiography25
has been estimated at 0.015 episodes per child year, com- and the lack of evidence for its impact on clinical out-
pared with 0.22 episodes per child year in low and middle comes.26 27 Several international or national guidelines
income countries.13 including those from the British Thoracic Society (BTS)28
Several case-control or descriptive studies, mainly in and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
high income countries, have reported that vaccination, (NICE) in the United Kingdom,29 the Paediatric Infectious
especially with the 13-valent PCV (PCV13), has reduced Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of
the incidence and severity of pneumonia in children and America (IDSA),30 the South African Thoracic Society
of complications such as empyema.14‑18 Nevertheless, (SATS),31 and the International Union against Tubercu-
the incidence of pneumonia in childhood, even in highly losis and Lung Diseases32 do not recommend chest radi-
vaccinated populations, imposes a substantial burden on ography in children who are well enough to be treated as
healthcare systems. The incidence of pneumonia in chil- outpatients. Rather, chest radiography is recommended
dren participating in a South African birth cohort study in only in children who are admitted to hospital with severe
a peri-urban, poor socioeconomic area was 0.27 episodes symptoms, hypoxia, or suspected complications such as
per child year during infancy, with the peak incidence empyema.
occurring at 3 months of age19; this occurred despite high
coverage of vaccination, including PCV13. Limitations of chest radiography
Specific childhood populations may be especially vul- Changes seen on chest radiographs may be more spe-
nerable to developing pneumonia or severe disease. A cific for pneumonia than clinical signs, with radiological
meta-analysis reported that the incidence of and mor- signs associated with more severe disease and treatment
tality from pneumonia in children infected with HIV is failure.33 34 However, the use of chest radiography for
about six times higher than in those not infected with diagnosis has several limitations. The two dimensional
HIV.20 Infants who have been exposed to HIV but are not nature of chest radiography may lead to consolidation,
infected (those born to HIV infected mothers who are HIV adenopathy, or complications being masked by other
negative owing to effective interventions for preventing anatomical structures such as the heart, mediastinum,
mother-to-child transmission) are also increasingly rec- and diaphragm35 36; it may also lead to the problem
ognized as being more vulnerable to pneumonia. These of summation shadows.37 Furthermore, inter-reader

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agreement in the interpretation of chest radiographs is with a gold standard of pneumonia defined by computed
poor.23‑38 In a recent review, 10 of 12 pediatric studies tomography, and only one study provided the diagnostic
showed only fair to moderate interobserver agreement.38 accuracy of ultrasound and chest radiography against
Agreement is worse for reporting of an “infiltrate” in computed tomography for pneumonia. In this last study
children under 5 years,23 and it remains moderate even the positive predictive values for ultrasound and chest
when using WHO standardized radiological criteria for radiography were 0.61 and 0.71, respectively, whereas
pneumonia.23 39 In addition, the lack of abnormality on the negative predictive values were 0.86 and 0.8, respec-
chest radiography does not exclude pneumonia,40 41 and tively.58 Four studies provided interobserver agreement,
abnormal chest radiographs may be interpreted as nor- with three reporting high agreement for consolidation
mal.23 Other limitations include lack of access to basic on ultrasound (κ=0.8-0.9).50‑59 Only one study reported
radiology services at primary healthcare facilities in many the interobserver agreement for chest radiography and
low and middle income countries; expense; exposure to ultrasound simultaneously; agreement for ultrasound
radiation (although low at 0.01-0.02 mSv for a standard was fair (κ=0.55) but better than that for chest radiog-
chest radiograph)42; and need for specialized equipment, raphy (κ=0.33).58
power source, and trained technologists. Imaging with The limitations of ultrasound include its inability to
computed tomography is more reliable but discouraged visualize the whole lung at the same time or to identify
for routine diagnosis because of the resources needed consolidation deep within the lung parenchyma.25 In
and the radiation risk,25 despite new dose reduction addition, the spleen or air in the stomach can be misin-
techniques.43 terpreted as lung consolidation with air bronchograms.54
New imaging techniques are therefore needed to Overall, the use of POC ultrasound as an alternative
increase diagnostic accuracy and improve access. Two to chest radiography in primary screening for triage in
alternative forms of diagnostic imaging have emerged— the emergency department or clinic is promising. How-
POC ultrasound and rapid sequence MRI, which may have ever, even though ultrasound has potential as a screening
applications across different settings. The use of these test, it is not clear whether it affects patient outcome or
techniques is enhanced by the capacity for remote read- management. Further studies are needed to compare the
ing by expert radiologists. impact of chest radiography versus POC ultrasound on
patient relevant outcomes and to inform best practice.
Advances in radiological diagnosis
Clinician led POC ultrasound Rapid sequence MRI
It is now feasible for ultrasound to be performed by When cross sectional imaging is needed for the diagno-
non-radiologists with the advent of affordable handheld sis of severe pneumonia or associated complications, the
machines. Children are ideal candidates for diagnostic possible radiation risks of computed tomography can be
imaging using ultrasound because of their thin chest wall avoided by using MRI.63 64 It can be difficult to achieve
and small lung mass. Ultrasound has several advantages adequate MRI imaging of the lungs owing to low proton
over other imaging modalities: it can be performed at density with signal loss and because cardiac pulsation
POC, it is feasible and less costly than chest radiography, and breathing produce strong motion artefacts.37‑66 Fur-
it is less affected by movement or crying than other imag- thermore, in children who are too young to cooperate,
ing modalities, it can be done in sleeping children,35 and sedation or anesthesia is required, and this may cause
it is free of ionizing radiation.24‑41 Although ultrasound dependent atelectasis, which can be misinterpreted
performed by non-radiologists is controversial, it has as infection.65 67 Therefore, older children are scanned
become a useful tool for physicians, emergency medicine awake, and in cooperative children respiratory motion
doctors, and intensivists.44 can be prevented by voluntary breath holding.65
Lung ultrasound involves scanning a child in the ante- At some facilities MRI has become an established tech-
rior, lateral, and posterior areas of each hemithorax.45‑47 nique for imaging the lungs using improved sequences
Consolidation is diagnosed as a hypoechoic area with ill and modern respiratory triggering63 65—a mechanism of
defined borders surrounded by B-lines and loss of or an scanning in between breaths. Faster protocols using con-
irregular shredded border of the pleural line.24‑50 Other ventional T2 weighted sequences have been developed
signs include punctate hyperechoic or linear and branch- that can be performed with free breathing and completed
ing echogenic structures, reflecting air bronchograms, and in under 10 minutes, enabling imaging in children with
a decrease in lung sliding (fig 1). Lobar involvement pre- pneumonia.64 66
sents as a liver-like area in the thorax or hepatization of Disease in the alveolar spaces results in a high intensity
the lung.47 Homogeneous, anechoic, or hypoechoic fluid MRI signal that stands out against the low signal of nor-
in the pleural space indicates a pleural effusion (fig 2).47 mally aerated lung (fig 3). A high signal on T2 weighted
Evidence for the use of ultrasound to support the diag- sequences is seen in all diseases with alveolar exudates,
nosis of pneumonia in children is accumulating. Most making MRI ideal for imaging pneumonia.65 MRI has one
studies have compared POC ultrasound performed by cli- major advantage over chest radiograph—it is a cross sec-
nicians with chest radiography findings reported by radi- tional imaging technique without the limitations of two
ologists (table 1). A literature search of lung ultrasound dimensional imaging.37 65 It can also demonstrate com-
for pneumonia in children yielded 24 original studies, plications of pneumonia such as abscess or effusion.65
11 commentaries, a meta-analysis, and a summary of Evidence for the accuracy of MRI and interobserver
evidence.62 Only three studies compared ultrasound agreement in interpreting pneumonia in children is

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Fig 1 |  Ultrasound of the chest using a linear probe. This figure

shows absence of the pleural line and an underlying wedge
shaped low density lung with linear and branching densities
corresponding to air bronchograms (arrows) consistent with

sparse. Only three studies have compared MRI for the Fig 2 |  Ultrasound of the chest using a linear probe. This figure
shows low echogenicity within the underlying lung with bright
detection of lung consolidation against computed tomog-
foci representing bronchograms; arrows show septations and
raphy as the gold standard (table 2).64‑71 Other studies
strands within the surrounding pleural fluid in keeping with
have compared MRI findings with chest radiography; empyema
however, these studies provide weak evidence because
chest radiography is considered an inadequate gold pathogens), microbiological and viral culture, antigen
standard (table 2). detection, and molecular testing for nucleic acid from the
pathogen. Some of these tests may be used with other
Tele-reading of diagnostic images by expert radiologists specimen types—for example, molecular or antigen test-
Many low and middle income countries have few or no ing of urine samples. Blood culture remains important
radiologists, and even fewer pediatric radiologists, which for identifying bacteremic pneumonia, and serological
hampers the reliable interpretation of chest images.72 testing may be useful for specific pathogens or for retro-
However, tele-radiology may overcome the lack of radiol- spective confirmation of infection.
ogy expertise through electronic transfer of digital imag- Improved methods for microbiological diagnosis have
ing for reviewing remotely.33‑73 challenged traditional assumptions regarding the causes
Tele-radiology consultation is feasible and may help of pneumonia and the interpretation of microbiological
obtain a more accurate radiological diagnosis.72 Several results. Multiple potential pathogens are often detected
free platforms are available to transfer chest radiographs, in respiratory samples from children with pneumonia,
ultrasound scans, or even larger datasets to experts for and coinfection may be particularly important in severe
interpretation.73 Challenges include generating high qual- disease. Furthermore, some organisms such as Myco-
ity images at the source, the digital transfer chain, limited bacterium tuberculosis, which were formerly regarded
expertise of the reporting radiologist,73 language barriers, as causing chronic disease, have been shown to be asso-
legal problems, and image transfer sustainability.72 ciated with acute pneumonia in tuberculosis endemic
Microbiological diagnosis
Various diagnostic modalities are available to support Limitations of current microbiological testing methods
the diagnosis of the cause of pneumonia. These include Accurate identification of the cause of pneumonia is
tests done on respiratory specimens, such as microscopy needed to guide appropriate treatment, to develop
(including targeted fluorescence microscopy for specific rational guidelines for empiric treatment, and to evaluate

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Table 1 | Studies of chest ultrasound for diagnosis of pneumonia in children*

Study design and Gold standard Interobserver
Study population US operator andCXR reader details method Results of ultrasound performance agreement
Copetti Prospective; 79 US: 1 sonographerCXR: 2 radiologists Clinical diagnosis US diagnosis of pneumonia: 60/60 (100%)CXR diagnosis of Not done
200845 children pneumonia: 53/60 (88%)
Iuri D 200935 Prospective; 28 US: 2 radiologistsCXR: 2 radiologists CXR US diagnosis of consolidation: 22/28 (79%)Sensitivity 92%; specificity Not done
children 100%; PPV 100%; NPV 85%
Kurian 200951 Retrospective; 19 US: 2 technologistsCXR: 2 CT US similar to CT for consolidation and identified all effusions Not done
children radiologists(1 consultant, 1 resident)
Tsung 201252 Prospective; 20 US: 2 investigator sonographers and CXR N/A US κ=0.82
children 1 reviewerCXR: attending pediatric
Caiulo 201353 Prospective; 102 US: 1 expert sonographerCXR: 1 Clinical diagnosis US diagnosis of pneumonia: 88/89 (99%)US consolidation diagnosis: Not done
children radiologist (BTS guidelines) 83/89 (93%)CXR diagnosis of pneumonia: 81/89 (91%)
Shah 2013 Prospective; 200 US: 15 sonographersCXR: 15 CXR US consolidation diagnosis: 49/200 (25%)Sensitivity 86%; specificity US κ=0.9
children radiologists 97%CXR consolidation diagnosis: 36/200 (18%)
Esposito Prospective; 103 US: 1 sonographerCXR: 1 radiologist CXR US diagnosis of pneumonia:Sensitivity 97.9%; specificity 94.5%; PPV Not done
201455 children 94%; NPV 98%; concordance κ=0.64
Chavez Prospective; 378 US: 2 general practitioners US N/A US κ=0.79
201556 children (127 controls)
Ho 201557 Retrospective; 163 US: 1 pediatricianCXR: 2 radiologists None US diagnosis of pneumonia: 159/163 (98%)CXR diagnosis of Not done
children pneumonia: 151/163 (93%)
Iorio 201549 Retrospective; 52 US: 1 operatorCXR: radiologist Clinical diagnosis US diagnosis of pneumonia: 28/29 (97%)Sensitivity 86%; specificity Not done
children (BTS guidelines) 96%; PPV 96%; NPV 85%CXR diagnosis of pneumonia: 25/29
(86%)Sensitivity 97%; specificity 96%; PPV 97%; NPV 96%
Urbankowska Prospective; 106 US: 1 sonographer Clinical and US diagnosis of pneumonia: 71/106 (67%)Sensitivity 93%; specificity Not done
201524 children radiology 100%; PPV 100%; NPV 86%CXR diagnosis of pneumonia: 76/106
(72%)US to CXR agreement: κ=0.89
Ambroggio Prospective; 132 US: 1 sonographerCXR: multiple CT US consolidation diagnosis:PPV 61%; NPV 86%CXR consolidation US κ=0.55CXR
201658 children (36 with CT) radiologists diagnosis:PPV 71%; NPV 80% κ=0.36
Guerra 201648 Prospective; 222 US: 3 pediatriciansCXR: radiology None US consolidation diagnosis: 207/222 (93%)CXR consolidation Not done
children experts diagnosis: 197/222 (89%)CXR and US consolidation: 190/222 (86%)
Jones 201659 Prospective RCT; 191 US: 15 sonographers N/A US κ=0.81
children and young
Lovrenski Prospective; 95 US: 1 sonographer None US diagnosis of pneumonia: 67/95 (71%)Auscultation diagnosis of Not done
201660 children pneumonia: 45/95 (47%)
Samson Prospective; 200 US: 1 sonographerCXR: 2 radiologists CXR US for consolidation: sensitivity 87%; specificity 95%; PPV 93%; NPV Not done
201661 children 91%
Varshney Prospective; 95 US performance: 1 novice sonographer Clinical diagnosis For consolidation >1 cm:Sensitivity 25%; specificity 97%For US κ=0.68US
201650 children with 2 days’ trainingUS reading: Expert consolidation <1 cm:Sensitivity 50%; specificity 79% κ=0.88 for
sonographer with 5 years’ experience consolidation >1 cm
*Abbreviations: BTS=British Thoracic Society; CT=computerized tomography; CXR=chest radiography; N/A=not available; NPV=negative predictive value; PPV=positive predictive value; RCT=randomized controlled
trial; US=ultrasound.

the impact of preventive interventions, such as vaccina- tion; acute and convalescent serology for viruses and
tion. However, it can be difficult to attribute the cause of atypical organisms; and pleural fluid (if present) for
pneumonia because disease may be caused by multiple microscopy, culture, antigen detection, and polymerase
pathogens, bacteria seldom invade sterile sites (such as chain reaction. These guidelines are similar to the South
the bloodstream), and it is hard to distinguish colonizing African Thoracic Society guidelines, which recommend
flora from pathogenic organisms in respiratory samples. etiologic diagnostic testing only in children who are
Although there have been important advances in rapid admitted to hospital; tests include blood culture, pleu-
and accurate identification of potential pathogens using ral fluid testing, possible viral testing on nasal samples,
multiplex molecular methods or rapid antigen detection, and microbiologic testing for tuberculosis when clinically
the evaluation of novel diagnostic tests is hampered by suspected using induced sputum or other specimens.31
the lack of an accurate reference standard test for assign- However, these guidelines differ substantially from those
ing the cause of pneumonia or for distinguishing between of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infec-
bacterial and viral pneumonia. tious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), which include
rapid diagnostic testing for influenza virus and other
Current guidelines for microbiological diagnosis respiratory viruses in children with CAP who are being
Given the difficulties associated with the interpretation treated in the community or in hospital.30 For children
of etiologic diagnostics and lack of data on their impact with CAP who are in hospital, IDSA guidelines further rec-
on management, BTS guidelines for community acquired ommend blood culture in those with complicated or mod-
pneumonia (CAP) recommend microbiological testing erate to severe disease and sputum for Gram stain and
only in children with severe pneumonia who need to be culture in those who can produce a specimen.30 Tracheal
admitted to intensive care or those with complications.28 aspirates for culture and detection of viral pathogens
In such cases, a variety of diagnostic tests are suggested are recommended in children who have been intubated,
including blood culture; nasal specimens for viral detec- whereas bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage, or lung

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tinguish live pathogenic organisms from those that are

colonizing or infecting the upper respiratory tract or
nucleic acids left over from previous infections.

Respiratory samples
A range of specimens may be useful for investigating the
causes of pneumonia, and the diagnostic utility varies
with specimen type and specific organism (table 3).75 76
Nasopharyngeal samples, swabs or aspirates, have tradi-
tionally been used for the detection of most viruses and
for pertussis. Flocked nasopharyngeal swabs provide a
similar yield to aspirates, are simpler to obtain than aspi-
rates,77 78 and may provide a better yield than other swab
types.79‑81 Studies are inconsistent regarding the relative
yield of nasopharyngeal versus oropharyngeal specimens
for the detection of viruses; there may be incremental
yield from testing of both specimen types for specific
viruses such as influenza A or adenovirus.82‑85 Naso-
pharyngeal specimens may also be useful for the diag-
Fig 3 |  Axial short tau inversion recovery (STIR) magnetic resonance imaging performed without
nosis of tuberculosis using the polymerase chain reaction
anesthesia or contrast showing high signal in the right posterior alveolar spaces (arrow) in
(PCR) in children from whom it is not possible to obtain
keeping with pneumonia
more representative lower respiratory tract samples.86
biopsy are recommended only in those with severe pneu- Although sputum induction has been shown in many
monia who have negative diagnostic tests.30 In addition to studies to be safe and to provide an effective specimen
testing children with severe disease, targeted testing may for microbiologic diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis
be warranted in outbreak situations, or if infection with in children of all ages, there are relatively few studies of
specific pathogens, such as M tuberculosis or Bordetella its use in acute pneumonia. Recent data suggest that the
pertussis, is suspected. diagnostic yield of induced sputum may be greater than
for nasopharyngeal samples for specific organisms. In a
Value of different specimen types and associated multicenter case-control study of children in hospital for
diagnostic tests severe or very severe pneumonia, the use of induced spu-
Optimal specimen collection is key to accurate identifica- tum samples increased the detection of B pertussis using
tion of the cause of pneumonia. Diagnostic yield depends PCR by 48% compared with the use of a combined naso-
on the type and quality of the specimen collected, timing pharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab.87 Two South Afri-
of collection, previous use of antimicrobials, transport, can studies also found an increased yield of B pertussis on
storage, and laboratory processes for testing. It may be PCR with induced sputum,11 88 although no difference was
difficult to obtain a representative sample from the lower shown in another hospital based study.89 Several stud-
respiratory tract, and contamination with organisms such ies have shown good agreement between PCR testing of
as Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae, induced sputum and nasopharyngeal swabs for viruses;
which colonize the upper airways but are also important the yield is highest when both sample types are tested.11‑90
pathogens, is likely. This may lead to overestimation or The use of induced sputum has also been reported to be
underestimation of the contribution of these bacteria to helpful for microbiologic confirmation of Pneumocystis
pneumonia. Similarly, although molecular diagnostics jirovecii pneumonia in HIV infected children when using
enable the detection of many respiratory viruses and PCR for diagnosis.91 However, as with nasopharyngeal
bacteria that are not easy to culture, it is difficult to dis- samples, induced sputum samples are likely to be con-
taminated with upper respiratory tract flora, so it may be
Table 2 | Studies of chest MRI for diagnosis of pneumonia in children* difficult to interpret results.
Gold standard Nasopharyngeal and induced sputum samples may
Study Study design Study population method* Results of MRI performance be cultured for bacteria and fungi, although culture is
Peltola 200836 Retrospective 24 children with suspected CXR MRI detection of cases with increasingly being replaced (or supplemented) with
lung infection alveolar and interstitial
disease=100% nucleic acid amplification tests for a range of microbes,
Yikilmaz 201168 Prospective 40 children CXR MRI v CXR:Consolidation or by rapid viral antigen detection. If samples are tested
κ=0.78Effusion κ=0.30 for a wide variety of micro-organisms using multiplex
Peprah 201269 Retrospective 6 children with TB air space CT MRI detection of air space assays, a potential pathogen may be identified in almost
disease disease and lung necrosis=100%
all children with pneumonia. For example, a Finnish
Gorkem 201370 Prospective 71 children CT MRI overall=97%MRI
study reported that a potential bacterial or viral pathogen
Ozcan 201671 Prospective 17 children with CT MRI overall=81%MRI was detected by PCR in 97% of children in hospital with
neutropenia consolidation=100% pneumonia using an adequate induced sputum sample,12
Sodhi 201664 Prospective 75 children with suspected CT MRI v CT for consolidation and and in a South African study, both bacteria and viruses
infection effusion:Agreement κ=1 were detected in nasopharyngeal samples from 87% of
*Abbreviations: MRI=magnetic resonance imaging; CT=computed tomography; CXR=chest radiography; TB=tuberculosis.
children with pneumonia.11

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Table 3 | Summary of specimen types and laboratory tests for the causes of pneumonia in children
Relevant laboratory tests Advantages Disadvantages
Nasopharyngeal swab or aspirate
Bacterial culture, molecular or antigen detection of bacteria Ease of collection, relatively good correlation of results with sputum Colonization or infection of the upper airways does not imply
and viruses testing, method of choice for some viruses (eg influenza virus) that organisms are causing pneumonia
Sputum or induced sputum
Bacterial culture, molecular or antigen detection of bacteria Relative ease of collection; more representative of organisms in lower Induced sputum collection requires expertise; samples are
and viruses respiratory tract; incremental yield over testing of upper respiratory contaminated by upper respiratory tract organisms, so may also
samples alone detect organisms colonizing or infecting upper airways
Bronchoalveolar lavage or aspirate
Bacterial culture, molecular or antigen detection of bacteria More representative of organisms in lower respiratory tract; less likely Few comparative studies versus other sample types; costly,
and viruses to be contaminated by upper respiratory tract flora invasive, requires expertise
Transthoracic lung aspirate
Bacterial culture, molecular or antigen detection of bacteria Most representative of lower respiratory tract, least contamination Useful mainly for peripheral infective foci in the lung; costly,
and viruses with upper airway respiratory tract flora invasive, requires expertise; small risk of serious complications
Culture for bacterial pathogens Relative ease of collection; positive culture with a known pathogen Low yield from bacterial culture, therefore high cost per case
has high specificity detected
Molecular testing More sensitive than blood culture for some targets, eg pneumococcal Lacks specificity for disease (eg lytA positive with
lytA nasopharyngeal carriage)
Serology Useful for epidemiological studies and for specific pathogens, eg Usually requires acute and convalescent sera, so not useful for
pertussis treatment decisions
Biomarker detection Potential to discriminate bacterial versus viral infection Accuracy for distinguishing bacterial versus viral pneumonia is
suboptimal for available biomarkers
Antigen detection Ease of collection; high sensitivity of pneumococcal capsular Poor specificity for pneumococcal disease (positive with
polysaccharide detection for invasive pneumococcal disease nasopharyngeal carriage)

However, this high yield of apparent pathogens should (P<0.001) and had a shorter length of stay (P<0.001). A
be interpreted with caution. Most studies reporting on the second study randomized 204 children (3-36 months of
use of molecular testing of respiratory tract samples have age) presenting with febrile acute respiratory illness at
been case series without relevant matched controls. A an emergency department to rapid viral testing or routine
large meta-analysis of case-control studies of viral detec- care (which included rapid viral testing if specifically
tion in children with LRTI reported that respiratory syn- requested by the physician).96 No difference was seen
cytial virus (RSV) was most strongly associated with LRTI in length of visit, rate of ancillary testing, or prescrip-
(odds ratio 9.8), whereas influenza virus (5.1), parain- tion, although the number of post discharge antibiotic
fluenza virus (3.4), and human metapneumovirus (3.8) prescriptions was reduced in the group who had viral
were less strongly associated. Rhinovirus was only weakly testing (relative risk 0.36; 95% confidence interval 0.14
associated with LRTI (1.4), whereas no association was to 0.95). Two retrospective record review studies showed
found for adenovirus, bocavirus, or coronaviruses.92 a reduction in antibiotic usage in children who received
A Dutch study found that Mycoplasma pneumoniae rapid viral testing.97 98 No large studies have evaluated
DNA was not detected any more often in children with the impact of rapid viral testing and the associated
any respiratory tract infection than in control children.93 reduction in antibiotic use on patient outcomes. Given
Two recent studies, a birth cohort in South Africa11 and that bacteria and viruses are often detected at the same
a multicenter study in the US,94 have reported similar time, and that children admitted to intensive care with
findings. RSV, influenza virus, and B pertussis have been severe disease and RSV infection may have concomitant
consistently and strongly associated with pneumonia in bacterial infection,99 rapid viral testing cannot be used
many studies. However, there is considerable heterogene- alone to rule out bacterial infection, particularly in chil-
ity with regard to the causative role of many other viruses dren with severe pneumonia.
and bacteria detected in respiratory samples, which may Overall, these results call into question the routine use
relate to case definitions, sampling, and the inclusion of and interpretation of costly, multiplex detection assays
a relevant control group.92 and suggest that more limited assays that target specific
Few studies have evaluated the impact of rapid viral pathogens that are strongly associated with pneumo-
diagnostics on patient outcomes or healthcare utiliza- nia, such as influenza, RSV, and pertussis, may be more
tion. A randomized controlled trial (RCT) of 418 patients appropriate (table 4).
(2-21 years of age) presenting to an emergency depart- Real time PCR assays can often estimate the density
ment with influenza-like symptoms randomized patients of colonization (pathogen load) in the upper respiratory
to groups where physicians did or did not receive results tract, which may be associated with the likelihood of
of rapid influenza viral testing.95 The number of ancillary infection. For example, the pneumococcal colonization
investigations (P<0.001 for complete blood count and density has been associated with respiratory virus infec-
blood culture; P=0.011 for urine analysis and urine cul- tion and invasive pneumococcal pneumonia.100 How-
ture) and chest radiographs performed (P=0.001) were ever, pathogen density in the upper respiratory tract was
significantly reduced in patients who tested positive. not associated with pneumonia in a recent case-control
These patients were also prescribed fewer antibiotics study.11

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Table 4 | Laboratory tests in children with ambulatory or severe pneumonia: indications and limitations*
Test Indications Limitations
Children with mild or ambulatory pneumonia
Serum for C reactive protein or procalcitonin Limited evidence that use in an algorithm for children with Data are very limited; studies include longitudinal monitoring of
mild or uncomplicated pneumonia may reduce antibiotic kinetics of response to treatment; requires a blood specimen;
exposure not currently recommended to distinguish bacterial disease
Upper respiratory tract samples for rapid viral detection of influenza, During outbreaks of viral illness, rapid testing may reduce Bacterial coinfection cannot be excluded; vigilance for
for example antibiotic prescription; guidelines differ on recommendation coexisting bacterial disease required
Children with severe disease, complications, and those in hospital
Blood culture All children Low yield but higher in HIV infected children; cost effectiveness
Upper or lower respiratory tract samples for rapid viral testing (PCR or Children with severe or complicated pneumonia Difficult to infer causality for many pathogens; most useful for
antigen detection) influenza virus and RSV
Induced or expectorated sputum for mycobacterial culture and PCR Children in whom pulmonary tuberculosis is clinically Repeated specimens needed to optimize microbiologic yield
(Xpert MTB/RIF) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis suspected
Induced or expectorated sputum or upper respiratory tract sample for Children in whom pertussis is suspected Upper respiratory samples have a lower yield than sputum
PCR for Bordetella pertussis
Induced or expectorated sputum for PCR for Pneumocystis jirovecii Children in whom pneumocystis pneumonia is suspected May not distinguish colonizing from disease causing organisms
Acute and convalescent serum for respiratory pathogens and Children with severe or complicated pneumonia Clinical utility questionable, given need for comparison of acute
mycoplasma and chlamydia and convalescent sera
Pleural fluid microscopy, culture, and pneumococcal antigen If pleural effusion present
detection or PCR
Tracheal aspirate for bacterial culture; PCR for pneumocystis and viral Intubated children May not distinguish colonizing from disease causing organisms
Bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage, or lung biopsy for bacterial Children with severe illness in whom no pathogen has been Invasive and requires specific expertise
culture; PCR for pneumocystis and viral pathogens; culture and PCR detected or those who have not responded to treatment
for M tuberculosis (in epidemiological context)
*Abbreviations: PCR=polymerase chain reaction; RSV=respiratory syncytial virus.

Reducing contamination of samples c­ollection of blood cultures in ambulatory children; blood

Samples that are less likely to be contaminated by upper culture is indicated only in children who are in hospital,30
respiratory flora may be less prone to problems of inter- in intensive care,28 or have complicated pneumonia.28 30
pretation. Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage Most studies have not evaluated the yield of systemati-
(BAL) or aspirate may provide a representative sample cally collected blood cultures from all children presenting
from the lower respiratory tract but it is invasive and with pneumonia but have been retrospective studies of
requires specialized skill and sedation of the child. Few existing practice, which may be biased by collection in
studies have compared the viral yield from BAL with that sicker children.
from upper respiratory samples, but the results seem to Two recent multicenter studies of children in hos-
be similar.101 BAL is mainly used in patients with hospital pital with pneumonia in the US that were performed
acquired infections, immunocompromised patients, and after implementation of PCV, documented notably dif-
those with severe or refractory disease when other speci- ferent rates of bacteremia—1.5% (6/390)103 and 7%
mens have not been able to identify the causative agent. (26/369)104—with S pneumoniae the predominant patho-
Transthoracic lung aspiration provides a representative gen in both. Collection of a blood culture was associated
specimen, uncontaminated by the upper airway flora, when with increased time to discharge, even after matching
pneumonia is peripheral and accessible to needle aspira- on propensity scores based on clinical factors.103 105 Cost
tion; however, it is invasive and requires expertise. Recent effectiveness modeling predicts that, in the US, blood
studies and a review have provided reassuring data on the cultures would need to be drawn from 118 children in
safety of this procedure.76 In a report from the Gambia, the hospital to identify one child with bacteremia in whom
diagnostic yield depended on the method of testing, with a the result would lead to a meaningful change in antibiotic
potential pathogen identified by a combination of culture treatment.106 It may be more cost effective to target testing
and molecular testing in 53 of 56 samples (including 47 to children at higher risk of bacteremia, such as those
lung aspirates and nine pleural fluids).102Streptococcus less than 6 months of age with fever; those admitted to
pneumoniae was identified in 91% of samples by molecu- intensive care; immunosuppressed patients; those with a
lar testing, but only 25% of samples by culture.102 Because central line in place; or those with chronic medical condi-
case-control studies are not possible with this specimen tions, effusion, or empyema.106
type, inferences regarding causality are not straightforward. Several studies have described substantially enhanced
It seems probable that contamination with upper respiratory detection of S pneumoniae in blood samples using real
tract flora is less likely with lung aspirates; however, highly time PCR targeting the lytA gene of the pneumococcus,
sensitive nucleic acid amplification assays may detect very compared with blood culture. 107‑109 However recent
small amounts of nucleic acid and do not necessarily imply results from the multicenter Pneumonia Etiology
the presence of viable organisms in large numbers. Research for Child Health (PERCH) study showed both
poor sensitivity (64%; 36/56 microbiologically confirmed
Blood pneumococcal pneumonia cases were PCR positive) and
Because the yield from blood culture is typically low, both specificity (5.5%; 273/4987 of non-pneumonia controls
BTS and IDSA guidelines recommend against routine were PCR positive).110 These results illustrate the need for

For personal use only 8 of 13


well controlled studies of the cause of pneumonia, and versus standard of care. One study that randomized 319
the major limitations of studies of case series in correctly pediatric inpatients showed a reduction in the prescrip-
ascribing the cause. tion of antibiotics (85.8% v 100%; P<0.05) in the proc-
Serological testing of blood specimens may be useful alcitonin group compared with the control group.125 The
for epidemiological studies of the cause of pneumonia, other study, which randomized 337 children attending
where comparison of acute and convalescent titers may an emergency department, failed to show differences
help identify the causative agent,93‑112 although the diag- in prescribing rates but showed that the mean duration
nostic value of a single specimen collected in the acute of antibiotic exposure was reduced in the procalcitonin
phase of the illness is generally limited. Pertussis serol- group (−1.8 days, 1 to −0.5).126 A recent Vietnamese RCT
ogy may be a useful complementary diagnostic tool in compared POC testing for CRP with routine care in of
older children and during the later phases of illness.113 114 2037 patients (including 1028 children) with non-severe
acute respiratory tract infection. It found a reduction in
Urine immediate antibiotic use in children (and adults) who
Because urine is relatively easy to obtain from most chil- received CRP testing (odds ratio 0.49, 40 to 0.61) with
dren, pathogen specific nucleic acids or antigens in urine no increase in adverse events.127
are attractive diagnostic targets. Several prospective stud- Semi-quantitative POC testing for CRP or procalcitonin
ies and a systematic review have concluded that a simple is feasible and available but requires an instrument to
immunochromatographic lateral flow test for pneumococ- interpret results and, in the case of procalcitonin, remains
cal C polysaccharide antigens in urine has high sensitiv- relatively costly (even though it may be cost effective
ity (close to 100%) for invasive pneumococcal infection in critically ill adult patients). 128 The safety of such
but lacks specificity (60-80%), particularly in children approaches needs to be established in low and middle
with nasopharyngeal pneumococcal carriage.115‑117 More income countries with higher rates of complicated and
recently, an immunodiagnostic assay for serotype specific severe pneumonia, its cost effectiveness assessed, and
detection of polysaccharides from 13 different pneumo- appropriate procalcitonin cut-off values for pediatric
coccal serotypes (those found in PCV13) has been devel- pneumonia identified.
oped,118 and it has been shown to be sensitive and specific White blood cell indicators are less reliable than pro-
(98% and 100%, respectively, when using bacteremic epi- calcitonin or CRP for identifying children with bacterial
sodes with one of the 13 serotypes included in the test as pneumonia.122‑129 Several other biomarkers, including
the reference) for pneumococcal pneumonia in adults.119 the combination of haptoglobin, tumor necrosis factor
However, this test is likely to also be positive in people (TNF) receptor 2, or interleukin 10, and tissue inhibitor
with nasopharyngeal carriage of pneumococci. Urine of metalloproteinases 1,130 have shown promise for the
lipoarabinomannan testing by lateral flow assay has been classification of children with bacterial pneumonia but
shown to have clinical utility in adults with tuberculosis require further evaluation.
and advanced HIV infection, but it lacks both sensitivity
and specificity in children with tuberculosis.120 Emerging diagnostics
Current research on the respiratory microbiota in health
Host biomarkers for distinguishing between bacterial and during infection is likely to refine our understanding
and viral infection of how ecological changes in this niche may predispose
In the absence of tests that can identify the specific cause to or predict pneumonia. Tests that can identify such
of pneumonia, a test that could discriminate between changes may allow us to identify children at risk of pneu-
children with bacterial pneumonia, who require antibi- monia and help discriminate between pneumonia caused
otics, and those with viral pneumonia, would be a major by different classes of pathogens.
advance. Host biomarkers have shown some promise in Work is needed to clarify the role of infection with mul-
this regard; however, their evaluation is complex given tiple pathogens in the pathogenesis of pneumonia, to
the lack of an accurate reference standard comparator inform the interpretation of multiplex diagnostic assays.
test. However, reliable evaluation of the accuracy of diagnos-
The most commonly used biomarkers, procalcitonin tics relies on the availability of accurate reference stand-
(PCT) and C reactive protein (CRP) seem to have subop- ard tests for the cause of pneumonia. In the absence of
timal sensitivity and specificity for identifying children such reference standards, the development of consensus
with bacterial pneumonia, with no satisfactory cut-off guidelines for the interpretation of microbiological test-
point on receiver operating characteristic curve analy- ing would be useful, both to guide clinical decision mak-
sis.121‑123 The reported performance characteristics of ing and for studies of the causes of pneumonia.
procalcitonin versus CRP vary, with no clear evidence An increasing area of interest is the use of blood
that either is superior.121 124 specimens to identify a host transcriptional signature
BTS guidelines recommend against the use of acute associated with specific pathogens. A recent analysis
phase reactants for distinguishing between bacterial and of transcriptional data from multiple cohorts identified
viral pneumonia,28 whereas IDSA guidelines recommend a transcriptional signature that distinguished influenza
that they are not used as the only distinguishing determi- virus infection from bacterial and other viral infections.131
nant.30 However, two European RCTs showed a reduction Similarly, a whole blood transcriptional profile that
in antibiotic use in children with lower respiratory tract distinguishes RSV infection from other viral infections
infection randomized to a procalcitonin guided algorithm and predicts the severity of disease has been described.132

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Contributors: All three authors helped in the conception, design, drafting,

QUESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH final approval, and accountability of this article’s accuracy and integrity. HJZ
• What place does chest ultrasound have in the screening serves as the overall guarantor.
and diagnosis of childhood pneumonia? Competing interests: All authors have read and understood BMJ policy on
declaration of interests and declare the following interests: None.
• What ultrasound findings are most accurate for the
Provenance and peer review: Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
diagnosis of pneumonia?
Patient involvement: No patients were involved in the creation of this
• Is ultrasound useful for informing antibiotic treatment for
pneumonia or monitoring treatment response?
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