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Hello there! My name is I was born and raised in

Kadijah Arnold. I’m so Athens, GA. I attended
excited to be your child’s elementary school here at
teacher this year. This is my Barrow (forever a Barrow
second year of teaching. I Buddy). I attended
can’t wait to help your child Kennesaw State University
explore and grow! where I earned my
Bachelor’s Degree in Early
Email: Childhood Education. I am
arnoldkad@clarke.k12.g currently attending the University of Georgia to
Phone: Call/Text earn my Master’s in
(706)621-9135 Educational Psychology.

I love arts and crafts, especially painting! I love

Chic-Fil-A, Chipotle, lemonade, Hershey’s Cookies
and Cream, Papermate Ink Joy pens, Target,
Walmart, Sunflowers and Peonies, and of course

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