How They Voted

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For the

July 13

Federal Fisheries Law: The House renewed,

Y Y N N 222-193, a law that governs commercial and
sport fishing in federal waters ranging from
three to 200 miles offshore. A yes vote was to
pass a bill (HR 200) designed to increase
yields by steps such as easing catch limits
and conservation rules.
Taking Aim at Citizens United: Voting 228
Y Y N N -184, the House blocked a Democratic bid for
floor debate on a proposed constitutional
amendment that would nullify the Supreme
Court’s Citizens United ruling on campaign
finances. A yes vote was in opposition to
calling HJ Res 31 up for debate.
Campaign-Finance Disclosures: The
Y Y N N House blocked, 225-186, a Democratic bid for
debate on a bill requiring unions and
corporations to disclose their funding of
political ads and name their large
contributors, information now kept in secret. A
yes vote opposed debate on HR 6239.
Defense of NATO Against Trump Barbs:
Y Y The Senate adopted, 97-2, a measure
expressing U.S. support for the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization at a time when President
Trump is subjecting the 69-year-old Western
alliance to harsh criticism. A yes vote was to
adopt the resolution.
KEY VOTES AHEAD ©2018 Voterama in Congress
The Senate will debate judicial and executive-branch nominations in
the week of July 16, while the House schedule was to be announced.

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