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New Employee IT Checklist

__ Setup Access card in ADT system

__ Setup Active Directory User account

__ Create Home share for user in F:\Data\Users\ set appropriate security and share

__ Add user to any applicable Security Groups

__ Connect user X drive to home share in Active Directory (Mapping of other drives
should be handled by GPO based on group membership)

__ Add user to exchange if account was not setup through exchange console or SBS

__ Add user to any applicable distribution groups

__ Send IT Welcome email to the user to ensure their email account is activated and
provide them with valuable information.

__ Modify relay_recipients file on spammy (“nano /etc/postfix/relay_recipients”) add the

user to list, then postmap (“postmap /etc/postfix/relay_recipients”) the file and restart
postfix (“/etc/init.d/postfix restart”) alternatively stop and start postfix (“/etc/init.d/postfix
stop” then “/etc/init.d/postfix start”)

__ Add security permissions for user to ICVerify folder on root of C drive on termserv if

__ Generate VPN files as applicable

__ Add user in IPOffice or modify existing entry as applicable setup soft key on
receptionist phone as needed

__ Add user to SXe

__ Add user to SMP as applicable

__ Contact Rockwell for Extranet account setup and then SAP access for user as

__ Log into their computer as them and setup outlook

__ Add them to local Administrators group as required for software operation

__ Ensure Mapped drives are set as appropriate, ensure any printers are setup properly
(should be setup via GPO)

__ Install OpenVPN software and setup VPN configuration

__ Setup Blackberry for email (Add to BPS and reset phone – then run enterprise
activation) or setup other smartphone for activesynch as applicable

__ Add user to password excel file

__ Place updated phone strip(s) in Reception phone as required

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