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Environmental Issues

A very good morning we bid to

The Honourable judges, ladies and gentleman
We, students of SMV Betong
For the first time, will entertain you with
Our tales of environmental issues

Hmm, sounds familiar, huh?

Like an old issue
But it’s an issue not to be taken for granted
See, touch, smell, taste and feel it around you
We all know what is going on

Sad, sad, sad, very sad,

What about the future generations?

Don’t you think it’s getting hot in here?

I do!
I do!
I do!
We all do!
But why?
It’s definitely the weather
Global warming for sure

How warm is the globe?

The temperature never ceased to rise for the past centuries
Yes, it has gotten everyone on earth talking about it
I worry about the climate change, the ice is melting worldwide
As the ice melts, the sea level rises too
It has become faster over the last century
Floods and droughts will become more common
Hurricanes and storms are likely to become stronger
It has something to do with the greenhouse effect
We should stop producing greenhouse gasses
Stop open burning
Use less air-conditioning
Car pooling
Walking and biking instead of driving
Less driving means fewer emissions
Checkout for mass transit system too
But we don’t have that here!
Oh yeah, you’re right! Too bad ...

Climate change sure sounds serious

Can’t imagine the world is over-heated or wholly covered by water!
Oh no!
It looks like we are coming to the end of the world!
Repent, repent!

(Sound effect: chainsaw and followed by a shout “Timber!”)

That is the sound of deforestation

When will it stop and rob us of our source of life?

How much per tree?

Kopi O la...
You not scared get caught meh?
Kopi O also ma... don’t worry la my friend
Karam Singh Walia won’t find us here one... (raising one hand) “Harapkan pagar, pagar tidak boleh diharap.”

Illegal logging obviously has deep impact on every creature

Imagine this world without trees!
Surely we will suffer and won’t survive the heat!
Tropical deforestation is responsible for about 20 percent of world greenhouse gas emissions
Burning of forest plants releases large amounts of carbon dioxide
More carbon dioxide means more hot air trapped in the atmosphere
And it increases the temperature
Poor animals, where will they live?
Many species are becoming extinct
As their habitats are destroyed
It will be a great loss to the human race

That is why we need to have reserved forest

To protect the natural environment
I love the refreshing feel of the National Park
Once in awhile, we need to escape
From the hustle and bustle of the city
We should start thinking green
So that we have clean water flowing from the river
and more picnics to enjoy with our family

Yes, waste no paper

Love our forest
Dump no rubbish into the water
Love our river
Take care of the wildlife
Love the animals
Yes, love our nature
Love ourselves
Reduce, reuse, recycle

We are proud to be Malaysian

Because our eco-tourism spots are among the best in the world
Sipadan, a haven for divers
Mulu Caves and Kinabalu, World Heritage sites
Terengganu, home to the leather back turtles
Sepilok, home to the orang utans
Sarawak, a place like no others, home to the hornbills

We the young generation will ensure that our flora and fauna
And our rich biodiversity must remain intact
We must protect it for our future generations
We will not sell our lands to human greed

Let us all work together

To protect our mother nature
Who else would do that for us if not ourselves
Join Earth Hour
Switch off your lights
Let us walk together
Hand in hand
We can make our earth a better place
One mission
One hope
One Malaysia One world!

What’s on your mind?
What’s on your mind?

Facebook! Facebook! Facebook!

I am addicted to Facebook!
Welcome to Facebook:
The world’s Best addiction!
Welcome, all teachers and fellow friends!
We will tell you all about Facebook!

I go home and the first thing I do is Facebook!

No lunch mum, log in to Facebook!
Before I go to sleep, I check on my Facebook!
Will I ever stop using Facebook?

Write a status,
Write on a wall,
Post a picture,
Write a comment,
Like, ignore,
Confirm or unfriend?

From Monday to Sunday,

When I get out of bed,
I have to take a look,
At my Facebook!

Why does Facebook matter so much to you and me?

Facebook, for better or for worse,

Is like being at a big party,
With all of your family, friends,
colleagues and even strangers!

Of course, there are lots of fun.

There are interesting people, you are happy to talk to when they stroll up.
Then, there are these other people,
The ones who make you cringe when you see them pop up.

Ha-ha, sure,
Facebook can be a great tool for keeping up with folks important to you.

But, Facebook can be painful too!

It reminds us the kind of people we may find in Facebook.

Who are they?

The Let-Me-Tell-You-Everything-I-Do-and-Bore-You.
I just woke up.
I am having breakfast.
I am bored today.
Just because you have 1000 friends doesn’t mean we all want to know about everything that you do! Duh…

The Self-Promoter.
I just updated my blog.
I just baked a cake.
I just gave a puppy to my girlfriend.
You do sound like a bragger…

The Friend-Collector.
I have 500 friends.
I have 1000 friends.
I have 5000 friends.
5000 friends! That’s showing off! How many friends do you have in real life?

The Town Crier.

Michael Jackson is dead!
Whitney Houston is dead!
My cat is dead!
Hey, don’t you know that everyone and everything dies eventually?

Ladies and gentleman,

As you might expect, the list goes on and on.
The paparazzi,
The hyena,
The gamer,
The liker,
The hater,
The sympathizer,
The newscaster,
The rooster,
The Mister and Miss Popular,
The salesman,
The politician,
And the drama king and queen.

You have read me at my worst,

You have read me at my best,
You have loved me as your dearest,
Let happiness beats the rest.

You all probably mean well.

But, stop and think for a minute,
Freedom of speech surely has its limit.

Come on boys and girls,

Facebook is not all about negativity.
It can be full of positivity!

However, what’s important is be responsible while using Facebook.

Keep what’s private; private.

We all like to be connected,

We are not saying it is wrong.
Realize the importance of you,
And don’t be headstrong.

Oh, wait!
What do I see before me?
I just got 10 new notifications!
This choral is ending here,
I need to post my choral video first
See you all again in my Facebook!

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