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Oranges in the Snow Phillip Burrows and Mark Foster

1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 4 Match the place in A with the description in B.
a Mary Durie is a scientist. A B

b Mary Durie is Joe’s assistant. 1 Spain a They do the experiment
c Mary and Joe are in Alaska. 2 a cupboard here.
d The flower can see in the dark. 3 the restaurant b The thief puts Joe here.
e Joe is the thief. 4 the laboratory c The thief meets the man

f A man in a beard fights Joe. 5 the airport in the hat here.
g The thief drinks the liquid. d There are three planes
h Mary and Joe go to the airport to find the here.
liquid. e The oranges come from
i The man with long hair is the thief. here.
j The thief smells of oranges.
20 marks
20 marks
5 Match a word from A with a definition from B.
2 Put the following events in the story in the right A B
order. Number them 1–10. 1 curtain a you are this when many
a The liquid turns yellow. 2 experiment people know you
b Mary and Joe go to the airport. 3 famous b you use this to lock a
c Mary finds Joe in a cupboard. 4 heat door
d Mary and Joe find the thief. 5 key c you close this so people
e Mary and Joe find a flower in Alaska. 6 lock can’t see in through a
f Mary and Joe talk to one of the pilots. 7 orange window
g Mary and Joe see three planes. 8 smile d somebody who takes
h Mary and Joe begin the experiment. 9 thief things without paying
i The thief fights with Joe. 10 valuable e an important fruit in this
j Mary closes the curtain of the laboratory. story
f you do this when you are
20 marks happy
g worth a lot of money
3 Who says this? Who do they say it to? Joe, the man h close a door so that
with the beard, the man with the hat, Mary, the
people can’t open it
i something you try to do
a ‘Everything’s ready now.’ ………………
in a laboratory
to ………………
j make something hot
b ‘This is very valuable.’ ……………… to
……………… 20 mark
c ‘A man . . . with a beard. A smell of . . .
oranges.’ ……………… to ………………
Total marks
d ‘Everyone on my plane smells of
oranges.’ ……………… to ………………
e ‘I have it.’ ……………… to

20 marks

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Oranges in the Snow Phillip Burrows and Mark Foster

Setting 15 Mary finds Joe in the _____ with a scarf over

his mouth.
Choose the best answer.
a F cupboard b F laboratory
1 It is a _____ night. c F waiting room d F restaurant
a F cold and rainy b F rainy and windy 16 Joe has a lot of _____ on his hands.
c F hot and windy d F cold and windy a F food b F sticky tape c F soap
2 Mary Durie is doing an experiment in _____. d F liquid
a F a classroom b F a forest 17 The dog is eating _____ under the table.
c F a laboratory d F her home a F a flower b F an orange c F a shoe
3 Before the experiment Mary feels _____. d F some bread
a F a little afraid b F a little tired 18 The man with the long hair on the blue plane
c F very angry d F very hungry wants to sell Joe _____.
4 The special flower grows in _____. a F some flowers b F a dog c F a watch
a F Texas b F Alaska c F California d F an orange
d F Florida 19 The man with the beard and white coat is in
M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E

5 In the experiment, Joe and Mary put some _____ the _____.
on the flower. a F plane b F waiting room c F shop
a F liquid b F sugar c F hair d F smoke d F restaurant
6 Outside the laboratory there is a _____. 20 At the airport the police _____ see in the dark.

a F cat and a dog b F cat and a fish a F can b F can’t c F learn to

c F cat and a seal d F dog and a seal d F begin to
7 Joe and Mary find _____ planes at the airport.
a F two b F three c F four d F five 20 marks
8 The planes are _____.
a F all black b F all white c F all blue
d F different colours Dialogue
9 At the airport the shop is _____.
Who says or writes this?
a F open b F closed c F expensive
21 ‘Everything’s ready now. We can do the
d F big
10 At the airport there is _____ in the waiting
a F Joe b F Mary’s boss c F the man
with the beard d F the pilot of the blue plane
a F nobody b F the man with the beard
22 ‘Something is happening. I feel different. My
c F a pilot d F a dog
legs and my hands hurt …’
20 marks a F Joe b F the man with the beard
c F the pilot of the yellow plane
d F one of the policemen
Characters 23 ‘We must be careful. This is very valuable.’
a F Joe b F Mary c F the lorry driver
Choose the best answer.
d F one of the policemen
11 Mary Durie is a _____. 24 ‘Joe! Is that you?’
a F teacher b F scientist c F doctor a F Mary b F Mary’s boss c F the man
d F detective with the beard d F one of the policemen
12 Joe is Mary’s _____. 25 ‘Remember there are bad men out there. Be very
a F assistant b F brother c F husband careful, Mary.’
d F friend a F Joe b F Mary’s boss c F the lorry
13 Mary’s boss is playing _____. driver d F one of the policemen
a F football b F basketball c F tennis 26 ‘Oh dear! I can’t find my keys.’
d F rugby a F Joe b F Mary c F the lorry driver
14 The strange man behind the car drops _____. d F the pilot of the yellow plane
a F a postcard from Alaska b F a photo of
Alaska c F a book about Alaska
d F a plane ticket to Alaska

oxford bookworms library StArter 68 © oxford university press photocopiable

Oranges in the Snow Phillip Burrows and Mark Foster

27 ‘He works on the plane and he is not the man Plot

you want.’
Choose the best answer.
a F Mary b F Mary’s boss c F the man
with the beard d F one of the policemen 41 Joe and Mary do an experiment on _____.
28 ‘That’s my coat!’ a F a small flower b F a very big flower
a F Joe b F Mary c F the lorry driver c F a lot of flowers d F a tree with flowers
d F the pilot of the red plane 42 Joe and Mary make something to help people
29 ‘Everyone on my plane smells of oranges.’ _____.
a F the man with the beard b F one of the a F run faster b F learn more quickly
policemen c F the pilot of the yellow c F sleep very well d F see in the dark
plane d F the pilot of the blue plane 43 Joe and Mary make some yellow _____ with the
30 ‘Good ! Now we can make lots of money.’ flower.
a F Joe b F Mary c F Mary’s boss a F tea b F food c F liquid d F paper
d F the man with the hat in the restaurant 44 Joe and Mary _____ the liquid.
a F sell b F buy c F drink d F drop
45 Somebody _____ the bottle, notebook and white

M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E
20 marks
coat from the laboratory.
a F takes b F buys c F plays with
Vocabulary d F drops
46 Joe and Mary look for a man with a _____.

Choose the best answer.
a F gun b F beard c F cat d F bag
31 cloth that covers a window
47 The red plane is full of _____.
a F curtain b F wall c F floor d F paper
a F computers b F televisions
32 when you want to make something hot, you do
c F flowers d F fish
this to it
48 The man with the beard in the restaurant only
a F cut b F heat c F drop d F hold
has one _____.
33 a box or space with a door where you keep
a F shoe b F leg c F arm d F eye
49 The thieves try to _____ Joe, Mary and the
a F table b F fridge c F cooker
d F cupboard
a F find b F stop c F run away from
34 you do this when you feel happy
d F kill
a F run b F cry c F smile d F forget
50 In the end the police _____ the thieves.
35 you open and lock doors with this
a F kill b F arrest c F laugh at d F lose
a F key b F knife c F pen d F mirror
36 a person who takes something that is not theirs 20 marks
a F killer b F thief c F visitor d F driver
37 when something is worth a lot of money
a F rich b F poor c F cheap d F valuable Total marks
38 when a lot of people know a person
a F famous b F nice c F beautiful
d F pleased
39 when you let something fall to the ground
a F stay b F leave c F drop d F put
40 if you buy something, this man brings it to your
home or work
a F runner b F detective c F policeman
d F delivery man

20 marks

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