Cost Rate Preparing Tax Forms Handling Tax Forms Submitting Tax Forms

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1) Name of the establishment:

Name of the Respondent:

Gender: Male ☐ Female ☐

2) Mailing Address:
Email ID: Mobile #:
District: Region:

4) Is your establishment registered with Bureau of Internal Revenue?

☐ Yes, year of registration:
☐ No

5) If your answer to Q.4 was yes; then on as scale of 1 to 10, 1 being extremely easy and 10 being
extremely difficult rate:
Cost Rate
Preparing tax forms
Handling tax forms
Submitting tax forms

6.) Legal Status of Establishment:

☐ Private
☐ Public Limited
☐ Private Limited
☐ Cooperative
☐ Partnership
☐ Others

6) What is the average monthly income of your establishment?

☐ Below 10,000
☐ 10,001 to 15,000
☐ 15,001 above

7) Has the establishment taken any loan for putting up your business?
Type Amount (peso)
☐ Formal
☐ Informal
☐ Both
8) Dose this establishment pay any rent for the land and buildings or temporary structure it
occupies? If yes how much?
Amount Per month
☐ Yes
☐ No N/A
☐ Do not know

9. Does the income generated within a month is enough to covered expenses incurred?


10) Upon the implementation of Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion law, does it affect the price
of the goods being offered?
☐Yes, how much?____________.

11) Does the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion law affects the quantity of goods being bought
to the suppliers?
☐Yes: ☐increase ☐decrease

12) Does Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion law affect the profit?
☐Yes: ☐increase ☐decrease

13) Does Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion law affect the number of customers?
☐Yes: ☐increase ☐decrease


Last) Your reaction to the implementation of Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion law.

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