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ta – take

拿 (ná)

choose, choice; decide,

“take take” decision; tata 拿拿 ná ná
pick; vote, election
fo – food
饭 fàn

“take food” eat tafo 拿饭 ná fàn

ti – time
時 shí

“food time” meal foti 饭時 fàn shí

sa – know
知 zhī

sure, certain, definite,

“know know” undoubted, sasa 知知 zhī zhī
unmistakable, confident,
doubtless, undeniable
“food know” culinary, dietology fosa 饭知 fàn zhī

learn, study;
“know take” research, investigate, sata 知拿 zhī ná
“time know” experience, practice tisa 時知 shí zhī
gi – give
给 gěi

“give take” exchange, trade gita 给拿 gěi ná

“food give” feed fogi 饭给 fàn gěi

teach, educate, instruct;

announce, declare,
“know give”
proclaim, advertise,
sagi 知给 zhī gěi

inform, tell
lesson, lecture,
“know give time”
sagiti 知给時 zhī gěi shí
wa – liquid
水 shuǐ

“liquid take” drink wata 水拿 shuǐ ná

“liquid food” soup, sauce wafo 水饭 shuǐ fàn

fa – make, do
作 zuò

work, operate, function,

“make make” act, serve; fafa 作作 zuò zuò
labor, toil
“food make” cook fofa 饭作 fàn zuò

“make give” let, allow, permit fagi 作给 zuò gěi

art, expertise,
“make know”
mastership, skill
fasa 作知 zuò zhī

“liquid make” melt, fuse wafa 水作 shuǐ zuò

“make time” process fati 作時 zuò shí

“make take make” nature fatafa 作拿作 zuò ná zuò

pe – person
人 rén

“person person” public, mass, people pepe 人人 rén rén

“food make person” chef, cook fofape 饭作人 fàn zuò rén

“food give person” waiter, waitress fogipe 饭给人 fàn gěi rén

teacher, professor,
lecturer, coach;
“know give person”
news announcer, help
sagipe 知给人 zhī gěi rén

desk worker, journalist

student, pupil, learner,
“take know person” disciple; satape 知拿人 zhī ná rén
listener, audience
“make make
worker, employee fafape 作作人 zuò zuò rén

“make make person

staff, personnel fafapepe 作作人人 zuò zuò rén rén

“make know
expert, specialist, master fasape 作知人 zuò zhī rén

“take take person” representative, deputy tatape 拿拿人 ná ná rén

pa – part
分 fēn

bit, detail, aspect, item,

“part part”
papa 分分 fēn fēn

participate, take part;

“part take”
hand, arm
pata 分拿 fēn ná

add, addition, additional,

“part give”
contribute, contribution
pagi 分给 fēn gěi

member, participant,
“part person”
pape 分人 fēn rén

“part person
society, community papepe 分人人 fēn rén rén

clay, clinging form,

“part liquid” dough, semi-solid, paste, pawa 分水 fēn shuǐ
“time part” period, spell tipa 時分 shí fēn

“food part” ingredient fopa 饭分 fàn fēn

cut, dissect, break up;

divide, separate, split up,
“part make” shatter; pafa 分作 fēn zuò
try, attempt, not finish,
not manage to
tooth, stomach,
“food take part”
fotapa 饭拿分 fàn ná fēn
shu – speak
说 shuō

speech part, sentence,

“speak part” phrase, word; tongue, shupa 说分 shuō fēn
mouth, lip
linguistic, linguistics,
“speak know”
shusa 说知 shuō zhī

“make speak” ask, pray, order, demand fashu 作说 zuò shuō

offer, offering, proposal,

“give speak”
gishu 给说 gěi shuō

conversation, dialog;
“speak give take”
shugita 说给拿 shuō gěi ná
ze – zero
零 líng

“zero time” never zeti 零時 líng shí

“zero know” ignorance, ignorant zesa 零知 líng zhī

“zero give” ban, forbid, prohibit zegi 零给 líng gěi

“zero person” no one, nobody zepe 零人 líng rén

“zero make” wait, linger zefa 零作 líng zuò

rest, lazy, idle, slothful;

“zero make make”
inactive, stand-by
zefafa 零作作 líng zuò zuò

“zero speak” silence, silent, quiet zeshu 零说 líng shuō

“zero liquid” dry; hard, solid, firm zewa 零水 líng shuǐ

“zero take” leave, abandon zeta 零拿 líng ná

“zero know give” secret zesagi 零知给 líng zhī gěi

Greenland, north,
“give zero”
gize 给零 gěi líng
一 yī

alone, independent, by
oneself, on one's own,
“one one”
solo; pure, clean;
yiyi 一一 yī yī

“one one person” identity, personality yiyipe 一一人 yī yī rén

“zero one one” dirty, dirt zeyiyi 零一一 líng yī yī

“one one make” clean yiyifa 一一作 yī yī zuò

“liquid one one

wash wayiyifa 水一一作 shuǐ yī yī zuò

“one take” reception, obtaining yita 一拿 yī ná

“one give” gift, donation yigi 一给 yī gěi

act, action;
connect, link, gather,
assembly, accumulate;
“one make”
unite, union, join,
yifa 一作 yī zuò

integrate, merge,
combine, gather, mix
“one speak” utterance, statement yishu 一说 yī shuō

private, personal,
“one person”
yipe 一人 yī rén

separate, individual,
single, particular,
distinct, detached;
“zero one make” peculiar; isolated, zeyifa 零一作 líng yī zuò
insulated, insulate,
secluded, secluded,
solitary, lonely, private
“person one make” relationship, friendship peyifa 人一作 rén yī zuò

“one know” letter, message yisa 一知 yī zhī

lesson, class, lecture;

“one know give” news program, yisagi 一知给 yī zhī gěi
message, publication
“one zero liquid” stone yizewa 一零水 yī líng shuǐ
lo – place
区 qū

“place place” territory, space, area lolo 区区 qū qū

“person person
place place”
country, region pepelolo 人人区区 rén rén qū qū

“zero place” nowhere zelo 零区 líng qū

region, zone, district,

“place part”
lopa 区分 qū fēn

“place time” local time, time zone loti 区時 qū shí

“place know” geography losa 区知 qū zhī

guide, cicerone;
“place know person”
losape 区知人 qū zhī rén

“place speak” dialect loshu 区说 qū shuō

“person person
city, town, village pepelo 人人区 rén rén qū

“liquid place” puddle, pool walo 水区 shuǐ qū

“give take place” market, bazaar, fair gitalo 给拿区 gěi ná qū

“place give take” replace, substitute logita 区给拿 qū gěi ná

“place give take

agent, representative logitape 区给拿人 qū gěi ná rén

“place give” put, place logi 区给 qū gěi

he – plant
卉 huì

“plant plant” forest, wood hehe 卉卉 huì huì

“plant place” garden, park; field helo 卉区 huì qū

“plant take person” vegetarian, vegan tahepe 拿卉人 huì ná rén

“plant know” botany, phytology hesa 卉知 huì zhī

“plant food” fruit; vegetable hefo 卉饭 huì fàn

vegetable oil, wine, juice;

“plant liquid”
tea, coffee
hewa 卉水 huì shuǐ

“liquid plant” seaweed, alga wahe 水卉 shuǐ huì

“food plant plant” crop, harvest fohehe 饭卉卉 fàn huì huì
da – way
道 dào

river, channel, creek,

“liquid way”
wada 水道 shuǐ dào

“plant way” boulevard, alley, park heda 卉道 huì dào

method, technique,
“make way”
algorithm, style
fada 作道 zuò dào

“person person
make way”
culture, tradition, custom pepefada 人人作道 rén rén zuò dào

“make make way” career fafada 作作道 zuò zuò dào

travel, journey, tour, trip,

“way time”
dati 道時 dào shí

traveler, tourist,
“way time person”
datipe 道時人 dào shí rén

give in, give up,

“give way” surrender, yield, gida 给道 gěi dào
“one person way” style, manner yipeda 一人道 yī rén dào
ha – hold, have
占 zhàn

keep, retain, save,

“hold hold”
preserve, maintain, store
haha 占占 zhàn zhàn

need, require, be in
need, lack, demand,
“zero hold” essential, indispensable, zeha 零占 líng zhàn
requisite; shortage,
scarcity, deficiency
catch, grab, capture,
“take hold”
seize, grasp, grip; belong
taha 拿占 ná zhàn

“hold part” hand, arm hapa 占分 zhàn fēn

“hold part give” help, serve, care hapagi 占分给 zhàn fēn gěi

“food hold” pot, pan foha 饭占 fàn zhàn

“one hold” property, asset yiha 一占 yī zhàn

happen, take place;

“place hold” be situated, located; loha 区占 qū zhàn
be, exist
“place hold make” create, produce, found1 lohafa 区占作 qū zhàn zuò
illusory, unreal, false,
“zero place hold”
zeloha 零区占 líng qū zhàn

“zero place hold character, imaginary

person” person
zelohape 零区占人 líng qū zhàn rén

true, truthful, truth;

“place hold speak”
honest; correct, right
lohashu 区占说 qū zhàn shuō

“zero hold place wrong, incorrect, untrue;

speak” lie; irrelevant
zelohashu 零区占说 líng qū zhàn shuō

destroy, demolish,
“zero hold place
annihilate, eliminate, zelohafa 零区占作 líng qū zhàn zuò
fact, circumstance,
“one place hold” occasion, event, time, yihalo 一占区 yī qū zhàn
information carrier; book;
“know hold” CD, hard disc; card; saha 知占 zhī zhàn
memory stick
“plant know hold” paper hesaha 卉知占 huì zhī zhàn

“one plant know

page, sheet of paper yihesaha 一卉知占 yī huì zhī zhàn

identity document, ID,

“person know hold”
pesaha 人知占 rén zhī zhàn

newspaper, magazine,
“time know hold”
tisaha 時知占 shí zhī zhàn

“one time know

issue, copy yitisaha 一時知占 yī shí zhī zhàn
“know hold place
record, save sahalogi 知占区给 zhī zhàn qū ná
mo – move
动 dòng

“move hold” carry, bring moha 动占 dòng zhàn

still, static, motionless;

“zero move”
calm, rest; stay, wait
zemo 零动 líng dòng

release, set free,

“move give”
liberate, let go, send
mogi 动给 dòng gěi

foot, leg;
“move part”
door, gate, sash, lid
mopa 动分 dòng fēn

speak move part =

“speak move part”
shumopa 说动分 shuō dòng fēn

“one move” motion, move, gesture yimo 一动 yī dòng

river, stream, flood, flow,

“move liquid” tide; mowa 动水 dòng shuǐ
swim, sail
“move food” fast food, street food mofo 动饭 dòng fàn

rule, run, give orders,

“move make” manage, control, drive, mofa 动作 dòng zuò
operate, govern, direct
“one one move behave, behavior,
make” conduct
yiyimofa 一一动作 yī yī dòng zuò
“one move” step, stage yimo 一动 yī dòng

“one one move” free, freedom yiyimo 一一动 yī yī dòng

“liquid move part” heart wamopa 水动分 shuǐ dòng fēn

“make make way

promotion, advance fafadamo 作作道动 zuò zuò dào dòng

promotion, campaign,
“know move”
advertising, publicity
samo 知动 zhī dòng

advertisement, ad,
“one know move” commercial, publicity yisamo 一知动 yī zhī dòng
si – structure
构 gòu

element, component,
“structure part”
cell, section, unit
sipa 构分 gòu fēn

“speak structure” grammar shusi 说构 shuō gòu

“make structure” algorithm; plan; program fasi 作构 zuò gòu

“work part
system, network fapasi 作分构 zuò fēn gòu

“structure make” project sifa 构作 gòu zuò

collect, gather, pick,

assemble, congregate,
“one structure
compile, accumulate, yisifa 一构作 yī gòu zuò
“structure know” information sisa 构知 gòu zhī

“one structure
datum, data, record yisisa 一构知 yī gòu zhī

“structure know
move structure”
Internet sisamosi 构知动构 gòu zhī dòng gòu
collective, group;
“person structure”
company, firm
pesi 人构 rén gòu

“person structure
position, post, office pesilo 人构区 rén gòu qū

“person structure department, division,

part” branch
pesipa 人构分 rén gòu fēn

diet, dietary, regime,

“food structure”
fosi 饭构 fàn gòu

“food know
menu fogisi 饭给构 fàn gěi gòu

mess, disorder, clutter,

confusion, chaos,
messy, disorderly,
“zero structure”
random, erratic,
zesi 零构 líng gòu

indiscriminate, orderless;
formless, shapeless,
unformed, amorphous
calendar, timetable,
“time structure”
tisi 時构 shí gòu

“hold part give

charity, foundation hapagisi 占分给构 gěi zhàn fēn gòu

“structure give” put in order sigi 构给 gòu gěi

“know give mass media, press,

structure” education
sagisi 知给构 zhī gěi gòu
“person take take elected organ,
structure” committee
petatasi 人拿拿构 rén ná ná gòu

“one structure
sign, signal yisisa 一构知 yī gòu zhī

“one know move

post, mail yisamosi 一知动构 yī zhī dòng gòu

“one know move

structure hold”
envelope yisamosiha 一知动构占 yī zhī dòng gòu zhàn
to – same
同 tóng

simultaneously, at the
“same time”
same time;
toti 同時 tóng shí

repeat, duplicate, iterate,
imitate, simulate, copy,
“same make” replicate, mock; tofa 同作 tóng zuò
pretend, play a role, act;
“same make person” actor, actress; pretender tofape 同作人 tóng zuò rén

“one same make” part, role yitofa 一同作 yī tóng zuò

“same make place” stage, scene tofalo 同作区 tóng zuò qū

“same speak” repeat, say the same toshu 同说 tóng shuō

like; resemble, similar,

“part same”
pato 分同 fēn tóng

different, distinct,
dissimilar; another;
“zero same”
special, remarkable,
zeto 零同 líng tóng

change, alter, vary,
transform, modify,
“zero same make”
convert, revise;
zetofa 零同作 líng tóng zuò

influence, affect
“speak zero same
translate, interpret shuzetofa 说零同作 shuō líng tóng zuò

meet, meeting;
“same place take”
assembly, congregation,
tolota 同区拿 tóng qū ná

“know same place
conference, seminar satolota 知同区拿 zhī tóng qū ná

“move same place match, game; dance

take” party
motolota 动同区拿 dòng tóng qū ná

“time same place

appointment titolota 時同区拿 shí tóng qū ná

collide, collision; joint,

“same place move”
junction, juncture
tolomo 同区动 tóng qū dòng

example, instance,
“one same”
sample, specimen, copy
yito 一同 yī tóng

“liquid same” transparent, clear wato 水同 shuǐ tóng

“liquid same make” explain watofa 水同作 shuǐ tóng zuò

du – think
思 sī

“one think” idea, thought, concept yidu 一思 yī sī

logic, logical, analyze,

“structure think”
sidu 构思 gòu sī

“zero structure think trust, believe, rely on;

know” belief, faith
zesidusa 零构思知 líng gòu sī zhī

create, devise, invent,

“make think”
design, develop
fadu 作思 zuò sī

“same think” agree; yes todu 同思 tóng sī

“zero same think” disagree, differ; no zetodu 零同思 líng tóng sī

“same think hold” contract, deal toduha 同思占 tóng sī zhàn

instinctive, involuntary,
automatic, reflex,
“zero think”
zedu 零思 líng sī

crazy, mad, lunatic;

stupid, silly, foolish,
“zero think know” instinct, intuition, insight zedusa 零思知 líng sī zhī

“think part” brain dupa 思分 sī fēn

opinion, view, review,

“think speak”
dushu 思说 sī shuō

discussion, dispute,
“think speak give
counsel, debate, dushugita 思说给拿 sī shuō gěi ná
controversy, polemic
imagine, imagination,
“place hold think”
lohadu 区占思 qū zhàn sī

“think way” attitude duda 思道 sī dào

no – not
不 bù

“not…not” neither … nor no…no 不…不 bù…bù

version, variant, edition;

“same not same” specimen, example, tonoto 同不同 tóng bù tóng
exemplar, sample
pi – picture
图 tú

film, movie, motion

“move picture”
mopi 动图 dòng tú

character, letter, symbol,

“speak picture” hieroglyph, pictogram; shupi 说图 shuō tú
describe, depict
“speak picture keyboard, keypad;
structure” alphabet
shupisi 说图构 shuō tú gòu

draw, paint, write,

“picture make”
sketch, photograph, type
pifa 图作 tú zuò

“picture make painter, artist,

person” photographer; author
pifape 图作人 tú zuò rén

“person picture” portrait pepi 人图 rén tú

“person structure emblem, coat of arms,

picture” symbol, logo
pesipi 人构图 rén gòu tú

“place picture” landscape, map lopi 区图 qū tú

“way picture” roadmap dapi 道图 dào tú

“know picture” sign sapi 知图 zhī tú

visualize, picture,
“picture think”
envisage, imagine
pidu 图思 tú sī

chart, plan, scheme,

“structure picture”
diagram, table
sipi 构图 gòu tú

“part picture” mosaic, jigsaw puzzle papi 分图 fēn tú

calendar, timetable,
“time picture”
tipi 時图 shí tú

“picture hold” frame, screen piha 图占 tú zhàn

“one person picture

signature, handwriting yipepifa 一人图作 yī rén tú zuò

“same make
symbol, sign tofapi 同作图 tóng zuò tú
fe – feel
感 gǎn

attention, attentive,
“feel feel”
watch, observe
fefe 感感 gǎn gǎn

apathy, indifference,
“zero feel”
zefe 零感 líng gǎn

“food feel” taste fofe 饭感 fàn gǎn

tentacle, antenna;
“feel part”
fepa 感分 gǎn fēn

“take feel” touch, contact tafe 拿感 ná gǎn

sympathy, compassion,
“same feel”
pity, condolence
tofe 同感 tóng gǎn

sense, sensory,
“feel structure”
fesi 感构 gǎn gòu

“picture place” gallery pilo 图区 tú qū

“speak picture feel” read shupife 说图感 shuō tú gǎn

“speak picture feel

library shupifelo 说图感区 shuō tú gǎn qū

“feel person person” audience fepepe 感人人 gǎn rén rén

England, English; left,
“one feel”
yife 一感 yī gǎn
ga – air
空 kòng

“air air” atmosphere gaga 空空 kòng kòng

breathe, inhale, exhale,

“air take” respire; gata 空拿 kòng ná
live, living, alive
“air take time” life, lifetime gatati 空拿時 kòng ná shí

“air take know” biology gatasa 空拿知 kòng ná zhī

“air give” give birth, bear gagi 空给 kòng gěi

“air move” wind; fly gamo 空动 kòng dòng

“one air move” gust; flight yigamo 一空动 yī kòng dòng

throw, cast, toss, fling,

“air move make” hurl, launch, sling, gamofa 空动作 kòng dòng zuò
catapult; blow
“air move part” wing gamopa 空动分 kòng dòng fēn

“air take part” lung, trachea, windpipe gatapa 空拿分 kòng ná fēn
“air liquid” mist, haze, fog gawa 空水 kòng shuǐ

“air feel” smell, take a smell gafe 空感 kòng gǎn

“zero air” airless, stuffy zega 零空 líng kòng

“zero air take” choke, suffocate zegata 零空拿 líng kòng ná

di – thing
物 wù

“thing thing” matter, material, stuff didi 物物 wù wù

“zero thing” nothing, naught zedi 零物 líng wù

“air thing” dust gadi 空物 kòng wù

smell, scent, odor,

“air feel thing”
perfume, fragrance
gafedi 空感物 kòng gǎn wù

“air feel part” nose gafepa 空感分 kòng gǎn fēn

“feel thing” real, true, actual, solid fedi 感物 gǎn wù

“thing picture” still life, nature morte dipi 物图 wù tú

copy, replica, duplicate,

“same feel thing”
tofedi 同感物 tóng gǎn wù

topic, theme, subject,

“speak thing”
shudi 说物 shuō wù

“move thing” animal modi 动物 dòng wù

“person move thing” horse, camel, mount pemodi 人动物 rén dòng wù
meat, beef, pork; animal
“move thing food”
modifo 动物饭 dòng wù fàn

“food move thing” cow, bull, pig fomodi 饭动物 fàn dòng wù

“move thing liquid

soup, broth, bouillon modiwafo 动物水饭 dòng wù shuǐ fàn

“air move thing” bird, flying insect gamodi 空动物 kòng dòng wù

“liquid air move waterfowl; duck, swan,

thing” flamingo
wagamodi 水空动物 shuǐ kòng dòng wù

“move thing hold” cage, cell modiha 动物占 dòng wù zhàn

“move thing place” zoo, vivarium; farm modilo 动物区 dòng wù qū

“move thing place

farmer, zoo keeper modilope 动物区人 dòng wù qū rén

bark, bleat; woof, meow,

“move think speak”
moo, quack
modishu 动物说 dòng wù shuō

“move thing know” zoology modisa 动物知 dòng wù zhī

fish, crayfish, crab,

“liquid move thing”
dolphin, whale
wamodi 水动物 shuǐ dòng wù

“air feel move thing” elephant gafemodi 空感动物 kòng gǎn dòng wù

situation, condition,
“thing place”
state, status
dilo 物区 wù qū
“make thing” product fadi 作物 zuò wù

“make thing know

advertise fadisagi 作物知给 zuò wù zhī gěi

fake, forgery, counterfeit,

falsification, fraud,
“same thing make”
todifa 同物作 tóng wù zuò

copy, replica, duplicate

Norway, Norwegian,
“take thing” Norse; tadi 拿物 ná wù
right, right-hand
“place hold thing” real, reality lohadi 区占物 qū zhàn wù
shu – number
数 shù

measure, estimate,
count, calculate,
“number number”
compute, evaluate,
shushu 数数 shù shù

appreciate, assess, rate

“one number
unit, degree yishushu 一数数 yī shù shù

“move number” speed moshu 动数 dòng shù

“food number” nutritional value foshu 饭数 fàn shù

“one food number” calorie yifoshu 一饭数 yī fàn shù

“way number” distance, length, width dashu 道数 dào shù

“one way number” meter yidashu 一道数 yī dào shù

“place number” area loshu 区数 qū shù

“one place number” square meter yiloshu 一区数 yī qū shù

“hold number” volume, capacity hashu 占数 zhàn shù

“one hold number” cubic meter yihashu 一占数 yī zhàn shù

“thing number” price, cost, worth, value dishu 物数 wù shù

fraction, fractional
“part number”
pashu 分数 fēn shù

“number picture” money, bill, cash shupi 数图 shù tú

“number picture
capital shupipi 数图图 shù tú tú

“number picture
work, make money; earn shupifa 数图作 shù tú zuò

“number picture job, employment,

make place” occupation, business
shupifalo 数图作区 shù tú zuò qū

“number picture
make structure”
company, firm, business shupifasi 数图作构 shù tú zuò gòu

“number picture
pay shupigi 数图给 shù tú gěi

“zero number
free, gratis zeshupi 零数图 líng shù tú

“number picture
wallet; rich, wealthy shupiha 数图占 shù tú zhàn

“place number
currency loshupi 区数图 qū shù tú

“person number” size pepi 人图 rén shù

“place person
population lopepi 区人图 qū rén shù

“structure number” ordinal number sishu 构数 gòu shù

“structure know
bit, binary digit sisashu 构知数 gòu zhī shù

“air number” temperature gashu 空数 kòng shù

“number know” mathematics, math shusa 数知 shù zhī

“time number” hour tishu 時数 shí shù

“time number part” minute, second tishupa 時数分 shí shù fēn

accurate, exact, precise,

“same number”
toshu 同数 tóng shù

“air take number” age, years old gatashu 空拿数 kòng ná shù

“part person
number picture”
tax, membership fee papeshupi 分人数图 fēn rén shù tú
hu – fire
火 huǒ

“fire move” shoot humo 火动 huǒ dòng

“fire hold” burn, glow huha 火占 huǒ zhàn

set on fire, ignite, burn,

“fire make”
kindle, incendiary
hufa 火作 huǒ zuò

“fire thing” smoke, smog hudi 火物 huǒ wù

“fire liquid” alcohol huwa 火水 huǒ shuǐ

“zero fire” cold, freeze zehu 零火 líng huǒ

“zero fire air” frost, frosty zehuga 零火空 líng huǒ kòng

snow, ice, hoarfrost;

“zero fire liquid”
alcohol free
zehuwa 零火水 líng huǒ shuǐ

“fire person” firefighter, arsonist hupe 火人 huǒ rén

“fire structure” central heating husi 火构 huǒ gòu

“fire place” bonfire, fireplace, hearth hulo 火区 huǒ qū

excitement, passion,
ardor, lust, fervor,
“fire feel”
enthusiasm, elation,
hufe 火感 huǒ gǎn

“fire know” chemistry husa 火知 huǒ zhī

“fire time” summer huti 火時 huǒ shí

“zero fire time” winter zehuti 零火時 líng huǒ shí

“fire plant food” bread huhefo 火卉饭 huǒ huì fàn

gu – light
光 guāng

“zero light” dark, darkness zegu 零光 líng guāng

“zero light place” shadow, shade zegulo 零光区 líng guāng qū

“light part” color gupa 光分 guāng fēn

“plant light part” green hegupa 卉光分 huì guāng fēn

“air light part” white, pale gagupa 空光分 kòng guāng fēn

“zero light part” black zegupa 零光分 líng guāng fēn

“liquid light part” blue wagupa 水光分 shuǐ guāng fēn

“fire light part” red, scarlet hugupa 火光分 huǒ guāng fēn

“think part light

grey dupagupa 思分光分 sī fēn guāng fēn

“number picture
light part”
yellow, golden shupikai 数图的 shù tú guāng fēn

see, look, glance, read;

“light feel”
visual, optic, graphic
gufe 光感 guāng gǎn
watch, observe, stare;
“light feel feel”
attentive, attention
gufefe 光感感 guāng gǎn gǎn

blind, sightless, invisible,

“zero light feel”
zegufe 零光感 líng guāng gǎn

“light feel part” eye gufepa 光感分 guāng gǎn fēn

“same light feel

twin; double togufepe 同光感人 tóng guāng gǎn rén

traffic lights; streetlamp,

“way light”
streetlight, lamp post
dagu 道光 dào guāng

“light know” physics gusa 光知 guāng zhī

“light number” luminosity gushu 光数 guāng shù

show, demonstrate,
indicate, clear, reveal,
“light feel give”
display, present, exhibit,
gufegi 光感给 guāng gǎn gěi

expose, explain
look, appear, seem;
“light feel take”
view, sight
gufeta 光感拿 guāng gǎn ná
ko – fight
斗 dòu

anger, angry,
“fight feel”
aggressive, aggression
kofe 斗感 dòu gǎn

“fight make” violence; violent kofa 斗作 dòu zuò

“zero fight” peace, peaceful, quiet zeko 零斗 líng dòu

fighter, warrior,
“fight person”
kope 斗人 dòu rén

army, military, armed

“fight structure”
kosi 斗构 dòu gòu

“fight structure
squad, platoon, regiment kosipa 斗构分 dòu gòu fēn

“fight structure military person, soldier,

person” serviceman
kosipe 斗构人 dòu gòu rén

“fight know” military science kosa 斗知 dòu zhī

“fight time” war, conflict koti 斗時 dòu shí

“one fight time” fight, battle yikoti 一斗時 yī dòu shí

“fight place” battlefield, battleground kolo 斗区 dòu qū

compete, contend,
“fight not fight” contest, competition, konoko 斗不斗 dòu bù dòu
swear, abuse, curse,
“fight speak” scold, quarrel, insult, koshu 斗说 dòu shuō
“fight zero make
strike, lockout kozefafa 斗零作作 dòu líng zuò zuò

“fight take person” victim kotape 斗拿人 dòu ná rén

“fight move” hit, strike, beat komo 斗动 dòu dòng

“move part fight

kick mopakomo 动分斗动 dòng fēn dòu dòng
ku – body
体 tǐ

“body part” body part kupa 体分 tǐ fēn

“body know” anatomy, physiology kusa 体知 tǐ zhī

blood, tear, saliva, milk,

“body liquid”
lymph, mucus
kuwa 体水 tǐ shuǐ

“body language” body language kushu 体说 tǐ shuō

“body structure” organism, skeleton kusi 体构 tǐ gòu

“body structure
bone, cell kusipa 体构分 tǐ gòu fēn

“body picture” tattoo, pornography kupi 体图 tǐ tú

ghost, specter, phantom,

“zero body”
apparition, spook; angel
zeku 零体 líng tǐ

“body plant” hair, wool kuhe 体卉 tǐ huì

“body move” walk, stroll kumo 体动 tǐ dòng

“body fire” fever, inflammation kuhu 体火 tǐ huǒ

body cream, body lotion,
“body part liquid”
toothpaste, liquid soap
kupawa 体分水 tǐ fēn shuǐ

“body zero liquid” soap kuzewa 体零水 tǐ líng shuǐ

“body liquid light

red kuwagupa 体水光分 tǐ shuǐ guāng fēn
ni – inside
中 zhōng

core, substance,
“inside inside”
nini 中中 zhōng zhōng

emotion, feeling,
“inside feel”
nife 中感 zhōng gǎn

meaning, sense,
“inside think” implication, connotation, nidu 中思 zhōng sī
point, gist, significance
absorb, recruit,
assimilate, soak up,
“inside take”
digest, integrate, include,
nita 中拿 zhōng ná

enter, input, introduce,
inject, go in, come in,
login, get into, permeate,
“inside move”
penetrate, pierce,
nimo 中动 zhōng dòng

infiltrate, import, insert,

pour in, put in, infuse
“inside move place” entrance; socket, jack nimolo 中动区 zhōng dòng qū

contain, comprise,
include, involve, cover,
“inside hold”
envelop, content,
niha 中占 zhōng zhàn

cup, glass, casserole,
“liquid inside hold”
kettle, coffee mug, bottle
waniha 水中占 shuǐ zhōng zhàn

“inside body” abdomen niku 中体 zhōng tǐ

“inside body part” viscera nikupa 中体分 zhōng tǐ fēn

“inside person” soul, spirit, character nipe 中人 zhōng rén

“inside person
psychology nipesa 中人知 zhōng rén zhī

“inside air move” inflate, blow up, pump up nigamo 中空动 zhōng kòng dòng

bag, box, bag, sack,

pocket, purse, handbag,
“thing inside hold”
case, suitcase, trunk,
diniha 物中占 wù zhōng zhàn

basket, backpack
“inside know” understand, realize nisa 中知 zhōng zhī

“zero inside” outside zeni 零中 líng zhōng

de – from
从 cóng

“from from” away, off dede 从从 cóng cóng

disgust, dislike, detest,

“feel from”
loathe, abhor, hate
fede 感从 gǎn cóng

deny, refuse, reject,

“speak from”
decline, turn down
shude 说从 shuō cóng

withdraw, remove,
evacuate, take away,
“take from”
exclude, get rid of,
tade 拿从 ná cóng

go, leave, depart, go
away, go off, part, flee,
“move from”
quit, retire, withdraw,
mode 动从 dòng cóng

hold back, restrain,
constrain, contain, hold,
limit, restrict, confine,
delay, detain, stay,
“hold from”
deha 从占 zhàn cóng

moderate, temper,
discreet, reserved,
restrain, reticent
“make from thing” material, derive fadedi 作从物 zuò cóng wù

“inside from” out of nide 中从 zhōng cóng

ho – house
宅 zhái

“house house quarter, block, housing

structure” area
hohosi 宅宅构 zhái zhái gòu

“house house place” village, town, city; urban hoholo 宅宅区 zhái zhái qū

street, avenue, lane,

“house house way”
route, driveway, drive
hohoda 宅宅道 zhái zhái dào

furniture, home
“house thing”
hodi 宅物 zhái wù

“house make” build, construction hofa 宅作 zhái zuò

“house make
builder hofape 宅作人 zhái zuò rén

room, chamber,
“house part”
apartment, suite
hopa 宅分 zhái fēn

“food house part” kitchen, canteen fohopa 饭宅分 fàn zhái fēn

“food house” restaurant, café foho 饭宅 fàn zhái

“time house” hotel, inn tiho 時宅 shí zhái

“house way” corridor, stairs; career hoda 宅道 zhái dào

“house place” yard, courtyard holo 宅区 zhái qū

house plan, outline,

“house picture”
hopi 宅图 zhái tú

“same house
family, household tohope 同宅人 tóng zhái rén

“zero house” homeless zeho 零宅 líng zhái

“zero house feel” homesick zehofe 零宅感 líng zhái gǎn

“zero inside house” outdoor, open air zeniho 零中宅 líng zhōng zhái

“inside house” interior niho 中宅 zhōng zhái

“light house” lighthouse, beacon guho 光宅 guāng zhái

“house know” architecture hosa 宅知 zhái zhī

“house know
architect hosape 宅知人 zhái zhī rén

“house move thing” pet, dog, cat; domestic homodi 宅动物 zhái dòng wù

“zero house move wild, untamed,

thing” undomesticated
zehomodi 零宅动物 líng zhái dòng wù

“house air move

parrot, canary hogamodi 宅空动物 zhái kòng dòng wù
“number picture
bank shupiho 数图宅 shù tú zhái

“house light way” window hoguda 宅光道 zhái guāng dào

“light way from

glass gudadefa 光道从作 guāng dào cóng zuò

“same make house” theater tofaho 同作宅 tóng zuò zhái

“move picture
movie theater, cinema mopidi 动图物 dòng tú zhái

“liquid house part” bathroom, toilet wahopa 水宅分 shuǐ zhái fēn

“give take house” stock exchange gitaho 给拿宅 gěi ná zhái

school, college,
“know house”
saho 知宅 zhī zhái

“person hold house” prison, jail, gaol pehaho 人占宅 rén zhàn zhái

“move thing house” zoo, vivarium; farm modiho 动物宅 dòng wù zhái

“fire liquid house” bar, saloon, tavern huwaho 火水宅 huǒ shuǐ zhái
ne – start
开 kāi

origin, descent, genesis,

“start start”
background, lineage
nene 开开 kāi kāi

“speak start” greet, say hello shune 说开 shuō kāi

find, discover, find out,

“light feel start”
reveal, detect
gufene 光感开 guāng gǎn kāi

beginning, debut, initial,

“start time”
primary, opening
neti 开時 kāi shí

“start same place

opening ceremony netolota 开同区拿 kāi tóng qū ná

sprout, shoot, seed;

“plant start”
wood, wooden
hene 卉开 huì kāi

“plant start time” spring, springtime heneti 卉开時 huì kāi shí

“start person” parent nepe 开人 kāi rén

“start start person” grandparent nenepe 开开人 kāi kāi rén

“same start start

relative, relation tonenepe 同开开人 tóng kāi kāi rén

“start take person” child netape 开拿人 kāi ná rén

“same start person” sibling tonepe 同开人 tóng kāi rén

“part same start

cousin patonepe 分同开人 fēn tóng kāi rén

“fire start” spark hune 火开 huǒ kāi

“fight start” attack, charge, assault kone 斗开 dòu kāi

“light start” turn on, switch on gune 光开 guāng kāi

“hold start” obtain, get, receive, gain hane 占开 zhàn kāi

“place hold start” appear, emerge, occur lohane 区占开 qū zhàn kāi

“air take start” be born gatane 空拿开 kòng ná kāi

“start know” news, tidings nesa 开知 kāi zhī

magazine, newspaper,
“start know hold”
news website, periodical
nesaha 开知占 kāi zhī zhàn

“not start make” prevent nonefa 不开作 bù kāi zuò

“not start make

warn, caution, admonish nonefashu 不开作说 bù kāi zuò shuō

reason, cause,
“start thing” argument, motive, nedi 开物 kāi wù
source, origin, evidence;
fi – finish
完 wán

say goodbye, goodbye,

“speak finish”
bye, adieu, farewell
shufi 说完 shuō wán

“finish time” ending, final, finale fiti 完時 wán shí

extinguish, put out, ash,

“fire finish”
cinder; go out
hufi 火完 huǒ wán

peace, truce, cease-fire,

“fight finish”
kofi 斗完 dòu wán

“light finish” turn off, switch off; go out gufi 光完 guāng wán

“hold finish” lose, spend, waste, drop hafi 占完 zhàn wán

“hold finish make” deprive, strip, divest, rob hafifa 占完作 zhàn wán zuò

conclude, infer, deduce,

“think finish”
decide, determine
dufi 思完 sī wán

endless, infinite, never-

“zero finish” ceasing, never-ending, zefi 零完 líng wán
countless, innumerable
edge, side, rim; shape,
“thing finish”
difi 物完 wù wán
“thing finish speak” define, definition difishu 物完说 wù wán shuō

border, boundary, limit,

“place finish”
frontier, edge
lofi 区完 qū wán

objective, purpose, aim,

“finish place”
end, target
filo 完区 wán qū

coast, bank, waterfront,

“liquid finish”
riverside, waterside
wafi 水完 shuǐ wán

stop, halt, standstill,

“move finish”
mofi 动完 dòng wán

block, obstruct, bar, stop,

“move finish make”
mofifa 动完作 dòng wán zuò

“plant finish” fruit hefi 卉完 huì wán

“plant finish time” autumn, fall hefiti 卉完時 huì wán shí

“fire plant finish” berry huhefi 火卉完 huǒ huì wán

“place hold finish” disappear, vanish, go lohafi 区占完 qū zhàn wán

“air take finish” die, death, pass away gatafi 空拿完 kòng ná wán

“air take finish

kill, murder gatafifa 空拿完作 kòng ná wán zuò

“body finish” side, flank kufi 体完 tǐ wán

“house finish” wall hofi 宅完 zhái wán

“finish number” sum, total, result fishu 完数 wán shù

continue, go on, keep

“zero finish”
on, last, endure, proceed
zefi 零完 líng wán

consequence, effect,
“finish thing”
result; so, therefore
fidi 完物 wán wù
bi – big
大 dà

great, huge, enormous,

vast, immense,
“big big”
tremendous, giant,
bibi 大大 dà dà

fast, quick, swift, rapid,
“big move”
run, rush, scud, hurry,
bimo 大动 dà dòng

haste, fling, dash, sweep

a lot, lots, much, many,
plenty, a great deal;
“big number”
very, much, very much,
bishu 大数 dà shù

extremely, so, highly

“big number hold” rich, wealthy, affluent; bishuha 大数占 dà shù zhàn

“big number place frequent, frequently,

hold” often
bishuloha 大数区占 dà shù qū zhàn

complex, complicated,
“big structure”
compound, intricate,
bisi 大构 dà gòu

composite, entangled
“big fire” heat, hot, ardent bihu 大火 dà huǒ
“big plant” tree bihe 大卉 dà huì

shine, gloss, brilliance,

“big light” glitter, luster, radiance, bigu 大光 dà guāng
talkative, garrulous;
negotiation, talks,
“big speak” discussion; bishu 大说 dà shuō
exaggerate, hyperbole;
pregnant, obese,
“big body”
biku 大体 dà tǐ

long, lingering, durable,

“big time” prolonged, extended, biti 大時 dà shí
continuous, long-term
far, distant, remote,
inaccessible, remote;
“big way” highway, main, bida 大道 dà dào
motorway, autobahn,
speedway; avenue
“big fight” war biko 大斗 dà dòu

“big think” strategy bidu 大思 dà sī

palace, castle, block of

“big house” flats, mansion, chateau, biho 大宅 dà zhái
tower, fortress
grand opening, inaugural
“big start time” ceremony, bineti 大开時 dà kāi shí
ribbon-cutting ceremony
“big part” majority, most bipa 大分 dà fēn

usual, normal, ordinary;

“big part same”
banal, commonplace
bipato 大分同 dà fēn tóng

special, especially,
“zero big part same”
unique, rare
zebipato 零大分同 líng dà fēn tóng

increase, enlarge, grow,

expand, increment,
“big make”
multiply; efficient,
bifa 大作 dà zuò

“big liquid” lake, sea, ocean, flood biwa 大水 dà shuǐ

“big liquid hold” swimming pool, bath, tub biwaha 大水占 dà shuǐ zhàn

“big give”
charitable, philanthropic,
bigi 大给 dà gěi

lavish, kind, helpful

“big person” adult, grown-up, giant bipe 大人 dà rén

“big air take” old, aged, elder bigata 大空拿 dà kòng ná

“plant plant big

move thing”
bear hehebimodi 卉卉大动物 huì huì dà dòng wù
“big number
expensive, dear, costly bishupi 大数图 dà shù tú

“big fight feel” rage, wrath, fury bikofe 大斗感 dà dòu gǎn

“big number light

colorful bishugupa 大数光分 dà shù guāng fēn

“big hold part give” save, rescue bihapagi 大占分给 dà zhàn fēn gěi
ki – small
小 xiǎo

tiny, teeny, microscopic,

“small small” diminutive, infinitesimal, kiki 小小 xiǎo xiǎo
“small zero liquid” dust, sand, powder kizewa 小零水 xiǎo líng shuǐ

“small small move

virus, bacterium kikimodi 小小动物 xiǎo xiǎo dòng wù

“plant small zero

sugar, sweet hekizewa 卉小零水 huì xiǎo líng shuǐ

“liquid small zero

salt, salty wakizewa 水小零水 shuǐ xiǎo líng shuǐ

“small finish” sharp kifi 小完 xiǎo wán

“small zero liquid

beach, desert kizewalo 小零水区 xiǎo líng shuǐ qū

slow, sluggish, long,

“small move” sluggish, languid; drag, kimo 小动 xiǎo dòng
plod, crawl
little, a little, a bit,
“small number”
slightly, some, few
kishu 小数 xiǎo shù

simple, elementary,
“small structure” uncomplicated, kisi 小构 xiǎo gòu
“small fire” warm kihu 小火 xiǎo huǒ

“small plant” flower, grass, bush kihe 小卉 xiǎo huì

flicker, glimmer, twinkle,

“small light”
blink, shimmer, spark
kigu 小光 xiǎo guāng

silent, not talkative; chat,

“small speak”
shatter, gossip
kishu 小说 xiǎo shuō

“small time” short, brief, short-term kiti 小時 xiǎo shí

“small body” slim, thin, slender kiku 小体 xiǎo tǐ

path, track, path, lane,

near, close, close to,
approximately, by,
“small way”
adjacent, intimate,
kida 小道 xiǎo dào

attentive, careful; by,

next to;
neighbor; friend, partner,
“small way person” pal, fellow, companion, kidape 小道人 xiǎo dào rén
“small way person neighborhood,
person” community
kidapepe 小道人人 xiǎo dào rén rén

“small think” tactics kidu 小思 xiǎo sī

“small part” minority, few, some kipa 小分 xiǎo fēn

“small part food” rice, porridge, pop corn kipafo 小分饭 xiǎo fēn fàn

reduce, decrease,
“small make”
diminish, abate, lessen
kifa 小作 xiǎo zuò

“food small make

tooth fokifapa 饭小作分 fàn xiǎo zuò fēn

“small liquid” puddle, pool kiwa 小水 xiǎo shuǐ

“small give” stingy, mean, miserly kigi 小给 xiǎo gěi

“small hold” poor, penniless, meager kiha 小占 xiǎo zhàn

child, kid, baby, infant;

“small person”
pygmy, dwarf
kipe 小人 xiǎo rén

“small food” snack, appetizer kifo 小饭 xiǎo fàn

young, youth, immature,

“small air take”
juvenile, adolescent
kigata 小空拿 xiǎo kòng ná

small animal, squirrel,

“small move thing”
animal young, cub,
kimodi 小动物 xiǎo dòng wù

“small move thing
egg kimodiha 小动物占 xiǎo dòng wù zhàn
“small house move
mouse, rat kihomodi 小宅动物 xiǎo zhái dòng wù

“small liquid hold” cup, glass kiwaha 小水占 xiǎo shuǐ zhàn

“time small part” moment, instant, second tikipa 時小分 shí xiǎo fēn

“small number cheap, inexpensive, low-

picture” cost
kishupi 小数图 xiǎo shù tú

“small number place seldom, rarely,

hold” sometimes
kishuloha 小数区占 xiǎo shù qū zhàn

size, volume, capacity,

“big small number” quantity, amount, bikishu 大小数 dà xiǎo shù
magnitude, caliber
“good big small
fit, adjust gobikifa 好大小作 hǎo dà xiǎo zuò

“number structure” scale, rate shusi 数构 shù gòu

“small structure
cell, molecule, atom kisipa 小构分 xiǎo gòu fēn

“same big same

average tobitoki 同大同小 tóng dà tóng xiǎo

“small fire liquid” beer kihuwa 小火水 xiǎo huǒ shuǐ

me – machine
机 jī

equipment, hardware,
“machine machine”
machinery, weaponry
meme 机机 jī jī

transport, vehicle;
“move machine”
elevator, lift
mome 动机 dòng jī

“machine move
traffic, movement memomo 机动动 jī dòng dòng

“big move machine” bus, coach; truck, lorry bimome 大动机 dà dòng jī

“move machine public transportation

structure” system; car fleet
momesi 动机构 dòng jī gòu

“move machine
parking lot, garage momelo 动机区 dòng jī qū

“air machine” air conditioner, fan game 空机 kòng jī

“air move machine” airplane, helicopter gamome 空动机 kòng dòng jī

“air move machine

airport gamomelo 空动机区 kòng dòng jī qū

“same make
copier tofame 同作机 tóng zuò jī

“machine know” engineering, technology mesa 机知 jī zhī

“machine know
engineer, mechanic mesape 机知人 jī zhī rén

“part make
chainsaw, jackhammer pafame 分作机 fēn zuò jī

“zero fire machine” refrigerator, fridge zehume 零火机 líng huǒ jī

washer, washing
“liquid machine”
wame 水机 shuǐ jī

computer, data
“think machine”
dume 思机 sī jī

weapon, firearm, gun,

flamethrower, missile;
“fire machine”
furnace, oven, stove,
hume 火机 huǒ jī

microwave oven
clock, watch,
“time machine”
timepiece, timer; time
time 時机 shí jī

“fight machine” military vehicle, tank kome 斗机 dòu jī

“picture machine” camera pime 图机 tú jī

“food machine” blender, toaster fome 饭机 fàn jī

“way make
paver dafame 道作机 dào zuò jī
calculator, counter,
“number machine”
meter, register
shume 数机 shù jī

“machine person” cyborg mepe 机人 jī rén

combine harvester,
“plant machine”
heme 卉机 huì jī

“place machine” compass, locator lome 区机 qū jī

“light machine” lamp gume 光机 guāng jī

“know give
radio, TV sagime 知给机 zhī gěi jī

“body plant
hair drier; hair clipper kuheme 体卉机 tǐ huì jī

“liquid move ship, vessel, powerboat,

machine” ferry
wamome 水动机 shuǐ dòng jī

“liquid move
machine place”
port, haven wamomelo 水动机区 shuǐ dòng jī qū

“air number
thermometer gashume 空数机 kòng shù jī

“move make
machine part”
engine, motor mofamepa 动作机分 dòng zuò jī fēn

“one one make washing machine,

machine” vacuum cleaner
yiyifame 一一作机 yī yī zuò jī
ge – tool
具 jù

“move tool” bicycle, bike, scooter moge 动具 dòng jù

hang glider, bungee,

“air move tool”
gamoge 空动具 kòng dòng jù

“liquid move tool” boat wamoge 水动具 shuǐ dòng jù

“air tool” fan, aqualung, pump gage 空具 kòng jù

knife, saw, scissors, axe,

“part make tool”
pafage 分作具 fēn zuò jù

match, lighter, fire

“fire tool”
huge 火具 huǒ jù

sword, dagger, baton,

club, nunchaku, spear,
“fight tool”
brass knuckles, shield,
koge 斗具 dòu jù

“picture tool” pencil, paintbrush, pen pige 图具 tú jù

“food tool” grater, whisk, soup ladle foge 饭具 fàn jù

“food take tool” spoon, fork, chopsticks fotage 饭拿具 fàn ná jù

scythe, sickle, pruning
“plant tool”
shears, pitchfork
hege 卉具 huì jù

“light tool” candle, torch guge 光具 guāng jù

“make tool” screwdriver, pliers fage 作具 zuò jù

use, utilize, employ,

“tool make”
deploy, apply
gefa 具作 jù zuò

“zero make tool” reserve, keep zegefa 零具作 líng jù zuò

“feel tool” sensor, detector fege 感具 gǎn jù

glasses, spectacles,
“light feel tool” binoculars, mirror, gufege 光感具 guāng gǎn jù
looking glass, telescope
“same light feel
mirror, looking glass togufege 同光感具 tóng guāng gǎn jù

megaphone, telephone,
“speak tool”
cellphone, mobile, phone
shuge 说具 shuō jù

“hold tool” clamp, pliers, pin, curler hage 占具 zhàn jù

“tool start thing” metal genedi 具开物 jù kāi wù

“tool start thing

metallurgy genedisa 具开物知 jù kāi wù zhī

towel, hand drier;

“zero liquid tool”
zewage 零水具 líng shuǐ jù
“body plant tool” comb, hairbrush; hairpin kuhege 体卉具 tǐ huì jù

useless, futile, worthless,

“zero tool”
zege 零具 líng jù

waste, garbage, litter,

“zero tool thing”
trash, rubbish, nonsense
zegedi 零具物 líng jù wù

“body one one make

toothbrush, sponge kuyiyifage 体一一作具 tǐ yī yī zuò jù

“zero move tool” lock, latch; brake zemoge 零动具 líng dòng jù
hi – top
上 shàng

“top place” sky hilo 上区 shàng qū

“top place move” weather hilomo 上区动 shàng qū dòng

“top place move

climate hilomosi 上区动构 shàng qū dòng gòu

“top place place” space, outer space hilolo 上区区 shàng qū qū

“top place person” god, divine hilope 上区人 shàng qū rén

“top place person

religion, religious hilopesa 上区人知 shàng qū rén zhī

“top place person

church, chapel, temple hilopeho 上区人宅 shàng qū rén zhái

“top place liquid” rain, shower hilowa 上区水 shàng qū shuǐ

“top place fire” lightning, fireworks hilohu 上区火 shàng qū huǒ

star, planet, celestial

“top place thing”
hilodi 上区物 shàng qū wù

“top place thing constellation, galaxy,

structure” planetary system
hilodisi 上区物构 shàng qū wù gòu
“top place liquid
cloud hilowadi 上区水物 shàng qū shuǐ wù

“top place light

blue hilogupa 上区光分 shàng qū guāng fēn

win, triumph, success,

succeed, defeat,
“top take”
conquer, victory; lift,
hita 上拿 shàng ná

“top take thing” award, prize, trophy, loot hitadi 上拿物 shàng ná wù

go up, rise, get up, wake

up, lift, climb, mount,
heighten, increase, stand
“top move”
up, ascend, crop up;
himo 上动 shàng dòng

ride, equestrian,
“top move tool” ladder himoge 上动具 shàng dòng jù

“top move move

riding animal, mount himomodi 上动动物 shàng dòng dòng wù

cover, cap, cover, lid,

“top part” hood, clothes, blanket, hipa 上分 shàng fēn
shell, skin, surface
“top part know” fashion hipasa 上分知 shàng fēn zhī

“top part hold” wear, put on hipaha 上分占 shàng fēn zhàn
“top part hold
model hipahape 上分占人 shàng fēn zhàn rén

“top part know

fashion designer hipasape 上分知人 shàng fēn zhī rén

“top liquid” shower, waterfalls hiwa 上水 shàng shuǐ

“top make” masterpiece; art, craft hifa 上作 shàng zuò

boss, master, proprietor,

“top person” manager, leader, hipe 上人 shàng rén
director, supervisor
president, monarch,
“place top person”
mayor, governor
lohipe 区上人 qū shàng rén

director, CEO, Chairman

“house top person”
of the board
hohipe 宅上人 zhái shàng rén

“liquid machine top

captain wamehipe 水机上人 shuǐ jī shàng rén

“move picture top

film director mopihipe 动图上人 dòng tú shàng rén

“top person person” elite, aristocracy hipepe 上人人 shàng rén rén

“top person
government, state, board hipesi 上人构 shàng rén gòu

“fight top person” general, commander kohipe 斗上人 dòu shàng rén

“top person light

purple hipegupa 上人光分 shàng rén guāng fēn
“top person start
take person”
prince, princess hipenetape 上人开拿人 shàng rén kāi ná rén

master, artisan,
“top make person”
hifape 上作人 shàng zuò rén

“top know person” expert, connoisseur hisape 上知人 shàng zhī rén

“top number” maximum, numerator hishu 上数 shàng shù

“top hold” hang; respect, honor hiha 上占 shàng zhàn

“house top part” attic, loft; roof hohipa 宅上分 zhái shàng fēn

“house part top” ceiling hopahi 宅分上 zhái fēn shàng

“top house house

capital, metropolis hihoholo 上宅宅区 shàng zhái zhái qū

“top way” bridge hida 上道 shàng dào

“top big” maximum hibi 上大 shàng dà

“top small” minimum hiki 上小 shàng xiǎo

“top know take

college, university hisataho 上知拿宅 shàng zhī ná zhái

noble metal, gold, silver,

“top tool start thing”
higenedi 上具开物 shàng jù kāi wù
“body top top part” shirt, dress, jacket kuhihipa 体上上分 tǐ shàng shàng fēn

“hold part top part” sleeve hapahipa 占分上分 zhàn fēn shàng fēn

“hold part finish top

glove hapafihipa 占分完上分 zhàn fēn wán shàng fēn

“move part top trousers, pants, shorts,

part” skirt
mopahipa 动分上分 dòng fēn shàng fēn

“move part finish

top part”
footwear, shoe, boot mopafihipa 动分完上分 dòng fēn wán shàng fēn

mark, track, trail, trace,

“top part zero same” print1, step, stamp, scar, hipazeto 上分零同 shàng fēn líng tóng
scratch, cut2
“top part move turtle, hedgehog,
thing” armadillo
hipamodi 上分动物 shàng fēn dòng wù
bo – bottom
下 xià

ground, sole, soil, earth;

“bottom place”
bolo 下区 xià qū

“bottom place
land bololo 下区区 xià qū qū

“bottom place
spring, source bolowa 下区水 xià qū shuǐ

“bottom take” lose, concede bota 下拿 xià ná

descend, go down, fall,

drop, sink, dip; decline,
“bottom move”
downfall; descent;
bomo 下动 xià dòng

dig, excavate, shovel

“bottom move
load, freight, burden bomodi 下动物 xià dòng wù

spade, shovel, trowel,

“bottom move tool”
hoe, fork, rake
bomoge 下动具 xià dòng jù

“bottom move weight, gravitational

number” acceleration
bomoshu 下动数 xià dòng shù

“bottom move
number tool”
scales, balance bomoshuge 下动数具 xià dòng shù jù

“big bottom move” heavy, heavyweight bibomo 大下动 dà xià dòng

“small bottom
light, lightweight kibomo 小下动 xiǎo xià dòng

careless, negligent,
sloppy, casual,
inadvertent, slapdash;
“bottom make”
trash, potboiler,
bofa 下作 xià zuò

hackwork, quickie,
“bottom bottom minimum, denominator,
number” least
boboshu 下下数 xià xià shù

support, prop up, help,

“bottom hold”
assist, aid
boha 下占 xià zhàn

“picture make
bottom hold”
desk, table pifaboha 图作下占 tú zuò xià zhàn

“food bottom hold” kitchen table foboha 饭下占 fàn xià zhàn

“picture make
bottom hold place”
office pifabohalo 图作下占区 tú zuò xià zhàn qū

“body bottom hold” sit kuboha 体下占 tǐ xià zhàn

“body bottom hold chair, sofa, arm-chair,

thing” seat
kubohadi 体下占物 tǐ xià zhàn wù

argument, reason,
“think bottom hold”
duboha 思下占 sī xià zhàn

“bottom hold part” saddle, seat bohapa 下占分 xià zhàn fēn
sole, stand, pedestal,
“bottom part” rack, support, coaster, bopa 下分 xià fēn
rest, mat, prop, leg
“plant bottom part” root hebopa 卉下分 huì xià fēn

foundation, basement,
“house bottom”
hobo 宅下 zhái xià

metro, subway,
“bottom way”
underground, tube
boda 下道 xià dào

“house part bottom” floor hopabo 宅分下 zhái fēn xià

“bottom number” denominator boshu 下数 xià shù

“bottom number
depth boshushu 下数数 xià shù shù

“big bottom
deep biboshu 大下数 dà xià shù

“small bottom
shallow kiboshu 小下数 xiǎo xià shù

vertical, upright, erect,

“bottom top”
bohi 下上 xià shàng

“bottom top body” stand bohiku 下上体 xià shàng tǐ

“bottom top body

stand up, get up, rise bohikufa 下上体作 xià shàng tǐ zuò

“bottom bottom” horizontal bobo 下下 xià xià

“plant bottom
bottom part”
leaf hebobopa 卉下下分 huì xià xià fēn

“bottom bottom
even, flat boboka 下下可 xià xià tóng

“bottom top
height bohishu 下上数 xià shàng shù

“big bottom top” high, tall bibohi 大下上 dà xià shàng

“small bottom top” short, low kibohi 小下上 xiǎo xià shàng

“bottom top finish” wall, fence bohifi 下上完 xià shàng wán

“top bottom” world hibo 上下 shàng xià

we – toward
朝 cháo

direction, cardinal
“toward toward”
wewe 朝朝 cháo cháo

“toward toward
direction, trend, course weweda 朝朝道 cháo cháo dào

want, wish, desire,

“feel toward” yearn, long, crave, like, fewe 感朝 gǎn cháo
hope, dream, miss
passion, desire, lust,
“big feel toward”
love, ardor, fervor
bifewe 大感朝 dà gǎn cháo

“light feel toward” search, seek, look for gufewe 光感朝 guāng gǎn cháo

“feel toward food” hungry, starve fewefo 感朝饭 gǎn cháo fàn

“feel toward liquid” thirsty fewewa 感朝水 gǎn cháo shuǐ

“feel toward air” choke, suffocate fewega 感朝空 gǎn cháo kòng

name, title;
“speak toward” address, appeal, refer, shuwe 说朝 shuō cháo
mention, quote
popular, famous,
“big speak toward”
celebrated, star
bishuwe 大说朝 dà shuō cháo
come, approach, arrive;
“move toward”
head, direct
mowe 动朝 dòng cháo

“move toward air” jump, take off mowega 动朝空 dòng cháo kòng

“toward inside” into weni 朝中 cháo zhōng

“toward inside
through, via, across wenide 朝中从 cháo zhōng cóng

“toward top” up, upwards, upstairs wehi 朝上 cháo shàng

down, downwards,
“toward bottom”
webo 朝下 cháo xià

“make toward start” prepare, get ready fawene 作朝开 zuò cháo kāi

“toward big” more webi 朝大 cháo dà

“toward small” less weki 朝小 cháo xiǎo

extend, stretch out, hold

“hold toward”
out, reach, hold forth
hawe 占朝 zhàn cháo

attract, magnetize,
“take toward” entice, lure, tempt, draw, tawe 拿朝 ná cháo
pull, appeal, addict
“zero toward” past, by zewe 零朝 líng cháo

avoid, miss; shun,

“zero toward move”
escape, evade, steer
zewemo 零朝动 líng cháo dòng
clear of, eschew; dodge,
skew, deviate
aside, sideways, apart,
“toward finish”
wefi 朝完 cháo wán

“toward place
reach, achieve, get welomo 朝区动 cháo qū dòng

“zero toward place

miss, fail zewelomo 零朝区动 líng cháo qū dòng

“toward from move” circulate dewemo 从朝动 cóng cháo dòng

“toward know
research, experiment wesafa 朝知作 cháo zhī zuò

“toward know make laboratory, research

place” institute
wesafalo 朝知作区 cháo zhī zuò qū

“one toward know

experiment yiwesafa 一朝知作 yī cháo zhī zuò

“toward big make invest, investment,

give” usury, credit
webifagi 朝大作给 cháo dà zuò gěi

“toward feel take” touch wefeta 朝感拿 cháo gǎn ná

“toward light feel visit, go sightseeing,

move” explore
wegufemo 朝光感动 cháo guāng gǎn dòng

“finish toward finish width, breadth, span,

number” latitude, amplitude
fiwefishu 完朝完数 wán cháo wán shù

wide, broad, extensive,

“big finish toward
vast, large, spacious, bifiwefi 大完朝完 dà wán cháo wán
“small finish toward
narrow, tight, confined kifiwefi 小完朝完 xiǎo wán cháo wán

“toward number
for money, for a fee weshupi 朝数图 cháo shù tú

“toward number
picture take”
buy, purchase weshupita 朝数图拿 cháo shù tú ná

“toward number
picture give”
sell, sale weshupigi 朝数图给 cháo shù tú gěi

“number picture
give structure”
budget shupigisi 数图给构 shù tú gěi gòu

“toward time take” rent, borrow, debt wetita 朝時拿 cháo shí ná

“toward time give” credit wetigi 朝時给 cháo shí gěi

“liquid toward zero

cheese wawezewa 水朝零水 shuǐ cháo líng shuǐ
sha – can
可 kě

“can can” energy shasha 可可 kě kě

“can can hold” battery shashaha 可可占 kě kě zhàn

electricity, electric power,

“move can can”
moshasha 动可可 dòng kě kě

dynamo machine,
“can can machine”
shashame 可可机 kě kě jī

“can can machine

power plant shashamelo 可可机区 kě kě jī qū

“can can know” physics shashasa 可可知 kě kě zhī

strong, strength, power,

“big can”
powerful, force
bisha 大可 dà kě

advantage, strong point,

“one big can”
benefit, virtue
yibisha 一大可 yī dà kě

energy drink, coffee;

“big can liquid”
fuel, gasoline, petrol, oil
bishawa 大可水 dà kě shuǐ

weak, faint, powerless,

“small can” impotent, feeble, tired, kisha 小可 xiǎo kě
“light feel can” eyesight gufesha 光感可 guāng gǎn kě

faculty of speech, oratory

“speak can”
talent, eloquence
shusha 说可 shuō kě

mobile, moveable,
“move can”
mosha 动可 dòng kě

imagination, intelligence,
“think can” intellect, mind, reason, dusha 思可 sī kě
wit; conscience
may, maybe, probably,
probable, possible,
“place hold can”
possibly, probability,
lohasha 区占可 qū zhàn kě

possibility; chance
theory, speculation,
“place hold can assumption, hypothesis,
speak” supposition, guess,
lohashashu 区占可说 qū zhàn kě shuō

speculation, conjecture
“zero place hold
impossible, improbable zelohasha 零区占可 líng qū zhàn kě

“place hold can assume, believe,

think” suppose
lohashadu 区占可思 qū zhàn kě sī

“can not can” or shanosha 可不可 kě bù kě

“toward place move

access welomosha 朝区动可 cháo qū dòng kě

available; option,
“take take can”
optional, alternative
tatasha 拿拿可 ná ná kě
“take take can candidate, candidate,
person” applicant, aspirant
tatashape 拿拿可人 ná ná kě rén

opportunity, ability,
“one can” chance, possibility, yisha 一可 yī kě
“start can” ready nesha 开可 kāi kě

“start can make” prepare neshafa 开可作 kāi kě zuò

“zero same make

influence zetofasha 零同作可 líng tóng zuò kě

California, Californian;
“can zero part”
west, western
shazepa 可零分 kě líng fēn
ma – male
男 nán

“start male” father, dad nema 开男 kāi nán

“small male” boy, son kima 小男 xiǎo nán

“male part” male organ, penis mapa 男分 nán fēn

“same house male” boyfriend tohoma 同宅男 tóng zhái nán

“same start male” brother netoma 开同男 kāi tóng nán

“place top male” king, prince, shah lohima 区上男 qū shàng nán

“start start male” grandfather nenema 开开男 kāi kāi nán

wo – female
女 nǚ

“start female” mother, mom newo 开女 kāi nǚ

“small female” girl, daughter kiwo 小女 xiǎo nǚ

“female part” female organ, vagina mapa 男分 nán fēn

“same house
girlfriend tohowo 同宅女 tóng zhái nǚ

“same start female” sister netowo 开同女 kāi tóng nǚ

“male female” sex, gender mawo 男女 nán nǚ

“female female” lady wowo 女女 nǚ nǚ

“place top female” queen, princess lohiwo 区上女 qū shàng nǚ

“start start female” grandmother nenewo 开开女 kāi kāi nǚ

zai – at
在 zài

“at top” on, upon, above zaihi 在上 zài shàng

under, below,
“at bottom”
underneath, beneath
zaibo 在下 zài xià

“zero at” without, outside, except zezai 零在 líng zài

“one at one” each other, one another yizaiyi 一在一 yī zài yī

go – good
好 hǎo

beautiful, pretty,
“good light feel”
handsome, cute, lovely
gogufe 好光感 hǎo guāng gǎn

“good light feel art, sculpture,

know” architecture
gogufesa 好光感知 hǎo guāng gǎn zhī

“good light feel piece of art, statue, vase,

thing” picture
gogufedi 好光感物 hǎo guāng gǎn wù

“good light feel

museum, gallery gogufelo 好光感区 hǎo guāng gǎn qū

tasty, savory, yummy;

“good take”
gota 好拿 hǎo ná

pleasant, comfortable,
“good feel” convenient; happy, joy, gofe 好感 hǎo gǎn
pleasure; like
pleasant, pleasure,
“body good feel”
kugofe 体好感 tǐ hǎo gǎn

love, affection; passion,

“big feel”
desire, lust
bife 大感 dà gǎn

“good finish” benefit, good, profit gofi 好完 hǎo wán

praise, compliment;
“good speak”
literature, poetry
goshu 好说 hǎo shuō
speech, poem, novel,
“one good speak”
short story
yigoshu 一好说 yī hǎo shuō

“same make good

play, script tofagoshu 同作好说 tóng zuò hǎo shuō

“good speak know” rhetoric, literary theory goshusa 好说知 hǎo shuō zhī

“good feel speak” welcome, thank gofeshu 好感说 hǎo gǎn shuō

“good feel give” smile, laugh gofegi 好感给 hǎo gǎn gěi

“good know” interesting, amusing gosa 好知 hǎo zhī

correct; improve, refine,

perfect, enhance;
convenient, easy, handy,
“good make”
suitable, appropriate,
gofa 好作 hǎo zuò

useful, available,
fun, amusement, game,
“good time”
goti 好時 hǎo shí

“good time take” have fun, play gotita 好時拿 hǎo shí ná

“good time give” entertain, amuse gotigi 好時给 hǎo shí gěi

“good time speak” humor gotishu 好時说 hǎo shí shuō

dance; travel; go in for
“good move”
sports; exercise
gomo 好动 hǎo dòng

gym; stadium; dance

“good move place”
hall, dance floor
gomolo 好动区 hǎo dòng qū

dancer, traveler, tourist,

“good move person”
gomope 好动人 hǎo dòng rén

trip, journey, match,

“one good move”
yigomo 一好动 yī hǎo dòng

sport, sports; compete,

“good fight” contend, contest, goko 好斗 hǎo dòu
competition, race
“one good fight” match, game yigoko 一好斗 yī hǎo dòu

“good fight number” score gokoshu 好斗数 hǎo dòu shù

“good fight championship,

structure” tournament
gokosi 好斗构 hǎo dòu gòu

best; great, excellent,

cool, splendid, classy,
“top good” super, superb, gorgeous, higo 上好 shàng hǎo
magnificent, perfect,
health, healthy, sound,
“body good”
kugo 体好 tǐ hǎo

“good fire” warm gohu 好火 hǎo huǒ

advantage, strong point,
“one good”
benefit, virtue
yigo 一好 yī hǎo

“good time one

place move”
party, celebration, match gotitolomo 好時同区动 hǎo shí tóng qū dòng

“good big small

fit, adjust gobikifa 好大小作 hǎo dà xiǎo zuò

“good move house” gym; stadium gomoho 好动宅 hǎo dòng zhái

“body good time” sex kugoti 体好時 tǐ hǎo shí

“good move person

team; dance company gomopesi 好动人构 hǎo dòng rén gòu

“zero good” bad, harmful zego 零好 líng hǎo

“good zero good” quality gozego 好零好 hǎo líng hǎo

“good zero good quality, standard, level,

number” class
gozegoshu 好零好数 hǎo líng hǎo shù

sad, broken-hearted,
sorrow, depressed,
sorry; troubled, worried,
“zero good feel”
depressed, anxious,
zegofe 零好感 líng hǎo gǎn

gloomy; unpleasant,
enemy; villain,
“zero good person”
scoundrel, rascal
zegope 零好人 líng hǎo rén
“zero good light ugly, monstrous,
feel” unsightly
zegogufe 零好光感 líng hǎo guāng gǎn

unsavory, not tasty;

“zero good take”
zegota 零好拿 líng hǎo ná

“zero good can” danger, dangerous, risk zegosha 零好可 líng hǎo kě

“zero good can

number picture”
bet, wager zegoshashupi 零好可数图 líng hǎo kě shù tú

“zero good move” fault, mistake, fail, failure zegomo 零好动 líng hǎo dòng

“zero good finish” loss, damage zegofi 零好完 líng hǎo wán

“zero good place

accident, emergency zegoloha 零好区占 líng hǎo qū zhàn

“zero good know” uninteresting, insipid zegosa 零好知 líng hǎo zhī

deteriorate, worsen,
“zero good make”
spoil; difficult
zegofa 零好作 líng hǎo zuò

worst; disgusting,
hideous, abominable,
“top zero good”
abhorrent, repugnant,
hizego 上零好 shàng líng hǎo

“body zero good” pain, suffer kuzego 体零好 tǐ líng hǎo

“body zero good

hurt kuzegofa 体零好作 tǐ líng hǎo zuò
“good can” positive gosha 好可 hǎo kě

“zero good can” negative zegosha 零好可 líng hǎo kě

flaw, defect,
shortcoming, drawback,
“one zero good”
deficiency, vice, sin,
yizego 一零好 yī líng hǎo

weak point
fu – whole
整 zhěng

everywhere, anywhere,
“whole place”
fulo 整区 zhěng qū

“whole thing” everything, anything, all fudi 整物 zhěng wù

everyone, everybody,
“whole person”
anyone, anybody
fupe 整人 zhěng rén

“whole person humanity, mankind,

structure” humankind, human race
fupepe 整人人 zhěng rén rén

fill, refill, charge; fulfill,

execute; occupy; satisfy;
“whole make” repair, fix, overhaul, fufa 整作 zhěng zuò
shut, close;
cure, heal, remedy, treat
“whole make tool” lock, latch, fastener, bolt fufage 整作具 zhěng zuò jù

“move whole make

key mofufage 动整作具 dòng zhěng zuò jù

recover, recuperate,
“whole take”
futa 整拿 zhěng ná

“whole take person” patient futape 整拿人 zhěng ná rén

“whole make food” pill, medicine, drug fufafo 整作饭 zhěng zuò fàn

“whole make
doctor, physician fufape 整作人 zhěng zuò rén

“whole make
healthcare fufasi 整作构 zhěng zuò gòu

“whole make house” hospital; garage fufaho 整作宅 zhěng zuò zhái

“whole make move

ambulance fufamome 整作动机 zhěng zuò dòng jī

broken; sick, sickness,

disease, ill, illness, sore,
“zero whole” unhealthy; zefu 零整 líng zhěng
unfinished, incomplete,
break, fracture, destroy;
“zero whole make” deplete, exhaust; zefufa 零整作 líng zhěng zuò
“small part zero
cell disease, cancer kusipazefu 体构分零整 tǐ gòu fēn líng zhěng

world, universe, globe,

“whole whole”
fufu 整整 zhěng zhěng

“whole whole
world map fufupi 整整图 zhěng zhěng tú

apocalypse, end of the

“whole whole
world; fufufi 整整完 zhěng zhěng wán
cardinal direction
“whole whole top north, northern,
finish” northward
fufuhifi 整整上完 zhěng zhěng shàng wán

“whole whole south, southern,

bottom finish” southward
fufubofi 整整下完 zhěng zhěng xià wán

“whole number” integer, whole number fushu 整数 zhěng shù

banal, ordinary,
“whole same”
futo 整同 zhěng tóng

“big whole whole” universe, cosmos, space bifufu 大整整 dà zhěng zhěng

atom, atomic, nuclear,

“small whole whole”
corpuscular, microscopic
kifufu 小整整 xiǎo zhěng zhěng

“whole whole
philosophy fufusa 整整知 zhěng zhěng zhī

“whole body top

suit, coat, pajamas fukuhipa 整体上分 zhěng tǐ shàng fēn
ru – rule
则 zé

“rule person” lawyer, attorney rupe 则人 zé rén

“think rule” program, algorithm; logic duru 思则 sī zé

“think rule person” programmer, coder durupe 思则人 sī zé rén

“rule structure” law, legal rusi 则构 zé gòu

“rule structure
jurisprudence rusisa 则构知 zé gòu zhī

“way rule” rules of the road daru 道则 dào zé

break a rule, crime,

“zero rule”
criminal, sin, anomy
zeru 零则 líng zé

“rule speak person” judge, referee rushupe 则说人 zé shuō rén

“top rule” morality, fair hiru 上则 shàng zé

“start rule” adopt a law neru 开则 kāi zé

cancel, abolish, repeal a

“finish rule”
firu 完则 wán zé
“rule house” court ruho 则宅 zé zhái

Parliament, Congress,
“rule make house”
rufaho 则作宅 zé zuò zhái

“rule make person Parliament, Congress,

structure” Senate
rufapesi 则作人构 zé zuò rén gòu

senator, parliament
“rule make house
member, member of rufahope 则作宅人 zé zuò zhái rén
fair, equitable, just,
“good rule”
goru 好则 hǎo zé

Japan, Japanese; east,

“rule part”
rupa 则分 zé fēn
ke – question
什么 shénme

problem, trouble, issue;

“question question”
keke 什么什么 shénme shénme

“question place” where kelo 什么区 shénme qū

“question thing” what kedi 什么物 shénme wù

“question person” who, whom kepe 什么人 shénme rén

“question number” how much, how many keshu 什么数 shénme shù

“question time” when, what time keti 什么時 shénme shí

“question way” how keda 什么道 shénme dào

“question hold
whose kehape 什么占人 shénme zhàn rén

“question take take” which ketata 什么拿拿 shénme ná ná

“question start
why kenedi 什么开物 shénme kāi wù

“question speak” ask, question, inquire keshu 什么说 shénme shuō

ask; explore, investigate,
“question make”
examine, study, research
kefa 什么作 shénme zuò

“question make
science kefasa 什么作知 shénme zuò zhī

“zero question” ease, clarity zeke 零什么 líng shénme

“zero question
solve, resolve, solution zekefa 零什么作 líng shénme zuò
mi – I, my
我 wǒ

we, us, our, ours,

“I I”
mimi 我我 wǒ wǒ

“feel toward I I” let’s fewemimi 感朝我我 gǎn cháo wǒ wǒ

yu – you, your
你 nǐ

you, your, yours,

“you you”
yuyu 你你 nǐ nǐ
shi – she, he, it
她 tā

they, them, their,

“she she”
shishi 她她 tā tā

Australia, Australian;
“take she zero”
south, southern
tashize 拿她零 ná tā líng
ro – circle
圆 yuán

surround, encircle,
environ, enclose,
“circle hold”
envelop; embrace, hug,
roha 圆占 yuán zhàn

atmosphere, milieu;
“circle hold place”
entourage, ambience,
rohalo 圆占区 yuán zhàn qū

setting; context
“top circle” sun, solar; day hiro 上圆 shàng yuán

“big top circle” sunny bihiro 大上圆 dà shàng yuán

“time structure top

date tisihiro 時构上圆 shí gòu shàng yuán

”bottom circle” globe, Earth boro 下圆 xià yuán

circus, arena, stadium;

“circle place”
rolo 圆区 yuán qū

orbit; loop, cycle,

“circle way” circulation, recurrence, roda 圆道 yuán dào
lap, circuit; roundabout
moon, month; segment,
“part circle”
paro 分圆 fēn yuán
hole, arch, pocket, bag,
sack, rainbow; mountain,
“fire part circle” volcano huparo 火分圆 huǒ fēn yuán

“part circle plant

pear; leaf parohefi 分圆卉完 huì wán fēn yuán

“small whole whole atom, atomic, nuclear,

circle” corpuscular, microscopic
kifufuro 小整整圆 xiǎo zhěng zhěng yuán

“circle number Chinese currency, yuan;

picture” coin
roshupi 圆数图 yuán shù tú

“liquid circle” bubble waro 水圆 shuǐ yuán

“body circle” head kuro 体圆 tǐ yuán

“circle food” pizza, pie, cake rofo 圆饭 yuán fàn

“number circle” dial, clock face shuro 数圆 shù yuán

sphere of knowledge,
“know circle”
field of knowledge
saro 知圆 zhī yuán

“know take circle” science sataro 知拿圆 zhī ná yuán

“know take house” research institute sataho 知拿宅 zhī ná zhái

“rule hold circle” justice ruharo 则占圆 zé zhàn yuán

“circle inside” center, central, among roni 圆中 yuán zhōng

“circle plant finish” apple, orange rohefi 圆卉完 yuán huì wán

“circle from circle” spiral, helix rodero 圆从圆 yuán cóng yuán

“circle from circle

corkscrew roderoge 圆从圆具 yuán cóng yuán jù

boxing ring, judo tatami,

“fight circle”
koro 斗圆 dòu yuán

turn, rotate, revolve, turn

“circle move” around, roll, twirl, spin, romo 圆动 yuán dòng
“move circle” (steering) wheel moro 动圆 dòng yuán

profession, occupation,
“make make circle”
trade, business, vocation
fafaro 作作圆 zuò zuò yuán

“toward top circle

morning wehiroti 朝上圆時 cháo shàng yuán shí

“circle toward top

breakfast rowehifo 圆朝上饭 yuán cháo shàng fàn

“at top circle time” noon, afternoon zaihiroti 在上圆時 zài shàng yuán shí

“at top circle food” lunch zaihirofo 在上圆饭 zài shàng yuán fàn

“toward bottom
circle time”
evening, night weboroti 朝下圆時 cháo xià yuán shí
“toward bottom
circle food”
dinner, supper weborofo 朝下圆饭 cháo xià yuán fàn

“zero circle time” night zeroti 零圆時 líng yuán shí

“circle one make” marriage, matrimony royifa 圆一作 yuán yī zuò

“circle one make

spouse royifape 圆一作人 yuán yī zuò rén

“circle person
family ropepe 圆人人 yuán rén rén

“zero circle person” unmarried, single zerope 零圆人 líng yuán rén

“zero circle take” divorce, divorced zerota 零圆拿 líng yuán ná

“liquid circle place” island, continent warolo 水圆区 shuǐ yuán qū

“think part circle” head duparo 思分圆 sī fēn yuán

“take food circle” mouth taforo 拿饭圆 ná fàn yuán

tennis, table tennis,

“small circle time”
kiroti 小圆時 xiǎo yuán shí

“small circle tool” racket, billiard cue kiroge 小圆具 xiǎo yuán jù

football, basketball,
“big circle time”
biroti 大圆時 dà yuán shí
“move part circle
football, soccer moparoti 动分圆時 dòng fēn yuán shí

“hold part circle

basketball, volleyball haparoti 占分圆時 zhàn fēn yuán shí

“number picture
make circle”
business shupifaro 数图作圆 shù tú zuò yuán

“small small circle” dot, point kikiro 小小圆 xiǎo xiǎo yuán

“air move thing

egg gamodiro 空动物圆 kòng dòng wù yuán

“circle plant” eggplant rohe 圆卉 yuán huì

“plant circle” fruit hero 卉圆 huì yuán

“body circle top

hat, cap, crown kurohipa 体圆上分 tǐ yuán shàng fēn

“circle speak” repeat, say again roshu 圆说 yuán shuō

repeat, reiterate,
“circle make“ replicate, iterate, rofa 圆作 yuán zuò
rehearse, recapitulate
“top circle
week hirosi 上圆构 shàng yuán gòu

“part circle
year parosi 分圆构 fēn yuán gòu
se – this, these
这 zhè

now, nowadays, at
“this time” present, at the moment; seti 这時 zhè shí
modern, current, present
here; local, regional,
“this place”
indigenous, native
selo 这区 zhè qū

“this top circle” today sehiro 这上圆 zhè shàng yuán

“this zero circle

tonight sezeroti 这零圆時 zhè líng yuán shí

that, those; other,

“zero this”
another, rest
zese 零这 líng zhè

“zero this time” then zeseti 零这時 líng zhè shí

“zero this place” there zeselo 零这区 líng zhè qū

“this zero this” every, each sezese 这零这 zhè líng zhè

“this way” so, such seda 这道 zhè dào

poi – line
线 xiàn

shape, form, figure,

“line line”
profile, contour
poipoi 线线 xiàn xiàn

edge, side, rim; shape,

“thing line line”
dipoipoi 物线线 wù xiàn xiàn

“thing line line

define, definition dipoipoishu 物线线说 wù xiàn xiàn shuō

border, boundary, limit,

“place line line” frontier, edge, lopoipoi 区线线 qū xiàn xiàn
side, margin
coast, bank, waterfront,
“liquid line line”
riverside, waterside
wapoipoi 水线线 shuǐ xiàn xiàn

“body line line” side, flank kupoipoi 体线线 tǐ xiàn xiàn

“house line line” wall hopoipoi 宅线线 zhái xiàn xiàn

“small line” sharp kipoi 小线 xiǎo xiàn

“bottom top line

wall, fence bohipoipoi 下上线线 xià shàng xiàn xiàn

aside, sideways, apart,

“toward line line”
wepoipoi 朝线线 cháo xiàn xiàn

“line line structure” geometrical figure poipoisi 线线构 xiàn xiàn gòu
“same line square, rectangle,
structure” isosceles triangle
topoisi 同线构 tóng xiàn gòu

“line toward line width, breadth, span,

number” latitude, amplitude
poiwepoishu 线朝线数 xiàn cháo xiàn shù

wide, broad, extensive,

“big line toward
vast, large, spacious, bipoiwepoi 大线朝线 dà xiàn cháo xiàn
“small finish toward
narrow, tight, confined kipoiwepoi 小线朝线 xiǎo xiàn cháo xiàn

“whole whole top north, northern,

line” northward
fufuhipoi 整整上线 zhěng zhěng shàng xiàn

“whole whole south, southern,

bottom line” southward
fufubopoi 整整下线 zhěng zhěng xià xiàn

“liquid line” wave; river, stream wapoi 水线 shuǐ xiàn

“air line” sound, soundwave gapoi 空线 kòng xiàn

“good air line” music gogapoi 好空线 hǎo kòng xiàn

“good air line time” concert gogapoiti 好空线時 hǎo kòng xiàn shí

“good air line speak” sing, chant gogapoishu 好空线说 hǎo kòng xiàn shuō

“one good air line

song yigogapoishu 一好空线说 yī hǎo kòng xiàn shuō

“good air line

musician gogapoipe 好空线人 hǎo kòng xiàn rén
“good air line person
band, orchestra gogapoipesi 好空线人构 hǎo kòng xiàn rén gòu

hear, listen, obey,

“air line feel”
gapoife 空线感 kòng xiàn gǎn

“air line feel can” hearing ability gapoifesha 空线感可 kòng xiàn gǎn kě

“one air line” sound, note yigapoi 一空线 yī kòng xiàn

“air line make” ring, play, whistle gapoifa 空线作 kòng xiàn zuò

whistle, bell, musical

“air line tool”
gapoige 空线具 kòng xiàn jù

“air line know” acoustics gapoisa 空线知 kòng xiàn zhī

“plant air line tool” flute hegapoige 卉空线具 huì kòng xiàn jù

“line air line tool” violin, guitar, cello poigapoige 线空线具 xiàn kòng xiàn jù

“zero good air line” noise zegogapoi 零好空线 líng hǎo kòng xiàn

“air line number” sound frequency, note gapoishu 空线数 kòng xiàn shù

“air line feel part” ear gapoifepa 空线感分 kòng xiàn gǎn fēn

“one person air line” voice yipegapoi 一人空线 yī rén kòng xiàn
“air line feel tool” hearing aid gapoifege 空线感具 kòng xiàn gǎn jù

“air take part” lung, trachea, windpipe gatapa 空拿分 kòng ná fēn

blow; throw, cast, toss,

“air move make” fling, hurl, launch, sling, gamofa 空动作 kòng dòng zuò
“air move part” wing gamopa 空动分 kòng dòng fēn

“line make move

spider poifamodi 线作动物 xiàn zuò dòng wù

“line structure” web, net, network poisi 线构 xiàn gòu

“line plant food” pasta poihefo 线卉饭 xiàn huì fàn

“light line” ray gupoi 光线 guāng xiàn

snake, lizard, dinosaur,

“line move thing”
reptile; worm
poimodi 线动物 xiàn dòng wù

“big line” long bipoi 大线 dà xiàn

“small line” short kipoi 小线 xiǎo xiàn

sentence, phrase,
“speak line”
shupoi 说线 shuō xiàn

dot, point, period, full

“line part”
stop; speck, spot
poipa 线分 xiàn fēn
trunk, stem; flagstaff,
“plant line” shaft; stick, cane, wand, hepoi 卉线 huì xiàn
rod, baton; branch
“plant line picture” flag, banner hepoipi 卉线图 huì xiàn tú

“plant line picture

country, nation hepoipilo 卉线图区 huì xiàn tú qū

“plant line time” hockey, baseball hepoiti 卉线時 huì xiàn shí

“air move line” arrow, dart, spear gamopoi 空动线 kòng dòng xiàn

“toward toward
pointer, cursor wewepoi 朝朝线 cháo cháo xiàn

“machine line” conveyor belt mepoi 机线 jī xiàn

“machine line factory, plant,

house” manufactory, works
mepoiho 机线宅 jī xiàn zhái

formula, mathematical
“number line”
shupoi 数线 shù xiàn

“circle line” chain ropoi 圆线 yuán xiàn

“circle line part” link ropoipa 圆线分 yuán xiàn fēn

“same place move

corner; angle; cross tolomopoi 同区动线 tóng qū dòng xiàn

chain, cable, rope, tow,

“one make line”
yifapoi 一作线 yī zuò xiàn
“picture line” text pipoi 图线 tú xiàn

“same think picture

contract, treaty todupipoi 同思图线 tóng sī tú xiàn

book, newspaper,
“picture line hold”
pipoiha 图线占 tú xiàn zhàn

“picture line part” chapter, article pipoipa 图线分 tú xiàn fēn

“body line take” lie, lay; sleep kupoita 体线拿 tǐ xiàn ná

“body line picture” dream kupoipi 体线图 tǐ xiàn tú

“body line bottom

bed, couch, deck chair kupoiboha 体线下占 tǐ xiàn xià zhàn

“body line thing” pillow, sheet kupoidi 体线物 tǐ xiàn wù

“body line finish” wake up, get up kupoifi 体线完 tǐ xiàn wán

“body line finish

alarm clock kupoifime 体线完机 tǐ xiàn wán jī

“top bottom line” horizon hibopoi 上下线 shàng xià xiàn

“hold part line” finger hapapoi 占分线 zhàn fēn xiàn

“move part line” toe mopapoi 动分线 dòng fēn xiàn

“place hold line” story, plot lohapoi 区占线 qū zhàn xiàn

“zero inside plant

line picture”
abroad zenihepoipi 零中卉线图 líng zhōng huì xiàn tú

“inside plant line

picture move”
import, immigrate nihepoipimo 中卉线图动 zhōng huì xiàn tú dòng

“from plant line

picture move”
export, emigrate dehepoipimo 从卉线图动 cóng huì xiàn tú dòng

“number line” level, degree, grade shupoi 数线 shù xiàn

“house number line” story, floor hoshupoi 宅数线 zhái shù xiàn

“speak part line” lip shupapoi 说分线 shuō fēn xiàn

category, class, type,

“thing line”
sort, kind
dipoi 物线 wù xiàn

example, instance,
“one thing line”
sample, specimen, copy
yidipoi 一物线 yī wù xiàn

“person line” generation pepoi 人线 rén xiàn

“start person line

uncle nepepoima 开人线男 kāi rén xiàn nán

“start person line

aunt nepepoiwo 开人线女 kāi rén xiàn nǚ

list, roster, register, roll,

“line structure”
catalog, enumeration
poisi 线构 xiàn gòu
“same line person” peer, fellow, same age topoipe 同线人 tóng xiàn rén
kai – and
的 de

“take take and” or, either tatakai 拿拿的 ná ná de

“zero and” but, however, zekai 零的 líng de

“place hold and” if, in case, provided that lohakai 区占的 qū zhàn de

maybe, perhaps,
“can and”
probably, possibly
shakai 可的 kě de

with, by means of,

“tool and”
gekai 具的 jù de

“toward and” up to now, so far wekai 朝的 cháo de

“finish and” to, in order to, so that fikai 完的 wán de

in spite, despite, though,

“fight and”
kokai 斗的 dòu de

“same and” like, as, as if, as though tokai 同的 tóng de

“time and” while, during, when, as tikai 時的 shí de

because, because of;

“from and”
since, as
dekai 从的 cóng de
“this and” that, which, who sekai 这的 zhè de

that’s why, therefore,

“this start and”
thus, consequently
senekai 这开的 zhè kāi de

so, thus, that’s why,

“this way and”
therefore, consequently
sedakai 这道的 zhè dào de
li – be
了 le

“give be” more, extra, else, other gili 给了 gěi le

“give be good” better gili go 给了 好 gěi le hǎo

“give be zero good” worse gili zego 给了 零好 gěi le líng hǎo

“one give be” one more, another yigili 一给了 yī gěi le

“give be make” add, repeat gilifa 给了作 gěi le zuò

“take be” less tali 拿了 ná le

“small be” a little, few, some kili 小了 xiǎo le

a lot, lots, much, many,

plenty, a great deal;
“big be”
very, much, very much,
bili 大了 dà le

extremely, so, highly

of course, certainly,
surely, naturally, clearly,
“know know be”
necessarily, absolutely,
sasali 知知了 zhī zhī le

“top be” over, above, beyond hili 上了 shàng le

“line be” along, past; straight poili 线了 xiàn le

“line be move” pass, go by, avoid poilimo 线了动 xiàn le dòng

“give take be” for, in exchange for gitali 给拿了 gěi ná le

enough, sufficient,
“good number be” adequate, ample, goshuli 好数了 hǎo shù le
“same be” also, too, even, still toli 同了 tóng le

together, with, jointly,

“same place be”
tololi 同区了 tóng qū le

“zero same place

separately, without zetololi 零同区了 líng tóng qū le

“good be” should, ought goli 好了 hǎo le

advise, advice,
“good be speak” recommend, urge, golishu 好了说 hǎo le shuō
“big make be” must, need bifali 大作了 dà zuò le

“whole thing be” general, generally fudili 整物了 zhěng wù le

always, ever, anytime,
every time; constantly,
“whole time be”
permanently, forever;
futili 整時了 zhěng shí le

eternal, eternally
“zero time be” never zetili 零時了 líng shí le

side by side, next to,

“take feel be” alongside, beside, tafeli 拿感了 ná gǎn le
“circle be” around roli 圆了 yuán le

“part be” partly pali 分了 fēn le

“one be” only, just yili 一了 yī le

“one place hold be” once yilohali 一区占了 yī qū zhàn le

in the beginning, first, on

the one hand; early,
“start be”
beforehand, premature,
neli 开了 kāi le

untimely, immature
“finish be” in the end, finally; late fili 完了 wán le

frequent, frequently,
“big number be”
bishuli 大数了 dà shù le

seldom, rarely,
“small number be”
kishuli 小数了 xiǎo shù le
“place hold be” really, actually, in fact lohali 区占了 qū zhàn le

too, too much, overly;

“big big be” excessive, superfluous, bibili 大大了 dà dà le
“this time be” already, yet setili 这時了 zhè shí le

improve, refine, perfect,

“good give be make”
gogilifa 好给了作 hǎo gěi le zuò

“circle be” again roli 圆了 yuán le

ba – front
前 qián

forward(s); following,
“toward front”
weba 朝前 cháo qián

“toward front and” after, since webakai 朝前的 cháo qián de

later, afterwards, in the

“toward front be”
future, subsequently
webali 朝前了 cháo qián le

“one toward front” following, next yiweba 一朝前 yī cháo qián

“front time” future bati 前時 qián shí

go ahead, advance,
“front move” progress, progressive; bamo 前动 qián dòng
forward, redirect
guess, foresee, predict,
“front know”
basa 前知 qián zhī

“front circle” face baro 前圆 qián yuán

“front body part” torso, chest bakupa 前体分 qián tǐ fēn

“front feel toward” hope, dream bafewe 前感朝 qián gǎn cháo
“front place” foreground, forestage balo 前区 qián qū

in front, in advance,
“at front”
ahead; future marker
zaiba 在前 zài qián

“at front move” lead, guide zaibamo 在前动 zài qián dòng

“at front move

leader, guide zaibamope 在前动人 zài qián dòng rén

protect, defend, keep

“front make”
safe, guard; prepare
bafa 前作 qián zuò

“rule front make

police rubafasi 则前作构 zé qián zuò gòu

“fire front make” fire proof hubafa 火前作 huǒ qián zuò

“water front make” water proof wabafa 水前作 shuǐ qián zuò

“air front make” air proof gabafa 空前作 kòng qián zuò

“front toward front” contrary, opposite baweba 前朝前 qián cháo qián

plan, intention, intend,

“front think”
badu 前思 qián sī

foretell, predict,
prophesy, forecast,
“front speak”
foretell, divine; oath,
bashu 前说 qián shuō

promise, vow
“fight front speak” threaten, threat, menace kobashu 斗前说 dòu qián shuō

“good front number

insure, insurance gobashupi 好前数图 hǎo qián shù tú

surprise, surprised,
“zero front know
unexpected, amaze, zebasata 零前知拿 líng qián zhī ná
anticipation, premonition,
“front feel”
bafe 前感 qián gǎn

“zero good front

afraid, fear, scare zegobafe 零好前感 líng hǎo qián gǎn

“front circle be” tomorrow baroli 前圆了 qián yuán le

“front line male” nephew bapoima 前线男 qián xiàn nán

“front line female” niece bapoiwo 前线女 qián xiàn nǚ

“small front be” soon, quickly kibali 小前了 xiǎo qián le

“zero good front feel 零好前感好 líng hǎo qián gǎn hǎo
adventure zegobafegoti shí
good time”

re – rear
后 hòu

“toward rear” backward(s) were 朝后 cháo hòu

“rear time” past reti 后時 hòu shí

retreat, withdraw, retire,

“rear move” regress; return, come remo 后动 hòu dòng
“rear know” remember, memory resa 后知 hòu zhī

“zero rear know” forget zeresa 零后知 líng hòu zhī

“rear body part” back rekupa 后体分 hòu tǐ fēn

“rear body part line” spine, backbone rekupapoi 后体分线 hòu tǐ fēn xiàn

“rear feel toward” regret, nostalgia, repent refewe 后感朝 hòu gǎn cháo

background, backstage,
“rear place”
relo 后区 hòu qū

“at rear” behind; past marker zaire 在后 zài hòu

“at rear move” follow zairemo 在后动 zài hòu dòng

“move at rear
follower zairemope 在后动人 zài hòu dòng rén

“rear take” hide reta 后拿 hòu ná

“rear think” recall, recollection redu 后思 hòu sī

answer, reply; object,

“rear speak”
reshu 后说 hòu shuō

give back, return,

“rear give”
reimburse, compensate
regi 后给 hòu gěi

“zero light rear” shadow, shade zegure 零光后 líng guāng hòu

“house rear place” yard, backyard horelo 宅后区 zhái hòu qū

before, ago, formerly,

“rear be” back, previously, reli 后了 hòu le
already; used to
“small rear be” recent, recently, lately kireli 小后了 xiǎo hòu le

past; old, backward,

“toward rear”
were 朝后 cháo hòu

“rear circle be” yesterday reroli 后圆了 hòu yuán le

“part circle 1” January paro1 分圆1 fēn yuán 1

“part circle 2” February paro2 分圆2 fēn yuán 2

“part circle 3” March paro3 分圆3 fēn yuán 3

“part circle 4” April paro4 分圆4 fēn yuán 4

“part circle 5” May paro5 分圆5 fēn yuán 5

“part circle 6” June paro6 分圆6 fēn yuán 6

“part circle 7” July paro7 分圆7 fēn yuán 7

“part circle 8” August paro8 分圆8 fēn yuán 8

“part circle 9” September paro9 分圆9 fēn yuán 9

“part circle 10” October paro10 分圆10 fēn yuán 10

“part circle 11” November paro11 分圆11 fēn yuán 11

“part circle 12” December paro12 分圆12 fēn yuán 12

“top circle 1” Monday hiro1 上圆1 shàng yuán 1

“top circle 2” Tuesday hiro2 上圆2 shàng yuán 2

“top circle 3” Wednesday hiro3 上圆3 shàng yuán 3

“top circle 4” Thursday hiro4 上圆4 shàng yuán 4

“top circle 5” Friday hiro5 上圆5 shàng yuán 5

“top circle 6” Saturday hiro6 上圆6 shàng yuán 6

“top circle 7” Sunday hiro7 上圆7 shàng yuán 7

“number 1” first shu1 数1 shù 1

“number 2” second shu2 数2 shù 2

“number 3” third shu3 数3 shù 3

“3 line structure” triangle 3poisi 3线构 3 xiàn gòu

“4 line structure” square, rectangle, rhomb 4poisi 4线构 4 xiàn gòu

“4 line place” city square 4poilo 4线区 4 xiàn qū

“2 circle move tool” bicycle, scooter, bike 2romoge 2圆动具 2 yuán dòng jù

“2 circle move
motorcycle 2romome 2圆动机 2 yuán dòng jī

“2 speak” bilingual 2shu 2说 2 shuō

“two place hold be” twice 2lohali 2区占了 2 qū zhàn le

“2” pair 2 2 2

“2 part food” sandwich 2pafo 2分饭 2 fēn fàn

“2 line place” corner; angle; cross 2poilo 2线区 2 xiàn qū

“2 line way” railroad track 2poida 2线道 2 xiàn dào

“2 line move
train 2poimome 2线动机 2 xiàn dòng jī

“2 line way place” station, depot 2poidalo 2线道区 2 xiàn dào qū

“2 number number” compare, comparison 2shushu 2数数 2 shù shù

“3 part circle” season 3paro 3分圆 3 fēn yuán

“6 part move thing” insect 6pamodi 6分动物 6 fēn dòng wù

“100 part circle
century 100parosi 100分圆构 100 fēn yuán gòu

receive, accept, occupy;

become, get
ta 拿 ná

“time” o’clock ti 時 shí

“know” be aware; information sa 知 zhī

“give” provide, deliver gi 给 gěi

“liquid” water wa 水 shuǐ

do, act, perform,

“make” practice, produce, fa 作 zuò
manufacture, create
human, somebody,
pe 人 rén

piece, body part,

“part” machine part, fractional pa 分 fēn
“speak” say, tell, talk, language shu 说 shuō

“zero” no, no-, counter- ze 零 líng

“place” location, local, situation lo 区 qū

“way” road, path da 道 dào

“hold” own, possess, keep ha 占 zhàn

“move” stir, come, go mo 动 dòng

order, framework,
si 构 gòu

equal, equally, identical,

to 同 tóng

“think” consider, reflect du 思 sī

isn’t, aren’t, haven’t,

hasn’t, don’t, doesn’t,
didn’t, wasn’t, weren’t,
no 不 bù

photograph, photo,
drawing, painting, image
pi 图 tú

“feel” sense, feeling, perceive fe 感 gǎn

gas; space; empty;

vacant; unoccupied
ga 空 kòng

something, object,
article, entity
di 物 wù

“number” figure, digit, numeric shu 数 shù

“fire” flame, blaze, glow hu 火 huǒ

“light” shine, saint, holy gu 光 guāng

struggle, contend,
“fight” conflict, collision, clash, ko 斗 dòu
in, within, between,
during, among, amid,
middle, mid, inner,
ni 中 zhōng

“from” of, as, than de 从 cóng

building, home,
residence, hut, flat,
apartment, organization,
ho 宅 zhái

begin, commence,
initiate, launch, outbreak,
origin, onset, open,
establish, set out, start
ne 开 kāi

out, set up, found; new,

final, end, last,
cessation, cease,
“finish” discontinuation, fi 完 wán
completion, termination,
tip, close
large, major, massive,
“big” important, significant, bi 大 dà
“small” little, minor, insignificant ki 小 xiǎo

mechanism, apparatus,
“machine” device, appliance, me 机 jī
instrument, tool,
medium, means
ge 具 jù

main, superior, higher,

supreme, upper
hi 上 shàng

foot, base, foundation,

basis, reason
bolo 下区 xià qū

towards, to, for, against,

opposite, about, till, until
we 朝 cháo

“can” may, able, ability sha 可 kě

“male” man, husband ma 男 nán

“female” woman, wife wo 女 nǚ

in, on, about, with, as,

zai 在 zài

“good” well, fine, nice go 好 hǎo

all, entire, complete,
“whole” total, every, each, fu 整 zhěng
whatever, absolute, full
“rule” instruction ru 则 zé

“question” doubt ke 什么 shénme

“I” me, my, mine, myself mi 我 wǒ

“you” your, yours, yourself yu 你 nǐ

her, hers, herself; he,

“she” him, his, himself; it, its, shi 她 tā
round; circular; spherical;
ball, sphere, globe;
“circle” again; oval; field, area, ro 圆 yuán
domain, realm, sphere,
series, straight
sequence, consistency,
order, succession,
poi 线 xiàn

“front” façade ba 前 qián

“rear” back re 后 hòu

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