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Joint CEOs Lance Fanaroff (left)

and Rob Sussman

“Multi-billion rands of ICT TURNING PRODUCTS

assets are managed from the INTO SERVICES

Nerve Centre .” ROB SUSSMAN ® Even as other ICT companies endeavour to

distance themselves from ‘productising’ in
an industry where ‘services’ is where the
money is to be made, Integr8 continues to
Fanaroff sheds some light on those principles: development to work for its customers. Says advance the case for packaging technology,
“When we founded the company in 2001, Sussman: “Innovation creates opportunities. As labelling it, and providing it thus to its
technical excellence was really our core recession gives way to growth, we are ready to customers...yes, as a service. As a result,
principle. That, and a commitment to delivering demonstrate to decision-makers our increased the company has many off-the-shelf
technical excellence together with an equally capacity and service levels, ever-broader portfolio solutions that are combined with its ability to
strong focus on delivering exemplary service and expertise, and solid credentials. Right now, understand customer needs and customise
and attention to detail.” investment in information, communication delivery appropriately. A technology service-
Back in 2001, launching an ICT company was and telecommunication continues to escalate centric business, Integr8 offers diverse skills
possibly among the most risky of initiatives; as leading organisations seek ways to enhance in the other technology disciplines too. It
after all, the Y2K bug had just failed to bite and operations and stabilise bottom lines.” includes technology offerings from global
the first wave of e-business had amounted to In that comment, Sussman announces the technology leaders which complement its
very little. But that wasn’t what Fanaroff and company’s intentions to continue building on core capabilities. In line with the hosted
Sussman were offering; rather, they wanted the solid foundations and extensive infrastructure shared service and utility-based computing

to identify, understand and apply technology it has laid down. But, perhaps drawing on the model, these technologies are offered as a
for business benefit. Says Fanaroff : “We saw early experience of launching a company into service to customers. Integr8 managed ICT
an opportunity to build a world-class ICT a post-2000 world fraught with risk, he says services include:
services business, leveraging and specialising caution and care remain the watchword. “We’ll

in Microsoft-based technology, as well as with continue to follow a compounded growth • Advanced infrastructure management
other industry technology leaders.” strategy and a carefully constructed business • Professional service
That’s something that has worked out plan underpinned by our strong financial • Software asset management
really well for the company. In fact, it has business model. Even as we become larger and • Procurement
Words Donovan Jackson received industry recognition not only from more complex, we will ensure that we retain the • Outsourcing
global giants such as Microsoft, but also from capacity for flexibility and the ability to quickly • Project management
LAUNCHING A TECHNOLOGY COMPANY IN THE PEAK OF THE DOT COM customers, industry watchers and academic adapt to change.” • Virtualisation
institutions. A peek into the trophy cabinet is Fanaroff believes the express commitment to • Converged communications
CRASH MIGHT BE CONSIDERED A RISKY STRATEGY, BUT FOR INTEGR8 IT revealing: among the accolades are The Most flexibility combined with ‘the basics’ and a clear • Enterprise messaging

WAS A GAMBLE WORTH TAKING. Innovative ICT Company on the continent;

National Business Awards for Entrepreneur of
plan of action have helped to reinforce key
areas of operation within the group. “Yes, the
• Storage
• Telecommunications
the Year & Technology Through Innovation, world has been through a recession, but as a • Managed services
an Absa Entrepreneur of the Year Award, CIO result of our business model and inbred culture • Disaster recovery, remote backup

REAT ideas are one thing. Turning them into a nationwide THE NERVE CENTRE® of the Year for South Africa and Africa; Best and strategy, we have continued to flourish • Compliance and e-mail archive
business with continental aspirations is quite another. That’s In order to create a scalable and global business, Customer Experience of the Year; Networking and remain on course to grow and entrench and retention
what the founders of Integr8 have achieved: from the smallest of allowing the export of intellectual property while Infrastructure Solution of the Year; Security service levels and technical innovation to the • Security
beginnings, principles that are not bound by scale have seen the company retaining its structural property on local soil, Solution of the Year (Middle East, Africa, & developing marketplace. “And from a technical • Asset rental
go from a bedroom operation to the largest privately owned ICT company Integr8 pioneered and developed the Nerve Eastern Europe); and Global Business Partner point of view, our model benefits immensely • Fax to e-mail
in Africa. Centre ®. Today, Integr8 owns and operates this of the Year (Worldwide Winner), as well as from fresh global trends. From a system and • International calling
The men behind the company are Lance Fanaroff and Rob Sussman, digital hub of people, innovative technology Technology Top 100 Companies award. And business process standpoint, we believe that • Cloud collaboration and compliance
today joint CEOs of a South African founded success story with a significant and processes that manage and regulates that’s just the top shelf. every existing and new development within • SaaS
national footprint and delivery mechanism across the continent. They the complete ICT environment of many of the Throughout almost a decade of operations, resource application is covered and we believe • Web 2.0 services
are ably supported by partners and an experienced executive team that country’s leading organisations. Rob Sussman, a constant that has come in combination with the benefit of our expertise, experience • Private and public cloud services
includes managing director Jan Roux, sales director Bennie Strydom, joint CEO, Integr8 says: “Multi-billion rands of ICT technical excellence and customer service is and entrepreneurial spirit continues to be • Connectivity and hosting solutions
HR and marketing director Tami Sussman, and CFO and legal director assets are managed from the Nerve Centre®.” innovation. That’s essential for a company that transferred to our growing client base,” he • Nerve Centre®
Bradley Riback. seeks to put the dizzying speed of technological concludes.

4 Integr8 - special focus AUGUST 2010 5

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