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Hypertension is a global health problem that needs attention because it can

lead to death in developed countries and developing countries. In 2001 patients
with hypertension in Indonesia reached 6 – 15%. This study aimed to determine
the incidence of hypertension in General Hospital Haji Medan in 2015. This study
is a retrospective descriptive study with sampling performed at the medical
records of the General Hospital Haji Medan from the period January 2015 –
December 2015. The research sample as many as 133 people taken by using total
sampling method. The sample selection is based on a complete medical record
and patient for the first time been complaining of hypertension.
So the results of this study show that the incidence rate of hypertension in
the General Hospital Haji Medan period January – December 2015 amounted to
0.15% and the number of people stated in as many as 133 cases of new cases and
the populations at risk of developing hypertension is as much as 849 people with
the highest number in the age group 56 – 65 years with 43 patients out of 133
patients, or by 32.3%.
Keywords : Hypertension, the incidence

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