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Thank to Almighty God who has given bless to the writer for finishing the Anatomy and Physiology
paper assignment entitled “Male and Female Reproductive System”.

The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided in completing
this paper. This Anatomy and Physiology paper contains some definiton, anatomy, physiology, hormone
of Male and Female Reproductive System

Hopefully, this paper can increase the reader's knowledge about Anatomy and Physiology of
Reproductive Syestem.
1.1 Background

The reproductive system is a system that serves to multiply. Consists of the testes, ovaries and other
genital parts. Knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology of human reproduction system is the most basic
science for every reproductive health practitioner, especially woman. In this paper we will discuss two
things about ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY REPRODUCTION SYSTEM which explain about
Anatomy of Male and Female Reproduction.

Reproduction or proliferation is part of the physiology (physiology). Physiological reproduction is not

vital to the individual's life and even though the reproductive cycle of a human being stops, the human
can still survive, for example when it reaches the menopause and the andropouse will not die. In general,
new reproduction can take place after the human reaches puberty or adult sex, and this is governed by the
endocrine glands and hormones produced in the human body.

Reproduction is also part of the body processes responsible for the survival of a generation.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. How is the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system?

2. How does sperm form in men?

3. How is the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system?

4. How is ovum formation in women?

5. How does menstruation occur in women?

1.3 Purpose

1. Students know the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system

2. Students know the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system

3. Students know the hormones that work on the reproductive system

2.1 Theoretical Basis

Reproductive organs form the genetic tract that develops after the urinary tract. The sexes of both men
and women since birth can be determined, but the sexes are not known (Syaifudin, 1997).

The female genital organs have 2 functions, namely as the entrance of the sperm into the female body and
as a protector of the internal genital organs of the infecting organism. The female genital tract has a hole
associated with the outside world, causing the disease-causing microorganisms to enter and causing the
infection of the womb . These microorganisms are usually transmitted through sexual contact. (evelyn
pearce, 2002).

The way of reproduction is amazing. Testicular seed cells in men, as well as ovarian ovarian cells in
women appear early in life of the fetus. The incident, how this reproductive cell is moved to a
predetermined area of the ovary and testes, is a great and wonderful secret. (evelyn pearce, 2002)

Female reproductive organs are divided into external genetic organs and internal genetal organs. The
external genital and vaginal organs are part of the copulation, while the internal genetal organ for
ovulation, the fertilization of the egg, the translation of blastocyst, implantation, and fetal growth. The
endometrium is the epithelial lining that lines the uterine cavity. Its surface consists of a cascaded
columnar cell layer with an invaginating glandular mucosal secretory gland into the cellular stroma. The
glands and stromas undergo cyclic changes, alternating between exfoliation and new growth every 28
days. In the event of pregnancy there should be spermatozoa, ovum, ovum fertilization (kontasepsi), and
nidasi (implantation) the results of conception. Each spermatozoater consists of three parts namely heads
(head) which is oval-shaped rather flat and contains nucleus material, tail and the cylindrical (neck) part
that connects the head with the tail. With vibration spermatozoa can move quickly. (Sarwono
Prawirohardjo, 2012)

The reproductive period is the time of women aged 15-45 years. During the reproductive years there will
be typical follicular maturation, including ovulation and corpus luteum formation. This process occurs
due to the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad interaction which involves filokel and corpus luteum, steroid
hormones, pituitary gonadotropins and autocrine or paracrine factors unite to cause ovulation. The
process of fertilization and the readiness of the ovaries to provide hormones, requires regulation of
endocrine, autocrine, paracrine / intracrine, neurons and immune system. (Third Edition Content
Handbook Sarwono Prawirohardjo, 2011)

Anatomy of the female reproductive system is divided into 2 parts, namely;

External organs, copulated functions, consist of: Vulva, mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris,
vestibulum, introitus / orificium vagina, vagina, prineum. The internal organs function for ovulation,
ovum fertilization, blastocyst transplantation, implantation, fetal growth, and birth consist of: Uterus,
uterine cervix, uterine corpus, uterine ligament. (Maternity Care Book, 2008)

3.1 Anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system

Anatomy of the male reproductive system

The external structure of the male reproductive system consists of: penis, scrotum (scrotum) and testes

1. Penis

Penis consists of cavernous tissue (erectile) and through the urethra. There are two surfaces: the posterior
surface of the soft palpable penis (near the urethra) and the dorsal surface. The tip of the penis is called
the glans. Penis serves as a penetration. Penetration in women allows the occurrence of cement deposition
near the uterine cervix. 2 larger cavities are called corpus cavernosus, located adjacent. The third cavity is
called the spongiosum corpus, encircling the urethra. If the cavity is filled with blood, the penis becomes
larger, stiff and erect (erect).

The penis consists of:

- Root (attached to belly didnding)

- Body (is the center of the penis)

- Glans penis (the tip of a conical shaped penis).

2. Scrotum

The scrotum is essentially a special skin sac that protects the testes and epididymis from physical injury
and is a testicular temperature regulator. Spermatozoa are very sensitive to temperature because the testes
and epididymis are outside the body cavity, the temperature inside the testis is usually lower than the
temperature inside the abdomen.

3. Testes

The oval-shaped testis are the size of an olive and are located inside the scrotum. Usually the left testis is
somewhat lower than the right testis.

Testis is a pair of oval-shaped structure, slightly flat with a length of about 4 cm and a diameter of about
2.5 cm. The testes are in the scrotum along with the epididymis, the extraabdominal sac just below the
penis. The wall in the cavity that separates the testes from the epididymis is called tunica vaginalis.
Ductal Duct

1. Epididymis

It is a comma-shaped structure that holds the posterolateral limit of the testes. The epididymis consists of
a head located above the testicular valve valve, the body and tail of the epididymis partially covered by
the visceral layer, this layer in the mediastinum into the parietal layer.

The epididymal duct is surrounded by connective tissue, spermatozoa through the eferent duct is part of
the epididymic head. The eentental ducts are ± 20 cm long, twisted and form a small cone and empty into
the epididymal duct where the spermatozoa are stored, into the vas deferens

The function of the epididymis is as a conducting duct of the testes, regulating sperm before ejaculation,
and producing cement.

2. Ductus Deferens

It is a continuation of the epididymis to the inguinal canal, then the ductus passes into the abdominal
cavity continuing into the bladder, behind the bladder eventually joining the seminal vesicular channel
and further forming the ejaculatory and emptying in the prostate. The length of the ductus deferens is 50-
60 cm.

3. Urethra.

Urethra serves 2 functions:

- Part of the urinary system that drains urine from the bladder

- Part of the reproductive system that drains cement.

Structure in male reroduksi organ consists of: vas deferens, urethra, prostate gland and seminal vesicles.

1. Vas deferens

The vas deferens is a direct sequence of epididymis. The length of 45 cm that begins from the lower end
of the epididymis, rises along the posterior aspect of the testicles in the form of free coils, then leaves the
back of the testis, the duct passes through the spermatic cord to the abdomen.

2. Urethra

Urethra serves 2 functions:

- Part of the urinary system that drains urine from the bladder

- Part of the reproductive system that drains cement.

3. Prostate gland

Prostate gland, is a gland consisting of 30-50 glands divided into 4 lobes are:

- Posterior lobe

- Lobes laterally

- Anterior lobe

- Medial lobes

Prostate Function:

Adding alkaline fluid to seminal fluid is useful for protecting spermatozoa against the acidic properties
found in the urethra and vagina. Below this gland is the Bulret Uretralis Gland which has a length of 2-5
cm. function almost the same as the prostate gland.

4. Seminal vesicles

The prostate and seminal vesicles produce fluid which is a food source for sperm. This liquid is the
largest part of cement. The other liquid that forms cement comes from the vas deferens and from the
mucous glands inside the head of the penis.

Function of seminal Vesics:

Apply a liquid secretion containing nutrients that make up most of the semen.
Physiology of the male reproductive system

1. Hormones in men

a. FSH

Stimulating spematogenesis.

b. LH

Stimulating Leydig's Interstitial Cells to Produce Testosterone.

c. Testosterone

Responsible in the physical changes of men, especially the secondary sex organs.

The effects of testosterone in men:

Before birth:

a. Masculination of the reproductive tract and external genitalia

b. Encourages decrease of the testes to the scrotum

Reproductive effects

c. Growth and maturation of reproductive organs

d. Important in spermatogenesis

e. Growth of the secondary sign

2.2. Spermatogenesis

Spermatogenesis is the development of spermatogonia into spermatozoa. Lasts 64 days. Spermatogonia

develops into a primary spermatozit. Primary spermatozit becomes secondary spermatozit. Secondary
Spermatozites develop into spermatids. The final stage of spermatogenesis is the maturation of spermatids
into spermatozoa. The size of spermatozoa is 60 microns. Spermatozoa consists of head, body and tail.
2.3 Anatomy and Fisioligi Female Reproductive System

Anatomy of the female reproductive system

Consisting of:

a. Tundun (Mons veneris)

Prominent parts include the symphysis consisting of tissue and fat, this area began to overgrown (pubis
hair) during puberty. The fat-coated part, located above the symphysis pubis

b. Labia Mayora

Is a continuation of the venerable mons, oval-shaped. These two lips meet at the bottom and form the
perineum. The outer hair labia mayut, which is a continuation of hair on the mons veneris. The hairless
inner labia majora, is a membrane containing sebaceous glands (fat). The size of the labia majora in adult
women à length 7- 8 cm, width 2 - 3 cm, thickness 1 - 1.5 cm. In children and nullipara à both labia
majora are very close together.

c. Labia Minora

Small lips that are the folds of the inside of the big lips (labia majora), without hair. Each labia minora
consists of a thin, moist, reddish tissue: The top of the minora labia will unite to form prepuce and
frenulum clitoridis, while the part. In this little lips the lower vaginal orifices underneath will unite to
form a fourchette

d. Clitoris

It is an important part of the external reproductive apparatus that is erectile. Glans clitoridis contains
many blood vessels and sensory nerve fibers so it is very sensitive. Analog with penis in men. Consists of
glans, corpus and 2 pieces of crura, with an average length not exceeding 2 cm.

e. Vestibulum (porch)

Is a cavity that is between the small lips (labia minora). In the vestibula there are 6 holes, the external
urethra orifisium, vaginal introitus, 2 estuaries Bartholini gland, and 2 estuarine paraurethral glands.
Bartholini gland serves to secrete mucoid fluid when sexual arousal occurs. The bartholini gland also
blocks the entry of Neisseria gonorhoeae bacteria and pathogenic bacteria

f. Himen (hymen)
Consists of collagen and elastic connective tissue. This thin layer that covers the big part of the burrow, in
the middle of the hole so that menstrual shit can flow out. The shape of the hymen of each woman is
different, some are shaped like a crescent moon, there is a consistency that is rigid and soft, there is a hole
a fingertip, there is a finger can pass. When performing the first coitus once there may be a tear, usually in
the posterior.

3.4 Oogenesis Cycle.

3.5 The process of Menstruation Occurred.

Menstruation process has 4 phases namely;

• Menstrual phase

• Preovulatory phase

• Ovulation phase

• Post-ovulation phase

A. Menstrual phase: If the egg is not fertilized, then after a certain age a certain lentern corpus that is
producing estrogen and progesterone hormone stop its activity, due to the hormone levels in the blood
sudden reduction. This incident happened 5hari beginning of menstruation. The sudden decline of
estrogen and progesterone results in the release of the ovum and the thickening of the thickened
endoterium. Tearing and crushing of the endoterium causes a thin wall of the uterus.

B. Preovulatory phase: progesterone decreases allow the FSH secreting hypophysis to stimulate the
volume in the ovaries to produce the hormone estrogen. This esterogen will inhibit the pituitary producing
FSH but spur the pituitary producing LH. In addition to this the esterogens also stimulate the thickening
of the uterine endometrium.

C. Ovulation Phase: FSH production stops by the pituitary due to high levels of estrogen, allows the
pituitary to produce LH hormone. LH hormone stimulates ovum maturation and leaves the follicle. This
event is called ovulation. The follicle left by the egg will contract and turn into the carpus luteum (yellow
body). This body works to produce progesterone. This phase occurs around the 14th day of the menstrual
period ranging from 24-35 days (28 days).

D. Post-ovulation phase: this phase is between the phase of ovulation with the next menstrual period. So
lasts from day 15 to day 28. Hormone that plays in this phase is the hormone progestron and estrogen
produced corpus luteum. If, there is no fertilization of the corpus luteum it will turn into a white albikans'
9badan corpus) with low estrogen and progestron producing capability. As a result, the levels of these two
hormones in the dareah decrease. This circumstance causes the active pituitary to produce FSH and
further LH. This menstrual phase is continued with the next phase, so that the menstrual cycle occurs.


The anatomy of the female reproductive system is divided into 2 parts, namely; External organs,
copulated functions, consist of: Vulva, mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vestibulum,
introitus / orificium vagina, vagina, prineum. The internal organs function for ovulation, ovum
fertilization, blastocyst transplantation, implantation, fetal growth, and birth consist of: Uterus, uterine
cervix, uterine corpus, uterine ligament. The way of reproduction is amazing. Testicular seed cells in men,
as well as ovarian ovarian cells in women appear early in life of the fetus. Genesis, how this reproductive
cell is moved to a predetermined area, that is ovaries and testes, is a great and beautiful secret


In making this paper the author realizes there are still many shortages of knowledge and lack of
writing. This happens because the author is still in the learning stage so it is expected to criticism and
suggestions to be able to guide and help learning more.
Prawirohardjo Sarwono, 2012 Ilmu Kebidanan Jakarta PT.Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo.

Prawirohardjo Sarwono, 2012 Ilmu Kandungan Jakarta PT.Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo.

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