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Proposal for The Gamer Project

created by Janet Gatz


Despite existing before the advent of video games, gaming culture has largely been

forgotten until recent years. With the increasing popularity of nerd culture, gaming has slowly

been seeing a revival. The Gamer Project is attempting to shine a light on tabletop gaming culture

by allowing members to explain what part of games and the worlds within they gravitate toward,

and how has gamine affected their lives.

Statement of Need

Tabletop games have become increasingly popular over the past decade. Yet, despite

existing before video games, they are often overshadowed by their technological sibling. The

increasing popularity of the comic book genre has helped make nerd culture more mainstream, but

tabletop games have only recently begun to lose their stigma. The image of a person who plays

wargames like Battletech, Role Playing Games like Dungeons and Dragons, or card games like

Magic: The Gathering, is often still the image of characters like Sheldon from the Big Bang

Theory. Others hear the term gamer and gaming culture and assume you are referring to video

games only. They have either never heard of tabletop games or vaguely recall something about

Dungeons and Dragons and demon worship during the 1980 and 90s.

The Gamer Project hopes to change that image. Instead we wish to provide a well-rounded

view of the individuals who consider tabletop games, and the worlds they have created, an

important part of their lives. It is also a hope that this project will be the first exhibit in the much

larger goal of bringing tabletop games out from under the shadow of video game culture. Many

of the most popular genre worlds in literature, art, film, video games, and tv from the past thirty

years are either from tabletop works, or heavily influenced by them.

Chicago has always had a thriving gaming community with multiple Live Action Role

Playing (LARP) games being played throughout the city and its surrounding suburbs. There are

also hundreds of official and unofficial RPG, war gaming and tradeable card game clubs

throughout the city. The Midwest itself has historically been the home of many major gaming

studios during the 1970s and 1980s, such as TSR out of Lake Geneva Wisconsin and FASA in

Chicago. As such, it often was the first major market for products. The Midwest is also currently

home to the most tabletop gaming related conventions in the country. While the culture has spread

throughout the country, its home is the Midwest, and Chicago is the best place to house its first


The Project

The project itself will be relatively straightforward. Our team will go to several locations

in the Chicago area that provide a space for gamers to play. Examples of this are Games Plus in

Mount Prospect or the Gaming Goat in Tinley Park. The Project will also attend several examples

of Live Action Roleplaying Games that exist in the area. Some are more story based, like Stories

in the Sanguine City, which is based on the book series the Dresden Files. Others are more combat

oriented, like the fantasy/steampunk LARP Fantasy Revolution. There we will as any gamers who

are willing to speak to us about the games they play, how they started, how often they play, their

greatest memories connected to games, the storylines, and their thoughts on the tabletop gaming

community. We will also ask them about items that are part of gaming culture, but not games

themselves. These are often creative outlets they may be part of involving games, such as

costuming, attending conventions, or the enjoyment of art, fan films, and literature based on the

game worlds.
Besides local gaming stores and LARPS we will also be attending three of the larger game

based events in the United States; GenCon, Grand Prix Indianapolis, and the Grand Masquerade.

These events are attended by thousands of gamers from across the world every year, as well as

industry officials. With attending these events, we will be able to add stories from not just people

in the Midwest, but gamers from across the globe. Attending these events will also afford us

interviews with the creators of several of the most popular games, including Battletech, Pathfinder,

Vampire: The Masquerade, and Magic: The Gathering. These interviews would provide context

to the lore of the games and the company’s opinions about why their games are so popular decades

after they were created. We also intend to ask them about the increasing popularity of tabletop

games and the recent influx of virtual tabletop programs, as well as what they feel is important

about the culture surrounding their products. We will also be passing out a general survey to get

a better understanding about the demographics within the culture.

Once the data is created and compiled, the Gamer Project will create a virtual exhibit online

to highlight this small but passionate culture. We will provide both audio and video when possible

for the interviews. The archivists and assistance will provide transcripts of the interviews. We

will also create several videos guiding people who have little to know knowledge on the subject a

guide to the lore and history of some of the more popular game systems. When complete, the

digital exhibit will link directly to the XYZ Agency’s site.

Brogan, Jacob. “Welcome to the Virtual Tabletop.”
_online.html (Accessed 06/25/2017)
Jolin, Dan. “The Rise and Rise of Tabletop Gaming.” The Guardian.
pandemic-flash-point (Accessed 06/20/2017)
“GenCon celebrates 50th anniversary, Expands to Lucas Oil Stadium”.
(Accessed 06/25/2017)

Scope of Work

This proposed scope of work describes the tasks to be performed by the Director of the Gamer

Oral History Project (Contractor) in assisting the Gamer Oral History Project in fulfilling the

requirements of XYZ Agency’s grant. The purpose of the project is to give a voice to the

experiences, connection, and culture that exists in the tabletop gaming community by sharing

individual stories from both gamers and industry professionals.


This project will combine the resources from the XYZ Agency, as well as other grants, to obtain

the stories of gamers, their gaming worlds, and the culture that has been created around them. This

scope will include interviews from individual gamers, both amateur and professional players, and

content creators. The project will also accumulate data through surveys in the hopes of creating a

more accurate picture of what a current tabletop gamer is. Finally, the project hopes to use the

information accumulated to given on-gamers a general look at what these games are, and how they

have become so important for so many. The scope of work includes providing overall coordination

in fulfillment of the grant objectives, coordination with project team, supplemental grant writing,

and implementing a project marketing campaign.


The project will create a video and audio based online exhibit showcasing in their own words how

games have affected their lives. The project will also attempt to answer why individuals enjoy the
culture’s environment, and see what methods are used to express their association with the culture.

The oral history project will also create informative videos about the different worlds

encompassing some of the more popular games currently available.

The project will obtain these interviews and survey results by attending several small and large

events during the time allocated. This includes attending small tournaments for the card games

Magic: The Gathering and Pokémon at local gaming shops around Chicago and the surrounding

area, attending and documenting local area Live Action Roleplay Games (LARP), and finally by

attending and documenting larger gamer gatherings such as The Grand Masquerade in Tampa

Florida and GenCon in Indianapolis.


The Gamer Project will post their live website on October 31st, 2017. The connected linked site

on XYZ Agency’s official web page will also be completed by October 31st, 2017. The project

will provide weekly status reports to XYZ Agency via email, skype, or in person as needed. The

project will have three to four phases.

Phase One (1 month)

Complete all interviews and surveys with local gaming stores. Attend GenCon and document

histories and survey information from individuals in the Exhibit hall, war gaming room, and from

content creators of several new and long running games. Also attend Grand Prix Indianapolis the

following week for stories by professional players and judgesof Magic: The Gathering. Compile

information from GenCon and the gaming stores to be transcribed.

Phase Two (1 month)

Attend local LARPs in the Chicago area to obtain stories, sturvey information, and interviews from

players, storytellers, and creators. Clean current videos from GenCon and Grand Prix of any

background noise or audio damage. Begin transcribing interviews. Complete primary website


Phase 3 (1 month)

Attend the Grand Masquerade in Tampa Bay Florida to interview players, the creators of the

documentary on the World of Darkness, and the game’s content creators about the current state of

the industry. Continue to transcribe and input data to be added to project site. Complete editing

and adding video interviews to site. Finish search system for website. Create project site on XYZ

Agency’s website that links to the official project page. Project goes live.

Phase 4 (unknown/optional)

Ensure that all interviews are added to the project site. Finish creating the ‘tabletop 101’ videos

and post to site to help new viewers understand the content and worlds being discussed.


This project will require the employment of approximately 5 other members of staff other than the

director. It requires a webmaster, audio/visual expert, an additional archivist to help processing of

documentation, and up to two data entry/assistance to input documentation and perform additional

work at Conventions such as handing out and receiving surveys. Air fare will be required for the

trip to Tampa Bay, Florida, and hotel rooms will be required for both GenCon, Grand Prix, and

the Grand Masquerade trips. Budget has been set aside for any hardware upgrades that may be

required. To ensure accurate audio and video during the interviews, a new HD camera rig is

required, as well as a new high definition recorder. The ‘Fan-Rev’ event takes place in a forest
preserve, as such there will be a need to purchase tents for both the members of the project and the

audio-visual equipment to ensure it will be safe and undamaged. The Gamer Project has also

acquired a lawyer to ensure that release and permission forms are correct. Budget has also been

set aside for advertisements both at the conventions and on social media. This is to ensure the

largest possible pool of participants.

Key Assumptions

Delays in approval from XYZ Agency will result in delays in the overall project. While the local

gaming stores can be rescheduled, the larger events such as GenCon and the Grand Masquerade

cannot. If they are missed due to delays, the content they would provide will not be available

before the event goes live. This will result in a much smaller sample size of the community, and

result in the projects goal to give a well-rounded view of tabletop gaming culture to possibly

inaccurate until a larger population size is queried.


XYZ Agency must give one business day notice when requesting any information that has been

acquired. All participants in the oral history project must sign consent forms allowing their image

and voice to be used by the project. Content creators must sign release forms before their products

will be shown in any video. XYZ Agency may inspect any aspect of the project as long as they

give two business days’ notice.

Current Timeline (to be edited as needed)

08/02/2017 – 08/11/2017

• Edit final editions of survey, permission forms, and interview guideline sheet.
• Obtain web URL and begin working on outline of final site.
• Obtain documentation from Gaming Goat Tinley Park, and Gamer’s World Chicago Ridge
granting permission to speak to patrons during scheduled Friday Night Magic, Yugioh, and
Pokemon game days.
• Ensure all audio/visual materials are fully functioning. Repair/Replace if not.


• Speak to the patrons at the Friday Night Magic event at Gaming Goat Tinley Park and
interview/survey patrons if they give permission

08/13/2017 & 08/14/2017

• Speak to the patrons at the Yugioh and Pokemon events at Gamer’s World in Chicago Ridge, IL.
interview/survey patrons if they give permission.

05/15/2017 – 08/19/2019

GenCon 2017 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

• Player survey and interviews at the exhibition hall.

• Sent assistants to war games and card game rooms to pass out and receive surveys from
• Interview creators from:
o Harebrained Schemes (created Battletech with FASA studios)
o Piazo (Creators of Pathfinder and Starfinder RPG)
• Record gameplay from Pokemon the trading card game, Battletech, and Pathfinder/Stargfinder
RPGs. Use for “what is a …” featurettes.

08/19/2019 – 08/24/2017

• Stay in Indianapolis.
• Compile and organize current data from GenCon and Local Gaming stores.
• Transcribe audio interviews

08/25/2017 – 08/27/2017

• Attend Magic the Gathering Grand Prix, Indianapolis

• Interview and survey professional players, judges, and officials form Wizards of the Coast.


• Attend Sanguine City LARP (Live Action RPG based on Dresden Files)
• Observe and video gameplay
• Interview players and LARP Creator (also set up appointments if time is short)

• Web Site foundation completed

• Begin cleaning videos for bad audio

09/15/2017 – 09/18/2017

• Attend Fantasy Revolution LARP (Fantasy/Steampunk Boffer LARP)

• Observe and record gameplay
• Interview players and staff
• Interview John Mellos, Creator of the game system and LARP.

09/27/2017 – 10/03/2017

• Attend Grand Masquerade 2017 in Tampa Bay Florida

• Interview and survey attendees
• Record any games that we have been given permission to.
• Interview White Wolf staff about current state of game and their own experiences with the
• Interview creator of the World of Darkness documentary.

10/04/2017 – 10/30/2017

• Finish compiling information obtained from all surveys.

o Create web page with charts and graphs showing the results of surveys
• Work on cleaning videos to be added to site.
• Transcribe as many interviews as possible before launch.
• Continue to add completed content to website.
• Ensure links to the content creators that were interviewed and let us record their games in play.


• Oral History Project goes live.

Post 10/31/2017

• Continue to work on site until all documents are added.

• Create and post tabletop 101 videos for visitors who don’t understand the games being played
o Use the gameplay videos that were recorded at GenCon, Grand Masquerade, Grand
Prix, and at the LARPS
Details (notes) Cost
Primary Job & Wages
Director/Photographer Salary $25/hr Aprox. salary between 08/01 & 10/31 $12,500.00
Web Designer Salary $20/hr Aprox. salary between 08/01 & 10/31 $10,000.00
Archivists/interviewers Salary $20/hr Work Data Entry and other tasks $10,000.00
Data Entry/Assistant $15/hr Work Data Entry and other tasks $7,500.00
Data Entry/Assistant $15/hr Aprox. salary between 08/01 & 10/31 $7,500.00
Audio/Visual associate Salary $20/hr Aprox. salary between 08/01 & 10/31 $10,000.00

Indianapolis, Indiana 2 cars/aprox Aprox. 356 miles each $400.00
Hotel, Indianapolis $400 a Night 2 rooms/12 days $4,800.00
Tampa Bay, Florida 5 Tickets Jet Blue Airlines ($366/3 & $504/2) $2,106.00
Hotel, Tampa Bay $400 a night 1 suite 5 people plus equipment $1,600.00

Supplies and Materials
General Supplies paper, printer ink, pens, etc. $2,000.00
Software video/audio editing software & upgrades $1,700.00
Hardware Computer hardware upgrades/purchase $5,000.00
HD Camera & supplies HD Camera, tripods, gear $4,000.00
HD Audio recorder 2 HD recorders $150.00
Lighting portable lighting for video interviews $500.00
GenCon Exhibit Hall Table includes badges $1,500.00
Marketing Materials advertising, tralers online & at conventions  $13,000.00
Internet $50 per month $150.00
Storage  Digital camera  & hard drive storage $2,000.00
URL Domain server space $500.00

Other Costs
Sanguin Tickets $30/person general admission $180.00
Grand Masquerade Tickets $55/person general admission & tax per person $330.00
Fan‐Rev Fees $45/person general admission $245.00
Camping Gear 3 tents, 2 for people 1 for gear $1,500.00
Lawyer Fees Image release and permission forms $400.00

Additional Expenses $2,500.00

Project Funding $100,000.00

Surplus/Shortfall ‐$61.00
Janet Gatz
6119 w 128th Place
Palos Heights, IL 60463
(773) 562-2303

Dominican University, River Forest, IL 2017
Masters of Library and Information Sciences
Certificates: Digital Curation, Archive and Cultural Heritage

Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 2015

Bachelor of Arts in History
Minor: Anthropology, Southeast Asian Studies

Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills, IL 2011

Associate of Arts

Demonstrated ability to identify and troubleshoot critical issues; Over 12 years providing sales and
customer support; experienced in audio and photo digitization; proficient in most common
technology; Microsoft Office; Adobe Pro; competent in Tagalog; proficient in multitasking and
implementing team strategies; Adept with using Past Perfect;


Digital Archivist, WBEZ Radio, Chicago, IL

Feb 2017 - Present
• Organized audio reels, cassettes, disks, and documentation
• Digitization of News articles on DATs and CDs to MP3/WAV files for archive and general
• Compiled digital archive on the WBEZ website for public use.

Archive Intern, Park Forest Historical Society and Museum, Park Forest, IL
Jan 2016 – Feb 2017

• Updating document information about the locations of collections in the archive.

• Accession of new archival material
• Entering information about already existing collations into Past Perfect
• Organization of already existing documentation
• General copying and filing of documents pertaining to the historical society, the museum,
and the individual collections.
• Worked on Park Forest OH! Oral History project organizing and accessioning interviews.
• Photographed artifacts in museum for online exhibit.
Student Assistant, Dominican University School of Information Studies, River Forest, IL,
August 2016 – January 2017
• Answered all incoming calls and handled caller’s inquiries
• Picked up and delivered the mail.
• Greeted, assisted and directed students, staff, and guests.

Archiving Intern, WNIJ Radio, DeKalb, IL

September 2015 – May 2016
• Organized audio reels, cassettes, disks, and documentation
• Digitization of News articles on DATs and CDs to MP3/WAV files for archive and general

Multimedia Inventory Processing, Borders Books & music, Orland Park, IL,
August 1999 - September 2011
• Organization and processing of both incoming and exiting multimedia products
• Construction, of third party multimedia displays
• Assembly and maintenance of weekly sale/new release multimedia displays when
supervisor unavailable.
• Provided customers with friendly and knowledgeable service daily at the registers and
within the main store.


Member, NIU Anthropology Museum Student Advocacy Board, DeKalb, IL, August 2014
December 2015
• Assisted in the organization, supply, and implementation of De-Stress Fest 2015
• Co-Curated Halloween pop-up display October 2015
Phi Alpha Theta, History Honors Society
Phi Kappa Phi, Honors Society
Tau Sigma, National Honors Society
Phi Theta Kappa, National Honors Society
Certification, Academy of Certified Archivists


Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (FLAS), Fall 2013

NIU Dean’s List Fall 2013 - Spring 2014, Spring 2015
Moraine Valley Community College’s President and Dean’s List Spring 2010 – Fall 2011
Brandi Martin
123 Main Street, Naperville, IL 94122
Home: 000-000-0000 | Cell: 000-000-0000
Professional Summary
Dedicated detail oriented Archivist with extensive experience in the research analysis and
appraisal of historical documents. With a respect for the past an understanding of the value of
historical documents and a highly developed sense of organization can bring order to chaos.
Experience with electronic records make contributions current and in demand.

Core Qualifications
• Extensive research and analysis skills
• Database management
• Organizational skills
• Curiosity and respect for the past
• Theory terminology appraisal
• Outreach programs

Case Western University, Cleveland, OH
Master's Degree - Archival Studies 2013

Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH

Bachelor's Degree - Library Science 2009

2016 Certification Academy of Certified Archivists

Archivist, Regional History Center, Dekalb IL.
March 2011 - Present

• Assisted in the development of the Electronic Records Archives (ERA) to deal with the
complicated challenge of managing preserving and allowing access to electronic records.
• Focused on electronic records from 1966 to 2000.
• Contributed to the decisions about what materials should be preserved because of their long-
term research value and to provide information to citizens.
Archivist, Orland Park Historical Society,
October 2005 – February 2011

• Was responsible for archiving material related to the Western Reserve from the period 1662 to
• Focused on everyday writing and record keeping from the period.
• Followed established protocols for maintaining control of records of enduring value.
• Assisted with exhibitions outreach programs and publications to enlist program support.

Assistant Archivist, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH

June 2010 – September 2015

• Grant Funded Project

• Provided research services at the Manuscript Archives and Rare Book Library of Cleveland
State University.
• Assisted in identifying and acquiring valuable manuscripts.
Jonathan Dobsen
100 Broadway Lane, Bollingbrook, IL 60455
Home: 000-000-0000 | Cell: (555) 987-1234
Technically-minded Audio-Visual Technician has exceptional skills with setting up and
connecting equipment for concerts and performances. Possesses strong understanding of all
audiovisual equipment and components. Has strong troubleshooting and repair abilities and an
Associate's Degree in Audiovisual Technology.

Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills, IL
Associate's Degree of Sciences - Audiovisual Technology 2008

Bogan High School, Chicago, IL

High School Diploma 2006

• Extensive knowledge of lighting systems audio and video components
• Good ability to set up all equipment for scheduled live events
• Excellent troubleshooting service and repair skills
• Able to work independently under little supervision
• Strong technical abilities
• Good understanding of miking systems
• Good testing abilities
• Experienced with setting up simple to complex arrangements
• Highly detail-focused

Work Experience
Audio Visual Technician, Tinley Park Event Center and Arena, Tinley Park, IL
6/1/2012 - 9/1/2017
• Set up all audio and visual equipment for large scheduled concerts and sports events.
• Worked with Sound Technicians for testing of sound and microphones.
• Performed system troubleshooting repair and adjustment.
• Set up lighting shows with multiple lasers and video screens.
• Worked with bands to achieve desired results.

Audio Visual Technician, Allstate Arena, Rosemont IL

6/1/2008 - 5/1/2012
• Completed set-up maintenance and repair of audio visual equipment.
• Collaborated with event organizers to design sound and lighting effects.
• Performed troubleshooting as needed.
• Completed complex installations.
• Worked equipment during events when required to do so.
• Set up all video equipment and maintained.
Todd Reins
123 Elm Street
Chicago, IL 60648

Analytical, adaptive, and technically proficient Webmaster seeking Web site development
position with opportunities to utilize advanced technical education, problem-solving abilities,
and graphic design skills.

Advanced: MS Word, Excel, Outlook, and Access; Macromedia Dreamweaver, and Flash;
Adobe PhotoShop and ImageReady, Adobe Illustrator
General: MS PowerPoint and Visio
Advanced: HTML/ XHTML/ DHTML; XML; CSS; JavaScript; Visual Basic .NET; C/ C++;
General: ActionScript; PHP5; MySQL
Advanced: Windows Vista, 8, 10 and Server 2003

Columbia College, Chicago, IL 2002
Bachelors in Arts, Graphic Design
Certificate in Web Design (2011)
Successfully developed alumni Web page in partnership with four other students. Took a lead
role in enhancing the existing Columbia College Web site; ensured all individual code developed
by group members fit together.
Webmaster, ABC Technologies, Chicago, IL
October 2015 - Present
• Managed development and implementation for Web sites and supporting
systems. Hired and supervised 30 persons.
• Oversaw coding, database and software design, software development, systems
integration and consolidation, and compliance.
• Successfully maintained critical business sites during period of 1950% annual growth.
• Met assigned goal of keeping page download times below two seconds.
• Planned and led complete project and software development life cycles.
• Instituted coding standards and version control.
• Managed and implemented development changes to support multiple system upgrades,
including Oracle 8i to 9i RAC to 10g.
Graphic Designer, BCD Corporation, Deerfield, IL
May 2007 – August 2015
• Oversaw the development, production, and maintenance of corporate and divisional Web
sites for one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products.
• Developed Internet strategy, information flow, and usability. Designed, developed, and
marketed worldwide Web site and interactive catalog.
• Produced and managed product catalogs, brochures, roll-out kits, and technical bulletins.
• Created and implemented co-op advertising programs with distributors.
• Decreased base home page download time from one second to 0.3 seconds.
• Played major role in development and launch of formal QA team and processes.
• Introduced Agile development methodologies and re-engineered development team.
• Established multiple leading-edge technologies to facilitate business growth.
• Cloned B2C Web site to create B2B site, resulting in major cost savings.
• Served as Member of Technology Evaluation and Selection Committee.
Daniel Remis
1 Main Street
Chicago, IL 60652
Cell: (555) 322-7337


Detail-oriented and organized Data Entry Clerk extensively trained in spreadsheets, transcription,
word processing, and desktop publishing. Over 10 years of experience managing multiple data
entry projects at once. Transcription expert focused on delivering high quality results in a timely


Report generation
Document management
Confidential information
Proficient with 10-key

Filing systems
Data archiving
Time management
Meticulous attention to detail


Data Entry Clerk, Faerie Yarn Works Chicago, IL

June 2011 to Current

• Manage complete data entry and customer support functions for yarn and craft website.
• Assist owner in streamlining system to facilitate growth into wholesale business.
• Enter customer orders, vendor receipts, and invoices into offline system.
• Compile statistical reports on payments, orders, and outstanding invoices.
• Transcribe phone messages for owner and manage email communications.

Data Entry Clerk, Vine Lawn Supply Frankfort, IL

August 2006 to May 2011

• Input hand-written customer orders and cash, credit, and check payments into system.
• Gathered statistical information about clients and purchases, and created reports for
• Confidentially handled business tax information, legal documents, and customer
• Drafted invoices for vendors and past-due letters for customers.

Data Entry Clerk, JD Wholesale Book and School Supply New Lenox, IL
March 2003 to June 2006

• Updated records for customers and employees on a daily basis.

Supported additional functions in administrative, payroll, and reception areas as needed.
• Processed over 3,000 customer orders per month.
• Logged payments and refunds into system.
• Worked with owner to improve data system and convert to computer-based ordering and
payment format.
Jessica Lachowitz
1 Rockford Ave
Rockford, IL 60152
Cell: (815) 555-7337

Detail-oriented and organized Data Entry Clerk extensively trained in spreadsheets, transcription,
word processing, and desktop publishing. Over 5 years of experience managing multiple data entry
projects at once. Transcription expert focused on delivering high quality results in a timely manner.

Document management, Statistics, worked with Confidential information, Proficient with 10-key.
Comfortable with multiple types of filing systems and data archiving. Good time management skills.
Meticulous attention to detail. Results-oriented


College of DuPage, DuPage, IL 2011

Associate of Sciences

Data Entry Clerk, Silver Dragon Systems Naperville, IL
June 2015 to Current

• Manage complete data entry and customer support functions for yarn and craft website.
• Assist owner in streamlining system to facilitate growth into wholesale business.
• Enter customer orders, vendor receipts, and invoices into offline system.
• Compile statistical reports on payments, orders, and outstanding invoices.
• Transcribe phone messages for owner and manage email communications.

Data Entry Clerk, Vine Lawn Supply Frankfort, IL

August 2006 to May 2011

• Input hand-written customer orders and cash, credit, and check payments into system.
• Gathered statistical information about clients and purchases, and created reports for owner.
• Confidentially handled business tax information, legal documents, and customer information.
• Drafted invoices for vendors and past-due letters for customers.
Player Survey
M F Non-Binary Other
Under 13 13-18 18-24 25-35 35-50 50+

What types of games do you play?

Board games
Role Playing Games (Dungeons & Dragons, Vampire: The Masquerade, Pathfinder)
Miniature Games (Battletech, Warhammer, X-Wing)
Collectable Card Games (Pokemon, Pokemon, Vampire: the Eternal Struggle)
Co-operative Board Games (
Deck Building Games (Legendary, Munchkin)

How often do you play tabletop games?

0-1 day a week 2-3 days a week 3-5 days a week 5+ days a week

How often do you play games face to face?


Have you heard of any online programs to help connect tabletop gamers like Roll20?
Yes No

If Yes, have you used them? How often?

__________________________________ ______________________________

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