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ChiaoJung Hsu

Address: 2F., No.33, Aly. 7, Ln. 290, Sec. 6, Zhongshan N. Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City 111,
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Email: / Tel: 703-270-8075

Education Background

Sep 2017-June 2019. George Mason University,U.S

Degree: Master Major: Accounting

Sep 2008-June 2012. National Pingtung University, Taiwan (R.O.C)

Degree: Bachelor Major: Accounting.

Intership Experience

Jun 2012-Aug 12. GuanYang Technology Co., Ltd. , Taiwan

Department of Production Managemen
 Assisted mangement and control production in the factory.
 Assisted make daily production report and input to the Enterprise Resource
Planning(ERP) system.
 Assisted purching raw material and steel material and control inventory.
 Learned practice of factory.

Jan 2012-Jun 2012. Nation Pingtung University, Taiwan

Teaching assistant
 Assisted professor to collect data and finish research
 Assisted studen’s study and provided them academic assistance.

May 2011/ May 2012 National Taxation Bureau of the Southern Area, Taiwan
Department of Income Tax
 Assisted taxpayers to file their income tax and antswer their related questions.
 Learned income tax laws and combined theory with practice.

Work Experience

Jun 2013-Jul 2016 Grand HC Industrial Co., Ltd., Taiwan

Department of Financial Accounting
 Treated Accounitng daily transation. (Mainly responsible cost accounting )
 Making financial statements. (Balance Sheet and Income statement)
 Assisted chief Accountant making annual budget and analyze the status of
 Design and establish Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) system in the factory.
 Learned operation procedure of accounting and combined theory wih practice.

Skills & Abilities

Professional licence: Certified public bookkeeper, Taiwan

Language: English, Madarin Chinese, Minnan Chinese
Software: Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

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