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Sponsors Amount

SM Corporation 3,500,000
Robinson Group 2,500,000
E-mall Inc. 300,000
Jollibee 2,000,000
McDonalds 2,000,000
Maxx Restaurant 500,000
Naga City LGU 50,000
DOT Naga Chapter 50,000
Registration fee per participants (10,000 x 1000) 1,000,000
Total Revenue 11,900,000
Tour Package Sponsored by DOT Naga Chapter FREE
Permit and License Sponsored by LGU Naga FREE
Event Venue (30, 000php/day) 150,000
Economy Room with 4 single beds, AC and 2 Bathrooms 3,500php/room with 20%
discount 2,800,000
5 meals (Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack and Dinner) 250,000
PhilTranco Transportation (650php x 1000 participants) 650,000
Ballpen - Faber Castle 18php/pen 1,800
Monggol Pencil per box 84.75php (12pcs) 85 boxes 7,204
Brown Envelope 10php/b-envelope 10,050
Steno Notes 35php/notes 35,175
Seminar Handbook 50php/SH 50,250
Tarpaulin 15,000
Tokens like Pigurens 50,000
Plaque for Guest Speakers (3) 9,000
Certificate with frame (3) 1,500
Certificate without frame 1,000
Printed Polo shirts as give-away 350php 350,000
Security Personnel PNP and NBI 100,000
Medical Service/Team 50, 000
BFP 50, 000
MOR Radio 25,000
93.5 mhz For Life Radio 25,000
Love Radio 25, 000
News Paper - Manila Bulletin 35,000
ABS CBN Television 50,000
Total Expenses
Project Revenue 11,900,000
Project Expenses 4,615,979
Total Profit 7,284,021

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