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My first visit to kitchen

 Wake up in the morning.
 Enter into the kitchen.
 Need to prepare breakfast.
 Milk, bread toast ( Using toaster)
 There is three types of vessels – Copper, Aluminum, Iron
 I am confused in choosing the vessel.
 I ask mother for advice.
 Mother said to take copper vessel with Bakelite holder.
 Lit the gas stove placed hand above, very hot(convection) on sides
 Pour milk into the copper vessel and place it on the stove for boiling.
 I tried to take the vessel from the stove but my hand got burnt and I
cried louder(copperis a good conductor).
 On hearing this, my mother told me to use a cloth (poor conductor)
to take the vessel away.
 Then I poured the milk into a plate and cooled faster because at that
time, there is cool breeze coming from sea nearby!.
 Then I want to make bread toast using the toaster.
 I see a red color in the toaster. Red hot and heat radiation
 I enjoyed my breakfast (bread & milk)
 Mom had kept a glass of hot milk hot water but milk was still
hot(specific heat capacity very high)
 Then I went out to play wearing my favorite black shirt with my
friend X.
 While playing I feel very hot and I told this to my friend but he is not
feeling too hot as he wears white shirt.


 As I came back,I saw my bro holding a thermometer which my

mom has with her to take to school,and trying to see the temp,as
he was having fever .
 I told he cant note body temperature by a lab(celcius
thermometer) and took out the clinical( degree Fahrenheit
)thermometer and put the mercury bulb under his toungue
carefully and after 3 mnts ,saw the gradation of 1degree divided
into ten divisions and calculated the reading whch came as
98.8deg F.i said “you are just 0.2 degree above normal!!”
 We felt the concrete room very hot which was radiating heat and
switched on the cooler situated near the ceiling which will send
the cool denser air down by convection..and enjoyed the cool

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