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This country called Philippines the people here were

not well-discipline so how come that the country may achieve
it goals and expectations if the people of itself can't
cooperate. Until the President Duterte came.

Duterte also known "Digong". And he is also a Filipino

lawyer and politician who is the 16th president of the
Philippines. And he was among the longest serving mayor in
Davao City. Our beloved President has also a warm hearted
person. He always wants peace and love in our country he is
also against in drugs sendicate, corruption and etc.

He is very responsible person he make sure our country

is safe even that we have many problems nowadays he really
secure us. He is the only President who has accomplish the
illegal drug and he is also declare nationwide drug war in
the Philippines.
Duterte started his education at Labon Elementary School in
Maasin. But his high school life was not smooth at all. But
he became successful to finish his study and now he is our
beloved president in the Philippines he is the good example
in our country that he never give up and lose hope that our
country can save in corruption, illegal drugs and many more.
His personality in others were not good but he ignores it he
just want to be his self. I admired him because of his
strong attitude he is not afraid of everyone as long that he
is in the right track. There are so many bad comments that
we heard against him. But he can handle it in his own way. I
know and I believe in 6 years our country will be in peace.
No war, no crimes, no corruptions and most of all no illegal
drugs that can destroy lives of many people especially the


For you, what comes into your mind when you hear the

Is it something that judging a girl even though you don't

know the story of a teen-age lady who had a case like this.
Philippines was considered as one of the most numbers of
teenagers who have cases like this. We can't control they
what we call temptations where in the teenagers can't
control and pass through their limitations they commit they
what we call pre-marital sex. Do you know that a young
lady's body can't be ready for delivering and sustaining a
baby on her tummy? Where in that baby of her can't gain
enough nutrients from her body because the teenagers body
was in the level of preparation. Sometimes the baby will
grown up with lack of comprehension, disability and others.

So now, we'll need to find a way for this. We can't be

thief and mute! We'll need to guide our childrens and for
the next generations. The only thing that I can see for an
answer is a guidance. A guidance of a parents and guardians.
We all know that the childrens of today is way different
from our childrens of yesterday. For we can't control their
lives because the more we wanted to control them, the more
they get agressive.

Teen-agers think that they all know everything and then

after they make mistakes then that way they will realize
everything. They will be sorry for their parents and take it
as a lesson. But when we guide them the only thing that
comes into their mind that they should be wise so that they
can't go wrong someday. What are we waiting for? We need to
move! Let's help our childrens to fight teen-age pregnancy.
For they are the youth and the hope of the world.



We all like to have a good time every now and then. We

want to laugh, hold hands, and make memories that will last
a lifetime. Who does not like a good road trip, hiking, or
skiing with friends? Regardless of the event, memories are
made that will stay with us all our lives. Many of us did
not have big magical eventful birthday parties as children
and this is why I would like to discuss party planning for

When planning for a child’s birthday party, several

factors should be considered during the process. To make the
party interesting, the host should always include the
birthday girl/boy in coming up with the theme of the party.
This is important because most of the guests at the party
will be children their own age with similar interests. The
theme should assist in creating the perfect environment and
décor for the occasion.

For instance, if it is a girl’s birthday party, the

theme could be ‘Party Princess’ and therefore the theme
color may be pink. All the decorations, as well as the cake,
should be in line with the selected theme to keep the
guests, especially the children, entertained. If possible, a
bouncing castle to reinforce the theme should be put up, if
the party venue has enough room to accommodate it.
To grab the attention of the adult guests as well as the
children, birthday invitations should be sent out in advance
with the theme of the party marked on the front of the
invitation. Each guest should also make an effort to dress
children in line with the theme to make them feel as if they
are part of the celebrations. This also gives them time to
shop for an appropriate gift for the birthday boy/girl.

Furthermore, considering that children grow impatient

effortlessly, the party should not go on for more than three
hours. Who wants to spend more than three hours running
around after children who are on a sugar high? Not me!
Within the short period of the party time, a list of games
and activities should be lined up for the children to engage
in as they wait for the grand finale of cake cutting and
present opening.

As the host and party planner of this event, your main

concern should be the safety of the children as well as fun.
Phew! Talk about multitasking. Everything from the cutlery
to the playground, as well as lining up the entertainment
should be non-hazardous. Just as importantly, the adults
should also have a good sense of humor, drinks will spill
and toys will be broken, but you should keep it light to
avoid dampening the mood with scolding. Imagine a party with
twenty sulking children – mood kill.

After the cake has been cut and the gifts have been
opened, the host may choose to engage both the adults and
children in a final closing activity. For instance, they may
participate in a scavenger hunt in which each child finds an
object with a thank you gift inside which they get to keep.
Taking home such a souvenir after a fun-filled afternoon
will definitely ensure they remember this for a long time to


Racism is one of the most important social issues of

the modern world. It has affected millions of people
worldwide, and is one of the deepest social problems in
history. The history of what we call racism which is the
discrimination of other groups on the basis of their
different descent begins in the Early Modern Period. This
worldwide issue has caused countless problems so it is
imperative they we analyze this in order to better
understand it. We will look at the origins of racism, its
history, and its decline in the present alongside remaining
vestiges of racism in our society.

To begin our discussion we will look at the origins of

racism. The word racism comes from the German word rassen
which meant “breed”. The early European explorers and
colonists in the Americas and elsewhere viewed different
peoples as having a different descent, and attributed to
this descent different properties. They viewed different
races as being superior or inferior to one another largely
based on their perception of how they related to themselves.
This would have a horrible effect on the relations between
races in the following centuries as European colonial armies
spread out in all directions of the world.

As Europeans colonized new areas of the world they

would initiate caste systems of racial discrimination and
rank the races as they saw fit. Over the centuries in what
would become America as well as Central and South America
many Africans had been brought as slaves because the
Europeans felt they were an inferior slave race. As time
passed and intellect and morality progressed people began to
question this and to oppose it. New movements arose fighting
for equality. This took its greatest form in the American
Civil War. Over half a million people died in the war for
the freedom and equality of African slaves.
Though the Civil War ended slavery discrimination
lingered on in the form of Jim Crow laws and other forms of
racial discrimination in the legal and social framework of
the country and created deep tensions between many parts of
the country. This would come to an end when the Civil Rights
Movement was born in the 1950’s and 1960’s. This movement
pushing for an end to racial discrimination and segregation
would be lead by such great figures as Martin Luther King
Jr. and Malcolm X. With a great push by the Civil Rights
Movement and many Americans increasing concern with social
causes segregation and discrimination would be ended though
for many they would linger on in their attitudes and
viewpoints concerning other races. The history of racism has
been a long and frightening one having brought such terrors
as slavery and the holocaust. We must be always vigilant
that this evil does not bring ruin yet again.

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