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Major Types of World Vegetation

 Tropical and subtropical forests

o Lowland evergreen rain forest and semi-evergreen rain forest
o Tropical montane forest
o Tropical cloud forest
o Monsoon forest and tradewind forest
o Tropical and subtropical deciduous forest, thorn forest, and thorn
o Tropical hammock and subtropical hammock
 Savanna (tropical grasslands)
o Savanna grassland
o Savanna woodland and parkland
 Temperate grasslands
o Prairie
o Desert grassland
o Steppe
 Heathland
o Mediterranean-type scrub
o Sclerophyll woodland
o Open- and closed-scrub heathland
o Cold and high elevation heathland
o Wet and dry sclerophyll forest
 Desert and desert-like scrub
o Shrub steppe
o Warm desert scrub
o Fog desert scrub
o Cool desert scrub
o Salt desert and inland alkali-sink scrub
 Temperate forest
o Temperate summergreen deciduous and mixed evergreen-deciduous
o Temperate rain forest
o Temperate and montane coniferous forest
o Cool temperate rain forest

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