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Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. Vol. 24, No. 3, pp.

145-154, 1987 0148-9062i87 S3.00+0.00

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright © 1987 Pergamon Journals Ltd

Closure Analysis in Deep Tunnels


Wall displacements and ground pressure acting on the lining of a tunnel

increase with time. These time-dependent deformations are both due to face
advance effect and to the time-dependent behaviour of the rock mass. Based
on the differentiation of these two effects, an analysis of convergence mea-
surements of two different tunnels is described and a convergence law is
proposed. It is shown that this law is applicable for tunnels excavated in very
different conditions and can fit the in situ closure measurements closely from
this analysis; a method for predicting the closure is proposed.

INTRODUCTION analyze convergence measurements themselves, to deter-

mine a law for the tunnel closure and to propose a
When a tunnel is driven through a rock mass, its state
quantitative method to predict the final value of wall
of equilibrium is disturbed. Wall displacements and
ground pressure on the lining increase with time for
several weeks or even several months after a new section
has been excavated. The modern tunnelling methods are INTERPRETATION OF CONVERGENCE
based on interpretation of the time-convergence relation MEASUREMENTS
that is controlled by the time-dependent rock mass
Monitoring has now been widely proven to be efficient
behavior and the excavation and support history. Mon-
in the construction of underground excavation, both for
itoring of wall displacements has become an integral part
the safety and the economical aspects. The easiest and
of the design of underground openings.
most reliable parameter recorded in the field is certainly
The interpretation of these measurements is based on
the convergence of tunnel walls.
the use of numerical models which can now involve the
The aim of this measurement is to determine the
time dependent behaviour of rock and can incorporate
variation in the distance between 2 opposite points of the
different features like non-symmetric radial loadings,
tunnel wall. The measuring stations must be installed as
multiple stage excavation to represent the advancing
near to the face as possible at a distance x0 at time to;
face, lining placement delay [1-3]. The main difficulty is
the initial measurement of the diameter is then Do. At
now the determination of the correct parameters of these
time tl, the distance of the measuring section to the face
models; numerical simulation methods are now in ad-
is x and the diameter is then D. The convergence C
vance of the availability of input ground characteristics.
which is a function of x and t = tl - to is defined as C
The determination of these parameters based on data
(x, t) = D - Do.
from geological and geotechnical investigations is very
These measurements are used in practice to evaluate
delicate. Shape and scale effects may appear in phenom-
tunnel performance and to adapt the lining to the
ena like the viscosity or consolidation of a rock mass and
encountered conditions. For example, in mining exca-
it is very difficult to extrapolate laboratory results to field
vation the convergence is used to detect tertiary creep.
At the Arlberg tunnel, John [4, 5] the closure rate was
Numerical models can only give an a posteriori inter-
used to determine when additional rock bolting was
pretation of measurements because the ground charac-
required and what the optimum bolt length should be.
teristics and the time-dependent parameters can only be
Kaiser and Morgenstern [6] have shown that it is
properly determined by back analyzing the long-term
pgssible to determine convergence rate functions that
closure observations.
separate 3 modes of tunnel behaviour, pre-failure mode,
Instead of using convergence measurements to check
stable yield zone propagation mode and unstable or
a constitutive behaviour law and to determine the
rupture mode. Based on these convergence rate func-
ground parameters, it has been decided in this study to
tions, a good prediction of tunnel performance can be
* Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chauss6es, Centre d'Enseignement achieved.
et de Recherche de M6canique des SoB, Paris, France. It is essential to match closely the actual mechanisms
~Simecsol, Professeur-Adjoint F.cole Nationale des Ponts &
Chauss6es, Paris, France.
involved in the time-dependent process in order to
~, Elf Aquitaine, D6partement Recherehes Exp6rimentations et provide reliable prediction. The time dependent face
Applications M6canique des Roches, Pau, France. advance which appears as a delayed loading has to be
R.M.M.$. 24/3---A 145

a. /°"" °Q {O) Function 1 - ( x+xX )2

O o,.~e
400 ~/;'°
to /
1-^,., ~ o o.56 o.~5 3 o;, I

1.0- .e

/ ......®...
~ .°,,.,°.... /
~~,~ .°",°.," .° Q
200 I .°..~°°~.t' °.0~ 0.5 /

lOO I I I [ I I
I o 1 2 3 4 5 6
50 o'"°" x
10 rI I I I ( ._T_T~o.3
(b) Function 1 - ~ T + t /
230 250 300 350 400 PM
0 10 50 100 t (doys) t-(,.-Tr) o o.19 o.e9 0.80
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [:~::~i;~ii~ 1.O
!p'ldSb;4".2i!..::!~:iPM'SbB:O'.');PM~503,'5::':x'.. O':'./.':'::~~
e ~ u --
Fig. 1. Influence of interruption of excavation on 3 convergence f
stations situated at various distances from the face (from [I 1]). 0.5
recognized and separated from the time-dependent rhe- o
50 100
ological behaviour of the rock mass. l

The presented method is basically a curve-fitting T

technique of the convergence function C recorded in situ _( T y 3

Fig. 2. (a) Function I - x ~ ' (b) Function 1 \t~J "
versus the distance of the instrumented section to the
face, x, and the time t. While the face is close to the
considered section, the dominant parameter is the dis- This function matched the computed closure curve
tance to the face and, on the other hand, when the face obtained by a three dimensional finite element analysis
is far ahead its influence vanishes and the deformations with elastic properties. However, in the case of elas-
are controlled by the rheological behaviour of the rock toplastic behaviour, this function cannot be used. Panet
mass. The distance of influence of the face can be and Guenot [9] have presented a numerical analysis of
evaluated from convergence measurements monitored the advancing face effect for the case of an unlined
during a period with an interruption of the excavation. circular tunnel driven through an elastoplastic material.
While the advance is interrupted the closure goes on They have considered 12 different cases for the elas-
because of the time-dependent properties of the ground. toplastic behaviour including a strain-softening behav-
When the advance is resumed, a discontinuity in the iour case. Their major conclusions were the following:
slope of the convergence curves appears. This increase of
--the face advance effect for elastoplastic material
the closure rate occurs for a certain distance behind the
can be fairly well represented by the following function
face that depends on the radius of the excavation and
(Fig. 2a)
also on the behaviour of the rock mass. For example,
during the excavation of the Frejus Tunnel, the face C(x) = C~o~[1 - ( X / ( x + X))2];
advance was interrupted during 22 days at point PM
- - i n the latter expression, the parameter ,V is a
5103.5. The convergence curves of 3 sections with dis-
distance related to the plastic radius rp around the tunnel
tance to the face respectively of 5 m, 29 m and 63 m are
far behind the face,
shown on Fig. 1. For the 2 first sections, the change of
the slope is very noticeable when the advance is resumed._ X = arp
The third section does not, however, show a discon-
where a is a constant parameter which was found equal
tinuity in the slope of the convergence.
to 0.84.

The advancing face effect The time-dependent behaviour effect

In the case of an elastic medium, Panet [7] and Gaudin During an interruption of the face advance or far
et al. [8] proposed to analyze the convergence C versus away behind the face, the closure of tunnel is only due
the distance to the face with the following function. to the time-dependent properties of the rock mass (creep
deformation or progressive extension of the yield zone
C(x) = C ~x [ 1 - exp( - x/X)]. which modifies slowly the equilibrium state).

C r ~ l e de Polnte du F r ~ j u s
to Cresta tro l o Puma Frejus O 0 , 2 5 0 , 5 0 O,75 1 1,5 km
tO c/me du Grand VolLon o to Punto d e l Gron V o l t o n e SCALES:Let H=1/25 ODD
Cr~te du
MO~I Ro~d ou
Rocher des Domes
Zone d*~cc~ttes ou :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
J terrains v a r l ~ ::i!:~ii!i~!~ii-iii!!:~!~
~4 TortOni dJversi Torrent du :~!:!i!:!:i:~:::::i:~;~;:;~:
Grand VoKon ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::~i~::iii~::::,To.en,e des PIo. dott'Acqu. ~_
Corgnoutesl """ " ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ct"
i::~::':':~ :i:::::):
I~ RT,CAL SRaFT i~ii:iiii::i ~ Votlone di
Anhydrlte ~ ! . :il:!:!:;::::::::: ::::::::: ::::: :::::::::::i:i:i:i
~ r ....:-:~:" .:::iiiiiiiiiiii
:a O'!~ii" :i:i:i:i:i:i: ::::::::::::::::::::: :~:~:!~!!i!i~!!~.
: ::::iiiiii:!:i!::
i.!!!!~i Rochemoltes
Vo,t'. de t' " ~ .....I .............l-:,:,:.I ............................
• -,-':::: :~:~:d.:.:.:~:.:`:.~:;~::~:~:<~A::~:~:.:~:~::H:::::::~:~I:::I:::~:~::::::~::~:~:~::~::~::~:::::::::::::~::::::::::::I:::~:~:::::::;::I:~::::~:~:::~k:~I:::~:::~:::::::~:~:::::::~:~ ~!:i~!:i:ii!:::!!i!?ii~lE:!:~:::~:i:i:i:~:i:!:i:i:!i:ii|
o]o i:!~!~ii!!!:::i:!:!iiii!i!:i~iiiiii:!~
ii~iiiiiii!iiiiol li:i!i:iii:ii!!i!!j!!!~i~i::!~i:i:i:~
O , :O: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::oIO1
L.,.OES-OOOT~ ~ °1 °l oO°1 ~1 ~81 8I oi oOl 818I 8 o, .............
~n ¢o m ¢o 0 0 0~i~ ,hi
TSTANZ E P A R Z t r A L T 820 450 510 420 2 0 620 610 470 320 700 550 690 370 $30 630 = 410 ~ 710 SOG O
0 820 1270 1 7 8 0 2103 2490 3370 3 9 8 0 4139 4770 5680 6210 6413 6950 7200 7590 8140 8868 9200 10030 oP-o o~o ~r ~o o
2200 2750 4450 4980 O O ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ rll


0 2 4m

Fig. 3. Longitudinal section and cross section of the Frejus tunnel.


To describe this effect, the authors usually use an an infinite rate of face advance (no time-dependent
exponential or a logarithmic function; far away behind effect)
the face, the closure is represented by one of the c~x(l + m): final closure.
following functions.
In the following section, we present the results ob-
C(/) = A(1 - e x p ( - t / T ) ) tained in fitting the closure for 2 different tunnels.
or C ( t ) = A log (1 + t/T).
The exponential function is obtained in the case of a
This equation has been used in an a posteriori analysis
Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic medium.
of closure measurements for the Frejus tunnel between
The analysis of closure measurements has been carried
France and Italy and the Las-Planas tunnel in the south
out for the Frejus tunnel. The study of the closure far
of France.
away behind the face showed by curve fitting that neither
an exponential nor a logarithmic function could fit Description of the two tunnels
correctly the experimental data. On the other hand, the The Frejus road tunnel was constructed to link France
data could be fitted with a very good approximation and Italy between Modane and Bardoneccia at an
with the following function: average altitude of 1260 m. The tunnel is 12.78 km long
and ascends towards the Italian end at a uniform rate of
C(t) = A(1 - - [T/(t + T)]"}
0.54%. A typical cross section is shown in Fig. 3. The
with T homogeneous to a relaxation time and n > 0 depth of overburden varies from 600 to 1200 m along
(Fig. 2b). most of the length of the tunnel, with a maximum of
1700 m.
General form of the convergence law With the exception of the end zones on the Italian and
The closure C must be expressed as a function of the the French sides, the tunnel is excavated through schis-
2 parameters x and t. It has been assumed by several tose rock whose characteristics remain relatively con-
authors than C could be considered as the sum of 2 stant. The tunnel was driven following the line of strata,
functions: the schistosity plane being tangential to the wall of the
C(x, t) = C,(x) + C2(t ) tunnel at point 2 (Fig. 3). The support method com-
prised the systematic setting of rock bolts placed around
Ct depending on the distance to the face x and C2 being the crown of the tunnel and in the walls.
related to the time-dependent properties of the ground. Systematic convergence measurements were taken
Panet [7] showed that such a relation is verified in the from the walls of the tunnel in 150 instrumented sections
case of a Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic medium. Closure on the French side.
records collected during the Frejus tunnel excavation The Las Planas tunnel on the French Motorway A.8
were used for the initial analysis. These measurements (close to Nice) was excavated through marly soil. In the
could be well described using the following functions: first stage of excavation, the opening had an elliptic
C,(x) = C~x{1 - [X/(x + X)] 2} shape as shown in Fig. 4 with a shotcrete support.
Nine sections were instrumented in a zone where the
C2(t) = A{1 - (T/(t + T)]°'s}. overburden is about 100m and the convergence was
monitored in the 3 directions a, b, c.
It has been shown from the study of subsequent
For both tunnels, the support has been consistent
interruptions of the face advance that the parameter A
throughout all the measurements.
was in fact dependent also on the distance to the face x;
however A(x)/C~(x) was equal to a constant m. The
function A(x) having the same form as Cl(x) is quite I
natural; when an instrumented section is within the
distance of influence of the face, the rock is not fully o -10.5m
stressed and the time-dependent deformation is less b.c-5.Sm

important. These results allowed us to propose the

following expression for the closure C:
C(x, t) = C~.,{1 - [X/(x + X)] 2}
(1 + m{[1 -[T/(t + T)]"}). i
This function depends on five parameters x, T, n,
C:~x, m \ ..o/
!; !

\. a:/ I //I
X: distance related to the distance of influence of the
T: characteristic parameter of the time-dependent
properties of the ground Fig. 4. Cross section of Las Planas tunnel with the positions of
C:~,: "instantaneous closure" obtained in the case of convergence bases during the excavation of the upper part.

9 (O) Station 5
)~ ~ l . o ........j_~e e e....~ oe.,

• Convergence measured
Convergence caLcuLated
E /4f °''
u 5
=01 4


5 12 35 50 82 139 173 195 210

Time (days)



(b) S t a t i o n 1 2 4

0,,o,tl.- "E 15o

(c) S t a t i o n 125

J. --t-- ti-i: I
.°°IJ • Converoence m e a s u r e d - -
Convergence caLcuLated



• Convecg0nce measured
Converqence caLcuLated

18 30 4 6 58 74 85 102 131 0
50 i i , , %7 14 23 35 4 9 61 70 92 121
Time (days) so . T i m e (days)
100 '%
E \- • ,--.... 8 loo i i

200 \, iN
== \ o

\\ ~
o 300 \ 300 ""1
_ 400 400

Fig, 5. Measured and calculated convergences on 3 stations of the Frejus tunnel. (a) Station No. 5. (b) Station No. 124. (c)
Station No. 125.

Closure curve fitting then C - C(x0) and this fact must be taken into account
The analysis' has been carried out on several character- in the curve fitting.
istic sections of the Frejus tunnel in the direction 1-4 and The parameters o f the time law are first determined on
for the 9 sections in the 3 directions of the Las Planas the part o f the convergence curve where the distance to
tunnel. For each tunnel support, conditions were the the face is greater than the distance o f influence o f the
same during the course of the experiment. face. The parameter ,I" is then calculated on the first
At time t = 0, the distance o f the instrumented section points o f the curve. For both tunnels, the exponent n was
to the face is x0. The convergence actually measured is found to be equal to 0.3.

( a ) Base A - P r o f i l e 7 PM 2 6 5 . 5

61Hll lIT r[ I

c 2

7.93 13.41 26.20
Time (days)

• Convergence measured
C o n v e r g e n c e caLcuLated



( b ) Base B - P r o f i L e 5PM 2 4 5 . 4

12 I II

~ 8
• Convergence measured
c - - Convergence caLcuLated

~ 4

1.32 4.52 6.61 8.08 13.78 26.22 33.22

Time (days)


o 1OO


Fig. 6(a) and (b)


(C) Base C-ProfiLe 4 PM 2 3 8 . 4

E • Convergence measured

Conver ¢.~ence caLcuLated


5 7.82 14.81 33.55
Time (days)





Fig. 6. Measured and calculated convergences on three stations of Las Planas tunnel. (a) Station 7 (PM 265,5) Base A. (b)
Station 5 (PM 245,4) Base B. (c) Station 4 (PM 238.4) Base C.

For each curve, a parameter S is defined as the average Major conclusions are given as the following:
relative error
- - a very good approximation to the data has been
1 n I C i m - Cicl
s =;,E obtained with this convergence law for the 2 different
tunnels (Figs 5 and 6),
- - f o r the same tunnel, the parameters X, T and m are
almost constant from one base of measure to another in
n: is the number of points; the same tunnel section and also from one section to
Cim: is the convergence measured at point i; another, even when the absolute values of the closure are
Cic: is the convergence calculated at point i. v e r y d i f f e r e n t ( T a b l e s l a a n d b).

Table la. Convergence parameters for some sections of the Frejus and Las Planas
Fre|us tunnel
C= total C~x
Section PM x (m) T (days) C®x (mm) m (ram) C~ total S%
3 (1814) 12.8 4.5 93 4.19 483 0.19 1.0
5 (1838) 20 2.2 24.8 3.89 121.2 0.20 2.2
7 (1872) 20 2.2 22.8 4.41 123.4 0.185 3.4
10 (1947) 20 8 24.2 3.63 112 0.216 8.9
122 (5204) 14 5.5 39.2 5.64 260.2 0.15 1.0
123 (5235) 14.7 3.5 96.8 3.08 394.8 0.245 1.4
124 (5279) 11.2 2.7 64.3 3.30 276.7 0.23 3.1
125 (5323.5) 12.1 2.2 54.3 3.17 226.7 0.24 0.8
128 (5430) 12 3 45.6 4.17 235.6 0.12 1.5
Las Planas tunnel
Base A
Initial C®x C~ total C~x
Section 0 (m) X (m) T (mm) m (ram) C~ total S%
2 10.33 4.5 0.3 4.5 2.78 17 0.26 7.5
4 10.34 1 0.3 5 2.5 17.5 0.29 4.9
5 10.08 2.5 0.2 8 2.19 25.5 0.31 4.3
6 10.94 2.5 0.2 4.5 3.56 20.5 0.22 3.9
7 10.93 4.5 0.1 2 3.0 8 0.25 6.2
8 11.01 4.5 0.2 3 2.67 11 0.27 12.5
9 10.63 2.5 0.3 5.5 2.64 20 0.28 5.4

Table lb. Convergence parameters for some sections of Las Planas tunnel
Base B
Initial C~:~ C~ total C,:~
Section O (m) X(m) T(days) (ram) m (mm) C~ total S%
2 5.92 3.5 0.3 3 3.17 12.5 0.24 5.0
4 5.82 3 0.3 4 2.63 14.5 0.28 14.0
5 5.56 2.5 0.t5 5.5 2.36 18.5 0.30 6.5
6 6.03 4.5 0.I 3 2.27 9.8 0.31 14.0
7 6.33 4.5 0.25 2 2.8 7.6 0.27 8.4
8 6.48 4.5 0.5 4 2.38 t3.5 0.30 17.6
9 6.27 3.5 0.4 5 2.40 t7 0.29 9.6
Base C
2 5.80 3.5 0.3 4.5 2.8 17 0.26 5.5
4 6.08 3.6 0.2 3.2 2.6 11.5 0.28 5.0
5 5.92 3.5 0.1 3 2.8 11.5 0.20 7.1
6 6.31 4.5 0.2 3 2.3 10 0.30 11.5
7 6.28 4.5 0.2 1.5 3 6 0.25 9.8
8 6.28 3.5 0.4 3 2.0 9 0.33 17.0
9 5.95 3 0.1 3 2.3 I0 0.30 8.9

Table 2a. Prediction of final convergence by curve-fitting of parameter C~x on

the first measurements
Frejus tunnel
Crcx C~: total P C:~ total 2b (C~: - C~t) %
Section (mm) S% (mm) (mm) C:~l
3 96.6 1.8 483.0 477.1 1.2
5 27.7 8.8 121.1 136.9 12.9
7 22.7 14.4 123.4 112.4 8.9
122 44 6.8 260.2 217,2 16.5
123 86.4 3.8 394.8 427.0 8. I
124 60.9 6.4 276.7 301.1 8.8
125 52.5 5.1 226.7 259.3 14.4
Las Planas tunnel
Base A
Initial C~, C~ total I c C~ total 2d ( C ~ : - C,~1) %
Section O (m) (mm) S% (ram) (ram) C~ I
2 10.33 3.9 11 17.0 14.0 17.6
4 10.34 3.4 7.3 17.5 12.2 30
5 10.08 8.7 17.5 25.5 31.2 22
6 10.94 6.2 7.1 20.5 22.2 8.2
7 10.93 2.3 5 8.0 8.3 3.7
8 11.01 4 15.6 11.0 14.3 30
9 10.63 6.7 9 20.0 24.3 21.5
a C~ total 1: final convergence calculated by curve-fitting of the four parameters
C=x, T, 3(, m (see Table la).
b C~: total 2: final convergence calculated by curve-fitting of the only parameter
C:~x with data X = 15.l m, T = 3.75 days, m -- 3.9.
c C:~ total 1: final convergence calculated by curve-fitting of the four parameters
C=x, T, X, m (see Table lb).
d C:~ total 2: final convergence calculated by curve-fitting of the only parameter
C~x with data X = 3.6 m, T = 0.23 days, m = 2.6

Table 2b. Prediction of the final convergence by curve-fitting of parameter C:~x

on the first measurements for the Las Planas tunnel
Base B
Initial C:~x S C• total I C~ total 2 (C~:2- C=~) %
Section 0 (m) (mm) % (mm) (ram) C:~ j
2 5.92 3.2 7.4 12.5 11.5 8.0
4 5.82 3.0 21.1 14.5 10.7 26.0
5 5.56 6.4 17.0 18.5 22.9 23.8
6 6.03 2.7 I 1.0 -9.8 9.7 1.0
7 6.33 1.9 20.8 7.6 6.8 10.5
8 6.48 3.1 10.3 13.5 11.2 17.0
9 6.27 4.4 5 17.0 15.8 7.0
Base C
2 5.80 4.6 6.1 17.0 16.6 2.3
4 6.08 3.2 5.0 11.5 11.5 0.0
5 5.92 3.4 8.7 11.5 12.2 6. I
6 6.31 2.4 24.7 10.0 8.5 15.0
7 6.28 1.4 14.7 6.0 5.2 13.3
8 6.28 2.5 21.4 9.0 8.8 2.2
9 5.95 3.8 14.5 10.0 13.5 35.0

Table 3. An example of curve-fitting convergence Table 4a. Planas tunnel, an example of curve-
measurements of Frejus tunnel by calculating the fitting convergence measurements by calculating the
only parameter C=x only parameter C~x
C measured C computed C measured C computed
T (days) X (m) (ram) (ram) T (days) X (m) (ram) (mm)
0 2 0 0 0 l 0 0
7 25 130.5 134.3 0.25 2.4 1.3 1.3
9 34 153.3 154.0 0.44 3.5 1.9 2
12 47 176.9 174.4 0.63 4.6 2.3 2.6
13 50 182.2 179.3 0.89 6.0 3.3 3. I
24 95 210.9 216.6 1.22 8. I 3.9 3.6
27 105 216.9 222.9 1.43 9.6 3.5 3.8
30 125 222.6 228.9 1.61 10.7 3.8 4.0
42 171 236.2 245.4 1.78 12.3 4.2 4.1
53 172 242.9 255.4 2.41 12.3 4.6 4.4
63 172 249.5 262.5 5.20 12.3 5.3 5.0
84 199 259.6 274.2 5.70 16. I 5.4 5. I
93 252 263.3 278.5 6.25 20.5 5.4 5.3
104 303 267.9 282.9 6.82 20.6 5.4 5.3
135 489 273.6 292.4 7.61 29.9 5.7 5.5
Data: X = 15.1 m, T = 3.75 days, m = 3.9. Section 7.93 30.6 5.7 5.5
123, C®x = 86.4 mm (computed), PM = 5235. 13.41 49.0 5.7 5.9
26.20 I 12.5 5.8 6.2
Data: X = 3.6 m, T = 0.23 days, m = 2.6. Base A,
section 7, PM = 265.5. C®x = 2.5 mm (computed).
- - T h e a m o u n t o f closure C ~ due to the face a d v a n c e
was f o u n d to be only 2 5 % o f the t o t a l m e a s u r e d value. Table 4b. Las Planas tunnel, an example of curve-
fitting convergence measurements by calculating the
Since then, this convergence law has been used for only parameter C®x
different tunnels b y several a u t h o r s (Kaiser, p e r s o n a l C measured C computed
c o m m u n i c a t i o n , [15].) T (days) X (m) (ram) (mm)
0 1.5 0 0
0.17 2.5 0.4 1.1
INTERPRETATION AND 0.35 3.8 2.6 2.3
A P P L I C A T I O N O F THE RESULTS 0.58 5.6 4.2 3.4
0.77 7.0 4.9 4.0
T h e 4 p a r a m e t e r s T, X, m, n, are c h a r a c t e r i s t i c o f the 0.94 7.0 5.3 4.2
g l o b a l b e h a v i o u r o f the r o c k m a s s a n d o f the i n t e r a c t i o n 1.04 9.2 5.1 4.6
1.25 9.9 5.8 4.9
between the g r o u n d a n d the s u p p o r t . A p a r a m e t r i c s t u d y 1.70 13.5 7.1 5.5
o f the influence o f the lining stiffness o n the p a r a m e t e r s 1.8l 13.9 7.1 5.6
o f the convergence law s h o w e d t h a t m a n d n are 2.02 15.3 7.6 5.8
2.17 16.2 7.6 5.9
i n d e p e n d e n t o f this rigidity. T h e conclusions f r o m the 2.33 17.4 7.9 6.0
a b o v e analysis allow the p r o p o s a l o f an o b s e r v a t i o n a l 7.71 27.0 9.1 7.4
m e t h o d o f tunnel design. T h e principles o f the m e t h o d 13.54 47.0 9.6 8.0
19.52 89.4 10.6 8.3
are the following,
Base B, Section 9, PM = 287.6, C®x = 3.6 mm
- - w h e n a fairly c o n s t a n t c o n s t r u c t i o n p r o c e d u r e is (computed).
a t t a i n e d , p a r a m e t e r s T, X, m, are d e t e r m i n e d b y curve- Table 4c. Some examples of curve-fitting con-
fitting o f convergence m e a s u r e m e n t s o f the first sections, vergence measurements of Las Planas tunnel by
- - f o r a n y new e x c a v a t e d section, it is possible to calculating the only parameter C®x
calculate C~x by curve-fitting o f the first convergence C measured C computed
m e a s u r e m e n t s a n d to u p d a t e slightly the 3 o t h e r p a r - T (days) X (m) (ram) (mm)
a m e t e r s if necessary. 0 1.6 0 0
0.08 2.4 2~0 1.2
Thus, it is possible to predicit the final closure value 0.29 3.7 3.4 3.1
0.56 5.7 4.3 4.7
given b y C~x(1 + m ) a few d a y s after the e x c a v a t i o n o f 0.96 7.5 5.7 5.9
a new section a n d to k n o w if large wall d i s p l a c e m e n t s I.I0 8.3 6.0 6.2
will occur. A s m a n d n are i n d e p e n d e n t o f the s u p p o r t 1.35 I0.2 6.6 6.8
1.52 II.l 6.6 7.1
stiffness, if a t o o large value o f C ~ is o b t a i n e d , it is 1.96 l I.I 7.3 7.5
possible to o p t i m i z e the final closure by using a classical 5.65 17.2 8.6 9.3
s u p p o r t d i m e n s i o n i n g m e t h o d like the c o n v e r g e n c e - 6.49 22. I 9.2 9.6
7.96 31.7 9.8 I0.0
c o n f i n e m e n t m e t h o d with a t i m e - i n d e p e n d e n t b e h a v i o u r . 8.62 36.5 9.8 I0. I
This m e t h o d allows one to predict the tunnel closure a n d 12.55 42.9 10.5 I0.5
to a d a p t the s u p p o r t design to the in s i t u c o n d i t i o n s 14.10 50.6 10.5 10.7
20.39 70.8 I I. I I 1.0
d u r i n g the excavation. This m e t h o d has been tested on 34.44 116.0 II.I II.5
the convergence m e a s u r e m e n t s o f the F r e j u s tunnel a n d 41.46 158.5 I 1.5 11.7
the L a s P l a n a s tunnel. It has been s h o w n t h a t it is Base C, Section 2, PM=218.5, C®,=4.6 ram
possible to predict with a fairly g o o d a p p r o x i m a t i o n the (computed).

final value o f the tunnel closure by assuming X, T, m and by using the new observational m e t h o d that we have
constant along an h o m o g e n e o u s section o f the tunnel proposed.
and by calculating the unique parameter C ~ by curve-
Acknowiedgements--Tlffs research has been carried out in the Labora-
fitting o f the first measurements for each convergence toire Central des Ponts et Chaussres, Paris.
curve (Tables 2a and b, Table 3 and Tables 4a--c).- The authors thank "La Socirt6 du tunnel routier du Frrjus" and "La
Soci&6 Scetauroute" for the convergence measurements used in this

CONCLUSION Received 28 January 1986; revised 20 August 1986.

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