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Master of Seals

The Master of Seals is the epitome of all sealcrafters. Their seals are carriers of potent forces, and are
nigh impossible to remove (if you can even decipher them). These masters of the ancient arts of sealing
may be viewed as weak combatants, but once they get their hands on you, that opinion will soon change.

To qualify to become a Master of Seals, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Fuinjutsu 16 ranks, Chakra Control 16 ranks, Ninjutsu 12 ranks.
Feats: Fuinjutsu Adept, Sealweaver, any meta-chakra feat.
Special: The Master of Seals must have an effective Fuinjutsu skill threshold of 18, and must have the
Seal Expertise +2 class ability.

Class Information
The following information pertains to the Master of Seals prestige class.

Hit Die
The Master of Seals gains 1d6 hit points per level plus Constitution modifier.

Action Points
The Master of Seals gains a number of action points equal to 7 + one-half his character
level, rounded down, every time he attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills
The Master of Seals’ class skills are as follows.
Chakra Control (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (all) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery (Int),
Fuinjutsu (Int), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (all) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ninjutsu (Int),
Read/Write Language (None), Research (Int), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex) and Spot (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier.


Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1st +0 +0 +1 +2 Bonus Chakra, Improvise, Eternal Student +1 +1
2nd +1 +0 +2 +3 Seal Mastery, Secret Seal +1 +1
3rd +1 +1 +2 +3 Seal Mastery +2 +1
4th +2 +1 +2 +4 Seal Mastery, Secret Seal +2 +2
5th +2 +1 +3 +4 Eternal Master +3 +2

Class Features
The following features pertain to the Master of Seals prestige class.

Bonus Chakra
The Master of Seals gains a certain amount of bonus chakra from taking levels in this class. The amount
of bonus chakra gained is shown on the table below. It is not influenced by ability scores, and is in
addition to the standard amount of chakra gained every level from gaining an additional hit dice.
The amount of bonus chakra doesn't stack; simply choose the appropriate value based on the character's
class levels. Multiple instances of Bonus Chakra, such as from various classes, do however stack with
each other.
Class Bonus Bonus
Levels Chakra Reserve
1st 1 4
2nd 3 8
3rd 5 12
4th 7 16
5th 9 20

At 1st level, the Master of Seals learns to perform his arts under any circumstance. The user may scribe
a seal using any medium or material (such as drawing it in the sand with a finger or scratching it on a
tree with a kunai). This increases the technique’s skill threshold by 3 and the required Craft check’s DC
by 5.

Eternal Student
The user may add his Master of Seals level to his Scrivener class level to determine his effective
Scrivener level to determine his Sealing Expertise bonus (+1 at level 1, +2 at level 3 and maximum +3 at
5th level) and the effectiveness of his Swift Seals ability if he has it.

Seal Mastery
At 2nd, 3rd and 4th level, the Master of Seals gains a special ability from the list below, called seal
masteries. Seal masteries cannot be selected twice unless specifically mentioned.

Bonus Feat - The user chooses a bonus feat from the Scrivener’s list of bonus feat. This ability may be
selected multiple times, and allows the user to choose a different feat each time.

Undying Script - While scribing a seal, the user may designate it to bear the undying script. Any such
seal will have an infinite duration. The user is aware of the status of these seals (existence, activity,
location and whether or not it’s being suppressed). The user may only have one such seal per odd level
of Master of Seals (maximum 3 at level 5).

Seal Trigger - The user may increase the perform requirement of any seal he scribes by 3, as well as
increasing its Fuinjutsu scribing DC by 10. The user can set a trigger on the seal, which will either
activate or attach itself to the triggering factor (touch range only), depending on the user’s choice when
placing the seal. Refer to the Seal Trigger entry below this class for more information (also works on
Advanced Seals).

Secret Sigils - The user creates his own, advanced form of sigils and symbols, making his Fuinjutsu
almost impossible to recognize. All of his Fuinjutsu gain a +10 bonus to the DC required to identify,
Any technique or ability that can inhibit, restrict or remove seals will require a Fuinjutsu check (DC 15
+ the Fuinjutsu’s Rank + twice the user’s Master of Seals level) to succeed.
Brush Extension - The user can use his Chakra Script to scribe seals at a range of 5ft. per Master of Seals
level. Doing so increases the Fuinjutsu DC to scribe the seal by 15. Anyone who can See Chakra or See
Through Chakra can clearly see a line of chakra from the user to the seal he scribes.

Invisible Seals - The user can use his Chakra Script to create invisible seals, which can only be seen by
people who can see chakra, the user or another Master of Seals with this mastery.

Secret Seal
At 2nd and 4th level, the Master of Seals unlocks a powerful form of seal that is only known to Masters.
He may choose one of these seals every time he gains this ability.

Technique Seal - The user can scribe any ninjutsu or genjutsu effect into a seal, which triggers instantly
unless the user adds a Seal Trigger. The Technique Seal is a Fuinjutsu and has a perform requirement of
the original technique +5, and the perform DC is set at +10. The seal has the normal seal range (touch),
but the effects and triggers may have a range up to the used technique’s. Effects that increase the save
DC of the used technique and those of seals do not stack, instead use the higher modifier between the
two (i.e. if you gain a +2 to ninjutsu save DCs and a +1 to fuinjutsu DCs, increase the usual save DC by

Combination Seal - The user can combine two seals into a single seal. Such a seal includes both the
original effects, but shares the lowest Range, Area and Duration, all the Components of both techniques,
as well as the highest Perform requirement +5 (or DC +10) and has a Rank equal to the highest Rank
among both techniques, plus half the Rank of the second seal, which does not affect the save DC of
either effect. The maximum combined Rank is equal to the user’s combined Master of Seals and
Scrivener class levels.

Counter Seal - As a way to combat other seal users, the Master of Seals can scribe a counter seal around
an existing seal which he has identified, attempting to nullify it. A counter seal follows the targeted
seal’s Perform requirement +5, cast time and components, and costs half as much chakra (rounded up).
The DC to scribe such a seal is the same as the targeted seal’s, but increased by 10. If successful, the
target seal and counter seal combine into a single inert seal, which can be wiped away without further

Eternal Master
The user becomes a true Master of Seals, and gains complete mastery over the seal slots on his body,
becoming immune to any existing and future seals placed upon him, unless he permits them. This ability
is subconscious.

Additionally, the user can designate any seal he crafts to become an Eternal Seal. Eternal seals have an
infinite duration, do not expire when they activate, and cannot be removed by any means. Any technique
or ability that would normally inhibit or block the seal will do so only for up to 1 hour, after which the
seal is freed of that power.

If such a seal contains a technique or requires charges or some other form of power to operate, the user
must pay that cost (or the contained technique’s chakra cost) again before the seal becomes operational
again. He may do so as though he were repeating the process, but does not need to be within range.
Recharging a seal in this manner requires an attack action, and if the user is not touching the seal it will
recharge 3 rounds after the Master of Seals has spent the chakra and action. Only a Master of Seals
whose level is higher than the creator of the seal can remove a seal as normal.

The user is always aware of his eternal seals, and can sense their approximate location and status, and
knows when they are being disturbed (such as an attempt to counter or remove it) or triggered.

The user may scribe an Eternal seal once per day, and may not have any more than his Intelligence
modifier active at any time. He may freely release any Eternal seal he has as a swift action, removing it
from the world.

A seal trigger uses one of the following mechanics:

Instant - The seal is activated immediately upon completion. A single target seal triggers on the surface
or creature it was created on, an area of effect has the seal count as its origin.

Proximity - The seal triggers when someone comes within a specified distance (max 5 ft. per Scrivener +
Master of Seals levels or the technique’s range, whichever is smaller). The user can specify specifics,
such as the seal triggers only when a specific person (for which the user must know the chakra
signature) comes within range, or only when a sufficiently strong source of chakra comes within range,
etc. Cost: 1 chakra per 10 ft. distance.

Timed - The seal triggers after a set time. During combat, a seal can be delayed up to one round per
Scrivener + Master of Seals levels, and triggers on the user’s initiative count. Out-of-combat, a seal can
be set to trigger up to one minute per 2 Scrivener levels + Master of Seals levels. Cost: 1 per round or 1
per minute (out-of-combat).

Chakra - The seal triggers when the user triggers it with a small infusion of chakra, much like an
explosive tag. The Chakra Control check is DC 15 + the technique’s Rank, and can be done at Close
(10ft. + 5ft. / 2 levels) range. Cost: 3 chakra.

Compact Seals
With some patience you’ve learned how to conserve space when crafting seals.
Prerequisite: Must have chosen at least 2 Seal Masteries.
Benefit: Whenever you use craft a seal that takes up seal slots, it uses 1 less slot (minimum 1).
Special: You may select this feat twice, the effects stack.

Seal Studies
You’ve studied seals diligently, in all their forms and developed a new method of using them.
Prerequisite: Must have chosen at least 1 Seal Mastery.
Benefit: You gain another Seal Mastery of your choice that you have not chosen already, unless the Seal
Mastery states otherwise.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times.

Secret Studies
You’ve discovered a new secret seal thanks to countless hours of studying, researching and developing.
Prerequisite: Must have chosen at least 1 Secret Seal.
Benefit: You gain another Secret Seal of your choice that you have not chosen already, unless the Secret
Seal states otherwise.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times.

Master’s Touch
You’ve developed the uncanny ability to apply seals to your enemies in a very effective manner.
Prerequisite: Must have 2 Seal Masteries
Benefit: Whenever you use a Fuinjutsu technique requiring a touch attack to succeed, you may spend an
Action Point to enhance it. You gain a bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier to the touch attack roll,
and if successful, the save DC (if any) increases by 2. The seal, once placed, cannot be removed or
deactivated during the first half of its duration.

Seal Away
Prerequisite: Master of Seals 5
Benefit: The user may learn Gyaku Fuuin no Jutsu at -1 success. You do not need a source to learn the
jutsu from but must still make the appropriate Learn checks.

Technique Seal
Prerequisite: Master of Seals 7
Benefit: The user may learn Jutsu no Souin at -1 success. You do not need a source to learn the jutsu
from but must still make the appropriate Learn checks.

Combination Seal
Prerequisite: Master of Seals 8
Benefit: The user may learn Kentai no In at -2 successes. You do not need a source to learn the jutsu
from but must still make the appropriate Learn checks.

Sealing Specialization
Masters of Fuinjutsu understand that most times, enemies cannot be beaten by their Fuinjutsu alone, and
they develop special sealing skills to synergize with their other talents.
Prerequisites: Your effective skill threshold for the listed type must be at least 12.
Benefit: You gain one of the categories below.
Chakra Control
Ink Armor - You have harnessed the latent power of the seals you place on your body, hardening your
skin. For every two seal slots you have filled, gain a +1 natural armor bonus.
Homeostasis - Once per day, you can perform Genjutsu Kai or Genjutsu Joukai on yourself, storing the
effect (with its roll) into a seal taking up a seal slot on your body. The next time you are affected by a
technique that can be dispelled, the seal immediately activates and releases the stored technique against
it. Lasts until you take a night’s rest.

Seal Deli-very - Once per day, you may deliver a Fuinjutsu technique requiring a touch attack through
an Advanced Seal instead, throwing it with a ranged touch attack. If it hits, it attaches itself to the target
for 1 round per odd-numbered Shinobi Scribe level, affecting it with the Fuinjutsu technique, after
which it falls to the ground and becomes useless. Targets are still allowed a save if the technique allows
for one. Sanguinary Script - When scribing seals, you may use your own blood to infuse the seal with
increased power and resilience. When you scribe a seal for a Fuinjutsu technique, you may take 1
damage per rank of the technique. Any attempt by anyone other than the user to remove it has a 50%
chance of failure. Additionally, the user can control the seal, forcibly activating or deactivating it with a
chakra control check (DC 10 + technique rank) as a move action, as long as he is within 30 feet of the
seal and knows where it is.

Stare Trap - When using the Ninjutsu no Wana technique, you may instead set a trap with any Doujutsu
you know. The seal becomes effective at a 30 foot range and triggers when it is looked at.
Illusory Script - Once per day, when scribing a seal for a Fuinjutsu technique, you may also make a
Genjutsu check (DC equal to the Fuinjutsu perform DC) to make the seal invisible, or change its
appearance to another seal, text, image or other visual of roughly the same size. Enemies studying the
seal’s location may make a Will save (DC 10 + Shinobi Scribe Level + your Charisma modifier) to
disbelieve it, but must still dispel it to uncover its true form.

Trap Master - You may learn another Trigger for your Trap Seal, and your Trap Seal save DC penalty is
reduced by 1. Can be selected twice.
Regeneration - Once per day, you may perform a medical technique on yourself and instead store it’s
healing in a seal on your body, taking up one sealing slot. The next time you are reduced below 50%
health, the seal triggers and immediately heals you at 50% efficiency, after which the seal disappears..
Beacon Seal - Once per day, as a full-round action, you can infuse an Advanced Seal with at least 3
chakra and turn it into a Beacon that lasts for 5 minutes, plus one minute per additional point of chakra
spent (maximum 1 minute per character level). While the Beacon is active, you are aware of its general
location. When you use a Teleportation technique, you may target your Beacon to teleport to it, boosting
the technique’s range by 50% and doubling its capability to move through obstacles. You (and others
you may carry) will appear in the square next to the Beacon.

Seal Strike - Once per day, when performing a Fuinjutsu technique that requires a touch attack to
succeed, you may instead enhance your next melee attack (via a basic attack or technique) to deliver the
seal on hit. Doing so increases the perform requirement and DC for both the Fuinjutsu and attack
technique (if any) by 5. If the attack misses, the use is wasted.

Gyaku Fuuin no Jutsu (Counter-Seal Technique)

Ninjutsu (Sealing; Requires Seal Away (f)) [Sealing Master Hijutsu]
Rank: 6 (A-Class); Learn DC: 21, 5 successes; Perform DC: 20 (see text); Time: full-round action;
Components: C, H, Mas; Range: Touch; Target: One seal; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throws:
None; Chakra Cost: As the target seal.
The user crafts a powerful counter-seal, which completely blocks the energy flow of the seal it is applied
on. The targeted seal is completely disabled and can no longer has any effects. The counter-seal and the
original seal combine into a single seal, and the seal may be removed as if it were a simple ink drawing.
The perform and Craft DCs of this seal are that of the original's +5, with a minimum of 20.If the user has
not identified the target seal, but can guess its approximate effects, he may still attempt to disrupt the
seal. This increases the DC of the required Perform and Craft checks by 10.
If this technique fails, the seal is triggered (if possible) or simply remains unaffected. Once an attempt
has been made, it is impossible for anyone to attempt to add another counter seal.

Alternately, the seal can be scribed upon an effect of another seal, such as a barrier, to undo the effect in
a small area (GM's discretion).
If the target seal requires special materials to scribe, the user must perform the counter-seal with
materials of equal value or of an equal or opposite type (GM’s discretion).

After the third level of mastery, the perform time decreases to a full-attack action.
After the fifth level of mastery, the perform time decreases to an attack action.

Jutsu no Souin (Technique Containment Seal)

Ninjutsu (Sealing; Requires Technique Seal (f)) [Master of Seals Hijutsu]
Rank: 10 (A-Class); Learn DC: 25, 5 successes; Perform DC: 25 (see text); Time: full-attack action;
Components: C, H, Mas; Range: Touch; Target: See text; Duration: 1 minute/level (D); Saving
Throws: As technique; Chakra Cost: As technique (see text).

One of the more powerful abilities of the Master of Seals, this sealing technique allows the user to seal a
ninjutsu or genjutsu technique into a seal, with the option of releasing it in one of several ways.
The perform DC of this technique is 25, or the to be sealed technique’s +5, whichever is higher. The seal
can be scribed just as any normal seal, upon any surface (or lack thereof, with the proper Secret) a seal
could normally be scribed. The chakra cost for this seal is equal to that of the technique’s, and the cost
increases depending on the form of seal used (see below).
Since the seal contains a technique, it must contain the capability of being activated. This can be done in
one of several ways:

Instant - The technique is triggered instantly. If the technique has only a single target, the surface or
creature the seal is scribed on becomes the target. If the technique has an area effect, the seal counts as
its origin square. In this manner, the user could apply a jutsu with a personal effect onto an ally (or
enemy) of choice.
Proximity - The technique in the seal triggers when somebody comes within a certain distance of the
seal (maximum 5ft. per Master of Seals level or the range of the technique, whichever is smaller). If the
technique has a single target, the creature that triggers it becomes the target. If the technique is an area
effect, the seal counts as the origin square. The master of seals does not trigger a Proximity seal, unless
he wishes to.
This increases the chakra cost by 1 per 5ft. distance of it trigger.

Timed - The seal automatically triggers on the user's initiative count, a number of rounds after it was
scribed (maximum 1 round per master of seals level). The DC to scribe increases by 2 for every round
beyond the first. If the technique has a single target, the user must choose a target as if readying an
action. (This could be any specific target or a more abstract target such as 'the closest creature') If there
is no such target within range when the seal is triggered, the seal disappears without further effect.
This increases the chakra cost by 1 per round delayed.

Chakra-Triggered – The user can trigger the seal by infusing it with a minute amount of his own chakra,
as if activating an explosive tag. The chakra control check DC is 15 + the technique’s Rank in this case,
and can only be done within close (10ft. + 5ft./2 levels) range.
This increases the chakra cost by 3.

The contained technique will never target the user, unless he specifically asks it to.

Special: Any mastery effects the technique might have cannot be sealed unless the user has an equal
level of mastery in this technique.
Note: If the technique has any special material or expendable components, these must either be present
upon sealing the technique, or upon the seal’s trigger. If this requirement is not met, the seal triggers
without any effect.

At the third level of mastery, the user can perform this jutsu with the same time as the jutsu to be sealed.

Kentai no In (Combination Seal)

Ninjutsu (Sealing; Requires Combination Seal (f)) [Master of Seals Kinjutsu]
Rank: 12 (S-Class); Learn DC: 28, 7 successes; Perform DC: 28 (see text); Time: full-round action;
Components: C, H, Mas; Range: Touch; Target: See text; Duration: See text; Saving Throws: See
text; Chakra Cost: See text.

When the user uses this technique, he enables himself to combine any two sealing techniques into a
single, powerful seal.
The resulting seal has all the effects of the original seals, and the stats of the resulting seal will be as
Rank - Both seals will count as though they are of Rank 8.
Components - As this technique. Additionally, special conditions or material components of the original
techniques must be met.
Range - As the worst range of either technique. (For example, if one technique has close range and the
other medium range, the resulting seal will have close range)
Target/Area - As the worst of either technique. If one technique requires more specific targets, use those
specific targets. (Example: Technique A has a 25ft.-cone effect and affects all within the area, whereas
Technique B can target only four humanoid creatures within Long range. The resulting seal can target
only four humanoids within a 25ft.-cone) This technique cannot combine two techniques whose targets
are completely different (aka, one targets only animals whereas the other targets only a willing
Duration - As the lesser duration of either technique. The technique cannot be discharged unless both
component techniques can also be discharged.
Saves - The target of this technique is allowed a save against every effect of the original techniques that
allowed a save, using the appropriate technique's save type and DC, taking into account its new Rank.
Chakra Cost - The combination seal's chakra cost is as follows: (Highest chakra cost of the two
techniques + half the chakra cost of the other technique).

The combined ranks of the techniques cannot exceed 12.

Note: The resulting seal takes up only a single seal slot on the target’s body, and counts as a double seal.
Note: At the GM’s discretion, certain combinations of seals might create a more potent or secondary
effect. (For example, a Barrier Seal combined with a Strengthening Seal might, instead of strengthening
a wall and placing a barrier next to it, create a particularly powerful barrier)

Upon attaining the second and fourth levels of mastery in this technique, the two seals will count as
though an extra rank higher (9 at 2nd mastery level, rank 10 at 4th mastery level)
Upon attaining the third and fifth levels of mastery in this technique, the combined ranks of seals this
technique can combine is increased by one.

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