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Sydfloj / South Wing

05.12. 2009- 21.O2.2010

Raymond Depardon,
Claudine Nougaret
Paul Virilio
Diller Scofidio + Renfro,
Mark Hansen,Laura Kurgan, Ben Rubin

Udstillingenpræsenteresaf The exhibitionis presentedby

Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Kobenhavn, the KunslhalCharlottenborg,Copenhagen,
FondationCartierpour I'artcontemporain, the FondationCartierpour l'art contemporain,
Paris,the Leisureand CultureCenter Paris,the AlhôndigaBilbao,Bilbao,and
AlhôndigaBilbao, Bilbao,og ZKM Genter the ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe,
for Art and Media Karlsruhe,i samarbejde in collaborationwith Panasonic.
med Panasonicog endeligtUnesco. With the collaborationof Unesco.

Kurator: Herué Chandès, Direktar for Chief Curator:HervéChandès,General

FondationCartierpour l'artcontemporain Directorof the FondationCartierpour I'ari Views of the exhibition Native Land, Stop Eject, Fondation Cartier pour I'art contemporain, Paris
EX|T 2008-2009. Animated maps Remiftances: Sending Money Home ard Natural Disasters.
Under COPI 5 (7 til 18. december)er der Dur ingCOPl5 ( Decem ber7 to 18)
udvidedeâbningstider: extendedopeningliburs: @ DillerScofidio + RenTro,Mark Hansen,LauraKurganand Ben Rubin
Tirsdagtil sondag kl. 12.00 til 21.00 Tuesdayto Sunday 1 2 to 9 pm Foto/pholo:GrégoireEloy

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The Phoûographs
of Dorothea Lange
Dorothea Lange (American,
whosenameis widely recognued'.As
an aftistsheis as renownedas the painters
FridaKahlo'and Georgiao'Keeffe. Mary cassatt,
As a culturalfigurerepresentingAmerica,sGreatDepression,
shechallenges iconsrikepresidentFranklinD. Roosevert,
Johnsteinbeck,andwoody cuthrie.
However,as in the caseof Leonardo
da vinci,sMonaLisa,EdvardMunch,s
rhe scream,andAndy
'L{aifun' Lange'stalentis oftenassociated with just onepicture,rrigrant
This exhibition'drawnprimarilyfrom ^ruotlter(cover).
the GettyMuseumcollectionand featuring
acquisitions, a number of new
seeksto presentabroaderpicture
ofher accomprishments in photography.
Lange'sHoboken,New childhoodwasscanedby a caseofpolio
that left her with a rimp.
Herfatherdisappeared whenshewasan adolescent. The grandmotherwho rescuedthe remaining \--l
familywas a seamstress and a demanding alcoholic.After attendingpublicandprivate
Maîhattan'Langewentto the New schoolsin
she had aheadyannounced
to her familythat she wantedto
be a photographer, and sheproceeded to work part-timeina series
of portraitst'rdios.In 1918sheand
a girlfriendleft Newyork, expecting
to work theirway around
the worldas photographer and,telegraph operator, respectively.Theylyererobbedin SanFrancisco.
with an offerof patronage from a localbusinessman, I
Langedecidedto postponefufther
opena studiothere. traveland

TWoyearslatershemaniedthe artist-illustrato
r MaynardDixon,who was twentyyears
Thesuccessof his new wife'sporrrait her senior.
businessallowedDixon to.rr r".;;;;;rs
designand spendmorefime on his ur adverrising
own painting.A califomianwho had
joumalsand newspapers
beforethe ageof twenfy,Dixonwas
fifty yearsold when Langegave
the first of their children(seel[qtnard birth to
Dwon andHis Flrst So4 Danïel, frg1).
yearsworkingin the Eastfor Dixon had spentfive
Newyork publishers,had manied,divorced,
and had a twerve_year_ord
daughterwhen he met Lange'An
anti-intellectualoutdoorsmanwho frequentlyo,i[ t.*r,,-.*a_,
ing trips to the southwest,he nonetheless
wrotepoetry,knew writersas well as painters,
the bohemianlilesryleof his artistic and savored

By the ear$ 1930sthe Depression

had arrivedin san Francisco,
resultingin decliningincomefor
bothLangeand Dixon.Theyescaped
to *arNew Mexico for aboutsixmonths,
facethe realitiesof maintaining thenretumedto
a famiy and rwo careersduringhard
times.Theydecidedto board


,r {*Erir Sceva
Morethan beingjust aboutmeta layers,FrederikSolbergsvisualization
of the tune de-masksthe notionof the iconicpop artist,displaying
their fragilityin this apparentlysimpletask of a sing-and-dance

"Cross Wide Out"

Ingrid Skovgaard
1 2 m in

Crosswide out is aboutyearningand searchlng. yearningas a forcein

it self that bringsus further. A force that movesus and open our
sensesto what immediatelycan seemundefined,- sinceits depth
containsfar more layersthan we are capableto understand.
With imagesand soundfrom the contradictorysurroundingsof beauty
and brutalityof lighthousesof Norway,and distortedNorwegian
"kvad"-singing, you are led into a meditativejourneydescribinga
yearningfor the poeticand searchfor the senseof belonging.

"Greates Hits"
Out of Joint
1 O m in

An intimatestory about to dressedup women at a hotel room. An

explosivecocktailof far too much lipstick,too short dresses,to much
booze,filled ashtrays,stuffedair.....andRock'nRoll,The definitions
"white trash" and "euro-crash"meltstogetherin a new and actually
quite unpleasantdancegenre: "trach-crash".
It is a dancefilmwhichusesthe cameraas an activeprayer- - in' a
inùpstigâtionof speciallimitationsand humanvanity.' '

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