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SIP-connection DMR Tier II

Commissioning example for a VoIP

PABX at a DMR repeater

© 2014 Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH 90DMR-TierII_SIP-connection – V2.0

SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5

Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH

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90DMR-TierII_SIP-connection – V2.0 II
SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5

Table of contents
1 Description of sample configuration .......................................................................... 4
1.1 Basics ................................................................................................................. 4
2 IP network configuration (LAN) ................................................................................. 5
3 Configuration of the PABX ........................................................................................ 8
3.1 PABX call number schema ................................................................................ 8
4 Configuration of the repeater ................................................................................... 10
4.1 Define the phone system in the repeater ......................................................... 10
4.2 Phone call list in the repeater ........................................................................... 11
4.3 Priority adjustments .......................................................................................... 11
5 Status check in the PABX ....................................................................................... 12
6 Configuration of subscribers .................................................................................... 13
6.1 Configuration of the VoIP phone ...................................................................... 13
6.2 Configuration of DMR radios (subscribers) ...................................................... 15
6.2.1 Definition of the phone system in the DMR radios ................................... 15
6.2.2 Configuration of Connect Code and Disconnect Code ............................. 16
6.2.3 Configuration of radio subscribers ............................................................ 17
7 Utilization of phone services in the DMR ................................................................ 18
7.1 Individual call from phone to radio ................................................................... 18
7.2 Call from phone to a radio group ..................................................................... 18
7.3 Call from radio to phone ................................................................................... 19
7.4 Switch the direction of semi-duplex transmission ............................................ 19

90DMR-TierII_SIP-connection – V2.0 III

SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Description of sample configuration

1 Description of sample configuration

This document is intended to be an aid in illustrating the configuration dependency
between mobile stations, repeater and IP private automatic branch exchange.

1.1 Basics
The described set-up is for a single site repeater with an IP connection (LAN)
to a SIP-ready private automatic branch exchange (PABX). The type of repeater is a
RD985. The UCM6102 device from Grandstream is used as PABX. In this document,
the described configurations of all devices are based on factory default settings.

For the sample configuration three portable radios DMR PD785 are used as radio

The Radio IDs (call numbers) of the radio subscribers are

• 201

• 202

• 203
In addition, one group is configured for phone calls.

• 901
As subscriber at the PABX there is used a VoIP phone with SIP protocol. The call
number is:

• 123
The programming software CPS version 6.05 is used for the configuration of the all
radios and the repeater.

Ensure that all DMR devices are equipped with the firmware R6.05.

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 IP network configuration (LAN)

2 IP network configuration (LAN)

The interface at the Grandstream PABX for utilizing VoIP (Voice over IP) is designated
with "LAN" at the rear side of the device.

In the described example, fixed IP addresses without DHCP functions are used.
We selected the following addresses for the devices:
Grandstream PABX:

In the Grandstream device, this entry is made in the menu:

>Settings / Network Setting / Basic Settings<

Fig. 1: IP settings of the PABX

Always finish the configuration with the >Save< button. Then the >Apply Changes<
button will be displayed in the command line at the top. Select it and the configuration
is transferred to the PABX.

Fig. 2: Transferring the configuration to the PABX

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 IP network configuration (LAN)

The repeater IP address has to be defined in:

- Edit - Conventional - General Setting - Network - Basic Setting

Fig. 3: IP address configuration of the repeater

The Telephone Gateway IP address in the repeater has to be defined in:

- Edit - Conventional - Phone - Phone System - Phone System 1

Fig. 4: Telephone Gateway IP address configuration at the repeater

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 IP network configuration (LAN)

To check whether the IP configuration is working properly, an IP ping test can be

executed by the Grandstream PABX in the following menu:
>Maintenance / Troubleshooting / IP Ping<

Fig. 5: IP connection test

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Configuration of the PABX

3 Configuration of the PABX

3.1 PABX call number schema
The Grandstream PABX is configured with the help of a browser. Initial access is
carried out as described in the supplied manual.

Every DMR radio that has to place group or private calls to phones or that has to
answer private calls from phones must be configured as user in the PABX.

Two aspects must be observed for the numbering schema during the configuration.

The first number of the user defines whether it is an individual call or a group call.

• 1 = Individual call

• 2 = Group call
The second number defines whether the call will be transmitted in timeslot 1 or in
timeslot 2.

• 1 = Timeslot 1

• 2 = Timeslot 2

With Release 6.5 the repeater supports one time slot for phone calls only.
After the repeater is configured with either timeslot 1 or timeslot 2 to be used for phone
calls, it is not possible to initiate phone calls in the other time slot.

In our example we use timeslot 1.

As a result, a call number for DMR devices or a DMR group in the PABX is composed
as follows:

• 11201 = Individual call – Timeslot 1 – Radio ID 201,

• 21901 = Group call – Timeslot 1 – Group ID 901,

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Configuration of the PABX

For example, the configuration for the DMR device 201 in the PABX is as follows:

Fig. 6: PABX programming for DMR device 201

Password assignment
It is important at this point that the same password is used as it defined in the repeater
(see chapter 4.1). Since the repeater use one password for all group and radio IDs, the
SIP extensions belonging to one repeater have to have the same password.

The >User Settings< can be freely entered in order to identify the radio or group which
shall be called.

Configure all groups and radio IDs in the PABX

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Configuration of the repeater

4 Configuration of the repeater

4.1 Define the phone system in the repeater
To initiate a phone call with DMR radios a phone gateway ID has to be defined.
In this example, it is 16. The phone gateway ID is configured in the repeater and in
every radio that is required to have access to the PABX.
The gateway ID is a DMR radio ID and must not be defined as radio ID for any other
DMR device or be used as such in the future.

The PBX Access Code has to be identical with the used SIP password in the
Grandstream PABX configuration.

SIP Phone ACK Protection Timer

When the SIP phone call is being established, if the repeater receives a service for the
air interface, the SIP phone call will be interrupted. To avoid this situation, SIP Phone
ACK Protection Timer is added to protect the SIP phone call from being interrupted.
During this period, the repeater will not respond to non-SIP voice service. Radio users
can configure the SIP Phone ACK Protection Timer according to network status and
phone call priority.

This parameters has to be defined in the repeater:

- Edit - Conventional - Phone - Phone System - Phone System 1

Fig. 7: Phone system configuration at the repeater

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Configuration of the repeater

4.2 Phone call list in the repeater

To be able to register with the PABX, the groups and radio IDs that shall be called from
phone extensions have to be defined in the repeater configuration.

Fig. 8: CPS: RD985 / Conventional / Phone / Phone Call

The group and radio IDs and the timeslot which shall be used for phone calls have to
be entered into the Phone Call List.

4.3 Priority adjustments

The following configuration of the priorities has to be done.

Select the menu

- Conventional - General Setting - Accessories - Priority Control

The "Path Priority" has to be "Repeater Request" that the radio is able to answer a
phone call.

In case a Multi-Site IP network is used, the priority configuration at the slave repeaters
in the filed “Repeat Request Priority” has to be “Local Repeating”

Fig. 9: CPS: RD985 / Conventional / General Setting / Accessories / Priority Control

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Status check in the PABX

5 Status check in the PABX

After the extensions are configured in the PABX and the groups and radio IDs are
entered in the phone call list in the repeater (see chapter 4.2) the availability of the
groups and radio subscribers can be checked in the >PBX - Extensions< menu of

Fig. 10: List of extensions at the PABX

The green dot indicates that the extension is registered successfully.

Only if this registration is done at the PABX it is possible to call a DMR radio subscriber
from an extension (phone).

In this example, the group 901 is defined in the repeater for timeslot 1 and,
accordingly, the user 21901 is created in the PABX.

The radios with radio ID 201 and 202 do belong to the extensions 11201 and 11202

The green dot in the status overview of the PABX indicates that the groups and radio
IDs are registered at the PABX by the repeater and the PABX confirmed it.

The automatic registration is carried out after switch-on or a restart of the repeaters.

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Configuration of subscribers

6 Configuration of subscribers
6.1 Configuration of the VoIP phone
The following configurations are used for the VoIP phone:

Fig. 11: Configuration of VoIP phone

In this example, >Password1< is used as password.

To configure the phone in the Grandstream PABX, use "Create New User" in the PBX
menu of the web interface.

Fig. 12: Register the VoIP phone in PABX

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Configuration of subscribers

In this configuration menu, >Extension< and >CallerID Number< are set to 123.
The password has to be identical to the entry in the VoIP phone. The >User Settings<
is freely selectable.

After the configuration is completed, the PABX shows by means of a green dot when
the VoIP phone is registered successfully.

Fig. 13: Registration monitoring in the PABX – PBX status

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Configuration of subscribers

6.2 Configuration of DMR radios (subscribers)

6.2.1 Definition of the phone system in the DMR radios

Important settings are the parameters >Buffer Dial Contact Name<

and >Digital DTMF TX Gain<.

• >Buffer Dial Contact Name< is set to >Gateway ID<,

• > Phone gateway number that was defined in the repeater configuration before.
(see chapter 4.1)

• >Digital DTMF TX Gain< is set to 5 or higher.

Fig. 14: >Phone System< final configuration in the radio

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Configuration of subscribers

6.2.2 Configuration of Connect Code and Disconnect Code

The definition of the > Connect Code< in the subscriber and in the repeater defines the
signaling code to set-up phone calls. The definition of the > Disconnect Code< defines
the signaling code to quit a call.

• In this example, *# is used for the > Connect Code <

• In this example, #* is used for the > Disconnect Code <

Fig. 15: Gateway number definition in the DMR subscriber

P1 and P2 refer to the buttons marked in green and red at the radio.

Fig. 16: Top Key and P1 and P2 buttons Side Key (SK) buttons

To be able to use the buttons P1 and P2 in this function, >DTMF Keypad< must be

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Configuration of subscribers

In this example, the >SK1-Short< button is used to switch >DTMF Keypad< on / off.

Fig. 17: Programming the >SK1 Short< button

First press the button P1 or P2 in DTMF mode to select the stored signaling. Then
press the >PTT< button to transmit it to the repeater.

• With P1 (sequence *#) you select the sequence to answer an individual call
initiated from a phone.

• With P2 (sequence #*) you select the sequence to hang up a phone call.

6.2.3 Configuration of radio subscribers

Finally, it is defined which channel and timeslot may be used for the PABX access from
the mobile station.

The channel which is be used for phone calls has to be configured as follows:
- >Phone System< must be selected in the channel setting.

Fig. 18: PABX access channel assignment

90DMR-TierII_SIP-connection – V2.0 17
SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Utilization of phone services in the DMR

7 Utilization of phone services in the DMR

This chapter describes all possible types of calls between radio subscribers and
telephone subscribers.

7.1 Individual call from phone to radio

1. The telephone subscriber dials the private call number of a radio subscriber, which
is defined in the SIP-PABX.

2. The number dialed is transferred by the PABX to the repeater, and the repeater
transmits the call.

3. The called radio alerts a ringing tone and the display shows >Phonecall<. The call
number of the phone (CLIP) is not transmitted and therefore not visible at the
display of the radio.

4. To answer the call, the radio user has to press first the SK1 button to switch on
>DTMF Keypad< (if it has not been done before). Then use the P1 button to select
the >Access code< *#, which will be transmitted by pressing the PTT button.

5. After the call setup, the repeater transmits the voice permanently to the radio.
Since the radio system operates in semi duplex mode, the voice can be
transmitted in one direction only at the same time.
The radio user controls the direction which is used. As long as the PTT is released,
he can listen to the phone user. When he press the PTT the phone user can hear
his voice.

6. To end the call by the telephone subscriber, he must hook on. The PABX and the
repeater finish the call.

7. To end the call by the radio subscriber, he must have activated >DTMF Keypad<
and press the P2 button to select the >De-Access code< #* which will be
transmitted by pressing the PTT button. The repeater sends an end-of-call
signalling to the PABX and the call will be finished.

7.2 Call from phone to a radio group

1. The telephone subscriber dials a group call number of a DMR group, which is
defined in the SIP-PABX.

2. The group call number dialed is transferred by the PABX to the repeater, and the
repeater transmits the call.

3. All devices that belong to the group, open the loudspeaker and the display shows
>Phonecall<. The call number of the phone is not visible at the display of the radio.

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SIP-connection DMR Tier II, R6.5 Utilization of phone services in the DMR

4. After the call setup, the repeater transmits the voice permanently to the radios.
As long as the PTT of all radios are released, all radio users of the group can listen
to the phone user. When one of the radio user press the PTT there is established a
group call and the phone user and the other radios of the group call can hear his

5. To end the call by the telephone subscriber, he must hook on. The PABX and the
repeater finish the call.

6. To end the call by one of the radio subscriber, he must have activated >DTMF
Keypad< and press the P2 button to select the >De-Access code< #* which will be
transmitted by pressing the PTT button. The repeater sends an end-of-call
signalling to the PABX and the call will be finished.

7.3 Call from radio to phone

1. The radios user must select a channel which is allowed to use the phone call

2. To enter the number of the extension phone at the DMR device, >DTMF Keypad<
has to be activated. After the call number of the phone has been entered via the
keypad the call will be transmitted by pressing the PTT button.

3. The repeater forwards the dialed number to the PABX and the belonging phone is
ringing. The radio sounds a ringing tone until the phone user answers the call.

4. The call is ended as described under 7.1.

7.4 Switch the direction of semi-duplex transmission

Within a call, the call direction is controlled by the radio user by pressing the PTT
button for talking or not.

As long as the PTT of all radios are not pressed, all radio users of the group can listen
to the phone user. When one of the radio users press the PTT button, he can talk and
the telephone user can hear his voice. As long he is transmitting, the radio user cannot
hear the telephone user.

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