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A Pre-Foundation Program


Time: 90 mins. Max. Marks: 360


1. Write your Name in the Space Provided in the Bottom of this Booklet.

2. The question paper consists of '90' objective type questions.

3. Each question has four choices (1), (2), (3) and (4) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

4. Each correct answer carries 4 marks and each wrong answer (– 1) Mark.

5. Use Black or Blue Ball Point Pen only for filling particulars.

6. Use of Blank Papers, Clip Boards, Calculator, Log Table, Slide Rule and Mobile or any electronic
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Q.1 Who was responsible for unification of Germany?
(1) Bismark (2) Cavour (3) Mazzini (4) Gairbaldi

Q.2 Which treaty recognised Greece as Independent nation.

(1) Treaty of Versalile (2) Treaty of Constantinople
(3) Treaty of Lausanne (4) Treaty of Vienna

Q.3 Who was the founder of Indo Chinese communist party?

(1) Sun yat son (2) Trieu Au (3) Ho Chin Minn (4) None of these

Q.4 Who was the leader of moderate in the following?

(1) C.R. DAS (2) Lala Lajpat Ray
(3) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (4) Bipin Chandra Pal

Q.5 Which Act was passed by the British Governement in India in 1919?
(1) Simon Commission (2) Row latt
(3) Turkish (4) None

Q.6 Where was the first cement plant established?

(1) Chennai (2) Mumbai (3) Delhi (4) Kolkotta

Q.7 In how many zones are Indian railways divided?

(1) 20 (2) 9 (3) 16 (4) 18

Q.8 The royt wari system devised by …

(1) Charles cornwallis (2) Robert Clive (3) James Mill (4) Holt Mackenzic

Q.9 'Vande Mataram' was taken from the book of

(1) Gita Govind (2) Gita (3) Gitanzali (4) Anand math

Q.10 Which of the following state were joined UNION OF INDIA willing among the following in
(1) Brihad Mumbai (2) Junagadh
(3) Jammu & Kashmir (4) Nizam Hydarabad

Q.11 When is the National Consumer day Celebrated?

(1) 24 December (2) 24 November (3) 23 October (4) 20 December

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Q.12 On which day Right to Information Act was passed and enforced all over the country in India
(1) October 12, 2006 (2) November 12, 2006
(3) October 12, 2005 (4) November 12, 2005

Q.13 Which river is not the tributory of Indus

(1) Jhelam (2) Satuluj (3) Son (4) Ravi

Q.14 Which of the following country has a Status of Buffar State

(1) China (2) Bangladesh (3) Nepal (4) Bhutan

Q.15 How many judges are appointed in supreme cenrt excluded chief justice of India?
(1) 25 (2) 26 (3) 27 (4) 15

Q.16 Second Battle of Tarain was fought in the year of …

(1) 1192 (2) 1193 (3) 1091 (4) 1092

Q.17 Who wrote 'The Social Contract'?

(1) Facques Rousseau (2) M. K. Gandhi (3) Voltaire (4) John locke

Q.18 Which among the follow district is located in east coast of India as a district of Punducherry?
(1) Mahe (2) Yanam (3) Karaikal (4) Pondicherry

Q.19 Who become the Chair man of B.J.P. after Rajnath Singh?
(1) Amit Shah (2) Narendra Modi (3) L. K. Advani (4) Sushama Swaraj

Q.20 Which Strait disjoin India and Srilanka?

(1) Palk Srait (2) Gulf of Mannar (3) Gulf of Kuchha (4) Suej Canal

Q.21 When "France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold." Who said these words ?
(1) Metternich (2) Lenin (3) Napoleon (4) William-I

Q.22 What did the red cap worn by Sans Culottes in France symbolise ?
(1) Liberty (2) Brotherhood (3) Love (4) Equality

Q.23 By what name the river Brahmaputra is known as in Tibet ?

(1) Tsangpo (2) Padma (3) Pulicat (4) Bhagirathi

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Q.24 In which of the following country women do not have right to vote ?
(1) Saudi Arabia (2) Pakistan (3) India (4) Bangladesh

Q.25 In the mid-eighth, Dantidurga, a .................. chief, overthrew his chalukya overlord -
(1) Rashtrakuta (2) Chola (3) Brahmana (4) Samanta

Q.26 A History of British India was written by ........................ .

(1) Charles Darwin (2) James Mill (3) Albert Einstein (4) Thomas Hardy

Q.27 Periyar founded -

(1) Self Respect Movement (2) Temple Entry Movement
(3) Paramhans Mandali (4) Dalit Movement

Q.28 What is the name of the place where TISCO began ?

(1) Kharkai (2) Calcutta (3) Sakchi (4) Rourkela

Q.29 Which among the following is associated with Gomasthas ?

(1) Trader (2) Businessman
(3) Unpaid Servant (4) Supervisor appointed by the company

Q.30 Who rote 95 Theses ?

(1) Martin Luther (2) Johann Gutenberg(3) J.V. Schley (4) Charles Dickens

Q.31 Which of the following methods was used by Henry ford to increase car production ?
(1) Vertical line (2) Assembly line (3) Horizontal line (4) None of the above

Q.32 Who improved the steam engine ?

(1) James Watt (2) Newcomen (3) Richard Arkwright(4) None of the above

Q.33 The introduction of which new technology in England angered women ?

(1) The spinning jenny (2) The underground railway
(3) The steam engine (4) None of these

Q.34 According to the age, alluvial soil can be classified as ................... and .................. .
(1) Khadar, Bhadar (2) Bhadar, Regur (3) Bhangar, Khadar (4) Fertile and non-fertile

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Q.35 What is IUCN ?
(1) International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
(2) International Union for Conservation of Nature
(3) International Union for Conservation of Nature and Man made Resources
(4) Indian Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

Q.36 Jowar, bajra and ragi are the important ............ grown in India -
(1) commercial crops (2) Cereals (3) Millets (4) Cash crops

Q.37 In which one of the following years Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country ?
(1) 1946 (2) 1947 (3) 1948 (4) 1949

Q.38 The national Archives of India came up in the .................. .

(1) 1920s (2) 1930s (3) 1940s (4) 1950s

Q.39 Kusum and palash flowers were used to -

(1) prepare medicines (2) make garlands
(3) colour clothes and leather (4) prepare hair oil

Q.40 Which of these does not have economic worth but is valuable ?
(1) shoes (2) mountains (3) coal (4) none of these

Q.41 An earthquake is measured with a machine called a ................. .

(1) Telegraph (2) Seismograph (3) Compass (4) Lactometer

Q.42 Delhi was made capital by the rulers of

(1) Tomar dynasty (2) Slave dynasty (3) Chauhana dynasty (4) Pratihara dynasty

Q.43 The sectors are classified into public and private sector on the basis of -
(1) employment conditions (2) the nature of economic activity
(3) ownership of enterprises (4) members of workers employed in the firm

Q.44 The total income divided by the total population is known as the -
(1) national income. (2) per capita income
(3) domestic income (4) annual income

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Q.45 The major aluminium producing ore is -
(1) magnetite (2) bauxite (3) mica (4) manganese

Q.46 The Red soil appears red due to the presence of -

(1) potash (2) iron (3) phosphorus (4) humus

Q.47 Regions of alluvial soils are densely populated because -

(1) vast mineral reserves are found here
(2) land can be left fallow here
(3) due to its high fertility, these areas are highly cultivated
(4) main occupation of the people is fishing and there are several rivers here

Q.48 On LPG cylinders we can find the logo of -

(1) ISO (2) Agmark (3) ISI (4) Hallmark

Q.49 Punjab revolutionaries were deported in -

(1) 1905 (2) 1906 (3) 1907 (4) 1908

Q.50 Match the following terms with proper meanings and choose the answer from the codes given
below :
Column-I Column-II
(A) Khilafat i. All India Trade Union Congress
(B) Oppressors ii. Turned out
(C) Evicted iii. Tyrannical rulers
(D) AITUC iv. Opposition, defiance
(1) A-iv; B-iii; C-ii; D-i (2) A-ii; B-iii; C-iv; D-i
(3) A-ii; B-iii; C-iv; D-i (4) A-iii; B-iv; C-ii; D-i

Q.51 Assertion (1) : The works of most of the bhakti saints became immensely popular.
Reason (R) : Most of the works were composed in regional languages and could be sung.
(1) A is true but R is false
(2) A is false but R is true
(3) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(4) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A

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Q.52 Match Column-I with Column-II and select the correctly matched alternative from the given.
Column-I Column-II
I. Alvars A. Saivism
II. Nayanar B. Vaishnavism
III. Sufis C. Basa vanna
IV. Virashaivas D. Islam
(1) I-B, II-A, III-D, IV-C (2) I-D, II-B, III-A, IV-C
(3) I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D (4) I-B, II-C, III-A, IV-D

Q.53 Match the following Mugbal officials against their positions.

Column-I Column-II
I. Bakhshi A. Town Police Commander
II. Faujdars B. Military Paymaster
III. Sadr C. In charge of Religious andCharitable patronage
IV. Kotwal D. Military Commander
Select the correct alternative
(1) I-B, II-D, III-C, IV-A (2) I-D, II-C, III-B, IV-A
(3) I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D (4) I-B, II-D, III-A, IV-C

Q.54 Trace out the growth of Kathak as a dance form through the centuries.
a. Kathak through the Bhakti cult b. Kathak through the caste of story tellers
c. Kathak through the Nawab of Awadh d. Kathak through the Mughals
(1) a, d, b, c. (2) b, a, d, c (3) d, c, b, a (4) b, c, d, a

Q.55 Arrange the following commercial towns and settlement in accordance with their order of
a. Hampi b. Kanchipuram c. Masulipatnam d. Bombay
(1) a, b, d, c (2) b, a, c, d (3) b, c, d, a (4) b, c, a, d

Q.56 Arrange the following administrative units of the Gonds as per their hierarchical order.
a. Barhots b. Chaurasi c. Garh d. Village
(1) d. b. c. a (2) c. d, a. b (3) a., d. c, b (4) c, b, a, d

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Q.57 Which of the following diagrams represents Neap tide ?



Select correct alternative

(1) 'A' only (2) 'B' only (3) Both (A) and (B) (4) Neither (A) nor (B)

Q.58 Assertion (1) : Major industrial regions of India have developed in the immediate hinter-lands
port of Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai
Reason (R) : The ports provide access to the raw materials available in the hinterlands of these
ports as well as to the world markets
(1) Both 'A' and 'R. are true and 'R' is the correct explanation of 'A'
(2) Both 'A' and 'R' are true but 'R' is not the correct explanation of 'A'
(3) 'A' is true but 'R' is false
(4) 'A' is false but 'R' is true

Q.59 Consider the following statements and select the correct ones :
a. Iron and steel industries developed around lake Michigan in USA due to availability of
good quality coal
b. Pittsburg -Youngstown area is the leading producer of steel in USA
c. The Lorraine area in France is significant for steel production
d. The south Manchurian region accounts for nearly 60%of China's pig-iron production
Select the correct answer from the given alternatives.
(1) a, c, d (2) a, b, d (3) b, c, d (4) b, c

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Q.60 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the given alternatives:
List-I List-II
I. Shifting cultivation A. Pygmies
II. Pastoralism B. Eskimos
III. Hunter & Food Gatherers C. Kirghiz
IV. Hunters D. Rengmas
(1) I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D (2) I-A, II-C, III-B, IV-D
(3) I-D, II-A, III-C, IV-B (4) I-D, II-C, III-A, IV-B

Q.61 Match item of List I and List II and select correct alternative
List-I List-II
I. Argentina A. Velds
II. North America B. Downs
III. South Africa C. Pampas
IV. Central Asia D. Prairie
V. Australia E. Steppes
(1) I-D, II-B, III-E, IV-A, V-C (2) I-C, II-D, III-B, IV-E, V-A
(3) I-C, II-D, III-A, IV-E, V-B (4) I-E, II-D, III-A, IV-C, V-B

Q.62 What will be the correct sequence of natural vegetation in South America if one travels from
North to South along 60° to 70° W longitude ? Select the correct alternative -
(1) Gran chacos, Pampas, Llanos, Selvas (2) Llanos, Gran chacos, Selvas, Pampas
(3) Llanos, Selvas, Gran chacos, Pampas (4) Pampas, Selvas, Gran chacos, Llanos

Q.63 A small coloured paper pellet is put in a beaker half-filled with water. The beaker is placed on a
tripod stand and heated. As the water warms, the pellet moves upwards with the warm column
of water and sinks back along the cool column of water. Identify this movement
(1) Molten magma inside the earth
(2) Earth's Magnetic field
(3) Energy flow from one trophic level to another
(4) Hydrological cycle

Q.64 A : The Supreme Court of India can provide Advisory opinion to the President
B : The President of India is under obligation to accept the advise
(1) A and B are true (2) A and B are false
(3) A is true but B is false (4) A is false but B is true

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Q.65 The Indian National Congress was defeated for the first time in the General Elections of
Parliament in the year -
(1) 1962 (2) 1967 (3) 1977 (4) 1998

Q.66 The Lok Sabha Secretariat functions under the direct control of
(1) President (2) Prime-Minister (3) Secretary-General (4) Speaker

Q.67 Match the following columns and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
Column-I Column-II
A. Surat (i) Western coast
B. Masulipatnam (ii) Gujarat coast
C. Hoogly (iii) Bengal coast
D. Bombay (iv) Coromandal coast
(1) A-II, B-IV, C- III, D-I (2) A-I, B-IV, C- III, D-II
(3) A-III, B-I, C- IV, D-II (4) A-II, B-IV, C- I, D-III

Q.68 Match the following and choose the answer from the codes given below :
Column-I (Dates) Column-II (Events)
A. 1850 (i) Factory production began
B. 1860 (ii) EIC control over production increased
C. 1870 (iii) xport market collapsed
D. 1880 (iv) Cotton supplies cut off from US
(1) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii), D-(iv) (2) A-(ii), B-(iv), C-(iii), D-(i)
(3) A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(ii) (4) A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iii), D-(iv)

Q.69 Match the following and choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
A. Andrew Mearns (i) Massive destruction
B. Henery Mayhew (ii) Child-crime
C. Gareth Stedmen (iii) London labour
D. Charles Dickens (iv) London society
(1)A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i) (2)A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iii), D-(iv)
(3)A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iv) (4)A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(ii), D-(i)

Q.70 Seventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution provides -

(1) division of subjects in three lists (2) list of States and Union Territories
(3) list of "Scheduled languages" (4) powers and responsibilities of panchayats

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Q.71 Article 371 of the Indian Constitution provides special powers to -
(1) Jammu and Kahmir
(2) Goa
(3) Union Terrorities
(4) North-eastern states (1ssam, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, etc)

Q.72 Belgium's shift from a unitary form of government to federal form of government in 1993
indicates that
(1) the regional governments were given constitutional powers of their own
(2) the regional governments were brought under the control of the central government
(3) that the Dutch and French ministers shall be equal in the central government
(4) community government will undertake the powers of the central government

Q.73 Radial pattern of drainage has -

(1) right angles structure (2) jointly rock terrain
(3) dome like structure (4) branch like structure

Q.74 Rajasthan receives scanty rainfall because -

(1) the moisture laden winds blows parallel to the Aravallis
(2) it is far away from bay of Bengal
(3) it is closer to tropic of cancer
(4) it has lot of sanddunes

Q.75 Large population can be turned into a productive asset through -

(1) industrialisation (2) urbanisation
(3) education and health for all (4) migration of people to urban areas

Q.76 AAY stands for -

(1) Anti Allergic Yojana (2) Antyodaya Anna Yojana
(3) All Anna Yojana (4) Anti Action Yojana

Q.77 The function of Academy of Development Sciences (1DS) in Maharashtra is -

(1) strengthening rationing system
(2) identifying poor families below poverty line
(3) facilitating network for setting up grain banks in different regions
(4) fixing Minimum Support Price

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Q.78 In which of the following economies are people more of a resource?
(1) Country A with 78%.of the working age population illiterate and with very low life
(2) Country B with 10%of the working age population illiterate and with high life expectancy
(3) Country C with 60% of people in the working age illiterate, but with high life expectancy
(4) Country D with only 10%of population is the working age illiterate, but has very low life

Q.79 Which of the following statements is true of agriculture in Indian economy between 1973 and
(1) The sectorial share of agriculture in employment has decreased far more than its share on
total output
(2) The sectorial share of agriculture in total output has decreased, but its share in employment
has increased
(3) The sectorial share of agriculture in total output has increased, but its share in employment
has decreased
(4) The sectorial share of agriculture in output has decreased far more than its share in total

Q.80 Assertion (1) : Sex Ratio in India is low.

Reason (R) : Indian society has been unfavourable to females.
Select the correct option from the given alternatives.
(1) Both (1) and (R) are true, and (R) explain (1)
(2) Both (1) and (R) are true, but (R) does not explain (1)
(3) (1) is true and (R) is false
(4) (1) is false and (R) is true

Q.81 A pilot takes off from an airport at 15º S latitude and flies 55º due North. What latitude the pilot
has reached?
(1) 55º N (2) 40º N (3) 70º N (4) 15º N

Q.82 In Chile the government of Allende was overthrown on

(1) 9th November 1972 (2) 11th September 1973
(3) 16th October 1974 (4) 18th November 1975

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Q.83 The person that can become the chairperson of National Human Right Commission is
(1) Retired Chief Justice of Supreme Court (2) Chief Justice of Supreme Court
(3) Advocate General (4) High Court judge

Q.84 The social differences that prevailed in Sri Lanka were

(1) regional (2) economical (3) political (4) religious

Q.85 A few gram panchayats are grouped together to form, what is usually called a
(1) Panchayat Samiti (2) Gram Panchayat (3) Naya Panchayat (4) Zilla Parishad

Q.86 Medha Patekar is associated with

(1) Narmada Bachao Andolan (2) Anti-Liquor movement
(3) Women.s movement (4) Dalit's movement

Q.87 The kind of malpractices done by the PDS dealers are

(1) selling goods to ration card holders (2) selling goods at less than market price
(3) selling poor quality grains (4) selling goods to poor people

Q.88 The per capita income of India in 2004 is

(1) Rs 30000 p.a. (2) Rs 29000 p.a. (3) Rs 28000 p.a. (4) Rs 27000 p.a.

Q.89 Money is accepted as a .medium of exchange. because

(1) money can create loan (2) money adds to the value of a commodity
(3) money is portable (4) money facilitates the process of exchange

Q.90 The common factor among cotton textile industry, sugar industry and jute industry is that all are
(1) mineral-based industries (2) agro-based industries
(3) information technology industries (4) privately owned industries

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