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Secondary Science

Task 3: Assessment Commentary


Respond to the prompts below (no more than 10 single-spaced pages, including prompts) by typing your responses within
the brackets following each prompt. Do not delete or alter the prompts. Commentary pages exceeding the maximum will not be
scored. Attach the assessment you used to evaluate student performance (no more than 5 additional pages) to the end of this
file. If you submit a student work sample or feedback as a video or audio clip and you or your focus students cannot be clearly
heard, attach a transcription of the inaudible comments (no more than 2 additional pages) to the end of this file. These pages
do not count toward your page total.

1. Analyzing Student Learning

a. Identify the specific learning objectives measured by the assessment you chose for
[MS-PS3-4 Plan an investigation to determine the relationships among the energy
transferred, the type of matter, the mass, and the change in the average
kinetic energy of the particles as measured by the temperature of the
MS-PS3-5 Construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the
kinetic energy of an object changes, energy is transferred to or from the
Specific Science concepts used include the following:
 Chemical energy is transformed into other types of energy during a chemical reaction.
 An object’s chemical energy increases as its mass increases.
 The type of substance an object is made of influences the amount of chemical energy it
b. Provide a graphic (table or chart) or narrative that summarizes student learning for your
whole class. Be sure to summarize student learning for all evaluation criteria submitted
in Assessment Task 3, Part D.

Table 1. Average grade in percentages for the whole class and then by sex.

Table 1 shows the class average for the end of unit chemical energy quiz, which is a 5-question
10-point quiz. This quiz test student mastery of the unit, which composed of energy
transformation, and what factors affect chemical energy.]

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permitted only pursuant to the terms of a written license agreement.
Secondary Science
Task 3: Assessment Commentary

c. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and the whole class summary to
analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class and differences for groups or
individual learners relative to
 conceptual understanding,
 use of scientific practices during inquiry, AND
 development of an evidence-based explanation or reasonable prediction about a
real-world phenomenon.

Consider what students understand and do well, and where they continue to struggle
(e.g., common errors, confusions, need for greater challenge).

Table 2. The number of students that answered incorrectly or correctly for each question on the

Overall, the class average in my opinion was towards the higher end at 78%. The
question that students seemed to struggle with was number one. As students were taking the
quiz it was an obvious struggle answering question number one. I reworded it and tried to clarify
the question asked. If I were to reassign this quiz, rewording that question is necessary for

Almost the whole class answered question number two correctly; this question had a
wide range of acceptable answers. This question ensured that students could relate what they
have learned to everyday life.

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The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Use of the edTPA trademarks is
permitted only pursuant to the terms of a written license agreement.
Secondary Science
Task 3: Assessment Commentary

Table 3. Averages of the whole class compared to the students that are struggling readers
emotionally impaired and SLD.

Data table 3 is very useful in comparing the students that need additional
accommodations to the whole class. This information will allow me to reassess what help these
students need. The struggling readers have the lowest averages, the quiz is read to them but
maybe the wording was unclear or confusing.

d. If a video or audio work sample occurs in a group context (e.g., discussion), provide the
name of the clip and clearly describe how the scorer can identify the focus student(s)
(e.g., position, physical description) whose work is portrayed.
[ N/A ]

2. Feedback to Guide Further Learning

Refer to specific evidence of submitted feedback to support your explanations.
a. Identify the format in which you submitted your evidence of feedback for the
3 focus students. (Delete choices that do not apply.)
 Written directly on work samples or in separate documents that were provided to the
focus students
If a video or audio clip of feedback occurs in a group context (e.g., discussion), clearly
describe how the scorer can identify the focus student (e.g., position, physical
description) who is being given feedback.
[N/A ]
b. Explain how feedback provided to the 3 focus students addresses their individual
strengths and needs relative to the learning objectives measured.

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The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Use of the edTPA trademarks is
permitted only pursuant to the terms of a written license agreement.
Secondary Science
Task 3: Assessment Commentary

[ Giving students notes directly on their work and handing them back allows me to leave
encouraging notes and correct the incorrect answer. In class the correct answers with
explanation’s were given to clear any confusion for any future test. ]

c. Describe how you will support each focus student to understand and use this feedback
to further their learning related to learning objectives, either within the learning segment
or at a later time.
[ To support each focus student I left feedback on each of their quizzes explaining what
could be differently and always ended or started with a positive comment. I made sure to
complement students on thorough explanation and continue to work with students on their
writing in the classroom. Also having a better understanding of what students have mastered or
not allows me to revisit certain topic in future lessons. The lesson in the curriculum allow for
continuous revisiting of old material to relate it to new material. ]
3. Evidence of Language Understanding and Use
When responding to the prompt below, use concrete examples from the video clips and/or
student work samples as evidence. Evidence from the clips may focus on one or more

You may provide evidence of students’ language use from ONE, TWO, OR ALL
THREE of the following sources:
1. Use video clips from Instruction Task 2 and provide time-stamp references for
evidence of language use.
2. Submit an additional video file named “Language Use” of no more than 5
minutes in length and cite language use (this can be footage of one or more
students’ language use). Submit the clip in Assessment Task 3, Part B.
3. Use the student work samples analyzed in Assessment Task 3 and cite
language use.

a. Explain and provide concrete examples for the extent to which your students were able
to use or struggled to use the
 selected language function,
 vocabulary and/or symbols, AND
 syntax or discourse
to develop content understandings.
[ I believe my students struggled with vocabulary and written discourse. The last two questions
were multiple choices and majority of the students got them both correct. The first three
questions were short answer, which many of the struggling readers had a problem answering or
stating their thoughts.

For example, a student that is a struggling reader/emotionally impared also struggles with
writing and explaining thoughts below:

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The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Use of the edTPA trademarks is
permitted only pursuant to the terms of a written license agreement.
Secondary Science
Task 3: Assessment Commentary

4. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction
a. Based on your analysis of student learning presented in prompts 1b–c, describe next
steps for instruction to impact student learning:
 For the whole class
 For the 3 focus students and other individuals/groups with specific needs

Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different
strategies/support (e.g., students with IEPs or 504 plans, English language learners,
struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in academic
knowledge, and/or gifted students needing greater support or challenge).
[ The class as a whole did well on the quiz, which means they understand the information,
but had slight confusion on the first question. If that question worded differently I believe the
scores would have been better. I will on a future final exam reword or have an alternative
question that covers that target to get a better understanding of student understanding. As for
the next steps in learning students will move on to electrical energy where chemical energy will
be revisited and related on several occasions. Students will constantly relate new material to
old material and explaining how the old material helps explain what they are learning in the now.
Revisiting and connecting this material is not only beneficial to the whole class but even more
so for the students that have and IEP’s, struggle with reading, and are underperforming. ]
b. Explain how these next steps follow from your analysis of student learning. Support your
explanation with principles from research and/or theory.
[ My analysis of student learning during this unit allows me to determine what areas
students are struggling with. It allows me to determine what needs further explanation and what
students have mastered. Students struggled most with the written discourse, I feel as though
they can verbally communicate what they need but most students at this school are behind in
reading and writing, which can make it hard for students to communicate through writing.
Students did well relating real world examples to what they had learned. This means that they

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All rights reserved. V6_0916
The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Use of the edTPA trademarks is
permitted only pursuant to the terms of a written license agreement.
Secondary Science
Task 3: Assessment Commentary

are able to build on their experiences that is accomplished through scaffolding (Scaffolding in
the Classroom, When students can relate to the
information, they are learning it becomes a memorable experience. ]

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All rights reserved. V6_0916
The edTPA trademarks are owned by The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Use of the edTPA trademarks is
permitted only pursuant to the terms of a written license agreement.

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