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Production of fuel oil from municipal plastic

Guidance Submitted by –
Dr. Arun kansal Shubhang awasthi
The growth of plastic production has been increasing drastically as it
is widely used in many type of product industry due to its low cost and
advantages to the population. But on the other side it being non bio-
degradable i.e. not easily decomposed makes it a problem to the
Plastic waste –
Generally the municipal plastic waste contains about 3-5 wt%
PVC, 5-8 wt% PET, 15-20 wt% PP, 20-25 wt% LDPE, HDPE 10-
15 wt%, 7-10 wt% of ABS, Nylon, etc.

Methods for disposal of plastic waste

There are various methods to dispose waste plastic such as land
filling, incineration, blast furnace, gasification and mostly used
recycling. But these also are not able to fill the required disposal of
plastic waste.
 Current status of disposal methods in our country
 According to a nation wide survey conducted by CPCB in the year 2003. More
than 10,000 MT(metric tons) of plastic waste is generated daily in our country,
and only 40 w% is recycled, remaining 60 wt% is not possible to dispose off.

 Plastic waste contributes to the solid waste streams by about 8 – 15 % by weight

and twice that by volume(GOI 1997).

 Why fuel generation from plastic waste

 Our country faces a critical problem of fuel and energy deficiency. The fast
depletion of petroleum reserves and its rising prices affect our economy

 The National production capacity is capable of fulfilling not even 30% of the
total fuel demand. Remaining 70% is fulfilled by importing crude oil.

So, This technique will help in the disposal of plastic waste and will also help in
fulfilling the national oil demand of our country.
 Process involved in the fuel generation
Two processes are involved in the conversion of waste plastic into fuel oil.

 Basic Pyrolysis process –

In this, thermo chemical decomposition of organic and synthetic materials is
carried out at elevated temperatures in the absence of oxygen. The process is
usually conducted at temperature range from 500-800 °C . The catalyst used in
this process is the natural zeolite and Y zeolite.

 Catalyst reforming process –

It is a major conversion process used in
petroleum refinery & petrochemical industry. The reforming process is a
catalytic process which converts low octane naphthas into higher octane
reformate products for gasoline bending.
 Description of the equipment
This is an insulated stainless steel cylindrical reactor heated by electrical
heating coils to achieve a maximum heating temperature of 500 °C . The necessary
provision is made on the reactor for mounting the gadgets for measuring pressure,
temperature and collection of hydrocarbons from the reactor.

The gaseous output from the reactor is passed through a double walled
condenser with inlets and outlets for cooling water. The gaseous hydrocarbons at a
temperature of around 350 °C are condensed to around 30-35 °C .

The condensed hydrocarbon in the liquid form is collected in the receiver.
The provision is made for collecting the uncondensed gases in to gas collector. The
arrangement to measure the volume & rate of flow of distillate continuously or
intermittently at any point of time is made in this section.

The complete process is controlled from the control panel.
Optionally the process can also be controlled from a Computer. The continuous feed
back of the process parameters is available on the Control Panel and the Computer. The
data generated is stored in the computer.
Journal Author & Materials Abstract Methedology
Published used
Fuel oil Mochamad • Feedstock used • Aim of this • The pyrolytic &
production from syamsiro, Harwin for the experiment was to catalyst reforming
municipal Saptoadi, Tinton experiment are study fuel oil reactor are made of
Plastic waste in Narsujianto, Putri of three types of production from stainless steel &
sequential Noviasri, Shuo MPW i.e. pyrolysis & covered with an
pyrolysis & cheng, Zainal Polyethylene catalytic electrical heater.
catalytic Alimuddin, Kunio bags with PE reforming process • 1.6– 2.6 Kg of
reforming Yoshikawa bag 2 & HDPE feedstock is fed
reactors. Published date – waste. • Feedstock types into pyrolytic &
4 february 2014 strongly affect the reforming reactor
• Catalyst used yield & quality of & was set at 450
in this process product. degree c.
are commercial • Then, 100 gm of
Y Zeolite & • Catalyst catalyst is added to
Natural zeolite . presence reduced reforming reactor
the liquid fraction where pyrolisis gas
& increase the is formed.
gaseous fraction. • Reforming Gas
was condensed to
liquid products in
the condenser.
 Results
o Effect on properties of liquid product from various feedstock.
PE bag 1 produced highest gasoline fraction & PE bag 2 produced highest diesel
fraction. Kinematic viscosity was greater for HDPE waste. Pour point was higher for
all of the three. Flash points were lower than that of diesel fuels.
Properties Units PE bag 1 HDPE waste PE bag 2 Test method
Density @ g/cm3 0.8544 0.7991 0.824 ASTM D1298
Kinematic cSt 1.739 2.319 1.838 ASTM D 445
@ 40°C
Flash Degree <10 <10 <10 ASTM D 93
point c
Pour point Degree 24 27 24 ASTM D 97
Water % vol. 0.1 0.5 Trace ASTM D95
Heating MJ/Kg 41.45 42.82 46.67 ASTM D240
o Effect on properties of liquid products for
different catalysts.
Pyrolysis with natural Zeolite catalyst produced higher liquid
product campared to Y Zeolite. Heating value of WPO is similar to
those of commercial fuels.
Properties Units No catalyst Y Zeolite Natural

Density @ g/cm3 0.8719 0.824 0.868

Kinematic cSt 1.99 1.838 2.191
viscosity @
Flash point Degree c <10 <10 <10
Pour point Degree c 27 24 24
Water % vol. 0.5 Trace Trace
Heating MJ/Kg 46.74 46.67 45.58
 Conclusion from research paper
 Results show that feedstock type strongly affect the
product yield & quality of liquid product.
 HDPE waste produced the highest liquid fraction.
 Catalyst presence reduces the liquid fraction &
increases the gaseous fraction.
 But Pyrolysis with natural Zeolite produced higher
liquid fraction than Y Zeolite.
 Quality of waste plastic oil was still lower that
that of commercial fuels.
 This invention shall lead towards the development
of economical & eco – friendly technology for
plastic waste disposal.

 This technology will also be beneficial for solving

the problem of national fuel demand & save
millions of foreign exchange.
 Future work
An improved process & apparatus for
manufacture of liquid fuel from
plastic waste and refinery waste.

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