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Hair Regrowth
We Tried ThemAll. Here's The Only One We Recommend.

Complete Person
Dharma, Artha,Kama and Moksha.

Mudra therapy is a non-medical mode of treatment which helps without harming. Mudras are various postures of fingers and thumbs. In mudra therapy, different
diseases are treated by holding and retaining the fingers and the thumbs in different ways.

This simple measure surprisingly restores a state of balance(homeostasis) within the body and raises the level of the performer's resistance . With the patient's
immunity thus strengthened, the disease has no other option but to flee.

Mudra therapy is advantageous in a number of ways:

It is very simple, perhaps the simplest among different non-medical therapies.
Mudras are quite easy to perform.
It is an extremely gentle form of treatment
It is entirely safe since no chemical medicines are employed
Mudra therapy is inexpensive because no instruments are required
It is a form of self-treatment.Any person who has acquired basic knowledge about mudras can treat most trivial ailments on his own
Mudra therapy has a preventive aspect, too.

Any person who analyzes and understands his temperament and his bodily constitution (on the basis given in Personality through health table ) can realize
what ailments he is susceptible to and can , then regularly practice certain mudras to prevent those susceptibilities from manifesting in to overt illness.
Mudras enjoy a universal application. They can help all types of disorders ; Sub-acute, acute or chronic; they can help all type of people :young or old, men or

Mudra therapy can be advantageously combined with other forms of treatment: non-medical as well as medical. Being a part of Ayurveda, it goes especially well
with Ayurvedic medicine.

Even after this much saying some you may say that "All this sounds too good to be true. does it really work. Or is it all in the mind ? Perhaps mudras help
because the performer strongly believes that they will. With out the performer's faith,mudras would fall flat on their faces".
But some doctors and scientists never believe in such things but some tested and say this really work. So it upto You to decide whether it work or not. I can say
this because as far I had find out and with my own experience with mudras I can say that Mudras help people who are entirely new to or unaware of, Mudra therapy
and have never witnessed its efficacy to become 'believers'.
Mudras help young children and even insane people, where the question o belief does not arise and Mudras even help semi-conscious or unconscious people (on
whom Mudra therapy is carried put passively by using rubber bands to maintain thumbs and fingers in specific positions).
Even though mudras help in many disease there some where it has no role in the treatment of the following disorders

Purely mechanical disorders like mature cataract, a big hole in the eardrum, deviated nasal septum, cleft palate, hare lip, heart0valvular defects,varicose
veins,hernias,big stones in the gall bladders/urinary tract, prolapsed uterus/rectum/inter vertebral disc, fracture, etc. These disorders will, obviously, need surgical
intervention.Ailments caused by deficiencies of nutrients. vitamins, minerals, etc.Disorders that are a part and parcel of old age (senile degeneration).

Life threatening ailments like cancer, AIDS, encephalitis, diphtheria, heart failure, kidney failure, cirrhosis of the live, septicaemaia, gangrene etc. These ailments
cal for strong, extreme measures rather than gentle mudras.
So what I say that mudra therapy is an excellent key to try in the the lock of disease. More ofteh than not, it succeeds in opening up th lock . This key should,
certainly, be tried when other keys(e.g modern medicines) have either failed or are undesirable / inapplicable. You may say that mudra therapy seems to simple to
be really effective. So what I can say is in life, most important truths are , indeed , wuite simple!

A to Z List of Diseases that can be cured by mudras: mudras for differnt diseases

Personality through health

Vaayu-shaamak or Vaayu mudra
Aakaash-vardhak or Aakash mudra
Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra
Prithvi-shaamak or Surya mudra
Prithvi-vardhak or prithvi mudra

converted by
Jal –vardhak or Varun mudra
Jal-shaamak mudra
Vaata-kaarak or Vaayan mudra
Vaata-naashak mudra
Pitta-kaarak or Kapha-naashak mudra
Kapha-Kaarak or Pitta-naashak mudra
vatta + pitta nashka mudra
Vaata+ kapha nashak mudra
Tridosha-naashak ‘Surabhi’ mudra
Apaan mudra
Apaan- vaayu mudra
Linga mudra
Shanka mudra
Asthma mudra
Maatangi mudra
Uttarbodhi mudra
Pushaan mudra
Tridosha-naashak “samaan’ mudra
Pitta+Kapha-naashak mudra
Yoni mudra or shanmukhi mudra
Maha Mudra
Maha Vedha Mudra
Yoga Mudra
Matangini Mudra
Ashwini Mudra
Kaki Mudra
Shambhavi Mudra
Unmani Mudra
Viparita Karani Mudra


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