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Name of Drug Classification and Indication and Side Effects or Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

(Dosage, Route, Mechanism of Action Contraindication Reactions

Frequency, Timing)

Generic Name: Classification: Indication: Fatigue, abdominal pain, Monitor respiratory status,
HYDROCORTISONE . hypertension, auscultate lungs before and
SODIUM SUCCINATE Bronchodilator Relief and prevention of dyspepsia, after nebulization
bronchospasm tachycardia, sinusitis,
Brand Name: Beta2 Adrenergic agonist inpatients with airway dysuria, urinary Report treatment failure or
SOLU-CORTEF and anticholinergic obstructive disease retention, weakness, exacerbation of respiratory
edema, vomiting, symptoms to physician
Dosage: Bronchodilator diarrheal constipation
250mg Do not allow solution or
mist to enter theeyes


Mechanism of Action: Contraindication:

Beta2 adrenergic receptor Patient with cardiac

cause bronchodilation and tachyarrythmias,hypertr
vasodilation opicobstructivecardiomy
Timing: opathy andpatient with
Anticholinergic, history
blocks reflexes by ofhypersensitivity
antagonizing action of

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