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Winda Widiyati Mantik1, Fazryanur1

Nursing Science STIKES Sari Mulia Banjarmasin


Introduction: The incidence of disasters in Indonesia in recent years is quite high. The impact
of disaster gives enormous influence humans and the surrounding environment. To lower the
impact caused by the disaster, needed the support of various parties, including the involvement
of nurses as part of a country. It is necessary for medical technical skills (Disaster Medicine)
based on the skills of the emergency response (Emergency Medicine) supported by the
managerial system (Disaster Management) is good. Medical services vital role in disaster
management. Nurses have the role and contribution in every phase of disaster management.
Therefore, disaster management is an important thing to do in dealing with disasters.
Methods: The method used in the making of this article is the study of literature from various
journals and books related to the topic of the concept of the role of nurses in disaster
management. Assessment study on the maeri explored through literature study using both
literature-literature literature books or from the Internet relating to the topic and the source can
be trusted. Literature is then analyzed and interpreted with the topic of the role of nurses in
disaster management.
Results: The study conducted by Sudiro, Mardi Harnanto Addi t test results showed that the
value t = 8.344> t table (0.05, df 29) = 1.69913 with a 95% confidence level indicates the value
of α = 0.00 <0.05 , From these results it can be concluded that Ha Ho accepted and rejected,
which means that the simulation health sector disaster preparedness management effectively to
increase the ability of nurses and midwives.
Conclusion: Disasters can lead to physical problems, psychological, social, spiritual, and
economic. Disaster management needs to be done immediately to the disaster. Management
can be done was done in accordance phases. Rapid and proper management can minimize
problems and losses caused by the disaster. Medical services is also an important role in
disaster management. Nurses have a role and contribution in every phase of the management.
Keywords: the role of nurses, disaster management.

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