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Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D.



A mathematical and ontological

basis for a scientific sociology?

Introduction to the Project of Grounding Summary:

Reflexive Sociology in a Reflexive
Autopoietic Dissipative Special Systems
In this paper1 we will explore possible
mathematical and ontological bases for
reflexive sociology. The first part of the
Kent D. Palmer, Ph.D. essay will consider the possible
Orange CA 92867 USA mathematical basis and the second part
714-633-9508 will attempt to put that into a wider context by discussing an ontological basis for reflexive sociology. The
mathematical and ontological bases are
Copyright 2003, 2014 K.D. Palmer. complementary and thus support each
All Rights Reserved. Not for distribution. other in the grounding of reflexive
Started 03/01/16; Version 0.11; 05/13/17; sociology as a mathematically scientific
edited 2014.8.4 rs05v10.doc
discipline in a sense that has not been
achieved before by any of the sub-
disciplines of sociology. The purpose of
the essay is to call into question the
concept of a scientific sociology and its
Keywords: role in transforming our concept of
science in general. The dream of a
Sociology, Reflexive, Reflexive Sociology, scientific sociology has haunted the
Social Phenomenology, Autopoietic, discipline since its founding. The
Dissipative, Systems Theory, Meta-systems
realization of that dream has profound
Theory, Social Theory, Alchemy, Imaginal
Psychology, Archetypal Psychology
implications for the understanding of
science itself. Thus this is an essay not
just in the social construction of science
and technology, but the science of social
invention and construction as a reflexive
sociological endeavor.

For this paper on the web see

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

Introduction gigantic proportions since it is reported

that about 43% of the instructors in
colleges and universities belong to this
By Reflexive Sociology is meant a academic underclass. However, this
sociology that takes into account the phenomenon is germane to our subject,
sociologist producing the theory or because it is an example of how the
social research himself or herself, or of a Academic system has turned against
sociological discipline doing a social itself by exploiting its own graduates.
study of itself. Reflexive Sociology is We do not have truth in advertising
about the ambiguous region in which when we enter educational institutions
Sociology folds through itself. At that that tell us how those same institutions
point it tends to wax philosophical. It will exploit us once we are educated by
tends to lapse into paradox, viscous them. We pay for the education and then
circles, absurdity and even at times the we are in many instances underpaid and
insanity of the crackpot. Reflexive not given benefits by those same
sociology has been represented during institutions once we have gained our
the early nineteen seventies by such qualifications. This is a prime example
figures as Alan Blum, John O'Malley, of how a system turns in on itself in a
Barry Sandywell and others who negative reflexive modality, by reifying
founded the sub-discipline, which is a its relation to students and faculty by
sort of postmodern philosophizing about career administrators whose only care is
the nature of Social Theory. Since that the bottom line. The archetypal image
time there has been a steady if small that we should associate with this
stream of sociological and quasi- negative reflexive spiral in our academic
philosophical research based on this system is Kronos eating his own
approach. The author of this paper did children. The crime of the administrators
his research during this hey day of is underwritten by the silence of the
Reflexive Sociology and then upon tenured professors. In my opinion every
receiving a Ph.D. from London School talk by a tenured professor should begin
of Economics in Sociology promptly by decrying this injustice. Each
entered the field of Systems and Professor in a university is teaching
Software Engineering. This was dictated many students who will be exploited by
by the economic downturn of the early- some other institution once they receive
eighties and the saturation of educational their degrees. Professors interests in their
institutions. But by changing careers I students should be lifelong not just up
managed to avoid being condemned to until graduation. Professors should not
the netherworld of the Adjunct Faculty, accept the underclass of lecturers who
a social trap that so many of my peers are their counterparts but should support
have been caught in. This production of their striving for equal pay and benefits.
a second-class academic citizens by The same work is being done in both
Educational Administrators exploiting a cases. It is an arbitrary and unjust
surplus of graduates is a crime in my distinction that only has economic
opinion. It is tantamount to educational justification in terms of cost cutting by
institutions turning against their own the university administration.
products, their graduates, and Universities collude together to create
cannibalizing them. This is a scandal of this academic underclass and exploit

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

each other's graduates. Fortunately I sociological discipline and especially to

avoided that morass myself, but I cannot social theorists who may be struggling
help but sympathize with those who with similar problems today. Upon
have been caught in that social sinkhole leaving sociology for industry I
which gives reality to the question of eventually found a segment within the
reflexive operations of social technological sector in which my skills
construction of the academic institutions. with regard to social problems might be
This is something that we are doing to relevant. That segment is called Process
ourselves by our objectifications of each Improvement. It involves attempting to
other separating out the roles of improve Software and Systems
administrator, student, faculty member Engineering work processes using the
and playing them against each other. But Software Engineering Institute's
having escaped that fate in Academia Capability Maturity Models. Currently I
which represents Logos in our Society I am working on improving the Systems
then had to deal with the in many ways Engineering rating of my company to a
deeper problems of Industry which maturity level three based on the CMMI
represents Physus2 in our society. model. I have treated my research work
Pursuing a career in Systems and in industry as if it were sociological field
Software Engineering is a time work and thus have learned quite a bit
consuming and deeply engaging about industrial sociology and human
endeavor that tends to take one far away work processes in the context of socio-
from Academic concerns. Industry has technical systems in extremely technical
its own exploitive and negative aspects disciplines. Part of my work in this area
that are in many ways more severe than may be seen in my Advanced Process
those of Academia. So attempting to Architectures tutorial presented at the
pursue a career in industry has its own Software Engineering Process Group
interesting and engaging characteristics Conference. It is sad that there is not
that will keep one occupied. more cross-pollination between
academia and industry in this and other
similar areas of mutual concern. Most of
the practitioners in this area know
However, over the years I kept up my nothing of sociology or any other social
interest in Sociological Theory and sciences being for the most part trained
expanded more in the direction of as engineers. In the context of this work
Philosophy and Systems Theory. I have become interested in the relation
However, I always kept in the back of of Systems Theory and Software and
my mind the problem of the grounding Systems Engineering Design
of Reflexive Sociology. In the course of Methodologies. This has led to research
my research on advanced systems theory at the cutting edge of systems theory,
I serendipitously discovered such a basis which is recounted in my book Wild
for grounding reflexive sociology and Software Meta-systems3. In order to
this paper is an attempt to report those explain how systems are designed it was
results to the practitioners of the necessary to extend General Systems
Theory into a new area which considered
2 what are called Meta-systems. The work
09/msg0035799.html could be transliterated as phusis,
or physis. See

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

on the relation of Systems to Meta- Plato which focused on the various cities
systems eventually led to understanding in the works of Plato and how they were
what are now called the Special organized. The Laws of Plato is at once
Systems4. The culmination of this the first Systems Theory book and also
research appeared in a book called perhaps the first Social Theory book.
Reflexive Autopoietic Systems Theory5. However, it is ignored by most
Upon completing this work I made philosophers and political scientists and
presentations at ISSS6 2000 and almost never studied by Sociologists.
INCOSE7 2002 in order to make known However, there are many strange aspects
these discoveries8. I thought it wise to of the Laws especially when compared
also attempt to inform the Social Theory with the other cities that Plato describes
community because this discovery of the in the Republic and Timaeus. Eventually
Special Systems has implications for I recognized these differences as spelling
Sociology as well. This is why I am out the relations between the special
presenting a summary of my research at systems. However, all these pieces did
ISTC9 2003. Thus, I speak to you not as not fall into place at once. Rather this
an academic sociologist, but instead as a commentary on the Laws provided a
trained sociologist who through background in which other research into
circumstances beyond my control has Systems Design Methods and Systems
been forced to do twenty years of field Theory played. At the time I had written
work in the high technology aerospace a paper on Software Design Methods
industry. And who has also continued to based on the work of George Klir for
pursue my research into the The International Journal of Systems
philosophical grounds of reflexive Science. It summarized the work I had
sociology as well as doing research into done on Software Design Methods in the
advanced systems theory and systems previous ten years. One day I realized
and software design methodologies. The that there was a relation between what
various interests unexpectedly and Klir calls the Ordering Lattice which he
serendipitously came together in a grand called a Methodological Distinction and
synthesis with the discovery of special the Hyper Complex Algebras. At that
systems theory and emergent meta- moment the theory of Special Systems
systems theory in about 1994. The whole was born. To my knowledge no one had
thing resulted from an in depth study of previously used the hyper-complex
Plato that I was doing as part of my algebras as a basis for a systems theory.
work in writing a book about the The more I delved into this new source
structure of the Western Worldview for systems theory the more applications
called The Fragmentation of Being and I saw for it to various problems I had
the Path Beyond the Void. In that work I been studying over the last thirty years.
was doing a commentary on the Laws of Hyper-complex algebras see little use in
science proper, except in String Theory.
They are a mathematical curiosity. But
For more papers on this subject see when you take them and use them as a
5 template for producing a series of
systems theories, then one sees that their
7 odd properties can be very useful in
See understanding other areas beyond

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

physics. This is what I have been vantage point resolved into a synthesis.
engaged in doing since 1994. After the That synthesis as I have followed it up
theory itself was defined fairly well I has far reaching implications. My main
began looking for historical precedents job in this paper is to attempt to show
and the number one precedent in this that this synthesis is a bonafied
case is the works of Plato. I believe that Sociological Theory as well as its other
his descriptions of cities are a blueprint implications. That should not be difficult
for understanding the differences among because it has a component of reflexive
the special systems. I believe also that social theory built into the overall theory
ancient civilizations knew about the at the ground level. The difficulty will be
special systems and put this knowledge to persuade others that this sociological
to use. They left us artifacts that component of the theory is of
attempted to embody those structures. significance for the discipline of
But we have forgotten about the Sociology. When I took Sociology the
existence of the Special Systems and so dream of sociologists was to be
they come as news to us today, where considered a bona fide science like
they should actually be a wisdom carried physics and biology. That meant having
consciously by our tradition. But mathematical models. Unfortunately the
somehow our tradition has forgotten phenomena we studied did not lend itself
about the special systems and so it is up to mathematical models in the same way
to us to understand them again today in a as other more rigorous disciplines.
way that makes sense in the context of However, in the case of Special Systems
modern science. The point is that as theory there is a mathematical
Plato knew, they were a way of component to the theory, which could
understanding social systems, as well as serve as a basis for grounding
other living systems. Plato's work was sociological theory, at least one of the
designed to pass on knowledge of the reflexive sort. So what this paper will
special systems to us today. But they suggest is that the fools gold for which
have failed up to this point because we all sociologists would give their eye
did not have a proper theoretical context teeth might turn out to be real gold after
for understanding those works. The all. Which is to say that there may be a
object of this paper is to establish that mathematical basis for at least some part
theoretical context and also to look at of sociological theory. This is of course
Plato's examples of the special systems the strongest claim of this theory and I
as well as other examples from antiquity. am sure it will be the one to meet with
Once you understand the theoretical the most criticism. But unless we
context then it is possible to read these attempt to provide candidates to be
examples and get a good idea about the refuted then we can hardly continue to
nature of these Special Systems and their call ourselves scientists. This then is a
relation to each other, which is called the theory that is a good candidate for
Emergent Meta-system. I don't think that refutation. I invite everyone to take a
I have any particular special skills that swing at it, because if this theory is
allowed me to discern this theoretical disproven at the very least I will have
pattern. It was merely that I was looking learned something from this exercise.
at a large cross section of very different Otherwise, I will just remain a crackpot
problems, which from a particular without any justification for

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

understanding why this theory is wrong. they appear in the organization of Plato's
So hold on to your seats this is likely to cities appears as proto-sociology. In
be a wild ride, for all of us. other words in some sense Reflexive
Sociology must deal with what has been
It should be mentioned that I believe that swept under the carpet by Scientific
Reflexive Sociology has a dual which is Sociology because it functions in the
Reflexive Psychology. I take Reflexive interface between the Restricted
Psychology to be a superset of what has economy of Science and the netherworld
been called by Hillman Archetypal of pseudo-science in the tradition of S.L.
Psychology based on the tradition of Andresky who wrote Social Science as
Jungian Psychology, which is interested Sorcery.
in the Collective Unconscious. Of course
we are interested in both the Collective
Unconscious and its archetypes as well
as the collective consciousness explored A Possible Mathematical Basis For
by a social phenomenology. However, Reflexive Sociology
this concept of a Reflexive Psychology
being the dual of a Reflexive Sociology The first thing that needs to be
will raise some eyebrows. This will be understood is that there is a difference
especially true when we mention between Systems and Meta-systems.
alchemy following the tradition of Jung Everything hinges on this distinction.
in which alchemy is seen as primal We know what "systems" are
psychology. However this is based on presumably because we use the word all
the idea that the archetypes are defined the time. But my definition of it is a
by the special systems, which is the Social Gestalt. I contrast the perceptual
subject of a different paper. But the basic gestalt with what I call the proto-gestalt
concept is that archetypes and ideas are and I take this distinction at the
duals of each other. Ideas are unites of conceptual level to be the difference
presences and Archetypes are totalities between the system and the meta-
of absences. Thus, the Ideas that we system. Unfortunately in our culture
posit in a scientific sociology or there is no real concept of the meta-
psychology have to be balanced against system or the proto-gestalt. So that
the archetypes that appear in folk means that it is necessary to learn to
sociologies or psychologies. Here the make this crucial distinction. I define the
folk sociologies, perhaps studied by meta-system as the environment,
ethnomethodology in some non- ecosystem, milieu, context, situation,
discredited form, and the folk and other similar words that suggest
psychologies which we see in such what surrounds the system. I use the
phenomena as mentalization are taken term ‘Meta’ in the sense of 'beyond'. The
into account as the shadows of the meta-system is beyond the boundary of
restricted economies of the social the system. A system is a gestalt in the
sciences that appear in the general sense of being composed of a tension
economies that surround them and between figure and ground. We see the
govern the intersection of these system by a series of figure and ground
disciplines. Just as Alchemy is proto- gestalts that pick out the objects that
psychology then the Special Systems as stand in relation to each other in the
system. Systems, of course, can be static

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

or dynamic; they can also be open or gestalt which we transfer to the system
closed as in the standard definition. The by considering it phenomenologically.
whole problem is where to draw the But the meta-system is a whole less than
boundary of the system and I believe the sum of its parts. This is a state of
that it is socially projected, that is to say affairs that is almost never considered.
socially invented and constructed and An example of a whole less than the sum
maintained. But all boundaries need a of its parts is a sponge, i.e. a whole with
context within which they are inscribed holes. The emptiness of the holes
and this context is the proto-gestalt. In themselves play a role, this is something
effect the proto-gestalt is the implicate we learn from the Tao Te Ching when it
order10 of the various gazes that pick out points out the usefulness of the void in a
the gestalts of the system. The proto- hole in the wholeness of a bowl. It is
gestalt is the context from the horizon strange to think about an absence or lack
beyond which the gaze cannot reach to being useful but think of a tunnel
the central gestalt at any one moment, through a mountain that trains and cars
but the proto-gestalt contains all the pass through, that is very useful. So it is
gazes at all the gestalts within that that every system has a complementary
horizon. Thus the proto-gestalt meta-system composed of niches
encompasses the environment of the especially made to hold the systems of a
system from the horizon of the gazes of particular type. That meta-system is
the social observers of the system to the made up of lacks that accept the
boundaries of the system. surpluses of the systems it encompasses.
If you begin looking at the world in
But we can also see another level of terms of meta-systems you will find
system within a system. Thus the meta- them everywhere. But this is a way of
system also can exist within a system as looking at things that we seldom
the environment of a sub-system within experience because all our training is to
that system. So meta-systems exist both look at systems and to ignore meta-
inside and outside the boundaries of the systems.
system seen as a social gestalt. When I
say social gestalt I am assuming either Once you can see the difference that
there are multiple agents observing a makes a difference between systems and
system or that the same agent observes meta-systems on the conceptual level
the system from different viewpoints, and gestalts and proto-gestalts on the
and that that agent is broken up into a perceptual level then the next step is to
swarm of sub-agents. realize that there exists a type of system,
a special kind of system, where the
Once you understand that there is a whole is exactly equal to the sum of its
complementary difference between the parts. Now this is the hard part. Because
system and the meta-system (gestalt and it is difficult for us to conceive of a
proto-gestalt) then the next step is to whole equal to the sum of its parts until
understand the characterization of these we are reminded of the prefect number.
two kinds of system. The system is a The perfect number is a whole equal to
whole greater than the sum of its parts. the sum of its divisors, exactly equal to
This is the standard definition of the its parts. Note that perfect numbers are
rare anomalies and so are Special
David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order Systems. The question is whether we can

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

isolate a special type of system in both unity and totality and that is
existence that is like the perfect number. wholeness. It is quite intuitive that a
The perfect number shows up in Euclid's whole is a unified totality which is
Elements. It was a crucial example of different from either a unity or a totality
wholeness in the Classical age. or a plurality considered separately.
However, it has become merely a Thus wholeness may be considered a
mathematical oddity in our own times. non-dual between the orthogonal
This is because no systems theory has directions of unity and totality arising
been developed that emulates the from plurality. Such a whole may be
structure of the perfect number. Such a either a whole less than the sum of its
systems theory must occupy the edge parts, like a sponge, or a ecosystem of
between systems greater than the sum of niches, i.e. a whole of holes or a whole
their parts and systems less than the sum greater than the sum of its parts like a
of their parts, just as the perfect number gestalt. But these two orthogonal
as a mathematical anomaly is compared possibilities also have a non-dual which
to numbers whose sum of devisors is is the whole equal to the sum of its parts.
greater than the number itself, or less It turns out that there is not just one such
than the number itself. Our job here is to possibility but three. For instance, there
attempt to understand whether it is are not just ‘perfect’ numbers but also
possible to construct such a systems ‘amicable’ and ‘sociable’ numbers.
theory that can act as a bridge between Amicable numbers are those in which
the number theory ideal and empirical two numbers divisors add up to each
phenomena that might be described by other. These were known since antiquity
such a special systems theory. as well like the perfect numbers and
considered an image of symbiosis. The
One way to approach constructing this sociable numbers are a series which
possible systems theory is to start with forms a ring in which one number adds
Kant's categories of part and whole. up to the sum if the divisors of the last
They include the dialectically related number in the series and its divisors add
categories of Plurality, Unity and up to the sum of the next number in the
Totality. From Plurality we can go in the series. These were discovered at the
direction of Unity in which there is a beginning of the twentieth century.
center of coherence that interrelates the These three kinds of special numbers
plurality. Another direction you can go give us three ways to make a number
is in the direction of totality that includes exactly equal to the sum of its parts.
everything together despite a lack of That condition can either be satisfied in
integrity. These are two different the number itself, autonomously, which
directions that it is possible to travel is very rare. Or it can be satisfied by two
away from plurality toward totality and numbers for each other called amicable.
toward unity. Kant presents them as a Or it can be satisfied by a ring of such
dialectic, but in fact there is something numbers called sociable. In other words
that is missed by that way of looking at the condition can be satisfied after a
these categories which is the delay and through the mediation of other
combination between these two numbers which are different from itself.
directions which does not subsume unity Now this means that there is a further
through plurality to totality. In other differentiation of the Whole that is
words there is something that combines

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

exactly equal to the sum of its parts into is like the sociable number. However, in
three kinds. I have taken the liberty to my presentation I reverse the priority
develop a special systems theory related and say that the autopoietic system is
to each of these possibilities that are like the perfect number and the
presented us by number theory. I call dissipative system is like the amicable
these three possibilities Dissipative number. This is because in effect the
Ordering, Autopoietic Symbiotic, and dissipative system is like the number
Reflexive Social. In doing so I invoke a than needs another number to complete
specific theory that is related to each of itself and the autopoietic system
these Special Systems. The dissipative achieves a kind of unity and stability that
special system is related to the work of the dissipative system does not have.
Prigogine who defines dissipative This is because the dissipative system
structures as spreading negentropic order must expand whereas the autopoietic
in far from equilibrium systems. The system has a stable boundary. Thus the
autopoietic special system is related to dissipative system needs the other
the work of Maturana and Varela on number of the amicable set to help
Self-Producing Systems. The reflexive complete it and is continually moving
social special system is related to the toward that other number in the amicable
work of Barry Sandywell and John set. On the other hand the autopoietic
O'Malley on reflexive social system. I system achieves a kind of autonomy in
say dissipative ordering so you will its self production that gives it a sort of
know that it is order that is dissipating in unity which is like the perfect number in
a negentropic system. This is to avoid spite of it's structural duality made up of
the confusion that the word dissipation symbiotic dissipative special systems. So
on its own produces by suggesting that autopoietic systems have organizational
something is merely fading away as it unity like the perfect number in spite of
disperses. Instead in a dissipative their being made up at the structural
ordering system the environment of a level of two dissipative systems that are
different, or no, order is being converted in symbiosis with each other. Further
negentropically to the order that is two autopoietic systems conjuncted give
expanding within the special system of rise to the reflexive social system. The
this type. Instead of just autopoietic I most sociable number rings have four
add the word symbiotic to make it clear members and this is a structure
that an autopoietic system is not just a somewhat like the reflexive social
unity as Maturana and Varella suggest special system. However, instead of a
but is really a conjunction of two ring of dissiaptive systems these may be
dissipative systems in a symbiotic made up of two pairs of dissipative
relation. I add the word social to systems that produce two autopoietic
reflexive to distinguish this theory from systems in a symbiotic pair. So the
other reflexive theories that are perhaps analogy with the perfect, amicable, and
not social in their nature. In a straight sociable numbers from number theory is
forward way we can see that the not perfect. But it is a very close analogy
dissipative ordering system is like the to these three kinds of special system
perfect number, the autopoietic which differentiate wholes that are
symbiotic system is like the amicable exactly equal to the sum of their parts
number, and the reflexive social system sometimes after a delay and mediated

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

through other parts. attached to existing theories of the social

unconscious. Rather the key point is that
An example of a theory that the analogy from number theory is not
approximates this is that of Deleuze and the only mathematical analogy that is
Guattari in Anti-Oedipus. They possible to attempt to understand the
distinguish the desiring machine, the relations between these special systems
individual and the socius. The desiring and their nature. The next key analogy11
machines are like the dissipative is to topology. We can liken them to a
ordering special systems. The individual series of surfaces that have the odd
organism is like the autopoietic property of being non-orientable. These
symbiotic special system. The socius is are the Mobius strip, the Kleinian bottle,
like the reflexive social special system. and what I call the hyper Kleinian bottle.
The whole purpose of Deleuze and The Mobius strip is a surface with one
Guattari’s theory is to break down the boundary and one side although it
individual organism into partial objects locally appears to have two sides and
and to see those partial objects forming a two boundaries. Thus, there is a seeming
rhizome that goes beyond the boundary local/global paradox with regard to these
of the individual in the social network, figures. The dual of this figure is the
not of individuals but of desiring Penrose triangle made famous by
machines distributed across bodies. For Escher. It appears in his drawing of a
desiring "machines" (or perhaps continuous waterfall that serves as its
machinations is a better term) I would own source. Such an illusion is related to
like to substitute the idea from Foucault the idea of the perpetual motion machine
of "practices," calling them dissipative which is found to be impossible in
practices. I would like to identify four physics due to entropy. However, what
types: desiring : avoiding :: has not been seriously considered is the
disseminating : absorbing. Dissiaptive possibility of an endless information
ordering special systems may be of these machine. Strange attractors seem to play
four types. So there is a kind of this role. Such an perpetual information
chemistry of special systems which machine might take the form of
would conjunct different combinations information moving around a Mobius
of these types of dissipative practices to strip. An example of such a formalism is
produce different flavors of Autopoietic the Laws of Form by G. Spencer Brown
and Reflexive special systems as higher in which the Mark is both operator and
level constructs within the rhizomatic operand at the same time having one
network of dissipative practices. We side as noun and the other side as verb.
would also like to resuscitate the work of In the Laws of Form there is a rule that
Coutu on Tendencies-in-a-situation, or wraps the mark around the null or
TINSITs, and describe these dissipative background state which makes the two
practices as different basic kinds of rules12 emulate the duality of the mark.
tendency in human situations with The nature of software has many of
regard to the arrangement of partial these attributes. For instance, Leon
objects within the rhizomatic network
across bodies. 11
For another earlier version of these same ideas see
"Deep Mathematics and Emergent Meta-systems
Now the key point is not so much that Theory" by the author.
these kinds of special system can be 12
[][]=[]; [[]]=null

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

Osterweil has claimed that software What is interesting is that these Mobius
process is also software itself. Many formations can be glued together
anomalies in software engineering make topologically to create a higher level
it clear that these artifacts have some formation called the Kleinian Bottle. The
strange properties such as bootstraping analog of the Kleinian Bottle is the
languages that are written in themselves Nekker cube in the realm of perceptual
which are similar to those of the Mobius illusions. The Nekker cube is a pair of
strip, and gives some idea that gestalts that flip back and forth between
information machines are different from each other unstably so that we can not
physical machines in some peculiar hold onto one or the other indefinitely.
ways. It is possible to see dissipative There are a whole series of such
ordering systems on the form of the perceptual illusions that show the
negentropic structures of Prigogine in instabilities of the gestalt formations of
these terms. In other words such systems perception, like the image of the old
expand spreading their order from a woman and the young girl that appears
singularity toward their boundary at in most undergraduate textbooks in
which conversion of the environmental psychology. Now this higher level
order occurs. It is as if there were a flow formation is produced by conjuncting
of information from singularity to two Mobius strips of opposite twist. It
boundary which was self-perpetuating creates a figure that is like a bottle in
which feeds off of the disordering of the which the spout goes back though the
environment. Overall positive entropy side of the bottle to become a spout at
imbalance is maintained but locally there the bottom of the bottle. This surface is
is negative entropy. The surface of the also non-orientable and thus
boundary between the positively topologically anomalous. There are two
entropic and the negatively entropic is configurations of this figure. One as a
similar to the non-orientable surface of bottle and the other as a bifurcated figure
the Mobius strip. It has similar strange "8" tube that is twisted 180 degrees and
properties. It allows a reflection of the glued to itself. The Nekker Cube and the
ordering back to the singularity at the Klienian bottle together give us a picture
core of the dissipative special system in of the autopoietic symbiotic special
such a way that the waterfall of ordering system. Like the Kleinian bottle it is
gives rise to itself continually. There is made by conjuncting two lower level
the same strange disparity between the Mobius strips. It appears as a symbiosis
global appearance of positive entropy of these two lower level systems at the
increase and the local eddies of negative structural level and thus it is like the
entropy that make up the dissipative Nekker cube, each dissipative special
ordering special system. We probably system pops out as the figure on the
don't understand completely what is ground of the other dissipative special
going on in detail in these anomalous far system and we cannot hold the two in a
from equilibrium systems but it is clear stable formation perceptually. This is
that something strange is happening because at the organizational level they
which allows the appearance of what have fused completely into a higher
Kauffman in At Home in the Universe order non-orientiable anomalous form.
calls "spontaneous creation of order The Kleinian bottle like the autopoietic
from nowhere." system has the appearance of a closed

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

system which is yet open to interference developed by Maturana and Varela. Self
from the environment. This both open production is like the self intersection of
and closed at the same time aspect of the the Kleinian Bottle which produces
autopoietic system is what is specifically anomalous situations with respect to
referred to in the theory of Maturana and primary distinctions such as open and
Varela. With the bottle it is ambiguous closed or inside and outside. These
whether the surface is on the inside or mathematical analogies clarify the issues
the outside of the bottle. Since the bottle that seem even stranger when only
surface passes though itself it is expressed in terms of abstractions about
ambiguous whether it is open or closed. biological creatures and their
These paired ambiguities operate like the subsystems. Maturana and Varela's
Nekker like qualities of the two theory is like a kind of biological
dissipative systems at the structural level existentialism focused on the individual
but as global properties which are organism rather than the propagation of
balanced against each other at the the essence species. It has gained some
organizational level. The unity of the popularity recently because it draws
self-producing system arises from the attention to some phenomena that appear
fact that its surface, whether inside or in biological systems that are normally
outside, whether open or closed is all difficult to explain, such as the way the
non-orientable. This means it is like neurological system works, or the
Rienaman Spacetime which is globally immune system works, or how the whole
curved but locally flat. In other words organism operates. In fact, we could see
unlike the Mobius strip which is locally the organism as a conjunction of two
two sided and globally one sided there is "openly closed" systems neurological
instead a global coherence and local and immunological. The idea of their
incoherence. At the structural level this closure is that you cannot predict what
incoherence is between Nekker Cube they will do based on behavioristic input
gestalts playing back and forth freely because for the most part they are
and unstably. At the organizational level reacting to their own internal state. The
this incoherence is in the ambiguity problem of the immune system is to
between inside/outside and closed/open recognize its self. The problem of the
determinations. Locally there is neurological system is to recognize
coherence. You appear to be either other within the waking dreams of a real
inside or outside at any one spot on the world that we call consciousness. These
Kleinian Bottle surface. You can two openly closed systems are
imagine the crossover point where the conjuncted to produce an organism in
Kleinian Bottle self-intersects as being which inside and outside are ambiguous
open or closed in any one representation. as well as openness and closure.
But the illusion and ambiguity at the Consciousness spills over ecstatically
structural and organizational level take projected beyond our bodies. We are
over when we consider the form of the open to the world while enclosed in our
Kleinian Bottle globally. This bodies. Structurally we see logos and
topological example along with its dual physus (phusis) as twin gestalts that are
with regard to perceptual anomalies goes unstable like those in the Nekker cube.
a long way in explaining the oddities of Organizationally we realize that we are
the theory of Self Production which was really composed of mindbody, i.e. a non-

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

orientable interface between body and Conjunctus" or Sacred and Mystical

mind which is non-dual rather than the Marriage. The Reflexive Social System
duality that our culture tends to is a conjunction of two autopoietic
reinforce. Our unity is the continuity of organisms, like we have in marriage
that non-orientable topology of the which is socially sanctioned institution.
manifold that connects physus and logos. The reflexive special system is a field
But that interface has points of self which encompasses two conjuncted
intersection which we call the ego and autopoietic systems. There is a closed
the body image. We are continually mirroring in this relationship. That
trying to connect that self-intersection to closed mirroring sets up myriad images
the globally incoherent whole by of the other and self of the form he
unconscious processes. But the thinks that she thinks that he thinks that
ambiguity of the whole leads to she thinks that I am such and such. It has
instabilities between conscious and been found experimentally that we easily
unconscious processes that are go up to four levels of ramification of
continually vying for dominance within this type without losing track but that
the self considered as the totality of the beyond the fourth level we begin to lose
person rather than merely the unity of track of our ramified thoughts of the
the ego. relations between self and other. Our
way of handling this sort of thought is
The next stage is the conjunction of two called mentalization. With mentalization
Kleinian bottles into a hyper-Kleinian we construct a model of what the other
Bottle. This is constructed by taking a knows which we act on. It is a folk
clover leaf tube instead of one shaped psychology that projects ourselves into
like a figure "8" and twisting it 180 the other and assumes that they have a
degrees and gluing it together. The hyper mind like we have. Mentalization cuts
Kleinian Bottle is two Kleinian bottles though all the ramified images to
with the same self-intersection surface. produce a social world, which is for the
In such a formation you do not know most part fairly stable as a basis for
which bottle you are in when you enter social action. It is a miracle that
the shared self-intersection shape which mentalization works so well and it is like
in this case is a circle. The two Kleinian an intuitive sense of the thought of the
Bottles within the Hyper Kleinian Bottle other and our place in those thoughts
mirror each other. The illusory image of that we can act in relation to an consider
this is the four dimensional tesseract, our own thoughts in reference to in order
which is the four dimensional analog of to know who we are in the social field.
the cube. The tesseract actually exists The social field and the relations
geometrically but cannot be fully between the others in this field is like a
realized in three dimensional space. We four dimensional space of which our
see only shadows in three space when consciousness only has a limited three
we turn the tesseract in four space with dimensional view. However, by
respect to the three space slice. These mentalization we seem to know how to
two higher level figures are the analog of navigate that four dimensional space
the Reflexive Social special system. We despite our only mentalized shadows of
can think of them in terms of Marriage, it. Ultimately that social space is like a
specifically the Jungian concept that combination of the collective
comes from Alchemy of the "Mysterium

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

consciousness and collective Conjuntus in Alchemy. It is of course the

unconsciousness. But we only have ideal of love in our society. Locally there
indirect access to these psychohistoric is fusion with the other. But globally
properties. We have only the regions there is a supra-rational state in which
mutual self-intersection to commune the organisms and their consciousnesses
with the others. We only have the always remain separated and isolated.
shadows of mentalized images of the But that separation and isolation from a
thoughts and knowledge of the others. different perspective, when the
Thus, we find ourselves in a mirror individuals are seen as empty or void
house, which we continually cut though can be viewed as interpenetrating. So at
by our mentalizing hypothesis about the the highest level there is a tension
knowledge and thoughts of the other. between fusion of paradoxicality,
With respect to another individual we vicious circles or absurdity on the one
can reduce that mirrorhouse to a closed hand and suprarational interpenetration
internally mirroring partition. But when on the other. In the tesseract as a four
we go beyond the other within the closed dimensional figure we see this kind of
relation then we have a much more synergy that intimates the possibility of
difficult situation within which to interpenetration as the same dots and
attempt to mentalize. The social fabric lines of the tesseract actually produce
itself is in continual flux and the fields of eight virtual cubes. The four dimensional
force are continually changing in the realm which is ultra efficient is the
wider mirrorhouse of society at large or image of suprarational interpenetration.
even in small groups. So the closed On the other hand the Hyper Kleinian
relationship such as is constructed by the Bottle which can be extended to have
institution of marriage is an important any number of lobes in a 2n series is the
building block of society. It allows us to image of the intensification of ambiguity
experience the Hyper Kleinian Bottle in to paradox to viscous circles on to
which non-orientable surfaces intersect absurdity and even insanity of utter
at the point where other such surfaces fusion with everyone.
also intersect. It gives us glimpses into
the four dimensional world of which we Notice how these topological and
only see shadows on the small scale perceptual analogies sharpen our concept
before opening up all the stops and of what is at stake at each level of
attempting to comprehend these fantastic conjunction of the lower-level
landscapes of multiple self-intersection formations to build higher-level
on the large scale. Here there is a sense formations of the special systems. The
that we have actually opened to another topological analogy gives structure to
dimension which has different properties our expectations about the nature of
than the normal three dimensional world. Special Systems. What then we are
We see that social world through a space doing here is looking at various
of mutual self-intersection, which can mathematical anomalies which happen
lead to paradoxical fusion between to have a very similar threefold structure
different autopoietic systems in a and using that structure to give substance
reflexive situation, i.e. organisms in a to our concept of how special systems
social situation. This possibility of are structured. The various analogies are
fusion is called the Mysterium taken from different mathematical arenas
but in each case there is an anomalous

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

emergent structure that defines the along which solitons could be imagined
relations between elements that are to move. In fact a single positive soliton
conjuncted to give more complex levels on one side of a strip would be a
of structure. Another example of this is negative soliton on the other side of the
the soliton. A soliton is an anomalous strip. We could imagine breathers
wave that does not lose energy to existing on the surface of a Kleinian
entropy easily. Solitons travel down bottle. We could further imagine super-
troughs or channels and appear as humps breathers communicating between the
of water. They can pass through one surfaces of two Kleinian bottles that
another without losing energy, or bounce were joined into a hyper-Kleinian bottle.
off walls without losing energy. It turns Super-breathers exchange information
out that there are solitons, which are and energy instantaneously across
single waves that act like particles, but spacetime between breathers. So by the
there are also "breathers" which is a addition of the physical anomalous
conjunction of a positive and negative series we suddenly introduce movement
solitons falling into each other. Solitons and dynamism to what would have been
must move down their channel but a static model. Instantatons can
breathers are stationary. There are also exchange infoenergy between separate
things called instantaton's. These are Kleinian bottles non-ambiguously. With
solitons of potential energy that travel this exchange we can hypothesize that
though potential troughs and seem to there is the possibility of constructing
jump instantaneously from one point in perpetual information generating
spacetime to another. We hypothesize machines which have the ability to
that there is also a configuration called a produce the appearances that we saw in
super-breather that is a combination of a the Penrose Triangle, Nekker Cube and
pair of breathers by intermediary Tesseract. In other words the dynamic of
instantatons. Two breathers might then information exchange can produce the
exchange energy and information illusion that is the flip side of the
between each other by exchanging topological series thus tying together
instantatons rather than just having it's these two phenomena. So each set of
instantatons falling into each other as a mathematical anomalies in fact adds to
normal breather does. Notice that this our picture of the structure of the special
series: soliton, breather, super-breather is systems. Rather than independent views
produced by conjunction. Notice that we are in fact seeing different
each more complex level is emergent complementary aspects of the same
having its own special properties. Notice model.
also that the form involved is an
anomaly, in this case a physical anomaly When we say that we want to combine
rather than a mathematical anomaly. the anomalous model of the soliton
However, this series is interesting to series with the anomalous model of the
combine in a thought experiment with Mobius series with each other we need
the Mobius strip, Kleinian bottle, hyper- to be more precise about this
Klienian bottle series. The topological combination. If we imagine the Mobius
series is static while the physical series strip to be a kind of trough that the
is dynamic. And amazingly the Mobius soliton may travel within what we notice
strip can be seen as a kind of trough is that the same solition is on one side of
the Mobius strip a positive soliton (a

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

mound) and on the other side the same the exchange of instantatons between
soliton is negative (a depression). Thus breathers. This state of two hearts
the mobius strip as the medium for the beating as one is a definition of
propagation of the soliton causes the resonance synchronicity. It is an image
very same configuration to be both of the result of the Mysterium
positive and negative at the same time Conjunctus. Notice that the soliton needs
without any interference between the a containing trough in order to
two states because it is the Mobius strip propagate. When these two troughs are
that brings the positive and negative joined they produce a hermetically
aspects together in the same sealed container. Steve Rosen long ago
configuration. When we move up to the recognized that the Kleinian bottle is an
Klieinian bottle we would see that that image of this alchemical container. In
bottle can be seen as a conjunction of alchemy this container is like a bottle
mobius strips with opposite twists. Each which holds the prima materia as it
of these mobius strips can carry undergoes the transformational process.
combination positive and negative What we see here is a story of how the
solitons moving around each mobius bottle produces along with the soliton
strip as a trough. Now when we combine infoenergy packets traveling though the
the mobius strips to become a Kleinian Mobius strip step by step produces the
bottle then a self-intersection circle is more complex configuration of the
formed. At this self-intersection circle Kleinian and Hyper-Kleinian bottles
we can imagine the two solitons from with their breathers and super-breathers
each Mobius strip colliding in the self- at the point of self-intersection and other
intersection circle. At that point they intersection. And these more complex
may form a breather, which is stationary, configurations give us models of what
at the self-intersection circle. Since the might be meant by the Mysterium
Kleinian bottle is analogous to the Conjunctus if we consider that the ring
organism then this soliton breather might of intersection is like the wedding ring
be analogous to the organ of the beating and the super-breather in the zone of
heart. Now when we combine two self-other intersection is like the
Klienian bottles with their breathers into resonance and synchronicity between the
a hyper-Kleinian bottle what we would hearts of the two autopoietic organisms
get is a super-breather again at the producing a reflexive interaction that is
ambiguous double self-intersection zone symbiotic not just at the autopoietic level
of the two Kleinian bottles. This zone is but at the reflexive level as well. In this
composed of two circles which if way it becomes clear how these two
independent can define a four mathematical analogies when taken
dimensional sphere. Or it can be seen as together produce an interesting result
a three dimensional sphere which is the that would not be seen if we just applied
interface between two four dimensional them separately to defining the Special
spaces each of which contains one of the Systems.
hyper-Kleinian bottles. The super-
breather at the self-intersection of the The most important of these various
two Kleinian bottles in the Hyper- analogies for the Special Systems is that
Kleinian bottle may be seen as two
hearts beating as one, made possible by

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

of the hyper-complex algebras13. These different special systems. These

are unique algebras that exist only in differentiations are much more refined
four possible configurations as generated and far reaching in their implications
by the Cayley Dickson process. These than those we have discussed previously.
algebras are called Real, Complex, This is because we can imagine a
Quaternian, and Octonion algebras. universal algebra based on each of these
Beyond these all other algebras are non- special algebras that can form the basis
division algebras, such as the Sedenions. of a special systems theory. We can add
The Real Algebra is the normal one we these differences in the algebras to those
are used to dealing with and learning in already enunciated. When we do that we
school. In higher mathematics we learn see that the algebraic model is more
also about the Complex Algebra which complete because it specifies the
is analogous to the Dissipative Ordering framing or limiting elements that exist
Special System. We seldom hear about on either side of the set of three special
the Quaternion which is analogous to the systems. The real algebra corresponds to
Autopoietic Symbiotic Special System the system, i.e. the whole that is greater
or the Octonion Algebra which is than the sum of its parts. The sedenion
analogous to the Reflexive Social and other higher order non-division
Special System. In each of these algebras represent the meta-system or
algebras we lose an algebraic property. whole less than the sum of its parts. And
When we move from the Real to the the three hypercomplex algebras
Complex algebras we lose the identity of between real and sedenion, namely,
complex conjugate numbers so complexnion, quaternion, and octonion
orthogonal relations between numbers represent the three special systems that
becomes important. Grassmann was the exist as versions of wholes exactly equal
first to explore these kinds of numbers to the sum of their parts. This is modeled
systematically. When we move from in the relations of the various imaginary
Complex to Quaternion we lose the numbers to each other in each of these
commutative property so action becomes algebras. I suggest looking at
important. When we move from mathematical textbooks and the
Quaternion to Octonion we lose the multiplication tables of the imaginary
associative property so social relations numbers in each case to see exactly how
becomes important. When we move this works. But each hyper-complex
from Octonions to Sedenions we lose the algebra uses sets of imaginaries in
Division property and zero divisors relation to each other in order to produce
appear. These different algebras are all different images of interpenetration.
degenerative cases of the Algebra of the These images of interpenetration show
Real numbers we all learn in High various ways that a whole can be equal
School. The emergent relations between to the sum of its parts because the
these algebras are very precisely defined various imaginaries give rise to each
by the lost properties that differentiate other through their interaction. They
them. These lost properties become the form what Aczel calls a ‘non-well
basis for differentiating between the founded set’ with intermediary levels
between self-references. These various
For a more complete presentation see Reflexive levels of emergent self-reference can be
Autopoietic Systems Theory by the author at likened to a set of mirrorings. Onar Aam

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

pointed out that a complex algebra is the complex plane. That orthogonality is
like two mirrors facing each other. A dependent on a fundamental double
quaternion algebra is like three mirrors mirroring that is worked out with the
facing each other. An octonion algebra is complex algebra. So rotation of the
like four mirrors facing each other in a complex plane [-1 -> i -> 1 -> -i] is
tetrahedral formation. Onar Aam similar to the non-duality of the non-
produced the first pictures of the orientability of the Mobius surface. But
equivalent of the Mandelbrot set for a hidden property of the complex plane
Octonions. It has been known for some is the trace level patterning of intensities
time that there are quaternion of lines of flight that occur with
Mandelbrot set equivalents, but Onar repetitions of formula in the complex
Aam showed that the same was true of space. A similar sort of transformation
Octonions algebras. We have referred to occurs when moving from the Mobius
these as ‘Aambrot’ sets which is the next strip to the Kleinain bottle. We get the
level beyond the Quaterbrot sets. It is four dimensional space which is
very significant that the Mandelbrot set glimpsed at the reflexive level being
appears in the complex plane. Each point produced since the quaternion is the
in the plane has its own escape velocity transformational basis of four
and that produces the infinitely deep dimensional space. The quaternion is
patterning of the Mandelbrot set (the two orthogonal complexnions. But there
most complex mathematical object is a symmetry breaking that produces the
known). So it is for the Quaterbrot and quaternion out of a pair of conjuncted
Aambrot sets each point in four complexnions. This symmetry breaking
dimensional space and eight dimensional is like the difference between the two
space has its own escape velocity possible Kleinian bottle representations.
discovered though iteration which One is symmetrical the other is
produces a deep trace level pattern asymmetrical. Quaternions allow robot
within that hyper-complex space. It arm movements to be calculated without
should also be noted that according to S. singularities that cause stopping of the
Donaldson the fourth dimension also has arm rotations in three-dimensional
infinite fake differential topologies space. This is the main use of
unlike the finite topologies of other Quaternions in physics. So there is an
dimensions. Notice then that the two, effective aspect of Quaternions, which is
four and eight dimensional spaces have equal to the undoing of all knots in four-
this important trace level Mandelbrot dimensional space. In Quaternion
patterning but in the fourth dimension, algebra the loss of the commutative
i.e. the dimension of the autopoietic property causes actions to matter
special system there is also infinite because we cannot reverse them without
differential topological ramification. additional effort. In autopoietic systems
the focus is on behavior. But the knots
When we add this information to our which are tied by three-dimensional
prior topological model we see that behavior actually fall apart in four-
topologies open up to metric spaces and dimensional space. These knots do not
metric spaces are measured by algebraic hold except in the local three-
series. The same level that had effective dimensional realm -- they fall apart in
non-duality with the Mobius strip can be the global four-dimensional space. We
conceived as having the orthogonality of

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

watch the closed autopoietic system and because of the loss of the associative
we notice that responses do not follow property. It matters who sets next to
from stimuli, this is because it is acting whom at the dinner table. The Octonion
out series of inner states that cannot be algebra defines the metric field space
willy-nilly retraced at will. Rather an within which the hyper-Kleinian bottle
action that leads to a state may take exists. The hyper-Kleinian bottles are
many other actions to reverse than the autopoietic systems images. They move
action that caused it in the first place. about and relate to one another,
Yet, four dimensional space has an ultra- sometimes sharing the same circles of
efficacy (ultra-efficiency plus ultra- ambiguity, i.e. married but other times
effectiveness) which we see in the not. They are exchanging infoenergy, i.e.
autopoietic special system. This ultra- chi or shakti, via super-breather
efficacy is the dual of the differing and instantatons with other organisms in a
deferring of Differance talked about by realm where association is everything. In
Derrida. In organisms we call it life. this social field there are attempts to
Bergson called it elan vital. This bring to bare the ultra-efficacy of the
ambiguous topology that we identify fourth dimension in these social relations
with the Kleinian bottle dips into the as with mentalization cutting though the
ultra-efficacy of the fourth dimension. he said, she said images that infest the
This is the key to the production of reflexive space. Mentalization is the
perfect balance between lack and surplus ultra-efficacy of the reflexive social
which makes the autopoietic system realm, as organic unity is the ultra-
special. It can self produce because it has efficacy of the autopoietic symbiotic
tapped into this ultra-efficacy which realm, and negentropy is the ultra-
allows it to have no distance between efficacy of the dissipative ordering
original and copy. Perfect self and other realm. The touchstone of mentalization
recognition is possible at this unique is the actual fusion in the marriage
point that allows us to push off the drift where hyper-Kleinian Self-intersections
away from ourselves toward the other or overlap. Each sort of special system has
the other towards ourselves. The true its own form of ultra-efficacy that inhere
Self and Other-within-the self can be in wholes that are exactly equal to the
non-nihilistically recognized within the sum of their parts, either immediately
autopoietic system because of this like the Autopoietic System, or though
possibility of bringing the ordering of another as it is with the Dissipative
the fourth dimension into embodiment Special System, or though a series of
within the limited spacetime of self- others like it is with the Reflexive
production. Autopoietic Special System. We say the
amicable numbers are associated with
Similarly when we move to the Hyper- the dissipative because they are out of
Kleinian level we begin to see this in the balance by themselves. As in the myth of
real relations between self and other, the Symposium of Plato given by
rather than merely the internalization of Aristophanes each is searching for its
that distinction. It is the shadows of the other half. Whereas when those other
fourth dimensional objects moving that halves are found then there is a
we intuit their structure. This is the level wholeness and balance that does not
of the Octonion algebra with its metric occur otherwise.
geometry. Here social relations matter

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

Implications that type of special system. But up until

now we have not seen how mathematics
What we see here is a use of might allow us to construct social
mathematics as an analogy for a certain theories about these creatures such as
type of anomalous system, which then ourselves. Now it is clear that the way to
we relate to negentropic systems that do that is to search within mathematics
exhibit order from nowhere, living for anomalies such as those we have
systems, and social systems. The been discussing. They are sprinkled
mathematical models give us different throughout the mathematical categories,
views of the different emergent levels. these three or five fold anomalies that
But all of these levels occur though specify emergent jumps between
conjunction of lower levels into higher anomalous mathematical or physical
levels via a composition among equals, objects. We need to look at these
not among unequal parts. The anomalous mathematical objects and
mathematics points us to the very special attempt to see how they are related to
nature of these special systems, which each other. Then we need to follow out
we can use as a basis for exploring the the implications of their structure for our
anomalous phenomena. In these understanding of special systems and
phenomena the law of entropy is escaped then these special systems can be applied
slightly which gives these systems a to emergent phenomena like organs,
tremendous advantage over everything organisms, and social groups of
else. This is what makes negentropic organisms. They specify the emergent
phenomena so unique, and what gives leaps between the levels of organization.
the unique qualities to life and social It is these leaps or voids between the
relations. But the key is that the levels of emergence of the negentropic
mathematical models allow us to define phenomena, the living and the social that
the emergent jumps between these we have the most difficulty
different kinds of wholes. Systems and understanding. The mathematical models
Meta-systems fall completely under the allow us to define the levels of
domination of entropy. It is only the organization themselves clearly and then
special systems that escape in varying the different mathematical analogies
degrees and probabilistically from allow us to get different views of the
entropy at local and encapsulated arenas. nature of these levels of organization.
We see living and social creatures all What is astounding is that the different
around us because they have such an analogies fit together and give us a basis
advantage once this emergent level has for mutual interpretation between them.
been reached. However, they are rare in Thus the mathematics allows us to
the universe as a whole, if only because structure our theories in non-intuitive
there is so much more empty space than ways that then can be compared to the
anything else. There may be Reflexive phenomena themselves sometimes
Autopoietic Dissipative Negentropic elucidating it in unexpected ways. This
social organisms on other worlds as is what mathematically based theories
well. But what is interesting is that we are supposed to do. Because they are
live in a place where they are the norm. structured based on mathematics they
Earth is infested with them, unlike other have well defined structures. These
places in our solar system. And because theories can be more easily understood
we are them we have a special interest in

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

an also more easily tested and refuted. the rubric of the same theory. In other
This is the beginning of a mathematical words it is a general theory of special
sociology, which is also a psychology, systems that is made more concrete
and a biology all wrapped together. It is when applied to biological structures,
inherently interdisciplinary because the individual organisms, and social fabrics
emergent jumps take us from one or fields. It could be used to understand
discipline to another. It is the emergent living things from another planet, which
jumps that are used to define the had a completely different biological
boundaries of the disciplines. This way basis, or morphology, or social structure.
of modeling uses mathematics as the But it gives us clues as to what to look
glue that connects the disciplines. It also for in those alien creatures, their
orders our expectations as to the biological infrastructure and their social
organization of the various emergent superstructures. This xeno-bio-psycho-
levels. There are probably many more sociology is possible because the
anomalous mathematical relations that mathematical, physical, logical and
can be brought to bear to explain perhaps schematic constraints would be
Reflexive Autopoietic Dissipative the same throughout the universe.
Special Systems Theory. I have only
tried to deal with a few that might allow Reflexive Sociology can only really be
others to see the reasoning behind this understood on the basis of an
approach. I think it is the first such Autopoietic Symbiotic view of the
sociological theory where the organism, and upon a Dissipative
mathematics drives the structure of the Ordering view of the organs and the rest
theory. Anomalous mathematical objects of the biological infrastructure.
are used to describe the emergent Reflexive Psychology and its Jungian or
relations between levels of anomalous Archetypal shadow is likewise based on
phenomena. It is an attempt to make this same insight into Special Systems
Sociology, Psychology, Biology like Theory. Reflexive Psychology, as
mathematical physics in as much as the imaginal or archetypal is about the meta-
theory is structured by the mathematics system within the closed autopoietic
and then is tested against the system while Reflexive Sociology is
phenomena. The mathematics makes the about the field that mirrors it on the
theory have a certain shape that is outside of the autopoietic system.
perhaps counter intuitive so we learn Reflexive Sociology and Reflexive
from the math and then we learn from Psychology, called Archetypal
nature as we see how it fits that same Psychology or Imaginal Psychology in
mold or not as the case may be. It allows other forums, are mirrors of each other
us to describe very precisely the that both explore the reflexive field from
emergent jumps between levels, how the different perspectives, i.e. inward or
complexity of higher levels is achieved, outward perspectives. But we know from
how elements are conjuncted rather than the Kleinian Bottle example that these
connected in other ways. How the ultra- are ambiguous with respect to each
efficaciousness of the various special other. We call the hyper-complex
systems is achieved. How other numbers imaginary for good reason. We
phenomena with similar ultra-efficacious call the levels of organization inwardly
characteristics may be understood under that mirror the special systems
archetypal. In other words, special

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

systems theory gives us a mathematical the dissipative is next most likely, and
basis for understanding the structuring of the autopoietic is least likely.
the archetypes that Jung identified and
that Hillman has explored more recently. The only thing left to mention is that
Jung had a profound insight when he there is a combination of these various
used Alchemy as the basis of his special systems and the normal system
psychology. Alchemy of Bolos of together to form what is called an
Mende was a early version of Special Emergent Meta-system which is an
Systems Theory which traces it's roots image of the dynamic implicit within the
back to the works of Plato who was meta-system. All four system views
keenly aware of the special systems and conjunct to produce a cyclical dynamic
their organization. The first sociology whereby order arises spontaneously out
was a sociology of special system and it of the meta-system. This order gives us
appeared in the Laws and the Republic some insight into the nature of Gaia. In
of Plato as well as the Timaeus. Plato other words all ecologies are meta-
described the different kinds of cities. systems and they differentiate
The Republic and Ancient Athens spontaneously into ultra-efficacious
describes a Dissipative Special System. special systems and normal systems
The Laws describes an Autopoietic under entropy. In effect this says that
Special System. Atlantis describes a Gaia does have an inherent structure but
Reflexive Special System. The city of because the non-division algebras
the Laws is furthest from the influence dominate the meta-system, like the
of the sea. The city of the Republic sedenion and beyond, we have difficulty
which represents a form of Hell on recognizing these subtle field effects.
Earth, because it is a city for the Gods, is However, a proper reflexive sociology
close to the Sea. And the ancient enemy would be acutely aware of the nature of
of Athens, i.e. Atlantis, is within the Sea the meta-system as explained by Arkady
and engulfed by it. Plato's goal was to Plotnitsky in Complementarities.
produce a city that lived long like those Bataille calls the Meta-system a ‘general
of the Egyptians. It is therefore no economy’ and the system a ‘restricted
accident that the Gods (Ntr) of the economy.’ Between the restricted and
Egyptians has the structure of the general economy what he did not notice
Special Systems. The Primal Gods called is that there are partially specified
the Ogdad is an image of the Reflexive economies that are not fully restricted.
Octonion. The intermediary gods of These are special economies that are
nature are an image of the Dissipative ultra-efficacious. An example of this is
Complexnions. The final gods of the last the relation between the Metaxological
generation including Osiris and Isis are (Study of the Betweeen) and the
images of the Autopoietic Quaternions. Dialectical in the philosophy of William
Notice the series Reflexive, Dissipative, Desmond in Being and the Between14.
Autopoietic. This is the same series that The dialectic is a "system" as Arkady
Plato uses in relation to the sea. In other Plotnitsky shows In The Shadow of
words this is the order of remove from Hegel. Both Plotnitsky and Desmond
the sea of flux under the spell of entropy.
The reflexive is most prone to disperse 14

into entropy, i.e. lose its ultra-efficacy,


Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

wish to go beyond this system of the order to distinguish the thresholds of

spirit moving though history by showing organization of special systems. The
the nature of the meta-system which is claim of the earlier part of the essay was
like the General Economy of Bataille. that Sociology might become a more
But what gets lost in this macro scientific discipline, something it has
distinction is the fine detail of the partial always dreamed of, by using features of
systems and partial meta-systems, i.e. modern mathematics as a basis for
special systems, that are organized in the structuring certain aspects of
interstices between the system and the sociological theory. It is claimed that a
meta-system. Reflexive Sociology and theory that is mathematically based
Reflexive Psychology would recognize which then is used as a guide for
at least one of these levels, i.e. the experimentation is more scientific than
reflexive social, perhaps the most subtle current sociological theories because it
that is based on the appearance of the follows the paradigm of physics more
ultra-efficacy of the autopoietic closely. The idea of a mathematical and
symbiotic special system and the thus more scientific sociology has been
dissipative ordering special system. But part of the folklore of the discipline
that recognition of the Reflexive Social since its inception. But whether this is a
Special System must take place in the good idea has rarely been challenged. In
context of the other special systems and this ontological section we challenge the
ultimately in the context of the traditional idea by showing that treating
recognition of the distinction between sociological theory mathematically and
System (gestalt) and meta-system (proto- scientifically in fact transforms our idea
gestalt). of science. There are some important
differences between the suggested
relation between math and theory in the
A Possible Ontological Basis For proposed theory than in a physical
Reflexive Sociology theory. In effect the whole paradigm of
scientific theorizing is challenged by this
In this second part of the essay on the strange theory of Reflexive Social
grounds of Reflexive Sociology we will systems. It is not a theory that just seeks
treat the possibility of an ontological to mimic physical science theorizing and
ground. The first part of the essay experimentation. Instead it is a new
suggested a mathematical basis for approach to theorizing in general which
Reflexive Sociology. This part of the proposes a different approach to physical
essay will attempt to answer to the as well as social theorizing. In other
question why reflexive sociology is words this paradigm shift in the way we
important and why a mathematical basis do theorizing challenges the whole
is necessary by coming at the problem Western Scientific tradition in a certain
from a completely different direction, way. It challenges the duality between
i.e. an ontological direction. This essay Sciences and Humanities that has
answers the criticism of the earlier part developed as a way of framing the
of the essay which sees it as being duality between Physus and Logos
beyond the discipline of sociology due to within our Metaphysical era. It sees an
its introduction of mathematical alternative to both the humanities and
analogies as a means of distinguishing the sciences, and beyond that between
system from meta-system and further in

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

academia and industry, or science in a the city of Ancient Athens is very

broad sense and technology. similar in his description. This is
because he has drawn analogies between
This approach to sociology of science three types of cities: Atlantis,
and technology, as well as the sociology Republic/Ancient Athens, and Magnesia,
of the humanities including social the city of the Laws. Note that these
science and sociology itself does not cities are mentioned here in the order of
merely critique science, as social their isolation from the Sea. Atlantis is
constructionism normally does. Rather it founded in the sea. The city of the
seeks to supercede science as we know it Republic or Ancient Athens is on the
by introducing a fundamentally new coast of the sea. And finally the city of
approach, which is in fact anchored in the Laws is inland away from the sea.
ancient approaches to nature and culture. The sea stands for Heraclitian Flux of
It starts from the oldest book on Systems existence. Plato is giving us in his
Theory which is at the same time the detailed description of the city of the
oldest sociology book, which is the Laws a view of a city raised above
Laws of Plato, which along with the change on the model of Egyptian Society
Republic and other works by Plato lay which he knew lasted thousands of
out what shall be known as the Special years. Plato's work on the Laws is at
Systems Theory. It is special systems once a Sociology book and a Systems
theory that will transform our way of Theory book. It is sociology in as much
looking at sociology, as well as other as it describes the organization of a city,
disciplines. In the first part of this essay with many strange features that are hard
some attempt was made to differentiate to explain. It is a Systems Theory book
the special systems and say why they to the extent that it describes the system
were important to frame our quest for a of the city in a very systematic way. So
reflexive social theory. The first part of this should give us latter followers of the
the essay might be met with some founder of our discipline, i.e. Plato, that
skepticism by someone within sociology we should seek answers to sociological
who has never seen mathematics used problems in systems theory. In fact,
that way before, in fact physicists too Plato says this in the Republic where he
would be surprised by the way that says that we should not search into the
mathematics is used in the first part of soul of man but rather look at cities to
this essay. Mathematics is used in a understand the soul of man. In other
completely new way to differentiate words, imponderables are made visible
something that Plato already pointed out in the organization of society. This is a
in his works, that there are different lesson we have not learned very well as
kinds of cities. He goes to great pains to yet. Psychology flourishes and
differentiate various kinds of cities in his Sociology seems to stagnate because we
works. But the two main kinds of city still seek to know the interior of man
that he differentiates is that in the without reference to the social relations
Republic and that in the Laws. But in of men. When Plato describes three
other places he differentiates the city of types of city he is saying that there are
Ancient Athens and the city of Atlantis. three kinds of soul, three kinds of
Atlantis is much like the city of Scheria elemental systems that are very special.
described in the Odyssey. It is no We need to inquire into the special
accident that the city in the Republic and

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

nature of these three kinds of system. in the sense that David Bohm15 meant.
Until our attention is drawn to it, as say
But we have a problem in our tradition the Tao Te Ching does when it talks
called dualism. This is established by about useful voids, we tend not to see
Aristotle with his postulation of the the wholes less than the sum of their
principle of Excluded Middle, or Non- parts which are de-emergent and we see
contradiction, which he claims is the only the wholes that are greater than the
highest metaphysical principle. We sum of their parts which are emergent,
cannot see the special systems because i.e. have properties that cannot be
we can only really see dualisms, such as achieved by their disjointed parts. But
those of Descartes like the dichotomies even though we have a hard time
between mind and body, individual and understanding supervenience, i.e. the
society, structure and function, etc. But way that higher level properties map
not only does dualism blind us from down to their substrates which
seeing the special systems, it also blinds sometimes produce emergent global
us from seeing what I call the meta- effects not seen locally in systems, it is
system, i.e. the inverse opposite of the still easier to think about how parts can
system, that is what is beyond the add up to more than the sum of their
system. 'Meta' here is meant in the sense parts than it is to think about how parts
of Beyond, i.e. what is beyond the can add up to less than the sum of their
system. In order to see the special parts. But some examples should help. A
systems we first need to see the meta- good example of a meta-system is an
system as its inverse opposite. Let us operating system in a computer. What
think of a meta-system as the does it do? It is hard to say because it
environment, ecosystem, situation, merely helps applications work together.
milieu, context of the system and the If it had no applications installed into it
anti-system. A meta-system is the then the operating system would seem to
inverse opposite of the system and do nothing, in fact less than nothing
gestalt because instead of being a whole because it might seem as an impediment
that is greater than the sum of its parts it to doing anything, especially if you tried
is instead a whole that is less than a sum to install programs that were written for
of its parts, i.e. a whole full of holes. a different operating system into another
Meta-systems are full of niches into brand of operating system, for instance
which systems fit. They are perfectly MAC applications into a Windows
suited to each other in as much as one Operating System. The operating system
fits into the other like a hand fitting into would stop you from even reading the
a glove. We tend to only think of the disks and would fail. Meta-systems act
systems we build, i.e. the positive social as filters excluding things that do not
gestalts we see in the environment. But belong in the environment they control.
what we miss are the places that make Systems to operate in a meta-system
room for those positive gestalts which must be tailor made to do so. The more
we might say are organized differently rigorous analogy is between the Turing
than a system. In perceptual terms we Machine and the Universal Turing
might call them proto-gestalts, because Machine. A Universal Turing Machine is
they organize the order of our glance an operating system that runs Turing
from gestalt to gestalt. They have an
implicate rather than an explicate order 15
Wholeness and the Implicate Order.

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

Machines. The difference between a creative interplay of social invention and

Meta-system and a system can be seen construction. This school is interested in
as an analogy between these two types Sociology itself as a discipline which is
of Turing machines. The universal reflexive and wishes to understand the
Turing Machine goes beyond the Turing social philosophical foundations of
Machine proper to read from tape and social theorizing. We can consider the
execute multiple Turing Machines. social as the meta-system for the
Notice how the difference between these individuals which might be considered
two formal representations is very to be systems within the context of the
subtle. That is why we confuse systems social field. But in a way the social is
and meta-systems, sometimes speaking shot through the individual organism, as
of systems of systems rather than meta- it is a society of cells, which groups into
systems. But systems of systems are a society of similar cells we call organs,
merely systems again at a higher level of which work together to make up an
abstraction, while a meta-system is what individual organism, which works
allows a system to be embedded in together with other sexually
another system. Systems have differentiated organisms to reproduce the
boundaries and both within them and species, and ultimately to produce a
outside of them are meta-systems that society of individuals. In other words
buffer the system level in question from abstractly the social field permeates all
its subsystem and its supersystem. Meta- aspects of the living beings we know
systems are the field that is necessary for such as our selves. Since we are
something to contain a version of itself interested in living beings, such as
or to be contained by a version of itself ourselves, we contemplate them and
at a different level of abstraction. And so interact with them behaviorally, then we
this is why meta-systems lead us to have a reflexive relation to ourselves,
consider reflexivity. Reflexivity occurs which sociology as a discipline
when something references itself. When expresses in our culture. So reflexivity is
this is done in a contemplative or seen as embedded into not just our
perceptual way we call it "reflection" species but all species and to operate
which we associate with mirrors, and even in the interspecies environment
cognition. When it is done in a being a fundamental characteristic of life
behavioral way then we talk about itself. From the point of view of natural
reflexion, which is related to the word philosophy this is a phenomenon of
reflex which occurs when a muscle is interest and leads the sociologist into
stimulated. The English Sociologists deeper and deeper philosophical
coined this term "reflexion" to mean questions as to the grounding of their
self-referring phenomena like recursion. discipline. In a way we discover that
There is a school of reflexive sociology every living being is social, and even the
that considers society as essentially a interspecies environment is social,
matrix of self-referring individuals. especially if we think back to a time
Barry Sandywell's Logology is a good when there were other species of
example. In this school both reflection sapiens. And this permeation of life by
and reflexion are conflated so that self reflexivity is something we are driven as
reference is seen as occurring both on sociologists to understand because it is
the cognitive and behavioral levels in a the ultimate ground of our discipline.

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

And what is interesting is that the system. We have good terms for all the
reflexivity hinges on our being able to other schemas discovered by General
perceive and react behaviorally to other Schemas theory such as the Pluriverse,
creatures, especially other sapien Kosmos, World, Domain, {Meta-
species, especially our own species, and system,} System, Form, Pattern, Monad
thereby referring not just to ourselves and Facet. But there is no good term for
with respect to others but referring to Meta-system. Instead there are myriad
others with respect to ourselves by domain specific terms such as milieu,
language, and gesture, and cultural context, situation, environment,
productions etc. When you start looking ecosystem, field, media, etc. But once
at sociology in this way, through the you grasp the schema of the meta-system
magic mirror of reflexivity one begins to then you will find it everywhere, and see
see everything, even the physical world, that academics have struggled to express
that appears to us only it in myriad ways. Understanding that
phenomenologically, as an aspect of our society is a characteristic example of a
reflexivity. And that reflexive self meta-systemic phenomenon at a
referencing in the context of the other is particular level of ontic emergence is
only possible because there are easy. What is not so easy is to see that
differences between systems and meta- from a formal point of view the meta-
systems. Systems and Meta-systems are system is a whole less than the sum of its
schemas that are the conceptual parts. How is society a whole less than
equivalent of the Gestalt and the Proto- the sum of its parts. Society is what is
gestalt. We have to make up these terms left when you take away all the
"meta-system" and "proto-gestalt" individuals that form the society? What
because our language does not have does that mean? It means that if we
good terms for them. Not even our consider individualism an illusion, and
technical vocabulary has developed good notice that social relations come first
terms of reference for these inversions of before individuals, then society is that
the system, because we have a blind spot always already there milieu that
in our dualistic culture for what lies individuals discover themselves within
between and before the dualities. The and develop their individuality in
meta-system lies before and between the relation to. In other words as Durkheim
dualities. It is what is excluded by and other sociologists have pointed out
excluded middle. It is the field between society comes first ontologically before
the system and the anti-system which individuals. Individualistic society
has been systematically excluded by comes second after a pre-individualistic
Aristotle's principle of non- society, which is our primal social
contradiction. Conceptually we are blind ground. That primal social ground is a
to it. Perceptually we ignore it. But it is meta-system within which the systems
the field though which reflection and of social individuals appear, interact and
reflexion occur. Without this field there disappear. The reason that Sociology as
could be no conceptual reflection nor a science has had such a hard time
behavioral reflexion. It is why the social establishing itself, is that once dualistic
as a concept is so difficult to pin down, and individualistic society corrupts and
because the social itself is one of the displaces the primal social ground then it
myriad fragmented images of the meta- is hard to see the field effects prior to the

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

arising of individuals from which social systems theory and practice. But let us
individuals are forged. Sociology like not stop there because the sort of
Ecology is an intrinsic meta-systemic reflexivity that the environment allows
discipline. That is why they can so easily us to establish is really just the
meld into a sub-discipline like social beginning of a series of levels of the
ecology. But that is also why sociology unfolding of reflexive reference within
and ecology have such a hard time society. By looking at these levels we
establishing their scientific credentials. are exploring the inner nature of all
Disciplines that study systems are not in reflexive fields. The reflexive fields are
the blind spot of our culture that not monolithic, but are instead
obscures meta-systems. That is why segmented in emergent ways, in one
sociology is a very important discipline. direction, de-emergent ways in the other
It's theory has to come to terms with the direction. If you are traveling from the
meta-system in some way and confront meta-system to the system then there are
the a major blindspot of our dualistic particular stages of emergence, where
culture and tradition. Ecology addresses there is a quantum leap in organizational
the side effects of systems within the capacity. On the other hand if you are
environment. Sociology addresses the going from system to meta-system there
side effects of individualism in our are also thresholds in which
culture. On a small fragile planet in the organizational capacity is lost. These are
vast wastes of space we must stop very specific thresholds called the
destroying non-renewable resources and special systems. They correspond to
other creatures and we must learn to get organ, organism, and reproductive
along with each other. It is no accident binary organization of two organisms.
that both ecology and sociology appear They stand between the extremes of the
together in this summary of the most society of cells of all kinds in the body
important task of humanity in the age of as a whole, and the social field itself
globalization. Recognizing the between individuals of our species and
worldwide meta-system and how the all species on the other hand. Here of
various systems fit into that meta-system course we want some term to distinguish
is the task of a future discipline of Meta- the social field prior to the arising of the
systems Theory and Practice of which individual human and we will use the
sociology and ecology are the first term from Deleuze and Guattari called
embodying disciplines. Whether we are ‘socius’ for that primal social field. We
able to rise to this challenge is will use the term ‘gaia’ for the field prior
something yet to be seen. But slowly to the arising of the difference between
both Sociology and Ecology are all the organisms of different kinds on
shedding the scales from their eyes and the planet. In other words socius and
seeing beyond systems into the meta- gaia are proto-gestalts, something
systemic fields that must be explored if coming before the gestalt is recognized,
we are to realize the full potentials of like the movement of the eyes from
these new and essentially different meta- gestalt to gestalt prior to the recognition
systemic disciplines. of any particular gestalt. Thus there is a
socius that is the social field prior to any
So let us begin by recognizing the individuals being differentiated, and the
importance of developing meta-systems gaian field which extends that to all
theory and practice as the inverse dual of

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

animals other than just human beings. In which is a combination of ultra-efficient

the Gian field sociology and ecology as and ultra-effective. By probabilistically
separate disciplines merge into social escaping ever so slightly and forever so
ecology. Now it is clear that all these short a period entropy these systems
levels are social in some sense and we have conferred on them a tremendous
call that general sense of sociality advantage over everything else in the
"reflexivity" because it is not just universe. This explains why our planet is
conceptual but behavioral because we covered with living creatures. Once this
are embodied in the physus of our advance into the realms of negentropic
bodies. There is a logophysical and a systems occurs then it spreads like wild
physiological chiasm in which fire to every niche in the meta-system of
reflexivity and reflectivity merge into a the planet. Life is everywhere on our
single double sided, or holonic state of planet, but we do not see it anywhere
affairs. Arthur Koestler inaugurated the else in the solar system yet. We find
discipline of holonomics by the ourselves to be unique in this corner of
identification of the holon which is both the universe. Our uniqueness comes
part and whole at the same time. Special from the neg-entropy that all living
Systems, these intermediates between things share. It confers on us the unique
the cells and the individuals of the ultra-efficacy that we recognize in life.
planetary man or the planetary creatures But that ultra-efficacy does not just stay
are holonomic. In other words they have with one celled organisms, but these
a special ordering which is holonic. organisms combine in various ways to
Holonic ordering balances the nature of form multi-celled and more complex
the part and the whole in the same thing. organs and organisms. Thus we get a
We can call advanced sociology and form of combination, which is unique to
advanced ecology holonomic disciplines. the special systems as well which is
Each of them would look beyond the conjunction. Cells form symbiotic
individual creatures or individual unions, like the mitochondria that appear
humans to see the part/wholes of which outside the nucleus in every cell. This
these individuals are composed as they symbiotic combination of cells is
express the socius and the gaian field. another threshold of organization
Holonomic systems are partial systems different from the cell itself, it leads to
and partial meta-systems. They are organisms that are made up of organs.
something else than either the system or Organs are the best example of holons.
the meta-system. They have special They are at once wholes and parts
properties that neither the system nor the without their wholeness nor their
meta-system has because these are both partness conflicting. Finally higher
trapped in entropy. Whereas special organisms need each other for
systems are neg-entropic in the sense reproduction, and this ultimately leads to
that this term is used by Prigogine these social relations between organisms, not
special systems occur in far from just of humans but of almost all
equilibrium environments where local creatures. So there are three levels of
lapses in the second law of organization between systems and meta-
thermodynamics are achieved briefly. systems that are immersed in entropy.
Thus we will call these systems that are These are the dissipative ordering
negatively entropic ultra-efficacious special system, the autopoietic symbiotic

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

special system, and the reflexive social organization that appears between
special system. Each of these special system and meta-system. In the first
systems represents systems that are section of this paper I have suggested
exactly equal to the sum of their parts some of these mathematical analogies. In
formed by conjunction and expressing my paper Reflexive Autopoietic
ultra-efficacy. An example of this sort of Dissipative Special Systems Theory I go
ultra-efficacy is consciousness. These further suggesting other analogies. There
special systems are specific levels of is a whole series of studies called
organization below the gaian field or the Reflexive Autopoietic Systems Theory
socius field considered in their planetary that attempt to explore the implications
scope. We can see them as related to the of this theory. And then there are papers
organ, organism, and the reproductive written for ISSS and INCOSE
binary couple. They are the levels of conferences that attempt to present them
organization achieved after the most to specific audiences. Here we will not
primitive cells begin to co-evolve. The repeat that material. Rather our focus is
primitive proto-cell is the prototype for on why it is important to attempt to
the more developed cells we see around distinguish these emergent levels of
us today that are fully co-evolved. But ordering mathematically16.
what Special Systems Theory tells us is
that this is not something specific to Mathematics is used in Physics to build
evolution of life. But that this is a theories that are structured on the basis
formally differentiated set of possible of various mathematical categories. But
schemas that exist between the system Sociology and other social science
and the meta-system. In other words we disciplines find it harder to apply
need to generalize from life, mathematics to their theory building
consciousness, and the social as ultra- enterprises. But here I want to suggest
efficacious phenomena that are based on that this is not because mathematics does
possibilities grounded by the special not lend itself to this purpose, but
systems to the formal grounds because social scientists have not
themselves in schemas, i.e. templates of approached mathematics in the right
understanding and organization that are way. A lot of new math has appeared
ultra-efficacious and produced uniquely over the last century. Sociologists tend
by conjunction where the wholes are to learn only rudimentary math perhaps
exactly equal to the sum of their parts. up to Calculus but emphasizing
Special Systems theory is general like Statistics. Higher mathematics is not
systems theory or ecological meta- studied for the most part, because it is
systems theory and this generality allows assumed that it will not help in any
us to look for other phenomena significant way the theoretical
organized by this same schema that is sociologist. But allow me to question
not living, conscious or social. And it is that assumption. Sociologists should
through the generality that we can study all social phenomena, we have
approach the mathematical analogies sociology of science, sociology of
that supports our intuition that there technology, and we turn around and use
must be different levels of organization science and technology in our lives as
at work here with specific emergent well. So why not sociology of math in
properties appearing at each level of

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

which we turn around and use the math sometimes is use a series of groups to
in our theorizing. In other words there is explain the jumps in organization
no intrinsic barrier to studying the social between different physical phenomena.
invention and construction of But this rarely used way of approaching
mathematical categories, and there is no the segmentation of phenomena based
reason not to turn around and use the on the segmentation of mathematical
mathematics in our own theory building categories can be appropriated by us as
endeavors. Thus I hope in the future that sociologists as a way to frame our
graduate students in sociology will take theories of emergent phenomena. If we
it upon themselves to search the vast do that we move from the philosophy of
imaginary space produced by science of Aristotle to that of Plato.
mathematicians in the last century for Aristotle's philosophy of science is about
analogies and useful structures for the common view of things. Plato
constructing theories in the future, just stresses the anomalies and exceptions as
as physicists do today. I have done that exemplars. So why not search
and have found that by looking at the mathematics for anomalies in the
mathematical categories in a different segmentation of categories and use those
way than normally done, it is possible to anomalies to explain anomalous sorts of
see how some of these mathematical systems, such as living systems,
structures can be used to help produce conscious systems, and social systems.
theories useful in sociology and other As we do so we realize that living things
disciplines. Instead of using the are themselves meta-systems for each
categories themselves as is normally other though predator prey relations.
done, I have focused on the differences Consciousness is a meta-system as is the
between categories and found in those social. They are fields that contain other
differences a useful analogy for the phenomena. The dictum is that
jumps from one organizational level to anomalies of difference between
another, such as those we have been mathematical categories elucidate the
talking about. In other words, the jump differences between anomalous
from system to meta-system, and within phenomena. That is what makes these
that jump the sub-jumps between sorts of systems special. They are
dissipative, autopoietic and reflexive anomalous in their characteristics. Those
special systems can be modeled with anomalous characteristics are analogous
various mathematical structures from to the anomalous mathematical
extremely simple to the very complex. In characteristics of various categories
our discipline it is the emergent jumps relations to each other found throughout
between levels of organization that is so the mathematical realm. It is a simple
troublesome to explain. Why not use the idea that anomalous differences between
differences between mathematical categories in math elucidate the
categories as analogies to explain them? anomalous differences between
It is a different approach than physicists phenomena. Whereas in physics the
use in their appropriation of tendency is to use categories to explain
mathematical categories. They usually sameness and continuity by using whole
use a whole category to represent the categories to isomorphically encapsulate
ordering of some phenomena, like a the ordering of a phenomenon. The
group. What they do less, but still do novel use proposed here the social

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

sciences is radically different. We use oddities, it is probably some oblique

the differences between categories that reference to special systems. He must
are anomalous to explain differences think these kinds of systems are very
between anomalous phenomena. We are important to embed them as a subtext
attempting to focus in on the edges of throughout his work. The funny thing is
discontinuity between emergent levels the secret to unlocking this subtext is
rather than bounding a whole merely to take seriously the organization
phenomenon and showing its internal of the various cities he describes. In
ordering. other words if we have an interest as
sociologists in cities and we treat the
This approach that we associate with descriptions of these cities
Plato who shows us anomalous systematically and look carefully at their
exemplars rather than appealing to the differences then we quickly arrive at a
common as Aristotle does is bolstered concept of the differences between the
when we realize that Plato himself was various kinds of special systems. But the
trying to differentiate the various kinds leap is to then apply Plato's own method
of special systems in his works though to mathematics rather than Aristotle's. If
his differentiation of the descriptions of we look into the differences between
cities. We are sociologists so we should mathematical categories rather than
be interested in cities as social considering only what binds them
constructs. But we have given over together, then we see that they describe
Plato's Laws and his Republic to emergent levels of organization. If we
Political Science, which ignores it. search for anomalies in these crisp
Philosophers also ignore the Laws definitions of differences we find that
because it is not as mystical and exciting they all are very similar to the
as the Republic. But few people ask why differences that Plato is defining
Plato would write a long boring book between his cities. So Plato is trying to
like the Laws. It must have been because show us something that is not just an
there was something in it he wanted to odd empirical phenomena but is in the
explain to us in detail and very substructure of all phenomena being part
thoroughly. But we cannot see what is in of the nomos that is non-dual between
it until we look at the differences physus and logos. Suddenly we have a
between cities he describes. And his Platonic Social Theory which is at the
cities are anomalous. They all have odd same time a systems theory or meta-
features that no real city has. This systems theory that is mathematically
oddness of Plato's cities is the key to grounded. To make this fully scientific
understanding his message, which is that in the sense that physics sees itself as
there is a difference between the special fully scientific it is only necessary to
systems embodied in his cities. And if find some physical phenomena with this
that difference is not clear enough he same structure, and low and behold they
also writes the Symposium where that exist17. So these mathematical structures
difference is represented yet again as the actually are embodied in anomalous
difference between the various speeches physical phenomena. With that the entire
at the party on love. Plato's work is
literally full of references to special 17
These are solitons at the dissipative level,
systems. In fact, if you find something superconductivity at the autopoietic level and Bose-
odd in Plato, and his work is full of Einstein condensates at the reflexive level.

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

explanatory regime is complete. A tradition within our own tradition which

social theory of the different kinds of was similar to many eastern
cities that we treat systematically philosophical traditions which
comparing them in Plato's works, which discovered the special systems
we find mirrored in the differences themselves and described it in different
between mathematical categories and ways like Buddhism and Taoism. These
which we find in analogous physical other traditions spawned sciences based
phenomena. Suddenly sociology as a on special systems related effects like
discipline leaps to the head of the class Acupuncture and Homeopathy. So
of scientific disciplines. Sociology is special systems theory forms a bridge
suddenly the first discipline to study between Western Science and these
special systems as it is embodied in alternative non-dual world traditions
Plato's works. Plato was systematic which we find so interesting because
about how he presented special systems they offer an alternative to dualistic
theory in the differences between his ways of seeing things. But sociology
cities in his works. He used cities does not have to embrace these global
because he said souls were too difficult connections to other non-dual traditions
to see into, so the differences between to see the usefulness in having a way of
his cities were in his opinion differences distinguishing various layers of
between souls. Souls are special kinds of emergent phenomena that are very
entities that are ultra-efficacious because important like life, consciousness and
they are incorruptible, whereas the body society. We can appeal instead to the
is corruptible, i.e. gets overcome with philosophy of Deleuze and Guttari for an
entropy. We cannot see into the soul but analog. They distinguish desiring
we can see it exemplified externally by machines, the individual and the socius.
social structures called cities. But this For them individuals are illusions and
indicates that Plato's sociology is at the what is real is the rhizome of desiring
same time a psychology. Reflexive machines as connecting to form flows
sociology has a twin in Reflexive across bodies embedded in the field of
Psychology which is archetypal. This is the socius. This theory fits well with the
why we see these same structures distinctions made between the special
appearing in the works of Jung who systems by Plato, by Mathematics, by
found them in various strange cultural various anomalous physical phenomena
contexts such as Alchemical texts. When like solitons, super-conductivity, and
we bring back the special systems theory Bose Einstein condensates. It fits well
to the reading of Plato's works many of because it is a philosophy of
his difficult to understand analogies heterogeneous differences rather than
become much clearer. Plato's references continuities and identities. There are
are oblique and odd because special various theories from the postmodern
systems are odd. He was describing tradition that can be brought in to
something odd and thus his descriptions comprehend what special systems are
fit with what he was describing. All this concerned with. For instance, Derrida
was lost on Aristotle and because talks about DifferAnce which is made up
Aristotle's philosophy became the gold of differing and deferring. But I claim
standard due to its appeal to the common that this is the flip side of efficiency and
sense, we lost track of another hidden effectivity of effacacity that appear as

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

ultra-efficacious in the special systems. social. These three phenomena cannot be

Deleuze describes this in Difference and separated, so our non-dual holonomic
Repetition as the difference between sociology must at the same time be an
differentiation and differenciation. By archetypal psychology of the soul which
exploring the horizons of Being various Plato also inaugurated and which has
Postmodern philosophers have been followed up by Jung, Hillman
approached distinctions that are similar Giegerich and others. Archetypal
to those seen between the special Psychology must be reflexive and is a
systems. pair with the reflexive sociology of
Barry Sandywell, John O'Mally, Alan
In fact, one claim I make is that Being Blum, Peter McHugh and others who
itself is discovered in the Postmodern have carried on this brand of
period as being fragmented into kinds of philosophical social theory since the
Being as well as aspects. The kinds of seventies. The non-dual reflexive eco-
Being are meta-levels in relation to each psychosocial and eco-sociopsychical
other. There are four meta-levels, which discipline that is also logological and
are Pure, Process, Hyper and Wild. I physophysical18 also gives us the chiasm
claim that these kinds of Being are the of physiology and the logophysical field
differences between the special systems, that was created by Plato. It is also a
which represent a model of Existence holonomic biology like that existential
rather than Being. In other words if we biology of Maturana and Varela, i.e. a
hike up the hierarchy from system biology of the individual organism rather
through dissipative, autopoietic and than the species. That biology is founded
reflexive special system to the meta- on a non-dual physics that combines
system, the four differences between with thermodynamics rather than
these types schemas are the fragments of separates itself from it to explore
Being, of which there are only four. complex systems that are far from
There are only four because at the fifth equilibrium such as that developed by
meta-level of Being you encounter the Prigogine. All these chiasms of the sort
unthinkable, which is the non-dual, i.e. described by Merleau-Ponty are not just
poignant silence which can be confused fusions of ambiguities because
interpreted as Nagarjuna does as they are rooted in anomalous
Emptiness or as the Taoists do as the mathematical models of difference that
void. Postmodernism is the discovery of we can refer to physical anomalous
the various meta-levels of Being, and models of difference. This is a new
implicitly this is a rediscovery of the science of discontinuous emergent
special systems, because these emergent differences but which at the same time
differences between kinds of Being, are goes back to the roots of our tradition in
types of nothing that are significant each Plato, and beyond that into Egypt where
in its own way. Our exploration of the it can be seen in the structuring of the
realm of discontinuity opened up by Egyptian Gods (Ntr). Plato tells us he
Deleuze and other philosophers of gets his knowledge from Egypt and sure
difference is just beginning. But what
exists in that realm is what Plato has 18
This means the reflexiveness of the physus which is
already told us about, which is the the dual of the reflexivity of the logos. For instance in
special systems schemas which are the the phenomena of ‘touch touching’ discussed by
basis of life, consciousness, and the Merleau-Ponty in The Visible and the Invisible.

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

enough we see clear signs of it when we self-reflection may occur. But the first
study the relations of the generations of special system which is dissipative
the Egyptian gods to each other. This ordering has two mirrors that face each
gives us good reason to suspect that other like those seen in many barber
Alchemy that also arose in Egypt as well shops. Onar Aam discovered this
as China was originally a science of analogy between mirrors and the
Special Systems. So at the end I am hypercomplex algebras. The complex
suggesting that Sociologists and algebra is like two mirrors facing each
Psychologists return from the land of other. As we move up the series we
entropic explanations of systems and discover that the autopoietic symbiotic
meta-systems to reclaim the heritage of special system is like three mirrors
Alchemy and concentrate on the facing each other which is analogous to
description of holonomic special systems the quaternion hypercomplex algebra.
as transformative alchemical systems. Moving up again we find that the
We should as Jung suggested all become reflexive social special system is like
modern day alchemists. Jung said that four mirrors facing each other, forming
the first psychologists were alchemists, an inwardly mirrored tetrahedron. It is
now we can understand that perhaps the related to the Octonion hypercomplex
first sociologists were alchemists too as algebra. Beyond that there is no way to
they traced their roots to Plato. face regular non-distorted mirrors to face
each other, so we then enter the mirror
house of distorted mirrors where there
Reflexive Being and Existence are five or more mirrors facing each
other there must be some distortion. This
We have proposed a theory, which is similar to the mathematical fact that
intertwines Being and Existence as a equations of degree five cannot be
means of comprehending the nature of solved due to limitations of group
Reflexive Sociality. A good model of operations of the group A5. There is a
reflexivity is that given by Damjan natural limit here that shows up
Bojadziev19 on his web pages20. We will mathematically in various realms of
use this model and extend it in order to mathematics. We associate the mirror
explore the concept of the reflexive house with the Meta-system which is
social system. Bojadziev in his work has related to the general economy of
produced an analogy between Godel's Bataille. The Meta-system is related to
incompleteness theorem and mirror the sedenion hypercomplex algebra and
reflection. He has linked that work to other higher non-division algebras. So
Lacan's work on the mirror stage in the question becomes how to extend the
infant development. But we are formalism of Bojadziev to cover these
concerned with something more more complex cases of reflexivity. Here
complex, which is social reflexivity. The in the last section of this paper we will
special systems have an analogy with attempt to make this extension. What is
mirrors. A normal real (or true, or important to recognize here is that the
present, or identical) system is one in special systems are extensions of this
which there is just one mirror in which model of self-reflection and self-
recognition that has its roots in the work
19 of Godel. It is in fact the model of the

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

inwardly mirroring tetrahedron that are ways of seeing into this mirroring in
corresponds to the reflexive level, but which the three-dimensional world is
each level has a concatenation of mirrors embedded. In fact, the recent work on
of lesser complexity that must be doubly special relativity is very
recognized. So reflexivity is shot interesting because it establishes two
through and through the real as well as observer independent thresholds, not just
the special and the meta-systems. We are light but also the plank's constant and
talking about a formal hierarchy of thus ties together quantum mechanics
mirroring configurations that can occur and relativity theory. Both of these
in three-dimensional space. Four- theories use complex numbers as a way
dimensional space in its relation to three- of expressing their fundamental
dimensional space can be seen as a descriptions of nature. When we
mirroring configuration as well. That combine them we come up from the
configuration is external to the three pairs of complex representations in
dimensional in as much as each three- Relativity and Quantum Mechanics to
dimensional space is embedded as a slice the Quaternion level through a symmetry
through four-dimensional space. The breaking in Double Special Relativity
two sides of that slice can be seen as that as not been explained yet to my
mirrors. There are four three knowledge. Use of complex numbers
dimensional spaces in this four- suggests mirroring. So that when we are
dimensional space with one of these looking out at nature we are seeing
designated as real, identical, present and mirrors at a fundamental level in the
true. All these three dimensional spaces physus. This is the connection between
together have twelve virtual axes. Four physics and reflexivity that we need to
dimensional space is the Quaternionic emphasize. To the extent that physics
relation between these twelve virtual appeals to hypercomplex algebras to
axes which sets up four dimensional describe nature it is projecting reflexive
space as a set of three mirrorings facing mirrors at the fundamental level of
the real three dimensional space in nature and seeing the universe as
relation to the other three. The four reflexive. This same reflexivity places
together have octonionic relations to limits via Godel's theorem on our ability
each other creating the inwardly to build self-contained descriptions of
mirrored tetrahedron. So the three systems. Systems always spill over into
mirrors facing each other at the meta-systems. And that spill over
autopoietic level only exists if one contains glimpses of more subtle
designates one of the three dimensional thresholds of organization of self-
subspaces as real. The two mirrors reflexivity that are indicated by the
facing each other are the two on either theory of the special systems.
side of the three dimensional slice. The
single mirror is the three-dimensional All the special systems are models of
slice itself in its relation to the other existence as opposed to Being. We have
three dimensional subspaces that make noted the complementarity between
up four dimensional space. This means these models and the fragmentation of
that our concepts of four dimensional Being into meta-levels. The meta-levels
space, such as those that abound in of being demark the discontinuities
physics as special relativity for example, between the levels of normal, special
and meta-systems. On the other hand the

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

special systems demark the philosophies at the upper reaches of the

discontinuities between the kinds of meta-levels of Being. Deleuze and
Being. This mutual demarcation and Guattari are the best example of
complementarity of Existence and Being philosophers and psychoanalysts who
provides the grounding for Reflexive have attempted to build a philosophy at
Sociology and Reflexive Psychology the level of Wild Being, but we can also
that explores the realms created by the mention John S. Hans (play), Cornelius
more and more complex configurations Castoriadis (magma) among others. We
of mirrors and the projections that have tended to use the philosophy of
produce images or representations in Deleuze and Guattari as a touch stone
those mirrors. Being is about projection, because it fits well with the hierarchy of
and the kinds of Being are more and special systems theory. In fact we can
more subtle forms of projection. As we reconstruct that hierarchy in the
move up the hierarchy of mirrors following way.
different forms of projection, called
transference in psychology, are needed Meta- N-mirrors of rhizome
at each stage. The kinds of Being system Mirror House
describe these more and more subtle
types of projection. Much of Continental Wild Being Bootstrappin tatooing
Philosophy has been about the g projection
exploration of these different kinds of
Being. Heidegger began the process by Reflexive Four mirrors socius
differt/ciating21 the difference between Social as quadra-
the present-at-hand and ready-to-hand in Special flectivity
Being and Time. I call these two System
different kinds of Being associated with
these modalities Pure Being and Process Hyper Anamorphic encoding
Being. The second modality mixes Being projection
Being with Time to get a type of Being
Autopoietic Three individual
like Heraclitian Flux as opposed to the
Symbiotic mirrors as
Parmenidian Pure Being which is static
Special tri-flectivity
and eternal. Heidegger himself went on
to discover the next higher meta-level of
Being called Hyper Being. Heidegger Process Rebounding coupling
called it Being (crossed out) and Derrida Being projection
followed him and called it DifferAnce.
Merleau-Ponty called it the hyper Dissipative Two mirrors Desiring
dialectic between Heidegger's Process ordering as bi- machine
Being and Startre's Nothingness as special flectivity
Metaphysical Antinomies. Merleau- system
Ponty went on in The Visible and the
Invisible to define what he called Wild Pure Being One way Line of
Being which is what is left over when projection flight
the metaphysical antinomies cancel.
Many philosophers have tried to build system One mirror Body
See Deleuze Difference and Repetition

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

as reflectivity organs individualistic society is threatened by it.

But we must suppress our distaste for
mob behavior and recognize that at its
root there is the fused group and the
The Social Reflexive level is singled out hunting pack talked about by Sartre and
because it is a natural threshold or limit Cannetti that should be the basis of our
prior to the entry of distortion into the team social-psychology. And that social-
field if reflexivity. This it is the highest psychology or psycho-sociology should
level of non-distorted reflexivity and that be based on reflexive sociology which is
provides the basis for our social in turn based on the special systems
invention and construction of the world. theory.
It appears in the fundamental social
institution of marriage celebrated in the The projection of Being and the
Odyssey, one of the two founding epics reflection of the mirrors of the special
of the Western tradition. It is the basis of systems go hand in hand to create a
collective consciousness and collective dynamic that has various thresholds of
unconsciousness. Jung speaks of the organization that is the basis for the
archetypes in the collective unconscious organization of society and its various
but avoids the mass behavior of the social horizons. The hunting band of
collective consciousness such as those prehistoric hunter-gatherer times
talked about by Cannetti in Crowds and becomes the empowered team today
Power. Cannetti also talks about the within our corporations. Jonathan Shay
pack as the primal social group which is points out that we need to keep our
called the fused group by Sartre in fighting teams together. That is because
Critique of Dialectical Reason. It is the it is necessary to produce social
four facing mirrors of the reflexive autopoietic systems, i.e. closed systems
social special system that allows us to that are ultra-efficient. Part of that ultra-
form teams in which mentalizing can efficacy are things like trust that are
occur based on the kind of Trust that crucial within the social world, but
Jonathan Shay sees as crucial ultra- which gets ignored by sociologists
efficient grease for military because they have no model for ultra-
organizations. Sociology has not had a efficacious social phenomena. Special
good model of collective consciousness Systems Theory gives us that model for
before. However, a subset of psychology the first time. The Reflexive social
based on the work of Jung has developed special system is the foundation of that
a good model of the collective ultra-efficacy at the social level. Without
unconscious and its archetypes. What we that possible lack of distortion that
need to realize is that the fused group's makes possible mentalization there
mentalization of each other is a form of would be no social fabric to connect
collective consciousness which is the individuals within our world. Thus
flipside of the collective special systems theory and the various
unconsciousness that appears in dreams levels of projection forms the foundation
and myth and folktales and other of a new kind of sociology that is
phenomena studied by archetypal mathematically based and scientific in a
psychologists. Intellectuals after world new sense not achieved before within
war two eschewed collective or mob this discipline. But that new sociology
behavior and thus ignored it. Our also transforms our concept of science

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

itself, because science itself operates on Met gaze between self and other directly
the basis of the undistorted reflexivity
that we are describing based on formal What is interesting is how the various
and mathematical models. aspects of Being fit easily into this
scenario of multiple mirrors. Presences
are broken up within the images in the
Higher Order models of Self-Other mirrors. Truth amounts to the use of the
Recognition mirrors as prosthetics as if they are
actual senses, which Umberto Eco
Based on the work of Bojadziev we can
advocates. Reality is the testing of
compose higher order models of Self-
images against direct seeing. Identity has
Other Recognition. In these higher order
to do with how the various ways of
models we will have two, three, four
looking at things sometimes coincide so
mirrors. We can extend his mathematical
that the ramifications of images fall
notation. Instead of F--d--à G and
away. For instance, when we meet the
P(d(x)) = F è P(d(F) = G we will have
gaze of the other though the mirrors.
also H----eà I and P(e(y) = H è
This is equivalent to mentalization. In
P(e(H)) = I. But notice that there is also
mentalization we know what the other
directed gaze at the other F--a-à H or
knows despite all the multiple images of
H--a'-à F and recognition of the other
their possible knowledge via our theory
G---b-à I or I ---b'-à G besides
of mind that we project onto them.
recognition of the self in the other mirror
Theory of mind is really based on
P(e(x)) = F è P(e(F) = G and P(d(y) =
mutual self-other recognition. When
H è P(d(H)) = I. This whole situation
mutual self-other recognition occurs the
gets very complex. Here is a resume of
false images that are produced fall away.
possible scenarios.
But in the mirror house between the
mirrors the false images proliferate and
Direct seeing of part of the self that is why we have the aspects of Being
Looking at the other directly as a means of sorting out what is true
Looking at the self in mirror A and real, identical and present. The
Looking at the other in mirror A aspects of Being are adapted to the
Looking at the other in mirror B mirror house. That is why they are those
Looking at the self in mirror B aspects and no others. They are the
Self-recognition in mirror A adaptation to the mirror house and our
Other recognition in mirror B means of cutting though the mirror
Other recognition in mirror A images. The mirrors stand for any
Self-recognition in mirror B coding medium, for instance it could be
Identity between self-recognitions in two language. Truth is the correctness of the
mirrors image in the coding medium. Reality is
Identity between other-recognitions in when we compare the images to the
tow mirrors actual things we can look at without the
Identity between other-recognitions and coding medium. Presence is the
direct seeing appearance of the images as absences
Ramified images over against the actual presence of the
Met gaze between self and other through thing that is generating the images.
mirror Identity is when different perspectives

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

within the mirror house coincide. The stable all space filling structure. This
aspects of Being actually lock together collapses when you add the fifth agent.
to give us a way of navigating within the Either you go into the mirror house if
mirror house. This is a major finding you stay in the third dimension or if you
because it has always been a question as move into the fourth dimension then you
to why these aspects and no others. It is get intersecting and interpenetrating
because of the self-reflexivity within the mirrors. This is just like the
environment of multiple mirrorings. The impossibility of solving fifth degree
aspects are needed as a guide in that equations due to the A5 group's
environment. We often see one mirror, interference. It is just like the breakdown
but only occasionally see two facing of Being into Existence at the fifth meta-
mirrors, most likely in bathrooms. But level. It is not so much that three is a
we rarely see three facing mirrors and crowd but that five is a crowd. Three is a
almost never see four facing mirrors. dialectic, four is stable, and five is a
However, almost everyone has mirror house or an interpenetrating
experienced the distorted mirrors of a higher dimensional landscape of mirrors
fun house. We can look at it as the first such as you get in the pentahedron of
mirror is my private language and the four dimensional space which can be
second mirror is your private language. seen as five interpenetrated tetrahedrons.
The third mirror can be seen as our These five interpenetrated tetrahedrons
public language as we are immersed in can be described by two mobius strips
the chatter of the They. This means that and thus is a Kleinian Bottle.
the fourth mirror is the language of the
Other, i.e. the chatter of Them as What we see is that the Platonic forms
opposed to Us. An interesting thing is are inscribed into the mirror space set up
that the relations between the F->G i.e. by the self-reflexive formations as a
percept to concept, self to self- means of producing stability. The
recognition, in the case where there are icosahedron-dodacahedron have a five
two agents gives us a tetrahedron. In the fold symmetry that is based on the group
case of three agents gives us an A5 and that is the same group as the 4D
Octohedron. In the case of four agents Pentahedron. So the icosahedron-
gives us a Cube. Notice that the dodacahedron structure relates to the
Octohedron has the property of non-self- level of the fifth agent and the fifth
interfering flow. Notice that the Cube is mirror if we stay within the third
the epitome of stability. A tetrahedron is dimension. But exactly the same group
the smallest possible 3D solid. Also structures appears in the four
notice that the octahedron forms a triple dimensional level where we have
helix as it moves up the shaft between interpenetrated mirrors instead. We also
the three mirrors. This is the form of an know that there are Penrose five fold
unfolding dialectic. The tetrahedron tilings that are apeirodic. So even though
connects the percept of the one to the the five fold tiling is not all space filling
concept of the other and vice versa in a there are aperiodic tilings that can
stable fashion. When a third agent enters simulate all space filling that are related
we immediately fall into a dialectic to the icosa/dodaca-hedron structure.
which has optimal flow in its unfolding. The mirror house is not without its own
When the fourth agent enters we get a possible forms of dynamic order. The
Sedenion has islands of divisible order

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

within its non-division extensions. As on is that living autopoietic symbiotic

the mirrors break up in the mirror house systems are the epitome of things in the
they still have some fragmented ordering world and the basic structure on which
that we can detect. But the flip side of the structure of the schema of the world
the distortion of the broken up and is based. Reflexive Autopoietic Systems
warped mirrors is the interpenetration of are those that project final cause,
mirrors in four dimensional space. This because they have intention. That
interpenetration of the mirrors is the intention is an ordering that reorders the
underlying supra-rational basis that is world as a dissipative structure through
opposite the paradoxicalities and the production of artificial things as
absurdities of the mirror house. culture. If we look at Aristotle
phenomenologically then we can
Plato, the first social theorist and the first understand his Alchemy, i.e. his belief
systems theorist who teaches us about that it is possible to inter-transform
the special systems placed over the things. It is in consciousness that this
academy door a saying that only those inter-transformation may take place not
who know geometry should enter here. It in the physus. Inter-transformation is
is strange that after all this time we begin what occurs when the images bounce
to understand that this applies to the though the interpenetrated mirrors in the
sociologists as well. We tend to think fourth dimension. Representations that
that mathematics and physics should not do not escape the third dimension
influence our work on human things, become distorted and thus we get the
especially social things. But eventually difference between the true world and
we see that it is precisely mathematics the world of appearances. There is this
and physics that we need to understand hint that Plato and Aristotle together can
in order to see analogies for the special be seen as giving us a phenomenological
systems in simpler forms which allows description of the mirror house within
us to understand them so we can look for which we live with others that we call
them at the level of the social where they the social. If we see Aristotle attempting
were first described. We can understand to build a city like that in the Laws in the
that Aristotle was indeed the true pupil mind instead of within society then the
of his master in as much as he created a two projects complement each other.
philosophy of life where living things Suddenly we see a different basis for
are the paradigm, i.e. autopoietic special Sociology as a reflexive autopoietic
systems. Aristotle created an image of dissipative science in the works of the
the city of the Laws in the mind and it's greatest figures of our tradition. As
influence lasted a thousand years. It was sociologists we need to rediscover that
very long lived as Plato suggested that it lost tradition and see how the alchemy of
might be. Aristotle's philosophy is a the social that they describe might work.
projection of the living psyche out to
cover everything and it was a very
difficult spell to break. I have not found The Grounds General Schemas
evidence of self-conscious imitation of Theory
the special systems in Aristotle yet. But I
expect to discover it, because even We have described how a reflexive
though Aristotle disagreed with Plato on phase space is created between four
many things, what I think they did agree actors with four mirrors which appear as

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

an inwardly mirrored tetrahedron. We logical contradictories and contraries.

have noted how this phase space takes This form distinguishes anti-A and non-
on a cubic relationship between the A as orthogonal departures from any A.
various actors and their mutual self The antinomy of A is then anti-non-A. If
recognitions. This stable formation at the we reverse anti-non with non-anti we get
reflexive level of the unfolding of mirror a chiasmic reversible configuration. This
configurations is the last in a series in distinction between the chiasmus opens
the emergent development of the phase the square of contraries and
space. It went though the unfolding of contradictions like a book. Two such
one mirror, two facing mirrors, three books produce a cube. In other words if
facing mirrors and then four facing we have B then there is an anti-B and a
mirrors which eventually breaks down non-B which produce together both anti-
into the warpages of the mirror house in non-B and non-anti-B. These open up
the third dimension or the into another book which may be the dual
interpenetrating mirrors of higher of the first book-like configuration of the
dimensional space. These configurations opened up Greimas square. What is
are created by looking at the self- significant is that for each non-element
reflexive configurations of Bojadziev there is a second complementary pair of
and conjuncting them with one agent and opposites. Thus the key is to understand
one mirror added at each emergent level. that the non-X of the tetralemma is
What we saw is that at the level of the minimally another pair of the myriad
dissipative special system a tetrahedron natural opposites of creation. This is
was formed between the F and G of one how the meta-system of the myriad
actor and the H and I of another actor. opposites are produced as
The F and H is the body of the actors, complementarities of complementarities
while the G and I is the self-recognition of complementarites, etc. So A produces
of the actors within the mirror. This anti-A and non-A which opens up into
tetrahedron of relations unfolds into a anti-non-A and non-anti-A while B
dialectically unfolding stack of produces anti-B and non-B which opens
octahedra with three mirrors and three up into anti-non-B and non-anti-B. But
actors. Octahedra are non-blocking with we see that the non-A equals the anti-B
respect to the flows through the lines of and the non-B equals anti-A so that B is
the figure and thus ultra-efficacious at in the place of the non-anti-A or its
the autopoietic special systems level. chiasm and also the obverse is true, i.e.
Finally these octahedral relations that A is in the place of the anti-non-B or
between actors unfolds into a cubic set its chiasm. And so the complementary
of relations between four actors with opposites participate in a chiasmic
four mirrors. This is at the reflexive reversibility with each other that gives us
special systems level. This is a very a cube. In that cube any of the sides of
stable configuration of relations between the cube can be seen as the spine of such
percept and concept at the social level. a book with the opposite side of the cube
The cubic configuration is all space being the spine of the anti-book. In the
filling. We hypothesize that this cubic Greimas cube, and idea that Greimas
configuration is a version of the Greimas himself did not come up with to my
cube. In other words, according to knowledge, there are multiple interfering
Greimas stories take on a form related to chiasmic reversibilities that arc across

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

the inward “substance” of the cube. We recognition cannot be completed, but in

consider this “substance” to be of the fact all the images interfere with our
nature of Wild Being as defined by recognition process. The repetition of
Merleau-Ponty. We consider the two representations, and the representation of
ways of looking at the opposite books to repetitions produces a process state that
produce two way intaglio, i.e. intaglia appears as the space between the two
from each direction. It is like intaglia mirrors. We now know that this
etched into spun glass. The pattern is establishes a tetrahedron, which is the
complex and chaotic like the pattern of simplest three dimensional figure. This
the Mandelbrot set, which appears at the figure is stable. But it is connecting what
dissipative level, raised to the quaternion is reflected, the two agents, and the two
level and then the octonion level. In self/other recognitions. This is of course
other words there are Mandelbrot like equal to the difference between percept
formations both at the quaternion and and concept. So for instance the
octonion levels and these chaotic and difference between the
complex sets produce global patterns of gestalt/system//flow/process and proto-
infinite complexity that represent the gestalt/meta-system//proto-flow/meta-
nature of the interfolding of the chiasma process might apply to this difference. In
of reversibility at the Wild Being level. fact each schema has a perceptual and
conceptual face. When we recognize the
Once we have posited the Greimas cube self, or other, we do so using the
at the center of the reflexive level and schemas22. By schemas are meant what
established a model of Wild Being there Umberto Eco calls the mathematical or
which is the next higher meta-level of dimensional schemas and not the more
Being beyond the reflexive special specific schemas of kinds of objects or
system, then we can see that it should be specific objects. See Peter Gärdenfors’
that nested within the autopoietic special Conceptual Spaces: The Geometry of
system is a space of Hyper Being, nested Thought23 for an excellent treatment. In
within the dissipative special system fact the schemas are a pure projection
should is a space of Process Being, and that unfolds from the projection of the
nested within the real system should be a dimensionality of space itself. We can
space of Pure Being. In other words we think about this in connection with
can read back down the hierarchy and dreams. It turns out according to Robert
expect that at each level the special Bosnak that the part of the brain that is
system is creating a space for the next active in dreaming is where simultaneity
higher kind of Being. To reverse this and in orientation in space is embodied. So
ascend we can see that where there is in dreaming there is an activation of a
self-recognition there is Pure Being. The part of the brain that allows different
difference between what is reflected and things to simultaneously exist and act in
its self-recognition establishes this space. What allows this to be expressed?
ontological difference. Subjects The Schemas! The schemas define the
recognize objects, and each other as kinds of things at each emergent
objects (I-it ala Buber), and self as an ontological level that can be filled in by
object (I-id ala Freud). But when we put
up another mirror then an infinite regress 22
See for working papers on
is produced and there is a process of General Schemas Theory
seemingly infinite reflection. The 23
MIT Press 2000

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

content. Did you ever dream something absence is Es Gibt (It Gives).
that could not be specified by a schema? Underlying the Es Gibt is the Er-eignis,
In our dreams we meet others, who we the owning/happening/appropriation.
did not know before and interact with And thus we enter the cascade of the
them. We do not know who these others roots of Being specified in Primal
are. The others are many times creatures Ontology and Archaic Existentiality.
like ourselves, or animals, or monsters, The simultaneity of the dream is the
or jinn. What ever they are they are primal temporality that flows from the
forms forming, filled with patterns roots of Being. Central to that is the
patterning, within systems systemizing, Bheu, or the Beon, i.e. Being the
or meta-systems meta-systemizing, etc. fundamental sense that is related to
We focus on the others that are like us physus and logos. There is an enframing
animate beings. But many times we are of the form (Sein/Seyn)
captivated by the patterns, or other sorts Es/Er//Bheu//Wes/Wer. The Sein/Seyn
of forms, or other sorts of systems, or differentiation is between Presence and
other sorts of meta-systems that are not Absence, Fiction and Truth, Illusion and
directly related to the animate beings Reality, Identity and Difference. For
like ourselves that inhabit our dreams. instance, in the Divided Line of Plato
The key point here is that schemas allow there is the difference between sensation
a multiplicity of simultaneous figures or (presence) and image (illusion). This is
images at the same ontological emergent the side of precept that is related to the
level. We are projecting schemas in our flux of Heraclitus. On the side of
sleep when we are dreaming, and we are concept there are both representable and
projecting them when we are awake. non-representable intelligibles. These
When we wake up, however, we intelligibles are made possible by giving
temporalize the dream into a sequence preference to identity over difference, or
from its network of simultaneous nodes truth over fiction. Thus Plato’s source
associated with affect. The dreams are forms produce identity by pervading all
like the images we see in the mirror, the particulars that share their properties.
which are different from the images of Thus the poets are excluded from Plato’s
the things in the intervening space cities. What appears as representable
between the mirrors. Temporalization of intelligibles are the non-duals order and
the simultaneity of spatial affect-image right. What appears as non-representable
nodes collapses into a primal time. For intelligibles are good and fate. Plato sets
instance, the lost origin and the utopian up the concept of the Idea as a unity of
ideal future collapse into the mythos. presences of the same. Jung turns this on
The mythos is the fourth realm besides its head to give a theory of Archetypes
past, present, and future ecstasies. It is as the totality of the absences of the
the nowhere outside the causal horizon same. This begs the question as to the
of the lightcones in Minkowski nature of the totality of absences of the
spacetime. Past and Future collapse into different, or the unity of the presences of
the Preterite, or Complete tense in Old the different. Difference is suppressed.
English. The mythos appears as the Absence is suppressed. Fiction is
Orlog. Mythos and Preterite are two suppressed. Illusion is suppressed. Only
forms of absence that is contrast with the the positive aspects other than reality are
present. Between the present and the supported in the Metaphysics of

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

Presence founded by Plato called terms of the hypercomplex algebras. But

logocentrism by Derrida. The key point the opposite of the negative
is that the philosophy of Presence of the dimensionality is the positive
Idea is a certain symmetry breaking of dimensionality in which the schemas
the aspects of Being. But this symmetry unfurl. The stalagmite and stalactite of
breaking occurs with the inflow of the positive and negative Pascal triangles
temporality that differentiates itself from relate the primal temporality to the
the primal temporality of spatial primal spatiality within dream. These
simultaneity. By a series of symmetry structures unfold into consciousness via
breakings the various ecstasies of symmetry breakings of temporal
temporality, like present, past, future, ecstasies and aspects of Being. We are
mythos are created. By a series of aware of existence, which is modeled by
symmetry breakings the aspects of Being the special systems that interleave with
are differentiated and take on different the kinds of Being. We are conscious of
weights in the logocentric metaphysics the types of projection that we find at the
of presence. These symmetry breakings meta-levels of Being. We must look at
give us consciousness as we experience Consciousness of Being as intentional
it within the Western worldview in the and Awareness of Existence as non-
Metaphysical Era. Dream as dreamed as intentional. Primal Temporality as
lived imagination is primal temporality simultaneous spatiality underlies both
which is spatially simultaneous. This waking and dreaming consciousness.
primal temporality also underlies waking The twin Pascal triangles appear as
consciousness. But in waking underling both. But in dream content is
consciousness all the symmetry generated out of affect rather than by the
breakings influence our way of perturbation of consciousness by
approaching things in the schemas. In sensation. Images directly connect to the
dream there is a pure projection of the body schema which embodies affects
schemas, which are fully according to Bosnak. In dream we
transformational due to their recognize others and ourselves. In lucid
simultaneity. That simultaneity of dreaming we become conscious of our
channels of lived primal time are dreaming itself. So there is self-
conjuncted according to the mathematics recognition within the medium of the
of hyper-complex algebra. When we dream. The dream is on the other side of
wake up there is an attempt at a the mirror. Consciousness is dreaming
synthesis which is put together like perturbed by sensation. Dreaming is
channel surfing. Consciousness scans the consciousness lost in simultaneous
stack of simultaneous transparencies that networks of affect. We carry the mirrors
represent the various channels of primal within ourselves. We recognize self and
supra-rational ecstasy. Consciousness other both inside and outside ourselves.
tries to make a narrative of it and thus
throw it into the structure of Keep in mind the distinction between
differentiated sequential time. The waking and dreaming, and between non-
dream state is like negative trance intentional consciousness and
dimensionality. It is a locus of sources trance non-intentional awareness in
and these sources are structured by the waking states which is a repetition of the
Pascal triangle, which differentiate in primary distinction within
consciousness. These two distinctions

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

give us two mirror like reflections within reconnects to the outer octahedral
our total awareness. These two mirrors dialectic. This figure is called the kosmic
when connected to the two mirrors of the atom in theosophical circles. This is
Other give us a fully reflexive space what we know as the conjunction of the
with just two people. This is why the Kosmos and the Monad schemas. In
Mysterium Conjunctus is the alchemical other words the time flow in the
model of the reflexive realm. We don’t tetrahedral configuration is in the
need four actors because each human opposite direction as that in the
being has two compounded mirrors octahedral configuration that surrounds
within themselves. But we can still it. Together they form a single time loop.
climb to the next level where there are This is like a pair of mobius strips or a
three actors in a space of three inwardly kleinian bottle. That relates it to the
facing mirrors because the couple of the pentahedron (also pentachora) that
Mysterium Conjunctus has a child. Now appears in four-dimensional space. The
the interesting figure of the ambiguity between local and global
Oedipus/Electra complexes are characteristics applies mentioned in the
produced. But as Deleuze and Guattari first part of this paper. This ambiguity is
show in Anti-Oedipus these complexes exactly the kind of state that appears at
are degenerative states. This is a kind of the level of Hyper Being where
reductionism to a single mythos when in indecision rules. So the appearance of
fact there are many different mythic the dialectic with its ultra-efficacy
frames that the child can be placed in (efficiency/effectivity) of the octahedral
within the multifarious family situations structure is accompanied by the
that arise. What is interesting when we appearance of differance (differ/defer).
look at the conjunctions of self- The space within the ultra-efficacious
recognitions is that the geometrical octahedra holds the Differance of Hyper
figure that is created between the three Being. As we move up to the next level
actors within an enclosure of three we are in a space where there are four
mirrors is an octahedron. The octahedron agents within an inwardly mirrored
is between three mirrors that form an tetrahedral space. The inner space is
extended space and so the octrahedra can cubic and as we have said related to the
be stacked and they can represent a Greimas cube which in turn embodies
dialectical structure that unfolds in time. the chiasmic reversibility of Wild Being
That dialectical structure can be seen to in the form of the difference between
have a core of a helix of tetrahedral. So non-anti-X or Y and anti-non-X or Y.
the tetrahedral of the two mirror / two The two complementarities form a book
agent model is encapsulated by an other and an anti-Book where in one the anti is
dialectical unfolding of a stack of privileged and in the other the non is
octahedral. Octahedra are figures that do privileged. At each level the special
not block and so there is an ultra- system produces an inner space in which
efficiency produced at this level as the the various kinds of Being can be
dialectic of unfolding Spirit (Geist) expressed. This breaks down into either
appears. The three strands of the the mirror house with its warped mirrors
dialectic infolds at the end of the set of of the fun house if we turn to paradox.
octrahedra and travels back down the Or it breaks down into the supra-rational
core of the tetrahedral helixes and then state of the higher dimensional

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

interpenetrating polytopes where the dichotomous consciousness. This is why

mirrors are seen to interpenetrate. Supra- Kant talks about the schemas in terms of
rationality or Absurdity are two different modes of time.
ways of looking at the meta-system. If
we are trapped in three dimensions then The dream realm is a glimpse of super
the mirror house is the only answer. But consciousness. It is the realm of Vishnu
if we live in a higher dimensional realm, who dreams the world. Albion who is
say the four dimensions of spacetime the dreamer of Blake’s four Zoas. Hun
then supra-rationality becomes a Tun who is the amorphous and
possibility. When we say simultaneous ambiguous wholeness of our existence
spatiality that spatiality can be higher as explored in Primal Archetypal
dimensional to accord with our Wholeness. It is a realm deeper than
embedding in an at least four Apollo/Brahmin of Jung or the
dimensional kosmos. If we believe string Dionysus/Shiva of Nietzsche. Beyond
theory that may translate into a ten or that is the realm of the dreamless sleep
eleven dimensional spatiality. And where angels roam and from which
certainly our schemas theory suggests as prophecies manifest. When we pop out
it follows the unfolding of the Pascal of dream we take the simultaneous
triangle that these higher dimensions are higher dimensional spatiality and
realized as higher order schemas in our temporalize it. But we take the
experience. temporality of dream and we spatialize
it. Thus the time of consciousness is the
The schemas are an expression of the space of dream and the space of dream is
dimensional framework of primal the time of consciousness. The schemas
temporality, which is spatially are the fulcrum between these two. By
simultaneous. The Pascal’s triangle the unfolding of the twin Pascal triangles
expresses the simplest polytope in each the dimensionality of space and the
dimensional unfolding. Schemas unfold discontinuities of time are produced.
directly from the simultaneous spatiality They are the framework on which our
of primal temporality, the temporality of projections occur. They are rooted in the
dreams that then get expressed in waking negative dimensionality of the hyper-
by the symmetry breaking of temporality complex algebras. Their positive
and of the aspects of Being. Spatiality is dimensionality gives us the levels of the
multi-dimensional in this case. schemas, each of which participates in
Simultaneity means supra-rationality. two dimensions. One dimension is the
When this is brought into consciousness bump fitting into the next higher
that is when paradox is produced as dimensional schema and the other is the
consciousness tries to linearize the hole that the next lower dimensional
simultaneity, but also as time is schema fits into. For instance Form is of
spatialized by our metaphoric framework dimension two and three. Pattern is of
as noted by Lakoff and Johnson. Time is dimension one and two while System is
made like space and space is made like of dimension three and four. So Pattern
time as primal temporality is broken up of dimension two fits into the hole of
and dream is transformed into waking form of dimension two. Form of
narrative. A similar but lesser type of dimension three fits into the hole of
interchange probably occurs as we cross system of dimension three. Pattern fits
from trance into subjective/objective into the contour lines that indicate

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

outline of the forms as shapes, as seen in Time by itself, i.e. primal time, without
the prehistoric cave paintings of France. the complementary spatial metaphors is
Forms are three dimensional with shape unthinkable and thus existential. Spatial
and behavioral components. These are metaphors allow time to be linearized
related to each other through the system and that allows the symmetry breakings
which can be seen as static or dynamic to occur that give the separate ecstasies
with a fourth dimension of time. The of timespace (past, present, future,
system can be seen as at a minimum the nowhere=mythos). Timespace is the dual
static relations between forms in space. of Spacetime which is three dimensions
But when we add the fourth dimension of space plus linear time. These two
we see the forms behaviors within the complementary duals together make up
dynamic relations of the dynamical the Matrix. Schemas at a level deeper
system. The schemas are nested and than the difference between dream and
express the relation of system to meta- consciousness. They are embedded in
system between each adjacent level. the Matrix as its fundamental structure
prior to the transformation of time into
Schemas appear as a non-dual in the space and space into time.
inter-transformation of time into space Dimensionality and Epocality are duals.
and space into time. The Pascal triangle Epochality refers to emergent events.
gives us the simplest polytope in each Each emergent event creates an epoch or
dimension. The dimension is specified era, like the transformation from the
by its simplest regular object. Primal mythopoietic to the metaphysical.
Time is the simultaneity of the schemas Emergent events can occur at a whole
in space. These are conjuncted temporal series of levels, i.e. fact, theory,
streams. The undercurrent of these paradigm, episteme, ontos, existence.
streams in primal time run backward as Schemas and Emergent events are duals.
Ingvar Johannson says in Ontological Schemas are ontological emergent levels
Investigations as seen in short term which allow simultaneous spatiality.
memory. These backward running Emergent events are discontinuities in
streams of primal time produce the time that allow completely new
Orlog, the layering of temporal traces. configurations of characteristics to
When we transition to consciousness and appear. The other hierarchy is the ontic
the primal time goes through symmetry hierarchy of the physus. This hierarchy
breaking then we get the appearance of which is discovered by science is
time running forward like a narrative as triangulated between the emergent
seen from the perspective of long term hierarchy of the social and the
memory. Primal time as ontological hierarchy of the schemas.
multidimensional simultaneous negative The ontic hierarchy is what cannot be
dimensional spatiality becomes the static reduced by science. It is composed of
space of positive dimensions within levels like string, quark, particle, atom,
which schemas encapsulate content as molecule, macromolecule, cell, organ,
the intentional morphe is projected on organism, social group and gaia. The
the hyle, or qualia of consciousness. But schema hierarchy is controlled by
also the negative space of dream skepticism. They are the schematic of
becomes time differentiated ecstasies of things that stand up to skepticism. If you
time. We see time which is equivalent to deny patterns, forms and systems then
existence through metaphors of space.

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

you cannot see anything at all. Emergent discontinuity into the world. From the
levels of social or individual information continuity of the world we need to step
or knowledge are what arises from the down through the kinds of Being to the
background noise of nihilism. Logos and level of existence where radical
Nomos are the basis for discovering the discontinuity resides. When radical
nature of Physus in the Metaphysical discontinuities occur we see the
era. Emergent events are structured by infrastructural layers of the world as
the kinds of Being. Each genuine kinds of Being. But it is the aspects of
emergent event must pass through all Being that remain the same and that
four kinds of Being. This makes us supports the structure of the schemas.
suspect that the schemas are organized
by the aspects of Being. Schemas allow Conclusion
things to come to presence from
absence. They allow things to have their In this paper we have attempted to
identity. By the schemas we name things consider two possible foundations for
and describe them in language. Through reflexive sociology, one in mathematics
the schemas we distinguish reality from and the other in ontology. Then we went
illusion via testing regimes. So between on to consider the place of General
the schemas and the emergent events we Schemas Theory in this context. This is
have both of the major characteristics of an exploratory work that tries to show
Being embodied. We apply these that reflexive sociology has a natural
schemas to the various ontic emergent basis in a kind of systems theory that
levels discovered in the physus by explicates special systems in relation to
science. Between physus and logos is the the difference between systems and
nomos of order. Schemas are containers meta-systems. But that there is also
for ordering of things in space. So another view that looks at the
schemas give us a handle on things that interleaving of the kinds of Being that
allow us to order them. Transformations differentiates the special systems.
at a particular schematic level are Schemas theory appears as the dual of
emergent events. If one form turns into the emergent event, and as a non-dual
another form that is an emergent event. between space and time providing a
One system turns into another system is framework for the differentiation of both
an emergent event. What changes is the spacetime and timespace. We call this
ordering of the content of the schemas, fundamental structure that mediates
but the schemas themselves remain the between these two four dimensional
same as a substrate to this ways of looking at space and time
transformation. There can also be types together the Matrix. We find that this
of change that render one schema into matrix is produced by Pascal’s triangle
another schema at a different level but appearing in both negative and positive
these are synthetic or analytic versions, which underlies the structuring
transformations. Emergent differentiated articulations of
transformations occur at the same level dimensionality and temporality. This
of schema. Daphne turns into a tree. matrix structure underlies general
Each of these are a form or a system or a schemas theory which is projected by
meta-system depending on ones point of Being onto things but encodes in itself
view. Emergent events introduce radical also the conjunctive structure of
existence which gives some hint of the

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

nature of things-in-themselves, i.e. as Schemas are anti-essence (percept) to

void or empty. The key idea here is that the extent we treat them as the unity of
Reflexive Sociology is an emergent absent images of the different. Schemas
product of the unfolding of Special are anti-noematic (concept/noematic)
Systems Theory and intimately related nucleus to the extent we treat them as the
both to Autopoietic Theory and the totality of present concepts of the
theory of Dissipative Structures which different. Here we see how second order
are far from equilibrium negentropic difference transforms our
orderings that arise from nowhere in concept/percept differentiations.
nature. These special systems only
become visible when we distinguish Schematization is the basis of the
between the System and Meta-systems ramification of images within the
schemas, which are part of a broader reflexive field of the rhizome of the
hierarchy of schemas that include socius within the realm of fourfold
pattern, form, domain and world among mirroring that appears at the level of the
others. Understanding the nature and reflexive special system. Within that
origin of schemas necessitates the space Wild Being or the Magma
comprehension of the reflexive field of (Castoriadis) appears. This magma is
the socius, because the schemas are what forged into various recognizable things
gives intrinsic stability to the images and via the schemas, where by it becomes
representations that are repeated patterns, forms, systems, etc. The
indefinitely in that field. But also the magma is forced up into the level of
schemas are the basis on which we cut Hyper Being which is created by the
through these repetitions of three fold mirroring that supports the
representations of the knowledge of ultra-efficacy of the dialectic that
others via mentalization. Schemas are revolves around the fundamental
archetypal in as much as we treat them undecidability discovered by Godel and
as the totality of absent images (percept) exploited by Derrida calling it
of the same. Schemas are ideal to the Differance. From the intrinsic
extent we treat them as the unity of propensities are forged traces. Then
present concepts of the same. The these fundamental undecidables are
essence (concept) is the unity of forced up to the level of Process Being
absences and the noematic nucleus which is encased by the double
(percept) is the totality of presences. mirroring ramifications to infinity, that
These both also refer to the same thing differentiates finite. At this level time
rather than the different. These give the and Being are mixed. Finally the
parameters of the logocentric fundamental flux/process is forced up to
metaphysics. However what if these the level of Pure Being where it is fixed
were to refer to the different rather than as what persists, i.e. the a priori. At this
the same. level illusory continuity has become
fully forged. This is the level where
Schemas are anti-idea (percept) to the ideation appears. The archetypes are
extent we treat them as the unity of seen as sources within the meta-system
present images of the different. Schemas which is the source of the magma. So
are anti-archetype (concept) to the this movement is from a totality of
extent we treat them as the totality of absences to a unity of presences, but of
absent concepts of the different. the Same. Essences and Noematic nuclei

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

reverse the relation between the two concepts/percepts to those that define the
ends of the spectrum. Essences puts metaphysics of presence (Sein), or that
unity in the place of totality and of absence (Seyn). What is crazy is that
noematic nuclei put totality in the place Deleuze uses the term Idea for the anti-
of unity. Here we see how Jung’s archetype in Difference and Repetition.
archetypes are merely a reversal of This leads to no end of confusion. He
Platonic Metaphysics that points at the says that Ideas as problematics are fields
sources rather than the origins. of multiplicity and heterogeneity to
Phenomenology that concentrates on which answers are point solutions. These
essences and noematic nucli and bracket solutions must be the anti-noematic
the ideas and archetypes is another sort nucleus which might be called the noetic
of reversal. But this begs the question of nucleus (percept). The anti-essence is
what happens when we replace the same also a percept and he defines that by way
thing with something different. In this of the idea of virtuality of the differences
case we enter the realm of the between the faculties. The anti-idea is a
philosophy of difference which was percept and can be thought of the
inaugurated by Heidegger, carried on by repetition as opposed to the
Derrida and carried further by Deleuze representation. So Deleuze attempts this
in Difference and Repetition. One way great reversal of logocentism and the
into this arena is to ask what happens archetypal realm at the same time by
when we substitute the different for the substituting the aspect of difference for
same in each of these formulas which the same. Nathan Widder in The
have the form the unity/totality of Geneology of Difference attempts to
presence/ absence of the same/different. show how this view can be applied to the
By this we enter the dream realm, which history of philosophy with some success.
is after all at the root of waking Jeffrey A. Bell in The Problem of
consciousness, dream underlies trance Difference: Phenomenology and
that underlies the subjective/objective Poststructuralism also attempts to show
discriminating intentional consciousness. how this philosophy of difference was
Here we see anti-ideas that are percepts, generated out of the Phenomenology of
we see anti-essences that are percepts, Husserl and its interpretation by
we see anti-noematic nuclei that are Merleau-Ponty. However, if we do not
noetic, we see anti-archetypes that are understand the structure of the field of
conceptual. In other words there is a the aspects of Being it is difficult to get a
shadow world that dogs the meta- grip on the reversals that Deleuze is
physical world of identity, which is a making to the field to produce the
world of difference. The problem of the philosophy of difference, and how it
philosophy of difference is that it has not does not leave metaphysics behind.
freed itself of the terminology of These are similar to the kinds of radical
identity. But it is difficult to invent a reversals of Plato that Nietzsche
way to describe difference that does not attempts when he substitutes Reality for
ascribe to the concept of identity, as Truth as the basis of metaphysical
Deleuze heroically tries to do. However, thought. These reversals of metaphysics,
if we realize that this shadow realm is such as Heidegger’s emphasis on
the complement of the other realm then Absence rather than Presence still leave
we can use the complementary us within metaphysics because it only

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

changes the relations of the aspects of the individual and the levels of emergent
Being to each other. They all continue to knowledge change in society. Between
operate within the realm of the aspects the emergent social/individual hierarchy
and kinds of Being. But schemas as and the ontological hierarchy of the
projections of pattern, form, system, etc schemas the ontic hierarchy of the
reside within Being as a priori or physus appears within the history of
persistent or always already structured scientific discovery. The ontic hierarchy
aspects of space and time. They allows us to see the non-reducible levels
differentiate things in space such that of closure that are socially invented and
they can be simultaneous in time. They constructed in our interaction with the
allow the transformation of space into designated as real material world. But
time and time into space as we move ultimately all these levels are
from the dream realm to trance to constructed out of magma which
subject/object differentiating intentional according to Lawson becomes reified as
consciousness. Schemas are the dual of different kinds of closure of the
the emergent events that appear though openness of the clearing of Being.
the transformation of the content of one Closure results in material and texture.
schema into the content of another Material is a certain type of reification
schema at the same level of the were noesis and noema are set for a
ontological hierarchy. Emergent events time, tentatively until they are reset by
move through each of the meta-levels of some emergent event that reaches deep
Being. Through emergent events we enough to touch the essential openness
access primal time that is non- again. The texture is the certain kind of
differentiated. Access of primal time, openness that remains in spite of a
sometimes called FLOW, re-enlivens our tentative closure. Material and Texture
lives and makes the world new again. It have emergent properties specific to
breaks all the reifications and melts our their form of reification. But under the
alienation, dismantles our anomie. influence of an emergent event other
Understanding the full panoply of the properties might become emphasized
transformations of metaphysics allows while still others might become de-
us to understand the philosophy of emphasized. The schemas are the a
difference and how it fits into Platonism, priori containers that reification occurs
Nietzsche’ views and Jung’s views that around as a differentiation of spacetime
transform Platonism in various ways. or timespace of the matrix. Schemas are
The schemas are pivotal in all these social projections. Durkheim said that
transformations and become visible Kant’s categories were socially
through them as non-duals within the constructed. Here we say that so are his
magma of the chiasm at the center of the schemas. The social construction of the
Cube of fourfold reflexivity at the center schemas are itself social in the sense that
of the inwardly mirroring tetrahedron forms interact with forms, systems
that appears at the reflexive social level interact with systems, meta-systems
of the unfolding of the special systems interact with meta-systems, etc. In other
between system and meta-system. The words the basic containers of what can
ontological hierarchy of schemas is be social are set by the schemas. They
inherently social. They go together with are a differentiation of the realms of
the emergent hierarchy of information in possible social interaction. While on the

Possible Grounds for a Reflexive Sociology -- Kent D. Palmer

other hand the emergent social and

individual hierarchy are the levels of
knowledge production at which
emergent events can occur that
transform these schemas. Out of that
interaction of time and space we get the
differentiation of the physus as the ontic
hierarchy, which appears as the non-
reducible forms that underlie the social
and the meta-social or the society of
societies of the species called gaia.


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