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Stuyvesant Study Society Structural Charter

The Following is the structural charter of Stuyvesant Study Society (SSS) at Stuyvesant
High School in Manhattan, New York.

Mission Statement:
"To foster an environment where the diverse qualities, personalities, and knowledge of
Stuyvesant Study Society’s members can be used to create an effective, successful, and
cohesive team that will yield impressive academic results for motivated students.”

Stuyvesant Study Society team members are bound by many common goals; some of
these being personal achievements, grading criteria in the classes, and
friendship. However, at the end of this year and with the many years ahead in the future,
SSS will try to achieve one mission, our “Mission Statement”.

I. Executive Cabinet:
i. Overview: The Executive Board will be compromised of the President of SSS, two
Vice Presidents of SSS, and the following chairs: The Tutoring chair, Planning chair,
Organizational chair, Research chair, Outreach chair and Website chair. These board
members shall participate in full board meetings. Additional Members of SSS shall
sit for board meetings if required by the Executive Board.

i. President
i. Oversees all aspects of SSS’s operations
ii. Appoints two Vice Presidents upon entering
iii. Appoints a successor upon leaving

iii. Vice President

i. Assists the President in his or her duties and can act as a stand-in for the President if

i. Tutoring Chair
i. Head of the Tutoring committee
ii. Completes his or her equal portion of the Marketing Committee’s work

i. Planning Chair
i. Head of the Planning committee
ii. Completes his or her equal portion of the Planning Committee’s work

i. Organizational Chair
i. Head of the Organizational Committee
ii. Completes his or her equal portion of the Organization Committee’s work

i. Research Chair
i. Head of the Research Committee
ii. Completes his or her equal portion of the Research Committee’s work

i. Outreach Chair
i. Head of the Outreach Committee
ii. Completes his or her equal portion of the Outreach Committee’s work

i. Website Chair
i. Head of the Website Committee
ii. Completes his or her equal portion of the Website Committee’s work

i. The above eight Executive Cabinet positions (excluding president) shall be chosen by
the sitting president upon his/her/their taking office, and shall be up to his/her/their

I. Tutoring Committee
The Tutoring committee shall be responsible for:

A. Working in discussion with the Outreach Committee to interview and assess tutor
B. Appointing tutors in discussion with the President and Vice President
C. Organizing monthly surveys for SSS members to assess their impressions and
thoughts of every individual tutors’ ability to educate and assisting SSS’s
members to succeed academically
D. Keeping close relations with each tutor to monitor their progress and ability to teach
their specific class/classes
E. Educating each tutor how to become a better academic mentor for his/her students

I. Planning Committee
The Planning Committee shall be responsible for:
A. Planning all SSS classes for students to partake in
B. Working in discussion with the Website Committee to constantly update’s calendar
C. Using social media, email, and private messaging to inform SSS members of
upcoming classes and other events
D. Working in discussion with the President and Vice Presidents to find and plan classes
for Stuyvesant teachers, or teachers from other high schools/colleges, to come
and teach/mentor to the members of SSS
E. Plan all materials necessary, such as working computers, working smart-boards, and
classwork, and have them ready the day of the event

I. Organizational Committee
The Organizational Committee shall be responsible for:

A. Running and managing all official SSS events on the scenes of the events
B. Working in discussion with the Tutoring Committee to help SSS members learn
effectively and to accommodate their individual needs
C. Working in discussion with the President and Vice Presidents to accommodate
teachers and mentors from high schools/colleges

I. Research Committee
The Research Committee shall be responsible for:

A. Researching classwork, homework, and additional information about all the

standardized tests and regents being taught by SSS
B. Working in discussion with the Website Committee to make sure all classwork,
homework, and additional information is posted and displayed clearly for SSS’s
C. Keeping SSS’s Facebook page and website up to date with important information
regarding classes, events, and tests
D. Working in conjunction with the President and Vice Presidents to answer SSS’s
official email

I. Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee shall be responsible for:

A. Using social media and email inquires to add interested students to SSS
B. Advertising SSS through social media to students
C. Helping interested students become members of SSS
D. Using Facebook private messaging to engage in conversation with each member of
SSS and check on their progress and overall happiness with their class/classes
I. Website Committee

The Website Committee shall be responsible for:

A. Constantly updating the website to make sure all information is accurate

B. Working in discussion with the Planning Committee to plan classes and events for
SSS members and updating the website calendar
C. Working in discussion with the Research Committee to update and post all new
classwork, homework, and additional information on the standardized tests and
regents on the SSS website
D. Create Sign-up sheets for classes in discussion with the Organizational Committee
and post them on the official website

I. General Requirements

All members of the SSS team hereby promise to:

i. Complete His/Her assigned work from his/her Committee Chair

A. Always notify his/her Committee Chair if work assigned can not be completed with a
valid reason
ii. Check Facebook posts on both Public and Private SSS pages
iii. Check both SSS Facebook group messages and private messages
iv. Check all emails sent to SSS members
v. Always work at his/her best capability
vi. Always help a SSS member when asked upon

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