3-20-17 Draft MBTA Strategic Plan

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APRIL 2017


Chairman Thomas McGee Andrew Bagley Abbie Goodman
Chairman William Straus Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation ACEC/MA
Joint Committee on Transportation
Jim Stergios Marilyn Swartz-Lloyd
Chris Osgood Pioneer Institute MASCO
City of Boston
Dan O’Connell Carolyn Villars
Marc Draisen Mass. Competitive Partnership Mass Senior Action
Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Rick Dimino Bill Henning
Paul Regan A Better City Boston Center for Independent Living
MBTA Advisory Board
James Rooney Joanne Daniels-Finegold
Rafael Mares Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
Conservation Law Foundation Former Transportation Officials
Steve Tolman Fred Salvucci
Mark Ebuna AFL-CIO James Aloisi
TransitMatters Jeff Mullan
Craig Hughes Steve Silveira
Lisa Jacobson IAMAW
Bud Ris
Barr Foundation Jim O’Brien
Boston Carmen’s Union Local 589
Josh Ostroff
T4MA James White
Access Advisory Committee
April 2017

o Our Customers, Funders, foundation for lasting change with this
Stakeholders and Employees: strategic plan. This effort has been
supported by, and would have been
The Fiscal and Management impossible without, the office of
Control Board (FMCB) was established Secretary of Transportation Stephanie
by Governor Charles Baker and the Pollack, MassDOT’s long-range
Legislature in July 2015 to oversee planning efforts (Focus40) and the
and improve the finances, manage- relentless efforts of MBTA managers
ment, and operations of the Massa- and employees to stabilize and restore
chusetts Bay Transportation Authority the system so that it can sustain 21st
(MBTA). This document fulfills the century mobility and economic growth
requirements of the FMCB enabling in the region.
legislation that requires development
of a plan. This strategic plan is a blueprint for
institutionalizing that energy as a
Over the past twenty months, our pathway of continuous improvement
work, supported by the efforts of that will fulfill the vision of the MBTA
MBTA management and employees, that is needed to support our region’s
has been first, to diagnose systemic broader goals.
problems and second, to address
them through focused reform and Respectfully Submitted,
improvements. Transparency has been
a paramount goal throughout this
process to ensure that we are shining
a light on challenges and imperatives
for change. This is meant to restore
public confidence in the MBTA and Joseph Aiello, Chair Steven Poftak, Vice Chair Lisa A. Calise
reestablish its place as a premier
regional asset for supporting econom-
ic growth.

The FMCB is a temporary body, with

its term expiring in June 2020. As Brian Lang Monica Tibbits-Nutt
such, we are beginning now to lay the
VALUES STATEMENT.......................... A T THAT DELIVERS........................ 14
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................... 2 1. SAFETY................................... 16

STATE OF THE MBTA IN 2015............ 4 2. CUSTOMERS........................... 19

3. INFRASTRUCTURE................. 22


5. ACCESSIBILITY...................... 30

6. WORKFORCE......................... 31

7. MANAGEMENT..................... 34

8. ENVIRONMENT..................... 36

9. GOVERNANCE...................... 38

10. CAPACITY.............................. 40

APPENDICES................................... 43

The MBTA will provide globally-premier, safe, reliable, All members of the MBTA community will embrace:
convenient, accessible, cost-effective, and sustainable transit
• Safety of the public and staff as top priority
service to its communities and customers.
• Delivering a superior customer experience
• Serving a diverse customer base
• Transparency in the way business is conducted
• Honesty in all matters
The MBTA provides access and moves people while
strengthening and improving the economic health of the region. • Respect for the public, all employees, and
private partners
• Flexibility to adapt and evolve
• Commitment to data-driven decision-making
• Accountability to our customers and funders
• Continuous focus on driving productivity and
operating the system most efficiently
• Environmental stewardship

In the spring of 2016 the Fiscal and supported and held accountable to con- reinvent the bus system with reliable
Management Control Board initiated a tinuously improve the vital service we service, improved amenities and a
strategic planning process to clearly provide. comprehensive redesign of the entire
articulate priority initiatives to reinvent bus network
This blueprint is intended to transform
the MBTA as a 21st century organiza-
the MBTA into a transit system that • Complete planning for fleet and
tion. This plan represents an FMCB
delivers. The most critical priorities in facilities, as well as service, on a specif-
consensus on the actions that must be
this transformation are: ic capacity target (to be established
undertaken by the MBTA and its stake-
by the end of 2017) for the core
holders to ensure that Authority is put • Accelerate capital delivery spending MBTA system (commuter rail, rapid
on a pathway of continuous improve- to eliminate the State of Good Repair transit, ferry and bus) to accommo-
ment in all its metrics. Our goal is to backlog in 15 years rather than the date ridership growth generated by
strive to be a best-in- class transit previous 25-year target economic development, population
system that exceeds the expectations of
• As part of the effort to deliver reliable growth and demand for reliable
its customers and stakeholders.
service at affordable fares, have a new transit service
This plan begins with a summary of the Automated Fare Collection system in The objectives outlined in this plan are
state of the MBTA in 2015 to set the place by FY2020, operating under a guided by certain principles:
context for the improvements needed. new fare structure that simultaneously
Following this are ten sections, each drives revenue and ridership and 1) Never compromise safety
focused on a specific theme, an overar- while addressing affordability
ching objective, and specific strategies 2) Treat our riders as cherished cus-
needed to accomplish those objectives. • Continue to drive down operating tomers
It reflects the ongoing work of the costs and increase non-fare, own-
3) Ensure that MBTA assets attain and
FMCB, underway for nearly two years, source revenues to $100 million by
retain a state of good repair on a
and is a synthesized, organized blue- FY2021 in order to eliminate the
specific timeline
print for accomplishing the MBTA’s structural operating deficit while
goals. If executed well, the plan is ensuring that the MBTA provides 4) Recognize the preciousness of every
intended to ensure that there is never great value to users and taxpayers dollar of subsidy received and
again a deterioration of our public revenue earned
• While improving customer service
transit system, and instead, that we are
2 across the system, focus on buses:
5) Meet the needs of passengers of all • Bring clarity to the financial con-
abilities straints in operating and capital
6) Create an organization that is
perceived as and is a great place to • Recognize that we are blessed to live
work in an economically dynamic region
but that not all fully participate in
7) Attract and retain a world-class those benefits, and that challenges
management team such as future competitiveness,
8) Respond to the challenges of technological change and global
climate change and prioritize warming remain
environmental stewardship • Strive for transparency to the public
9) Determine the appropriate govern- for that is one of the best levers • Rethink the future of the commuter
ing structure that will inherit the role toward continuous improvement rail system and move toward a next
of the FMCB and ensure that the contract structure that will better
• Set, for everything, specific targets
position of the GM/CEO has serve the region and our taxpayers
with specific deadlines and fully
sufficient span of control to be held resource those initiatives • Provide bus service where customers
fully accountable for safety, opera-
want to go and improve service
tions and the implementation of this • Measure and communicate our
through internal improvements and
plan progress
collaborations with cities and towns
10) Plan for the transit capacity needs With implementation of this plan, the
• Deliver fast, reliable, accessible, and
of the future region will benefit from a transformation
consistent service for our riders
that will:
Each of these principles is expanded in
As adopted by the FMCB, this docu-
the plan with specific objectives, • Expand capacity on rapid transit lines
ment sets the agenda for management
strategies, targets and timelines for via shortened headways
initiatives. Progress on objectives will be
deliverables in an effort to:
reported upon regularly, and the plan
should be regularly revisited and
updated. 3

he MBTA (the T) is among the top Control Board by
five and the oldest transit system the Legislature to
in the country, operating subway, secure the fiscal,
trackless trolley, bus and commuter rail operational, and
service throughout eastern Massachu- managerial
setts, as well as a broad range of other stability of the T.
passenger services, including commuter Further provisions
boats, paratransit service, and express were enacted to
buses. allow innovative
The harsh winter of 2015 exposed to tools and require
the general public what transit advo- long-term capital
cates and key policy makers had long plans, asset
identified: the state of the MBTA management strategies, and perfor-
infrastructure was deficient. Governor MBTA BACK ON TRACK:
mance metrics to improve workforce
Baker appointed a special panel to GOVERNOR’S SPECIAL
undertake a rapid diagnostic on the PANEL ON MBTA
system and to make recommendations Section 202 of the FMCB enabling – APRIL 2015
to improve the T’s governance, struc- legislation states:
• Unsustainable Operating Budget
ture, financials and operations. The
The control board shall formulate and • Lack of Accountability
panel found pervasive structural failure
recommend a plan to the Secretary to • Flawed Contracting Processes
requiring fundamental changes in
stabilize and strengthen the finances,
virtually all aspects of the MBTA. • Lack of Customer Focus
management, operation and asset
The operational and infrastructure condition of the authority • Shortsighted Expansion Program
deficiencies at the T identified by the • Organizational Instability
This strategic plan fulfills that require-
special panel resulted in the enactment • Ineffective Workplace Practices
of a new Fiscal and Management
• Bottlenecked Project Delivery
• Chronic Capital Underinvestment
The Control Board shall formulate and recommend a plan to the Secretary to stabilize and strengthen 600 590
the finances, management, operations and asset condition of the Authority. The plan shall:
Local 453
Plan Section
(i) Provide a safe, reliable and sustainable transit system consistent with Safety, Customers, Original # of
-222 Steelworkers
the comprehensive state transportation plan Environment Positions
-106 Executives
200 Association
(ii) Establish fiscal stability including short-term and long-term planning -80 Resulting #
to ensure that the Authority’s budgets are aligned with its operational Fiscal Sustainability of Non-Union
and capital needs
2000 12/2000 8/2001 12/2014 2015
(iii) Reorient the Authority to focus on providing better service to its
Customers * Headcount as of September 2016 is 228 UPDATE
current riders and attracting future riders

(iv) Facilitate sound management and a safe and effective workplace Safety, Workforce

(v)Develop a financially responsible, long-range approach to

preserving and modernizing the Authority’s assets and meeting future MBTA CAPITAL SPENDING FY11-FY15
needs for regional transit facilities and services consistent with the
program for mass transportation
The Control Board shall develop performance metrics and measure
Throughout 800 768
items included in the plan
ORGANIZATIONAL Operating expenses during the period 493

CHALLENGES grew at an average annual rate exceed- 400

398 408

ing five percent.

Since FY2000, lackluster performance 200
among the MBTA’s dedicated revenue Nowhere was the lack of internal
sources resulted in a structural deficit management capacity more apparent 0
FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15
projected to reach $242 million by than in the area of capital project
FY2017. In an effort to manage costs delivery.
outside of union contracts, staffing in $M
Planned Actual % of Plan
the area of Authority management and Of the $5.1 billion of capital spending Spending Spending Achieved

administration was significantly re- planned between FY2011 and FY2015, FY11 780 398 51%

duced. Between 2000 and 2015, only $2.7 billion was actually spent, FY12 887 408 46%

non-union positions at the Authority contributing to the deterioration of the FY13 795 493 62%

were reduced by more than two-thirds. State of Good Repair, increasing FY14 1,343 631 47%
operating costs, and diminishing the FY15 1,290 748 58%
Ironically, this depletion of management quality of service. Five Year
5,095 2,678 53%
talent and capacity may have contribut-
ed to the MBTA’s fiscal problems.

With nearly 450,000 weekday riders, T Ninety-two percent of the T’s 8,500 bus Fleet Size 991
bus ridership alone is higher than the stops did not have shelters, and many Fleet Age Most 7–12 years old
total ridership of all but seven American stops were not accessible. All 8 operating at or
public transit systems. Surveys in the over capacity, four more
The Silver Line is included in these bus than 70 years old
summer of 2015 found that bus riders
statistics. This line has significant Average Weekday
identified service infrequency, unreliabil- Ridership
capacity issues, exacerbated by the
ity, and slow speeds as discouraging On-Time Nearly all below 75%
challenge of replacing the dual mode
use of the bus system. On-time perfor- Performance service standard
diesel/electric vehicles that operate
mance for almost all bus service was Operating subsidy
from South Station to the Airport that per passenger trip $2.86
below 75 percent.
are no longer manufactured. (FY15)

Two gaps in scheduled vehicle purchas- *Includes 34,200 Silver Line

es found most of the fleet approaching

its useful life of twelve years. Four of the
T’s eight maintenance facilities were
more than 70 years old, with the oldest
built in 1930. Many of these facilities are
in unacceptably poor condition. Most
facilities are near, at, or above their
practical capacity.

The MBTA‘s rapid transit system faces Many parts of the Red Line are routinely
major challenges to meet current and over planned capacity. Peak period
future demand. headways are typically scheduled at
five-minute intervals. Combined with an
This is particularly acute on the Red Line aging fleet, track, and signal infrastruc-
that saw significant growth since 2004 ture, this presented significant opera-
from 225,000 average weekday riders to tional challenges for the Red Line in
281,000 in 2015. Off-peak ridership 2015.
growth has been even faster. Six of the
highest used rapid transit stations are
along the Red Line.

Fleet Size 218

Range from 21 to 46
Fleet Age
Cabot Yard facility dates
to mid-1970s with
inadequate replacement
or rehabilitation of major
capital assets
Average Weekday
As of September 2015,
85% of passengers
waited less than the
scheduled headway (4-5
minutes in the core)
Operating subsidy
per passenger trip $0.61

ORANGE LINE Fleet Size 120
Fleet Age 35 years
The Orange line carried 17 percent of
systemwide ridership with 209,000 Wellington Car House
average weekday trips. Its fleet of 120
Average Weekday
vehicles were procured in 1980, and 209,000
reached their design life in 2005. As of September 2015,
Historically 102 peak hour vehicles were 85% of passengers
waited less than the
used to provide five-minute headways. Performance
scheduled headway (6
Because of the condition of the fleet, minutes)
this was reduced to 96 peak hour Operating subsidy
per passenger trip $0.61
vehicles in 2011, resulting in a reduction
in frequency with a six-minute headway
in peak periods.

With 66,300 average weekday trips, five
percent of total system ridership is on
the Blue Line. Its fleet is the youngest of
any of the rapid transit lines. Through
the Reliability Centered Maintenance
(RCM) program, continuous investment
and predictive component replacement
has increased reliability of the vehicles
and will eliminate the need for mid-life
overhauls. Station modernization and
power upgrades increased Blue Line
capacity by 24 percent through running
six-car rather than four-car sets.

Fleet Size 94
Fleet Age 9 years
Orient Heights - a
relatively new facility
that is a model for
improvements at other
car houses
Average Weekday
As of September 2015,
90% of passengers
waited less than the
scheduled headway (4.5
Operating subsidy
per passenger trip $0.61

With over 200,000 weekday trips, the Fleet Size 209
Green Line is the nation’s busiest light Range from 7 to 18
Fleet Age
rail line. It’s also the nation’s oldest, with years
Boylston station constructed in 1897. Riverside heavy
maintenance and
With four separate branches, three Maintenance
storage facility dates to
sharing right of way with vehicular Facilities
the mid-1970s with few
traffic, Green Line operations face improvements since

particular problems, and riders com- Average Weekday

plain about trip duration.
Depending upon the
branch the percent of
Of the total 66 stations, 31 surface and On-Time passengers waiting no
four subway stations on the Green Line Performance more than the scheduled
were not accessible. headway is between 60
and 70%
Operating subsidy
per passenger trip $1.39

In FY15, available data suggested that
ridership on the Commuter Rail system,
approximately nine percent of system-
wide ridership, was stagnant or declin-
ing. Customer experience varied widely
across the system, in many ways be-
cause of the age of the infrastructure
that ranges from 30 to 100 years old.
Out of 133 stations, 34 were not acces-
sible to customers with disabilities.

The service has historically been con-

tracted to an outside operator, creating
accountability issues. The transition to a
new operator in 2014 exacerbated
operational issues during the winter
storms of 2015.

81 Locomotives; 410
Fleet Size
230 revenue vehicles
Fleet Age beyond their 25-year
useful life
Layover facility capacity
Maintenance is constrained,
Facilities particularly at midday on
the South Side
Average Weekday
On-time performance,
On-Time defined as less than 5
Performance minutes late, rarely
reached 90%
Operating subsidy
per passenger trip $5.75
(FY15) 11
Under the Americans with Disabilities 1,144 Vehicles (650
Fleet Size
Act (ADA), the MBTA is obligated to owned by MBTA)
provide paratransit service within Average age is 4 years,
8 months. All vehicles
three-quarters of a mile of fixed-route Fleet Age
are retired at 7 years, 3
service to customers who cannot use months
the fixed-route system because of their Maintenance and repair
disabilities. Maintenance facilities are the
Facilities responsibility of The
RIDE’s three contractors
Since it began in 1977, The RIDE service
6,800 trips (30,000
has grown from a relatively small Average Weekday registered customers
operation serving a 12-mile square area Ridership take 2.1 million trips
in Brookline, Cambridge, and parts of annually)

Boston to one of the largest paratransit On-time performance,

On-Time defined as within 15
operations in the nation, serving a Performance minutes of promised
712-square mile area in 58 cities and pick-up time, was 89.6%
towns. The RIDE goes beyond the Operating subsidy
per passenger trip $45.53
required require three-quarter mile (FY15)
radius of fixed route corridors. While
federal regulations require origin to des-
tination services, the RIDE offers all
customers door-to-door service.

Less than one percent of all MBTA trips The MBTA contracts with a private
occur on ferries. Most ferry riders could operator to run three ferry routes within
use other transit options to make the Boston Harbor. Maintenance and
same trips, but choose to use ferries, acquisition of the fleet is mainly the
likely because they are the most reliable responsibility of the operator.
MBTA mode.

Fleet Size 8 vessels

Most vessels are owned
by the private operator
Fleet Age and most infrastructure
is owned by other
The contract operator is
responsible for
maintaining all vessels,
including the two owned
by the MBTA
Average Weekday
Ferries are the most
On-Time reliable mode on the
Performance system with 95%
on-time performance
Operating subsidy
per passenger trip $1.57


he first part of this report is a
reminder of the serious challeng-
es that faced the MBTA and the
region even before the first public
meeting of the FMCB on July 21, 2015.
Since then, the FMCB has met about 80
times (as of the release of this draft
report), almost always opening with
extensive public comment. We have
received nearly 400 presentations about
dozens of topics and have taken well
over a hundred substantive votes, some
of them difficult and controversial, all for
the purpose of restoring the reliability of
and public confidence in the MBTA.

The FMCB’s Annual Reports, submitted

to the Legislature each December 15,
as well as other filings (all of them immediate fiscal, operational, and other Executive Officer who can complete the
available on the MBTA website) detail demands. turnaround at the T. And the Board has
measures taken to date. But while requested that the Governor extend its
Now, however, the MBTA is pivoting term through June 2020, ensuring that
proud of the progress made due to the
from the first stage of its turnaround to
drive of MBTA leadership and the the new CEO and the FMCB will be
the next phase. MassDOT Secretary
dedication of MBTA employees, the able to work together to complete the
Stephanie Pollack, working closely with
FMCB has more work to do. Much of transformation of the MBTA into an
the FMCB, has launched a search for a
our initial period was by necessity spent organization that delivers.
14 permanent General Manager/Chief
on diagnostics and on reacting to
The remainder of this plan is designed the MBTA to become the premier • While improving customer service
to lay down markers for what the MBTA transit agency the people and economy across the system, focus on buses:
needs to do in the years to come to of this region need and deserve. But a reinvent the bus system with reliable
complete its transformation and meet strategic plan needs to make clear the service, improved amenities and a
the needs of the customers, communi- most critical priorities and so we wish to comprehensive redesign of the entire
ties and region that it serves. What highlight five of the most important bus network
follows are ten sections, each focused goals that we believe will, together,
• Complete planning for fleet and
on a specific theme (for example, transform the MBTA into a transit
facilities, as well as service, on a specif-
Customers), an overarching objective system that delivers:
ic capacity target (to be established
for the MBTA to accomplish in that area
• Accelerate capital delivery spending by the end of 2017) for the core
and a series of specific strategies that
to eliminate the State of Good Repair MBTA system (commuter rail, rapid
need to be pursued to accomplish that
backlog in 15 years rather than the transit and bus) to accommodate
objective. Because the FMCB and
previous 25-year target ridership growth generated by
MBTA leadership have been working
economic development, population
toward these objectives all along, each • As part of the effort to deliver reliable growth and demand for reliable
section also details the progress made service at affordable fares, have a new transit service
to date in each area. Automated Fare Collection system in
place by FY2020, operating under a
The ambitious agenda that follows
new fare structure that simultaneously
includes strategies developed by the
drives revenue and ridership and
Board, with input from staff and stake-
while addressing affordability
holders. We are committed to working
with the new GM/CEO and the MBTA’s • Continue to drive down operating
leadership team to dedicate the re- costs and increase non-fare, own-
sources and develop the talent neces- source revenues to $100 million by
sary to achieve these objectives. FY2021 in order to eliminate the
structural operating deficit while
All of the objectives and strategies set
ensuring that the MBTA provides
out in the sections that follow must
great value to users and taxpayers
ultimately be accomplished in order for
Customers take as a given that their trip Four essential components
on the MBTA will be safe. Behind the underlie this commitment to
scenes, this entails ensuring an organi- forward-thinking safety innova-
zation-wide commitment to managing tion, management, performance,
safety risk and assuring that all transit and continuous improvement:
activities are adequately resourced and Safety
• Safety policy to align all of the Management
supported to achieve the highest level
MBTA under a safety manage- Policy
of safety performance. In acknowledg-
ment system to prioritize safety
ment of the risks inherent in large public
in all management decision
spaces, the MBTA has benefited from
major Homeland Security grants. Its
Broadway Station training facility, where • Safety risk management to Risk Safety
all Operations staff engage in training Management Assurance
implement processes that will
simulations, is a national model. identify, evaluate, and resolve
risks, and track risk controls SAFETY
• Safety assurance to oversee
that objectives are met
through ongoing data collec-
tion and assessment

• Safety promotion to encourage

workplace and public confidence in
the MBTA’s commitment to ensuring

The passage of MAP-21 (Moving Ahead The MBTA’s $459 million PTC program
for Progress in the 21st Century Act) will be applied to all MBTA Commuter Provide safe and reliable transit
significantly expanded the regulatory Rail lines, covering about 394 combined service while preparing for the
delivery of new Red and Orange
authority of the Federal Transit Adminis- route miles of service.
Line vehicles beginning in 2019
tration (FTA) over safety on all modes of
public transit. New federal regulatory • Make capital maintenance
Implement positive train control investments to support vehicle
requirements are intended to shift (PTC) for the Commuter Rail reliability with targeted programs
safety improvements from being system by the end of 2020 over the next five years
reactive to being proactive: anticipating • Hardware installation by 12/2018
future risks and detecting problems
• PTC fully operational by 2020
before an accident can occur. Each
Optimize the safety of the Green
transit agency is required to develop a
Line with proactive interventions
comprehensive Transit Agency Safety The age of most Red Line vehicles, and
Plan according to the new federal all Orange Line vehicles requires special • Continue the preventive
maintenance schedule to improve
regulations that focus on measurement vigilance to ensure service can be performance including derailment
of effectiveness of risk control strategies provided and passenger safety is prevention through a combination
and achieving safety outcomes. Addi- paramount. Until new vehicles are of long- and short-term track,
vehicle, and operating
tionally, the regulatory role of the state procured, short-term preventive mainte-
Department of Public Utilities has been nance is required.
• Measures to promote pedestrian
expanded. and traffic safety
The age of the Green Line system, its
Another federal mandate is implemen- signal system, street-running design, • Implement Green Line train
protection system/collision
tation on the Commuter Rail of positive and the fact that it relies upon line of avoidance technology (complete
train control (PTC) technology and sight operation makes safety an espe- procurement by 12/2018)
associated infrastructure. PTC systems cially high priority. Further, the accessi-
are integrated command, control, bility-required construction of the low
communications, and information floor center truck on vehicles has
systems designed to prevent train resulted in a declining, but still signifi-
accidents by controlling train move- cant number of derailments. A number
ments with safety, security, precision, of corrective actions have been taken,
and efficiency. including the development of procure-
ment safeguards for the acquisition of
new vehicles.
For bus operations, the safety focus is Finally, keeping the focus on safety
to provide continuous operator training Ensure the safety of passengers, requires systematic and transparent
to ensure safe driving and customer operators, and the general public reporting. Beginning in 2016, quarterly
through ongoing improvements in
experience. safety reports with standardized metrics
bus operations
and project updates have been provid-
• Develop a program for collision ed to the FMCB and posted for public
reduction and ensuring the safety
of pedestrian traffic at modal review.
stations and crosswalks through
vehicle engineering improvements,
technology solutions, and continued
emphasis on driver training PROGRESS TO DATE:
• Develop interventions to prevent
bus operator assault • Quarterly reports initiated

• Workforce electrical safety assessment

Of equal importance as the safety of our completed
customers is the safety of our workforce,
• Commuter Rail PTC funding identified
who often are working in environments
with significant potential hazards. • Conducted selective systems replace-
ment program on 58 Red Line #2
Provide a safe environment for vehicles which resulted in a 50
the MBTA workforce percent increase in mean miles
• Develop an Occupational Health & between failures
Safety Plan
• Green Line collision avoidance system
• Develop and implement targeted
programs in electrical safety, RFP issued
excavation, fall protection, power
tool safety, and personal protective • Bus surveillance cameras installed
• Operator protective shield on all new
• Ensure contractors are held to the
Bus protective barrier same workplace standards, and are buses, covert alarms installed on all
provided the same protections, as revenue vehicles
• Incorporate safety improvements in
capital project design

Just as it took decades of underinvest-
ment in the T’s physical and human Improve service delivery and the customer experience,
focusing first on the bus system
assets, it will take time before efforts
make truly noticeable improvements in • Tactical toolbox for bus service improvements
- All door boarding and faster fare collection
reliability to customers. Customer
- Improved dispatching tools and processes
satisfaction has improved, of course,
• Partnerships with municipalities with four in place by 2019
since the winter of 2015, but it remains
- Bus lanes
below where it should be notwithstand-
- Signal priority and queue jumps
ing the often herculean efforts to
• Provide customer amenities on high demand, high frequency corridors
provide safe, reliable service on a daily (plan by June 2017)
basis. At the same time, the ground- - Shelters
work has been laid for a wide range of - Route information
initiatives to improve the customer - Time to next bus signs

With nearly half a million daily trips, T

bus ridership alone is higher than the
total ridership of all but seven transit
systems. Serving these, often our most
transit-dependent and loyal riders, is a
top priority.

The MBTA’s fare collection equipment is as underutilized routes are replaced Real-time communication to customers
antiquated, its systems are inconsistent with new and better service where can be the key to an improved custom-
across modes, and cash collection demand is growing. Service planning er experience even if there is a service
creates service delays. Not enough teams are newly dedicated to a thor- disruption. Equally important is opening
retail outlets exist for purchasing passes ough update of service delivery stan- two-way lines of communication and
and updating fare cards. Inadequate dards, routes and schedules to optimize taking seriously the feedback customers
systems prevent useful data collection the entire network. provide.
to understand customer demand and
travel patterns. A major new initiative Reinvent the bus system moving Provide accurate and real-time
will address these issues, with a goal of from comprehensive service customer information
a seamless and adaptable fare collec- planning to network-wide redesign
• Develop strategic communication
tion that is widely accessible by custom- • Reinvent Bus Service Planning plan by 10/2017
ers of all financial means. - Medium-term - Develop plan for way finding
• Initiate service planning: signage with dedicated project
manager, hire date by 12/17
Implement a new fare collection • Pilot district and implement service
- Develop standardized method of
system and expand flexible fare changes by Winter 2018
disruption and diversion
options • Conduct rolling service planning for communication
all seven districts every three years - Maximize use of 700 new digital
• Request for Qualifications for
- Long-term advertising screens for customer
Integrator and Design Build Letter
of Intent 7/2016 • Network-wide plan to address communication
changing demographics and land - Implement strategy for real-time
• Shortlisted Integrator Proposals
use patterns by 2019 communication screens on board
- Develop aspirational view of how newly acquired vehicles by the
• RFP for Integrator 11/2016 the bus network should evolve end of 2018
• Integrator Selection Summer 2017 and be perceived by MBTA - Redesign web site with mobile
customers users in mind
• AFC 2.0 live and AFC 1.0
decommissioned Summer 2020 - Ensure standards apply to - Transform the role of Customer
privately contracted services Service Agents in order to better
• Ongoing public outreach/
- Partner with municipalities to serve passengers on the system
Community Advisory Group
provide better bus services and

Keeping pace with changing demo-

graphics, employment, and travel
patterns requires active service plan-
ning, particularly on bus routes. This
20 may entail sometimes-difficult choices
The riding experience is more than the
trip on the T – it also requires safety and
comfort in the transit stations.

Provide a clean, comfortable Transit Industry Best Practice

environment in our stations (Contributed by MBTA Advisory Board)
• Develop new cleaning contract
specifications and execute new • Off-board fare collection and all-door boarding to reduce dwell time (CTFastrak
contract(s) by 7/2018 – Bus Rapid Transit Hartford area)
• Undertake station brightening
efforts using “lockbox” capital • Effective communication (LA Metro blog and Houston Metro’s MetroMatters)
• Branding and marketing of policies, programs, and services (BART combined
Marketing and Research departments to combine policy and planning with
efforts to promote transit options)
• Convenient and user-friendly fare purchase options (TriMet Portland, Oregon
• Customer satisfaction and daily Hop Fastpass and Pittsburgh Port Authority of Allegheny County ConnectCard
performance dashboard developed can be purchased and reloaded at supermarkets, convenience stores and
and made publicly available pharmacies. In Portland, no bank account is necessary, addressing barriers to
transit use for low-income customers)
• Customer Experience Department
(CX) established • Real-time information on bus locations and arrival times (Pittsburgh TrueTime
vehicle tracking).
• Service quality standards adopted
• Performance-based service guidelines (Seattle King County Metro focuses on
• Comprehensive service planning
productivity, social equity, and geographic value)
process for all bus lines begun
• Use of 21st century technology to enhance 21st century customer experience
• Pilot dedicated bus lane in Everett
(BART surveyed over 40,000 customers on travel patterns and demographics
– Broadway north of Route 16
using tablets to gather data)
• AFC 2.0 on schedule

The MBTA has more than $23.8 billion
dollars of physical assets including Expand capital delivery capacity to achieve a minimum of $1 billion in
annual State of Good Repair spending within four years and eliminate
vehicles, bridges, track, tunnels, sta-
the backlog in 15 years
tions, signals and power systems,
elevators and escalators, and communi- • Identify gaps in project management capacity by the fall of 2017

cation equipment. In 2015, nearly • Implement Project Management Information System (PMIS) by the end of 2018
one-third of these assets were not in a • Build an inventory of SGR projects through the CIP process, utilizing asset
state of good repair (SGR), resulting in management and SGR databases

an estimated SGR backlog of $7.3 • Develop solutions for service disruptions that support SGR spending targets
billion, an amount that was unquestion- • Develop capacity to project future needs, backlog reduction, and impact of
ably understated since it did not include inflation on State of Good Repair spending

all Commuter Rail and other key assets.

There is a direct correlation between Create and effectively manage capital delivery capacity
asset condition on service reliability, • Reform capital delivery organization and strengthen linkages with Operations,
maintenance costs, day-to-day opera- including commuter rail, paratransit, ferry and other contracted services
tional challenges, and customer experi- • Build management capacity in Capital Delivery and Operations
ence. While capital funding was not • Consider diversions or system shutdowns to expand repair window and accelerate
adequate to address the SGR backlog, capital delivery
even the funding that was available was
not utilized. Of the $5.1 billion of capital
spending planned between 2011 and
2015, only $2.7 billion was actually
spent. The highest priority for MBTA
infrastructure is building the capacity for
capital delivery.

State law and federal regulations In addition to the SGR needs of the
require the adoption of best practice Implement asset management MBTA’s physical assets, information
asset management, calling for a priority and life-cycle maintenance for all management and business processes
current and future MBTA assets
focus on further development of the have for too long been undervalued
MBTA’s asset management database • Develop organization-wide and underinvested. Significant gaps in
Strategic Asset Management Plan
and processes. Asset management and system integration have developed.
in line with best practices by
life-cycle maintenance are the keys to June 2018
ensuring that the MBTA’s assets never - Develop and document asset
again fall into disrepair. management policies, standards, Recognize and address the SGR
and requirements with needs of business processes and
stakeholder input by June 2020 information management
- Define risk-based preventive
Improve maintenance schedules by • Hire project director by June 2017
Asset December 2020
• Develop budget and
- Establish asset management implementation plan by September
Grow 2017
Improve decision-making process
Confidence and - Establish baseline life-cycle • Establish integrated taskforce
maintenance plans per asset type
• Inventory and assess SGR needs
Asset by December 2020
Management - Develop asset management risk • Set priorities for technology
and review competency and improvements
Reliable Effectively processes by December 2021 • Develop protocols for new systems
Decision Manage integration
Making Risk • Fully implement systemwide asset
management information system by • Maximize security of information
Business December 2020 systems
Growth and
Improvement - Integrate with existing and future • Establish timelines for
support systems implementation

• Commencement of the Asset Man-
agement Program including begin-
ning implementation of the Enterprise
Asset Management System for

• Completion of the upgrades to SGR


• Restructuring of capital program and

delivery operation; linkages with

• State of Good Repair Acceleration

Committee established

• Targets established and tracking in

place for FY17 capital spending

Public transit system operations are reach $242 million by FY2017 and $427 operating expenses grew at more than
funded through a combination of by FY2020. five percent annually with no significant
own-source revenue and subsidies from change in the level of service provided.
Strategies were lacking for those
state and local revenue. Effective 2001, The MBTA has not captured the produc-
revenue sources in the control of the
the MBTA’s funding structure was tivity and efficiency gains which are
MBTA including parking, real estate,
reformed to dedicate a portion of sales common in the private sector as firms
and advertising. Nor were financial
tax receipts to funding the system and compete to deliver best value at the
targets in place. Further, rather than
eliminate a history of deficits funded in best price. The result of this lack of
follow a schedule of predictable, small,
arrears by state appropriation. The goal innovation and productivity is a high-
inflation-based increases in fares, fares
of this reform, known as forward fund- cost structure across both corporate and
increases were infrequent and large.
ing, was for the combination of fares operational functions. Contemporary
and other own-source revenue, and the But equally important as the revenue business practices, such as monthly
dedicated revenue sources, to fully side has been a lack of focus on cost budget reviews, rigorous management
cover the cost of operating the system. control and productivity. In the time of key expense metrics such as over-
since forward funding was enacted, time, use of technology to automate
Lackluster sales tax performance during
the fifteen years between FY2000 and
FY2015 resulted in average annual
growth of less than two percent from Structural Operating Deficit
this dedicated revenue source, the $500M
largest funding source for the T. Dedi- Status Quo
$427M Pro-Forma
cated revenues from local assessments $391M
400 (August 2015)
are statutorily capped at 2.5 percent $335M

growth. At the same time, MBTA 300

operating expenses were growing at an
average annual rate exceeding five 200 $170M
$119M FY17E: $192M
percent. Beginning in 2009, dedicated FY16: $84M
funding and own-source revenue were $119M
inadequate to cover expenses resulting $50M FY17 Recast Budget Target (2/13/2017)
in growing operating deficits on track to FY15 FY16 FY17E FY18E FY19E FY20E
and link manual processes, and active Leveraging the full potential of the A critical area for improvement is in the
enforcement of contract terms have MBTA’s own-source, non-fare revenue is manner the MBTA procures goods and
been largely absent because of years of an important component to reducing services as well as how these contracts
penny-wise and pound-foolish underin- the structural deficit are managed and enforced.
vestment in fiscal management, infor-
mation systems, and analytical capacity Generate $100 million in non-fare, Continue to develop a
to better control expenses and increase own-source revenue by FY2021 procurement process that serves
revenues. Operations
• Drive up advertising income using
technology • Implement strategic sourcing
• Aggressively pursue real estate initiatives
Link resources to strategic projects to drive both ridership - Implement category management
planning and results (through Transit Oriented to focus on specific areas of
Development), and revenue vendor spending
• Develop five and ten-year pro - Implement latest industry
formas • Increase parking revenue by
optimizing both supply and pricing procurement processes
- Develop cost management - Restructure operating model
strategies for controllable
expenses • Implement flexible contracting
- Develop and implement • Rationalize warehousing and
productivity metrics across the logistics system
organization and strive to
continuously reduce operating
The legislation that created the FMCB
- Complete process of moving
capital-funded workforce to
granted a three-year exemption from
operating budget while ensuring the requirements of the state laws that
adequate staffing for the capital govern the privatization of services
delivery program currently provided by public sector
• Manage expenses to stay within employees, commonly known as the
projected revenue growth
Pacheco Law. Through a careful and
deliberative process, the MBTA is using
this flexibility to provide better services,
particularly in non-core functions.

In addition to forecasting operating
Improve productivity and cost- costs into the future to better identify
effectiveness through a opportunities for cost control, the MBTA
combination of changing internal
needs sophisticated tools to manage
business practices and work rules,
and using private sector contracts and assess capital financing capacity
and partnerships and the true cost of transit operations.
• Incorporate into each contract
incentives and performance Develop capital financing
standards to deliver best value analytical capacity
• Adopt results-based procurement • Quantify capital financing capacity
approach considering over ten-year time frame and gap
• Life-cycle maintenance between capacity and need if any
• Performance risk management • Refine full cost analysis (capital and
- Ensure that all major contracts operating) of per ride subsidy by
have a strong internal contract mode
manager to ensure best
- Engage in partnerships with the ESTIMATED OPERATING AND CAPITAL SUBSIDY
private sector, particularly around PER PASSENGER TRIP BY MODE
workforce development $12.50
- Actively solicit and follow up on
Innovation/Unsolicited Proposals 10.00 $10.03
- Expand efforts to capture value
from real estate development
- Mitigate utility price and supply
volatility through contract 5.00
management $3.50 $3.48
$2.71 Capital Subsidy
- Consider public-private 2.50 $1.92
partnerships to finance capital Operating Subsidy
MBTA Avg. Heavy Rail Light Rail Ferries Bus Commuter Rail

Operating subsidy from 10/21/15 Economics by Mode presentation to FMCB.

Capital subsidy by mode calculated using fixed asset values by mode divided by estimated useful life to obtin an annualized amount.
Fixed asset values represent acquisition costs, not replacement costs.

Bus includes Silver Line

• FY2016 operating expense annual
growth was the lowest in 15 years and
10-Year Projected Savings
actually declined compared to the
prior year Total 10-Year Savings
Capital $16.1M
• Transit-oriented development activi- $81.2M $395.2M over next 10 years
• Operating: $377.9M
ties underway in Beverly, Revere • Capital: $17.3M
(Wonderland) and Hingham (Green-
Money Room Capital $1.2M
Outsourcing $96.1M
• New parking management services
contract awarded February 2017 L589
• Own-source revenue projected Union $217.9M
increase of 40 percent FY2017 over Agreement)
0 100 200 $300M

• Several non-core functions, including

cash counting money room opera-
tions and central warehouse and
inventory systems, contracted out for
better performance and cost savings

Fiscal Sustainability
Transit Industry Best Practice
(Contributed by the MBTA Advisory Board)

• Development of station profiles and market analysis showing neighborhood

context, entries, parking, and land use conditions within ½ mile of a light rail,
heavy rail, or BRT station to encourage transit oriented development (TOD)
(Atlanta MARTA and Connecticut Capitol Region Council of Government)

• A Joint Development Policy focuses on collaboration with municipalities to

develop and implement TOD including advocating for transit-supportive
zoning and land uses that make transit a convenient option and encouraging
parking maximums for development within ½ mile of station (Washington DC

• Development of a TOD policy as a framework to provide a leadership role in

planning and implementation (Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Council
Metro Transit)

• For system expansion, ensure that transit-oriented development and value

capture opportunities are explicitly considered and accounted for (BART)

• Adoption of policies to support TOD goals including affordable housing (Los

Angeles Metro)

• Sound Transit pursues two unique TOD strategies: facilitating or creating TOD
on transit properties and supporting and promoting TOD within ½ mile of
stations, defining a TOD partner as an entity that shares risks and benefits,
and commits time and financial resources to leverage agency projects to
meet TOD goals (Seattle Sound Transit)

By law, and as a matter of principle, the
MBTA must meet the needs of passen- Make capital investments to create a system that is accessible to riders
of all abilities and ages
gers of all abilities. By operating in a
way that is sensitive to all, and investing • Ensure full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
in both accessibility and paratransit, the • Make improvements to make service easier to use by persons with disabilities as
MBTA improves transit service for all its prioritized through the Plan for Accessible Transit (PATI) process (plan by Spring
• Take advantage of State of Good Repair work to improve accessibility wherever
Improve the accessibility of the T
for customers with disabilities Improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of The RIDE
• Continue routine accessibility • Implement The RIDE Access Center centralized call center (TRAC) in 2017
certification training for operators
• Increase use of mobility training and free access to the fixed route system
including both obligations and best
practices • Continue to pilot ways to improve quality and lower per-trip cost of The RIDE
• Continue internal Access
Monitoring Program to assess
operators’ compliance with
accessibility standards
• Improve coordination with cities PROGRESS TO DATE
and towns to ensure access to bus
stops • Full inventory of accessibility status of • Initiation of Plan for Accessible Transit
• Recognize that technology all bus stops in process
advances must be designed to be • Ongoing compliance with the Boston
fully accessible • Phased implementation of The RIDE Center for Independent Living settle-
• Recognize the needs of customers Access Center begun ment
with disabilities in the event of a
service disruption • UBER and Lyft RIDE pilots underway • Completion of key station program
• Encourage feedback from with opening of Government Center
customers with disabilities in design
30 and policy decisions
Over the past 15 years, there have been The MBTA workforce needs to transition an employer of choice, offering career
ten Secretaries of Transportation and from the current mindset of crisis enriching, meaningful work to its
eight General Managers of the MBTA. management and reaction, to one employees and identifying, sourcing,
This instability has had a substantial based on stability and strategic thinking and developing new skills and compe-
impact on the state of the organization if it is to attract top talent and become tencies for its future workforce.
and has resulted in a severe loss of
talent throughout the Authority. The
MBTA is only as good as the people
who support and deliver the service,
particularly at the frontline. Without
clear guidance, consistent focus, and
management that both gives and
expects the best, it is unlikely workers
will perform at their full potential.

The great majority of MBTA employees

take pride in their work, and pride in the
organization. These are people who
want to make a decent living and enjoy
a reasonable quality of life. It is critical
to build and empower a strong man-
agement team with leaders who encour-
age employees and expect them to
exemplify excellence. It is essential to
create a collaborative culture among
affiliated and unaffiliated employees
where accountability and productivity
are the foundation for success.
Frequently unrecognized by the general
Transform the Human Resources Develop a diverse and talented public, MBTA workers have a difficult
organization from transactional workforce through improved job. Bus operators simultaneously pilot
processing to strategic human recruitment, training, and
large vehicles through Boston traffic
resource management performance management
while facing alone the potential of an
• Develop holistic information • Establish talent pipelines by angry or violent customer. Work shifts
systems for workforce working with internal and external
management: partners to source candidates for are built to accommodate service needs
- Implement new HASTUS critical roles often requiring on-call work as well as
workforce management software • Ensure needed staffing levels by off-time mid-shift or overnight track
by 2019 managing unscheduled absences work. Recognizing exceptional employ-
- Implement Peoplesoft payroll • Outsource, through a set of ee service is key.
upgrade by 9/2017 comprehensive arrangements with
• Simplify Human Resources local Universities, professional
processes societies and union training centers,
- Streamline time to hire with a the necessary professional
target of 90 days development for our workforce
- Reduce employee absenteeism
• Implement workforce planning by
• Implement workforce supervisor
and management training program
by 12/2017

Transit Industry Best Practice
Engage and recognize the MBTA (Contributed by Machinists Union Local 264)
Develop plan to systematize • The NYC Training and Upgrade Fund agency-union partnership provides techni-
employee recognition programs cal training, professional workshops, and many other services (MTA New York City
Conduct employee survey Transit and Transport Workers United Local 100)
Create a better work environment
with work area improvements • Emission control training standard for bus maintenance was developed to comply
with EPA standards. The National Bus Maintenance Committee, comprising 30
labor and management transit industry representatives, meets twice yearly to
PROGRESS TO DATE: discuss bus maintenance standards (Transportation Learning Center)

• New agreement with Carmen’s Union • The Keystone Transit Career Ladder Partnership brought together leadership and
Local 589 December 2016: union partners developed a career path to address changing transit technologies
- Commitment to consistent levels of and related skill shortages (SEPTA)
work for Local 589 members
• The Intermountain Transit Career Ladder Partnership develops training opportuni-
- Across the board wage increases in
ties for transit properties throughout the state of Utah and operates as a nonprofit
line with MBTA revenue growth
governed by a joint management/labor Board of Directors (Utah Transit Agency,
- Overtime only after 40 hours
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 382, and the Transportation Learning Center)
worked per week
- Electronic roster picking to improve • A career signals training consortium develops curriculum using industry-wide
scheduling efficiency training standards (American Public Transit Association and the Transportation
- Four-day/10 hours per day work Learning Center)
weeks to:
• Improve employees’ quality of life • Experts from nearly 40 transit agencies and local unions formed a partnership to
• Reduce absenteeism develop a common curriculum for transit students in technical schools across the
• Eliminate spread pay country (Transportation Learning Center, Amalgamated Transit Union, and Trans-
• New Chief Human Resources Officer port Workers Union)
and leadership team hired
• Local technical schools are engaged to act as talent feeders with a goal of
• Absence leave management program recruiting as many as one-third of staff from New York City’s technical schools
- Revised policies (New York MTA and Transit Workers Union)
- Engaged third-party administrator
• The New York Transit Cooperative Apprenticeship Program enlists vocational and
technical high school graduates as apprentices in a structured training environ- 33
ment (Local union and the New York Board of Education)
While building and nurturing talent from
within, the MBTA urgently needs to hire Expand depth of management PROGRESS TO DATE
and retain the best-qualified managers • Substantial changes in number of
to lead the organization. Current • Expand number and span of control
of executive managers who are not executive positions
compensation for key leadership and
non-union executives is consistently • Compensation analysis and
below market by nearly 25 percent adjustments:
presenting retention risks and challeng- - Assessing internal parity adjust-
es in hiring next generation leaders. Develop internal career paths ments that need to be made
• Develop and implement a - External support for compensation
comprehensive, outsourced review
Attract and retain a world-class
management training program by
management team 12/2017
• Address compensation issues for • Build skill sets in risk management,
both new management hires and employee and departmental
incumbent managers supervision and productivity
• Develop internal career path that improvement, labor relations
provides incentives for employees training, commercial and fiscal
to aspire to lead the Authority awareness
• Achieve collaboration with local
centers of higher education

Establish contract management

capacity to ensure cost-
effectiveness and quality of
contracted and outsourced

Transit Industry Best Practice
(Contributed by Massachusetts Competitive Partnership)

• Career days for students ranging from • Developing student curriculum and • Improved organizational culture with
K-12 to undergraduate including training programs to promote the dialogue between managers and
job-shadow days and interactive public transportation industry to their employees to build trust and
demos (Atlanta MARTA and American young people including tuition organizational commitment (Austin,
Public Transit Association) reimbursement (Denver Regional Texas Capital Metro Transit, Mississip-
Transportation District, Atlanta Metro, pi Coast Transit Authority, Annapolis
• Internship and scholarship programs Washington DC Transect Academy) DOT)
to begin careers in mechanics and
electronics (New York City Board of • Employee referral programs that use • Rewards programs for demonstrated
Education and Transport Workers of a referral bonus system and require high performance including both
America Local 100) the person who provides the referral monetary and non-monetary incen-
to serve as the new employee’s tives (Missouri DOT, Virginia Regional
• Paid internships to provide prepara- mentor (Ann Arbor Transit Authority) Transit)
tion for skill acquisition to enroll in
the Light Rail Technician Training • Creating dual career tracks for • Supporting higher education and
Program to help individuals in managers and technical experts with training for employees with tuition
poverty find long-term and stable a non-managerial career ladder to reimbursement (Oklahoma DOT, New
employment (Minneapolis Metro retain technical talent (Idaho Trans- York City Transit Authority)
Transit and Twin Cities Rise) portation Department)
• Establishing regular management
• Promoting transportation careers in • Creating advancement within posi- retreats, workshops and leadership
low income areas, in unemployed tions by establishing separate tiers or events for targeted training and
and underemployed communities, blocks based on demonstrated discussions that transcend functional
and among minorities, veterans, and competencies instead of tenure areas, share best practices, and plan
women (San Francisco BART and (North Carolina DOT Competen- and prepare for upcoming challenges
Workforce Investment Boards and cy-Based Pay Program) (North Carolina DOT, Oklahoma
community colleges in the Bay Area) South West Transit Association)
• Employee mentoring programs to
provide career-related support • Job rotation programs to build
(Pennsylvania DOT and Santa Clara professional capacity and break down
Valley Transportation Authority) organizational barriers (Utah DOT,
Pennsylvania DOT) 35
climate. Public transit not only emits transportation to support the regional
climate-affecting GHGs, but the effects economy, and protect taxpayer invest-
of intense weather events and lon- ments.
ger-term incremental changes in climate
The MBTA is committed to taking a
that are exacerbated by GHG emissions
multi-pronged approach to addressing
also impact it. According to recent
environmental concerns, including
reports by UMass Boston, by 2050, and
climate change, by minimizing environ-
for the second half of the century,
mental impacts of its operations, and
coastal and riverine flood exposure will
identifying and minimizing vulnerabili-
increase significantly in South Boston,
ties of its assets and services to climate
East Boston, Charlestown, and the
While public transit has long been downtown area, as well as surrounding
considered a major source of environ- municipalities such as Revere, Quincy,
mental benefits because of its ability to Winthrop, Somerville, Cambridge and Assess systemwide vulnerability
to climate and weather stressors
provide alternatives to single occupant others. This severe flooding represents
vehicles, the MBTA recognizes the need a significant threat to these communi- • Utilize new and existing data to
to address its own environmental ties and the entire region. By the end of assess vulnerability of assets and
services; identify feasible resiliency
footprint. The T’s Department of this century, the Boston area will experi- actions by June 2018
Energy & Environment works to identify ence sea-level rise of three to seven
• Develop plan for targeted
areas of concern and develop plans to feet, and as many as 90 extreme heat interventions for vulnerable services
minimize the environmental impact of days each year. Intense rain events are and assets by December 2018
operating and maintaining the public also trending upward, with the amount • Maximize return on investments by
transit system of rain from heavy events increasing by incorporating climate and weather
resiliency in all T capital projects
as much as 40 percent over the coming
Air and water quality issues from air decades. In order to ensure that our • Proactively engage with the
pollutant emissions and aged petroleum Executive Office of Energy &
regional transit systems are resilient Environment, MassDOT, City of
storage tanks have long been recog- when exposed to such stressors, the Boston, MWRA, MAPC, and other
nized. The T also understands that MBTA is working to identify vulnerabili- metropolitan organizations to align
greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as ties within its system in order to mini- strategies and provide semi-annual
36 carbon dioxide and methane, contribute mize service disruptions, ensure reliable
reports to the Board and the public
to changes in the regional and global
Quantify and minimize PROGRESS TO DATE
environmental impacts
• Completed 88 energy efficiency projects for a savings of 58 million kilowatt hours
• Implement continuous improvement and nearly $5 million
and provide transparent
environmental compliance • Reduced GHG emissions between 2009 and 2015 by 4.2 percent or 17.8 million
information to external and internal
stakeholders kilograms of carbon dioxide-equivalent
• Implement technology to upgrade • Reduced water usage by 25.6 percent since 2009
pollution prevention systems to
avoid environmental damage
• Using a $21 million federal climate resiliency grant, the MBTA is designing and
installing a comprehensive flood protection system at the Fenway Portal of the
Green Line D branch
Inventory and mitigate GHG
emissions • Located along the Mystic River, the Charlestown Bus Facility is the T’s largest bus
maintenance facility, housing and maintaining 230 buses. The shoreline of the
• Complete an annual GHG inventory
facility has experienced ongoing erosion. Federal funding has been secured to
• Identify priority GHG mitigation
implement storm water management improvements and install a new wall em-
activities, including those that
directly reduce emissions and bankment. The T has also provided an easement to the Department of Conserva-
encourage mode shift from tion and Recreation to develop a multi-use pedestrian pathway on the river side of
passenger vehicles to public transit the wall
• Implement and measure impact of
GHG mitigation activities • Upgrade of third rail heaters reduces the wattage by 50 percent and implements
an as needed central managed control system

• Regenerative braking pilot at Airport Station initiated

• Implemented Enterprise Energy Management System to centralize all utility data

• Finalized agreements with EverSource, National Grid, and the Department of

Energy Resources to receive up to more than $15 million in energy efficiency

The condition of the MBTA in 2015 strong direct governance requires fully
required decisive action to oversee and Recommend a post-Fiscal and dedicated resource availability,
Management Control Board
improve the finances, management and particularly in the area of legal, human
operations of the MBTA. The establish- resources, labor relations, planning and
ment of the Fiscal and Management • Establish a position of strong project development, public engage-
executive leadership
Control Board was intended to diag- ment, and intergovernmental affairs.
nose systemic problems and to address
them through focused reform and While the FMCB believes the new CEO/
The MBTA requires the leadership of a
improvements. By definition, however, GM should build his or her organization,
single individual in a powerful role as
the FMCB is a time-limited body. The T it offers the following principles for a
Chief Executive Officer/General Manag-
is a complex, $2 billion organization that new structure:
er (CEO/GM), held accountable for all
needs long-term, accountable, and aspects of the organization from daily • There should be a Deputy General
stable governance and leadership. operations to developing and cultivat- Manager for Administration and
ing an exemplary culture to refining and Finance, replacing the co-equal
Having worked intensely and closely
executing this strategic plan. The FMCB General Manager and Chief Adminis-
with the Secretary of Transportation and
will be working closely with the Secre- trator structure. In addition, rather
a wide span of DOT and MBTA senior
tary of Transportation to bring such a than the Chief Operating Officer
staff, as well as the MBTA’s many
CEO/GM on board as expeditiously as serving as the most senior operating
stakeholders, the FMCB has a unique
possible. position, there should be a Deputy
view of the challenges facing the MBTA,
the complexity of the business enter- General Manager for Infrastructure
prise, and the need for strong and easily Ensure the CEO/GM’s has an and Operations.
adequate span of control
understandable leadership. Given the • Continued multimodal coordination
ambitious agenda facing the MBTA, and should occur through the Secretary.
the critical need for management Chapter 25 of the Acts of 2009 consoli-
stability, the Board will be responding in dated transportation agencies and laid
the affirmative to Governor Baker’s the foundation for a structure of shared Make a dedicated Board of
suggestion that the FMCB extends its administrative services between Mass- Directors a permanent institution
existence until June 30, 2020. DOT and the MBTA. While this has for the MBTA
38 resulted in a commendably integrated
strategy and focus on multimodalism,
The complexity of the MBTA’s opera- legislation, the FMCB strongly recom-
tions requires a board dedicated to mends the continuation of a separate
providing oversight and policy direc- board for the MBTA.
tion., The FMCB recommends that, after
This issue will continue to be a focus of
its term has expired in 2020, a new and
the FMCB, with further discussion in its
permanent board be established. While
next annual report.
the final configuration of such a board
will need to be determined by future

Focus40, the 25-year capital investment BOSTON POPULATION the nation as a whole. By 2030, Boston
plan for the MBTA, is developing a GROWTH PROJECTIONS is projected to have nearly 725,000
long-term strategic vision to ensure that residents, on track to reach its previous
the MBTA can support the changing 800.000 peak population of 801,000 by 2050.
needs of the region over the next 25 750.000

At the same time, significant job growth
years. This process is operating in 700.000
is expected to occur in the city, with a
parallel to the Strategic Planning 656.000

650.000 projected 15 percent increase in em-

process, which will position the MBTA
ployment by 2030.
to execute upon the investment priori- 600.000
2014 2030 2050

ties outlined in Focus40. These growth projections have enor-

BOSTON JOB mous implications for the transit system
Focus40 recognizes that today’s infra- GROWTH PROJECTIONS
that, even at today’s levels, strains to
structure challenges as well as shifting 950.000
move people efficiently and reliably
demographics, changing climate, and 900.000
829.000 from home, work, and school. Increas-
evolving technologies may collectively 850.000
ingly, a younger Boston population
alter the role the MBTA will play in

wants to live car-free, signaling even
Greater Boston over the next 25 years. 700.000
greater demands on transit as people
To ensure that the MBTA can support 650.000
shift their mode of transportation from
and foster a growing region, Focus40 is 600.000
2014 2030 2050 cars. While addressing the SGR backlog,
seeking to identify investment strategies
it is also critical to make investments in
that will address the system’s state of In a parallel initiative, the City of Boston the future, particularly considering
good repair needs, its existing and is engaging in a citywide planning population and employment growth in
projected capacity constraints, and process known as Go Boston 2030, the Boston metropolitan region. The
identify new investments to better serve releasing its report in March 2017. MBTA needs to establish a capacity
low-income communities, growing Boston’s population is growing rapidly, target for the core system.
neighborhoods and employment adding nearly as many residents in the
centers. past five years as it did over the previ-
ous twenty, and growing at twice the
rate of the rest of Massachusetts and
The Focus40 process began by examin-
ing existing conditions of the transit Modernize and increase the
system, as summarized in the State of capacity of the system to
accommodate increased ridership
the MBTA section of this report.
driven by population and job
• By the end of 2017, establish a
target for the necessary capacity on
Early 2016 Examine Existing Conditions & Future Context
the core system to meet increased
ridership due to economic growth
Summer 2016 Develop Focus40 Goals
• Develop integrated fleet
procurement and replacement plan
Fall 2016 Collect Ideas
with integrated procurement and
• Option for up to 134 additional
life-cycle maintenance by the
vehicles delivery start 9/2022,
Winter – Spring 2017 Evaluate Investments summer of 2017
complete 11/2023
• Expand capacity on the Rapid - Headways reduced from 4.5
Summer 2017 Finalize Focus40 Recommendations Transit System to meet the capacity minutes to 3 minutes (50 percent
target increase in capacity- additional
30,000 Red Line passengers/peak
The Focus40 process will culminate in hour) with 92 percent or better
the summer of 2017 with recommenda- on-time performance
tions for long-term growth in the transit • 152 Orange Line cars scheduled for
system in parallel with a continued delivery start 2019, complete 2022
- Headways reduced from 6
emphasis on maintaining the State of
minutes to 4.3 minutes (40
Good repair of existing MBTA infrastruc- percent increase in capacity –
ture. While Focus40 is the primary nearly 5,000 additional
means by which the future footprint of passengers/peak hour) with 92
percent or better on-time
the MBTA will be determined, the
Board has identified several specific
• Establish capacity plans for the Blue
objectives and strategies in anticipation Line, Green Line, Silver Line,
of future changes. • Fleet and signal improvement Commuter Rail, ferry and bus
schedule to ensure ongoing system
reliability • Develop MBTA Facility Plan to
• 132 Red Line cars scheduled for address bus maintenance garage
delivery start 11/2019, complete and layover facilities modernization
2022 and expansion
Develop strategic vision for the Accelerate efforts to keep pace PROGRESS TO DATE:
future of Commuter Rail with economic growth (Seaport,
Kendall, Dudley, Logan access, • Dwell time customer campaign at
• Define scope and procurement plan Downtown Crossing, Park Street, and
Allston Landing, the Longwood
for next Commuter Rail contract
Medical Area and specific State Street in process
• Develop a long-term plan for the corridors of concern – I-93 N/S
commuter rail network considering and I-90 to Logan) • 30 second headway reduction for
possible extensions as well as
• Consider capital investment Orange Line with drop backs at
current requests for “in-fill” service
at West Station, Boston Landing, strategy through Focus40 to terminus locations
Lynn GE site, Wonderland improve connectivity
evaluating technologies, support • Identify funding sources • GLX scope and budget revised,
facilities, economic impacts (start project management strengthened,
• Develop implementation timeline
July 2017, complete by December
process for procuring construction
services begun

Envision a Green Line capacity • Red Line fleet standardization in

improvement program process
• Build off the Focus40 projections
for Green Line capacity needs and
• Majority of bus fleet being replaced
identify, evaluate, provide cost over the next five years, significantly
estimates, and prioritize a range of improving reliability
capital and operating strategies to
meet future demand

Organizational Chart

Consolidated Timeline (in process)

5 and 10 Year Pro Formas (in process)

Strategic Planning Steering Committee

Strategic Planning Working Group

Charles Baker

Secretary of Transportation Fiscal and Management

Stephanie Pollack Control Board

Systemwide Accessibility Transit Police

Laura Brelsford Chief Kenneth Green
Chief Administrator
& Acting General Manager
Brian Shortsleeve
Safety Audit
Ron Nickle James Logan

Chief Operating Officer

Jeffrey Gonneville
Chief Financial Officer Capital Delivery Capital Program Oversight
Michael Abramo Beth Larkin Joanne Aalto

Environmental Affairs & Energy

Andrew Brennan

Engineering and Construction

Erik Stoothoff

Service Performance
Todd Johnson

Tina Beasley

Service Planning

Chief Procurement Officer Chief Technology Officer Commuter Rail Operations Customer Experience
Gerald Polcari David Block-Schachter and Ferries Margaret Young
John Ray

Customer Communications Real Estate Office of Diversity & Civil Rights Human Resources
and Marketing Janelle Chan Julian Tynes Jessie Saintcyr
Roseanne Yates

MBTA Human Resources

Janice Brochu

Chief Information Officer General Counsel Planning Office of Performance

Gary Foster John Englander Dave Mohler Management and Innovation
Rachel Bain

Communications Legislative Affairs The RIDE/Paratransit

44 Jacqueline Goddard Michael Berry Michael Lambert
Shared Services
Joseph Aiello, Chairman, Fiscal and Management Control Board Rachel Bain, Assistant Secretary,
Office of Performance Management and
Steven Poftak, Vice Chair, Fiscal and Management Control Board Innovation
Stephanie Pollack, Secretary, Massachusetts Department of Transportation Scott Hamwey, Focus40,
Brian Shortsleeve, Chief Administrator & Acting General Manager, MBTA Manager of Long Range Planning,
Jeffrey Gonneville, Chief Operating Officer, MBTA
Katherine Fichter, Assistant Secretary of
Jody Ray, Deputy Administrator, Rail Operations, MBTA Policy, MassDOT

Michael Abramo, Chief Financial Officer, MBTA

John Englander, General Counsel, MassDOT/MBTA

Laura Brelsford, Systemwide Accessibility

Karen Burns, Bus Operations

Ryan Coholan, Commuter Rail/Ferry

Horace Cooper, Capital Delivery

Holly Durso, Safety

Kate Fichter MassDOT – Policy

Susie Garcia, Operations

Andrea Gordon, Rail Operations

Scott Hamwey, Focus 40

Heather Hume, Service Planning

Thomas Johnson, Operations Finance

Carol Joyce-Harrington, The RIDE

Norm Michaud, Rail Operations

Laurel Paget-Seekins, OPMI

Satyen Patel, Engineering and Construction

Marybeth Riley-Gilbert, Environmental Affairs

Gina Spaziani, Financial Planning & Analysis

Dom Tribone, Customer Experience


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