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BREB Recruitment exam (8th June 2018)

MCQ(Q-1~Q-20: GK types, Q-21~Q-30: Aptitude types): 20*1+10*2 = 40 Marks

1.what's type of reactor will use in rooppur nuclear power plant ? VVER-1200/523, VVER-
1200/521, VVER-1000/523, VVER-1000/521
2. Types of transponder of bangabandhu satellite-1 ? 26(ku-band) & 14(c-band), 24(ku-
band) & 16(c-band), 16(ku-band) & 24(c-band), 14(ku-band) & 26(c-band)
3. If length of a wire is 0.1% increased, resistance will be increased by? 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%,
4. If distance between sun and earth decreased by half, how many days will make a year?
130, 139, 125, 129
Ans: Given Data
We know, T1=365 days
Kepler third law, T2 = R3 R1 = R
T2 √(R2)3 T2=?
T1 √(R1)3 R2 = R/2
T2 √(R/2)3
T1 √(R)3

T2= T1 / 2√2 = 365/ 2√2 = 129 days

5. Aspect ratio of a TV screen is 16:9 (width: height), if perimeter of screen is 100, calculate
width of screen ?
2(16x+9x) = 100
Or, x = 2
Width = 9x = 9 x 2 = 18

6. If 5 tickets are sold in price of 3 tickets, what's the amount saved while buying them?
33.33%, 66.66%----- -----

7. If regular price of a book is of 20% discount of its original price and on an occasion 15%
discount is given on regular price, what's the actual discount? 20%, 30%, 32%, 38%
If original price is 100 tk then,
100( 1-0.2) x (1-0.15) = 68 tk , discount = 100 – 68 = 32 %
8. Google's actual company name is- Google Inc, Google Corporation, ------------ , ----------
9. An object of 1000 kg entered earth, earth radius 6400 km, gravity 9.81, with what velocity
the object will hit earth? 11.2 Km/s, 12.2 km/s, 12 km/s, 11 km/s
10. A rectangle's length is thrice its width & perimeter is 36 m then find the width?
9 m, 4.5 m, 10 m, 18 m
2(x+3x) =36 or x= 4.5 m, width = 4.5 m
11. There were 8 girls, 20 boys on Thursday Next day girls joined twice the boys left, now
girl: boy ratio is 4:1, how many boys left Thursday?
12, 6, 11, 9
12. নিচের ক োিনিচে অসমোি েতো আচে ? কেোমরো বোনি এচে আনম রওিো নিব।

13. ‘’আমোর নিের বোনিচর অন্তচর অন্তচর আচেো েুনম হৃিয় জুচি’’ – এই গোচির রনেয়েো ক ? Rudra
Mohammad Shahidullah
14. The longest sea bridge of world connected three countries: Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau
15. The opposition if word "Suffrage" ?
16. “PLAY WITH AN OPEN HEART” a slogan from which country in world cup FIFA
2018 ?
17. সনি সনি নবচেি ক োিনি ? ন ম+িুে = ন ম্ভুে

Departmental + (Epic)Written(Q-31~38): 40 Marks

31. Calculate PH value for 2% NAOH solution.

Ans: Given Data

We know, 2% NaOH ~ 2gm NaOH in
1000𝑊 1000 𝒙 2 100 ml solution
Concentration, S=[OH-]= = = 0.5 M
𝑀𝑉 40 𝒙 100 hence,
again, POH = - log [OH-] = - log [0.5] = 0.301 W= 2 gm
V = 100 ml
We have, PH + POH = 14 MNaOH = 23+16+1 = 40
PH = 14 - POH = 14 - 0.301 = 13.699 Concentration,S=[OH-]=?
PH = ?
32. a) Determine the area enclosed by y=x2, x axis, x=1, x=3 lines.

From figure, let f(x) = y = x2 & g(x) = y=0
limiting functions, x=1, x=3
By integration,
Area = ∫𝑥=1 {𝑓(𝑥) − 𝑔(𝑥)}𝑑𝑥
= ∫𝑥=1 {x^2 − 0}𝑑𝑥
= ∫𝑥=1 x^2𝑑𝑥
𝑥3 33 13 27 1 𝟐𝟔
= [ ] 31 =[ ]-[ ]= - =
3 3 3 3 3 𝟑

b) A car running at 72km/h and taking U turn in 4 sec. what is the acceleration of the car?

Ans: Given Data

Acceleration while taking U-turn, V = 72 Km/hr = 72 x 1000/3600
a = v2/r = 20 m/s
= 202/25.464 t = 4 sec
= 15.07 m/s2 distance travelled, s = vt = 20 x
4 = 80 m
again , s=rꝊ
hence, r = s/Ꝋ = 80/π = 25.464

33. a) Steel pipe of 120mm dia rests horizontally having temp of 25 degree Celsius, K=0.05
W/m.k, nusselt number =30, calculate heat transfer coefficient.
Given Data
Ans: Lc= Characteristic length=
We know, hydraulic dia for pipe=
4A/P = 4 x (πD2/4)/ πD =
Nusselt number, D=120 mm = 0.12 m
Nu = h Lc / K T= 25+273=298 K
h = Nu.K / Lc K=0.05 W/m.k
= 30 x 0.05 / 0.12 Nu = 30
= 12.5 W/m2 . K h= ?
b) Sum of two numbers is 20, If cube of one number multiplied by other is a maximum,
calculate the two numbers.

x+y=20 ----(1) and x3y is maximum
Now take the value of y from equation (1).
= x3 (20-x)= 20x3-x4
Now differentiate in terms of x and putting it equal to 0 which is the slope of the graph at the
maxima or minima
0=60x2- 4x3 , which gives x = 0 or 15
as if x = 0 here comes minima thus x = 15 which makes the numbers as 15 & 5

34.a) A gas with 27 degree Celsius temperature, atmospheric pressure, suddenly compressed
to half of its original volume, calculate final temperature and pressure.

Ans: Given Data

Sudden compression = isentropic process
Again, T1 =27+273= 300 K
T2 / T1 = (V1/ V2)(γ-1) P2 / P1 = (V1/ V2)γ P1 = 101325 Pa
T2 = T1 x (V1/ V2)(γ-1) P2= P1 x (V1/ V2)γ V1= V (let)
300 x (V/ 0.5V)(1.4-1) = 101325 x (V/ 0.5 V)1.4 V2= 0.5V
300 x (2)0.4 = 101325 x (2)1.4 T2 =?
395.85 K = 267398.3 Pa P2 = ?
γ = 1.4

b) Single point cutting tools having Taylor Exponent 0.25, if cutting speed is halved, what
will be the tool life?
Ans: Given Data
We have, n= Taylor exponent = 0.25
Taylor’s equation for tool life expectancy , V1 =cutting speed= V (let)
VTn= C T1 = tool life= T (let)
which gives us, V2 = 0.5 V
V1 T1n = V2 T2n T2 = ?
or T2 = T1 x (V1/ V2)(1/n) = T x (V/ 0.5V)(1/0.25)
= T x (2)(1/0.25) = 16T
So, cutting speed is halved then tool life will be increased by
16th times
35.a) A pump having head of 50 m, flow rate 60 liter/sec. if the suction line is 100 m long &
diameter 100 mm, pump has overall efficiency of 70%, the find power required to drive the
pump. f=0.003

Ans: we know, Q =AV Given Data

we know,power , V=Q/A=Q/(πD2/4) H = 50 m
𝛾𝐻𝑄 =0.06/[π(0.1)2/4)] = 0.764 m/s Q = 60 liter/sec =
𝜂 0.06 m3/s
Total head =H+Hd+Hf
p= 𝑣 2 4𝑓𝑙𝑣 2
9.81𝑥1000𝑥50.40475𝑥0.06 = H+ + d=100 mm=0.1 m
2𝑔 2𝑔𝑑
0.7 ηpump = 70% = 0.7
(0.764)2 4𝑥0.003𝑥100𝑥(0.764)2
= 42.383 KW = 50+ +
2𝑥9.81 2𝑥9.81𝑥.1 f=0.003
= 50+0.2975+0.375= 50.40475m power, P = ?

b) Automobile engine has weight of 240 Kg, rested on four springs, front spring has spring
constant of 16 MN/m, other springs having 32 MN/m. Find frequency at which resonance
will occur.
Ans: Given Data
We know, frequency m= 240 Kg
at which resonance K=Equivalent spring
will occur, constant
1 𝐾 = Kf1+ Kf2+ Kb1+ Kb2
f= √
2𝜋 𝑚 = 16+16+32+32
1 96 𝑥 106 = 96 MN/m
= √ f= ?
2𝜋 240
= 100.618 Hz
36.a) A tyre is designated 145/70 R 12 69 S. What do you understand by "145/70 R" ?
145/70 R means ,
 The section width or thickness
of tyre from shoulder to
shoulder is 145 mm.
 The aspect ratio is 70%, aspect
ratio is defined as the ratio of
section height to section width
of the tyre. In this case it means
section height is 70% of
section width I,e. 101.5 mm.
 R represents that the tyre is
b) A hydroelectric turbine having head of 24.5 m, flow rate 10 m3/s, efficiency 90% and
speed 4 rps, which type of turbine to be used.
Ans: Given Data
We know, turbine power H=24.5 m
Pturbine = γHQη = 9.81 x 1000 x 24.5 x 10 x 0.9 = 2163.105 KW Q = 10 m3/s
Again turbine specific speed, η = 90 % = 0.9
N = 4 x 60 rpm = 240 rpm
N√P 240√2163.105 Types of turbine = ?
Ns = (5/4)
= = 204.78
(H) (24.5)(5/4)

As specific speed is between 50~250 so Francis turbine should be used.

37 .a) Solid circular shaft having diameter 60 mm & torque 2000 Nm. Find maximum
shearing stress in that shaft ?
Ans: Given Data
We know, D = 60 mm = 0.06 m
16T 16 x 2000 T = 2000 N-m
τmax = =
πD π x (.06)3 τ max = ?

= 47.156 Mpa

b) In a coal fired power plant boiler consuming feed water 215 Kg per hour, having enthalpy
change of 150 KJ/Kg, having coal consuming rate 50Kg/hour (data may differ) , coal having
calorific value of 2000 KJ/Kg. Find boiler efficiency.
Ans: Given Data
We know, ms=Mass of water evaporated into
steam = 215 Kg/hr
mf = Mass of fuel used = 50Kg/hr
ηBoiler =
ms (h-hf1) Change of enthalpy = enthalpy of
mf . C steam – enthalpy of feed water
=h-hf1 = 150 KJ / Kg
215 x 150 C= Calorific value of fuel = 2000
= KJ/Kg
50 x 2000
Boiler efficiency, ηBoiler = ?
= 32.25 %

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