Monografija - Investicije U Funkciji Razvoja BH Telecoma Web

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Sarajevo, 2011.

Dioničko društvo BH Telecom Sarajevo
Investicije u funkciji razvoja BH Telecoma 1995.-2010. godina
Predsjednik organizacionog odbora:
Bakir Ćelosmanović
Predsjednik pododbora za monografiju
Šejla Hadžibegić
Jasminko Akšamija
Amira Ićindić
Red. prof. dr. Izet Ibreljić Lektor
Red. prof. dr. Mujo Hebibović Edina Jerlagić
Glavni i odgovorni urednik
Prof. dr. Himzo Bajrić
Dalibor Ilić
Uređivački odbor
Neven Rešidbegović - zamjenik Dizajn omota
glavnog i odgovornog urednika Aida Pašić - Hadžiselimović
mr. Adnan Huremović
Nađa Lutvikadić Fotografije
Sanin Kahvedžić Munib Sarić
mr. Esad Kadušić
mr. Amina Imširpašić Prevod na engleski jezik
Belma Mujadinović Profis d.o.o. Sarajevo.
Izdavač Štampa
BH Telecom d.d. Sarajevo ArkaPRESS d.o.o. Sarajevo

Za izdavača Tiraž
mr. Nedžad Rešidbegović 3000

$ Sva prava ove publikacije su zadržana i niti jedan njen dio se ne može štampati, umnožavati
ili kopirati, bez prethodnog odobrenja Dioničkog društva BH Telecom Sarajevo.

Predgovor 4
Osvrt generalnog direktora 6
1. Osnovni principi opravdanosti planiranja investiranja 8
Mustafa Kurtić, dipl. ecc.
2. Planiranje, pripreme za investiranje i investicije u kadrove 21
dr. Himzo Bajrić; mr. Mehmed Crnalić; Mirsad Koro, dipl. ing. el.; dr. Feriz Gabela
3. Investicije kroz vrijeme - izgradnja u periodu 1995.-2010. godina 30
mr. Adnan Huremović, mr. Emin Skopljak
4. Ključne investicije u tehničko-tehnološke resurse BH Telecoma 61
4.1. Ključne investicije u mreži BH Line 61
Halil Novalić, dipl. ing. el., mr. Lejla Borovina, Sanin Kahvedžić, dipl. ing. el.,
Senita Bravić, dipl. ing. el., Aida Imamović, dipl. ing. el., Dženan Gagula, dipl.
ing. el., Dževad Bećiragić, dipl. ing. el., Mustafa Vejspahić, dipl. ing. el., Šefik
Hamedović, dipl. ing. el., Ramiz Musabašić, ing. tel., Đani Kosović, dipl. ing.
el., mr. Salem Spahić, Ćazim Grošić, dipl. ing. el., Mehmed Šehić, dipl. ing. el.,
Midhat Mahmutbegović, dipl. ing. el.
4.2. Ključne investicije u mrežu BH Mobile 76
mr. Muradif Husić, mr. Senad Pivač, Želimir Bukarić, dipl. ing. el., Sanela
Ibrahimagić-Banjac, dipl. ing., Sanela Karajlić, dipl. ing. el., Mr Esad Kadušić,
dipl. ing. el., Adnan Hantalašević, dipl. ing. el., Ajla Krajčin, dipl. ing. el.
4.3. Ključne investicije u IT sisteme 88
Vahidin Rovčačnin, dipl. ing. el.
5. Uloga Telecom Inženjeringa u procesu realizacije investicija 97
mr. Haris Dizdarević, dipl. ing. el., mr. Sead Dizdarević, dipl. ing. el
6. BH Telecom kao generator razvoja bh društva 104
Belma Mujadinović, dr. Himzo Bajrić

Dioničko društvo BH Telecom Sarajevo kao svoj Dan obilježava 5. septembar koji simbolizira
definitivno probijanje telekomunikacijske blokade i prvog korištenja međunarodnog
telekomunikacijskog koda “387“ za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Ovaj dan se u BH Telecomu
tradicionalno obilježava nizom manifestacija, među koje spada i predstavljanje nove
Monografije posvećene različitim aspektima razvoja društva. Ove godine, sedmu godinu
zaredom, predstavljamo novu Monografiju. Ona je posvećena investicijama kao ključnom
elementu razvoja određene kompanije.

Naime, u procesu proizvodnje ili usluživanja troše se resursi koje je nužno obnoviti kroz
proces investiranja. Ovisno od visine investiranja, gledano u srazmjeri sa potrošenim
resursima, moguća su tri slučaja. Prvi, kada su investicije veće od potrošenih resursa i tada
se kompanija uspješno razvija i raste. Drugi, kada investicije pokrivaju potrošene resurse
i kompanija ulazi u stagnaciju, odnosno održava dostignuti nivo razvijenosti, i treći - kada
su investicije manje od potrošenih resursa. U ovom trećem slučaju tokom vremena resursi
bi se potrošili i kompanija bi kao i biološki organizam, koji kad izgubi mogućnost samo-
regeneracije, prestala postojati. Naravno moguće je i puno više ishoda a jedan od najčešćih je
pogrešna investicija, investicija u nešto što neće donijeti koristan i profitabilan resurs. Takve
situacije nastaju kad se nema dovoljno znanja niti se ulaže dovoljno truda u razumijevanje
neposredne budućnosti. U BH Telecomu to nije slučaj jer posjeduje visok nivo znanja i
spreman je uložiti nevjerovatnu količina truda i napora u razvojne projekte, koji postaju
njegova nova i veća snaga. To znanje i taj trud isključiva su zasluga njegovih zaposlenika i
rukovodstva i najveće su bogatstvo BH Telecoma. Naravno, i ovo bogatstvo treba njegovati i
održavati, ulagati u ljude, što BH Telecom uspješno čini.

Prvo poglavlje Monografije govori o načinima analize opravdanosti planiranja i realizacije

investicijskih projekata. Detaljno su prikazane metode analize kao i ukupne investicije BH
Telecoma u zadnjih 15 godina.

Drugo poglavlje govori o dva aspekta investiranja. Prvi aspekt je priprema investicija gdje
se detaljnije prikazuje proces revizije investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije. Drugi prikazani
aspekt je prikaz investicija u ljudske resurse jer su ljudi i njihovo znanje na prvom mjestu u
BH Telecomu.

Treće poglavlje se bavi investicijama po godinama i objašnjava šta smo, kada i gdje gradili.

Četvrto poglavlje prikazuje najzanačajnije investicijske projekte u tehničko-tehnološku

osnovu kroz prikaz ulaganja u oblastima odgovornosti organizacionih dijelova Direkcija BH
Line, BH Mobile i Direkcije za informacione sisteme.

U petom poglavlju je prikazano mjesto i uloga Telecom Inžinjeringa u procesima investiranja

u BH Telecomu.

Na kraju, u šestom poglavlju se kroz kraći prikaz ukazuje na značaj investicija BH Telecoma
za razvoj cjelokupnog BH društva.

I ova Monografija pokazuje naše napore koji su uistinu usmjereni na našu stalnu težnju da
idemo ukorak sa svijetom, odnosno sa najboljim.

Ovom prilikom najtoplije se zahvaljujemo svim autorima poglavlja koji su vrlo uspješno,
pojedinačno ali i timski, u svojim tekstovima obradili specifične teme kao zasebne cjeline,
ali tako da tek zajedno sa ostalim poglavljima čine prepoznatljivu cjelinu. Zahvalnost
dugujemo i svim ostalim učesnicima - Pododboru za monografiju i njegovom predsjedniku,
recenzentima, lektoru, kolegama na tehničkoj i grafičkoj obradi, koji su pomogli da se ova
materija napravi u kvalitetnom obliku i izađe pred konačan sud javnosti.

Čitanjem ove Monografije na najbolji mogući način iskazaćemo zasluženu zahvalnost svima
onima koji su uložili napor i trud i doprinijeli da i ova Monografija BH Telecoma bude novi
dio mozaika naše pisane BH kulturne baštine.

Sarajevo, septembar 2011. godine Uređivački odbor

Osvrt Generalnog direktora BH Telecoma

Poštovani čitaoci,

Našim partnerima, kolegama i prijateljima je poznata činjenica da se u BH Telecomu

svake godine uradi jedna Monografija na aktuelnu temu sa ciljem da se pred širu javnost
na kritičan način iznesu činjenice o našem radu. Ovog puta svoju pažnju usmjerili smo na
investiranje, odnosno na razvoj kompanije kroz realizaciju investicija. U ranijim izdanjima
govorili smo o brojnim projektima kao i tehnološkom razvoju fiksne, mobilne, paketske
mreže i informacionih tehnologija BH Telecoma. Sav ovaj napredak ne bi bio moguć da
nije bilo investiranja. Prvo, činjenica je da je BH Telecom u svom tehnološkom razvoju
ravnopravan sa najpoznatijim i najvećim operatorima u svijetu. Drugo, mi smo sve svoje
projekte finansirali vlastitim sredstvima i pored činjenice da se svake godine 70% ostvarene
dobiti potroši na raspodjelu dividende našim dioničarima. BH Telecom, neposredno poslije
završetka rata, kada je naša infrastruktura bila ne samo devastirana već podobro i zastarjela,
pored par neznatnih donacija i jednog EBRD kredita za kablove, nije imao zaduženja i danas
je praktično kreditno slobodan.

Od kraja rata, odnosno od 1996. godine pa do danas, u investicije kompanija je uložila

preko 1,7 milijardi KM. Uložena sredstva su se vratila sa značajnim efektima tako da u istom
periodu kompanija ostvaruje ukupan prihod veći od 7 milijardi KM i profit veći od 2 milijarde
KM. Ovo je ostvareno prije svega ulaganjem u napredne tehnologije i servise koji su se veoma
brzo isplatili. Međutim, stvarna vrijednost i efekti su ostvareni zahvaljujući tome što su sve
naše projekte osmislili naši stručnjaci. Uposlenici BH Telecoma su tako na najbolji način
vratili sredstva uložena u njihovo obrazovanje kroz brojne projekte koje su realizirali. Teško
je posebno izdvajati određenu organizacionu jedinicu za sve ono što se postiglo tokom ovih
15 godina rada na realizaciji investicija. Svi zaslužuju pohvale, od Direkcije za investicije,
Izvršnih i funkcionalnih direkcija koje su nosioci planiranja, preko Telecom Inženjeringa
i svih Regionalnih direkcija. Međutim, ono što je naša najveća vrijednost investicija jeste
investiranje u naše kadrove. Zahvaljujući našim ljudima BH Telecom i ostvaruje ovakve
rezultate i zato i jeste najbolja kompanija u Bosni i Hercegovini.

mr. Nedžad Rešidbegović


1.1. Uvod
Danas, u vrijeme liberalizacije telekom tržišta u Bosni i Hercegovini, sve izraženije
konkurencije, kao i brzog razvoja tehnologija koje omogućavaju uvođenje novih usluga,
Dioničko društvo BH Telecom Sarajevo (u daljem tekstu: BH Telecom) treba da ima odgovor
na sva pitanja i izazove koji se pojavljuju, a u cilju zadržavanja uloge vodećeg telekom operatora
u Bosni i Hercegovini. Evolucija tržišta telekomunikacija pokazuje da su mnoge kompanije
već prešle sa poslovne strateške orijentacije na proizvod na poslovnu stratešku orijentacije
na kupca, odnosno da se glavna energija usmjerava na uspostavljanje odnosa sa kupcima,
prilagođavanje proizvoda prema kupcu i profitabilnost. U konkurentskom okruženju odnos
korisnik-klijent postaje centralni fokus telekomunikacijskih kompanija. Sačuvati korisnika,
povećati prosječan prihod po korisniku (ARPU) i racionalizirati operativne troškove, tri su
osnovna zadatka za telekom operatore.
Strateškom analizom internog i vanjskog okruženja i korištenjem uobičajenih strateških
alata: SWOT matrice (identifikovane snage, slabosti, pogodnosti i prijetnje) i VRIO modela (za
određivanje ključnih kompetencija: vrijedno, rijetko, teško se oponaša, može se kontrolirati),
u BH Telecomu se bira strategijska arhitektura, prepoznaju ključne kompetencije kompanije
na osnovu kojih se gradi njena konkurentska prednost.
Ključne kompetencije BH Telecoma su resursi ili sposobnosti koje čine kompaniju različitom
i konkurentnom u odnosu na tržišne takmace. Ključne kompetencije BH Telecoma se stalno
dograđuju u internoj organizaciji uz težnju realizacije koncepta „učeće organizacije“, kojim
zaposlenici na svim nivoima, individualno i kolektivno, kontinuirano povećavaju svoj radni
kapacitet potreban za ostvarenje planskih zadataka. U BH Telecomu se fokus stavlja na
identifikaciju znanja na takav način da se može dijeliti, te povećavati njegova vrijednost kroz
ponovno i kontinuirano korištenje.
Kompetitivnost BH Telecoma se zasniva na znanju u dijelu analize profitabilnosti usluga
u formi kapitala koji mora rasti i razmjenjivati se. Aktuelna praksa u telekom industriji,
u dijelu analize profitabilnosti, treba da provjeri da li se za pružene i obračunate usluge
osigurava potpuno ostvarenje prihoda, uz minimiziranje troškova neophodnih za njihovo
pružanje. Ova provjera se može vršiti zahvaljujući razumijevanju adekvatnih informacionih
sistema unutar kompanije i posjedovanju informacionih tehnologija raspoloživih za njihovu
Znatan udio aktive BH Telecoma čini dugotrajna imovina i njen udio se, iz godine u godinu, u
periodu 1995-2010. stalno povećavao. U strukturi dugotrajne imovine (Tabela 1.1.) značajan
je udio nekretnina, postrojenja i opreme (preko 70%) a što je i očekivano, obzirom da se
radi o telekomunikacijskoj kompaniji čija djelatnost se zasniva na radu telekomunikacionih
čvorova i telekomunikacione mreže.
Tabela 1.1.: Pregled stanja ukupne aktive i dugotrajne imovine BH Telecoma na kraju
poslovne godine u periodu 2002-2010.
OPIS/GODINE 2002. 2003. 2004. 2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010.
Ukupno aktiva u 853,31 964,56 1.190,67 1213,27 1.220,01 1.238,98 1.245,13 1.279,86 1.276,58
000 KM
Dugotrajna imovina 587,04 575,19 863,2 878,81 847,34 889,26 903,52 864,99 961,62
u mil. KM
% učešća 69 60 65 73 70 72 73 68 75

Dugotrajna imovina u mil KM Gledajući na dugotrajnu
imovinu iz ugla njenog
učešća u ukupnoj imovini
kompanije, te njenog
tehnološkog vijeka
trajanja (za neke mrežne
elemente vijek trajanja je
svega nekoliko godina),
očigledna je potreba
pridavanja najveće pažnje
procesu investiranja u
Slika 1.1.: Grafički prikaz ukupne aktive i dugotrajne imovine BH preduzeću ukoliko se želi
Telecoma na kraju poslovne godine u periodu 2002-2010. održati tehnološki korak na
telekom tržištu i vodeća pozicija u Bosni i Hercegovini. Rukovodstvo BH Telecoma (JP PTT
saobraćaja u periodu 1995 - 2001.) je u cijelom periodu 1995 - 2010. bilo a i danas je svjesno
ove činjenice, što se potvrđuje osnivanjem posebnih organizacionih jedinica za realizaciju
investicija od službi do izvršne direkcije.
1.2. Obim i pokazatelji investiranja u BH Telecomu
Rezolucija Međunarodne konferencije ITU-a o pomoći i podršci BiH za obnovu njene
telekomunikacione mreže (Kyoto 1994. i Mineapolis 1998. godine) je dala osnov Ministarstvu
prometa i komunikacija da bilatelarno sa Švedskom, Norveškom, Njemačkom, Švajcarskom,
Turskom, Malezijom i drugim članicama ITU-a omogući za sadašnji BH Telecom pomoć u
opremi i edukaciji o najnovijim tehnološkim dostignućima za veliki broj naših stručnjaka.
Zaposlenici BH Telecoma su na najbolji način iskoristili ovu pomoć za bržu obnovu u ratu
uništene telekomunikacijske mreže. Pružanjem kvalitetnih telekomunikacijskih usluga,
ostvarujući prihode dovoljne za finansiranje potrebnih investicijskih ulaganja u budućnosti,
nastavljen je proces ulaganja u obnovu i modernizaciju telekomunikacijske mreže.
U periodu 1995 - 2010.
godina ukupno je reali–
zovano oko 2 milijarde KM
novih investicija, i to oko
0,5 milijardi unutar JP PTT
saobraćaja i 1,5 milijardi
KM kao BH Telecom.
Realizacija investicija po
pojedinim godinama je data
u Tabelama 1.2. i 1.3., dok
je grafički prikaz realizacije
investicija u periodu 1995 -
Slika 1.2.: Realizacija investicija u mil. KM za period 1995 - 2010. 2010. dat na Slici 1.2.
Tabela 1.2.: Realizacija investicija BH Telecoma
BH Telecom u
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Realizacija investicija
18.803 47.984 51.201 72.420 111.518 111.389 128.178
u 000 KM

Tabela 1.3.: Realizacija investicija BH Telecoma unutar JP PTT Saobraćaja
BH Telecom 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
127.270 81.202 279.025 159.841 91.519 111.242 155.007 140.014 149.476
Pomoću pokazatelja investiranja mjeri se uspješnost ulaganja u dionice preduzeća. Dobit po
dionici i dividenda po dionici se iskazuju u novčanim jedinicama i pokazuju koliko se npr.
KM dobiti ili dividende ostvari po jednoj dionici. Dobit, odnosno dividenda, po dionici u BH
Telecomu u periodu 2004 - 2010. godine (od 2004. BH Telecom je organizovan kao dioničko
društvo) navedeni su u Tabeli 1.4.:
Tabela 1.4.: Pokazatelji investiranja
Godina 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Dobit po dionici u KM 2,6 2,32 2,29 2,56 2,52 2,53 2,42
Dividenda po dionici u KM 1,59 1,66 1,52 1,3 1,73 1,73 1,73
% isplate dividendi 61,15 71,55 66,38 50,78 68,65 68,38 71,49
Odnos cijene i dobiti po dionici 7,18 11,45 17,08 22,52 10,90 8,10 9,04

Odnos cijene i dobiti po dionici (price earnings ratio - P/E) je najvažnija mjera vrijednosti
koju koriste investitori na tržištu dionica. Izračunava se kao odnos tržišne cijene po dionici
(u račun je uvrštena tržišna vrijednost na kraju svake godine) i godišnjeg iznosa zarade
po dionici. Ovaj odnos u BH Telecomu ima oscilacije prije svega zbog buma na tržištu
vrijednosnih papira u toku 2006 - 2007. godine, kao i finansijske krize koja je nastupila u
2008. godini.

1.3. Proces investiranja u BH Telecomu

Procesom investiranja BH Telecom nastoji da optimalno i sa usvojenom strategijom razvoja
usaglašeno, koristi raspoložive resurse u sadašnjosti radi postizanja ekonomskih ostvarenja
u budućnosti. Brzi razvoj telekom industrije i vrijeme potrebno za realizaciju procesa
investiranja unose rizik i neizvjesnost u pogledu procijenjenih ekonomskih ostvarenja, te
je kod donošenja odluka o investiranju neophodno ocijeniti rizike i izabrati rješenje za koje
se vjeruje da nosi najmanji rizik. Proces investiranja, iz navedenih razloga, treba da bude
metodološki konzistentan i dokumentovan.
Poštivanje metodološke konzistentnosti i obezbjeđenje dokumentarnosti procesa investiranja
u BH Telecomu se rješava donošenjem internih akata kojim se utvrđuju: organizacione
jedinice za izradu plana investicija i njegove realizacije, nadležnosti, ovlaštenja i odgovornosti
nosioca i učesnika u planiranju, pripremi, realizaciji i kolaudaciji investicija. U periodu
rada unutar zajedničkog preduzeća JP PTT saobraćaja i prve dvije i po godine kao JP BH
Telecom, odnosno od 1995. do 2004. godine, proces investiranja je bio uređen Uputstvom za
planiranje, realizaciju, praćenje i kolaudaciju investicija. Od 2004.godine (od konstituisanja
BH Telecoma kao dioničkog društva) do danas ovaj proces je uređen Pravilnikom o planiranju,
pripremi, realizaciji i kolaudaciji investicija. Implementacijom SAP sistema 2002. godine,
proces investiranja se u pojedinim fazama automatizira korištenjem IM modula, u početku
primjene SAP-a, odnosno od unazad par godina i danas korištenjem PS (Project System)
SAP modula. Pored Pravilnika o planiranju, pripremi, realizaciji i kolaudaciji investicija,

Uprava društva je donijela i Pravilnik o investiciono-tehničkoj dokumentaciji i Proceduru o
reviziji investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije. Pravilnikom su uređeni opis i sadržaj, izrada i
označavanje, te revizija investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije. Pod investiciono-tehničkom
dokumentacijom se podrazumijevaju slijedeći dokumenti: investicioni program, projektni
zadatak, projektna dokumentacija (idejni projekat, glavni projekat i izvedbeni projekat)
i dokumentacija/projekat izvedenog stanja. Sva investiciono-tehnička dokumentacija
se podvrgava reviziji koju obavlja reviziona komisija koja radi u skladu sa pomenutom
Procedurom o reviziji investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije i Poslovnikom o radu revizione
Vrijeme potrebno za realizaciju odabranih investicijskih ulaganja u najvećoj mjeri zavisi
od brzine ugovaranja nabavki opreme i izvođenja radova. Ovi poslovi su u BH Telecomu
(u periodu 1995 - 2001. i prve dvije godine nakon razdvajanja BH Telecoma od BH Pošte
2002 - 2003.) bili uređeni internim aktom - Uputstvom o komercijalnom poslovanju.
Od 18.02.2003. godine Vlada Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine je Uredbom o izmjenama i
dopunama Uredbe o postupku nabavke roba, usluga i ustupanju radova (Službene novine
Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, broj 38/98, 41/02, 67/02 i 6/03) obavezala BH Telecom,
kao preduzeće sa većinskim državnim kapitalom, da u postupcima nabavke poštuje odredbe
ove Uredbe. Uredba je 27.09.2004. godine zamijenjena Zakonom o javnim nabavkama koji
je i danas, u osnovi, na snazi. BH Telecom je u skladu sa navedenim zakonskim propisima
utvrdio pravila nabavke internim aktom - Pravilnikom o javnim nabavkama. Primjena
Uredbe, odnosno Zakona o javnim nabavkama, dovela je BH Telecom u neravnopravan
položaj u odnosu na druge telekom operatore, obzirom da je obavezujućom primjenom istog
usporen proces nabavke, a time i proces investiranja.
Način evidentiranja izvršenih investicijskih isporuka i radova, stavljanje u upotrebu,
obračun amortizacije, te stavljanje van upotrebe, uređeni su u BH Telecomu Pravilnikom
o računovodstvu i Pravilnikom o računovodstvenim politikama urađenim u skladu sa
Međunarodnim računovodstvenim standardima i Međunarodnim standardima finansijskog
izvještavanja. Postoji kontinuitet ovih Pravilnika još iz perioda JP PTT saobraćaja i isti su
ažurirani u skladu sa Zakonom o računovodstvu („Službene novine Federacije BiH“, br. 2/95
i 12/98), Zakonom o reviziji („Službene novine Federacije BiH“, br. 2/95 i 12/98) u periodu
1995 - 2005., odnosno Zakonom o računovodstvu i reviziji u Federaciji BiH („Službene novine
Federacije BiH“, br. 32/05). Kod svih evidentiranja dugotrajne imovine primjenjivani su i
propisi iz oblasti poreza uređeni Zakonom o porezu na promet proizvoda i usluga u periodu
1995 - 2005., odnosno Zakonom o porezu na dodatu vrijednost od 2006. do danas, Zakonom
o porezu na dobit i pratećim podzakonskim aktima.
BH Telecom ima (od 1997. godine) u svom sastavu podružnicu Telecom Inženjering koji
izvodi radove u vlastitoj režiji, prije svega elektro-montažne radove u investicijskoj izgradnji
pristupnih mreža i baznih stanica, i proizvodi dio telekomunikacione opreme, uglavnom
kontejnera i antenskih stubova za bazne stanice i u znatno manjem obimu razvodne ormare
i elektro-montažni sitni pribor.
U cilju pravilnog vrednovanja dugotrajne imovine opisani su procesi rada u vlastitoj
režiji i propisani obavezni dokumenti internim aktima: Uputstvo o angažovanju Telecom
Inženjeringa, Normativi radne snage zasnovani na normama definisanim u knjigama 1-5
„Normativi radne snage i materijala iz oblasti telekomunikacija“ Montažeri SFRJ iz oblasti
telekomunikacija, Ljubljana, avgust 1981. godine i knjigama 4 i 5 „Normativi i standardi rada
u građevinarstvu (visokogradnja) - 4/instalacije i 5/elektroinstalacije“ Beograd 1981. godine.

Utvrđivanje normativa utroška materijala koji predstavljaju osnovu za utvrđivanje cijena
gotovih proizvoda je proizvodno-tehnička dokumentacija, odnosno Projekat za pojedino
investiciono ulaganje. Za konačno definisanje vrijednosti radova i gotovih proizvoda
izvedenih/realizovanih u vlastitoj režiji koristi se interni akt - Metodologija formiranja cijene
rada i cijena gotovih proizvoda po pojedinačnim fazama radova iz oblasti telekomunikacija.
Pri utvrđivanju cijene internog rada obavezan je princip da se ne može formirati nikakva
razlika u cijeni niti za radove niti za gotove proizvode.
Procesu investiranja, zbog njegove izuzetne važnosti za rast i razvoj Društva, se pridaje
poseban značaj u Planu poslovanja koji se sačinjava u skladu sa usvojenim Strateškim
pravcima razvoja BHT (trenutno važeći dokument je za period 2008 - 2011. godina). U ovom
dokumentu je navedeno da procesi investiranja treba da daju odgovore zašto želimo da
idemo u investiranje, koje su mogućnosti investiranja i koje su realne ocjene o isplativosti
investiranja. Ove aktivnosti obuhvataju i slijedeće: tehničke analize (mogućnost realizacije,
kompatibilnost sa postojećim kapacitetima); tržišne analize (mogućnost plasmana usluga
koje će se pružati korištenjem nove investicije); ekonomsko-finansijske analize (potrebna
ulaganja, novčani tokovi, izvori finansiranja).
Prijedloge za investiranje u BH Telecomu sačinjavaju svi učesnici u planiranju investiranja -
sve Izvršne direkcije (ID), sve funkcionalne direkcije (13.10.2010. g), sve Regionalne direkcije
(RD), Telecom Inženjering, svi Centri pri Kabinetu Generalnog direktora, odobravaju ih
nosioci planiranja (sve ID), a klasifikuju se u jednu od slijedećih kategorija:
1. Ulaganje u cilju obezbjeđenja pružanja novih ili proširenja (povećanje kapaciteta)
postojećih tk usluga (ovdje se uključuje i povećanje kvaliteta kao i smanjenje
troškova pružanja postojećih tk usluga),
2. Zamjena opreme ili zgrada,
3. Ostalo (uređaji za sigurnost).
Za svaku investiciju se obavezno sačinjava investicioni program koji mora da sadrži
procjenu efekata ulaganja. Ova procjena, u skladu sa Pravilnikom o investiciono-tehničkoj
dokumentaciji, obuhvata ukupne prihode, ukupne rashode, neto dobit na osnovu kojih se dalje
procjenjuju dodatni prilivi i odlivi novčanih sredstava u vezi sa predmetnom investicijom.
Procijenjeni dodatni prilivi i odlivi novčanih sredstava su osnova za izradu ocjene isplativosti
Prijedlog za investiciono ulaganje u cilju obezbjeđenja pružanja novih ili proširenja (povećanje
kapaciteta) postojećih tk usluga uobičajeno se podrazumijeva da je iniciran rezultatima
istraživanja i predviđanja stručnih službi iz ID Marketing i prodaja (od oktobra 2010. godine
ID Razvoj poslovanja), te da je konzistentan sa strateškim pravcima i ciljevima Društva.
Prijedloge za ulaganje u cilju zamjene postojeće opreme modernijom izvedbom daju
tehnološke direkcije ID za tehnologiju i razvoj servisa zajedno sa funkcionalnim direkcijama
BH Line i BH Mobile, te Funkcionalna direkcija za informacione tehnologije. Administriranje
postupka odobrenja prijedloga za investiranje vrši se u skladu sa Pravilnikom o planiranju
i Pravilnikom o planiranju, pripremi, realizaciji i kolaudaciji investicija. Pravilnikom je
zadužena Izvršna direkcija za investicije (od oktobra 2010. godine Funkcionalna direkcija
za investicije) za organizaciju aktivnosti prikupljanja zahtjeva za uvrštavanje predloženih
investicija u planove poslovanja, odobravanje pojedinačnih planiranih ulaganja, pripremu
investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije, realizaciju i kolaudaciju investicija. Proces investiranja
se sastoji od niza aktivnosti koje se mogu grupisati u slijedeće glavne cjeline:

• Odobravanje investicionih sredstava
• Izrada nabavnog/ih zahtjeva
• Nabavka
• Realizacija ugovora
• Kolaudacija
Ukupan proces investiranja u BH Telecomu po naprijed navedenim cjelinama može se
predstaviti specifikacijom aktivnosti kako je to navedeno u Tabeli 1.5.:
Tabela 1.5.: Pregled aktivnosti procesa investiranja u BH Telecomu
R.b. Ulazni dokumenti Aktivnost Izlazni dokumenti Nosilac aktivnosti
- istraživanja tržišta Razmatranje
Učesnik u
(ID MiP- ID RP od mogućnosti investiranja Prijedlozi za
planiranju - bilo koji
1. 13.10.2010. g.) (šta nedostaje da se investiranje -Naziv i
organizacioni dio
- strateški pravci i realizuju potrebe na kratki opis investicije
ciljevi Društva. tržištu)
Izabrani Prijedlog za
Prijedlozi za Nosioci planiranja
Izbor između investiranje -Naziv i
2. investiranje - Naziv i - samo pojedini
dostavljenih prijedloga kratki opis investicije
kratki opis investicije organizacioni dijelovi
Naziv investicije
Izabrani prijedlog za Izrada investicionih
3 Investicioni program Nosioci planiranja
investiranje programa (IP )
4. Investicioni program Revizija IP Revidovan IP Reviziona komisija
Prijedlozi za
investiranje - Naziv i Utvrđivanje prijedloga Prijedlog plana
5. Nosioci planiranja
kratki opis investicije plana investiranja investiranja
i revidovan IP
Razmatranje plana Odluka o usvajanju
Prijedlog plana Uprava/Nadzorni
6 investiranja u okviru plana poslovanja/
investiranja odbor/Skupština
plana poslovanja investiranja
Prijedlog odluke Nosioci planiranja
Pripremne aktivnosti za
Plan poslovanja - dio o odobrenju putem Izvršne
7. odobrenje pojedinačnog
plana investiranja pojedinačnog direkcije za
investicionog ulaganja
investicionog ulaganja investicije
Odluka o odobrenju
(datum donošenja,
naziv investicije,
Prijedlog odluke
Donošenje odluke o specifikacija glavnih
o odobrenju
odobrenju sredstava za dijelova, vrijednost Uprava/Nadzorni
8. pojedinačnog
pojedinačno investiciono investicije ukupno i za odbor/Skupština
ulaganje svaki glavni dio, nosioci
realizacije ulaganja,
dinamika i krajnji rok
Zahtjev za nabavku
Odluka o odobrenju Razrada odobrenog
sa elementima:
pojedinačnog ulaganja s ciljem
9. predmjer i predračun, Nosioci planiranja
investicionog definisanja nabavnih
opisi, tehnički uslovi i
ulaganja zahtjeva
Razrada zahtjeva za
nabavku po vrstama
Zahtjev/i za nabavku Izvršna direkcija za
10. Zahtjev za nabavku opreme/radova/usluga
sa TD investicije
i izrada tenderske
dokumentacije (TD)

R.b. Ulazni dokumenti Aktivnost Izlazni dokumenti Nosilac aktivnosti
Obavještenja o nabavci
Izrada poziva za
Zahtjev/i za nabavku sa TD i naznačenim ID EFP OJ za
11. dostavljanje ponuda
sa TD rokom za dostavu nabavke
Aktivnosti objavljivanja
Obavještenja o obavještenja o nabavci Objavljeno ID PPULJR
nabavci i TD u Službenim novinama/ obavještenje o nabavci -Protokol
Izdavanje TD,
prihvatanje i čuvanje Primljene ponude ID PPULJR
13. obavještenje o
ponuda do dana dobavljača -Protokol
otvaranja ponuda
Izvještaj o evaluaciji
Primljene ponude
14. Evaluacija ponuda ponuda i prijedlog za Komisija za nabavke
dodjelu ugovora
Izvještaj o evaluaciji Aktivnosti na Odluka o dodjeli
15. ponuda i prijedlog za prihvatanju i ugovora ponuđaču ID EFP / ID PPULJR
dodjelu ugovora odobravanju izvještaja najpovoljnije ponude
Odluka o dodjeli Izrada ugovora za
16. Ugovor sa dobavljačem ID EFP / ID PPULJR
ugovora nabavke
Otpremnice, prijemni
listovi, zapisnici o
Realizacija ugovora: kvantitativnom i
OJ za nabavke i
Ugovor sa isporuke, skladištenja, kvalitativnom prijemu
17. OJ za investicije/
dobavljačem međuskladištenja, robe/radova/usluga,
Nadzorni organi
utrošci građevinske knjige i
građevinski dnevnici-
Fakture/situacije i Nalozi za knjiženje i
OJ za nabavke/
otpremno/prijemni plaćanje likvidiranih
18. Likvidacija/ovjera OJ Finansije/OJ
dokumenti u vezi i ovjerenih faktura/
ugovora situacija
Nalozi za knjiženje i
Evidencije o izvršenom
plaćanje likvidiranih Plaćanja i knjiženja
19. plaćanju i knjiženju/ OJ za računovodstvo
i ovjerenih faktura/ faktura/situacija
Knjigovodstveni Nalog
Zahtjev za prijem
Zapisnik o izvršenom Izvršna direkcija za
20. opreme/radova/ Organizovanje prijema
prijemu investicije
Zahtjev za
Zapisnik o kolaudaciji
kolaudaciju Konačni obračuni - Komisija za
21. investicionog ulaganja
investicije spremne kolaudacije kolaudaciju
- Nalog za uknjiženje
za upotrebu
Zapisnik o
kolaudaciji Preknjiženja sa Knjigovodstveni nalog
22. investicionog sredstava u pripremi na o izvršenom uknjiženju OJ za računovodstvo
ulaganja - Nalog za sredstva u upotrebi investicije
Knjigovodstveni Informacije o
23. nalog o izvršenom obračunatoj OJ za računovodstvo
uknjiženju investicije amortizaciji

Naprijed navedenom specifikacijom aktivnosti predstavljen je proces investicionog ulaganja
u BH Telecomu, od ideje za investiranje do konačne realizacije aktiviranjem dugotrajne
imovine, po redoslijedu koji se dešava u praksi.

1.4. Ocjena isplativosti investicijskih ulaganja

Ranije spomenutim internim aktima Društva je predviđeno da svaki investicioni program
obavezno sadrži dio koji govori o ocjeni isplativosti ulaganja u BH Telecomu. Ocjena se radi
na osnovu ukupne dostupne stručne literature koja obrađuje ovu oblast. Najčešće korištena
literatura je:
1. Planiranje investicijskih projekata, Jadranko Bendeković i autori, EIZ Ekonomski
institut Zagreb, Zagreb 1993.;
2. Osnove financijskog menadžmenta, Deveto izdanje, James C.Van Horne, Stanford
University, John M.Wachowic Jr., The University of Tennesse, Mate doo Zagreb, 2000.;
3. Poslovne finansije - Teorija i praktična primjena, Njuhović dr. Zijad, Šain mr. Željko,
Sarajevo, 2003.

„Ocjena isplativosti ulaganja proces je identificiranja, analiziranja i odabira investicijskih

projekata za čije se prinose (tokove novca) očekuje da će postojati dulje od jedne godine.“1

Investiranje u stalna sredstva (zemljište, zgrade, oprema...) uzrokuje trenutačni izdatak

novca uz očekivanje budućih koristi koje traju dulje od jedne godine. Buduća uspješnost
i profitabilnost preduzeća ovisi o dugoročnim odlukama koje se donose trenutačno.
Ocjenjivanje prijedloga investicijskog ulaganja treba da bude u skladu sa nalazom da li
osigurava prinos jednak ili veći od onoga što ga zahtjeva investitor BH Telecom.
Zahtjev investitora - BH Telecoma jeste da realizovano investiciono ulaganje obezbjeđuje
ostvarenje postavljenih ciljeva Društva u definisanim vremenima. Uprava Društva od 2005.
godine donosi svake godine Odluku o metodi obračuna amortizacije i procjenjuje realni vijek
trajanja dugotrajne imovine.
Ocjena isplativosti ulaganja obuhvata:
1. Izradu prijedloga investicijskih projekata koji su konzistentni sa strateškim ciljevima
2. Procjenu dodatnog poslovnog toka novca nakon oporezivanja po investicijskom
3. Procjenu dodatnih tokova novca po projektu
4. Izbor projekta po osnovu maksimiziranja vrijednosti kao kriterija prihvatljivosti
5. Kontinuirano ocjenjivanje prihvaćenih investicijskih projekata i reviziju nakon
završetka projekta.
Prijedloge za investiranje u BH Telecomu sačinjavaju svi učesnici u planiranju investiranja:
sve Izvršne direkcije, sve Regionalne direkcije, Telecom Inženjering i svi centri pri Kabinetu
Generalnog direktora i sve fukcionalne direkcije (od 13.10.2010. godine), odobravaju ih
nosioci planiranja: sve Izvršne direkcije, a klasifikuju se u jednu od slijedećih kategorija:
1. Ulaganje u cilju obezbjeđenja infrastrukture za pružanja novih telekomunikacijskih
usluga ili proširenja - povećanja postojećih kapaciteta za pružanje postojećih

1 Osnove financijskog menadžmenta, Deveto izdanje,James C.Van Horne, Stanford University

John M.Wachowic,Jr., The University of Tennesse, Mate doo Zagreb, 2000.g.

telekomunikacijskih usluga (ovdje se uključuje i povećanje kvaliteta kao i smanjenje
troškova pružanja postojećih tk usluga)
2. Zamjena opreme ili zgrada
3. Ostalo (uređaji za sigurnost, itd.)

Prijedlog za ulaganje u cilju obezbjeđenja infrastrukture za pružanje novih ili proširenje

- povećanje kapaciteta za pružanje postojećih telekomunikacijskih usluga uobičajeno se
podrazmijeva da je iniciran rezultatima istraživanja i predviđanja stručnih službi iz Izvršne
direkcije za razvoj poslovanja (do 13.10.2010. godine iz Izvršne direkcije za marketing i
prodaju) i svi trebaju biti konzistentni sa strateškim pravcima i ciljevima Društva.
Prijedlog za investiciono ulaganje u cilju zamjene postojeće opreme modernijom izvedbom
mogu biti iz tehnoloških direkcija: Izvršna direkcija za razvoj tehnologije i razvoj servisa,
Funkcionalne direkcije BH Line, BH Mobile i Informacione tehnologije. Administriranje
postupka odobrenja prijedloga za investiranje uređeno je u Društvu već pomenutim
Pravilnikom o planiranju i Pravilnikom o planiranju, pripremi, realizaciji i kolaudaciji
Koristi koji se očekuju od investicionog ulaganja iskazuju se u pojmovima tokova novca, a
ne tokovima prihoda, obzirom da je novac, a ne računovodstvena dobit, odlučujući za sve
odluke preduzeća. Porezno priznata amortizacija ima značajan učinak na veličinu i oblik
tokova novca. U BH Telecomu, prema zakonima u Federaciji BiH, primjenjuje se linearna
metoda obračuna amortizacije. Na veličinu i oblik tokova novca utiče i postojanje ostatka
vrijednosti i promjene koje su izazvane u potrebnom obrtnom kapitalu.
Informacije o tokovima novca se upoređuju sa procjenama poslovnih tokova koji generišu
novčane tokove (i prilive i odlive). Ove informacije se prikazuju na dodatnoj (inkrementalnoj)
osnovi, tako da u konkretnom investicionom projektu analiziramo samo razliku između
tokova novca preduzeća sa i bez datog investicionog projekta. Utvrđivanje inkrementalnih
veličina je u ulaganjima u telekomunikacijske mreže složen posao te se nastoji stalno
Tokovi novca iz projekta se podjele u tri kategorije na osnovi vremenskog pojavljivanja:
1. Početni izdatak novca,
2. Privremeni dodatni neto tokovi novca, i
3. Dodatni neto tok novca u zadnjoj godini.

1.4.1. Početni izdatak novca

Početni izdatak novca predstavlja procijenjenu vrijednost izgradnje investicionog projekta,
najčešće navedenu u predmjeru i predračunu projekta. U početne izdatke uključuje se
nabavna vrijednost nove imovine uvećane za troškove dovođenja iste na određenu lokaciju i u
zadanu funkcionalnost: carine, porezi u skladu sa zakonom o porezima, transport, montaža,
instalacije i dr.

1.4.2. Privremeni dodatni neto tokovi novca

Privremeni dodatni neto tokovi novca (a ne računovodstveni prihodi) predstavljaju novčani
tok uzrokovan izgradnjom i aktiviranjem predmetnog investicionog projekta. Informacije
o tokovima novca se uparuju sa procjenama poslovnih tokova koji generišu novčane
tokove (i prilive i odlive). U skladu sa internim aktima u Društvu (Pravilnik o planiranju

i procedure planiranja) procjenjuju se poslovni aspekti investicije koje podrazumijevaju
tržišne analize, mogućnost plasmana usluga koje će se pružati korištenjem nove investicije
izražene vremenskim periodom, količinom, cijenom, vrijednošću, a sve u cilju izračunavanja
novčanih tokova.
Važna je stopa prinosa na investiciju kojom se pokrivaju troškovi kapitala. S tim u vezi,
kod procjenjivanja tokova važno je odabrati diskontnu stopu jednaku stopi prinosa koju
zahtijevaju dobavljači kapitala.
Prilikom razmatranja investicionog ulaganja kojim se obezbjeđuje uvođenje u asortiman
ponude nove telekomunikacijske usluge, neophodno je kod izračunavanja tokova novca
uvažavati slijedeće:
- Ako će nova usluga biti konkurencija postojećoj/im usluzi/gama, ukupnom očekivanom
prilivu treba pridružiti i očekivani priliv po osnovu „kanibalizacije“ postojeće/ih
- Ako će neinvestiranje u dati projekat uzrokovati gubitak tržišnog udjela, to se mora
uključiti u analizu.

Ključno je da se analiza novčanih tokova radi sa i bez novog ulaganja uz kalkulisanje svih
relevantnih troškova i koristi. Samo se dodatni tokovi novca uzimaju u obzir. Troškovi
nepovratno načinjeni prije odluke o investiranju, odnosno nepovratni troškovi, ne smiju biti
uključeni u kalkulaciju rađenu za potrebe odlučivanja o investiranju.
Pojedini troškovi mogu biti ukalkulisani u iznosima većim od stvarnih novčanih izdataka
za njih. To se najčešće odnosi na vlastita zemljišta i građevinske objekte koji se umjesto
za predmetnu investiciju mogu upotrijebiti u druge svrhe (iznajmljivanje ili prodaja). Ovi
troškovi su poznati kao oportunitetni troškovi i moraju se uključiti u kalkulaciju kao da su
bili izdatak novca na početku projekta. (Primjer za oportunitetni trošak: ako se postojeći
vlastiti objekat može prodati za iznos od 100.000 KM, taj se iznos /neto bez poreza/ uključuje
u kalkulaciju kao dodatak početnoj vrijednosti investicije). Ponekad investiranje u stalna
sredstva sadrži i komponente tekuće imovine i ona se tada u neto iznosu treba uvrstiti u
kalkulaciju (najčešći primjer da projekat zahtijeva dodatni novac, potraživanje ili zalihe).
U procjenama tokova novca, mora se uzeti u obzir očekivana inflacija.
Porezno priznata amortizacija ima značajan učinak na veličinu i oblik tokova novca. U BH
Telecomu prema zakonima u FBiH - porezno priznata amortizacija se obračunava linearnom
metodom. U slučaju da se (kada je zamjena postojećih sredstava u pitanju) zamijenjeno
sredstvo proda po cijeni većoj od knjigovodstvene osnovice za amortizaciju na pozitivnu
razliku platit će se porez na dobit.

1.4.3. Dodatni neto tok novca u zadnjoj godini

U zadnjoj (konačnoj) godini postojanja projekta obrađujemo slijedeće tokove novca: (1)
ostatak vrijednosti prodane ili otuđene imovine, (2) porezi (porezne uštede) povezane s
prodajom imovine i (3) sve promjene u obrtnom kapitalu povezane s okončanjem projekta
- u pravilu svaka početna investicija u obrtnom kapitalu sada se vraća kao dodatni novčani
Pregled procijenjenog dodatnog (inkrementalnog) poslovnog neto toka novca nakon
oporezivanja po projektu u našem primjeru za procijenjeni vijek trajanja projekta se
uobičajeno daje po godinama vijeka trajanja investicije.

Informacije o novčanom toku su neophodne za donošenje odluke o isplativosti ulaganja.
Investicijska odluka će odbaciti ili prihvatiti prijedlog o ulaganju. Za donošenje investicijske
odluke koriste se metode procjene projekta.
Najčešće korištene alternativne metode procjene isplativosti projekta i izbora su: metoda
razdoblja povrata, interna stopa prinosa i neto sadašnja vrijednost.

1.4.4. Metoda razdoblja povrata

Ova metoda ocjene investicionog ulaganja pokazuje broj godina koji je potreban da se vrati
naša početna investicija novca. Na primjer, za investiciono ulaganje od 200.000 KM koje
obezbjeđuje neto novčani tok od 47.000 KM, tokom 5 godina razdoblje povrata je, prema
Tabeli 1.6., 25 godina.

Tabela 1.6.: Izračun razdoblja povrata


0 -200.000 -200.000

1 47.000 47.000 -153.000

2 47.000 94.000 -106.000
3 47.000 141.000 -59.000
4 47.000 188.000 -12.000
5 47.000 235.000 35.000

Kriterij prihvaćanja investicionog projekta jeste upoređivanje dobijenog razdoblja povrata u

odnosu na prihvatljivi. U navedenom primjeru, za prihvatljivo razdoblje povrata od 5 godina,
projekat bi bio prihvaćen. Da je zahtjevano razdoblje povrata bilo na primjer tri godine,
projekat bi bio neprihvatljiv.
Ova metoda daje grubu naznaku likvidnosti projekta i koristi se u nedostatku detaljnijih
informacija o procjenama budućeg novčanog toka iz pružanja usluga uzrokovanih
implementacijom projekta. Nedostaci su što se zanemaruje vremenska komponenta novca.
Na primjer, projekat koji bi u istom primjeru generisao novčani tok 188.000 KM tek do kraja
četvrte godine i 47.000 KM u petoj godini bi imao istu ocjenu prihvatljivosti.

1.4.5. Interna stopa prinosa

Metode diskontiranih tokova novca pružaju objektivniju osnovicu za procjenu i izbor
investicijskih projekata. Ove metode uzimaju u obzir i veličinu i vremenski raspored očekivanih
tokova novca u svakom razdoblju života projekta. Tri su glavne metode diskontiranih tokova
novca: interna stopa prinosa (IRR), neto sadašnja vrijednost (NPV) i indeks profitabilnosti
Interna stopa prinosa (IRR) za razmatrani investicijski prijedlog je diskontna stopa koja
izjednačuje sadašnju vrijednost očekivanih neto tokova novca (CF - cash flow) s početnim
izdatkom novca (ICO). Ako je (u datom primjeru) početni izdatak novca bio u razdoblju 0, on
se prikazuje stopom IRR takvom da je:

ICO = ───── + ───── + ... + ─────
(1+IRR)1 (1+IRR)2 (1+IRR)n
Na ovaj način, IRR je kamata koja diskontira buduće tokove novca - CF1 do CFn - da bi ih
izjednačilo sa sadašnjom vrijednošću početnog novčanog izdatka (ICO) u razdoblju 0. Z a
prethodni primjer to bi značilo slijedeće:
47.000 47.000 47.000 47.000 47.000
200.000 KM = ──── + ───── + ───── + ───── + ─────
(1+IRR)1 (1+IRR)2 (1+IRR)3 (1+IRR)4 (1+IRR)5

Metodom IRR želimo odrediti diskontnu stopu koja određuje sadašnju vrijednost budućih
neto tokova novca koja je jednaka početnom izdatku novca. Ovaj izračun počinje sa
pretpostavkama o diskontnoj stopi. Pretpostavimo da je diskontna stopa 6%.
Diskontna stopa od 6% rezultira sadašnjom vrijednošću budućih tokova novca od 197.964
KM, što je manje od početnog ulaganja od 200.000 KM. Pokušavamo izračun sa nižom
stopom od 5,5%.
Ako je diskontna stopa 5,5%, rezultira sadašnjom vrijenošću budućih tokova novca od
200.695 KM, što je neznatno više od početnog ulaganja od 200.000 KM. Diskontna stopa
koja je potrebna za diskontiranje budućih tokova novca na 200.000 KM, stoga mora biti
negdje između 5,5 i 6 %.
197.964 (sadašnja vrijednost uz 6%) < 200.000 < 200.695 (sadašnja vrijednost uz 5,5%)
Tačan iznos diskontne stope za koju je sadašnja vrijednost budućih tokova novca 200.000
KM izračunaćemo interpolacijom:

x/(0,060-0,055) =(200.695 - 200.000)/(200.695 - 197.964)

x/0,005 = 695/2.731
x = 0,001273
IRR = 0,055 + x = 0,055 + 0,001273 = 0,056273 = 5,63%.
(Ovaj izračun se zanemarivo razlikuje od izračuna pomoću računara)

Napomena: U slučajevima kada je početni izdatak cio u razdoblju 0 a svi novčani primici u
jednakim iznosima i jednako raspoređeni po godinama, IRR se može utvrditi direktno iz IV
tablice interesa na interes na način da u redu koji označava broj godina budućih novčanih
priliva nađemo najbliži diskontni faktor, koji pomnožen sa jednakim godišnjim prilivom daje
iznos jednak početnom ulaganju.
Kriterij prihvaćanja investicionog projekta jeste upoređivanje izračunate IRR sa zahtijevanom
stopom prinosa, koja se često zove granica odbacivanja ili granična stopa prinosa. Ako je IRR
veća od zahtjevane stope, projekat je prihvatljiv, a ako nije, projekat se odbacuje.

1.4.6. Neto sadašnja vrijednost

Neto sadašnja vrijednost (NPV) investicijskog prijedloga je sadašnja vrijednost neto tokova
novca iz prijedloga minus početni izdatak novca iz prijedloga. Predstavljeno formulom to
NPV= ───── + ───── + ... + ───── - ICO
(1+k)1 (1+k)2 (1+k)n

gdje je k zahtjevana stopa prinosa, a sve ostale varijable iste kao u metodi IRR.
Kriterij prihvaćanja: ako je NPV jednaka ili veća od 0, projekat se prihvaća; ako ne, on se
odbacuje. Drugačije rečeno, ako je sadašnja vrijednost primitaka novca veća od sadašnje
vrijednosti izdataka novca, projekat se prihvaća. Izborom projekta čija je sadašnja vrijednost
jednaka nuli, tržišna cijena dionica preduzeća bi trebala ostati nepromijenjena.
U našem primjeru u slučaju kada je zahtijevana stopa prinosa 6%, projekat se odbacuje jer je
NPV = - 2.731< 0. Za zahtijevanu stopu od 5,5 % projekat je prihvatljiv jer je NPV = 695 > 0.

1.5. Rizici projekta

Pod pojmom rizičnosti u smislu ocjene ekonomske opravdanosti investicijskog projekta

smatra se varijabilnost stvarnih veličina u odnosu na očekivane (procijenjene). Projekat se
smatra rizičnijim što je pomenuta varijabilnost veća. Veličine koje je teže procijeniti imaju
veću varijabilnost, odnosno rizičnost. Najveća rizičnost se može pripisati određivanju zadane
stope prinosa i procjeni budućih novčanih tokova. Kod procjene budućih novčanih tokova
rizik naplate potraživanja može biti značajan. Postoje tehnike izračuna efekata uključenja
rizika u kalkulaciju procjene veličina relevantnih za ocjenu ekonomske opravdanosti
investicionih projekata.

1.6. Poboljšanja u radu

Iz gore navedenih pokazatelja se može vidjeti da je BH Telecom uspješna kompanija, a što
je prije svega odnos prema procesu investiranja. Prema analiziranim pokazateljima može se
zaključiti i da ima prostora za poboljšanje rezultala poslovanja u smislu bržeg investiranja
u dugotrajnu imovinu - telekomunikacione kapacitete. Za očekivati je da će investiranjem
u kapacitete, kvalitetom usluge, dobrom cjenovnom politikom i marketinškim akcijama BH
Telecom zadržati postojeće i pridobiti nove korisnike što će mu omogućiti zadržavanje pozicije
vođe na telekomunikacijskom tržištu u BiH, ispunjenje očekivanja vlasnika i zaposlenika
kompanije, te šire društvene zajednice u cjelini. Efikasnijim procesom investiranja BH
Telecom će postavljene ciljeve brže dostići.

1. Interni dokumenti BH Telecoma
2. James C.Van Horne Stanford University, John M.Wachowic,Jr. The University of
Tennesse: „Osnove financijskog menadžmenta”, Deveto izdanje, , Mate doo Zagreb,

2. Planiranje, PRIPREME ZA Investiranje i investicije U KADROVE

2.1. Uvod
Glavni finansijski cilj preduzeća jeste maksimiziranje profita. Dioničari teže maksimiziranju
njihove imovine kroz poslovanje preduzeća. U dioničkom društvu taj cilj se postiže stvaranjem
vrijednosti dioničara koja se iskazuje tržišnom vrijednošću dionica, a koja je rezultat tri
glavne odluke:
1. Odluke o finansiranju,
2. Odluke o dividendi i zadržanom dobitku,
3. Odluke o investiranju.
Investiranje, u najužem smislu znači ulaganje u nabavku osnovnih sredstava. U osnovna
sredstva spadaju zemljište, objekti, mašine i oprema, patenti i ona se postepeno troše
u procesu reprodukcije. Bez investicija nema tehnološkog progresa, nema napretka u
cjelini. Investicije, odnosno investiranje, predstavljaju dio globalnog problema razvoja
kao kontinualnog procesa kojim svako društvo i svako preduzeće osigurava svoje buduće
efikasno poslovanje. Investiranje dolazi kao završni čin cjelokupnog procesa kojim se
realizuju planirani razvojni ciljevi, a time i cjelokupni razvoj. Definisanje investicija kao
ulaganja u realna dobra (gdje nisu uključena tzv. trajna potrošna dobra) se u teoriji smatra
definisanjem investicija u užem smislu. Definisanje investicija u širem smislu obuhvata i
ulaganja u nabavku robe, sirovina, potrošnih materijala, a isto tako i plaćanje usluga. Iako se
pod investicijama najčešće podrazumijevaju ulaganja u proizvodna dobra (objekte, mašine
i opremu, i dr), ipak treba reći da investicije, u širem smislu, u BH Telecomu obuhvataju:
1. ulaganja u objekte, opremu, instalacije, postrojenja, sredstva, uređaje i dr.
2. ulaganje u osiguranje trajnih obrtnih sredstava,
3. ulaganje u nove konstrukcije i prototipove i uopšte ulaganja u poboljšanje postojećih i
razvoj novih proizvoda/usluga,
4. ulaganja u nova tehničko-tehnološka rješenja i poboljšanje tehnološkog procesa,
5. ulaganja u poboljšanje organizacije i uvođenje novih organizacionih rješenja,
6. ulaganje u obuku i usavršavaje kadrova,
7. ulaganje u nabavku patenata, licenci i drugih prava,
8. ulaganje u naučna istraživanja,
9. ulaganje u razvoj prodajne mreže, servise, reklame.
2.2. Proces investiranja
Sam proces investiranja obuhvata skup svih aktivnosti u cjelokupnom periodu planiranja,
pripreme i realizacije jednog investicionog projekta, odnosno cjelokupan proces realizacije,
od stvaranja ideje za investiranjem do konačnog završetka investicionog poduhvata.
To je veoma složen proces koji obuhvata veliki broj potprocesa, faza i pojedinačnih aktivnosti
čija ukupnost u efikasnoj pripremi i realizaciji dovodi do ostvarenja prvobitne zamisli, dakle
do realizacije planiranog investicionog projekta.

2.3. Podjela procesa investiranja

Proces investiranja se globalno može podijeliti na dva osnovna potprocesa:
1. pripremni dio,
2. dio realizacije.

Pripremni dio obuhvata sve aktivnosti neophodne da se otpočne sa realizacijom procesa
investiranja, dok se dio realizacije odnosi konkretno na izvođenje investicionog projekta,
obuhvata sve aktivnosti koje su neophodne da se, posmatrajući od početka realizacije, jedna
konkretna investicija npr. investicioni objekat, izgradi i montira, odnosno dovede do redovne
BH Telecom je prihvatio činjenicu da njegov razvoj i budući uspjeh u najvećoj mjeri ovisi o
investicijama, pod kojim se podrazumijevaju ulaganja proizvodnih faktora u sadašnjosti radi
povećanja efikasnosti i koristi u budućnosti. Naime, u tom procesu BH Telecom u poslovanje
uvodi nove dodatne proizvodne faktore i nova naučno-tehnološka rješenja koja su efikasnija
nego postojeća. U skladu sa tim, investicije se mogu definisati i kao sredstvo za ostvarenje
boljeg poslovanja. Proces investiranja u načelu traje relativno dugo, nameće velike napore i
izaziva značajne troškove, pogotovo ako se radi o krupnim predmetima ulaganja, što nameće
potrebu racionalizacije tog procesa ili njegovog planiranja. Planiranje investicijskih projekata
je proces kreativnog optimiziranja upotrebe raspoloživih resursa, a uključuje pripremu,
ocjenu, izvedbu i poslovanje investicijskog projekta.
U tom smislu može se reći da se proces investiranja sastoji iz slijedećih faza:
1. Prethodna analiza,
2. Izrada investicionog programa,
3. Donošenje odluka o realizaciji investicije,
4. Izrada i revizija investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije,
5. Realizacija investicija - izgradnja investicionog objekta,
6. Puštanje u rad i probna proizvodnja.
U smislu prethodnih analiza podrazumijeva se postupak donošenja ključnih dokumenata
„Strategija razvoja BH Telecoma“ i „Trogodišnji plan poslovanja BH Telecoma“ u kojim su
sadržani i ključni elementi potrebnih investicionih projekata.
Osnovni dokument koji u detalje razrađuje plan poslovanja, u kojem je i dio koji precizno
obrađuje problematiku budućih investicija BH Telecoma, je „Trogodišnji plan poslovanja
BH Telecoma“. Donošenje ovog dokumenta inicira Uprava Društva. Nakon toga Generalni
direktor izdaje nalog da se pristupi njegovoj izradi i precizno se navode zadaci, ciljevi, rokovi,
učesnici i nosioci, uputa za izradu i jedinstvena metodologija planiranja (prema odgovarajućoj
proceduri QMS BH Telecoma d.d.).
„Trogodišnji plan poslovanja“ se radi po metodi da u njemu učestvuju svi organizacioni
dijelovi BH Telecoma, odnosno da se zahtjevi za potrebnim resursima i načinima poslovanja
predlažu odozdo od najnižih organizacionih dijelova u organizacijskoj hijerarhiji i objedinjuju
krećući se prema gore u istoj hijerarhiji. Osnovna nit vodilja ovog plana je dokument „Stategije
razvoja“ i prethodni „Trogodišnji plan poslovanja“, te rezultati poslovanja iz prethodnih
Svaka organizaciona cjelina je zadužena za određeni segment ukupnog poslovanja i u skladu
s tim je dužna da se brine i predlaže pokretanje određenih investicionih programa koji su
usklađeni sa Stategijom razvoja i Trogodišnjim planom poslovanja (TPP). Nakon što se
napravi dokument investicionog programa pravi se investiciono-tehnička dokumentacija
(ITD). Valjanost ITD-a i njena usklađenost sa Strategijom razvoja i TPP se provjerava kroz
proces revizije ITD-a koji se vrši u okviru komisije za revizije ITD u okviru Izvršne direkcije
za tehnologiju i razvoj servisa.

2.4. Revizija investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije u Dioničkom društvu BH
Telecom Sarajevo
Revizija investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije je kontrola tehničke dokumentacije napravljene
od strane Dioničkog društva BH Telecom Sarajevo i drugih pravnih lica ovlaštenih za izradu
predmetne dokumentacije. Kontrola investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije obuhvata provjeru
njene usklađenosti sa uslovima datim u urbanističkoj saglasnosti, provjeru ispravnosti i
tačnosti tehničko-tehnoloških rješenja, stabilnosti i bezbjednosti, uticaja na životnu sredinu
i susjedne objekte, usklađenost sa zakonom i drugim propisima, tehničkim normativima,
standardima i normama kvaliteta, kao i međusobne usklađenosti svih dijelova tehničke
U Dioničkom društvu BH Telecom revizija investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije se vrši
dugi niz godina i taj proces je godinama unapređivan i usavršavan, a u cilju dobijanja što
kvalitetnije dokumentacije.

Revizija investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije je sada uređena slijedećim aktima:

- Pravilnik o investiciono-tehničkoj dokumentaciji za potrebe Dioničkog društva
BH Telecom Sarajevo;
- Procedura „Revizija investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije“;

Do 24.07.2002. godine Reviziju investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije u Dioničkom društvu

BH Telecom Sarajevo su vršile komisije koje je imenovao Direktor direkcije telekomunikacija
putem rješenja o imenovanju komisije za reviziju, za svaki dokument posebno.
Komisije su bile sastavljene od 3 do 5 članova, izvjestilaca, revidenata i sekretara, sa zadatkom
da izvrše reviziju dokumenata i dostave pismeni izvještaj Direkciji telekomunikacija JP PTT
saobraćaja BiH Sarajevo.
Do tog perioda je na godišnjem nivou revidovan manji broj dokumenata, uglavnom bitnijih.
U 2002. godini formiran je Centar za istraživanje u čijoj su nadležnosti poslovi revizije.
Rješenjem o imenovanju Revizione komisije za reviziju planova razvoja, planova investicije,
investicionih programa, projektnih zadataka, idejnih tehničkih rješenja, projekata i druge
investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije revizionih planova u reviziji investiciono-tehničke
dokumentacije, Direktora Centra za istraživanje broj: 01.1-3.4-9399/02 od 24.07.2002.
godine imenovana je stalna komisija sastavljena od pet stalnih i više promjenljivih članova
te sekretara.
Zadatak Komisije bio je da izvrši revizioni pregled dokumentacije i da Direktoru Centra za
istraživanje podnese pismeni izvještaj sa prijedlogom potvrde o izvršenoj reviziji.
Nova komisija je formirana Rješenjem o imenovanju Revizione komisije za reviziju planova
razvoja, planova investicije, investicionih programa, projektnih zadataka, idejnih tehničkih
rješenja, projekata i druge investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije, Direktora Centra za
istraživanje broj: 01.1-27-16853/03 od 29.12.2003. godine imenovana je komisija sastavljena
od šest stalnih, više promjenljivih članova i sekretara.
Zadatak Komisije bio je da izvrši revizioni pregled dokumentacije i da Direktoru Centra za
istraživanje podnese pismeni izvještaj sa prijedlogom potvrde o izvršenoj reviziji.
Nova komisija je formirana Rješenjem o imenovanju Revizione komisije, Generalnog
direktora Dioničkog društva BH Telecom Sarajevo broj: 01.4-2.14439/04 od 01.07.2004.
godine imenovana je komisija sastavljena od osam stalnih, više promjenljivih članova

i sekretara. Zadatak Revizione komisije bio je da izvrši reviziju investiciono-tehničke
dokumentacije i to:
- svih investicionih programa,
- planova investicija,
- projektnih zadataka,
- idejno tehničkih rješenja,
- projekata,
- i druge ITD dokumentacije.

Reviziona komisija se mogla po potrebi angažovati za vršenje revizije strateških planova

razvoja, elaborata i studija na osnovu posebnog naloga Generalnog direktora Društva. Ova
Reviziona komisija je radila najduže, sve do 2011. godine.
Rješenjem o imenovanju Komisije za reviziju investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije i
revidenata, Generalnog direktora Dioničkog društva BH Telecom Sarajevo, broj: 03.3-
2.1-1527/2-11 od 09.03.2011. godine, imenovana je komisija sastavljena od devet članova,
zamjenika i sekretara. U radu Komisije je učestvovalo ukupno 99 zaposlenika kao revidenata
iz svih organizacionih jedinica Dioničkog društva BH Telecom Sarajevo.
Pravilnikom o investiciono-tehničkoj dokumentaciji za potrebe Dioničkog društva BH
Telecom Sarajevo uređuje se opis i sadržaj investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije (u daljem
tekstu: ITD) Društva, izrada i označavanje ITD-a, te revizija ITD-a.
Reviziji podliježe sva investiciono-tehnička dokumentacija BH Telecoma osim dokumentacije
izvedenog stanja, bez obzira da li je izrađena unutar ili izvan Društva. Reviziju ITD-a vrši
Reviziona komisija (u daljem tekstu: Komisija) koja djeluje u okviru Izvršne direkcije za
tehnologiju i razvoj servisa u skladu sa važećom procedurom.
ITD se na reviziju dostavlja isključivo od strane nosilaca izrade ITD-a (sve Izvršne direkcije
iz sastava Generalne direkcije i sve funkcionalne direkcije).
ITD se na reviziju dostavlja u dva štampana primjerka i u elektronskom obliku (e-mail ili
CD/DVD) po formi i sadržaju potpuno usaglašena sa zahtjevima iz tačke 3 Pravilnika.
Predsjednik Komisije imenuje jednog ili više revidenata za svaku ITD. Revident ne može
biti lice koje je učestvovalo u izradi predmetne ITD, ali može biti lice koje je učestvovalo u
prethodnim fazama izrade ITD-a.
Revident je dužan da, nakon što pregleda ITD, sve uočene primjedbe i dileme razmotri i
razriješi u komunikaciji sa autorima. Nakon toga revident Komisiji podnosi pisani izvještaj u
kojem stoje samo one primjedbe koje su ostale nerazriješene. Komisija može, ukoliko smatra
za potrebno, pozvati na sastanak autore ITD-a i revidente da obrazlože svoje stavove po
spornim primjedbama.
Ako je glavni ili izvedbeni projekat izrađen u inostranstvu, revident mora obaviti kontrolu
kojom se utvrđuje da je izrađen u skladu sa usvojenim standardima i važećim zakonima u
Bosni i Hercegovini. Ako je izrađen u skladu sa inostranim propisima, neophodno je izvršiti
nostrifikaciju na način propisan zakonom.
U slučaju učešća u radu revidenata za istu ITD, revidenti su dužni sačiniti zasebne izvještaje.
Na osnovu izvještaja revidenata i eventualnog odgovora autora ITD-a, Komisija donosi jedan
od slijedećih zaključaka:
a) ITD se prihvata u potpunosti,
b) ITD se prihvata uz otklanjanje manjih primjedbi,
c) ITD vraća na doradu zbog većih primjedbi.

Ukoliko Komisija zaključi da nema dovoljno argumenata da donese jedan od gore navedenih
zaključaka, može od revidenata i/ili autora zahtijevati dodatne argumente, a po potrebi i
pozvati ih da prisustvuju sastanku i odgovore na pitanja Komisije.
Nosilac izrade ITD-a dužan je da, svaki put kada Komisija donese zaključak b) ili
c) iz prethodnog člana, nakon otklanjanja primjedbi ili dorade ITD-a dostavi Komisiji novo
Komisija izdaje i dostavlja Potvrdu o izvršenoj reviziji nosiocu izrade ITD-a kada donese
zaključak o potpunoj usaglašenosti ITD-a sa ispostavljenim zahtjevima i Pravilnikom.
Potvrda o reviziji mora sadržavati zaključak Komisije i slijedeće podatke o revidovanoj ITD:
− Naslov ITD-a,
− Broj knjige / ukupan broj knjiga (samo za projektnu dokumentaciju),
− Broj izdanja,
− Mjesto i datum.
Potvrdu potpisuju predsjednik Komisije i Izvršni direktor Izvršne direkcije za tehnologiju i
razvoj servisa.
Značaj revizije je vidljiv i na osnovu broja revidovanih dokumenata u proteklom periodu:

Tabela 2.1. Broj revidvanih dokumenata u prethodnom periodu

Godina 2003. 2004. 2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010.
Broj revidovanih
436 1014 753 464 425 460 499 460

2.5. Investiranje u kadrove

2.5.1. Ulaganja u obrazovanje zaposlenika

Ljudski resursi su najvažniji dinamički i kreativni faktor svakog preduzeća pa tako i BH

Telecoma, uz napomenu da je BH Telecom visokotehnološko preduzeće koje koristi dvije
napropulzivnije generičke informaciono-komunikacijske tehnologije gdje znanje zastarijeva
veoma brzo zbog dinamičke inovativnosti ove grane. U tom svjetlu važnost ljudskog kapitala
ili ljudskih resursa sve više i više se ističe. Ulaganje u povećanje sposobnosti čovjeka
omogućuje da obrazovanjem, stručnošću, talentom, vještinom i znanjem više pridonosi
ukupnoj proizvodnji, odnosno pružanju usluga i ostalim djelatnostima. U BH Telecomu se
smatra da je ulaganje u ljudski kapital komplementarno investicijama u materijalne resurse.
Kako se kapitalni resursi mogu razvijati, tako se i obrazovanjem mogu unaprijediti ljudski
resursi. Naobrazba i stručno znanje djelatnika predstavlja glavni činitelj stvaralaštva i
najmoćnije oruđe u svjetskom natjecanju.
Izobrazba ljudskog kapitala podiže proizvodnost rada i poduzetničke sposobnosti. Smatra se
da investicije u školovanje donose veći učinak na proizvodnost rada od investicija u opremu.
Ciljevi programa usavršavanja ljudskog kapitala moraju biti orijentirani na budućnost i u
skladu sa strateškim ciljevima poduzeća kako bi se omogućilo znanje i vještine za provedbu
strategije poduzeća. Usavršavanje i razvoj kadrova potiče i motivaciju kadrova koja je vrlo
Ulaganje u ljudski kapital je najvrijednija investicija u budućnost jer su ljudi najveći kapital
poduzeća. Znanje ima veliku vrijednost ako se upotrijebi i ono u pravilu donosi novu vrijednost

kompaniji i predstavlja značajan element konkurentske prednosti. Kako bi unaprijedili svoje
poslovanje kroz ulaganje u zaposlenike, Mreža znanja vam nudi mogućnost obrazovanja
vaših zaposlenika.
Strateška inicijativa Dioničkog društva BH Telecom Sarajevo usmjerena je prema stalnom
kvalitetnom obrazovanju zaposlenika i pripravnika, ne samo na visokoškolskim ustanovama
koje imaju visoke standarde nastave i istraživačkog rada, već kod najvećih kompanija iz
oblasti elektronskih komunikacija, kao i državnih institucija na svim nivoima vlasti, jer to
zahtijevaju uslovi tržišta uz stalne potrebe za usvajanjem novih tehnologija i elektronskih
komunikacijskih usluga.
Svjesni činjenice da je znanje ključni činilac poslovnog uspjeha i prednost uspješnog poslovanja
a da su BH Telecomu potrebni visokostručni kadrovi sa specijalističkim obrazovanjem za
razvoj telekomunikacijskog sistema, planiranje i investiranje, poslovni uspjeh BH Telecoma
zahtijeva uspješno planiranje i grupiranje znanja da bi se ono kreativno iskoristilo.
Stalnim obrazovanjem zaposlenici postaju fleksibilniji, lakše se prilagođavaju novim
tehnologijama i elektronskim komunikacijskim uslugama, te bolje koriste znanja stečena
radnim iskustvom.
Novi oblici privređivanja, posebno novi tržišni uslovi (nelojalna konkurencija, neizgrađene
državne poluge kroz potrebne institucije i dr.), kao i nove tehnologije u telekomunikacijama
i informatici, zahtijevaju stalno obrazovanje, osposobljavanje i sticanje različitih vještina od
strane svih zaposlenika BH Telecoma.
Iako našim korisnicima nudimo usluge, treba znati da svaka usluga zahtijeva odgovarajuću
tehnološku podlogu. Stalno praćenje ICT tehnologija i stanja ICT tržišta u Bosni i Hercegovini
je ključni zadatak, i s tim vezana identifikacija i izbor optimalnih tehnoloških rješenja koja
mogu biti tehnološka osnova BH Telecoma za razvoj usluga koje se traže i koje treba ponuditi
na tržištu Bosne i Hercegovine.
Ciljevi i zadaci obrazovanja su povećanje sposobnosti zaposlenika, pripremajući ih tako
za viši i zahtjevniji nivo rada, povećanje kvaliteta rada, povećanje vlastite sigurnosti,
razvijanje odgovornosti i osjećaja vlastite vrijednosti, povećanje zadovoljstva radom u BH
Telecomu i slično. Rezultat je veći učinak, smanjenje izostajanja sa posla, psihička stabilnost,
koncetriranost na posao, smanjena fluktuacija i rasipanje radne snage. Obučen izvršilac je
pogodan za obavljanje posla, a dobro obavljen posao utiče na povećanje kvaliteta usluga,
osiguranje visokog nivoa raspoloživosti funkcija svih organizacionih jedinica BH Telecoma.
Ulaganje u ljude se vrši kontuinuirano kroz razne vidove transfera i usvajanja novog znanja.
U tom cilju BH Telecom koristi više metoda osiguranja napredovanja kvaliteta ljudskih
Stipendiranje - BH Telecom osigurava kvalitetan podmladak tako što stipendira najbolje
studente na fakultetima od interesa a najviše iz elektro-tehnike, saobraćaja i komunikacija i
1. Pored toga BH Telecom osigurava školovanje svojih najboljih kadrova na
postdiplomskom studiju kroz sticanje zvanja magistra odgovarajuće struke. Proces
odobravanja prolazi kroz nekoliko ocjena a jedna od njih je dobijanje mišljenja Naučno-
stručnog savjeta BH Telecoma.
2. Sticanje naučnog doktorata je također metoda koju koristi BH Telecom za dobijanje
stručnjaka najvećeg profila. I ovaj proces mora proći verifikaciju Naučno-stručnog

3. Predstavljanje vlastitih istraživanja na svjetskim i domaćim konferencijama - Svake
godine istraživači i stručnjaci BH Telecoma posjete na desetinu svjetskih i domaćih
simpozija i konferencija gdje predstavljaju svoje rezultate istraživanja u nauci i struci.
Time je BH Telecom prepoznat u svjetskim razmjerima kao institucija koja njeguje
nauku i struku, što podiže njegov ugled kako u javnosti tako i kod partnera naših
dobavljača opreme i software-a.
4. Uz ugovaranja nabavke nove opreme i novih rješenja BH Telecom ugovara i školovanje
svojih stručnjaka za uspješno i efikasno korištenje nove opreme i rješenja a stiče i
mogućnost daljih samostalnih unapređenja.
5. Posjete značajnim svjetskim skupovima, sajmovima, konferencijama, itd. BH
Telecomovi stručnjaci i rukovodstvo koriste za usvajanje novih znanja i iskustava te
mogućnosti njihove primjene u svom poslovanju.
6. BH Telecom materijalno i kadrovski podržava sve skupove naučno-stručnog karaktera
koji se organizuju u BiH. Poznati su stalni i dugogodišnji skupovi BIHTEL, ICAT,
INTSIKT, IKT konferencija, kao i skupovi koji se povremeno organizuju. Na taj način
BH Telecom širi mogućnosti za razvoj nauke i struke u BiH.
7. Inovativnost je stalna briga BH Telecoma. U tom cilju je donešen Pravilnik o načinima
priznanja, implementacije i nagrađivanja novih ideja i rješenja koja pomažu u
unapređenju poslovanja BH Telecoma.

2.5.2. Opći akti BH Telecoma iz obrazovanju zaposlenika i pripravnika,

obavljanja praktičnog rada studenata i učenika i stipendiranja studenata
Pravni osnov za obrazovanje zaposlenika i pripravnika i obavljanju praktičnog rada studenata
i učenika u BH Telecomu, kao i stipendiranju studenata, su slijedeći akti:
1. Pravilnik o obrazovanju zaposlenika i pripravnika u Dioničkom društvu BH Telecom
Sarajevo broj: 00.1-2.1-6673/11-1 od 28.03.2011. godine;
2. Procedura Upravljanje obrazovanjem zaposlenika u Dioničkom društvu BH Telecom
Sarajevo QPG 6 - 20/02 od 02.03.2011. godine;
3. Uputstvo o stipendiranju studenata i organizovanju praktičnog rada studenata i učenika
u Dioničkom društvu BH Telecom Sarajevo broj: 00.1-2.1-6672/11 od 28.03.2011.
4. Uputstvo o službenim putovanjima u inozemstvo radi stručno-specijalističkih
usavršavanja zaposlenika Dioničkog društva BH Telecom Sarajevo broj: 00.1-2.1-
6670/11-1 od 28.03.2011. godine;
5. Uputstva o obliku, sadržaju i načinu vođenja evidencije, te roku čuvanja podataka u
evidenciji koje vodi Služba za obrazovanje u HR modulu SAP-a, broj: 00.1-2.1-6671/11
od 28.03.2011. godine.

2.5.3. Obrazovanje zaposlenika

Obrazovanje zaposlenika se primjenjuje za nadogradnju postojećih i sticanje novih znanja
zaposlenika u svim oblastima rada BH Telecoma, kroz razne oblike obrazovanja u zemlji
i inostranstvu na visokoškolskim ustanovama (univerzitetima/fakultetima), kompanijama
iz oblasti elektronskih komunikacija, kao i državnim institucijama, u cilju unapređenja
poslovnih procesa u BH Telecomu kao i sticanja zakonima predviđenih kvalifikacija
polaganjem stučnih ispita.

U cilju osiguranja potrebnih stručnih kadrova, zaposlenici BH Telecoma se obrazuju u skladu
sa slijedećim oblicima obrazovanja:
- Obrazovanje zaposlenika za sticanje naučnog stepena doktora,
- Obrazovanje zaposlenika za sticanje naučnog stepena magistra,
- Prekvalifikacija i dokvalifikacija,
- Stručno - specijalistička usavršavanja.

Obrazovanje zaposlenika za sticanje naučnog stepena doktora

Doktorski studij - treći ciklus je najviši oblik obrazovanja u okviru kojeg se stiče naučni stepen
doktora na akreditiranim visokoškolskih ustanova u Bosni i Hercegovini ili inostranstvu.
Zaključno sa 2010. godinom, BH Telecom je zaključio ugovore o regulisanju međusobnih
prava i obaveza sa 8 zaposlenika, za finansiranje obrazovanja za sticanje naučnog stepena
doktora u iznosu od 73.500,00 KM.

Obrazovanje zaposlenika za sticanje naučnog stepena magistra

Post-diplomski studij je oblik obrazovanja u okviru kojeg se stiče naučni stepen magistra na
univerzitetima u Bosni i Hercegovini ili inostranstvu.
Zaključno sa 2010. godinom, BH Telecom je zaključio ugovore o regulisanju međusobnih
prava i obaveza sa 106 zaposlenika, za finansiranje obrazovanja za sticanje naučnog stepena
magistra u iznosu od 845.517,50 KM.

Prekvalifikacija i dokvalifikacija
Prekvalifikacija je oblik obrazovanja kojim zaposlenici stiču drugu vrstu zanimanja u istoj
stručnoj spremi koju imaju, a dokvalifikacija je oblik obrazovanja kojim zaposlenici stiču viši
stepen stručne spreme od one koju imaju.
Zaključno sa 2010. godinom, BH Telecom je zaključio ugovore o regulisanju međusobnih
prava i obaveza sa 4 zaposlenika za finansiranje prekvalifikacija i dokvalifikacija u iznosu od
7.332,00 KM.
Stručno - specijalistička usavršavanja
Stručno - specijalističko usavršavanje je oblik obrazovanja kojim zaposlenici stiču nova
znanja i vještine u okviru svoje stručne spreme i radnog mjesta, a u cilju uspješnog praćenja
tehnološkog razvoja BH Telecoma. Ovaj oblik obrazovanja se realizuje kroz:
- specijalizirane akademije i druge visoko-stručne obuke, kurseve i seminare,
- polaganje stručnih ispita iz svih oblasti rada BH Telecoma.

Specijalizirane akademije i stručni ispiti

Zaključno sa 2010. godinom, BH Telecom je zaključio ugovore o regulisanju međusobnih
prava i obaveza sa 430 zaposlenika za finansiranje specijaliziranih akademija i stručnih ispita
u iznosu od cca 400.000,00 KM.

Stručni ispiti iz oblasti rada BH Telecoma
U 2006. godini je realizovano oko 75 seminara koje je pohađalo 350 zaposlenika, za što je
utrošeno cca 150.000,00 KM.
U 2007. godini je realizovano oko 110 seminara koje je pohađalo 370 zaposlenika, za što je
utrošeno cca 180.000,00 KM.
U 2008. godini je realizovano oko 122 seminara koje je pohađalo 476 zaposlenika, za što je
utrošeno cca 140.000,00 KM.
U 2009. godini je realizovano oko 85 seminara koje je pohađalo 306 zaposlenika, za što je
utrošeno cca 90.000,00 KM.

Obrazovanje pripravnika
Za sve pripravnike i novozaposlene u BH Telecomu organizuje se kolektivna obuka u skladu
sa Godišnjim operativnim planom obrazovanja pripravnika koji se sačinjava zasebno za
svaku tekuću godinu.

Stipendiranje studenata
BH Telecom kao društveno odgovorna kompanija, kao i u cilju dodatnog obezbjeđenja
potrebnih obrazovanih i stručnih kadrova, stipendira studente.

Zaključno sa 2010. godinom, BH Telecom je zaključio ugovore o stipendiranju sa 134

zaposlenika u vrijednosti od 321.000,00 KM.

Organizovanje praktičnog rada studenata i učenika

Kao društveno odgovorna kompanija BH Telecom organizuje obavljanje praktičnog rada za
redovne studente i učenike uz potvrdu obrazovnih ustanova da je praktični rad studenata ili
učenika (studentska, odnosno ferijalna praksa) sastavni dio nastavnih planova i programa.
Od 2006. do 2010. godine 645 studenata i učenika je obavilo praktični rad u BH Telecomu.


Interni dokumenti BH Telecoma

3. Investicije kroz vrijeme - izgradnja u periodu 1995.-2010.

Praćenje razvoja i toka investicionih ulaganja u infrastrukturu, servise i ostale resurse BH

Telecoma od perioda nastanka JP PTT saobraćaja kao bosansko-hercegovačkog preduzeća
do danas, predstavlja vjernu sliku rasta i razvoja samog Društva, i to ne samo našeg, BH
Telecoma. BH Telecom u tehnološkom razvoju, kroz način poslovanja i unapređenje
poslovnih procesa u proteklom periodu a i danas predstavlja avangardu na prostorima BiH.
Ovo možemo zaključiti, pored visine investicionih ulaganja, velikim dijelom i imajući u vidu
dosljednost u fazama investiranja i izgradnje, kojom se održava visok kvalitet urađenog čak
i u slučajevima kada se kratkoročno čini da je ovakav način rada neopravdan. Danas, kada
veliki dio telekomunikcijske i IT branše na našim prostorima u potrazi za brzim profitom
žrtvuje srednjoročni i dugoročni kvalitet instalirajući razna ad hoc rješenja, BH Telecom
zahvaljujući poštivanju svojih normi i dalje služi kao referensa za sve ostale.
Odabrali smo hronološki način vođenja kroz cjelokupni proces investiranja i izgradnje u
proteklom 15-godišnjem periodu, sa osvrtom i na godine samog nastanka Društva i ulaganja
u opstanak, a kasnije i njegov razvoj.
Poređenjem početnih godina sa današnjim stanjem, opravdano možemo reći da je BH
Telecom doživio svoje punoljetstvo: od preduzeća sa nesigurnim fizičkim opstankom
razvijeno je Društvo koje samo u poslove projektovanja danas investira više nego za sve
investicijske projekte u toku 1994. godine. Nije samo količina sredstava slika zrelosti: danas
su poslovni procesi i način upravljanja investicijskim aktivnostima udaljeni od početaka i
više nego ovo prvo.
3.1. Opstanak i prve investicije: 1992.-1994.
3.1.1. Telekomunikacijska deblokada države i međunarodne veze
Prva međunarodna veza Republike BiH
Početak aprila 1992. godine će se pamtiti kao početak otvorene i potpune agresije na Bosnu
i Hercegovinu, na njen suverenitet i integritet. Osim vojnog udara, uslijedio je također i
izuzetno snažan napad na njen telekomunikacioni sistem. Kreatori agresije počeli su u
potpunosti realizirati plan prekida protoka informacija i komuniciranja među ljudima.
Ukinuti protok informacija, ugasiti signal, isključiti električnu energiju, prekinuti promet
i slično, značilo je uništiti čovjeka modernih bosansko-hercegovačkih gradova, posebno
Sarajeva kao političkog, administrativnog i upravnog centra države. BH Telecom (JPP PTT
saobraćaja BiH) će pamtiti 02.05.1992. godine jer je unutrašnjom diverzijom i granatiranjem
uništena glavna upravna zgrada PTT-a. U nastalom požaru koji je izazvala diverzija, izgorila
je međunarodna, tranzitna i korisnička telefonska centrala ukupnog kapaciteta od 60.000
linija, sva zatečena dokumentacija i priručno skladište materijala. Bilo je i ljudskih žrtava.
Izuzetnim angažovanjem naših stručnjaka iz Direkcije Sarajevo, najvažniji korisnici
su priključeni na razervne kapacitete drugih telefonskih centrala. Tako su omogućene
komunikacije između državnih institucija. Već sredinom maja kapaciteti međunarodnih
linija su prepolovljeni. Treba znati da su sve međunarodne veze išle preko Beograda. Krajem
maja potpuno se isključuju sve međunarodne veze. Telekomunikacione veze unutar države
su takođe pokidane. U funkciji ostaju samo mala „ostrva“ u okviru kojih veoma otežano
funkcioniraju telekomunikacione veze.

Već početkom juna 1992. godine prvi „stručni timovi“ (3 do 5 „stručnjaka“) odlaze u Evropu
da nabave opremu za međunarodno povezivanje BiH. Poznato mi je da je izašlo cca 10
stručnih timova. Neki od njih se ni do danas nisu vratili. Ipak jedan tim je ozbiljno shvatio
potrebu povezivanja BiH sa svijetom i uz pomoć naših patriota iz Zagreba (Hrvatska), Beča
(Austrija) i Berna (Švajcarska) uspijevaju od Telekoma Švajcarske dobiti na revers (uz
odgođeno plaćanje) zemaljsku satelitsku stanicu. Početni kapacitet te satelitske stanice je bio
30 telefonskih kanala a preuzeta je u proljeće 1993. Mnogi smatraju da je time najveći dio
posla bio završen. Ispostavilo se da slijedi onaj najteži dio posla - prevoz zemaljske satelitske
stanice do Sarajeva, pronalazak najsigurnije lokacije za njeno postavljanje, obezbjeđenje
povezivanja, napajanja, itd.
Više puta je oprema dovožena do aviona na zagrebačkom aerodromu i vraćana u prostor naše
Ambasade u Zagrebu. Nije bilo jednostavno proći sve carinske barijere i uvjeriti „stručnjake“
UNPROFOR-a i UNHCR-a da pomognu u transportu opreme. Tek krajem avgusta 1993. naši
aktivisti uspijevaju opremu ubaciti u avion kao lični prtljag Predsjednika Predsjedništva BiH,
gospodina Alije Izetbegovića. Oprema konačno stiže u Sarajevo sa jednim obučenim našim
stručnjakom. U najkraćem roku tim je postavio i priključio opremu. Adaptaciju tranzitne
telefonske centrale u međunarodnu je izvršio naš tim stručnjaka. Međunarodna veza je
nakon testiranja puštena u funkciju 03.09.1993. a u javni saobraćaj 05. 09.1993. godine.
Tada je prvi put korišten međunarodni kod BiH „387“. Dan puštanja međunarodne veze u
javni saobraćaj, prvo korištenje međunarodnog koda 387 se smatra telekomunikacionom
deblokadom BiH i kao takav je određen da se obilježava kao „DAN BH TELECOMA“. U
proljeće 1994. u BiH se vraća ostatak tima i postavlja se i pušta u rad DCME oprema koja je
povećala kapacitet ove međunarodne veze na 150 kanala.
Moramo naglasiti da je u čitavom ovom poslu učestvovao veći broj naših stručnjaka, a
posebno je potrebno istaći pomoć i podršku patriota koji nisu bili zaposlenici PTT-a a dali su
veliki doprinos.
Krajem 1996. JP PTT saobraćaja BiH otkupljuje zemaljsku satelitsku stanicu od Telekoma
Švajcarske. Ovo se može smatrati prvom i strateškom investicijom, započetom 1993. a
finansijski dovršenom 1996. godine.
Druga zemaljska satelitska stanica u BiH
U proljeće 1994. na inicijativu i pomoć gospodina Hilme Ćerimovića (tada inžinjera i
penzionera PTT-a), PTT nabavlja zemaljsku satelitsku stanicu od Telekoma Italije. To je bila
vanserijska satelitska stanica. Satelit je radio u posebnom frekvencijskom opsegu (20/30
GHz) i pokrivao Italiju i dio BiH (do Sarajeva). Oprema je imala 3+1 uređaj sa antenama i
kapacitet od 180 kanala. Cijena opreme je bila 1,500.000 $ a otplaćivana je kroz saobraćaj.
Od Telekoma Italije (koji je bio vlasnik satelita) smo dobili besplatno korištenje 3 Mbit/s na
satelitu na 5 godina. Prevoz ove opreme se odvijao uz manje probleme zemaljskim putem
do Hrasnice pa kroz tunel ispod aerodroma u Sarajevo. Naš obučeni tim stručnjaka je u
rekordnom roku postavio i pustio u rad opremu sredinom jula 1994. godine. Zanimljivo je to
da je nabavka ove opreme i ugovor o tranzitiranju saobraćaja sa Telekomom Italije prisilio
Telekom Švajcarske da snizi cijenu tranzitiranja na 1/3. Kada se napravi proračun uštede
zbog sniženja cijene tranzitiranja, proizilazi da se ova investicija otplatila za mjesec dana
(praktično je oprema otplaćena ovom uštedom prije puštanja u funkciju).
Treća zemaljska satelitska stanica
Poslije pola godine pokušavanja, zadnjeg dana 1994. godine, na aerodrom Sarajevo je stigla
zemaljska satelitska stanica za vezu prema SAD-u. Dok su drugi skromno dočekivali Novu

godinu, grupa naših radnika uz pomoć nekoliko državnih službenika je prebacivala opremu
u naš objekat i prvih dana 1995. godine počela je montaža. Veza je puštena u rad početkom
aprila 1995. Karakteristika ove opreme je bila što je antena imala veliki prečnik (preko 6 m)
pa je bilo vrlo teško naći siguran prostor za smještaj. To je riješeno izgradnjom posebnog
zaštitnog krovišta pored zgrade PTT-a na Dolac Malti. Kapacitet ove veze je bio 2 Mbit/s i sa
DCME opremom 120 kanala. Zakupljeni su kapaciteti na satelitu INTELSAT.
3.1.2. Investicije u 1992. godini
Razvoj investicionih ulaganja i investiciona izgradnja u ratnim godinama u BH Telecomu
(tadašnjem JP PTT saobraćaja BiH) počinje i u prenesenom i u pravom značenju - od nule.
U tom periodu pokušaja fizičkog održanja postojeće infrastrukture, investiciona ulaganja
i izgradnja praktično nisu postojali. Cjelokupna infrastruktura JP PTT-a na jednom dijelu
teritorije BiH je izdvojena iz sistema i o njenom daljnjem razvoju nisu postojali nikakvi
Ukupno stanje kadrova u Društvu u toku 1992. godine je svedeno na efektivne četiri direkcije
- preduzeća, prema tada dostupnim podacima: PTT Zenica (708 radnika), PTT Tuzla (441
radnik), PTT Sarajevo (2.517 radnika) i Direkcija JP PTT-a (61 radnik).
U toku 1992. godine, među-mjesni telefonski saobraćaj postojao je između Sarajeva i slijedećih
mjesta: Tuzla, Zenica, Kiseljak, Fojnica, Kreševo, Breza i Igman. Ukupno je u međumjesnom
saobraćaju korišteno 225 javnih govornih kanala, na području Goražda praktično nije
postojala javna telekomunikaciona infrastruktura, područja Mostara i Livna su međumjesni
saobraćaj obavljala putem centrale u Splitu, dok je međumjesni i međunarodni saobraćaj sa
područja Bihaća obavljan putem jedne MOBITEL veze. Ukupni kapacitet mjesnih telefonskih
centrala koji su u saobraćaju u toku 1993. godine bio je 253.000 priljučaka, od kojih većina
nije bila u funkciji zbog oštećenja na pristupnoj mreži.
Početna tačka za razvoj međunarodnog saobraćaja je postavljanje 24-kanalnog analognog
RR sistema na relaciji Tuzla-Hrvatska. Sarajevo je imalo pristup tom sistemu preko samo
dva broja kao daleki pretplatnik do 24.6.1993. godine. Radio relejna veza Sarajeva preko
Kiseljaka je postojala i prema Splitu do aprila 1993. godine.
U toku 1993. godine,
dolazi do prekida
javnog saobraćaja sa
Igmanom, Kiseljakom,
Fojnicom i Kreševom,
tako da se postojeća
infrastruktura još
smanjuje. Ovo dakle
predstavlja svojevrsnu
referentnu nulu od
koje je pokrenut dalji
razvoj infrastrukture
Slika 3.1. Investiranje u toku 1992. godine - bez iznosa predviđenog za investiranje
3.1.3. Godina 1993.
U toku 1993. godine dolazi do većeg osipanja infrastrukture i telekomunikacijskog saobraćaja,
ali i prvih investicijskih ulaganja. Udari na infrastrukutru posebno su vidljivi na objektima
JP PTT-a. Građevinski objekti u kojim su smješteni komunikacioni uređaji su u velikoj

mjeri oštećeni, a neki i potpuno
uništeni. Uništena je Glavna pošta
u Sarajevu, telekomunikacioni
centar Stari Grad, a teško je
oštećeno niz značajnih objekata
kao što je telekomunikacioni
centar u Sarajevu, Glavni
poštanski saobraćajni centar,
PTT zgrade u Goraždu, Bihaću,
Bugojnu, itd.
Na osnovu grubih procjena, šteta
na kapacitetima i opremi u mreži
telekomunikacija iznosi oko 600
miliona USD.
U Sarajevu je uništeno 40.000
Slika 3.2. Objekat JP PTT u Goraždu nakon rata
mjesnih telefonskih priključaka, u
Mostaru 8.500, Goraždu 6.000, Bugojnu 10.000, itd. Ukupan broj ostvarenih minuta u toku
1993. godine bio je manji od istog u 1991. godini za oko 21 put. Mreža za prenos podataka
je van funkcije zbog oštećenja upravljačkog centra i komutacionog čvora u Sarajevu. Sva
oprema X.25 čvora Sarajevo je zbog granatiranja bila demontirana i sklonjena. Ukupan
kapacitet postojeće opreme je bio 75 priključaka X.25 i 20 priključaka X.28. Stanje uređaja
za napajanje je također bilo skoro na nuli. Od 15 kompleta ispravljača sa AKU baterijama na
području grada Sarajeva u toku 1993. godine u zadovoljavajućem stanju bila su samo dva.
Međunarodni telefonski saobraćaj, koji je prekinut u julu 1992. godine, ponovo je
uspostavljen u septembru 1993. godine puštanjem u rad 30-kanalnog satelitskog sistema
na relaciji Sarajevo-Basel, preko kojeg je međunarodna centrala u Sarajevu povezana sa
međunarodnom centralom u Cirihu, a preko nje sa 50-ak zemalja u svijetu sa rasporedom
10 odlaznih i 20 dolaznih vodova. Još nije moglo biti govora o investicijama kao značajnom
segmentu poslovanja. Sredstva planski predviđena za investicije praktično ne postoje, a
promjene i unapređenje rada sistema se obavljaju korištenjem postojeće ili donirane opreme
(za ostvarivanje pomenute međunarodne veze Sarajevo-Cirih korištena je postojeća rejonska
centrala AXE 10 kao međunarodna, i sl.).
Tokom 1993. godine zabilježeni su prvi tragovi realizovanih investicionih ulaganja. Tako
je u poslovnim knjigama zabilježeno ulaganje na objektu RR stanice Ilinčica u iznosu od
36.322 DEM, te u kupovinu
putničkog vozila u koju je
investirano dodatnih 8.720
DEM. Ove dvije „investicije“
predstavljaju prvu zabilježenu
nenultu vrijednost, što
najbolje pokazuje u kakvim
uslovima je započelo širenje i
U toku ove godine započeli su
radovi na izgradnji kablovske
veze do Konjica i prema
Mostaru, a kupljena je i Slika 3.3. Uništenje zgrade pošte u Bugojnu 1993.

satelitska stanica za vezu Sarajevo-New York. U gradu Sarajevu ponovo je pušteno u rad
oko 13.000 telefonskih priključaka. Krajem godine dolazi do uspostavljanja 1.800-kanalnog
sistema prenosa na relacijama Sarajevo-Zenica (pušten u saobraćaj 21.12.1993. godine) i
Zenica-Tuzla (pušten 24.12.1993. godine u rad), čime je znatno poboljšan kapacitet među-
mjesnog saobraćaja. Kvalitet usluge, s druge strane, zbog korištenja zastarjele opreme, bio je
još uvijek van propisanih normi.
U toku 1992. i 1993. godine okončana je procedura prijema Bosne i Hercegovine u
dvije međunarodne organizacije iz oblasti telekomunikacija i to: Međunarodni savez
telekomunikacija (prijem 20.10.1992.), te Evropsku organizaciju za telekomunikacije putem
satelita - EUTELSAT (22.3.1993.).

3.1.4. Godina 1994.

Krajem 1994. godine broj telefonskih priljučaka na području tadašnjeg JP PTT saobraćaja BiH
iznosio je 211.741 priključaka. Od postojeće infrastrukture treba napomenuti samo dužinu
kablovske kanalizacije u vlasništvu Preduzeća od ukupno 1.372 km cijevi. Mjesni i među-
mjesni saobraćaj održava se putem 24 čvorne i 83 krajnje telefonske centrale. Međunarodni
saobraćaj odvija se preko MnC Sarajevo (sada već 420 kanala), te preko TC Tuzla - sa 30
satelitskih vodova.
U toku 1994. godine počinju primjetnija investiciona ulaganja u telekomunikacijski sistem.
Ukupno je investirano 1,37 miliona DEM. Većina ulaganja u ovom periodu odnosi se na
razvoj telefonske mreže i to:
• Na području Sarajeva ugrađena je dodatna oprema za proširenje kapaciteta u
pristupnoj mreži (proširenje broja priljučaka i obnova razdjelnika);
• Investirano je u novih 300 priključaka na području pristupne mreže Pazarić;
• Na području Tuzle nabavljen je i montiran RR sistem „MINI LINK“, te je proširen i
poboljšan sistem napajanja za značajne telekomunikacijske objekte.
Po pitanju izgradnje građevinskih objekata za potrebe telekomunikacija u toku 1994. godine
investirano je u:
• Izgradnju platforme za satelitsku stanicu (Sarajevo);
• Ulaganja na RR stanici Ilinčica (Tuzla);
• Ulaganja u objekat Pošta Simin Han (Tuzla).
Rad informacionog sistema u toku 1994. godine obilježen je problemima sa nedostatkom
električne energije, čestim ispadima, problemima sa licencama sistemskog software-a, itd.
Te godine prva investiciona ulaganja u razvoj informacione mreže su realizovana kupovinom
računara za područja Tuzle i Sarajeva.
I pored ovih skromnih početaka, značajno je da je tokom 1994. godine započet proces
sistematskog planiranja i realizacije investicijskih ulaganja, koji će veoma brzo od samog
reagovanja na krizne situacije i „gašenje požara“ prerasti u jedan od najsloženijih procesa u

3.2. Period ubrzane obnove: 1995.- 1999. godine

3.2.1. Investiciona ulaganja 1995. godine
U 1995. godini počinje ubrzan rast investicionih ulaganja. Zbog različitih prioriteta pojedinih
projekata, cjelokupni plan investicijskih ulaganja podijeljen je na:
• Plan prioriteta - osnovni magistralni i međunarodni kapaciteti, kao i završetak

započetih objekata i ulaganja u povezivanje izolovanih područja, u ukupnom iznosu
od 21,6 miliona DEM;
• Plan investicija u poštansku i telekomunikacionu mrežu - sadrži ostale projekte, u
ukupnom iznosu od 27,4 miliona DEM.
Ukupni plan investicijskih ulaganja je realizovan sa 19,8 miliona DEM što je 14,5 puta
više nego prethodne godine. Od ove godine se i može govoriti o stvarnom investiranju.
Sredstva su usmjeravana prvenstveno u pravcu brze normalizacije rada telekomunikacione
infrastrukture, povezivanje pokidanog sistema, te jačanje magistralnih i međunarodnih
Ulaganje u telekomunikacionu mrežu
Najviše sredstava predviđeno je za nabavku i instalaciju automatskih telefonskih centrala,
sistema prenosa, pristupnih mreža i obnovu uređaja za napajanje. Na više kraćih relacija
položeni su optički kablovski sistemi (Sarajevo - Pazarić), izgrađena je kablovska kanalizacija.
Puštena je u rad satelitska veza na relaciji Sarajevo - New York, kapaciteta 24 telefonska
kanala. Također, u toku ove godine ugovorena je nabavka satelitske stanice za vezu sa
Izgrađen je RR sistem kapaciteta
1.920 telefonskih kanala na relacijama
Tuzla - Ilinčica i Tuzla - Okresanica,
kao i niz manjih RR i kablovskih
sistema prenosa. U toku ove godine
ugovorena je i nabavka međunarodne
telefonske centrale u Sarajevu.
Ulaganje u građevinske objekte
Ukupna ulaganja u 1995. godini
u građevinske objekte iznose 2,7
miliona DEM. Izvršena je sanacija
većeg broja pošta na čitavom području
JP PTT saobraćaja BiH. Investirano
Slika 3.4.a. RR stanica Hotilj kod Gračanice nakon rata je u izgradnju građevinskih objekata
na RR stanicama Lisac, Okresanica
i Ilinčica, čime su stvoreni uslovi za
izgradnju dobre kičmene RR mreže,
kao i za podršku budućem razvoju
mobilne mreže.
Ulaganje u informacione
sisteme i mrežu za prenos
Uporedo sa transformacijama
organizacije Društva i izgradnjom
fizičke infrastrukture nastavlja se i
širenje mreže za prenos podataka i
kompletnog informacionig sistema.
Slika 3.4b. Stanica Hotilj danas Uspostavljena je računarska mreža sa

Direkcijama PTT u Zenici, Bugojnu, Mostaru, Brčkom i Tuzli, kao i veza PTT Inženjeringa sa
Direkcijom PTT saobraćaja Sarajevo. U okviru aktivnosti vezanih za izgradnju javne mreže
za prenos podataka 11.10.1995. godine potpisan je Protokol o saradnji između Deutche
Telekom-a i JP PTT saobraćaja BiH kojim se predviđa izgradnja javne mreže za prenos
podataka u BiH.
3.2.2. Investiciona ulaganja 1996. godine
Prva mirnodopska godina u BiH je za JP PTT saobraćaja BiH značila početak eksplozivnog
razvoja, koji je okarakterisan i ambicioznim planom investicionoih ulaganja od ukupno 155,3
miliona DEM (3 puta više u odnosu na prethodnu godinu). Rezultat je to prvo potrebe da
se obnovi izgubljeno na prostornom planu - kapaciteti i fizička infrastruktura, te ono na
vremenskoj osi - da se uhvati ukoštac sa svjetskim tokovima u uslugama i tehnologijama
koje nisu mirovale prethodnih godina. Zbog toga ova godina označava i početak realizacije
nekoliko vitalnih projekata za Društvo, kao što su: GSM mreža, javna mreža za prenos
podataka - BIHpak, te prenosni sistem brzine 155 Mbps u SDH tehnologiji.
Investiranje u razvoj PTT sistema u toku 1996. godine je planom razdvojen u nekoliko glavnih
prioiritetnih pravaca i to: obnova pristupnih mreža, obnova komutacionih čvorišta, obnova
objekata, izgradnja mobilne telefonije i mreže za prenos podataka. Ukupno je realizovano 50
miliona DEM planiranih investicija ili 2,5 puta više u odnosu na prethodnu godinu.
Ulaganje u magistralne i međunarodne sisteme prenosa, mreže i komutacije
Značajna ulaganja (u ukupnom iznosu od 12,2 miliona DEM) ostvarena su u izgradnju
magistralnih i međunarodnih sistema prenosa. U toku 1996. godine izgrađeni su slijedeći
sistemi prenosa: RR sistem prenosa Sarajevo-Zenica-Tuzla, RR sistem prenosa Sarajevo-
Mostar, satelitski sistem prenosa Sarajevo-Stockholm, satelitski sistem Sarajevo-Munchen,
te RR sistem Sarajevo-Goražde. Također, realizovane su mini-link veze Sarajevo-Mostar,
Sarajevo-Goražde, te Sarajevo-Olovo.
Od sistema prenosa na hijerarhiji glavnih i čvornih centrala, realizovani su projekti optičkih
sistema prenosa: Breza-Vareš-Olovo, Sarajevo-Breza, Ilinčica-Kladanj, Tuzla-Kalesija.
Izgrađene su RR veze Lisin-Kakanj, Lisin-Jablanica, te Sanski Most-Zenica.
Investiralo se u izgradnju pristupnih mreža i to: Olovo-Solun, Sarajevo-Pazarić, Breza-Župča,
Ćuništa, Careva Ćuprija (Sarajevo), Tuzla-Dubrave, Paša Bunar, Poljice, Šerići, Živinice
U razvoj magistralnih i međunarodnih komutacionih sistema investirano je ukupno 24
miliona DEM. Realizovana je izgradnja međunarodne centrale MnC SA I (EWSD), te TC
Mostar. Na nivou čvornih i krajnjih centrala, investirano je ukupno 12,7 miliona DEM,
opremljene su centrale u Olovu, Visokom, Travniku, Kaknju, Zavidovićima, Bugojnu,
Maglaju, Sarajevu, itd.
Ulaganje u građevinske objekte
U izgradnju i rekonstrukciju građevinskih projekata investirano je oko 2,3 miliona DEM. Za
potrebe RR veze kapaciteta 155 Mbps Sarajevo-Zenica izgrađen je objekat Lisac (građevinski
objekat sa čeličnim stubom), zajedno sa sanacijom pristupnog puta Gradišće-Lisac.
Za potrebe RR veze Sarajevo-Mostar na lokalitetima Lisin, Fortica i Velika Vidova još u toku
1994. godine postavljeni su kontejneri kao privremeno rješenje, te urađeni trajni stubovi na
velikoj Vidovi 1994. godine, a na Lisinu i Fortici započet je i završen trajni stub u toku 1996.
godine. Za sve objekte je izgrađen ili saniran pristupni put.

Započeta je izgradnja antenskog stuba Hadžića Brdo za potrebe RR veze Sarajevo-Goražde,
a za potrebe RR veze Sarajevo-Srednja Bosna završena je sanacija RR stanice V. Manjača,
Gladovo, Zlokos, te stub kod Travnika. U toku 1996. godine je saniran objekat Glavne pošte u
Gornjem Vakufu, Bugojnu, te gradnja stuba na Glavnoj pošti u Zavidovićima i Zlokosu, kao i
sanacija stubova u Tešnju i Maglaju.
Urađena je sanacija Glavne pošte Maglaj, te krajnjih pošta Kosova i Jablanica. U Tuzli je
završena sanacija Glavne pošte Tuzla, hidroskopsko postrojenje TKC Tuzla, te krajnje pošte
Paša Bunar, Stupari, Đurđevik, Gornje Dubrave, Čelić, poštanski centar Kreka i stub Teočak.
U Bihaću je saniran ravni krov, TKC I sprat, kao i objekti na lokacijama: Ozimice, Harmani,
Ripač, Šturlić, Vrnogorač, Glavna pošta Bosanska Krupa, Jezerski, Pištaline, Glavna pošta
Bosanski Petrovac i TKC.
Na području Mostara saniran je objekat Južni Logor - Solid, sanirani su objekti u Čelebićima
i Bradini, te izrađena projektno tehnička dokumentacija za Glavnu poštu u Konjicu.
U Direkciji Sarajevo sanirani su djelimično objekti TKC Dolac Malta, zgrada ATC Baš-čaršija,
Alipašino polje, Vogošća, Hrasnica, Plandište, Semizovac, Hadžići, Ferhadija, Fojnica,
Podlugovi, Srednje, Ilidža, Koševo i GPC Sarajevo.

Ulaganje u informacione sisteme i mrežu za prenos podataka

Tokom 1996. godine vrši se kadrovska i materijalna konsolidacija cjelokupne organizacije
Društva zadužene za IT podršku. Hardware-ska platforma je značajno proširena sa IBM
host računarom koji pokriva putem računarske mreže Direkcije Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zenica,
Mostar i Travnik, sa 72 terminalna priključka i oko 50.000 transakcija dnevno. Pripremljena
je platforma za konfiguraciju LAN mreže u okviru koje je značajna instalacija peer-to-peer
mreže PC računara, kao i klijent-server mreže.
Na sistemskom software-u je napravljena izmjena na oko 40% ukupnog software-a, sa
standardizacijom sistemskog software-a na nivou cijelog Društva. Ukupna aplikaciona
podrška razvijena je za fakturisanje PTT usluga, aplikacije za ekonomsko poslovanje, PTT
statistiku, zapis obavljenih poziva (toll ticketing), integrisane usluge za službe 988, 977 i 971,
istorijat priključaka i smetnji, obradu penzija, knjigu 101, praćenje novih pretplatnika od
šaltera do realizacije, telefonski imenik, te kadrovsku evidenciju.
Započet je razvoj aplikacija za: praćenje satelitskog saobraćaja, praćenje poštanskih
vrijednosnica, te unos i obradu podataka u glavnom saobraćaju.
U toku ove godine sačinjen je projekat „Implementacija Internet servisa“, kojim je definisan
daljnji razvoj informacione mreže. Rekapitulacija ulaganja, materijalnih i u radnim satima
zaposlenika, rezultirala je znatnim prevazilaženjem posljedica izolacije od tehnološkog razvoja
tokom prethodnih nekoliko godina. Ovo se odnosi i na kadrovsku strukturu zaposlenika:
postaje pravilo da se uz svaku investiciju i nabavku rješenja vrši obuka zaposlenika BH
Telecoma iz eksploatacije i kastomizacije.

3.2.3. Investiciona ulaganja 1997. godine

Nastavljaju se aktivnosti na obnovi, izgradnji i modernizaciji mreže, te povećanju obima
usluga i poboljšanju kvaliteta postojećih. Izražen rast planiranih i realizovanih investicija
započet u poslijeratnom periodu nastavlja se i u 1997. godini, pa je tako u toku ove godine
ukupan plan iznosio 125,8 miliona DEM, a realizacija 77,8 miliona DEM (1,6 puta više od
prethodne godine, 4 puta više od 1995. godine, ili 57 puta više od 1994. godine).

Organizacija Društva je, slijedeći izmjene u poslovanju u okruženju i potrebe poslovnih
procesa, također donekle izmijenjena. Posljedica ulaganja u prethodnoj i ovoj godini sada je
vidljiva na porastu instalisanih kapaciteta - kapacitet priključaka uvećan je za 17% u odnosu
na prethodnu godinu. U rad je puštena EWSD međunarodna centrala, tako da je trenutni
saobraćaj podijeljen između dvije komutacije (AXE, EWSD). Na kapacitetima međunarodnih
i magistralnih VF stanica u prošloj godini došlo je do proširenja kapaciteta, kao i do velikog
stepena digitalizacije prenosnih kapaciteta. U odnosu na 1996. godinu, u kojoj je dominantan
bio analogni prenos, u 1997. godini se odnos promijenio u korist digitalnog tipa prenosa.
Broj međunarodnoh vodova na satelitskim stanicama uvećan je za dvije 2-megabitne grupe
za potrebe prenosa podataka.
U mreži za prenos podataka projektovan je mrežno-upravljački centar, koji se sastoji od dvije
radne stanice SUN Spare. Zastupljene su brzine prenosa 1.2 kbps do 64 kbps preko X.25,
SNA i ITI protokola.
Udio mobilnog saobraćaja u toku 1997. godine u ukupnom saobraćaju iznosi 0,3% -
dominantno je učešće fiksne mreže u ukupnom saobraćaju. Prvi put je zabilježen prihod od
usluga mobilne mreže i iznosi 12,7 miliona KM, ili 5 % od ukupnog prihoda.
Ulaganja u mrežu rezultirala su i značajnim povećanjem stepena kvaliteta usluge. Tako je
ukupan broj smetnji na međunarodnim relacijama u toku 1997. godine smanjen na 38%
od ukupnog broja iz prethodne godine, a broj smetnji na relacijama unutar mrežne grupe
smanjen je na 28% od ukupnog broja iz prethodne godine.

Ulaganje u mjesne telefonske mreže

Ulaganje u mjesne telefonske mreže u 1997. godini iznosilo je 6,7 miliona DEM. Po pitanju
mjesnih mreža, investirano je u mreže Mostar, Potoci, Konjic, Čelebići, Neretvica, Ostrožac,
Podorašac i Jablanica-Lug (Mostar), Gornja Tuzla, Srebrenik, Doboj Istok, Čage (Tuzla),
Fojnica (Sarajevo), Babino i Puhovac, Tetovo, Stranjani i Lokvine (Zenica), Goražde,
Mravinjac, Osanica, Ilovača (Goražde).

Ulaganje u komutacione sisteme

Realizovano je 17,2 miliona DEM investicija u nabavku i ugradnju komutacionih sistema.
Komutacije su ugrađene u centralama Podorašac, Ostrožac, Mostar, Bihać, Kladanj, Jasenica,
Šibošnica, Vražići, Humci, Sapna, Čelić, Klokotnica, Tuzla, Srebrenik, Čage, Sarajevo-Stari
Grad, Ilijaš, Hadžići, Vogošća, Zenica, Kakanj, Starposle, Tetovo, Lokvine, Stranjani, Ćatići,
Visoko, Travnik, Bugojno, Ilovača.

Ulaganje u sisteme prenosa

Realizovano je 17,7 miliona DEM investicija u sisteme prenosa. Po pitanju sistema prenosa,
investirano je u izgradnju linkova: RR Lisin-Konjic, LS Mostar-Potoci, LS Konjic-Podorašac,
RR Velika Gomila - Bužim, RR Velika Gomila - Sanski Most, RR Bihać - Brekovica, RR
Živinice - Dubrave, RR Tuzla - Gradačac, RR Tuzla - Brka,
Optički sistemi prenosa realizovani sa na pravcima: OK Mostar - Fortica, OK Srebrenik -
Okresanica, OK Šićki Brod - Tuzla, OK Tuzla - Kalesija, OK Vogošća - Breza, OK Vareš -
Vijaka, OK Breza - Vareš, OK Sarajevo - Dejčići, OK Tešanj - Matuzići, OK Breza - Vareš
- Olovo, Travnik - Turbe, Ustikolina -Goražde, Goražde - Ilovača.
U multipleksnu opremu za SDH uloženo je 4 miliona DEM, a u izgradnju RR veza Sarajeva
prema Bihaću, Goraždu, Mostaru, te optičkih vodova Sarajeva prema Tuzli i Mostaru
investirano je dodatnih 4,7 miliona DEM.

Ulaganje u objekte
Investirano je 4,3 miliona DEM u izgradnju objekata, od kojih treba pomenuti zgradu
pošte u Vrapčićima, zgrada PTT Teočak, Trafo-stanicu Tuzla, izgradnju objekta u Bužimu,
investiranje na lokalitetu zgrade Dolac Malta, adaptaciju objekta Travnik, investiranje u
poštansku zgradu u Goraždu, te u Sarajevu na lokalitetu Obala, kao i u izgradnju baznih
stanica za potrebe mobilne mreže.
Ulaganje u mrežu za prenos podataka
U toku 1997. godine investirano je ukupno 2,3 miliona DEM u razvoj mreže za prenos
podataka. Prvi put je zabilježen prihod od BIHPAK mreže u iznosu oko 16.000 KM.
Ulaganje u razvoj mobilne mreže
U oblasti mobilne mreže počinje „baby-boom“ - mali broj korisnika (863) iz 1996. godine
brzo raste na 8.200, koliko je zabilježeno 1997. godine. Broj aktivnih GSM stanica porastao
je na 32.
3.2.4. Investiciona ulaganja 1998. godine
Velik zamah u investicionim ulaganjima u toku prethodne dvije godine osjetio se već u 1998.
godini, kada je dobit Društva uvećana za dva puta u odnosu na prethodnu godinu. Ukupni
plan investicijskih ulaganja ove godine je iznosio 106,9 miliona KM.
U toku ove godine urađeno je 626 km među-mjesnih kablovskih linija i time je ostvareno
povećanje od 2,5 puta u odnosu na stanje u 1997. godini. U mobilnoj mreži izvršeno je
povećanje kapaciteta komutacije na 50.000 brojeva, te uz stalna proširenja pristupne GSM
infrastukture došlo se do broja od oko 25.000 GSM priključaka ili 3 puta više u odnosu na
1997. godinu.
Krajem 1998. godine, JP PTT ima ukupno instalisane 254 komutacije, od kojih 245
pretplatničkih komutacija sa 452.000 instaliranih priključaka. Od toga 8 komutacija ima
instalirane ISDN priključke. U ovoj godini, procenat digitalizacije na nivou komutacija još
uvijek je tek oko 32%.
U toku godine obavljeno je proširenje kapaciteta i u dijelu opreme za prenos GSM signala,
tako da je u odnosu na 32 baznih stanica u toku 1997. godine, kapacitet povećan na 44 bazne
Povećana ulaganja rezultiraju i povećanjem stepena kvaliteta usluge - u toku 1998. godine
je srednje vrijeme trajanja smetnji upola manje od prethodne godine. Investirano je ukupno
54,9 miliona KM.
Ulaganja u sisteme prenosa i zgrade
U toku 1998. godine je nastavljen trend intenzivne gradnje prenosnih digitalnih sistema i
na ovom planu su ostvareni značajni rezultati. Završen je optički sistem prenosa Sarajevo-
Zenica 622 Mbps (prvi tranzitni optički prsten) i sarajevski prsten kapaciteta 2,5 Gbps. U
toku ove godine završen je novi PTT objekat u Bužimu.
3.2.5. Investiciona ulaganja 1999. godine
U toku ove godine završeni su neki kapitalni projekti na infrastrukturi JP PTT-a (izgradnja
velikog broja pristupnih mreža, povezivanje tranzitnih područja optičkim kablom,
obnova Glavne zgrade Obala 8, zaokruženje informacionog sistema i početak ulaganja u

prodaju usluga), čime su stečeni uslovi za slijedeću etapu u razvoju: širenje i učešće u
konkurentskoj utrci. U ovoj godini su i kadrovski formirane službe za realizaciju investicija
u svim dijelovima Društva sa osnovnom zadaćom planiranja i katalizacije realizacije sve
složenijih i obimnijih investicijskih projekata.

Ulaganja u pristupne mreže

U toku 1999. godine dolazi do značajne izgradnje na nivou pristupnih mreža i rekonstrukcije
postojećih. Ova aktivnost vođena je kroz donaciju Evropske Komisije koja je bila namijenjena
za 22 pristupne mreže na cijelom području Federacije. Više od polovine ovih pristupnih
mreža je u toku godine u potpunosti završeno, a građevinski radovi su završeni za sve mreže.
Ovim projektom stvoreni su uslovi za oko 15.000 novih telefonskih priključaka u pristupnom
dijelu mreže. Nabavljen je materijal za izgradnju 64 nove pristupne mreže putem kredita
EBRD-a, od kojih je izgradnja 44 njih započeta u toku 1999. godine. Prvi put na teritoriji JP
PTT saobraćaja BiH izgrađene su tri pristupne bežične DECT mreže u Prači, Podveležju i
Treba reći da je značajan dio infrastrukutre u pristupnom dijelu urađen i mimo planiranih
investicija JP PTT-a, tj. učešćem građana. Tako je na području Banovića urađeno 8 mjesnih
mreža u vrijednosti od 4,8 miliona KM, na području Kaknja, Visokog, Moštra, Babino i
Puhovac - 2,5 miliona KM; Potoci, Drežnica i Humići - oko pola miliona KM. Ukupno je u
pristupne mreže investirano 26,3 miliona KM.

Ulaganja u prenosne sisteme

Prioritet u izgradnji prenosnih sistema u 1999. godini dat je povezivanju svih tranzitnih
područja optičkim vlaknom. Tako je završena izgradnja optičkog spojnog puta Sarajevo
- Mostar i Sarajevo - Tuzla (alternativni pravac preko Vareša i Careve Ćuprije). Završena
je izgradnja optičkog puta Sarajevo - Goražde i Zenica - Travnik - Donji Vakuf. Ovom
izgradnjom su sve tranzitne centrale povezane optičkim vlaknom sa Sarajevom. Na lokalnom
nivou, položeni su optički kablovi na relacijama Sanski Most - Ključ, Bihać - Cazin - Bužim -
Velika Kladuša, Zenica - Nemila - Zavidovići, Tuzla - Srebrenik - Brka, Lukavac - Gračanica
- Klokotnica, te niz manjih relacija za povezivanje komutacija na područjima općina Ključ,
Banovići, Lukavac, Kalesija, Zenica, Tešanj, Travnik, Mostar, Konjic, te na području Sarajeva
i Nemile. Ugrađeno je oko 450 km optičkog kabla sa 8 i 24 vlakna, te izvršeni građevinski
radovi za oko još 150 km optičkog kabla. Izvršena je nabavka opreme za izgradnju alternativne
RR veze Sarajevo - Bihać.
Što se tiče međunarodnih veza, izvršen je prelaz sa satelitskog na terestrijalni međunarodni
link sa Italijom, prošireni su kapaciteti sa Norveškom, kao i veze Sarajevo - Frankfurt i
Sarajevo - Rim. Ukupno je u prenosne sisteme investirano 13 miliona KM.

Ulaganje u komutacione sisteme

U toku 1999. godine proširena je mređunarodna EWSD centrala, kao i kapaciteti za
Francusku, Norvešku, Austriju i Njemačku. U rad su puštene čvorne centrale u Banovićima,
Kalesiji, Lukavcu, Gračanici, Ključu, Velikoj Kladuši, te proširene centrale u Mostaru, Tuzli,
Bihaću, Vogošći i Starom Gradu. Izvršena je nabavka i montaža tranzitne centrale u Goraždu.
Instalisano je oko 80.000 novih telefonskih priključaka na komutacionom dijelu mreže, uz
ukupne investicije od 28,4 miliona KM.

Ulaganje u mobilne sisteme
U komutacionom dijelu mobilne mreže, u 1999. godini je izvršeno proširenje MSC-a kao i
proširenje kapaciteta MSC/HLR/VLR-a na 80.000 korisnika. Proširen je kapacitet BSC-a na
512 primo-predajnika, uz puštanje u rad komercijalnog roaming-a sa 21 GSM operatorom.
U radio dijelu, postavljene su 32 nove bazne stanice, uz proširenje kapaciteta postojećih
16 baznih stanica (zamjena antenskog sistema ili rekonfiguracija bazne stanice). Tokom
priprema samita Pakta o stabilnosti Jugo-istočne Europe, uspješno je izvršena instalacija i
deinstalacija dvije bazne stanice na lokaciji stadiona Koševo, četiri mikro bazne stanice i dva
repeater-a locirana u Zetri.
Ulaganje u mrežu za prenos podataka
Završeni su radovi na instalaciji i puštanju u funkciju 24 čvorišta BIHnet-a na cijelom
području JP PTT saobraćaja BiH. U potpunosti je promijenjena koncepcija servera i servisa
na dijelu BIHnet-a (sa centralizovane na distribuiranu koncepciju). Realizovan je projekat
BIHpak mreže u saradnji sa firmom Netas, te projekat daljinskog nadzora i upravljanja
modemima u BIHnet i BIHpak mreži.

Ulaganje u informacione sisteme

Zaokružen je ciklus strateškog razvoja informacionog sistema JP PTT-a. Realizovanim
projektima definisane su sve bitne komponente konfiguracije svih segmenata sistema.
Pored objedinjavanja informacionog sistema zasnovanog na Oracle relacionim bazama
kao tehničkom osnovom, izvršeno je objedinjavanje svih postojećih baza podataka (baze
podataka za obračun usluga, za podatke
o pretplatnicima, priključcima, itd.).
Uspješno je izvršena realizacija obračunskog
sistema mobilne telefonije. Rezultat svega
je i priprema podataka za prvi jedinstveni
telefonski imenik JP PTT saobraćaja.
Ukupno je investirano 6,4 miliona KM.

Ulaganje u građevinske objekte

Kao najveći realizovani projekat u građevini
je završetak izgradnje druge etape
sarajevske Pošte na Obali, tako da je oko
3.500 m2 stavljeno u funkciju, uz početak
radova i na fasadi objekta. Izvršena je i
izgradnja niz manjih objekata za smještaj
telekomunikacione opreme (Karaula -
Travnik, Prača, Glavatičevo). Započeta je
izgradnja šest objekata na području Bihaća,
kao i izgradnja objekata Pošte i BH Telecoma
u Brki. Za potrebe GSM-a izgrađeno je
novih 8 RR stanica, te izvršena adaptacija
građevinskih objekata za smještaj baznih
stanica i opreme. Ukupno je investirano 7,9
miliona KM. Slika 3.5. Oprema BH Telecoma na Paljeniku - Vlašić

Ulaganje u marketing i usluge
U toku 1999. godine sistemski se pristupa, putem Sektora za usluge, aktivnostima na polju
organizacije, ponude, i prodaje telekomunikacionih usluga, naslućujući budući novi prelaz
sa tehnološki orjentirane na servisno orjentiranu firmu. Pored prodaje usluga, počinje se
značajnije investirati u izradu uputstava i pravilnika o telekomunikacionim uslugama,
prikupljanju i analizi podataka, obrazovanju radnika koji su zaduženi za kontakt s korisnikom,
3.3. Period širenja: 1999.- 2006. godine
U ovaj period JP PTT saobraćaja BiH ulazi sa već konsolidovanom infrastrukturom,
uređenim komutacionim područjuma povezanim optičkom infrastrukturom, obnovljenim
najznačajnijim građevinskim objektima, te postavljenim temeljima za daljnji razvoj GSM
infrastrukture. Zaostatak za svjetskim tokovima je značajno kompenziran, a investiciona
ulaganja se vežu za najnovije trendove.
3.3.1. Investiciona ulaganja 2000. godine
U 2000. godini uveden je i novi plan numeracije na prostoru cijele BiH. Postepeno se
uvode promjene hijerarhijske strukture komutacione mreže u korist izdvojenih stupnjeva.
Tehnologija komutacije se unapređuje pa je digitalnih komutacija 46% u odnosu na 30%
prethodne godine. Ukupno je investirano 70,1 milion KM.
Ulaganje u komutacione i informacione sisteme
Završena je montaža kombinovano - tranzitne centrale Goražde kapaciteta 8.000 portova,
sa dva izdvojena pretplatnička modula. Proširena je kombinovano - tranzitna centrala
Tuzla sa tri izdvojena pretplatnička stepena kapaciteta 11.000 portova; završena je montaža
čvorne centrale Nemila sa osam izdvojenih pretplatničkih modula kapaciteta 7.000 portova.
Završena je montaža izdvojenih pretplatničkih modula Podzvizd, Vrnograč i Zborište vezanih
na čvornu centralu Velika Kladuša; montirana je čvorna centrala Konjic ukupnog kapaciteta
8.000 portova sa jedanaest udaljenih pretplatničkih modula; montirana čvorna centrala
Brka kapaciteta 3.000 portova sa udaljenim pretplatničkim modulima Maoča, Islamovac,
Rašljani i Palanka. Montirana su tri udaljena pretplatnička modula na području općine
Bužim, puštena je u rad krajnja centrala Vrhpolje, montirani udaljeni moduli Šljivići kod
Zavidovića i Jablanica kod Maglaja. Pušteno je u rad pet izdvojenih pretplatničkih modula:
Kaonik, Guča gora, Mehurići, Preočica i Han Bila na tranzitnoj centrali Travnik. Montirani su
i pušteni u rad udaljeni pretplatnički stepeni Tarčin, Pazarić, Hotonj, Kobilja Glava, Rainci,
Vukoviji i Jelovo Brdo, Tišina, Opara, Bjelimići, Pašci i Par Selo, Prigrađani i Spiljani. Ukupno
je investirano 3,6 miliona KM.
Ukupna ulaganja u informacione sisteme u toku 2000. godine iznose 4,4 miliona KM.
Ulaganje u pristupne mreže
Puštene su u rad četiri DECT mreže: Prača, Podveležje, Stari Vitez i Brka. Završena je izgradnja
pristupnih mreža na području Nemile, Tršće i Brnjica kod Kaknja, Buci kod Visokog, Solina u
Tuzli, Rašljani, Palanka i Maoča u Brki, Pašci i Par Selo kod Tuzle, Boračko jezero, Glavatičevo
i Bjelimići kod Konjica, Glogošnica i Paprasko kod Jablanice, Dolac kod Travnika.
Izvršeno je ugovaranje materijala za 24 mjesne mreže, a počela je i izgradnja 10 mjesnih
mreža na području Travnika, Bihaća i Zenice iz EBRD programa predviđenih u 2000. godini.
Ukupno je investirano 15 miliona KM.

Ulaganje u sisteme prenosa
Završena je montaža optičkog kabla na relaciji Bihać - Cazin - Bužim - Velika Kladuša dužine
80 km, Gornja Drežnica - Donja Drežnica dužine 15 km, Konjic - RSS-ovi dužine 40 km, Tuzla
- Srebrenik - Okresanica - Brka - RSS-ovi dužine 70 km, Zenica - Nemila - Zavidovići - RSS-
ovi dužine 90 km. Na svim ovim dionicama je montirana i puštena u rad linijska oprema.
Također, montirana su i dva digitalna cross-connect-a (DXC) u Zenici i Tuzli.
Ulaganje u mobilnu mrežu
Montirane su bazne stanice Krivajevići, Bosanska Krupa, Komar, Rašljani, Ustikolina,
Paklenik, Gornja Tuzla, Vozuća, Nemila, Kraljeva Sutjeska, Kopišanj, Vrana, Prača, Semizovac-
Vranjak, Sastavci-Butile. Izvršeno je dodatno proširenje MSC1 za 30.000 pretplatnika, kao
i proširenje postojećih baznih stanica koje su zagušene. Montiran je i pušten u rad MSC/
BSC2 kapaciteta 180.000 priključaka. Ugovoren je i montiran IN čvor za mobilnu telefoniju.
Ukupno je investirano 34 miliona KM.
Ulaganje u objekte
Završena je rekonstukcija objekta Glavne pošte Obala i počela rekonstrukcija Upravne zgrade
Mostar. Radovi na izgradnju pošte Tešanj su u velikoj mjeri realizovani, a u ovoj godini
priprema se i dokumentacija za izgradnju poštanskih centara Mostar i Bihać. Izgrađeno je,
adaptirano i sanirano niz manjih objekata za smještaj telekomunikacione opreme za fiksnu i
mobilnu mrežu. Ukupno je investirano 1,5 miliona KM.
3.3.2. Investiciona ulaganja 2002.
Od 2002. godine BH Telecom Sarajevo
posluje samostalno. Glavni akcenat je
stavljen na proširenje GSM mreže, pa je
kapacitet mreže proširen sa 300.000 novih
korisnika sa mogućnošću proširenja do
milion korisnika. U radio dijelu do kraja
2002. godine instalirane su ukupno 92 bazne
stanice, od čega je na novim lokacijama 45
na području RS, što predstavlja ukupno
povećanje od 75% u odnosu na ukupni
kapacitet koji je postojao do kraja 2001.
godine (140 baznih stanica).
Tokom 2002. godine dolazi do punog
izražaja faktor rasta konkurencije na
prosturu cijele BiH u mobilnoj mreži. GSM
mreža BH Telecoma sada ima preko 400.000
korisnika i započinje ubrzano širenje
na područje cijele BiH, u cilju osvajanja
tržišta. Ova konkurentnost značajno utiče
na organizaciju preduzeća, vrši se ponovna
reorganizacija cijelog preduzeća (pored
odvajanja od BH Pošte), te se uspostavlja
Slika 3.6. Objekat BS Vrana pod snijegom posebna Direkcija za pružanje usluga

paketskom mrežom, kao i Direkcija za poslovnu podršku. U toku 2002. godine izvršena je
potpuna liberalizacija usluga koje su u domenu paketske mreže. Regulatorna agencija za
komunikacije je započela sa dodjeljivanjem licenci ISP-ovima i mrežnim operatorima, čime
je lagaliziran rad privatnih ISP-ova. Izdato je ukupno 29 licenci u toku 2002. godine, što
dodatno pooštrava konkurenciju u oblasti davanja Internet usluga.
BH Telecom i Telecom Srpske povezuju se optičkom infrastrukturom, a stepen digitalizacije
u fiksnoj mreži podignut je sa 54% u 2001. godini na 67% u 2002. godini. U dijelu kapaciteta
mreže za prenos podataka broj korisnika povećan je za 24%, sa oko 30.000 aktivnih korisnika
mreže. U dijelu informacionih tehnologija, uspješno je implementirana aplikacija SAP-a
kojom je zaokružena podrška poslovnim procesima.
Ulaganje u sisteme prenosa
Satelitski link Sarajevo - Stockholm je zamijenjen terestrijalnim, kao i satelitski link
Sarajevo - Frankfurt. Pokrenuti su projekti instalacije VSAT sistema u Srebrenici (za potrebe
UNDP-a), na Alipašinom polju (za potrebe DGS-a). Na optičkom 2,5 Gbps sarajevskom
prstenu izvršeno je proiširenje SDH mreže, a novi STM-16 uređaji pušteni su u saobraćaj
za potrebe nove međunarodne centrale na Alipašinom polju. Također su pušteni u rad 155
Mbps sistemi na lokacijama Alipašino polje, Obala, Vogošća - Ilijaš, Dolac Malta MUX-MSC3
(za potrebe mobilne telefonije), 155 Mbps link Sarajevo-Tuzla, te Sarajevo-Zenica.
Ulaganje u komutacione sisteme
Izvršeni su svi neophodni tehnički zahvati u cilju instaliranja IN mreže. Uvedeni su SSP
funkcijski blokovi u četiri centrale (Dolac Malta, Tuzla, Zenica i Bihać). Na strani IN
noda došlo je do odvajanja platformi za fiksnu i mobilnu mrežu što je omogućilo potpunu
implementaciju IN servisa. Uveden je servis free phone, a započet je i projekat implementacije
servisa premium rate i televoting.
Ulaganje u mobilnu mrežu
Zbog već široko implementirane infrastrukture za mobilnu mrežu te porasta složenosti
cjelokupnog sistema mobilne mreže, nakon transformacije Društva Služba za mobilnu
mrežu prerasta u Direkciju sa potpuno novom organizacionom šemom. Nastaje poseban
dio Direkcije zadužen za uvođenje novih usluga unutar GSM mreže koji predstavlja spregu
između marketinga i tehnologije, a uvodi se i Help Desk u svrhu podrške korisnicima.
U okviru radio dijela mreže, pušteno je u rad 46 baznih stanica, a paralelno se vode poslovi na
rješavanju imovinsko-pravnih poslova i rješavanju elektro-energetskih priključaka za veliki
broj drugih lokacija. Obzirom na uslove licence za pokrivanje 80% populacije cijele BiH, u
toku 2002. godine se započelo sa aktivnostima na proširenju djelovanja BH Telecoma na
prostoru cijele BiH. Strategija širenja radio mreže temeljila se na pokrivanju svih opštinskih
mjesta u BiH. U tu svrhu ugovorena su dva „ključ u ruke“ projekta sa firmama Siemens i
Ericsson (faza VII), koji su obuhvatili instaliranje 76 baznih stanica u RS-u i ostalim
dijelovima FBiH. Do kraja 2002. godine pušteno je u rad 45 baznih stanica.
U komutacionom dijelu mobilne mreže, u toku 2002. godine obavljen je niz dogradnji
(upgrade-i na BSC i MSC elementima) od kojih treba spomenuti instalaciju i puštanje u rad
OMC-B, upgrade software-ske verzije BSC na R8, NDC migraciju (promjena numeracije sa
066 na 061), puštanje u rad MSC3 komutacije i HLR migracija. Na platformi za inteligentnu
mrežu završena je realizacija Pozivnog centra, uvedena CustomerXpress baza podataka,
izmijenjen je značajan dio hardware-ske opreme, te realizovan novi model prepaid usluge

kroz promjenu samog servisa,
uvođenje novih kartica i novog načina
tarifiranja prepaid usluge.
Rezultat svih ovih aktivnosti je
priraštaj 172.000 novih korisnika u
toku 2002. godine.
Ulaganje u paketsku mrežu
Formiran je jedinstveni centralni
komunikacioni čvor paketske mreže
na lokaciji Dolac Malta u Sarajevu.
Posebna pažnja pridaje se komunikaciji
sa Sektorom za marketing u cilju što
bolje prodaje već šire lepeze usluga.
Prošireni su kapaciteti mreže BIHpak
na lokacijama Dolac Malta (8 portova
V.35, 8 portova V.24), Tuzla, Zenica i
Bihać (po 8 portova V.35 i 2x8 portova
V.24). Mreža BIHnet je proširena
sa ukupno 1.494 porta, instalirano
je 200 pari modema, te 2 DSLAM
uređaja kapaciteta 48 SDSL i 48 ADSL
Slika 3.7. Izgradnja pristupnog puta za BS - dolina Neretve
portova, čime se otvara put razvoju
korisničkog širokopojasnog prenosa podataka. Također, formirani su novi čvorovi Tešanj,
Kakanj i Vogošća.
Rezultat ovih ulaganja je proširenje uključenih portova u BIHpak mreži za oko 60% u odnosu
na 2001. godinu, povećanje fiksnih Internet korisnika za 394% i dial-up korisnika za 54%.
Značajno je istaći i puštanje u rad opreme za ADSL uslugu na području Sarajeva u toku 2002.
Ulaganje u informacione sisteme
U 2002. godini završeno je uvođenje programskog paketa za poslovni informacioni centar
SAP R/3 (implementirani moduli FI, MM, CO, PM, HR), implementirana je platforma za
projekat Pozivni centar BH Telecoma (pozivni centar je počeo sa radom u Tuzli, Bihaću,
Sarajevu i Zenici), te je započet razvoj podrške za GIS (skeniranje, geolociranje i obrada
topografskih karata, unos prostornih podataka, vektorizacija). Kontinuirano se vrše obuke i
obrazovanje radnika za korištenje implementiranih rješenja. Izvršena je nabavka potrebnih
hardware-skih resursa primarno za potrebe implementacije i eksploatacije SAP R/3 rješenja,
kao i dodatnih licenci za sistemski software.
Ulaganje u marketinške aktivnosti
U toku 2002. godine formiran je Sektor za marketing na nivou cijelog BH Telecoma kao
odgovor na potrebe za što aktivnijim nastupom na tržištu u oblasti pružanja usluga.
Investiciona ulaganja u kojim učestvuje ovaj Sektor su vezana za usluge svih dijelova
preduzeća: istraživačke aktivnosti, unapređenje ponude, uvođenje novih usluga, koordinacija
iskorištenosti resursa, a već naredne godine će se pokazati da ovaj Sektor ima potrebu i za
planiranjem i realizacijom vlastitih investicija.

3.3.3. Investiciona ulaganja 2003. godine
U 2003. godini proces investiranja u cijeloj BiH značajno je upravljan novim, relativno
nepovoljnim djelovanjem novih zakonskih propisa u oblasti investicija. Stupanje na snagu
Uredbe o izmjenama i dopunama uredbe o postupku nabavke robe, vršenju usluga i ustupanju
radova, kojim se BH Telecom stavlja u relativno neravnopravan položaj u odnosu na privatnu
konkurenciju, pogotovo po pitanju brzine i efikasnosti investicijskih procesa, dodatni je
vanjski impuls u pravcu postavljanja strožijih kriterija vezanih za sve investicijske projekte.
Krajem 2003. godine započet je proces transformacije Javnog preduzeća u Dioničko društvo
BH Telecom. Zbog toga se može reći da je 2004. godina obilježena završetkom započetih
projekata i pripremom kvalitetne investiciono-tehničke dokumentacije za nova ulaganja u
skladu sa novom zakonskom regulativom.
Ukupno je investirano 81,2 miliona KM.

Ulaganja u komutacione sisteme

Investirano je u razvoj inteligentne mreže - izrađen je plan nove organizacije servisa „Pomoć
korisnicima“, kao i plan rutiranja saobraćaja na tranzitnom nivou za sva tri NTS-a. Pokrenut
je postupak nabavke opreme za proširenje IN mreže kao i IVR mašine za registraciju. Izvršeno
je funkcionalno ispitivanje novih SSP čvorova - SSP Travnik i SSP Mostar. Prebacivanjem
svih postojećih tranzitnih pravaca sa centrale AXE 10 na Dolac Malti na Međunarodnu
centralu Sarajevo 2 EWSD stečeni su uslovi za gašenje ove komutacije.
Obavljen je prvi televoting u okviru takmičenja za izbor pjesme za Evroviziju.

Ulaganje u sisteme prenosa

U toku 2003. godine završena su tehnička rješenja na projektu nabavke i montaže sistem
fleksibilnih multipleksera, korištenje SDH linijske i multipleksne opreme za velike korisnike
BH Telecoma, kao i tehničkih rješenja za pružanje usluga fiksnom mrežom putem V.5.2
Izvršena je rekonfiguracija međunarodnih pravaca sa Njemačkom i Amerikom, te instalirana
VSAT stanica u naseljima Presjenica (Trnovo), te Gajevi (Ilijaš).

Ulaganja u mobilnu mrežu

Uredba o postupku nabavki roba, vršenja usluga i ustupanja radova posebno je pogodila
investicione projekte u mobilnoj mreži, koji su planirani pod drugim pretpostavkama i
zakonskim okvirima. Tek u drugoj polovini 2003. godine odobrena je „Lista izuzetaka“ na
kojoj su se našli projekti mobilne mreže izuzeti iz nove Uredbe, te je realizacija planiranih
projekata nastavljena.
U komutacionom dijelu GSM mreže uvedena je nova numeracija za premium rate mobilna
čvorišta, povezani su MSC-ovi na novu tranzitnu centralu u Tuzli, izvršena su software-
ska proširenja MSC3, HLR i AC-a, te ostvaren komercijalni rad u oblasti međunarodnog
roaming-a sa nova 4 operatora. Započete su pripreme za prelazak na novi IP obračun. Na
IN platformi proširen je kapacitet govornih poruka za IN korisnike, izvršena je instalacija
opreme za hardware-sko proširenje IN sistema.
U radio dijelu GSM mreže u toku 2003. godine puštene su u rad nove 64 GSM bazne
stanice. Nastavljene su aktivnosti na pokrivanju 80% populacije i putnih komunikacija u
BiH. Na osnovu analiza na terenu, mjerenja jačine i kvaliteta signala, te software-ske analize

pokrivanja na digitalnoj karti, izrađen je Plan proširenja radio dijela GSM mreže koji kao
prioritet ističe pokrivanje svih putniih komunikacija iz licence.
Porastom broja baznih stanica i kompleksnosti cjelokupne mreže, sve više dolaze do izražaja
problemi karakteristični za zrelu fazu razvoja a to su problemi zagušenja, odnosno upravljanja
opterećenjima, problemi elektro-energetskog napajanja, imovinsko-pravni problemi, itd.

Ulaganja u mrežu za prenos podataka

U mreži za prenos podataka izvršena je instalacija novog čvora u Goraždu, Mostaru,
instalacija novog NMS software-a, te proširenje postojećeg čvora u Tuzli i na sarajevskoj
Obali. Prošireni su postojeći kapaciteti prema PSTN komutacijama, instaliran i stavljen u
funkciju E3 link prema HT-u Zagreb i Uunet-u Budimpešta, te kroz UMUX opremu značajno
su prošireni kapaciteti mreže za fiksni pristup Internetu. Izvršeno je poboljšanje efikasnosti
kroz instalaciju aplikacije za automatizaciju procesa uključenja Frame Relay korisnika, čime
je skraćeno vrijeme od zahtjeva za uslugu do uključenja korisnika za 50%. Sve više energije se
posvećuje razvoju usluga. Tako je u 2003. godini dizajnirana i puštena u rad nova dvojezična
BIHNet web stranica sa poboljšanim sadržajem. Vlasititim snagama razvijeni su i pokrenuti
novi servisi: WEB2SMS, WEB razglednice, on-line igre, Forum, Chat, mailing lista, kao i
prenos slike u realnom vremenu. Sve ovo rezultiralo je porastom broja korisnika BIHpak
usluga za 55%, te porastom broja BIHnet korisnika za 59%.
Ulaganja u informacione sisteme
U toku 2003. godine završena je inplementacija i eksploatacija informacione platforme za
projekat Pozivni centar BH Telecoma. Realizuju se projekti migracije sistemske platforme
na novi mrežni operativni sistem Windows 2000 Server. Razvoj aplikacije SAP nastavljen
je kroz otklanjanje uočenih uskih grla i kreiranje novih poslovnih procesa i transakcija.
Dograđen je vlastitim snagama modul „Tehnička baza“ za Regionalne direkcije, a u realizaciji
projekta uvođenja GIS-a obrađeno je 35% teritorije koji pokriva mreža BH Telecoma. U
sistemu billing-a GSM sistema izrađene su aplikacije za štampanje računa putem hibridne
pošte, izvršene su izmjene na aplikaciji billing-a za uvođenje usluga premium rate, televoting,
donacije u humanitarne svrhe, SMS interworking analiza, pripreme za TAP3 i uvođenje
CAMEL roaming-a, kao i usluga pregleda izvještaja putem Interneta.
3.3.4. Investiciona ulaganja 2004. godine
U 2004. godini glavni izazov za brzu i efikasnu realizaciju investicija još uvijek predstavlja
nepovoljna regulativa kojom se BH Telecom stavlja u podređeni položaj u odnosu na
BH Telecom od 12.03.2004. godine završava transformaciju iz Javnog preduzeća u Dioničko
društvo BH Telecom Sarajevo. Nastavlja se punim intenzitetom digitalizacija fiksne mreže
(sa 77,1% na kraju 2003. na 86% na kraju 2004. godine). U paketskoj mreži povećan je broj
korisnika dial up usluge za 66% u odnosu na 2003. godinu, na oko 43.000 aktivnih korisnika.
U mobilnoj mreži puštene su u rad 43 nove GSM stanice, što ukupno čini 296 aktivnih baznih
stanica. Ukupan kapacitet komutacija u mobilnoj mreži je 990.000 pretplatnika, a broj
korisnika mobilne mreže penje se na 782.000. Međunarodni saobraćaj odvija se putem dvije
međunarodne centrale sa 19 država, preko 3.657 vodova sa SS7 signalizacijom.
U dijelu fiksne mreže definisani su ciljevi za konačno razilaženje sa starim tehnologijama,
koji podrazumijevaju potpunu digitalizaciju fiksne mreže u naredne tri godine, ukidanje svih
pretplatničkih dvojnika do kraja 2005. godine, povećanje broja korisnika po stopi od 5% u

odnosu na prethodnu godinu, povećanje kvaliteta usluge i uspostavljanje sistema mjerenja
zadovoljstva kupaca, te svođenje broja komutacionih čvorova-hostova na optimalan nivo sa
po 60.000 - 80.000 pretplatnika po hostu.
Poseban akcenat je stavljen na rekonstrukciju i proširenje postojećih pristupnih mreža koje
se sada javljaju kao usko grlo u sistemu. Veliki procenat mreža u prethodnoj dekadi (faza
obnove) rađen je bez predviđanja dovoljne rezerve, te su se sa naglim porastom zahtjeva za
različite usluge kapaciteti brzo zasitili. Također, oko 40% mrežne infrastrukture od postojećih
520 pristupnih mreža nije bilo obnovljeno i njihovo proširenje je stavljeno u prvi prioritet.

Ulaganje u sisteme prenosa

U 2004. godini nastavljena je izgradnja i proširenje sistema prenosa. Završena je izgradnja
RR sistema prenosa Okresanica - Cer kapaciteta 155 Mbps. Također je pokrenuta izgradnja
optičkog spojnog puta Bihać - Bosanski Petrovac - Ključ. Izrađen je projekat za zatvaranje
optičkog prstena Sarajevo - Zenica - Tuzla (Rakovica - Buci), te pokrenut proces izrade
projekta za spajanje područja Unsko-sanskog kantona sa Sarajevom optičkim putem (Jezero
- Mrkonjić Grad - Ključ). Ugovorena je dogradnja NMS-a sa rokom implementacije u 2005.

Ulaganje u komutacione sisteme

Izvršena je montaža i upgrade LC Vogošća, Obala, Zenica2, Bihać2, Paša Bunar i Lukavac na
verziju 8.0. NTS server na IN čvoru je proširen, te su puštena u rad četiri nova SSP-a: Mostar,
Travnik, Alipašino polje i Bihać. Ugovorena je instalacija 50.000 portova komutacione
opreme u kojoj treba zamijeniti sve komutacije starije generacije, ukinuti dvojničke
priključke, te broj različitih komutacija u mreži BH Telecoma svesti na četiri tipa (Siemens,
Iskratel, Ericsson i Alcatel).
Uporedo sa razvojem i uvođenjem novih servisa u fiksnoj i mobilnoj mreži dolazi do značajnog
povećanja signalnog saobraćaja. Zbog toga je pokrenuta realizacija izdvojenih čvorišta
za signalizaciju (STP par). Komercijalno je pušten u rad televoting servis (teleglasanje), u
početku sa glasanjima u trajanju od više dana, a potom i u kratkotrajnim intervalima. BH
Telecom je prilikom korištenja ove usluge jedini u 2004. godini imao infrastrukturu, tako da
su ostali operatori koristili njegovu infrastrukturu za vrijeme TV glasanja prilikom izbora za
pjesmu Eurovizije. Urađena je instalacija i integracija SSP čvora Alipašino polje u okviru IN
mreže, te uspostavljen roaming sa dodatnih 8 operatora.

Ulaganje u mrežu za prenos podataka

Investirano je u širenje mreže i servisa na nivou cijelog BH Telecoma. Instaliran je i
pušten u rad novi ADSL sistem koji predstavlja iskorak u pružanju usluga širokopojasnog
Interneta na području sedam Regionalnih direkcija. Sav instaliran kapacitet je u potpunosti
rasprodan do kraja godine, pa je po hitnom postupku pokrenuta nabavka i ugradnja nove
opreme za proširenje mreže. Broj ADSL korisnika povećan je za oko 800%. U dijelu IP mreže
najznačajniji su zahvati napravljeni na dijelu proširenja E3 linka prema HT-u Zagreb, pri
čemu je njegov kapacitet proširen na SDH nivou na 155 Mbps.
Značajna usluga u mreži za prenos podataka u 2004. godini je instalacija novog mail sistema,
te nove web stranice BH Telecoma. Također implementirane su usluge: prepaid sistem, web
cam sistem, instalirani su novi DNS server i Free Radius Server. Broj korisnika BIHnet-a
porastao je na oko 50.000.

3.3.5. Investiciona ulaganja 2005. godine
Investiranje u 2005. godini je u potpunosti određeno potrebom za prevladavanjem
konkurencije koja je sada prisutna u svim segmentima usluga, te stupanjem na snagu Zakona
o javnim nabavkama te Zakona o javnim preduzećima, kao i stalnog praćenja od strane
Ureda za reviziju budžeta Vlade FBiH. Ukupno je realizovano 158,3 miliona KM investicija.
Kao jedan od glavnih izazova prema boljoj realizaciji je potreba za ubrzavanjem rješavanja
imovinsko-pravnih poslova u fazi investicione izgradnje. Investicijski projekti se planiraju
i vode kao posebne cjeline, a razbijanje projekata na segmente se vrši samo u dijelovima
gdje je to neophodno (pri nabavci materijala i opreme za više različitih projekata) što dovodi
do efikasnijeg upravljanja projektima. Umjesto impulsnog, Društvo prelazi na vremensko
tarifiranje. Nastavljen je porast digitalizacije u fiksnoj mreži na 93,4% na kraju 2005. godine.
U mobilnoj mreži u 2005. godini puštena je u rad 91 nova bazna stanica, što je ukupan broj
aktivnih baznih stanica povećalo na 405, skupa sa tri komutacije kapaciteta MSC/HLR sa
1.200.000 priključaka. Broj korisnika mobilne mreže se popeo na 922.000.
U paketskoj mreži broj dial up korisnika je povećan za 17% u odnosu na prethodnu godinu
i iznosi 66.000. Poseban izazov u ovoj godini je širenje VoIP usluge koja je u ovoj godini još
uvijek nelegalna za pružanje, a predstavlja značajan resurs za konkurenciju koja je počinje
U cilju daljnjeg sređivanja poslovnih procesa u Društvu se pokreće projekat uvođenja Sistema
upravljanja kvalitetom (QMS) sa procjenom završetka projekta u roku od tri godine.

Ulaganje u mobilnu mrežu

U toku ove godine urađena je instalacija servisnog dijela mobilne mreže. Tehnološki, radi se
o novim, mobile-IP telekomunikacijskim tehnologijama (na bazi GPRS-a i WAP-a) i novim
uslugama koje BH Telecom integriše u mrežu. Instalirani su infrastrukturni elementi poput
AAA, LADP, SSO, Wap GW. Kapacitet servisnog dijela mobilne mreže je dimenzionisan za
100.000 korisnika. Pušten je u rad novi NDC kod 062.
U januaru 2005. godine završena je implementacija OSS-a u GSM mrežu, čime je značajno
unaprijeđen proces planiranja i optimizacije radio mreže.

Ulaganje u komutacione sisteme i sisteme prenosa

Broj instalisanih komutacija popeo sa na 516 i to 51 HOST uz 465 udaljena pretplatnička
stepena. Struktura plitke mreže zaživljava u potpunosti, a i proces digitalizacije komutacija
se povećao na 93,4%. Najznačajniji projekat za BH Line u 2005. godini je projekat billing
sistema, tj. osposobljavanje kompletne mreže za mogućnost prelaska tarifiranja sa impulsnog
na vremensko.
Broj vodova na magistralnoj ravni je zabilježio rast od 152 voda u odnosu na kraj 2004. godine,
a među-operatorske veze unutar BiH su proširene za 122 voda. Izvršena je transformacija
ATM kičmene mreže, te su linkovi od 34 Mbps na relacijama Sarajevo - Tuzla i Sarajevo -
Zenica zamijenjeni linkovima od 155 Mbps.

Ulaganje u paketsku mrežu

U sklopu projekta proširenja kapaciteta ADSL pretplatnika, instalirana su četiri nova DSLAM
uređaja sa ukupno 1.800 portova na lokacijama: Dolac Malta, Alipašino polje i Baš-čaršija.
Lokacije na kojim je do kraja 2005. godine omogućen ADSL pristup su: Tuzla - Mosnik,
Lukavac, Tešanj, Maglaj, Zenica, Crkvice i Gradačac.

Dial up pristupna mreža proširena je montažom sedam pristupnih servera na lokacijama:
Bihać, Mostar, Alipašino polje, Zenica, Tuzla, Travnik i Baščaršija.

Kolaudacija investicija
Zbog ubrzanog načina rada u periodu obnove telekomunikacione infrastrukture, te potom
potrebe za brzim širenjem pristupne mreže u fiksnoj i mobilnoj mreži, kao i zbog uslova
pokrivenosti teritorije regulativom, investicijski projekti su u prethodnim godinama otvarani
bržom dinamikom od njihovog zaključenja - kolaudacije. Tako je u 2005. godini učinjan
značajan napor na „pospremanju“, odnosno kolaudaciji realizovanih investicija u ukupnom
iznosu od 192,7 miliona KM.

Upravljanje projektima
Od samog procesa planiranja investicijskih projekata uvedena je praksa uvezivanja pojedinih
aktivnosti u cjelovite projekte, bez obzira na broj pojedinačnih aktivnosti ili raspored
segmenata projekta po različitim direkcijama. Ovim se postigla centralizacija gazdovanja
projektom i jedinstveno mjesto postojanja informacija i administriranja bitnih međaša za
pojedini projekat - kod zaduženog voditelja projekta. Zaduživanjem voditelja ili rukovodioca
organizacione jedinice u Direkciji za investicije ili Regionalnoj direkciji definisana je
osoba odgovorna za cjelokupnu administraciju projekta i njegovo vođenje, što uključuje i
određivanje vremena izvršenja pojedinih faza projekta (sinhronizacija sa ostalim projektima
ili stanjem ljudskih i drugih resursa BH Telecoma), određivanje načina realizacije (vrsta
nabavke ili angažovanja resursa Telecom Inženjeringa pri izgradnji). Definiše se Telecom
Inženjering kao glavni izvođač tokom izgradnje uz maksimalno angažovanje svojih kapaciteta,
te mogućnost podugovaranja pojedinih poslova. Od ukupno realizovanih investicija u 2005.
godini, Telecom Inženjering je učestvovao u realizaciji sa 22,9 miliona KM, ne računajući
ugrađeni materijal.
U toku 2005. godine kristališe se i svijest o vremenu potrebnom za završetak pojedinih
investicijskih aktivnosti, bilo da se radi o procesima koji se odvijaju unutar BH Telecoma
ili su uslovljeni vanjskim faktorima, što će se kasnije implementirati u alate za upravljanje
investicijskim projektima.
BH Telecom je do kraja 2005. godine završio internu organizaciju na takav način da sada do
izražaja kao uska grla sve više dolaze vanjski faktori kao što su uticaj sporosti opštinske ili
kantonalne administracije u procesu izdavanja dozvola i saglasnosti, nesređeni urbanistički
planovi i različita tumačenja zakona u pojedinim sredinama, uticaj sporosti postupka
rješavanja žalbi u javnim nabavkama, neobučenost ponuđača u procesu sačinjavanja ponuda
na javne nabavke, što nerijetko rezultuje poništenjem postupka. Zbog ovoga se već sada
postavlja problem kako kompenzirati ove zastoje pri planiranju investicijskih projekata.
Jedno od rješenja koje će se pojaviti u narednim godinama je fazno planiranje - realizacija
pojedinih faza projekta godinu i više dana prije same planske godine.

3.3.6. Investiciona ulaganja 2006. godine

Prilagođavanje procesa investiranja vanjskim uslovima sa ciljem unapređenja usluga i
odnosa sa korisnicima okvir je unutar kojeg je BH Telecom obavljao svoje aktivnosti u toku
2006. godine, čuvajući vodeću poziciju na tržištu. U toku 2006. godine obavezno je davanje
mogućnosti za uspostavljanje i realizaciju povezivanja sa mrežama drugih operatora na
javnu fiksnu mrežu BH Telecoma - interkonekcija. Uvođenje poreza na dodatnu vrijednost
(17%) i razlika u procentu prethodno važećeg poreza (7%) kompenzirana je proporcionalnim

smanjenjem cijena usluga BH Telecoma. Značajan događaj je i privatizacija Telecoma Srpske
čime se dodatno dinamizira konkurentska bitka za korisnicima.
U toku 2006. godine ostvarena su nova investiciona ulaganja u iznosu od 91,5 miliona KM. U
istom periodu je kolaudovano 102,9 miliona KM telekomunikacijskih kapaciteta.
U fiksnoj mreži nastavljen je trend povećanja digitalizacije na 98,2% na kraju godine. U
mobilnoj mreži pušteno je u rad 87 novih baznih stanica. Izvršena je optimizacija radio
mreže čime je znatno poboljšana pokrivenost GSM/GPRS signalom, te je ispunjen uslov
pokrivenosti iz licence. Broj korisnika fiksne mreže raste na 554.000, dok je broj pretplatnika
mobilne mreže 927.000.
U paketskoj mreži povećan je broj dial up korisnika na 716.000, a broj ADSL korisnika je
16.154 što je 3,6 puta više u odnosu na prethodnu godinu.
Telecom Inženjering je u toku 2006. godine postigao 20,9 miliona KM interne realizacije.

Ulaganje u mobilnu mrežu

U radio dijelu je pušteno u rad novih 87 baznih stanica, te izvršena optimizacije čime
su ispunjeni uslovi iz licence za pokrivanje 80% stanovništva i odgovarajućih putnih
komunikacija BiH. Paralelno sa GPRS-om, u svim značajnijim urbanim sredinama u
BiH instaliran je EDGE. Puštena je u rad VPN usluga TopTim i već u toku 2006. godine
zabilježeno je 1.562 korisnika. Također, uvedene su nove usluge Trim te asemblirana usluga.
Tokom cijele 2006. godine u mobilnu mrežu uvedeno je oko 20 različitih servisa.

Ulaganje u paketsku mrežu

U toku 2006. godine izvršeno je proširenje sistema kojim su mrežni uređaji prošireni sa
skupom IP i MPLS komunikacijskih protokola, čime je cijela mreža dobila mogućnost
uvezivanja u IP/MPLS mrežu. Instalirano je novo čvorište u Mostaru, te proširen link prema
Bihaću na 155 Mbps, kao i kapacitet veze prema BRAS uređaju. Na relaciji Vogošća - Visoko
- Kakanj - Zenica - Zavidovići instalirana je MAN oprema putem CWDM tehnologije na
koju su povezani DSLAM uređaji, kao i MAN oprema na relaciji Vogošća - Konjic - Mostar.
Proširen je kapacitet GIA linkova prema nadprovider-u T-com na 2x155 Mbps. Prema
Telecomu Srbije uspostavljen je uplink kapaciteta 155 Mbps. Pored ovih proširenja, izvršeno
je kapacitivno proširenje news servera, instaliran je novi media server, proširen je kapacitet
storage sistema, te instaliran i pušten u rad SUN YES sistem.

3.4. Idemo prvi - period 2007.-2010. godine

3.4.1. Investiciona ulaganja 2007. godine
U period 2007.-2010. godine BH Telecom će ući kao profiliran vođa na tržištu svih
telekomunikacijskih usluga, zasnovanih i na fiksnoj i na mobilnoj pristupnoj tehnologiji.
Ovaj period investiranja karakteriše umjerena vrijednost plana investicijskih projekata, koji
su više usmjereni ka dobro definisanim projektima uvođenja novih usluga, kao i izgradnji
i proširenju infrastrukture za plasman i distribuciju usluga BH Telecoma korisnicima. Po
realizovanim investicijama smo na prvom mjestu u BiH. Ukupno je u 2007. godini realizovano
115,3 miliona KM investicijskih ulaganja.
U fiksnoj mreži, procenat digitalnih komutacija se povećao na 99,1% ukupno instalisanih
kapaciteta, pa se može reći da je proces digitalizacije završen. Broj korisnika Internet mreže
je 50.000. U svojoj mobilnoj mreži BH Telecom ima 1.069.284 aktivnih korisnika (15% više
u odnosu na prethodnu godinu).

Ulaganja u fiksnu mrežu
U toku 2007.godine veliki dio planiranih sredstava u fiksnoj mreži je usmjeren upravo na
izgradnju pristupne infrastrukture: pristupnih mreža (bakarnom i bežičnom tehnologijom),
pripadajućih optičkih privoda i objekata za smještaj udaljenih stepena. Omjer planiranih
ulaganja iznosio je čak 53 miliona KM u Regionalnim direkcijama naspram 22,6 miliona
KM u Generalnoj direkciji, što najbolje govori o prenošenju težišta ulaganja u pristupnu
Ukupno je u investiciona ulaganja u fiksnoj mreži realizovano 28,7 miliona KM. Pokrenuta je
realizacija slijedećih projekata u fiksnoj mreži:
• Nabavka, instalacija i puštanje u rad opreme za VPN uslugu fiksne mreže na već postojeći
SCP čvor unutar mobilne mreže BH Telecoma, u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 2 miliona KM;
• Izgradnja bežičnih pristupnih mreža WLL tehnologijom u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 7
miliona KM;
• proširenje linijske i mux opreme na području sarajevskog prstena u ukupnoj vrijednosti
od 2,5 miliona KM;
• Proširenje RR sistema: Sarajevo-Bihać, Sarajevo-Mađarska, Velika Gomila-Kozara, te
proširenje RR sistema prenosa za povezivanje GSM baznih stanica u ukupnoj vrijednosti
od 1 milion KM;
• Izgradnja pristupnih mreža, spojnih puteva i građevinskih objekata na području RD
Bihać, na projektima: Kamenica, Vikići, Gata, Vinica, Mali Lug, Klokot-Papari, Radoč,
Sasina, Kijevo, Ljusina, Bukovača, Kolunić, Ponikve, Ivanjska, Krčane, Gnjilavac i Vrelo
i Šmrekovac - u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 13 miliona KM;
• Izgradnja pristupne mreže i spojnog puta Kraboriš i Vinarići na području Goražda;
• Izgradnja pristupne mreže, spojnog puta i objekta za smještaj komutacije Gorica, Opine,
Cerići, Podveležje i Konjic na području Mostara;
• Izgradnja pristupne mreže, spojnog puta i objekta za smještaj komutacije Osijek (RSU
1, 2 i 3), Binježevo, Burevići, Boljevići, Nahorevo, Kremeš, Gora, Čengić Vila, Blažuj,
Kasindolska, Grbavica i Otes u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 14,4 miliona KM na području
• Izgradnja pristupne mreže, spojnog puta i objekta za smještaj komutacije Grbavica,
Ahmići, Nadbare, Babanovac i Kruščica, Fojnica, Travnik i Kula ukupne vrijednosti od
5,6 miliona KM na području Direkcije Travnik;
• U toku 2007. godine završene su i puštene u rad mreže na području Direkcije Tuzla:
Kerep, Jelovče Selo, Donja Međeđa, Gornja Međeđa, Donje Srnice, Gornje Srnice,
Donja Zelinja, Srednja Zelinja, Vučkovci, Vida I i Mionica III. Izvršena je primopredaja
radova na pristupnim mrežama na lokacijama Goli Brijeg, Slavinovići, Kula, MUP-Mala
Pijaca i Lukavac. Završena je izgradnja spojnih puteva Gradačac i Tuzla-Šićki Brod, te
OSP Babunovići i Kiseljak;
• Igradnja pristupne mreže i spojnog puta Vareš, Golubinja, Bukva, Dragovići,
Dugandžići, JOT, Trepče, Maglaj i Petrovići ukupne vrijednosti od 7,7 miliona KM na
području Direkcije Zenica.

Ulaganje u mobilnu mrežu

U razvoj radio mreže (X faza) uloženo je 13,3 miliona KM tokom 2007. godine, sa definisanih
110 lokacija. Puštene su u rad 64 nove GSM/EDGE lokacije baznih stanica čime se njihov
ukupan broj popeo na 547, a pokrivenost stanovništva radio signalom dostigla je 97.2%.

Infrastrukturni radovi na izgradnji baznih stanica su završeni na još 39 lokacija. Rezultati
Network Quality Benchmarking-a pokazali su da su performanse radio mreže BH Mobile
u granicama ili iznad svjetskog prosjeka. Okončanjem pilot projekta, u BH Mobile mrežu
uvedena je WiFi tehnologija čime je omogućen širokopojasni pristup Internetu na šest
lokacija u Sarajevu.
U jezgro (core) i servisnoj mreži napravljen je niz funkcionalnih i kapacitivnih unapređenja
potrebnih za podršku povećanom broju korisnika i širenju portfolia usluga. U toku godine je
nadograđena infrastruktura servisne mreže i to posebno u dijelu sigurnosti i automatizacije
procesa putem realizacije projekata GPRS firewall-a i provisioning-a. Završen je i niz projekata
koji će biti osnova za brže uvođenje usluga u narednom periodu, kao što su service delivery
platforma, uvođenje streaming i multimedia content sistema, koji će punu eksploataciju
imati u narednoj godini.
U domenu podrške korisnicima uveden je novi sistem za komunikaciju sa korisnicima u
upravljanju podrškom. Kapacitet IN sistema je 1.250.000 korisnika i 21.500.000 miliona
Također je realizovan projekat nabavke prenosivih baznih stanica, proširenje opreme
radio mreže (TRX predajnici, licence za BSC, instalacioni materijal). Pokrenuti su projekti
telemetrije i telematike, platforme za M-commerce, te početna faza u realizaciji projekta
lokacijski zasnovanih usluga - LBS.
Ulaganje u mrežu za prenos podataka
Realizovano je proširenje širokopojasne xDSL mreže u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 6,1 milion
KM. Proširenje MAN IP/MPLS mreže je realizovano u ukupnom iznosu od 6,9 miliona KM.
Po pitanju novih servisa, pokrenuti su projekti multimedijalnih servisa, broadcast radio i TV
(početak implementacije TriplePlay projekta), VoD, razvoj komercijalne IP telefonije.

Ulaganje u vozni park

Nije zanemariva investicija proširenja i obnavljanja voznog parka BH Telecoma, realizovana
sa 2 miliona KM u 2007. godini. Poređenja radi, treba se podsjetiti da je jedno od prvih
investicionih ulaganja u 1993. godini iznosilo 87.000 DEM. Sada, 14 godina poslije, BH
Telecom samo u ovu investiciju je uložio 229 puta više sredstava!

Ulaganje u BH Telecom centre

Još u toku 2005. godine, BH Telecom kreće u agresivniji pristup širenja kanala distribucije
kroz kupovinu i izgradnju BH Telecom centara (Telecom shop-ova), kako bi se prodaja usluga
i komunikacija sa korisnicima obavljala na što širem području sa što većom granularnošću
prodaje. Sredstva planirana za realizaciju prve faze ovog projekta iznosila su ukupno 7,3
miliona KM i raspoređena su planski po svim Regionalnim direkcijama. Prioritetne nabavke
prostora su planirane u Regionalnim centrima: Sarajevo, Mostar (zapadni dio grada), Banja
Luka, Tuzla i Brčko, te ostalim Regionalnim centrima.
Projekat je implementiran u dvije faze - u prvoj fazi planirana je realizacija 25 BH Telecom
centara na području svih Regionalnih direkcija, sa orjentacijom na područja na kojim je BH
Telecom dominantan operator. U drugoj fazi planirana je realizacija 29 BH Telecom centara
i 3 isturena prodajna mjesta na lokacijama uglavnom u područjima na kojim BH Telecom
ne dominira kao operator. U toku 2006. godine pušten je u rad jedan BH Telecom centar
(Sarajevo-Centar) a još četiri puštaju se u rad u toku 2007. godine: Goražde, Sarajevo-
Markale, Zenica i Brčko.

3.4.2. Investiciona ulaganja 2008. godine
Društvo radi u potpuno liberalizovanom okruženju, sa još većom konkurencijom i suženim
tržišnim prostorom. Pored tri dominantna operatora, na TK tržištu djeluje više od 50
davalaca usluga Interneta i tridesetak kablovskih operatora. U toku 2007. i 2008. godine
registrirano je novih 11 operatora za pružanje međunarodnih govornih usluga. Nakon
značajnog investiranja u pristupnu infrastrukturu 2007., u toku 2008. godine ponovo
se akcenat investiranja prenosi na dio servisa. Ukupno je realizovano 148,3 miliona KM
investicijskih ulaganja.
Prvi na prostorima BiH BH Telecom započinje projekat uvođenja 3G UMTS/HSPA mreže.
U ovoj godini završen je i projekat izgradnje sistema upravljanja kvalitetom (QMS). Sistem
je auditovan od strane nezavisne akreditacijske kuće TUV koja je u novembru 2008. godine
izdala certifikat o usklađenosti izgrađenog sistema upravljanja kvalitetom sa zahtjevima
međunarodnog standarda ISO 9001:2000.

Ulaganja u fiksnu mrežu

Plan investicijskih ulaganja u fiksnu mrežu u 2008. godini iznosi 91 milion KM, od kojih
je 54,1 planirano na nivou Generalne direkcije a 36,9 miliona za Regionalne direkcije.
Pokrenuta je realizacija slijedećih projekata u fiksnoj mreži:
• razvoj NGN trasportne mreže - projekat ukupne vrijednosti od 12,7 miliona KM;
• proširenje komutacione opreme (SMS/VMS, IVR, STP, number portability) - u
ukupnoj vrijednosti od 3,1 miliona KM;
• nastavljena je realizacija na završetku RR sistema BiH-Mađarska, Sarajevo-Bihać;
• Značajna sredstva planirana su i za projektovanje i izradu studija u iznosu od 1,5
miliona KM,
• nastavljena je realizacija projekta bežičnog fiksnog pristupa - WLL na području
Direkcija Sarajevo, Mostar, Travnik, Bihać i Tuzla,
• Za projekte izgradnje optičkih spojnih puteva ponovo su planirana značajna
sredstva: nastavljena je izgradnja OSP Jezero-Velečevo u cilju spajanja Sarajeva i
Bihaća optičkim vlaknom, kao i spojnih puteva Sarajevo-Tuzla-Zenica-Sarajevo,
te Dolac Malta-Hrasnica-Bjelašnica. Započeta je realizacija optičkog spojnog puta
Bugojno-Vrana-Kupres kojim bi se otvorio još jedan optički put ka Hrvatskoj.
• Projekat NG Switching Core - faze 1a i 1b - započeta je realizacija u vrijednosti od 9
miliona KM.
• Za nastavak realizacije projekata u servisnoj mreži: broadcast radio i tv, web portal,
VoD i Triple Play investirano je dodatnih 5,3 miliona KM.
• Izgradnja pristupnih mreža, spojnih puteva i građevinskih objekata na području RD
Bihać na projektima: Polje - Velika Kladuša, Halkići, Zalug, Radić, Jasenice, Ozimice,
Baštra, Ivanjska, Ponikve, Kolunić, Bukovača, Ljusina, Kijevo, Lukavice, Klokot-
Papari, Mali Lug, Gnjilavac, Vrelo, Žegar, Kalina - Bakšaiš, Bihać, Drmeljevo, Polje;
• Nastavljena je izgradnja pristupnih mreža, spojnih puteva i građevinskih objekata
na području RD Goražde na projektu Vinarići, a započeta izgradnja mreže Faočići;
• Izgradnja pristupnih mreža, spojnih puteva i građevinskih objekata na području
RD Mostar na projektima: Gornje Polje, Kosor, Livač, Lišani, Klek, Konjic, Dobrč,
Smajkići, Kružanj, Kokorina, Gorica, Opine, Homolje, Slatinica;
• Izgradnja pristupnih mreža, spojnih puteva i građevinskih objekata na području RD
Sarajevo na projektima: Osijek, Binježevo, Burevići, Boljevići, Nahorevo, Kremeš,
Gora, Blažuj, Hrasno, Kasindolska, Hrasnica, Velešići, Grbavica, Otes, Švrakino Selo
i Mojmilo Brdo, Pofalići, Obad, Butmir-Kotorac;

• Izgradnja pristupnih mreža, spojnih puteva i građevinskih objekata na području RD
Travnik na projektima: Kula, Novi Travnik, Nadbare, Kraljevice, Bugojno, Donji
Vakuf, Gornji Vakuf;
• Završena je realizacija pristupnih mreža na području RD Tuzla: Lukavac Gornji i
Biberovo Polje te Goli Brijeg, Orašje, Badre, Dokanj, Srebrenik i Bukinje;
• izgradnja pristupnih mreža, spojnih puteva i građevinskih objekata na području
RD Zenica na projektima: JOT (Jalija-Odmut-Talića Brdo), Matuzići, Branilaca
grada, Zubeta i Ravne, Tešanj - Centar, Vareš, Papratnica, Haljinići, Poljice, Crkvice,
Papratnica, Zavidovići - Centar, Vareš.
Ulaganje u mobilnu mrežu
U 2008. godini mreža BH Telecoma se proširila na tržište BiH koje pokrivaju druga dva
operatora uvođenjem CLL-a (Cellular Local Loop) i CSC-a (Carrier Selection Code). Obzirom
da BH Telecom GSM signalom pokriva teritorij čitave BiH, CLL pristupom sada je moguće
doći do svakog korisnika. Izvršeno je proširenje radio i jezgra mobilne mreže za novih
200.000 korisnika. Povećan je asortiman usluga LBS, SDP i dr. Ukupni kapacitet mobilne
mreže obuhvata 1.650.000 korisnika.
Svakako najznačajniji projekat u mobilnoj mreži je početak realizacije uvođenja 3G UMTS/
HSxPA mreže vrijedan 48,5 miliona KM, od kojih je 14,1 milion raspoređeno za realizaciju u
2008. godini. Veliki dio cjelokupnog projekta je ugovoren u toku 2008. godine.
Značajna sredstva su investirana u razvoj postojeće 2G mreže. Za proširenje pristupnog
dijela postojeće 2G mreže u toku 2008. i 2009. godine planirano je 8,8 miliona KM.
U svrhu poboljšanja kvaliteta i kapaciteta servisne mreže uloženo je 4,7 miliona KM u slijedeće
projekte: web/wap portal, provisioning sistem, LDAP/SSO sistem, OTA konfigurator, wap
gateway, M-commerce i NMS.

Ulaganje u BH Telecom centre

U toku 2008. godine pušteno je u rad još 8 novih BH Telecom centara: Bugojno, Mostar
(Splitska), Tešanj, Banja Luka, Travnik, Tuzla - Slatina, Tuzla - zgrada TKC, Mostar (Braće

3.4.3. Investiciona ulaganja 2009. godine

Pored konkurencije i zakonske regulative, BH Telecom se u toku 2009. godine suočava i
sa recesijom koja zahvata cijeli svijet, pa i naše prostore. Stoga se proces investiranja sve
više okreće u pravcu razvoja što šire lepeze usluga - prvenstveno kroz dodatna ulaganja u
širenje usluga u 3G mobilnoj mreži, kao i usluge MojaTV. Više se investira u kanale pristupa
korisnicima, tako da se u toku ove godine otvara novih 12 Telecom centara.
Ukupno je investirano 140 miliona KM.

Ulaganje u fiksnu mrežu

U fiksnoj mreži izvršena je modernizacija prenosne mreže uvođenjem DWDM tehnike, IP/
MPLS prenosa i MAN mreže čime je ostvarena prva faza realizacije NGN mreže BH Telecoma.
Povećan je broj ADSL portova kao broj distrubucijskih čvorišta, što je rezultiralo povećanjem
ADSL korisnika za 69%, tj. na 85.000.
Najveći projekat u ovoj godini je projekat realizacije NGN mreže BH Telecoma u vrijednosti
od 10,5 miliona KM. Projekat je obuhvatio prelazak TDM AXE komutacija na NGN mrežu,

sa montažom i testiranjem softswitch-a na lokacijama Paša Bunar i Baš-čaršija (u prvoj fazi),
sa pripadajućim MGW čvorovima za prihvat TDM opreme. U drugoj fazi obuhvaćeno je
proširenje NGN mreže u Bihaću, te na Obali i Baš-čaršiji. Također, EWSD komutacije u prvoj
fazi povezuju se na SS i pripadajuće MGW u Travniku, Zenici, Tuzli, te Alipašinom polju.
Druga faza obihvata Bugojno, Kakanj, Goražde, Konjic, Dolac Maltu, Bihać i Mostar.
Pristupna infrastruktura je obuhvaćena velikim brojem projekata:
• U Direkciji Sarajevo, u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 9,4 miliona KM započinje realizacija
projekata: PM Dobrinja C5, zemljište i OSP Obad, PM i OSP Bojnik, PM i OSP Vratnik,
PM i OSP Ahatovići i Dobroševići, PM Blagovac, objekat za komutacionu opremu Breka,
objekat Čengić Vila, PM Osijek-Vijenac, PM i OSP Nahorevo, PM i OSP Gora, PM i OSP
Blažuj, PM i OSP Hrasno, PM Hrasnica, PM Velešići, PM i OSP Grbavica, PM Švrakino
Selo 2, PM Pofalići.
• U Direkciji Tuzla, u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 5,9 miliona KM, završeno je izvođenje
radova, obavljena primopredaja i kolaudacija radova na izgradnji pristupnih mreža
Babunovići, Kiseljak, Bikodže, Donji Bistarac, Gornji Bistarac, Brezici-Grivice,
Prokosovići i Jeginov Lug. Izvršena je djelimična primopredaja radova na izgradnji
PM Živinice. Završeni su radovi na proširenju spojnog puta Lukavac-Puračić, otvoreni
nalozi i započeli radovi na izgradnji OSP-ova Tuzla-Čelić, Oskova-Litve i Jelovo Brdo-
Krivača, završena primopredaja radova i kolaudacija za OSP-ove Dokanj, BukinjeI i II,
Babunovići, Kiseljak, Tuzla-Ilinčica i Ormanica-Brka.
• U Direkciji Zenica, u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 4,8 miliona KM, realizuju se projekti: PM
Branilaca Grada - Zavidovići, Tešanj-Centar, Zenica-Crkvice, Zavidovići Centar, Poljice
i Papratnica.
• U Direkciji Mostar, u vrijednosti od 1,6 miliona KM započinju se projekti pristupnih
mreža: Gornje Polje, izgradnja objkekta Konjic, PM Dobrč-Podveležje, Smajkići i
• U Direkciji Goražde, započeta je realizacija projekata: PM Obarak, PM Faočići, te PM
• U Direkciji Travnik, započeti su projekti PM Novi Travnik, proširenje kablovske
kanalizacije Bugojno, proširenje KK Donji Vakuf, te izgradnja PM Nadbare, PM Donjići,
OSP Prokos-Pavlovica, PM Vitez, OSP Travnik Velika Bukovica, OSP Donji Vakuf -
Bagina Strana, OSP Vitez - Grbavica, OSP Travnik- Han Bila, u ukupnoj vrijednosti od
4,3 miliona KM.
• U Direkciji Bihać nastavljena je realizacija projekata Gnjilavac, Drmeljevo, Izačić,
Kalina-Bakšaiš, Žegar, Husmovci i Sanski Most, ukupne vrijednosti investicija od 4
miliona KM u 2009. godini.
Treba spomenuti i realizaciju projekata izgradnje optičkih spojnih puteva u vrijednosti od 3,6
miliona KM, koji uključuje povezivanje Bosne i Hercegovine i Crne Gore optičkim kablom na
relaciji Goražde - granični prelac prema Crnoj Gori - Metaljka, kao i rekonstrukciju OSP

Ulaganje u mobilnu mrežu

Nastavlja se ulagati velikim intenzitetom u ovu mrežu, tačnije u realizaciju 3G UMTS/HSxPA
mreže. Ukupni budžet projekta u 2009. godini iznosi 20,5 miliona KM. Do kraja godine
pušteno je u rad u pristupnoj mreži UTRAN 52 NodeB bazne stanice. Obezbjeđujući pristup
3G mreži u 9 najvećih gradova BiH, pokrivenost 3G je dostigla 25% populacije BiH.

Uporedo sa izgradnjom 3G baznih stanica radi se na proširenju postojeće 2G mreže.
Projekat proširenja 2G radio mreže (faza X) započet u 2009. godini nastavljen je izgradnjom
novih 57 baznih stanica.
Za nove software-ske funkcionalnosti BSS, OSS i RC, u iznosu od 7,3 miliona KM pokrenuta
je nabavka i instalacija dodatnih BSS funkcionalnosti: GSM-UMTS cell reselection and
handover (uvezivanje handover-a 2G i 3G mreže), AMR HR i AMR (podrška za AMR kodeke),
interference rejection combining (potiskivanje interferencije), multi-band cell, te RBS 2000
Unapređenje kvaliteta i podizanje kapaciteta servisne mreže je i u 2009. godini jedan od
najvećih projekata u mobilnoj mreži. Projekat se realizuje u vrijednosti od 8 miliona KM, a
obuhvata SDP kapacitivno proširenje, razvoj IMS/SDP okruženja, funkcionalno proširenje
SMS RGW-a, nadogradnju OSS jezgre, implementaciju nove IN platforme IN2, te proširenje
IN3 i PS sistema.
Investirano je u projekte korekcije radio mreže, novi BSC čvor, prenosive bazne stanice, HW
i SW za mjerenje parametara i performansi radio mreže.

Ulaganje u BH Telecom centre

U toku 2008. godine svečano je otvoreno 12 novih BH Telecom centara i to: Jajce, Bihać,
Visoko, Sanski Most, Sarajevo-Sarači, Sarajevo-Vogošća, Tuzla-Barok, Stolac, Doboj,
Kiseljak, Zenica-Džananović, te Gradačac.

3.4.4. Investiciona ulaganja 2010. godine

U toku 2010. godine BH Telecom se u potpunosti transformiše od davaoca klasične govorne
usluge u servisno orjentiranu kompaniju sa multimedijalnim uslugama. Konkurencija u
svim segmentima davanja usluga u stalnom je porastu, BH Telecom radi sa dva dominantna
operatora mobilne mreže, osam alternativnih operatora interkonektovanih na vlastitu fiksnu
mrežu, pet operatora su u Regulatornoj agenciji zakupili svoju numeraciju nacionalnog
saobraćaja, razvezivanje lokalne petlje je u toku, uz ulazak konkurencije na tržište fiksne
telefonije putem bežičnog pristupa CLL tehnologijom.
U cilju povećanja efikasnosti, značajno se mijenja i način pristupa investiranju u BH
Telecomu. Kao okvir za planiranje sada se uvodi trogodišnji plan, a nastoji se gdje je moguće
sve investicijske aktivnosti koje prethode samoj realizaciji projekta završiti jednu ili čak dvije
godine prije planske godine. Na ovaj način Društvo pokreće realizaciju velikih projekata koji
traju dvije ili tri godine, značajno rasterećujući svoje resurse (dijelove Društva koji rade u
pripremnim fazama i fazama ugovaranja).
Analiza i prepoznavanje
ključnih investicijskih
aktivnosti u fazi planiranja i
vođenja realizacije projekata
značajno su potpomognuti
razvojem i punim korištenjem
dostupnih informacionih
alata: SAP PS i IM modul.
Na brz način se vrši procjena
potrebnih resursa, sredstava i
Slika 3.8. Praćenje vremenskog toka investicijskih aktivnosti kroz vremenske dinamike potrebne
SAP PS modul za završetak bilo kojeg

projekta na osnovu zadatih ulaznih parametara (stanje ulazne dokumentacije, preferirani tip
nabavke, izbor internog naloga, itd.). Podaci o stanju svih investicijskih aktivnosti se prate u
realnom vremenu i na osnovu ovih informacija može se brzo intervenisati na projektima na
kojima je uočen zastoj.
Sigurno najznačajniji investicioni projekti u ovoj godini su projekat Triple Play koji je u
komercijalnu uslugu pušten u januaru 2010. godine, širenje 3G mobilne mreže, izgradnja
poslovne zgrade BH Telecoma u Mostaru, kao i kupovina poslovne zgrade BH Telecoma u
Sarajevu. Ukupno je investirano 149,5 miliona KM.

Ulaganje u fiksnu mrežu

Projektom Triple Play u vrijednosti od 22 miliona KM započinje novo razdoblje u razvoju fiksne
mreže. Cijeli projekat je rezultat ulaganja u prethodne dvije godine (prvenstveno u razvoj NGN
kičmene mreže te proširenje servisnog dijela mreže), a u 2010. godini je akcenat na ugradnji i
instalaciji što većeg broja terminalne opreme, povećanju broja usluga (TV programa i ostalih
sadržaja) koje se nude putem paketa MojaTV, te razvoju pristupnog dijela mreže kako bi se
omogućili tehnički uvjeti za što više korisnika usluge MojaTV. Broj priključaka MojaTV na
kraju godine je dostigao 15.000. Uveden je i WLL Internet pristup, kao i MPLS VPN usluga.
Na području Direkcije Sarajevo, u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 3,2 miliona KM nastavlja se
realizacija projekata: Dobrinja, Bojnik, Ahatovići i Dobroševići, Blagovac, Breka, Hrasnica,
Grbavica, Švrakino Selo i Pofalići.
U Direkciji Tuzla, nakon izgradnje pristupnih mreža i nabavke MSAN-ova puštene su u rad
usluge korisnicima u naseljima Bikodže, Donji Bistarac i Prokosovići. Izvršena je primopredaja
radova na izgradnji PM Živinice i mreža je puštena u rad. Završeni su radovi na izgradnji
OSP-ova Tuzla-Čelić, Oskova-Litve, Jelovo Brdo-Krivača i Sjever II-Par Selo (izgradnjom tri
zadnje navedena OSP-a izgrađen optički prsten Tuzla-Živinice-Kalesija). Završeni su radovi
na izgradnji OSP-a Sarajevo-Zenica-Tuzla na području tuzlanskog kantona. Izvršena je
primopredaja radova za izgradnju pristupnih mreža Litve i Pribava, završena izgradnja PM
Batva i PM Mionica I, sve u vrijednosti od 5 miliona KM.
U Direkciji Zenica, u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 3,5 miliona KM, započinje se realizacija projekata:
Zavidovići, Maglaj-Stari Grad, Maglaj-Centar, Breza-Centar, i Visoko-Centar. U Direkciji
Travnik nastavlja se izgradnja pristupnih mreža Donji Vakuf, Bugojno, Vitez, Fojnica, Gornji
Vakuf, te OSP-ova Prokos, Vitez-Kruščica. Još se gradi pristupna infrastruktura na lokacijama
Ceravci, Lohovo, Donji Kamengrad, Sanski Most u Direkciji Bihać, Gronje Polje, Ovčari,
Mazoljice, Mostar, Ostrožac, i Konjic u Direkciji Mostar, te Zupčići u Direkciji Goražde.
Od značajnijih projekata treba izdvojiiti projekat širenja DSLAM i MSAN uređaja te
automatizacije procesa uključenja ADSL-a, razvoja multiservisnih RR sistema prenosa
velikih kapaciteta i fleksibilnosti (za povezivanje 3G baznih stanica), te projekte izgradnje
bitnih optičkih spojnih puteva: Čađavica - Banja Luka i Mostar - Metković (u početnoj fazi) u
vrijednosti od 6,3 miliona KM.

Ulaganje u mobilnu mrežu

Tokom 2010. godine ponovo se akcenat stavlja na jak razvoj infrastrukture u pristupnom
dijelu radio mreže. Za razvoj pristupnog dijela radio mreže, na području svih sedam
Regionalnih direkcija planirano je ukupno 10,5 miliona KM u 2010., uz dodatnih 8,9 miliona
KM za realizaciju u 2011. godini. Završeni su građevinski radovi na 64 bazne stanice, montažni
radovi na 74 bazne stanice, a tehnički su primljene 82 bazne stanice. U rad je pušteno 96 3G
baznih stanica.

Omogućen je 3G pristup u gradskim i prigradskim područjima BiH, kao i glavnim
magistralnim pravcima uz proširenje 3G kapaciteta na postojećoj mreži. Vrše se pripreme
za drugi dio implementacije cjelokupnog projekta širenja 3G pristupne mreže - širenje na
prostor gdje BH Telecom nema do sada impleemtiranu 3G mrežu sa novih 100 NodeB baznih
stanica. Ukupna vrijednost projekta je 11,1 miliona KM.
Na 10 lokacija instalirane su prenosive bazne stanice. Tokom 2009. godine Telecom
Inženjering je napravio prototip prenosive BS sa balastima i na osnovu toga uradio 40
prenosivih BS koje će biti raspoređene po svim Regionalnim direkcijama na ugrađivanje.
Završena su ulaganja u nove software-ske funkcionalnosti BSS, OSS i RC, započete u toku
2009. godine, sa dodatnih 4 miliona KM u toku 2010. godine. U komercijalni rad su puštene
24 nove usluge i unapređenja, među kojim su: unapređenje hit zone, wap novi look&feel,
mobilni internet paketi - redizajn, automatska dodjela usluga MMS, mMail, mSurf, usluga
Pay4me, redizajn korporativnog pristupa (CSD, SMS), Ultra Internet paketi, live update
(testni period), unapređenje MMS centrale, redizajn Ultra ponude, hit reklame (HIT Zona
AD), mOffice, mChat.

Ulaganje u BH Telecom
U toku 2010. godine završena
je izgradnja BH Telecom
centara u Bijeljini, Srebrenici,
Hadžićima, Livnu, Fojnici i
Šamcu. Zajedno sa BH Telecom
centrima završenim i puštenim
u rad početkom 2011. godine
(Višegrad, Žepče, Gračanica,
Srebrenik, Čapljina), ukupno je
završen 41 Telecom centar, a 36
je u fazi rada.
Slika 3.9. BH Telecom centar Srebrenica poslije uređenja
Izgradnja objekta
BH Telecoma u Mostaru
Direkcija Mostar punih 15 godina nije posjedovala jedinstveni objekat u kojem bi bili smješteni
svi organizacioni dijelovi Direkcije u gradu Mostaru. Još u toku 1994. i 1995. godine sanirani
su i adaptirani određeni prostori i u iste su smještene organizacione jedinice Direkcije.
Centar telekomunikacija bio je smješten u ulici Braće Fejića bb ukupne površine prostora od
250 m2. Sve prostorije su bile podrumske bez prirodne svjetlosti i bez mogućnosti ventilacije
radnog prostora.
Ostale organizacione jedinice bile su razmještene po gradu i to:
• Južni logor bb objekat br. 19 (skladište Službe EFP, Odjeljenje građevinskih poslova i
• Objekat “Sjeverni logor”, ukupne površine 243 m2 i u njemu su bili smješteni: Odsjek
za mjesnu mrežu, arhiva, Odjeljenje za sigurnost i zaštitu,
• Objekat Cernica, ukupna površina prostora 96 m2 i u njemu su bili smješteni: Služba za
realizaciju investicija, Odjeljenje za javne govornice i RDLU Cernica,
• Objekat Čekrk (prizemlje i sprat stambene zgrade), ukupna površina prostora iznosi
112 m2 i u njemu su bili smješteni Odsjek za telefonske informacije 988, RDLU Mahala,
server GSM, arhiva i Odjeljenje za pretplatničke odnose.

Ovakva disperzija prostora po
gradu otežavala je normalno
funkcionisanje telekomunika-
cijskog saobraćaja, usložnjavala
uspješno rukovođenje, dovodila
do velikih gubitaka u efektivnom
radnom vremenu i povećavala
troškove poslovanja. Jedan broj
prostorija bio je potpuno neuslovan
za rad ljudi i tehnike (najveći dio
prostora CTK je podrumski bez
prirodne svjetlosti i provjetravanja).
Slika 3.10. Poslovna zgrada u Mostaru nakon završetka radova
U periodu od 2008. do 2010. godine
izgrađena je nova Poslovna zgrada BH Telecoma - Direkcije Mostar, građevinske površine
objekta od 3.950 m², i u ljeto 2010. godine, nakon punih 15 godina poslovanja u izuzetno
otežanim uslovima rada i rukovođenja, u istu su smješteni svi uposlenici Direkcije Mostar sa
radnim mjestom u gradu Mostaru. Objekat je svojim izgledom, funkcionalnim rasporedom
prostorija i opreme, vanjskim uređenjem, jedan od najreprezentativnijih u gradu Mostaru.

3.4.5. Poslovna zgrada BH Telecoma

U toku 2008. godine započete su investicijske aktivnosti na rješavanju problema smještaja
zaposlenika BH Telecoma, budući da je u procesu razdvajanja BH Telecoma i BH Pošte veći
dio objekata dodijeljen BH Pošti. Rješenje je nađeno u kupovini ili izgradnji poslovne zgrade
- centra BH Telecoma u Sarajevu, te
je u toku naredne dvije godine vršen
postupak nabavke i izbora optimalne
lokacije. Ovim projektom riješit će
se nekoliko značajnih problema koji
opterećuju poslovanje Društva, kao
što su zakupljivanje prostorija, te
teritorijalna raširenost pojedinih
dijelova Društva čime je pogođena
efikasnost komunikacije i rada.
U toku 2010. godine završen je i
glavni dio ovog projekta - ugovaranje i
Slika 3.11. Nova poslovna zgrada BH Telecoma
kupovina reprezentativnog objekta BH
Telecoma na lokaciji Bulevar Franca
Lehara. Trenutno je u toku druga
faza - projektovanje i uređivanje
enterijera zgrade, čijim završetkom
će se u Društvu trajno riješiti problem
smještaja zaposlenika, povećati
vrijednost Društva uz pozitivan uticaj
na izgled tog dijela grada i poslovno

Interni dokumenti BH Telecoma Slika 3.12. Nova poslovna zgrada BH Telecoma

4. Ključne investicije u tehničko-tehnološke resurse BH

4.1. Ključne investicije u mreži BH Line

4.1.1. Uvod
Mreža BH Line je tehnološki nasljednik starog telefonskog sistema, sistema sa tradicijom
dugom nekoliko desetljeća. U skladu sa vremenom i tehnološkim razvojem industrije razvijao
se i transformisao i ovaj segment. Sam sistem je izuzetno složen skup podsistema različitih
funkcija oslonjenih na fiksne bakarne i optičke mreže.
Danas su funkcije razvoja, održavanja i eksploatacije fiksnih telekomunikacionih sistema
dobrim dijelom centralizovane u Direkciji BH Line. Stupanj centralizacije, odnosno
decentralizacije ovisi o karakteru sistema, ali i naslijeđenim u ranijem periodu razvijanim
organizacionim metodama.
Sam sistem je izrastao iz PSTN mreže, ali je danas pretrpio značajne promjene i prilagodbe i
svakako su najznačajniji projekti koji su činili logičnu nadogradnju i funkcionalno proširenje
postojećeg telefonskog sistema bili slijedeći:
1. Izgradnja PDH sistema prenosa, 1995. godine
2. Početak implementacije digitalnih komutacija nove generacije, 1996. godine
3. Izgradnja SDH sistema prenosa, 1996. godine
4. Izgradnja mreže za prenos podataka, BIHpak, 1996. godine
5. Izgradnja prvog komercijalnog ISP-a u BiH, BIHnet, 1997. godine
6. Implementacija prvog širokopojasnog xDSL pristupnog sistema, 2002. godine
7. Početak procesa tranzicije ka NGN mreži, 2008. godine
8. Izgradnja IP/MPLS mreže, 2006 - 2008. godine
9. Izgradnja DWDM prenosne mreže, 2008. godine
10. Izgradnja IPTV i VoIP sistema, 2009. godine

4.1.2. Investicije u pristupne mreže

Kada je riječ o pristupnim mrežama, iako postoje izvjesne specifičnosti u ovisnosti od
regije, opšti je zaključak da je njihov poslijeratni razvoj okarakteriziran potrebom za
rekonstrukcijama ratnim dejstvima devastiranih mreža, ali sada po novim principima.
Razvoj tehnologija u telekomunikcijama u poslijeratnom periodu je zahtijevao korjenite
promjene u načinu planiranja i izgradnje pristupnih mreža koje su evoluirale od mreža
bakarnih kablova sa vazdušno-papirnom izolacijom koji su polagani direktno u zemlju, parica
dugih i do 10 km, sa razvodnom mrežom vazdušnih-samonosivih kablova, ka jedinstvenoj
širokopojasnoj pristupnoj mreži bakarnih kablova vrlo kratke parice dužine nekoliko stotina
metara sa PE izolacijom, kablovima kapaciteta do 200 parica koji se polažu u PEHD cijevi
sa oknima malih dimenzija u koja ne ulaze monteri da bi otklonili smetnju, i sa razvodnom
mrežom bakarnih kablova spuštenom u zemlju i takođe u PEHD cijevima, a koji se može
lako zamijeniti sa optičkim kablovima za nadolazeće, još veće, brzine širokopojasnih usluga.
Tako u periodu od 1997. godine, kada se pokreću investicioni projekti u ovom segmentu,
na području Srednjo-bosanskog kantona, od tada aktivnih 19 pristupnih mreža sa 15.620
pretplatnika, 34.936 instalisanih portova i 34.204 parice, do danas se radilo na rekonstrukciji

i izgradnji novih pristupnih mreža, te danas u ovoj regiji imamo aktivnih 67 pristupnih mreža
sa 108.010 parica i 52.784 instalisana porta.
U Zeničko-dobojskom kantonu je pak krajem 1996. godine bilo ukupno instalisano i
izgrađeno 68.760 telefonskih priključaka, završeno na glavnim razdjeljnicima 79.500
telefonskih parica. Teritorijalni raspored ovih kapaciteta je bio dosta neujednačen i
uglavnom je obuhvatao uža gradska područja svih jedanaest opština. U ruralnim područjima
je bio veoma mali broj instalisanih kapaciteta. Pristupne mreže su bile izgrađene uglavnom
u užim gradskim jezgrima sa kablovima sa papirnom izolacijom i vazdušnim kablovima koji
su zbog nemogućnosti adekvatne sanacije bili u veoma lošem stanju. Nakon završetka ratnih
dejstava i djelimičnih sanacija i popravki pristupnih mreža u najugroženijim područjima
pristupilo se projektovanju i izgradnji pristupnih mreža i to prvenstveno na područjima koja
nisu imala nikakvu telekomunikacionu infrastrukturu, a koja su bila udaljena od gradskih
centara kao što su: Opština Visoko (D. Moštre, Buci; V. Čajno. Krajem 2005. godine broj
instalisanih komutacionih kapaciteta je povećan za skoro sedam puta, a adekvatno tome i
broj novoizgrađenih pristupnih mreža i pretplatničkih parica), Opština Kakanj (pristupna
mreža Brnjic sa oko 1.500 parica, pristupna mreža Tršće sa oko 1.300 parica, a nakon toga
D. Kakanj i Bilješevo. Krajem 2005. godine broj instalisanih komutacionih kapaciteta je
povećan za skoro tri puta), Opština Zenica (Tišina, Tetovo, Stranjani, Lokvine, pristupne
mreže u Nemilskom slivu), Opština Olovo (Solun, Careva Čuprija, Čuništa, Vijaka), Opština
Doboj Jug (Matuzići).
Krajem 2000. godine bilo je ukupno izgrađeno i završeno na glavnim razdjeljnicima
121.000 pretplatničkih parica. Ovakva izgradnja je omogućila potpuno ukidanje dvojničkih
Nakon 2000. godine se nastavlja izgradnja mjesnih mreža i na području mjesnih zajednica
na preostalim opštinama (Tešanj, Zavidovići, Breza i Olovo), kao i rekonstrukcija i proširenje
pretplatničkih mreža u užim gradskim područjima, a sve u cilju podizanja kvaliteta pristupnih
mreža i mogućnosti pružanja novih širokopojasnih usluga.
Do kraja 2005. godine skoro sva naseljena mjesta u Kantonu su imala izgrađenu pristupnu
mrežu, tako da je krajem 2005. godine bilo ukupno instalisano 143.027 telefonskih
priključaka, odnosno 200.139 završenih pretplatničkih parica.
Nakon 2005. godine se pristupa temeljitoj rekonstrukciji i proširenju pretplatničkih mreža u
užim gradskim područjima svih opštinskih centara, sa posebnim osvrtom na Visoko, Zenicu,
Zavidoviće, Tešanj i Maglaj.
Period od 2005. do 2010. godine karakteriše rekonstrukcija postojećih mreža i ukidanje
vazdušnih linija. Tako je na kraju 2010. godine izgrađeno i završeno na glavnim razdjeljnicima
253.869 pretplatnićkih parica i 112 komutacionih čvorišta.
Razvoj pristupnih mreža u Bosansko-podrinjskom kantonu bio je određen posljedicama
ratnih dejstava, odnosno činjenicom da je veći dio područja bio zauzet te je i sama TK
infrastruktura zaposjednuta, a od posljedica granatiranja dobar dio preostalih pristupnih
mreža je uništen, posebno razvodni dijelovi urađeni od samonosivih kablova.
S obzirom na takvu situaciju i potrebu za telefonskim vezama, jedino rješenje je bilo
postavljanje induktorskih centrala, koje nisu mogle zadovoljiti izražene potrebe, te su u
funkciju stavljene postojeće kućne telefonske centrale po privrednim organizacijama. Za
uvezivanje ovih kućnih centrala, kao i korisnika na njih, korišteni su dijelovi PM koji nisu
bili uništeni a na pojedinim dijelovima izvršena je opravka oštećenih kablova, dok su do
korisnika povlačeni samonosivi kablovi.

Po okončanju ratnih dejstava i prestanka agresije na našu zemlju, pristupilo se revitalizaciji
uništenih PTT kapaciteta, rekonstrukciji postojećih i izgradnji novih pristupnih mreža i to
prvo u Goraždu. U kratkom vremenu uz pomoć Armije BiH i PTT Inžinjeringa izvršena je
sanacija i omogućeno da se sa početkom 1997. godine na istu priključi 2.000 priključaka.
Kasnije 2001. godine, urađen je projekat i izvršeno proširenje PM Goražde sa novih 1.600
parica u naselju Baćci.
Hronologija rekonstrukcije i izgradnje novih pristupnih mreža, odvijala se kako slijedi: 1996.
- 2000., sanacija postojećih PM; 2000. izgradnja nove PM Berič, kapaciteta 300 parica;
2001. proširenje PM Goražde, naselje Baćci sa novih 1600 parica; 2002. započeta izgradnja
novih PM mreža: Jabuka kod Foče, Prača, Hrenovica i proširenje PM Mravinjac sa novih 600
parica; 2003. završena izgradnja i puštene u eksploataciju PM čija je izgradnja započeta u
2002. i inicirane pripreme za izgradnju novih PM u Jarovićima, Gornjim i Donjim Barama;
2004. završena izgradnja PM Jaroviči, D. i G. Bare, Osanica desna obala Drine. U ovoj godini
završeno je proširenje kablovske kanalizacije u Goraždu; 2005. završena izgradnja proširenja
PM Goražde naselja Podhranjen, Vran Potok i Površnica; 2007. završena izgradnja PM
Kraboriš; 2009. započete izgradnje novih PM u naseljima Mrđelići, Faočići i Obarak; 2010.
završena izgradnja PM koje su započete u 2009. godini. U ovoj godini započeta je i završena
izgradnja kablovske kanalizacije u naselju Zupčići; 2011. u toku pripreme za početak PM
nove generacije u Goraždu, lijeva obala Drine.
U Hercegovačko-neretvanskom kantonu je zbog ratnih djelovanja i rušenja svih mostova
preko rijeke Neretve došlo do potpunog prekida telefonskog saobraćaja na lijevoj obali
(centrala je bila smještena u objektu u Ulici A. Šantića koja je pripala HT-u i HP Mostar).
Završetkom ratnih djelovanja dolazi do intenzivne izgradnje pristupnih mreža na području
užeg dijela grada, mjesnih zajednica Potoci i Vrapčići a potom MZ Blagaj, Dračevice -
Gnojnice. Od starta se krenulo sa izgradnjom podzemnih pristupnih mreža sa kablovima tipa
TK59 punjenih želatinskom masom, tako da je napuštana koncepcija izgradnje vazdušnih
Po završetku rata, jedina mjesta sa mrežama u funkciji na teritoriji RD Mostar bila su: gradska
mreža Jablanica i gradska mreža Konjic koje su bile aktivne i u toku rata preko mjesnih
telefonskih centrala ET200, odnosno AXE.
Prva poslijeratna izgrađena mreža bila je u naselju Lug u Jablanici, što je predstavljalo
proširenje mjesne mreže Jablanica.
Prve izgrađene mreže su bile centralni dio grada Mostara i puštanje prve telefonske centrale
8.3.1995. godine SI 224. Grad Mostar podijeljen je na 6 nezavisnih cjelina - pristupnih mreža:
Tekija, Mahala, Musala, Željeznička stanica, Luka i grupni stepen Iskra. Komutacioni sistemi
koji su bili instalisani na ovim mrežama su bile koračne kontejnerske centrale - donacija
Evropske Unije, proizvedene davne 1969. godine. Kasnije su sve kontejnerske centrale
zamijenjene modernijim sistemom EWSD - u vidu izmještenih stupnjeva - RDLU.
Paralelno sa izgradnjom gradske mreže u Mostaru vrše se pripreme za izgradnju mjesnih
mreža: Potoci, Vrapčići, Gornja i Donja Drežnica, Buturović polje, s napomenom da je
pristupna mreža u Šćipima bila već urađena.
Posebno treba istaknuti područje Opštine Konjic kao teritorijalno najveće opštine u BiH, koja
se sastoji od više naseljenih mjesta sa relativno malim brojem stanovnika. Sva naseljena mjesta
su pokrivena novoizgrađenim pristupnim mrežama sa vlastitim aktivnim koncentratorima
saobraćaja uvezanih optičkim vlaknima u jedinstvenu TK infrastrukturu. 1999/2000. godine
je pušten u rad prvi DECT sistem kao radio pristupna mreža na lokalitetu Podveležje, koja

je ugašena početkom 2011. godine izgradnjom četiri nezavisne bakarne pristupne mreže
bazirane na MSAN aktivnim komponentama. Pored Podveležja, u funkciji su još tri DECT
sistema na području RD Mostar: Mostar - zapadni dio grada, Dubrave i Stolac.
Nakon godina intenzivne izgradnje mjesnih pristupnih mreža i obezbjeđivanja osnovne
telefonske usluge za gotovo sve stanovnike na području koje pokriva RD Mostar, pristupilo
se izgradnji čvorišta/mreža koja su predstavljala optimizaciju postojećih većih mreža. Tako
su izgrađene mreže: Gornji Zalik, Kosor, Humi, Livač, Tuščica, Tuleg, itd.
Ukupno gledano, danas je na teritoriji RD Mostar u funkciji 70 mjesnih pristupnih mreža,
od kojih svaka posjeduje vlastiti aktivni koncentrator saobraćaja. Od toga 60 mjesnih
mreža posjeduje opremu za pružanje širokopojasnog servisa ADSL i MojaTV, a u planu je
da i preostala čvorišta budu osposobljena za širokopojasne usluge do kraja 2011. godine.
Trenutno, preko 95% korisnika ima pristup širokopojasnim servisima putem mjesnih
pristupnih mreža i na njima instalisanih aktivnih komponenti - DSLAM/MSAN uređaji.
U narednom periodu planirana je intenzivnija izgradnja mjesnih pristupnih mreža baziranih
na optici kao mediju kroz FTTB/FTTH koncepte, te daljnja optimizacija postojećih mjesnih
mreža ugradnjom aktivnih čvorišta na mjestima većih koncentracija, što kao direktnu
posljedicu ima proširenje i skraćenje postojeće parice, podižući kvalitet i dostupnost
širokopojasnog servisa.
Kad je riječ o rekonstrukciji i izgradnji pristupnih mreža u Kantonu Sarajevo, neophodno je
uvažiti specifičnosti ove regije. Naime, posmatrajući ranije decentralizovanu mjesnu mrežu
(pristupnu mrežu), u ovom periodu uradilo se mnogo na njenom osavremenjivanju i to s
aspekta rekonstrukcije postojeće i izgradnje nove pristupne mreže sa mnogostruko većim
brojem čvorova sa optičkim kablovima, koji su približeni korisniku kako bi se omogućilo
uvođenje nove tehnologije digitalnog prenosa.
Najveći problemi koji su bili prisutni u segmentu planiranja, razvoja, izgradnje i održavanja
pristupne mreže i njenog efikasnog i blagovremenog širenja su: devastiranost u ratnom
periodu, opterećenje kablovske kanalizacije, nepokrivenost kablovskom mrežom pojedinih
naselja, kao i odlazak velikog broja stručnih kadrova posebno vezano za nove tehnologije, što
je zahtijevalo uz redovne poslove i stalnu edukaciju.
Pristupna mreža u ovom regionu je u predratnom periodu bila pokrivena uglavnom kablovima
sa bakarnom paricom tipa TKOO, TKOOV, TK10,TK15, TK16PS različitih kapaciteta počev od
5x4 do 600x4, te prečnika žice od 0,4 do 0,8 mm. Sa ovakvom infrastrukturom i nadolazećom
širokopojasnom tehnologijom krenulo se sa rekonstrukcijom postojećih i izgradnjom novih
Rekonstrukciji pristupnog dijela mreže se pristupilo izuzetno seriozno obzirom da je to jedan
od najznačajnijih segmenata evolutivnog procesa ka NGN mreži, jer je njen vijek trajanja i
do 40 godina, naročito kablovske kanalizacije. To je značilo da se infrastruktura priprema
za buduće dovođenje optike do korisnika (FTTH) uz trenutno omogućivanje ADSL i VDSL
tehnologija po principu optika sve bliže korisniku, a ostatak pristupne mreže realizovan je po
bakarnoj infrastrukturi dužine do oko 800 m.
Po tim je principima na području Direkcije Sarajevo u prethodnom periodu izgrađeno 68
pristupnih mreža sa ukupno 65.168 parica.
Izgrađene pristupne TK mreže pored klasičnog ili ISDN telefonskog pristupa koriste se i za
realizaciju ADSL/VDSL usluge.
Na svim pomenutim do sada izgrađenim pristupnim TK mrežama kablovi su položeni u PE
cijevi F75, 50 i 32 mm. Na taj način je stvorena mreža kablovske TK kanalizacije različitog

kapaciteta sa implementiranim kablovskim oknima dimenzija 1,5x0,8x0,9 m i 0,8x0,8x0,9
m koje možemo nazvati „humana okna“, jer pri održavanju mreže monter ne mora da ulazi u
okno nego svoj posao obavlja iznad njega. Tendencija stalnog smanjenja dimenzija kablovske
kanalizacije i minimiziranja njenih elemenata je takođe prisutna. Ovo je posebno bitno i u
kontekstu borbe sa nadolazećom konkurencijom.
Mrežna grupa Bihać poslije rata i deblokade obuhvata područje Unsko-sanskog kantona
odnosno Opštine Bihać, Cazin, Bosanska Krupa, Velika Kladuša, Bosanski Petrovac, Bužim,
Sanski Most i Ključ. Razrušeni i uništeni kapaciteti su postupno osposobljavani, prema
raspoloživim mogućnostima i prioritetima. Tako su krajem 1995. i u toku 1996. godine
redom podizane i uvezivane telefonske centrale u Bihaću AXE-10, Bosanskoj Krupi AXE-10,
Sanskom Mostu AXE-10, Bosanskom Petrovcu ARK, Velikoj Kladuši ARF 102/4 i Ključu SI
Tek nakon 1997. godine počinju značajnija ulaganja u nove kapacitete, modernizaciju i
zamjenu postojećih sistema novima i podizanje sistema veza na viši tehnološki i organizacijski
nivo, zamjenom komutacionih i prenosnih sistema u novim tehnologijama i izgradnjom
optičkih spojnih puteva i digitalnih RR sistema.
Ovo podrazumijeva i izgradnju pratećih mjesnih odnosno pristupnih mreža čija značajnija
izgradnja započinje upravo tokom 1998. godine, da bi u narednim godinama bio postignut
puni zamah, najprije kroz projekte EC i EBRD kojim su izgrađene mjesne mreže Pokoj,
Ripač, Ozimice II (naselje Vedro Polje), Krasulje, Kamičak, Velagići, Sanica, Bužim, Varoška
Rijeka, Brigovi, Mala Kladuša i Podzvizd, a potom slijedi izgradnja mjesnih mreža vlastitim
sredstvima prema usvojenim godišnjim planovima iz tog perioda, kao što su Fajtovci, Stijena,
Pećigrad, Vrhpolje i tako dalje, odnosno u pomenutom periodu od 1998. godine do danas u
ovoj je regiji izgrađeno ukupno 96 pristupnih mreža.
Nova tehnološka rješenja su nametnula i promjenu načina gradnje pristupnih mreža,
odnosno veću decentralizaciju u svrhu smanjenja dužine parice i kapaciteta upotrijebljenih
kablova, čime se broj pristupnih mreža značajno povećao, što se vidi u narednom dijagramu
koji pokazuje dinamiku broja izgrađenih pristupnih mreža i mreža u izgradnji u periodu od
1999. do 2010.
Danas je na području RD Bihać u funkciji 106 pristupnih mreža ukupnog kapaciteta 180.122
parica u osam opština.
Stanje pristupnih mreža na području Direkcije Tuzla nakon 1995. godine je slično stanju u
ostalim regionalnim centrima. Mreže u ratnim godinama nisu bile adekvatno održavane, a
neke su bile potpuno zapuštene i devastirane. U to vrijeme na području TK bilo je oko 100
telefonskih centrala sa pripadajućim pristupnim mrežama i sa oko 85.000 pretplatnika.
Kablovi koji su se do tada koristili bili su tipa TK 10, TK00 i TK00V sa vazdušno-papirnom
izolacijom. Karakteristika tadašnjih postojećih mreža je bila velika dužina parice jer je prenos
govora bio osnovna usluga. Samo u izrazito urbanim gradskim područjima djelovi mreža su
bili urađeni u cjelosti podzemno, dok je u svim ostalim slučajevima sekundarni dio mreže bio
urađen nadzemno.Telefonske priključke imala su gradska područja i urbanija seoska naselja,
dok veliki broj seoskih domaćinstava uopšte nije imao mogućnost korištenja naših usluga.
Nakon završetka ratnih dejstava, obnova devastiranih i izgradnja novih pristupnih mreža je
mahom bila inicirana od strane mjesnih zajednica. Aktivnosti su obično vođene uz saradnju
i dogovore na relaciji MZ, pripadajuća opština i pošta. U periodu 1995. - 2001. godina
izgrađene mreže su najvećim dijelom bile finansirane od strane samih građana, dok je JP
PTT saobraćaja uglavnom obezbjeđivao komutacione i prenosne sisteme.

Ove su mreže građene putem kablova sa plastičnom izolacijom koji su imali ispunu za
sprječavanje prodora vlage kroz kabl u slučaju oštećenja i koji su bili jednostavniji za
manipulaciju i održavanje od dotadašnjih kablova. Sve mreže su u potpunosti izgrađene kao
podzemne. U ovom periodu treba istaći i pomoć međunarodne zajednice učešćem u izgradnji
pristupnih mreža na području Brčko Distrikta i Opštine Banovići.
U decembru 2001. godine Direkcija Tuzla je imala u funciji 120 pristupnih mreža sa 122.500
U narednom periodu finansiranje izgradnje pristupnih mreža na sebe preuzima BH Telecom.
Tako je u periodu od 2002. do 2004. godine samo na području Opštine Gračanica izgrađeno
19 novih mreža. Radi uvođenja širokopojasnih usluga u tom se periodu pristupa i novom
načinu projektovanja i izgradnje. Grade se mreže sa skraćenom dužinom parice i manjim
brojem nastavaka. Dužina parice nije veća od 1.500 m, a koriste se kablovi sa ispunom
tipa TK 59. U narednom periodu u procesu izgradnje pored aktivnih polažu se i rezervne
polietilenske cijevi. Prve takve mreže su izgrađene na području Opštine Gradačac i to u
periodu od 2005. - 2007. njih 14.
2007. godine je na području Direkcije Tuzla bilo izgrađeno 165 pristupnih mreža sa oko
138.000 korisnika.
Nakon ovog perioda dolazi do postepenog pada korisnika govorne usluge ali i snažnog rasta
broja korisnika širokopojasnih usluga. ADSL kao pristupna tehnologija je u Tuzlanskom
kantonu prisutna od 2004. godine.
Danas Direkcija Tuzla ima u funkciji oko 180 pristupnih mreža sa oko 112.500 korisnika
POTS-a, 22.500 ADSL i oko 6.000 korisnika usluge MojaTV.

4.1.3. Investicije u komutacionu mrežu

Razvoj komutacione mreže BH Telecoma predstavlja stalni proces investiranja u kapacitivno
ali i funkcionalno unapredjenje sistema. Godina 2008. je svakako najznačajnija jer je u njoj
počela migracija u ranijem periodu u cijelosti digitalizovane PSTN mreže u NGN mrežu, te je
time započela treća tehnološka faza razvoja komutacione mreže.
Za komutacionu mrežu BH Telecoma 1995. godine je započeo veliki proces obnove i
transformacije. Već 1996. godine u rad su puštene prve digitalne komutacije nove generacije
i to HOST EWSD Tuzla koji je imao karakter tranzitno-lokalne centrale kapaciteta 11.100
pretplatničkih portova i 2.900 64 Kb/s vodova, međunarodna centrala MnCSA1 EWSD u
Sarajevu sa kapacitetom od 6.240 vodova, te lokalna centrala AXE Obala sa cca 14.000 ptp.
portova i AXE Vogoća cca 7.000 ptp. portova.
Na kraju 1996. godine u komutacionoj mreži je uključeno 160.156 pretplatničkih portova, te
nova vrsta priključaka bazirana na ISDN tehnologiji u ukupnom kapacitetu od 3.360 ISDN
BA i ISDN PRA sa 26 E1 sistema. Sa novim digitalnim komutacijama u mrežu se uvodi i niz
dodatnih usluga za POTS i ISDN korisnike od čega su najznačajnije slijedeće: prezentacija
broja pozivaoca, preusmjerenje poziva, poziv na čekanju, konferencijska veza, itd. Uvodi se
nova vrsta signalizacije No7 Blue Book, a kasnije i No7 White Book, a postepeno se izbacuju
analogne signalizacije D1/D1, D1/D4,D4/R2, itd.
1997. godine izvršena je montaža novih digitalnih komutacija tipa EWSD i to u Bihaću sa
14.028, Zenici 6.600 i Kaknju sa 6.400 pristupnih portova.
Broj uključenja novih korisnika je bio značajan pa je tako samo u toku 1998. godine uključeno
31.500 novih korisnika što je činilo povećanje broja korisnika od 13% u odnosu na 1997.

godinu, te je broj uključenih korisnika bio 331.917. Te godine ISDN BA usluga je već bila
instalirana na 19 lokacija i to na 8 host-ova i 11 udaljenih pristupnih stupnjeva. U ovoj godini
je broj uključenih međunarodnih vodova bio 2.700 sa direktnih 22 destinacija, dok je u
međumjesnom saobraćaju bilo 41.000 vodova.
1998. godine je puštena u rad tranzitna centrala EWSD Mostar sa kapacitetom od 7.000
pretplatničkih portova.
1997-1998. godine instaliraju se i LC AXE Ključ, AXE Visoko sa oko 12.200, te AXE Kalesija
sa oko 5.000 pretplatničkih portova, koje se naknadno 2003. godine transformišu u
tranzitno-lokalnu centralu i postaju TLC Bihać2, TLC Zenica2 i TLC Tuzla2. Time sve veće
direkcije imaju po 2 velika HOST-a na tranzitnoj ravni. U tom periodu se instaliraju se i
slijedeći HOST-ovi sa pripadajućim udaljenim pretplatničkim stupnjevima: LC AXE Lukavac
sa početnim kapacitetom od oko 4.500, TLC EWSD Goražde sa oko 7.500, LC Bugojno sa oko
5.000 i TLC Travnik sa oko 9.000 pretplatničkih portova
Instalira se i niz digitalnih komutacija manjeg kapaciteta tipa DRX4 (Goražde, Olovo,
Klokotnica, Čelebići), S12 (Nemila, Banovići, V.Kladuša, Brka) i SI2000 (Poljice, Živinice,
Srebrenik, Kalesija, Maglaj).
Cilj je bila transformacija mreže sa „duboke hijerarhije“ u „plitku hijerarhiju“ čije su osnovne
značajke bile smanjenje broja nivoa u mreži sa 5 na 3 i to: lokalni, tranzitni i međunarodni
nivo, uvođenje UPS - udaljenih pretplatničkih stupnjeva koji su podrazumijevali skraćenje
parice i prilaz bliže korisniku.
Godina 1999. je završena sa 502.300 instaliranih pretplatničkih priključaka u fiksnoj mreži
od čega je 367.921 iskorištenih portova.
U 2000. godini u fiksnoj mreži BHTelecoma nalaze se 333 komutacije od čega je 158 HOST-
ova i 175 udaljenih pretplatničkih stupnjeva. Sa aspekta digitalizacije to je značilo 60%
digitalnih, 34,4% analognih i 5,1% elektro-mehaničkih komutacija.
2001. godine se instalira lokalna centrala EWSD Dolac Malta kapaciteta 30.000, kao i lokalna
centrala LC Konjic sa 8.500 pretplatničkih portova.
Tokom 2002. godine pušten je u rad i novi međunarodni čvor EWSD MnCSA2 sa kapacitetom
od 15.000 vodova, te lokalna centrala EWSD LC Alipašino polje kapaciteta 30.000
pretplatničkih portova.
U 2003. godini procenat digitalizacije komutacija je iznosio 86,3% a u strukturi radilo se
o 96 HOST-ova i 356 udaljenih pretplatničkih stupnjeva sa ukupno instaliranih 648.527
pretplatničkih portova, od čega je iskorištenih bilo 509.094.
Na kraju 2005. godine u mreži je 86 HOST-ova i 383 udaljenih pretplatničkih stupnjeva.
Ukupno je instalirano 679.062 i uključeno 527.856 pretplatničkih portova. Na međunarodnom
nivou putem MnCSa1 i MnCSA2 u eksploataciji je 3.657 digitalnih vodova.
U sistemu su korištene digitalne komutacije serija: AXE (lokalne i tranzitno-lokalne),
EWSD (lokalne, tranzitno-lokalne i međunarodne), SI2000 (lokalne), DRX4-4 (lokalne)
i S12 (lokalne centrale). Analogne su bile: M10CN (lokalne), Iskra 2000 (lokalne), a od
elektro-mehaničkih je zadržana još ARF 102, 102/4 u funkciji lokalne komutacije.
Uvođenje novih servisa (ISDN, NTS , CLIP, itd.) ubrzalo je proces gašenja analognih i
EM komutacija koje nisu imale mogućnosti pružanja novih usluga. Optimizacijom mreže
komutaciona mreža se do kraja 2008. godine svodi na 3 tipa komutacija i to AXE, EWSD i

Kako je broj digitalnih komutacija rastao, odnosno sa značajnim porastom korisnika rastao
je i saobraćaj a posebno zbog velike ekspanzije GSM mreže signalizaciona mreža postaje sve
obimnija i složenija. U cilju što kvalitetnijeg upravljanja i optimizacije signalne mreže 2005.
godine uvodi se par STP čvorova sa monitoring platformom.
Osim investicionih projekata u komutacionom jezgru posebno je bitno navesti ulaganja u
servisni dio mreže čime je napravljen veliki iskorak u modernizaciji mreže i njenoj pripremi za
budućnost. Tako je 2000. godine instaliran prvi samostalni čvor servisne mreže za korisnike
fiksne mreže i to kroz IN1 servise: teleglasanje, freephone i premium rate, čime BH Telecom
prvi u regiji ima mogućnost pružanja ovih servisa. Navedeni NTS servisi se oplemenjuju
uvođenjem IVR mašine.
2005. godine uvodi se i FSMS/VMS centar fiksne mreže također kao prvi telecom operater u
zemlji, pa i u regiji, koji svojim korisnicima fiksne mreže nudi SMS i VMS servis.
2006. godine se na IN2 platformi instalira VPN servis i to postaje prva konvergentna usluga
koja sa iste servisne platforme pod istim uslovima pruža servis VPN za korisnike i fiksne i
mobilne mreže.
Krivulja povećanja broja korisnika fiksne mreže je sa 2006.-om godinom ušla u blago
zasićenje, te je od instaliranih 683.309 pristupnih portova u radu bilo njih 530.964. 2007.
godine je omjer instalirani/iskorišteni kapacitet iznosio 691.654/544.117, a 2008. je taj
omjer bio 695.551 /542.122, od čega je čisti POTS sa 487.957 portova sa svega 22 HOST-a u
tri ravni mreže.
U svrhu prelaska na ‘’all IP’’ mrežu, fiksna mreža BH Telecoma doživljava transformaciju
konceptom migacije TDM komutacione mreže u NGN domenu. Idejno rješenje za navedeni
koncept pravi se u periodu 2005. - 2007. godine, a prvi elementi NGN mreže su pušteni u
rad 2009. godine (Softswitch Class 5, IMS).
Prelazak na NGN omogućuje slijedeće: sve fiksne mrežne elemente, host-ove i pristupne
čvorove u IP transport, optimizaciju komutacione mreže po pitanju broja čvorova, prihvat
novih pristupnih mrežnih elemenata MSAN na novim tehnologijama i prihvat TDM
pristupnih čvorova u IP i njihovu postepenu migraciju u potpuno IP okruženje.
U komutacionu mrežu BH Line 2010. godine instalirana je nadzorna platforma za NGN
signalizaciju za BH Line i BH Mobile mrežu.
Još jedan kamen temeljac u svom razvoju BH Telecom je postavio 2009. godine sa početkom
pružanja VoIP usluga za rezidencijalne korisnike, te IP centrex za poslovne korisnike. U
2009. godini bilježimo pad broja korisnika POTS i ISDN pri čemu većina tih korisnika vrši
supstituciju POTS i ISDN usluge sa VoIP uslugom.
2010. godina je značajna zbog započinjanja procesa realizacije regulatorskog zahtjeva
vezanog za izgradnju regulatorskog servisa prenosivost broja, čija je implementacija u toku.
Tokom 2011. godine pušta se u rad i L-commerce  platforma za dopunu prepaid mobilnih
kartica putem fiksnog priključka BH Line.
Danas u mreži BH Telecoma egzistiraju slijedeći elementi NGN mreže:
• Softswitch-evi Class 5: Baš-čaršija, Paša Bunar, Srebrenik-Živinice, Maglaj, Aipašino
polje (u toku instalacija u Zenici sa pripadnim MGW-ima),
• Softswitch Class 4: MnCSa3 sa TGW i SBC elementima mreže
• Stelius nadzorna platforma za NGN signalizacione protokole
• VoIP platforma - Softswitch Class 5
Trenutni kapaciteti komutacione mreže BH Telecoma su dati u Tabeli 4.1.1.

Tabela 4.1.1. Trenutni kapaciteti komutacione BH Line mreže.


ba x 2 pra pra x 30
Bihać 79.682 73.572 1.978 3.956 30 900 204 1.050
Goražde 9.402 8.210 296 592 4 120 480 0
Mostar 36.755 33.000 1.168 2.336 25 750 669 0
Sarajevo 235.848 194.086 15.219 30.438 277 8.310 1.009 2.005
Travnik 52.784 48.804 1.376 2.752 16 480 748 0
Tuzla 169.837 151.540 4.971 9.942 84 2.520 1.310 4.525
Zenica 136.090 127.454 3.092 6.184 38 1.140 762 550
T.C. Brčko 5.984 5.504 240 480 0 0 0 0
50.000 726.382 642.170 28.340 56.680 474 14.220 5.182 8.130

4.1.4. Investicije u IP i transportnu mrežu

Razvoj IP i transportne mreže BH Telecoma je u prethodnom desetljeću okarakteriziran
dinamičnim razvojem.
Razvoj sistema prenosa, univerzalnih sistema za prenos svih vrsta saobraćaja, ima nekoliko
prelomnih tačaka koje se vezane za implementaciju PDH, SDH i DWDM sistema prenosa i
naravno stalni razvoj i širenje optičke mreže.
Kada je riječ o optičkoj mreži, jasno je da vlakno predstavlja dugoročnu investiciju. Razvoj
optičke mreže je stalni proces i mora se odvijati na međunarodnim, među-operatorskim,
magistralnim i lokalnim nivoima. Karakteristike optičkih kablova moraju biti u skladu sa
ITU-T standardima a za potrebe NGN mreže BH Telecoma.
Prvi optički magistralni prsten izgradjen je na relaciji Sarajevo-Tuzla-Zenica-Sarajevo
sa optičkim kablom kapaciteta 24 vlakna. 1997. godine puštena je veza Sarajevo-Breza i
Sarajevo-Visoko. Do kraja 1998. godine završeni su radovi na povezivanju Sarajeva i Zenice
preko Visokog. Magistralni optički kabl Sarajevo-Tuzla eksperimentalno je pušten u rad
08.09.1999. godine. Tokom 1999. godine su realizovane investicije kojim su izgrađeni optički
magistralni put Sarajevo-Mostar, te magistralni put Sarajevo-Goražde. Kapacitet kabla je
24 vlakna. Do kraja 1999. godine su svi veći gradovi bili povezani sa optičkim kablovima,
te je izgrađena prstenasta struktura. I na kraju jedan od bitnijih ciljeva BH Telecoma je bio
uvezivanje Bihaća putem optičkog kabla u sistem prenosa BH Telecoma, što je i realizovano
2008. godine uspostavom optičkog spojnog puta na relaciji Jezero-Velečevo.
Prvi međunarodni optički kabl kapaciteta 24 vlakna položen je ispod korita rijeke Save
kod Brčkog u cilju povezivanja Bosne i Hercegovine sa Republikom Hrvatskom. Drugi
međunarodni optički kabl istog kapaciteta je u 2010. godine postavljen između Bihaća i
Ličkog Petrovog Sela u Hrvatskoj, a preko graničnog prelaza Izačić.
Danas na magistralnim pravcima Sarajevo-Tuzla-Zenica postoji i optički kabl sa 96 vlakana,
čiji je tehnički prijem po dionicama u toku.
Osim izgradnje magistralnih pravaca na lokalnim pravcima se kontinuirano grade optički
spojni putevi za potrebe više udaljenih pretplatničkih stupnjeva i interkonekcija i instalira se

odgovarajuća oprema. Bitno je pomenuti i investiciju za realizaciju prvog gradskog optičkog
prstena BH Telecoma. Bio je to sarajevski optički prsten koji je pušten u rad 1998. godine.
Kapacitet prstena od 24 vlakna je brzo postao nedovoljan te je BH Telecom u periodu od
2001. do 2004. godine pristupio proširenju kapaciteta sa novih šest kablova kapaciteta 96
Radio-relejni sistemi prenosa predstavljaju drugi značajan segment prenosne preže, a sve
je počelo 1996. godine izgradnjom prve zemaljske međunarodne RR veze digitalne PDH
hijerarhije između Bosne i Hercegovine i Mađarske preko RR sekcije Okresanica-Tenkesh.
RR sekcija dužine 139 km je u tom periodu bila najduža RR sekcija u Evropi.
Ostali bitni investicijski projekti su bili: povezivanje TK centara Sarajevo i Goražde
1997. godine u SDH tehnologiji kapaciteta prenosa 1x155 Mbit/s (sistem je 2006. godine
zamijenjen novim SDH RR uređajima kapaciteta prenosa 5x155 Mbit/s), 1997. godine je
izvršeno telekomunikaciono povezivanje TK centara Sarajevo i Mostar u SDH tehnologiji
kapaciteta prenosa 1x155 Mbit/s, povezivanje TK centara Sarajevo i Goražde u SDH
tehnologiji kapaciteta 1x155 Mbit/s (2006. godine sistem je zamijenjen novim SDH RR
uređajima kapaciteta 5x155 Mbit/s). 1998. godine je završeno povezivanje RR linkovima
SDH tehnologije kapaciteta prenosa 1x155 Mbit/s TK centara Sarajevo, Zenica i Tuzla, te TK
centara Sarajevo, Bihać i Sanski Most.
Izgrađena je RR sekcija Vlašić-Velika Gomila dužine 143 km i smatra se jednom od najdužih
u Evropi. Ovaj sistem je realizovan u SDH tehnologiji kapaciteta 1x155 Mbit/s. S obzirom da
je RR sistem na ovoj relaciji bio jedina veza regije Bihaća sa ostatkom mreže BH Telecoma
do 2009. godine, isti je proširivan u više navrata. Kod najnovijeg proširenja koje je završeno
u junu 2008. godine na kapacitet 6x155 Mbit/s, instalirani su uređaji SDH NGN tehnologije
čime je obezbijeđen prenos Etherent saobraćaja za regiju Bihać.
2009. godine je izgrađen međunarodni RR link kapaciteta 3x155 Mbit/s između BH Telecoma
i Telekoma Slovenije na relaciji Velika Gomila (BIH)-Trdin Vrh (Slovenija).
U periodu od 1992. godine do danas, a posebno u periodu nakon završetka rata, razvoj
multipleksnih prenosnih sistema je kroz realizaciju čitavog niza projekata i investicija tekao
od osposobljavanja tadašnjih analognih sistema (VF) u ratnom periodu, preko prelaska
na digitalne prenosne multipleksne sisteme (PDH i SDH) u poslijeratnom periodu, do
instalacije SDH uređaja nove generacije, kao i DWDM uređaja kojim se omogućava višestruka
iskorištenost optičkog vlakna kojim se realizuju prenosni sistemi velikog kapaciteta.
U periodu 1995-1997. godina su instalirani PDH digitalni sistemi prenosa koji su kao
prenosni medij koristili radio-relejne sisteme, kao i optičke kablove sa čijom se instalacijom
intenzivno počelo upravo u ovom periodu. Po optičkom kablu je izgrađen sistem prenosa
Sarajevo-Vogošća 140 Mbit/s, te PDH RR sistemi prenosa Sarajevo-Olovo 8x2 Mbit/s,
Sarajevo-Visoko 8x2 Mbit/s, Sarajevo-Goražde 8x2 Mbit/s, Sarajevo-Mostar 34 Mbit/s itd.
Prelazak na digitalne sisteme prenosa je značajno povećao kapacitete transportne mreže, a
ujedno i smanjio smetnje na njima.
1996. godine su instalirani prvi, donirani, SDH multipleksni uređaji (STM-1 kapaciteta 155
Mbit/s) koji su obezbijedili uvezivanje Regionalnih centara Sarajevo, Zenica i Tuzla, kao i
izlaz u svijet preko Mađarske, te je ostvarena među-operatorska veza sa Banja Lukom. Na
ovaj način je realizovana i prva poslijeratna terestrijalna (zemaljska) međunarodna digitalna
veza preko SDH sistema prenosa. Krajem 1998. godine u Sarajevu je instalirana oprema koja
podržava linijski kapacitet od 2,5 Gbit/s.
Tradicionalna SDH mreža je bila optimizirana samo za prenos govora i u cilju opstanka

u svijetu telekomunikacija doživjela je „dogradnju“ i prerasla u digitalnu hijerarhiju nove
generacije tzv. NG SDH. U skladu sa ovim trendom svjetskog telekomunikacijskog tržišta
i u našoj mreži se već od 2003. planiraju i realizacijom investicija uvode SDH uređaji nove
generacije koji imaju mehanizme koji omogućavaju istovremeni rad postojećih i novih servisa
na istoj mreži bez međusobnog ometanja.
U periodu 2002-2008. godine korištenjem tradicionalnih SDH multipleksera i NG SDH
multipleksera, koji su nabavljeni i instalirani u okviru realizacije nekoliko investicija,
izgrađeni su i magistralni SDH multipleksni prenosni sistemi: 2x2,5 Gbit/s sistem prenosa
Sarajevo-Zenica-Tuzla-Sarajevo po optičkom kablu, 2,5 Gbit/s sistem prenosa Sarajevo-
Konjic-Mostar-Bjelimići-Sarajevo realizovan sa NG SDH multipleksnim uređajima po
optičkom kablu, 2,5 Gbit/s sistem prenosa Sarajevo-Zenica-Travnik realizovan sa NG
SDH multipleksnim uređajima po optičkom kablu, 5x155 Mbit/s sistem prenosa Sarajevo-
Bihać preko RR sistema prenosa i 2,5 Gbit/s sistem prenosa Sarajevo-Dejčići-Ustikolina-
Goražde. Ova podmreža je realizovana primjenom multipleksera najnovije generacije koji
su u potpunosti prilagođeni postojećim, ali i budućim potrebama transporta podatkovnog
Telekomunikacijski izlazi BiH u svijet realizovani su izgradnjom i uspostavom novih SDH
multipleksnih sistema prenosa, kao i povezivanjem klijentskih strana DWDM mreža, čiji
su kapaciteti 10 Gbit/s (Sarajevo-Brka-Zagreb, Sarajevo-Bihać-Zagreb), 2,5 Gbit/s (Tuzla-
Brka-Osijek sa položenim optičkim kablom ispod korita rijeke Save (Brka-Gunja), Sarajevo-
Bihać-Izačić-Zagreb, Sarajevo-Pale-Zvornik-Beograd) te RR linkovima kapaciteta nx155
Mbit/a (Okresanica (BIH)-Cer (Srbija), V.Gomila (BIH)-Trdin Vrh (Slovenija), Okresanica
(BIH)-Tenkes (Mađarska)). Interkonekcijske veze sa druga dva značajna operatora u našoj
zemlji realizovane su kroz 2,5 Gbit/s i 622 Mbit/s među-operatorske linkove.
Na regionalnom nivou SDH mreža multipleksera organizovana je u sedam podmreža u okviru
kojih su instalirani regionalni i gradski optički prstenovi i sistemi prenosa po optičkom kablu
sa linijskim kapacitetima od 2.5 Gbit/s, 622 Mbit/s i 155 Mbit/s.
SDH multipleksna prenosna mreža je realizovana kroz tranzitnu ravan i ravan regionalnih
podmreža u kojim je trenutno instalirano 724 SDH multipleksnih čvorova sa 413 koliko ih je
bilo 2004. godine.
Dalji razvoj TK servisa i povećanje zahtjeva korisnika i korisničkih aplikacija su prouzrokovali
investiranja u transportnu mrežu na bazi koncepta mreža nove generacije. Tako da se core
mreža BH Telecoma trenutno sastoji iz tri sloja koji su međusobno usklađeni: mreža optičkih
vlakana - fizički medij za prenos optičkih signala, DWDM-ROADM sistem 10 Gbit/s - sistemi
optičkih rekonfigurabilnih Add-Drop multipleksera i IP/MPLS core ruteri - za rutiranje
saobraćaja sa različitim tipovima protokola.
Optička transportna mreža (OTN) je kreirana sa namjerom da se iskombinuju pogodnosti
koje nudi SDH tehnologija sa pogodnostima koje nudi DWDM, a to je sposobnost DWDM-a
da ponudi proširenje propusnog opsega. Realizacija ovakve mreže u TK sistemu BH Telecoma
je ostvarena kroz nekoliko investicija, inicijalnom iz 2008. godine kada je uspostavljen 21
DWDM čvor sa pripadajućim mrežnim nadzornim i upravljačkim sistemom, i kasnijim
proširenjima na ukupno 30 čvorova, uključujući i lokaciju Šibovi kod Banja Luke.
Kada je u pitanju topologija nove optičke mreže, jasno je da morala pratiti topologiju već
uspostavljenih pravaca sa položenim optičkim vlaknima, ali isto tako i trenutno stanje i
planove razvoja segmenata koji će biti najveći generatori saobraćaja u narednom periodu.
Osnovna uloga kičmene transportne mreže je da obezbijedi «non-stop» raspoloživost

komunikacije između najvećih čvorišta za digitalne vodove, ali i da efikasno poveže izvore
IP saobraćaja koji su centralizirani. Za potrebe trećeg sloja, tj. IP/MPLS dijela saobraćaja,
uvezivanje DWDM i ove mreže je izvršeno 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet interface-ima. Kroz našu
DWDM mrežu su uspostavljeni za potrebe IP/MPLS mreže 4x10 Gbit/s linka te 21x1 Gbit/s
link. Pored ovih linkova kroz DWDM mrežu su trenutno realizovani skoro svi magistralni 2,5
Gbit/s SDH prenosni sistemi.
Od polaznog analognog multipleksnog sistema sa ukupnim prenosnim kapacitetom na
tranzitnoj ravni od 924 kanala (cca 60 Mbit/s), ova mreža je izrasla u savremeni sistem sa
optičkim DWDM i NG SDH multiplekserima sa kapacitetom od 40x10 Gbit/s po jednom
paru optičkih vlakana na tranzitnom nivou. Ovakva moderna mreža sistema prenosa u
potpunosti je spremna kako za trenutne tako i za buduće potrebe telekomunikacionih mreža
nove generacije.
Zbog potrebe za brzim obezbjeđivanjem direktnih međunarodnih linkova sa svijetom,
BH Telecom je poslije rata uspostavio nekoliko satelitskih linkova (odredišta: Švicarska,
SAD, Italija, Njemačka, Švedska i Engleska). Skoro svi satelitski međunarodni linkovi su
uspostavljeni u 1995. i 1996. godini. Na svim linkovima je bila instalirana i DCME oprema,
povećavajući iskorištenost prenosnih kapaciteta i smanjenje cijene zakupa vodova 4-5 puta.
Internet saobraćaj BH Telecoma je takođe svoj prvi međunarodni izlaz 1997. godine ostvario
preko satelita: 2x2 Mbit/s preko satelitske stanice SAD a operator na drugoj strani je bio
MCI. Danas su svi satelitski linkovi koje je BH Telecom imao ugašeni, a posllednja satelitska
stanica BH Telecoma je ugašena 23.12.2009. godine.
Razvoj mreža za prenos podataka počeo je 1996. godine ponovnom izgradnjom BIHpaka,
mreže za prenos podataka bazirane na tada najrasprostranjenijem protokolu za prenos
podataka X.25. Mreža je uspostavljena na četiri lokacije u Sarajevu, Mostaru, Tuzli i Zenici,
imala je interkonekcijske linkove sa njemačkom DATEX-P4 i slovenačkom SIPAK X.25
mrežom, te je predstavljala prvo tehnološko rješenje za izgradnju korisničkih privatnih
mreža za prenos podataka. Ova mreža je kasnije u nekoliko navrata dograđivana i proširena
kako sa aspekta kapaciteta u pristupu tako i prelaskom na ATM protokol u transportnom
dijelu, te FrameRelay kao dominantnom pristupnom tehnologijom.
Pored izgradnje ovog sistema koji je u cijelosti okrenut velikim poslovnim subjektima, BH
Telecom je 1997. godine uspostavio BIHnet, prvi javni ISP u Bosni i Hercegovini, sa jednim
PoP-om u Sarajevu i 2*2 Mbps satelitskim linkovima prema nadprovider-u UUNet-u, sa
32 pristupna porta za velike korisnike, te samo 120 analognih priključaka za male dial-up
korisnike. Daljnji razvoj našeg ISP je okarakteriziran stalnim poboljšanjem performansi i
širenjem sistema kroz distribuciju PoP-ova, kapaciteta linkova i povećanja broja pristupnih
tačaka, sve do slijedećeg velikog iskoraka, tj. implementacije širokopojasnog pristupa putem
DSL tehnologije.
Tako je 2002. godine implementiran i u komercijalnu upotrebu pušten prvi xDSL pristupni
sistem, koji se sastojao od dva DSLAM uređaja instalirana u PoP-ovima na Dolac Malti i
Alipašinu polju i koji je raspolagao sa po 144 pristupna korisnička porta. Tehnološki je sistem
baziran na PPPoE i RADIUS protokolima sa zagarantovanom brzinom pristupa i obračunom
i tarifiranjem prenešenog saobraćaja. Trend rasta korisnika širokopojasnog prenosa je cijelo
ovo vrijeme kontinuiran i značajan (u pojedinim je periodima iznosio i po 300% na godišnjoj
osnovi), te je jasno da je podrazumijevao i značajna i kontinuirana ulaganja u ovaj segment.
Stalni rast broja korisnika i unapređenje performansi usluga uslovili su potrebu stalnog
proširenja kapaciteta linkova ka nadprovajder-ima, ali i neophodnost geografskog širenja
IP mreže otvaranjem novih PoP-ova, te širenjem kapaciteta linkova unutar IP mreže.

Pored zahtjeva koje su na IP
prenosnu mrežu postavljali
korisnici Interneta, stalni razvoj
tehnologije i migracija ostalih
TK sistema na IP protokol, kao
i potreba za ulaskom na novo
tržište, tržište usluga isporuke
multimedijalnih sadržaja,
uslovili su potrebu izgradnje
IP-bazirane mreže koja će
služiti ne više samo kao potpora
funkcijama ISP-a.
Tako je još 2006. godine
Slika 4.1.1. Prirast broja ADSL korisnika pokrenut proces planiranja i
fazne izgradnje IP/MPLS mreže
koja će postati okosnica daljnjeg razvoja svih ostalih TK sistema izgradnjom embrija IP/
MPLS mreže, uspostavom IP/MPLS prstena u regiji Sarajevo. Sa ovim je projektom bilo
izgrađeno adekvatno mrežno okruženje za realizaciju prvog pilot IPTV sistema.
Nastavak izgradnje mreže u toku 2007. godine je značio izgradnju kičme buduće mreže, koja
je obuhvatala četiri lokacije: Sarajevo - Dolac Malta, Sarajevo - Alipašino polje, TKC Tuzla i
TKC Zenica. Uređaji su prvobitno bili povezani 1 GE interface-ima, a sa optičkim vlaknom
kao fizičkim medijem i zbog velikih udaljenosti (preko 80 km) na pojedinim su dionicama
postavljeni uređaji koji su simulirali regeneratore optičkog signala. Visoka raspoloživost
kičmenog dijela IP/MPLS mreže je postignuta na nivou čvora (noda) i na nivou transportnih
linkova, hardware-skom distribucijom po pitanju fizičkih modula, sa minimalnim brojem
pojedinačnih tačaka ispada. U ovoj je godini završena i nadogradnja ranije uspostavljenog
MPLS prstena u Sarajevu koja se ogledala u proširenju kapaciteta pristupnog dijela (portovi
za povezivanje DSLAM opreme), ali i proširenju kapaciteta na nivou linkova unutar MPLS
prstena na 10 GE.
Naredna i obimom najveća faza u izgradnji mreže predstavlja i uspostavu kontura i svih
funkcionalnosti mreže neophodnih za rad ostalih TK sistema. Sa njom je izgrađen agregacijski
nivo u ostalim regijama, oslonjen na ranije podignuti IP/MPLS kičmeni segment, a ranije
uspostavljeni agregacijski dio u regiji Sarajevo je proširen sa tri nova čvorišta. Završena je u
martu 2008. godine i sa njom je MPLS mreža proširena za 58 novih čvorišta.
Po završetku ove treće faze izgradnje IP/MPLS mreže rezultat je bio mreža sa ponovnom
uspostavom saobraćajnog toka ispod 50 ms u MPLS dijelu, jitter do 2 ms, kašnjenje do
10 ms, implementirani mehanizmi za upravljanje saobraćajem (MPLS TE RSVP i STP),
implementirani QoS mehanizmi (CBWFQ-Class Based Weighted Fair Queing), na svim
čvorištima omogućena distribucija svih „triple-play“ servisa do svih širokopojasnih korisnika.
U narednom su periodu kapaciteti kičmenog dijela, po završetku DWDM sistema prenosa,
migrirani na 10 GE kapacitete. I od tada se redovno na godišnjem nivou kapaciteti mreže
šire prevashodno u dijelu pristupa, otvaranjem novih tačaka agregacije i širenjem kapaciteta
pristupnog dijela postojećih, ali i kapaciteta mrežnih linkova, uz očuvanje principa
redudantnosti, odnosno uvezivanja pojedinih uređaja u mrežu uvijek po dva pravca, na dva
različita, hijerarhiski viša uređaja.
Početkom 2009. godine je realizovana nabavka 2 kičmena Internet rutera koji su kvalitetno
i efikasno objedinili dvije funkcionalnosti: sa jedne strane realizaciju fizičkih (transportnih)

linkova prema nadprovajder-ima i ostatku IP/MPLS mreže BH Telecoma sa linkovima
kapaciteta 10 GE, a sa druge strane upravljanje BGP routing tabelama sa Internet rutama
koje dolaze od nadprovajder-a. Uspostavom Internet kičmenog dijela IP/MPLS mreže
obezbijeđena je visoka pouzdanost svih servisa baziranih na pristupu Internetu te kreirano
dugoročno rješenje BGP i IP veze BH Telecoma prema nadprovajder-ima. Po realizaciji ove
investicije je bilo moguće proširenje kapaciteta linkova ka nadprovajder-ima sa oko 1 Gbps
na današnjih preko 11 Gbps, te proširenje BGP ruting tabele sa oko 150.000 ruta na preko
350.000 koliko ih se sa BGP ruterima upravlja danas.
Osim navedenih investicionih projekata vrijedi pomenuti i nabavku sistema za podizanje
nivoa sigurnosti u IP mreži sa kojim je omogućen nadzor sigurnosnih IP problema u
„realnom“ vremenu, kvalitetna zaštita Internet baziranih servisa BH Telecoma (portal, mail,
hosting itd), stabilniji i pouzdaniji rad korisničkih servisa baziranih na pristupu Internetu
sa mogućnošću eliminacije anomalijskog saobraćaja, te kvalitetnijeg planiranja kapaciteta.

4.1.5. Izgradnja servisne mreže BH Line

Zvaničnim puštanjem Internet čvora u rad krajem 1997. godine korisnicima je pored pristupa
Internetu bilo potrebno ponuditi i neke od Internet usluga. Najpopularnija usluga je bila
usluga e-maila. Koristio se isključivo POP3 protokol, a svi registrovani korisnici su koristili
ovu uslugu BIHnet-a. Zbog ograničenja kapaciteta korisnicima je bio na raspolaganju
mailbox veličine 2 MB.
Prvo značajno poboljšanje e-mail usluge napravljeno je 1999. godine, kada je ovaj servis
unaprijeđen korištenjem Netscape Enterprise Solution-a verzije 3.1, koji je bio u to vrijeme
jedan od popularnih i najnaprednijih e-mail servera.
Tokom 1999. godine uveden je i korporativni e-mail za tadašnje uposlenike JP PTT saobraćaja
U toku 2004. godine stari e-mail servis BIHneta zamijenjen je novim Mail Solution sistemom.
To je rješenje koje osigurava nesmetan rad i na većim opterećenjima od 100.000 korisnika.
Kompletan sistem omogućava i izgradnju novih usluga baziranih na e-mail servisu. Usluge
koje su se u 2004. godini napravile a bazirane na Sun mail servisu su: mail filteri, auto-
responder, e-mail to SMS (ova usluga omogućava korisnicima da im se određeni mailovi
preusmjeravaju preko SMS-a na njihove mobitele), e-mail notification (za razliku od usluge
e-mail2smS, ova usluga omogućava korisnicima da na SMS dobiju obavijest o prispijeću
nove poruke). Webmail je po prvi put sa novim Mail Solution sistemom korisnicima ponudio
i korištenje webmaila na bosanskom jeziku.
Od posebnog značaja za BH Telecom i sa aspekta izgradnje novog prihoda, ali i testiranja
organizacijskih sposobnosti, je komercijalna implementacija novog skupa multimedijalnih
usluga. Sa izgradnjom IPTV sistema BH Telecom je stupio na novo, već uspostavljeno tržište,
odnosno po prvi je put preuzeo ulogu novog učesnika a ne vođe koji je tržište i izgradio.
Tako je tokom 2006. godine počeo razvoj i priprema za nabavku IPTV rješenja. U toku
iste godine razvijena je testna platforma. Ova IPTV platforma omogućavala je da se putem
ADSL linije TV slika šalje do krajnjih korisnika. Osim toga razvijen je i testni TV portal koji
korisniku IPTV-a daje mogućnost izbora sadržaja (TV kanali, video sadržaji, igre i pristup
Internetu). Takođe, da bi se obezbjedili svi potrebni uslovi za realizaciju novog BH Telecom
IPTV rješenja, na lokalitetu Alipašinog polja renovirana je nova server sala u kojoj će biti
smješten budući IPTV sistem.
Tokom 2009. godine instalirana je IPTV platforma koja korisnicima po svojoj osnovnoj

namjeni omogućava da putem uređaja set top box, TV prijemnika i ADSL linije prate
programe različitih TV kanala, da odaberu i da gledaju različite filmove (VOD sistem), ali i
da snime željene emisije i pogledaju ih u roku od 24 sata (NPVR).
BH Telecom od februara 2010. godine svojim korisnicima nudi usluge IP televizije pod
nazivom MojaTV. MojaTV je televizija nove generacije i podrazumijeva isporuku video,
audio, interaktivnih, te multimedijalnih sadržaja putem Internet protokola bazirano na
širokopojasnom ADSL pristupu. Korisnik MojeTV može gledati programske sadržaje preko
50 različitih digitalnih TV kanala, filmove iz široke ponude videoteke MojaTV, slušati radio
program, surfati Internetom, igrati se, kontrolisati svoje telefonske pozive.
Zainteresovanost tržišta za ovaj novi skup usluga je izuzetno velika što najbolje potkrepljuje i
prirast broja korisnika koji je od implementacije usluge do sredine 2011. godine narastao na
31.922 pretplatnika.
U sklopu MojaTV ponude korisnici BH Telecoma po prvi put imaju i mogućnost korištenja
VoIP usluge. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) se odnosi na komunikacijsku tehnologiju
koja omogućava prijenos glasa putem IP protokola. Ova tehnologija je postala popularna
razvojem širokopojasnog pristupa Internetu i BH Telecom je nudi u sklopu paketa MojaTV.


Interni dokumenti BH Telecoma

4.2. Ključne investicije u mreži BH Mobile

4.2.1. Uvod
Razvoj tehnološkog sistema mobilne mreže BH Telecoma definisan je tako da obezbijedi
ostvarenje strateških i operativnih ciljeva, istovremeno imajući u vidu specifičnosti bosansko-
hercegovačkog tržišta, kretanja same industrije u svjetskim okvirima, konkurencije, a sve u
cilju ispunjavanja Misije i Vizije kompanije da ostane i bude dominantni i vodeći operator
u Bosni i Hercegovini iz oblasti pružanja telekomunikacijskih usluga, te ujedno i društveno
odgovorna kompanija koja pomaže razvoj kompletne zajednice u svakom njenom dijelu.
BH Mobile mreža nastala je 1996. godine kao mala organizaciona jedinica sa 10 uposlenika, i
maksimalnim kapacitetom od 20.000 korisnika, da bi petnaest godina kasnije, 2011. godine,
Direkcija BH Mobile izrasla u respektabilnu organizacijsku cjelinu BH Telecoma, te sa svojih
120 uposlenika dostigla kapacitet od 2.000.000 korisnika.
Tehnološki sistem mobilne mreže sastoji se iz tri cjeline: pristupne radio mreže, core mreže i
servisne mreže, koje sa svim svojim specifičnostima sinergijski rade na ostvarenju zacrtanih
ciljeva, te su sa svojim kompetencijama kroz ovih petnaest godina realizovali preko 300
različitih investicijskih projekata i stvorili mobilnu mrežu BH Telecoma respektabilnu kako
u regionalnim, tako i europskim okvirima.
Izrazito prelomne godine za razvoj mobilne mreže su, osim naravno 1996. godine, i:
• 2000. godina, kada je implementiran prvi sistem za prepaid uslugu,
• 2004. godina u kojoj je implementirana VAS Platforma za SMS servise sa dodatnom
vrijednosti, i u kojoj su se počeli implementirati tehničko-tehnološki preduslovi za
implementaciju 2.5G mobilne mreže, odnosno GPRS/EDGE prenosa podataka te
servisa baziranih na njemu,
• 2006. i 2007. godina kada je implementirano niz platformi poput mCommerce, LBS i
SDP platforme kao osnova za razvoj naprednih usluga, te
• 2009. godina u kojoj je realizirana prva investicija u širokopojasnu mobilnu mrežu
UMTS/HSxPA u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Sama mobilna mreža BH Telecoma, današnji BH Mobile, a nekadašnji GSM BiH u sklopu
JP PTT saobraćaja BiH, je u principu, gledajući sve već navedeno, pratila isti trend razvoja
tehničko-tehnološkog aspekta mobilnih mreža kao i svi drugi svjetski operateri, s tim da
je s obzirom na specifične okolnosti u kojim se rezvijao, odnosno u kojem su ostvarivane
investicije, u početku fokus stavljen na izgradnju pristupne radio mreže (što veće pokrivenosti
signalom) i tehnološkog obezbjeđenja kapaciteta core mreže, dok je razvoj servisne mreže, te
usluga izražen nakon 2005. godine, što se najbolje oslikava u broju usluga do te godine, koji
je bio oko 20, dok danas taj broj iznosi preko 350 usluga i 8 platformi za razvoj novih usluga.

4.2.2. Radio pristupna mreža BH Mobile

Izgradnja GSM radio pristupne mreže BH Mobile izvodila se fazno kroz odgovarajuće
projekte. Počev od 1996. godine kada je počela izgradnja pa sve do sada, ukupno je vođeno
preko desetak projekata, kako na izgradnji novih GSM baznih stanica, tako i na proširenjima
kapaciteta, uvođenju novih funkcionalnosti, korekcijama pokrivenosti radio mreže i sl.
Projekti Faza I-VI podrazumijevali su izgradnju prvih cca 200 baznih stanica implementiranih

do kraja 2002. godine, pri čemu je signalom mobilne mreže BH Telecoma pokrivena većina
urbanih područja većih gradova i mjesta na području FBiH. Krajem 2001. godine započinje
projekat Faze VII izgradnje GSM baznih stanica na području RS-a. Karakteristično za
ovaj projekat je angažovanje vanjskih firmi gdje je u rekordnom vremenu od cca 1 godine
izgrađeno i pušteno u rad oko 100 novih lokacija na području RS-a. Kroz projekat Faze VIII
implementirano je dodatnih 122 lokacija, pri čemu su dio lokacija realizovale vanjske firme,
dok je drugi dio lokacija ovog projekta realizovan unutrašnjim resursima BH Telecoma.
Počev od projekta Faze IX koji je započet 2006. godine, implementacija novih baznih stanica
se vrši isključivo vlastitim resursima. Nakon projekta Faze X, dalja implementacija novih BS
je definisana kroz jedan zajednički projekat nazvan Projekat završetka izgradnje 2G mreže.
Ovaj projekat je još aktuelan, pri čemu je zaključno sa 2010. godinom ukupno u mreži BH
Mobile u rad pušteno 760 lokacija sa implemntiranim makro BS, mikro BS i repeater-ima.
Implementacija novih
baznih stanica je proces
koji je podijeljen na
pripremnu fazu i fazu
izgradnje. Pripremna
faza podrazumijeva niz
aktivnosti od kojih su
najvažnije: sačinjavanje
investicionog programa
sa ekonomskim
obrazloženjem, postupci
nabavke opreme, izrada
nominalnog ćelijskog
Slika 4.2.1. Dinamika izgradnje GSM baznih stanica
kroz godine i projekte plana glavne lokacije sa
prijedlozima alternativa,
akvizicija lokacija, sačinjavanje idejno - tehničkog rješenja za odabranu lokaciju, pribavljanje
urbanističke saglasnosti, rješavanje IPO, izrada glavnog projekta, te pribavljanje građevinske
dozvole. Ove aktivnosti su uglavnom vođene od strane Direkcije BH Mobile, Regionalnih
direkcija i Telecom Inžinjeringa. Faza izgradnje nove lokacije s druge strane podrazumijeva
niz aktivnosti kao što su proizvodnja potrebne infrastrukture, građevinski radovi na lokaciji,
izgradnja elektro-energetskog priključka, izgradnja pristupnog puta, te montažni radovi
na opremi i infrastrukturi. Konačno kroz aktivnosti obezbjeđenja sistema prenosa do
odgovarajućeg BSC-a, te procesa testiranja, BS se pušta u rad. Nakon prikupljanja potrebne
dokumentacije organizuje se interni tehnički prijem. Aktivnosti u fazi izgradnje su vođeni
od strane Direkcije za investicije pri čemu je izvođač radova uglavnom Telecom Inžinjering.
Proces završetka izgradnje bazne stanice sprovodi se organizovanjem opštinskih tehničkih
prijema nakon čega BS dobivaju upotrebne dozvole.

Razvoj radio pristupne mreže u cilju obezbjeđenja širokopojasnog mobilnog pristupa započeo
je projektom implementacije 3G UMTS/HSPA mreže krajem 2008. godine. Nova radio
pristupna mreža podrazumijevala je implementaciju nove opreme baznih stanica - NodeB
kao i novog radio kontrolera - RNC. Mogućnosti koje su se nudile od novih širokopojanih
tehnologija jesu pristupne brzine od 7,2 i 14,4 Mb/s u downlink-u (DL) odnosno 1,4 Mb/s
u uplink-u (UL). Pristupne brzine koje su nuđene od NodeB opreme zahtjevale su dodatno
i sisteme prenosa veće brzine koje će putem Ethernet konekcija (GE ili FE) spajati NodeB

sa RNC-om. Kako je korišten opseg na 2,1GHz, podrazumijevala se i implementacija novih
antenskih sistema.
Uzimajući u obzir dinamiku izgradnje UMTS/HSDPA mreže kao i ciljna područja servisiranja
3G signalom, generalno, svi operatori pa tako i BH Telecom početnu implementaciju 3G
mreže zasnivali su na principu 2G/3G kolociranja, što je podrazumijevalo korištenje postojeće
infrastrukture 2G mreže za potrebe implementacije 3G opreme.
Razvoj i implementacija 3G UMTS/HSPA mreže je planirana također fazno kroz odgovarajuće
projekte. Inicijalni projekat Faza I podrazumijevao je implementaciju 52 NodeB bazne
stanica u urbanim područjima 8 najvećih gradova BiH. Projekat je vođen tokom 2009.
godine kada su u rad i puštene prve NodeB bazne stanice. U istoj godini započeo je i projekat
Faza II implementacije NodeB opreme na novih 100 lokacija uglavnom na području FBiH.
Ovaj projektat je završen tokom 2010. godine kada je većina lokacija puštena u rad. Tokom
2010. godine ugovorena je izgradnja novih 150 lokacija, također namijenjenih uglavnom za
servisiranje 3G UMTS/HSPA mrežom područja FBiH, čija se implementacija i puštanje u rad
novih NodeB očekuju u 2011. godini. U ovoj godini su započete aktivnosti na implementaciji
dodatnih 100 lokacija na području RS-a, te se implementacija istih očekuje u 2012. godini.
Realizacija projekata
implementacije NodeB
baznih stanica u domenu
pripreme lokacija je
vođena uglavnom
vlastitim resursima BH
Telecoma. Uzimajući
u obzir zahtijevanu
dinamiku implementacije,
aktivnosti na montaži
opreme NodeB, testiranju
Slika 4.2.2. Plan i dinamika implementacije NodeB baznih stanica
i puštanju u rad su se
realizovale iz vanjskih resursa, što se pokazalo kao veoma efikasan način realizacije ukupnog
Projekta implementacije 3G UMTS/HSPA mreže.

Wireless LAN - WiFi

Krajem 2005. godine izrađena je WiFi studija izvodljivosti od strane američke firme Yankee
Group i nakon dobijanja osnovnih smjernica pristupilo se izradi nabavnog zahtjeva za
realizaciju pilot projekta, koji je uključivao implementaciju 6 HotSpot-ova na području grada
Sarajeva kao prve faze implemenatcije usluge u mobilnoj mreži BH Telecoma.
Pored izgradnje 2G/3G radio pristupne mreže, razvojem IEEE 802.11b/g standarda
koji podrazumijevaju upotrebu relativno jeftinih rješenja sa WiFi opremom, stekli su
se i odgovarajući preduslovi za masovniju implementaciju i omogućavanje korištenja
širokopojasnog pristupa korisnicima mobilne mreže BH Telecoma putem WLAN tehnologije
primjenom 802.11b/g. Obzirom da implementacija 3G mreže zahtijeva značajne pripremne
i operativne aktivnosti (pribavljanje licence, potpuno nova radio pristupna mreža, IP
orijentaciju u svim segmentima mreže, novi čvorovi kao što su MSS, IMS, i sl.), te uzimajući
u obzir mogućnosti prenosa podataka putem GPRS/EDGE tehnologije (čime se obezbijedio
prenos podataka za korisnike mobilne mreže brzinama dovoljnim za korištenje manje
zahtjevnih mobilnih usluga), paralelno se krenulo u brzo i relativno jeftino rješenje kroz
implementaciju WLAN tehnologije, kojom se korisnicima mobilne mreže (na uskim zonama

hotspot-a) omogućuje širokopojasni pristup. Uz to, obezbjedjujući sinergiju sa dolazećom 3G
tehnologijom, pružaju se nove mogućnosti u smislu kontinuiteta korištenja usluga od strane
mobilnih korisnika.
Kroz dosadašnje aktivnosti, funkcionalno je omogućen WiFi sistem za korištenje usluga
širokopojasnog pristupa za korisnike mobilne mreže na preko 100 hotspot-ova, korištenjem
mobilnih aparata, notebook-a i PDA-ova i ostalih uređaja koji podržavaju Wi-Fi pristup, na
način autentifikacije sa postojećim SIM karticama, te naplatom putem postojećih postpaid i
prepaid računa mobilnih korisnika.
U realizaciji prvih projekata akcenat je bio stavljen na integraciju u core dio mobilne mreže
kako bi usluga bila ujedinjena zajedničkom mobilnošću, autentifikacijom i billing-om.
Tokom 2007. i 2008. godine je implementirano proširenje sa 40 novih WiFi AP-ova koji
uključuju i vanjske i unutrašnje izvedbe u različitim gradovima Bosne i Hercegovine. U 2009.
godini su implementirani WLAN hotspot-ovi na 30 lokacija širom Bosne i Hercegovine. U
2010. i 2011. godini je planirana implementacija 200 novih WLAN AP-ova (uključujući i
vanjske i unutrašnje izvedbe), što pruža veliku mogućnost za puštanje niza servisa preko
WLAN mreže BH Telecoma (WiFi telefonija, IP kamere, video streaming, GSM servisi preko
WLAN-a kao što je npr. slanje SMS-ova). Osnovu za pružanje ovih servisa predstavlja i
plan implementacije WLAN mesh mreža u uskim gradskim zonama BH gradova, čime se
korisnicima putem WLAN mreže pruža mogućnost da imaju „high speed“ pristup Internetu
ne samo na specifičnim lokacijama (tzv. hotspot-ovi), nego i na širem području gradskih
zona. Također, za 2011. godinu se planira i kupovina licenci za dodatnih 1.000 korisnika BH
Mobile-a za korištenje planirane usluge WiFi telefonije, implementacija GSM servisa preko
WLAN mreže, kao i novog načina prijave korisnika na WLAN mrežu putem voucher-a.

4.2.3. Investicijski razvoj jezgra mreže BH Mobile

Principi planiranja investicijskog razvoja

Jezgro mobilne mreže u 2011. godini u principu čine podsistemi: CS Core (G/MSC, MSS,
HLR/AC), SMS, IN (Ultra, VPN, Voucher Managament System), Packet Core (GGSN, SGSN,
SAPC), IMS, te platforme LBS (Location Based Services), VMS (Voice Mail System), USSD,
RBT/OCMP, SDP/NRG sa pripadajućom opremom za eksploataciju sistema.
Investicijski projekti u jezgru mobilne mreže se planiraju i realizuju, uz uvažavanje svih
činjenica tržišne, tehničke i ekonomske prirode u svrhu:
• Obezbjeđenja potrebnog kapaciteta elemenata mreže u skladu sa dinamikom broja
korisnika, ukupno i po pojedinim uslugama;
• Obezbjeđenja funkcionalnosti za realizaciju usluga i stvaranje podrške za funkcionisanje
elemenata radio i servisne mreže, implementacijom novih software-skih mogućnosti i
upgrade-om software-skih verzija;
• Realizacije regulatornih zahtjeva;
• Postizanja visokog kvaliteta funkcionisanja mreže.
Pri tome treba biti obezbijeđena visoka pouzdanost sistema (pouzdanosti pojedinih
elemenata od 99,999%), sigurnost i fleksibilnost za dalji razvoj.
Planiranje investicijskih ulaganja u tehnološki razvoj jezgra mreže je usaglašeno sa planom
korisnika, usluga i saobraćaja, a uzimajući u obzir kapacitivnu rezervu od 20% i dužinu
trajanja jednog planskog ciklusa, što iziskuje potrebu instaliranja kapaciteta za dvije godine

Kvalitetna realizacija projekata tehnološkog razvoja se ne može odvojiti od projekata kojim
se obezbjeđuju informatička podrška i infrastrukturni objekti, npr.: adekvatan prostor za
smještaj opreme, elektro-energentski kapaciteti (napajanje i klima), kapaciteti prenosnih
sistema (TDM, IP). Tokom i nakon realizacije projekata, edukacija o sistemima i korištenju
sistema naprednog upravljanja je preudslov za efikasno održavanje i eksploataciju.

Projekti od posebnog značaja

Od 1996. godine, kada je prvi put na teritoriju Bosne i Hercegovine instalirana mobilna
mreža kapaciteta 20.000 korisika, pored velikog broja projekata, a uzimajući kao kriterije
stvaranje preduslova za dalji tehnološki razvoj i zahtjevnost integracije sa dugim sistemima
BH Telecoma, izdvajaju se sljedeći projekti navedeni hronološki:
• Implementacija PC (Packet Core) - uvođenje 2,5G mobilne tehnologije, te uvođenjem
GPRS sistema kroz jedinstveni GGSN čvor BH Telecom je svojim korisnicima
pružio mogućnost korištenja mobilnog Interneta putem GPRS-a i WAP-a. Usluge su
experimentalno puštene u rad 24.12.2004, a po kompletnoj integraciji svih komponenti
GPRS sistema stečeni su i uslovi za komercijalno pružanje od 17.05.2005.
• Godine 2005. puštena je u rad IN3 platforma charge@once 1.0 koja je u to vrijeme
predstavljala najsavremeniju tehnologiju za prepaid korisnike, koja je osim većeg
kapaciteta imala i dodatnu mogućnost naplate VAS usluga zasnovanih na SMS-u i
svih usluga dodatne vrijednosti zasnovanih na GPRS-u (2.5G) u realnom vremenu i
omogućavala pružanje usluge slanja SMS poruka iz roaming-a za prepaid korisnike,
podrazumijevajući naplatu SMS poruka u realnom vremenu. Prepaid korisnici su sa
IN2 platforme migrirani na ovu novu platformu.
U nastavku projekta, septembra 2005. godine, na IN2 platformi je instalirana
konvergentna usluga inteligentne mreže za VPN (Virtual Private Network) fiksne i
mobilne korisnike.
• Razvoj IMS-a - kroz realizaciju ovog projekta implementacije IP multimedijalnog
podsistema (IMS je i standard koji definiše arhitekturu jezgra i servisne mreže
nove generacije) koji je transparentan prema različitim pristupnim mrežama i
terminalnim uređajima, stvaraju se preduslovi za razvoj inovativnih multimedijalnih
i standardizovanih, te kombinovanih obogaćenih usluga na standardizovan način, na
jedinstvenoj platformi.
• Prelazak na NGN - ovim projektom je predviđen postepeni prelazak sa klasične GSM
TDM mrežne arhitekture jezgra mreže na napredne mrežne arhitekture, mrežu slijedeće
generacije - NGN, baziranu na paketskom prijenosu sa tri nivoa: transportnom,
kontrolnom i servisnom. Projekat je započeo implementacijom MSS rješenja u sklopu
projekta uvođenja 3G tehnologije, a u završnoj fazi realizacije biti će realizovano MSS
pool rješenje kao i prelazak na NGN HLR. Ovim projektom se pored prelaska na novu
strukturu znatno povećava i sigurnost sistema, s obzirom da se redundantni sistemi i
kapaciteti instaliraju na dvije odvojena lokacije.

Kontinuirani razvoj sistema 1996.-2010. godine

Pored prethodno navedenih projekata kontinuirano su vršeni software-sko hardware-
ski upgrade-i sistema, implementacija novih software-skih mogućnosti i implementacija
platformi za obezbjeđenje servisa, te proširenje kapaciteta elemenata mreže kontinuiranim
razvojem podsistema. U nastavku su navedeni investicijski projekti prema hronološkom
redosljedu počev od početne implementacije:

• Razvoj CS podsistema - ovaj projekat je trajao kontinuirano od 1996. godine i jednog
integrisanog čvora MSC/GMSC/HLR i AUC sistema, koji je podržavano osnovne i
dodatne govorne usluge, SMS i prenos podataka do brzine od 9,6 kb/s, sve do strukture
sa: tri MSC, dva GMSC i HLR/AC koja je postignuta 2006. godine i sa implementiranim
funkcionalnostima, protokolima (npr. Camel 1,2 i 3) i interface-ima koji su neophodni
za pružanje svih usluga u BH Mobile. CS podsistem je, pored SMS podsistema, dugo
vremena bio jedini putem kojeg su se pružale usluge BH Mobile.
• Razvoj SMS podsistema - SMS usluga, pored govorne, ima najznačajniji udio u
saobraćaju. Svakodnevno se cca 4 miliona različitih tipova SMS poruka u prosjeku
razmijeni između korisnika, te korisnika i aplikacija. Ovaj podsistem je od početnog
kapaciteta od 20.000 korisnika na jednom sistemu razvijen do potpuno radudantnog
sistema sa dva SMS centra (SMS RGW), SMPP konekcijama prema servisnoj mreži i
sigurnosnim funkcijama (SMS-AntiSpoofing/AntiFaking/AntiSpam/AntiFlooding). U
sklopu ovog podsistema implementirane su i platforme: MCN (Missed Call Notification)
i Welcome SMS.
• Razvoj IN podsistema - 2000. godine implementiran prvi sistem za prepaid uslugu -
PrepaidLight, a 2001. godine implementiran je novi IN1 i prepaid usluga PPS6A koja
je podržavala znatno veći broj dodatnih usluga za prepaid korisnike kao što su: UCB
roaming, SMS, Friends and Family. U martu 2002. godine na istoj IN1 platformi
instalirane su nove usluge inteligentne mreže iz grupe tzv. NTS servisa: Free Phone,
Premium Rate, Televoting, a iste godine implementiran je IN2 sistem, dok se IN1
nastavila koristiti za NTS servise povezana na 9 fiksnih centrala. 2009. godine IN1
platforma za NTS upgrade-ovana je na novu HW/SW platformu, a na istu je 2010.
godine migriran VPN servis i VPN korisnici. 2010. godine puštena je u rad platforma
• Razvoj PC podsistema - Nakon početne implementacije, krajem 2006. godine
razdvojene su SGSN i GGSN funkcionalnosti u zasebne čvorove i implementiran sistem
PRS (Policy and Rating Server) za podršku autorizaciji korištenja usluga i fleksibilnijem
rating-u, te izvrršena i nadogradnja postojećeg RTCN čvora za naplatu usluga u realnom
vremenu. Uvođenje 3G mreže podrazumijevalo je i nadogradnju postojećeg PC sistema
za potrebe realizacije 3G usluga. GGSN je integrisan sa Online Mediation sistemom
(Online Charging System - OCS) preko kojeg se vrši naplata, te SAPC R3 (Service Aware
Policy Control) sistemom koji obavlja funkciju PCRF (Policy Charging Rule Function) u
PS core dijelu mreže BH Mobile.
• Razvoj middleware paltformi - početkom razvoja servisne mreže ukazala se potreba za
povezivanjem aplikacijskih servera sa jezgrom mreže, pri čemu jezgro mreže treba da
transparentno obezbijedi sve neophodne funkcionalnosti za pružanje servisa dodatne
vrijednosti. Tako su od 2006. godine implementirane middleware platforme koje ne
predstavljaju tradicionalno jezgro mreže, a koje obezbjeđuju protokole i funkcije jezgra
mreže servisnoj mreži i to: NRG/SDP (Network Resource Gateway), USSD GW kojom
se omogućuje usluga Pay for Me, OCMP/RBT kojom se obezbjeđuje servis m-Ton, te
SMLC i GMLC kojim se stvara podrška za LBS (Location Based) usluge. Također je
implementiran i VMS sistem sa funkcijama dinamičkog mailbox-a, multimedijalnom
isporukom govornih poruka i funkcijama obavještavanja pozivajućeg i pozvanog
Do 2001. godine proširenje kapaciteta mreže, koje je preduslov za pružanje usluga,
implementirano je u relativno malim koracima, pri čemu je prvo veliko proširenje uzrokovano

puštanjem u rad ULTRA usluge. Od 2001. godine do danas kapaciteti na pojedinim sistemima
prošireni su više od šest puta što je prikazano u Tabeli 1. Ovo je omogućeno globalnim
razvojem tehnologije, pri čemu su kapaciteti sistema povećavani a kapitalna ulaganja po
korisniku opadala, što je za rezultat imalo i sniženje cijena osnovnih usluga mobilne mreže.
Kontinuirano povećanje kapaciteta prouzrokovalo je i potrebu za prebacivanjem korisničkih
profila i podataka sa jedne platforme na drugu platformu većeg kapaciteta, tzv. migraciju
podataka. Migracije podataka, koje su u jezgru mreže obavljene 7 puta na različitim
čvorovima (HLR, IN, VoMS), su sa stanovišta pripreme najzahtjevniji projekti s obzirom da
je neophodno, bez značajnijeg prekida saobraćaja/pružanja usluge (ispod sat vremena) i bez
grešaka u korisničkim podacima izvršiti transfer više miliona podataka u toku jedne noći, a
pri tome izvršiti testiranje funkcionisanja korisničkih servisa.
Značajni investicijski zahvati u jezgru mreže prouzrokovani su implementacijom
funkcionalnosti i integracijskim zahvatima kojim se ispunjavaju zahtjevi regulatornih TK
tijela. Najznačajniji od tih projekata su:
• Implementacija numeracije uključujući i promjenu NDC (National Destination Code) od
početnog 090, preko 066 do sadašnjih 061, 062 i 060 sa sedmocifrenom numeracijom;
• Roaming - BH Telecom ima za govornu uslugu realizovan roaming sa 254 operatora, a
za uslugu prenosa podataka sa 156 operatora;
• Prenosivost broja;
• Referentna ponuda o interkonekciji za mobilnu mrežu.

Tabela 4.2.1. Proširenje kapaciteta mobilne mreže

posistema/ IN (prepaid) SMS PS CS HLR
korisnika SAU korisnika korisnika
1996 0 20k korinika 0 25.000 20.000
1998 0 20k korisnika 0 50.000 50.000
2000 25.000 20k korisnika 0 110.000 110.000
2001 200.000 200k korisnika 0 290.000 280.000
2004 750.000 110 TPS 100.000 990.000 800.000
2005 900.000 310 TPS 110.000 1.240.000 1.200.000
2006 1.100.000 1.310 TPS 375.000 1.240.000 1.450.000
2007 1.250.000 1.310 TPS 375.000 1.340.000 1.450.000
2008 1.350.000 1.310 TPS 600.000 1.340.000 1.650.000
2009 1.450.000 1.310 TPS 650.000 1.840.000 1.900.000
2010 1.450.000 1.600 TPS 650.000 1.840.000 1.900.000

Tokom razvoja jezgra mreže i projekti koji su imali mala kapitalna ulaganja kao što su:
Platforma za upravljanje roaming sobraćajem kojom se stvorila tehnološka podrška za

sniženje cijena roaming saobraćaja, i sistem za elektronsku dopunu voucher-a (e-voucher
sistem) preko kojeg se trenutno obavlja preko 50% dopuna ULTRA kredita, značajno su
doprinijeli poboljšanju usluga BH Telecoma i većem zadovoljstvu korisnika.
Na kraju treba istaći da implementacija novih tehnologija donosi s jedne strane mogućnost
razvoja novih usluga, ali sa druge strane značajno povećava kompleksnost implementacije
i integracije (raznolikost protokola i mrežnih elemenata, dodatni zahtjevi za sigurnost zbog
prelaska na IP), što će iziskivati dodatne napore u pravcu daljeg razvoja jezgra mobilne mreže
počev od pripreme projekata do njihove realizacije. Pored svih tehnoloških preduslova,
osnova za razvoj u prošlosti, a tako i u budućnosti, biće kvalitetni i obučeni kadrovi.

4.2.4. Investicijski razvoj servisne mreže BH Mobile

Projekti od posebnog značaja za servisnu mrežu BH Telecoma

Od 1996. godine, pored izrazito velikog broja ostvarenih investicija-projekata, a uzimajući

kao osnovne kriterije stvaranje preduslova za dalji tehnološki razvoj i povećanje portfolia
usluga servisne mreže BH Mobile, posebno se izdvajaju slijedeći projekti:

GPRS/EDGE (General Packet Radio Service/Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution)
Dvije ključne strateške odluke o investiranju BH Telecoma, kao i njegovom načinu, koje
su obezbjedile puni prihvat usluge prijenosa podataka od strane korisnika su izbor GPRS/
EDGE tehnologije kao osnove za pružanje usluga prijenosa podataka, te principi pružanja
tehnologije koji su:
• Omogućiti uslugu svim korisnicima (prepaid i postpaid);
• Omogućiti fleksibilnost u naplati;
• Obezbjediti automatsku isporuku postavki potrebnih za korištenje usluga baziranih na
GPRS/EDGE tehnologiji putem OTA sistema;
• Podstaknuti inovativnost za uvođenje velikog broja usluga prije konkurencije, te
• Princip „uvesti što više usluga u što kraćem periodu“.

Puštanjem GPRS tehnologije BH Mobile je ušao u jednu novu fazu razvoja usluga i servisa
koji ga je pretvorio u klasičnog davaoca Internet servisa (ISP). Uz velike napore svojih
uposlenika, na osnovu GPRS tehnologije u kratkom periodu uvedeni su slijedeći napredni
• WAP portal „“;
• MMS (Multimedia Messaging System);
• mMail servis;
• JAVA Download platform.

VAS (Value-Added Services)

BH Telecom je investirao u nabavku VAS (Value Added Services) platforme s ciljem uspostave
jednostavne i brze konekcije usluga dodatne vrijednosti na SMS centar. VAS platforma
korisnicima BH Telecoma pruža pristup sadržajima i SMS servisima koji su u njegovom
portfoliu, a koji se dijele na usluge za informisanje, edukaciju i zabavu. Također VAS
platforma omogućava 3-rd party davaocima kontrolisano korištenje SMS kanala, odnosno
pristup SMS infrastrukturi BH Telecoma (SMS centar), kako bi korisnicima mogli ponuditi
servise i različite vrste sadržaja/usluga, kako sa aplikacijama koje na platformi posjeduje BH

Telecom, tako i sa svojim razvijenim aplikacijama koje su integrisane u sigurno okruženje. U
okviru VAS platforme omogućeno je i slanje bulk SMS poruka što je prije svega namijenjeno
za poslovne ljude /kompanije u cilju obavještavanja većeg broja klijenata ili partnera putem
iste poruke.

MMSC (Multimedia Messaging Service Center)

BH Telecom je 2005. godine investirao u nabavku MMSC-a (Multimedia Messaging Service
Center) kako bi svojim klijentima pružio seriju bogatih usluga i aplikacija zasnovanih na
multimediji. MMS Centar je messaging servis koji korisnicima omogućava slanje i primanje
multimedijalnih poruka; a to podrazumijeva kombinaciju teksta, mirne i pokretne slike,
grafike i zvuka u jednoj jedinstvenoj poruci. U cilju upravljanja MMS uslugama s dodatnom
vrijednošću, te s ciljem povećanja SMS, MMS i GPRS saobraćaja, investirano je u MMS
Content sistem koji omogućava pružanje naprednih usluga baziranih na intereakciji
nekoliko pristupnih kanala, i to MMS, SMS, WAP i Internet tehnologija, kao i nadogradnju
postojećih servisa ili uvođenja na tržište potpuno novih servisa.

SDP (Service Delivery Platform)

U cilju proširenja portfolia usluga koje BH Telecom nudi svojim korisnicima, investirano je
u SDP (Service Delivery Platform) platformu, koja pruža okruženje za kreiranje servisa, za
izvršenje servisa, te apstrakciju telecom komunikacijskih kanala, kao osnove za stvaranje
servisa. SDP platforma je u potpunosti, na izrazito siguran način, otvorila mobilnu mrežu
prema davaocima usluga i sadržaja, te stvorila mogućnost da se na relativno brz način
implementiraju nove aplikacije za mobilne korisnike. BH Mobile je sa ovom investicijom
osigurao iskorištavanje punog potencijala mreže i servisnih platformi, jer se potencijalnim
partnerima, odnosno dobavljačima sadržaja i usluga, omogućava korištenje praktično svih
elemenata mreže.

Platforma mCommerce
BH Telecom je prvi i još uvijek jedini operator u Bosni i Hercegovini koji je investiranjem
u platformu za mobilno plaćanje svojim korisnicma ponudio usluge plaćanja i prijenosa
sredstava putem mobilnog uređaja na siguran način. Implementacijom mCommerce
Platforme omogućena je kupovina i naplata roba ili usluga putem novčanih transakcija koje
se mogu klasificirati kao transakcije prema pretplatničkom računu BH Telecoma ili od njega,
te kao transakcije od korisničkog bankovnog računa. Primjeri osnovnih usluga koje se nude
putem platforme mCommerce su nadopunjavanje korisničkog prepaid računa sa postpaid i
prepaid računa, sa bankovnog računa, bankomata ili POS terminala.
mCommerce platforma nudi puno više od toga. Integracijom vanjskih dobavljača usluga
kao partnera u mCommerce poslovnim procesima moguće je postići ogromne mogućnosti
poslovnih odnosa. Integracijom s parking-operatorima u svrhu plaćanja usluge parkinga
putem mobilnih uređaja ostvarena je usluga koja bilo kojem korisniku mreže BH Mobile
omogućava sigurno plaćanje parkinga na onim mjestima i sa onim parnerima s kojim BH
Telecom ima dogovoren poslovni odnos. Također je potrebno spomenuti da platforma sa
svojim micro-payment i macro-payment modulima daje svim zainteresiranim partnerima,
u širokom spektru djelovanja, mogućnost da svoje proizvode i usluge naplate putem novih
kanala prodaje.
mCommerce platforma je eklatantan primjer WinWinWin strategije poslovnih odnosa jer svi
sudionici u ovom poslovnom lancu imaju slijedeće koristi:

• pretplatnicima se nude nove usluge,
• vanjski dobavljači otvaraju svoje poslovanje prema jednom velikom potencijalnom
tržištu uz sigurnost naplate, dok
• BH Telecom sklapa nova poslovna partnerstva, povećava lepezu usluga koje nudi svojim
pretplatnicima i klasificira se kao napredan operator koji prati trendove u modernom
telekomunikacijskom svijetu.

Platforma LBS (Location Based Services)

BH Telecom je i u ovoj investiciji prvi i još uvijek jedini operator u Bosni i Hercegovini koji
je investiranjem u LBS (Location Based Services) platformu omogućio svojim korisnicima
dodatnu dimenziju korištenja mobilnih servisa na osnovu njihove geografske pozicije. BH
Mobile je svojim korisnicima putem LBS platforme omogućio tri osnovna servisa:
• mTu sam!
• mHunt i
• mWarrior.
Platforma LBS je prirodni nastavak razvoja SDP sistema koji je nakon otvaranja poruka
(messaging), naplatnih (payment i charging) i statusnih (terminal status) mogućnosti, dodao
još jedan, odnosno geografski. Uvođenjem LBS platforme, mogućnosti koje se nude vanjskim
dobavljačima aplikacija ovom investicijom se šire i na lokacijske (location) mogućnosti.
BH Telecom i vanjski davaoci usluga tako mogu iskoristiti geografsku lokaciju mobilnog
terminala za kreiranje privlačnih i praktičnih usluga koje će im uštedjeti vrijeme, pružiti
zabavu, poboljšati poslovnu efikasnost i povećati ličnu sigurnost.

BH Telecom je prvi u Bosni i Hercegovini u maju mjesecu, na Svjetski dan telekomunikacija
2009. godine, pustio u rad novu mobilnu mrežu treće generacije UMTS/HSPA. Investirano
je u mrežu koja je bazirana na najmodernijoj tehnologiji i koja omogućava velike brzine
prijenosa podataka do 7,2 Mb/s u DL (downlink-u) te do 1,4 Mb/s u UL (uplink-u).
U prvoj fazi mreža je izgrađena na području velikih urbanih centara u Bosni i Hercegovini sa
50 baznih stanica raspoređenih u devet gradova i to: Sarajevo, Tuzla, Banja Luka, Mostar,
Zenica, Bihać, Travnik, Brčko i Goražde. U međuvremenu je BH Telecom investirao u
pokrivanje signalom 3G mreže i ostalih većih mjesta u BiH sa preko 220 baznih stanica. Na
osnovu ove tehnologije BH Telecom je prvi u Bosni i Hercegovini uveo širokopojasni mobilni
pristup Internetu, te uz investiciju u streaming platformu omogućio pružanje naprednih
multimedijalnih usluga koje za korištenje zahtijevaju veliki pojas (brzine), poput usluge
MojaTV mobile.

IMS - IP Multimedia Subsystem

Glavno tehnološko obilježje i razlog implementacije IMS-a, odnosno investiranja u ovu
tehnologiju, je njegova transparentnost prema različitim pristupnim mrežama. Stoga je
IMS glavni pokretač evolucije telekomunikacijskih mreža i usluga prema mobilno-fiksno
konvergentnim rješenjima. Na taj način, korisnicima se omogućava jedinstven pristup
širokom spektru usluga preko različitih uređaja i pristupnih tehnologija. Istraživanja tržišta
pokazuju da današnji korisnici žele komunikacijska rješenja uz pomoć kojih istovremeno
mogu prenijeti raznovrsne poslovne i privatne informacije. Nove, na IMS-u temeljene,
multimedijske usluge imaju ključnu ulogu u osiguravanju što prisnije komunikacije među
korisnicima, jer omogućavaju komuniciranje putem različitih medija poput npr. govorne

usluge i usluga slanja teksta, slika i video sadržaja ili njihove kombinacije prema željama

Platforma za konsolidaciju baza

Platforma za konsolidaciju baza podataka u servisnoj mreži je implementirana u cilju
unapređenja sistemske infrastrukture i prelaska na novi viši nivo standardizacije i dijeljenja
resursa (baza podataka i storage-a), te prelaska na viši nivo sigurnosti sistema. S ovom
investicijom BH Mobile se svrstao u rang rijetkih najnaprednijih mobilnih operatora
današnjice koji pokušavaju da naprednim sistemima smanje kompleksnost sistema, te da
se poveća iskorištenost pozadinskog dijela servisa, baza podataka i uređaja za pohranu
podataka, sa aspekta procesne moći i iskorištenosti diskovnog prostora, te naravno da se
smanje troškovi održavanja robusnog sistema.

4.2.5. Visoko vrijedni projekti za pružanje servisa, podršku naprednim

uslugama i kontrolu servisne mreže BH Mobile
Za razliku od prethodno navedenih investicija koje su obilježile ekspanziju servisne mreže BH
Telecoma i portfolia usluga mreže BH Mobile, ništa manje vrijedni su i slijedeći projekti bez
kojih servisna mreža ne bi bila ono što danas jeste, jedna moderna i kvalitetno struktuirana
cjelina koja BH Telecomu donosi profit. Za investicione projekte koje ćemo pomenuti
potrebno je istaći da su neki od njih paralelno implementirani sa već navedenim projektima,
jer jednostavno rečeno ne bi mogli funkcionisati jedni bez drugih.
U svrhu upravljanja korisnicima i njihovim preferencijama BH Telecom je investirajući morao
omogućiti sigurnost korisnika, svoje mreže i podataka koji se razmjenjuju između sistema za
neometano pružanje naprednih usluga. Autorizacija i autentifikacija korisnika, te accounting
funkcionalnost su implementirani u okviru RADIUS sistema, a u cilju pojednostavljenja
procesa autentifikacije korisničkih podataka, implementiran je SSO (Single Sign-On) sistem.
Ovaj sistem omogućava krajnjim korisnicima pristup različitim servisima sa jedinstvenom
autentifikacijom podataka, a svi potrebni podaci se preuzimaju iz LDAP baze podataka.
LDAP sistem sadrži centralnu korisničku i servisnu bazu podataka i implementiran je u
svrhu pružanja na podacima baziranih servisa.
S ciljem omogućavanja centraliziranog i automatiziranog administriranja korisnika i
usluga, te centraliziranog pristupa svim korisničkim podacima koji se generiraju u mrežnim
elementima BH Telecoma, investirano je u nabavku provisioning sistema. Ovo je još jedan
korak firme ka optimiziranom i visokokvalitetnom mrežnom okruženju koji olakšava i
ubrzava proces uvođenja i administriranja novih usluga.
U proteklom periodu investirano je u nabavku RBT (Ring Back Tone) platforme koja
omogućava transformaciju telefonskog pozivanja u jedno novo, zabavno, pa i uzbudljivo
iskustvo. Umjesto standardnih tonova koje osoba čuje dok čeka odgovor pozvane strane,
RBT daje korisnicima slobodu i fleksibilnost izražavanja sebe na originalan, čak i neočekivan
način. Mobilnim korisnicima je omogućen odabir personaliziranog sadržaja, od muzike
(bogat spektar umjetnika, pjesama, snimaka, zvukova) pa do ličnih poruka kombinovanih
sa audio sadržajima, koje će korisnik imati priliku slušati sve do trenutka dok mu se ne javi
pozvana strana ili do isteka vremena pozivanja.
U cilju praćenja stanja servisne mreže u proteklom periodu investirano je u nabavku
NMS (Network Management System) sistema koji omogućava nadzor hardware-skog i
software-skog statusa nadziranog sistema, što podrazumijeva hardware-ski status pojedinih

komponenti sistema, mrežnih interface-a, status operativnog sistema, kao i ključnih procesa
i aplikacija koje se nalaze na serverima. Uvođenjem NMS sistema olakšana je detekcija i
dijagnosticiranje problema što rezultira kraćim vremenskim rokom za otkrivanje kvara, a
samim time i kraćim vremenskim periodom za otklanjanje problema.
Centralizirano back up & restore rješenje je implementirano u servisnoj mreži BH Mobile
kao sistemsko koje omogućava povećanje sigurnosti podataka neophodnih za ispravno
funkcionisanje BH Mobile servisa. Ovo rješenje koristi namjenski software i hardware koji
omogućava siguran i brz oporavak bilo kojeg servisa bez obzira na uzrok problema u radu.
Također, pojednostavljuje administraciju kako postojećih tako i budućih sistema, te olakšava
integraciju novih servisa.
Infrastruktura modernog operatora, a tako i BH Telecoma, se sve više okreće prema IP
tehnologijama. Stoga, vrlo je važno napraviti čvrste komunikacijske temelje na koje će se
naslanjati cjelokupna infrastruktura. Prilikom dizajna paketske okosnice mobilne mreže
(Mobile Packet Backbone Network - MPBN) uzeti su u obzir slijedeći koncepti:
• Sigurnost,
• Pouzdanost,
• Optimalna komunikacija među čvorovima,
• Fleksibilnost i
• Skalabilnost za buduće potrebe.
U 2010. godini se počelo sa proširenjem backbone mreže BH Telecoma. Konceptualno,
projekat proširenja uključuje novu IP mrežnu opremu koja obuhvata nove switch-eve, router-e
gdje ne postoje IP/MPLS router-i BH Telecoma, nove firewall-e, sisteme za detekciju, zaštitu
i prevenciju od upada u mrežu, te sisteme za upravljanje odzivom na sigurnosne prijetnje.
Koncept se bazira na definiranju tzv. mobilnih - MPBN site-ova, na Baš-čaršiji, Dolac Malti
i Alipašinom polju. Komunikacija između lokacija se odvija preko BH Telecomove IP/MPLS
mreže. Svaka od lokacija je zaštićena u pogledu interne i eksterne komunikacije između
čvorova, te ima dodatno potrebni kapacitet za buduća proširenje u BHT mobilnoj mreži.
Na kraju treba istaći da investicije i implementacija novih tehnologija donosi s jedne strane
mogućnost razvoja novih usluga, ali sa druge strane značajno povećava kompleksnost
implementacije i integracije (raznolikost protokola i mrežnih elemenata, dodatni zahtjevi
za sigurnost zbog prelaska na IP), što će iziskivati dodatne napore u pravcu daljeg razvoja
servisne mobilne mreže, počevši od pripreme projekata do njihove realizacije. Pored svih
tehnoloških preduslova, osnova za razvoj u prošlosti, sadašnjosti a tako i u budućnosti, biće
jedino kvalitetni i obučeni kadrovi sposobni da odgovore izazovima koje donosi budućnost.


Interni dokumenti BH Telecoma

4.3. Ključne investicije u IT sisteme

4.3.1. Uvod

Informacioni sistem je uvijek bio važna karika BH Telecoma, a u novim uslovima poslovanja
(liberalizacija i regulacija) telekom operatora predstavlja ključnu infrastrukturu cijelog
sistema i zajednička je integrativna osnova za proces opšte konvergencije. U takvom svjetlu
informacioni sistem koji u sebi objedinjava:
a) razvoj, implementaciju, eksploataciju i održavanje ukupnih informacionih sistema i
b) osiguranje uslova za realizaciju i praćenje principa i funkcija kontrole sistema i
ispunjenja KPI i KQI parametra.
Ubrzani razvoj informacionih sistema zahtijeva i značajna investiciona ulaganja koja
u posljednjih desetak godina imaju stalni prirast, te su se povećala sa 3% na 5% ukupnih
investicionih ulaganja BH Telecoma na godišnjem nivou. Ova ulaganja imaju za cilj da
informacioni sistem stvori uslove za postizanje definisanih poslovnih namjera i osiguranje
uspješnosti. Dosadašnja iskustva i stepen tehnološkog razvoja postavljaju IT integraciju,
a i same IT sisteme, kao pokretačku snagu za provedbu poslovne transformacije u okviru
savremenih kretanja u telekom industriji. Stoga se i odgovori koje informacioni sistem daje
na poslovne zahtjeve baziraju na IT integraciji i osavremenjavanju IT sistema u BH Telecomu,
što opet jasno ukazuje na potrebu stalnog unapređenja i investiranja u informacioni sistem.
Pri planiranju razvoja informacionog sistema i planiranju investicija u isti slijedi se
strategija razvoja BH Telecoma, a oslanjamo se na preporuke i standarde u oblasti razvoja
poslovnih procesa, definisanih dokumentima TMF-a i ITIL-a na svim slojevima upravljanja
operacijama unutar telekom operatora. Za uspješno planiranje i realizaciju investicija u IT
sisteme potrebno je pridržavati se usvojenih principa i standarda sa krajnjim ciljem potpune
standardizacije procesa i aktivnosti informacionih sistema.
Investiranjem u informacione sisteme, prema definisanim i usvojenim strateškim pravcima
razvoja, BH Telecom treba da ima slijedeće koristi:
a) sistematičnost i ujednačenost integracije poslovnih procesa primjenom jedinstvenih
standarda i principa;
b) ubrzanje konvergencije usluga i mreža koordiniranim korištenjem informacionih
tehnologija kao vezivnog sredstva, u skladu sa preporukama NGOSS Framework-a;
c) dugoročna podloga za uspješnu transformaciju BH Telecoma u konkuretno sposobnu
kompaniju organizovanu na principu servisno orijentirane kompanije (SOE);
d) viši stepen razumijevanja potreba korisnika informacionih sistema sa jedne strane
i mogućnosti Direkcije za informacione tehnologije za realizaciju tih potreba, kroz
jedinstveno usvojen koncept razvoja i unificiran način komuniciranja;
e) povećanje produktivnosti, smanjenje operativnih troškova, povećanje prihoda,
povećanje asortimana usluga i stepena korištenja usluga.
Postavljeni principi razvoja informacionog sistema i razumijevanje poslovnih potreba bili su
osnovna vodilja koja je određivala potrebu da se izgradnja i investiranje u IT sisteme oslanjaju
na savremena tehnološka rješenja platformi, sistema i alata informacionih tehnologija, pri
čemu se izdvajaju tri prioritetna pravca:
• izgradnja rješenja koja podržavaju inventivnost u kreiranju i pružanju
telekomunikacionih usluga,

• izgradnja sistema koji omogućavaju uspješno održavanje i operiranje
telekomunikacionih sistema i usluga, i
• izgradnja rješenja koja omogućavaju brzo i pravilno donošenje poslovnih odluka.
Historijski gledano, investiranje u informacioni sistem se dosta izmijenilo u periodu
od 2000. godine do danas. U početku su investicije uglavnom bile usmjerene u razvoj IT
infrastrukture (računarska mreža, serverski sistemi, računari, periferna oprema), da bi se
kasnije fokus prebacio na nabavku software-skih rješenja i licenci za korištenje istih, dok se u
posljednje vrijeme najviše ulaže u integracijske komponente i izgradnju servisno orjentirane
arhitekture - i u sistemskom i u aplikativnom smislu.
U narednim poglavljima prikazaćemo glavne komponente informacionog sistema u kontekstu
investicionog ulaganja u njihovo nastajanje i kontinuirani razvoj.

4.3.2. Računarska mreža

Cilj izgradnje računarske mreže je bio da se realizacija osloni na vlastite prenosne kapacitete
i da se ista izvede vlastitim snagama, uz izgradnju potrebne pasivne mrežne infrastrukture i
nabavku potrebne aktivne mrežne opreme. Po ovom konceptu je, u periodu od 1999. do 2001.
godine izgrađena korporativna IT infrastruktura zasnovana na TCP/IP protokolu i sa svim
karaktersitikama intranet mreže. Izgradnja mrežne infrastrukture izvedena je uz potpuno
poštivanje svih propisa, standarda i preporuka, te je ispunjen osnovni zahtjev - uvezivanje
svih računarskih resursa, neovisno o geografskoj dislociranosti pojedinih objekata. U toku
eksploatacije i daljnjeg razvoja računarske mreže napravljena su dva veća redizajna mreže,
a kontinuirano se radilo na proširenju kapaciteta, kako u pogledu pokrivanja novih lokacija,
kao što su Telecom centri, tako i u pogledu povećanja broja portova i brzina prijenosa
podataka između lokacija.
Tabela 4.3.1. Zbirni pregled opreme računarske mreže IS
Računarska mreža: pregled kapaciteta Ukupna investiciona
ulaganja u računarsku
direkcija switch ostalo ukupno mrežu u proteklih
Generalna 31 3 34 10 godina iznose oko
Sarajevo 54 2 56 1.500.000 KM.
Tuzla 31 1 32
4.3.3. Računarska
Zenica 23 2 25
oprema, operativni
Bihać 19 2 21 sistemi i office
Travnik 21 4 25 aplikacije
Mostar 17 3 20
Goražde 3 1 4
Paralelno sa izgradnjom
TK inženjering 13 0 privatne
13 računarske
UKUPNO 212 18 mreže
230 dizajniran je,
testiran i pripremljen
mrežni operativni sistem koji se zasnivao na Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Serveru sa directory
servisom, a koji je kasnije prošao kroz niz unapređenja i dogradnji, tako da je sada baziran
na verzijama Windows Server 2003 R2 i Windows Server 2008 R2, na kojim je izvršena
konsolidacija mrežnih servisa (AD, DNS, WINS) i primijenjen novi dizajn uvođenjem
strukture organizacione jedinice (OU). Izuzev nabavke potrebnog hardware-a i software-skih
licenci, svi drugi poslovi vezani za implementaciju su rađeni vlastitim snagama.

Na klijentskoj strani se, uglavnom, koriste
Micosoft Windows XP, Vista i Windows 7
operativni sistemi, kao i klijentske licence za
pristup serverima (CAL), dok se kao office paket
koristi Microsoft Office verzije 2003, 2007 i 2010.
Nabavka klijentskih Microsoft licenci (1.300
profesionalnih licenci) se uglavnom realizovala
kroz Microsoft Enterprise Agreement-e, ali
smo imali i niz pojedinačnih nabavki. Serveri,
računari, štampači, skeneri i ostala periferna
oprema se kontinuirano nabavlja u toku cijelog
perioda razvoja IT sistema, a s ciljem osiguranja
efikasnih alata za brz i neometan rad korisnika
informacionog sistema.
Ukupne investicije u ovaj tip hardware-a i
software-skih licenci su preko 10.000.000 KM.

4.3.4. Baze podataka

Napuštanjem koncepta mainframe računara
Slika 4.3.1. Serverska oprema u primarnom i uvezivanjem resursa u privatnu računarsku
centru za prenos podataka mrežu neophodno je bilo implementirati i niz
novih aplikativnih rješenja, koja su za osnovu imala ne samo novi hardware i nove operativne
sistema, već je bilo zahtijevano da se izvrši i potpuni prelazak na relacione baze podataka. U
početku su kao standard bila definisana primjena distribuiranih baza podataka, zasnovanih
na Oracle RDBMS i Microsoft Access DB, koje su radile na Microsoft Windows operativnim
sistemima. Koncept distribucije se zasnivao na regionalnim principu i na način da je svaka
Regionalna direkcija raspolagala sa vlastitim bazama podataka koje su se međusobno
usaglašavale putem replikacionih sistema ili automatiziranim procedurama prenosa
podataka. Licenciranje baza podataka se tada vršilo na principu broja korisnika aplikacija, i
u početku je to bio dobar model.
Tabela 4.3.2. Zbirni pregled kapaciteta računara i servera u IS-u
Pregled servera po primarnoj funkciji Pregled računara po direkcijama Uvođenjem novih
funkcionalna grupa količina dirkcija količina
aplikacija, koje su
DC 12 servera BANJALUKA 12 računara
DMX_A 13 servera BIHAC 242 računara bile zahtijevane
DMX_B 8 servera BRCKO 6 računara zbog uvođenja novih
FILE 7 servera GENERALNA 658 računara usluga BH Telecoma, i
GIS 12 servera GORAZDE 49 računara procesnog pokrivanja
HELP_DESK 14 servera TELECOM INŽENJERING 180 računara mnogih operativnih
JPP_JRK 8 servera MOSTAR 134 računara
MEDIJACIJA 3 servera SARAJEVO 541 računar
aktivnosti, postepeno
MIDLWARE 18 servera TRAVNIK 148 računara se prelazilo na polu-
MONITORING 4 servera TUZLA 330 računara distribuirani model baza
NO_IT 10 servera UČIONICA 16 računara podataka, a licenciranje
OSTALI 20 servera ZENICA 285 računara je migrirano na
SAP 13 servera UKUPNO 2601 računar procesorski model, što
SSO_IAM 6 servera
TEST 26 servera
je posebno sa početkom
UNIX 12 servera pružanja usluge preko
WSUS 4 servera web portala bio jedini
UKUPNO 190 servera opravdani model

licenciranja. Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (34 CPU licence), Oracle Database Standard
Edition (18 CPU licence), Oracle Middleware (22 CPU licence).
Investicije u licence za korištenje baze podataka i pripadajućih razvojnih alata iznose oko
2.500.000 KM.
4.3.5. Enterprise Storage,
back up sistem i konsolidacija
baza podataka

Implementacijom Enterprise
Storage sistema stvorene su
tehnološke pretpostavke za nastavak
fizičke i logičke konsolidacije
baza podataka koje predstavljaju
jezgro informacionog sistema. Ova
faza izgradnje IT infrastrukture
podrazumijevala je dogradnju
postojeće serverske platforme,
izgradnju specijalizirane platforme
za smještanje podataka, izgradnju
Slika 4.3.2. Shematski prikaz integrisanih baza podataka
automatizovanog sistema za back
up podataka na trakama i instaliranje odgovarajuće software-ske platforme za upravljanje
Storage Area Network sistemom i back up sistemom.
Na ovoj platformi je, u vrlo kratkom vremenskom periodu, izvršena migracija i konsolidacija
baza podataka koje se koriste u informacionom sistemu, te su na taj način osigurane značajne
prednosti kao pretpostavke daljeg razvoja i implementacije integracijskih komponenti.
Zaštita i back up podataka, koje obuhvataju fizičko
osiguranje najvažnijih resursa, mogućnost zamjene
pojedinih resursa bez gubitka podataka i mogućnost
oporavka podataka ukoliko se ipak dogodi da se
određeni resurs informacionog sistema bespovratno
ošteti ili uništi, su uvijek bile karike informacionog
sistema kojim se pridavala velika važnost, te je i u
ovaj segment značajno investirano u smislu nabavke
opreme i software-skih licenci.
Enterprise Storage i back up sistem se nakon
inicijalne implementacije u 2005. godini nastavio
širiti i modernizovati, tako da sada raspolažemo
sa najsavremenijim i najpouzdanijim, hijerarhijski
složenim storage i back up sistemima. U ove sisteme
Slika 4.3.3. Enterprise storage sistemi u
je ukupno investirano oko 2.300.000 KM. informacionom sistemu
4.3.6. Arhiviranje podataka i uspostava sistema Disaster Recovery
Korištenjem dijelova informacionog sistema i uvođenjem novih usluga nastala je velika
količina podataka koji su djelimično otežavali normalan rad informacionog sistema, te je bilo
neophodno pristupiti pripremi arhiviranja podataka koja se zasnivala na tzv. hijerarhijskom
modelu arhiviranja, po kojem se arhiviranje podataka vrši na nekoliko nivoa: arhivske
baze podataka, pohranjivanje podataka na specijalizovani arhivski sistem i pohranjivanje

podataka na magnetne trake. Za realizaciju ovog koncepta u toku 2007. godine nabavljen je
i realizovan sistem u vrijednosti od 500.000 KM.
Paralelno izvođenju uspješne fizičke konsolidacije otvorila se potreba za izgradnjom
tehničkih pretpostavki za oporavak sistema u slučaju katastrofe tzv. - Disaster Recovery
sistem. Disaster Recovery je koncept koji definira proces vraćanja svih poslovnih procesa u
jednoj organizaciji u normalno produkciono stanje nakon neke katastrofe. Tehničko rješenje
je bazirano na kreiranju funkcionalnog disaster recovery rješenja za ključne komponente
informacionog sistema BH Telecoma. U hardware, software koji upravlja replikacijom u
sinhronom modu i usluge implementacije i dogradnje ovog sistema do sada je uloženo oko
1.200.000 KM.
4.3.7. Monitoring IT infrastrukture i ITIL
S ciljem poboljšanja nadzora nad IT infrastrukturom, u posljednje 4 godine kroz nekoliko faza
implementiran je integralni sistem za monitoring IT infrastrukture. Sistem je zasnovan na
nekoliko proizvoda, ali na način da je postignuta efikasna integracija između istih. Proizvodi
koji su korišteni za izgradnju ovog sistema su Microsoft System Center Operations Manager
2007, Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control, IBM Tivoli Enterprise Manager Netcool/
Implementacijom ovog sistema dobili smo integrirani monitoring alat koji ima mogućnost
provjere i alarmiranja kompletne IT infrastrukture u realnom vremenu. Na ovaj način
smo težište sistema za monitoring IT infrastrukture prenijeli iz horizontalne domene, po
tehnologijama, u domenu baziranu na servisno orijentisani model, prema tzv. end-to-end
Ovakav monitoring IT servisa pruža
pogled iz perspektive korisnika, te
u slučaju nekog incidenta imamo
mogućnost za brzo lociranje i
fokusiranje na tačno određeni nivo
infrastrukture ili aplikacije koja je
odgovorna za nastanak incidenta.
Ukupne investicije u monitoring
sistem iznose preko 800.000 KM.
Pri izmjenama i prilagođavanju
organizacije poslova razvoja,
podrške, eksploatacije i održavanja
informacionog sistema, stalno
smo tražili i prihvatljive modele i
najbolje prakse iz oblasti upravljanja
Slika 4.3.4. Event Dashboard sistema za monitoring IT IT servisima i, još prije nekoliko
godina, odlučili se za ITIL (IT
Infrastructure Library), koji je danas postao osnova za uspostavu široko rasprostranjenog
sistema za upravljanje IT servisima (ITSM). Uspješna implementacija i realizacija projekata
iz oblasti upravljanja IT servisima doprinijela je poboljšanju iskoristivosti resursa, eliminaciji
suvišnih aktivnosti, smanjenju ukupnih troškova IT infrastrukturne opreme i aplikacija,
kao i postizanju razumne cijene za kvalitetnu uslugu, a svakako i osiguranje servisa koji
zadovoljavaju potrebe posla i smanjenje broja zahtjeva za intervenciju od strane korisnika

U više faza smo izvršili pripremu i primjenu za nas najvažnijih ITIL procesa i funkcija koji
• implementaciju aplikativnog rješenja za podršku rada jedinstvenog IT Service Deska,
• implementaciju aplikativnog rješenja za podršku Configuration Management procesa
koji uključuje i realizaciju CMDB-a (Configuration Management Data Base),
• implementaciju procesa:
Capacity Management, Service
Level Agreement, Service
Catalog Management, Problem
Management i Security
Za realizaciju ovih ciljeva korišteni
su SysAid, IBM Maximo, Microsoft
Forefront Identity Manager i Paslogix
SSO software-ski paketi, koji imaju
integrisanu podršku za realizaciju
navedenih procesa i funkcija.
Ukupna dosadašnja ulaganja u
izgradnju i primjenu nekih od ITIL
procesa iznose preko 700.000 KM. Slika 4.3.5. Manager Portal IT servis desk sistema

4.3.8. Billing sistemi

Kako su se u BH Telecomu razvijale telekomunikacione usluge, tako je bilo neophodno
razvijati i billing sisteme, počevši od tradicionalnog obračuna za usluge fiksne telefonije,
baziranog na utrošku impulsa, preko podrške za mobilnu telefoniju, pristupa Internetu, do
najsloženijih usluga kao što su VPN, triple i quadro play kod usluge MojaTV. Možemo reći da
su billing sistemi u različitim vremenskim periodima sadržavali različite module i podržavali
različite funkcionalnosti, a da su bili i jesu razvijani na raznovrsnim platformama zavisno od
trenutnog tehnološkog dostignuća.
Izvorni moduli billing sistema su obuhvatali slijedeće funkcije:
• Usluge - evidencija korisnika i zahtjeva,
• Tehnička baza TIS,
• Modul za prijavu smetnji,
• Medijacijski sistemi,
• Obračun (prikupljanje i
kontrola podataka o ostvarenom
saobraćaju, obračun pretplate,
jednokratnih i stalnih
zaduženja i obračun poreza),
• Štampa računa i opomena,
• Kontrola prihoda (uplate,
opomene, izvještaji za
knjiženje) i
• Izvještajni sistem.
Ovi sistemi su uglavnom razvijani
vlastitim snagama ili uz pomoć Slika 4.3.6. Kontrola prihoda - jedna iz niza funkcionalnosti
billing sistema

vanjskih dobavljača kroz gotova ili partnerska rješenja. Najveće investicije su se odnoslie na
medijacijski sistem za mobilnu telefoniju i Internet pristup, uključujući i podršku uslugama
iz paketa MojaTV. Ukupna ulaganja u proteklom periodu su u vrijednosti od oko 3.000.000
Za potrebe međunarodne razmjene podataka o roaming saobraćaju, po najnovijim TAP
standardima i zbog potrebe podrške novim uslugama, krajem 2006. godine nabavljeno je
rješenje za TAP3, koje je dodatno prošireno sa modulima za praćenje prekomjerne potrošnje
i podrške za nove usluge iz porodice treće generacije - 3G. Investicije u programski paket TAP
iznose oko 500.000 KM.
Zbog potrebe objedinjavanja među-operatorskog obračuna i uvođenja novih, od strane
regulatora propisanih obaveza preselekcije i selekcije operatora te prenosivosti broja,
aplikacija za međunarodni obračun i aplikacija za unutrašnji interkonekcijski obračun su
u julu 2008. godine zamijenjene novom aplikacijom za interbilling koja je kupljena kao
gotovo rješenje. Ova aplikacija se kontinuirano ažurira i dograđuje. Dosadašnje investicije
su 900.000 KM.

4.3.9. GIS
Uspostavljanje funkcija GIS sistema u BH Telecomu od njegovih začetaka do današnjeg
stepena razvijenosti prolazilo je kroz različite faze u okviru kojih smo imali određena
investicijska ulaganja. U početku smo najviše ulagali u nabavku serverske opreme,
licenci kao i digitalnih vektorskih karata, da bi se kasnije nabavljala specijalna oprema za
geopozicioniranje, te razvijali i nabavljali posebni software-ski moduli. Ukupna ulaganja u
GIS sistem iznose oko 2.000.000 KM.

4.3.10. JRK/JPP
U osnovi strategije BH Telecoma nalazi se prilagođavanje potrebama korisnika i konvergencija
usluga i mreža kao odgovor na narastajuću konkurenciju. Iz tih osnova nastala je ideja o
izgradnji jedinstvenog biling sistema BH Telecoma koji će omogućiti brzu implementaciju
usluga i fleksibilan tarifni plan. Stoga je projekat Jedinstveni registar korisnika i Jedinstvena
ponuda i prodaja početni i osnovni podprojekat ukupnog koncepta jedinstvenog billing-a i
osnova na kojoj počiva integracija
billing sistema BH Telecoma.
Koncept jedinstvenog korisnika
i jedinstvenog produkt kataloga
kao osnovu koristi preporuke
Telemanagement Foruma za
razvoj sistema, vodeći računa o
procesima FAB područja eTOM
mape koji su u direktnoj vezi sa
procesima područja CRM.
Projekat je započeo u septembru
2007. godine, kao partnerski
razvoj, a u produkciju je pušten
u junu 2009. godine. Sistem
je početkom 2010. godine
nadograđen za podršku uslugama
Slika 4.3.7. Jedinstvena ponuda i prodaja - integrisani MojaTV, a investiciona ulaganja
aplikativni sistem iznose oko 1.000.000 KM.

4.3.11. SAP
U novembru 2001. godine održan je prvi inicijalni sastanak tima za implementaciju SAP
sistema i objavljen početak projekta i njegovi osnovni principi.
Osnovni zahtjevi koji su postavljeni pred novi sistem bili su:
• visok stepen integracije,
• automatska konsolidacija zbirnih finansijskih informacija,
• pristup i kontrola podacima samo od strane ovlaštenih zaposlenika,
• mogućnost izvještavanja o prihodima i rashodima po profitnim i troškovnim centrima,
• usklađenost izvještaja sa lokalnim propisima i međunarodnim standardima,
• mogućnost generisanja fleksibilnih izvještaja za rukovodstvo preduzeća.
SAP sistem je pušten u produkciju 09.09.2002. godine. Vrlo brzo se implementirani sistem
počeo integrisati sa drugim komponentama informacionog sistema, i broj korisnika SAP
sistema je sa inicijalnih 200 narastao na preko 500 sa tendencijom daljeg povećanja.
Sredinom 2009. godine završen je proces zamjene 4.6C verzije na verziju SAP ECC 6.0.
U tehnološkom pogledu nova verzija je sasvim drugačije rješenje od postojećeg, a nova
NetWeaver komponenta osim integracije podataka donosi i integraciju zaposlenika i
Nova verzija SAP
sistema je donijela
i velike koristi
zaposlenicima koji
razvijaju i održavaju
aplikativne sisteme.
Putem Solution
Manager-a, kao
jedne od komponenti
verzije ECC 6.0.,
moguće je pratiti
svaki informatički
projekat kroz sve
faze njegovog
životnog ciklusa: od
izrade projektnog
zadatka, preko Slika 4.3.8. SAP - PM modul u funkciji praćenja IT projekata
razvoja i testiranja,
puštanja u produkcioni rad do održavanja i poboljšanja.
Ukupne investicije u SAP sistem iznose oko 4.400.000 KM.

4.3.12. Kontakt centar

Pozivni centar, kao novo mjesto kontakta sa korisnicima u JP PTT saobraćaja BiH, počeo
se primjenjivati 2001. godine. Pozivni centar je bio organiziran kao distribuirani sistem sa
jednom komutacijom na koju su vezana sva operativna mjesta. Od 2006. godine počelo je
uvođenje Kontakt centra - OneContact koji je predstavljao nadgradnju, a do 2010. godine
je u potpunosti zamijenio do tada korišteni Pozivni centar. Komunikacione veze prema
Kontakt centru su realizirane korištenjem ISDN PRA linije i analogne POTS linije za potrebe

govornih i faks komunikacija. Za druge vidove komunikacije (e-mail, SMS, USSD, faks,
aplikacije) koristi se infrastruktura WAN mreže BH Telecoma, kao i komponente servisnog
dijela mobilne mreže (SMS Gateway, USSD Gateway, WEB i WAP portal). Na ovaj način je
omogućena komunikacija Kontakt centra sa svim relevantnim dijelovima BH Telecoma, u
svrhu postizanja pune funkcionalnosti brige o korisniku.
Za potrebe Kontakt centra nabavljen je i koristi se slijedeći softver:
• OneAgent - 157 kom,
• Voice Recorder- 92 kom.
Investiciona ulaganja u Pozivni i Kontakt centar iznose oko 5.200.000 KM.
Tabela 4.3.3. Zbirni pregled IT investicija od 2001. do 2010. godine
Vrijednost investicija
IT SISTEM od 2001. do 2010.
godine (KM)
računarska mreža 1.500.000

računarska oprema, operativni sistemi i office aplikacije 10.000.000

baze podataka 2.500.000

Enterprise Storage, back up sistem i konsolidacija baza podataka 2.300.000

arhiviranje podataka i uspostava sistema Disaster Recovery 1.700.000

monitoring IT infrastrukture i ITIL 1.500.000

Billing sistemi 4.400.000

GIS 2.000.000

JRK/JPP 1.000.000

SAP 4.400.000

Kontakt centar 5.200.000

UKUPNO 36.500.000


Interni dokumenti BH Telecoma

5.  Uloga Telecom Inženjeringa u procesu realizacije

5.1. Uvod

Telecom Inženjering je utemeljen 22.12.1954. godine pod nazivom ‘’TT montaža’’ - Sarajevo,
kao firma specijalizirana za projektovanje i izvođenje radova iz oblasti telekomunikacija.
Kasnijom transformacijom je preimenovana u ‘’PTT Inženjering’’ i pod tim imenom, u periodu
prije rata 1992-1995. godine postaje brend prepoznatljiv po kvalitetu i profesionalnosti. PTT
Inženjering je po ljudskim i materijalnim potencijalima bila najveća firma u ovoj oblasti na
području bivše Jugoslavije i jedna od najznačajnijih u regionu.
Od 01.01.1997. godine PTT Inženjering
je u sastavu BH Telecoma (tj. tadašnjeg
JP PTT saobraćaja BiH), pod nazivom
Telecom Inženjering. Smješten je u
modernom proizvodno-poslovnom
objektu ukupne površine od 17.000
m2, sa lokacijom u novom dijelu
grada. U poslovnoj zgradi Telecom
Inženjeringa (TI) su smještene i
druge organizacione jedinice BH
Telecoma (Izvršna Direkcija za
tehnologiju i razvoj servisa, Direkcija
za informacione tehnologije, Direkcija
za prodaju i podršku). Slika 5.1. Poslovna zgrada Telecom Inženjeringa

5.2. Realizacija investicija BH Telecoma

Kao specijalizirani organizacioni dio Dioničkog društva BH Telecom, u kojem je trenutno
uposleno 360 radnika, Telecom Inženjering u procesu realizacije investicija obavlja djelatnost
putem unutrašnjih organizacionih jedinica:
- Kabinet direktora;
- Sektor za izvođenje radova;
- Sektor za proizvodnju i montažu metalnih konstrukcija;
- Služba za projektovanje i tehnološku pripremu;
- Služba za ekonomsko-finansijske poslove;
- Služba za pravne poslove i ljudske resurse;
- Odjeljenje za kontrolu kvaliteta.
Koordinacija rada između pojedinih organizacionih jedinica u potpunosti je regulisana
sistemom upravljanja kvalitetom koji se primjenjuje od 06.07.2001. godine. Uspostavljen
je sistem upravljanja kvalitetom (Quality Management System - QMS) koji je usklađen sa
zahtjevima trenutno važećeg izdanja standarda - EN ISO 9001: 2008.
Sistem upravljanja kvalitetom se primjenjuje na slijedeća područja:
- Projektovanje, izgradnja, mjerenje i puštanje u rad telekomunikacionih mreža, LAN
(Local Area Network) mreža, mreža vatrodojave i protivprovale;
- Projektovanje, proizvodnja i montaža metalno rešetkastih konstrukcija i pripadajuće
opreme za telekomunikacionu infrastrukturu.

Angažman Telecom Inženjeringa se vrši na osnovu Uputstva o načinu angažovanja kapaciteta
Telecom Inženjeringa (avgust, 2004. god.)
Ovim Uputstvom uređuje se vrsta i obim poslova koje TI, kao dio Dioničkog društva BH
Telecom Sarajevo obavlja, a naročito poslova koji se odnose na slijedeće:
a) izradu projekata prema projektnim zadacima Društva u skladu sa Planom poslovanja
b) izvođenje investicionih radova prema usvojenim projektima od strane Društva,
c) izvođenje sanacija na osnovnim sredstvima u skladu sa usvojenim Planom poslovanja
i elaboratima Društva,
d) proizvodnju opreme za potrebe Društva,
e) komercijalne poslove za realizaciju tačaka od a) do d) uz uslov da nalogom za realizaciju
nije definisano drugačije,
f) izvodi radove na izradi projekata i izvedbeno-tehničke dokumentacije, izvođenja radova
i proizvodnju opreme, kao i druge poslove iz registrovane djelatnosti firme za potrebe
Prije pokretanja
aktivnosti na
realizaciji gore
nabrojanih poslova,
naručilac - nosilac
realizacije investicije
obavezan je
obratiti se Telecom
Inženjeringu sa
zahtjevom za
izjašnjenjem o
mogućnosti njihovog
Kapaciteti Telecom
Inženjeringa se
angažuju prema
usvojenom Planu
poslovanja Društva
Slika 5.2. Prva potvrda o odobrenju sistema upravljanja kvalitetom izdata za tekuću godinu.
2001. god. od strane Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Telecom Inženjering,
na osnovu pismenog
nabavnog zahtjeva, a
nakon provjere mogućnosti zadovoljenja zahtjeva naručioca-nosioca realizacije investicije,
sačinjava nalog o izvršenju radova ili obavještava naručioca-nosioca realizacije investicije o
nemogućnosti preuzimanja obaveze realizacije posla. Potpisani nalog, sa svim elementima
predviđenim Uputstvom, se dostavlja naručiocu-investitoru na razmatranje i ovjeru.
Naručilac-nosilac realizacije investicije na osnovu dostavljenog naloga ocjenjuje da li je isti
realan i prihvatljiv. Ako je nalog prihvatljiv, isti se potpisuje i ovjerava od strane učesnika
predviđenih Uputstvom, te se TI pismeno obavještava s ciljem započinjanja njegove
realizacije. Potpisani nalog za izvođenje radova ima snagu internog ugovora.
Za potrebe realizacije investicija BH Telecoma, u segmentu projektovanja, proizvodnje i
izvođenja radova iz oblasti telekomunikacija, Telecom Inženjering vrši:

- projektovanje iz oblasti
- projektovanje metalnih
konstrukcija i galanterije;
- izvođenje svih vrsta
radova iz oblasti
informatike, mjerno-
regulacione i signalno-
sigurnosne tehnike;
- izrada metalnih
konstrukcija i galanterije;
- održavanje postojeće TK
- kvalitativna kontrola; Slika 5.3. Segmenti antenskih rešetkastih stubova proizvedeni za
- usluge consulting-a iz potrebe Društva u Sektoru za proizvodnju Telecom Inženjeringa
oblasti izvođenja i održavanja.
U realizaciji investicija se koristi najsavremenija oprema i mjerni instrumenti, moderna
mehanizacija i mašine za proizvodnju.

5.3. Projektovanje i tehnološka priprema u procesu realizacije investicija

Iz oblasti projektovanja za potrebe BH Telecoma se izrađuju:
- idejna rješenja,
- idejni projekti,
- glavni i izvedbeni projekti,
- projekti izvedenog stanja i
- elaborati.
Projektna dokumentacija obuhvata
• pristupnih telekomunikacionih
mreža i postrojenja;
• kablovskih TK kanalizacija;
• telekomunikacionih uređaja i
• bežičnih komunikacionih sistema;
• antenskih stubova i infrastrukture
objekata za smještaj TK opreme;
• LAN, CATV (Cable Television), Slika 5.4. Magistralni optički pravci prema Mostaru,
Tuzli, Bihaću i Goraždu
protuprovalne, protupožarne i druge
kablovske instalacije;
• sistema napajanja, uzemljenja i gromobranske zaštite, kablovskih kanala, rostova i
drugih pratećih elemenata telekomunikacione infrastrukture itd.
U okviru Službe za projektovanje i tehnološku pripremu u toku 2010. godine urađeno je preko
100 glavnih projekata pristupnih TK mreža, optičkih spojnih puteva, infrastrukture baznih

stanica za potrebe mobilne mreže, kao
i tehničkih rješenja LLU (Local Loop
Unbundling) kolokacija.

5.4. Izvođenje radova u procesu

realizacije investicija
Iz oblasti izvođenja radova koji se
odnose na telekomunikacione mreže
i postrojenja, iz širokog spektra
aktivnosti treba izdvojiti:

• izgradnju pristupnih
telekomunikacionih mreža svih
Slika 5.5. Izvod iz Glavnog projekta Metro Ethernet mreže
tipova i veličina;
BH Telecoma
• izgradnju svih kablovskih TK
• izgradnju, montažu, umjeravanje i puštanje u rad sistema prijenosa po optičkim i
koaksijalnim kablovima;
• instaliranje telekomunikacionih uređaja i komutacione opreme;
• sve tipove instalacija (telefonske instalacije, protivpožarne instalacije, gromobranska
uzemljenja, kućne instalacije);
• montažu i umjeravanje radio relejnih veza (mikro-talasni linkovi i RR prenosne mreže);
• montažu i puštanje u rad lokalnih računarskih mreža;
• izgradnju razvodnih mreža feeder-a za GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)
U toku 2010. godine uposlenici
Sektora za izvođenje radova su bili
angažovani na izgradnji pristupnih
TK mreža, optičkih spojnih puteva,
održavanju i rekonstrukciji objekata
za koje su nosioci Direkcija za
investicije, odnosno Regionalne
direkcije Tuzla, Bihać, Goražde,
Travnik, Mostar, Zenica i Sarajevo
(ukupno preko 200 objekata).

5.5. Proizvodnja i montaža u

procesu realizacije investicija
Iz oblasti proizvodnje i montaže
za potrebe BH Telecoma treba
Slika 5.6. Radni sastanak vezano za realizaciju projekata
Telecom Inženjeringa
• proizvodnju metalnih
modularnih antenskih stubova i kontejnera za smještaj opreme za potrebe mobilne
mreže BH Telecoma;
• proizvodnju i montažu metalnih konstrukcija za telekomunikacione uređaje, kao što
su proizvodnja i montaža pasivnih reflektora, proizvodnja i montaža antenskih nosača
i montaža antena i pripadajuće opreme;

• izradu metalo-
prerađivačkih proizvoda,
konstrukcija i dijelova,
uključujući i metalnu
galanteriju i metalni
ovjesni pribor za BH
• montažu antenskih
stubova raznih
konstrukcija i veličina;
Tokom 2010. godine
uposlenici Sektora za
proizvodnju i montažu su
bili angažovani na izradi
Slika 5.7. Kapaciteti Telecom Inženjeringa za izvođenje radova kontejnera, stubova,
ograda i fitting-a, te montažu istih za potrebe BH Telecoma (mobilna mreža). Proizvedeni
su rešetkasti antenski stubovi visina od 20 m do 44 m (ukupno 58 stubova), cijevni stubovi
(8 komada), kontejneri za smještaj TK opreme (ukupno 55 komada), fitting za GSM i ML
(mikro-talasni link) antene (cca 1.300 fitting-a) i sl.

5.6. Zaključak
Telecom Inženjering je operativno-
izvršna organizaciona jedinica
Društva za realizaciju:
- projektovanja,
- radova na izgradnji
investicijskih objekata,
- radova na investicijskom
održavanju objekata,
- radova na održavanju objekata,
- proizvodnju opreme za potrebe
Slika 5.8. Proizvodi Telecom Inženjeringa za potrebe mobilne
mreže BH Telecoma
BH Telecoma,
- transportnih i drugih usluga
namijenjenih svim organizacionim
dijelovima Društva.

Slika 5.9. Antenski stubovi za potrebe mobilne mreže Slika 5.10. Grafički prikaz interne realizacije po
BH Telecoma vrsti posla za 2010. godinu

Slika 5.11. Proizvodni kapaciteti Telecom Inženjeringa

Spomenute radove TI obavlja sa svojom radnom snagom i sredstvima, kooperantskom

radnom snagom i sredstvima i iznajmljenom radnom snagom i sredstvima.

Slika 5.12. Materijalni resursi Službe za projektovanje i tehnološku pripremu

Prihod Telecom Inženjeringa definisan je slijedećim elementima:

- količinom radova po planu investicija za tekuću godinu,
- Pravilnikom o normama radova u BH Telecomu;
- odlukom o visini iznosa norma sata koja je na snazi od 2000. godine,
- Pravilnikom o računovodstvu i računovodstvenim politikama u dijelu koji tretira
vrednovanje, odnosno priznavanje vrijednosti novostečenog stalnog sredstva.
Telecom Inženjering u svom radu konzistentno primjenjuje odredbe svih Pravilnika i
Uputstava BH Telecoma.
Angažman Telecom Inženjeringa se vrši na osnovu Uputstva o načinu angažovanja kapaciteta
Telecom Inženjeringa (03.08.2004. godine) na način da se svi naručioci-nosioci realizacije
investicija, ili zaduženi za realizaciju planom predviđenih aktivnosti, putem nabavnog
zahtjeva obraćaju TI za pružanje tražene usluge. TI sagledavajući svoje mogućnosti odgovara
uglavnom pozitivno na te zahtjeve sačinjavanjem naloga koji ima status internog ugovora, pri
čemu se definišu elementi za izvođenje radova u skladu sa Uputstvom. Cijene su definisane
usvojenim normativima radne snage (za radove TI), odnosno odgovarajućim postupcima
nabave kooperantskih usluga u skladu sa Zakonom o javnim nabavkama.

Uspješnost u realizaciji investicija zavisi
od obezbjeđenja uslova za realizaciju
(materijal koji obezbjeđuje BH Telecom,
građevinske dozvole koji obezbjeđuju drugi
učesnici u realizaciji investicija, sporo
izdavanje urbanističkih saglasnosti, kao i
stepen definisanosti same investicije) koji
većinom ne zavise od Telecom Inženjeringa,
kao i komplikovanosti provođenja
procedura definisanih Zakonom o javnim
Stručnjaci Telecom Inženjeringa svoj
doprinos razvoju BH Telecoma daju i
kroz aktivno učešće u radionicama BH
Telecoma, stručnim savjetovanjima
i ostalim događajima od značaja za
Svojim inovativnim radom i originalnom
stručnim istraživanjem uposlenici
Telecom Inženjeringa doprinose stalnom
tehnološkom napretku kompanije Slika 5.13. Izvod iz tehničkog rješenja mikro-cijevnog
zasnovanom na znanju. Kao primjer treba sistema za potrebe FTTH rješenja
spomenuti projektovanje, kao i izvođenje radova, prve optičke pristupne mreže BH Telecoma
na lokalitetu Breke u Sarajevu i tehničko rješenje koje podrazumijeva upotrebu savremene
tehnologije mikro-cijevi i mikro optičkih kablova za potrebe FTTH mreže.
Neprocjenljivo projektansko i izvođačko iskustvo iz oblasti telekomunikacija, stečeno kroz
izradu i implementaciju veoma velikog broja projekata iz različitih telekomunikacijskih
segmenata predstavlja najveću referensu Telecom Inženjeringa.
Telecom Inženjering, kao neizostavni dio BH Telecoma u procesu realizacije investicija,
omogućava održavanje vodeće pozicije BH Telecoma u uvjetima vrlo jake tržišne konkurencije
u oblasti telekomunikacija.


Interni dokumenti BH Telecoma

6. BH Telecom kao genErator razvoja BH društva

Komuniciranje među ljudima je više od neposredne primarne razmjene informacija koja,

u prirodnom obliku, kao sredstvo za biološki opstanak odvajkada postoji u živoj prirodi.
U sadašnjem trenutku komuniciranje među ljudima u dobroj mjeri je oslobođeno okvira
vremena i prostora. Različitim metodama i oblicima komuniciranja ljudi su oduvijek
pokušavali realizirati vremensku i prostornu nezavisnost vlastitog komuniciranja. Tek
pojavom elektronskih komunikacija, osim u količini potrebnoj za individualno konzumiranje
informacija sadržanih u komunikaciji, vrijeme i prostor ne predstavljaju prepreku u
slobodi komuniciranja. Informacije su dostupne u realnom trenutku njihovog nastanka
i istovremeno širom Zemljine kugle, sačuvane su od zaborava i raspoložive za ponovno i
višestruko korištenje.
BH Telecom d.d. Sarajevo je vođa na telekomunikacijskom tržištu u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Glavni cilj BH Telecoma u njegovom razvoju je da bude i ostane vodeći na tržištu, ali i sinonim
za kvalitet i raznovrsnost usluga koje pruža putem svog telekomunikacijskog sistema.
U ovom trenutku BH Telecom poseban značaj pridaje planiranju i uvođenju novih usluga
te podizanju nivoa zadovoljstva naših korisnika postojećim uslugama. Naše sadašnje
i buduće aktivnosti su usmjerene na bolje razumijevanje pojedinih segmenata naših
korisnika i njihovih zahtjeva kako bi se usluge mogle razvijati i modifikovati prema njihovim
potrebama. Jednak značaj ima i razvoj kanala distribucije usluga, kao i kanala komunikacije i
rukovođenja kontaktima sa korisnicima naših usluga. Ovaj segment djelovanja BH Telecoma
ima prioritetan značaj i planiramo u neposrednoj budućnosti posvetiti mu veliku i dužnu
Protekli period od 1995. godine do danas za BH Telecom snažno je obilježen ulaganjem u
infrastrukturu, izgradnjom novih modernih telekomunikacionih sistema, te orijentacijom ka
novoj organizaciji koja odražava cjelokupne telekomunikacijske trendove. U BH Telecomu
se stalno prilagođava unutrašnja organizacija Društva, koja polazi od grupisanja poslova
i zadataka prema njihovoj povezanosti i srodnosti a najveća promjena nas očekuje u
neposrednoj budućnosti, tj. prelazak na horizontalnu organizaciju i napuštanje organizacije
koja je bila vertikalna u skladu sa primijenjenim tehnologijama.Proteklih deceniju i pol za
BH Telecom bilo je u znaku velikih investicijskih projekata razvoja infrastrukture, povećanja
broja korisnika, povećanja asortimana usluga i kontinuiranog rasta prihoda. Značaj BH
Telecoma sa šireg društvenog aspekta je jako veliki. Njegove uloge su brojne i značajne, kao
i kroz investicijske interakcije sa okruženjem, ali BH Telecom je prvenstveno organizacija
koja svoje postojanje opravdava profitabilnim poslovanjem. Svaka investiciona aktivnost
uključuje uvezivanje čitavog lanca proizvođača, dobavljača i izvođača radova, što samo po
sebi stvara novu poslovnu aktivnost za veliki broj privrednih subjekata u zemlji.
Pored društveno značajne razvojne uloge, odnosno uloge generatora tehnološkog napretka,
BH Telecom je sebi nametnuo obavezu pružanja univerzalne usluge - najmanjeg opsega
telekomunikacionih usluga koji je dostupan cijeloj javnosti po pristupačnoj cijeni na čitavom
teritoriju Bosne i Hercegovine. Univerzalnom uslugom su svi korisnici telekomunikacionih
usluga privilegovani u smislu da osnovni nivo TK usluga moraju imati po pristupačnoj cijeni.
Malo tržište telekomunikacija u Bosni i Hercegovini je u prethodnom periodu pretrpilo
značajne promjene u smislu otvaranja za domaću i stranu konkurenciju, gdje na tržište pored
malih, ulaze i finansijski mnogo snažnije kompanije. Promjene koje karakterišu neposrednu
prošlost su na prvom mjestu liberalizacija tržišta za pružanje govornih i Internet usluga u
međunarodnom i domaćem saobraćaju i ulazak alternativnih operatora na tržište. Ne manje
značajno je i prisusvo kablovskih operatora te proširenje njihovog asortimana usluga.

Shodno tome sve aktivnosti, a prvenstveno investicijske, BH Telecoma su usmjerene ka
unapređivanju ponude i odnosa sa korisnicima zasnovano između ostalog na izgradnji jedne
superiorne infrastrukture i kvaliteti pruženih usluga. BH Telecom planira ostati vodeći
operator na području Bosne i Hercegovine tako da je i strategija njegovog razvoja usmjerena
ka prilagođavanju poslovanju u tržišnim uslovima, kontinuiranom povećanju asortimana
usluga, unapređivanje ponude i odnosa sa korisnicima. O ostvarenim pozitivnim poslovnim
rezultatima i u uslovima oštre konkurencije govori i slijedeće:
• Za 15 godina BH Telecom je imao ukupne prihode od preko 7 milijardi KM,
• Za istih 15 godina BH Telecom je investirao u nove resurse preko 1.7 milijardi KM,
• Državi je kroz razne poreze platio preko 1 milijarde KM,
• Državi je za licence platio oko 300 miliona KM,
• Preko 1 milijarde KM profita je isplaćeno dioničarima,
• 30 km modernog auto-puta Sarajevo-Visoko je napravljeno od profita BH Telecoma,
• Za istih 15 godina broj korisnika se sa oko 200.000 isključivo PSTN-a povećao na preko
2 miliona korisnika svih vrsta usluga,
• Ključna kvalitativna promjena je u domenu usluga, koje su se promijenile od isključivo
PSTN govorne usluge do danas najmodernijih širokopojasnih i multimedijalnih fiksnih
i mobilnih usluga,
• Uvođenje TriplePlay koncepta za fiksne i mobilne korisnike koji doživljava ogroman
porast broja korisnika i već je prešao brojku od 30.000!
• Mreža BH Telecoma je najsavremnija telekomunikacijska mreža i po svojim
karakteristikama je najmodernija u BiH ali i jednaka mrežama najpoznatijih svjetskih
• BH Telecom je 3.400 zaposlenih od kojih je njih gotovo 25% sa visokom stručnom
• ....
Ovo su cifre od kojih zastaje dah svakom poštenom i dobronamjernom građaninu. One
govore da je BH Telecom sistem koji mnogo pruža svojoj okolini svakom pojedincu i državi
u cjelini. Zato zavrjeđuje i da se prema njemu odnosimo kako sa ponosom, tako i sa dužnim
poštovanjem i naravno pažnjom. Treba da mu omogućimo da nastavi tako i u budućim
godinama jer će nam sigurno biti bolje. A BH Telecom će znati uzvratiti na pravi način.
U nastojanju da ostvari održiv razvoj, BH Telecom želi omogućiti što većem broju građana
da imaju pristup modernim informacionim i komunikacijskim tehnologijama. Stoga, naše
opredjeljenje u ovom dijelu aktivnosti jeste razbijanje predrasuda koje sprječavaju mnoge
građane da se približe današnjem informacionom društvu. Is tih razloga opredijelili smo
se za projekte širenja mrežne infrastrukture na cijelom teritoriju Bosne i Harcegovine, uz
obavezu da putem medija jačamo svijest građana o korištenju naprednih tehnologija, te da
razvijamo proizvode i usluge koji mogu odgovoriti potrebama naših korisnika u okruženju
koje postaje sve više digitalizirano.

Širenje mreže i infrastrukture

Osnovni zahtjev održivog informatiziranog društva podrazumijeva sveobuhvatnu i pouzdanu
mrežu. Brza širokopojasna mreža je preduslov za efikasnu regionalnu, među-sektorsku i
među-državnu saradnju svih privrednih grana. Bez pouzdane mreže nemoguće je podržati
veliki broj komunikacionih procesa koje zahtijeva današnje vrijeme. Trend digitalizacije
je nezaustavljiv, zbog čega je širokopojasni pristup postao neophodna komponenta u
svakodnevnom životu i radu građana i privrede. BH Telecom svoje investicije sve više
usmjerava u izgradnju upravo takve infrastrukture.

Brz Internet za sve
Do danas BH Telecom je investireo ogromna sredstva u stvaranje preduslova za pružanje
širokopojasnih usluga na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine putem kabla ili zrakom. Kao rezultat,
BH Telecom je u mogućnosti svojim korisnicima ponuditi visoke performanse usluga mreža
BH Line i BH Mobile te Internet infrastrukture, koje im omogućavaju da koriste moćne usluge
i da kombinuju komunikacijske kanale na način da najbolje i najefikasnije mogu zadovoljiti
njihove potrebe. Ipak, i pored ovih podnesenih investicija u izgradnju mreže, u Bosni i
Hercegovini je još mnogo građana koji nemaju ili imaju ograničen pristup širokopojasnoj
Internet konekciji. Stoga, BH Telecom je opredjeljen da nastavi investiranje u širenje mreže
u narednom periodu. Očekujemo da u toku 2011. godine budemo spremni svakom korisniku
koji to želi da pružimo širokopojasnost bilo putem fiksne bilo putem mobilne mreže.

Otvaranje prilika za nova radna mjesta od ulaganja u mrežu i infrastrukturu

Aktivnosti na širenju mreže daju pozitivan impuls za ekonomski rast i rast zaposlenosti.
Intenzivnija ekspanzija širokopojasnih usluga zahtijeva potpunu promjenu kablovske
infrastrukture i prelazak sa bakarne na sve više optičku kablovsku infrastrukturu u dijelu
koji se naziva pristupna mreža. Za Bosnu i Hercegovinu to bi značilo investiranje od oko
900 miliona EUR u desetogodišnjem periodu namijenjeno za 500.000 domaćinstava. Dakle
ono što je potrebno istaći, nakon ovih analiza, je da i u Bosni i Hercegovini moramo krenuti
u iste promjene infrastrukture i sa bakarnih preći na optičke sisteme prenosa u pristupnim
mrežama. Ukoliko se krene u ovaj projekat, ogromne investicije će dovesti do otvaranja novih
radnih mjesta u industrijama koje će biti izvođači radova ili isporučivati potrebnu opremu.
BH Telecom treba državu kao partnera
Vrijeme potrebno za realizaciju odabranih investicijskih ulaganja u najvećoj mjeri zavisi
od brzine ugovaranja nabavki opreme i izvođenja radova. Ovi procesi su na žalost značajno
usložnjeni i usporeni djelovanjem Zakona o javnim nabavkama. Naime, specifičnost Bosne
i Hercegovine je da svojim zakonom štiti imovinu drugih država (firme u vlasništvu drugih
država ne moraju poštivati ovaj zakon), dok firmama koje su u njenom većinskom vlasništvu
ovaj zakon koči i usporava poslovanje i razvoj. Ovu specifičnost nema ni jedna druga
država na svijetu što je stanoviti paradoks i ne može se ničim opravdati. Primjena Uredbe
odnosno Zakona o javnim nabavkama dovela je BH Telecom u neravnopravan položaj na
liberalizovanom telekomunikacijskom tržištu u odnosu na druge telekom operatore, obzirom
da je obavezujućom primjenom istog usporen proces nabavke, a time i proces investiranja,
odnosno razvoja BH Telecoma.
Da bi se to lakše postiglo BH Telecomu je neophodna jaka podrška države u smislu da mu
osigura ravnopravan položaj na tržištu, da zaštiti vlastito tržište od nelojalne konkurencije
koja ne ulaže u njegov razvoj niti u razvoj društva uopšte. Poseban uticaj države treba biti
u sektorima nad kojima ima nadležnost da stimuliše korištenje svih pogodnosti koje jedna
ovako visoka tehnologija omogućava u cilju poboljšanja njihove vlastite efikasnosti. Ovdje se
prije svega misli na industriju saobraćaja, energetsku industriju, zdravstveni sektor i sektor

Brzi pristup bilo gdje

BH Telecom svojim korisnicima nudi raznovrsne mogućnosti za pristup brzom Internetu
putem mobilne mreže. BH Telecom ima 90% pokrivenost bosansko-hercegovačkog teritorija
EDGE tehnologijom, koja je bazirana na drugoj generaciji mreže - GSM, koja omogućava
transmisijsku stopu od 384 kilobita po sekundi. Surfanje putem mobilnih uređaja uz još veće

brzine od 384 kilobita po sekundi omogućeno je u gušće naseljenim mjestima i gradovima i
to putem UMTS/HSPA tehnologije, koja pripada trećoj generaciji mobilnih komunikacija -
3G. BH Telecom ima planove da pokrivenost teritorije 3G tehnologijom i signalom povećava
u narednom periodu, čak do 80%.
Pored svega navedenog BH Telecom je u mnogo (više od dvadeset) gradova širom Bosne i
Hercegovine na preko 100 lokacija instalirao Hot Spot pristup Internetu putem WLAN-a
primjenom IEEE 802.11b/g standarda, a sada se uvodi novi 802.11n standard koji omogućava
i TriplePlay usluge.

Pristup digitaliziranom društvu

Stabilna i rasprostranjena infrastruktura sama po sebi nije dovoljna da bi se mogla zatvoriti
priča o digitaliziranom društvu i umreženom pojedincu. Proporcija populacije u zrelim
godinama raste svakog dana, a za njih nema dovoljno prilika za susretanje sa novim medijima
komunikacije, zbog čega teško prepoznaju koristi od novih tehnologija. Pored toga prisutna
je i barijera nedostatka znanja koja sprječava društvo da se masovnije digitalizuje i pojedinca
da se umreži. Stoga BH Telecom ima za cilj da napravi jednu modernu informacijsku i
komunikacijsku tehnologiju dostupnu što većem broju građana. Kako bi ostvario svoj cilj BH
Telecom provodi nekoliko bitnijih društvenih projekata:

BH Telecom dodjeljuje računare školama

U nagradnim igrama za škole u Federaciji BiH do sada podijeljeno je preko 1.400 računara i
260 laserskih printera. U BH Telecomu je do sada organizovano 9 nagradnih igara za osnovne,
srednje i specijalizirane škole na području Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine. Kontinuirana
informatizacija i edukacija svakako je osnovni cilj BH Telecoma. U svakoj nagradnoj igri
stručna komisija izabrala je 35 najboljih radova ili projekata i 35 škola je nagrađeno sa po 5
računara i laserskim štampačem.
Cilj ovih takmičenja je promocija raznih korisnih društvenih akcija ali i nagrađivanje
najboljih. Tokom ovih takmičenja BH Telecom je školama uručio zaista vrijedne i njima
potrebne nagrade koje će učenicima pomoći u bržem i kvalitetnijem usvajanju znanja.
Osnovni cilj ovih akcija je širenje ICT obrazovanja među mladima. Naravno, svrha takmičenja
je i promoviranje BH Telecoma kao firme koja pokazuje svoju opredjeljenost za brigu
o mladima i uopšte o društvenoj zajednici, kojom se obrazuju mladi o važnosti očuvanja
recimo bh naslijeđa što je promovisano u jednoj nagradnoj igri. U narednom periodu BH
Telecom će također nastaviti internetizaciju škola i doprinijeti obrazovanju mladih ljudi koji
predstavljaju budućnost Bosne i Hercegovine.
Obrazovni televizijski serijal Društvo znanja
Emisija “Društvo znanja” jedinstvena je na
medijskom prostoru BiH jer se jedina bavi znanjem,
naukom i informacionim tehnologijama kao bitnim
odrednicama današnjih modernih društava. Cilj
je popularizirati znanje kao jedini mogući put
napretka i uspjeha Bosne i Hercegovine.
Emitovanje TV serijala i polusatnih emisija pod
naslovom „Društvo znanja“ naučno-obrazovnog
sadržaja sa prilozima iz BH Telecoma počelo je na
televiziji OBN u septembru 2007. godine i odvija se
emisijom svake sedmice, uz jednu reprizu.

BH Telecom učešćem u ovom obrazovnom serijalu želi postići slijedeće:
• Promovisanje BH Telecoma kao „uzornog građanina“ kroz zalaganje za razvoj nauke
i obrazovanja u BiH,
• Širenje svjesnosti o BH Telecomu kao graditelju infrastrukture za informaciono
• Poduka javnosti o strategijama BH Telecoma i njihovom značaju za BiH društvo,
• Poduka javnosti o značaju usluga koje donosi širokopojasna mreža,
• Poticaji internetizacije u sektoru obrazovanja,
• Poticanje inovativnosti, istraživanja i angažiranje talenata iz domena visokih
• Predupređivanje negativne kampanje medija blagovremenim obavještavanjem
javnosti o događajima u BH Telecomu.
Osim toga BH Telecom je marketinški pokrovitelj ili sponzor gotovo svih naučnih simpozija
i skupova u zemlji (BIHTEL, ICAT, INTSIKT, ICT-industrija i infrastruktura u bržem
ekonomskom razvoju su primjeri nekih), mnogih kulturnih događanja i velikog broja
sportskih manifestacija u i van zemlje. BH Telecom podržava gotovo sve nastupe na svjetskoj
sceni naših najboljih sportskih pojedinaca ili ekipa. Uz podršku BH Telecoma nastupila je
ekipa Bosne i Hercegovine na posljednjoj Olimpijadi ljudi sa onesposobljenjima u Atini,
odakle je došla i zlatna medalja za Bosnu i Hercegovinu u plivanju.

BH Telecom, partneri i korisnici

BH Telecom svake godine organizuje manifestaciju „Ponosni na partnere“ na kojoj se u
prigodnom druženju sa svojim poslovnim partnerima, proizvođačima opreme, izvođačima
radova ili drugima sa kojim ostvaruje saradnju u realizaciji investicija i poslovanju, obilježi
protekla poslovna godina, podijele priznanja i nagrade onima s kojima je saradnja bila
Takođe sve Regionalne direkcije tradicionalno, a najčešće povodom 5. septembra - Dana
BH Telecoma, organizuju druženje sa poslovnim partnerima i korisnicima iz oblasti njihove
nadležnosti i odgovornosti. I ovdje se dodijele priznanja i nagrade najboljim poslovnim
partnerima i vjernim korisnicima.
Osim toga BH Telecom ima osjećaj za ljude koji se nalaze u stanju socijalne potrebe kojim
svoje usluge pruža po pristupačnijim cijenama, pa smo u ponudu uveli posebne pakete
usluga za građane s invaliditetom i/ili posebnim potrebama, kao i mnoge druge pogodnosti.

InfoGlasnik i eGlasnik
BH Telecom redovnor komunicira sa korisnicima kroz:
• „InfoGlasnik“ - kvartalni časopis (izlazi već šestu godinu), i
• “eGlasnik” - mjesečni newsletter.
Proslava 5. septembra - Dana BH Telecoma - centralna manifestacija
BH Telecom već tradicionalno proslavlja svoj Dan 5. septembar. Ovaj datum je od historijskog
značaja za telekomunikacijsku deblokadu Bosne i Hercegovine. Na ovaj dan 1993. godine
naši stručnjaci su uspjeli uspostaviti međunarodnu satelitsku vezu Bosna i Hercegovina -
Švicarska, podsredstvom EUTELSAT-a uz korištenje međunarodnog koda 387 (dodijeljenog
Bosni i Hercegovini od strane Međunarodne telekomunikacione unije / ITU / te godine).

Završna gala svečanost povodom tog značajnog jubileja se održava svake jeseni u različitim
prostorima prilagođenim trenutnim potrebama i scenariju same svečanosti (Zetra, Narodno
pozorište, itd). Dvorana je tada uvijek premala da bismo ugostili sve prijatelje kompanije,
poslovne partnere, medije, naše zaposlenike i one bez kojih ova kompanija ne bi bilježila
ovakve poslovne rezultate - korisnike.
BH Telecom je u zadnjih 7 godina proglašavan najuspješnijom kompanijom u Bosni i
Hercegovini, sa tendencijom da će se i u narednim godinama profit ove kompanije povećavati.
Tada se tokom manifestacije promoviraju nove, ali se podsjeća i na stare usluge koje BH
Telecom pruža svojim korisnicima. Proglašava se i projekat godine, odnosno projekat koji je
obilježio i unaprijedio poslovne procese BH Telecoma u toj poslovnoj godini. Na svečanosti
se uručuju zlatne i srebrne plakete najboljim zaposlenicima BH Telecoma.

Šta nudimo....?
Mi obećavamo da ćemo i u narednim godinama nastaviti sa nesebičnim naporima da
našim sadašnjim i budućim korisnicima ponudimo najbolje telekomunikacijske usluge po
prihvatljivoj cijeni, da im obezbijedimo savremene i funkcionalne terminale u skladu sa
njihovim potrebama i željama po najpovoljnijim cijenama, da proširimo mogućnosti pristupa
Internetu našim učenicima i studentima kao i njihovim profesorima. Osnovnim i srednjim
školama nudimo nagradnu igru za osvajanje računara a univerzitetima nudimo akademsku
mrežu kojom ćemo ih spojiti na evropsku akademsku mrežu.
Na kraju naš cilj je da našu Bosnu i Hercegovinu približimo najrazvijenijim zemljama svijeta
jer znamo da smo uspjeli oblast telekomunikacija razviti toliko da je to jedina oblast u kojoj
BiH najmanje zaostaje za najrazvijenijim zemljama. Naša namjera je da to zaostajanje još
smanjimo. Samo tako ćemo mladim ljudima osigurati uslove približno onim u razvijenim
zemljama i to će biti dodatni motiv da ostanu ovdje, jer BH Telecom pokazuje da se i ovdje
može uspjeti i da uspjeh ne zavisi od mjesta življenja već od spremnosti da se uspjeh ostvari.

Zato i jeste realno prihvatiti i pošteno, ali i javno kazati da je BH Telecom

postao posebno vrijedno javno dobro i velika nacionalna vrijednost Bosne i
Hercegovine u svakom pogledu.


Interni dokumenti BH Telecoma

Sarajevo, 2011
Joint Stock Company BH Telecom
Investments in the function of BH Telecom development 1995-2010
Head of the organisational board
Bakir Ćelosmanović
Head of the organisational subboard
Editorial board
for publication
Šejla Hadžibegić
Jasminko Akšamija
Amira Ićindić
Full Professor Izet Ibreljić Proofreader
Full Professor Mujo Hebibović Edina Jerlagić
Associate Professor dr. sc. Himzo Bajrić
Dalibor Ilić
Editing board
Neven Rešidbegović - deputy Editor- Cover design
in-chief Aida Pašić - Hadžiselimović
Adnan Huremović, M. Sc.
Nađa Lutvikadić Photos
Sanin Kahvedžić Munib Sarić
Esad Kadušić, M. Sc.
Amina Imširpašić, , M. Sc. Translation
Belma Mujadinović Profis d.o.o. Sarajevo.
Publisher Print
BH Telecom d.d. Sarajevo ArkaPRESS d.o.o. Sarajevo

For the publisher Edition

mr. Nedžad Rešidbegović 3000

$ All rights reserved


Foreword 4
General Manager View 6
1. Main principles of justification of investment planning 8
Mustafa Kurtić, B.Sc. in economics
2. Planning, investment preparation and investment in personnel 21
Himzo Bajrić, PhD; Mehmed Crnalić, M.Sc.; Mirsad Koro, B.Sc. in electrical
engineering; Feriz Gabela, Ph.D.
3. Investment through time – development in period 1995-2010 30
Adnan Huremović M.Sc., Emin Skopljak, M.Sc.
4. Key investments in technical/technological resources of BH Telecom 61
4.1. Key investments in BH Line network 61
Authors: Halil Novalić, B.Sc. in electrical engineering, Lejla Borovina M.Sc.,
Sanin Kahvedžić, B.Sc. in electrical engineering, Senita Bravić, M.Sc. in electrical
engineering., Aida Imamović, B.Sc. in electrical engineering, Dženan Gagula,
B.Sc. in electrical engineering, Dževad Bećiragić, B.Sc. in electrical engineering,
Mustafa Vejspahić, B.Sc. in electrical engineering, Šefik Hamedović, B.Sc. in
electrical engineering, Ramiz Musabašić, telecommunication engineer, Đani
Kosović, B.Sc. in electrical engineering, Salem Spahic, M.Sc., Grošić Ćazim,
B.Sc. in electrical engineering, Mehmed Šehić, B.Sc. in electrical engineering,
Midhat Mahmutbegović, B.Sc. in electrical engineering
4.2. Key investments in BH Mobile network 76
Muradif Husić, M.Sc., Senad Pivač, M.Sc., Želimir Bukarić, B.Sc. in electrical
engineering, Sanela Ibrahimagić-Banjac, B.Sc. in engineering Sanela Karajlić,
B.Sc. in electrical engineering, Esad Kadušić, M.Sc. in electrical engineering,
Adnan Hantalašević, B.Sc. in electrical engineering, Ajla Krajčin, B.Sc. in
electrical engineering
4.3. Key investments in IT systems 88
Vahidin Rovčačnin, B.Sc. in electrical engineering
5. The role of Telecom engineering in process of investment realization 97
Haris Dizdarević, M.Sc., Sead Dizdarević, M.Sc.
6. BH Telecom as the generator of the BH society 104
Belma Mujadinović, Ph. D. Himzo Bajrić

JSC BH Telecom Sarajevo as a company day has September 5, which symbolizes final
breakthrough of telecommunication blockade and first use of international telecommunication
code “387” for Bosnia and Herzegovina. This date within company is celebrated with
numerous events, among which is presenting the new Monograph dedicated to different
aspects of the society. This year, seventh in row, we present new Monograph dedicated to the
investment as the key element of development of certain company.

Namely, in the process of production or servicing, the resources need to be renewed through
the process of investment. Depending on the investment level and compared to spent
resources, there are three possible cases. First one, when the investments are higher then
spent resources, in which case company is growing and developing successfully. Second
case is when investments cover the spent resources and when company is in stagnation and
keeping the reached level of development. The third case is when investments are smaller
then spent resources. In this case the resources would spend during time and the company,
just like biological organism, would lose the possibility of self-regeneration. It is possible
to have number of outcomes, and one of the most common is the wrong investment, or
investment into something that does not bring useful and profitable resource. This is an
outcome of lack of knowledge and efforts in understanding the immediate future. In BH
Telecom this is not the case - there is high level of knowledge and company is ready to invest
great efforts in developing projects, which become its new and even better strength. This
knowledge and effort are merit of its employees and leadership, and at the same time it is the
greatest treasure of BH Telecom. This treasure needs to be cherished and nourish, invest in
people, which BH Telecom as company does.

First chapter is about the analysis of the justification of the planning and realization of
investment projects. Methods of analysis and BH Telecom’s total investment in the last 15
years are shown in detail.

The second chapter deals with two aspects of investing. The first aspect is the preparation of
investment showing in detail the process of revision of investment-technical documentation.
Another aspect is the display of investment in human resources as people and their knowledge
are in the first place in BH Telecom.

The third chapter deals with investment through years and explains what, where and when
we have built.

The fourth chapter presents the most important investment projects on technical and
technological basis in view of investments in the areas of responsibility of organizational
units of the Directorate BH Line, BH Mobile and Directorate for Information Systems.
The fifth chapter presents the place and role of Telecom engineering in the investment
process in BH Telecom.

Finally, the chapter six through the brief review indicates the importance of investment of
BH Telecom for the development of the entire B&H society.

And, this monograph shows that our efforts are really focused on our constant tendency to go
hand in hand with the world, and with the best.

On this occasion the warmest thanks to all the chapter authors who very successfully, both
individually and as a team, in their writings, covered specific topics as separate entities, but
so that they together with other chapters constitute a distinct entity. Thank you to all the
other participants - the Subcommittee for the monograph and its president, reviewers, copy-
editor, colleagues on a technical and graphical design, who helped making this issue and to
face the public final say.

By reading this BH Telecom monograph will show gratitude to all those who have invested
effort and hard work and made contribution to it.

Sarajevo, September 2011. Editorial Board


Dear readers,

It is well known fact for our partners, colleagues and friends that each year, BH Telecom
produced on Monograph with current theme feature with goal to present to general public
the facts of our work. This time we have focused on investment, development of company
through investment realization. In earlier editions we have written on numerous projects
as well as development of land, mobile, packet network and information technologies of BH
Telecom. All this progress would not be possible without the investments. First of all, BH
Telecom in its technological development is equal to the most famous and greatest operators
in the world. Second, in all our projects we have invested our own means although every
year 70% of the profit is spent on distribution of dividends to our shareholders. BH Telecom,
immediately after the war, when our infrastructure was not only devastated but outdated too,
besides a couple of minor grants and an EBRD loan for the cables, had no debts and is now
virtually free credit company.

From the war onward, i.e. from 1996 until today, the company has invested more than 1.7
billion KM. Invested funds have returned with significant effects, in the same period the
company achieved total revenue of more than 7 billion KM and profit more than 2 billion
KM. This is accomplished primarily by investing in advanced technologies and services that
have quickly paid off. However, the actual value and the effects are achieved thanks to the
fact that all our projects are created by our own experts. BH Telecom employees have in
this way returned the funds invested in their education through a number of projects they
implemented. It is hard to point out specific Organizational unit for what has been achieved
in previous 15 years on investment realization. All deserve praise, from the Directorate
for Investments, Executive and functional Directorates which lead the planning part,
up to Telecom Engineering and all Regional Directorates. However, our greatest value is
investment in our employees. Thanks to its employees BH Telecom achieves the results and
is the best company in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Nedžad Rešidbegović, M.Sc.


1.1. Introduction

Today, in time of liberalization of telecom market in Bosnia and Herzegovina, greater

competitiveness, as well as fast development of technologies that make possible new services,
JCS BH Telecom Sarajevo (further on BH Telecom) needs to have the answers to all questions
and challenges, with a goal of keeping the role of leading telecom operator in Bosnia and
Herzegovina. Evolution of telecommunication shows that that many companies have already
gone from business strategic orientation of product to business strategic orientation to user.
It means that the energy is pointed to making contact with users, adjustment of products
to fit user and profitability. In competitive environment the relation user-client becomes a
central focus of telecommunication companies. Keep the user, increase average revenue per
user (ARPU) and rationalize operational costs, are three main goals for telecom operators.
Strategic analysis of internal and external environment and use of strategic tools: SWOT
analysis (identifying strength, weakness, opportunities and threats) and VRIO model for
identifying key competence: value, rarity, imitability and control, are used to choose strategic
architecture, recognize key competences of the company. Based on these, BH Telecom builds
its competitive advantage.
Key competence of BH Telecom is resources or capabilities that make the company different
and competitive compared to other market rivals. These competences are building up in
continuum through internal organization. We stream to concept of “organization participation”
in which the employees on all levels, as individually and as company, continually increase it
work capacity needed to achieve planned assignments. BH Telecom focuses on identification
of knowledge to be shared, and to increase its value through repeated and continued use.
BH Telecom’s competitiveness is based on knowledge of the profitability of services
profitability in the form of capital that has to grow and to exchange. Current practice in the
telecom industry, in the profitability analysis, need to check whether the services rendered
and accrued ensure the full realization of revenue, while minimizing the costs necessary
for their provision. This check can be done thanks to understanding of needed information
systems within the company and possession of information technologies available for their
A significant portion of BH Telecom assets consists of long-term assets and its share, from
year to year in the period 1995-2010 has been increasing. In the structure of long-term assets
(Table 1.1.) a significant proportion goes to real estates, plant and equipment (over 70%).
This was expected; given this is a telecommunications company whose business is based on
the performance of telecommunications facilities and telecommunications networks.
Table 1.1.: Review of total assets and long-term assets of BH Telecom at the end of the
business year, for the period 2002-2010.
YEARS 2002. 2003. 2004. 2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010.
Assets total in
000 KM 853,31 964,56 1.190,67 1213,27 1.220,01 1.238,98 1.245,13 1.279,86 1.276,58
Long-term assets in
mil. KM 587,04 575,19 863,2 878,81 847,34 889,26 903,52 864,99 961,62

% participation 69 60 65 73 70 72 73 68 75

Dugotrajna imovina u mil KM Looking at the long-term
assets from the perspective
of its participation in the
total assets of the company
and its technological
lifetime (for some network
elements lifetime is just
a few years), there is an
evident need for paying the
greatest attention to the
process of investing in a
company if it wants to hold
Figure 1.1.: Graphical view of total assets and long-term assets of BH
Telecom at the end of each year in period 2002-2010. a technological step in the
telecom market and leading
position in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The management of BH Telecom (Public enterprise
PTT in the period 1995 to 2001), in the period 1995 – 2010 has been and still is aware of
this fact. This is confirmed by establishing special organizational units for the realization of
investment from services to the executive directorate.
1.2. The extent and indicators of investment in BH Telecom
Based on the resolution of the ITU International Conference on assistance and support to
B&H for the restoration of its telecommunications network (Kyoto 1994 and Minneapolis
1998) the Ministry of Transport and Communications of B&H started the bilateral relations
with Sweden, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, Malaysia and other state members
of ITU to provide assistance for BH Telecom in equipment and training on the latest
technological advances for a great number of our experts. BH Telecom’s employees used
this opportunity for faster reconstruction of the war-damaged telecommunications network.
Providing high-quality telecommunications services, realizing revenues sufficient to fund
the necessary investments in the future, and the process of investment in renovation and
modernization of telecommunications networks has continued.
In the period 1995-2010 a
total of about 2 billion KM of
new investments has been
realized. From this sum,
about 0.5 billion was within
the JP PTT and 1.5 billion
KM as BH Telecom. The
investments in individual
years are given in Tables 1.2.
and 1.3., while the graphical
representation of the
realization of investments
Figure 1.2.: Investment realization in BH Telecom in million KM for in the period 1995–2010 is
period 1995 – 2010. given in Figure 1.2.
Table 1.2: Investment realization in BH Telecom
BH Telecom in
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
18.803 47.984 51.201 72.420 111.518 111.389 128.178
realization in 000 KM

Table 1.3.: Investments realization in BH Telecom within JP PTT
BH Telecom 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
127.270 81.202 279.025 159.841 91.519 111.242 155.007 140.014 149.476
Indicators are used to measure the success of investment performance in shares of the
company. Earnings per share and dividends per share are expressed in monetary units
and show how much profit or dividend per share is earned in KM. Profit, i.e. dividends per
share in BH Telecom from 2004-2010 (as of 2004 BH Telecom is organized as a joint stock
company) are listed in Table 1.4.:
Table 1.4.: Indicators of investment
Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Profit per share in KM 2,6 2,32 2,29 2,56 2,52 2,53 2,42
Dividend per share in KM 1,59 1,66 1,52 1,3 1,73 1,73 1,73
% of dividend disbursement 61,15 71,55 66,38 50,78 68,65 68,38 71,49
Price earnings ratio 7,18 11,45 17,08 22,52 10,90 8,10 9,04
Ratio of price and earnings per share (price earnings ratio - P/E) is the most important
measure of value used by investors in the stock market. It is calculated as the ratio of market
price per share (calculation includes market value at the end of each year) and the annual
amount of earnings per share. This relation in BH Telecom has fluctuations, primarily due to
the boom in the stock market during 2006–2007, as well as the financial crisis that occurred
in 2008.
1.3. Investment process in BH Telecom
BH Telecom investment process seeks to optimally use, in line with the adopted development
strategy, the resources available at present in order to achieve economic achievements in the
future. The rapid development of telecom industry and the time required for the realization
of the investment process bring the risk of uncertainty regarding the estimates of economic
achievement. Thus, it is necessary to assess the risks and choose the solution that is believed
to carry the least risk. Investment process, due to the above stated reasons, needs to be
methodologically consistent and documented.
Respect for methodological consistency and providing documentary of the process of investing
in BH Telecom is handled by adoption of internal regulations, which define: the organizational
units for creation of an investment plan and its implementation, responsibilities, powers and
responsibilities of the holder and participants in the planning, preparation, implementation
and acceptance of investment. During the period within the common enterprise JP PTT
and the first two and a half years as JP BH Telecom, respectively in period 1995-2004, the
investment was arranged by Guidelines for planning, implementation, monitoring and
acceptance of investment. From 2004 (when the constitution of BH Telecom as a public
limited company happened) to present this process is regulated by the Regulations on the
planning, preparation, implementation and acceptance of investment. The implementation
of SAP systems in 2002 made the process of investing in some stages automatic by the use
of IM module. For the past few years this is done by using the PS (Project System) module
of SAP. In addition to the Regulations on the planning, preparation, implementation and

acceptance of investments, the Company adopted the Regulation on investment-technical
documentation and procedures on audit of investment-technical documentation. Regulations
govern description and content, design and markup, and revision of investment-technical
documentation. Investment-technical documentation includes the following documents:
the investment program, project task, project documentation (concept design, main project
design and implemented design) and documentation/project as built. All investment-
technical documentation is subject to audit by Audit Commission, who works in accordance
with the aforementioned Procedure for revision of the investment-technical documentation
and the Rules of Procedure of audit committee.
The time required for implementation of selected investments largely depends on the speed
of contracting and procurement of equipment and works. These tasks in BH Telecom in the
period 1995 to 2001, and the first two years after the separation of BH Telecom from BH Post
Office 2002-2003, were regulated by an internal act - Guidelines for commercial operations.
As of 18 February 2003, The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with
Decree on Amendments to the Regulation on Procurement of Goods, Services and Works
(Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 38/98, 41/02, 67/02 and
6/03) committed BH Telecom, a company with majority state capital, that the procurement
procedures comply with the provisions of this Regulation. Regulation was replaced by the
Law on Public Procurement on 27 September 2004, which is still, basically, in effect. BH
Telecom, in compliance with these regulations, established internal rules of procurement
regulations - Regulations on Public Procurement. Application of the Regulation, as well as
Law on Public Procurement, has led BH Telecom to an unequal position compared to other
telecom operators, since the binding implementation of it slowed procurement process, and
thus the investment process.
Method of recording and delivery of completed investment works, putting into service,
the calculation of depreciation, and putting out of use, are constituted by BH Telecom
Rules on Accounting and Regulation on accounting policies completed in accordance with
International Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards. There
is a continuum of these Regulations from the period of JP PTT and the same has been updated
in accordance with the Accounting Law (“Official Gazette of Federation BiH”, br. 2/95 and
12/98), Law on Auditing (“Official Gazette of Federation BiH”, no. 2/95 and 12/98) in the
period from 1995-2005 and the Law on Accounting and Auditing in FBiH (“Official Gazette of
Federation BiH”, no. 32/05). When recording fixed assets were applied provisions from the
field of taxation in the Law on Tax on goods and services in the period 1995-2005 and Value
Added Tax since 2006-YTD, the Law on Income Tax and its Implementing Regulations.
BH Telecom has (since 1997) a branch of Telecom Engineering, which performs works,
primarily electrical installation works in the investment and construction of access networks,
base stations, and produces a part of telecommunication equipment, mainly container and
poles for antenna base cells and to a much lesser extent, distribution boxes and electrical
assembly equipment.
For the purpose of proper valuation of fixed assets, work processes in the house are
described along with mandatory documents in internal documentation: Instruction on the
engagement of Telecom Engineering, norms of labor based on standards defined in books
1-5 “Norms of labor and materials in the field of telecommunications” SFRJ Installers in
telecommunications, Ljubljana, August 1981; books 4 and 5, “Norms and standards of
work in the civil engineering (building construction) - 4/ installations and 5/wiring”
Belgrade 1981. Establishing the standards of consumption of materials that form the basis

for determining the price of finished product is a production-technical documentation, or
project for individual investments. To define the final value of the work and finished products
implemented by the Group, an internal document is in use - Methodology for the formation
of labor costs and prices of finished products at the individual stages of work in the field of
In determining the cost of internal work the principle that one cannot establish any difference
in price or for work or for finished products is required.
Investment process, due to its extreme importance for the growth and development of
society, has special significance in Business plan that is made in accordance with the
adopted strategic directions of development of BHT (currently valid one is for the period
2008-2011). Document states that the investment process should provide answers to why
we want to investment, what are investment opportunities and the realistic assessment of
the viability of investments. These activities include the following: technical analysis (the
possibility of implementation, compatibility with existing capacity) market analysis (service
placement opportunities by using new investment), economic and financial analysis (needed
investments, cash flows, funding sources).
Proposals for investment in BH Telecom put together all participants in planning of
investment - all of Executive Directorate (ID), all functional directorates (13 October 2010),
all Regional Directorates (RD), Telecom Engineering, all centers at the Cabinet of the CEO.
Proposals are approved by carriers of planning (all ID), and classified into one of the following
1. Investment in order to ensure the provision of new or expansion (increase in
capacity) of existing telecommunication services (this includes increasing the quality
and reduction of costs for providing existing telecommunication services),
2. Equipment and building replacement,
3. Other (Safety devices).
For each investment it is obligatory to create the investment program which must include
an assessment of investment effects. This assessment, in accordance with the Regulations
on the investment-technical documentation, includes total revenues, total expenses and net
income, based on which further evaluation on additional inflows and outflows of funds in
connection with the presented investment. Estimated additional inflows and outflows of
funds are the basis for making assessment of investment profitability.
Proposal for investments in order to ensure the provision of new or expansion (increase in
capacity) of existing TC service usually means it is initiated by research results and prediction
by Executive Directorate for Marketing and Sales (Executive Directorate for Business
Development as of October 2010), and that is consistent with the strategic directions and
objectives of the Company.
Proposals for investment in order to replace existing equipment with modern one give
technological directorates Executive Directorate for Technology service development, along
with functional departments BH Line and BH Mobile, as well as Functional Directorate for
Information Technology. Administration of approval process of proposals for investments
are done in accordance with the Regulations on the Planning and Regulations on the
planning, preparation, implementation and acceptance of investment. Regulations oblige
Executive Directorate for Investments (Functional Directorate for Investment as of October
2010) to organize activities to gather requests for inclusion of the proposed investment in the
business plan, approving individually planned investments, the preparation of investment

and technical documentation, implementation and acceptance of investment. Investment
process consists of a series of activities that can be grouped into the following main sections:
• Approval of investment funds
• Creating supply request(s)
• Supply
• Contract realization
• Acceptance
Total investment process in BH Telecom with the above-mentioned units can be represented
by the specification of activities as outlined in Table 1.5.:
Table 1.5.: Summary of activities of the investment process in BH Telecom
The holder of
No Input documents Activity Output documents
- Market research
(ED Marketing and Consideration
sales – ED Business of investment Participant in the
Proposals for investment-
development as of opportunities (what is planning - any
1. Name and short
13 October 2010) - missing to implement organizational unit of
description of Investment
Strategic direction the needs of the the Company
and goals of the market)
Selected proposal for
Proposals for Holders of planning
The choice between investment - Name
investment - Name – Only some of
2. the submitted and short description
and short description the organizational
proposals of Investment - Name
of Investment components
Making of the
Selected proposal for
3 investment program Investment program Holders of planning
4. Investment program Revision by IP Revised IP Revision commission
proposals - name Establishing a
Proposed plan of
5. and brief description proposal for plan of Holders of planning
of the investment investment
and revised IP
Consideration of
Proposed plan of an investment plan Decision on the business/
6 Supervisory Board/
investment within the business investment plan adoption
Holders of planning
Business Plan - part Preparatory activities Proposal of Decision on
through Executive
7. of the investment for the approval of approval of individual
Directorate for
plan individual investment investment
A decision to grant (the
date of enactment, the
name of the investment,
the main parts of the
Proposal of Decision
Decision on granting specification, the value of Management /
on approval
8. funds for individual investments in total and Supervisory Board /
of individual
investments for each main section, Assembly
holders of investment
performance, dynamics,
and the deadline for

The holder of
No Input documents Activity Output documents
The request for the
Elaboration of
purchase with its
the approved
Decision on approval elements: the priced
investment with
9. of individual bill of quantities, Holders of planning
the aim of defining
investment descriptions, technical
the procurement
requirements and
Elaboration of
requirements for
procurement by
Procurement request(s) Executive Directorate
10. Procurement request type of equipment/
with TD for Investments
works/services and
preparation of tender
documentation (TD)
Notification on ED Executive
Creating a call for procurement of the directorate for
11. suppliers to deliver TD and the indicated economical – financial
request(s) with TD
proposals deadline for submission affairs, Organizational
of tenders unit for Procurement
Activities on
ED for legal affairs,
Procurement notice Published procurement organization and human
12. procurement notice
and TD notice resource management-
in the Official Gazette
Issue of TD,
ED for legal affairs,
acceptance and
Published organization and human
13. collecting the bids Received suppliers bids
procurement notice resource management -
until the bid opening
Tender evaluation report
Received suppliers Procurement
14. Bid evaluation of and proposal for
bids Commission
contract award
ED for economical
Tender evaluation
Activities on the The decision to award – financial affairs /
report of and
15. acceptance and the contract to the most ED for legal affairs,
proposal for contract
approval of reports favorable bid organization and human
resource management
ED for economical
– financial affairs/
The decision to Drafting of
16. Contract with supplier ED for legal affairs,
award the contract procurement contract
organization and human
resource management
Bills of lading, receiving
certificates, records
Contract realization: of quantitative and OJ for procurement
Contract with delivery, storage, qualitative receipt of and Organizational
supplier intermediate storage, goods/works/services, Unit for Investments/
power consumptions construction books and Supervisory authorities
building log-in diaries -
invoices and situation
OJ Procurement/
Invoices/situation Orders for booking and Organizational
- bill of lading Liquidation / payment of liquidated Unit Finances/
reception documents validation and certified invoices/ Organizational
related to contract situation Unit Accounting/

The holder of
No Input documents Activity Output documents
Orders for booking
and payment of Invoicing and The records of payment
OJ Accounting/
19. liquidated and recording of Invoices / and recording / book
certified invoices/ situation order
Application for
acceptance of Executive Directorate
20. Reception of goods Record of receipt
equipment/works/ for Investments
Request for ready Record of Investment
The final account - Commission for
21. for use investment Acceptance – Order
acceptance acceptance
acceptance booking

Record of
Booking from funds
Investment Bookkeeping account on
22. ready to use to funds OJ Accounting
Acceptance – Book done booking investment
in use

Calculation of Information on the
23. account on done OJ Accounting
depreciation calculated depreciation
booking investment

Specification of the aforementioned activities presents the investment process in BH Telecom

– from the idea of investing to the final realization through activation of fixed assets, shown
through the sequences that occur in practice.

1.4. Rating of investment profitability

As in previously mentioned internal regulations of the company, each investment program
shall include the section on assessing cost-effectiveness of investments in BH Telecom. The
rating is based on the total available literature that deals with this issue. The most commonly
used references are:
1. Planiranje investicijskih projekata, Jadranko Bendeković i autori, EIZ Ekonomski
institut Zagreb, Zagreb 1993;
2. Fundamentals of Financial Management, ninth edition, James C.Van Horne, Stanford
University, John M.Wachowic Jr., The University of Tennessee, Mate doo Zagreb,
3. Poslovne finansije – Teorija i praktična primjena, Njuhović dr. Zijad, Šain mr. Željko,
Sarajevo, 2003..
„Rating investment profitability is process of identifying, analyzing and selecting investment
projects whose returns (cash flows) are expected to be longer than one year.“1
Investment in fixed assets (land, buildings, equipment ...) causes an immediate outlay of
money with the expectation of future benefits that last longer than one year. The future
success and profitability depends on long-term decisions that are made instantaneously.
Evaluating investment proposals should be consistent with the finding whether it provides a
yield equal to or greater than required by the investor BH Telecom.

1 Fundamentals of Financial Management, ninth edition, James C.Van Horne, Stanford University,
John M.Wachowic,Jr., The University of Tennesse, Mate doo Zagreb, 2000.g.

Investor’s request - BH Telecom is that realized investment provides the realization of goals
of the Company in defined times. Since 2005, Management of the Company brings yearly
decision on the method of calculating depreciation and estimates the real life term of the
long term asset.
Rating of Investment profitability includes:
1. Draft proposals of investment projects that are consistent with the strategic objectives
of the company
2. Assessment of additional business cash flow after tax for the investment project
3. Assessment of additional cash flows per project
4. Project selection based on maximizing the value of the eligibility criteria
5. Continuous evaluation of investment projects and accepted the audit after the
completion of the project.
Proposals for investment in BH Telecom create all participants in the planning of investment:
all of the Executive Directorates, all regional directorates, Telecom Engineering, and all
centers in the Cabinet of the CEO and all functional Directorates (as of 13.October 2010).
investments are approved by the holders of planning: all executive Directorates, and are
classified into one of the following categories:
1. Investment in order to ensure the provision of new or expansion (increase in capacity) of
existing telecommunication services (this includes increasing the quality and reduction
of costs for providing existing telecommunication services),
2. Equipment and building replacement,
3. Other (Safety devices etc).
Proposals for investments in order to provide the infrastructure for the provision of new
or expansion and increasing capacity of existing telecommunications services usually
understands it is initiated by research results and predictions of professional services from
the Executive Directorate for Business Development (until 13. October 2010 Executive
Directorate of Marketing and sale) and all should be consistent with the strategic directions
and objectives of the Company
Proposal for investments to replace existing equipment using modern versions can be from
technological Directorates: The Executive Directorate for the development of technology
and services, functional Directorates BH Line, BH Mobile and Information Technology. The
approval process for the investment proposals in the Company is regulated by the already
mentioned Regulations on the Planning and Regulations on the planning, preparation,
implementation and acceptance of investment.
Benefits expected from the investment are reported in terms of cash flows rather than
income stream, since it is money, not accounting profits, crucial for all company decisions.
Tax deductible depreciation has a significant effect on the size and shape of cash flows. BH
Telecom, under the laws of the Federation, applies a linear method of calculating depreciation.
The size and shape of cash flows is affected by the presence of residual value and the changes
that are caused by the necessary working capital.
Information on cash flow is compared with business flow estimates that generate cash flows
(both inflow and outflow). This information is displayed on the additional (incremental)
basis, so that in the investment projects we analyze only the difference between the cash
flow of company with and without a given investment project. Determining the size of the
incremental investments in telecommunications networks is a complex job and seeks to
continually improve.

Flows of money from the project are divided into three categories based on the time of
1. The initial expenditure of money,
2. Temporary additional net cash flow, and
3. Additional net cash flow over the past year.

1.4.1. The initial expenditure of money

The initial expenditure of money is the estimated value of investment project construction,
usually specified in the bill of quantities and the project evaluation. The initial costs include
the purchase value of new property plus the cost of transportation to a location and in the
default functionality: tariffs, taxes in accordance with the law on taxes, transportation,
erection, installation, etc.

1.4.2. Temporary additional net cash flow

Temporary additional net cash flows (not accounting income) represent the cash flow caused
by the construction and activation of the relevant investment project. Information on the
flow of money is matched with estimates of business flow that generate cash flows (both the
inflow and outflow). In accordance with the internal laws of the Company (Regulations on
planning and planning procedures) evaluated are the business aspects of investments that
include market analysis, the possibility of placement of service to be provided by using new
investment, all expresses through a period of time, quantity, price, value, and all for the
purpose of calculating cash flow.
What is important is the rate of return on investment which covers the cost of capital. In this
regard, in assessing the flows it is important to choose a discount rate equal to the rate of
return demanded by suppliers of capital.
When considering the investment expenditure to ensure implementation of the assortment of
new telecommunications services, it is necessary to consider the following when calculating
cash flow:
If the new service would be competitive with existing services, the total expected inflow
should be joined by the influx on the basis of “cannibalization” of existing services,
- If the non-investment in the project would result in a loss of market share, it must be
included in the analysis.
It is essential that the analysis of cash flow is done with and without new investment with
calculation of all relevant costs and benefits. Only the additional cash flow is taken into
account. Costs irrevocably made prior to investment decision, i.e. sunk costs may not be
included in the calculation made for the purpose of investment decision.
Individual costs can be calculated in the amount greater than actual cash outlays for them.
This is usually done for own land and buildings and can be used for other purposes instead
of the relevant investment (rental or sale). These expenses are known as opportunity costs
and must be included in the calculation as if they were cash expenditure at the beginning
of the project. (An example of opportunity cost: if own existing property can be sold for an
amount of 100.000 KM, this amount / net, no taxes included / is included in the calculation
as addition to the initial investment value). Sometimes the investment in fixed assets also
includes a component of current assets and in this case the net amount should be included
in the calculation (the most common example is project that requires extra cash, receivables
or inventories).

When estimating cash flow, one must take into account expected inflation.
Tax deductible depreciation has a significant effect on the size and shape of cash flow. In BH
Telecom under the laws of the Federation - tax deductible depreciation is calculated by linear
method. In the event that (when the replacement of existing assets is in question) replaced
asset is sold at a price higher than the book depreciation base, for the positive difference will
be charged income tax.

1.4.3. Additional net cash flow over the past year

In the last (final) year of the project process the following cash flows are processed: (1) the
residual value of assets disposed of or sold, (2) taxes (tax savings) associated with the sale of
assets, and (3) any changes in working capital associated with the completion of the project
- in rule, each initial investment in working capital is now coming back as an additional cash
Summary of the estimated additional (incremental) business net cash flow after tax for the
project, in our example the estimated lifetime of the project, is usually given by year lifetime
Information about the cash flow is necessary to make a decision about the investment
viability. Investment decision will reject or accept the proposed investment. For making
investment decisions the methods of project appraisal are used.
The most commonly used alternative methods of assessing project feasibility and the choice
are: method of recovery period, internal rate of return and net present value.

1.4.4. Metoda razdoblja povrata

This method of assessment of the investment shows the number of years required to return
initial investment money. For example, return period for investment of 200.000 KM, which
provides net cash of 47.000 KM during 5 years, is 25 years, according to Table 1.6.

Table 1.6.: Rate of Return Method

0 -200.000 -200.000
1 47.000 47.000 -153.000
2 47.000 94.000 -106.000
3 47.000 141.000 -59.000
4 47.000 188.000 -12.000
5 47.000 235.000 35.000

An acceptance criterion of the investment project is comparison of the obtained recovery

period to the acceptable one. In the above example, for an acceptable return period of 5 years,
the project would be accepted. If the required payback period was three years, the project
would be unacceptable.
This method gives a rough indication of the project liquidity and is used in the absence
of detailed information on estimates of future cash flow from services due to project
implementation. The disadvantages are that it ignores the time component of money. For

example, project that would generate the cash flow of 188.000 KM until the end of the fourth
year and 47.000 KM in the fifth year would have the same assessment of eligibility.

1.4.5. Internal rate of investment

Using discounted cash flows provide a more objective basis for evaluation and selection of
investment projects. This method takes into account the size and timing of expected cash
flows in each period of life of the project. There are three main methods of discounted cash
flows: internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV) and profitability index (PI).
Internal rate of return (IRR) for the envisaged investment proposal is the discount rate that
equates the present value of expected net cash flows (CF - cash flow) with an initial outlay of
money (ICO). If (in the given example) the initial outlay of cash was in period 0, it shows the
IRR rate such that:
ICO = ───── + ───── + ... + ─────
(1+IRR)1 (1+IRR)2 (1+IRR)n
In this way, the IRR is the interest rate that discounts future cash flows - CF1 to CFN - to
equalize them with the current value of the initial cash outlay (ICO) during 0 period.
For the previous example this would mean the following:

47.000 47.000 47.000 47.000 47.000

200.000 KM = ──── + ───── + ───── + ───── + ─────
(1+IRR)1 (1+IRR)2 (1+IRR)3 (1+IRR)4 (1+IRR)5
With IRR method, we determine the discount rate which determines the present value of
future net cash flows which is equal to the initial outlay of money. This calculation starts with
assumptions about the discount rate. Suppose that the discount rate is 6%.
Discount rate of 6% results in the present value of future cash flows of 197.964 KM, which is
less than initial investment of 200.000 KM. We are trying to calculate with lower rate of 5.5%
If the discount rate of 5.5% results in the present value of future cash flows of 200 695 KM,
it is slightly more than initial investment of 200.000 KM. The discount rate required to
discount the future cash flows at 200.000 KM, must therefore be somewhere between 5.5
and 6%
197.964 (Current value of 6%) < 200.000 < 200.695 (current value with 5,5%)
The exact amount of the discount rate for which the present value of future cash flows is
200.000 KM will be calculated by interpolation.
x/(0,060-0,055) =(200.695 - 200.000)/(200.695 - 197.964)
x/0,005 = 695/2.731
x = 0,001273
IRR = 0,055 + x = 0,055 + 0,001273 = 0,056273 = 5,63%.
(This calculation is negligibly different from the calculation using the computer)
Note: In cases where the initial outlay in the entire period is 0 and all cash proceeds in equal
portions and equally spaced by years, the IRR can be determined directly from Table IV of
interest on interest, in the way to the line that indicates the number of years of future cash
flows we find the closest discount factor, which multiplied by equal annual influx of giving an
amount equal to the initial investment.

Acceptance criteria of the investment project is calculated by comparing the IRR with the
required rate of return, which is often called the limit of rejection or the marginal rate of
return. If the IRR exceeds the required rate, the project is acceptable, if not, the project is

1.4.6. Net Present Value

Net Present Value (NPV) of investment proposal is the present value of net cash flows from
the proposal minus the initial outlay of money from the proposal. In formula it looks like this:
NPV= ───── + ───── + ... + ───── - ICO
(1+k)1 (1+k)2 (1+k)n
Where k is the required rate of return and all other variables remain the same as in the IRR
Acceptance criteria: if the NPV is equal to or greater than 0, the project is accepted, if not,
it is dismissed. In other words, if the present value of cash inflows exceeds the present value
of money, a project is accepted. Selecting the project whose present value equals zero, the
market price of shares the company should remain unchanged.
In our example, when the required rate of return is 6%, the project is rejected because the
NPV = - 2731 <0. For the required rate of 5.5% of the project is acceptable because the NPV
= 695> 0.

1.5. Project risks

The term risk assessment in terms of economic feasibility of the investment project is considered
a variation of actual size in relation to the expected (estimated). The project is considered
riskier as the variability grows. Sizes that are difficult to assess have greater variability and
risk. The biggest risk is attributed to specify the default contribution rate and estimates of
future cash flows. In estimating future cash flows the risk of collection of receivables could be
significant. There are techniques of calculating the effects of risk inclusion in the calculation
of size estimates relevant for the economic feasibility evaluation of investment projects.

1.6. Improvement of work

From the above stated indicators can be seen that BH Telecom is a successful company, which
primarily relates to the process of investing. According to the observed indicators it can be
concluded that there is room for improvement of business results in terms of faster investment
in fixed assets - telecommunication facilities. It is expected that investment in capacity,
service quality, good pricing policies and marketing activities to retain existing and attract
new users will enable BH Telecom to retain the position of leader in the telecommunications
market in B&H, fulfilling the expectations of owners and employees of the company and the
wider community as a whole. BH Telecom will achieve the goals faster with more effective
investment process.

1. BH Telecom Internal documents
2. James C.Van Horne Stanford University, John M.Wachowic, Jr. The University
of Tennessee: „Fundamentals of Financial Management”, Ninth edition, Mate doo
Zagreb, 2000.


2.1. Introduction
The main financial goal of company is to maximize profits. Shareholders tend to maximize
their assets through company’s business. In stock company this goal is achieved by creating
shareholder value, which shows the market value of shares, and which is a result of three
major decisions:
1. Decisions on funding,
2. Decisions on dividends and retained earnings
3. Investment decisions.
Investing in the narrowest sense means to invest in the purchase of fixed assets. The fixed
assets include land, buildings, machinery and equipment, patents, and it is gradually
consumed in the process of reproduction. Without investment there is no technological
progress, no progress in general. Investments and investing are part of the global problem
of continual development as a process in which each society and each company ensures its
future efficient operations. The investment comes as the final act of the whole process that
implements the planned development objectives, and thus the overall development. Defining
investment as investing in real property (which does not include the so-called consumer
durables) in the theory is considered the definition of investment in a limited sense. Defining
investment in a broader sense includes investment in procurement of goods, raw materials,
supplies, as well as payment for services. Although the investments often include investment
in manufacturing goods (buildings, machinery and equipment, etc.), it should be noted that
investment in a broader sense, in BH Telecom include:
1. Investment in facilities, equipment, installations, facilities, means, devices, etc.
2. Investment in insurance of working capital
3. Investing in new designs and prototypes, and general investment in improving existing
and developing new products and services
4. Investment in new technical and technological solutions and improvement of
technological process
5. Investment in improving of the organization and implementation of new organizational
6. Investment in personnel training and improving
7. Investment in the procurement of patents, licenses and other rights,
8. Investment in scientific research,
9. Investment in developing of sales networks, services and advertising.

2.2. Investment process

Very investment process includes a set of activities in the whole period of planning,
preparation and implementation of an investment project, i.e. the entire execution process,
from creating ideas to invest until the final completion of the investment enterprise.
This is a very complex process that involves a large number of sub-processes, stages and
individual activities. Totality of the efficient preparation and realization leads to the
realization of original ideas - to realization of the planned investment project.

2.3. The division of the investment process
PThe process of investing can be divided into two main sub-processes:
1. Preparation,
2. Implementation
Preparation includes all activities necessary to commence implementation of the investment
process, while the part related to the implementation to the performance of the investment,
includes all activities needed to build one investment project, from its beginning, in the
condition of construction and installation and to lead to regular production.
BH Telecom has accepted the fact that its development and future success largely depends
on the investments, which include investment in present production in order to increase
efficiency and benefit in the future. Specifically, in this process of BH Telecom introduced
the additional production capacities and new scientific and technological solutions that are
more efficient than existing in general business. Accordingly, the investment may be defined
as a tool for achieving better business. The investment process generally takes relatively long
time, seeks a lot of effort and causes significant costs, especially when it comes to major
investments. This seeks an urgent need to rationalize the process and it planning process
as such. Planning of investment projects is the creative process to optimize use of available
resources, including preparation, appraisal, implementation and operation of investment
In this sense we can say that the investment process consists of the following phases:
1. The preceding analysis
2. Making the investment program
3. Make decisions on the investment
4. And revision of investment-technical documentation
5. Realization of investment - building of investment object
6. Commissioning and trial production.
Preceding analysis includes the process of adopting of key documents “Strategy of BH
Telecom” and “Three-year business plan for BH Telecom” in which contain the key elements
needed of needed investment projects.
The main document that elaborates in detail the business plan, and which contains the part
that precisely deals with the issue of future investment BH Telecom is “Three-year business
plan for BH Telecom.” Adoption of this document initiates the Company’s Management
Board. Afterwards, CEO issues an order to write the business plan and precisely sets tasks,
goals, deadlines, participants and holders, as well as instructions for making a unique
methodology of planning (according to appropriate procedures QMS BH Telecom Ltd).
“The three-year business plan” creation includes all organizational components of BH
Telecom, and that requests for necessary resources and suggested ways of business are
proposed from the bottom – from the lowest organizational unit in the organizational
hierarchy and moving upwards in the same hierarchy. The main guiding principle of this
plan is the document “Strategy of Development” and the previous “Three-year business
plan,” as well as business results from the previous year.
Each organizational unit is responsible for a certain segment of the overall business and,
accordingly, is obliged to look after the proposed launch of certain investment programs
that are aligned with the Strategy of development and Three business plan (TPP). After the
investment program is created, a real investment-technical documentation (ITD) is done

too. The validity of the ITD and its consistency with the strategy of the TPP is verified through
the ITD audit process which is carried out within the ITD Audit Commission within the
Executive Directorate of Technology and Development Service.

2.4. Revision of investment - technical documentation in JSC BH Telecom

Revision of investment-technical documentation is the control of technical documentation
made by the Joint Stock Company BH Telecom Sarajevo and other legal entities authorized
to produce the documentation. Control of investment-technical documentation includes the
verification of its compliance with the terms and conditions of urban planning approvals,
checking the correctness and accuracy of technical solutions, stability and security, impact
on the environment and adjacent buildings, compliance with laws and regulations, technical
norms, standards and quality norms, as well as the mutual alignment of all parts of the
technical documentation.
Within the JSC BH Telecom the Audits of investment-technical documentation is done for
number of years. This process has been improved and perfected for years in order to obtain
high quality documentation.
Revision of investment-technical documentation is now regulated by the following acts:
- Regulation on investment-technical documentation for the JSC BH Telecom Sarajevo
- Procedure, “Revision of investment-technical documentation”
Until 24 July 2002, the audit of investment-technical documentation in the Stock Company
BH Telecom Sarajevo were conducted by the Commission appointed by the Director of
telecommunications solutions over the appointment of audit committees, for each document
Commission were made up of 3 to 5 members, reporters, auditors and secretary, with the task
to audit the documents and submit a written report to the Directorate of telecommunications
of JP PTT BH Sarajevo. Until this time, a small number of documents, mainly the most
important, were annually audited.
The Centre for Research was founded 2002 in whose jurisdiction are the audit tasks. The
decision to appoint Audit commission for review of development plans, investment plans,
investment programs, project assignments, preliminary technical solutions, projects and
other investment-technical documentation of audit plans, audit of investment-technical
documentation, Director of the Center for Research No. 01.1-3.4-9399/02 of 24 July 2002.
It also named permanent commission composed of five permanent members and more
variable, and the secretary.
The task of the Commission was to make the revision of documentation and to submit a
written report with proposal of audit confirmation to the director of the Center for Research.
The new committee was formed by the decision on the appointment of audit commission for
review of development plans, investment plans, investment programs, project assignments,
preliminary technical solutions, projects and other investment-technical documentation,
Director of the Center for Research No. 01.1-27-16853/03 from 29 December 2003. The
commission consisted of six permanent, more variable members and secretary.
The task of the Commission was to make the revision and review of documentation and
submit a written report on the proposed confirmation of the audit to the director of the
Center for Research.

The new committee was formed by the decision on the appointment of audit committee,
the CEO of the JSC BH Telecom Sarajevo No. 01.4-2.14439/04 from 01 July 2004. The
appointed commission consisted of eight full-time, more variable members and secretary.
Audit commission task was to review the investment-technical documentation as follows:
- All investment programs,
- Investment plans,
- Project assignments,
- Concept and technical design
- Projects
- and other ITD documentation.
Audit Commission could be engaged in auditing the strategic development plans, surveys
and studies based on specific orders of the CEO of the Company. This audit commission has
worked for the longest period, until 2011 year.
By the decision of CEO of the JSC BH Telecom Sarajevo, on appointment of the Commission
for revision of investment-technical documentation and auditors, No.03.3-2.1-1527/2-11
from 09 March 2011, a commission composed of nine members, deputies and secretaries
was appointed. In the Commission work took part a total of 99 employees as auditors from
all branches of the Stock Company BH Telecom Sarajevo.
Regulations on investment-technical documentation for the JSC BH Telecom Sarajevo
govern the description and content of investment-technical documentation (hereinafter
referred to as ITD) of the Company, manufacture and labeling of ITD, and ITD’s review.
Revision is subject to all investment-technical documentation BH Telecom, except as-built
documentation, no matter whether it is made inside or outside the company. ITD Audit
is conducted by Audit commission (hereinafter: Commission), which operates within the
Executive Directorate for technology and service development in accordance with applicable
Investment-technical documentation is to be submitted exclusively by the holders of ITD (all
Executive Directorates from the General Directorate and all functional directorates).
ITD is to be submitted in two hard copies and in electronic form (e-mail or CD/DVD) in form
and content fully complied with the requirements of Clause 3 of the Ordinance.
The Commission President appoints one or more auditor for each ITD. An auditor cannot be a
person who participated in the development of the ITD, but can be a person who participated
in earlier stages of ITD.
An auditor, after examination of ITD, has to consider and resolve all remarks in
communication with the authors. Thereafter the auditor submits a written report to the
Commission stating that only those remarks that remained unresolved. The Commission
may, if deemed necessary, invite to a meeting the authors of ITD and the auditor to explain
his views on the controversial remarks.
If the main executive project is made abroad, auditor must perform control establishing that
the project is made in accordance with accepted standards and applicable laws of Bosnia and
Herzegovina. If it is made in accordance with foreign laws, it is necessary to validate it in the
manner prescribed by law.
In the case more auditors’ participation in the revision of the same ITD, auditors are required
to make separate statements.

Based on auditors’ reports and possible responses by ITD authors, the Commission adopts
one of the following conclusions:
a) ITD is accepted in full,
b) ITD is accepted with the elimination of minor complaints,
c) ITD is returned for revision due to the larger complaints.
If the Commission concludes there are no sufficient arguments to make one of the above
findings, it may require additional explanations from auditors and/or authors, and if
necessary, invite them to attend the meeting and answer questions.
When the Commission passes a resolution b) or c), the holder of ITD is required to submit to
the Commission a new edition of ITD, after the removal of comments or finishing it.
The Commission shall issue and submit a Certificate on audit to the ITD holder, after is
has passed the conclusion of full compliance of ITD with demands and the Regulations.
Confirmation of the Audit must contain the Commission’s conclusion and the following
information on audited ITD:
- ITD Title,
- Number of book / total number of books (only for project documentation)
- Number of publication,
- Place and date.
The certificate is signed by the President of the Commission and Executive Director of
Executive Directorate for Technology and Service Development.
The importance of revision is visible from the number of reviewed documents in past period:
Table 2.1. Number of reviewed documents in past period
Year 2003. 2004. 2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010.
Number of
reviewed 436 1014 753 464 425 460 499 460

2.5. Personnel investment

2.5.1. Investment in personnel education

Human resources are the most dynamic and creative factor of each company and so is with
BH Telecom. BH Telecom is high-tech enterprise that uses two fastest generic information
and communication technology, where knowledge becomes obsolete very quickly due to the
dynamic innovation of this industry. Having this in mind, the importance of human capital
or human resources is more important each day. Investing in increased human capacity
through education, expertise, talents, skills and knowledge contribute more to overall
production, delivery of services and other activities. BH Telecom considers investment in
human capital complementary to investments in material resources. As the capital resources
can be develop, so the education can enhance human resources. Education and professional
knowledge of personnel is a major factor in creativity and the most powerful tool in global
The training of human capital raises productivity and entrepreneurial ability. It is believed
that investment in education brings greater effect on the productivity then investment in

equipment. The goals of personal development must be oriented to the future in accordance
with the strategic goals of the company in order to the knowledge and skills implement the
company strategy. Training and personnel development encourages the motivation of it,
which is very important.
Investment in human capital is a valuable investment in the future, since the people are the
largest equity of the company. Knowledge has great value if used and it can bring new value
to the company and therefore it represents a significant element of competitive advantage.
In order to enhance their business by investing in employees, knowledge network offers the
opportunity for education of your employees.
JSC BH Telecom Sarajevo Strategic initiative is geared towards continuous quality training of
employees and interns, not only in higher education institutions that have high standards of
teaching and research, but with the best companies in the field of electronic communications,
as well as state institutions at all levels of government, because market conditions require the
continuing need for the adoption of new technologies and electronic communication services.
Recognizing that knowledge is a key factor in business success and advantage of successful
business and that BH Telecom needs highly educated personnel with specialized education
in the development of telecommunications systems, planning and investment, BH Telecom
business success requires successful planning and grouping skills to exploit it creatively.
With ongoing education of employees, they become more flexible, easier to adapt to new
technologies and electronic communication services, and make better use of gained work
experience and knowledge.
New forms of economic activity, especially the new market conditions (unfair competition,
non-existing necessary levers of state institutions, etc.), as well as new technologies in
telecommunications and information technology require continuous education, training and
acquisition of skills by all employees of BH Telecom.
Each service we offer to our users requires appropriate technological base. Constant
monitoring of ICT technology and ICT market in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a key task. It
leans closely to the identification and selection of related optimal technological solutions
that can be the technical foundation for the development of BH Telecom for development
of services which are required and which should be offered to the market of Bosnia and
Objectives and tasks of education are increasing employees’ skills, preparing them for higher
and thus more demanding level of work, increasing the quality of work, increasing their own
security, develop responsibility and self-esteem, increase job satisfaction in BH Telecom and
the like. The result is increased performance, reduced absence from work, mental stability,
work concentration, reduced fluctuation and the shedding of labor. Educated performer is
suitable to perform the job, and job well done causes an increase in service quality, ensures a
high level of availability of functions for all organization units of BH Telecom.
Investing in people is done permanently through various forms of transfer and adoption
of new knowledge. To this end, BH Telecom uses multiple methods to ensure the quality
progress of human resources.
Scholarships - BH Telecom provides high-quality offspring through scholarships to
top students at colleges of interest - mostly from electrical engineering, transport and
communications and economics.

1. In addition, BH Telecom provides the training for its best employees on post graduate
studies through the acquisition of master’s degree in the appropriate discipline. The
approval process is going through a few score and one of them winning the opinion of
the Scientific-Expert Council of BH Telecom.

2. Acquiring scientific doctorate is also a method used by BH Telecom to obtain the

professional of the highest profile. This process too must go through the verification of
scientific-technical Council.

3. Presentation of own research on international and national conferences - each year, BH

Telecom’s researchers and experts visit dozens of national and international symposia
and conferences presenting their research findings in the science and profession. This
made BH Telecom recognizable worldwide as an institution that fosters science and
profession, raising its reputation both in public and with our partner suppliers of
equipment and software.

4. In addition to negotiating the procurement of new equipment and new solutions, BH

Telecom contracts the training of its professionals to efficiently and effectively use new
equipment and solutions and to acquire the possibility of further self-improvement.

5. Visits to the world’s major conferences, exhibitions, conferences, etc. BH Telecom

experts and management uses these opportunities to acquire new knowledge and
experiences and applicability to its business.

6. BH Telecom supports all meetings of scientific and technical character organized in

B&H. Known are permanent and long rallies BIHTEL, ICAT, INTSIKT, ICT conferences
and meetings that are periodically organized. In this way, BH Telecom expands
opportunities for the development of science and the profession in B&H.

7. Innovation is a constant concern of BH Telecom. To this end, the Ordinance on the

methods of recognition, implementation and reward of new ideas and solutions that
help improve operations of BH Telecom.

2.5.2. General provisions of BH Telecom on education of employees and

interns, carrying out practical student work and student scholarship
Legal basis for education of employees and trainees and performing of practical work of
students and pupils in BH Telecom, as well as scholarships for students, are the following
1. 1. Rulebook on education of employees and trainees in JSC BH Telecom Sarajevo No.
00.1-2.1-6673/11-1, 28 March 2011
2. Procedure Training of employees in JSC BH Telecom Sarajevo QPG 6 - 20/02, 02
March 2011
3. Instructions on the scholarship and organizing the practical work of students and
pupils in the JST BH Telecom Sarajevo No. 00.1-2.1-6672/11, 28 March 2011
4. Instructions on official travel abroad for professional and specialist training of
employees of JSC BH Telecom Sarajevo No. 00.1-2.1-6670/11-1, 28 March 2011
5. Instructions on the form, content and manner of keeping records and storing data
maintained by the Department of Education in the SAP HR module, a number of 00.1-
2.1-6671/11, 28 March 2011.

2.5.3. Education of employees
Education of employees is used to upgrade existing and acquire new knowledge of employees
in all areas of BH Telecom, through various forms of education in the country and abroad
at higher education institutions (universities/colleges), companies in the field of electronic
communications, as well as state institutions, in order to improve business processes in BH
Telecom, as well as gaining qualifications by passing expert required exams.
In order to provide the necessary qualified personnel, employees of BH Telecom are educated
in accordance with the following types of education:
- Education of employees in order to acquire the scientific degree of Doctorate.
- Education of employees in order to acquire the scientific degree of Master,
- Retraining,
- Professional - specialist training.
Education of employees to acquire the scientific degree of Doctorate
Doctoral Studies - the third cycle is the highest form of education in which the acquired
scientific degree of Doctorate is acquired on higher education institutions in Bosnia and
Herzegovina or abroad.
Until 2010, BH Telecom has concluded agreements on regulating mutual rights and
obligations with 8 employees, for the funding of education to acquire the scientific degree of
Doctorate in the amount of 73.500.00 KM.
Education of employees to acquire the scientific degree of Master
A post-graduate study is a form of education to acquire the scientific degree of Master of the
universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina or abroad.
Until 2010, BH Telecom has concluded agreements on regulating mutual rights and
obligations with 106 employees, for the funding of education to acquire the scientific degree
of Master in the amount of 845.517.50 KM.
Retraining is a form of education where employees acquire another kind of avocation within
the same qualifications they have. Retraining is a form of education where employees earn a
higher degree of education than the one they have.
Until 2010, BH Telecom has concluded agreements on regulating mutual rights and
obligations with 4 employees to fund retraining in the amount of 7332.00 KM.
Professional - specialist training
Professional - specialist training is a form of education where employees acquire new
knowledge and skills within their professional qualifications and employment in order to
successfully follow the technological development of BH Telecom. This education is realized
- - Specialized academies and other high-vocational training courses and seminars,
- - Passing the professional examinations in all areas of BH Telecom.
Specialized academies and professional exams
Until 2010, BH Telecom has concluded agreements on regulating mutual rights and

obligations with 430 employees to fund specialized academies and professional examinations
in the amount of 400.000,00 KM..
Professional exams in the field of BH Telecom
In 2006 - realized about 75 seminars attended by 350 employees, for which was spent
approximately 150.000,00 KM.
In 2007- realized about 110 seminars attended by 370 employees, for which was spent
approximately 180.000,00 KM.
In 2008 - realized about 122 seminars attended by 476 employees, for which was spent about
140.000.00 KM.
In 2009 - realized about 85 seminars attended by 306 employees, for which was spent
approximately 90.000,00 KM.
Education of interns
For all interns and newly hired, BH Telecom organizes collective training in accordance with
the Annual operating plan for education of trainees. This plan is created separately for each
current year.
Scholarships for students
BH Telecom, as socially responsible company, and in order to provide additional trained and
professional staff, provides scholarships to students.
Until 2010, BH Telecom has concluded contracts on scholarship with 134 employees in the
amount of 321.000.00 KM.
Organizing practical work of students and pupils
As a socially responsible company, BH Telecom organizes the performance of practical work
for full time students and students with a certificate of educational institutions that the
practical work of students or learners (students and Youth Practice) is an integral part of the
curriculum. In period 2006-2010, 645 students and pupils carried out the practical work in
BH Telecom.


BH Telecom internal documents


Monitoring the development and flow of investments in infrastructure, services and other
resources of BH Telecom from the period of creation of JP PTT as the Bosnian-Herzegovinian
company until today, is a faithful reflection of the growth and development of not just our
company. BH Telecom, in technological development, as well as through the operation and
improvement of business processes in the past and today, represents the difference in B&H.
This is to be concluded from, in addition to the amount of investments, in large part, the
consistency of the stages of investment and construction, which maintains a high quality of
the done, even in cases where in short-term it seems that this mode is unjustified. Today,
large part of telecommunication and IT industry in our region is looking for a quick profit,
sacrificing medium and long term performance by installing various ad hoc solutions, BH
Telecom continues to serve as a reference for all others with its standards and norms.
We chose a chronological way of present the whole process of investment and construction
in the previous 15-year period, with emphasis on the very inception of the Company and the
investment in survival, and later its development.
Comparing the initial years with the current situation, we can say that BH Telecom saw its
maturity: from company with uncertain physical survival to the company that invests more
money today in investment projects than for all investment projects during the 1994. Not only
has the quantity of resources filed maturity: today the business processes and management
of investment activities are even more away then the former.

3.1. Survival and the first investments: 1992-1994

3.1.1. Telecommunication unblocking of state and international link

First international connection of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Beginning of April 1992 will be remembered as the beginning of open and full aggression
on Bosnia and Herzegovina, its sovereignty and integrity. In addition to the military coup,
very strong attack on its telecommunication system had followed. The creators of aggression
began to fully realize the plan of breaking of information flow and communication between
people. Abolish the flow of information, turn off the signal, turn off electricity, stop traffic
and the like, meant to destroy the man of modern Bosnian cities, especially Sarajevo as a
political, administrative and civic center of the state. BH Telecom (PTT PPP traffic B&H)
will remember 02 May 1992 as day when the internal sabotage and shelling destroyed
the main administrative building of the PTT. In the resulting fire, caused by a diversion,
were destroyed the international, transit and users switching system with a total capacity
of 60,000 lines, all on-site documentation and a handy storage of materials. There were
also casualties. With exceptional engagement of our experts from the Directorate Sarajevo,
the most important users were connected to other back-up capacity of telephone exchanges.
This enabled communication between state institutions. Already in mid-May capacity of
international flights were halved. One must know that all the international connections went
through Belgrade. By the end of May, all international connections were completely switched
off. Telecommunication links within the country were also broken. In functions are only
small “islands” within which telecommunication links are rather difficult.
In early June 1992 the first “expert teams” (3 to 5 “experts”) went to Europe to purchase
equipment for the international connection of B&H. About 10 professional teams went out

of the country. Some of them even to this day have not returned. But one team took seriously
the need to link B&H with the world. With the help of our patriots from Zagreb (Croatia),
Vienna (Austria) and Bern (Switzerland), they managed to obtain the promissory note (with
deferred payment) from Swiss Telecom for satellite earth station. The initial capacity of these
satellite stations was 30 telephone channels, and it was taken over in the spring of 1993.
Many believed that most of the work was completed with it. It turned out that hard work was
to follow yet - transport of it to Sarajevo, finding the safest location for its setting, providing
connectivity, power supplies, etc.
Many times the equipment was transported to the aircraft at Zagreb airport and returned
to the premises of our Embassy in Zagreb. It was not easy to pass all customs barriers and
convince the UNPROFOR and UNHCR “experts” to assist in transporting equipment. In
August 1993, our activists managed to board the equipment on the plane as part of the
personal baggage of the President of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Alija
Izetbegovic. Equipment finally arrived in Sarajevo with one trained specialist. In the shortest
time possible the team set and connected the equipment. Adaptation of the transit telephone
exchange into international one was conducted by our team of experts. The international
connection was released after testing on 3 September1993, and for public on 5 September
1993. This is when first was an international B&H code “387”. The day of release of the
international connections to public traffic and the first use of international code 387 is
considered a telecommunications reset of B&H, and as such is destined to be celebrated as
the “BH Telecom Day”. In the spring of 199, remaining part of team returns to B&H, sets up
and puts into operation DCME equipment that has increased the capacity of international
connections to 150 channels.
It has to be emphasized that this involved a number of our professionals, as well as to pay
respect to the patriots who were not employees of PTT and yet made a big contribution.
By the end of 1996, JP PTT BiH purchased satellite earth station from the Swiss Telecom.
This can be considered first and strategic investment, which began in 1993 and financially
completed in 1996.

Second satellite earth station in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In the spring of 1994, with initiative and help of Mr. Hilmo Ćerimović (an engineer and
retired PTT employee), PTT purchased satellite earth station from Telecom Italy. It was
extraordinary satellite station. Satellite worked in a special bandwidth (20/30 GHz) and
covered Italy and part of B&H (Sarajevo). Equipment consisted of 3 +1 unit with antennas
and a capacity of 180 channels. Equipment cost was $ 1,500,000 and it was repaid through
traffic. From Telecom Italy (which owned the satellites), we got free use of 3 Mbit/s on the
satellite for the period of 5 years. Equipment was ground transported, with few problems, to
Hrasnica and through a tunnel under the airport in Sarajevo. Our trained team of experts has
set up and commissioned equipment in record time mid-July 1994. It is interesting that the
purchase of equipment and agreement of traffic transit Telecom Italy, forced Swiss Telecom
to lower the price of transit for one third. Budget savings due to price reduction in transit,
meant these investments paid off in a month (effectively, the equipment has been repaid in
savings before putting into operation).

Third satellite earth station

After half a year of trying, on the last day of the 1994, satellite earth station for connections
with the United States arrived at the Sarajevo airport. New Year was welcomed modestly,

and group of our employees with the help of a few civil state servants transferred equipment
in our facility and the assembly began in first days of 1995. The connection is released in
early April 1995. A feature of this equipment was the antenna diameter (over 6 m) and it
was difficult to find a safe space for its accommodation. This was solved by building a special
protective roof next to the PTT building Dolac Malta. The capacity of this connection was 2
Mbit/s, and it had DCME equipment with 120 channels. Capacities were leased on Intelsat
3.1.2. Investments in 1992.
The development of investments during the war years in BH Telecom (JP BiH PTT traffic
then) began in the figurative and the real meaning - from scratch. In this period, attempts to
maintain the existing physical infrastructure, investments and building practically did not
exist. The entire JP PTT infrastructure in one part of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
was separated from the system and there were no data of its further development.
Total state of employees in the company in 1992 was reduced to an effective four directorates
- companies, according to the then available data: PTT Zenica (708 employees), PTT Tuzla
(441 employees), PTT Sarajevo (2517 employees) and the Directorate JP PTT (61 employees).
During 1992, the inter-digit telephone communication existed between Sarajevo and the
following locations: Tuzla, Zenica, Kiseljak, Fojnica, Kreševo, Breza and Igman. For inter
town traffic were used total of 225 public telephone channels. Goražde practically had non-
existent public telecommunication infrastructure, the areas of Mostar and Livno used toll
center in Split, while the intercity and international traffic from the Bihać area was carried
out by a single cell phone connection. Total capacity of local telephone exchanges in traffic
during 1993 was 253,000 connections, most of which was not operational due to damage to
the access network.
The starting point for the development of international traffic was set up of 24-channel
analog RR system between Tuzla-Croatia. Sarajevo had access to the system through only
two numbers as distant subscriber until 24 June 1993. Radio relay Sarajevo via Kiseljak
existed for Split until April 1993.
In 1993, there is an
interruption of public
traffic with Igman,
Kiseljak, Fojnica and
Kreševo, and with it
existing infrastructure
was reduced too. This
represents a kind of
zero benchmark, from
which the further
development of JP
PTT infrastructure
Figure 3.1. Investing in 1992 - no amount for investment
has progressed.
3.1.3. 1993.
In 1993 there was a greater dispersal of infrastructure and telecommunication traffic. This was
the time of the first investment. Infrastructural destruction was particularly visible on the JP
PTT buildings. Buildings which housed the communication devices were greatly damaged,

and some were completely
destroyed. The main post office
in Sarajevo was destroyed and
Telecommunications Center Stari
Grad. Heavily damaged was a
number of important facilities
such as a telecommunication
center in Sarajevo, the postal
transportation center, PTT
building in Goražde, Bihać,
Bugojno, etc.
Based on rough estimates, the
damage to facilities and equipment
in the telecommunication
network is around 600 million
Figure 3.2. JP PTT property in Goražde after the war
In Sarajevo, destroyed were 40.000 local telephone lines, 8500 in Mostar, 6000 in Goražde,
10.000 in Bugojno etc. The total number of minutes generated during 1993 was lower than in
1991 for about 21 times. Data transmission network was out of function due to damage to the
control center and service switching control point in Sarajevo. All X.25 knot equipment has
been dismantled and removed due to shelling of Sarajevo. The total capacity of the existing
equipment was 75 connections X.25 and 20 connections X.28. Balance power supply was
also nearly zero. Out of 15 sets of AKU battery rectifiers in satisfactory condition were only
two in the whole city of Sarajevo.
International telephone traffic, which was terminated in July 1992, was resumed in
September 1993, with operational 30-channel satellite system with 10 outgoing and 20
incoming lines between Sarajevo and Basel. With it, international telephone exchange in
Sarajevo was connected with international phone exchange in Zurich, and through it with
about 50 countries in the world. Investment was still not important part of business segment.
The funds provided for planning investments were virtually non-existent, and the changes
and improvement of the system are performed using existing or donated equipment (to
achieve the aforementioned international connections Zurich-Sarajevo, used was existing
regional AXE 10 as an international, etc.).
1993 recorded the first traces
of realized investments. So the
ledger recorded investment in the
facility Ilinčica RR station in the
amount of 36.322 DEM, and the
purchase of passenger vehicles
in which it was invested an
additional 8720 DEM. These two
“investments” represent the first
recorded value higher than zero,
which best shows the conditions
under which the expansion and
development began.
Slika 3.3. Uništenje zgrade pošte u Bugojnu 1993.

Construction works on the cable connection to Konjic and Mostar started during this year.
A satellite station for connection Sarajevo-New York was bought. About 13.000 telephone
connections in the city of Sarajevo were put in operation. 1800-channel transmission system
between Sarajevo-Zenica was established at the end of the (21 December 1993) and Zenica-
Tuzla (released on 24 December 1993), which significantly improved the capacity of inter-
local traffic. Quality of service, on the other hand, due to the use of obsolete equipment, was
still not in norms.
In 1992 and 1993 the admission procedure was completed, and Bosnia and Herzegovina
entered in two international telecommunications organizations, namely: the International
Union of Telecommunications (20 October 1992) and the European Organization for
Telecommunications via satellite - EUTELSAT (22 March 1993).

3.1.4. 1994.
In late 1994, the number of telephone terminals in the former JP PTT BiH rose to 211.741
connections. From the existing infrastructure should be mentioned only the length of
cable trenches owned by the Company in total of 1372 km. Local and inter-local traffic is
maintained through the 24 nodal and 83 end telephone exchanges. International transport
took place through MnC Sarajevo (now with 420 channels), and through TC Tuzla - with 30
satellite lines.
During 1994, noticeable investments in the telecommunication system have started. Total
amount invested was 1.37 million DEM. Most investments in this period relates to the
telephone network development as follows:
• In the area of Sarajevo, built-in enhancements for capacity expansion in the access
network (extending the number of terminals and the renewal of separator);
• investing in 300 new connections in the access network Pazarić;
• In Tuzla area was purchased and installed RR system “MINI LINK”; expanded and
improved power supply for major telecommunications facilities.
Regarding the construction of buildings for telecommunication needs during the 1994 was
invested in:
• Building a platform for satellite station (Sarajevo);
• Investments in the RR station Ilinčica (Tuzla);
• Investments in Post office Simin Han (Tuzla).
Information system during 1994 was marked by problems with lack of electricity, frequent
outages, problems with system software licenses, etc. The first investments in the development
of information networks were realized by purchasing computers for the area of Tuzla and
Despite these humble beginnings, it is significant that during 1994 began the process of
systematic planning and implementation of investments, which would rapidly grow into one
of the most complex processes in Company.

3.2. Period of accelerated reconstruction: 1995-1999

3.2.1. 1995 Investments

In 1995 began an accelerated growth of investments. Due to the different priorities of
individual projects, the overall plan of investment is divided into:

• Priority Plan - the main backbone and international capacities, completion of
facilities and investment in connecting isolated areas in the total amount of 21.6
million DEM;
• Plan of investments in the postal and telecommunications network – including
other projects, totaling 27.4 million DEM.
The overall plan of investment is realized with 19.8 million DEM which is 14.5 times more
than the previous year. From this year we can talk of real investment. The funds are directed
primarily towards the rapid normalization of telecommunications infrastructure, linking
broken system and strengthening of backbone and international capacity.
Investment in a telecommunication network
Most funding is provided for the purchase and installation of automatic telephone exchanges,
transmission systems, access networks and devices for the restoration of power. For number
of short distance relations optical cable systems were laid (Sarajevo - Pazarić), cable sewage
was built. The satellite link between Sarajevo - New York started to operate, with capacity of
24 telephone channels. Also, this year the purchase of satellite stations to link with Sweden
was contracted.
1920 telephone channels capacity
RR system for relation Tuzla-Ilinčica
and Tuzla-Okresanice, as well as
numerous smaller RR and cable
transmission system were built in.
During this year the provision of
international telephone exchange in
Sarajevo was contracted.
Investment in buildings
Total investment in 1995 in
construction projects was 2.7 million
DEM. Repairs to a number of post
offices on the entire territory of JP
Figure 3.4.a. RR station Hotilj in Gračanica after the war PTT BiH was made. Construction
of buildings at the RR stations
Lisac, Okresanica and Ilinčica were
financed, thus creating conditions
for building a good network of spinal
RR, as well as to support the future
development of mobile networks.
Investment in information
systems and network for data
Along with the transformation of
the Company and the construction
of physical infrastructure continues
the expansion of network for data
Figure 3.4b. Station Hotilj today transfer and full information system.

Computer network with the Directorate PTT Zenica, Bugojno, Mostar, Brčko and Tuzla was
established, as well as PTT Engineering with the Directorate of Traffic PTT Sarajevo. As part
of activities related to construction of public networks for data transmission, on 11 October
1995 the Protocol on cooperation between Deutsche Telekom and JP PTT BiH was signed.
This provided construction of a public network for data transmission in B&H.
3.2.2. Investments in 1996
First peacetime year in B&H for JP PTT BiH meant the beginning of the explosive
development that has characterized the ambitious plan of investments in a total of 155.3
million DEM (3 times more than the previous year). This is result of need to restore the lost
space - capacity and physical infrastructure, and what was lost on time axis - to cope with
global trends in services and technologies that were not idle in previous years. Because this,
this year marks the beginning of the realization of several vital projects for the company,
such as GSM networks, public networks for data transmission - BIHpak, and the conveying
system of 155 Mbps in SDH technology.
Investing in the development of PTT system during 1996 is divided into several main
priority routes which include: restoration of access networks, restoration of switching nodes,
renovation of buildings, construction of mobile telephony and data transfer network. A total
of 50 million DEM was invested, or 2,5 times more than in the previous year.
Investment in main and international transmission systems, network and
Significant investments (totaling 12.2 million DEM) on the construction of main and
international transmission system were realized. During 1996 the following systems
of transmission were built: the transmission system RR Sarajevo-Zenica-Tuzla, RR
transmission system Sarajevo-Mostar, a satellite transmission system Stockholm-Sarajevo,
satellite system Sarajevo- Munich, and the RR system Sarajevo-Goražde. Also implemented
are the mini-link connection Sarajevo-Mostar, Sarajevo-Goražde and Sarajevo-Olovo.
On a hierarchy of major and nodal exchanges, projects of optical transmission systems are
implemented: Breza-Vareš-Olovo, Sarajevo-Breza, Ilinčica-Kladanj, Tuzla-Kalesija.
Built RR connections were: Lisin-Kakanj, Lisin-Jablanica, and Sanski Most-Zenica.
Construction of access networks included: Olovo-Solun, Sarajevo-Pazarić, Breza-Župča,
Ćuništa, Careva Ćuprija (Sarajevo), Tuzla-Dubrave, Paša Bunar, Poljice, Šerići, Živinice
In the development of main and international switching system was invested a total of 24
million DEM. The construction of the international headquarters and MnC SA I (EWSD),
and TC Mostar was done. At the level of nodal and final telephone exchanges, a total of 12.7
million DEM was invested, and equipped were exchanges in Olovo, Visoko, Mostar, Travnik,
Kakanj Zavidovići, Bugojno, Maglaj, Sarajevo, etc.
Investment in buildings
About 2.3 million DEM was invested in construction and reconstruction of buildings. For the
purposes of RR connection capacity of 155 Mbps Sarajevo-Zenica, building construction with
steel pile, together with the rehabilitation of access roads Gradišće-Lisac was built.
For the purposes of RR connection Sarajevo-Mostar in the locality Lisin, Fortica and Velika
Vidova the containers were placed as a temporary solution in 1994. Permanent pillars at
Velika Vidova were done in 1994, and permanent pillars at Lisin and Fortica were completed

during 1996. For all building, access road were built or renewed.
Construction of the antenna column Hadžića Brdo for the RR connection Sarajevo-Goražde
began, and for RR connection Sarajevo-Central Bosnia repairs were completed for RR
station V. Manjača, Gladovo, Zlokos and pillar near Travnik. During 1996 the main post
office building in Gornji Vakuf and Bugojno was repaired and construction of stairs at the
Main Post Office in Zavidovići and Zlokos, as well as the rehabilitation of the pillars in Tešanj
and Maglaj.
Main Post Office Maglaj and final post of Kosovo and Jablanica repairs were done. In Tuzla,
the repairs on Main Post Office Tuzla were completed; Tuzla TKC hydroscopic installation
and post offices Paša Bunar, Stupari, Đurđevik, Gornje Dubrave, Čelić, postal center Kreka
and pillar Teočak.
In Bihać, the roof was repaired, TKC 1st floor, as well as facilities in locations: Ozimice,
Harman, Ripac, Šturlić, Vrnogorač, Main Post Office Bosanska Krupa, Jezerski, Pištaline,
Main Post Office Bosanski Petrovac and TKC.
In the area of Mostar renewed are: building Južni Logor - Solid, buildings in Čelebići and
Bradina and technical project documentation for the Post Office in Konjic was done.
In Directorate Sarajevo partly renewed facilities are: TKC Dolac Malta, ATC Baščaršija,
Alipašino polje, Vogošća, Hrasnica, Plandište, Semizovac, Hadžići, Ferhadija, Fojnica,
Podlugovi, Srednje, Ilidža, Koševo and GPC Sarajevo.
Investment in information systems and data transmission network
During 1996, personnel and financial consolidation of entire department in charge of IT
support is reconstructed. Hardware platform is significantly expanded with the IBM host
computer, which covers, over the computer network of the Directorate of Sarajevo, Tuzla,
Zenica, Mostar and Travnik, with 72 terminals, about 50.000 transactions a day. LAN
network platform is prepared for the configuration, with important installation of peer-to-
peer network of PCs, as well as client-server networks.
System software is changed for about 40% of the total code, with standardization of system
software at the level of the entire Company. Total application support was developed for
invoicing postal services, applications for economic operations, postal statistics, records
of conducted call (toll-ticketing), integrated services for 988, 977 and 971 services, history
of connections and interference, the processing of pensions, book 101, follow-up of new
subscribers–from counter to the realization, phone book, and personnel records.
Initiated is the development of applications: monitoring of satellite traffic tracking of postal
security, and data processing in the main traffic.
Project “Implementation of Internet service” defined the further development of information
network. Recapitulation investment, material and working hours of employees, has resulted
in overcoming the isolation as the consequence of technological development over the past
few years. This applies to the structure of the employees too: it becomes a rule that with each
investment and procurement decisions, there is training for employees of BH Telecom from
exploitation and customization.
3.2.3. Investments in 1997
Reconstruction activities on construction and modernization of the network are continued,
as well as increase of scope of services and improving the quality of existing ones. Visible
increase in planned and realized investments that began in the postwar period continued in

1997, so this year the total plan amounted to 125.8 million DEM, and implementation to 77.8
million DEM (1.6 times more than last year, four times more then 1995, or 57 times more
then 1994).
Organization of the Company has, following the changes in the business environment and the
needs of business processes, also slightly modified. The investment in the previous and this
year is now visible on the increase of installed capacity - capacity of connections is increased
by 17% over the previous year. EWSD international switchboard has been put in use, so the
current traffic is divided between two switching systems (AXE, EWSD). International and
main VF station capacity in the past year expanded, and transmission capacity has in largely
digitalized. In comparison to 1996 where analogue transmission was dominant, in 1997 ratio
changed in favor of digital transmission type.
Number of lines in the international satellite stations has been increased for two 2-megabit
groups for purpose of data transfer.
In a data transmission network, network-management center was designed, consisting of
two workstations SUN Spare - transfer speed 1.2 kbps to 64 kbps over X.25, SNA and ITI
The share of mobile traffic in 1997 in the total traffic is 0.3% - fixed network is dominant in
share of the total traffic. It was first recorded revenue from wireless service with total of 12.7
million KM, or 5% of total revenue.
Investment in the network has resulted in a significant increase in the level of service quality.
Thus, the total number of disturbances in international connections in 1997 was reduced
to 38% of total from the previous year, and number of obstacles on the routes within the
network group has been reduced to 28% of the total from previous year.

Investment in the local telephone network

Investing in the local telephone network in 1997 amounted to 6.7 million DEM. In terms
of local network, invested was in the network Mostar, Potoci, Konjic, Čelebići, Neretvica,
Ostrožac, Podorašac and Jablanica-Lug (Mostar), Gornja Tuzla, Srebrenik, Doboj Istok, Čage
(Tuzla), Fojnica (Sarajevo), Babino and Puhovac, Tetovo, Stranjani and Lokvine (Zenica),
Goražde, Mravinjac, Osanica, Ilovača (Goražde).

Investment in switching system

17.2 million DEM investment in the purchase and installation of switching systems. Switching
boards was built in telephone exchanges Podorašac, Ostrožac, Mostar, Bihać, Kladanj,
Jasenica, Šibošnica, Vražići, Humci, Sapna, Čelić, Klokotnica, Tuzla, Srebrenik, Čage,
Sarajevo-Stari Grad, Ilijaš, Hadžići, Vogošća, Zenica, Kakanj, Starposle, Tetovo, Lokvine,
Stranjani, Ćatići, Visoko, Travnik, Bugojno, Ilovača.

Investment in transmission system

17.7 million DEM investment in transmission systems. Links that were built: RR Lisin-Konjic,
LS Mostar-Potoci, LS Konjic-Podorašac, RR Velika Gomila-Bužim, RR Velika Gomila-Sanski
Most, RR Bihać–Brekovica, RR Živinice-Dubrave, RR Tuzla-Gradačac, RR Tuzla-Brka.
Optical transmission on relations: OK Mostar-Fortica, OK Srebrenik-Okresanica, OK Šićki
Brod–Tuzla, OK Tuzla–Kalesija, OK Vogošća-Breza, OK Vareš–Vijaka, OK Breza–Vareš, OK
Sarajevo-Dejčići, OK Tešanj–Matuzići, OK Breza-Vareš-Olovo, Travnik-Turbe, Ustikolina-
Goražde, Goražde-Ilovača.

In multiplex equipment for SDH invested was 4 million DEM, and for the construction of RR
connections from Sarajevo to Bihać, Goražde, Mostar, and fiber optic cables Sarajevo-Tuzla
and Sarajevo-Mostar additional 4.7 million DEM.
Investment in buildings
4.3 million DEM was invested in the construction of buildings, to mention only in the post
office Vrapčići, PTT Teočak, transformer station Tuzla, the construction of the facility in
Bužim, investing in the locality of the building Dolac Malta, adaptation of Travnik facility,
investing in post office in Goražde and in Sarajevo - location Obala, as well as the construction
of base stations for mobile network.
Investment in the data transmission network
In 1997 a total of 2.3 million DEM was invested in the development of data transmission
networks. BIHPAK network recorded its first revenue in amount of 16,000 KM.
Investment in the development of mobile network
In the area of mobile network begins “baby-boom” – from small number of uses in 1996 –
863, the number grows rapidly to 8200 users in 1997. The number of active GSM stations
increased to 32.

3.2.4. Investments in 1998

Great investment move was felt in 1998 already, when the Company’s profit increased for
two times compared to the previous year. The total plan investment for this year was 106.9
million KM.
During this year, 626 km inter-local cable lines were laid, with an increase of 2.5 times
compared to the state in 1997. The mobile phone network had an increase of switching
capacity to 50,000 numbers, and with the constant expansion of GSM infrastructure access
a number of about 25,000 GSM connections or 3 times more compared to 1997 was reached.
At the end of 1998, JP PTT has installed a total of 254 switching boards, out of which 245
subscribers’ switching with 452,000 installed connections.8 switching boards has installed
an ISDN connection. This year, the digitization switching percentage is still only around 32%.
During the year, the expansion of capacity in the area of equipment for the transmission of
GSM signal was completed, so that, compared to 32 base stations in 1997r, capacity increased
to 44 base stations.
Increased investment improved the quality of service too - during 1998 medium duration of
line hits is half then previous year. Invested amount is 54.9 million KM.
Investment in transmission systems and buildings
During 1998 the intensive construction of portable digital systems has continued and had
significant results. Optical transmission system Sarajevo-Zenica of 622 Mbps (the first
transit optical ring) and the Sarajevo-ring with capacity of 2.5 Gbps were completed. During
the year new PTT building in Bužim was built.

3.2.5. Investments in 1999

Some capital JP PTT infrastructural projects have been completed during this year
(construction of a large number of access networks, connecting the transit areas of optical
cable, the Main Post Office renovation Obala 8, completion of an information system and start

of investment in service sale). This opened doors for next stage of development: expansion
and participation in the competitive race. The Department for investment realization
within each sector was established, with the basic task of planning and realization of ever
more complex and comprehensive investment projects.
Investment in access network
In 1999 there was a significant construction works at the level of access network and
reconstruction of existing ones. This activity was allowed by a grant from the European
Commission for 22 access network throughout the Federation. More than half of these access
networks were fully completed during the year, and construction works were completed for
all networks. This project created the conditions for approximately 15.000 new telephone
connections in the access part of the network. From EBRD loan material for the construction
of 64 new access network was purchased; construction of 44 began during 1999. For the first
time on the territory of JP PTT BiH, three DECT wireless access networks were built in the
Prača, Podveležje and Vitez.
It should be said that a significant part in accession to infrastructure was done by participation
of citizens. In Banovići 8 local networks worth of $ 4.8 million KM was built, in Kakanj,
Visoko, Moštra, Babino and Puhovac - 2.5 million KM; Potoci, Drežnica and Humići - about
half a million KM. In the access network total invested was 26.3 million KM.
Investment in transmission systems
Priority in the construction of transmission systems in 1999 has been given to connect all
the transit areas with fiber optic cable. Completed are construction of an optical link road
Sarajevo-Mostar and Sarajevo-Tuzla (alternative route via Vareš and the Careva Ćuprija),
and completed construction of the optical path Sarajevo-Zenica and Goražde-Travnik-
Donji Vakuf. This connected all transit exchanges with Sarajevo in optic fiber. At the local
level, fiber-optic cables were laid on relations Sanski Most-Ključ, Bihać – Cazin – Bužim -
Velika Kladuša, Zenica – Nemila - Zavidovići, Tuzla – Srebrenik - Brka, Lukavac - Gračanica
- Klokotnica and number of shorter distances to connect the switching of key areas in
municipalities, Ključ, Banovići, Lukavac, Kalesija, Zenica, Tešanj, Travnik, Mostar, Konjic,
and in the area of Sarajevo and Nemila. Around 450 km of optical cables with 8 and 24 fibers
was laid, and construction work of yet another 150 km of optical cable. The acquisition of
equipment for the construction of alternative RR connection Sarajevo-Bihać was done.
As for international connections, the transition from terrestrial to satellite international links
with Italy was done. Capacities with Norway, as well as links Sarajevo-Frankfurt to Sarajevo-
Rome were expanded. Total invested in transmission systems 13 million KM.
Ulaganje u komutacione sisteme
During 1999, International EWSD exchange was extended, as well as capacities for France,
Norway, Austria and Germany. Central switching hubs in Banovići, Kalesija, Lukavac,
Gračanica and Velika Kladuša started working, and expanded switching boards in Mostar,
Tuzla, Bihać, Vogošća and Stari Grad. The purchase and installation of transit exchange in
Goražde was completed. Approximately 80.000 new telephone connections in the switching
area network, with total investment of 28.4 million KM were installed.
Investment in mobile system
The expansion of MSC and MSC/HLR/VLR to 80,000 user capacity, in the part of switching
mobile network. The capacity of the BSC was extended to 512 prime-transmitters, with

commissioning of commercial roaming with 21 GSM operators.
In the radio section, 32 new base stations were installed with capacity expansion of existing 16
base stations (replacement of antenna system or reconfiguration of base station). During the
preparations for the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe installation and de-installation
of two base stations at the stadium Koševo, four micro base stations and two repeaters
located in Zetra was done.
Investment in the data transmission network
Installation and release of 24 nodes of BIHnet in the whole area of JP PTT BiH. BIHnet
server and service concept has been completely changed (from a centralized to a distributed
concept). BIHpak network project is implemented in cooperation with the company Netas,
and project of remote control and management of modems in BIHnet and BIHpak network.
Investment in information systems
Development of JP PTT strategic information system has been rounded up. Finished projects
defined all essential components of all system configuration segments. In addition to
integrating information systems based on Oracle relational databases as the technical basis,
the integration of existing databases (databases for accounting services, for information on
subscribers, terminals, etc.) has been done. He has successfully completed implementation
of the billing system of mobile telephony. The result was the preparation of data for the first
unique JP PTT phonebook. Total invested 6.4 million KM.
Investment in buildings
As the largest project implemented in the
building’s construction is the completion
of the second stage of the Sarajevo Main
Post Office Obala - approximately 3,500
m2 is put in use, and works on the façade
renovation started. The construction of a
number of smaller facilities to accommodate
the telecommunications equipment was
completed (Karaula-Travnik, Prača,
Glavatičevo). Construction of six buildings
in the area of Bihać, as well as construction
of facilities of Post Office and BH Telecom
facility in Brka began. For the purposes of
a GSM, 8 new RR stations are built, and
adaptation of facilities to accommodate the
base stations and equipment. Total invested
7.9 million KM.
Investment in marketing and services
In 1999, department for services is activated
in the field of organization, supply and sale
of telecommunication services, anticipating
the future transition from new technology-
oriented to service-oriented company. In
addition to service selling, began investment Figure 3.5. BH Telecom equipment on Paljenik-Vlašić

in developing guidelines and regulations on telecommunication services, data collection and
analysis, employee education responsible for contact with the end users, etc.

3.3. Period of expansion: 1999-2006

Now, JP PTT BiH enters with an already consolidated infrastructure, sorted switching
areas connected with optical infrastructure, restored most important buildings, and laid
foundation for further development of the GSM infrastructure. Backlog for the world trends
is substantially compensated, and investments are tied to the latest trends.

3.3.1. Investments in 2000

Year 2000 introduced a new numbering plan in the whole B&H. Gradually are introduced
changes in the hierarchical structure of switching in favor of distinct stages. Switching
technology is improved and there is 46% of digital switching compared to 30% in year before.
Total invested 70.1 million KM.
Investment in switching and information systems
Installation of combined-transit exchange Goražde with 8000 ports capacity is completed,
with two remote subscriber modules. Expanded combined - transit exchange Tuzla with
capacity of 11.000 with three remote levels of subscriber ports; completed installation of
central nodal telephone exchange Nemila with eight remote subscriber modules capacity of
7000 ports. Completed installation of remote subscriber module Podzvizd, Vrnograč and
Zborište related to the central node Velika Kladuša; mounted Konjic central node of total
capacity 8000 ports with eleven remote subscriber modules; mounted Brka central node
of capacity 3000 ports with remote switching modules Maoča, Islamovac, and Rašljani
Palanka. Mounted three remote switching modules in the municipality Bužim, local
exchange Vrhpolje started working; mounted remote modules Šljivić near Zavidovići and
Jablanica near Maglaj. Five remote subscriber modules started operating: Kaonik, Guča
Gora, Mehurići, Preočica and Han bila at the transit exchange Travnik. Mounted and started
operating remote subscriber degrees Tarčin, Pazarić, Hotonj, Kobilja Glava, Rainci, Vukoviji
and Jelovo Brdo, Tišina, Opara, Bjelimići, Pašci and Par Selo, Prigrađani and Spiljani. Total
invested 3.6 million KM.
Total investment in information systems during 2000 amounted to 4.4 million KM.
Investment in the access network
Four DECT networks were put into operation: Prača, Podveležje, Stari Vitez and Brka. The
construction of access networks in the Nemila, Tršće and Brnjica by Kakanj, Buci near Visoko,
Solina in Tuzla, Rašljani, Palanka and Maoča in Brka, Pašci and Par Selo near Tuzla, Boračko
lake, Glavatičevo and Bjelimići near Konjic, Glogošnica and Paprasko near Jablanica, Dolac
near Travnik was completed.
Material for the 24 local networks was arranged, and construction of 10 local networks in
the area of Travnik, Zenica, Bihać began out of EBRD program anticipated for 2000. Total
invested 15 million KM.
Investment in transmission systems
Installation of fiber optic cable between Bihać-Cazin-Bužim-Velika Kladuša in length of
80 km, Gornja Drežnica-Donja Drežnica in length of 15 km, Konjic-RSSs’ in length of 40
km, Tuzla-Srebrenik-Okresanica-Brka-RSS length of 70 km, Zenica-Nemila-Zavidovići-

RSS length of 90 km is finished. In-line equipment for all these sections is installed and
commissioned. Also, installed are two digital cross-connects (DXC) in Zenica and Tuzla.
Investment in mobile network
Installed are base stations Krivajevići, Bosanska Krupa, Komar, Rašljani, Ustikolina,
Paklenik, Gornja Tuzla, Vozuća, Nemila, Kraljeva Sutjeska, Kopišanj, Vrana, Prača,
Semizovac-Vranjak, Sastavci-Butile. Further expansion of MSC1 for 30,000 subscribers,
as well as expansion of existing base stations that are over-loaded. Installed and put into
operation MSC/BSC2 capacity 180,000 connections. Contracted and installed IN node for
mobile telephony. Total invested 34 million KM.
Investment in buildings
The reconstruction of Main Post Office Obala building was finished and began reconstruction
of the Administration Building Mostar. Work on the building of post office Tešanj are largely
completed, and documentation for the construction of post centers Mostar and Bihać is in
progress. A number of smaller facilities to accommodate the telecommunications equipment
for fixed and mobile networks was built, renovated and repaired. Total invested 1.5 million
3.3.2. 2002 investments
Since 2002 BH Telecom Sarajevo operates independently. The main emphasis is placed on
the expansion of GSM network, and network capacity is expanded with 300.000 new users
with the ability to expand to one million
users. In radio section until end of 2002
installed are total of 92 base stations, out of
which 45 new locations in the RS territory,
which represents a total increase of 75%
compared to the total capacity that existed
until end of 2001 (140 base stations).
During 2002 the competition grow is in the
section of mobile network is highly visible.
BH Telecom’s GSM network now has over
400.000 users and begins spreading rapidly
across the country, in order to conquer the
market. This competitiveness significantly
affects the organization of the company,
which will be re-reorganized once again (in
addition to the separation of the BH Post),
and a separate Directorate for of packet
network, as well as the Department for
Business Support. In 2002 full liberalization
of services in the area of packet networks is
done. Communications Regulatory Agency
has begun with the awarding of licenses to
ISPs and network operators, which meant
legalization of private ISP operations.
A total of 29 licenses is issued in 2002,
further tightening competition in the field
Figure 3.6. Facility BS Vrana under snow of providing Internet services.

BH Telecom and Telecom Srpske connect optical fiber infrastructure, and the degree
of digitalization in the fixed network is raised from 54% in 2001 to 67% in 2002. Data
transmission network capacity increased for 24%, with about 30.000 active users. In the
information technology, SAP applications is implemented, which rounded business processes
Investment in transmission systems
Satellite link Sarajevo-Stockholm is replaced by terrestrial as well as satellite link Sarajevo-
Frankfurt. Projects on installation of VSAT systems in Srebrenica (for UNDP needs), and
Alipašino polje (for DGS needs) started. At 2.5 Gbps optical ring Sarajevo expansion of SHD
network is carried out, and new STM-16 devices were released for the new international
exchange in Alipašino polje. Released are also 155 Mbps systems at locations Alipašino polje,
Obala, Vogošća- Ilijaš, Dolac Malta MUX-MSC3 (for mobile network), and 155 Mbps link
Sarajevo-Tuzla and Sarajevo-Zenica.
Investment in switching systems
All necessary technical procedures in order to install the network IN completed. Introduced
SSP function blocks in four exchanges (Dolac Malta, Tuzla, Zenica and Bihać). On the
side of IN node there is a separate platform for fixed and mobile network enabling the full
implementation of IN services. Introduced free phone service, and the project of service
implementation, premium rate and tele voting started.
Investment in mobile network
Because of the widely implemented infrastructure for mobile network and increasing
complexity of the entire mobile network system, the Department for mobile network grew into
the Directorate with a completely new organizational scheme. One part of it is responsible for
the introduction of new services within the GSM network, which represents the connection
between marketing and technology. Introduced is Help Desk for users.
As part of the radio network, 46 base stations are put in function, and works on resolving
property rights and resolving electrical power connections for a large number of other
locations are done simultaneously. Given the conditions of the license to cover 80% of
the population throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 2002 started the activities on the
expansion of the BH Telecom in the whole territory of B&H. Strategy for dissemination of
radio network is based on coverage of all municipal places in B&H. For this purpose arranged
are two “turnkey” projects with the companies Siemens and Ericsson (Phase VII), which
involved installing 76 base stations in RS and other parts of the Federation. By the end of
2002 45 base stations were put in function.
The switching part of the mobile network in 2002 has the number of extensions (the upgrade
of BSC and MSC elements) of which we should mention the installation and commissioning
of OMC-B, BSC on R8 software upgrade version, NDC migration (changed numbering
from 066 to 061), commissioning work of MSC3 switching and HLR migration. Call Centre
was completed on the platform for the intelligent network implementation, introduced
CustomerXpress database, changed a substantial part of the hardware equipment,
and implemented a new model of prepaid services through a change in the service, the
introduction of new cards and new ways of rating prepaid services. The result of all these
activities is 172,000 new users in 2002.

Investment in packet network
Single central communication node
for packet networks at the site Dolac
Malta in Sarajevo is created. Special
attention is given to communication
with the Department of marketing in
order to improve sales of ever growing
range of services. Capacity of BIHpak
network at locations Dolac Malta
(8 ports V.35, 8 ports V.24), Tuzla,
Zenica and Bihać (per 8 ports V.35 and
2x8 V.24 ports). BIHnet network was
expanded with a total of 1494 ports,
installed 200 modems, 2 DSLAM
devices with capacity of 48 SDSL and
48 ADSL ports, whereby opens the way
for the development of user broadband
data transmission. Also, new nodes are
formed; Tešanj Kakanj, Vogošća.
The result of these investments is an
Figure 3.7. Building of access road to BS – Neretva river extension of ports in BIHpak network
for about 60% compared to 2001, and
increase in the fixed Internet users by 394%, and dial-up users by 54%.
It is significant to point out commissioning of equipment for ADSL service in the area of
Sarajevo in this year.
Investment in information system
Introduction of a software package for a business information center SAP R/3 (implemented
modules FI, MM, CO, PM, HR) was completed, platform for the project BH Telecom’s Call
Center is implemented (Call Center was opened in Tuzla, Bihać, Sarajevo and Zenica),
and initiated the development support for GIS (scanning, geo-location and processing of
topographic maps, input of areal, vectorization). Continuous training and education of
employees to use the implemented solutions. The acquisition of the necessary hardware
resources, primarily for the implementation and operation of SAP R/3 solutions, as well as
additional licenses for system software completed.
Investment in marketing activities
In 2002 department for marketing of BH Telecom’s was created as response to active market
presence in the area of service delivery. Investments involving this sector are related to service
of all company’s departments: research activities, improvement of supply, introduction of
new services, and coordination of resource utilization. In year to follow, it will be obvious
that this sector has a need for planning and implementing of its own investments.

3.3.3. Investments in 2003

In 2003 the investment process throughout the country is significantly driven by new,
relatively adverse effects of new legislation in the field of investment. Entry into force of the
Regulation on Amendments to the Regulation on Procurement of goods, services and works,

BH Telecom is placed in a rather unfair position in relation to private competition, especially
in terms of speed and efficiency of investment process. This also was additional external
impulse in the direction of setting more strict criteria relating to all investment projects.
The transformation of public enterprise in BH Telecom Joint Stock Company started in late
2003. One can therefore say that 2004 marked the completion of initiated projects and the
preparation of high-quality investment-technical documentation for new investments in line
with new legislation.
Total invested 81.2 million KM.
Investment in switching systems
Invested in the development of intelligent networks - a plan for new service organization
“Help line” is made, as well as plan of traffic routing at the transit level for all three NTS.
The procedure for procurement of equipment for the expansion of the network IN and IVR
machines for registration is started. Functional testing of new SSP nodes- SSP SSP Travnik
and Mostar is done. Transferring all existing transit routes from exchange AXE 10 on Dolac
Malta to International exchange Sarajevo 2 EWSD conditions for turning off of this switching
was done.
First tele voting carried out as part of Eurovision song contest.
Investment in transmission systems
Technical solutions had been completed on the project procurement and installation of a
flexible multiplexer system, using SDH line and multiplex equipment for heavy users of BH
Telecom, as well as technical solutions for the provision of fixed network services by V.5.2
Reconfiguration of international routes to Germany and America, and installed VSAT
stations in the villages Presjenica (Trnovo), and Gajevi (Ilijaš) is done.
Investment in mobile network
Regulation on Procurement of goods, performance of services and works particularly affected
investment projects in the mobile network, which are planned under other conditions and
legal frameworks. Only in the second half of 2003 is approved “list of exceptions” where
wireless network projects are exempted from the new Regulation, and implementation of
planned projects is continued.
Switching part of GSM network introduced a new numbering for premium rate mobile nodes,
MSCs’ are connected to new transit exchange in Tuzla, and software enlargement of MSC3,
HLR and AC were carried out. Commercial operation in the field of international roaming
with 4 new operators was done. Preparations for the transition to new IP calculation started.
At the IN platform, voice messages capacity for IN users is expanded, the installation of
equipment for hardware extension of IN systems carried out.
Radio part of GSM network in 2003 put into operation 64 new GSM base stations. Activities
on the coverage of 80% of the population and road communications in B&H continued. Based
on the analysis, field measurements of signal strength and quality, and software analysis of
the coverage on the digital map, a plan of expansion of the GSM radio network is developed,
which emphasizes the priority of covering all road communications from the license.
As the number of base stations and the complexity of the overall network are increasing, the
problems typical for the mature stage of development appear - the problems of overload and
load management, problems in the electrical power supply, property and legal issues, etc.

Investments in data transfer network
In the data transfer network installed are new nodes in Goražde and Mostar, installation
of the new NMS software, and expansion of existing nodes in Tuzla and Sarajevo Obala.
The existing capacity of the PSTN switching are expanded, installed and operational E3
link to HT Zagreb and UUNet Budapest, and the UMUX equipment have significantly
expanded network capacity for fixed Internet access. Efficiency is improved through the
installation of applications to automate the process of inclusion of Frame Relay users, which
shortened the time of service request – service plug in for 50%. More attention is given to
service development. In this year, new bilingual BiHNet web site with improved content
is designed and started operating. With in-house capacities are developed and run new
services: WEB2SMS, WEB cards, on-line games, forum, Chat, mailing lists, and real time
image transfer. All this resulted in an increase of BIHPAK service users by 55% and increase
in number of users of BIHnet by 59%.
Investment in information systems
Completed implementation and exploitation of information platform for the project Call
Center BH Telecom. System platform migration project to a new network operating system
Windows 2000 Server is done. The development of the SAP has continued through the
removal of identified bottlenecks and creation of new business processes and transactions.
With own capacities, module “Technical Basis” for the Regional Directorates is done, and the
GIS introduced project processed 35% of the territory covered by BH Telecom. The billing
system of a GSM system created applications for bill printing via hybrid mail, made changes
to the billing application for the introduction of premium rate services, tele voting, donations
to charity, SMS Interworking analysis TAP3 preparations, introduction of CAMEL roaming
and, bill report via the Internet.
3.3.4. Investments in 2004
In 2004 a major challenge for fast and efficient implementation of investment is still an
unfavorable regulatory, which placed BH Telecom in unfavorable position compared to
From 12 March.2004 the transformation from Public Enterprises to Joint Stock Company
BH Telecom Sarajevo is done. At full intensity digitization of fixed network continues (from
77.1% at end of 2003, t 86% at the end of 2004). Increased the number of users dial up service
by 66% compared to 2003 year, coming up to 43,000 active users in packet network. 43 new
GSM stations in mobile network have been put in operation, making a total of 296 active
base stations. The total switching capacity in the mobile network has 990,000 subscribers, a
number of mobile network users rises to 782,000. International services are carried out by
two international exchanges with 19 countries, over 3657 lines with SS7 signalization..
In the fixed network defined objectives are to leave old technologies, which includes the
complete digitalization of the fixed network over the next three years, the abolition of all
subscriber party lines by the end of 2005, an increase in the number of users at a rate of 5%
compared to previous year, increasing service quality and establishing a system of measuring
customer satisfaction, and reduction the number of switching nodes-hosts to optimum level
with the 60.000-80.000 subscribers per host.
Particular emphasis is put on the reconstruction and expansion of existing access networks,
which now appear as a bottleneck in the system. A large percentage of networks in the
previous decade (reconstruction phase) are done without sufficient reserves, and with the

rapid increase in requests for various services facilities are quickly overloaded. Also, about
40% of network infrastructure of the existing 520 access networks has not been reconstructed
and its extension is first priority now
Investment in transmission systems
Continued construction and expansion of transmission system. Completed construction
of the transmission system RR Okresanica–Cer, with capacity of 155 Mbps. Also initiated
construction of an optical link Bihać-Bosanski Petrovac-Ključ. A project to close the optical
ring Sarajevo-Zenica-Tuzla (Rakovica-Buci)is made, and initiated the project to connect the
Una-Sana Canton with Sarajevo with optical fiber (Jezero-Mrkonjić Grad-Ključ). Contracted
and upgrade of NMS with the implementation period in 2005.
Investment in switching systems
Installation and upgrade of LC Vogošća, Obala, Zenica2, Bihać2, Paša Bunar and Lukavac
to version 8.0. NTS server at IN node is expanded, and four new SSPS put into operation:
Mostar, Travnik, Bihać and Alipašino Pole. Contracted installation of 50.000 ports of
switching equipment which should replace all older generation switching, cancel party line
ports, and a number of different switching networks in BH Telecom reduce to four types
(Siemens, Iskratel, Ericsson and Alcatel).
Along with the development and introduction of new services in fixed and mobile networks,
there is significant increase in signaling traffic, which started project of separate signaling
nodes (STP pair). Tele-voting service is commercialized, initially with the polls for a period of
several days, and then in short intervals. BH Telecom was sole operator with infrastructure
for this service in 2004, so other operators used it during TV vote for the Eurovision song
contest, too. Installation and integration of SSP node Alipašino polje in the IN network, and
set up roaming with an additional 8 operators.
Investment in data transmission network
Network and service expansion in all BH Telecom departments. New ADSL system is installed
and put into operation, which represents a step forward in providing broadband Internet
services in the seven Regional Directorates. All the installed capacity is fully sold out by the
end of the year, and procurement and installation of new equipment for network expansion
was immediately initiated. The number of ADSL users increased for about 800%. In the IP
network are the most important interventions are made on the part of the expansion of E3
link toward HT in Zagreb, with its capacity expanded to SDH level at 155 Mbps.
Significant service in the network for data transmission in 2004 was the installation of a
new mail system, and new website of BH Telecom. Also implemented services are: prepaid
system, web cam system, installed new DNS server and Free Radius Server. Number of
BIHnet users has grown to about 50.000.
3.3.5. Investments in 2005
Investment in 2005 are completely determined by the task of overcoming the competition
which is now present in all segments of the service, and the entry into force of the Law on
Public Procurement and the Law on Public Enterprises, as well as constant monitoring by the
Audit Office for budget of the FB&H Government. A total of 158.3 million KM of investment
is realized. One of the major challenges towards a better realization is accelerating the
resolution of property and legal affairs at the stage of construction investment. Investment

projects are planned and run as a separate entity, and project segmenting is done only in
areas where this is necessary (procurement of materials and equipment for several different
projects) which leads to more efficient project management. Instead of the impulse, the
Company transfers to the time billing of services. Continued increase in digitalization of the
fixed network to 93.4% at the end of 2005.
Mobile network put into operation 91 new base stations, so the total number of active base
stations increased to 405, along with three switching capacity of MSC/HLR with 1.2 million
connections. Number of mobile network users has risen to 922,000.
In packet network number of dial up users increased for 17% compared to previous year
and totals 66.000. A particular challenge in this year is expansion of VoIP services, which
is still illegal to provide, but represents is a significant resource for the competition which is
offering it.
In order to further arrange business processes in the Company, a project of quality
management system (QMS) with three years completion is introduced.
Investment in mobile network
During this year, an installation of mobile service network is done. Technologically, this is a
new, mobile-IP telecommunication technologies (based on GPRS and WAP) and new services
that BH Telecom integrates into the network. Installed are infrastructure elements such as
AAA, LADP, SSO, Wap GW. The capacity of the mobile service network is dimensioned for
100,000 users. New NDC code 062 was put in operation.
In January 2005 implementation of OSS in the GSM network, which significantly improved
the process of planning and optimization of radio networks, was completed.
Investment in switching systems and transmission
Number of installed switching rose to 516, out of which 51 HOST with 465 remote subscriber
levels. Shallow network structure is entirely functional, and the process of switching
digitalization is increased to 93.4%. The most important project for the BH Line in 2005 is
the billing system project, i.e. enabling a complete network for the possibility of switching
tariff from impulse to a time.
Number of lines on the main plane recorded growth of 152 lines compared to the end of 2004,
and inter-operator connections within B&H are extended for 122 lines. Transformation of
ATM spinal network and the links of 34 Mbps at relations Sarajevo-Tuzla and Sarajevo-
Zenica are replaced with links of 155 Mbps.
Investment in packet network
As part of the capacity expansion of ADSL, installed are four new DSLAM devices with a
total of 1800 ports in the following locations: Dolac Malta, Alipašino polje and Baščaršija.
Locations with ADLS access by the end of 2005: Tuzla - Mosnik, Lukavac, Tešanj, Maglaj,
Zenica, Crkvice and Gradačac.
Dial up access network has been expanded with seven access server locations: Bihać, Mostar,
Alipašino polje, Zenica, Tuzla, Travnik i Baščaršija.
Investment acceptance
Due to the accelerated work in the period of reconstruction of telecommunication
infrastructure, and consequently the need for rapid expansion of the access network in fixed
and mobile networks, as well as the conditions of territory coverage due to regulations,

investment projects in recent years opened at faster pace than they were concluded and
accepted. Therefore in 2005, a significant effort to “tide up”, accept realized investments
totaling 192.7 million KM was done.
Project Management
From the very planning process of investment projects introduced is the practice of binding
the individual activities in the entire project, regardless of the number of individual activities
or various segment schedules of the project per department. This resulted in centralization
of project management and single point of information and administration of important
milestones for a particular project – with in-charge project manager. Appointing manager
or supervisor of the organizational unit in Directorate of Investment or Regional Directorate
defines the person responsible for the overall administration of the project and its management,
including timing and execution of certain phases of the project (synchronization with other
projects or the state of human and other resources of BH Telecom), definition of ways of
realization (the type of procurement or recruitment of Telecom engineering resources in
construction). Telecom Engineering is defined as the main contractor during construction,
with maximum involvement of its capacity, and the possibility of subcontracting for certain
tasks. Of the total realized investment in 2005, Telecom Engineering is involved in the
implementation with 22.9 million, not including building material
During 2005 the time required for completion of certain investment activities is crystallized,
whether it be processes within the BH Telecom, or are conditioned by external factors, which
will later be implemented in tools for the management of investment projects.
BH Telecom finished internal structure in way where is now evident that bottlenecks are
increasingly coming from number of external factors such as slow pace of municipal and
cantonal administrations in the process of issuing permits and approvals, chaotic urban
development plans and different interpretations of the law in some areas, slow pace of
settlement of appeals in public procurement, untrained bidders in the process of bidding
for public procurement, which often results to cancellation. All this represents a problem of
compensation for these delays in the planning of investment projects. One of the solutions
that will emerge in the coming years is the planning phase - implementation of each phase of
the project a year or more before the planned year.

3.3.6. Investments in 2006

Adapting the process of investing to external conditions with the aim of improving services
and relationships with customers is the framework within which the BH Telecom carried out
its activities in 2006, maintaining its leading position in the market. In 2006 provision of
opportunities for the establishment and implementation of connectivity with the networks
of other operators in the fixed public network of BH Telecom – inter-connection, becomes
mandatory. The introduction of value added tax (17%) and the difference in the percentage
of the previously applicable taxes (7%) is compensated by a proportional reduction in prices
of services of BH Telecom. A significant event was the privatization of Telecom Srpske, which
tightens competitive battle for customers.
2006 resulted in new investments amounting to 91.5 million KM. During the same period
102.9 million KM telecommunications capacity was accepted.
In the fixed network, the trend of increasing digitization to 98.2% at the end of the year has
continued. The mobile network put into operation 87 new base stations. Optimization of
radio network is done, which significantly improved the coverage of GSM/GPRS coverage,

and full coverage of the licensing requirement. Number of fixed network users grows to
554.000, while the number of subscribers to mobile network grows to 927,000.
In packet network, the number of dial up users has risen to 716.000, number of ADSL users
is 16.154 which are 3,6 times higher than the previous year.
Telecom Engineering reached 20.9 million KM in internal realization.
Investment in mobile network
In radio part 87 new base stations put in operation, and thereby optimized the conditions
of the license to cover 80% of the population and the corresponding communications.
Along with GPRS, EDGE is installed in all major urban areas in B&H. VPN service TopTim
started and already in 2006 there were 1562 users. We also introduced new service Trim
and assembled service. Throughout 2006 the mobile network introduced about 20 different
Investment in packet network
In 2006 expansion of system with which network devices are augmented with a set of IP and
MPLS communications protocols, allowing the whole network the possibility of connecting
to an IP/MPLS network. New node installed in Mostar and extended link to Bihać at 155
Mbps, as well as the connection capacity to BRAS device. Between Vogošća - Visoko - Kakanj
- Zenica - Zavidovići MAN equipment was installed via CWDM technology to which DSLAM
devices are connected, and MAN equipment between Vogošća - Konjic - Mostar. Expanded
capacity of GIA links over-provider T-Com to 2x155 Mbps. Uplink capacities of 155 Mbps
established toward Telecom Serbia. In addition to these extensions, expansion of news
server capacity id done, installed new media server, expanded storage systems capacity, and
installed and commissioned SUN YES system.

3.4. Going first – period 2007-2010

3.4.1. Investments in 2007

In the period 2007-2010 BH Telecom will enter as a distinctive leader in the market for all
telecommunications services, based on fixed and mobile access technology. This period is
characterized by a moderate value of investment projects, which are more oriented toward
well-defined projects introducing new services, as well as the construction and expansion of
infrastructure for marketing and distribution services of BH Telecom users. By the number
of realized investments we are in the first place in B&H. A total of 115.3 million KM of
investments is realized.
In the fixed network, digital switching percentage increased to 99.1% of the total installed
capacity, so we can say that the digitization process is complete. Number of Internet users
of the network is 50.000. In mobile network BH Telecom has 1.069.284 active users (15%
compared to the previous year).
Investment in fixed network
During 2007 a large part of the planned funds in the fixed network is focused on the
construction of access infrastructure: access networks (copper and wireless technologies),
the associated optical lines and facilities to accommodate remote degree. Ratio of planned
investment was 53 million KM in Regional Directorates versus 22.6 million KM in the
General Directorate, which shows the focus on the transfer of investments in infrastructure.

In total, investments in fixed networks are 28.7 million KM. Following projects in fixed
network are started:
• Procurement, installation and commissioning of equipment for the VPN service of fixed
network to an existing SCP node within the mobile network of BH Telecom, worth a
total of 2 million KM;
• Construction wireless access network with WLL technology in total value of 7 million
• Extension of line and mux equipment in Sarajevo ring in total value of 2.5 million KM;
• Expanding the RR system: Sarajevo-Bihać, Sarajevo-Hungary, Velika Gomila-Kozara,
and expansion of RR transmission system for connecting the GSM base stations with a
total value of 1 million KM;
• Construction of the access networks, connecting roads and buildings in the RD Bihać
area, the following projects: Kamenica, Vikići, Gata, Vinica, Mali Lug, Klokot-Papari,
Radoč, Sasina, Kijevo, Ljusina, Bukovača, Kolunić, Ponikve, Ivanjska, Krčane, Gnjilavac
and Vrelo and Smrekovac - worth a total of 13 million KM;
• Construction of the access network and link road and Kraboriš Vinarići in Goražde;
• Construction of the access network, the link road and the facility to accommodate
switching Gorica, Opine, Cerići, Podveležje and Konjic in Mostar area;
• Construction of the access network, the link road and the facility to accommodate
switching Osijek (RSU 1, 2 and 3), Binježevo, Burevići, Boljevići, Nahorevo, Kremeš,
Gora, Čengić Vila, Blažuj, Kasindolska, Grbavica and Otes worth a total of 14, 4 million
KM in the Sarajevo area;
• Construction of the access network, the link road and the facility to accommodate
switching Grbavica, Ahmići, Nadbare, Babanovac and Kruščica, Fojnica, Travnik and
Kula of the total value of 5.6 million KM in the Directorate of Travnik;
• In 2007 were finished and put into operation networks in the Directorate of Tuzla:
Kerep, Jelovče Selo, Donja Međeđa, Gornja Međeđa, Donje Srnice, Gornje Srnice, Donja
Zelinja, Srednja Zelinja, Vučkovci, Vida I and Mionica III. Handover of access network
in locations Goli Brijeg, Slavinovići, Kula, MUP-Mala Pijaca i Lukavac. Completed the
construction of connecting roads Gradačac and Tuzla-Šićki Brod, and OSP Babunovići
and Kiseljak;
• Building access network and link road Vareš, Golubinja, Bukva, Dragovići, Dugandžići,
JOT, Trepče, Maglaj and Petrovići, total value of 7.7 million KM in the Directorate of
Zenica area
Investment in mobile network
The development of radio network (X phase) was invested 13.3 million KM in 2007, with 110
locations defined. 64 new GSM/EDGE base station locations put in operation, so their total
number is 547, and the population covered by radio signal reached 97.2%. Infrastructure works
to build base stations were completed on further 39 sites. Network Quality Benchmarking
results showed that the performance of radio networks of BH Mobile is within or above the
world average. Upon the completion of the pilot project, the BH Mobile network introduced
Wi-Fi technology, which has enabled broadband Internet access at six locations in Sarajevo.
The core and service network designed a series of functional and capacitive improvements
necessary to support an increased number of users and expanding portfolio of services.
During the year, the upgraded infrastructure and service network, especially in the area of
security and process automation through the implementation of projects GPRS firewall and
provisioning. Completed series of projects that will be the basis for the faster introduction

of services in the future; such as service delivery platform; the introduction of streaming
multimedia content and system, which will have the full exploitation in the coming year.
In the area of customer support, a new system to communicate with users in the management
support. Capacity of IN system is 1.25 million users and 21.5 million vouchers.
Procurement of portable base stations, radio network expansion equipment (transmitters
TRX, BSC licenses, installation material) is done. Projects on telemetry and telematics, a
platform for M-commerce, and the initial phase of the project location-based services – LBS,
are all on the go.
Investment in data transmission network
The extension of broadband xDSL network in a total of 6.1 million KM is done. Expansion
of MAN IP/MPLS network is realized in the total amount of 6.9 million KM. In terms of
new services implementation - projects on multimedia services, broadcast radio and TV
(TriplePlay project start), VoD, commercial development of IP telephony.
Investment in fleet
Investment expansion and renewal of the fleet of BH Telecom, realized with 2 million KM in
2007 is not insignificant. For comparison, one of the first investments in 1993 was 87,000
DEM. Now, 14 years later, BH Telecom has invested 229 times more money only in this
Investment in BH Telecom centers
During 2005, BH Telecom takes more aggressive approach to expanding distribution
channels through the purchase and construction of BH Telecom Centers (Telecom’s shops),
for selling services and communication with customers. The funds planned for the realization
of the first phase of this project totaled 7.3 million KM and are arranged systematically by all
Regional Directorates. Priority is purchase of facilities in regional centers: Sarajevo, Mostar
(the western part of town), Banja Luka, Tuzla and Brčko, and other regional centers.
The project was implemented in two phases - the first phase of 25 BH Telecom Centers in
all regional directorates, with the orientation to the areas where BH Telecom is the leading
operator. In the second phase is planned realization of BH Telecom 29 centers and 3 outlet
points at locations mainly in areas where BH Telecom is not leading operator. In 2006 BH
Telecom Centre (Sarajevo-Center) is open and four more are open in 2007: Goražde, Sarajevo
Markale, Zenica and Brčko

3.4.2.Investments in 2008
The Company operates in a fully liberalized environment, together with increasing competition
and smaller market space. Besides three leading operators, more than 50 Internet service
providers and about 30 cable TV operators are present in the TC market. In 2007 and 2008,
there were 11 new operators registered to provide international voice services. After significant
investment in access infrastructure in 2007, during 2008 emphasis is once again transferred
to investment in service. Total value of investment 148.3 million KM.
BH Telecom first in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina began introduction of 3G
UMTS/HSPA network. This year we completed the project of building a quality management
system (QMS). The system is audited by an independent accreditation company TUV, which
in November 2008 issued a certificate of conformity of quality management system with the
requirements of international standard ISO 9001:2000

Investment in fixed network
Plan of investments in the fixed network in 2008 amounted to 91 million KM, out of which
54.1 is planned at the General Directorate level and 36.9 million at Regional Directorate
level. Initiated realization of following projects in the fixed network:
• The development of NGN transport network - projects with total value of 12.7 million
• Expansion of switching equipment (SMS / VMS, IVR, STP, number portability) - worth
a total of 3.1 million KM;
• continued implementation to end RR system Sarajevo-Hungary, Sarajevo-Bihać;
• Significant resources are planned for the design and accompanying reports in amount
of 1.5 million KM,
• continued implementation of the project fixed wireless access - WLL in the Directorate
Sarajevo, Mostar, Travnik, Bihać and Tuzla,
• For projects of construction of optical coupling routes are planned significant assets:
continued construction of OSP Jezero-Velečevo in order to connect Sarajevo and Bihać
with optical fibers, as well as connecting routes Sarajevo-Zenica-Tuzla-Sarajevo, and
Dolac Malta-Hrasnica-Bjelašnica. Implementation of an optical link route Bugojno-
Vrana-Kupres, which opened another optical route toward Croatia.
• Project NG Switching Core - Phase 1a and 1b - realization of the value of 9 million KM.
• Continued implementation of projects in the service network: broadcast radio and
• web, VoD and Triple Play - invested additional 5.3 million KM.
• Construction of the access network, connecting routes and buildings in the area of RD
Bihać on projects: Polje – Velika Kladuša, Halkići, Zalug, Radić, Jasenice, Ozimice,
Baštra, Ivanjska, Ponikve, Kolunić, Bukovača, Ljusina, Kijevo, Lukavice, Klokot- Papari,
Mali Lug, Gnjilavac, Vrelo, Žegar, Kalina - Bakšaiš, Bihać, Drmeljevo, Polje;
• Continued construction of the access network, connecting routes and buildings in the
area of Goražde RD Vinarići project, and began building a network Faočići;
• Construction of the access network, connecting roads and buildings in the area of
RDMostar in projects: Gornje Polje, Kosor, Livač, Lišani, Klek, Konjic, Dobrč, Smajkići,
Kružanj, Kokorina, Gorica, Opine, Homolje, Slatinica;
• Construction of the access network, connecting roads and buildings in RD Sarajevo
in projects: Osijek, Binježevo, Burevići, Boljevići, Nahorevo, Kremeš, Gora, Blažuj,
Hrasno, Kasindolska, Hrasnica, Velešići, Grbavica, Otes, Švrakino Selo i Mojmilo Brdo,
Pofalići, Obad, Butmir-Kotorac;
• Construction of the access network, connecting roads and buildings in the area of
RD Travnik projects: Kula, Novi Travnik, Nadbare, Kraljevice, Bugojno, Donji Vakuf,
Gornji Vakuf;
• Completed implementation of the access network in the RD Tuzla: Lukavac Gornji and
Biberovo Polje and Goli Brijeg, Orašje, Badre, Dokanj, Srebrenik and Bukinje;
• Construction of access networks, connecting roads and buildings in the area of RD
Zenica: Jalija-Odmut-Talića Brdo), Matuzići, Branilaca grada, Zubeta and Ravne,
Tešanj - Centar, Vareš, Papratnica, Haljinići, Poljice, Crkvice, Papratnica, Zavidovići
- Centar, Vareš.
Investment in mobile network
In 2008, BH Telecom network has expanded in the part of the market of Bosnia and
Herzegovina that cover other two operators by the introduction of CLL (Cellular Local Loop)

and CSC (Carrier Selection Code). Given that BH Telecom GSM signal covers the whole
territory of B&H, with CLL approach is now possible to reach every user. There has been
expansion of radio and mobile core network for the new 200.000 users. Increased is the
range of services LBS, SDP, etc. The total capacity of mobile network covers 1.65 million
Certainly the most important project in the mobile network is the beginning of the
implementation of 3G UMTS/HSxPA network worth 48.5 million KM, out of which 14.1
million KM is allocated for implementation in 2008. A large portion of the overall project
was agreed during 2008.
Significant resources were invested in the development of the existing 2G network. To
expand the access of the existing 2G network during 2008 and 2009 planned investment is
8.8 million KM.
In order to improve the quality and capacity of the service network invested is 4.7 million KM
in the following projects: Web/WAP portal, provisioning system, LDAP / SSO systems, OTA
configurator, WAP Gateway, M-commerce and NMS.
Investment in BH Telecom centers
During 2008 opened are yet another 8 BH Telecom Centers: Sarajevo, Mostar (Splitska),
Tešanj, Banja Luka, Travnik, Tuzla - Slatina, Tuzla - TKC building, Mostar (Braće Fejić).

3.4.3. Investments in 2009

In addition to competition and legislation, BH Telecom is faced with a recession. Therefore,
the process of investing is turning towards the development of a the wider range of services -
primarily through additional investments in the expansion of services in 3G mobile network
and MojaTV service. More is invested in channels of access to users, so in this year 12 new
Telecom centers are open.
Total invested 140 million KM
Investment in fixed network
In the fixed network, modernized is the transmission network by introducing DWDM
technology, IP/MPLS MAN network transmission and thus ended the first stage of realization
of NGN BH Telecom network. The number of ADSL ports and number of distribution nodes
is increased, resulting in an increase of ADSL users by 69%, i.e., to 85.000.
The largest project in this year is project implementation of NGN network of BH Telecom
worth 10.5 million KM. The project also included transition of TDM AXE switching to NGN
network, with assembly and testing of a soft switch locations Paša bunar i Baščaršija (stage
one), with the associated MGW nodes for receiving TDM equipment. The second phase
included the expansion of NGN network in Bihać, Obala and Baščaršija. Also, the EWSD
switching in the first stage is connected to the SS and the corresponding MGW in Travnik,
Zenica, Tuzla and Alipašino polje. The second phase includes Bugojno, Kakanj, Goražde,
Konjic, Dolac Malta, Bihać and Mostar.
Access infrastructure is included in a large number of projects:
• The Directorate Sarajevo, worth a total of 9.4 million KM starts execution of projects:
PM Dobrinja C5, land and OSP Obad PM and OSP Bojnik, PM and OSP Vratnik, PM
and OSP Ahatovići and Dobroševići, PM Blagovac, switching facility Breka, building
Čengić Vila, Osijek-Vijenac, PM and OSP Nahorevo, PM and OSP Gora, PM and OSP

Blažuj, PM and OSP Hrasno, PM Hrasnica, PM Velešići, PM and OSP Grbavica, PM
Švrakino Selo 2, PM Pofalići.
• The Directorate Tuzla, in total value of 5.9 million KM, are completed works, take
over and acceptance of works for access networks Babunovići, Kiseljak, Bikodže, Donji
Bistarac, Gornji Bistarac, Brezici-Grivice, Prokosovići and Jeginov Lug. Partial takeover
of construction works on PM Živinice. Lukavac-Puračić connection route expansion
finished, open orders and started construction works of OSPs Tuzla-Čelić, Oskova-
Litve and Jelovo Brdo-Krivača, completed takeover and acceptance for OSPs Dokanj,
Bukinje I and II, Babunovići, Kiseljak, Tuzla-Ilinčica and Ormanica-Brka.
• The Directorate Zenica, in the total value of 4.8 million KM, implemented the projects:
Branilaca Grada – Zavidovići, Tešanj-Centar, Zenica-Crkvice, Zavidovići Centar, Poljice
and Papratnica.
• The Directorate Mostar, in the amount of 1.6 million KM start access networks projects:
Gornje Polje, building construction Konjic, PM Dobrč-Podveležje, Smajkići and
• The Directorate Goražde, began the implementation of projects: PM Obarak, PM
Faočići and PM Mrđelići.
• The Directorate Travnik, started the projects PM Novi Travnik, extension of cable lines
Bugojno, extension KK Donji Vakuf, and construction of PM Nadbare PM Donjići, OSP
Prokos-Pavlovica, PM Vitez, OSP Travnik Velika Bukovica, OSP Donji Vakuf – Bagina
Strana, OSP Vitez – Grbavica, OSP Travnik- Han Bila, total value of 4.3 million KM.
• The Directorate Bihać continued implementation of projects Gnjilavac, Drmeljevo,
Izačić, Kalina-Bakšaiš, Žegar, Husmovci and Sanski Most, the total investment of 4
million KM.
It should be mentioned realization of projects of construction of optical coupling paths in the
value of 3.6 million KM, which includes connecting Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro
with optical cable between Goražde – border crossing with Montenegro - Metaljka and
reconstruction OSP Sarajevo-Tuzla-Zenica-Tuzla-Sarajevo.
Investment in mobile network
Investment continues intensely in this network, namely in the implementation of 3G UMTS/
HSxPA network. The total project budget in 2009 amounted to 20.5 million KM. By the end
of the year the access network UTRAN NodeB base station 52 was operational. Providing
access to 3G network in the 9 largest cities in B&H, 3G has reached 25% of the population of
Along with the construction of 3G base stations, existing 2G network is expanded. Project
expansion of 2G radio network (phase X) began in 2009, has continued with construction of
57 new base stations.
For new software functionalities BSS, OSS and RC initiated is the purchase and installation of
additional BSS functionalities: GSM-UMTS cell reselection and handover (binding handovers
of 2G and 3G networks), AMR, HR and AMR (AMR codec support), interference rejection
combining (interference suppression), multi-band cell, and RBS 2000 synchronization, in
an amount of 7.3 million KM.
Improving quality and raising the capacity of network service remains one of the largest
projects in the mobile network. The project is being implemented in the value of 8 million
KM and includes SDP capacity extension, the development of IMS/SDP environments,

functional extension of SMS RGW, OSS kernel upgrade, implementation of new IN platform
IN2, and expansion of IN3 and PA systems.
Invested is in projects of radio network correction, new BSC node, portable base stations,
HW and SW for measuring performance and parameters of radio network.
Investment in BH Telecom centers
During 2008, 12 new BH Telecom centers are open: Jajce, Bihać, Visoko, Sanski Most,
Sarajevo-Sarači, Sarajevo-Vogošća, Tuzla-Barok, Stolac, Doboj, Kiseljak, Zenica-Džananović,
and Gradačac.

3.4.4. 2010 Investments

During 2010, BH Telecom has completely transformed from the traditional voice service
provider in a service-oriented company with multimedia services. Competition in all
segments of the services has been growing permanently, BH Telecom is working with the
two dominant mobile network operators, eight alternative operators inter-connected on own
fixed network, five operators in the Regulatory Agency hired its numbering of the national
traffic, local loop unbundling is ongoing, competition is entering in fixed telephony through
wireless access CLL technology.
In order to increase efficiency access to investment in BH Telecom is significantly changed.
As a framework for planning introduced is a three-year plan, all investment activities prior to
the implementation of the project are tried to be completed one or even two years before the
planned year. In this way, the Company initiated the implementation of major projects that
last two or three years, significantly unburdens resources (Company departments which act
in the preparatory stages and phases of contracting).
Analysis and identification of key investment activities in the planning and management of
project implementation have significantly aided the development and full use of available
information tools: SAP PS and IM modules. Estimates of resources needed, resources and
timetable required to complete any project on the basis of given input parameters (the state
of incoming documentation, the preferred type of procurement, selection of internal orders,
etc.) is done easily and quickly. Data relating to all investment activities are monitored in
real time and on based on this, it can be quickly intervened in projects with observed delay.
Certainly the most significant investment project in this year is Triple Play Project, which was
put into commercial service in January 2010; the expansion of 3G mobile network; building
BH Telecom office building
in Mostar, as well as buying
BH Telecom Sarajevo office
building. Total invested 149.5
million KM.
Investment in fixed
Triple Play project worth 22
million KM opens a new era
in the development of fixed
network. The whole project
Figure 3.8. Tracking the time course of investment activities through
the SAP PS module is the result of investments in

the previous two years (primarily in the development of NGN spinal network and expansion
of the service network). In 2010 emphasis is on mounting and installing a large number
of terminal equipment, increasing the number of services (TV and other contents) that are
offered via MojaTV packet, and the development of the access network to enable the technical
requirements for more users of MojaTV service. Number of connections MojaTV the end of
the year reached 15.000. Introduced are WLL Internet access and MPLS VPN service.
In the area of the Directorate Sarajevo, with a total value of 3.2 million KM continues the
realization of projects: Dobrinja, Bojnik, Ahatovići and Dobroševići, Blagovac, Breka,
Hrasnica, Grbavica, Švrakino Selo and Pofalići.
The Directorate Tuzla, after the construction of access networks and procurement of MSAN’s
put into operation services to users in rural Bikodže, Donji Bistarac and Prokosovići. Made
the handover of construction work on PM Živinice and network was put into operation. Works
finished on the construction of OSPs Tuzla-Čelić, Oskova-Litve, Jelovo Brdo-Krivača and
Sjever II-Par Selo (the construction of the last three an optical ring-Tuzla-Živinice-Kalesija
is completed). Work finished on the construction of OSP Sarajevo-Zenica-Tuzla in Tuzla
Canton. Handover of works for the construction of the access network Litva and Pribava,
completed construction of PM Batva and PM Mionica I; value 5 million KM.
The Directorate Zenica, with total value of 3.5 million KM, started the implementation of
projects: Zavidovići, Maglaj-Stari Grad, Maglaj-Centar, Breza-Centar, and Visoko-Centar.
In Directorate Travnik continues building of access networks Donji Vakuf, Bugojno, Vitez,
Fojnica, Gornji Vakuf, and OSPs Prokos, Vitez-Kruščica. Still in progress access infrastructure
on locations Ceravci, Lohovo, Donji Kamengrad, Sanski Most in Bihać Directorate, Gronje
Polje, Ovčari, Mazoljice, Mostar, Ostrožac, and Konjic in Mostar Directorate, and Zupčići
Goražde Directorate.
Major projects: expansion project of DSLAM and MSAN device and automation of the process
of ADSL activation, development of multi-service RR transmission systems of large capacity
and flexibility (for connecting 3G base stations), and construction projects for important
coupling optical paths: Čađavica - Banja Luka and Mostar - Metković (initially) worth 6.3
million KM.
Investment in mobile network
Once again emphasis is on the development of infrastructure in the access part of the radio
network. For the development of the radio access network in all seven Regional Directorates
planned is total of 10.5 million KM in 2010, with an additional 8.9 million KM for
implementation in 2011. Construction works were completed on 64 base stations, assembly
works on 74 base stations, and technically accepted 82 base stations. 96 3G base stations are
Enabled 3G access in urban and suburban areas of B&H, as well as the main routes with
expanding 3G capacity in existing network. Preparations are underway for the second part
of the implementation of the entire 3G expanding project - expanding in the areas where BH
Telecom has not so far implemented 3G network with 100 new base stations NodeB. Total
project cost is 11.1 million KM.
At 10 sites installed are portable base stations. During 2009 The Telecom Engineering has
built a prototype of portable BS with ballast, and on that basis did 40 portable BSs, which will
be distributed to all Regional Directorates for installation.

Completed investments in new software functionality of BSS, OSS and RC, started in 2009,
with an additional 4 million KM during the 2010. Commercialized are 24 new services and
improvements, including: improving hit zone, wap new look & feel, mobile internet packets
- the redesign, the automatic granting of MMS services, mMail, mSurf, service Pay4me,
redesign of corporate access (CSD, SMS), Ultra Internet packets, live update (test period), the
improvement of MMS exchange, redesign of Ultra offers, HIT ads (HitT Zona AD), mOffice,

Investment in BH
Telecom centers
The building of following
BH Telecom centers was
completed: Bijeljina,
Srebrenica, Hadžići, Livno,
Fojnica and Šamac. Along
with finished BH Telecom
centers opened in early 2011
(Višegrad, Žepče, Gračanica,
Srebrenik, Čapljina), the
total is over 41 BH Telecom
Centre is opened, and 36 in
still in progress. Figure 3.9. Telecom center Srebrenica after adaptation

Construction of
BH Telecom building in Mostar
Directorate Mostar for 15 years did not have a unique facility which would house all
organizational components of the Directorate in the town of Mostar. During 1994 and 1995
adapted are some facilities to accommodate Directorate’s departments. Telecommunications
center was located in street Brace Fejića bb, total area of 250 m². All rooms were without
daylight and ventilation, in basement.
Other organizational units were placed around the city as follows:
• Južni logor bb, building no. 19 (EFP Storage, Department of civil affairs and
• Property “Sjeverni logor”, total area of 243 m² housed: local network department,
archives, safety and protection department
• Property Cernica, the total surface area 96 m² housed: realization of investments
department, public booths department and RDLU Cernica,
• Property Čekrk (ground floor and floor of the apartment building), total surface area of
112 m² housed the telephone information 988 department, RDLU Mahala, GSM server,
archive, and the subscriber relation department.
OSuch dispersal made difficult normal functioning of the telecommunications traffic,
complicated the successful management, led to large losses in effective working time and
increased operating costs. Certain number of the rooms was unsuitable for the work of people
and technology (most of the CTK space is basement with no natural light and ventilation).

In the period 2008-2010 new
office building of BH Telecom -
Directorate Mostar was built, with
3950 m² property, and in summer of
2010 after 15 years of doing business
in extremely difficult conditions,
all employees of the Directorate
Mostar are finally in one building.
The facility, with its appearance,
functional layout and equipment,
exterior decoration, is one of the
most representative in the city of
Figure 3.10. Office building Mostar after end of construction Mostar.

3.4.5. Office building BH Telecom

The investment activities in 2008 have started to address the problem of accommodation
of employees of BH Telecom, as in the process of separation of BH Telecom and BH Post,
most of the buildings were given to BH Post. The solution was found in the purchase or
construction of office commercial building - BH Telecom Sarajevo center. In next two years
was conducted the procurement process and selection of the best location. This project will
solve several major problems that burden the Company’s operations, such as the lease of
offices, and the territorial disparity of certain Company department which has affected the
efficiency of communication and
During 2010 the main part of this
project - contracting and purchasing
a representative object of BH
Telecom, at Bulevar Franz Lehar
location. Currently is undergoing
second phase – interior design of
the building. With it, Company will
permanently solve the problem
of accommodation of employees,
increase the value of the Company,
Figure 3.11. New office building BH Telecom
and have positive impact on the
appearance of this part of the city
and the business environment.


BH Telecom Internal documents

Figure 3.12. New office building BH Telecom


4.1. Key investments in BH Line network

4.1.1. Introduction

BH Line network is technological successor of an old telephone system, system with a several
decades long tradition. In accordance with the time and a technological development of the
industry, this segment has also developed and transformed. The system itself is an extremely
complex group of subsystems of various functions which rely on fixed copper and optical
Today the functions of development, maintenance and exploitation of fixed telecommunication
systems are mostly centralized in the BH Line head office. The degree of centralization
depends on the type of system, but also on the organizational methods developed in the
earlier period.
The system itself grew from the PSTN network, but it went through a significant changes and
adaptations. The most significant projects which constituted the most logical upgrade and
functional expansion of the existing telephone system were the following:
1. Construction of PDH transmission system, 1995
2. Beginning of implementation of digital commutations of new generation, 1996
3. Construction of SDH transmission system, 1996
4. Construction of data transfer network, BIHpak, 1996
5. Construction of the first commercial ISP in B&H, BIHnet, 1997
6. Implementation of the first xDSL Broadband Access System, 2002
7. Beginning of the transition process towards NGN network, 2008
8. Construction of IP/MPLS network, 2006 - 2008
9. Construction of DWDM transmission network, 2008
10. Construction of IPTV and VoIP systems, 2009

4.1.2. Access Networks Investments

When talking about access networks, even though there are specific characteristics depending
on the region, the general conclusion is that their after-war development was characterized
by the need for reconstruction of the networks devastated by the war activities, by using the
new principles.
The development of the technology in the telecommunications during the after-war period
required complete changes in the way of planning and construction of access networks
which evolved from the networks of copper cables with air-paper insulation which were
placed directly underground, 10 km long pairs, with distribution network of self-supporting
overhead cables, towards unique broadband access network of copper cables with a very
short pairs, several hundred meters long with PE insulation, cables of up to 200 pairs capacity
laid into PEHD pipes with small dimension shafts where an assembler could not enter to
repair anything, and with distributor network of copper cables installed underground in
PEHD pipes, as well, and which easily can be replaced with optical cables for upcoming, even
higher, speed of broadband services.

Therefore, in the period from 1997, when investment projects in this area started, in the
region of Srednje-Bosanski Canton, out of 19 access networks with 15,620 subscribers, 34,936
installed ports and 34,204 pairs, the reconstruction and construction of new access networks
was performed to date, and therefore in this region we have 67 active access networks with
108,010 pairs and 52,784 of installed ports.
By the end of 1996, in Zenica-Doboj Canton was installed and constructed 68,760 telephone
connections, complete with main distributors of 79,500 telephone pairs. Territorial
distribution of these capacities was unequal and it mostly included town areas of all eleven
municipalities. In rural areas a very few capacities were installed. The access networks
were constructed mostly in town centers with paper insulated cables and overhead cables
which were in a very poor condition due to the inability of repair. After the end of the war
activities and partial repairs of access networks in the most endangered areas, the design
was prepared and construction started of the access networks in the areas which did not
have any telecommunication installations and which were distant from the town centers,
such as: Visoko municipality (D. Moštre, Buci; V. Čajno. By the end of 2005 the number of
installed switching capacities was increased by seven times, and accordingly, the number
of newly constructed access networks and subscription’s pairs). Kakanj municipality (the
access network Brnjic with approx. 1.500 pairs, the access network Tršće with approx. 1.300
pairs, and after that D. Kakanj and Bilješevo. By the end of 2005 the number of installed
switching capacities was increased by three times), Zenica municipality (Tišina, Tetovo,
Stranjani, Lokvine, the access networks by Nemila river), Olovo municipality (Solun, Careva
Čuprija, Čuništa, Vijaka), Doboj Jug municipality (Matuzići).
By the end of 2000 the total of 121,000 subscriber’s pairs at the main distributors were
constructed and completed. Such a construction enabled total abandonment of party lines.
After 2000, the construction of local networks continued, as well as in the areas of local
communities in the remaining municipalities (Tešanj, Zavidovići, Breza and Olovo), as well as
reconstruction and expansion of subscriber’s networks in the town centers, with the purpose
of quality increase of the access networks, and the ability to provide broadband services. .
By the end of 2005, almost all settlement areas in the Canton had an access network
constructed, therefore, by the end of 2005 there were total 143,027 telephone connections
installed, that is, 200,139 completed subscriber’s pairs.
After 2005 the thorough reconstruction and expansion started of the subscriber’s networks
in the town areas of all municipal centers, with the special attention to Visoko, Zenica,
Zavidovići, Tešanj and Maglaj.
The period from 2005 to 2010 was characterized by reconstruction of the existing networks
and abandonment of overhead lines. Therefore, by the end of 2010, there were total
253,869 subscriber’s pairs and 112 switching nodes constructed and completed at the main
The development of the access networks in Bosnian Podrinje Canton was determined by
the consequences of war activities, that is, by the fact that the most of the area, as well as
the telecommunication infrastructure, were occupied and the remaining parts of the access
networks were destroyed by shelling, especially distribution parts made of self-supporting
Considering the situation and the need for the telephone connection, the only solution
was to install inductor centers, which could not fulfill the requirements, and therefore the
existing home telephone exchanges were placed in the companies. For the connection of

those exchanges, the parts of PM which were not destroyed were used, and in the certain
parts the damaged cables were repaired, while the self-supporting cables were extended to
the consumers.
After the end of the war activities and the end of the aggression, the revitalization of the
destroyed PTT capacities started, as well reconstruction of the existing and construction of
the new access networks, firstly in town Goražde. In a very short time period, with the help
of BiH Army and PTT Engineering, the repair was completed and 2,000 connections were
made at the beginning of 1997. Later, in 2001, the design was completed and PM Goražde
was expanded with 1,600 new pairs in Baćci.
The chronology of reconstruction and the construction of the new access networks was as
follows: 1996–2000, repair of the existing PM; 2000 construction of the new PM Berič,
capacity of 300 pairs; 2001 - expansion of PM Goražde, Baćci with 1600 new pairs; 2002 -
the beginning of construction of new PM networks: Jabuka near Foča, Prača, Hrenovica and
expansion of PM Mravinjac with 600 new pairs; 2003 – construction completed and work
commenced of PMs whose construction started in 2002, and the beginning of preparatory
work for the construction of the new PMs in Jarovićimi, Gornje and Donje Bare; 2004 –
completed construction of PM Jaroviči, D. and G. Bare, Osanica right bank of Drina river.
This year also saw extension of cable installation in Goražde; 2005 – completed construction
of the extension of PM Goražde, areas of Podhranjen, Vran Potok and Površnica; 2007 -
completed construction of PM Kraboriš; 2009 – the beginning of the construction of the
new PMs in Mrđelići, Faočići and Obarak; 2010 – completed construction of the PMs
whose construction started in 2009. This year also saw the beginning and completion of the
construction of cable installation in Zupčići; 2011 – preparatory works for the beginning of
new PM generation in Goražde, the left bank of Drina river.
In Herzegovina Neretva Canton, due to the war activities and the destruction of the all bridges
across Neretva river, there was a complete disconnection of telephone communication at the
left river bank (telephone exchange office was located in A. Šantića Street, which belonged
to HT and HP Mostar). The intense construction of the access networks in the area of town
center, municipalities Potoci and Vrapčići, and municipalities Blagaj, Dračevice – Gnojnice
started at the end of the war activities. The construction of the underground access networks
with the gelatin filled cables type TK59 started from the beginning, therefore the concept of
construction of the overhead lines was abandoned.
After the end of the war, the only places with the functioning networks at the RD Mostar
territory were: the town network Jablanica and town network Konjic, which were active
during the war through telephone exchange ET200, i.e. AXE.
The first after-war network was in Lug, Jablanica, which was the extension of the local
network in Jablanica.
The first constructed networks were the central part of Mostar and the work commencement
of the first telephone exchange office SI 224 on March 8, 1995. Mostar was divided on 6
independent units – access networks: Tekija, Mahala, Musala, Željeznička stanica, Luka
and Iskra. Switching systems which were installed at those networks were pulse container
exchange donated by European Union, produced in 1969. Later on, those were replaced by
the more updated system EWSD – RDLU.
Parallel with the construction of the town network in Mostar, preparatory works were
performed for the construction of the local networks: Potoci, Vrapčići, Gornja and Donja
Drežnica, Buturović polje, with the note that the access network in Šćipima was already

The area of Konjic municipality should be pointed out as a territorially largest municipality in
B&H, consisted of numerous communities with a low inhabitant percentage. All communities
were covered with newly built access networks with its own active traffic concentrators of
connected optic lines in the unique TK structure. In 1999/2000 the first DECT system was
commenced as radio access network at the location of Podveležje, and it was shut down at the
beginning of 2011 by the construction of four independent copper access networks based on
MSAN active components. Besides Podveležje, another three DECT systems are operational
in the area of RD Mostar: Mostar - the west part of the town, Dubrave and Stolac.
After the years of intense construction of local access networks and providing the basic
telephone services for almost all inhabitants of the area covered by RD Mostar, performed
was the construction of nodes/networks which represent optimization of the existing larger
networks. Thus, the networks Gornji Zalik, Kosor, Humi, Livač, Tuščica, Tuleg, etc. were
To summarize: at the territory of RD Mostar 70 local access networks are currently
operational, and each of them has its own traffic concentrator. Out of those, 60 local networks
own the equipment for providing broadband service of ADSL and MojaTV, and the plan
is for the remaining nodes to be updated for providing broadband services by the end of
2011. Currently, over 95% users have access to the broadband services through local access
networks and the components installed upon them – DSLAM/MSAN devices.
In the upcoming period, it has been planned to construct the local access networks based
on optics as a medium through FTTB/FTTH concepts, as well as further optimization of the
existing local networks by installation of active nodes at the points of higher concentration,
which has a direct consequence expansion and shortening of the existing pair, which improves
the quality and availability of the broadband service.
When talking about the reconstruction and construction of the access networks in Sarajevo
Canton, it is necessary to take into consideration the particularity of the region. Namely, if
we look at the earlier decentralized local network (the access network), during this period
quite a few activities were performed to modernize it. This was done from the aspect of the
reconstruction of the existing and the construction of the new access network with much
higher number of hubs with optical cables, which were adapted for the consumers to enable
new technology of the digital transmission.
The biggest problems which arose in the area of planning, development, construction and
maintenance of the access network and its efficient and timely expansion were: destruction
during the war period, overload of the cable installation, no coverage by the cable network of
certain communities, and departure of many personnel qualified in new technologies, which
required constant training along with the regular performances.
In the pre-war period the access network in this region was covered mostly by cables with
copper pair type TKOO, TKOOV, TK10,TK15, TK16PS of various capacities, starting from
5x4 to 600x4, wire diameter from 0.4 to 0.8 mm. With such an infrastructure and upcoming
broadband technology the reconstruction of the existing networks and the construction of
the new ones started.
The reconstruction of the access part of the network was taken seriously, considering the
fact that it is one of the most important segments of evolving process towards NGN network,
because its life span is up to 40 years, especially of the cable installations. This meant the
preparation of the infrastructure for the future installation of optical cables all the way to the
user (FTTH) with the current enabling of ADSL and VDSL technologies with the principle

optical cables closer to the user, and the remaining access network was installed with copper
infrastructure of approx. 800m length.
By those principles, total of 68 access networks with total of 65,168 pairs were constructed in
the area of Sarajevo office during the previous period.
The construction of the access TK network, next to the classical or ISDN telephone access
was used for the ADSL/VDSL services.
All of the above mentioned access TK networks, cables are installed in PE pipes F75, 50 and
32 mm. In such a way the network of cable TK installation was formed with implementation
of cable shafts 1,5x0,8x0,9m dimension, which can be called ‘humane shafts’, because the
assembler does not need to enter the shaft during the repair, but can perform its work above
it. There is also a tendency for decreasing dimension of cable installation and minimizing its
elements. This is especially relevant because of the future competition.
After the war the Bihać network group includes areas of Una Sana Canton, that is,
municipalities of Bihać, Cazin, Bosanska Krupa, Velika Kladuša, Bosanski Petrovac, Bužim,
Sanski Most and Ključ. Torn and destroyed capacities were repaired in phases, in accordance
with the abilities and priorities. Therefore, at the end of 1995 and during 1996 telephone
extension offices were repaired and connected: in Bihać AXE-10, Bosanska Krupa AXE-10,
Sanski Most AXE-10, Bosanski Petrovac ARK, Velika Kladuša ARF 102/4 and Ključ SI 2000.
Only after 1997, significant investments into new capacities were undertaken, as well as
modernization and replacement of the existing systems by the new ones and upgrading
the connection systems to the higher technological and organizational level by replacing
switching and access systems in new technologies and by constructing optical connections
and digital RR systems.
This also includes construction of local/access networks whose significant construction started
during 1998, and in the following years a full construction was performed through projects
EC and EBRD which constructed local networks Pokoj, Ripač, Ozimice II (community Vedro
Polje), Krasulje, Kamičak, Velagići, Sanica, Bužim, Varoška Rijeka, Brigovi, Mala Kladuša
and Podzvizd, followed by the construction of local networks with local budget in accordance
with the accepted yearly plans, such as Fajtovci, Stijena, Pećigrad, Vrhpolje, which means
that in the period from 1998 to date 96 access networks were constructed in this region.
The new technological solutions imposed the change in the method of construction of access
networks, which is higher decentralization with the purpose of reducing the length of pair
and the capacity of used cables, which significantly increased the number of access networks,
as shown in the following chart. The chart shows schedule of access networks completed and
constructed in the period from 1999 to 2010.
Today, RD Bihać region has 106 operational access networks of total capacity of 108,122
pairs in eight municipalities.
The condition of access networks in the region of the Tuzla office was similar to the other
regional centers after 1995. During the war years the networks were not adequately
maintained, and some of them were totally neglected and destroyed. At that time Tuzla
Canton had approx. 100 telephone extension offices with access networks and approx.
85,000 subscribers.
Cables used until than were type TK 10, TK00 i TK00V with air-paper insulation. The
characteristic of the existing networks at that time was a long pair because the transmission
of speech was the main service. Only in the urban areas were the parts of network installed

underground, while in all other areas the secondary part of network was installed overhead.
Only the town areas and more urban village areas had telephone connection, while a large
number of rural households did not have the ability to use our services.
After the war, the repair of destroyed and the construction of the new access networks was
mostly initiated by the community centers. The activities were usually performed with the
cooperation and agreements between community centers, municipality, and post office. In
the period 1995-2001 the constructed networks were mostly financed by the citizens, while
JP PTT mostly provided switching and transmission systems.
Those networks were constructed with cables with plastic insulation which had a filling to
prevent moisture penetration in the case of cable damage, and which were easier for handling
and maintaining. All networks were completely underground. It has to be pointed out the
international organizations participated in construction of access networks in the areas of
Brčko District and Banovići municipality.
In December of 2001 Tuzla office had 120 functional access networks with 122,500 consumers.
In the following period BH Telecom took over the financing of the construction of the access
networks. Therefore there were 19 new networks constructed in the period of 2002-2004 in
Gračanica municipality only. For the purpose of introduction of the broadband services there
is a new method of designing and construction. The constructed networks had shorter pairs
and fewer extensions. The length of a pair was not larger than 1,500 m, and TK59 cables were
used. In the following period, along with the active, some reserve polyethylene pipes were
installed. Such networks were installed in the region of Gradačac municipality, 14 of those in
the period 2005-2007.
There were 165 access networks with approx. 138,000 consumers constructed in the region
of the Tuzla office.
After this period, there is a period of gradual decrease of number of voice services consumers,
but there was an increase of broadband services users. ADSL as the access technology was
used in Tuzla Canton since 2004.
Today the Tuzla office has 180 functional access networks with approx. 112,500 POTS
consumers, 22,500 ADSL and 6000 MojaTV consumers.

4.1.3. Investments in the switching network

The development of the BH Telecom’s switching network represents an ongoing process of
investment in the functional upgrading of the system. The year of 2008 was by far the most
important because that is when the completely digitalized PSTN network changed into NGN
network, and that marked the beginning of the third technological phase of the switching
network development.
In 1995 started an intense process of reconstruction and transformation of the switching
network of BH Telecom. In 1996, we had work commencement of the first digital switches of
new generation HOST EWSD Tuzla which was transit-local exchange of the capacity of11,100
subscriber’s ports and 2,900 64 Kb/s lines, an international exchange office MnCSA1 EWSD
in Sarajevo with the capacity of 6,240 lines, as well as local exchange office AXE Obala with
approx. 14,000 ports and AXE Vogošća with approx. 7,000 ports.
At the end of 1996, the switching network had 160,156 subscriber’s ports and new type of
connections was based on ISDN technology with the total capacity of 3,360 ISDN BA and
ISDN PRA with 26 E1 system. With the new digital switching, there were different services

introduced in the network. The most important ones are: caller ID, call divert, call on hold,
conference call, etc. A new type of signalization No7 Blue Book was introduced, and later
on No7 White Book, and gradually, analogue signalization D1/D1, D1/D4, D4/R2 were
In 1997 new digital switches type EWSD were installed: in Bihać with 14,028, Zenica 6,600
and Kakanj with 6,400 access ports.
Number of new consumers connections was significant, therefore in 1998 31,500 new
consumers were connected, which increased the number of consumers from 13% compared
to 1997, and the number of connected consumers was 331,917. The same year ISDN BA
service was installed at 19 locations, 8 hosts and 11 remote switching stages. In the same year
the number of connected international lines was 2,700 with 22 direct destinations while for
the inter-municipal traffic there were 41,000 lines.
In 1998 a transit exchange office EWSD Mostar with the capacity of 7,000 subscriber’s posts
was commenced.
In 1997 and 1998 we saw installation of: LC AXE Ključ, AXE Visoko with approx. 12,200
and AXE Kalesija with approx. 5,000 subscriber’s ports, which were transformed in 2003
into transit-local exchange office and became TLC Bihać2, TLC Zenica2 i TLC Tuzla2. In
this way each larger office has 2 large HOSTs on a transit line. In this period the following
HOSTs were installed with accompanying remote switching stage: LC AXE Lukavac with the
beginning capacity of approx. 4,500, TLC EWSD Goražde with approx. 7,500, LC Bugojno
with approx. 5,000 and TLC Travnik with approx. 9,000 subscriber’s posts.
Installed were digital switches of lower capacity type DRX4 (Goražde, Olovo, Klokotnica,
Čelebići), S12 (Nemila, Banovići, V.Kladuša, Brka) and SI2000 (Poljice, Živinice, Srebrenik,
Kalesija, Maglaj).
The objective was network transformation from hierarchically to flat hierarchy whose main
characteristics were decrease of the number of levels in the networks, from 5 to 3: local,
transit and international level, introduction of UPS-(remote switching stage) which include
shortening of the pairs and transition closer to the consumer.
1999 ended with 502,300 installed subscriber’s connections in the landline network, out of
which 367,921 were used ports.
In 2000 there were 333 switches in landline network of BH Telecom, out of which 158 HOSTs
and 175 remote switching stages. From the aspect of digitalization this meant 60% digital,
34,4% analogue and 5,1% electro-mechanical switches.
In 2001 local exchange office EWSD Dolac Malta was installed with the capacity of 30,000,
as well as the local exchange office LC Konjic with 8,500 subscriber’s ports.
During 2002 a new international node EWSD MnCSA2 was commenced with the capacity of
15,000 lines, as well as local exchange office EWSD LC Alipašino polje with the capacity of
30,000 subscriber’s ports.
In 2003, the percentage of switches digitalization was 86,3%, and structurally it was 96
HOSTs and 356 remote switching stages with the total of 648,527 installed subscriber’s ports
(509,094 were used).
At the end of 2005, the network was consisted of 86 HOSTs and 383 remote switching stages.
679,062 subscriber’s ports were installed and 527,856 were connected. At the international
level, 3,657 digital lines were used through MnCSa1 and MnCSA2.
The system used digital switches of the following series: AXE (local and transit-local),

EWSD (local, transit-local and international), SI2000 (local), DRX4-4 (local) and S12 (local
exchange offices). The analogues were: M10CN (local), Iskra 2000 (local), while the electro-
mechanical ARF 102, 102/4 operational for local switches.
Introduction of the new services (ISDN, NTS, CLIP, etc.) accelerated the process of shutting
down of analogue and EM switches which did not have the ability to provide the new services.
By optimization of the network, in 2008 the switching network is consisted of 3 types of
switching: AXE, EWSD and SI2000.
As the number of digital switching increased (with the significant increase in the number of
consumers, the traffic was increased as well, especially due to the great expansion of the GSM
network) the signalization network became more complex. In 2005 couple of STP nodes
with monitoring platform were installed for the purpose of better control and optimization
of signalization network.
Besides the investment projects in the switching core, it is necessary to mention the
investments into the service part of the network, which made a great progress in
modernization of the network and its preparation for the future. In 2000, a first independent
node of service network was installed for the consumers of the landline through IN1 service:
Tele voting, Freephone and Premium Rate. BH Telecom was the first in the region to provide
such services. Above mentioned NTS services are improved by IVR machine.
In 2005 we installed FSMS/VMS center for landline, and again, we were the first telecom
operator in the country, even in the region, to offer SMS and VMS service to the landline
In 2006 VPN service was formed on IN2 platform, it became the first convergent service which
provides the same service from the same service platform and under the same conditions for
VPN consumers of both landline and mobile network.
In 2006 the curve which shows the increase of the number of consumers of landline was
showing a slight stagnation, therefore, out of 683,309 installed access ports, only 530,964
were operational. In 2007 the ratio of installed/used capacities was 691,654/544,117, and in
2008 that ratio was 695,551 /542,122, out of which clear POTS with 487,957 ports with total
of 22 HOSTs in three lines of network.
For the purpose of transfer to “all IP” network, BH Telecom’s landline was transformed by
the concept of changing TDM switching network to NGN domain. The conceptual design for
this concept was designed from 2005 to 2007, and the first elements of NGN network were
commenced in 2009 (Softswitch Class 5, IMS).
Transfer to the NGN provides the following: all elements of a landline, hosts and access
nodes in IP transport, optimization of the switching network considering the number of
nodes, acceptability of the new network access elements MSAN with new technologies and
acceptability of TDM access nodes in IP and their migration to the IP environment.
In 2010, BH Line switching network had a monitoring platform for NGN signalization
installed, for both BH Line and BH Mobile network.
In 2009, BH Telecom set another foundation for its development by providing VoIP services
for residential users and IP centers for business users. In 2009 we recorded a decrease in
the number of POTS and ISDN consumers, as most of the consumers substituted POTS and
ISDN services with VoIP service.
2010 is an important year due to the beginning of the process on realization of regulatory
request regarding regulatory service of transfer number, whose implementation is ongoing.

During the 2011 the L-commerce platform was commenced for the top-up of the prepaid
mobile cards via landline of BH Line.
Today, the following elements of the NGN network exist in the BH Telecom network:
- Softswitch Class 5: Baščaršija, Paša Bunar, Srebrenik-Živinice, Maglaj, Alipašino polje
(Zenica is being installed with accompanying MGWs),
- Softswitch Class 4: MnCSa3 with TGW and SBC network elements
- Stelius monitoring platform for NGN signalization protocols
- VoIP platform - Softswitch Class 5
Current capacities of switching network of BH Telecom are listed in Table 4.1.1.
Table 4.1.1. Current capacities of BH Telecom’s switching network


Directorate VoIP Total POTS ISDN-ba CLL WLL
ba x 2 pra pra x 30
Bihać 79.682 73.572 1.978 3.956 30 900 204 1.050
Goražde 9.402 8.210 296 592 4 120 480 0
Mostar 36.755 33.000 1.168 2.336 25 750 669 0
Sarajevo 235.848 194.086 15.219 30.438 277 8.310 1.009 2.005
Travnik 52.784 48.804 1.376 2.752 16 480 748 0
Tuzla 169.837 151.540 4.971 9.942 84 2.520 1.310 4.525
Zenica 136.090 127.454 3.092 6.184 38 1.140 762 550
T.C. Brčko 5.984 5.504 240 480 0 0 0 0

BH Telecom 50.000 726.382 642.170 28.340 56.680 474 14.220 5.182 8.130

4.1.4. Investments in IP and transport network

The development of BH Telecom’s IP and transport network was characterized by dynamical
development in the previous decade.
The development of the transmission system, universal systems for transmission of all types
of traffic has several turning points regarding the implementation of PDH, SDH and DWDM
transmission systems as well as constant development and expansion of the optical network.
It is clear that the fiber represents a long term investment for the optical network.
The development of the optical network is a constant process and it has to take place at
international, inter-operators and local levels. To meet the needs of the BH Telecom’s
NGN network the characteristic of the optical cables must be in accordance with the ITU-T
The first optical ring was constructed on the route Sarajevo-Tuzla-Zenica-Sarajevo with the
optical cable of 24 fibers capacity. In 1997 Sarajevo-Breza and Sarajevo-Visoko connection
was commenced. By the end of the 1998 works on connecting Sarajevo and Zenica through
Visoko were completed. Optical cable Sarajevo-Tuzla was commenced on September 8, 1999,
as an experiment. During the 1999, the investments for construction of optical line Sarajevo-
Mostar and Sarajevo- Goražde were completed. The capacity of the cable was 24 fibers. By
the end of 1999 all towns were connected with cables, and the ring structure was constructed.
One of the BH Telecom’s main goals was connecting Bihać into the transmission system

through optical cable, and this was completed in 2008 by connecting optical line Jezero-
First international optical cable of 24 fibers capacity was installed under the Sava River
riverbed, near Brčko, with the purpose of connecting Bosnia and Herzegovina with Croatia.
The second international optical cable of the same capacity was installed between Bihać and
Ličko Petrovo Selo in Croatia, through Izačić border crossing.
Today the line Sarajevo-Tuzla-Zenica has an optical cable with 96 fibers, whose technical
acceptance is in the process.
Besides the construction of regional lines, the optical connecting lines are being continuously
constructed at the local liens, to meet the needs of the remote switching stages and
interconnections and the appropriate equipment is being installed as well.
It is important to mention the investment for the realization of the first optical ring in the
city. It was Sarajevo optical ring which was commenced in 1998. The capacity of 24 fibers
became insufficient, and therefore BH Telecom expanded the capacity by six new cables of
96 fibers between 2001 and 2004.
Radio-relay systems of transmission represent the second significant segment of the
transmission network, and it all started in 1996 by constructing the first land line international
RR connection of digital PHD structure between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Hungary,
through RR section Okresanica-Tenkesh. RR section of 139 km was at the time the longest
RR section in Europe.
Other important investment projects were: connection of TK center Sarajevo and Goražde
in 1997 in SDH technology of transmission capacity of 1x155 Mbit/s (system was replaced in
2006 by the new SDH RR devices with the transmission capacity of 5x155 Mbit/s), in 1997
TK center Sarajevo and Mostar were connected by SDH technology, with the transmission
capacity 1x155 Mbit/s, as well as connection of TK center Sarajevo and Goražde by SDH
technology, capacity 1x155 Mbit/s (In 2006 the system was replaced by the new SDH RR
devices of 5x155 Mbit/s capacity). In 1998 we completed the connection by RR links of SDH
technology and 1x155 Mbit/s transmission capacity of TK centers Sarajevo, Zenica and Tuzla,
as well as TK centers Sarajevo, Bihać and Sanski Most.
RR section Vlašić-Velika Gomila was constructed in the length of 143 km and as such is
considered one of longest in Europe. This system was realized by SDH technology of 1x155
Mbit/s capacity. Considering the fact that until 2009 the RR system in this area was the only
connection of Bihać region with the rest of the BH Telecom network it was expanded several
times. The latest expansion was completed in June 2008 to the capacity of 6x155 Mbit/s, and
SDH NGN technology devices were installed, which provided Etherent traffic for the Bihać
In 2009 an international RR link was constructed with the capacity of 3x155 Mbit/s between
BH Telecom and Slovenian Telecom, at Velika Gomila (BIH)-Trdin Vrh (Slovenia).
During the time period from 1992 to date, and especially after the war, the development of
the multiplex transmission systems run from repairing analogue systems (VF) during the
war, through transfer to digital transmission multiplex systems (PDH and SDH) in the after-
war period, to installation of SDH devices of new generation, as well as DWDM devices which
enable multiple usage of optical fiber which uses the transmission systems of larger capacity.
In the period from 1995 to 1997 PDH digital systems of transmission were installed, which
as the transmission medium used radio-relay systems, as well as the optical cables, whose

installation started in this period. The new system of transmission was constructed through
optical Sarajevo-Vogošća 140 Mbit/s, as well as PDH RR transmission systems Sarajevo-
Olovo 8x2 Mbit/s, Sarajevo-Visoko 8x2 Mbit/s, Sarajevo-Goražde 8x2 Mbit/s, Sarajevo-
Mostar 34 Mbit/s etc. Transition to the digital systems of transmission significantly increased
the capacities of the transport network, and at the same time it decreased any disturbances
in the network.
In 1996 the first, donated SDH multiplex devices were installed (STM-1 capacity 155 Mbit/s)
which enabled connection of the regional centers Sarajevo, Zenica and Tuzla, as well as the
outlet to the world connection through Hungary. Inter-operator connection with Banja
Luka was also connected. In this way was completed the first after-war terrestrial (landline)
international digital connection through SDH transmission system. The equipment which
supports line capacity of 2,5 Gbit/s was installed in Sarajevo at the end of 1998.
Traditional SDH network was optimized only for the speech transmission, and for the
purpose of survival in the world of telecommunications it was upgraded into a digital
structure of new generation, so called NG SDH. In accordance with this trend of world
telecommunication market, since 2003 in our network it was planned and installed SDH
devices of new generation which have the mechanisms that enable simultaneous work of the
existing and the new services at the same network without mutual disturbances.
In the period from 2002 to 2008, by using the traditional SDH multiplexes and NG SDH
multiplexes, which were purchased and installed as a part of several investments, regional
SDH multiplex transmission systems were constructed: 2x2,5 Gbit/s transmission system
Sarajevo-Zenica-Tuzla-Sarajevo by optical cable, 2,5 Gbit/s transmission system Sarajevo-
Konjic-Mostar-Bjelimići-Sarajevo with NG SDH multiplex devices by optical cable, 2,5 Gbit/s
transmission system Sarajevo-Zenica-Travnik with NG SDH multiplex devices by optical
cable 5x155 Mbit/s transmission system Sarajevo-Bihać through RR transmission system
and 2,5 Gbit/s transmission system Sarajevo-Dejčići-Ustikolina-Goražde. This sub network
was installed by using multiplexes of latest generation which are completely adapted to the
existing, but also the future needs of date traffic.
Telecommunication used for the connection of BIH with the world were realized by
constructing and installation of new SDH multiplex transmission systems, as well as by
connection DWDM networks, whose capacity of 10 Gbit/s (Sarajevo-Brka-Zagreb, Sarajevo-
Bihać-Zagreb), 2,5 Gbit/s (Tuzla-Brka-Osijek with optical cable installed under the Sava River
riverbed (Brka-Gunja), Sarajevo-Bihać-Izačić-Zagreb, Sarajevo-Pale-Zvornik-Beograd) and
RR links capacity 155 Mbit/a (Okresanica (BIH)-Cer (Serbia), V.Gomila (BIH)-Trdin Vrh
(Slovenia), Okresanica (BIH)-Tenkes (Hungary)). Interconnection links with other two
important operators in our country are through 2,5 Gbit/s and 622 Mbit/s inter-operators
At the regional level SDH network of multiplexes was organized in seven sub networks, where
regional and local optical rings and transmission systems are organized by optical cable with
line capacities of 2.5 Gbit/s, 622 Mbit/s and 155 Mbit/s.
SDH multiplex transmission network was realized through transit line and line of regional
sub networks where 724 SDH multiplex nodes are currently installed (413 nodes were
installed in 2004).
Further development of TK services and the increase of the consumers’ requirements caused
investments in transmission network based on the concept of the new generation network.
The core network of BH Telecom is currently consisted of three levels, inter coordinated:

network of optical fibers – physical medium for transmission of optical signal, DWDM-
ROADM system 10 Gbit/s – systems of optical reconfigurable optical Add-Drop multiplexes
and IP/MPLS core routers – for routing traffic with different protocol types.
Optical transport network (OTN) was created with the intention of combining benefits
offered by SDH technology with the ones offered by DWDM, and that is the ability to DWDM
to offer the expansion of the scope. Such a network in BH Telecom’s TK system was realized
through several investments, which started in 2008 when 21 DWDM node was installed with
accompanying network control system, and later to total of 30 nodes including the location
of Šibovi near Banja Luka.
The topology of the new optical network had to follow network topology already installed
lines with installed optical fibers, but at the same time the current condition and development
plans of the segments which will be the biggest providers of traffic in the upcoming period.
The main purpose of the transport network is to provide «non-stop» availability of the
communication among largest nodes for digital lines, but also to efficiently connect sources
of IP traffic which are centralized. For the needs of the third layer, that is IP/MPLS part of
the traffic, connection of DWDM and this network was performed by 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet
interfaces. Through our DWDM network installed are 4x10 Gbit/s links and 21x1 Gbit/s links
for the need of IP/MPLS network. Besides these links, through DWDM network are realized
almost all regional 2,5 Gbit/s SDH transmission systems.
From the initial analogue multiplex system with the total transmission capacity at transit line
of 924 channels (approx. 60 Mbit/s), this network grew into a modern system with optical
DWDM and NG SDH multiplexes with capacity of 40x10 Gbit/s per single pair of optical
fibers at transitional level. Such modern network of transmission system is fully equipped for
current and future needs of telecommunication networks of new generation.
Due to the need for providing direct international links with the world, BH Telecom established
several satellite links after the war (destinations: Switzerland, USA, Italy, Germany, Sweden
and England). Almost all international satellite links were established in 1995 and 1996.
DCME equipment was installed on all links, which increased usage of transitional capacities
and reducing the lease price by 4-5 times. BH Telecom’s internet had its own outlet through
satellite in 1997: 2x2 Mbit/s through satellite station USA, while the operator at the other
side was MCI. Today, all the satellite links that BH Telecom had are shut down, and the last
satellite station of BH Telecom was shut down on December 23, 2009.
Development of networks for data transfer started in 1996, by reconstruction of BIHpak,
data transfer network based on the most extended protocol for data transfer X.25 at the
time. The network was established at four locations: Sarajevo, Mostar, Tuzla and Zenica, and
it had inter-connection links with DATEX-P4 and Slovenian SIPAK X.25 network, and as
such it represented first technological solution for construction of users’ private networks for
data transfer. This network was later updated and extended several times, from the aspect
of access capacity and transfer to ATM protocol in transport part, and FrameRelay as a
dominant access technology.
Besides construction of this system which was directed towards the large business parties,
BH Telecom established BIHnet in 1997, first public ISP in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with one
PoP in Sarajevo and 2*2 Mbps satellite links towards over provider UUNet, with 32 access
ports for large users and only 120 analogue connections for small dial-up consumers. Further
development of our ISP was characterized by constant improvement of the performances and
expanding the system through distribution of PoPs, link capacities and the increase of access

points, all the way until the next
ADSL SUBSCRIBERS big step: implementation of
broadband access through DSL
In 2002 was implemented and
commenced for the commercial
usage the first xDSL access
system, which included two
DSLAM devices installed in
PoPs on Dolac Malta and
Alipašino polje and they each
included 144 access consumer’s
ports. Technological system was
Figure 4.1.1. Increase of number of ADSL consumers
based on PPPoE and RADIUS
protocols with guaranteed access
speed and calculation and pricing of the transferred traffic. The trend of the increase of the
number of broadband transmission users was constantly continuous and important (during
the certain times it was even 300% per annum), which included significant and continuous
investments into this segment.
The constant increase of number of consumers and improvement of service performances
caused the need for the constant expansion of the link capacities towards over providers, but
also the necessity of the geographical expansion of IP network by opening new PoPs, and by
expanding the link capacity within the IP network. Besides the requirements by the internet
users, the constant development of the technology and migration of the other TK systems
at IP protocol, as well as the need for entering the new market, the market of delivery of
multimedia contents, caused the need for construction of IP based network which will no
longer serve as the support only for the ISP functions.
In 2006 the process started for planning and phase construction of IP/MPLS network
which will become the turning point for further development of all other TK systems by
the construction of embryo of IP/MPLS network, by establishing IP/MPLS ring in Sarajevo
region. By this protocol it was achieved the adequate network surrounding for realization of
the first pilot IPTV system.
The continuance of the network construction during 2007 meant construction of the backbone
of the future network, which included four locations: Sarajevo - Dolac Malta, Sarajevo -
Alipašino polje, TKC Tuzla and TKC Zenica. The devices were originally connected by 1 GE
interfaces, and with optical fiber as the physical medium, and due to the large distances
(over 80 km) at the certain sections, the devices are installed which simulates regenerators of
optical signal. High availability of the backbone part of the IP/MPLS network was achieved
at the node level and at the level of transport links with hardware distribution of physical
modules with minimal number of individual points of disturbances. In this year we also
completed and updated earlier installed MPLS ring in Sarajevo which included expansion
of access capacities (ports for connection with DSLAM equipment), but also expending the
capacities at the links level within MPLS ring at 10 GE.
The next, the largest in scope, phase of network construction represents establishment
of the structure and all functions of the network necessary for the operation of other TK
systems. This phase included aggregate level in other regions, relying on the earlier erected
IP/MPLS backbone segment, and previously established aggregate part in Sarajevo region

was expanded by three new nodes. It was completed in March 2008, and MPLS network was
expanded by 58 new nodes.
At the end of this third phase of IP/MPLS network construction, the result was the network
with newly established traffic line under 50 ms in MPLS part, jitter up to 2 ms, delay to 10 ms,
implemented mechanisms for traffic control (MPLS TE RSVP and STP), implemented QoS
mechanisms (CBWFQ-Class Based Weighted Fair Queing), the distribution of all ‘triple-play’
services was enabled at all nodes, up to all broadband consumers.
In the following period the capacities of backbone part were changed to 10GE capacities
at the end of DWDM transmission system. From that point, the network capacities were
regularly expanded annually in the area of access, by opening new points of aggregation and
by expanding the capacity of the access part of the existing, but also of the network links
capacities, while retaining redundancy principles, that is, connecting certain devices into the
network, in two directions, in two different, structurally higher devices.
At the beginning of 2009, 2 backbone internet routers were purchased and they efficiently
united two functions: on one side realization of physical (transport) links towards over
providers and the rest of the IP/MPLS network of BH Telecom with links of 10GE capacity,
and on the other side control of BGP routing tables with internet routes coming from
the overprovided. By establishing internet backbone part of IP/MPLS network, the high
reliability of all services was provided, based on the internet access, and a long term solution
BGP and IP connection of BH Telecom was created. After the completion of this investment
it was possible to expand the link capacities towards over providers with approximately 1
Gbps with current over 11 Gbps, and expending BGP routing tables from approx. 150,000
routs to 350,000, which are being operated by BGP routers today.
Besides the listed investment projects, it is important to mention the purchase of the system
for the security level increase in IP network which provides monitoring of IP safety problems
in the ‘real’ time, quality protection of Internet based services of BH Telecom (portal, mail,
hosting, etc.), more stable and reliable work of the costumer services based on the internet
access with the possibility of eliminating traffic anomalies, as well as more quality while
planning the capacities.

4.1.5. Construction of BH Line service network

The official commencement of the Internet node at the end of 1997, consumers were offered,
besides the internet access, some of the internet services. The most popular service was
e-mail. POP3 protocol was used and all registered consumers were using this BIHnet service.
Due to the limited capacity, consumers could use a mailbox of 2 MB.

The first significant improvement of e-mail service was in 1999 when this service was
improved by using of Netscape Enterprise Solution 3.1, which was one of the most popular
and advances e-mail servers at the time.

During the 1999 a cooperative e-mail was introduced for the employees of JP PTT BiH.

During the 2004 old e-mail service of BIHnet was replaced by new Mail Solution system.
This solution provided uninterrupted work even at the higher load of 100,000 consumers.
The complete system provides construction of new services based on e-mail service. Services
which were offered in 2004 were based on Sun mail service and those were: mail filters,
auto-responder, e-mail to SMS (this service provides consumers to redirect certain mails

through SMS to their cell phones), e-mail notification (this service enables consumers to
receive notification on new e-mail via SMS, unlike e-mail2smS service). Webmail offered for
the first time services in Bosnian language, by using new Mail Solutions.

Commercial implementation of new scope of multimedia services is especially important

for BH Telecom (from the aspect of providing the means for new profit and for testing the
organizational skills). By constructing IPTV system, BH Telecom stepped into new, already
developed marked, that is, for the first time it took the role of new participant, not the leader
who constructed this market.

During the 2006 the development started as well as the preparation for providing IPTV
solutions. The test platform was developed the same year. This IPTV platform enabled
TV image to be sent through ADSL line to the end users. Besides this, the test TV portal
was developed which gave the user of IPTV possibility to choose the content (TV channels,
video content, games and Internet access). Also, to provide the necessary conditions for
the realization of the new BH Telecom IPTV solution, a new server room was renovated at
Alipašino polje where the future IPTV system shall be located.

During the 2009 IPTV platform was installed which by its basic purpose enabled consumers
to watch programs of different TV channels, to choose and watch different movies (VOD
system), to record the shows and to watch those within 24 hours (NPVR) via device set top
box, TV and ADSL line.

As of February 2010 BH Telecom offered its consumers services of IP television called

MojaTv. MojaTV is a television of new generation and includes the delivery of video, audio,
interactive and multimedia contents through Internet protocol based on broadband ADSL
access. MojaTV consumer can watch TV program through 50 different digital TV channels,
movies from the wide selection of MojaTV base, listen to the radio, surf the Internet, play
games, control telephone calls.

The interest for this new scope of services was extremely high, which was visible by the
increase of number of consumers, which increased to 31,922 subscribers from the moment
the service was first offered until the middle of 2011.

As a part of MojaTV service, BH Telecom consumers for the first time have the option of
using VoIP service. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) relates to communication technology
which enables voice transfer through IP protocol. This technology became popular by the
development of broadband Internet access and BH Telecom offers this service as a part of
the MojaTV package.


Internal documents of BH Telecom

4.2. Key investments in BH Mobile network

4.2.1. Introduction
The development of the technological system of BH Telecom mobile network was defined
to provide realization of strategic and operational objectives, simultaneously considering
the specific situation of B&H market, industry trends worldwide, competition, and all with
the purpose of fulfilling company’s Mission Statement to remain dominant and leading
operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the area of telecommunications, and at the same
time to remain socially responsible company which helps the development of the complete
community in every aspect.
BH Mobile network was created in 1996 as a small organizational unit of 10 employees and
the maximal capacity of 20.000 users, only to, fifteen years later, in 2011, grow into BH
Mobile, respectable organizational unit of BH Telecom with 120 employees and 2,000,000
Technological system of mobile network consists of three units: access radio networks, core
network and service network, which with all of their specific characteristics work to fulfill
set goals, and with their competences during those 15 years realized over 300 different
investment projects and create mobile network of BH Telecom respectable in regional and
European frames.
Exceptionally important years for the development of the mobile networks were (besides, of
course, 1996):
• 2000, when the first system for the prepaid service was implemented,
• 2004, when VAS platform was implemented for SMS service with additional value, and
when technical-technological prerequisites were implemented for the implementation
of 2,5G mobile network, that is of GPRS/EDGE data transmission as well as the services
based on it,
• 2006 and 2007, when a line of platforms were implemented, such as mCommerce, LBS
and SDP as the basis for the development of the advances,
• 2009 when the first investment in the broadband mobile network UMTS/HSxPA in
Bosnia and Herzegovina was applied.
The BH Telecom’s mobile network itself, today’s BH Mobile, and former GSM BiH, as a part
of JP PTT BiH, was basically, if we look at all the above, following the same trend of the
development from the technical/technological aspect of mobile networks as all other worldly
operators. However, considering the specific conditions in which it was developed, where
the investments were fulfilled, the focus was at the beginning on the construction of radio
network (larger signal coverage) and technological capacity of the core network, while the
development of the service network, as well as the services was only marked after 2005,
which is visible in the number of services until that year, which was around 20, while today
that number is above 350 services and 8 platforms for the development of the new services.

4.2.2. BH Mobile radio access network

The development of the BH Mobile GSM radio access network was progressing in phases
through accompanying projects. Starting from 1996 when the construction started until now,

there were total of ten projects, from the construction of GSM based stations, to the expansion
of the capacities, introduction of new functions, correction of the network coverage, etc.
The projects Phase I-VI included construction of the first approx. 200 base stations,
implemented by the end of 2002, which covered, with the signal of BH Telecom’s mobile
network most of the towns and villages in the FB&H. By the end of 2001 the Phase VII started
for the construction of GSM base stations at the RS region. This project was characterized by
the hiring of the outside companies when, in the record time period, approx. 1 year constructed
and commenced approx. 100 new locations in the RS area. Through the project of the Phase
VIII another 122 locations were implemented, where part of the locations were constructed by
the outside companies, while the other part of the project was realized through BH Telecom’s
resources. Starting from the Phase IX project which started in 2006, the implementation of
the new base stations was performed by BH Telecom’s resources. After the Phase X project,
further implementation
of the new BS was
defined through one
common project called
Project of completion of
2G network. This project
is still ongoing, where,
including the year 2010,
BH Mobile network
has 760 locations with
implemented macro BS,
micro BS and repeaters.
The implementation of
Figure 4.2.1. Dynamics of the construction of the GSM base stations
through years and projects the new base stations
was the process divided
on a preparatory phase and construction phase. The preparatory phase included a line of
activities such as: preparation of the investment program with financial explanation,
equipment procurement procedures, designing a nominal cell plan of the main location with
the suggested alternatives, acquiring of locations, preparing conceptual-technical design for
the selected location, procurement of the urban planning permit, solving IPO, preparation
of the main design, procurement of the construction permit. Those activities were led by the
BH Mobile office, Regional offices and Telecom Engineering. The new location construction
phase included a line of activities such as production of the necessary infrastructure,
construction works at the site, construction of the electro connections, construction of the
access road, equipment and infrastructure installation works. Finally, through the activities
of the providing transmission system to the appropriate BSC and testing process, BS was
finally commenced. After the necessary documentation was collected, the internal technical
acceptance was organized. The Investment Office was leading the construction activities,
while the Telecom Engineering was the contractor. The process of the work completion was
finalized through organization of municipal technical acceptance procedures, after which the
BC received operating permits.

The development of the radio access network started by the project of the implementation of
3G UMTS/HSPA network at the end of 2008, for the purpose of providing broadband mobile

access. The new radio access network included the implementation of the new equipment for
the base stations – NodeB as well as the new radio controller – RNC. The possibilities offered
by the new broadband technologies were access speed of 7,2 and 14,4 Mb/sin downlink
(DL), that is 1,4 Mb/s in uplink (UL). Access speed offered by NodeB equipment required
additional higher speeds of transmission system which will through Ethernet connections
(GE or FE) connect NodeB with RNC. As the scope of 2,1GHz was used, the antenna system
had to be used.
Considering the dynamics of the UMTS/HSDPA network construction, as well as the target
areas for 3G signal services, all of the operators, including BH Telecom, initial implementation
of 3G network based on the 2G/3G collocation, which included using of the existing 2G
infrastructure for the needs of 3G equipment.
The development and the implementation of the 3G UMTS/HSPA network was planned as
phase, through appropriate projects. The initial project Phase I included implementation of
52 NodeB base stations in urban areas of 8 largest towns in BIH. The project lasted through
2009 when the first NodeB base stations were commenced. During the same year the project
of Phase Ii started for implementation of NodeB equipment at 100 new locations, mostly
in the area of FBiH. This
project was concluded
during 2010 when most
of the locations became
operational. During
2010 the construction
of 150 new locations
was contracted for the
purpose of servicing 3G
UMTS/HSPA network
for FBiH area, whose
Figure 4.2.2. Plan and dynamics of NodeB base station implementation implementation and work
commencement of new
NodeB are expected in 2011. The activities on implementation of additional 100 locations in
RS started in this year, and their implementation is expected during 2012
Realization of the project of the NodeB base stations implementation regarding the
preparation of the locations was led by the BH Telecom resources. Considering the complex
dynamics of implementation, the installation activities for NodeB equipment, testing and
work commencement used outside resources, which was proven to be a very effective way of
realization of complete Project of 3G UMTS/HSPA network implementation.

Wireless LAN - WiFi

At the end of 2005, WiFi feasibility study was completed by the American company Yankee
Group, and after the basic guidelines were received, the request was prepared for realization
of pilot project which included the implementation of 6 HotSpots in the Sarajevo area as the
first phase of implementation of services in BH Telecom mobile network.
Besides construction of 2G/3G radio access network, the development of IEEE 802.11b/g
standard which included usage of cheap solutions with WiFi equipment, created the
prerequisites for mass implementation and usage of broadband access to the consumers of
BH Telecom mobile network through WLAN technology by applying 802.11b/g. Considering
that the implementation of 3G network requires significant preparations and operational

activities (acquiring the licenses, completely new radio access network, IP orientation in all
segments of the network, new nodes such as MSS, IMS, etc.) and considering the possibility
of data transmission through GPRS/EDGE technology (which provides data transmission for
mobile network consumers by speed high enough for using less demanding mobile services),
a quick and cheap solution through implementation of WLAN technology was applied and
it provided the users of mobile network (at the narrow hotspot zones) broadband access.
By providing synergy with upcoming 3G technology, the new possibilities are provided,
regarding using the services by mobile consumers.
Through the current activities, WiFi system was provided for functional usage for the
broadband access consumers of mobile networks at over 100 hotspots, by using cellular
phones, notebooks, PDAs and other devices which support Wi-Fi access, in way of
authentification with the existing SIM cards, and charging through the existing postpaid and
prepaid accounts.
During the first projects, the accent was on the integration of core part of mobile network,
for the service to be united by joint mobility, authentification and billing. During the 2007
and 2008 the expansion was implemented with 40 new WiFi Aps which include external
and internal installations in different towns of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2009 WLAN
hotpsots were installed at 30 locations throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2010 and
2011 the implementation of 200 new WLAN Aps was planned (including external and
internal installations) which provides the possibility for a different services through WLAN
network of BH Telecom (WiFi telephone, IP camera, video streaming, GSM services through
WLAN such as SMS). The basis for these services was the plan of implementation of WLAN
mesh networks in the city and town centers in BiH, which enabled WLAN consumers to have
‘high speed’ access to Internet not just at the hotspots, but also at the wider areas. The plans
for 2011 include purchasing of the licenses for additional 1,000 consumers of BH Mobile
for using planned WiFi telephone services, implementation of GSM service through WLAN
network, as well as the new method of registering for WLAN network through vouchers.

4.2.3. Investment development of BH Mobile network core

Principles of planning the investment development

The core of the mobile network in 2011 were subsystems: CS Core (G/MSC, MSS, HLR/AC),
SMS, IN (Ultra, VPN, Voucher Management System), Packet Core (GGSN, SGSN, SAPC),
IMS, as well as the platforms LBS (Location Based Services), VMS (Voice Mail System),
USSD, RBT/OCMP, SDP/NRG with accompanying equipment for the system usage.
The investment projects in the core of the mobile network are planned and performed while
considering all the facts of market, technical and financial nature, for the purpose of:
• Providing the necessary capacities of network elements in accordance with the dynamics
of number of users, total and per specific services;
• Providing functionality for realization of services and creating support for functioning
of elements of radio and service network, by implementing new software possibilities
and upgrade of software versions;
• Application of regulatory requirements;
• Achieving high quality of network operations.
A high reliability of the system should also be provided (99,999% reliability of certain
elements) and safety and flexibility for future development.

Planning of the investments for the technological development of the network core was
coordinated with the plan of users, services and traffic, while considering the reserve of 20%
and the length of one planning cycle, which requires the installation of capacities for the two
years ahead.
A quality project development cannot be separated from the project which provides IT
support and infrastructure premises: appropriate space for equipment storing, electro
capacities (electro supply and AC), capacities of transmission systems (TDM, IP). During
and after the project, training on the systems and advance control and system usage are the
key for effective maintenance and usage.
Special Projects
Since 1996 when the mobile network of 20,000 consumers was first installed on the territory
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, besides a large number of projects, and considering the criteria
for creating the conditions for further technological development and requirement for
integration with other BH Telecom systems, the following projects are standing out:
• Implementation of PC (Packet Core) – introduction of 2,5G mobile technology and
introduction of GPRS systems through the unique GGSN node BH Telecom provided
its consumers with the possibility of using mobile Internet through GPRS and WAP.
The services were experimentally commenced on December 24, 2004, and after the
complete integration of all GPRS system components all the requirements were fulfilled
for the commercial service since May 17, 2005.
• In 2005 an IN3 platform charge@once 1.0 was commenced, which at the time was state
of the art technology for prepaid user, which, besides hier capacity also had an option
to charge VAS services based on SMS and all other services of additional value based
on GPRS-u (2.5G) in real time, and enabled SMS service from roaming for prepaid
consumers, including the SMS charging in real time Prepaid consumers migrated from
IN2 platform to this new platform.
Further on, in September 2005, an convergent service of intelligent network was
installed at IN2 platform for VPN (Virtual Private Network) consumers of landline and
mobile network.
• IMS development – through the project of implementation of IP multimedia subsystem
(IMS is a standard which defines architecture of the core and of the service network
of new generation) which is transparent towards the different access networks and
devices, the prerequisites are created for the development of innovative multimedia
and standardized and combined services in a standardized way in a unique platform.
• Transfer to NGN – this project provides for gradual transfer from the classic GSM TDM
network of core network architecture to the advanced network architecture, the network
of the next generation - NGN, based on the package transmission with three levels:
transport, control and service. The project started by implementation of MSS solutions
as a part of the project of installation of 3G technology, and in the final phase it shall
be MSS pool solution as well as transfer to the NGN HLR. This project significantly
increases safety of the system, considering the fact that the redundant systems and
capacities are installed at two separate locations.

Continuous development of the system 1996-2010

Besides above mentioned projects, the software and hardware upgrades of the system were
continuously performed, as well as the implementation of the new software possibilities and

implementation of the platforms for service providing, and expansion of the capacities of the
network elements by continuous development of subsystems. The projects are listed below
according to the chronological order, starting from the initial project:
• The development of the CS subsystem – this project continuously lasted from 1996 and
included one integrated node MSC/GMSC/HLR and AUC system, which supported
basic and additional speech services, SMS and data transmission up to the speed of 9,6
kb/s, to the structure with: three MSC, two GMSC and HLR/AC achieved in 2006 and
with implemented functions, protocols (ex. Camel 1, 2 and 3) and interfaces which are
necessary for providing all BH Mobile services. The CS subsystem was for a long time,
besides SMS subsystem, the only way of providing the services of BH Mobile.
• The SMS subsystem development - the SMS service, besides speech service, has
the most significant part in the traffic. Approximately 4 million of different SMS
are exchanged daily, among consumers and among consumers and applications.
This subsystem was developed from the initial capacity of 20,000 consumers to the
completely redundant system with two SMS centers (SMS RGW), SMPP connections
towards the service network and safety functions (SMS-AntiSpoofing/AntiFaking/
AntiSpam/AntiFlooding). As a part of this subsystem the platforms are implemented:
MCN (Missed Call Notification) and Welcome SMS.
• The IN subsystem development - in 2000 the first system for prepaid service was
implemented – PrepaidLight, and in 2001 was when the new IN1 and prepaid service
PPS6A was implemented, which provided higher number of additional services for
prepaid consumers such as: UCB roaming, SMS, Friends and Family. In March 2002,
at the same IN1 platform the new services of the intelligent network were installed
from the group of so called NTS service: Free Phone, Premium Rate, Televoting, and
the same year the IN2 system was implemented, while IN1 was used for NTS services
linked at 9 fixed exchange centers. In 2009 IN1 platform for NTS was upgraded to the
new HW/SW platform, and the VPN service and VPN consumers were migrated to the
same platform in 2010. In 2010 IN4 platform was commenced.
• The PC subsystem development – After the initial implementation, at the end of 2006
SGSN i GGSN functions were separated into the separate nodes and PRS (Policy and
Rating Server) was implemented for the support to authorization of usage of the
services and a more flexible rating. The existing RTCN note for the services payment in
the real time was updated. Introduction of 3G network includes upgrade of the existing
PC system for the needs of 3G services. GGSN was integrated with Online Mediation
system (Online Charging System - OCS) through which the payment is performed, as
well as SAPC R3 (Service Aware Policy Control) system which has the function of PCRF
(Policy Charging Rule Function) in PS core part of the BH Mobile network.
• The development of the middleware platforms – at the beginning of the development
of the service network there was a need for connecting application servers with the
network core, where the core network should transparently provide all necessary
functions for providing the additional value services. In 2006 the middleware platforms
were implemented and they do not represent the traditional core of the network, but
they provide protocols and functions of the core network in service network: NRG/SDP
(Network Resource Gateway), USSD GW which provides Pay for Me service, OCMP/
RBT which provides service m-Ton, as well as SMLC and GMLC which creates the
support for LBS (Location Based) services. VMS system was also implemented with all
the functions of the dynamic mailbox, multimedia delivery of voice mail and functions
of notifying caller and the called consumer.

By 2001 the network capacities were expended, which a condition for the service was
providing. It was implemented in small steps, where the first larger scale expansion was
caused by the ULTRA service commencement. Since 2001 to date, the capacities at the
individual systems were expanded up to six times, as shown in Table 1. This was enabled by
the global development of the technology where the system capacities were increased and the
capital investments per consumer were reduced, which resulted in the decrease in the price
of the basic services of the mobile network
Continuous increase of the capacities caused the need for transferring the consumer’s profile
and data from one platform to another platform of larger capacity, so called migration of
data. Migration of data which are published in the network core 7 times at different nodes
(HLR, IN, VoMS), are from the aspect of preparation the most complex projects, considering
the fact that it is necessary, without significant stoppage of traffic/service providing (under
one hour) and without mistakes in user data to perform transmission of several million data
during one night, and to perform the functional testing of consumer’s server.
Significant investments in the network core are caused by implementation of functionality
and integrated performances which fulfill the requirements of TK regulatory body. The most
important of projects were:
• Implementation of numbering including change of NDC (National Destination Code)
from the original 090, through 066 to current 061, 062 and 060 with seven digit
• Roaming – BH Telecom has roaming with 254 operators, and for the data tranfer
service with 156 operators;
• Number transfer;
• Referential offer on interconnection for mobile network.
Table 4.2.1. Expanding capacities of mobile network
IN (prepaid) SMS PS CS HLR
/ node

users SAU users users

1996 0 20k users 0 25.000 20.000
1998 0 20k users 0 50.000 50.000
2000 25.000 20k users 0 110.000 110.000
2001 200.000 200k users 0 290.000 280.000
2004 750.000 110 TPS 100.000 990.000 800.000
2005 900.000 310 TPS 110.000 1.240.000 1.200.000
2006 1.100.000 1.310 TPS 375.000 1.240.000 1.450.000
2007 1.250.000 1.310 TPS 375.000 1.340.000 1.450.000
2008 1.350.000 1.310 TPS 600.000 1.340.000 1.650.000
2009 1.450.000 1.310 TPS 650.000 1.840.000 1.900.000
2010 1.450.000 1.600 TPS 650.000 1.840.000 1.900.000

During the development of the network core the significant contribution to the improvement
of the BH Telecom services and satisfied consumers were result of the projects such as:
Platform for control of traffic roaming which created the technological support for the price
decrease for roaming traffic, and system for the electronic top-up of vouchers (e-voucher
system) through which over 50% of ULTRA credits were topped-up.
At the end, it should be pointed out that the implementation of the new technologies brings the
possibility for the development of new services from one side, but also significantly increases
complexity of the implementation and integration (diversity of protocol and network
elements, additional requirements for the safety due to the transfer to IP), which will cause
additional efforts towards further development of the core of the mobile network, starting
from the project preparation to its final realization. Besides all technical prerequisites, the
basis for the past and for the future development shall be educated and trained personnel.

4.2.4. Investment development of the BH Mobile service network

Special projects
Since 1996, besides the high number of completed investments-projects, and considering, as
criteria, creation of prerequisites for further technological development and the expansion
of the service portfolio for the service network of BH Mobile, the following projects had to be
pointed out:
GPRS/EDGE (General Packet Radio Service/Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution)
Two key strategic decisions on BH Telecom investments which provided a full acceptance of
data transmission services by the consumers were the selection of GPRS/EDGE technology
as the basis for providing data transmission services, and the principles for providing
technology which were:
• Provide service for all consumers (prepaid and postpaid);
• Provide flexibility for charging of services;
• Provide automatic delivery of the set up required for usage of the services based on
GPRS/EDGE technology through OTA system;
• Initiate innovations for introduction of high number of services before competition,
• The principle of „Introducing as many services in a shortest time period possible“.
By introducing GPRS technology BH Mobile entered in the phase of development and
services which labeled it as a classic Internet Service Provider (ISP). Due to the great efforts
of its personnel and based on the GPRS technology, in a short time period the following
services were introduced:
• • WAP portal „“;
• • MMS (Multimedia Messaging System);
• • mMail service;
• • JAVA Download platform.

VAS (Value-Added Services)

BH Telecom invested into the procurement of VAS (Value Added Services) platform with
the purpose of establishing a simple and fast connection for additional value services at SMS
center. VAS platform allows BH Telecom consumers to access contents and SMS services

which are in its portfolio, and which are divided to the services for information, education
and entertainment. VAS platform also enables third party providers a controlled usage of
SMS channel, that is, an access to the BH Telecom’s SMS infrastructure (SMS center), in
order to be able to offer to consumers services and different contents/services, with the
applications owned by the BH Telecom, as well as with the all developed applications which
are integrated into the safe environment. As a part of VAS platform the bulk SMS messages
can be sent, which is devoted to the business entities /companies to inform larger number of
clients or partners through the same message.

MMSC (Multimedia Messaging Service Center)

In 2005 BH Telecom invested into the procurement of MMSC-a (Multimedia Messaging
Service Center) in order to provide its clients with a series of great services and applications
based on multimedia. MMS Center is messaging service which enables consumers to send
and receive multimedia messages: this includes a combination of text and a still and movable
photograph, graphics and sound in one single message. With the purpose of controlling MMS
services with additional value and with the increase in SMS, MMS and GPRS traffic, it was
invested in MMS Content system which enabled us to provide advance services based on
interaction of several access channels, MMS, SMS, WAP and Internet technologies, as well as
the upgrade of the existing services or introduction of new services to the market.

SDP (Service Delivery Platform)

With the purpose of expanding the portfolio of BH Telecom’s services offered to its consumers,
it was invested in SDP (Service Delivery Platform) platform, which provides the environment
for creation of services, for application of services and the abstract telecom communication
channels, as the basis for the creation of the service. SDP platform has fully, in a extremely
safe way, opened the mobile network towards service and content providers, and has created
the possibility to implement new applications for the mobile consumers in a relatively fast
way. BH Mobile ensured with this service the usage of network and service platforms to the
full extend, because, with the possible partners, that is service and content providers are
enabled to use all elements of the network.

Platforma mCommerce
BH Telecom was the first and is still the only operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina which,
by investing into the platform for mobile payment, offered to its user’s services of payment
and transfer of funds through mobile device in a safe way. By implementing mCommerce
platform, it is enabled to purchase and charge for goods or services through financial
transactions which can be classified as the transactions towards the BH Telecom’s account or
from it, as well as the transactions from the users’ bank account. The examples of the basic
services offered through mCommerce platform are: topping up of the users’ prepaid account
from the postpaid and prepaid accounts, from the bank account, ATM machines or POS
mCommerce platform offers more than that. By integration of external service providers
as partners in mCommerce business processes it is possible to achieve huge potentials of
business relations. The interaction with the parking operators for the purpose of payment
for the parking through mobile device the service was provided which enables any consumer
of BH Mobile network to safely pay parking in a places and with those partners that BH
Telecom has a business relation. It is also important to mention that the platform with its
micro-payment and macro-payment modules signals to all interested partners, in a wide

spectrum of performances, the possibility to charge for its products and services through the
new channels of sale.
mCommerce platform is an example of WinWinWin strategy of business relation because all
participant in this business chain have the following benefits:
• Subscribers are offered new services,
• External providers achieve business relation towards one great market with the safe
• BH Telecom makes new business partnerships, increases the scope of services offered
to its subscribers and is classified as an advanced operator which follows the trends in
the modern world of telecommunications.

LBS Platform (Location Based Services)

BH Telecom was, with this investment, the first and still the only operator in Bosnia and
Herzegovina which by investing into LBS (Location Based Services) platform provided its
consumers an additional dimension of usage of mobile services based on its geographical
position. BH Mobile provided its consumers with the three basic services based on LBS
• mTu sam!
• mHunt i
• mWarrior.
LBS Platform is a natural extension of the SDP system development which after opening of
the messaging, payment and charging and terminal status options, added one more, that is
a geographical option. By introducing LBS platform, the possibilities offered to the external
providers of the applications are expanded by this investment to the location options. BH
Telecom and external providers can use geographical location of mobile terminal for creation
of attractive and practical services which will save time, provide entertainment, improve
business efficiency and increase personal safety.

BH Telecom was the first operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina to start the new mobile
network of third generation UMTS/HSPA, in May 2009, on the World Telecommunication
Day. It was invested into the network which was based on the latest technology and which
provided high speed of data transmission up to 7,2 Mb/s in DL (downlink) and up to 1,4
Mb/s in UL (uplink).
In the first phase, the network was constructed in the area of large urban centers in Bosnia
and Herzegovina with 50 base stations distributed in 9 locations: Sarajevo, Tuzla, Banja
Luka, Mostar, Zenica, Bihać, Travnik, Brčko and Goražde. In the meantime BH Telecom
invested in 3G network coverage of other larger locations in B&H with over 22 base stations.
Based on this technology BH Telecom was the first operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina to
introduce broadband mobile Internet access and with the investment in streaming platform
provided the possibility of advance multimedia services which require great speed for usage,
such as MojaTV mobile service.

IMS - IP Multimedia Subsystem

The main technological characteristic and the reason for implementation of IMS, for
investment in this technology was its transparency towards different access networks.

Therefore, IMS is the main trigger for evolution of telecommunication networks and services
towards mobile/landline convergent solutions. In this way the consumers have the unique
access to a wide spectrum of services through different devices and access technologies.
Market research has shown that the modern consumer wants communicational solutions
which will enable them to transfer different business operations and private information
at the same time. The new multimedia services, based on IMS, have the key role in
ensuring communication among consumers, because they provide communication through
different medium, such as, speech services, text messaging, picture and video clips or their
combinations in accordance with the consumer’s wishes.

Platform for consolidation of data bases

The platform for consolidation of data bases in the service network was implemented with
the purpose of upgrading system infrastructure and transferring to the higher level of
standardization and resource sharing (data base and storage), as well as the transferring to
the higher level of security systems. With this investment BH Mobile was classified as one
of the rare, modern, mobile operators which try to decrease the complexity of the system via
advanced systems, and to increase usage of back part of the service, data base and devices for
data storing, from the aspect of process power and usage of the disc space, and of course to
decrease the expenses of the system maintenance.

4.2.5. High value projects for service providing, support to the advance services
and the control of the service network of BH Mobile
As the above mentioned investments which marked the expansion of service network of BH
Telecom and service portfolio of BH Mobile, the following projects are equally important.
Without them the service network would not be what it is right now, a modern and structured
organization which brings profit to BH Telecom. For the investment projects which shall be
mentioned it is necessary to mention that some of them were implemented simultaneously
with the above mentioned projects, as simply put, they could not function separately.
For the purpose of managing consumers and their preferences, BH Telecom had to enable
safety of the consumers, its network and the exchanged data for uninterrupted provision
of advanced services. Authorization and authenticity of the consumers, and account
functionality are implemented within RADIUS system, while for the purpose of simplification
of authentification process for users data, the SSO (Single Sign-On) system was implemented.
This system enables final users to access different services with a unique authentification
of data, and all necessary data were taken from LDAP data base. LDAP system contains a
central consumer’s and service data base and was implemented with the purpose of data base
service providing.
With the purpose of providing centralized and automatized administration of users and
services, as well as centralized access to all consumer data which are generated in the network
elements of BH Telecom, it was invested in the procurement of the provisioning system.
This was another step of this company towards the optimized and high quality network
environment which enables and accelerates process of introduction and administration of
the new services.
During the past period, it was invested in the procurement of RBT (Ring Back Tone)
platform which enables transformation of telephone calls in a new, entertaining and exciting
experience. Instead of standard tones which a person hears while waiting for a response
of a called party, RBT gives a freedom and flexibility to express them in an original and

even unexpected way. Mobile consumers are enabled with a choice of personalized content,
starting with music (a wide spectrum of artists, songs, sounds) to the personal messages
combined with the audio content, which the user will be able to hear until the called party
answers the telephone or until the calling time expires.
With the purpose of following the condition of the service network in the past period, the
investment was made for the procurement of the NMS (Network Management System)
system which enables monitoring of hardware and software status of individual components
of the system, network interfaces, status of operational system, as well as the key processes
and applications which are located in servers. Introduction of NMS system simplified
detection and diagnosis of the problem which results in the shorter repair time.
Centralized back up & restore solution was implemented in service network of BH Mobile as
a systematical which increases data safety, necessary for a functioning of BH Mobile services.
This solution uses specified software and hardware which enable safe and speedy recovery of
any service, regardless of the cause for the malfunctioning. It also simplifies administration
of the existing and the future systems, which simplifies integration of the new services.
The infrastructure of any modern operator, and therefore of BH Telecom, leans towards the
IP technologies. Therefore, it is important to set the firm communication foundations on
which the whole infrastructure shall lean upon. During the design of the package backbone
(Mobile Packet Backbone Network – MPBN) the following concepts were taken into account:
• Safety,
• Reliability,
• Optimal communication among nodes,
• Flexibility and
• Scalability for the future needs.
In 2010, the backbone network of BH Telecom was expanded. Conceptually, the project of
the expansion included a new IP network equipment which include new switches, routers
where there is no BH Telecom’s IP/MPLS router, new firewalls, detection systems, security
and prevention of network hacking, as well as the systems for managing call for the safety
threats. The concept was based on the definition of so called mobile - MPBN sites, at
Baščaršija, Dolac Malta and Alipašino polje. The communication between these locations
runs through BH Telecom’s IP/MPLS network. Each location is protected when it comes to
internal and external communication among nodes, and it has additional capacity for the
future expansions of the BHT mobile network.
At the end, it should be pointed out that the investments and the implementations of new
technologies brings the possibility of the development of the new services, but on the other
side it significantly increases the complexity of the implementation and integration (diversity
of the protocol and the network elements, additional requirements for the security due to
the transfer to the IP), which will require additional efforts towards the further development
of the service mobile network, starting from the preparation of the project to its realization.
Besides all technological prerequisites, the basis for the past development was and for the
current and future development shall be educated and trained personnel capable to meet the
challenges that the future shall bring.


BH Telecom Internal documents

4.3. Key investments into IT systems

4.3.1. Introduction
The information system was always an important link of BH Telecom, and with the new
conditions of business operations (liberalization and regulation) of telecom operators it
represents the key infrastructure of the whole system and is the common integrated base for
the process of general convergation. Based on this, the information system consists:
a) development, implementation, exploitation, and maintenance of total information
systems, and
b) Providing conditions for the realization and following the principles and functions of
the control system and fulfilling KPI and KQI parameters.
The accelerated development of the information systems requires significant investments
which are increasing in the last ten years, and they have increased from 3% to 5% of total
investments of BH Telecom on annual basis. These investments have the purpose for the
information systems to create conditions for achieving defined business intentions and
ensuring the success. Previous experiences and the degree of technological development
represent IT integration and the IT systems as such, as the driving force for implementation of
business transformation in the framework of modern movements in the telecomm industry.
Therefore, the answers provided by the information systems to the business requirements
are based on IT integration and modernization of IT systems in BH Telecom, which clearly
shows the need for constant upgrade and investment in the information system.
While planning the development of the information system and in planning the investments
for the information system, the BH Telecom strategy for development is followed, and we
rely on the recommendations and standards from the area of development of business
processes, defined by the documents TMF and ITIL at all levels of operation management
within a telecom operator. For the successful planning and realization of the investments
for IT systems it is necessary to follow the accepted principles and standards with the final
objective of total standardization of the process and the activities of the information systems.
By investing into the information systems, according to the defined and accepted strategic
lines of development, the BH Telecom should have the following benefits:
a) Systematization and standardization of integrations of business processes by application
of unique standards and principles;
b) Accelerated convergations of services and networks by coordinated usage of information
technologies as a connecting medium, in accordance with the recommendation of
NGOSS Framework;
c) Long-term foundation for the successful transformation of BH Telecom in a capable
company organized on a principle of service oriented enterprise (SOE);
d) Higher degree of understanding the needs of the users of the information systems and
the possibility of the IT Office to fulfill those needs through accepted development
concept and a unified method of communication;
e) The increase in productivity, decrease of operational expenses, increase of the income,
increase of the service and a degree of the service usage...
The set principles of the development of the information system and understanding the
business needs were the basic guideline for determining the need for the construction and
investment in IT systems to lean on the modern technological platform solutions, system and
tools solutions, where there are three main routes:

• construction of solution which supports inventiveness in creating and providing
telecommunication services,
• construction of the systems which enable successful maintenance and operation
of telecommunication services, and
• Construction of solution which enable quick and regular business decision
Historically speaking, the investment into the information system has changed from 2000
to date. At the beginning the investments were directed towards the development of the IT
infrastructure (computer network, server system, computers, other equipment), only to have
the focus shifted to the procurement of the software solutions and licenses for their usage,
while lately the largest investments are in the integrated components and the construction of
the service oriented architecture – system and application.
The following chapters shall show the main components of the information system in the
context of the investments towards its creation and continuous development.

4.3.2. Computer network

The objective of the construction of the computer network was for the project to rely on its
own transmission capacities and to perform it with its own means, with the construction
of the required passive network infrastructure and the procurement of the required active
network equipment. Between 1999 and 2001, according to this concept, the corporative IT
infrastructure was constructed, and it was based on TCP/IP protocol and with all characteristic
of the Internet network. The construction of the network infrastructure was performed with
the application of all regulations, standards and recommendations, which fulfilled the basic
request – connecting all of the computer resources, independent from the geographical
location of certain premises. During the exploitation and further development of the
computer network, two major network redesigns were made, while there was a continuous
expansion of the capacities, as regarding covering all new locations such as Telecom centers,
as well as increasing the number of ports and speed for data transmission between locations.
Table 4.3.1. Sum of the equipment for computer network of IS
The total investment in
the computer network
during the past 10 years is
approx. 1.500.000 KM.

4.4.3. Computer
systems and office
Parallel to the construction
of the private computer network, a network operational system was designed, tested and
prepared, and it was based on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server with directory service. It
later went through different upgrades and improvements, so it is currently based Windows
Server 2003 R2 and Windows Server 2008 R2, where the consolidation of network services
(AD, DNS, WINS) was performed and prepared a new design by introducing a structure of an
organizational unit (OU). Except for procurement of necessary hardware and software licenses,

all other activities regarding the implementation
were performed with our own means.
The client’s side mostly used Microsoft Windows
XP, Vista and Windows 7 operational systems,
as well as the client’s licenses for server access
(CAL), while the Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 and
2010 versions were used as the office package.
The procurement of the client’s Microsoft
licenses (1,300 professional licenses) was
mostly performed through Microsoft Enterprise
Agreements, but we also had some individual
procurement. Servers, computers, printers,
scanners and other equipment were continuously
purchased during the whole period of IT system
development for the purpose of the providing
efficient tools for a fast and uninterrupted work of
the system users.
Total investments in this type of hardware and
software licenses were over 10.000.000 KM.
Figure 4.3.1. Server equipment in the primary
center for data transmission
4.3.4. Data base
By abandoning the concept of the mainframe computers and connecting the resources into
the private computer network, it was necessary to implement different new application
solutions, which were based not only on a new hardware and new operational systems, but it
was also requested that the complete transfer to the relation data bases is performed. Initially
the standard was a defined application of distributed data base, based on Oracle RDBMS
and Microsoft Access DB, which worked on Microsoft Windows operational systems. The
distribution concept was based on the regional principle in a way that each regional office had its
own data base which was synchronized through replication systems or through automatization
procedures of data transfer. Licenses for the data base were issued on the principle of the
number of consumers
Table 4.3.2. Total review of the computer and server capacity in IS of application, and it
was a good model at the
Introduction of the new
applications, which
were required for the
introduction of the new
BH Telecom services,
and the process coverage
of many operational
activities, gradually we
transferred to the half-
distributional model
of data base, and the
licensing was migrated
to the processor model,

which was the only justified model of licensing considering the beginning of the service
through web portal. Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (34 CPU license), Oracle Database
Standard Edition (18 CPU license), Oracle Middleware (22 CPU license).
The investments for licenses for using the data base and accompanying developing tools
were approx. 2.500.000 KM.

4.3.5. Enterprise Storage,

backup system and
consolidation of data base
The implementation of the
Enterprise Storage system created
a technological assumption for
the continuance of the physical
and logical consolidation of data
bases which represent the core
of the information system. This
phase of the construction of the IT
infrastructure included upgrade
of the existing server platform,
construction of the specialized
Figure 4.3.2. Scheme of the integrated data base platform for the data storage,
construction of the automatized
system for data back-up and installing appropriate software platform for control of the
Storage Area Network system and the backup system.
In a very short time period, this platform had a migration performed and the data base
was consolidated which are used in information system, and in that way they provided a
significant advantage as the bases for the further development and implementation of
integrated components.
Security and data backup which provide
physical security of the most important
resources, the ability of replacement of
certain resources without the data loss and
data recovery option if the certain resource
of information system is non-reversibly
damaged or destroyed, were always the
links of the information system which were
very important, and therefore this segment
had significant investments when it comes
to equipment procurement and software
Enterprise Storage and backup system
continued to expand and modernize after
the initial implementation in 2005. Right
now we have the latest, the most reliable,
structured storage and backup systems.
Total investment for those systems was
Figure 4.3.3. Enterprise storage systems in
approx. 2.300.000 KM.
information system

4.3.6. Data archive, and establishing of Disaster Recovery system
By using the parts of the information system and by introducing the new services a large
amount of data was created and they were partially disturbing normal operation of the
information system. Therefore it was necessary to prepare data archive which was based on
the so called hierarchical model of archive, where the archive is organized in several levels:
archive data bases, data saving in specialized archive system and data saving on magnetic
tapes. For the implementation of this project during 2007, the system that was purchased
and implemented had a value of 500.000 KM.
Parallel performance of the successful physical consolidation created a need for constructing
technical assumptions for the system recovery in the case of the disaster, so called Disaster
Recovery System. Disaster Recovery is a concept which defines the process of recovery of
all business process in an organization to a normal production state after a disaster. The
technical solution was based on the creation of the functional disaster recovery solution
for the key components of the BH Telecom’s information system. The investment in the
hardware, software which runs the replica in the sincrone mode and implementation services
and the upgrades of this system to date were approx. 1,200,000 KM.

4.3.7. Monitoring of IT infrastructure and ITIL

With the purpose of improving the monitoring over the IT infrastructure, during the last 4
years, though the several phases, the integral monitoring system of IT infrastructure was
implemented. The system was based on several products, but the effective integration was
achieved among them. The products used for the construction of this system Microsoft
System Center Operations Manager 2007, Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control, IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Manager Netcool/Omnibus.
The implementation of this
system provided the integrated
monitoring tool which has the
ability to check and alarm complete
IT infrastructure in the real
time. In this way we transferred
the horizontal domains into the
domain based on the service
oriented model, according to the
so called end-to-end concept
Such monitoring of IT services
enables the view from the
consumer’s side, and in the case of
any incident we have the possibility
to quickly locate and focus on the
precise part of the infrastructure
Figure 4.3.4. Event Dashboard system for monitoring or application which is responsible
IT infrastructure
for the incident.
Total investment of monitoring system was over 800.000 KM.
During the changes and adaptation of the organization of the development activities,
exploitation and maintenance of the information system, we constantly searched for the
acceptable models and the best practices from the area of managing of IT services, and

several years ago we have decided that it is the ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library), which today
has become the basis for the establishing wide spread system for IT system management
(ITSM). A successful implementation and realization of the project from the area of IT
system management contributed to the improvement of the resource usage, elimination of
surplus activities, decrease of total costs on IT equipment and applications, as well as the
achieving the reasonable price for the good quality service, as well as the service security
which meet the needs of the business and decrease of number of requests for intervention by
the consumers.
We have prepared and applied the most important ITIL processes and functions in several
phases, and they include:
• Implementation of the applicable
solution for the universal IT
Service Desk support,
• Implementation of the applicable
solution for the Configuration
Management process which
includes application of CMDB
(Configuration Management Data
• Implementation of the processes:
Capacity Management, Service
Level Agreement, Service
Catalog Management, Problem
Management and Security
Management. Figure 4.3.5. Manager Portal IT service of the desk system

For the fulfillment of those objectives we used SysAid, IBM Maximo, Microsoft Forefront
Identity Manager and Paslogix SSO software packages, which have an integrated support for
the application of the listed processes and functions.
Total investment to date for the construction and application of some of the ITIL processes
was over 700,000 KM.

4.3.8. Billing systems

As the BH Telecom developed
telecommunication services, it
was necessary to develop the
billing systems, starting from the
traditional calculation for landline
telephone, based on the impulse,
through the support for mobile
telephones, Internet access, to the
most complex services such s VPN,
triple and quadro play with MojaTV
service. We can say that the billing
system contained different modules
at different times, and it also
supported different functions, and Figure 4.3.6. Income control – one of the functions of the
there were and still are developed in billing system

the different platforms, depending on the current technological achievement.
The source modules of the billing system included the following functions:
• Services – record of consumers and requirements,
• Technical base TIS,
• Module for reporting disturbances,
• Mediation systems,
• Calculation (collecting and data control on the traffic, calculation of the subscription,
one time and constant indebtedness, taxation),
• Printing of bills and notices,
• Income control (payments, warnings, reports for accounting) and
• Report systems.
These systems are mostly developed by our own means or with the help of the external
providers through partnership solutions. The biggest investments were related to the
mediation system for the mobile network and Internet access, including the support for the
MojaTV services. Total investment in the previous period was approx. 3,000,000 KM.
For the needs of the international data exchange in roaming, according to the latest TAP
standards and due to the need for support for the new services, at the end of 2006 the
solution for TAP3 was purchased, which was significantly expanded with the modules for
monitoring the access usage and support for the new services of the third generation – 3G.
The investment for the program package TAP was approx. 500,000 KM.
Due to the need of unification of inter-operator’s calculation and introducing new ones by the
regulation determined by obligations of pre-selection and selection of the operators, as well as
the number transfer, the application for international calculation and the application for the
internal inter-connective calculation were replaced in July 2008 by the new application for
interbilling which was purchased as a final solution. This application is constantly upgraded
and updated. The investment to date is 900,000 KM.

4.3.9. GIS
By establishing the GIS system in BH Telecom, from its initial start to current degree of
development we went through the different stages where we had some investments. At the
beginning we mostly invested in
procurement of server equipment,
licenses and digital vector maps,
and later on we purchased specific
equipment for geo positioning, as
well as special software modules.
Total investment in GIS system
was approx. 2,000,000 KM.

4.3.10. JRK/JPP
One of the bases of BH Telecom
strategy is adaptation to the
needs of consumers and
conversion of services and
Picture 4.3.7. Unique offer and sale – integrated applicable networks as an answer to the
system growing competition. This was

the basis for the creation of a single billing system of BH Telecom which will enable fast
implementation of the services and a flexible pricing plan. Therefore the project of Single
registry of users and unique offer and sale are the initial and basic subproject of total capacity
of the universal billing, and it is the basis for integration of BH Telecom’s billing system.
The concept of the unique user and unique product catalogue uses the recommendations of
Telemanagement Forum for the system development by taking into account the processes of
FAB are atom map which are in a direct contact with the processes of the CRM area.
The project started in September 2007, as a partnership development, and it was commenced
in June 2009. The system was upgraded at the beginning of 2010 for the support of MojaTV
service, and the investments for this project were around 1,000,000 KM.
4.3.11. SAP
In November 2001 was the first meeting of the SAP system implementation team and the
project commencement was announces as well as its own principles.
The main requests set before the new system was:
• High degree of integration,
• Automatic consolidation of sum of financial information
• Data access and control by the authorized employees,
• Possibility of report on incomes and expenditures per profit and expanse centers,
• Coordination of reports with local regulations and international standards,
• The possibility of generating flexible reports for company management.
SAP system was commenced on September 9, 2002. It was quickly integrated with other
components of the informational system, and the number of users of SAP system was from
the initial 200 increased to over 500 with the tendency of further increase. In 2009 we
completed the process of replacement of 4.6C version to the SAP ECC 6.0. Technologically
speaking, this new version was a different solution from the existing one, and the new
NetWeaver component, besides information integration, brought in the integration of the
employees and information.
The new version of SAP system brought in great benefits for the employees working on the
development and maintenance of the application systems. Through the Solution Manager,
as one of the components
of the ECC 6.0., it is
possible to monitor
each information
project through all
the phases of its cycle:
from the project design
preparation, through
development and testing,
work commencement
to the maintenance and
Total investment for
SAP system is approx.
4,400,000 KM.
Figure 4.3.8. SAP – PM module functioning as IT project monitor

4.3.12. Contact Center
The Call center, as a new place of contact for the users of JP PTT BiH, was commenced
in 2001. The Call center was organized as a distribution system with one switch where all
operation places were connected. Since 2006 we started introducing the Contact center–
OneContact which represented the upgrade, and until 2010 it completely replaced the Call
center which was used to that date. Communication connections towards the Contact center
were applied by using ISDN PRA lines and analogue POTS lines for the needs of voice and fax
communications. For other types of communication (e-mail, SMS, USSD, fax, applications)
we use WAN network infrastructure of BH Telecom, as well as the components of the service
part of the mobile network (SMS Gateway, USSD Gateway, WEB and WAP portal). In this way
the communication of the Contact center with all relevant parts of BH Telecom is provided,
with the purpose of achieving the full functional care for the user.
For the needs of the Contact center, the following software was purchased and is being used:
• OneAgent 157 pcs,
• Voice Recorder 92 pcs
Investment for the Call and Contact center was approx. 5,200,000 KM.
Table 4.3.3. Total breakdown of IT investments 2001 to 2010
Computer network 1.500.000

Computer equipment, operational systems and office applications 10.000.000

Data base 2.500.000

Enterprise Storage, backup system and consolidation of data base 2.300.000

Data archive and establishment of Disaster Recovery system 1.700.000

monitoring IT infrastructure and ITIL 1.500.000

Billing systems 4.400.000

GIS 2.000.000

JRK/JPP 1.000.000

SAP 4.400.000

Contact center 5.200.000

TOTAL 36.500.000


BH Telecom Internal documents


5.1. Introduction

Telecom Inženjering (Telecom Engineering) was founded on 22 December 1954 under the
name of ‘’TT montaža’’ – Sarajevo, as a company specialized for the designing and work
performance from the telecommunication range. During the transformation, later on, it was
renamed in ‘’PTT Engineering’’ and under that name, during the war period from 1992 to
1995 it became a brand recognizable by its quality and professionalism. PTT Engineering
was, by the human resources and material potentials, the largest company in the region of
the former Yugoslavia, and one of the
most important in the region.
Since 1 January 1997, PTT Engineering
is a part of BH Telecom (that is of
former JP PTT BiH), under the name
Telecom Inženjering. It is located in
the modern office building of 17.000
m2 total, located in the new part of the
city. In the Telecom Engineering’s (TI)
office building are also located other
organizational units of BH Telecom
(Executive office for the technology
and the service development, Office
for information technologies, Office Figure 5.1. Office building of Telecom Engineering
for sales and support.

5.2. Realization of the BH Telecom investments

As the specialized organizational part of the BH Telecom Company, which currently employs
360 workers, Telecom Engineering in the process of realization of investments performs the
activities through internal organizational units:
- Office of the director;
- Division for work performance;
- Division for production and installation of metal structures;
- Division for the designing and technological preparatory works;
- Division for financial affairs;
- Division for legal affairs and human resources;
- Division for quality control.
Work coordination among certain organizational units is fully regulated by the management
system and the quality used since 6 July 2001. Quality management System (QMS) was
established and it was coordinated with the requirements of the current issue of standards -
EN ISO 9001: 2008.
Quality management system is applicable to the following areas:
- Designing, construction, measuring, work commencement of telecommunication
networks, LAN (Local Area Network), Fire alarm network and burglar alarm network;
- Designing, production and installation of metal grid structures and accompanying
equipment for the infrastructure of telecommunication.

Telecom Engineering’s engagement is based on the Directions on method of engagement of
Telecom Engineering’s (August, 2004)
These Directions specify type and scope of works which TI, as part of BH Telecom Sarajevo
Company performs, especially considering the works related to the following:
a) Preparation of the project in accordance with the project task of the Company and in
accordance with the Business plan of the Company,
b) Performance of the investment works in accordance with the projects approved by the
c) Performance of the repairs on the basic means, in accordance with the accepted
Business plan and the Company reports,
d) Production of the equipment for the needs of the Company
e) Commercial affairs for realization of items a) to d) unless the work order prescribed
f) Performs works on the design completion and preparation of working (technical)
documentation, work execution and equipment production, as well as other activities
from the registration of the company required to meet the needs of the market.
Before the
of the above listed
works, the Client
is obliged to
address Telecom
Engineering with
the request for
declaration on work
T e l e c o m
capacities are
engaged in
accordance with
the accepted
Business plan of
the Corporation
Picture 5.2. First certificate on approval of quality management system issued
by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance in 2001
for that calendar
year. Telecom
Engineering, in
accordance with the written request for the procurement, and after the review of possible
meeting of the needs of the Client, issues a work order or informs the Client on inability
to start the work obligations. A signed work order, with all the elements prescribed by the
Directions, is submitted to the Client for review and signing. The Client shall evaluate if the
submitted order form is realistic and acceptable. If the work order is acceptable, it shall be
signed and verified by the project participants in accordance with the Directions, and the TI
shall be informed in writing on the purpose of work commencement. The signed work order
for the work performance is as valid as the internal contract.
For the needs of BH Telecom’s investment realization, in the area of designing, productions
and work performance in the range of telecommunications, Telecom Engineering performs:

- Designing in the range of
- Designing of the metal
structures and equipment;
- Performs all works
in the range of
techniques and safety-
signaling techniques;
- Production of metal
structures and equipment;
- Maintenance of the
existing TK infrastructure; Picture 5.3. Segments of antenna grid poles produces for the needs
of the Division for production of Telecom Engineering
- Quality control;
- Consulting services for construction and maintenance.
The most updated and modern equipment and measuring instruments, modern
mechanization and machines for production are used during the investment realization.

5.3. Designing and technological preparation in the process of investment

Designs prepared to meet the needs of BH
- Conceptual solutions,
- Conceptual designs,
- Main and working design,
- As-build design and
- Reports.
Design documents include the following
• TK access networks and installations;
• TK cable installations;
• TK devices and equipment;
• Wireless communication systems;
• Antenna poles and infrastructures of
premises for TK equipment; Picture 5.4. Regional optical lines towards Mostar,
Tuzla, Bihać and Goražde
• LAN, CATV (Cable Television),
burglar alarm, fire alarm, and other cable installations;
• Supply system, earthing, and lighting conductor installation, cable canals and other
elements of TK infrastructure, etc.
During the 2010 the Division for the designing and technological preparatory works prepared
over 100 main designs for the access TK networks, optical connection lines, infrastructures

of base stations for the needs of mobile
network, and technical solutions
for LLU (Local Loop Unbundling)

5.4. Work performance in the

process of investment realization
Iz oblasti izvođenja radova koji se
odnose na telekomunikacione mreže
i postrojenja, iz širokog spektra
aktivnosti treba izdvojiti:
• Construction of
telecommunication access Picture 5.5. Excerpt from the Main design of BH Telecom’s
networks of all types and sizes; Metro Ethernet network
• Construction of all cable canals for the TK;
• Construction, installation, directing, and access system start up by optical and coaxial
• Installation of telecommunication devices and switching equipment;
• All types of installations (telephone installations, fire alarm installations, lighting
conductor installations, house installations);
• Installation and directing of radio relay connections (micro-wave lines and RR
transmission network);
• Installation and start up of local computer networks;
• Construction of distributor
feeder networks for GSM
(Global System for Mobile
Communications) antennas.
During the 2010, employees of the
Division for work performance
were engaged for the construction
of access TK networks, optical
connection lines, maintenance
and reconstruction of facilities
whose clients were the Division for
investments, that is Regional offices
Tuzla, Bihać, Goražde, Travnik,
Mostar, Zenica and Sarajevo (total of
more than 200 facilities). Picture 5.6. Work meeting regarding project realization in
Telecom Engineering
5.5. Production and
installation during the process of investment realization
Out of spectrum of production and installation for the BH Telecom, the following activities
should be pointed out:
• Production of metal modular antenna poles and containers for the equipment storage
for the needs of BH Telecom’s mobile network;

• P r o d u c t i o n
and installation of
metal structures for
devices, such as production
and installation of passive
reflector, production and
installation of antenna
bearings and installation
of antennas and supporting
• Construction of metal
products, structures and
spare parts, including metal
Slice 5.7. Telecom Engineering’s capacities for execution of works parts and metal hardware
for BH Telecom;
• Installation of antenna poles of different structures and sizes;
During 2010, the employees of the Division for production and installation were engaged at
the construction of containers, poles, fences and fittings, and their installation for the needs
of BH Telecom (mobile network). The produced products were: grid antenna poles, 20 m
to 44 m high, (total of 58 poles), pipe poles (8 pieces), containers for TK equipment storage
(total of 55 pieces), GSM and ML
fittings (micro-wave link) antenna
(app. 1,300 fittings), etc.

5.6. Conclusion
Telecom Engineering is operational
- executive organizational unit of
the Company for realization of:
- designing,
Picture 5.8. Telecom Engineering’s products for the needs of
- works on construction of
BH Telecom investment facilities,
- works on the investment
maintenance of the facility,
- works on the maintenance of
the facility,

Picture 5.9. Antenna poles for the needs of BH Telecom Picture 5.10. Graphical chart of internal
mobile network realization according to type of work for 2010

- production of the equipment for the needs of BH Telecom
- Transport and other services intended for all organizational units of the Company.

Picture 5.11. Production capacity of Telecom Engineering

The above mentioned works IT performed with its own labor force and its own means, with
subcontracting labor force and means and contracted labor force and the means.

Picture 5.12. Material resources of the Division for designing and technological equipment

Telecom Engineering’s income is defined by the following elements:

- work amount per investment plan for the current year
- Rules on the work standards in BH Telecom;
- Decision on the amount of hourly wage which is valid since 2000,
- Rules on accounting and accounting policies in the part whose subject is value, that is,
the acceptance of the value of newly acquired permanent means.
Telecom Engineering constantly applies stipulations of all BH Telecom’s Directions and
Telecom Engineering’s engagement is based on the Directions on method of engagement of
Telecom Engineering’s (3 August 2004) in a way that all clients address the TI for the work
performance through the procurement request. TI, after reviewing its abilities responds to
the requests, almost always in an affirmative manner, by preparing a work order which has
a status of an internal contract, and which defines the elements for the work performance in
accordance with the Directions. The prices are defined by the accepted norms for the labor

force (for TI works), that is, by appropriate
actions of procurement of the cooperative
services in accordance with the Law on
Public Procurement.
The success of the investment realization
depends on the conditions for the
realization (materials provided by BH
Telecom, construction permits provided
by the other participants in the investment
realization, urban planning permit, and the
degree of the investment definition) which
do not depend on Telecom Engineering, as
well as the complicated procedures defined
by the Law on Public Procurement.
Telecom Engineering’s experts gave its
contribution to the development of the
BH Telecom through active participation
in BH Telecom’s workshops, professional
counseling and other events which are
significant for the company.
By their innovative work and original Picture 5.13. Excerpt from the technical solution of
micro pipe system for FTTH solutions
expert research, Telecom Engineering’s
employees contribute to the constant technological development of the company based on
the knowledge. The example should be designing, as well as work performance of the BH
Telecom’s first optical access network at Breka, Sarajevo, and the technical solution which
included the modern technology of micro-lines and micro optical cables for the FTTH
Invaluable designers and construction experience in the range of telecommunications
acquired during the work and implementation of a high number of projects from the different
telecommunication segments represents the most important reference for the Telecom
Telecom Engineering, as the inevitable part of BH Telecom in the process of investment
realization, enables leading positions for BH Telecom in the conditions of a very competitive
field of telecommunications.


BH Telecom internal documents


Communication between people is more than immediate primary exchange of information

which, in its natural form, as a mean of biological survival exist in the nature. At present,
communication between people is largely freed from the frame of time and space. With
different methods and forms of communication people are always trying to realize the
time and spatial independence of their own communication. Only after the introduction of
electronic communications, except in the quantity necessary for the individual consuming
the information contained in the communication, time and space does not pose an obstacle
in freedom of communication. Information is available in real time of their creation and
simultaneously around the globe, preserved from oblivion and available for multiple re-use.
BH Telecom JSC Sarajevo is a leader in the telecommunication market in Bosnia and
Herzegovina. The main goal of BH Telecom in its development is to be and remain the
market leader, but also to be a synonym for quality and diversity of services provided through
its telecommunication system.
At the moment, BH Telecom gives a special significance to planning and introduction of new
services and raising the level of customer satisfaction for existing services. Our current and
future activities are aimed at better understanding of certain segments of our users and their
requests, in order to develop and modify services to suit their needs. Equal importance has
the development of service distribution channel, as well as channels of communication and
contacts with our clients. This segment of BH Telecom has the priority and in immediate
future it will receive great and necessary attention.
The past period, from 1995 until today, BH Telecom is strongly marked by investing in
infrastructure, construction of new modern telecommunication systems, and orientation
towards a new organization that reflects the overall trends in telecommunication. Company’s
internal organization is constantly adjusting, which is based on the grouping of tasks according
to their relations and the biggest change is expected in the immediate future - horizontal
organization and abandoning vertical one in accordance with the applied technologies.
Over the past decade and a half for BH Telecom was marked by large investment projects
of infrastructure development, increasing number of users, increasing range of services and
continuing revenue growth. The importance of BH Telecom from social aspect is very large.
Its roles are numerous and significant, through investment interaction with the environment,
but as well company which existence is justified by profitable business. Any investment
activity involves binding of the entire chain of manufacturers, suppliers and contractors,
which in itself creates new business for the large number of companies in the country.
Apart from a socially significant and development role - the role of generator of technological
progress, BH Telecom has self-imposed obligation to provide universal service - the minimum
range of telecommunication services available to public at an affordable prices in the entire
territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. With universal service all users of telecommunication
services are privileged in the sense that a basic level of these services must be affordable.
Rather small telecom market of Bosnia and Herzegovina has, in previous period, suffered a
significant change in terms of opening for domestic and foreign competition, where small
companies are competing with financially much stronger ones. Changes that characterized
the immediate past are the liberalization of market for the provision of voice and Internet
services in domestic and international traffic and the entrance of alternative operators in
the market. The cable operators presence and expand their range of services is not to be
understated either.

Consequently all the activities, primarily investments, of BH Telecom are aimed at
improving the offer and relationship with customers based a superior infrastructure and
quality of provided services. BH Telecom plans to remain a leading operator in Bosnia and
Herzegovina so that strategy of its development is directed towards adapting of business
to market conditions, the continuous increase of service range, offer and customer relation
improvement. The following speaks of positive business results, despite the competition:
• Total revenue of over 7 billion KM in the past 15 years
• Investments worth over 1.7 billion KM in past 15 years
• Over 1 billion KM paid to state through various taxations
• 300 million KM for license purchase
• Over 1 billion KM of profit paid to stakeholders
• 30km of Sarajevo-Visoko highway has been built form BH Telecom profit
• In past 15 years users number and profile has changed: from 200.000 PSTN users to
over 2 million users of all offered services
• The key qualitative change is in the service range, that have gone for PTSN service only
to the modern broadband and multimedia fixed and mobile services
• Introduction of TriplePlay system for users of fixed and mobile serviced has great
increase of users and has gone over 30.000 already
• BH Telecom network is the most modern telecommunication network with its
characteristic in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it is equal to networks of other world
telecommunication operators
• BH Telecom has 34.000 employees out of which 25% has university degree.
• ....
These are breathtaking facts for everyone. This shows that BH Telecom is a system that gives
a lot to its environment, to each individual and state as such. Therefore it deserves to be
respected, and to be treated carefully. It should be allowed to continue so in future years, for
everyone’s good. And BH Telecom will know how to return it.
In an effort to achieve sustainable development, BH Telecom wants to enable to as many
possible citizens to have access to modern information and communication technologies.
Therefore, our commitment is to break prejudices that prevent many people to get closer
to today’s information society. Out of this reason, we opted for the expansion of network
infrastructure projects throughout the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with commitment
to reinforce the awareness of citizens through media on the use of advanced technologies and
to develop products and services that can meet the needs of our customers in an environment
that is becoming increasingly digitized.

The spread of network and infrastructure

The basic requirement for sustainable information society implies a comprehensive and
reliable network. Fast broadband is a prerequisite for effective regional, cross-sectoral and
inter-state cooperation in all economic sectors. Without a reliable network it is impossible
to support a large number of communication processes required today. Digitalization trend
cannot be stopped, which is why broadband has become a necessary component of everyday
life and work of citizens and economy. BH Telecom increasingly ushers its investments in
building of this infrastructure.

Fast Internet for all

To date, BH Telecom has invested enormous resources into creating the preconditions for
the provision of broadband services in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by cable or

by air. As a result, BH Telecom is able to offer its users high-performance service networks
BH Line and BH Mobile, as well as internet infrastructure, which enables use of powerful
services that combine communication channels which in best and most effective way meet
their needs. However, despite these investments, a great number of citizens of Bosnia and
Herzegovina still do not have or have limited access to a broadband Internet connection.
Therefore, BH Telecom is committed to continue investing in network expansion in the
future. We expect that during 2011, we will be ready to offer to for any user that wants broad
bandwidth through fixed or mobile network.

New jobs opportunity from investment in network and infrastructure

Activities aimed at expanding of network provide a strong impulse for economic and
employment growth. Intense expansion of broadband services requires a complete change of
cable infrastructure and the transition from copper to optical cable infrastructure in a part
called an access network. For Bosnia and Herzegovina that would mean an investment of
around 900 million EUR in ten-year period, for 500.000 households. What is necessary to
emphasize, after this analysis, is that Bosnia and Herzegovina must change the infrastructure
and move from copper to optical transmission systems in access networks. If this project
becomes live, huge investments will lead to job creation in industries that are contractors or
suppliers of necessary equipment
BH Telecom needs state as a partner
The time required for implementation of selected investments largely depends on the speed
of contracting and procurement of equipment works. These processes are complicated
and significantly delayed by the Law on Public Procurement. The specificity of Bosnia and
Herzegovina is to have law that protects the assets of other states (companies owned by other
states do not have to obey this law), while companies that are in majority BH-owned this
law hinders and slows down their operations and development. This law in this form does
not exist in any other state; it is a certain paradox that cannot be justified. Application of the
Regulation and the Law on Public Procurement has led BH Telecom in an inferior position
in liberalized telecommunication market in comparison to other telecom operators, since
the binding law slows the procurement process, and thus the investment process and the
development of BH Telecom.
To make this easier to achieve, BH Telecom requires strong support from the state in terms
of equal position in the market, protecting its own market from unfair competition that
does not invest in its development or the development of society in general. State influence
should be in the sectors where it has jurisdiction to stimulate the use of all the benefits which
high technology offers in order to improve its own efficiency. This primarily refers to the
transportation industry, energy industry, the health sector and education sector

Quick access anywhere

BH Telecom offers to its users a variety of options for high-speed Internet access through
mobile network. BH Telecom has 90% coverage of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian territory with
EDGE technology, based on second generation network - GSM, allowing the transmission
rate of 384 kilobits per second. Surfing on mobile devices with even higher speeds than 384
kilobits per second is possible in more densely populated towns and cities through UMTS/
HSPA technology, the third generation mobile communication - 3G. BH Telecom has plans
to cover territory with 3G technology and signal up to 80%.
In addition to the above BH Telecom has installed in more than twenty towns throughout

Bosnia and Herzegovina over 100 sites Hot Spot Internet access via WLAN using IEEE
802.11b/g standard, and now introduces the new 802.11n standard, which enables TriplePlay

Access to digitized society

Stable and widespread infrastructure alone is not sufficient to be able to finish the story
of a digitalized and networked society and individual. The proportion of the population in
mature years grows every day, and they do not have opportunity to meet with new media
of communication, which makes difficult to recognize the benefits of new technologies.
In addition, there is a general lack of knowledge which is barrier that prevents society
and individual to digitalize and network. Therefore, BH Telecom aims to create a modern
information and communication technology available to as many citizens possible. To reach
its goal, BH Telecom has few important social projects:

BH Telecom awards computers to schools

Schools in the Federation, through the contest, so far have received over 1400 computers and
260 laser printers. So far nine prize winning contests are organized for elementary, secondary
and specialized schools in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Continuing education
and computerization is main goal of BH Telecom. In each contest, panel of experts chose best
works or projects, and 35 schools were rewarded with 5 computers and laser printers each.
The aim of these competitions is to promote a variety of useful social actions and reward the
best. During these competitions, BH Telecom awarded schools with valuable and necessary
prizes, which will help students in faster and better learning. The main aim of these actions is
spreading ICT education among the youth. Of course, the purpose is to promote BH Telecom
as a company that demonstrates its commitment to care for youth and the society, which
educates young people about the importance of preserving our heritage, promoted in one
of the contests. In the future, BH Telecom will continue to bring Internet of schools and to
educate young people who are future of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Educational television series “Society of Knowledge”

The show “Society of Knowledge” is unique in the media landscape of B&H, as it deals with
the knowledge, science and information technologies as important determinants of modern
societies. The aim is to popularize knowledge as the only possible way of progress and success
of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Broadcast of TV series and half-hour program, titled “Society of Knowledge” with scientific
and educational content with contributions from BH Telecom is running on OBN television
from September 2007, each week one show and a
With its participation, BH Telecom wants to achieve
the following:
• Promotion of BH Telecom as “exemplary
citizen” through a commitment to the
development of science and education in
• Spreading awareness on BH Telecom as a
builder of infrastructure for information

• Teaching the public about strategies BH Telecom and their significance for society
• Teaching the public about the importance of services that broadband network brings
• Encouraging internet in the education sector,
• Encouraging innovation, research and engagement of talents in the domain of high
• Forestall negative media campaign by informing public about events in BH Telecom.
In addition, BH Telecom is the sponsor of almost all scientific symposia and conferences in
the country (BIHTEL, ICAT, INTSIKT, ICT industry and infrastructure in the rapid economic
development are some examples), many cultural events and numerous sport events in
and outside the country. BH Telecom supports almost all performances of our top sports
individuals and teams. BH Telecom supported B&H Paralympics team in Athens, where they
won gold medal for Bosnia and Herzegovina in swimming.

BH Telecom, partners and customers

BH Telecom each year organizes the event “Proud of our partners”, get-together with its
business partners, equipment manufacturers, contractors and other partners with which we
cooperate in the implementation of investment and operations. The event id used to mark
past business year, share the honors and reward those with most successful cooperation.
Also, all regional directorates traditional and most usually on September 5 - Day of BH
Telecom, organize events for business partners and customers from all areas of their
jurisdiction and responsibilities. Here are awarded honors and prizes for the best business
partners and loyal customers.
In addition, BH Telecom has a sense of people who are in need of social assistance, which
provides its services at affordable prices, so we have introduced special-offer packages of
services to citizens with disabilities and / or special needs, as well as many other benefits.

InfoGlasnik and eGlasnik

BH Telecom is continously communicating with customers through :
• „InfoGlasnik“ - a periodical magazine (for six years so far), and
• “eGlasnik” - a monthly newsletter.
Celebration of the September 5 - Day of BH Telecom - the central event
BH Telecom traditionally celebrates its Day on September 5. This date is of historical
importance for the telecommunication blockade of Bosnia and Herzegovina. On this day 1993,
our experts were able to establish an international satellite link Bosnia and Herzegovina-
Switzerland with EUTELSAT and the use of international code 387 (assigned to Bosnia and
Herzegovina by the International Telecommunication Union / ITU / that year).
Closing gala event of this significant anniversary is held each fall in different sites adapted
to current needs and the script of ceremony (Zetra, National Theatre, etc.). The space is too
small to host all friends of the company, business partners, media, our employees and those
without whom the company would not have recorded its results - customers.
In past seven years, BH Telecom was awarded the most successful company in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, with a tendency to increase the profit of the company in years to come. During
the event promoted are new, but also recalls the old services that BH Telecom provides to
its customers. Project of the year is awarded – the one that marked and improved business

processes of BH Telecom in that business year. The best BH Telecom employees receive gold
and silver plaques.

What we offer...?
We pledge to continue with the efforts to offer our current and future users the best
telecommunication services at reasonable cost, to provide modern and functional terminals
in accordance with their needs and desires at the best prices, to expand opportunities for
access to the Internet to our students and their professors. To primary and secondary schools
we offer a prize winning contest to win the computer and to universities academic network
that will connect them to the European academic network.
In the end, our goal is to make our Bosnia and Herzegovina closer to the most developed
countries because we know that we are have developed the telecommunications so that it
is the only area in which B&H does not lag much for the most developed countries. Our
intention is to reduce the lag even more. This is the only way to ensure for young people the
conditions close to those in developed countries and this will be an additional motivation for
them to stay here, because BH Telecom shows that here one can success and that success is
not dependent on place of residence, but the willingness to achieve it.
That why it needs to be said that BH Telecom has become particularly valuable
public good and a great national value Bosnia and Herzegovina in all respects.


BH Telecom internal documents


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