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Individual Teacher Professional Development Plan for TECHNOLOGY (PDP-T) Template

Teacher Name Assignment/Department/Grade Level Date

Hope Derricot Biology/8th Grade 07/15/2018

I. Areas Identified for Development of Professional Practice with Technology (Areas in which you need/want professional

No. Areas Identified for Development Rationale/Sources of Evidence (why?)

1 iClicker The use of iClickers will help with participation and grading for in class assignments
or quizzes.
2 Interactive white boards Help with note taking and examples. Examples would be having a matching game for
3 Laptops/ Tablets Help with in class assignments and can play Kahoot. Which is another way to help
with participation

II. Professional Learning Network Resources and Strategies (list online sources (e.g. specific listservs)) and how you will monitor them)

No. Network Resource Strategy

1 American Society for Cell Biology Twiter, Facebook and Youtube
2 DIYbio Projects Website
3 Reddit Biology Facebook and Twiter
4 IBiology Twiter and Facebook
5 Virology Blog Facebook

Adapted from: New Jersey Department of Education PDP Plan 1 Georgia State University – IT 7360
II. Professional Learning Goals and Activities - Make a plan based on the two tables above

Area Professional Learning Goals Initial Activities Follow-up Activities Resources Completion
No. (as appropriate) (including Date
1 Interactive White Boards Learn how to use Let student use whiteboard for 3 Blogs November
Use for 4 chapters Online
Notes and closing assignment

2 Laptops/ Tablets Create Kahoot game Play a Kahoot game to see how Online February
much they learned
Research/ Projects rubric Start a research paper/ project

3 iClicker Use in class for teaching Students will earn a participation Manual May
grade and take quizzes
Use in class of quizzes Online
Participation grade

Adapted from: New Jersey Department of Education PDP Plan 2 Georgia State University – IT 7360

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