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Ah, I hate to be lost!

I get lost even in the subway, put me on a street

in USA and let me there. I swear that I will never find a way back to my
home or to somewhere, anywhere.
And here I am on 5Th Avenue in Atlanta trying to find a bookstore. I
swear that I thought that the American people are more welcoming, I
was so, so wrong. And while I was walking on that street or whatever
was that, someone bumped into me, ok I have just 1,65 meters, but
you can’t just walk over me.
-Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t saw!
-Oh really? Cause you don’t seem very tall!
-Hey, I apologized ok?
-Ok, if you are that sorry maybe you can help me!
-Can you tell me where can I find a bookstore?
-Yeah, sure, is right here on this street, he said pointing me a corner of
a very close street, actually there is where I was going too.
-Oh, thank you!
-My pleasure! Is good to pass like an unknown guy! From where are
-Romania, I don’t think that you know the country, is in Europe!
-I actually know where that is! From you came all that thing with the
vampires! And you have pretty good writers right there!
-Unknown guy you said, what’s that suppose to mean?
-You’ll see!

And we walked together till that bookstore. I said we walked? We tried

to walk…cause we had like 4 more steps to make until the store door
when a girl came running to[words] us.

-Hey, Justin, can I make a picture with you? Said that girl to this guy
that bumped into me minutes ago and who ignored me.
-Of course you can!

After she made that picture with him she asked him if he can sign on a
paper and he said yes and then she went from where she came.

-What was that?

-I told you that is good to pass like an unknown guy!
-She called you Justin…and you look kind of familiar to me.
-I can’t believe that you don’t recognize me!
-You are Justin Bieber? Oh my God! My best friend would kill to be right
here right now!
-And you wouldn’t?
-Not really!
-I don’t know! I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like you, and how you
sing, and believe me, I totally sang your songs and fallowed you on
Twitter, but, I was never so crazy about you.
-But how didn’t you recognized me?
-You are a little changed, and lately I haven’t got much time to stay in
touch with everything that’s new! I’m so sorry, I should be so boring
while I tell you all this things.
-Not at all! But why ? I mean what are you doing?
-I’m a writer!
-Oh, cool!
-They are closing! I said when I saw that the woman from the
bookstore put the sign closed on the door.
-Not really! They close the store when I come here because I don’t
want crazy fans around when I buy books: is like a really sweet thing
from them.
-That means that I can’t enter?
-You can! You came with me!
-Uh? Really? Thank you!
-Hi, she is a friend of mine and she can come in.
-Ok Justin!
-Thank you, I told to the little woman who just talked with Justin .
-Hey Justin, here is the book that you asked for, but I can’t give you
more than one because the book is coming out the day after tomorrow,
said that blonde to him.
-Eh, whatever, I will read it and I will wait till I can find more.

That’s what I could heard from where I was standing, because I was in
Paradise with so many books in English around me.

-Hey, Justin said to me, I didn’t asked you, what’s your name?
-Maria? And you said that you are a writer?
-Yes, actually my book is coming out on Friday!
-Oh, you have a book? How is it called?
-Is the title in Romanian, Visare!
-Yeah, that’s how is called!
-Do you mean, and he raised his hand, this book?
-Hey! I was pissed…from where did you get it? I will release it in three
-Funny, she said me two!
-Is not fair!
-Hey, everything is fair, I’m Justin Bieber!
-Still not fair!
-I will give you the very first copy of my album!
-Can you give me two?
-One for me and one for my best friend!
-Thank you!
-Hey, you said you sang my songs!
-Yeah , I whisperer.
-Can you sing to me right know?
-Are you nuts?
-Of course not!
-Cause I don’t have a good voice!
-Even though, I still want to hear you! Sing to me..aaa..I don’t know…
-No. I said laughing.
-I already told you!
-I’m not going to sing in a bookstore!
-I’m begging you!
-Oh, men!
-What song?
-Baby! Said he very happy.

I sang like three verses and then I stopped because he was looking at
me so strange and the blonde was staring at me too.

-What? I told you that I don’t have a good voice!

-No! Your voice isn’t good! It’s amazing!
-Sure! And now the cows are flying!
-What? He said laughing. I’m serious!
-Sure! And I’m the queen on England!
-You may be! But I don’t care right now. How nobody discovered you?
-Justin, seriously, stop! Don’t make fun of me!
-I told you, I love your voice, I just don’t understand! Who told you that
you don’t have a good voice?
-Actually nobody! But they neither told me that my voice is beautiful or
something like that!
-They are stupid!
-I was looking for a voice for my album, and I think that I just found it!
Would you like to sing to me a song?
-Is like that.. and he started to sing a little part from a very beautiful
song and then made me sing that part with him.
-Please, say that you are going to accept to sing on my album!
-But, I’m not even a background singer! And I didn’t sing for years!
-How old are you?
-I’m almost nineteen!
-And you didn’t sang for years?
-Two years I think!
-You don’t listen to music?
-I do, but that is not what I wanted to say! I didn’t do vocal training for
two years or more!
-Doesn’t matter! So are going to sing with me?
-With one condition!
-Wait till Friday!
-Don’t read the book until Friday!
-Thank you! And now I really have to go home!
-Can I take you?
-Cause… I don’t know!
-You are alone in an unknown country, unknown city, and you refuse a
ride from Justin Bieber?
-Yeah, I think that I do!
-And you are going to go with what?
-I think that in this place are cabs no?
-I still don’t understand! You better go with a cab than to go with me?
-You are too self-confident!
-No I’m not!
-Who are you kidding?
-I don’t know! So?
-Can I take you?
-No! Bye! And thank you for waiting until Friday! I said after I paid the

I think that I waited for a cab like 15 minutes and nothing seemed to
move around me , so I decided to go by bus or to take the subway. I
made like three steps and in the next moment a black car appeared
right in front of me.

-The cab is here ma’me !

-Oh, stop it! I’m going by bus.
-But why? I’m a regular taxi driver!
-Now Justin Bieber is regular? Since when? I said laughing.
-Since now! Come on! Time is money!
-Oh! I have to pay you?
-Of course! What have you thought? That I will take you for free?
-Fair enough! I said while I jumped into his car.
-So ma`me where can I take you?

I told him the address and I was home [If I can tell it this way] in 10

-I was fast right?

-Yeah, I thought that I was going to make a heart attack!
-And now pay me!
-Yeah..well.. 10 $ is good?
-Neah! I want this! And he came close to me and he kissed me!
-What are you doing?
-I’m taking my payment!
-Really! I’m the luckiest cab driver in the world!
-Ok! Bye!
-See you later!
-Justin cut it of ! I’m not one of your fans!
-I know!

But when I entered in the house my heart was beating so fast that I
thought it will run away.

-What is wrong with you!? I said to the heart.

The next day I found out that my book will come on Thursday because I
don’t know what celebrity asked for it( hard to say who right?).

And Thursday came.

-Hei, Maria, I heard Ina (the girl where I was staying) saying, someone
send you flowers!
-Someone what? I asked as I was walking to the kitchen.
-Yeah, look! And she showed me a big bouquet of white roses. Uh, it’s
a card in there.
-Aha, I said as I was taking the bouquet.

“I’m going to be there!

Your #1 fan, Justin B.”

-From who is it?
-Does it really matters?
-Yeah you dumb, and she came and took the card away from my
-Uh, who’s Justin B.?
-Who do you think he is? I said bored.
-Well, I don’t know… one of your fans!
-What fans Ina? This is my first book!
-No! B came from Bieber?
-You know Justin Bieber and you didn’t tell me?
- I met him last night! He’s such a pain in the ass!
-I wish that it was my ass!
-Oh! Shut up, you don’t know what’re saying!
-And what?
-Is he coming on today?
-Apparently he is!
-Uh, you lucky!
-Yeah, so lucky, I said ironically.
-Men, JB sent you flowers, how can you be like that!
-He’s just another boy!
-As I know you didn’t date with Hollywood stars lately!
-I don’t care! I still like Jesse McCartney!
-But he’s engaged!
-And? I’m not going to marry with him! I said that I like him!
-I know that you want an Eir!
-Oh, men shut up, I’m not Eva!
-Yeah, right Eva!
-I’m going to be late for the”show”.
-Go then! I’ll come after you!
-But nothing, I’m not even dressed!

So I took the car, and I ran to my coming out book that was in a small
library from a mall. As I entered in the mall I started to panic because I
was very nervous this being my first book . As I entered in that library
one of my best friends and my agent came to me and said that the
person who requested for this to be a day earlier is on his way to
come. She asked me if I’m curios to know who it is. I said no.

Then after 15 minutes in which I freaked out, suddenly a bunch of

people started to fill the library. I’m such a coward. As I saw those
people I went hiding in the restroom because I was truly panicked. I
stayed there like 10 minutes and I tried to convince myself that I have
to go there, because I have to make a good impression in front of my
future readers. So in a moment of adrenaline rush I get out of the
restroom and I bumped again in someone.

-Hey, is that your way to meet people, cause it seems like you enjoy it.
-Oh, you again…I said after I realized that I bumped again into Justin.
-I’m doing well, how about you?
-Ha ha..funny , what are you doing here?
-You didn’t received the flowers?
-Yes I did!
-Then what’s the point in asking, I came here to see you.
-Ok, I have to go…and I left leaving him there .

After that incident with Justin Blah Blah I went to my agent who was
looking for me.

-Maria, where have you been? She said impatiently.

-I had a little problem, but I hope that now is fixed.
-Ok, then go, people are waiting as well as the press..
-The what?
-Yeah, I forgot to tell you but when they heard that you are just
nineteen and you already released a book they wanted to see you..
-And this has noting to do with that famous person who asked for my
book earlier?
-No, they don’t even know about that.
-Oh, good then…well, I go there…wish me luck!
-Break a leg! She said laughing cause she knew my opinion about this
-Oh, shut up.

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