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Atty. Ferdinand Tan - By analogy, or in a suppletory

character, whenever practicable and
1. What is evidence? convenient.
- It is the means, sanctioned by the Rules,
of ascertaining in a judicial proceeding, Exception to the Exception:
the truth respecting a matter of fact. Rule 1, Section 2 of the Rules on Electronic
Evidence provides that the said rules shall apply to:
2. Factum Probandum v. Factum Probans a. Civil actions and proceedings
b. Quasi-judicial proceedings
Factum Probandum Factum Probans c. Administrative proceedings
Fact or proposition Fact or material
sought to be established. evidencing the fact or
proposition sought to be 6. Is the Rules of Evidence applicable in labor
established cases?
It is the ultimate facts. It is the intermediate - No. Because under Article 221 of the
facts. Labor Code, technical rules of evidence
It is hypothetical. It is existent. are not binding in labor cases.

3. Evidence v. Proof 7. Sources of the Rules of Evidence

- Proof is the probative effect of evidence, a. Rules of Court (Rule 128-134)
and is the conviction or persuasion of the b. Jurisprudence
mind of the person hearing the case c. Supreme Court Circulars
resulting from a consideration of d. The Efficient Use of Paper Rule (AM No. 11-9-
evidence. 4-SC)
e. Judicial Affidavit Rule (AM No. 12-8-8-SC)
4. Nature of Evidence f. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
a. It is UNIFORM because under Rule 128, (RA 9165) regarding the rule on Chain of
Section 2, “the rules of evidence shall be the Custody under Section 21, and its
same in all courts, and in all trials and implementing rules
hearings, except as otherwise provided by the g. Anti-Wiretapping Law (RA 4200)
law or by the Rules. h. Rule on Child Witness Examination
b. It gives no vested right because the rules of i. Rules on Electronic Evidence
evidence are subject to change by the j. Rules on DNA Evidence
Supreme Court pursuant to the rule making k. E-Commerce Law
powers, but subject to the prohibition on the l. RA 6981 – Providing for the Witness
enactment of an ex post facto law. Protection Program
m. 1987 Constitution
5. Rules on the Application of the Rules of n. Articles 1370-1378 of the Civil Code
Evidence o. Revised Penal Code Provisions
General Rule: it is only applicable in a judicial - Falsification of public documents
proceeding. Rule 1, Section 4 provides that “the - Forgery
Rules of Court shall not be applicable in the - Manufacturing, importing, and possession
following cases: (CLINE-0) of instruments intended for commission
a. Cadastral of falsification.
b. Land registration - Other falsities
c. Insolvency
d. Naturalization 8. Constitutional Provisions (Note:
e. Election Exclusionary Rules nalang ang kelangan
f. Other cases dito sa part na eto. Wag mo na subukan
irecite ang due process at equal
protection. Hahaha! Pwede na din ang rule 2. No torture, force, violence, threat,
making power) intimidation, or any other means which
vitiate the free will shall be used against him.
Secret detention places, solitary,
Article III, Section 1 incommunicado, or other similar forms of
detention are prohibited.
- No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or 3. Any confession or admission obtained in
property without due process of the law nor violation of this or Section 17 hereof shall be
shall any person be denied the equal inadmissible in evidence against him.
protection of the laws 4. The law shall provide for penal and civil
sanctions for violations of this Section as well
Article III, Section 2 as compensation to the rehabilitation of
victims of torture or similar practices, and
- The right of the people to be secure in their their families.
persons, houses, papers, and effects
- Against unreasonable searches and seizures Section 14.
of whatever nature
- And for any purpose shall be inviolable, 1. No person shall be held to answer for a
- And no search warrant or warrant of arrest criminal offense without due process of law.
shall issue 2. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall
- Except upon probable cause to be determined be presumed innocent until the contrary is
personally by the judge proved, and shall enjoy the right to be heard
- After examination under oath or affirmation by himself and counsel, to be informed of the
or the complainant nature and cause of the accusation against
- And the witnesses he may produce, him, to have a speedy, impartial, and public
- And particularly describing the place to be trial, to meet the witnesses face to face, and to
searched have compulsory process to secure the
- And the persons or things to be seized. attendance of witnesses and the production
of evidence in his behalf. However, after
Article III, Section 3 arraignment, trial may proceed
notwithstanding the absence of the accused:
(1) The privacy of communication and Provided, that he has been duly notified and
correspondence shall be inviolable except his failure to appear is unjustifiable.
upon lawful order of the court, or when
public safety or order requires otherwise as Section 16. All persons shall have the right to a
prescribed by law. speedy disposition of their cases before all judicial,
(2) Any evidence obtained in violation of this or quasi-judicial, or administrative bodies.
the preceding section shall be inadmissible
for any purpose in any proceeding. Section 17. No person shall be compelled to be a
witness against himself.
Section 12.
1. Any person under investigation for the JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT
commission of an offense shall have the right
to be informed of his right to remain silent Section 1. The judicial power shall be vested in one
and to have competent and independent Supreme Court and in such lower courts as may be
counsel preferably of his own choice. If the established by law.
person cannot afford the services of counsel,
he must be provided with one. These rights Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of
cannot be waived except in writing and in the justice to settle actual controversies involving rights
presence of counsel. which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to
determine whether or not there has been a grave even if it involves to establish a
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of only a civil claim against
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or liability. himself. But he
instrumentality of the Government. cannot be
compelled to
answer questions
which will
Section 5. The Supreme Court shall have the subject him to a
following powers: penal liability.

(5) Promulgate rules concerning the

protection and enforcement of e. Administrative Cases – The right to refuse to
constitutional rights, pleading, take the stand does not generally apply to
practice, and procedure in all courts, parties in administrative cases or
the admission to the practice of law, proceedings. The parties thereto can only
the integrated bar, and legal refuse to answer if incriminating
assistance to the under-privileged. questions are propounded. This Court
Such rules shall provide a simplified applied the exception – a party who is not
and inexpensive procedure for the an accused in a criminal case is allowed
speedy disposition of cases, shall be not to take the witness stand – in
uniform for all courts of the same administrative cases/proceedings that
grade, and shall not diminish, partook of the nature of a criminal
increase, or modify substantive rights. proceeding or analogous to a criminal
Rules of procedure of special courts proceeding. (Rosete v. Lim, GR No. 136051,
and quasi-judicial bodies shall remain 6/8/2006)
effective unless disapproved by the f. Senate Inquiries – applicable only when the
Supreme Court. incriminating question is asked.

9. Rules on Right against Self-Incrimination 10. How to Construe the Rules of Evidence

a. Under Rule 132, Section 3 (4), a witness has Rule 1, Section 6 provides that “it shall be
the right not to give an answer which will LIBERALLY CONSTRUED in order to promote their
tend to subject him to a penalty for an offense objective of securing a just, speedy, and inexpensive
unless otherwise provided by law. disposition of every action and proceeding.”
b. The rule cannot be applied when the witness
is given a privilege under an immunity 11. May the rules of evidence be waived?
statute. (ex. Section 17 of the Ombudsman Act How?
gives the Ombudsman the right to give any - Yes. It may be waived by:
person immunity when the testimony of any a. Not objecting to an evidence otherwise
person is necessary to prosecute a public objectionable.
officer) b. Stipulation of the parties.
c. It applies only to natural persons.
d. Right of the Accused v. Right of a Witness Kinds of Evidence:
1. Object Evidence/Real Evidence/Evidence
Right of the Accused Right of a Witness of Autoptic Preference (Rule 130, Section
- The accused - The witness may 1)
cannot be be compelled to - An evidence which is addressed to the
compelled to answer senses of the court.
testify against questions, - When an object is relevant to the fact in
himself for although his issue, it may be exhibited to, examined or
whatever reason, answer may tend viewed by the court.
11. Conclusive Evidence
2. Documentary Evidence - An evidence which the law does not allow to
- It consists of writings, or any material be contradicted.
containing letters, words, numbers, figures,
symbols, or other modes of written 12. Corroborative Evidence
expression OFFERED AS PROOF OF THEIR - Additional evidence of a DIFFERENT KIND
GIVEN tending to prove the same point.
3. Testimonial Evidence/Viva-Voce Evidence
- A narration or deposition by a person who 13. Cumulative Evidence
has observed or has personal knowledge of - Additional evidence of SAME KIND AND
that to which he is testifying. CHARACTER AS THAT ALREADY GIVEN
tending to prove the same point.
4. Best Evidence
- When the subject of an inquiry is the contents 14. Positive Evidence
of the document, no evidence shall be - An evidence that affirms that a fact did or did
admissible other than the original document not happen.
- An evidence which affords the greatest 15. Negative Evidence
certainty of the fact in question. - An evidence that denies the fact did happen
or denies of knowing a fact that happened.
5. Secondary/Substitutionary Evidence
- An evidence which is only admissible AFTER 16. DNA Evidence
LAYING THE BASIS THAT THE BEST - The totality of the DNA profile result, and
EVIDENCE CANNOT BE PRODUCED IN other genetic information directly generated
COURT. from the DNA Testing of the biological
samples. (DNA= Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
6. Parol Evidence
- An evidence, when put to issue in the 17. Electronic Evidence/Electronic Document
pleading, which modifies, explains, or adds to - An information or the representation of
the terms of the written agreement. information, data, figures, symbols, or other
modes of written expression, described or
7. Admissible Evidence however represented, by which a right is
- An evidence which is relevant to the issue and established or an obligation extinguished, or
not excluded by the law or by the Rules. (Rule by which a fact may be proved and affirmed,
128, Section 3) which is received, recorded, transmitted,
stored processed, retrieved, or produced
8. Relevant Evidence electronically.
- An evidence which has a relation to the fact in
issue as to induce belief in its existence or 18. Evidence-in-chief
non-existence. - Evidence primarily relied upon by the party
in asserting his claim or defense.
9. Competent Evidence
- An evidence which is not excluded by the law 19. Rebuttal Evidence
or by the Rules. - An evidence which explains, repels,
counteracts, or disproves facts given by the
10. Prima Facie Evidence adverse party.
- An evidence which, standing alone,
uncontradicted or unrebutted, is sufficient to 20. Evidence on motion (Rule 133, Section 7)
maintain the proposition affirmed. - When a motion is based on facts not
appearing of record, the court may hear the
matter on affidavits or depositions presented - The amount of relevant evidence which a
by the respective parties, but the court may reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
direct that the matter be heard wholly or justify a conclusion.
partly on oral testimony or depositions.
21. Surrebuttal Evidence General Rule: It is not allowed.
- An evidence which explains, repels, Exception: When it tends to establish any reasonable
counteracts, or disproves facts given by the degree the probability or improbability of the fact in
claiming party in his rebuttal. issue.

22. Hearsay Evidence Rule Rules on Admissibility

- A witness can testify only to those facts which 1. An evidence is admissible when it is:
he knows of his personal knowledge; that is, a. Relevant, and
which is derived from his own perception. b. Competent (Not excluded by the law or
23. Credible Evidence
- An evidence which is not only admissible, but 2. Kinds of Admissibility
also believable and relied upon by the trier of
the case. A. Multiple Admissibility – an evidence is
admitted for two or more persons.
24. Direct Evidence
- An evidence which can prove the fact in issue Examples of Multiple Admissibility:
without inference or presumption.
Declaration of a Dying Person
25. Circumstantial Evidence a. Dying Declaration
- An evidence which proves a fact in issue b. Parts of the Res Gestae
through an inference which the fact finder c. Declaration Against Interest
draws from the evidence established.
DNA Evidence
26. Demonstrative Evidence a. As an object evidence – to determine as to
- An evidence that merely illustrates a matter whether there was indeed a DNA Test
of importance in the litigation. conducted and there is a corresponding DNA
27. Material Evidence b. As documentary evidence – to determine the
- An evidence directed to prove a fact in issue. contents of the DNA Result as part of the
28. Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt
- A kind of evidence proving a moral certainty, Affidavit/Document
which is a degree of proof which produces a. As object evidence to determine the
conviction in an unprejudiced mind. following:
- What material the paper is made of?
29. Clear and Convincing Evidence - Comparison of the handwriting
- An evidence which produces in the mind of a - Existence of the affidavit/document
trier of fact A FIRM BELIEF OR CONVICTION - To see whether alterations are made
as to the allegations sought to be - Condition of the affidavit/document
b. As documentary evidence to determine the
30. Preponderance of Evidence contents of which it is the subject of an
- Superior weight of evidence on the issue. inquiry.

31. Substantial Evidence B. Conditional Admissibility

- Where evidence appears to be immaterial g. Agreed and admitted facts (Rule 129, Section
unless it is connected with the other facts to 4)
be subsequently proved, such may be
received on the condition that the facts be 3. Mandatory Judicial Notice, when required:
afterwards proved. a. Existence and territorial extent of the state,
b. Political history
C. Curative Admissibility c. Forms of government and symbols of
- Where improper evidence is admitted over nationality
the objection of the opposing party, the said d. Laws of the nations
party must be allowed by the court to e. The admiralty and maritime courts of the
contradict it with similar improper evidence. world including their seals
Example: hearsay v. hearsay f. Political constitution and history of the
3. When is an Electronic Document g. Official acts of the legislative, executive and
Admissible? the judiciary departments of the Philippines.
a. When it complies with the rules on h. Laws of nature
admissibility prescribed in the Rules of i. Measure of time
Court, and j. Geographical divisions.
b. Authenticated in the manner prescribed
by the Rules on Electronic Evidence Note: The list of mandatory judicial notice is not
4. Rules on Summary Procedure a. Post office practices
a. In Civil Cases b. Banking practices
- The Rules on Testimonial Evidence are not c. Municipal ordinances
applicable because there is no trial and no d. Financial condition of the government
testimonies are taken on the witness stand, e. General increase in rentals of real estate
however, the rest of the Rules are applicable. f. Persons have killed or committed serious
offenses for no reason at all.
b. In Criminal Cases g. Filipino’s inbred modesty and shyness
- Rule on testimonial evidence is applicable. h. A grocery buyer does not spend so much time
in a grocery store to buy goods.
1. Definition 4. Discretionary Judicial Notice (Rule 129,
- The cognizance of certain facts which judges Section 2)
may properly take and act upon without a. Matters of public knowledge
proof. b. Capable of unquestionable demonstration
c. Ought to be known to judges because of
2. Matters need not be proved: their judicial functions.
a. Immaterial allegations
b. Failure to specifically deny material averment 5. Judicial Notice, When Hearing Required
in the complaint, other than those as to the a. During trial
amount of unliquidated damages. (Rule 8, - The court may announce its intention to take
Section 11) judicial notice of any matter and allow the
c. Allegations of usury in a complaint to recover parties to be heard thereon.
usurious interest, not specifically denied
UNDER OATH. b. After trial, and Before Judgment
d. Failure to specifically deny under oath the - If such matter is decisive of a material
genuineness and due execution of the written issue in the case, the court may announce its
instrument. intention to take judicial notice of any matter
e. Presumptions under Rule 131 and allow the parties to be heard thereon.
f. Facts subject to Judicial Notice
6. Doctrine of Processual Presumption previous ruling is applicable in a case under
- Foreign laws must be alleged and proved. In consideration;
the absence of proof, the foreign law will be 5. Where there is finality of a judgment in another
presumed to be the same as the laws of the case that was previously pending determination
jurisdiction hearing the case. and therefore, res judicata.

7. Rule on Foreign Laws; Judicial Notice

a. Apply the Doctrine of Processual ADMISSION
Presumption Definition:
b. Where the foreign law is within the actual - It is an act, declaration, or omission of a party
knowledge of the court such as when the law as to a relevant fact.
is generally well known, had been ruled upon
in previous cases before it and none of the Kinds of Admission:
parties claim otherwise. 1. Judicial Admission
c. Rule 130, Section 46. A published treatise, - An admission, verbal or written, made by a
periodical or pamphlet on a subject of history, party in the course of the proceedings in the
law, science, or art is admissible as tending to same case.
prove the truth of a matter stated therein if
the court takes judicial notice. 2. Extra-Judicial Admission
- An admission made by a party not in the
8. Rule on Municipal Ordinances same case.
- It is mandatory judicial notice if the case is
still in the MTC where the ordinance is Other Kinds of Admission
applicable 1. Express Admission
- It is mandatory in judicial notice in the RTC if: - A positive statement or act
a. Required by the law or ordinance
b. When the ordinance is the subject of an 2. Implied Admission
appeal - An admission which may be inferred from
c. Substantial justice the declarations or acts of a person.

Judicial Notice of Records of Another Case 3. Adoptive Admission

Previously Tried - An admission occurring when a person
manifests his assent to the statements of
General Rule: Courts are not authorized to take another person.
judicial notice of the contents of the records of other
cases, even when such cases have been tried or are How to Contradict a Judicial Admission
pending in the same court and pending before the a. By showing that it was made through
same judge. palpable mistake, or
b. No such admission was made.
1. When, at the initiative of the judge or of the Distinctions between Judicial Admission and
parties, and without objection of any party, the Judicial Confession
records of the previous action are read and
adopted into the present action, or attached to a. As to the manner of making:
the records of the present action by court order; Judicial Admission – act, declaration, or
2. When the present action is closely interrelated to omission.
another case pending between the same parties; Judicial Confession- declaration
3. Where the interest of the public in ascertaining
the truth are of paramount importance; b. As to the fact admitted:
4. In cases seeking to determine what is reasonable Judicial Admission – admit as to any relevant
exercise of discretion or whether or not the fact.
Judicial Confession – admit by acknowledging - An evidence which illustrates a matter of
his guilt in the offense charged or of any offense importance in a litigation.
necessarily included therein. - It is not the actual thing but illustrates the
real thing.
c. As to Scope
Judicial Admission – broader in scope. Requisites for Admissibility of an Object
Judicial Confession – a kind of admission. Evidence: (RACO)
a. It must be relevant
d. Express or Implied b. It must be authenticated
Judicial Admission – Yes. It may be express or c. Authentication made by a competent
implied. witness.
Judicial Confession - it must be express. There d. The object must be formally offered in
is no instance of an implied confession. evidence.

e. As to the Nature of the Proceeding

Judicial Admission – applicable in all cases, Limitations against the Use of Real Evidence:
whether civil or criminal. 1. Irrelevant evidence
Judicial Confession – applicable only in criminal. 2. Illegally obtained evidence
3. Indecency and impropriety
Admission v. Declaration Against Interest 4. Undue prejudice
5. Offensiveness to sensibilities
Admission Declaration Against 6. Inconvenience and unnecessary expenses.
Made by a person while Made by a dead person How to authenticate an electronic evidence:
he is alive or a person unable to a. By evidence that it had been digitally signed
testify by the person purported to have signed the
May be made at any time, Made before the same.
even during the trial. controversy arises b. By evidence that other appropriate security
Admissible as long as it is Made against one’s procedures or devices as may be authorized
inconsistent with his pecuniary or moral by the Supreme Court or by law for
present claim, and need interest authentication of electronic documents were
not be against one’s applied to the document, or
pecuniary or moral c. By other evidence showing its integrity and
interest. reliability to the satisfaction of the judge.
it is not an exception Exception to the hearsay
rule. Documentary Evidence
- Documents as evidence consist of writings or
any material containing letters, words,
figures, numbers, symbols, or other modes of
Rule 130: Rules on Admissibility written expressions offered as proof of their
Object Evidence/Real Evidence/Evidence of
Autoptic Preference A. Best Evidence Rule
1. Under the Rules of Court:
- Objects as evidence are those addressed to
the senses of the court. When the subject of an inquiry is the contents of the
- When an object is relevant to the fact in issue, document, no evidence shall be admissible other than
it may be exhibited to, examined, or the original document itself, except in the following
viewed by the court. cases:

Demonstrative Evidence
a. When the original is lost, destroyed, or cannot - No will shall be proved as a lost or destroyed
be produced in court, without bad faith, on will unless:
the part of the offeror. a. The execution and validity of the same
b. When the original is in the custody or under shall be established.
the control of the party against whom the b. The will is proved to have been in
evidence is offered, and the latter fails to existence at the time of the death of the
produce it after reasonable notice. testator, or
c. When the original consists of numerous c. Is shown to have been fraudulently or
accounts or other documents which cannot accidentally destroyed in the lifetime of
be examined in court without great loss of the testator without his knowledge,
time and the fact sought to be established d. Unless its provisions are clearly and
from them is only the general result of the distinctly proved by at least two credible
whole. witnesses.
d. When the original is a public record in the
custody of a public officer or is recorded in a 4. How to prove execution of the document:
public office. a. Any person who executed the document.
b. Any person to whom the parties to the
2. Under Electronic Evidence instrument had previously confessed that
they executed such.
An electronic evidence shall be regarded as the c. Any person before whom its execution was
equivalent of the original document under the Best acknowledged.
Evidence Rule if it is a printout or output readable d. Any person who was present and saw it
by sight or other means, shown to reflect the data executed and delivered.
accurately. e. Any person who after its execution and
delivery, saw the instrument and recognized
Principle of Laying the Basis the signatures.

1. Requisites to Present Secondary Evidence 5. Requirements if the document is in the

in the 1st Exception of the Best Evidence Possession of the Adverse Party:
Rule: a. Proof of existence of original
a. Proof of existence of original. b. Proof of execution of original
b. Proof of execution of original c. Proof that said document is under the
c. Cause of unavailability or loss of original custody of the adverse party.
d. Proof of contents through secondary d. Proponent of secondary evidence has given
evidence. the adverse party reasonable notice to
produce the original
2. How to prove a lost or destroyed e. Adverse party failed to produce it despite
document: reasonable notice.
a. Any person who new the fact of the loss.
b. Any person who has made sufficient Note: Claiming party can give notice by doing the
examination in the places where the following:
document or paper of similar character a. Motion for Production of the Original
are usually kept by the person in whose Document
custody the document lost was. b. Make notice in open court when the adverse
c. Any person who has made investigation party is present
which is sufficient to satisfy the court that c. Subpoena duces tecum
the instrument was indeed lost.
6. Second Exception to the Best Evidence
3. How to prove a lost or destroyed will: Rule v. Rule 27 of the Rules of Court
(Rule 76, Section 6) 2 exception
nd Rule 27
Exception to the Best Mode of Discovery
Evidence Rule a. If it is a printout or output readable by sight
Procured by mere notice Made by way of a Motion or other means, shown to reflect the data
to the adverse party, for Production or accurately.
which is a condition Inspection and show b. When a document is in two or more copies
precedent for subsequent good cause before executed at or about the same time with
introduction of permitted by the court. identical contents
secondary evidence. c. A counterpart produced by the same
Document to be Document is either impression as the original, or
produced is intended as assumed to be favorable d. From the same matrix, or
evidence for the to the party in possession e. By mechanical or electronic re-recording, or
proponent who is thereof, or that the party f. By chemical reproduction, or
presumed to have seeking production is not g. By other equivalent techniques which is
knowledge of its sufficiently informed of actually reproduces of the original.
contents. the contents of the same.
C. Parol Evidence Rule/Extraneous
7. Original in the custody of a public officer Evidence/Evidence Aliunde
or is recorded in a public office
a. Certified copy issued by the public officer in When the terms of an agreement have been reduced
custody thereof. to writing, it is considered as containing all the terms
agreed upon, and there can be, between the parties
What is the principle of “Irremovability of a and their successors in interest, no evidence of such
Public Record”? (Rule 132, Section 26) terms other than the contents of the written
Any public record, an official copy of which is document.
admissible in evidence, must not be removed
from the office in which it is kept, except However, a party may present evidence to modify,
upon order of a court where the inspection of explain, or add to the terms of a written agreement,
the record is essential to the just when he puts to issue in the pleading:
determination of a pending case. a. An intrinsic ambiguity, mistake, or
8. A party is not obliged to offer the imperfection in the written agreement.
document ordered to be produced as b. Failure of the written agreement to express
evidence the true intent and agreement of the parties
B. Original of a Document c. Validity of the written agreement
I. Under Section 4, Rule 130 of the Rules of d. Existence of other terms agreed to by the
Court parties or their successors in interest after
a. The contents of which is the subject of an the execution of the written agreement.
b. Document is in tow or more copies executed The term “agreement” includes wills.
at or at about the same time, with identical
contents, all copies are equally regarded as 1. Best Evidence Rule (Section 3) v. Parol
originals. Evidence Rule (Section 9)
c. When an entry is repeated in the regular
course of business, one being copied from Best Evidence Parol Evidence
another at or near the time of the transaction, Original is not available Original is available in
all the entries are equally regarded as in court or there is a court
originals. dispute as to whether
said writing is the
II. Under Electronic Evidence Rule original
(Memorize!!!) Prohibits the production Prohibits the varying of
of secondary evidence in the terms of the written
lieu or the original agreement
document SEC. 11. Instrument construed so as to give effect to all
it applies to all kinds of It applies only to a provisions.—In the construction of an instrument
writing written agreement, where there are several provisions or particulars,
which includes wills. such a construction is, if possible, to be adopted as
Can be invoked by any Can only be invoked by will give effect to all.(9)
party whether he is or is the parties or their
SEC. 12. Interpretation according to intention; general
not a party to the written successors in interest, to
and particular provisions.—In the construction of an
agreement. the written agreement.
instrument, the intention of the parties is to be
pursued; and when a general and a particular
2. Lord Bacon’s Rule on Ambiguities provision are inconsistent, the latter is paramount to
a. Latent/ Intrinsic the former. So a particular intent will control a
- Non-apparent on the face of the document general one that is inconsistent with it.(10)
but which lies in the person or thing that is
the subject of the document. SEC. 13. Interpretation according to circumstances.—
For the proper construction of an instrument, the
b. Patent/Extrinsic circumstances under which it was made, including
- Apparent on the face of the written the situation of the subject thereof and of the parties
agreement itself and requires something to be to it, may be shown, so that the judge may be placed
added to ascertain the meaning of the words in the position of those whose language he is to
used. interpret.(11)
SEC. 14. Peculiar signification of terms.—The terms of
c. Intermediate
a writing are presumed to have been used in their
- Ambiguity consists in the use of equivocal
primary and general acceptation, but evidence is
words designating the person or subject
admissible to show that they have a local, technical,
or otherwise peculiar signification, and were so used
and understood, in the particular instance, in which
3. Falsus In Uno, Falsus in Omnibus
case the agreement must be construed
- False in one, false in all.
- If the testimony of a witness on a material
issue is willfully false and given with an SEC. 15. Written words control printed.—When an
intention to deceive, the court may disregard instrument consists partly of written words and
all of his testimony. partly of a printed form, and the two are inconsistent,
- It is not an absolute rule of law and is rarely the former controls the latter.(13)
applied in modern jurisprudence.
- There must be willful falsification of the SEC. 16. Experts and interpreters to be used in
truth on one or more material points. explaining certain writings.—When the characters in
which an instrument is written are difficult to be
4. Falsa Demonstratio Non Nocet cum De deciphered, or the language is not understood by the
Corpore Constat court, the evidence of persons skilled in deciphering
- An erroneous description does not spoil the the characters, or who understand the language, is
act. admissible to declare the characters or the meaning
- False description does not injure or vitiate a of the language.(14)
document, provided that the thing or person SEC. 17. Of two constructions, which preferred.—
intended has once been sufficiently described. When the terms of an agreement have been intended
in a different sense by the different parties to it, that
D. Rules on Interpretation sense is to prevail against either party in which he
SEC. 10. Interpretation of a writing according to its supposed the other understood it, and when different
legal meaning.—The language of a writing is to be constructions of a provision are otherwise equally
interpreted according to the legal meaning it bears in proper, that is to be taken which is the most
the place of its execution, unless the parties intended favorable to the party in whose favor the provision is
otherwise.(8) made.(15)
SEC. 18. Construction in favor of natural right.—When Religious or political belief, interest in the
an instrument is equally susceptible of two outcome of the case, or conviction of a crime, unless
interpretations, one in favor of natural right and the otherwise provided by law, shall not be a ground for
other against it, the former is to be adopted.(16) disqualification.
SEC. 19. Interpretation according to usage.—An
A. Disqualification by reason of Mental
instrument may be construed according to usage, in
order to determine its true character
a. Those whose mental condition, at the time of
their production for examination, is such
EFFICIENT USE OF PAPER RULE (AM 11-9-4-SC) that they are incapable of intelligently
I. Applicability making known their perception to others.
- It applies to all courts and quasi-judicial b. Children whose mental maturity is such as to
bodies under the administrative supervision render them incapable of perceiving the facts
of the Supreme Court. respecting which they are examined and of
relating them truthfully.
II. Format and Style
a. Single space Rule on Examination of A Child Witness
b. 1 ½ space between paragraphs 1. Child Witness
c. Easily readable font style of the party’s choice a. Any person who at the time of giving
d. 14-size font testimony is below 18.
e. Long bond paper b. In child abuse cases, a child includes over
f. Left margin – 1.5 inches; upper margin – 1.2; eighteen but is found by the court as
right hand margin and lower margin – 1.0. - unable to fully take care of himself
- unable to protect himself from ABUSE,
III. Number of Copies To Be Filed (plus soft NEGLECT, CRUELTY, EXPLOITATION, OR
copies of the same and their annexes, DISCRIMINATION BECAUSE OF A PHYSICAL
the latter in PDR format, either by OR MENTAL DISABILITY.
email to the Court’s Email Address or
CD): 2. Competency
1. Supreme Court - Every child is presumed qualified to be a
a. En banc – 1 original, 14 copies witness. However, the court shall conduct a
b. Division – 1 original, 4 copies competency examination of a child, motu
propio or on motion of a party, when there is
2. CA, CTA Division – 1 original, two copies substantial doubt existing regarding the
with their annexes. ability of the child to perceive, remember,
3. CTA en banc – 1 original, 8 copies with communicate, distinguish truth from
annexes. falsehood, or appreciate the duty to tell
4. Other courts – 1 original with annexes. the truth in court.

Testimonial Evidence/Viva-Voce Evidence 3. Sexual Abuse Shield Rule

- A narration or deposition by a person who
has observed or has personal knowledge of General Rule: in any criminal proceeding involving
that to which he is testifying. alleged child abuse, the following are inadmissible as
I. Qualifications of a Witness a. Evidence offered to prove the alleged victim
Rule 130, Section 20 engaged in other sexual behavior.
Except as provided in the next succeeding b. Evidence to prove sexual predisposition of
section, all persons who can perceive, and in the alleged victim.
perceiving, can make known their perception to
others, may be witnesses. Exception:
Evidence of specific instance of sexual - Occurring before the death of such deceased
behavior of the alleged victim to prove that a person
person other than the accused was - Or before such person became of unsound
a. The source of semen mind.
b. Injury or
c. Other physical evidence. Purpose of the Rule:
It is designed to close the lips of the party plaintiff
B. Disqualification By Reason of when death or incompetence has permanently closed
Marriage/Spousal Immunity/Marital the lips of the party defendant in order to remove
Disqualification Rule (Section 24) from the claiming party the temptation to give false
- During their marriage testimony and the possibility of fictitious claims
- Neither the husband nor the wife against the deceased or incompetent.
- May testify for or against the other
- Without the consent of the affected spouse When Deadman’s Statute cannot be invoked
- Except in a civil case by one against the other 1. Testimony of mere witnesses who are neither
- Or in a criminal case for a crime committed party plaintiffs, nor their assignors, nor persons
by one against the other or the latter’s direct in whose behalf a case is prosecuted, nor to a
ascendants or descendants. nominal party, nor to officers and stockholders of
a plaintiff corporation;
Purpose: To obviate perjury and to prevent domestic 2. If the plaintiff is the executor or administrator or
disunity. other representative of a deceased person, or the
person of unsound mind;
Nature of the Prohibition 3. In an action against a partnership;
It is an absolute prohibition against the spouse's 4. If the person or persons mentioned under the
testifying to any fact affecting the husband or the wife rule file a counterclaim;
however the knowledge of these facts may have been 5. When the testimony refers to fraudulent
acquired. transactions committed by the persons
mentioned in the rule, provided that fraud has
Marrying the Witness been clearly established by other evidence;
An accused can effectively “SEAL THE LIPS” of a 6. When there is waiver;
witness by marrying the witness. As long as a valid 7. When the testimony of a plaintiff refers to the
marriage is in existence at the time of the trial, the NON-OCCURRENCE OF A FACT, because in that
witness-spouse cannot be compelled to testify even case, the plaintiff does not testify on the
where the crime charged is against the witness’ occurrence of a fact but on its non-occurrence;
person, and even though the marriage was entered 8. In cadastral cases since there is neither plaintiff
into for the express purpose of suppressing the nor defendant, nor in land registration cases
testimony. instituted by the decedent’s representatives, as
the oppositors are considered defendants and
C. Survivorship Disqualification Rule/Dead may, therefore, testify against petitioner;
Man’s Statute 9. Testimony on the possession by witness of a
- Parties, or assignor of parties written instrument made by the deceased, as
- Or persons in whose behalf, such fact exists even after the decedent’s demise;
- A case is prosecuted against 10. Where the deceased contracted with the plaintiff
- An executor through an agent and said agent is alive and can
- Administrator or other representative testify, but the testimony of the plaintiff should be
- Of a deceased persons or against a person limited to acts performed by the agent.
- Of an unsound mind
- Upon a claim or demand against the estate of
such deceased person
Disqualification by Reason of A Privileged
- Or against such person of an unsound mind
- Cannot testify as to any matter of fact,
Privileged Communication employer, concerning any fact the knowledge of
- It is a kind of communication as to matters which has been acquired in such capacity;
learned in confidence by reason of marriage,
Purpose: To encourage full disclosure by client to
nature of work (attorney-client, doctor-
his attorney of all pertinent matters so as to further
patient, minister-penitent), or by reason of a
the administration of justice.
public office, whether elected or appointed.
Note: The privilege is not limited to the
Privileged Communication as to the Following:
communication. It extends also to affidavits,
1. Marital Privileged Communication Rule: documents, pieces of evidence to be presented,
witnesses, strategies in prosecuting or defending a
- The husband or the wife, during or after the
marriage, cannot be examined without the
consent of the other as to any communication
Test: Whether the communications are made to an
received in confidence by one from the other
attorney with a view of obtaining from him
during the marriage except in a civil case by
professional assistance or advice regardless of
one against the other, or in a criminal case for
whether there is pending or merely impending
a crime committed by one against the other
litigation or any litigation.
or the latter's direct descendants or
- Preliminary communications made for the
Exceptions to Marital Privileged Communication purpose of creating the attorney-client
Rule: relationship are within the privilege.
a. Dying Declaration However, if the communications were not
made for the purpose of creating that
b. Declaration Against Interest relationship, they will not be covered by the
c. Part of the Res Gestae privilege even if thereafter the lawyer
becomes counsel of the party in a case
d. Overheard by a Third Person involving said statements.

There is a presumption of confidentiality on CASES where disqualification based on the

all communication between husband and attorney-client privilege do NOT apply
wife: Communications overheard by third 1. Intended to be made public;
persons without knowledge of spouses are still 2. Intended to be communicated to others;
confidential but the third party is not disqualified 3. Received from third persons not acting in
to testify. behalf of or as agents of the client;
4. Intended for an unlawful purpose;
- Where there is collusion and voluntary 5. Made in the presence of third parties who are
disclosure to third party, the latter becomes strangers to the attorney-client relationship.
an agent and cannot testify.(Beda Memory
Aid)  It is not within the profession of a lawyer to
advise a client as to how he may commit a
crime as a lawyer is not a gun for hire. Thus,
2. Attorney – Client Relationship/Staff of the attorney-client privilege does not attach,
Attorney there being no professional employment in
the strict sense (Genato vs. Silapan, Adm. Case
- An attorney cannot, without the consent of his No. 4078, Jul. 14, 2003).
client, be examined as to any communication - The rule applies even to a counsel de officio.
made by the client to him, or his advice given
thereon in the course of, or with a view to, Attorney-Client Privilege as Applied to Identity of
professional employment, nor can an attorney's Client:
secretary, stenographer, or clerk be examined,
without the consent of the client and his
General Rule: A lawyer may not invoke the Section 25. Parental and Filial Privilege Rule
privilege and refuse to divulge the name or
identity of his client. a. Filial Privilege Rule
- No person may be compelled to testify
Exceptions: against his parents, or his direct ascendants.
1. Where a strong possibility exists that
revealing the client’s name would implicate b. Parental Privilege Rule
the client in the very activity for which he - No person may be compelled to testify
sought the lawyer’s advice; against his child or direct descendants.
2. Where disclosure would open the client to
civil liability; and Exceptions to Section 25:
3. Where the prosecutors have no case against 1. If done voluntarily.
the client unless by revealing the client’s 2. Under Article 215 of the Family Code, “no
name, the said name would furnish the only descendant shall be compelled, in a criminal
link that would form the chain of testimony case, to testify against his parents and
necessary to convict an individual for a crime grandparents, except WHEN SUCH
(Regala vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. 105938, TESTIMONY IS INDISPENSABLE IN A
September 20, 1996). CRIME:
a. Committed against said descendant, or
b. By one parent against the other.
3. Doctor – Patient Rule
- A person authorized to practice medicine, ADMISSIONS AND CONFESSIONS
surgery or obstetrics cannot in a civil case,
without the consent of the patient, be examined a. As to the manner of making:
as to any advice or treatment given by him or any Judicial Admission – act, declaration, or
information which he may have acquired in omission.
attending such patient in a professional capacity, Judicial Confession- declaration
which information was necessary to enable him
to act in that capacity, and which would blacken b. As to the fact admitted:
the reputation of the patient; Judicial Admission – admit as to any relevant
Judicial Confession – admit by acknowledging
4. Minister-Penitent Rule his guilt in the offense charged or of any offense
necessarily included therein.
- A minister or priest cannot, without the consent
of the person making the confession, be examined c. As to Scope
as to any confession made to or any advice given Judicial Admission – broader in scope.
by him in his professional character in the course Judicial Confession – a kind of admission.
of discipline enjoined by the church to which the
minister or priest belongs; d. Express or Implied
Priest/Minister – a person authorized by his church Judicial Admission – Yes. It may be express or
of which he is a member to hear confession and to implied.
make an absolution. Judicial Confession - it must be express. There
is no instance of an implied confession.
5. State Secrets
- A public officer cannot be examined during e. As to the Nature of the Proceeding
his term of office or afterwards, as to Judicial Admission – applicable in all cases,
communications made to him in official whether civil or criminal.
confidence, when the court finds that the Judicial Confession – applicable only in criminal.
public interest would suffer by the disclosure. -
ADMISSION - It is an act, declaration, or omission of not admissible in evidence against the
a party as to a relevant fact. offeror.

Kinds of Admission: 2. In criminal cases, except those involving

1. Judicial Admission quasi-offenses (criminal negligence) or
- An admission, verbal or written, made by a those allowed by law to be compromised,
party in the course of the proceedings in the an offer of compromise by the accused
same case. may be received in evidence as an implied
admission of guilt.
2. Extra-Judicial Admission
- An admission made by a party not in the A plea of guilty later withdrawn, or an
same case. unaccepted offer of a plea of guilty to a
lesser offence, is not admissible in
Other Kinds of Admission evidence against the accused who made
1. Express Admission the plea.
- A positive statement or act
Good Samaritan Rule (Rule 130, Section 27)
4. Implied Admission - An offer to pay or the payment of medical,
- An admission which may be inferred from hospital, or other expenses
the declarations or acts of a person. - Occasioned by an injury
- Is not admissible in evidence as proof of civil
5. Adoptive Admission or criminal liability for the injury.
- An admission occurring when a person
manifests his assent to the statements of RES INTER ALIOS ACTA RULE (Things done
another person. between strangers ought not to injure those who
are not parties to it.)
When is a declaration considered as self-serving:
a. Declaration was made extra-judicially by the 2 Branches of Res Inter Alios Acta Rule:
party. A. 1st Branch: Under Rule 130, Section 29
b. such declaration was made to favor his - The rights of a party cannot be prejudiced by
interest. an act, declaration, or omission of another,
except as hereinafter provided.
Why is a Self-Serving Declaration considered
Inadmissible: Exceptions to the First Branch:
a. inherently untrustworthy
b. it will open the door to fraud and falsification. I. Admission by co-partner or agent
- The act or declaration of a partner or agent of
Exceptions to the general rule that Self-Serving the party within the scope of his authority
Declaration is inadmissible: and during the existence of the
a. When the adverse party failed to object. partnership or agency, may be given in
b. When the declaration was offered by the evidence against such party after the
opponent. partnership or agency is shown by
c. When they form part of the res gestae evidence other than such act or
d. They are in the form of complaint and declaration.
exclamations of pain and suffering. - The same rule applies to the act or
e. When they are part of a confession offered by declaration of a joint owner, joint debtor, or
the prosecution. other person jointly interested with the party.

Rule on Compromise: (Rule 130, Section 27) II. Admission by conspirator

1. In civil cases, an offer of compromise is - The act or declaration of a conspirator
not an admission of any liability, and is relating to the conspiracy and during its
existence may be given in evidence against A. Judicial Confession
the co-conspirator after the conspiracy is - A confession made by the accused before a
shown by evidence other than such act or court in which the case is pending and in the
declaration. course of legal proceedings therein, and by
itself, can sustain a conviction.

B. Extra-Judicial Confession
III. Admission by Privies - A confession made in any other place or
- Where one derives title to property from occasion and cannot sustain a conviction
another, the act, declaration or omission of unless:
the latter, while holding the title, in relation a. Its voluntariness is proven, and
to the property, is evidence against the b. It is corroborated by evidence of the
former. CORPUS DELICTI (Body of the Crime).

IV. Admission by Silence C. Doctrine of Interlocking Confession

- An act or declaration made in the presence - A confession wherein the accused persons
and within the hearing or observation of a voluntarily and independently executed
party identical confession without collusion and
- Who does or says nothing when the act or corroborated by other pieces of evidence.
declaration is such as naturally to call for
action or comment if not true II. Rule on Extra-judicial Confession of co-
- And when proper and possible for him to do accused against the other accused.
- May be given in evidence against him. General Rule: Admissible only against the
confessor because as against the other co-
B. 2nd Branch: Propensity Rule (Rule 130, accused, it is hearsay and it is against the first
Section 34) branch of the Res Inter Alios Acta Rule.
- Evidence that one did or did not do a certain
thing at one time is not admissible to prove
that he did or did not do the same or a similar Exceptions:
thing at another time, but may be received to A. Interlocking confession
prove a: B. Accused admitted the facts stated by the
a. Specific intent or knowledge confessant after being apprised of such
b. Identity confession.
c. Plan C. The confession was used only as a
d. System corroborating evidence.
e. Scheme D. Used as a circumstantial evidence to show the
f. Habit probability of participation of other accused.
g. Custom
h. Usage, and Independent Relevant Statements
i. The like. - An out of court declaration which while
having certain characteristics of hearsay
evidence, is not actually hearsay but is
Confession original evidence.
- It is the declaration of the accused
acknowledging his guilt of the offense Rule on Unaccepted Offer:
charged - An offer in writing to pay a particular sum of
- Or any offense necessarily included therein. money or to deliver a written instrument or
specific personal property is, if rejected
I. Kinds of Confession: without valid cause, equivalent to the actual
production and tender of the money, hearsay statement for cross-examination by
instrument or property. the adverse party.


General Rule: A witness can testify only to those such circumstance must be proved by the
facts which he knows of his personal knowledge; that proponent.
is, which are derived from his own perception, except
as otherwise provided in these rules. b. In ruling on the admissibility of such hearsay
statement, the court shall consider the time,
Exceptions to the Hearsay Rule: (They are also content and circumstances thereof, based on
hearsay but are considered as exceptions; various factors provided by the law, which
therefore, it is admissible) provide sufficient indicia of reliability.

I. Under the Rules of Court (Rule 130, Note: When the child witness is unavailable, his
Sections 37-47) (DDA-FCP-COC-LT) hearsay testimony shall be admitted only if
corroborated by other admissible evidence.
A. Dying Declaration
B. Declaration against Interest 2. Rule 8 of the Rules on Electronic Evidence:
C. Act or Declaration about Pedigree Business Records as Exception to the Hearsay
D. Family Reputation or tradition Regarding Rule
E. Common Reputation A memorandum, report, record or data compilation
F. Part of the Res Gestae of acts, events, conditions, opinions or diagnoses,
G. Entries in the Course of Business made by electronic, optical, or other similar means at
H. Entries in Official Records or near the time of or from transmission or supply of
I. Commercial Lists and the Like information by a person with knowledge thereof, and
J. Learned Treatises kept in the regular course or conduct of business
K. Testimony or Deposition at a Former activity, and such was the regular practice to make
Proceeding the memorandum, report, record or data compilation
by electronic, optical, or similar means, all of which
II. Other Exceptions are shown by the testimony of the custodian or other
Other Exceptions: qualified witnesses, is excepted from the rule on
1. Section 28 of the Rules on Examination of a Child hearsay evidence.
This presumption may be overcome by evidence of
A statement made by a child describing any act or the untrustworthiness of the:
attempted act of child abuse, not otherwise 1. Source of information; or
admissible under the hearsay rule, may be 2. The method or circumstances of the preparation,
admitted in evidence in any criminal or non- transmission or storage thereof.
criminal proceeding subject to the following
rules: Reason for the Exceptions: They are admissible by
a. Before such hearsay statement maybe
admitted, its proponent shall make known to SECTION 37. DYING DECLARATION
the adverse party the intention to offer such - The declaration of a dying person
statement and its particulars to provide him a - Made under the consciousness of an
fair opportunity to object. impending death
- May be received IN ANY CASE WHEREIN HIS
upon motion of the adverse party, require the - As evidence of the cause and surrounding
child to be present at the presentation of the circumstances of such death.
Exception to the Covered by the
Requisites: hearsay rule and hearsay rule.
1. That death is imminent and the declarant is admissible.
conscious of that fact; Secondary evidence Primary evidence
2. That the declaration refers to the cause and the and admissible only and admissible
surrounding circumstances of such death; if the declarant is even if the
3. That the declaration relates to the facts which the already dead or declarant is
victim is competent to testify to; unavailable to testify. available as a
4. That the declaration is offered in a case wherein witness.
the declarant’s death is subject of the inquiry (the Must have been May be made at
victim necessarily must have died); made ante litem any time,
5. That the statement is complete in itself (People vs. motam, i.e., before the before/during
De Joya, G.R. No. 75028, November 8, 1991); controversy. the trial.
6. The declarant should have died (if the declarant The fact asserted in Need not be
survives, his declaration may be admissible as part the declaration must considered by the
of the res gestae). have been at the time declarant as
it was made so far opposed to his
Notes: (San Beda Memory Aid) contrary to the interest at the
Truth sits on the lips of the dying man. At the point of declarant’s own time when made,
death, every motive for falsehood is silenced. The interest. it is enough if it is
mind is induced by the most powerful consideration inconsistent with
to speak the truth. his present claim
and defenses.
There must be a settled, hopeless expectation that It is not necessary It is competent
death is at hand. It is sufficient that he believed that the declarant be only when the
himself in imminent danger of death at the time of a party to the action; declarant or
such declaration. it is admissible to an someone
action where his identified in
To be complete in itself does not mean that the declaration is interest is a party
declaration must recite everything that constituted relevant. to the action.
the res gestae of the subject of his statement, but that May be admitted Used only against
his statement of any given fact should be a full against himself or the party
expression of all that he intended to say as conveying successor in interest admitting.
his meaning in respect of such fact. and against third
Different Forms of Dying Declaration (How was
such declaration made by a dying person?_
a. Oral Requisites:
b. Written 1. That the declarant is dead or unable to testify;
c. Using signs/pointing at the person 2. That it relates to a fact against the interests of the
Doctrine of Multiple Admissibility May Apply: 3. That at the time he made said declaration the
- They may be regarded as part of the res declarant was aware that the same was contrary
gestae as they were made soon after the to his aforesaid interest; and
startling occurrence without the opportunity 4. That the declarant had no motive to falsify and he
for fabrication or concoction. believed such declaration to be true.

SECTION 38. DECLARATIONS AGAINST INTEREST  Persons do not make statements that are
disadvantageous to themselves without
Declaration Against Admissions substantial reason to believe that the statements
Interest are true. Self-interest induces men to be cautious
in saying anything against themselves. In other  The reputation between the declarant and the
words, we can safely trust a man when he speaks person subject of the inquiry must be legitimate,
against his interest. unless the issue is the legitimacy itself.

INTEREST COVERED: Proprietary, penal, pecuniary

The declarant must realize at the very time of making
the declaration that his declaration is against his  The word PEDIGREE includes relationship, family
interest, that a reasonable man in his position would genealogy, birth, marriage, death, the dates when
not have made the declaration unless he believed it to and the places where these facts occurred, and
be true. the names of the relatives. It embraces also facts
of family history intimately connected with
 It is essential that at the time of the statement, pedigree.
the declarant’s interest affected thereby should
be actual/real/apparent NOT merely contingent, Section 39 Section 40
future or conditional, otherwise, the declaration Act or declaration Family reputation
would not in reality be against interest. about PEDIGREE. or tradition
 If the declarant is still alive and available as a pedigree.
witness, his declaration would be admissible only Witness need not be Witness is a
as an admission against himself or privies or if he a member of the member of the
testifies, his statement against interest which he family. family.
now denies would be admissible against him as a Relation of the The witness is
prior inconsistent statement in some instances. declarant and the himself the one to
person subject of whom the fact
SECTION 39. ACT OR DECLARATION ABOUT the inquiry must be relates, it is not
PEDIGREE established by necessary for him
independent to establish by
Requisites: evidence independent
 The actor or declarant is dead or unable to testify; evidence his
 The act or declaration is made by a person relationship to the
related to the subject by birth or marriage; family (Francisco,
 The relationship between the declarant or the p.292).
actor and the subject is shown by evidence other Testimony is about Testimony is
than such act or declaration; what declarant, who about family
 The act or declaration was made ante litem is dead or unable to reputation or
motam or prior to the controversy. testify, has said tradition covering
concerning the matters of
Family Reputation or tradition in respect to one’s pedigree of the pedigree.
pedigree may be established: declarant’s family.
1. Through testimony in open court of a witness
who must be a member of the family either by SECTION 41. COMMON REPUTATION
consanguinity or affinity;
2. Through entries in : The following may be established by common
a. Family bible; reputation:
b. Family books or charts; 1. Matters of public interest more than 30 yrs. old;
c. Engravings on rings; 2. Matters of general interest more than 30 years
d. Family portraits and the like. old;
3. Matters respecting marriage or moral character
and related facts;
4. Individual moral character;

Justification in the Trustworthiness

Common Reputation is the definite opinion of the spontaneity of the based upon its
community in which the fact to be proved is known statement. being given in
or exists. It means the general or substantially
awareness of
undivided reputation, as distinguished from a partial
or qualified one, although it need not be unanimous. impending death.

 As a general rule, the reputation of a person

Two Types of Res Gestae
should be that existing in the place of his
residence, it may also be that existing in the place
by a person while a startling occurrence is taking
where he is best known.
place or immediately prior or subsequent thereto
with respect to the circumstances thereof;
CHARACTER means that which a person really is,
while REPUTATION is that which he is reputed to be
The statement is made instinctively: The facts
(Francisco, p.301).
speaking thru the party not the party talking
about the facts.
Evidence of Negative Good Repute
Where the foundation proof shows that the witness
2. VERBAL ACTS - Statements accompanying an
was in such position that he would have heard
equivocal act material to the issue, and giving it a
reports derogatory to one’s character, the reputation
legal significance.
testimony may be predicated on the absence of
reports of bad reputation or on the fact that the
Thus, in bribery, the declaration made by the
witness had heard nothing against the person.
third person accompanying the delivery of money
is admissible.
Verbal Acts
Res Gestae literally means things done; it includes
the circumstances, facts, and declarations incidental The res gestae is The res gestae is
to the main fact or transaction necessary to illustrate the equivocal act. the startling
its character and also includes acts, words or occurrence.
declarations which are closely connected therewith Verbal act must Statements may be
as to constitute part of the transaction. be made prior, or
contemporaneous immediately after
Res Gestae In Dying with or must the startling
Connection With accompany the occurrence.
A Homicidal Act equivocal act.
May be made by Can be made only
Requisites of Admissibility of Spontaneous
the killer himself by the victim. Statements
after or during the 1. There must be a startling occurrence;
killing OR that of a 2. The statement must relate to the circumstances
3rd person. of the startling occurrence; and
3. The statement must be spontaneous.
May precede, Made only after
accompany or be the homicidal The interval of time between the startling occurrence
made after the attack has been and the statement depends upon the circumstances;
but such statement must have been made while the
homicidal attack committed.
declarant was under the immediate influence of the
was committed. startling occurrence. However, if the declarant was
rendered unconscious after the startling occurrence,
his statements relative thereto upon regaining  The law does not fix any precise moment when
consciousness are still part of the res gestae the entries should be made. It is sufficient if the
regardless of the time that intervened in between. entry was made within a reasonable period of
time so that it may appear to have taken place
Reasons for Admissibility of Spontaneous while the memory of the facts was unimpaired.
1. Necessity – natural and spontaneous utterances How regularity of the entries proved: It may be
are more convincing than the testimony of the proved by the form in which they appear in the
same person on the stand. corresponding book.
2. Trustworthiness – the statement is made
instinctively: The facts speaking thru the party not There is no overriding necessity to bring into courts
the party talking about the facts. all the clerk or employees who individually made the
entries in a long account. It is sufficient that the
 It is essential that they should have been caused person who supervises them testify that:
by something startling enough to produce 1. The account was prepared under his supervision;
nervous excitement. The declarant must be a and
witness to the event to which the utterance 2. The entries were regularly entered in the
relates. He must have personally observed the ordinary course of business (Regalado, p.751).
What the law distrusts is not the “after speech” but
“afterthought.” Requisites:
1. That it was made by a public officer or by another
Requisites of Admissibility of Verbal Acts person specially enjoined by law to do so; and
1. The act or occurrence characterized must be 2. That it was made by a public officer in the
equivocal; performance of his duty, or by another person in
2. Verbal acts must characterize or explain the the performance of a duty specially enjoined by
equivocal act; law; and
3. Equivocal act must be relevant to the issue; and 3. The public officer or the other person had
4. Verbal acts must be contemporaneous with the sufficient knowledge of the facts by him stated,
equivocal act. which must have been acquired by him
personally or through official information.
Reasons for its admission
Otherwise known as the SHOP-BOOK RULE. 1. Necessity - practical impossibility of requiring the
official’s attendance as a witness to testify to the
Requisites: innumerable transactions occurring in the course
1. That the entrant made the entry in his of his duty.
professional capacity or in the performance of a 2. Trustworthiness – there is a presumption of
duty; regularity in the performance of official duty.
2. That the entry was made in the ordinary course
of business or duty; Probative value: only prima facie evidence of the
3. The entries must have been made at or near the fact stated therein.
time of the transaction to which they relate;
4. The entrant must have been in a position to know  It is not essential for the officer making the
the facts stated in the entries; official statement to have a personal knowledge
5. The entrant must be deceased or unable to of the facts stated by him, it being sufficient that
testify. the official information was acquired by officers
who prepared the reports from persons who not
only have personal knowledge of the facts stated
but must have the duty to give such statements other published compilation and tremendous
for the record. inconvenience it would cause to the court if it
would issue summons to these numerous
 It is well settled that entries in the police blotter individuals.
should not be given due significance or probative 2. Trustworthiness – they have no motive to deceive
value as they are not conclusive evidence of the and they further realize that unless the list,
truth of their contents but merely of the fact that register, periodical or other published
they were recorded. Hence, they do not compilation are prepared with care and accuracy,
constitute conclusive proof (People vs. Cabrera. Jr. their work will have no commercial or probative
G.R. No. 138266, April 30, 2003). value.

Entries In The Entries In Official SECTION 46. LEARNED TREATISES

Course of Business Records
The person who There is no such In order that a published treatise, periodical or
made the entries requirement. pamphlet on a subject of law, history, science or art
must be dead or may be admissible, it is necessary either:
unable to testify. 1. That the court can take judicial notice of it; or
Needs Need not be 2. A witness, expert in the subject, testifies that the
authentication authenticated writer of the statement in the treatise, periodical,
Best evidence rule Exception to best or pamphlet is recognized in his profession or
applies evidence rule calling as expert in the subject.
(irremovability of
public records)  Learned writers have no motive to misrepresent.
The entries are The entrant is a He is aware that his work will be carefully
made pursuant to a public officer, or if scrutinized by the learned members of his
duty, either legal, a private profession and that he shall be subject to
contractual, moral individual, must criticisms and ultimately rejected as an authority
or religious. have acted on the subject matter if his conclusions are found
pursuant to a to be invalid.
specific legal duty.
Requisites: 1. The testimony or depositions of a witness
1. Statements of matters of interest to persons deceased or unable to testify;
engaged in an occupation; 2. The testimony was given in a former case or
2. The statements must be contained in a list, proceeding, judicial or administrative;
register, periodical or other published 3. Involving the same parties;
compilation; 4. Relating to the same subject matter;
3. That compilation is published for use by persons 5. The adverse party having had an opportunity to
engaged in that occupation; and cross-examine him.
4. Is generally relied upon by them.
Note: In criminal cases, either party may utilize as
E.g. mortality tables and accepted actuarial and part of its evidence the testimony of a witness who is
annuity tables. deceased, out of or cannot with due diligence be
found in the Philippines, unavailable, or otherwise
Reasons for its admission unable to testify, given in another case or proceeding,
1. Necessity – because of the usual inaccessibility of judicial or administrative, involving the same parties
the persons responsible for the compilation of and subject matter, the adverse party having the
matters contained in a list, register, periodical or
opportunity to cross-examine him (Rule 115, Evidence of the moral character of a party in a
Sec.1(f)). civil case is admissible only when pertinent to
the issue of character involved in the case.
Opinion Rule (Rule 130, Section 48-50)
C. In the case provided for in Rule 132,
General Rule: Section 14
- The opinion of a witness is not admissible. - Evidence of the good character of a witness
is not admissible until such character has
Exceptions: been impeached.
I. Made by an Expert Witness
- The opinion of a witness on a matter JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT RULE (JAR) (AM No. 12-8-8-
shown to possess, may be received in 1. Definition
evidence. - It is an affidavit executed by a witness for a
party in a case, in the form of a question and
II. Made by an Ordinary Witness answer, which is submitted to the court in
a. Identity of a person about whom he lieu of the direct examination of the said
has adequate knowledge. witness.
b. A handwriting with which he has
sufficient familiarity 2. Scope (Section 1)
c. The mental sanity of a person with
whom he is sufficiently acquainted. General Rule:
It shall apply to all actions, proceedings, and
- The witness may also testify on his incidents requiring the reception of evidence.
impressions of the emotion, behavior,
condition, or appearance of a person. Note: The JAR was modified for a period of 1
year in criminal cases where public
Character Evidence (Rule 130, Section 51) prosecutors can temporarily use the sworn
General Rule: Not admissible. statements that the complainant and their
Exceptions: witnesses submit during the initiation of the
A. In a Criminal Case criminal action. Upon presenting the witness,
1. The accused may prove his good the attending public prosecutor shall require
moral character which is the witness to affirm what the sworn
pertinent to the moral trait statement contains and may only ask the
involved in the offense charged. witness additional direct examination
questions that have not been amply covered
2. Unless in rebuttal, the prosecution by the sworn statement.
may not prove his bad moral
character which is pertinent to Exceptions:
the moral trait involved in the I. It shall apply to all criminal actions:
offense charged.
a. Where the maximum of the imposable
3. The good or bag moral character penalty does not exceed 6 years.
of the offended party may be b. Where the accused agrees to the use of the
proved if it tends to establish in judicial affidavits, irrespective of the
any reasonable degree the penalty involved; or
probability or improbability of the c. With respect to the civil aspect of the
offense charged. actions, whatever the penalties involved
B. In a Civil Case
II. It shall not apply to small claims cases. 2. Elicit from him those facts which are
relevant to the issues that the case
presents; and
Courts and Offices within the Scope of the JAR: 3. Identify the attached documentary and
(Section 1) object evidence and establish their
a. MTC, MCTC, MunTC, MunCTC, Sharia Circuit authenticity in accordance with the Rules
Courts, except in cases of small claims. of Court.
b. RTC and Sharia District Courts e. The signature of the witness over his printed
c. Sandiganbayan name
d. Court of Tax Appeals f. A jurat with the signature of the notary public
e. Court of Appeals who administers the oath or any other person
f. Sharia Appellate Courts authorized to administer the oath.
g. The investigating officers and bodies
authorized by the SC to receive evidence, Sworn Attestation of the Lawyer:
including the IBP a. The judicial affidavit shall contain a sworn
h. Special courts and quasi-judicial bodies, attestation at the end, executed by the lawyer
whose rule of procedure are subject to who conducted or supervised the
disapproval of the SC, insofar as their existing examination of the witness, to the effect that:
rules of procedure contravene the provisions 1. He faithfully recorded or caused to be
of this Rule. recorded the questions he asked and the
corresponding answers that the witness
When to File and Serve: gave; and
- Not later than 5 days before pre-trial or 2. Neither he nor any other person then
preliminary conference, or the scheduled present or assisting him coached the
hearing with respect to motions and witness regarding the latter’s answers.
b. A false attestation shall subject the lawyer to
How to Serve the Judicial Affidavit on the Adverse disciplinary action, including disbarment.
1. Personal service; or Procedure in the Trial Using the Judicial Affidavit:
2. Licensed courier service. 1. The party presenting the judicial affidavit
shall state the purpose of such testimony at
the start of the presentation of the witness.
Contents of Judicial Affidavit: 2. The adverse party may move to disqualify the
a. Name, age, residence or business address, witness or to strike out the affidavit or its
and occupation of the witness. portions on ground of inadmissibility.
b. Name and address of the lawyer who 3. The court shall rule on the motion, and if
conducted the examination of the witness and granted, shall exclude any answer or the
the place where the examination is being whole judicial affidavit, without prejudice to a
held. tender of excluded evidence under the Rules
c. A statement that the witness is answering the of Court.
questions asked of him, fully conscious that 4. The adverse party shall have a right to cross
he does so under oath, and that he may face examine the witness on his judicial affidavit.
criminal liability for false testimony or 5. The party who presented the witness may
perjury. examine on re-direct.
d. Questions asked of the witness and his 6. Upon the termination of the last witness, a
corresponding answers, consecutively party shall make an oral offer of evidence of
numbered, that: his documentary or object exhibits, in their
1. Show the circumstances under which the chronological order, stating the purpose for
witness acquired the facts upon which he which he offers such exhibit.
7. After each piece of exhibit is offered, the
adverse party may object and the court shall
immediately make its ruling regarding that

Effects of Non-Compliance with the JAR:

a) A party who fails to submit the required judicial

affidavits and exhibits on time shall be deemed to
have waived their submission. The court may,
however, allow only once the late submission of the
same provided, the delay is for a valid reason, would
not unduly prejudice the opposing party, and the
defaulting party pays a fine of not less
than P 1,000.00 nor more than P5,000.00 at the
discretion of the court.

(b) The court shall not consider the affidavit of any

witness who fails to appear at the scheduled hearing
of the case as required. Counsel who fails to appear
without valid cause despite notice shall be deemed to
have waived his client's right to confront by cross-
examination the witnesses there present.

(c) The court shall not admit as evidence judicial

affidavits that do not conform to the content
requirements of Section 3 and the attestation
requirement of Section 4 above. The court may,
however, allow only once the subsequent submission
of the compliant replacement affidavits before the
hearing or trial provided the delay is for a valid
reason and would not unduly prejudice the opposing
party and provided further, that public or private
counsel responsible for their preparation and
submission pays a fine of not less than P1,000.00 nor
more than P 5,000.00, at the discretion of the court.

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