Construction Commitments Leaflet

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Make your business an attractive prospect

for the region’s biggest contractors

Your guide to finditinsandwell and finditinbirmingham’s
Construction Commitments awareness training ...

What are the Construction Commitments and why

are they important to me?
“Iwould recommend the
two-day course to anyone, The six Construction Commitments are national guidelines put
you are guaranteed to come together by industry experts to encourage best practice in
out much more aware of the construction. They focus on:
potential for your company."  client leadership procurement & integration
Fred Rose, Need A Skip  design sustainability
 commitment to people health & safety.

“Excellent, the course will Being aware of the Commitments will help you submit PQQs (pre-
qualification questionnaires) and tenders that are better aligned with
really push my business the public sector’s guidelines (and therefore more likely to succeed).
forward at a fast pace.”
Tom Billingham, Utilising ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) funding via
T&L Commercial Interiors WMCCE (West Midlands Centre for Constructing Excellence),
finditinsandwell and finditinbirmingham are running a series of
heavily subsidised two-day workshops to help you boost your
tendering skills and meet the new BSI/PAS 91 standard (which is
“I was educated and essential for pre-qualification to construction tendering).
enlightened and, the course,
I feel, will bring value to my The workshop will be useful to you if your company:
own working life as well as to
 is a micro, small or medium-sized contractor
the company I work for and  manufactures or designs construction products
ultimately will lead to deliver-  supplies goods or materials to the building trade
ing superior value to all our  designs, or offers professional advice, in the built environment
clients.”  is a facilities-management service provider.
Pauraic Sweeney, Forkers
“WMCCE is delighted to support this important initiative
to help West Midlands SMEs in construction prepare for
“Great initiative to encourage
and hopefully win contracts locally and therefore to
local trading and really well
help keep the „West Midlands pound‟ in the region.”
run and helpful course.”
Phil Wilson, chief executive,
Paul Hutchens, Eco2Solar
West Midlands Centre for Constructing Excellence
“Any companies that are
thinking of going on this "What we're trying to do is build a stronger and deeper
training, I can highly relationship between the public and private sector for
recommend it. It's been very mutual benefits.” Jan Britton,
well thought out and over the executive director of urban regeneration,
long run, you can see the Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
benefits it will have.”
Paul Banner,
B-Trac Services So what does this training do?

The two-day course (which is spaced out over a couple of weeks)

raises your awareness of the Construction Commitments, guiding
“Affirmation of the course by a you through creating a PQQ data set which is second to none. This
principal contractor who data is likely to be useful when answering qualification questions
attended ... was also from private-sector organisations, too.
What sets the course apart from other systems is that you will
Des George,
receive explanation and guidance as to what lies behind the PQQs
Anglo Holt Construction Ltd and how to answer them. Having this knowledge at your disposal,
and putting the right policies and documents in place, can help make
your business a lower-risk proposition for clients and contractors who
“This course has been very may be looking for companies to tender for their work.
informative to me. The knowl-
If there are areas where your business needs attention, our training
edge I have received will providers may be able to point you in the direction of funding in
benefit my company a great order for them to give you ongoing support, help you develop your
deal.” Carney Bell, skills, or produce the necessary policies and procedures.
C D Electrical Services Ltd
Once you have completed your online profile and it has passed an
audit for acceptability, your firm can be listed in our secure online
directory of ‘tender ready’ suppliers. Construction buyers and project
“Well prepared and interesting decision-makers can log in to this directory and see that you are
training programme, very well competent and capable of bidding for work.
This sets you in great stead for winning new contracts - and, in some
Andrew Stapleton, APiC UK
cases, means you won’t have to fill in tiresome pre-qualification
questionnaires (PQQs).

“Very interesting. Made me Why are you running this training?

realise we need to set up some
new systems and procedures.” As you may know, Sandwell Council and Birmingham City Council
Richard Larner, launched finditinsandwell and finditinbirmingham to:
RDS Construction
 boost the area’s economy by encouraging local inter-trading

 help local businesses win their share of the millions of pounds’

“Valuable information on how worth of regeneration projects taking place in our region.
to cope with registration.”
Clive Hylton, The training is one of the things we’re doing behind the scenes to
make sure local businesses benefit from the legacy of regeneration
Bazmatic Electrical
investment being made in Birmingham and Sandwell, and to help
you become confident and capable of winning the work.

As the UK recovers from recession, we want to remind the world that

the West Midlands has a world-class construction industry, and get
money flowing into our region again.
Why do I need to get involved?
“The Construction
Commitments course has given As the UK economy begins its slow recovery, and building and
me a new outlook completely, I regeneration projects are resumed, it’s more important than ever to
give your business the edge when pitching for new work.
always moan we never get
larger jobs, 200/300K and I Also:
can see why now. I don‟t know
how we did previously. We  More than 130 representatives from local construction firms
weren't sustainable, not very have already taken part in the training, clearly demonstrating
their commitment to constructing best practice. Can you
environmental and didn't know
afford not to be listed alongside them?
what a supply chain was.”
Managing director,  As a direct result of the training, at least two firms (The Brass
local construction firm. Group and MTD Scaffold) have won contracts they would not
have otherwise been
able to go for,
resulting in
“Helpful eye opener to review thousands of
existing practices.” Dev Masih, pounds’ worth of
JAW Business Solutions income.

 Smaller
companies are now
“A thorough understanding of collaborating to
the Construction Commitments pitch for jobs that
benefits us as a medium-sized were previously too
company but also smaller unwieldy. You could join them, and open your business out to
new and bigger projects.
companies that are here as
well. It means really that we  During the training process, you identify all the policies you
can all work together to a high need for PQQs, assessing whether what you have already is
quality and standard, and we're good enough. In turn, this may make the tendering process
all able to provide services to much easier in the future, whatever the job or whichever
sector you’re pitching to.
larger companies and
organisations, and we know  Principal contractors (including Interserve, Thomas Vale,
our standards will comply with Skanska and VINCI) are backing the training, using our
their requirements.” directory to source subcontractors and suppliers.
Ron Pinfield,
CLM Construction Ltd
“We‟re happy to say that
Interserve will now count
participation in the Construction
Commitments awareness training
as pre-approval to join our
supply list. That shows how
much we think of the training -
and how we can‟t recommend
enough that you sign up for it.”
Andy Pearson, Associate
Director, Interserve Project
“I‟m delighted to tell you that
we‟re going to use the
findit supply directory to
source our own suppliers. So if you
think you‟d like to work with us,
perhaps on some of the contracts
we‟ve secured in Sandwell, then
it‟s really important that you
sign up to the training.”
Peter Watson,
Managing Director, Forkers
(civil and ground engineering

“Well delivered and very How much is it and where

interactive sessions, pleasing do I sign up?
atmosphere always.”
Mark Astbury, Our training is heavily subsidised by
The Brass Group the ERDF via WMCCE, so it costs just
£200 per company for the two
sessions (or £100 if you attend in
“The course was informative 2010!). You can send two
delegates for this.
and gave depth to levels of
compliance needed and a wide If you require follow-up support, our
perspective for forward training providers will do their best
planning and continuous to source funding for your business.
improvement of the
To find out when the next sessions begin, simply call and leave your
business. It was very well details with Steve Massey on 0121 569 2105 or at
planned and presented.” or Stuart Horton on
Sam Williams, Allround 0121 303 0005 or at
To give every delegate the best possible care and attention, we only
have space for ten companies on each session.

“Very informative course and So don’t miss out: contact Steve or Stuart today.
was a pleasure to attend as I
have furnished myself with far
more knowledge than I
“I feel privileged working with such a broad range of
anticipated – well done to the
companies to successfully attain a common goal of
tutors.” Larry Mazic,
continuous improvement and helping them become more
Zicam Integrated Security
competitive.” Roy Casey, course facilitator,
Success Train

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