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Subject : Psychology Credits :2

Department : Diploma III of Nursing Faculty : Nursing

Subjec Competences : The aim of this unit is to provide student with psychology knowledge and skills to apply in
nursing care decision – making processes to holistically and effectively for human behaviour assessment and nursing
intervention of psychological disturbance.

Learning Matric

Learning Learning Task skills (Learning

Week Topics Indicator Percentage
Outcomes Strategy Activity)
Describe the Basic concept of Group - Dividing students - Formed
basic concept of psychology Discussion into groups (each student’s
psychology to group consist of 5- group
identify human 10 students) - There will
behaviour - Students write the be
(GA.1). (CN.1) strategies to achieve students’
the competences strategies
- Paper for oral for
presentation achieving
- Paper for
Describe the Human Problem - Students - Paper or
basic concept of behaviour : based searching/browsin article
psychology to - Concept Inquiry g material - Oral
identify human and learning - Student present presentati
behaviour on
history of their article in
(GA.1). (CN.1) class
- developme
nt of
and human
- Biopsycho
logy and
sensory –

Describe the - The levels Problem - Students - Paper or
basic concept of of Based searching/browsin article
psychology to consciousn Inquiry g material - Oral
identify human ess, Learning - Student present presentati
behaviour - Perception on
their article in
(GA.1). (CN.1) and class
- Emotion
and stress-

Apply conceptual Thinking Problem - Students - Paper or

basis of process and Based searching/browsin article
psychology in the problem Inquiry g material - Oral
nursing process solving, and Learning - Student present presentati
(GA.1). (CN.2) Learning on
their article in
process class

Assess the human - Psychologic Laboratory - Dividing students - Formed

development al practice into groups (each student’s
behaviour and measuremen group consist of 6-8 group
factors for nursing t, students) - There will
care (GA.1). - Abnormal - Students practice be
(CN.4) behaviours one by one students’
- and simple strategies
t subject’s
- Individuals
Implement the - Interpersona Problem - Dividing students - Formed
basic principles of l based into groups (each student’s
psychology in relationship inquiry group consist of 4 - 6 group
nursing care in nursing, learning, students) - There will
(GA1). (CN.13) - Attitude Discussion - Students browsing be
developmen the material students’
t includes - Paper for oral strategies
attention presentation for
and achieving
- therapeutic
in terms of - Paper for

nursing oral
care. presentatio


Petunjuk Pelaksanaan tugas:

1. Kumpulkan beberapa pengertian mengenai:

a. Belajar
b. Psikologi Belajar
2. Sintesakan pengertian tersebut dengan menggunakan bahasa anda sendiri secara sederhana
dan operasional
3. Review setiap teori psikologi belajar dari keempat paradigma (Asosiasi, Fungsionalis; Kognitif
dan Neurophysiologis). Setiap paradigma harus direview berdasarkan:
a. Konsep/Prinsip/Asumsi Dasar
b. Tipe Belajar
c. Mekanisme Belajar
d. Aplikasi dalam kehidupan nyata

Semua hasil review (1-3) diketik dengan font Calibri 12/Times New Roman 12/Arial 14 dengan
spasi 1.5 pada kertas ukuran kuarto seberat 80gram. Hasil review tidak boleh melebihi 10
halaman. Dijilid rapi dan dikumpulkan pada pertemuan ketiga.

4. Siapkan Slide PPT tayangan dari makalah review yang anda buat maksimal 20 slide. Slide
dibuat semenarik mungkin sehingga dapat menggambarkan keseluruhan teori yang ada dalam
psikologi belajar.


Petujuk Pelaksanaan

1. Orang dapat berubah karena satu faktor atau situasi tertentu. Sebagai sarjana psikologi kita
harus memahami semua dinamika yang memungkinkan seseorang berubah maupun faktor
yang menghambat seseorang untuk berubah. Untuk itu, Anda harus menemukan faktor-
faktor tersebut. Cari dan temukanlah faktor tersebut dari jurnal/laporan penelitian/skripsi
kakak kelas ataupun tesis yang tersedia di perpustakaan. Setiap kelompok minimal
merangkum 8 jurnal/hasil penelitian/skripsi/tesis.

2. Tuliskan semua faktor beserta dinamikanya, buatlah rangkuman dalam sebuah makalah

MANUSIA UNTUK BERUBAH. Makalah diketik dengan font Calibri 12/Times New Roman
12/Arial 14 dengan spasi 1.5 pada kertas ukuran kuarto seberat 80gram. Hasil review tidak
boleh melebihi 5 halaman. Dijilid rapi dan dikumpulkan pada pertemuan keenam.

3. Buatlah poster yang dapat menggambarkan dinamika faktor yang anda temukan dalam
usaha mengubah perilaku manusia. Poster dibuat dalam ukuran A2 (60 x 100cm) dicetak
dan dicopy di dalam CD. Poster beserta CD dikumpulkan pula pada pertemuan keenam.

4. Presentasikan Poster dan rangkuman dalam bentuk PPT pada hari keenam. Setiap
kelompok akan mendapatkan waktu 15 menit penyajian dan 20 menit tanya jawab pada
pertemuan keenam dan tujuh.


Petunjuk Pelaksanaan

1. Memilih dan menetapkan subjek (orang yang akan dikenai program perubahan perilaku)
serta objek (perilaku yang akan diubah).
2. Membuat rancangan program perubahan perikalu manusia dengan tujuan mengubah
perilaku seseorang yang anda kenal agar dapat hidup lebih efektif. Contoh mengubah anak
yang tidak mau makan sayur menjadi suka makan sayur; mengubah anak yang suka main
game/PS sehingga mau diatur; mengubah pacar yang suka terlambat menjadi orang yang
tepat waktu, dll. Adapun struktur rancangan adalah:
a. Latar Belakang Masalah
b. Tujuan Program
c. Tinjauan Teoritis
d. Desain dan Mekanisme
e. Referensi
3. Menerapkan rancangan program perubahan perilaku yang telah dibuat pada subjek yang
telah dipilih dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup subjek selama kurang lebih 2
minggu (minggu kesepuluh dan sebelas). Dengan mengingat waktu yang sangat terbatas,
maka Anda harus melakukan proses perubahan perilaku secara intensif.
4. Jika perilaku belum berubah, anda masih memiliki spare waktu selama 2 minggu (minggu
keduabelas – ketigabelas).
5. Semua proses direkam secara tertulis dan secara visual (camera digital). Jika
memungkinkan rekamlah secara audio-visual (Handy Cam).
6. Buatlah laporan secara tertulis akan semua proses yang telah dilakukan. Struktur laporan
hasil adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Latar Belakang Masalah
b. Tujuan Program
c. Tinjauan Teoritis
d. Desain dan Mekanisme
e. Hasil dan Pembahasan
f. Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi

g. Referensi
h. Lampiran-lampiran: hasil rekaman, data dll

7. Laporan diketik dengan font Calibri 12/Times New Roman 12/Arial 14 dengan spasi 1.5
pada kertas ukuran kuarto seberat 80gram. Hasil review tidak boleh melebihi 5 halaman.
Dijilid rapi dan dikumpulkan pada pertemuan kesebelas.
8. Siapkan Slide PPT tayangan dari hasil laporan yang anda buat maksimal 20 slide. Slide
dibuat semenarik mungkin sehingga dapat menggambarkan keseluruhan teori yang ada
dalam psikologi belajar. Setiap kelompok akan mendapat kesempatan presentasi selama 15
menit dan 20 menit diskusi kelas pada minggu keempat belas dan kelimabelas.


1. Lecture Notes: power point

2. Lembar Kerja
3. Selected Reading Material (daftar alamat web; buku; print out artikel; fotocopy)


Subject : Fundamental of Nursing II Credits :-

Department : Diploma III of Nursing Faculty : Nursing

1. Perform nursing interventions according to recognised standards of practice.
2. Contributes to effective multidisciplinary team work by maintaining collaborative relationships.
3. Ensures consistent, continuous holistic quality of care.
4. Respects each patient/client irrespective of their ethnic origin, religion or other factors.
5. Provide an advocacy role for patient’s right and empowers patients/clients to make decisions
regarding their care.

Learning Matric :

Learning Topic/ Learning Task Skill/

Week Indicator Precentage
Outcomes Subject Content Strategy Learning activity
Have  Learning Describing the - Dividing students - Formed
motivation to contract learning into groups (each student’s
be able to  Task process group 5 students) group
1 achieve the including - Paper for class - Paper for
subject learning presentation presentation
competences contract and
2 Identify kinds of  Nursing  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper
basic human process  Class (around 5-10 focuses on
need in normal  Physical Presentation slices) topic, clear,
concist, and
conditions assessment  Tutorial  Assessing health sistimatic.
focusing on  Health history history  Assesses
oxygenation  Nursing  Performing health Health
documentation assessment history by
 Writting nursing using good
 Related to: documentation and correct
Oxygenation communicati
 Related to: on
- Physiology of Oxygenation  Performs
respiration Physical
- Factors assessment
affecting correctly and
respiratory sistimatically
functioning according to
 Related to:

Provide nursing  Nursing  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses
care for clients process  Demonstratio history Health
with particular  Nursing n  Performing health history by
using good
conditions documentation  Laboratory assessment and correct
focusing on  Health history Practice  Writting nursing communicati
oxygenation  Physical  Tutorial documentation on
assessment  Seeing skill  Performs
 Case report laboratory videos: Physical
 Health physical assessment
correctly and
education assessment and sistimatically
 Nursing etic oxygenation according to
code procedures. evaluation
 Patient’s right  Skill laboratory tool.
 Nurse’s right practice  Write nursing
 Informed  Demonstrating/ documentatio
consent Performing n
 Nursing nursing  Practice skill
collaboration procedures. laboratories
 Communicatio  Related to: sistimatically
n Oxygenation based on
 Holistic care procedures standart of
 Related to: - Using a pulse nursing
Oxygenation oximeter procedure
- Using a pulse - Administering (SOP)
oximeter oxygen by nasal  Demonstrate/
- Administering cannula perform
oxygen by nasal - Administering oxygenation
cannula oxygen by mask procedures
- Administering - Administering correctly and
oxygen by mask oxygen by tent sistimatically
- Administering - Suctioning the according to
oxygen by tent nasopharyngeal evaluation
- Suctioning the and oropharyngeal tools
nasopharyngeal areas  Related to:
and - Suctioning the Oxygenation
oropharyngeal tracheostomy procedures
areas - Providing - Using a pulse
- Suctioning the tracheostomy care oximeter
tracheostomy - Administering
- Providing oxygen by
tracheostomy nasal cannula
care - Administering
oxygen by
- Administering
oxygen by
- Suctioning the

Identify kinds of  Nursing  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper
basic human process  Class (around 5-10 focuses on
need in normal  Physical Presentation slices) topic, clear,
concist, and
conditions assessment  Tutorial  Assessing health sistimatic.
3-4 focusing on  Health history history  Assesses
medication  Nursing  Performing health Health
documentation assessment history by
 Related to:  Writting nursing using good
Medication documentation and correct
- Drug legislation  Related to: on
- Introduction to Medication  Performs
pharmacology Physical
- Factors assessment
affecting drug correctly and
action sistimatically
according to
- Adverse drug
effects tools
 Related to:

Provide nursing  Nursing  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses
care for clients process  Demonstratio history Health
with particular  Nursing n  Performing health history by
using good
conditions documentation  Laboratory assessment and correct
focusing on  Health history Practice  Writting nursing communicati
medication  Physical  Tutorial documentation on
assessment  Seeing skill  Performs
 Case report laboratory videos: Physical
 Health physical assessment
correctly and
education assessment and sistimatically
 Nursing etic medication skills. according to
code  Skill laboratory evaluation
 Patient’s right practice tools
 Nurse’s right  Demonstrating/  Write nursing
 Informed Performing documentatio
consent nursing n
 Nursing procedures.  Practice skill
collaboration  Related to: laboratories
 Communicatio Medication sistimatically
n procedures based on
 Holistic care - Administering oral standart of
 Related to: medications nursing
Medication - Removing procedure
- Administering medication from (SOP)
oral an ampule  Related to:
medications - Removing Medication
- Removing medivation from a procedures
medication vial - Administering
from an ampule - Mixing insulins in oral
- Removing one syringe medications
medivation - Administering an - Removing
from a vial intradermal, a medication
- Mixing insulins subcutaneous, an from an
in one syringe intramusculair and ampule
- Administering an IV injections. - Removing
an intradermal, - Administering an medivation
a eye and an ear from a vial
subcutaneous, irrigation - Mixing
an insulins in one
intramusculair syringe
and an IV - Administering
injections. an
- Administering intradermal, a
an eye and an subcutaneous,
ear irrigation an
and an IV

5-6 Identify kinds of  Nursing  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper
basic human process  Class (around 5-10 focuses on
need in normal  Physical Presentation slices) topic, clear,
concist, and
conditions assessment  Tutorial  Assessing health sistimatic.
focusing on  Health history history  Assesses
fluid and  Nursing  Performing health Health
electrolyte documentation assessment history by
balance  Writting nursing using good
 Related to: documentation and correct
Fluid and communicati
 Related to: on
electrolyte Fluid and  Performs
balance electrolyte Physical
- Physiology balance assessment
- Disturbances in correctly and
fluid, sistimatically
electrolyte, and according to
balance  Related to:
Fluid and

Provide nursing  Nursing  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses
care for clients process  Demonstratio history Health
with particular  Nursing n  Performing health history by
using good
conditions documentation  Laboratory assessment and correct
focusing on  Health history Practice  Writting nursing communicati
fluid and  Physical  Tutorial documentation on
electrolyte assessment  Seeing skill  Performs
balance  Case report laboratory videos: Physical
 Health physical assessment
correctly and
education assessment and sistimatically
 Nursing etic fluid and according to
code electrolyte balance evaluation
 Patient’s right procedures. tools
 Nurse’s right  Skill laboratory  Write nursing
 Informed practice documentatio
consent  Demonstrating/ n
 Nursing Performing  Practice skill
collaboration nursing laboratories
 Communicatio procedures. sistimatically
n  Related to: based on
 Holistic care Fluid and standart of
 Related to: electrolyte nursing
Fluid and balance procedure
electrolyte procedures (SOP)
balance - Starting an  Related to:
- Starting an intravenous Fluid and
intravenous infusion electrolyte
infusion - Regulating IV flow balance
- Regulating IV rate procedures
flow rate - Changing IV - Starting an
- Changing IV solution and tubing intravenous
solution and - Monitoring an IV infusion
tubing site and infusion - Regulating IV
- Monitoring an - Changing an IV flow rate
IV site and dressing - Changing IV
infusion - Administering a solution and
- Changing an IV blood tranfusion. tubing
dressing - Monitoring an
- Administering a IV site and
blood infusion
tranfusion. - Changing an
IV dressing
- Administering
a blood

7-8 Identify kinds of  Nursing  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper
basic human process  Class (around 5-10 focuses on
need in normal  Physical Presentation slices) topic, clear,
concist, and
conditions assessment  Tutorial  Assessing health sistimatic.
focusing on  Health history history  Assesses
elimination  Nursing  Performing health Health
documentation assessment history by
 Writting nursing using good
 Related to: documentation and correct
Urinary communicati
 Related to: on
Elimination Urinary  Performs
- Physiology elimination. Physical
- Factors Bowel assessment
affecting elimination. correctly and
micturition sistimatically
Urinary according to
procedures.  Related to:
Bowel elimination
Elimination Bowel
- Physiology elimination
- Factors
affecting the
- Bowel

Provide nursing  Nursing  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses
care for clients process  Demonstratio history Health
with particular  Nursing n  Performing health history by
using good
conditions documentation  Laboratory assessment and correct
focusing on  Health history Practice  Writting nursing communicati
elimination  Physical  Tutorial documentation on
assessment  Seeing skill  Performs
 Case report laboratory videos: Physical
 Health physical assessment
correctly and
education assessment and sistimatically
 Nursing etic elimination according to
code procedures. evaluation
 Patient’s right  Skill laboratory tools
 Nurse’s right practice  Write nursing
 Informed  Demonstrating/ documentatio
consent Performing n
 Nursing nursing  Practice skill
collaboration procedures. laboratories
 Communicatio  Related to: sistimatically
n Urinary Elimination based on
 Holistic care procedures standart of
 Related to: - Offering and nursing
Urinary removing a bedpan procedure
Elimination or urinal (SOP)
- Offering and - Catheterizing the  Related to:
removing a female urinary Urinary
bedpan or bladder (staight Elimination
urinal and indwelling) procedures
- Catheterizing - Catheterizing the - Offering and
the female male urinary removing a
urinary bladder bladder (staight bedpan or
(staight and and indwelling) urinal
indwelling) - Irrigating the - Catheterizing
- Catheterizing catheter using the the female
the male clossed system urinary
urinary bladder - Giving a bladder
(staight and continuous bladder (staight and
indwelling) irrigation indwelling)
- Irrigating the - Applying a condom - Catheterizing
catheter using catheter the male
the clossed urinary
system Bowel Elimination bladder
- Giving a procedures (staight and
continuous - Administering a indwelling)
bladder cleansing enema - Irrigating the
irrigation - Changing or catheter using
- Applying a emptying an the clossed
condom ostomy appliance system

9 Identify kinds of  Nursing  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper
basic human process  Class (around 5-10 focuses on
need in normal  Physical Presentation slices) topic, clear,
concist, and
conditions assessment  Tutorial  Assessing health sistimatic.
focusing on  Health history history  Assesses
pain and  Nursing  Performing health Health
comfort documentation assessment history by
 Writting nursing using good
 Related to: documentation and correct
Pain and communicati
 Related to: on
comfort Pain and  Performs
- The pain comfort. Physical
experience assessment
- Factors correctly and
affecting the sistimatically
pain experience according to
- The nurse as a
role model  Related to:
Pain and

Provide nursing  Nursing  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses
care for clients process  Demonstratio history Health
with particular  Nursing n  Performing health history by
using good
conditions documentation  Laboratory assessment and correct
focusing on  Health history Practice  Writting nursing communicati
pain and  Physical  Tutorial documentation on
comfort assessment  Seeing skill  Performs
 Case report laboratory videos: Physical
 Health physical assessment
correctly and
education assessment and sistimatically
 Nursing etic pain and comfort according to
code procedures. evaluation
 Patient’s right  Skill laboratory tools
 Nurse’s right practice  Write nursing
 Informed  Demonstrating/ documentatio
consent Performing n
 Nursing nursing  Practice skill
collaboration procedures. laboratories
 Communicatio  Related to: sistimatically
n Pain and comfort based on
 Holistic care procedures standart of
- Giving a back nursing
 Related to: massage procedure
Pain and comfort - Distraction (SOP)
- Giving a back - Relaxation  Related to:
massage Pain and
- Distraction comfort
- Relaxation procedures
- Giving a back
- Distraction

10 Identify kinds of  Nursing  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper
basic human process  Class (around 5-10 focuses on
need in normal  Physical Presentation slices) topic, clear,
concist, and
conditions assessment  Tutorial  Assessing health sistimatic.
focusing on skin  Health history history  Assesses
integrity aand  Nursing  Performing health Health
wound care. documentation assessment history by
 Writting nursing using good
 Related to: documentation and correct
Skin integrity communicati
 Related to: on
and wound Skin integrity  Performs
care. and . Physical
- Loss and assessment
grieving correctly and
- Dying and sistimatically
death according to
- Factors that
affect grief and  Related to:
death Loss and

Provide nursing  Nursing  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses
care for clients process  Demonstratio history Health
with particular  Nursing n  Performing health history by
using good
conditions documentation  Laboratory assessment and correct
focusing on skin  Health history Practice  Writting nursing communicati
integrity and  Physical  Tutorial documentation on
wound healing. assessment  Seeing skill  Performs
 Case report laboratory videos: Physical
 Health physical assessment
correctly and
education assessment and sistimatically
 Nursing etic skin integrity and according to
code wound healing evaluation
 Patient’s right procedures. tools
 Nurse’s right  Skill laboratory  Write nursing
 Informed practice documentatio
consent  Demonstrating/ n
 Nursing Performing  Practice skill
collaboration nursing laboratories
 Communicatio procedures. sistimatically
n  Related to: based on
 Holistic care Skin integrity standart of
 Related to: and wound nursing
Skin integrity healing. procedure
and wound - Preventing (SOP)
healing. pressure ulcer  Related to:
- Preventing - Treating presure Skin
pressure ulcer ulcer integrity and
- Treating - Wound care. wound
presure ulcer healing.
- Wound care. - Preventing
pressure ulcer
- Treating
presure ulcer
- Wound care.

11 Identify kinds of  Nursing  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper
basic human process  Class (around 5-10 focuses on
need in normal  Physical Presentation slices) topic, clear,
concist, and
conditions assessment  Tutorial  Assessing health sistimatic.
focusing on rest  Health history history  Assesses
and sleep.  Nursing  Performing health Health
documentation assessment history by
 Writting nursing using good
 Related to: documentation and correct
Rest and sleep communicati
 Related to: on
- Physiology of Rest and sleep.  Performs
sleep Physical
- Factors assessment
affecting sleep correctly and
- The nurse as a sistimatically
role model according to
 Related to:
Rest and

Provide nursing  Nursing  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses
care for clients process  Demonstratio history Health
with particular  Nursing n  Performing health history by
using good
conditions documentation  Laboratory assessment and correct
focusing on rest  Health history Practice  Writting nursing communicati
and sleep.  Physical  Tutorial documentation on
assessment  Seeing skill  Performs
 Case report laboratory videos: Physical
 Health physical assessment
correctly and
education assessment. sistimatically
 Nursing etic  Skill laboratory according to
code practice evaluation
 Patient’s right  Demonstrating/ tools
 Nurse’s right Performing  Write nursing
 Informed nursing documentatio
consent procedures. n
 Nursing  Related to:  Practice skill
collaboration Rest and sleep laboratories
 Communicatio procedures sistimatically
n - Preparing a restful based on
 Holistic care environment standart of
 Related to: - Promoting nursing
Rest and relaxation and procedure
sleep comfort. (SOP)
- Preparing a  Related to:
restful Rest and
environment sleep
Promoting procedures
relaxation and - Preparing a
comfort. restful
- Promoting
relaxation and

Identify kinds of  Nursing  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper
basic human process  Class (around 5-10 focuses on
need in normal  Physical Presentation slices) topic, clear,
concist, and
conditions assessment  Tutorial  Assessing health sistimatic.
focusing on  Health history history  Assesses
sexuality.  Nursing  Performing health Health
documentation assessment history by
 Writting nursing using good
 Related to: documentation and correct
Sexuality communicati
 Related to: on
- Physiology Sexuality  Performs
- Sexual response Physical
cycle assessment
- Sexual correctly and
orientation sistimatically
- Sexual according to
- Factors  Related to:
affecting Sexuality

Provide nursing  Nursing  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses

12 care for clients process  Class history Health
with particular  Nursing presentation  Performing health history by
using good
conditions documentation  Tutorial assessment and correct
focusing on  Health history  Writting nursing communicati
sexuality.  Physical documentation on
assessment  Seeing skill  Performs
 Case report laboratory videos: Physical
 Health physical assessment
correctly and
education assessment. sistimatically
 Nursing etic  Related to: according to
code Sexuality evaluation
 Patient’s right tools
 Nurse’s right  Write nursing
 Informed documentatio
consent n
 Nursing  Related to:
collaboration Sexuality
 Communicatio
 Holistic care
 Related to:

13 Identify kinds of  Nursing  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper
basic human process  Class (around 5-10 focuses on
need in normal  Physical Presentation slices) topic, clear,
concist, and
conditions assessment  Tutorial  Assessing health sistimatic.
focusing on  Health history history  Assesses
nutrition.  Nursing  Performing health Health
documentation assessment history by
 Writting nursing using good
 Related to: documentation and correct
Nutrition communicati
 Related to: on
- Principles of Nutrition  Performs
nutrition Physical
- How to chose assessment
an adequate correctly and
diet sistimatically
- Factors according to
nutrition  Related to:

Provide nursing  Nursing  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses
care for clients process  Demonstratio history Health
with particular  Nursing n  Performing health history by
using good
conditions documentation  Laboratory assessment and correct
focusing on  Health history Practice  Writting nursing communicati
nutrition.  Physical  Tutorial documentation on
assessment  Seeing skill  Performs
 Case report laboratory videos: Physical
 Health physical assessment
correctly and
education assessment and sistimatically
 Nursing etic nutrition according to
code procedures. evaluation
 Patient’s right  Skill laboratory tools
 Nurse’s right practice  Write nursing
 Informed  Demonstrating/ documentatio
consent Performing n
 Nursing nursing  Practice skill
collaboration procedures. laboratories
 Communicatio  Related to: sistimatically
n Nutrition based on
 Holistic care procedures standart of
- Inserting a nursing
 Related to: nasogastric tube procedure
Nutrition - Administering a (SOP)
- Inserting a tube feeding  Related to:
nasogastric - Removing a Nutrition
tube nasogastric tube procedures
- Administering a - Monitoring a blood - Inserting a
tube feeding glucose nasogastric
- Removing a tube
nasogastric - Administering
tube a tube feeding
- Monitoring a - Removing a
blood glucose nasogastric
- Monitoring a
blood glucose

14 Identify kinds of  Nursing  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper
basic human process  Class (around 5-10 focuses on
need in normal  Physical Presentation slices) topic, clear,
concist, and
conditions assessment  Tutorial  Assessing health sistimatic.
focusing on  Health history history  Assesses
loss, grief, and  Nursing  Performing health Health
death. documentation assessment history by
 Writting nursing using good
 Related to: documentation and correct
Loss and communicati
 Related to: on
grieving Loss, grief and  Performs
- Loss and death. Physical
grieving assessment
- Dying and correctly and
death sistimatically
- Factors that according to
affect grief and
death  Related to:
Loss, grief
and death.

Provide nursing  Nursing  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses
care for clients process  Demonstratio history Health
with particular  Nursing n  Performing health history by
using good
conditions documentation  Laboratory assessment and correct
focusing on  Health history Practice  Writting nursing communicati
loss, grief, and  Physical  Tutorial documentation on
death. assessment  Seeing skill  Performs
 Case report laboratory videos: Physical
 Health physical assessment
correctly and
education assessment and sistimatically
 Nursing etic loss, grieving and according to
code death procedures. evaluation
 Patient’s right  Skill laboratory tools.
 Nurse’s right practice  Write nursing
 Informed  Demonstrating/ documentatio
consent Performing n
 Nursing nursing  Practice skill
collaboration procedures. laboratories
 Communicatio  Related to: sistimatically
n Loss, grieving based on
 Holistic care and death standart of
 Related to: procedures nursing
Loss and - Meeting the needs procedure
grieving of dying clients. (SOP)
- Meeting the - Meeting the family  Related to:
needs of dying needs. Loss,
clients. - Providing grieving and
- Meeting the postmortem care. death
family needs. procedures
- Providing - Meeting the
postmortem needs of
care. dying clients.
- Meeting the
family needs.
- Providing


Subject : Fundamentals of Nursing 2 Credit points :3

Study Program : Diploma III of Nursing Week :2
Faculty : Nursing


Identify kinds of basic human need in normal conditions and provide nursing care for clients with particular
conditions focusing on oxygenation.

a. Objective : Identify

b. The framework should be presented:

 Nursing process
 Physical assessment
 Health history
 Nursing documentation
 Related to:
- Physiology of respiration
- Factors affecting respiratory functioning

 Nursing process
 Nursing documentation
 Health history
 Physical assessment
 Case report
 Health education
 Nursing etic code
 Patient’s right
 Nurse’s right
 Informed consent
 Nursing collaboration
 Communication
 Holistic care
 Related to:
- Using a pulse oximeter
- Administering oxygen by nasal cannula
- Administering oxygen by mask
- Administering oxygen by tent
- Suctioning the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal areas
- Suctioning the tracheostomy
- Providing tracheostomy care

Using textbook and other sources to cover all topics mentioned above. It is suggested to refer to
texbook entitled:
Pocket Guide to Basic Skill and Procedures, Third Edition by Potter, P.A. published in 2000.
Fundamental of Nursing: Concept, Process and Practice by Kozier, B., published by 1997.

c. Method to complete the assignment

 Writing on the paper .

 Presenting paper to the class.
 Demonstrating and practicing the oxygenation procedures in the laboratory and tutorial related to

d. Additional description of assignment:

 Paper summarizing the human health biology consist of 1500 words typed using Arial (11) atau Callibri
(11) or Times New Roman (12), with the paragraph of 2 on A4 paper.
 Demonstrating and and practicing the procedures based on standard of operational procedure (SOP)
that be evaluated using evaluation tools.

Precission of explanation



COMPLETNESS Addressed the Addresed the Only cover 60 Only cover 1-2 No aspect
OF objective, Cover objective and % aspect aspects presented
THE CONCEPT all aspect and Cover all should be
integrated aspect writted
PRECISSION OF Precisely Precisely Not all the Not be able to There is not
THE CONCEPT expressed all expressed the concept explore concept
important aspect concept in the explored important presented
and there is an descriptive aspect, only
analysis and manner copy and paste
synthesis to help the concept
understanding from the
the concept texbook.



Laboratory procedures of Completing > 80 % aspects of Only completing ≤ 80 % aspects

oxygenation. the evaluation tool. of the evaluation tool.


Subject : Professional Nursing Development Credits :2

Program Study : Nursing Faculty : Nursing

Subject competence : WPSEAR (2006).

Competency Unit

Learning Matrics :

Wee Learning Topics Learning Task Skill Indicator Prece

ks Outcome Strategy (Learning Activity) ntage
1. Un 1. Problem Based - The student’s Clarity of
derstand the - code of ethics Inquiry answer should be describing the
concept of - the concept of written as a paper paper topic,
nursing ethics which consists of precision of
and code of nursing ethics 1000 words. answering
1. ethics (GA1; - the differences of - Oral presentation questions;
CN 1.1, 1.3, ethics and in front of the
Good and
3.1, 4.1, 4.2) etiquette class. interesting
- communicatio
2. Understand 1. Problem Based - Clarity of
nursing ethics - Scope of nursing Inquiry Learning describing
includes: scope the paper
ethics topic;
of nursing
- responsibility and Case Study - make a
ethic, ethic and
power in accountability in Discovery report about
nursing Learning the growth
- law and policy in and
and nursing .
2 -4 in nursing (GA
- Having
6; CN: 1.1, package
1.2, 1.3, 2.3,
3.2, 3.3, 3.4,
4.1, 4.2, 11.1,
11.2, 11.3,
13.1, 13.2,
14.1, 14.2,

3. Recognise the - The concept Problem Based - Make a reflective Having

matters and the of bioethics Inquiry practice that are reflective
scope of practice
- matters and Learning result from
bioethic (GA the problems observation in the Clarity of
6; CN: 1.1, resulted Brain storming clinical area. describing the
1.2, 1.3, 2.3, from the - Discovering the paper topic;
3.2, 3.3, 3.4,
5-6 4.1, 4.2, 5.1,
current matters of bioethic
practice of problems that Precision of
5.2, 5.3, 11.1, answering
nursing common in clinical
11.2, 11.3, question
13.1, 13.2, area.
14.1, 14.2, - Present the paper
14.3) in front of the class

7-8 Apply principal of - The principles of - Brainstormin Discover the Having

nursing ethic in ethics in clinical g principles of ethics in reflective
nursing care (GA and community - Discovery clinical area care.
6; CN: 1.1, 1.2, area including Learning Clarity of

1.3, 2.3, 3.2, 3.3, beneficience, Review literature in describing the
3.4, 4.1, 4.2, maleficience, terms of the paper topic;
11.1, 11.2, 11.3, autonomy, etc principles of nursing
Precision of
13.1, 13.2, 14.1, ethics answering
14.2, 14.3) question
4. Recognize the - Credential, - Brainstormin Discover the Having
concept of liabilities and g principles of ethics in reflective
credential, practice
accountability in - Inquiry clinical area care.
liabilities, nursing practice learning Clarity of
accountability Review literature in describing the
9-10 in nursing.
terms of paper topic;
(GA 6; CN 2.1,
2.2, 3.4, 7.1, Precision of
7.2, 7.3, 7.4, liabilities and
17.1) accountability question

5. Understand the - The health law in - Journal Discover the politics, Having
politics, law Indonesia reading law, and policy reflective
and policy practice
- The nursing - Brainstormin legislation in
legislation and regulation in g Indonesia that suits Clarity of
nursing Indonesia - Inquiry for nursing describing the
organization - Politics that learning paper topic;
which affects affects the Discover the nursing
the nursing Precision of
11- practice. (GA
nursing organisation in
12 development Indonesia
1; CN 2.1, 2.2, question
2.3, 9.1, 9.2,
10.2, 18.1, Review literature in
18.3) terms of politis that
affects nursing
development in

13- 6. Understand the - Nursing standard - Discovery - Make a reflective Having

nursing - Model of nursing learning practice that are reflective
14 practice practice - Brainstormin result from practice
standards, - Levelling of g observation in the Clarity of
model of nursing - Inquiry clinical area. describing the
nursing learning - Discovering the paper topic;
practice, and matters of bioethic
the levelling of Precision of
problems that
nursing in the answering
common in clinical
hospital and question
community area.
(GA 1 ; CN - Present the paper
1.1, 1.2, 7.1, in front of the class
7.2, 7.3, 7.4,
15.1, 15.2,
15.3, 15.4)

Recognize`the - Education system - Discovery - Make a reflective Having
pathways and the in Indonesia learning practice that are reflective
development of practice
- Nursing - Brainstormin result from
nursing education education in g observation in the Clarity of
in Indonesia. (GA Indonesia - Inquiry clinical area. describing the
5; CN 15.3, 15.4) learning - Discovering the paper topic;
15 matters of bioethic
problems that Precision of
common in clinical
- Present the paper
in front of the class


Subject Course : Communication & Information Technologi in Nursing

Credits : 2
Program Study : Nursing
Faculty : Nursing

Competency Unit 5.1 : Collaborates with and co-ordinates health and social care teams
Competency Unit 10.1 : Listens and interacts clearly by verbal, written and electronic means as appropriate, to
patients/cliennts, families, carers, and other health professionals
Competency Unit 10.2 : Respects the professional boundaries of teraphetic relationships
Competency Unit 11.1 : Accesses and provides appropriate written resources for patients and their carers when needed
Competency Unit 11.2 : Uses appropriates professional interpreted when needed
Competency Unit 11.3 : Involves an advocate for the patient/client if necessary to ensure effective communication
Competency Unit 12.1 : Communicates and clarifies advances in appropriate technology to the patients or clients
Competency Unit 12.2 : Uses available information technology to access information and new knowledge
Competency Unit 12.3 : Undertakes training in the application of the new helath technologies as necessary
Competency Unit 17.2 : Initiates and participates in dialogue about new initiatives and change processes in nursing and
Competency Unit 17.3. : Demonstrates the ability to make appropriate management decisions
Competency Unit 17.4 : Demonstrates the ability to think laterally and critically within a problem solving context
Competency Unit 17.5 : Supports, collaborates and cooperates with colleagues.
Competency Unit 18.3 : Manage workloads effectively
Competency Unit 18.4 : Acts collaborative team member

Learning Matriks :

Week LEARNING OUTCOME Topic Learning Strategy Task SKILL Indicator
Have motivation to Learning contract and Describing the Deviding student into - Form
be able to achieve task learning process groups (each group student’s
the subject including learning consist of 6 – 8 group
competence contract and task students) - There will
Student write the be student;s
strategy to achieve strategys to
the competences achive
Paper for oral competence
presentation s
- Paper for
Perform principles of 1. Nurse responsibility
communication with 2. Nursing Lecturing 1. Dividing students Precision of
other healthcare Collaboration Case study into a couple of Analize and
professions on 3. Nurse-Health care Role play group solve the
teamwork of nursing professional 2. Students analyze case
scope (GA.8;GA 9,CN relationship the case and solve
5,10.1,10.2,17.2, 4. Roles of professional the case Creativity and
2-4 17.3, 17.4, 17.5, nurse 3. Students perform 20 %
18.3, 18.4) 5. Team Work role play in the communicati
6. Comunication class on
technique Performance
in role play

5-6 1. Apply 1. Nurse delegation Lecturing, 1. Class is devided Creativity and 20 %

communication - Principles of demonstration, into a couple of attractive
technique in delegating Role play group Performance
nursing care to - Process of 2. Students perform
client and family delegation role play :
in several - Factors contributed therapeutic
conditions such in delegation communication
as client 2. Nurse advocation with deafness or
blindness and - Roles of nurse as blindness client
deafness (GA.9. patient advocate
CN 10.1, 11.1, - An ethic of nurse
11.2, 11.3). advocacy
3. Principle and
Technic for
blindness and
deafness client
4. Hearing aid utility

7-10 Demonstrate 1. Therapeutic 20%

integrate Communication Role play 1. Student search 1. Find
therapeutic technique articles about the
communication 2. Type of factors articles
technique based on therapeutic contributed in related to
growth and communication therapeutic the topic.
development 3. Factors communication
human stages contributed in
(GA.4. therapeutic 2. Class is divided 2. Creativ
CN.6.5,6.7,3,7,10.1 communication into a couple of ity and
,10.2,11.2). 4. Princip and group attractive
technique 3. Students performan
communication in perform roleplay ce
special age: in communication
1. Infant therapeutic
2. Toodler
3. Preschool Age
4. School Age
5. Adolescent
6. Adult
7. Older people
5. Communication
therapeutic in
nursing process

11-14 Apply principles of - Introduction of Lecturing 1. Student Find the 20%

information technology Practice search related articles
technology for information articles related to
communication - Principles of 2. Students the topic.
support with other Information describe how to
healthcare technology seacrh articles
professions on - Searching article 3. Students
teamwork of nursing - Roles of nurse in find related
scope (GA.5. CN. IT articles.
9,10, ,11.1,12.2). - Information
Resources in
health area
- IT utility for
communication on
- Nursing


Subject Course : Transcultural Nursing

Credits : 2
Program Study : Nursing
Faculty : Nursing

Competency :
Competency Unit 4.1 : Respect the values, customs, spiritual beliefs, and practices of individuals and groups
Competency Unit 4.2 : Recognises own beliegs and values and how these may influence care giving
Competency Unit 8.1 : Seeks out knowledge about specific traditional healing practices that are culturally
relevant to individuals and communities
Competency Unit 8.2 : Makes changes to practice whe appropriate

Learning Matriks :

Week LEARNING OUTCOME Topic Learning Strategy Task SKILL Indicator
Have motivation to Learning contract and Describing the Dividing student into - Form
be able to achieve task learning process groups (each group student’s
the subject including learning consist of 6 students) group
competence contract and task Student write the
strategy to achieve - There will be
the competences student;s
1 Paper for oral strategys to
presentation achive

- Paper for oral

2-5 Describe the human 1. introduction to Problem Based - Answering students Clarity of 30 %
concept and a. human Inquiry Learning log book 1 by describing the
community culture of concept looking for and paper topic;
various nations b. Sociology searching material atractiveness of
throughout the world c. anthropology and journal that are communication
CN.1). , relevant to the topic.
d. social - The students answer
process should be written as
e. social a paper which
interaction consists of 1500
words, equals to 6
2. Custom practice slices A4 paper.
in Asian, - The student
Australian, perform oral
American, presentation in front
European and of the class
specially about
- Religion Health
- Social customs
- Maternal-child
- Privacy
- Diet

Recognize principles 1. Review : Lecturing - Student looking for Precision of

of rule, norm, a. Rule Brain storming and searching answering
religion and believe b. Norm material and journal questions;
community life in c. Religion that are relevant to atractive
nursing practice d. spiritual beliefs the topic. communication
(CN.4). 2. The western view of
a. health and sick,
6-7 b. health and sick 20%

8-10 Apply human concept 1. Transcultural nursing - students work in Clarity of 20 %

and family as a sub models Discovery Learning group (each group describing the

system of culture and a. Bennet's Seminar consist of 6-8 paper topic;
social community in intercultural Case study students) Precision of
nursing practice sensitivity - Student looking for answering
(CN.4). b. The sunrise and searching questions;
2. . model material and journal atractive
c. Giger and that are relevant to communication
Davidhizar's the topic.
model - Students in each
2. Aplication of human group discuss a
concept in to case given
Transcultural model - The student
perform seminar
3. socio-cultural
problems effect to
the community
health problems
11-14 Perform the concept 3. Transcultural nursing Case study 30%
of various socio- and nursing process Seminar - students work in Clarity of
cultural community in a. Assessing and group (each group describing the
nursing care practice managing the consist of 5 paper topic;;
(CN.13) cultural need students) atractive
b. Developing the - Student looking for communication
cultural care and searching
plan material and journal
4. Transcultural nursing that are relevant to
care to individuals, the topic.
family, group, - Students in each
communities and group discuss a
institution case given
- The student
perform seminar




Competency unit 5.2 : Demonstrate critical thinking and decission making
Competency unit 5.3 : Participates with members of the health and social care teams in decision making concerning
Competency unit 6.1 : Undertakes a comprehensive and systematic assessment involving analysis and interpretation
of data;
Competency unit 6.2 : Formulates a plan of care in collaboration with the patient/ client and/ or significant other;
Competency unit 6.5 : Utilises well-conducted/evaluated research findings in practice as appropriate (practice based
on evidence);
Competency unit 6.6 : Makes clinical judgements and provides appropriate nursing therapeutic interventions and
procedures for the individual patient, family and community;
Competency unit 6.7 : Teaches patients/families/carers/health professionals aspects of care as appropriate;
Competency unit 6.9 : Works collaboratively with nursing collegues to ensure continuity of quality nursing care;
Competency unit 6.11 : Maintain and updates technical skill;
Competency unit 7.3 : Delegates, monitors and supervises work performed by assistants;
Competency unit 8.1 : Seeks out knowledge about specific traditional healing practices that are culturally relevant to
individuals and communities;
Competency unit 18.4 : Acts as a collaborative team member.

Learning Matric:

Learning Learning Assessment

Week Subject content Task skills Weight
Outcome Strategy Criteria
1 Motivated to Learning contract Lecturer’s Students’ grouping
achieve overall and students task explanation consist of 5-8 students
expected regarding Students’ written
comptence learning expectation to the
process that desired competence
will be which will be achieved
Understand the Basic concept of Lecture - Literary study Precission of
basic concept of pharmacology - Identify explanation
pharmacology and and Problem Based pharmacodinamic and using critical
pharmakinetics. pharmakinetics. Inquiry pharmakinetics of thinking
(GA: 1, 2, 3 CN: - Pharmacodina Learning drugs process;
2-4 30%
5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.5, mic - Develop paper consist
6.6, 6.7, 6.9, 8.1) - Pharmakinetic of 1500 words
s - Oral presentation

Understand Classification of Problem Based - Explain the Clarity of

classification of drugs: Inquiry classification of drugs explanation
drugs. (GA: 1, 2, - Cardiovascular Learning - Writted paper consist
3) (CN: 5.2, 5.3, drugs of 1500 words
6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.9, - Pulmonary drugs - Class oral presentation
8.1, 18.4) - Antibacterial and
viral drugs
5-9 - Analgesic and
- Endocrine drugs 30%
- Dermatology
- Neurological
- Renal drugs
- Antiinflamatory
- Gastrointestinal
10-16 Understand the The side effect and Problem Based - Explain the side effect Precission of 40 %
side effects and risk of drugs : Inquiry and risk of the drugs explanation
risk of drugs. (GA: - Cardiovascular Learning - Writted paper consist of using critical
1, 2, 3 CN: 5.2, drugs 1500 words thinking
5.3, 6.1, 6.5, 6.6, - Pulmonary drugs - Class oral presentation process;

6.7, 6.9, 8.1, - Antibacterial and
18.4) viral drugs
- Analgesic and
- Endocrine drugs
- Dermatology
- Neurological
- Renal drugs
- Antiinflamatory
- Gastrointestinal


Subject : Pharmacology Credit points :2

Study Program : Diploma III of Nursing Period of Contact : 2 - 4
Faculty : Nursing

Explain the concept of pharmacodinamic and pharmacokinetics in the critical thinking mannner

- a. Objective : Identify pharmacodinamic and pharmacokinetics of the spesifics drugs

b. The framework should be presented:

- Pharmacodinamics
- Pharmacokinetics

Using textbook and other sources to cover all topics mentioned above. It is suggested to refer to texbook entitled:
Tambayong Jan dr. (2002) Farmakologi untuk perawat. Wijaya Medika. Jakarta
c. Method to complete the assignment
 Writing on the paper
 Presenting paper to the class

d. Additional description of assignment:

Paper summarizing the pharmacodinamic and pharmacokinetics of the spesifics drugs consist of 1500
words typed using Arial (11) atau Callibri (12) or Times New Roman (12), with the paragrph of 2 on A4


- Precission of explanation



COMPLETNESS Addressed the Addresed the Only cover 60 % Only cover 1-2 No aspect
OF objective, Cover objective and aspect should aspects presented
THE CONCEPT all aspect and Cover all aspect be writted
PRECISSION OF Precisely Precisely Not all the Not be able to There is not
THE CONCEPT expressed all expressed the concept explore concept
important aspect concept in the explored important presented
and there is an descriptive aspect, only
analysis and manner copy and paste
synthesis to help the concept
understanding from the
the concept texbook.


Subject : Pharmacology Credit points :2

Study Program : Diploma III of Nursing Period of Contact : 5 - 9
Faculty : Nursing

Understand classification of drugs.

a. Objective : Identify classification of the drugs.

b. The framework should be presented:

- Cardiovascular drugs
- Pulmonary drugs
- Antibacterial and viral drugs
- Analgesic and antipiretic
- Endocrine drugs
- Dermatology drugs
- Neurological drugs
- Renal drugs
- Antiinflamatory drugs
- Gastrointestinal drugs
Using textbook and other sources to cover all topics mentioned above. It is suggested to refer to texbook
entitled: Tambayong Jan dr. (2002) Farmakologi untuk perawat. Wijaya Medika. Jakarta; Gunawan SG (2008)
Farmokologi dan Terapeutik. Departemen Farmakologi daTerapi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.
Balai Penerbit FKUI, Jakarta.

c. Method to complete the assignment

 Writing on the paper
 Presenting paper to the class

d. Additional description of assignment:

Paper summarizing classification of the drugs consist of 1500 words typed using Arial (11) atau Callibri
(12) or Times New Roman (12), with the paragrph of 2 on A4 paper


Precission of explanation


COMPLETNESS Addressed the Addresed the Only cover 60 % Only cover 1-2 No aspect
OF objective, Cover objective and aspect should aspects presented
THE CONCEPT all aspect and Cover all aspect be writted
PRECISSION OF Precisely Precisely Not all the Not be able to There is not
THE CONCEPT expressed all expressed the concept explore concept
important aspect concept in the explored important presented
and there is an descriptive aspect, only
analysis and manner copy and paste
synthesis to help the concept
understanding from the
the concept texbook.


Subject : Pharmacology Credit points :2

Study Program : Diploma III of Nursing Period of Contact : 10 - 16
Faculty : Nursing


Understand side effects and risk of drugs.

a. Objective : Identify side effects and risk of drugs.

b. The framework should be presented:

- Cardiovascular drugs
- Pulmonary drugs
- Antibacterial and viral drugs
- Analgesic and antipiretic
- Endocrine drugs
- Dermatology drugs
- Neurological drugs
- Renal drugs
- Antiinflamatory drugs
- Gastrointestinal drugs
Using textbook and other sources to cover all topics mentioned above. It is suggested to refer to texbook
entitled: Tambayong Jan dr. (2002) Farmakologi untuk perawat. Wijaya Medika. Jakarta; Gunawan SG (2008)
Farmokologi dan Terapeutik. Departemen Farmakologi daTerapi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.
Balai Penerbit FKUI, Jakarta.

c. Method to complete the assignment

 Writing on the paper
 Presenting paper to the class

d. Additional description of assignment:

Paper summarizing side effects and risk of drugs consist of 1500 words typed using Arial (11) atau Callibri
(12) or Times New Roman (12), with the paragrph of 2 on A4 paper


Precission of explanation



COMPLETNESS Addressed the Addresed the Only cover 60 % Only cover 1-2 No aspect
OF objective, Cover objective and aspect should aspects presented
THE CONCEPT all aspect and Cover all aspect be writted
PRECISSION OF Precisely Precisely Not all the Not be able to There is not
THE CONCEPT expressed all expressed the concept explore concept
important aspect concept in the explored important presented
and there is an descriptive aspect, only
analysis and manner copy and paste
synthesis to help the concept
understanding from the
the concept texbook.


Subject : Fundamental of Nursing II Credits :-

Department : Diploma III of Nursing Faculty : Nursing

6. Perform nursing interventions according to recognised standards of practice.
7. Contributes to effective multidisciplinary team work by maintaining collaborative relationships.
8. Ensures consistent, continuous holistic quality of care.
9. Respects each patient/client irrespective of their ethnic origin, religion or other factors.
10. Provide an advocacy role for patient’s right and empowers patients/clients to make decisions regarding their care.

Learning Matric :

Learning Topic/ Learning Task Skill/

Week Indicator Precentage
Outcomes Subject Content Strategy Learning activity
Have motivation  Learning contract Describing the - Dividing students into - Formed student’s group
to be able to  Task learning process groups (each group 5 - Paper for presentation
achieve the including learning students)
1 subject contract and task - Paper for class
competences presentation

2 Identify kinds of  Nursing process  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper focuses on
basic human need  Physical assessment  Class (around 5-10 slices) topic, clear, concist,
in normal  Health history Presentation  Assessing health and sistimatic.
 Assesses Health
conditions  Nursing  Tutorial history
history by using good
focusing on documentation  Performing health and correct
oxygenation assessment communication
 Related to:  Writting nursing  Performs Physical
Oxygenation documentation assessment correctly
- Physiology of  Related to: and sistimatically
respiration according to evaluation
- Factors affecting
 Related to:

Provide nursing  Nursing process  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses Health
care for clients  Nursing  Demonstration history history by using good
with particular documentation  Laboratory  Performing health and correct
conditions  Health history Practice assessment  Performs Physical
focusing on  Physical assessment  Tutorial  Writting nursing assessment correctly
oxygenation  Case report documentation and sistimatically
 Health education  Seeing skill laboratory according to evaluation
 Nursing etic code videos: physical tool.
 Patient’s right assessment and  Write nursing
 Nurse’s right oxygenation documentation
 Informed consent procedures.  Practice skill laboratories
 Nursing  Skill laboratory sistimatically based on
collaboration practice standart of nursing
 Communication  Demonstrating/ procedure (SOP)
 Holistic care Performing nursing  Demonstrate/ perform
 Related to: procedures. oxygenation procedures
Oxygenation  Related to: correctly and
- Using a pulse Oxygenation sistimatically according
oximeter procedures to evaluation tools
- Administering - Using a pulse  Related to:
oxygen by nasal oximeter Oxygenation
cannula - Administering oxygen procedures
- Administering by nasal cannula - Using a pulse oximeter
oxygen by mask - Administering oxygen - Administering oxygen by
- Administering by mask nasal cannula
oxygen by tent - Administering oxygen - Administering oxygen by
- Suctioning the by tent mask
nasopharyngeal and - Suctioning the - Administering oxygen by
oropharyngeal areas nasopharyngeal and tent
- Suctioning the oropharyngeal areas - Suctioning the
tracheostomy - Suctioning the nasopharyngeal and
- Providing tracheostomy oropharyngeal areas
tracheostomy care - Providing - Suctioning the
tracheostomy care tracheostomy
- Providing tracheostomy

3-4 Identify kinds of  Nursing process  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper focuses on
basic human need  Physical assessment  Class (around 5-10 slices) topic, clear, concist,
in normal  Health history Presentation  Assessing health and sistimatic.
 Assesses Health
conditions  Nursing  Tutorial history
history by using good
focusing on documentation  Performing health and correct
medication  Related to: assessment communication
Medication  Writting nursing  Performs Physical
- Drug legislation documentation assessment correctly
- Introduction to  Related to: and sistimatically
according to evaluation
pharmacology Medication
- Factors affecting
 Related to:
drug action
- Adverse drug effects

Provide nursing  Nursing process  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses Health
care for clients  Nursing  Demonstration history history by using good
with particular documentation  Laboratory  Performing health and correct
conditions  Health history Practice assessment  Performs Physical
focusing on  Physical assessment  Tutorial  Writting nursing assessment correctly
medication  Case report documentation and sistimatically
 Health education  Seeing skill laboratory according to evaluation
 Nursing etic code videos: physical tools
 Patient’s right assessment and  Write nursing
 Nurse’s right medication skills. documentation
 Informed consent  Skill laboratory  Practice skill laboratories
 Nursing practice sistimatically based on
collaboration  Demonstrating/ standart of nursing
 Communication Performing nursing procedure (SOP)
 Holistic care procedures.  Related to:
 Related to:  Related to: Medication
Medication Medication procedures
- Administering oral procedures - Administering oral
medications - Administering oral medications
- Removing medications - Removing medication
medication from an - Removing medication from an ampule
ampule from an ampule - Removing medivation
- Removing - Removing medivation from a vial
medivation from a from a vial - Mixing insulins in one
vial - Mixing insulins in one syringe
- Mixing insulins in syringe - Administering an
one syringe - Administering an intradermal, a
- Administering an intradermal, a subcutaneous, an
intradermal, a subcutaneous, an intramusculair and an IV
subcutaneous, an intramusculair and an injections.
intramusculair and IV injections. - Administering an eye and
an IV injections. - Administering an eye an ear irrigation
- Administering an and an ear irrigation
eye and an ear

5-6 Identify kinds of  Nursing process  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper focuses on
basic human need  Physical assessment  Class (around 5-10 slices) topic, clear, concist,
in normal  Health history Presentation  Assessing health and sistimatic.
 Assesses Health
conditions  Nursing  Tutorial history
history by using good
focusing on fluid documentation  Performing health and correct
and electrolyte assessment communication
balance  Related to:  Writting nursing  Performs Physical
Fluid and electrolyte documentation assessment correctly
balance  Related to: and sistimatically
- Physiology according to evaluation
Fluid and electrolyte
- Disturbances in balance
 Related to:
fluid, electrolyte,
Fluid and electrolyte
and acid-base balance.

Provide nursing  Nursing process  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses Health
care for clients  Nursing  Demonstration history history by using good
with particular documentation  Laboratory  Performing health and correct
conditions  Health history Practice assessment  Performs Physical
focusing on fluid  Physical assessment  Tutorial  Writting nursing assessment correctly
and electrolyte  Case report documentation and sistimatically
balance  Health education  Seeing skill laboratory according to evaluation
 Nursing etic code videos: physical tools
 Patient’s right assessment and fluid  Write nursing
 Nurse’s right and electrolyte documentation
 Informed consent balance procedures.  Practice skill laboratories
 Nursing  Skill laboratory sistimatically based on
collaboration practice standart of nursing
 Communication  Demonstrating/ procedure (SOP)
 Holistic care Performing nursing  Related to:
 Related to: procedures. Fluid and electrolyte
Fluid and electrolyte  Related to: balance
balance Fluid and electrolyte procedures
- Starting an balance - Starting an intravenous
intravenous infusion procedures infusion
- Regulating IV flow - Starting an - Regulating IV flow rate
rate intravenous infusion - Changing IV solution and
- Changing IV solution - Regulating IV flow rate tubing
and tubing - Changing IV solution - Monitoring an IV site and
- Monitoring an IV site and tubing infusion
and infusion - Monitoring an IV site - Changing an IV dressing
- Changing an IV and infusion - Administering a blood
dressing - Changing an IV tranfusion.
- Administering a dressing
blood tranfusion. - Administering a blood

7-8 Identify kinds of  Nursing process  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper focuses on
basic human need  Physical assessment  Class (around 5-10 slices) topic, clear, concist,
in normal  Health history Presentation  Assessing health and sistimatic.
 Assesses Health
conditions  Nursing  Tutorial history
history by using good
focusing on documentation  Performing health and correct
elimination assessment communication
 Related to:  Writting nursing  Performs Physical
Urinary Elimination documentation assessment correctly
- Physiology  Related to: and sistimatically
- Factors affecting according to tool
Urinary elimination.
micturition Bowel elimination.
 Related to:
Urinary elimination
Urinary elimination
Bowel elimination
Bowel Elimination
- Physiology
- Factors affecting the
bowel elimination
- Bowel elimination

Provide nursing  Nursing process  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses Health
care for clients  Nursing  Demonstration history history by using good
with particular documentation  Laboratory  Performing health and correct
conditions  Health history Practice assessment  Performs Physical
focusing on  Physical assessment  Tutorial  Writting nursing assessment correctly
elimination  Case report documentation and sistimatically
 Health education  Seeing skill laboratory according to evaluation
 Nursing etic code videos: physical tools
 Patient’s right assessment and  Write nursing
 Nurse’s right elimination documentation
 Informed consent procedures.  Practice skill laboratories
 Nursing  Skill laboratory sistimatically based on
collaboration practice standart of nursing
 Communication  Demonstrating/ procedure (SOP)
 Holistic care Performing nursing  Related to:
 Related to: procedures. Urinary Elimination
Urinary Elimination  Related to: procedures
- Offering and Urinary Elimination - Offering and removing a
removing a bedpan procedures bedpan or urinal
or urinal - Offering and removing - Catheterizing the female
- Catheterizing the a bedpan or urinal urinary bladder (staight
female urinary - Catheterizing the and indwelling)
bladder (staight and female urinary - Catheterizing the male
indwelling) bladder (staight and urinary bladder (staight
- Catheterizing the indwelling) and indwelling)
male urinary bladder - Catheterizing the - Irrigating the catheter
(staight and male urinary bladder using the clossed system
indwelling) (staight and - Giving a continuous
- Irrigating the indwelling) bladder irrigation
catheter using the - Irrigating the catheter - Applying a condom
clossed system using the clossed catheter
- Giving a continuous system
bladder irrigation - Giving a continuous Bowel Elimination
- Applying a condom bladder irrigation procedures
catheter - Applying a condom - Administering a cleansing
catheter enema
Bowel Elimination - Changing or emptying an
- Administering a Bowel Elimination ostomy appliance
cleansing enema procedures
Identify kinds of  Nursing process  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper focuses on
basic human need  Physical assessment  Class (around 5-10 slices) topic, clear, concist,
in normal  Health history Presentation  Assessing health and sistimatic.
 Assesses Health
conditions  Nursing  Tutorial history
history by using good
focusing on pain documentation  Performing health and correct
and comfort assessment communication
 Related to:  Writting nursing  Performs Physical
Pain and comfort documentation assessment correctly
- The pain experience  Related to: and sistimatically
- Factors affecting the according to tool
Pain and comfort.
pain experience
 Related to:
- The nurse as a role
Pain and comfort.

Provide nursing  Nursing process  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses Health

care for clients  Nursing  Demonstration history history by using good
with particular documentation  Laboratory  Performing health and correct
conditions  Health history Practice assessment
 Performs Physical
9 focusing on pain  Physical assessment  Tutorial  Writting nursing assessment correctly
and comfort  Case report documentation and sistimatically
 Health education  Seeing skill laboratory according to evaluation
 Nursing etic code videos: physical tools
 Patient’s right assessment and pain  Write nursing
 Nurse’s right and comfort documentation
 Informed consent procedures.  Practice skill laboratories
 Nursing  Skill laboratory sistimatically based on
collaboration practice standart of nursing
 Communication  Demonstrating/ procedure (SOP)
 Holistic care Performing nursing  Related to:
procedures. Pain and comfort
 Related to:  Related to: procedures
Pain and comfort Pain and comfort - Giving a back massage
- Giving a back procedures - Distraction
massage - Giving a back massage Relaxation
- Distraction - Distraction
- Relaxation - Relaxation

Identify kinds of  Nursing process  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper focuses on
basic human need  Physical assessment  Class (around 5-10 slices) topic, clear, concist,
in normal  Health history Presentation  Assessing health and sistimatic.
 Assesses Health
conditions  Nursing  Tutorial history
history by using good
focusing on skin documentation  Performing health and correct
integrity aand assessment communication
wound care.  Related to:  Writting nursing  Performs Physical
Skin integrity and documentation assessment correctly
wound care.  Related to: and sistimatically
- Loss and grieving according to tool
Skin integrity and .
- Dying and death
 Related to:
- Factors that affect
Loss and grieving
grief and death

Provide nursing  Nursing process  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses Health

care for clients  Nursing  Demonstration history history by using good
with particular documentation  Laboratory  Performing health and correct
conditions  Health history Practice assessment
 Performs Physical
focusing on skin  Physical assessment  Tutorial  Writting nursing assessment correctly
10 integrity and  Case report documentation and sistimatically
wound healing.  Health education  Seeing skill laboratory according to evaluation
 Nursing etic code videos: physical tools
 Patient’s right assessment and skin  Write nursing
 Nurse’s right integrity and wound documentation
 Informed consent healing procedures.  Practice skill laboratories
 Nursing  Skill laboratory sistimatically based on
collaboration practice standart of nursing
 Communication  Demonstrating/ procedure (SOP)
 Holistic care Performing nursing  Related to:
 Related to: procedures. Skin integrity and
Skin integrity and  Related to: wound healing.
wound healing. Skin integrity and - Preventing pressure
- Preventing pressure wound healing. ulcer
ulcer - Preventing pressure - Treating presure ulcer
- Treating presure ulcer - Wound care.
ulcer - Treating presure ulcer
- Wound care. - Wound care.

Identify kinds of  Nursing process  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper focuses on
basic human need  Physical assessment  Class (around 5-10 slices) topic, clear, concist,
in normal  Health history Presentation  Assessing health and sistimatic.
 Assesses Health
conditions  Nursing  Tutorial history
history by using good
focusing on rest documentation  Performing health and correct
and sleep. assessment communication
 Related to:  Writting nursing  Performs Physical
Rest and sleep documentation assessment correctly
- Physiology of sleep  Related to: and sistimatically
- Factors affecting according to tool
Rest and sleep.
 Related to:
- The nurse as a role
Rest and sleep.

Provide nursing  Nursing process  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses Health

care for clients  Nursing  Demonstration history history by using good
with particular documentation  Laboratory  Performing health and correct
conditions  Health history Practice assessment
11 focusing on rest  Physical assessment  Tutorial  Writting nursing
 Performs Physical
assessment correctly
and sleep.  Case report documentation and sistimatically
 Health education  Seeing skill laboratory according to evaluation
 Nursing etic code videos: physical tools
 Patient’s right assessment.  Write nursing
 Nurse’s right  Skill laboratory documentation
 Informed consent practice  Practice skill laboratories
 Nursing  Demonstrating/ sistimatically based on
collaboration Performing nursing standart of nursing
 Communication procedures. procedure (SOP)
 Holistic care  Related to:  Related to:
 Related to: Rest and sleep Rest and sleep
Rest and sleep procedures procedures
- Preparing a restful - Preparing a restful - Preparing a restful
environment environment environment
Promoting - Promoting relaxation - Promoting relaxation and
relaxation and and comfort. comfort.

Identify kinds of  Nursing process  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper focuses on
basic human need  Physical assessment  Class (around 5-10 slices) topic, clear, concist,
in normal  Health history Presentation  Assessing health and sistimatic.
 Assesses Health
conditions  Nursing  Tutorial history
history by using good
focusing on documentation  Performing health and correct
sexuality. assessment communication
 Related to:  Writting nursing  Performs Physical
Sexuality documentation assessment correctly
- Physiology  Related to: and sistimatically
- Sexual response according to tool
 Related to:
- Sexual orientation
- Sexual expression
- Factors affecting

Provide nursing  Nursing process  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses Health

12 care for clients  Nursing  Class history history by using good
with particular documentation presentation  Performing health and correct
conditions  Health history  Tutorial assessment
 Performs Physical
focusing on  Physical assessment  Writting nursing assessment correctly
sexuality.  Case report documentation and sistimatically
 Health education  Seeing skill laboratory according to evaluation
 Nursing etic code videos: physical tools
 Patient’s right assessment.  Write nursing
 Nurse’s right  Related to: documentation
 Informed consent Sexuality  Related to:
 Nursing Sexuality
 Communication
 Holistic care
 Related to:

13 Identify kinds of  Nursing process  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper focuses on
basic human need  Physical assessment  Class (around 5-10 slices) topic, clear, concist,
in normal  Health history Presentation  Assessing health and sistimatic.
 Assesses Health
conditions  Nursing  Tutorial history
history by using good
focusing on documentation  Performing health and correct
nutrition. assessment communication
 Related to:  Writting nursing  Performs Physical
Nutrition documentation assessment correctly
- Principles of  Related to: and sistimatically
nutrition according to evaluation
- How to chose an
 Related to:
adequate diet
- Factors affecting

Provide nursing  Nursing process  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses Health
care for clients  Nursing  Demonstration history history by using good
with particular documentation  Laboratory  Performing health and correct
conditions  Health history Practice assessment  Performs Physical
focusing on  Physical assessment  Tutorial  Writting nursing assessment correctly
nutrition.  Case report documentation and sistimatically
 Health education  Seeing skill laboratory according to evaluation
 Nursing etic code videos: physical tools
 Patient’s right assessment and  Write nursing
 Nurse’s right nutrition procedures. documentation
 Informed consent  Skill laboratory  Practice skill laboratories
 Nursing practice sistimatically based on
collaboration  Demonstrating/ standart of nursing
 Communication Performing nursing procedure (SOP)
 Holistic care procedures.  Related to:
 Related to: Nutrition procedures
 Related to: Nutrition procedures - Inserting a nasogastric
Nutrition - Inserting a nasogastric tube
- Inserting a tube - Administering a tube
nasogastric tube - Administering a tube feeding
- Administering a tube feeding - Removing a nasogastric
feeding - Removing a tube
- Removing a nasogastric tube - Monitoring a blood
nasogastric tube - Monitoring a blood glucose
- Monitoring a blood glucose

14 Identify kinds of  Nursing process  Discussion  Writting a paper  A paper focuses on
basic human need  Physical assessment  Class (around 5-10 slices) topic, clear, concist,
in normal  Health history Presentation  Assessing health and sistimatic.
 Assesses Health
conditions  Nursing  Tutorial history
history by using good
focusing on loss, documentation  Performing health and correct
grief, and death. assessment communication
 Related to:  Writting nursing  Performs Physical
Loss and grieving documentation assessment correctly
- Loss and grieving  Related to: and sistimatically
- Dying and death according to evaluation
Loss, grief and
- Factors that affect death.
 Related to:
grief and death
Loss, grief and death.

Provide nursing  Nursing process  Discussion  Assessing health  Assesses Health
care for clients  Nursing  Demonstration history history by using good
with particular documentation  Laboratory  Performing health and correct
conditions  Health history Practice assessment  Performs Physical
focusing on loss,  Physical assessment  Tutorial  Writting nursing assessment correctly
grief, and death.  Case report documentation and sistimatically
 Health education  Seeing skill laboratory according to evaluation
 Nursing etic code videos: physical tools.
 Patient’s right assessment and loss,  Write nursing
 Nurse’s right grieving and death documentation
 Informed consent procedures.  Practice skill laboratories
 Nursing  Skill laboratory sistimatically based on
collaboration practice standart of nursing
 Communication  Demonstrating/ procedure (SOP)
 Holistic care Performing nursing  Related to:
 Related to: procedures. Loss, grieving and
Loss and grieving  Related to: death procedures
- Meeting the needs Loss, grieving and - Meeting the needs of
of dying clients. death procedures dying clients.
- Meeting the family - Meeting the needs of - Meeting the family
needs. dying clients. needs.
- Providing - Meeting the family - Providing postmortem
postmortem care. needs. care.
- Providing
postmortem care.


Subject : Fundamentals of Nursing 2 Credit points :3

Study Program : Diploma III of Nursing Week :2
Faculty : Nursing

Identify kinds of basic human need in normal conditions and provide nursing care for clients with particular conditions focusing on

c. Objective : Identify

d. The framework should be presented:

 Nursing process
 Physical assessment
 Health history
 Nursing documentation
 Related to:
- Physiology of respiration
- Factors affecting respiratory functioning

 Nursing process
 Nursing documentation
 Health history
 Physical assessment
 Case report
 Health education
 Nursing etic code
 Patient’s right
 Nurse’s right
 Informed consent
 Nursing collaboration
 Communication
 Holistic care
 Related to:
- Using a pulse oximeter
- Administering oxygen by nasal cannula
- Administering oxygen by mask
- Administering oxygen by tent
- Suctioning the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal areas
- Suctioning the tracheostomy
- Providing tracheostomy care

Using textbook and other sources to cover all topics mentioned above. It is suggested to refer to texbook entitled:
Pocket Guide to Basic Skill and Procedures, Third Edition by Potter, P.A. published in 2000.

Fundamental of Nursing: Concept, Process and Practice by Kozier, B., published by 1997.

c. Method to complete the assignment

 Writing on the paper .
 Presenting paper to the class.
 Demonstrating and practicing the oxygenation procedures in the laboratory and tutorial related to oxygenation.

d. Additional description of assignment:

 Paper summarizing the human health biology consist of 1500 words typed using Arial (11) atau Callibri (11) or Times New Roman
(12), with the paragraph of 2 on A4 paper.
 Demonstrating and and practicing the procedures based on standard of operational procedure (SOP) that be evaluated using
evaluation tools.

Precission of explanation



COMPLETNESS OF Addressed the Addresed the Only cover 60 % Only cover 1-2 No aspect
THE CONCEPT objective, Cover all objective and Cover aspect should be aspects presented
aspect and all aspect writted
PRECISSION OF THE Precisely expressed Precisely expressed Not all the concept Not be able to There is not
CONCEPT all important aspect the concept in the explored explore important concept presented
and there is an descriptive manner aspect, only copy
analysis and and paste the
synthesis to help concept from the
understanding the texbook.



Laboratory procedures of oxygenation. Completing > 80 % aspects of the Only completing ≤ 80 % aspects of the
evaluation tool. evaluation tool.

Subject : Professional Nursing Development Credits :2

Program Study : Nursing Faculty : Nursing

Subject competence : WPSEAR (2006).

Competency Unit

Learning Matrics :

Wee Task Skill Prece

Learning Outcome Topics Learning Strategy Indicator
ks (Learning Activity) ntage
7. Unders 1. Problem Based - The student’s answer Clarity of
tand the concept of Inquiry Learning should be written as a describing the
nursing ethics and - code of ethics paper which consists of paper topic,
code of ethics 1000 words. precision of
(GA1; CN 1.1, 1.3, - the concept of nursing - Oral presentation in answering
1. ethics questions;
3.1, 4.1, 4.2) front of the class.
- the differences of Good and
ethics and etiquette interesting
- communication
2 -4 8. Understand nursing 1. Problem Based - Clarity of
ethics includes: Inquiry Learning describing the
scope of nursing - Scope of nursing paper topic;
ethic, ethic and ethics Case Study - make a report
power in nursing, - responsibility and about the
Discovery Learning growth and
responsibility and
accountability in accountability in development.
nursing (GA 6; CN: nursing - Having
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.3, - law and policy in learning
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, package
4.2, 11.1, 11.2, nursing
11.3, 13.1, 13.2,
14.1, 14.2, 14.3)

9. Recognise the - The concept of Problem Based - Make a reflective Having reflective
matters and the bioethics Inquiry Learning practice that are result practice
scope of bioethic - matters and the from observation in the
(GA 6; CN: 1.1, Clarity of
problems resulted Brain storming clinical area. describing the
1.2, 1.3, 2.3, 3.2, from the current - Discovering the matters paper topic;
3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2,
5-6 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 11.1,
practice of of bioethic problems
nursing that common in clinical Precision of
11.2, 11.3, 13.1, answering
13.2, 14.1, 14.2, question
- Present the paper in
front of the class

Apply principal of - The principles of ethics - Brainstorming Discover the principles of Having reflective
nursing ethic in in clinical and - Discovery ethics in clinical area care. practice
nursing care (GA 6; community area Learning
Clarity of
CN: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, including beneficience, Review literature in terms describing the
7-8 2.3, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, maleficience, of the principles of paper topic;
4.1, 4.2, 11.1, 11.2, autonomy, etc nursing ethics
11.3, 13.1, 13.2, Precision of
14.1, 14.2, 14.3) answering
10. Recognize the - Credential, liabilities - Brainstorming Discover the principles of Having reflective
concept of and accountability in - Inquiry learning ethics in clinical area care. practice
credential, nursing practice
liabilities, Clarity of
Review literature in terms describing the
9-10 accountability in of credentialing, liabilities paper topic;
nursing. (GA 6; CN
and accountability
2.1, 2.2, 3.4, 7.1, Precision of
7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 17.1) answering
11- 11. Understand the - The health law in - Journal reading Discover the politics, law, Having reflective
politics, law and Indonesia - Brainstorming and policy legislation in practice
12 policy legislation
and nursing - The nursing regulation - Inquiry learning Indonesia that suits for Clarity of
organization which in Indonesia nursing describing the
affects the nursing paper topic;
- Politics that affects
practice. (GA 1; the nursing Discover the nursing Precision of
CN 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, development organisation in Indonesia answering
9.1, 9.2, 10.2, 18.1, question
Review literature in terms
of politis that affects
nursing development in
12. Understand the - Nursing standard - Discovery - Make a reflective Having reflective
nursing practice - Model of nursing learning practice that are result practice
standards, model of practice - Brainstorming from observation in the
nursing practice, Clarity of
- Levelling of nursing - Inquiry learning clinical area. describing the
and the levelling of - Discovering the matters paper topic;
13- nursing in the of bioethic problems
14 hospital and that common in clinical Precision of
community (GA 1 ; answering
CN 1.1, 1.2, 7.1, question
- Present the paper in
7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 15.1,
15.2, 15.3, 15.4) front of the class

Recognize`the - Education system in - Discovery - Make a reflective Having reflective

pathways and the Indonesia learning practice that are result practice
development of nursing - Nursing education in - Brainstorming from observation in the
education in Indonesia. Clarity of
Indonesia - Inquiry learning clinical area. describing the
(GA 5; CN 15.3, 15.4) - Discovering the matters paper topic;
15 of bioethic problems
that common in clinical Precision of
area. answering
- Present the paper in
front of the class


Subject Course : Communication & Information Technologi in Nursing Credits :2

Program Study : Nursing Faculty : Nursing

Competency Unit 5.1 : Collaborates with and co-ordinates health and social care teams
Competency Unit 10.1 : Listens and interacts clearly by verbal, written and electronic means as appropriate, to
patients/cliennts, families, carers, and other health professionals
Competency Unit 10.2 : Respects the professional boundaries of teraphetic relationships
Competency Unit 11.1 : Accesses and provides appropriate written resources for patients and their carers when needed
Competency Unit 11.2 : Uses appropriates professional interpreted when needed
Competency Unit 11.3 : Involves an advocate for the patient/client if necessary to ensure effective communication
Competency Unit 12.1 : Communicates and clarifies advances in appropriate technology to the patients or clients
Competency Unit 12.2 : Uses available information technology to access information and new knowledge
Competency Unit 12.3 : Undertakes training in the application of the new helath technologies as necessary
Competency Unit 17.2 : Initiates and participates in dialogue about new initiatives and change processes in nursing and
Competency Unit 17.3. : Demonstrates the ability to make appropriate management decisions
Competency Unit 17.4 : Demonstrates the ability to think laterally and critically within a problem solving context
Competency Unit 17.5 : Supports, collaborates and cooperates with colleagues.
Competency Unit 18.3 : Manage workloads effectively
Competency Unit 18.4 : Acts collaborative team member

Learning Matriks :

Week LEARNING OUTCOME Topic Learning Strategy Task SKILL Indicator Point
Have motivation to Learning contract and Describing the Deviding student into - Form
be able to achieve task learning process groups (each group student’s
the subject including learning consist of 6 – 8 group
competence contract and task students) - There will
Student write the be student;s
strategy to achieve strategys to
the competences achive
Paper for oral competence
presentation s
- Paper for
Perform principles of 7. Nurse responsibility
communication with 8. Nursing Lecturing 4. Dividing students Precision of
other healthcare Collaboration Case study into a couple of Analize and
professions on 9. Nurse-Health care Role play group solve the
teamwork of nursing professional 5. Students analyze case
scope (GA.8;GA 9,CN relationship the case and solve
5,10.1,10.2,17.2, 10. Roles of professional the case Creativity and
2-4 17.3, 17.4, 17.5, nurse 6. Students perform 20 %
18.3, 18.4) 11. Team Work role play in the communicati
12. Comunication class on
technique Performance
in role play

5-6 3. Apply 5. Nurse delegation Lecturing, 3. Class is devided Creativity and 20 %

communication - Principles of demonstration, into a couple of attractive
technique in delegating Role play group Performance
nursing care to - Process of 4. Students perform
client and family delegation role play :
in several - Factors contributed therapeutic
conditions such in delegation communication
as client 6. Nurse advocation with deafness or
blindness and - Roles of nurse as blindness client
deafness (GA.9. patient advocate
CN 10.1, 11.1, - An ethic of nurse
11.2, 11.3). advocacy
7. Principle and
Technic for
blindness and
deafness client
8. Hearing aid utility

7-10 Demonstrate 6. Therapeutic 20%

integrate Communication Role play 4. Student search 3. Find
therapeutic technique articles about the
communication 7. Type of factors articles
technique based on therapeutic contributed in related to
growth and communication therapeutic the topic.
development 8. Factors communication
human stages contributed in
(GA.4. therapeutic 5. Class is divided 4. Creativ
CN.6.5,6.7,3,7,10.1 communication into a couple of ity and
,10.2,11.2). 9. Princip and group attractive
technique 6. Students performan
communication in perform roleplay ce
special age: in communication
8. Infant therapeutic
9. Toodler
10. Preschool Age
11. School Age
12. Adolescent
13. Adult
14. Older people
10. Communication
therapeutic in
nursing process

11-14 Apply principles of - Introduction of Lecturing 4. Student Find the 20%

information technology Practice search related articles
technology for information articles related to
communication - Principles of 5. Students the topic.
support with other Information describe how to
healthcare seacrh articles
professions on technology 6. Students
teamwork of nursing - Searching article find related
scope (GA.5. CN. - Roles of nurse in articles.
9,10, ,11.1,12.2). IT
- Information
Resources in
health area
- IT utility for
communication on
- Nursing


Subject : Psychology Credits :2

Department : Diploma III of Nursing Faculty : Nursing

Subjec Competences : The aim of this unit is to provide student with psychology knowledge and skills to apply in nursing care decision –
making processes to holistically and effectively for human behaviour assessment and nursing intervention of psychological disturbance.

Learning Matric

Week Learning Outcomes Topics Task skills (Learning Activity) Indicator Percentage
Describe the basic Basic concept of Group Discussion - Dividing students into - Formed
concept of psychology groups (each group consist student’s
psychology to identify of 5- 10 students) group
human behaviour - Students write the strategies - There will
(GA.1). (CN.1) to achieve the competences be
- Paper for oral presentation students’
- Paper for

Describe the basic Human behaviour : Problem based - Students - Paper or
concept of - Concept and Inquiry learning searching/browsing article
psychology to identify history of material - Oral
human behaviour human - Student present their presentati
(GA.1). (CN.1) on
behaviour article in class
- development of
personality and
human behavior
- Biopsychology
and sensory –
motor process
Describe the basic - The levels of Problem Based - Students - Paper or
concept of consciousness, Inquiry Learning searching/browsing article
psychology to identify - Perception and material - Oral
human behaviour motivation, - Student present their presentati
(GA.1). (CN.1) - Emotion and on
article in class

Apply conceptual basis Thinking process and Problem Based - Students - Paper or
of psychology in the problem solving, and Inquiry Learning searching/browsing article
nursing process Learning process material - Oral
(GA.1). (CN.2) - Student present their presentati
article in class

Assess the human - Psychological Laboratory - Dividing students into - Formed

development behaviour measurement, practice groups (each group consist student’s
and factors for nursing - Abnormal of 6-8 students) group
care (GA.1). (CN.4) behaviours - Students practice one by - There will
- and simple one be
individual students’
personality strategies
- Individuals
Implement the basic - Interpersonal Problem based - Dividing students into - Formed
principles of relationship in inquiry learning, groups (each group consist student’s
psychology in nursing nursing, Discussion of 4 - 6 students) group
care (GA1). (CN.13) - Attitude - Students browsing the - There will
development material be
includes attention - Paper for oral presentation students’
and performance, strategies
- therapeutic for
approaches in achieving
terms of nursing subject’s
- Paper for


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