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Daisy Ann E.

Moleño CE 4105
BSCE - 4 3:00 – 4:00 MWF

Constitutional Law

Constitutional Law the collection of rules which defines the powers,

organization, and responsibilities of central and local government. The term is
restricted to the law that is handed down by the courts in interpreting the written

It is an area of law that focuses on what the constitution says, what it means
and what its limitations are. As social and political issues change and develop in the
United States, attorneys who practice constitutional law bring these issues to the
courts to ask for clarification about the meaning, interpretation and enforcement of
the constitution.

In addition, Constitutional law is a body of rules, doctrines, and practices that

govern the operation of political communities. In modern times, the constitutional law
is the offspring of nationalism as well as of the idea that the state must protect
certain fundamental rights of the individual.

As the number of states multiplied, so have constitutions and with them, the
body of constitutional law, though sometimes, such law originates from sources
outside the state. The protection of individual rights, meanwhile, has become the
concern of supranational institutions, particularly since the mid-20th century.


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