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GROSS INCOME AND EXCLUSIONS when the cause of the separation is not
beyond the control of such official or
A. Income from whatever source employee
• All income derived from whatever source: o Retirement benefits – taxable
o Compensation compensation to the retiring official or
o Annuities employee if such benefits were received
o Rents by an employee who fails to meet the
o Dividends minimum requirements of a reasonable
o Gains from dealings in Property private benefit plan under RA 4917
o Royalties (Retirement benefits of employees of
o Interests Private Firms) or RA 7641 (Retirement
o Gross income from Profession, Trade, or pay to Qualified Private Sector
Business Employees in the Absence of any
o Prizes and Winnings Retirement Plan)
o Pensions o Monetary Benefits – in excess of the
o Partner’s share in the net income of the P82,000 threshold for exclusion
GPP o Director’s fees – if the director is at the
• “Gross income from whatever source derived” – same time an employee of the
all income not expressly exempted within the class of employer/corporation
taxable income under our laws o Fringe benefits – granted to rank and
• Passive income not included in the file employee
compensation of gross income subject to regular § FB to RF may be included as
income tax rates – since these passive incomes are part of their exempt 13th
already subject to different tax rates and taxed finally month pay and other benefits
at source, they are no longer included in the up to P82,000 since RF are
computation of gross income not entitled to FB
a. Situs of Income
i. From Sources Within the ________________________________________________
ii. From Sources Without the Fringe Benefits – Any good, service, or other benefit
Philippines furnished or granted by an employer, in cash or in kind, in
iii. Partly Within/Without the addition to basic salaries, to an individual employee
Valuation of FB:
B. Compensation income – All renumerations for • Money, or if directly paid by the employer – the value
services performed by an employee for his employer is the amount granted or paid
under an ER – EE relationship • Property other than money and ownership is
• Test to determine whether Income is Compensation of not: transferred to the employee – FMV of the property
o WON such income is received by as determined in accordance with the authority of the
virtue of an ER – EE relationship BIR to prescribe the real property values
o If performed by an independent • Property other than money but ownership is not
contractor – income from trade or transferred to the employee – depreciation value of
business the property
• Valuation of Amount of Compensation
o Cash – full amount received Tax Treatment of FB:
o Other than cash - FMV 1. If given to managerial/supervisory EE – subject to FBT:
o Stipulated Price – such price shall be final withholding tax imposed on the grossed up
presumed to be the FMV monetary value of the fringe benefit furnished,
o Promissory note – FMV of the note or granted, or paid by the employer to the employee,
evidence of indebtedness except RF EE whether such employer is an
o Stocks – FMV of the stock at the time individual, professional partnership, or corporation
the employee received it a. Tax is imposed on the employee an not the
o Living quarters furnished in addition to employer but is paid by the employer – FBT
salary – rental value of such quarters is collected from the employer even if the
• Compensation income includes: employer is a tax – exempt corporation or
o Wages – means all renumeration (other an instrumentality of the Philippine
than fees paid to a public official) for government
services performed by an employee for 2. If given to RF EE – not subject to FBT but shall be
his employer considered as part of the compensation income of
o Separation pay – taxable compensation such employee subject to applicable income tax rates
of the separated official or employee 3. Exempt from IT, regardless if MS or RF:
a. Authorized as exempt
b. Contributions of the employer for the 2. Expense Account – expenses incurred by the employee
benefit of the employee to retirement, which are paid by his employer and expenses paid for
insurance, and hospitalization benefit plans by the employee which are reimbursed by the
Convenience of the Employer Rule – grants exemption to a. Exception – if such expenses are duly
the benefits, which are given for the exclusive benefit or receipted for and in the name of the
convenience of the employer employer and the expenditures do not
partake the nature of a personal expense
Fringe Benefit Tax Rates: attributable to the employee – not taxable
• RC, NRC, RA, NRA – ETB – 32% 3. Vehicle of Any Kind
• NRA – NETB – 25% 4. Household Expenses – expenses for employees which
• RHQ, ROHQ, OBU – 15% are borne by the employer for household personnel,
such as salaries of household help, personal driver, or
Tax Base: GMV (Grossed – Up Monetary Value) other similar expenses
5. Interest on loan at less than market rate to the extent of the
• The whole amount of income realized by the
difference between the market – rate and actual rate granted –
employee which includes the net amount of money
if the employer lends money to his employee free of
or the net monetary value of the property which has
interest or at a rate lower than 12% - interest
been received
foregone by the employer of the difference of the
• The amount of FBT thereon otherwise due from the interest assumed by the employee and the rate of
employee but paid by the employer on behalf of the 12% shall be treated as taxable fringe benefit
employee 6. Membership fees, dues, and other expenses borne by the
employer for the employee in social and athletic clubs and
Determination of GMV – dividing the monetary value of the similar organizations
fringe benefit by: 7. Holiday and vacation expenses
• 68% - RC, NRC, RA, NRA – ETB 8. Expenses for foreign travel – travelling expenses of the
• 75% - NRA - NETB family members of the employee which are paid for
• 85% - RHQ, ROHQ, etc. by the employer are subject to FBT
a. Exception – business expenses paid for by
Formula: the employer shall not be treated as taxable
fringe benefits if the following conditions
are met:
i. Expenses were reasonable
ii. Expenses were paid for the foreign
travel of employee for the purpose
of attending business meetings or
iii. Travel abroad was supported by
documentary evidence proving
actual occurrence of meetings
9. Educational assistance to the employee or his dependents
a. Exception - education or study is directly
connected with employer’s trade or business
and there is a written contract that employee
shall remain employed with the employer
b. Dependents – assistance provided through
competitive scheme under the scholarship
program of the company employer
10. Insurance Premium – the premiums paid for life or
Fringe Benefits Subject to FBT: health insurance and other non – life insurance borne
1. Housing by the employer are taxable fringe benefits
• Non – taxable Housing FB: a. Exceptions:
o House of Military officials of the AFP i. Cost of premiums borne by the
consisting of officials of the Philippine employer for the group insurance
Army, Philippine Navy, and Philippine Air of employees
Force ii. Contributions of the employer for
o Temporary housing for an employee who the benefits of the employee to
stays in housing unit for 3 months or less SSS, GSIS, etc.
o Housing unit which is situated inside or
adjacent to the premises of a business of
Fringe Benefits given to RF EE – considered as part of o Damages received whether by suit or
their compensation subject to applicable income tax rates agreement on account of such injuries or
De Minimis benefits
1. Rice subsidy of P1,500 or 1 sack of 50 kg rice per ii. 13th Month Pay and Other
month amounting to not more than P1,500 Benefits
2. Uniform and clothing allowance not exceeding iii. Income Exempt Under Treaty
P5,000 per annum
3. Monetized unused VL credits of private employees C. Pension/Retirement Benefits/Separation Pay
not exceeding 10 days – monetization of unused VL • Pension – amount of money received in lump sum
credits exceeding 10 days and monetization of SL of on staggered basis in consideration of services
even if not exceeding 10 days are not exempt rendered given after an individual reaches a certain
4. Monetized vale of vacation and sick leave credits paid age of retirement
to government, officials, and employees (no limit as a. Exclusions
to number of credits) • Retirees are most deserving of compassion and
5. Medical cash allowance to dependents of employees should not be given a strict interpretation under the
not exceeding P750 per employee per semester or law. Retirement laws aim to assist retirees in his old
P125 per month age, not to punish him for having survived. It
6. Actual yearly medical benefits not exceeding P10,000 includes:
per annum o Received by officials and employees of
7. Gift given during Christmas and major anniversary private employers in accordance with a
celebrations not exceeding P5,000 per employee per reasonable private benefit plan under RA
annum 4917
8. Benefits received by an EE by virtue of a CBA and o Those derived under RA7641 from private
productivity incentive schemes not exceeding firms without a BIR approved reasonable
P10,000 retirement plan
9. Daily meal allowance for overtime work and o Separation pay due to death, sickness, o
night/graveyard shift not exceeding 15% of the basic other disability or any other cause beyond
minimum wage on a per region basis the control of the employee or the official
10. Laundry allowance not exceeding P300 per month (e.g. retrenchment)
11. Employee’s achievement awards, which must be in o Social security benefits, retirement
the form of a tangible personal property other than guaranties, and other similar benefits
cash or gift certificate, with an annual monetary value received by citizens or aliens who come to
of not exceeding P10,000 received by the employee reside permanently in the Philippines from
under an established written plan which does not foreign government agencies, private or
discriminate in favor of highly paid employees public
o Benefits due residents under the laws of the
• List of benefits enumerated is exclusive United States administered by the United
• The DMB enumerated are exempt from income States Veterans Administration
tax ONLY up to the extent of the ceiling o SSS benefits received in accordance with
prescribed. Any amount in excess of the ceiling RA 8282
provided shall be taxable to the employee ONLY o GSIS benefits received under RA 8291
if such is beyond the P82,000 threshold • RA 4917 – Reasonable private plan:
o Must be reasonable
________________________________________________ o The benefit plan must be approved by the
a. Exclusions: o The retiring official or employee must have
been in the service of the same employer for
i. Compensation for Injuries of at least 10 years and must be at least 50
Sickness years old at the time of retirement
• This is just indemnification for the injuries or o The retiring official or employee should not
damages suffered; the amount received is intended to have previously availed of the privilege
make the injured party as he was before the injury. under the retirement benefit plane of the
The term injury includes death, even if there is no same or another employer
injury. If the person dies, the compensation received • RA 7641 – In order to avail of the exemption of the
on account of his death is also excluded form the retirement benefits from private employers without a
gross income BIR – approved reasonable retirement plan, the
• Includes amount received: following conditions must be met:
o Through accident or health insurance o Where the retirement benefits are received
o Workmen’s compensation under a CBA or other applicable
employment contract:
§ The employee must be retired o Rendering a total service of 30 years
upon reaching the retirement age regardless of age
established in the CBA or other o After having rendered a total of at least 20
applicable employment contract years of service, the last 3 being continuous
• If the CBA does not regardless of age and employment status
provide a retirement age • The retirement benefits of monthly GSIS pension
– the minimum shall be exempt from income tax
requirement of 50 years
shall apply D. Passive Income
§ The benefits under the CBA or a. Interest Income
other agreements must not be less i. Exclusions
than these provided in the 2nd b. Rentals/Leases – the amount paid for he
situation use or lease or enjoyment of a property,
o Where the retirement benefits are received whether real or personal property, to the
not under any agreement: owner of the property
§ Given in the absence of agreement • Scope – all rentals derived from lease of property,
providing for retirement benefits whether used in business or not, from real of
of employees in the establishment personal property, earnings from copyright,
§ Retiring employee has served at trademarks, patents, and natural resources
least 5 years in the said o Agreed amount per month or per year
establishment o Obligations of lessor to third parties which
§ He is not less than 60 years of age the lessee undertakes to pay as further
but not more than 65, which is consideration of the lease
declared as the compulsory § Real estate taxes
retirement age § Insurance premiums
§ He shall be entitled to retirement § Dividends
pay equivalent to at least ½ month § Interest
salary for every year of service; a • Income from Leasehold Improvements – when the
fraction of at least 6 months being lessee erected or built permanent improvements in
considered as one new whole year the leased property which will become the property
• Terminal Leave – applied for by an employee which of the lessor upon the expiration of the lease, the
is no longer working – it is no longer compensation value of the improvements should be reported as
for services rendered income of the lessor
o Includes monetized value of retiree’s • Methods of reporting Income from Leasehold
accumulated vacation leave and sick leave requirements:
subject to the following rules: o Outright method – recognized as income to
§ For compulsory retirement – 60 the lessor at the time when such buildings
years for private entities; 65 years – or improvements are completed, at FMV
government employees; 70 – o Spread – out method – the lessor spread
judiciary – exempt over the life of the lease the estimated
§ For optional retirement – SL is depreciable vale of such buildings or
taxable; VL up to 10 days is improvements at the termination of the
exempt; and the excess is taxable lease and report as income for each year of
• Separation pay excluded from GI the lease, an aliquot part thereof
o If due to death, sickness, or other physical
disability or for any cause beyond the c. Royalties – payments made for the use and
control of the employee exhaustion of property such as earnings
o Cause beyond control – involuntariness on the from copyrights, patents, trademarks,
part of the official or employee – the formulas, an natural resources under lease
separation from the services of the official i. Royalties included in the
or employee must not be asked or initiated computation of gross income and
by him not subject to final tax:
• GSIS benefits under RA 8291 – the retirement of 1. Royalties derived from
most government officers or employees under the sources outside the
GSIS is made automatic and compulsory at the age of Philippines
65 years, after having served a certain number of 2. Those which are not
years of service. The law also grants such officer of passive income
employee the option to retire: d. Dividends – any distribution made by a
o Upon completion o 30 years of total service corporation to its shareholders out of the
and attainment of age 57 years unrestricted retained earnings payable to its
shareholders, whether in money, property, o Payment for reasons other than death are
or stock subject to tax to the extent of the excess of
i. Cash and property dividends only the premiums paid
ii. It also does not cover liquidating o Amounts are held by the insurer under an
dividends – the capital gain or loss agreement to pay interest
derived therefrom shall be subject o Insured outlives the policy
to the regular income tax rates o Life insurance policy is used to secure a
iii. Dividends received from a money obligations
domestic corporation are either o Life insurance policy was transferred for a
exempt or subject to final tax valuable consideration
depending on the recipient. o Recipient of the insurance proceeds was a
Accordingly, only dividends business partner
distributed by a foreign o Recipient of the insurance proceeds is a
corporation are included in gross partnership
income o Recipient of the insurance proceeds is a
iv. Exclusions corporation in which the insured was an
1. Income Exempt Under employee/officer
Tax Treaty 2. Return of Premium paid
• Public policy recognizes the principles of reciprocity • The amounts returned are not income but capital –
and comity among nations they represent the earnings which were previously
• International Convention or Tax Treaty – Double taxed
Taxation Convention or Double Taxation Agreement • The amounts must be received as a return of
negotiated between the Philippines and the other premiums paid by him under life insurance,
contracting States or jurisdictions for the avoidance endowment of annuity contracts
of double taxation and prevention of fiscal avoidance • When the total premium returns exceed the aggregate
• Income of any kind to the extent required by any premiums paid, the excess shall be included in the GI
treaty obligation binding upon the Government of • In case of a transfer for a valuable consideration of a
the Philippines may be excluded – tax treaty must life insurance contract – only the actual value of such
take precedence over and above the provisions of the consideration and the amount of the premiums and
local taxing statute other sums subsequently paid by the transferee are
2. Passive Income of exempt
Foreign Government 3. Compensation for
Sickness or Injuries
e. Annuities and Insurance Proceeds
• Annuities – annuity policies sold by insurance f. Prizes and Winnings/Awards/Rewards
companies, which provides installment payments for • Only prizes and winnings that are not subject to final
life, or for a guaranteed fixed period of time, tax are properly included in the computation of gross
whichever is longer. It is paid annually, monthly, or income:
periodically, computed upon the amount paid yearly, o Prizes which do not exceed P10,000
but not necessarily for life o Prizes derived from sources outside the
o The portion representing return of premium Philippines
is NOT taxable while the portion that o Prizes and winnings of corporations
represents the excess over premium and whether domestic or foreign
interest is taxable i. Exclusions
o Ex: Life annuity costs 500,000 paid 120,000 1. PCSO and Lotto
per year. Life expectancy from the date of Winnings
purchase is 5 years so receive a total of 2. Sports Competition
600,000 (120,00 x 5 per year). Out of the Prizes
600,000 to be received. 500,00 shall be g. Other types of Passive Income
excluded from gross income (NOT i. Found Treasure
TAXABLE) – return of premiums. 100,000 ii. Tax Refund
will be taxable as the excess iii. Recovery of Bad Debt
i. Exclusions iv. Damages
1. Proceeds from Life
Insurance E. Gains Derived from Dealings in Property
• Proceeds of Life Insurance – indemnity or a. Exclusions
compensation i. Shares of Stocks Classified as
o Must be paid to the heirs of beneficiaries by Capital Asset and Traded in PSE
reason of death of the insured whether in a
single sum or installment F. Business Income/Income from Exercise of
• Instances when Life Insurance is included in GI: Profession
• Self – employment income – earnings derived by an o Financing institutions owned, controlled,
individual from the practice of profession, or conduct enjoying refinancing from foreign
of trade or business carried on by him as a sole government
proprietor, or a partnership of which he is a member o International or regional institutions
• Professional income – practice of profession – established by foreign government
provided that there is no EE – ER relationship
• Business Income – income derived from • Prizes and Awards:
merchandising, mining, manufacturing, farming, and o Received in recognition of charitable,
other similar operations artistic, religious, civic, educational, literary,
or scientific achievement
a. Exclusions o Selected without any action on his part
i. Income Exempt Under a Treaty o Not required to render substantial future
ii. Income Derived by services
Government/Political • Prizes and Awards granted to athletes in sports
Subdivision from Exercise of competitions locally or abroad and sanctioned by
Essential Government Function their national sports association
o National Sports Association – duly
G. Partner’s Distributive Share of the Gross Income accredited by the Philippine Olympic
of GPP – GPP shall not be subject to income tax Committee
since it is the individual partners who shall be subject • Income derived by the Philippine government
to income tax in their separate and individual and its political subdivisions from:
capacities o Any public utility
H. Exclusions under Special Laws o The exercise of any essential government
________________________________________________ • GSIS, SSS, Medicare (PhilHealth) and PAG –
IBIG contributions and union dues of
Exclusions – income received or earned but is not included in individuals
the determination of gross income and thus not taxable o Only mandatory contributions are
because considered as exclusions
• They are not income, gain, or profit • Gains derived from sale or exchange of bonds,
• They represent return of capital debentures, or other certificate of indebtedness
• They are subject to another kind of internal revenue with a maturity of more than 5 years
tax • Gains from redemption of shares in mutual fund
• They are income, gain, or profits which are expressly
exempt from income tax under the Constitution, tax
treaty, or the NIRC

1. Life Insurance
2. Amount received by insurance as return of premium
3. Gifts, bequests, and devises
• They are neither products of capital or industry, thus
there is no income
o Only donated property is excluded from
gross income. However, income from such
property in cases of transfers or dividend
interest shall be included in GI
• Gift Tax Test:
o If there is no legally demandable obligation
to give the gift – NOT TAXABLE
4. Compensation for injuries and sickness
5. Retirement benefits, pensions, gratuities
6. Income exempt under treaty
1. Miscellaneous items

• 13th month pay and other benefits up to P82,000 –

excluded from gross income to the extent of P82,000
– any excess will be included as gross compensation

• Passive Income by:

o Foreign governments

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