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1) Answer the questions (Lesson 42)

a) Is Mr. Bennett drinking? Is he drinking or eating?

b) Is he eating an apple?
c) What's he eating?
d) Who's eating an apple?
e) Is Mr. Schulz eating, too? What's he doing?
f) Is he drinking a cup of tea? What's he drinking?

2) Este ejercicio le permitirá practicar algunos de los verbos que aparecen en este

a) Are Mr. and Mrs. Bennett writing?

b) Are they reading or eating?
c) Is Mr. Bennett eating an apple?
d) What's he eating?
e) Is Mrs. Bennett eating a sandwich, too?
f) What's she eating?
g) Is Mr. Schulz eating or drinking?
h) What's he drinking?
i) Who's he sitting next to?
j) Is she drinking, too?
k) Is she eating or speaking?
l) Who's she speaking to?

3) Answer the questions (Lesson 43)

a) Is the flight attendant sitting? Is she sitting or standing?

b) Is she listening or speaking?
c) Is she speaking to me?
d) Who's she speaking to?
e) And what are the passengers doing?

4) Este ejercicio le servirá para practicar el uso de los pronombres personales en los
casos nominativos y preposicionales.

Example: I'm speaking to the flight attendant.

She's listening to me

1. Mrs. Bennett is speaking to Mr. Bennett.

He's ______________________

2. We're speaking to the children.

They're _________________________
3. The students are speaking to the teacher.

He's ____________________________

4. I'm speaking to you.

You're _____________________________

5) Estos ejercicios le servirá de repaso de los verbos y preposiciones vistos en este

capítulo. Escriba la palabra correcta seleccionando uno de los siguientes: at, of, to,
by, from.

1. The plane is ______________ the airport

2. Bill and Mary are going ____________ New York.

3. We're coming_______________ London.

4. Are you going __________ train?

5. Mr. Schulz is drinking a cup _______________ coffee.

6) Llene los espacios usando las palabras que están en el cuadro.

reading 1. Miss Santos is _______________ to the radio.

speaking 2. The flight attendant is ________________ to the passengers.

going 3. Who's ___________________________ that newspaper?

4. Mrs. Bennett is____________________ the name on the postcard.

5. Is this bus ____________________ to Boston?
6. The passengers are ____________________coffee.
7. Who's ____________________in Mrs. Morgan's chair?
8. Mr. Bennett is ____________________a sandwich.

eating 9. The teacher is ____________________at the map.

drinking 10. The English plane is ____________________from London.


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